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EPI MIcroplan

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Goal: To increase FIC from 48 % (2023) to 95% at the end of 2024 and sustain 0 cases of vaccine related diseases

Activities Steps specific dates output indicator

I. Communication
. Present the EPI analysis table Quarterly
1. Identify causes of very high percentage
of unimmunized child
2. Re-orientation on proper storage Quarterly
of vaccine & proper disposal of waste

3. Identify AEFI emergency Response Team Monthly meeting

II. Implementation phase
a. update master list of 0-11 mos. Monthly
b. identify the un immunized child monthly
(Compare surveyed masterlist to TCL
c. conduct door to door technique monthly
for follow up immunization and advocacy
d. surveillance of vpd cases
d. monitoring of ref temp,storage daily
III. Recording and reporting
1. Checking of TCL,FHSIS monthly
2. Plotting accomp to EPI MC monthly
3. Monthly inventory end of the month
4. PIR quarterly
IV. Monitoring and Supervision
a. Conduct regular visits/monitoring to BHS monthly
(once a month)

Prepared by:

Jimely C. Quinones,RN
Nurse II
Responsible Person Resources Needed Expected Key Result

PHN table analyzed

identified and solved
the cause of the problem
phn vaccine, transport box..etc staff oriented

MHO,PHNs,RHMs,Hospital staff identified

RHMs,BHWs ballpen,bondpaper all 0-11mos identified

RHMs Masterlist,tcl identified

PHN,RHMs vaccine with proper storage all missed children were vaccinated
syringes,tcl,list of
identified unimmunized child
cold chain manager 2 thermo well monitored
RHMs,PHNs TCL,FHSIS all reports submitted on time

phns accomp report recorded

phn invent. Form recorded
MHO,PHNs,RHMs accomp report done

phn Tool monitored (Sched)

Noted by:

cwsar b. cating
Municipal Health Officer
Municipality : Santa Ana
1. To increase Immnunization coverage from 48 % (2023)to 90 % at the end of 2024
2. To create awareness on the importance of REP
problems identified Specific activity

1. Governance/Leadership
Lobby for the funding support of NIP
Inadequate budget for NIP during LHB/BHB
2. Capacity Building

no orientation orientation of RHU staff on NIP

orientation of BHWs, other identified

3. Service Delivery
No regular allocation of funds specific for Health
promotion at the barangay and municipal levels for
supplies, communication and transportation
alllowances for NIP Request for augmentation
lobby for permanent RHM assigned in
inadequate manpower the area

4. Demand for services

Dialogues with other local partners and

leaders (e.g. Barangay chairmen and
officials, BHWs, BHERTs; Community-
based leaders and representatives of
limited information of other population and the
community-based organizations (no
spread of misinformation with regard to vaccination.
internet access, PWDs, people living in
GIDAs, IPs, women's groups, transport
groups, youth groups; Representatives
of FBOs; NGOs, CSOs, civic, and other

Intensify IEC

5. monitoring and evaluation

No frequent data quality check conduct DQC

No PIR conduct PIR
output responsible person timeline resource requirements total amount

approved increased MHO/NIP Work activity and

budget for NIP coordinator/RHM 4th Q 2024 financial plan

RHU staff oriented MHO/NIP Coordinator 4th Q 2024 snacks, meals 5000 /
BHE and identified
stakeholders MHO/NIP
oriented Coordinator/RHM 4th Q 2024 snacks, meals 10000 /

transportation and
augmentation MHO/NIP gasoline.
approved Coordinator/RHM 4th Q 2024 Supplies/logistics 100000 /
permanent RHM
lobbied MHO 4th Q 2024

transportation and
Dialoque done 4th Q 2024 gasoline. /
MHO/NIP Supplies/logistics, IEC
IEC intensified Coordinator/RHM all year round mat 10000 /

conducted NIP coordinator quarterly

conducted Coordinator/RHM /semi annual 5000 /
fund source
blgu doh ngo others

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