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Mewar Niversity: Academic & Administrative Audit Report (Internal)

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M e w a r U niversity
Ga ng rar , Chittorgarh (Ra jas tha n)

Accredited by NAAC

A ca de m ic & A dm in is tra tiv e

A ud it Re po rt (I nt er na l)


Prepared by :

\ n\crn~i \ Quali ty A ssur ance Ccl 1.

Co nte nts

l. lntrn ducti n n t<.) 1\ c Hk 1n ic /\ udit

\ udit Co mmit tee Me m be rs

~ Sc h edule o f th e Ac adem ic A udit

4 . ln~tit ution :11 Pro fi le

" S umm 3r) of R c po1t

( ·urric ulum ,C o urse s

l 11fr3~tru ctu ral Faci li t i es

Lih rJ ry Hook s

-; : ,. \. I I t..; t : (_ 1.'

~',. { 'I '-- I I I ( )I J

\. lntroductio n to Academic Audit:

The ma in ohjccti \c t1t' an academi c audit is to asccrt.1in de partment s have put in place

:1dequ:ltc ~md cffccti\ c qu:1lit y ass urance mec hani sms in term s of' strategic s. procedures. their

applicabili ty. that ensures qu ality inputs and co nsequentl y qua lity o utputs; their agi li ty in

ensuring continuous improvement s along with rev iew of avai labl e resources. their opt imal

utilization. additiona l reso urce req uirements fo r pro viding qua lity educati on .

l An increasingly prevalent trend in the higher education scenari o in Indi a in recent years is the

v,illi ngness and drive by institutions and uni versities to introduce system s and practices in

their work env iro nment and establish high standard s and benchmarks to guide their

perfo rmance in keeping with the institution 's vision and mission. More and more colleges of

Institutions and uni versities in the country volunteer to subject their activities and

performances to be critically rev iewed and audited by national and international agencies.

Creation of internal qua lity ass urance mec hani sms th at help to inculcate the gains made from

such efforts in the day-to -day work ethics and organizational culture of the institution is an

indispen sable requ irement in any qu ality assurance scheme . The Internal Quality Assurance

Cell (IQ A C ) advocated by N AAC helongs to such reco mm endati ons. The In stitution

wmpkted J· irst Cycle o f' accreditat ion by NAAC and rece ived the ce 11ifica te of acc red itatil)n

in 2 nd l\:ovem bcr 20 1X., sccu rin g ' (_; nidc W with a C umulative Gracie Point Average of ~.0-+

o ut of 4 .<J poinb.
2. ,\udit Committee Mcmbrrs:

Internal Audit Committc(' Members :

I. r-. 1r. D. K. Sharma Convenor

, Ms. Dcrpti Shastri Member
., . \ 1r. Hario m Sharm a Member
-+. Mr. Gui zar Ahm ed Member
5. Mr. Kaus hal Kishor Chandrul Member
6. Mr.Rajesh bhatt Member
7. Ms. Pooja Gupt a Member
8. Ms. Vand ana Chundawa Member
9. !\1r . .I itcndra Vas,\'ani Coordinator


th th
k of thr Aca dem ic Audit: Date - 7 & 08 .July, 2022 .
3. Schrdu

ro ll1~" in~ lkpa rlnh' nb " ct\' , isitl'd b> the l11tn11:il
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ri me Facu lty/Ocpar·tmenf

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l\.1111111c rc e Dept. of Mana geme nt
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. ·OG .\ \ 1 - I I: -l 5 AM
, Studies
[Dept. of Educati on
Faculty of Education &
1 2:00 P\ 1 - I ::' :-l .5 PM Dept. of Psych ology
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!Dept. of Chem ica l Engg.
Dept. of C ivil Engg.
Faculty of Engin ee rin g and Dept. of CSE

- I P\1 - : ~s P\1
Tec hn ology Dept. of ECE
Dept. of EE
Dept . of Mech anical Enoo c,..::i ·

Dept. of Chem ist:r)

P\1 facu lty of Scic11 c~ & Dept. of Life Scien ce

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12 3:00 PM - .~: 45 PM O th er fa ciliti es
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13 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

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4. Institut ional Profile:

A. Curricu lum
The C urri c ulum is bein g upda ted and re vised pe riodi ca ll y.

• Cu ni c ulurn refers to the edu ca ti o na l co nt e nt a nd lea rnin g ex pe ri e nces th at stude nts

a re exposed to in a parti c ul ar course o r progra m of s tudy . It inc ludes a range of
topics. skil ls, a nd knowled ge that a re deemed impo rtant fo r studen ts to learn withi n
a g iYen su bject o r di sc ipline and enco uraged to ta ke up researc h in th eir respecti ve
domai ns.

• A curri culum typicall y o utlines the learning objecti ves, in structi o nal strategies , and
assessme nt methods that will be used to help students achie~e their learning goal s.

- It m ay also include recomme ndations for textbooks , resources , and mate ri a ls that
wi ll be used in the course.

• Curricula may also be influence d by cultural , social , and political factors, as well
as by emerging trends and developm ents in a given field.

• Placemen t Oriented Courses has Optimiza tion Techniqu es, Soft Skills and
Commun icative Skills are offered along with the curriculu m prescribe d by the
Unive rsity.

• Self-Lea ming is promoted through the Add on Courses and Value Added C o L1rses.

• The Students are given opportun ity to learn the art of doing a Project In House and
Industria l Project.

O \·erall. curric ul a are an importan t as pec t of educa tion as they guide the learn ing

I process and help ens ure th at stud ents acquire the knowl edge and skill s they need to
succeed in their cho sen fi eld .

8. In frastruc tura l Faci lities

• Wi-Fi enab led c lass roo ms in all th t Blocks

• Sm art class room s

• Semi na r hall s

• Hea lthcare fac iliti es !'o r S tu de nt s & S t:1ff mc111hcrs .

• Rl) \\ 'at('r F:Kilit )

• l itt Fncilit)

• l ibr~1r> ,, ith \\' i- Fi foci lit)

• Sp0rts grn und :rnd Gym lucility

• B:ml-. & A TM faci lities

• Ciucst house & staff quarters

• Boys & girl s Hostels

• Ht'rbal garden

• Agriculture farm

• Fair safety facilities

• Indoor and outdoor games facilities

• Transportation facilities for students & staff

• Cafeteria & Mess

C. Library Books

Following £ -Resource has been subscribed to;


• Legal egal

'f ota l No of Books

14 178
202 1-22
5. Summar) of Report:
• Well furni :-.hcd cb:-.scs room~ a, ailab lc in uni, ers ity.

• e-contain also available.

• Well planned tim e tabl e & Lesson plan.

• No of volumes of Tex t books at library is well maintained and increase vo lume eve ry
academic year.

• Time to Time Placement activities and placement related training provide to students.

• Good quality Equipments and Instruments used in laboratory and well maintained.

• Academic Management is focused to achieve the learning out come.

• The curricular and the co-curricular activities are well balanced in the Teaching
Leaming environment to provide holistic education to the students.

• Teaching Learning process and Evaluation process has well.

• Admission process is well maintained.

• Equity of access is taken care of in the admi ssions.

• The Admission committee is vigi lant in making the admission process transparent and
effi cient.
• IQAC provides Faculty enrichment programmes and Orientation Programmes for
• IQAC also conducts feedback on the Governance and Leadership along with faculty
6. Overa ll Assess me nt:

Institution over all Acade mi c Audit was conducted in well organi zed and in
transparent manner.

• ~o of volu mes ol' Tex t books at libra ry is sunici ent. / -:. ~Y

• Uni form. for students .to some COUJ ''.CS is a good practi ce ( · ~~ ra~s',t~
• Publtcauons and part1 c1pall ons in l·•DP (Onlin e & olll1ne). sclllinars, ~Cl\!_1Krln'ei\t¥JrL r',,,
workshops by fac ulty members are good. C ~nq~;-\f , \
• Internet and Wi-Fi facilitie s are good.
• Placement acti Yities and placement rela
ted trainin g arc good .
• We\\ maintain training modules for the
stud en ts.

7. Suggestions :

• lmp roYctn('n\ inc -co nta in .

• Pro per mai ntai n fac ult y & stud ent

reco rd.

• Tea che r exc han ge pro gra ms to be

imp rov ed .

• Tim e to tim e onl ine & offl ine con

duc t con fere nce s, sem inar s & wor ksh
ops etc.
• Stu den t Mo nito ry Rec ord has to be
standardized and maintai ned in the
sam e form at by
all dep artm ents .

• Fac ulty sho uld use statistical tools

based on analysis in thei r resp ecti ve
sub ject .
• Inte ract ion with indu stry experts to
be improved.
• Plac eme nts in Multinational Corpora
tion to be improved.
• Curric ulum is updated tim e to time
8. Coodusion:
• Wl:I\ planned I c,,on plun and 1imc 1ahk i.:,ccu t1on h~
the lacull~

( •
• V',hrnnt and d1 ,u plrncd , 1uckn1 L.omrnuntt) .

I ormula1 1nn and mcti cu lou .., implcme;n1a11on of good

acadc.:mic c,dcndar.

• M:1na gl'.rncn1 is wi th attitude of empl oyee we lfare .

• (iond l'.o nmw n fa cilities such as hank . di spcnsar) . . , pom

. guc ..,l hous<.: clc

• l~l'cnrd \..1.'.1.'.ping anJ n..: tri cvin g. is wc ll maintained .

• (;ood demon stra ti on hy all durin g the audit.

\·,nvirnnm cntal studi es sub,i cct i.., made compubo ry to
• studtnt ~ to create awareness of
I t
green em.: rgy.
• ·1recs palin gs git't to guest In stead or Bouqutt of
nov.-c rs is a good practice
• rxcl:l \cnt infras tructu ra l reso urces.
• Qua\ir1cd ..1nd exper ienced !acuit y members.
• Co mput er and intern et facilil y with latest :-.o ftv. are .

• We ll co nnected c~1mpus.
• We ll plnnnnl 1:aculty l)c vc lopm cnt and facu lt y trainin
g. Prog.rammc s.
• /\c1i vc studen t coo peration with the In stituti on .

• Interac ti ons with profc.: ss iona ls 1hro ug.h industrial \' isits.
guest lecturers.
• lnnov ati vc method s in teachin g and cva lu ati on proce ss
are adop ted .
• Open in g to the f~1cult y members lo wo rk on Uni vl'. rsity
autho riti es such as academic
counci I etc .

Signature of Auditors: -

Name of the Auditors

I No.

Ms . Deepti Shastri

j Signature

~ . l LZ
"' ~~
;\ 1r. Hario m Sharma Member 0't b

Mr. Guizar Ahmed Member

4 Mr. Kausha l Kishor Chandrnl Member

5 Mr. Rajesh bhatt Member

6 Ms. Pooja Gupta Member

I \1s. Vandana Chundawa Member

t 1z-v
IQAC Coo rdina to r Dea n Academ ics
L Lt9"\~\()\_ )

' , J .
Mewar UniiCrSity




Vision:- To develop a center of excellence for technical, professional, and vocational education and research at
Dar with national and international standards.

Mission:-To develop the framework for effectively conducting variouseducational and research programs of the
highest standards to produce confident, self-reliant, and responsible youth for the society and outstanding
professionals for government, industry, and business. The mission of the University is "To Reach the

Objectives:- Provide easy access to high-quality education in Engineering, Pharmacy, Science, Management,
Agriculture as well as other academic & professional fields to its students, irrespective of their caste, creed, age,
gender, region, or country, at an affordable cost.
To offer a conducive environment for pursuing research and vocational studies with a market-driven
To expose students to new ideas, fresh vision, and pragmatic ambition, and enhance their competency in
the ever-changing business environment. To provide a flexible choice-based credit system of education
and dual-degree programme while flexible adopting modes of delivery to suit students' requirementsof
To prepare and assist students in improving their prospects through career counseling and placement
support, on-the-job training, industrial visits, presentations, and group discussions. To Promote and
practice a convenient distance education concept in India and abroad. To spread job-oriented Skill
Development education in rural and tribal areas.

University Core Values:






About The University:

Mewar University is a self-financed university established as per Rajasthan Govt, Mewar University
clause (3)of Article 348 of the constitution of
Act -2009 "No. F.2(1) Vidhi/2/2009 in the persuasion of UGC Act 1956
and 12(B) of the
India. The University is recognized and approved under sections 2() of the UGC Act 1956. The Mewar
and empowered to confer Degree/Diploma/ certification under 22(1) concerned Statutory
University is NAAC accredited with Grade B" as well as approved by all
(AICTE), Pharmacy
Regulatory Authorities (SRA) such as All India Council for Technical Education
Council of India(PCI), Bar Council of India(BCI), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
and the University is also a member of the Association of Indian
provided higher education to thousands of
The University is imparting higher education since 2009 and education to various National &
students till now since its establishment. We are also imparting
International Students in various fields and offering Diploma, UG & PG Programmes to the aspirants.
We currently have students from 29 States & Union
Territories of India along with over 20 countries,
regulations of UGC
following all rules and
from Diploma to Masters Level programs. The university is Education.
& other Regulatory authorities to maintain the quality of Higher
Under the able, dynamic, and committed leadership of Dr. (CA) Ashok Kumar Gadiya, Chairperson
the young generation, belonging to rural
Mewar University has been able to spread education among
society. He strongly believes that the young
areas, and more specifically, to under-privileged classes of practices of learning. They can enter any
generation is truly sincere, dedicated, and keen to adopt new attention, an inspiring atmosphere, and a
challenging arena and achieve success if they receive focused
bit of extra care.
purpose of making higher and technical education
The University has been able to achieve its avowed such a short period which is tested by
accessible to the weaker and deprived sections of our society in enrolled, 75% belong to the weaker
the University's track record so far,out of around 5000
sections (SC, ST & OBC).
by the government and has adequate
The University is situatedon 30 acres of land allotted learning and research environment that
infrastructure that has been put to optimum use for an effective
The unique teaching system of the University is
a higher educational institution is expected to possess. the University is sent for practical training and
that every student of each course that is being taughtinstitutes
internship at the established and renowned training at the national level. The university has a
and patents with good impact factors
very good research facility and has research publications books as well. Our Students and faculty
published in various National and International journals and
and International Seminars, Conferences,
members participated from time to time in various National
through Advanced Research Center
FDPs, workshops, etc. University is offering Research facilitiesthe guidance of National & International
and incubation center in collaboration with MSME, under
providesan opportunity for students to seek
The university training and placement department the
placement in various reputedcompanies and Industries. We are having students from all over
and studying different courses.
country, and thousands of international students are staying on campus
always gives preference to girl's
University is following state government reservation policy and is providing scholarships
under "Beti Bachao and Beti Padavo". The university management
scholarship provided by different
to economically backward and needy students, in addition to aadopted several nearby villages, our
Governments also. As a part of outreach activities our university students under Mentor
subjects to the
faculty goes to the government schools and teaches various eye checkup camps,
Prakalp Scheme. University also organizes Blood donation camps, dental and
etc.) for the benefit of society,
Health camps, and awareness camps (COVID, ATDS, Legal aid camps,
in coordination with University NSS && NCC
with state-of-the-art
University has smart ICT-enabled classrooms and well-equipped laboratories

Mewar University
facilities. The University library is equipped with a sufficient number of References and textbookS with
periodicals and various National & International journals. Digital Library is fully-fledged with High
Speed computers and an internet facility with the subscription to DELNET. The campus is fully Wi-Fi
enabled & CCTV connected. We are having separate hostels for Boys, Girls,and International students
as well. We are providing consultancy services to Industries, villages, and farmers in Agriculture
farming, etc. University is providing health facilities to the students and staff members round the clock
by qualified & experienced doctors, and nursing staff with an ambulance facility. For the benefit of
students and staft, we are having a banking facility, shopping complex, gym, playground, etc.

Mewar University
General Information

Name &Addressofthe
Mewar University
University Gangrar,Chittorgarh,Rajasthan- 312901
Name of the vice Dr. Sarvottam Dixit-VC (Acting)
Email ld
Contact No:
Year of establishment 2009

Faculty, Departments and Programmes Offered

S. N. Faculty Name of Program Program Code Specialization
Dept. of Commerce
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Commerce B.Com. Commerce
Master of Commerce M. Com. Master of Commerce
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Commerce
Faculty of
Dept. of Management
1 Management Bachelor of
and Bachelor of Business BBA Business
Commerce Administration Administration
|Integrated BBA + lntegrated BBA +
Master of Business Master of Business
Administration Administration
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Management
Bachelors's in
Bachelors's in BCA Computer
Computer Application Application
Integrated BCA + Integrated BCA +
Faculty MCA
Computer Master of Computer MCA
Master of Computer
Science and
Applications Applications
System Post Graduate
Studies Post Graduate Diploma Diploma in
in Computer PGDCA
Application Application
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. CSSS
Dept. of Law
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts
Faculty of Bachelor of Legislative BA-LLB and Bachelor of
3 Legal Law Legislative Law
Studies Bachelor of Business Bachelor of
Administration and BBA-LLB Business
Bachelor of Legislative Administration and

Law Bachelor of
Legislative Law
LLB Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws
LLM Master of Laws
Master of Laws
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D.
Dept. of Education
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Education B.Ed. Education
Master of Arts MA
Ph.D. Education
Doctor of Philosophy
Dept. of Psychology

Faculty of
Master of Arts MA |Psychology
4 Education Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Psychology
Psychology Dept. of Physical Education
Bachelor of Physical BPEd Physical Education
Education Physical Education
Bachelor of Physical BPES
Education and Sports land Sports
Physical Education
Master of Physical MPES
Education and Sports and Sports
Ph.D. Physical Education
Doctor of Philosophy
Dept. of Chemical Engg.
Bachelor of B.Tech. Chemical Eng.
Technology in KChemical Eng.)
Chemical Eng
Bachelor of B.Tech.
Technology in Petrochemical
KPetrochemical )
Master of Technology M.Tech. Cement & Ceramics
in Cement & Ceramics (Cement & Ceramics)
Master of Technology M.Tech. EVS & Engg.
in EVS & Engg, (EVS & Engg.)
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Chemical
Faculty of
Engineering Dept. of Civil Engg.
and Bachelor of B.Tech. Civil
Technology Technology in Civil (Civil)
Master of Technology M.Tech.
in Construction Technology and
fTechnology and Technology and Management
Management Management)
Master of Technology M.Tech.
in Environmental KEnvironmental
Engineering) Engineering
Master of Technology M.Tech. Structural
in Structural (Structural)
Master of Technology M.Tech. Transportation
in Transportation Transportation)

Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Civil
Dept. of CSE
Bachelor of
Technology in B.Tech. Computer Science
Computer Science KCSE) Engineering
Master of Technology M.Tech. Computer Science
in Computer Science KCSE) Engineering
Master of Technology M.Tech. Data Science
in Data Science KData Science)
Computer Science
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D.
Dept. of ECE
Bachelor of
Technology in Electronics and
Electronics and Communications
Communications Engineering
Master of Technology M.Tech. Digital
in Digital (Dig. Comm.) Communication
Master of Technology M.Tech. VLSI
Electronics and
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Communications
Dept. of EE
Bachelor of B.Tech. Electrical
Technology in (EE) Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Master of Technology M.Tech. Power Electronics
in Power Electronics KPED) land Drives
land Drives
Master of Technology M.Tech.
Power System
in Power System KPower System)
Master ofTechnology M.Tech.
Renewable Energy
in Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy)
Doctor of Philosophy
Dept. of Mechanical Engg.
Bachelor of
Technology in B.Tech. Mechanical
Mechanical Mechanical)
Master of Technology M.Tech.
in Manufacturing (Manufacturing) Manufacturing
Master of Technology M.Tech.
in Production (Production)
M.Tech. Thermal
Master of"Technology kThermal)

Mewar University
qrar, (Chittorga
in Thermal
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Mechanical
Bachelor of
Technology in B.Tech. Electrical and
Electrical and KEEE) Electronic
Electronic Engineering Engineering
Bachelor of B.Tech.
Technology in Mining (Mining) Mining
Dept. of Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in B.Sc.
Chemistry (Chemistry)
Master of Science in M.Sc.
Chemistry kChemistry)
Master of Science in M.Sc.
lIndustrial Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry (Industrial Chemistry)
Master of Science in M.Sc.
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Chemistry
Dept. of Life Science
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Botany.
Chemistry, Botany, BCZ
Bachelor of Science in Bio-Tech Bio-Tech
Bachelor of Science in
Microbiology Microbiology Microbiology
Master of Science in Biochemistry Biochemistry
Faculty of Biochemistry
Master of Science in M.Sc.
6 Science Bio-Tech
Bio-Tech (Bio-Tech)
Technology Master of Science in M.Sc.
Botany KBotany) Botany
Master of Science in M.Sc. EVS
Master of Science in M.Sc.
Microbiology (Microbiology) Microbiology
Master of Science in M.Sc.
(Zoology) Zoology
" Biochemistry
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D.
" Microbiology
" Zoology
Dept. of Maths
Master of Science in M.Sc. Maths
Maths Maths)
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Maths
Dept. of Physics

e w aUniversity
a n g r a r(Chittorgarh)
Master of Science in M.Sc.
Physics (Physics) Physics
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Physics
Bachelor of Science in General PCM
General PCM General PCM
Bachelor of Science in
Aircraft Maintenance AME
Aircraft Maintenanc
Dept. of Economics
Master of Arts in MA Economics
Economics (Economics)
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Economics
Dept. of Geography
Master of Arts in MA
(Geography) Geography
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Geography
Dept. of History
Master of Arts in MA
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. History
Dept. of Humanities
Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of BPA
Bachelor of
Performing Arts Performing Arts
Bachelors of Visual Bachelors of Visual
Faculty of Arts Arts
Humanities, Master of Arts in MA
Social Science English (English) English
& Fine Arts MA IHindi
Master of Arts in Hindi Hindi)
Master of Performing MPA Master of
Arts Performing Arts
Master of Visual Arts MVA, Master of Visual Arts
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. " Fine Arts
" Hindi
Dept. of Political Science
Master of Arts in MA Political Science
Political Science Political Science)
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Political Science
Dept. of Sociology
Master of Arts in MA (Sociology) Sociology
Master of Social Work Master of Social

Ph.D. "Social Work

Doctor of Philosophy
" Sociology
8 Faculty of Dept. of Agriculture

Agriculture & Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture Agriculture
Veterinary Agriculture
Sciences Master of Science in M.Sc.
Agronomy Agronomy )
|Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Agriculture
Dept. of Horticulture
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture Horticulture
Master of Science in M.Sc. Horticulture
Horticulture (Horticulture)
Ph.D. |Horticulture
Doctor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Science in Forestry Forestry
Dept. of Pharmacy
Bachelor of
Faculty of Bachelor of Pharnacy B. Pharmacy Pharmacy
Pharmaceutica M.Pharnma Pharmaceutics
Masters of Pharmacy Pharmaceutics)
Sciences M.Pharma (QA) Quality Assurance
Masters of Pharmacy
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Pharmacy
Dept. of Paramedical
B.Sc. Cardiac Care
Bachelor of Science (Cardiac Care)
Bachelor in Medical Bachelor in Medical
BMLT Lab. Technology
Lab. Technology
Master of Science in M.Sc. Medical Laboratory
MLT KMLT) Technicians
Faculty of
Medical Laboratory
10 Paramedical Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Technicians
Dept. of Physiotherapy
Bachelor of BPT Physiotherapy
Master of MPT Physiotherapy
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Physiotherapy
Dept. of Astrology
Master of Arts in
MA (Astrology) Astrology
Master of Arts in MA (Vastu Shastra) VastuShastra
Faculty of
Vastu Shastra
11 Alternative
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Astrology
Dept. of Yoga
BA oga
Bachelor of Arts (Yoga)

Master of Arts MA (Yoga) Yoga
PGD PGD (Yoga) Yoga
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Yoga

1.AcademicandAdministrativeAudit (AAA)
An academic and Administrative Audit is the process of evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the
administrative procedure. It includes assessment of policies, strategies & functions of the various
administrative departents. control of the overall administrative systcm, cte.The main objective of the
audit is to review, assess and evaluate the performance in domains ofthe teaching-learning
process, research, extra-curricular and administrative aspectsofdepartmentsof the University
The review process is usually carried out by internal committee members and
i. Coursecontent
ii. Teaching-LearningProcess
iii. ExaminationandEvaluationsystem
iv. Results
V. Otheractivities
vi. Infrastructure
vii. DepartmentAdministration

Process Involved:
Theprocessinvolved in the Academic & administrative Audit bythecommitteemembersis givenbelow.

Meetingwith Vice Chancellorto finalizethe date

IdentifyingtheOfficers for

Takingconsentfromthe external Members

Information about
involved to

Conduction of audit on scheduled date in

Coordination of 1QAC

In accordance with the names suggested and their consent, the
Acadenmic and
Administrative Audit Committee for the academic session 2021-22 is constituted by the
Vice-Chancellor with the following externals members: Name Designation

1 Prof. Nakkeera Professor, Bharat University, Chennai Chairman

Dr. Hennant Joshi DGM-Sales- Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. Member

Principal, Geetanjali Institute of Member

Dr. M.S. Rathore
Pharmacy- Udaipur
4 Professor, Aryabhatta College of
Dr. Dheeraj Singh Rana
Engineering & Technology-Meerut
Dr. Anupam Gupta COE, Motherhood University,Roorkee

The academic & Administrative audit was fixed for 27 - 28 August 2021. The AAA
committee was assisted by the IQAC members in conducting the audit. The Committee had a
formal meeting with the Vice-chancellor, Deans, Heads of Departments, and the coordinators
during whichthe IQAC Co-coordinatorgave a brief Introduction of the University and give a
presentation on developments and the achievements made. Members of the Committee were
briefed about the objective of the audit and the procedure involved.
The members visited the depart1ments, and the infrastructural facilities available in the
department such as classrooms, laboratories & other facilities. They also interacted with the
faculty members and other supporting staff to assess academic and administrative
performance. All related documents were presented to the members. After completion of all
stages of audit in the department, AAA Report covering the observations was prepared for the
respective departments by the member.eval uation sheets are enclosed with this report.
Members also visited Examination Department, Computer Lab, Training & Placement cell.
Central Library, Departmental Library, and other Infrastructure and also had discussions with
the sectional Heads. Other general facilities were also verified.
The Committee after completing all stages of inspection and interactions prepared the AAA
report covering the summarized observations and recommendations.


Academic and Administrative Audit schedule:
Date:27thand 28th August 2021
Time Activity
27th August 2021 (Day -1)
Welcome committee members and
Welcome by the Vice
Chancellor of the University experts by the Vice-Chancellor of the
University and other officials and
9.30 AM to Briefing by the IQAC briefing by the IQAC coordinator about
10.00 AM coordinator the objectives & procedure of the audit.
Venue: Maharana Pratap Committee members also had a formal
Seminar Hall Interaction with University Officials.
An introductory session with Faculty

Visit the Departments and audit various

facilities such as Classrooms and labs,
10.15 AM to and other facilities related to
01. 00 PM
Visit the Teaching Department learning
by the members Verification of the documents.

Interaction with the faculty and

technical/Supporting staff after the
verification process.
Department report preparation.

1:15 PM Lunch Lunch

Interaction with the Sectional heads.

Visit the Central Library,
Training & Placement Cell
Placement, Computer Center, Interaction with supporting staf.
2:15 PM to 5:00 Examination Department, Verification of relevant and relative
PM Admission section, Student documents
section, and other general

28th August 2021 (Day -2)

9:30 AM to Visit Registrar's Office Meeting with the Registrar and document
10:30 AM verification.

10:30 AM to Meeting With Vice-Chancellor Meeting of Audit Team with Vice

11:30 AM Chancellor

11:30 AM to Report preparation Departmental Report Writing & Overall

1:00 PM Evaluation

1:15 PM Lunch Lunch

2:30 PM General Meeting With All General meeting with Vice-Chancellor,

Staff Deans, HoDs, IQAC Co-ordinator,
teaching, non-teaching staff,

Assessment Based on University Information
Description Remarks
Category Yes/No/NA
UGC 2(‘) approval
UGC 12(B)
Associationof Indian Universities (AlU)
Membership Yes
AICTE Approval
Approvals & Yes

Accreditation BCI Approval Yes

NCTE Approval Yes
IAP Approval No
NIRF Ranking
BOM Meetings
Academic Council Meetings
BOS Meetings
IQAC Meetings
Examination Section
Anti-Ragging Committee
Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee
Grievance Redressal Committee
SC/ST/OBC/Minority Cell
Governance Alumni Association
Internal Complaint Committee
Personal Files of staff members
Budget Sanctioned & Audit Report
Student Scholarship Details
University Website
Biometric Attendance System
Administrative Oftices
Smart Classrooms
Fire Safety Equipment
Other Facilities Medical Facilities

Sports facility for Indoor & Outdoor Games
Boys & Girls Hostels & Mess
Parking for Vehicles
Backup Electric Supply
Transport Facility for Students & Staff
Sewage Treatment Plant
Drinking-Water Facility
Solid Waste Management
Lush Green Campus
Wi-fi Enabled Campus
CCTV Cameras
Facilities for Divyang Jan
Solar Power Plant
Vermicompost Preparation
E-waste Management
Rain Water Harvesting
Green House and Herbal Park
Parinda (Water Feeders for Birds)

Mewar University
Criteria Recommendations by Experts
Regular BOS conducted. Revision in various Programs and Courses
Field or industrial visits of students from time to time.

1. Curricular Aspects " Choice BasedCredit System is adopted in allprograms.

In most of the programs, internships/projects are compulsory.
" Value-added courses are available for students.
for human values
General awareness is included in the curriculum
in students.
The two-way teaching (Presentation, Chart & Assignment)
methodology was adopted and followed in all
" Sufficient faculty members.
the university is
The counseling/ Mentor system adopted by
2. Teaching-Learning effective.
and Evaluation feedback given by
The knowledge of teachers is sound as per the
the students during the interaction.
fully automated.
The examination system of the university is external assessment.
From Time to time conduct the internal and
Provision for study leave and academic leave
students and faculty members.
" Seed Money for research projects for
3. Research, Innovation,
" Publication by students as well as
faculty members. but SCOPUS
And Extensions Indexed publications are required.
" Funded projects are required.
University sufficient number of classrooms.
" Wi-Fi facility is available at the campus of the Shodhsindhu, and
" More than 70000 books, DELNET, E-
4. Infrastructure and
Learning Resources
Shodhganga subscriptions are available in the library.
" Allcomputer laboratories are having Internet
A language lab is also available.
There is a good facility for indoor as well as outdoor games.
" Green/ eco-friendly practices on campus.
Scholarships are provided to the students.
" Carrier counseling provides to the students.
5. Student Support & . Placement needs improvement.
Progression Strong Alumni association organizes alumni meetings from time to
The vision of the University is clear,
Conducted a faculty orientation program.
6. Governance,
Conducted a student orientation program.
Leadership & " E-governance is followed.
Management " For teaching and non-teaching staff several programs are organized.

" The University has taken allthe necessary steps for gender equity.
Solar power generation is present.
The greenery on the University campus is good.
7. Institutional Values &
Best Practices
Ramps andLifts are available at University.
University celebrates Jayanties of great Indian personalities.
" Various museums developed at the university.
Yoga and meditation developed at the university.


Mewar University, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)
Academic and Administrative Audit for the AcademicSession 2021-22
We. the members of the Academic and Administrative audit team have conducted the Academic and
Administrative Audit for the academic Year 2021-22 at Mewar University Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)

Observation of Auditors

1. Curriculum is updated
2. Limited research facilities and publications
3. Landscaping needs improvement.
4. Placements in the multinationalcorporation to be improved.
5. Students from around the country studying at the university
6. Good infrastructure of Lab, Library, and good ICT facilities
7. Physically challenged facilities to be improved.
8. Teacher exchange programs to be improved.
workshops etc.
9. Time to time conduct conferences, seminars &
10. Interaction with industry experts to be improved.
Signature of Auditors: -

S. N. Name of the Auditors Designation Signature

Professor, Bharat University,
1 Prof. Nakkeera

DGM-Sales- Lupin Pharmaceuticals

2 Dr. Hemant Joshi
Principal, Geetanjali Institute of
3 Dr. M.S. Rathore
Pharmacy- Udaipur
Professor, Aryabhatta College of
4 Dr. DheerajSingh Rana
Engineering & Technology-MeeruL
COE, Motherhood University,
5 Dr. Anupam Gupta Roorkee

IQAC Cootdinator Vice-Chancellor

nw U
gr (
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2 5 1 9 ) y
NAAC Sponsored Two Days
National Seminar
Challenges and Innovative Measures
for Enhancement of Education and
Research in HEIs of Rural Areas
(14 and 15 October 2022)

Organized by

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Mewar University
NH – 48, Gangrar
Chittorgarh-312901, Rajasthan
Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Table of Contents
Organizing Committee 1
About the University 2
About the Seminar 3
Programme Schedule 4
Inaugural Session 6
Chief Guest Address 7
Keynote Address 8
Technical Session 1 9
Technical Session 2 11
Technical Session 3 13
Technical Session 4 15
Technical Session 5 17
Valedictory Session 19
Outcomes of the Seminar 20
Follow-up Actions 21
Acknowledgement 21
Photo Gallery 22
Media Coverage 28
Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Organizing Committee
Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya, Chairperson, Mewar University

Prof. (Dr.) Alok Misra, Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University

Prof. (Dr.) Sarvottam Dixit, Pro- Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University
Sh. Anand Vardhan Shukla, Pro- Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University

Dr. Jitendra Vaswani, IQAC Co-ordinator

Dr. Esar Ahmed

Dr. Gulzar Ahmed


Dr. Pramod Mehta


Dr. Dhwaj Kirti Sharma Dr. R Raja
Dr. Chetali Agrawal Dr. Aruna Dubey
Dr. Sonia Singla Dr. Gaurav Kumar Sharma
Dr. Ganga Biswa Dr. Sumit Kumar Pandey
Ms. Vandana Chundawat Mr. Rajesh Bhat
Mr. B. L. Pal Mr. Ankit Navlakha
Ms. Deepti Shastri (Registrar)

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 1

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

About the University

Mewar University is named after the glorious region, the land famous for its great warriors
like Maharana Kumbha, Maharana Sanga, and Maharana Pratap who sacrificed their lives for
the safety and security of their country and the ladies like Padmavati, Meera Bai, Panna Dhai
who stood bravely in front of numerous invaders and filled with the sense of self-dignity,
valour, devotion and dedication for their country and never let down their self-respect in front
of anyone, who so ever it may be. Mewar has the most stirring chapters in Indian history. It is
a land of glory and valour and is bound to leave everyone enchanted. The history of this
captivating place is intriguing and spellbinding. The land of devotion and determination, it has
produced some of the greatest devotees and courageous warriors in the history of India. The
name Mewar holds a very special place in the hearts of freedom fighters and nationalists. The
promoters of the university have rightly named the university “Mewar University” a word of
pride and respect to the great warriors and freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the
Mewar University is a self-financed university established as per Rajasthan Govt., Mewar
University Act -2009 "No. F.2(1) Vidhi/2/2009 in the persuasion of clause (3) of article 348
of the constitution of India. The university is recognized and approved under sections 2(f) and
12(b) of the UGC act and empowered to confer a Degree/Diploma/ certification under 22(1)
of the UGC act. Mewar University is NAAC accredited as well as approved by AICTE,
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), Bar Council of India (BCI), and National Council for
Teacher Education (NCTE). The university is imparting higher education since 2009 and
provided higher education to thousands of students till now since its establishment. The
university is actively and effectively working in the higher education sector for one decade in
the south of Rajasthan, India. Mewar University is running courses in Agriculture and
Forestry, Engineering and Technology, Pharmaceutical Science, Paramedical, Education and
Psychology, Humanities, Social Science and Fine Arts, Management and Commerce, Legal
studies, Mass and Media Communication, Computer Science and system studies, Alternative
therapy, Physical Education. Mewar University constantly attempts to initiate value-based
education in the younger generation to make them responsible citizens and a part of nation-
building. The university functions towards striking a balance between teaching and research.

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 2

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

About the Seminar

Mewar University constantly attempts to initiate value-based education in the younger
generation to make them responsible citizens and a part of nation-building. Based on this the
university proposed to organize a seminar on the Theme “Innovative Educational ideas for
Academic and Research in Higher Education Institutes of Rural Areas” and selected the topic
for the seminar on “Challenges and innovative measures for enhancement of Education
and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas”.
Faculty members of different universities and colleges and research scholars actively
participated in this National Seminar. More than 150 faculty members including IQAC
members attended the seminar which includes participants from Mewar University and other
national and international organisations. The registrations from outside the state of Rajasthan
were 30%.
Innovative educational ideas for Academic and Research in Higher Education Institutes of
Rural Areas.
Objectives :
• Enhance quality and excellence in academics and research in the higher education
• Create awareness and provide a perfect platform to upgrade knowledge, and
experience and discuss the ways to disseminate awareness.
• Identify and analyze various challenges
• Impact of COVID-19 on the higher education system in rural areas and highlighting
the challenges played by teachers and students through online education
• Impact of COVID-19 on the non-functionality of research centres and their facilities
available in the HEIs
• Implementation of NEP-2020 in HEIs

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 3

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Programme Schedule

Day 1: 14.10.2022 (Friday)

Inaugural Session
Programme Time
Welcome-Theme of Dr. Jitendra Vaswani,
10.00-10.10 am
the Seminar Convener and IQAC Coordinator
Introduction of the Ms. Vandana Chundawat
10.10-10.15 am
Guests Coordinator-Seminar
Prof. (Dr.) Alok Misra,
Presidential Address 10.15-10.25 am
Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University
Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya,
Chairperson Address 10.25-10.40 am
Chairperson, Mewar University
Shri Praveer Saxena,
Keynote Address 10.40-11.05 am
Ministry of Education, Government of India
Prof. Shyam Sundar Pattnaik,
Chief Guest
Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers 11.05-11.30 am
Inaugural Address
Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh
Dr. Gulzar Ahmed,
Vote of Thanks 11.30-11.35 am
Organizing Secretary
Tea Break 11.35-11.45 am

Technical Sessions
TECHNICAL SESSION – I Chairperson – Prof. Hari Singh, Mewar University
Prof. Yatendra Pal Singh,
Speaker Professor, Institute of Applied Sciences, Mangalayatan 11.45-12.25 pm
University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
Prof. N K Maheshwari,
Speaker Professor of Commerce and Director, Modi University, 12.25 – 1.05 pm
Prof. Harsh Purohit,
Speaker Professor and Dean, FMS-WISDOM and Law, Banasthali 1.05-1.45 pm
Vidyapith, Tonk
Lunch 1.45-2.30 pm
TECHNICAL SESSION – II Chairperson - Dr. Chetali Agrawal, Director- Research
Prof. Ravikant
Speaker Professor of Chemistry, Dean Research, Manglayathan 2.30 - 3.10 pm
Prof. Kuldeep Sharma,
Speaker 3.10 – 3.50 pm
Director (Rtd.), Jammu University, Jammu and Kashmir

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 4

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Day 2: 15.10.2022 (Saturday)

TECHNICAL SESSION – III Chairperson – Prof. R. Raja, Dean, Faculty of Engg. and Technology
Prof. M. D. Jahagirdar,
Speaker Vice Principle (Rtd.), Maulana Azad College, 09.30-10.10 am
Aurangabad, Director, MA Education Society
Prof. K. Anuradha
Head, Department of Microbiology
Speaker 10.10-10.50 am
Bhavan's Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities
and Commerce
Dr. Shyam Sunder Sharma,
Speaker Assistant Professor, Department of Hum. and Sciences, 10.50-11.30 am
GWEC, Ajmer
Tea Break 11.30-11.45 am
TECHNICAL SESSION – IV Chairperson – Dr. Gulzar Ahmed, Vice-Chairman, MUREC
Prof. Vani Laturkar,
Professor, School of Commerce and Management Studies,
Speaker 11.45-12.25 pm
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University,
Nanded, Maharashtra
Prof. Venkat VPRP,
Speaker 12.25-12.55 pm
Director-Medical & Compliance Mangalayatan University
Prof. K. Jhansi Rani,
Speaker Principal I/C, AMSASCW, Osmania University, 12.55-1.05 pm
Lunch 1:05-2:00 pm

TECHNICAL SESSION – V Chairperson – Dr. Esar Ahmad, Head, Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Meena Kapahi,

Speaker 2:00-2:50 pm
Professor, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad
Tea Break 3:15-3:30 pm
Valedictory Function
Valedictory Session: Chairperson – Dr. Dhwaj Kirti Sharma, Director Academic, Mewar University
Ms. Vandana Chundawat
Welcome to Dias 2.55-3.00 pm
Message by the Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya,
3.00-3.10 pm
Chairperson Chairperson, Mewar University
Rapporteur’s Dr. Sumit Kumar Pandey,
3.10-3.25 pm
Report Department of Mass, Media and Communication,
Message by the Prof. (Dr.) Alok Misra,
3.25-3.35 pm
Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University
Prof. P. Prakash,
Former Vice Chancellor, SRM University
Address by the 3:35-4.10 pm
Former Vice Chancellor, Dr. BRAOU, Hyderabad
Chief Guest
Pro-VC, IGNOU Add. Secretary Rtd., UGC
Dr. Jitendra Vaswani,
Vote of Thanks 4:10-4.15 pm
Convener and IQAC Co-ordinator

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 5

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Inaugural Session
The seminar was started on 14-10-2022 at 10.00 am. On the first day of the inaugural session,
the theme of the seminar was presented by Dr. Jitendra Vaswani (Convener of this Webinar
and IQAC Coordinator of the University). He briefed about the seminar and thanked NAAC
for sponsoring the seminar. He welcomed the guests and eminent speakers and all the
participants to the seminar.

Ms. Vandana Chundawat, Coordinator of the Seminar presented the introduction of the
Keynote Speaker Shri Praveer Saxena, Ministry of Education, Government of India and
Chief Guest Prof. Shyam Sundar Pattnaik, Director, NITTTR, Chandigarh. She also
briefed about the university and introduced the profile of the speakers. She welcomed all the
participants and subject experts and all higher officials of the university. She also proposed
the brief of NAAC and its functionaries.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Alok Misra, explained the university's commitment to the field of
academics and research, and said that we are constantly increasing research and innovations
based on problem-solving in rural areas where the university is situated. . He also said that
this is a need of the hour to think that now the teaching-learning process is not limited to tri-
polar only i.e. Teachers-students-parents but it is tetra-polar too i.e. Teachers-students-parents
and society.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya (The Chancellor of Mewar University) addressed the participants of
the seminar. He focused on the new education policy and the preparations of the university
according to the standards of NAAC. He also presented the vision and mission of Mewar
University and informed that the purpose of the establishment of Mewar University was the
aim of promoting education and research in rural areas. Mewar University with its MOTO
“Reach to Unreached” is committed to providing high-quality education and research at low
cost in rural areas despite difficult conditions. He further said that Mewar University is not
focusing its attention only on the rural areas of Rajasthan but is trying its best to provide
education to the poor students of different states across the country. Even the poor students
from abroad are getting the benefit of the efforts of Mewar University.

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 6

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Chief Guest Address

Prof. Shyam Sundar Patnayak,
Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers
Training and Research (NITTR), Chandigarh
Prof. Shyam Sundar Pattnaik is presently the Director of the
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and
Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh. The institute is an
autonomous institute of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of
India, established in the year 1967. Before joining the post
of Director, Prof Pattnaik served as vice-chancellor of Biju
Patnaik University of Technology, a Technical University
of Govt. of Odisha. He has more than 16 years of
experience as a Professor and nearly 4 years as a HAG
Professor. Prof Shyam Sundar Pattnaik completed his Post Doctoral Research from the
University of Utah, USA and PhD in Engineering (Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering) from (UCE, Burla) Sambalpur University, Odisha. Under the able supervision
and guidance of Prof SS Pattnaik, 24 students have completed their PhDs and one more is
pursuing his PhD work. A recipient of BOYSCAST FELLOWSHIP from DST, Govt. of
India, Prof Pattnaik has also been awarded SERC Visiting Fellowship, INSA Visiting
Fellowship, UGC Visiting Fellowship, Distinguished Faculty Award, National Educational
Excellence Award, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence, Bharat Excellence Award,
Institutional Leader Excellence Award, etc. First time in the country in the year 2012, he used
Google Hangout to conduct Live Faculty Training Programmes, thus opening a new approach
to digital pedagogy. During his tenure as Vice Chancellor, Prof Pattnaik brought out many
innovative approaches to the university. Digitization of the examination system of the
university could help to come out of the prolonged problem of non-issuance of certificates
and conduct of examinations on time. Prof Shyam Sundar Pattnaik is involved in the various
national and international committees in the capacity of Chairman and member. He believes
that socio-digital pedagogy will be the new normal for teaching-learning that will stand on the
platform of partnership and networking.
The chief guest of the inaugural session of this two-days National seminar was Professor
Shyam Sundar Pattnaik (Director-National Institute of Technical teachers training and
Research, Chandigarh). Prof. Pattnaik started his talk by quoting the sample of Nalanda and
Takshshila Academic Institutes of ancient times. He informed the audience of the seminar that
approx 90 Lac of the manuscripts were existing at that time. India was considered the
Vishwaguru. NEP-2020 is a new gateway to becoming Vishwaguru again. He raised concerns
about the future academic environment. He asked a stimulating question ‘Are we ready for
the next generation of metaverse world?’ He also suggested that the integration of
interdisciplinary areas of research, multi-disciplinary, and learning networking is much
needed. Along with this, the scheme-based project earning and multi-institutional projects are
also the scope for the new academic world. He said that it is now time when NEP is talking
about multidimensional education, multiple entries–multiple exit option, recognition of prior
learning, etc. It is time to move on from a department culture to centralized culture. He

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 7

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

suggested that rather than giving the funds to the individual departments we have to create the
centre of excellence. The centre of excellence must work for multidisciplinary research.
Training of the faculty members is very important so that students and society get benefitted.
The right way of finding the solution for all the problems is to go to funding agencies for
implementing the research and ideas. He mentioned that the Honourable Prime Minister of
India has inaugurated the rural solar village scheme. For a city like Chandigarh, it is
mandatory that whoever is having his house must have a solar power plant. But due to a lack
of maintenance and cleaning for these panels the efficiency is reduced. He suggested that we
can create a service industry in the field of maintenance. He spoke about the purpose of higher
education as opening up of minds In the end, he concluded his speech with a valuable remark
that ideas and implementation of Ideas are crucial, not money.

Keynote Address
Shri Praveer Saxena,
Ministry of Education, Government of India
Shri Praveer Saxena, Under Secretary Ministry of Education
Shastri Bhavan New Delhi. The work profile of Shri
Praveer Saxena includes the Administration of Central
University including their Act, Statutes, Ordinances and
many more, finance and budget, their Accreditations NAAC,
NBA and implementation of New Education Policy 2020.
Selection of Vice-Chancellor, Faculty and Non-faculty etc.
Keynote speaker Shri Praveer Saxena (Under Secretary from
the Ministry of Education, Government of India) spoke
about National Education Policy 2020. He stated that the new National Education Policy has
taken initiative related to promoting academic research for creating fresh knowledge which
will increase the gross enrollment ratio by bringing students from rural areas. He said that
bringing corporate funding and industry support for research. Since government has limited
funds for establishing research centres and also research in our country. Only the government
departments can't fulfil the funding needs of a large number of innovative ideas from Brilliant
Academicians across the country. The private and corporate sectors should take such types of
funding initiatives for the sake of society also. He further added that designing a new
curriculum to be aligned with new knowledge including arts, culture, environmental studies,
etc. The syllabus should be aligned with the new knowledge systems. He also said that
whatever good things we are doing we should share with other institutions and what other
institutions are doing, we should be a stakeholder in this effort.

Shri Praveer Saxena also briefed about the initiatives taken by NEP-2020 for elaborating
research culture in HEI. The emphasis that NEP has made on academic research is increasing
fresh knowledge, bringing students from rural areas situated in HEI and also an emphasis on
corporate funding and industry support for research.

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 8

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Technical Session 1
Chairperson – Prof. Hari Singh, Mewar University
Prof. Yatendra Pal Singh,
Professor, Institute of Applied Sciences, Mangalayatan
University, Aligarh, U.P.
Prof. Yatendra Pal Singh has around 10 years of teaching
experience and he is currently working as a Professor, at the
Institute of Applied Sciences along with the Director, IQAC
at Mangalayatan University, Aligarh. His research field is
Solar Physics and Material Science and has been a recipient
of JRF and SRF.
In the first technical session, Professor Yatendra Pal Singh
gave an account of the problems of rural students. He suggested that there is a need for data
centres in rural areas. He further added that teachers should be highly paid people. Teaching
should be one of the highest-paid professions in the country. He focused advantages and
disadvantages of virtual classes also. He suggested that India should create remote learning
centres. He also advised using technology for enhancing education in HEIs. This will ensure
that the local student population should increase and in turn also ensure that per capita income
should also increase. He suggested that we have to develop an international standard of
teaching. The Indian teachers are very versatile but they are limited in opportunities. There
must be a regularity framework for innovation. The government must formulate a framework
to allow innovations and new models where the focus can be shifted to need-based learning.

Prof. N K Maheshwari
Professor of Commerce and Director, Modi University,
Prof. N K Maheshwari has more than 26 years of experience
as an academician, researcher, administrator and Institutional
builder. Expertise in building, revitalizing, and optimizing
organizational processes, systems and infrastructure for
improving efficiency and delivering excellence. Liaison with
the industry, Government departments, Universities and
Schools in India apart from Brand Building and designing
Marketing strategies to produce high-performance results.
He has handled Financial Management & Analysis, Project Management, Budgeting, Cost
Reduction and Cost Control, Infrastructure creation and Management, MIS, Purchase and
Commercial functions in educational setup. Prof. N K Maheshwari has also been nominated
as an AICTE-NBA expert as a Member of the Committee for Accreditation of Technical
Institutions in 2012 and a Member of the Board of studies of State Government Universities.
Professor Maheshwari focused on research empowerment in rural areas. For this, he
suggested building an academic environment in higher educational institutions. He said that
the standardization of research for a good Ph.D. is also mandatory. Higher Educational

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Institutions should focus on problem-solving research, especially industrial problems. There is

always been inequality of the excess, whether of the resources, the curriculum or the
innovative courses. The southern part of India has built better academic architecture. Now
today we are talking about the development of research in rural areas. He also discussed what
is research and is the research relevant to resolving the problems of the industries. There are
libraries in urban areas, but there is a lack of library and internet connectivity in rural areas.
He suggested that standardization is the key point for research. The university in rural areas
should get entangled with the industries. We need to identify the problem from the industry
and take up the resolution to solve that problem.
He also informed the parameters of NEP-2020 in which the category of the Universities is
going to be decided. There is a big challenge now to get funds in the field of research. We
cannot force someone to conduct research. For that, we have to collaborate with the
industries. We need to understand all the schemes of the government bodies such as UGC,
DST, etc. We have to make the centre for teacher training and research centre, a hub in the
university system to train the staff to make a good research proposal where teachers are
trained to use innovative methods. We need to train the faculty members on how to use IT
tools and techniques.
He also emphasized developing the products for society such as cleaning water for the
community. Such type of research can be made for society and the industry. The biggest
challenge is to motivate the students. The right kind of student is to be motivated. We need to
motivate them for teaching. For private HEIs there are a lot of challenges. The economy has
to be taken care of by higher management. Prof. Maheshwari posed a question “How we will
get good research if we teach irreverent things?” We should be practical in teaching, we
should add industry problems. To get good quality, research we need to proper mindset and
the management of the institution has to think about it. Motivating people towards research
and creating or cultivating the atmosphere is a bigger challenge for policymakers. This will
make a change in society after the implementation of NEP-2020. Good teaching practices
should be included.

Prof. Harsh Purohit,

Professor and Dean, FMS-WISDOM and Law,
Banasthali Vidyapith, Tonk, Rajasthan
Dr. Harsh Purohit is serving as a Professor of Personal
Finance at the largest residential university for women’s
education in India - Banasthali Vidyapith and the Dean of 2
Schools, FMS as well as the Faculty of Law that have a
combined enrollment of 3500 girls, and reports directly to
the VC. He also heads the National Center for Corporate
Governance set up by NFCG, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
and he is also on the Board of Directors of 2 companies. He has contributed to raising CSR
grants for the university from Bank of America, SBI, Tech Mahindra Foundation, HDFC
Bank, Jamnalal Bajaj Found etc. and received 9 awards from Principal Mutual Funds, ICSI,

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Lions Club etc. for the promotion of Financial Literacy in India. Global rank Top 5% among
3,25,000 researchers registered on SSRN, USA
Professor Harsh Purohit explained the NAAC framework for best practices. He talked about
some new ideas on best practices, financial literacy for the youth, the promotion of
entrepreneurship culture among the youth and add-on programmes for career progressions. He
discussed the NAAC Framework. He defines the context, objectives, practice and impact
related to NAAC. He discussed the best practice that an HEI can adopt, such as financial
literacy planning, promotion of entrepreneurship culture etc among the youth. He suggested
running programmes for career progression. financial literacy subject to be taught, and a
centre of excellence can do things in a little different way. Education for women should be
promoted. He gave an example of Banasathali University which is a university for women,
not a women’s university. It is a women-centric university in terms of its choice of
programmes and generally the way it perceives education always keeping in mind the special
needs and strengths of women. Are women fit for higher education? This point was also
explained by Prof. Purohit. He also discussed new initiatives in the higher education system
that suggested adopting them as some best practices.

Technical Session 2
Chairperson – Dr. Chetali Agrawal, Director- Research, Mewar University

Prof. Ravikant,
Professor of Chemistry, Dean Research, Manglayathan
Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Kant, for the past 22 years, has been
involved in research, innovations and consultancy in the
area of organic synthesis, bioorganometallies, material
science, matellopharmaceutical chemistry and intellectual
property protection management along with teaching. The
impact of his research work is visible in publications of the
route along with patents published, granted and
In technical session 2, Professor Ravikant said that research and innovation in higher
education institutions play very important roles in the modern education system and the
economic development of the country. He also emphasised the role of NEP in the holistic
development of students and the optimal learning environment. New Education Policy 2020
plans to have a Choice Based Credit System, Multi-disciplinary, vocational courses and
multiple entries and multiple exits in the education system. Outcome-based research and
internationalization of the Indian education system are also very important. Industry academic
collaboration will help promote research in our country. Only a PhD cell is not enough for
research and development activities, active Research and Development cell, an IPR cell and a
good research policy are required for the promotion of research. The consultancy has to be
promoted by higher education institutions. Seed money and incentives to the faculty members
should be provided to promote research in the institutes. He also suggested that an

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

institutional innovation council should be constituted. Higher education institutes should offer
programmes in regional languages.

Prof. Kuldeep Sharma,

Director (Rtd.), Jammu University, Jammu and
Prof. Kuldeep Sharma is awarded Ashutosh Mukherjee
Fellowship from Indian Science Congress Association,
Kolkatta. He earned B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees
from the University of Jammu. Joined as Research
Scientist (1985-87) Ministry of Environment (GOI) in the
Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu.
Served as Lecturer (1987-95), Reader (1995-2003),
Professor (2003 – 2016), Head (2011 – 2014) in the
Department of Zoology and Dean (2014 – 2016) Faculty of Life Sciences, University of
Jammu. With 38 years of teaching experience to students of Post Graduate, M.Phil. and PhD
programmes since 1984, and has guided 35 Ph.D. and 30 M.Phil. scholars. Published 01
Monograph, 04 chapters in books and more than 150 research papers in various National and
International Journals and Conferences. Published/Edited 09 books. 10 research projects were
Professor Kuldeep Sharma announced in the seminar that he is awarded Ashutosh Mukherjee
Fellowship from Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkatta. He also said that the
government is planning that each district will have a private or Govt university. One should
focus on refined research for benefit of mankind, and society. There is a deficiency of
equipments for research in many higher education institutions. The role of the university
located in rural areas is to take research to rural areas by signing various MoUs. He also said
that institutes must encourage researchers to publish their work in standard journals. HEIs
need to develop strategies for identifying and funding projects for the upliftment of mankind.
NEP-2020 propose the establishment research foundation in our country which will change
the research scenario and will channel the funding appropriately. Every institution should
have a growth plan that can enhance the research in the institution. Research integrity should
be maintained in the institutions. Research culture can be established by taking up good
practices followed by other institutes, particularly by institutes in the nearby area. Many
research centres are working in isolation while collaborative research can give better results as
compared to research done in isolation. Pooling of data will be helpful and will give better
results in a shorter duration. He also mentioned that challenges in the research for higher
education institutions can be controlled and tackled by liberal funding. International
collaborative research projects should be liberally funded. Research and innovation in higher
education institutions play a central role in the advancement of societies and economics as
they foster economic growth, strengthen technological processes and enhance job creation.
Modern and effective management is required in higher education institutions. The faculty
taking up consultancy must be properly rewarded by the institution.

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Technical Session 3
Chairperson – Prof. R. Raja, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Prof. M. D. Jahagirdar
Former Vice Principal, Maulana Azad College,
Prof. M. D. Jahagirdar had been closely associated with
NAAC as an assessor member coordinator and had visited
around 125 colleges and universities. He has been an
advisor to 6 universities and had been a member of state-
level IQAC.
Prof. M. D. Jahagirdar said that education plays important
role in the development of the country and as a result, there
must be some robust education system by censoring the
quantity and quality. NAAC is accessing and monitoring higher education institutions
including universities, deemed to be universities and private universities. He also mentioned
that even after having very good institutes like IITs, IIMs, and IISc, India does not have a
world-class university till 2020. There should be strategic planning for the promotion of
quality research in the institution. Quality will come in the research when the faculty
members are appointed in the institution. If an institution wants to maintain its quality, the
faculty members should be up to the mark. He explained that IQAC is not a department, after
the first NAAC accreditation, IQAC works as the catalyst. The main function of the IQAC is
planning, guiding and monitoring the activities and has to take the initiatives pertaining to the
academics of the institution and ensures the initiatives are completed. He suggested that
involvement is needed for everybody to reach the unreached. We have to work on ICT-
enabled teaching-learning, personality development and skill development of the students,
teaching and non-teaching staff. Keeping in view the preparations for NAAC evaluation, he
said that seed money should also be arranged to promote research in higher educational
institutions. He further said that IQAC should encourage the faculty members to perform
good research. IQAC coordinator should contact every department for accessing the research
activities. NEP-2020 will totally change the scenario of the education system and NAAC
manual also. Every university has to implement the new education policy. Seed money and
rewards must be provided by the management to promote research activities in the university.

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Prof. K. Anuradha
Head, Department of Microbiology, Bhavan's
Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities and
Prof. K. Anuradha has 27 years of teaching experience with
an interest in the field of Medical Microbiology, Microbial
technology, Microbial biodiversity, Nanobiotechnology,
Bioinformatics, and Virology and Immunology. Received
State Meritorious Teacher Award-2021 and a Certificate of
Merit, Medal and Cash Award in recognition of my
distinguished service as a Teacher by the Higher Education
Department, Government of Telangana in the year 2021
Prof. K. Anuradha shared her views on Quality Research and Innovative Measures for
Autonomous Higher Educational Institutes. She Said that higher educational institutions
should also constitute Research Development Committee.
Prof. K. Anuradha gave a presentation on “Quality research and innovative measures for
autonomous higher education institutes” In this topic, she gave a brief review of the research
approach that research is an art of scientific investigation. What is the meaning of good
research? Role of RDC (research and development cell) for quality research. Functions of
RDC as per UGC guidelines. Role of RDC in NEP 2020, IPR policy and many more
interesting facts about RDC and research ethics. Prof. K. Anuradha put her views on Quality
Research and Innovative Measures for Autonomous Higher Educational Institutes. She Said
that higher educational institutions should also constitute Research Development Committee.
She focused on a few points like research is a quest for knowledge through diligent search or
investigation or experimentation and the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge, a
careful investigation for enquiries, especially through search for new facts in any branch of
She emphasized the importance of a research plan, and functions of RDC, research thrust
areas and cluster areas, research incentives and recognitions and technology development. She
also expressed her views on integrity and ethics, capacity building and research monitoring
Prof. Shyam Sunder Sharma,
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and
Sciences, GWEC, Ajmer, Rajasthan
Dr. S. S. Sharma is currently a senior faculty in the
Department of Humanities & Science (Physics) at the
Government Women Engineering College in Ajmer, India.
He received his Ph. D degree in Physics from the University
of Rajasthan, Jaipur, in the field of Organic Solar Cells. He
has been honoured for his research work with an Innovative
Engineer Award by United Engineers Council. He is a life
member of the Indian Physics Association (IPA), Indian

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), Material Research Society of India (MRSI) and the
Indian Science Congress Association.
Dr Sharma shared his presentation and enlighten the participants about the role of digital
learning towards higher education in rural areas. He explained the education system in India,
challenges in the higher education system in India, Digital learning platforms, MOOCs
platforms in India, virtual labs, and digital libraries. Higher education in India governed by
UGC has a three-tier structure comprising the university, college and course. Challenges in
Higher Education in India like lack of guidance, financial issues, shortage of faculty, gender
inequality etc. e-learning is the new way of learning which attracts students. The higher
education institutes approving credit transfers from SWAYAM courses can demand the
issued certificate to verify the grade obtained. He also discussed open learning platforms for
enhancing the knowledge of students in higher education. Different regulatory bodies such as
the Medical Council of India (MCI), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and
the Bar Council of India (BCI), among others, manage different professional courses. He
further said that Informal education includes pre-primary, coaching classes, vocational
education and multi-media/technology-based educational courses aiding as a supplement or
substitute to formal education.
He elaborated on the Challenges in Higher Education in India and said that while most of
these areas need transformative changes, which will take time, technology can help drive it
faster. With the increased use of smartphones in rural areas, e-learning platforms can be
accessed easily. This new way of learning can be made attractive to children. Courses from
the best educators' e-libraries for research material and teachers will all be available in an

Technical Session 4
Chairperson – Dr. Gulzar Ahmed, Vice-Chairman, MUREC
Prof. Vani Laturkar
Professor of Commerce & Management Studies, Swami
Ramanand Teerth Marathawada University, Nanded,
Prof. Vani Laturkar is having the additional charge of the
Director of the Institutional IQAC committee and RUSA
(Rashtriya Ucchhatar Siksha Abhiyaan) Coordinator of the
university. She has contributed as Institutional NAAC
Coordinator for this university with a NAAC accreditation
'A' grade brought to this university in March 2015. With
UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative)
training of AICTE completed recently, she is the recipient of the Fulbright Nehru Fellow
Award of 2019 of the U.S.A. under the USIEF scheme. also being trained under the highly
prestigious LEAP training of MHRD conducted by Tata Institute of Social sciences, Mumbai
with the University of Pennsylvania of U.S.A.
Prof. Laturkar shared her views on NACC criteria, the establishment of an incubation centre,
and many more interesting facts about research, research publication, self-financed
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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

universities and their management. Prof. Laturkar focused on the role of HEIs in excelling in
research in the institutes. She said that HEIs should establish a research centre. She said that
management should treat their researchers as a parent so that they can feel free to perform
wonderful research with their utmost dedication. She further added that the development of
innovative fundamental research is crucial. Management should play a key role in designing,
implementing and maintenance of the university programmes, all the services should be in
operation and even using the measurement system the overall performance is increasing or
not. As a private university, it can concentrate on two types of research one is Academic
research and other is sponsored research. Institutional visibility and reputation should always
reflect in the output of the research. The management should seriously think about the
research policy. The newer technologies and the newer areas should be explored and should
be included in the policy documents. The management has to be the leader, the management
has to monitor, what are the concerned benchmarks. There should be a committee that
observes all the processes through proper channels. If the work has to be patented, when and
by whom, how it should be commercialized, and by whom it should be commercialized.
Whatever is best is done in the research that should be promoted. Prof. Laturkar also
explained why we are lacking in the research. She also suggested for reward system and
appreciation of faculty members. She also explained the all parameter of research and
management for a good education system.
Prof. Venkat VPRP
Director, Medical Services, Mangalayatn University,
Prof. Venkat VPRP is currently working as Director,
Medical Services at Mangalayatan University, Aligarh,
Uttar Pradesh. He holds a Master's degree in
Management and Ph.D(HRM) from Acharya Nagarjuna
University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. He has good
experience in management, research and administration
especially NAAC accreditation, 12B, ICAR, NBA, etc.
He has around 33 years of experience which includes
administrative experience in Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Muran Limited, Tata Cancer
Hospital, Mumbai etc.
Prof. Venkat VPRP focused on NAAC Accreditation & its importance for the academics in
the university. He suggested that every university should encourage faculty members to
perform research, publication, and patents. He further added that most private universities are
facing the problem of a lower rate of admissions. So they should also focus on NAAC or
NIRF Ranking. It directly affects admission positively. NAAC has seven criteria. In the seven
criteria, everybody has to take care of all the fields and each field is having distinctiveness.
He also said if we want to go to any of the improvements then we have to route through
IQAC which is the highest body for a university, which is headed by Vice-Chancellor. IQAC
should have 5-years plan, the proper schedule must be there and implementation of the
schedule must be done to achieve our goals. The suggestions given by IQAC should be
properly completed and documents should be maintained. For AQAR, improvements have to
be done in all sectors. The most important part is research for promoting the university and

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

getting a good ranking for getting good admissions. Hence a good number of students has to
attract. For each organization, one has to go through the NAAC manual seriously and
maintain the data according to that. The institutions that are good NAAC grades may receive
government grants easily.
Prof. K. Jhansi Rani,
Principal, I/C, AMSASCW, Osmania University,
Prof. K. Jhansi Rani is currently working as Head &
Associate Professor in the Public Administration
Department, Principal I/c at Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts &
Science College for Women, with the additional position of
Member Secretary - Academic Council, Coordinator
Prof. K. Jhansi Rani shared her PowerPoint presentation. On
behalf of Prof. Rani, the PPT was presented by Dr. Jitendra Vaswani, IQAC Co-ordinator,
Mewar University.
The title of the presentation focused on challenges and innovative measures for the
enhancement of education and research. The importance of the promotion of research and
related facilities, resourse mobilization for research, innovation ecosystem, research
publications and awards, consultancy, extension activities, and collaboration were presented.
The importance of research innovation and extension criteria for the universities were covered
in the presentation. The NAAC parameter of research and development were also presented.

Technical Session 5
Chairperson – Dr. Esar Ahmad, Head, Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Meena Kapahi

Professor, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad
Dr. Meena Kapahi is currently working as Professor in the
Chemistry Department, Manav Rachna University,
Faridabad. She did her Ph.D. in the area of bioremediation
from MRIIRS, Faridabad. The research involved employing
Pleurotus species and the spent mushroom substrate to
explore the biosorption potential for heavy metals. She has
more than 17years of teaching & approx. one-year industry
experience. She has published papers in journals of national
and international repute. She is the chairperson of the Office
of International Affairs (OIA) and is responsible for planning and executing International
Students’ Internships and cultural visits at the university. Being the coordinator of the
Accreditations team, she has successfully submitted applications like QS I-GAUGE and
Times Engg. Survey.
Prof. Meena Kapahi discussed the roadmap for NAAC evaluation in this technical session and
discussed the A&A process of NAAC. She started with the vision of NAAC, explaining the

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

general documentation process. She suggested that the NAAC evaluation should be done by
the internal university monitoring committee first. When we start preparing for NAAC, we
are aiming at sustained quality initiatives, in the academic environment. The university
website should be the point of contact for anyone. This website should be interactive,
functional, dynamic and informative. Data needs to be accurate and complete in all respects in
the templates provided. POs, PSOs and COs which are integrated into the assessment process
should be widely publicized through the website and other documents. The annual Quality
Assurance Report (AQAR) which is very important should be updated on the website.
Whatever document we want to refer, that should be lying in this domain. We have to take
care of all the parameters. IT and Computer facilities are provided and are adequate for all
staff and students. It should be available to all students and staff. All the photos and pictures
which we are taking should be geotagged. All the academic documents such as Board of
Studies/Academic Council/Discipline committee/Examination related/Departmental
committees should be on the website and also the composition, functionality, regularity,
minutes, audited statements of the accounts, annual reports of the institute should be available
on the website. Action taken report should also be mentioned on the website. Documented
feedback received from the stakeholders such as Industries, Parents, Alumni, etc. should also
be projected on the Institution’s website.

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Valedictory Session
Chairperson – Dr. Dhwaj Kirti Sharma, Director Academic, Mewar University
Prof. P. Prakash,
Former Vice Chancellor, SRM University, Pro-VC,
IGNOU, Add. Secretary Rtd., UGC
Dr. P. Prakash is an alumnus of Osmania University,
Hyderabad, he did Post Doctoral research in Plant
Molecular Systems at Humboldt University, Germany.
Served as Vice-Chancellor, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open
University, Hyderabad, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi
National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi and also as
Registrar of Maulana Azad National Urdu University
(MANUU), Hyderabad. Before assuming the charge of
Vice-chancellor, SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, Haryana, was Additional Secretary,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Elected as a Fellow of the A.P. Academy of
Sciences. Hyderabad and also a Founder Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences. Being a
native of the Multilingual and Multicultural city of Hyderabad has a passion to be amid
heterogeneous complexes for evolving appropriate strategies for betterment. While in UGC,
contributed immensely to Tertiary Education, Planning, Policies and Coordination,
particularly in the context of maintenance of Quality Education. As a Member Secretary of
UGC Curricula Committees, formulated subjects Curricula for many
undergraduate/postgraduate subjects. Formulated guidelines for e-content, learning object
repositories and e-learning concepts. Played a pivotal role in the networking of varsities
through NMEICT, National Knowledge Network apart from e-journal consortia.
The Valedictory session was addressed by Prof. P. Prakash. He said that teachers are the ones
who spread innovation among the students. He appreciated the efforts of Mewar University to
provide accessible and quality education to the students of rural society. He also gave
information about different types of fellowship programs. He suggested that Mewar
University has done many of the programs which are close to NEP2020. He informed the
participants about various schemes of SERB. Especially he focused on SERV VAJRA
Fellow, wherein the university can always bring an International expert for higher learning.
The entire expenditure has been made by SERB. Also, the host institution can send its faculty
members to their institution. The cost is reimbursed by SERB under the scheme VAJRA. He
suggested that institutions should apply for such types of fellowship programs and
collaboration. STAR is a scheme where teachers from an age group of 40-50, will get
research funding by submitting their strong research proposals. He also said that HEI is the
institution of temples of learning. They are only meant for wisdom, and for providing
The Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Jitendra Vaswani (Convener of this National Seminar
and IQAC Coordinator of Mewar University).
The Seminar ended with National Anthem.

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Outcomes of the Seminar

• Various steps are taken in NEP 2020 for promoting research.
• Institutes should approach corporate for funding their research activities.
• NEP-2020 is a new gateway for India to become Vishwaguru again
• We have to prepare for the next generation in a metaverse world.
• Institutes should develop the centre excellence and work for Multi-disciplinary and
interdisciplinary research
• There is a need for data centres to be developed in rural areas.
• The government must formulate a framework to allow innovations and new models
where the focus can shift to need-based learning.
• The standardization of research for a good Ph.D. is mandatory
• The university in rural areas should get entangled with the industries.
• There is a strong need to train faculty members on how to use IT tools and techniques.
• We should be practical in teaching, we should add industry problems
• Financial literacy planning, promotion of entrepreneurship culture etc. among the youth
is important
• NEP 2020 has an important role in the holistic development of students and the optimal
learning environment.
• Seed money and incentives to the faculty members should be provided to promote
research in the institutes
• The role of the university located in rural areas is to take research to rural areas by
signing various MoUs
• HEIs need to develop strategies for identifying and funding projects for the upliftment of
• Pooling of data will be helpful and will give better results in a shorter duration.
• Modern and effective management is required in higher education institutions.
• Management should treat their researchers as a parent so that they can feel free to
perform wonderful research with their utmost dedication.
• The newer technologies and the newer areas should be explored and should be included
in the research policy documents
• Most private universities are facing the problem of a lower number of admissions.
• Teachers are the ones who spread innovation among the students
• To develop knowledge on the implementation of NEP 2020.
• To develop skills for inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary Higher Learning.
• To build quality governance and leadership qualities.
• It was suggested by the eminent speakers how we can improve the quality of education in
the HEIs.

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Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Follow-up Actions
• The initiatives suggested in NEP 2020 are incorporated into the agenda and
objectives of the university.
• The university has organized events and discussions as suggested in the seminar.
• The university has established a centre of excellence that focuses on multi-
disciplinary research and the suggestion given by expert speakers.
• The university has taken steps to provide quality education to the students of rural
• The university has taken steps to have new MoUs with national and international
institutes and industries for a better research environment.
• The university is focusing to perform research on the problems in the nearby rural
areas as suggested by the experts.
• The university aims to implement the recommendations made by the resource
persons and put those recommendations into practice within the institution to achieve
quality enhancement in all aspects.

Mewar University would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to the National Accreditation
and Assessment Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for the acceptance of the seminar proposal and
funding of the two days National Seminar.
The Organizing Committee of the seminar would also like to thank Prof. P.Ramaiah, former
Vice-Chancellor, Mewar University for his able guidance in conducting this seminar.

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 21

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

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Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 22

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 23

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 24

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 25

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 26

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 27

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Media Coverage

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 28

Challenges and Innovative Measures for Enhancement of Education and Research in HEIs of Rural Areas

Mewar University, NH-48, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – 312901 29

Contact Details:
Ph: +91-1471-285451, 52
Mob: +91-9414497990, +91-9982094533, +91-7073760092, +91-9660782035
3/27/23, 5:59 PM MoE, National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF)

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