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Reading Comprehension

1 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.


A How can you tell that somebody is lying? The lie detector machines which some police forces
employ to question suspects are controversial and, moreover, not available in everyday life. So is
body language a better guide to whether someone is telling the truth? In fact, it’s a myth that
people who are lying make less eye contact, move their hands more and fidget in their seats more
than people who are telling the truth. Studies have shown that liars don’t do any of these things
any more than truthful people. It seems the way we use our voices and the language we choose is
far more revealing.
B It’s far easier to control our gestures than our speech, especially when we are trying to
convince people that we are telling the truth. Body language, therefore, can be very misleading.
But it’s hard to maintain the natural speech patterns we use when telling the truth when we are
lying. This was illustrated in a British TV experiment by psychologist Professor Richard
Wiseman, who asked celebrities to talk twice about their favourite films and foods - once telling
the truth and once lying. Although the viewers found it very difficult to tell when the celebrities
were lying, Prof Wiseman noticed that they told the truth and told lies in very similar ways.
C According to Prof Wiseman, one of the main differences between people who are lying and
people who are telling the truth is that the former simply say less. When being dishonest, people
use fewer words and also hesitate and pause more. Interestingly, Prof Wiseman also says people
try to distance themselves from their lies by using the first person as little as possible. One
celebrity used the word “I” when talking about his true favourite food 17 times, but only 9 times
when pretending to talk about his favourite food. In addition, liars very rarely say that they don’t
remember a detail, whereas people telling the truth are happy to admit forgetting some things. So
the next time you find yourself wondering whether someone is telling the truth, forget about their
bodies and faces and focus on their words.

1 What is the main purpose of this article?

1. A to explain how a person’s body language can reveal when they are lying
2. B to list the techniques used by the police to tell when a person is lying
3. C to dispel some myths about lying
4. D to give a review of a British TV show

2 According to the article, what are people who are telling the truth more likely to do than people
who are lying?
1. A gesture with their hands
2. B talk at length
3. C make eye contact
4. D hesitate while talking

3 Who were the participants of Professor Wiseman’s experiment?

1. A a group of famous people
2. B a group of actors
3. C a group of food experts
4. D a group of psychologists
4 How many times did each of the participants in Professor Wiseman’s experiments have to talk?
1. A once
2. B twice
3. C three times
4. D four times

5 In paragraph C, who does themselves refer to?

1. A the participants in Professor Wiseman’s experiment
2. B psychologists who study the nature of lying
3. C people who are telling lies
4. D people who are telling the truth

Reading Comprehension
1 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.


A Hot countries are spending a lot of money on keeping cool. In Australia, for example, a tenth
of the money small businesses spend on energy goes on air conditioning. In the United States,
meanwhile, families with air conditioning systems use them so much that they account for 16%
of their energy bills, with the average system costing $280 to run annually. Small changes in
building and garden design, however, could greatly reduce the financial and ecological cost of air
B One of the most promising developments in green design is ‘smart’ glass which automatically
adjusts to the temperature. The smart glass darkens in high temperatures, taking only seconds to
do so, and becomes clearer when it’s cold. Used in windows, smart glass reflects a large amount
of sunlight away from a building in summer, reducing the need for air conditioning inside.
Unlike permanently tinted windows, smart glass windows also help to minimise heat loss in
winter by making maximum use of any available sunlight.
C But you don’t need technology to cut your air conditioning and heating bills - nature can help
too. Energy-saving experts estimate that having trees to provide shade outside your walls and
windows - particularly west-facing ones - can lower the need for air conditioning by as much as
50%. Well-positioned trees can also act as a shield against cold winter winds. One academic
from the Centre for Urban Forest Research in the United States has told Americans that if they
plant just one young tree on the west side of their homes, their energy bills will be 12% lower
within 15 years.

1 What is the main purpose of this article?

1. A to advise people how to reduce their heating costs
2. B to persuade people to stop using air conditioning systems
3. C to inform people of ways to save money
4. D to recommend a product
2 In paragraph A, what does them refer to?
1. A air conditioning systems
2. B energy bills
3. C American families
4. D small businesses

3 On average, how much do American families spend on air conditioning?

1. A $16 a month
2. B $280 a year
3. C 10% of their incomes
4. D 16% of the total cost of their energy bills

4 In what way can smart glass reduce the cost of air conditioning?
1. A It can produce solar power for air conditioning systems to use instead of electricity.
2. B It can automatically open windows to allow fresh air to blow inside.
3. C It can prevent rays from the sun from overheating a house.
4. D It can allow heat inside a house to escape outside.

5 According to the article, what can happen if you plant a tree outside your home?
1. A You can reduce your need for heating by 50 per cent.
2. B You can protect your house against damage by strong winds.
3. C You can save on household energy bills by 12% per year.
4. D You can save on household energy costs in the long term.

Study the situations and write sentences using needn't, must, shouldn’t, didn’t have
to and mustn't.
1. You think it’s not a good idea for your friend to throw away recyclable items. Offer your
friend advice.
2. You shouldn’t throw away recyclable items.
3. Your brother wants to fish in the lake. Tell him that he is not allowed to.
4. Your friend wants to know whether to change the setting on her fridge. Tell her it’s not

5. You believe that people have a strong obligation to protect animal habitats from
destruction. Express this belief to your friend.
6. Your classmate has asked you whether you paid for the school trip. Tell him it wasn’t

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.
1. Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals. MUST
Visitors to the zoo mustn’t give food to the animals.
2. It wasn’t necessary for Cameron to learn the poem by heart. HAVE
Cameron ________________________________________________ the poem by heart.
3. Recycling household waste is a good idea for all of us. OUGHT
We all ____________________________________________________ household waste.
4. It isn’t necessary for George to get to work early tomorrow. DOES
George __________________________________________ get to work early tomorrow.
5. They made Greg pay a fine for littering. HAD
Greg ____________________________________________________ a fine for littering.


This well known social media site _____ (1) become somewhat of a controversial topic of
conversation in recent times _____ (2) to several claims of misuse of big data. Facebook was
founded in 2003 and was origionally known _____ (3) “Facemash”. It was created by Marc
Zuckerberg, who at the time, was a student _____ (4) Harvard University. The growth of this site
has been exponencial since its creation and _____ (5) its peak had more than 2 billion members.
One issue that only came _____ (6) light during the filming of the movie “The Social Network”
in 2010, was the fact that there was a court case regarding the founding of this site, with a legal
case _____ (7) Zuckerberg for the rights to Facebook. This resulted in a huge payout to keep
everybody schtum. What is clear is that in _____ (8) of its controversies regarding privacy and
fake news, Facebook is here to stay.

Fill in the gaps in the text with one word. More than one answer may be possible.

I never want to hear the term “Black Friday” again.

It has always astonished me ____ (1) people go so crazy during the Black Friday sales. It surely
can´t be all that important to get a discount on some inanimate object? What I am going to do in
this little article is talk about some of the things that have happened to me while suffering Black
Friday in what I can only describe as savage event. I don´t normally spend a great deal of time
shopping in January, but my other half insisted on venturing to the shopping centre and that we
needed ____ (2) new pots and pans, so I didn´t really have a choice. It all started on the opening
of the doors at 9.00 am, there was already a massive queue that stretched around the block and
some of them had ____ (3) waiting there since the early hours. People got really nervous before
opening and now I know why. As soon ____ (4) the doors opened it turned into a stampede. It
was as ____ (5) everyone had turned into a wild animal. I was so surprised as you can see old
ladies of 70 hitting and pushing people, also mothers with their children shouting and screaming.
I truly believe that it is the advertisers fault for all of this craziness. They should ____ (6) be
allowed to pressure people into buying these products. Most people don´t even need them. If it
were my choice, I would never go back. This year I was pushed to the ground and I hurt ____ (7)
knee, now I can´t run in my race on Saturday and in the end we went ____ (8) the most
expensive pans that I have ever seen in my life. Now, I´m broke, what a disaster!
Fill in the gaps in the text with one word. More than one answer may be possible.
Successful people

The internet is overloaded nowadays with consultants and Youtubers selling their visions of
success _____ (1) the world. We are sure that you have heard of many highly successful people
who follow strict routines _____ (2) may seem odd. These routines can consist of strict
timetables, vigorous workouts or even strange diets. Supposedly Mark Wahlberg gets up at 2:30
am to begin _____ (3) daily workout regime and Mozart always insisted on starting the day with
a coffee made with exactly 60 coffee beans that he counted out himself. We are not insinuating
that you must start an obsessive routine, but it is clear that when a person has structure in their
life, success is easier to achieve. _____ (4) we are trying to get across in this post is that
language learning, like many other things in life depends on LIFE CHOICES. People who learn
languages in a consistent way will _____ (5) guaranteed success! It is all _____ (6) easy to make
excuses and insist that you have no time to learn a language, but this is really _____ (7) to a
person´s own decisions. It is easy to make time for language learning when a person really wants
to, all they have to do is adapt their routine and organise themselves in _____ (8) to find the
necessary time and be consistent.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word in bold. Use two to five words including the word given.

1. You can check the dictionary for the definition of words you don't know. UP
When you don't know the meaning of a word you can __________________ a dictionary.
2. You can do your laundry for nothing at the campsite. COST
It _________________________________________ to do your laundry at the campsite.
3. You should make an extra copy of the files in case your computer crashes. UP
It’s a good idea ___________________________ the files in case your computer crashes.
4. The air traffic controllers were on strike, so they cancelled all flights. OWING
All flights __________________________________ a strike by the air traffic controllers.
5. He insisted on me renting a car. MADE
He ________________________________________________________________ a car.
6. The race was postponed until next week. PUT
The race has ________________________________________________ until next week.
7. You really don't need to come over. POINT
There’s really ________________________________________________________ over.
8. All the houses apart from mine were damaged in the storm. ONLY
My house was the ______________________________________ damaged in the storm.
Choose the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

One day in March 2012 in Henryville, Indiana, USA, school bus driver Angel Perry was taking
the children home early because of 0) A weather when she heard a radio broadcast 1) ...... that a
tornado was approaching. She had 11 elementary school children on her bus, so she stopped the
bus for a moment in order to decide what to do. She quickly 2) ...... a decision. “A tornado is on
the ground, guys. Quiet!” she was heard saying to the children on the bus’s CCTV video. “If
you’ve got a book to 3) ...... your head, then do it. Get in the middle.” Then, she quickly turned
her bus around and 4) ...... back to the children’s school. Once Perry reached the school, she
quickly 5) ...... the children off the bus and into the building. Thankfully, they all 6) ...... it to
safety. Just three minutes later, with debris flying all around and lightning flashing, the bus
was 7) ...... by the tornado, thrown across the car park and sent crashing into a diner across the
road! The video 8) ...... the wind howling and the windows of the bus smashing as it hit the diner.
What a hero the bus driver was!

0 3. C directed
1. A severe 4. D headed
2. B heavy
3. C strong 5
4. D hazard 1. A pressed
1 2. B rushed
1. A noticing 3. C ran
2. B reporting 4. D dashed
3. C advertising
4. D recording 6
1. A did
2 2. B arrived
1. A chose 3. C made
2. B got 4. D got
3. C made
4. D had 7
1. A put up
3 2. B picked up
1. A cover 3. C taken away
2. B keep 4. D pulled up
3. C include
4. D save 8
1. A displayed
4 2. B demonstrated
1. A guided 3. C viewed
2. B led 4. D captured
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1 The residents of Pompeii used to be very __________________________. (WEALTH)

2 The area around the volcano is ______________________ and difficult to reach. (DEVELOP)
3 The rescuers used special ________________ to help locate the earthquake survivors. (EQUIP)
4 The ____________________ of an earthquake is measured using the Richter scale. (STRONG)
5 John is a _______________________________________ who studies volcanoes. (SCIENCE)
6 The clothes you’re wearing are ____________________ for this freezing cold weather! (SUIT)

Choose the correct item.

1 ‘Which jacket is yours?' ‘......... has the big wooden buttons.'
1. A One that it
2. B The one that
3. C The one with
4. D One that

2 ......... to come home late again.

1. A You should never
2. B You never have
3. C Never are you
4. D Never will you

3 We have ......... relationship. I've known her for years.

1. A a lasting-long
2. B a long-lasting
3. C the long-lasting
4. D the lasting-long

4 Dad insisted on me ......... a documentary on TV.

1. A watching
2. B to watch
3. C watch
4. D to be watching

5 Why ......... my clothes without asking me?

1. A you must always borrow
2. B will you always borrow
3. C would you always borrow
4. D are you always borrowing

6 I've got enough money. I appreciate your asking, ......... .

1. A therefore
2. B besides
3. C though
4. D although

7 The politician spoke ......... about the issue.

1. A more eloquent
2. B most eloquent
3. C eloquent
4. D eloquently

8 ‘We're ......... out of coffee.' ‘I'll get some on my way home from work.'
1. A almost
2. B hardly
3. C not at all
4. D not quite

9 Did you see my roses? They .........!

1. A smell wonderful
2. B wonderfully smell
3. C have wonderful smell
4. D smell wonderfully

10 Aunt Edna acts ......... she were my mother.

1. A only as
2. B just as
3. C as long
4. D as though

11 I bought my mother a ......... robe for her birthday.

1. A beautiful, Chinese, silk
2. B Chinese, beautiful, silk
3. C silk, Chinese, beautiful
4. D Chinese, silk, beautiful

12 I got used to jogging in the morning within the ......... months of starting.
1. A four first
2. B first four
3. C fourth first
4. D first fourth

13 I didn’t expect ......... so happy about the news.

1. A Cheryl to be
2. B Cheryl being
3. C that Cheryl is
4. D for Cheryl to be

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