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9th Class Biology PBA PAPER

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Army Public School Boys Branch Sialkot-Cantt

(Senior Section)
Practical Based Assessment Subject: Biology
Class/Sec: IX/___

1. a. A student was asked to identify an animal and plant cell via microscope, enlist at least
four peculiar features that are considered to be the most distinctive ones in both cells.
Animal cell Plant cell

b. Why there is need to use staining technique while performing a microscopic study?
c. When animal blood cell is taken from an animal, anticoagulant must be added in it, do you
agree with this statement or not?
d. Animal blood cell is composed of diverse variety of cells, e.g. RBCS and thrombocytes.
Elaborate one similarity and one difference between both of them.
e. In which part of the plant body maximum water is found?
2. a. During rainy season, children sprinkle salt solution on earthworm, so it dies. Salt is not
poisonous (we use it daily). Explain why it die?
b. When a piece of onion epidermis is placed in a solution (5%) salt and another one is placed
in a solution containing (0.1%) salt, in which of the solution endo and exo osmosis will occur?
c. What do you interpret from the given diagrams?

3. a. A group of students were assigned an experiment to detect the presence of protein in a
given piece of beef. Which appropriate biochemical test should they apply to find the
presence or absence of protein.
b. Every enzyme works efficiently, do you agree with it? Enlist the optimum conditions for
working of pepsin.
Class: IX Page 1 of 9 Subject: Biology
c. Following procedure is used to evaluate the physiology of pepsin, what do you think which
test tube will give positive result and why?

d. Is there any difference between pepsin and pepsinogen?
e. HCl is considered to be a highly acidic one even it could burn our skin as well, but in case of
stomach why its walls remain intact in spite of continuous production while digestion of food?
f. In the table two enzymes are mentioned both have similar physiology but have some
peculiar features, complete the following table with appropriate answer.
Features Pepsin Trypsin
Nature of enzyme


4. a. Which test tube will show blue colouration on addition of I2 solution? Give reason?

Starch solution Amylase Starch solution

Amylase Pepsin Pepsin

b. Give the name of two vegetables which contain starch.
c. Into what product starch is converted by diastase?
d. Can you use germinating seeds of grams or peas for the study of action of diastase? If not then
give reason.

5.Answer the following questions:

a. After setting an apparatus where it was placed and why?

b.Why sodium bicarbonate was added in this experiment?
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c. Why splinter busts into the flame in the test tube?
6. a. By seeing that apparatus how can you confirm that seeds are respiring ?
b. Why did you applied Vaseline around the cork on the
mouth of conical flask?
c. Do you agree that respiration is catabolic change? Justify
d. Complete the equation:
C6H12O6 +O2 ? + H2O + ATP
7. a. Which experiment this apparatus belong to?

b. Can we use non germinating seeds in flask in place of germinating seeds? Give reason.


c. Why conical flask is made air tight with help of Vaseline?

d. What is the purpose of KOH in this experiment?


8. A student conducted an experiment to examine the release of heat during the process of
respiration in germinating seeds.

a. Which of the following flask act as experimental group and

control group?


b. What is the underlying justification/ purpose for including

control group in physiological experiment?


c. In which of the given flask, there is rise in temperature. Give reason to your answer.

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d. How can you differentiate between result of A and B ?


9. A student carried out three tests on the given food material, one with iodine solution, one
with Benedict’s solution and one with ethanol and water to find out its nutrient contents.
a. Identify which test required the use of heat.
b. Name the different sources of protein.
c. A student was asked to indicate any sugar (i.e. sucrose, fructose and maltose) in a food
sample, so what would happen on adding benedicts reagent? Will all sugars give same color
as glucose did, when tested with benedict’s solution?
d. Fill in the table:
Sr. Sample/soluti Reagent /Act Observation Food component
No. on
a) Suspension ____________ Blue color Starch are present
b) ____________ Benedict solution ____________ Glucose is present
c) Liquid A drop on filter ___________ Fats/lipids are
paper present
d) Sample 5% NaOH +1% Violet/pink/red _______________
CuSO4 and colour

10. A student carried out an experiment to investigate the process of transpiration in potted
plant under bell jar.

a. Why potted plant is placed under bell jar?

b. Why transpiration is called necessary evil?
c. What is the effect of temperature on rate of transpiration?
d. What is transpiration pull? How it is created?
11. a Identify the given specimen and also elaborate the name of
kingdom to which it does belong.

b. Enlist two salient features of the kingdom to which this specimen belong.

c. What is the physiology of the following components ?

Components Function
Class: IX Page 4 of 9 Subject: Biology
Contractile nucleus
d. Identify the organism given in the diagram and elaborate its habitat.

e. There are large number of cell can be seen in give diagram, what do you think is it a
multicellular organism?
f. Identify the type of bacteria from given slide A and B.

12. Answer the following questions by observing the given diagram.

a. Elaborate the common and botanical name of the given specimen.

b. Identify the reproductive and non-reproductive parts.
c. Name the cellular organization to which it belongs?
d. Draw a label diagram showing the morphology of plant’s root.
e. What would happen if root hair got damage?
f. Stem is a vital part of plant, support your answer highlighting the main functions of stem.
g. Identify the highlighted parts of the diagram and elaborate their significance.

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13. a Elaborate the scientific name of the given organism.
b. Why this organism is called amphibian?
c. Identify the highlighted parts of the given respiratory system of frog

d. Morphology of frog’s oral cavity is given elaborate the names of missing parts.

e. Trace the pathway of food component in the following the phases of nutrition from
ingestion to defecation, which organs play their role in the process of digestion of food.
f. Why frogs got disappeared during winter season?
14. Following is the cross sectional view of leaf

a. Identify A & B from given diagram and differentiate between both types of cells.
b. How dicot stem C.S differs from a monocot stem C.S?
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c. How a wood and nut shells are so hard ?
d. What is significant role of root-tip-cells?
e. Mention the type of this animal tissue?

f. Where these kinds of epithelial tissues exists in

g. Which types of muscles are found in. Justify

i) Around the bones ii) To make heart

iii)To make walls of stomach
15. a.Identify the figure A & B.



Fig A Fig B
b. How can you differentiate between shoot and root of apical meristem?
c. What are leaf primordia?
d. Which plant tissue are equivalent to those of animals?
e. Label different parts of structural and functional unit of nervous system.
* Its structure of __________________

Write down role of

a) Dendrites ____________________________________________
b) Axons _______________________________________________
16. a. What is crossing over? Mention its significance.

1 2
b. Which stage shows synapsis formation?

Class: IX Page 7 of 9 Subject: Biology

c. Where meiosis occurs in animal and plant bodies

d. A great deal of research on causes and cure of cancer focuses in the genes that control the cell
cycle. Why?

17. a.Identify the figure A and label the microscopic anatomy of following structure:

Fig A

b. What is the function of goblet cells of the mucous membrane?


c. What are villi and why it is present in ileum?


e. What is the purpose of villi and microvilli in the small intestine ?

18. A student examines red blood cells under microscope to see its structure.
a. Identify the protein present in it, also mention its importance.
b. Fill the following table:
Characteristics of red blood cells
Life span
c. Why red blood cells have no nucleus?
19. a. A student examine the slide of blood smear identify the main type of blood cells in the
following slide.

b. In what ways monocyte is different from basophil?

c. Select the correct answer for the following table:

Class: IX Page 8 of 9 Subject: Biology

Ser Structure Percentage Function
(i) 0.3-0.5 Phagocytic

(ii) 0.5-1.0 Secrete histamine

(iii) 30-40 Defence against parasites

(iv) 30-40 Allergic reactions

d. How pus is formed at the wound?


e. Identify main components of blood along their percentage.

19. a.Identify the given diagram A and B Differentiate between pulse rate and heart rate.

b. State any one difference between diagram A and B

c. The pulse rate noted at different conditions of student is as follows:

At rest After exercise
70 times a minute 120 times a minute
Identify the reason for an increase in pulse rate.
d. Pulse is expansion of arteries, why cannot we detect pulse in vein?
e. Why pulse is easiest to find on wrist/ neck?
f. Why strenous exercise stimulate deep and fast breathing?

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