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Concept of Food, Nutrition and Health

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ompleting this chapter, the
the concept of
should be able
Define food, fitness, to:
the the different health and
dimensions of health. nutrition.
Explain the functions of food.

List the various dimensions of health

List the ways of selection of food.
hustify the relationship between food,
nutrition and health
INTRODUCTION Dimensions of Health
Health is considered to be one of our most
now According to World Health Organization (WHO) of the
im- United Nations, there are five dimensions of Health.
. Many
ortant values.
people, in particular in modern
ne. have regarded health as one of the most
slhes in life. Health has different meaning to different
Egple and it varies according to individual and commu-
aty expectations and context. Physical
Health is difficult concept to define. Therefore there
Spieitual vocattona
e many definitions of health given by various scholars. Dimension Dimension
Sume of them are as follows:

"Thecondition of being sound in body, in mind and

spirit, especially freedom from physical".
Soundness of body or mind, that conditions in which Dimenslons of
functions are duly and efficiently discharged"
A Condition or quality of human organism express Mental clat
g the adequate functioning of the organism in given Dimenslon Dimeion
COndition, genetic and environmental.
Vens wdely accepted definition of health is that
ven by thetWorld Health Organization (WHO) of
te ted Nations in 1948. It defines Health "a state of as
1. Physical dimension: The state of physical health
Tiplete implies the notion of "Perfect functioning of the body.
merehy anphysical,
and not
tental and social wvell being
The signs of physical health in an individual are *a
absence of disease infirnity".or
good complexion, a clear skin, bright eyes, lustrous

atits healthy
ach as person
therefore needs to maintain healthy
regular exercises and adequatenutri-
hair with a body well clothed with firm flesh not too
fat, a sweet breadth, a good appetite, sound sleep, regu-
ing a highaking
level personal hygiene, eating
a lar activity of bowels and bladder and smooth, easy
ally balanced diet, ofabstaining from the abuse of drugs coordinated bodily movement." All the organs of the
Acohol, taking care
« of one's mental well-being and body are of unexceptional size and function normaly:
veboping SOcial skills to teract in a positive
ail the senses are in fact; the resulting pulse rate, blood
sciety.To be healthy is to be in a state
of home0 pressure and exercise tolerance are all within the range
balance) with one's surroundings.
and sex. This 2. Where we live, what
for the individual's age is
of "normality"
has fairly wide limits, which
are set physical environment"). physically
state of normality
a large number of 'normal who
people, 3. What we are and what
around vy
by observing we do ("The-
are free from evident
characteristics and behaviours" on
physical dimension
dimension: Mental and The following are the
2. Mental
of health are inter-related.
It is not the mere absence determinants ofof health
mental health is the ability to
of mental illness. Good
varied experiences of life. Poor
respond to the many
also and vice-
mental health affects physical well-being

Psychological factors are considered toplay a major INHERENT

role in disorders such as hypertension, peptic uleer FACTORS OUTSIDN
and asthma.
3. Social dimension: Social well-being implies har- Socio economie
mony and integration
within the individual, between Genetic Make up Status
each individual and other member of the society and
between individuals and the world in which they live,
Sex Occupation
social health of a community depends upon its Education
progress, broad-mindedness, consideration, through Lifestyle
fullness and sympathy towards another. It also de- Environment
pends upon the education, productivity, health and Inherent Factors
social security of its members.

Due to stresses and strains of 1. Age: Age is one of the basic determinant ofhe
4. Spiritual dimension: Infants and elderly persons both are more risk of
modern life, it is very important for us to consider
ing sick. This is because of reduced immunit
this dimension of health as well. An individual has to amr
these two groups of people.
be at peace with him, before he can be at peace with
the world. Attention to moral values, ethics, exercise 2. Genetic makeup/Inheritance: Genetic make
and mediation are some of the ways of attaining spiri- of an individual plays an important role in determis
tual health. ing the physical and mental traits of every huma
5. Vocational dimension: The vocational aspect of being. This genetic make-up is unique that it is fornei
life is a new dimension. The importance of this dimen- at the time of conception and cannot be altered A
sion is exposed when individuals suddenly lose their number of genetic disorder are known, for exampk
jobs or faced with mandatory retirement. For many chromosomal anomalies, sickle cell anemia, heme
individuals, the vocational dimension may be nearly philia, errors of metabolism, mental retardation, some
a source of income. To others, this dimension repre- types of diabetes, etc. Therefore, genetic constitutie
sents the culmination of the efforts of other dimen- has a direct bearing on the health of an individua.
sions as they function together to provide what the
3. Sex: Certain conditions, e.g. sex linked recesse
individual consider in life "Success".
inherited haemophilia, in which a coagulation tactr
Determinants of Health is missing resulting in easy bleeding, occur ony
Health does not exist in isolation. It depends on a num- males. The females of the family may or may nor
ber of factors. The factors that affect health are both inter- carriers of the disease. Queen Victoria anu i
nal and external. Internal factors lie within the individual afiare
descendents are well known to have been
while external factors belong to the society in which he or with this genetically inherited condition.
she lives. The interaction between these factors leads to
good or bad health of an individual and community as a Outside Factors
whole. Thus, the health of an individual and of a commu- 1. Social and economic status: The per cap
nity is resultant factor of such interactions. 1S the most widely accepted measure of gen
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), economic performance. The economic status livina
the main determinants to health are: mines the purchasing power, s t a n d a r d of
1. Our quality of life, size of the family and the pattern a
economy and society ("The social and economic It
environment"). disease and deviant behaviour in the communng
also an important factor in seeking health care
O c c u p a t i o f .
1|ployment, underemployment,
ressful or unsaf work are associated consistent with heredity. Physical fitness means that
with poore

safe work results:not only in loss of

stre: the organic system of the body are healthy and
Tunction efficiently vigorous tasks and leisture
status, but psycho ogical and social
income and activities beyond.
ectancy of people who have more
damages also. Life
their work circumst
stances and fewer stress relatedover Importance of Fitness
dema nds of the job isihigher than those in more stress- The benefits of physical fitness are numerous. 1he
fAulor riskier jobs. Occupation may be associated with person who is physically fit has greater amount of strengh,
certain eases, e-g. lung cancer in asbestos energy and stamina an improved sense of well-being
workers. betfer protection from injury. Fitness makes you feel men-
Education: Education is
closely tied to socioeco- tally sharper, physically comfortable and more with your
nOmic status. Health status improves with the level of body and better able to cope with the demands that
education. Stud: have shown
direct relationship
everyday life makes upon you.
between educatio and health. A well-educated com-
be physiecally fit
munity is conside to e more aware about their It isnecessary for every individual to
health status. For example, in Kerala, the estimated to perform their daily work with ease and to take part
Increased physical fitness
infant mortality rate is 29 compared to 104 for all In- various activities effectively.
dia, This is because of the fact that the female literacy not only improves health but also helps in improving

65.7% compared to 24.8% of all-India. performance at work.

rate of Kerala is
Education helps to inform and guide choices. Choos- 7.2. FOOD AND NUTRITION
ing a healthy lifestyle helps prevent diseases. existenee. It is also
or health related
Food has been a basic part of our
Lifestyle: A variety of lifestyle
habits, and psychosocial factors can have a major the basic need of human life. Human
can't exist without
issues that luxuries but not without food. Edible or potable
impact on a person's health. Lifestyle and (usually of animal or plant origin), consisting
of nourish-
on health include smoking, diet, nutrition
impact such as carbohydrates, fats,
ing and nutritive components
alcohol, poor diet leading to obesity or malnutrition, essential minerals and vitamins,
which sustains
behaviour and proteins,
lack of physical exercise, sexual provides growth, maintenance
life, generates energy, and
problems resulting from drug taking. and health of the body.
environment is an
5. Environment: The physical makes our body work,
environ- Food nourishes the body. Food
important determinant of health. Physical In short food is the raw material from
which an individual is grow and repair.
ment consists of things to of right amount of food
as "all that which our body is made. Intake
exposed after conception. It is defined nutrition and health, which may
human host". It can e n s u r e good
which is external to the individual and emotional well
and psycho- evident in our appearance, efficiency
biological that sustains it is
can be divided into physical, of which can affect the being. Body function and
the food
al components, any o r all Food is in fact one of the

and his susceptibility to

diseases. The infinitely complex.
ealth of man for the optimum complicated sets of chemicals
environment should be favourable use of
can make full Chemicals in Food
Erowth of an individual so that he
his physical and mental capabilities. different types of chemical
Food is made of many
Fitness substances-macronutrients and micronutrients.
which are

daily tasks nutrients major nutritional components,

to carry out in our food. For example;
tDess is defined as the ability undue fatigue, and present in large quantitíes Micronutrients are major
Vgor and alertness, without pursuits and Protein, Carbohydrates,
to enjoy leisure-time which are present in
o mple energy nutritional components,
respond to emergencies. For example; Vitamins, Minerals,
of well-being
quantities in o u r food. be present in food.
hysical fitness is state components can also
a physiological
of daily etc. Many other
that provides the oundation for the
flavours, pharmacologi-
Food may contain colours,
iving, a degree of protection against chronic
essence, natural toxicants and

for participation in sport. In callyactive substances,

phvsi 1S relating
pbysical fitness
to how
describes a set of attributes Physical Form of Food
well one performs physical activity. characteristics of food are as important
Fitne is broad termn denoting dynamic qualities The physical
the size of food par-
nature. For example;
at allow to satisfy the needs regarding mental, as its chemical nutrients are digested
extent to which
and adopta- ticles can affect the
notional stability, specia consciousness

health are and absorbed.

spiritual and oral fearand organic
Food plays a very inportant role in
maintaining our
health by preventing diseases and it inerease (ii) 1 gram protein
immunity. yields 4
It also heBlps to cure diseases. The
proper functioning of (b) To regulate body kilocalories,
our eells, tissues and
organs depend on the food processes: Food
regulate various body is

Nutritive food helps in

ents in food
helps in
eSses. Many
tions. For example: regulating many body
reit e,
performing all the functions of essential fatty acide
the body namely metabolic, hormonal, mental, physical any regulatory functions such as
activ pertira
or chemical. Food
provides us nutrition which keeps us
(c) To
enzymes, coagulation of
develop immunity: One of the
blood, ete. ctivation of
protect the body fromfun
of the food is to key
Functions of Food
diseases and injury. It is done a

The chief function of the food is devalon

immunity of the body. Nutrients such
meet physiological needs. Food
to supply materials to and minerals are essential as vitaing the
plays a lot of other fune- is develoni
tions as well. Food plays an important role in social life. immunity and ensuring the normal ping
Other functions of food is its psychological or emotional the body. They play a very funetine
funetion. The funetions of food are divided into three important role in
muscular co-ordination, growth
categories: sight and other body functions. regulation eye
1. Physiological Funetions (d) To repair body cells and tissues:
ing the health is also a crucial functionMaintain.
Nutrients which play an important role in fond
2. Social Functions of
nance of body are mainte
3. Psychological Functions proteins and minerals. For er
ample, cutting or grazing of skin, falling of hair
1. Physiological functions: The chief function of the and dying of red and white blood cells
can he
food is to keep the body fit by maintaining its repaired by consuming the right nutrients.
cesses. The food consumed should provide energy for
conducting various activities. It should also ensure (e) To build cells and tissues: The nutrients build
the growth of the body and should help to protect the and maintain body tissues. Nutrients
for building and maintaining body are
body against diseases. The following are the physi proteins,
minerals and water. Different parts of human
ological functions are as follows: body
like muscles, bone and organs are built upon and
(a) To provide energy. maintained by the proteins. Minerals like irons,
(b) To regulate body processes.
(c) To develop immunity.
(d) To repair body cells and tissue
(e) To help build new cells and tissues
(a) To provide energy: Human body needs fuel for
the production of energy. The body needs energy "Every time you
for performing various activities. Some of the
activities are voluntary such as cooking, running, eat or drink,
reading, dancing, ete. Some of the activities are
involuntary such as when we sleep, heart beats, you are either
the temperature of the body is maintained diges-
tions goes on. These are all in voluntary activities feeding disease
of the body.
Carbohydrates and fats are the two primary nutrients
that provides energy. Proteins are also used for meet- fighting it."
ing the energy needs of the body only when energy
needs are not met by carbohydrate and fat consump-
tion. The energy requirements vary from individual
to individual depends on factors like age, gender, physi-
cal activity, etc.
calcium and phosphorus determine and regulate
The calorific value of various nutrients are: formation of blood and skeletal tissues.
) 1 gram carbohydrate yields 4 kilocalories. 2. Social functions: From ancient times the sociocu
tural life of human beings has been revolved aroun
Cii) 1 gram fat yields 9 kilocalories.
has always been a
centra part of Concept of Food, Nutrition and ilealth
exiswistence. It has been a our social
part of our
cultural and 6. Water
ial, religious
ial events
most on all social like
life. Food is served 7. Roughage
ether, official meetings etc.,marriages,
in the parties, get-
breakfasts banquet, dinner, form of get-
etc. tea,
Nutritional Status
family has its own Nutritional status is the condition of the body **
Every peculiar meal pattern.
governed by the social class to whicatern. This
is COnsumption and utilisation of food. The
thonal status of a
economic condition, religious belief person can either be good Or D 1.
and social atti-

3. Psychological functions: Food satisfy

motional needs
human beings and act as a
certain GoodGood Nutrition
of security. towards food, cooking and rat- Well-developed body
ing, these are all
inextricably linked with emotions. Ideal weight for body composition
Food calms us. we rejoice a baby with food when it fell Good muscle development
and scraped its knee. Food could be a reward or a gift. Smooth skin. glossy hair, clear and bright
Mast social events in
our life are
associated with food. eyes
In these situations, the food is usually associated with Mental and physical alertness
DOsitive emotions. One turns to eat when he is happy Ability to resist disease
to celebrate. When experiencing grief, search for food, Increased ife span
that helps forget negative emotions.
Nutrition has been defined as food to work in the body.
Nutrition refers to the processes in the body for utilising 1. Good or optimum nutrition: Good nutrition
food. Nutrition includes everything that happens to food means getting all the nutrients and calories we need
from the time it is eaten until it is used for various func- for the energy and for the functioning of the body to
tions in the body. Thus, nutrition is the science or prac- maintain good health.
tice of consuming and utilising foods.
2. Malnutrition or bad nutrition : Malnutrition is
Nutrition, nourishment or aliment, is the supply of that state of health which arises from incomplete
materials food required by organisms and cells to stay nutrition. Malnutrition can also be defined as an
alive. Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in rela-
impairment of health resulting from a deficiency. In-
tion to the body's dietary needs. Nutrition encompasses
of food to meet the adequate food and improper balanced diet leads to
cang apropriate types and amounts science of food val- malnutrition.
0Ody needs of an individual. It is the
It has been
and is relatively a new field of knowledge. (a) Under-nutrition: Under-nutrition refers to low
evolved from chemistry and physiology and explains the food intake. Under-nutrition oecurs when a person
of food in our body. This field of knowledge though
ect rate.
consumes a diet that does not meet the necessary
* expanding at an exponentially requirements for the amount of essential nutrients
other words nutrition is "the balance of
science foods". It or calories a person needs to remain healthy.
the action, interaction and of nutrients Under nutrition can also be caused by improper
d sother substances in relation to health and diseases.
maintenance of health.

Nutrients (b) Over-nutrition: Over-nutrition oceurs when a

suitable amounts
essential for the person consumes a diet that exceeds the neces-
substance in
Browt reproduction of an
sary requirements for the amount of essential nu-
indis aintenance, function and trients, or the amount of calories a person needs
a l . The various nutrients of food are:

1. Proteins to remain heaithy.

2. Carbohydrates In most cases, people who suffer from over-nutrition

3. Fats gain excess weight and this can cause many serious
4. Vitamins
problems to the human body. Over-nutrition can lead
to increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke,
5. Minerals type 2 diabetes and even some cancers.
There is an nportant reletion between food, health
and nutrition. With the changing lifestyles and
environment, the rate of diseases have been increased a
lot. Earlier the people were healthy and used to live a
healthy lifestyle. But these days, even the small children
are facing many health issues. Surveys have revealed that
the kind of nutrition that we consume directly affects our
health. For example, these days obesity is very common GOOD
disease among young ehildren because of the food they
consume. Thus, what we eat, what kind of nutrition we
consume affects our health immensely? Good nutrition
helps in maintaining good mental ability, coneentration,
ability to work hard and becoming self contident. A
malnourished child is not able to cope up with the
situations and suffers many problems. Thus he cannot Therefore,it is necessary to maintain a good
concentrate on his studies. Similarly an unhealthy person among food, nutrition and health in order to live a RO
suffers inactive life, mental weakness and develop many and healthy life.
health related issues thereby reducing his life span.


Health is defined as a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely an
The physiological are to
regulate body processes, to develop immunity, to
absence of disease or infirmity. repair body cells and tissues and to help build new
cells and tissues.
The five dimensions of health are mental, social, spiri-
tual and vocational. Nutrition refers to the processes in the body for
utilizing food.
The determinants of health are categorized into
inherent and outside factors. Nutrition, nourishment, or ailment, is the supply of
materials food required by organisms and cells to stay
The inherent factors include age, sex and genetic make
Nutrient is substance in suitable amounts essential
The outside factors are socio-economic status, ocu
for the growth, maintenance, function and reprodue-
pation, education, lifestyle and environment.
tion of an individual.
Fitness is defined as "the ability to carry out daily tasks
The various nutrients of food are proteins, carbohy:|
with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and
drates, fats (lipids), vitamins, minerals, water and
with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and
respond to emergencies". roughage.
Nutritional status is the condition of the body asit
Food nourishes the body. Food makes our body work, relates to consumption and utilisation of food. The
grow and repair.
nutritional status of a person can be either good or
Food is made of many different types of chemical sub- bad.
stances- Macronutrients and micronutrients.
Malnutrition can also be defined as an impairmento
Macronutrients are major nutritional components, health resulting from a deficiency.
which are present in large quantities in our food. For
example; Protein, Carbohydrates, etc. Under-nutrition occurs when a person consumes
diet that does not meet the necessary requiremen
Micronutrients are major nutritional components, for the amount of essential nutrients or calories a
which are present in small quantities in our food. For person needs to remain healthy.
example; Vitamins, Minerals, etc. Many other
components can also be present in food. Over-nutrition occurs when a person consumes a d
that exceeds the necessary requirements for tne
The functions of tood are divided into three categories amount of essential nutrients, or the amount ofcalories
physiological functions, social funetions and psycho- a person needs to remain healthy.
logical functions.

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