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Audio Only: Electronic Control System Inputs

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Electronic Control System Inputs

Scene Number: 0006 800
All numbers and specifications listed in this program are used for illustration purposes only. Current information can be found in
the Service Manuals located on QuickServe Online.

Scene Number: 0006 900

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Identify the different switch types and symbols for each
• Recognize the different sensor types
• Explain the role of the different sensors and interaction with the ECM
• How to read and understand sensor readings
Scene Number: 0006 950
Because this program requires your interaction with some graphics, you need to know how to zoom and navigate. Use the zoom
in button to enlarge the display and focus on the area of the document. Once you have zoomed in at least one level you can
move around inside the document. To move or pan the enlarged display, use the mouse. Position the cursor on the display, a
hand will apppear when this feature is enabledand click and hold the mouse button. Drag the mouse to pan with in the display
and release the mouse button when the display shows the portion of the document you want to view. At this point you may
zoom in again to see more detail. If you need to view more of the document, use the zoom out button.

Scene Number: 0006 1000

An essential input is power for the control system. Depending on the battery arrangement, either 12 or 24 volt power is supplied
to the ECM through both unswitched and keyswitch controlled circuits. The unswitched power supply provides power to some
circuits in the ECM that require power when the keyswitch is off. The keyswitch controlled power is utilized for normal

Scene Number: 0006 1010

Sensors and switches provide the input signals to the ECM. For measuring pressures, temperatures and other parameters, sensors
provide a voltage or resistance that is proportional to the parameter being measured. Switches are used when a simple on/off
signal is all that is required.

Scene Number: 0006 1020

Some sensors, called passive sensors, have only signal and return wires.
Other sensors, called active sensors, have a 5 volt DC supply, signal and return wires.
Other sensors, such as the thermocouple type of exhaust gas temperature sensor, and some speed sensors, create their own
The ECM contains an analog to digital (A/D) converter for each of these sensor input circuits. The A/D converter takes the
sensors analog input signal and converts it to a digital signal which the ECM can then use to determine temperature, level and
pressure. Let's look at the operation of some of these sensors and some of the methods used to test them.

Scene Number: 0006 1030

Temperature Sensors used by Cummins are generally passive, variable resistance sensors.
These sensors contain a thermistor, a special type of resistor that has the unique characteristic of decreasing resistance with an
increase in temperature.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1040
For example, when the thermistor in the coolant temperature sensor resistance decreases due to an increase in coolant
temperature, the voltage drop across the sensor decreases.
The ECM detects the change in voltage drop and using a table of data stored in ROM converts this voltage into a temperature.
The processor can then use the algorithms or programmed instructions to determine what, if any, related output changes are
Possible outputs could include activating the cooling fan, activating the radiator shutters or activating a coolant temperature
warning lamp.

Scene Number: 0006 1050

Variable resistance sensors may be tested with an ohm meter. The sensor resistance can be measured under known temperature
and compared to the readings in a reference chart. If the measured resistance does not correspond to the resistance on the chart,
the sensor is likely faulty.
For example, under normal operating conditions current from the ECM 5 volt supply flows to both the A/D and through the
sensor circuit to ground.
When the sensor develops a break in the thermistor portion, the current from the ECM 5 volt supply flows to the A/D only,
allowing the ECM to determine an open in the sensor circuit. A fault code of high voltage detected is logged by the ECM.
The sensor can be disconnected and a jumper installed between the signal and return wires. The current from the ECM 5 volt
supply then flows mostly through the jumper circuit to ground. The A/D reads this drop in current flowing to it and the ECM will
log a fault code of voltage below normal. This verifies the sensor is bad.
Newer ECMs allow for this previous example of testing. This is known as the ECM response method of testing.
Scene Number: 0006 1060
Notice that this circuit contains a resistor built into the ECM. In this example, the resistor is a pull up resistor. Its function is to
ensure that the signal wire has a path to the 5 volt supply inside the ECM and a high voltage fault code will become active if the
sensor is disconnected. Without this resistor, even a small induced voltage on the signal wire could prevent an active code in the
event the sensor is disconnected.

Scene Number: 0006 1070

High temperature inputs to the ECM are used for misfire detection, Nox catalyst control, hydrocarbon absorption control in the
catalyst and determining when the catalyst has reached the minimum temperature required for operation.

Two types of sensors are used, a thermistor like the variable resistance sensors covered previously, and a thermocouple.
A thermocouple sensor is made of two dissimilar metals joined together. When heated, the one metal transfers electrons to the
other metal. This creates a voltage difference that the ECM detects. By using the tables stored in the ECM, the detected voltage
is converted into a temperature measurement.

Scene Number: 0006 1080

An ohm meter can be used to check thermocouples. If the resistance reading is excessive it indicates that the two dissimilar
metals have separated.
The ECM response method of testing can also be used when checking these type of sensors. With the key on, or with the engine
running, disconnect the sensor and short the sensor connectors to observe changes in the INSITE readings. If the readings in
INSITE respond correctly, the ECM and associated circuitry is working properly and the sensor is likely faulty.

Scene Number: 0006 1090

Other sensors, such as the water-in-fuel sensor,
act as simple switches providing an on/off signal. When the water in the bottom of the fuel filter reaches the contacts in the
sensor, the water completes the circuit between those contacts and causes the warning light to illuminate.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1100
If the fault code is for voltage above normal, the sensor is tested with an ohm meter. A reading of greater than 100k ohms
indicates the sensor is not shorted.
If the fault code is for voltage below normal, the circuit response is tested by disconnecting the sensor and checking the circuit
If the active fault code is for voltage above normal when the sensor is disconnected,
and changes to a code for voltage below normal when the sensor is connected, the sensor is faulty
Scene Number: 0006 1110
Some level sensors, such as the coolant level sensors used on many Cummins engines, are capacitance type sensors.
The presence or absence of fluid between the plates of the capacitor changes the conductivity between the plates. The change in
conductivity affects a circuit in the ECM which is interpreted by the ECM as a change in fluid level.

Scene Number: 0006 1120

Troubleshooting a level sensor fault code requires checking for the proper supply voltage from the ECM, proper ground, and no
short circuits or opens in the wiring harness. If those three conditions test okay, the sensor needs to be replaced.
Newer ECMs allow for testing the sensor by disconnecting the sensor and then shorting the sensor supply wire to the signal wire
in the harness.
If the active fault code changes from a low voltage to a high voltage when the sensor contacts are disconnected and then
shorted, the circuit is responding properly and the sensor must be bad.

Scene Number: 0006 1130

Speed and position sensors provide input that the ECM uses to
determine the engine speed and the current engine position.
Variable reluctance (VR) also know as magnetic pickup sensors contain a fine wire wrapped thousands of times around a magnetic
As pieces of ferrous metal, such as gear teeth, pass near the tip of the sensor, the magnetic field is disturbed. This causes an A.C.
voltage to be generated by the sensor. The voltage and frequency from the sensor varies with the speed of the target passing the
sensor, the proximity of the target to the end of the sensor, and the strength of the magnet in the sensor. The ECM can detect
this voltage and determine when gear teeth have passed. The change in frequency as speed changes is how the ECM interprets a
The sensor used in some control systems is actually 2 separate coils or sensors built into a common housing. This provides the
engine with a dedicated speed signal and an
independent signal for the
OEM to use for other vehicle systems if desired.
Scene Number: 0006 1140
Some ISB engines used a variable reluctance sensor with a third wire. While this sensor might appear to be an active sensor, the
schematic shown here indicates that this is a passive sensor.
The third wire is a shield to reduce radio frequency interference (RFI) or electromagnetic interference (EMI).

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1150
The variable reluctance speed/position sensors are tested with an ohm meter. If the coil resistance is within specification the
sensor is likely okay. In the case of a three wire variable reluctance sensor,
consult the service literature to ensure that the ohm meter is connected to the proper terminals.
Where the resistance is measured is important. Testing right at the sensor determines the condition of the sensor.
Testing further up the harness tests both the sensor and the harness.
Mechanical checks of the sensor include: proximity to the target, (usually the gap between the end of the sensor and the gear
mechanical damage to the sensor
and debris on the end of the sensor.
Scene Number: 0006 1160
Engine speed sensors, like the ones used to detect crankshaft speed on the ISX engine, are a type of active sensor called Hall
Effect sensors.
Hall Effect sensors contain a piece of semiconductor material that changes conductance in the presence of metal. This is called
the "hall effect". These sensors are basically proximity sensors and detect when metal is within 0.1 inch of the front of the
sensor. An integrated circuit inside the sensor generates a voltage signal to show proximity.

Scene Number: 0006 1170

Hall Effect sensors, such as this ISX crankshaft position sensor, can be tested using a voltmeter and a breakout harness.
Attach the meter to the sensor signal wires, not the 5 volt supply wire,
and bar the engine over by hand. The voltmeter reading should alternate between a high reading, 4 to 5 volts, when the sensor is
close to metal, and low, 0.5 to 2.3 volts, when the sensor is not close to metal.
Remember the speed of movement does not affect the output voltage. If the voltage output from the sensor doesn't change
when the tone wheel teeth move past the sensor, the sensor must be replaced.
The camshaft position sensor on this engine is tested in the same manner.
While the crankshaft sensor will change voltage about every 60° of rotation,
the camshaft sensor output changes once every 360° of crank rotation.
The change in sensor output status can also be monitored using INSITE.
Watch for the reading to change from high to low as the engine is rotated.
Scene Number: 0006 1180
The turbocharger speed sensor used on the ISB CM850 variable geometry turbocharger is an active, eddy current type sensor.
These sensors contain a coil that is driven by a DC current.
The magnetic field created by this current induces eddy currents in any passing metallic object such as a turbocharger blade.
As the target (turbocharger blade) passes the sensor, the eddy currents in the target distort the magnetic field in the sensor. This
signal distortion is sent to a signal processor where it is converted into a digital pulse. The signal processor may be remote
mounted away from the hostile environment where the sensor must be placed.

Scene Number: 0006 1190

Eddy current sensors are tested by a process of elimination. When the wiring from the ECM tests acceptable and in the case of a
low speed/low voltage code the ECM 5 volt supply is getting to the sensor, then the sensor is replaced.
INSITE can also be used to monitor the sensor operation.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1200
Spark ignition gas engines use an oxygen sensor to determine the condition of the exhaust gas and make mixture adjustments.
This measuring of the exhaust (output) and adjusting the input based on that measurement is called closed loop operation. Some
closed loop electronic control fuel systems strive for the stoichiometric air fuel ratio, the blend of air and fuel that results in
complete combustion with no excess of air or fuel.

Scene Number: 0006 1210

The oxygen sensor consists of two platinum electrodes separated by a Zirconia (ZrO2) element. The outer platinum electrode is
exposed to the exhaust gas. The inner platinum electrode is vented to the atmosphere, in some cases through the LEAD wires.
Above approximately 700°F (370°C), the zirconia element in the oxygen sensor becomes conductive. The two platinum
electrodes then act as the plates of a battery, with the zirconia acting as the electrolyte of the battery.

Scene Number: 0006 1220

When the air fuel mixture is very lean, the oxygen content of the exhaust gas is high. Therefore The inner and outer platinum
plates are exposed to similar amounts of oxygen. Since both electrodes have similar amounts of negative charge, the potential
difference in voltage generated by the sensor is near zero and the sensor creates little or no voltage.

Scene Number: 0006 1230

At the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, the mixture becomes more lean and the amount of oxygen in the exhaust increases. As a
result, the difference in the number of oxygen ions on the two electrodes becomes less and the potential difference increases to
approximately .45 volts.

Scene Number: 0006 1240

When the air fuel mixture is rich there is virtually no oxygen left in the exhaust and therefore very few oxygen ions on the
platinum electrode that is exposed to the exhaust. Since the electrode that is vented to atmosphere still has a high oxygen
content, a large difference in the number of oxygen ions exists between the two platinum electrodes. This results in the sensor
producing up to 1 volt of potential difference.

Scene Number: 0006 1250

Because the oxygen sensor only operates at temperatures above about 700°F (370°C) the sensor contains a built in heater. This
heater warms the sensor at startup and allows the system to start using the sensor's information with as little warm up time as

Scene Number: 0006 1260

The oxygen sensor heater is tested with an ohm meter. The resistance of the heater element is listed in the service literature.
The voltage supply to the heater is not supplied by the ECM.
Power for the heater is supplied through a fuse and the circuit is generally powered from the keyswitch.
Scene Number: 0006 1270
The oxygen sensing portion of the sensor should never be tested with an ohm meter.
The voltage output of the sensor is read using an electronic service tool such as INSITE.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1280
Pressure sensors on Cummins engines are typically active sensors. These sensors have a 5 volt supply, a return or ground, and a
signal wire.
As the pressure applied to the sensor
changes, the voltage between the
signal wire and ground will vary within the
range of approximately
4.5 volts to 0.5 volts.
Scene Number: 0006 1290
Some pressure sensors work by capacitance. The pressure sensor contains a
disc that has the pressure to be measured on one side and reference pressure on the other side.
Pressure acting on the disc causes it to move
toward or away from a second metal disc. As the gap changes, the capacitance also changes. An integrated circuit inside the
pressure sensor converts the capacitance value into a voltage signal that is proportional to the measured pressure.

Scene Number: 0006 1300

A "gauge" pressure sensor has atmospheric pressure on one side. It is vented by a hole in the sensor or through the stranded
sensor wiring. The pressure measured by these sensors depends on the atmospheric pressure just like a mechanical pressure gauge.
This type of sensor indicates "zero" when it is at atmospheric pressure.
An "absolute" pressure sensor has a vacuum on one side. This type of sensor provides a signal representing the total actual
pressure. This type of sensor reads approximately 14.5 psi when it is sensing atmospheric pressure.
The barometric pressure sensor also known as the ambient air pressure sensor is an example of this type of sensor.
Scene Number: 0006 1310
Some pressure sensors contain a crystal structure. Pressure compresses the crystal creating a small voltage proportional to the
amount of pressure. This is known as the piezoelectric effect. With this type of sensor, the resistance can be measured to verify
proper operation. However, the resistance range is too large to verify sensor calibration with a resistance check. The sensor
calibration is checked by comparing the reading in INSITE to the reading on a mechanical gauge.
Piezoelectric sensors are also used for combustion knock detection on some engines.

Scene Number: 0006 1320

When testing a pressure sensor you must first verify that the ECM 5 volt supply is available to the sensor and the wire harness
has no opens or shorts.
If the supply voltage to the sensor is acceptable and the wire harness integrity is verified, you can compare the voltage signal
reading from INSITE to a chart of acceptable values. In the case of the barometric pressure sensor shown here, the voltage signal
decreases with increasing altitude and therefore decreasing atmospheric pressure.

Scene Number: 0006 1330

Notice that this circuit, like others shown in this training, contains resistors built into the ECM. In this example, the 47k ohm
resistor is a pull down resistor. Its function is to ensure that the signal wire has a path to ground inside the ECM,
and a low voltage fault code will become active if the sensor is disconnected. Without this resistor, even a small induced voltage
on the signal wire could prevent an active code.
Notice also that if the return wire develops an open, the circuit is still grounded through the 47k ohm resistor. This causes an
active high signal voltage code.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1340
The EGR differential pressure sensor, used on ISB, ISM and, ISX engines, has two ports that sense exhaust pressure. The ISX
installation is shown here. The sensor outputs a voltage which represents the pressure difference between the two ports. The
ECM uses this pressure difference to determine how much exhaust gas is flowing in the EGR connection tube to the intake
manifold. This information is used to control the EGR valve for correct emission levels.

Scene Number: 0006 1350

Testing a differential pressure sensor is the same as for a pressure sensor. Pressure sensors read a pressure compared to either
atmospheric pressure (gauge pressure sensors) or absolute vacuum (absolute pressure sensors). The differential pressure sensor
simply uses the pressure on one side of the restriction as the reference for the pressure on the other side, hence the differential

Scene Number: 0006 1360

Newer systems include circuit response testing capability.
Installing a jumper at the pressure sensor connector should drive the voltage on the signal wire from low to high and change the
active fault code from out of range low to out of range high. If the circuit responds correctly the sensor must be faulty.

Scene Number: 0006 1370

This same testing method can be used to check the ECM. Consider the following example: The fault code indicates that the
voltage detected on the barometric pressure sensor signal wire is too high.

Scene Number: 0006 1380

The first test is to check the 5 volt supply from the ECM. The procedure calls for a check of code 386
(sensor supply voltage above normal). A code 386 would indicate that the ECM is not supplying a proper 5 volt signal to several
A visual inspection of connectors and connector pins is next.
If these preliminary checks are okay, the procedure calls for disconnecting the barometric pressure sensor.
With the key on for 30 seconds,
check the fault codes. Since the sensor is disconnected (no voltage on the wire) code 221 should become inactive and code 222
(voltage below normal) should now be active. In this example Code 221 remains active indicating the ECM is not responding
The troubleshooting tree directs you to check and test pins and connectors at the ECM.
Then repeat the response test by disconnecting the engine harness from the ECM.
This eliminates any possibility of a wiring harness fault causing the problem. When these steps are completed and the system
still does not respond properly, replace the ECM.

Scene Number: 0006 1390

When humidity can have an effect on a natural gas engine's air fuel ratio, a humidity sensor is used in the air intake. The
humidity sensor is another active sensor.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1400
The on-board diagnostics in the ECM detects problems with the humidity sensor circuit by checking the voltage. If the voltage
moves out of range,
a fault code is set. If a code is set the circuit is checked for shorts or opens and the 5 volt supply to the sensor is verified. Then,
if the fault code indicated a high voltage,
the sensor is disconnected. The high voltage code should become inactive and the low voltage code should set. This confirms
proper ECM response and a faulty sensor.
If a low voltage code was the initial problem,
the signal voltage is driven high by installing a jumper between the two sensor wires at the harness. A high signal voltage
indicates proper ECM response and a faulty sensor.

Scene Number: 0006 1410

The performance troubleshooting tree has provisions for testing sensors that may have failed in range or gone out of calibration.
If this type failure occurs, the ECM may not detect the problem or set a code.
In this situation, the sensor calibration can be checked by measuring the resistance
or voltage and comparing it to a table published in the service literature.
For example, the humidity reading displayed in INSITE is absolute humidity. Calculations based on input from the humidity
sensor, the intake manifold temperature and manifold pressure sensors provide this absolute humidity . To check its calibration,
the humidity sensor is monitored using INSITE, while temperature and relative humidity are also noted.
Using a chart to correct for relative humidity, find the point where the temperature (vertical line) meets the relative humidity
(curved line). Follow the horizontal line to the scale on the right and compare the absolute humidity with the
absolute humidity reading in INSITE.
Scene Number: 0006 1420
For example, the shop temperature is measured at 85°F
and the relative humidity is 30%. Reading the chart you find 85 at the bottom scale and
follow the line up to the 30% relative humidity curve.
Follow the horizontal line over to the scale on the right and read the humidity in grains of moisture per pound of dry air.
According to the chart the humidity is about 54 grains per pound and a reading of 54 in INSITE indicates a properly calibrated

Scene Number: 0006 1430

The ECM controls the air/fuel ratio of gas fueled engines.
To do this, the system must measure air flow and fuel flow into the engine.
Fuel flow is measured with a hot wire type gas mass flow sensor.

The ECM sends a current through the wire, heating the wire. The natural gas flowing over the sensor tends to cool the wire and
lower its resistance.
By monitoring the change in resistance, the ECM determines the quantity of gas flowing.
Scene Number: 0006 1440
The gas mass flow sensor output is displayed with INSITE. Use INSITE to determine if the sensor output is out of range. If
voltage to the sensor is correct and the wiring checks okay, the sensor is faulty.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1450
Some sensors perform more than one function. An example is the combination intake manifold pressure/temperature sensor used
on some ISX engines.
These sensors simply contain both units in one housing. Each portion of the sensor operates the same as the individual units.
Scene Number: 0006 1460
Testing combination sensors is the same as testing the individual sensors. Each portion of the sensor has its own fault codes and
troubleshooting trees.

Scene Number: 0006 1470

The accelerator position sensor is another variable resistance three-wire sensor. However, the variable resistor is a sliding
contact type resistor connected to the accelerator pedal.
The accelerator not only contains a position sensor but may also have a
idle validation switch incorporated into it. This is a safety redundancy check to help ensure that the accelerator is not
malfunctioning. The accelerator position sensor and the idle validation circuits work together.
In the idle position: the switch indicates to the ECM that the pedal is at idle, and the accelerator position signal to the ECM is
low. The ECM knows to ignore the accelerator position signal and provide the set idle speed for the engine.
As the accelerator is depressed, the idle validation switch indicates off-idle status to the ECM. At the same time, the accelerator
voltage increases. The ECM now uses the signal from the sensor to determine the operator's desire for speed and power.
Scene Number: 0006 1480
The accelerator position sensor, like other variable resistance sensors is tested with an ohm meter.
The idle validation switch is also tested with an ohm meter.
The accelerator position sensor and idle validation switch are also displayed using the monitor function of INSITE.
Scene Number: 0006 1490
Future exhaust emission reductions may require the use of a catalyst system that will inject urea into the exhaust. The urea is
stored in a separate tank dedicated to this purpose. The urea sensor is a combination device with a conductivity sensor for urea
level and a thermistor for urea temperature. Using the conductivity and temperature information, it is also possible to calculate
the concentration or clarity of urea in the solution in the tank. The sensor connections to the ECM are the typical power, signal
and ground. A processor, built into the sensor, multiplexes the information so all three values are sent to the ECM on the one
signal wire as Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals. Stored in the ECM are go/no go limits for each of the values of level,
temperature and clarity. Exceeding the limits will cause the ECM to light the warning lamp or log a fault code.

Scene Number: 0006 1500

Switches connect and disconnect devices from circuits. There are a number of different types of switches depending on the
switch function.
Switch elements include movable contacts that complete the circuit at the stationary contacts.
Scene Number: 0006 1510
Switches are categorized by the number of "poles" they have and the type of "throw". Poles are the number of electrically
independent switch contacts that are switched simultaneously.

Throw indicates the number of switch positions.

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1520
The switch position can be either latched or momentary. A latched switch maintains the switch position when the switch is
toggled, such as a cruise control on/off switch.

A momentary switch only maintains contact as long as the switch is held in position, such as a cruise control set/resume switch.

Scene Number: 0006 1530

A single pole-single throw switch controls one circuit and has two positions, open
and closed. Most on/off switches in the control system are single pole single throw type switches.
Scene Number: 0006 1540
A single pole-double throw switch has three positions,
two closed and one open.
This type of switch completes one of two circuit paths. A double throw switch cannot make contact with both circuits at the
A common single pole-double throw switch used on engine control systems is the engine brake switch.
Scene Number: 0006 1550
This shows a double pole-single throw switch. In effect, this can be thought as two switches that are "ganged," or mechanically
linked, to cause them to move together. The switch "Pole" refers to the number of switches that will move together.
This double pole switch has two separate contacts in separate circuits. With a double pole switch, when one switch is moved, the
other switch moves with it to either open or close the electrical path in the other circuit.

Scene Number: 0006 1560

Switches can be energized mechanically, hydraulically, or pneumatically. An example of a hydraulically activated switch includes
a pressure switch that
opens or closes when it senses a specific pressure. An example of a pneumatically activated switch in an
electronic engine control system is a brake light switch.
Scene Number: 0006 1570
For most control systems, when the switch is closed, the supply voltage is pulled to its low level.
This indicates the switch position to the ECM.
Scene Number: 0006 1580
When troubleshooting switches a continuity check across the terminals can be used to verify if the switch is open or closed in
each position.

Scene Number: 0006 1585

You are about to leave the Virtual Classroom and take the assessment.

Select "Next" to continue to the assessment. Select "Back" to return to the Virtual Classroom or click on the Program Guide
icon to view the program guide.

Note: If you are in Review Mode selecting “Next” will either return you to the Main Menu if you have completed all of the
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Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 10 of 12

Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1590
Which of the following can be used to read the output signal of a hall effect sensor?
Scene Number: 0006 1600
For the sensor shown here, what is a possible cause of a voltage above normal or shorted to high source?
Scene Number: 0006 1610
Using the chart, determine the proper humidity reading in INSITE when the temperature is 60°F (15.6°C) and the relative
humidity is 80%.

Scene Number: 0006 1620

Use the Use the mouse to drag and drop the labels to the correct sensors. When you are finished, click the "NEXT" button. To
clear your choices and start over, click the "Reset" button.

Scene Number: 0006 1630

Which of the following sensor types are used for exhaust gas temperature sensing?
Scene Number: 0006 1640
ECM response testing is used to test the operation of which components?
Scene Number: 0006 1650
For the circuit shown here what is a possible cause of a sensor voltage shorted low or below normal fault code?
Scene Number: 0006 1660
What is the purpose of the 47k Ohm pull down resistor shown in this schematic?
Scene Number: 0006 1670
What is the purpose of the highlighted portion of the oxygen sensor?
Scene Number: 0006 1680
Click on the picture that indicates a stoichiometric air fuel ratio.
Scene Number: 0006 1690
A rich air fuel ratio will cause the oxygen sensor output to be…
Scene Number: 0006 1710
The following symbol represents what switch type?

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Electronic Control System Inputs
Scene Number: 0006 1720
The following symbol represents what switch type?
Scene Number: 0006 1730
The following symbol represents what switch type?

Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 12 of 12

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