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World Perspective of Divorce in Selected Countries:

A Sociological Appraisal

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi

Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

Professor Emeritus of Sociology,
Alzahra University,
Tehran, Iran Tel: 009821-22859416

Received: April 2020; Accepted: May 2020; Published: June 1, 2020.

Citation: Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi World Perspective of Divorce in Selected Countries: A Sociological Appraisal.
World Family Medicine. 2020; 18(6): 66-70 DOI: 10.5742MEWFM.2020.93823


Abstract Divorce being a painful event for families and societies,

is increasingly taking place in almost all societies. It is
the beginning of new relationships; both parties (men
The present paper investigates the quality and and women) will encounter new life, new values, and
quantity of divorce events taking place all over the new lifestyles. Though some challenges fade away,
world more than any time before. The given action new challenges emerge. In post-divorce era, children
creates social, economic, educational, emotional highly face problems materially, emotionally, and from
and many more consequences for the families the viewpoints of caring, socialization etc. Among the
of various cultures, religions, social settings, mo- industrial countries, USA has the highest frequency of
ralities, and administrative infrastructures. While divorce; one of every two marriages leads to divorce.
divorce is a stigma in one society, it is a regular norm Then it is the European countries having an average
in the other. So, attitudes toward divorce is quite of 40% of marriages breaking down into divorce. Due
different in the societies of the world. Divorce is be- to increasing socio-cultural change that is constantly
ing facilitated all over the world due to modernization appearing, in many countries where divorce was a taboo
and industrialization processes, and the outcome of before, it is currently highly taking place. Many non-
social change. Sociologists must be quite vigilant industrial countries in which women have gained more
to the phenomenon which is breaking families and rights, benefits, education and independence in recent
creating social problems of all sorts. However, it is decades, divorce takes place in an unprecedented
sociology that can judge and assess the demer- number, and that becomes a new value, being followed
its of divorce. Many of the apparent social issues by younger generations. Countries like India and Iran in
emerging such as drug abuse, child labor, criminal which a low number of divorces once took place, currently
behaviors and many more, are somehow or other high numbers of divorces are registered every year.
associated with divorce. Method of research used
in the present article is of qualitative type, and the Children’s adjustment to divorce in family is quite hard
article eventually concludes that the outcome of to believe. They are the only members of the family who
divorce is widely different in sociological terms lose a lot. Parents may remarry and continue life, but
affecting both parties of parents as well as children children lose the process of socialization, emotional
to a greater extent. attachments, face loneliness, living with one parent,
in a stepfather/mother situation or none (in a nursing
Key words: Divorce. Culture. Modernization. Stigma. home). Such children will eventually repeat the cycle in
Social issues their twenties or so. Many of such children become child
laborers in nonindustrial countries. They are usually
called “Parasites” by other members of the society.
Children may also suppress emotions and the need for
connection with others as a means of self-protection.
However, they may rationalize that if they get too close to
people, others cannot hurt them. Children may also bully
other children due to not having learnt how to express
emotions in a right way.

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Divorce in China
Method of Research
In China both parties of husband and wife can have the
power to divorce. But, it requires the agreement of both.
Methodology used in the present article is of qualitative
At the same time, they should have the economic power
type. In that, various paradigms have been used to find
to protect themselves such as their property (Retrieved,
out facts regarding divorce. Qualitative research usually
2002). Since 1949, after the People’s Republic was
studies people or areas in their natural settings. In
declared, the country’s new Marriage Law was explicitly
finding facts for the research, the researcher engaged
modified; and the new lawful divorces came into being.
in careful data collection and thoughtful analysis of what
Based on that, women had permission to divorce their
was relevant. In the documentary research applied in the
husbands, and many did so. But the declaration created
present article, printed and written materials were widely
lots of challenges and many women who were blocked
regarded. The research was performed as a qualitative
to do so, committed suicide. It has by now become very
library type in which the researcher had to refer to relevant
commonplace--reaching 1.4 for every 1000 people, roughly
and related sources. In the current research various
about twice as compared with the data of 1982. Yet, the
documents were thoroughly investigated, and the needful
divorce rate is less than half of what it is in the United
inferences were made. The data fed by the investigator in
States (Retrieved, 2009). Such a divorce perspective
the present article is hopefully reliable. Though literature
in China is mainly due to social change as a result of
on divorce is very limited, yet the author tried to investigate
economic growth, industrialization and urbanization in that
many different resources in order to elicit the necessary
country. Similarly, as more and more women have access
information to build up the text.
to higher education and economic independence, all have
contributed to the increasing divorce rate in China.
Healthy Adjustment
When divorce is taking place, healthy relationships are
Moreover, another reason for appearance of more divorces
highly recommended. In that, parents are advised to
in China is because of an amendment added to Marriage
share their emotional experiences toward their children. In
Law in 2001, which shortened the divorce application
this process, one way is through the practice of emotional
procedure (Romantic Materialism, 2011). As investigated,
coaching (Gottman, 1997). It encourages the divorcing
high cell phone penetration in China has also destroyed
parents to help their children to learn how to process
the family harmony and fidelity paving the route to more
emotions effectively and to regulate strong emotional
divorces (Zhang, 2018). As marriage maintenance has
experiences. Skills that are particularly important in co-
decreased due to rising divorces in recent years, many
parenting, include the practice of principles which better
public discussions and governmental organisations often
enable parents to regulate their emotions as well.
criticize it. To prevent the increasing rare of divorce, some
divorce buffer bureaus have been established in some
Active availability of parental and other caregivers is critical
marriage registration offices in certain provinces in order
after divorce. That is because children generally develop
to control some divorce events (Sina.Com 2011). Despite
attachment bonds with many significant caregivers
the increasing rate of divorce in China at present, there
including grandparents and other close family friends.
was a custom sororate marriage there in which a man
But, none is as strong as parents. Children’s ability and
could marry the sister(s) of his wife, being alive, dead or
resilience to changes after the hard process of divorce
depends on maintenance of healthy attachment bonds.
Table 1: Global Divorce Rates (1960-2017)
Another issue appearing in some families and within some
spouses is abandonment or desertion in which sometimes
one spouse leaves family, and in that a lot of problems
are created for the other spouse and children such as
emotional and financial difficulties created as a result. It
occasionally happens through migration. It used to occur
in fewer instances before, but in recent decades it is
appearing more ___ leaving behind lots of family, financial
and emotional problems. That is even worse than divorce,
since the relationships are not yet officially disrupted; the
family is still waiting for the absentee to return. In the US,
many such cases are heard especially among the migrants. Source: BCCL 2000.
So, if the disengagement persists, it eventually leads to
divorce. However, abandonment has also an impact on
the larger society, when society becomes burdened with
the responsibility to support the abandoned spouse or
family financially through government –funded programs,
but the emotional vacuum is still there and un-responded
(Durkee, 2010).

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Divorce in India Divorce in Germany

Though divorce was in quite small numbers, and a taboo While Germany faced the highest rate of divorce among
in Indiaonce, based on social change, higher literacy, the EU countries in the past, the proportion of divorce has
industrialization, urbanization and women’s higher decreased in that country in the past few years. In 2011,
employment rate, the divorce rate has considerably gone a total of 187,640 marriages were dissolved, compared
up within all communities in India in recent decades. So, with 148,066 in the year 2018; a decrease of around 21%.
many couples facing difficulties are increasingly deciding Based on the Eurostat, the divorce rate in Germany which
to part their ways legally unparalleled with the past in is the highest in Europe, or so to say, 2.3 per 1000 people
Indian history. But, before the legal divorce takes place, has fallen to 1.9 per 1000 inhabitants; below the average
the husband and wife would have lived separately for a of 2.0 in Europe. Such statistics mean that marriages
year. They should also prove that their marriage has totally currently appear to last longer as compared with past
collapsed, and needs to be dissolved. decades (Schlun & Elseven, 2020).

Under such circumstances they can file their petition for The decision to divorce is often a hard one. It is
divorce. psychologically a difficult time to start and end it. Lawyers
play an important role to make it smooth and possible.
The Hindu Marriage Act 1955 includes all the citizens of After divorce has taken place, their child (ren) is/are
India including Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Jews by separated to one of them. However, the child has the right
region. Divorce law in India highly stresses on adultery. to contact both parents. In order to have a legal divorce,
Any one of the spouses indulged in such an act is subject both spouses should have lived apart at least for a year.
to divorce. Also, in case a wife is acknowledged of any Similarly, in case both parties are wealthy and have a lot
marriage by her husband, can apply for a petition to of assets, there would emerge disputes lengthening the
divorce. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune process of divorce event. The cost of getting a divorce in
are facing increasing numbers of divorces annually. Germany depending on circumstance would be between
Sociologically speaking, what the country needs in this Euro 1000 and 3000. This cost usually has to be split
regard, is more marriage counselors to patch up the between the couple. However, in case of low income
differences, and pass away the divorce decisions, and families, the divorce costs could be reduced or totally
instead, bring about mutual consent between the couples. waived by the court.
Divorce, as an unexpected milestone in a person’s life in
India leads to increasing difficulties. The post-divorce life Divorce in Australia
is challenging in India, being faced by financial hardships
especially for the women. Divorces may also be deviated In Australia, divorce is not so fast or instantaneous. To
by choosing the wrong and faulty route according to Indian apply for a divorce, spouses must be separated for at least
norms and values. twelve months, only then can the divorce procedure start.
Lawyers can help in seeking legal advice for divorce.
Divorce in the Philippines
The Philippines with a population of over 108 million, Support for children under the age of 18 needs to be
does not practice divorce, but the move toward legalizing decided. Similarly, the filing fee for divorce application of $
it is under way. Many couples like other countries have 910 needs to be paid by the applicants. In case of financial
differences with each other, but being Roman Catholic, hardships, reduced fees may be applied. However,
they cannot apply for divorce. Only Muslims who are property distribution or arrangements for children, financial
roughly 5% of the entire population in that country can support and other wealth issues are determined later and
do so. The only other country where divorce remains after the divorce. Marriages that happened overseas may
illegal is the Vatican City. A bill passed by the Philippines be applicable to divorce under certain conditions such as
House of Representatives is giving hope to proponents being Australian citizen, ordinarily living in Australia, and
of divorce. It will hopefully permit and legalize divorce in having done the 12 months of separation etc.
cases of irreconcilable differences, abuse, abandonment
and infidelity. Crude divorce rate dropped from 4.6 divorces earlier to
just 2 in 2017. One reason for such a drop in divorce
In case of prohibition of divorce and shortage of population rate is a decrease in marriage rate, and more interest
control in the Philippines, the situation has left the country in cohabitation. However, as the average life span has
with a total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.7 children for a woman increased to 82 in 2016, average age of marriage age has
in 2019. As over 80% of people in the Philippines are also gone up to 30 years. Divorce rate has increased by
Catholic, the church has a powerful influence in the 5.2% from 2016 to 2017. In 2017, the number of marriages
country. Under such circumstances many marriages are was 112,954, and the number of divorces was 40,032. So
remaining irreparable in the country. In this way, they want the ratio of divorce to marriage was
to revive the sanctity of the marriage and family within
thepopulation. Number of Divorces
Divorce to Marriage Ratio=__________________× 100
Number of Marriages

68 M I D D L E E A S T J O U R N A L O F FA M I LY M E D I C I N E • V O LU M E 7 , I S S U E 1 0

Table 2: Selected Divorce Rates by Country and Population 2019

Source: Marriage and Divorce, 2020, American Psychological Association

Also, the most common age for getting a divorce is 45.5 Niger also in West Africa have divorce courts taking place
for males and 42.9 for females in Australia. on sidewalks around which lots of men and women gather
to see what is going on. In this way, divorce easily takes
Divorce in Africa place in Niger. In Niger where there is child marriage,
Widowhood and divorce are very common in Africa. abortion is also legal there (New York Times, January 11,
Statistics show that 10% of African women are widows, 2019).
and out of every six women, one is a divorcee. So, female-
headed household are growing all across the continent. Eventuality of Divorce
Women must seriously struggle to respond to the economic The consequence of divorce is not generally a happy life
hardship. There is a sort of inequality after divorce in terms in any society; in the industrial or unindustrial world. Over
of arrangements of child custody, property rights, and 40% of American children experience parental divorce or
inheritance. Women are seriously hurt under the divorce separation in their childhood (Sun, 2008), which is very
event, and such impacts are really understudied in Africa. hurting and painful. They have to live with a step mother,
One of the African countries where divorce takes quite or step father, or spend their childhood in a home which
a long time is South Africa where there are civil marriages is not quite natural, and not as warm as their parents’
and customary marriage. In both cases, marriage needs home. They are usually deprived of natural parenting and
to be dissolved by a court. However, in case a spouse is affection. Such children of divorce are usually deprived
not wanting divorce, divorce could be granted without his of educational attainment, job prestige and good income
or her consent. Legal separation does not exist in South in their adulthood. Similarly, their psychological well-being
Africa even if you are no longer living with your husband is hurt and affected. The situation is a lot different for
and not divorced. According to law you are still married. post-divorce children. They mostly become child labor,
There are two types of in South Africa: contested and and gradually face socio-demographic challenges like
uncontested divorces. The uncontested divorce is found early marriage, more children, more mortality, shorter life
to be very effective for all the parties concerned. It expectancy and many more.
could be finalized within four weeks, whereas in case
of contesteddivorce , it will take more than two years. It has been shown that those who had divorced, did not
(Retrieved, 2017). have a happier life than those who had stayed together
(Waite, 2003). Studies show that children after the death

M I D D L E E A S T J O U R N A L O F FA M I LY M E D I C I N E • V O LU M E 7 , I S S U E 1 0 69

of a parent are usually as happy as before that, whereas After divorce, women lose more. They may age without
children after divorce do not have that level of happiness marrying again. Divorce being a stigma, in many countries
as before the event (Tebeka, 2016). and cultures, leaves women with hardships. They will
be socially and economically in trouble. The proportion
Divorce in OECD Countries of divorce has gone up in different countries since 1950
Most of the OECD countries have experienced a dramatic according to their social and industrial change. Women’s
change in their divorce rates in the past 50 years; from economic independence has highly impacted the rate of
1.0 to 1.9 per 1000 population (Aassve, 2007). This divorce in any country whether industrial or industrializing.
unprecedented change in the statistics of divorce is more Countries where which divorce was entirely a taboo, is
due to change in social norms and culture to trivialize currently happening normally there more due to social
divorce. World-wide speaking, marriages happening today, change and urbanization in the country. Tables show how
are more likely to divorce than generations before because divorce is growing in traditional and modern societies.
of greater social acceptance and easier procedures of Some countries like the Philippines with special moral
divorce. and religious code of behavior does not allow the divorce
practice, but is intending to enact new laws to legalize
In general, standards of living decrease more for the it. The divorce rate is quite high in countries like US
women than for men (Bonnet, et al. 2015). When a woman and Germany, a practice appearing as a social norm. In
has the custody of the children, it is even worse. In this traditional societies illegitimacy is something forbidden
way, women are highly more prone to poverty after divorce (a social stigma), while in the modern world it is widely
than what happens to men. Similarly, divorce causes the observed and practiced. In the industrial world, divorce
unemployability of women already employed as they have occurs more in later ages, while in the developing world
to care for their children, and poverty of children as well. it mostly happens in earlier ages. However, divorce needs
more interpretation and analysis in sociological and
However, divorce which is happening more than any time psychological terms in order to reduce it. One main reason
before, has lots of social costs, emotional costs, challenges contributing to the increase of divorce worldwide, is the
and poverty for the women and children. So, it is a multi- application of cell phones that emotionally part spouses
dimensional risk impacting the well-being of women and from each other.
resulting in a shorter life span for them.
Asia too as the largest continent has variously been facing
rising rates of divorce in its different parts in the past four 1- Aassve, A., et al. (2007), Marital Disruption and Economic Well-
decades. In East Asian countries, divorce rates have being: A Comparative Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical
been highly rising since 1980. In Japan, South Korea and Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170(3), PP.781-799.
Hong Kong, the increase has been considerable since 2- BBCL 2000, All Rights Reserved.
3- Bonnet, C., et al.,(2015), “Les variations de niveau de vie des
1990. As a special case, between 1995-2008 when the
hommes et des femmes a la suite d’un divorce ou d’une rupture
financial crisis happened, substantial increase in divorce de pacs”, Insee references, couples et Families, PP. 51-61.
emerged there. For example, family honor, appearances, 4- Divorce is Increasingly Common, Retrieved, 2009.
and number of children were points impacting the rise in 5- Durkee, B.,(2010), Navigating Marital Abandonment, Amazon
divorce in South Korea. Likewise, the big city environment Create Space.
and increasing economic independence of women 6- Gotman, J., et al. (1997), Raising and Emotionally Intelligent
affected the divorce rate to rise. Asia with a high degree Child, New York, Simon and Schauster.
of urbanization, is widely facing change through divorce 7- Marriage and Divorce (2020), American Psychological
(Premchand, 2017). Association, World Population Review.
8- Zhang, J. et al. (2018), Does Mobile Phone Affect Divorce
Rates? Evidence from China, Sustainability (MDPI), 2018,
Conclusion 103301, DOI 103390.
9- New York Times, January 11, 2019.
Divorce leads to a large number of problems for the 10- Premchand, D. et al. (2017), Divorce Trends in Asia, Nanyang
separated partners, children, parents of the divorced etc. Technological University.
Results of divorce are different from country to country 11- Retrieved, 2002.
according to socio-cultural norms and values of those 12- Retrieved, 2017.
countries. Children will be the most affected after divorce. 13- Romantic Materialism, (2011), Development of Marriage
They are seriously emotionally affected, and will likely Institution and Related Norms in China, Thinking Chinese.
not be able to use their potentialities. A cycle of repeated 14- Schlun and Elseven, Rechtsanwalte, Retrieved 2020.
15- Sina.Com 2011.
divorces may follow in the years to come too. Adjustment will
16- Sun, Y. and Li, Y. (2008), Parents’ Marital Disruption and its
be hard for the children to pursue. Similarly, availability of Uneven Effect on Children’s Academic Performance, 37, 449-
parental care-giving would deteriorate, and the substitutes 460.
like grandparents cannot provide the same standards as 17- Tebeka, S., et al. (2016), Parental Divorce or Death During
the parents. Another type of marital suspension which Childhood and Adolescence, and its Association with Mental
happens and is different from legal and formal divorce, Health. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204 (9)678-
is abandonment or desertion in which usually the male 685.
spouse leaves home without saying where he is. Such an 18- Waite, J., et al.(2003).
action too seriously hurts the family.

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