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Sustainability in The Future of D - 2023 - She Ji The Journal of Design Econom

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Sustainability in the Future of

Design Education

Jeremy Faludi
Leyla Acaroglu
Paul Gardien
Ana Rapela
Deborah Sumter
Cindy Cooper

Keywords Abstract
Sustainable design The Future of Design Education working group on sustainability developed
Design education recommendations for integrating sustainability into higher education design
Future of design education curricula. The recommendations provide a foundation for design instruc-
Circular design tion, using well-established evidence-based tools, methods, and mindsets
Circular economy that apply to professional practice and support designers as advocates for
Responsible design environmental and social responsibility. The document identifies core ideas
for sustainable design, organized under a set of topics. These topics include
sustainability fundamentals; circular economy; whole systems thinking; sus-
Received tainable innovation strategies; impact assessment, and laws and standards;
January 24, 2023 and communication, collaboration, and leadership. A summary table cap-
Accepted tures each idea, along with corresponding discussion and learning outcomes
April 23, 2023 (things students should know and do). Recommendations are tailored to
three levels of study: for all design students, students expecting to practice
in sustainable design, and students in elective or advanced study. Resources
JEREMY FALUDI for such study are also included.
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering,
Delft University of Technology,
the Netherlands

Disrupt Design, Australia

Philips, the Netherlands

Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism,
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

© 2023 The Authors.

Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Tongji University. This is an open access article published
Faculty of Technology, Amsterdam University
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Peer review under responsibility of Tongji University.
The Lemelson Foundation, USA
158 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023


1 Tania Humphries-Smith, “Sustainable Professional designers and design educators are slowly acknowledging that
Design and the Design Curriculum,”
sustainability is no longer a “nice to have” but a requirement in design.1 Envi-
Journal of Design Research 7, no. 3
(2009): 259–74,
ronmental problems like the climate crisis are frequently in the news, and the
JDR.2008.024194; Michael W. Meyer Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that industry is
and Don Norman, “Changing Design
falling far short of the change needed to keep global warming below 1.5 ºC.2
Education for the 21st Century,” She Ji:
The Journal of Design, Economics, and
Society increasingly demands fixes to social problems such as gender, race, and
Innovation 6, no. 1 (2019): 13–49, https:// wealth inequality through imperatives like the United Nations Sustainable De-; Ena
velopment Goals.3 These environmental and social problems are linked. As Lara
Voûte et al., “Innovating a Large Design
Education Program at a University
Cushing and her colleagues pointed out, “more unequal societies have more
of Technology,” She Ji: The Journal of polluted and degraded environments,”4 and in those societies, disadvantaged
Design, Economics, and Innovation 6, no.
people suffer far more exposure to pollution, which hurts their health as well
1 (2019): 50–66,
sheji.2019.12.001. as educational and career achievement.5 Thus, fixing environmental problems
2 Hans-Otto Pörtner et al., “Climate can help reduce social inequality, and fixing social inequality can help reduce
Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and
environmental problems. They reinforce each other. We cannot wait for one to
Vulnerability” (report, IPCC WGII Sixth
Assessment Report, 2022), https://www. be fixed before starting the other; we must pursue them in parallel. Natural, social, economic, and technical systems come together in design.6
3 United Nations, Sustainable Development
Many designers work to solve these problems and build a better world. They
Goals (New York: United Nations, 2015), have created thousands of successful sustainable products and businesses,
4 Lara Cushing et al., “The Haves, the Have- tools, and methods for design practice.7 However, these are a tiny fraction of
Nots, and the Health of Everyone: The
the billions of products designed and manufactured every year. Industry must
Relationship between Social Inequality
and Environmental Quality,” abstract, transform to integrate sustainability at scale. The IPCC projects that climate
Annual Review of Public Health 36 (March change alone will cause the extinction of 18–30% of all species on Earth by
2015): 193,
2100,8 and there are other problems such as eutrophication, habitat loss, and
5 Nanhua Zhang et al., “Early Child- more. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
hood Lead Exposure and Academic Ecosystem Services (IPBES) estimates one million species risk extinction, and
Achievement: Evidence from Detroit
that “human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than
Public Schools, 2008–2010,” American
Journal of Public Health 103, no. 3 ever before.”9
(2013): e72–77, For industry to integrate sustainable design at scale, design education
must integrate sustainability at scale. So, how does design education accom-
6 Fabrizio Ceschin and İdil Gaziulusoy,
Design for Sustainability: A Multi-level
plish that? Specifically, what overarching vision(s) should ground design
Framework from Products to Socio-tech- programs, and what specific curricular topics and competencies should be
nical Systems (London: Routledge, 2019),
taught at what levels? The Future of Design Education working group on
7 Alastair Fuad-Luke, The Eco-Design
sustainability made recommendations regarding these issues.
Handbook: A Complete Sourcebook for
the Home and Office, 3rd ed. (London:
Thames & Hudson, 2009). Sustainable Design Practice
8 Hans-Otto et al., “Climate Change 2022.”
9 IPBES, Global Assessment Report on Because of the sheer scale, difficulty and complexity of sustainability problems,
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the
industry and academia are still learning how to design for it. Many sustain-
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform
on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,
able design tools, methods, and mindsets have evolved over the years — and
ed. E. S. Brondizio et al. (Bonn, Germany: evolution will continue. The following section lists key sustainable design
IPBES secretariat, 2019), 207, https://doi.
approaches in a brief historical summary, before discussing integration into
10 Victor Papanek, Design for the Real World: education.
Human Ecology and Social Change (New In 1972, Victor Papanek and R. Buckminster Fuller argued for designers to
York: Pantheon Books, 1972).
realize their responsibility in Design for the Real World.10 This built on earlier
11 Vance Packard, The Waste Makers, Pocket
Cardinal ed. (New York: Pocket Books, critiques by Vance Packard and others that industry drove consumer culture.11
1967). In 1987, The United Nations Rio Summit published Our Common Future,12
often called “the Brundtland Report,” providing the most commonly-used
159 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

12 World Commission on Environment and definition of sustainable development for industry: “development that meets
Development, Our Common Future: World
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genera-
Commission on Environment and Develop-
ment (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
tions to meet their own needs.” It suggested product designers aim for energy
1987), https://sustainabledevelopment. efficiency. During this time, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) gradually emerged
as one of the most powerful tools because it quantifies environmental impacts,
13 Jeroen B. Guinée et al., “Life Cycle Assess-
enabling evidence-based eco-design.13 The 1990s saw the creation of the first
ment: Past, Present, and Future,” Envi- methods specific to product design, such as the Ecodesign Strategy Wheel,14
ronmental Science and Technology 45, no.
which helps consider sustainable design strategies at all life cycle stages of
1 (2011): 90–96,
a product. Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan defined ecological design as
14 Han Brezet and Caroline van Hemel, expanding beyond Brundtland’s future generations of humans to be “any form
Ecodesign: A Promising Approach to
of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating
Sustainable Production and Consumption
(Delft: United Nations Environmental
itself with living processes.”15 Soon after, Janine Benyus suggested biomimicry
Programme, 1997). as a method to align all industry with nature16 and John Tillman Lyle pro-
15 Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan,
posed the concept of “regenerative design,”17 which not only minimizes neg-
Ecological Design (Washington, D.C.: Island
Press, 1996), 18.
ative impacts but aims for positive impacts that restore ecosystems. William
16 Janine M. Benyus, Biomimicry: Innovation McDonough and Michael Braungart’s 2002 book Cradle to Cradle18 took this
Inspired by Nature (New York: HarperCol-
further, arguing that designers should maximize beneficial impact instead of
lins, 1997).
17 John Tillman Lyle, Regenerative Design for
minimizing negative impact. They should integrate biomimicry with industrial
Sustainable Development (Hoboken, NJ: ecology for closed-loop systems of healthy production. They also argued that
John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
sustainability should not be mechanistically utilitarian, but should come from
18 William McDonough and Michael Braun-
gart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way
care and empathy. It should answer the question: “how do we love all the chil-
We Make Things (New York: MacMillan, dren of all species — not just our own — for all time?” A decade later, Cradle
to Cradle’s paradigm was combined with business sensibilities in the Circular
19 Ellen MacArthur Foundation, “Towards
the Circular Economy Vol. 1: An Economic
Economy19 to align economic incentives with economic benefits.
and Business Rationale for an Accelerated During the 2010s, the field of design expanded beyond products to busi-
Transition” (report, Ellen MacArthur
ness strategy, government policy, and larger socio-technical systems as a
Foundation, 2013), https://ellenmacar-
general process with broad applications under design thinking.20 Transition
economy-vol-1-an-economic-and-busi- Design21 operated on this higher scale to help organizations transition from
unsustainable to sustainable practices. At the same time, the United Nations
20 Tim Brown, Change by Design: How Design
Thinking Transforms Organizations and
developed its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).22 New economic
Inspires Innovation (New York: HarperCol- models were proposed, such as Doughnut Economics23 to unite planetary
lins, 2009).
boundary environmental goals24 with UN SDG social goals. Degrowth eco-
21 Terry Irwin, “Transition Design: A Proposal
for a New Area of Design Practice, Study,
nomics25 questioned the idea that companies and economies must always
and Research,” Design and Culture 7, no. 2 grow, and that circular economies can ever adequately decouple economic
(2015): 229–46,
growth from material consumption. In the 2020s, designers have begun
22 United Nations, Sustainable Development
exploring tools for diversity and inclusion, such as the Designer’s Critical
Goals. Alphabet,26 which prompts designers to reflect on who is at the design table,
23 Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics: Seven
with what privileges, and how they can bring marginalized people into the
Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Econo-
mist (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea
design process.
Green Publishing, 2017). Sustainable design best practices continue to evolve. The purpose of
24 Johan Rockström et al., “A Safe Oper-
this article is not to recommend the future of sustainable design tools
ating Space for Humanity,” Nature 461,
no. 7263 (2009): 472–75, https://doi.
and methods; others have already suggested roadmaps for sustainable
org/10.1038/461472a. design research.27 But we cannot wait for perfection and must — as best
25 Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria, and
we can — integrate sustainability into design education and practice now.
Giorgos Kallis, eds., Degrowth: A Vocabu-
lary for a New Era (New York: Routledge,
Because the climate, biodiversity, and other crises are time-dependent
2014). and urgent, educators must immediately scale up training on the tools and
methods we have (while researchers and industry seek better methods). All
three groups must work together to continually improve iterations.
160 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

26 Lesley-Ann Noel, “The Designer’s Critical Designers have great power in creating the products, services, and systems
Alphabet,” Critical Alphabet, accessed that either cause problems or drive sustainability solutions. The impact of
May 29, 2023, for more information, see
design — both positive and negative — results not only from what is created
27 Jeremy Faludi et al., “A Research and the problems it addresses, but how it is developed, built, used, and dis-
Roadmap for Sustainable Design posed of. This includes materials — not only what materials, but how they are
Methods and Tools,” Sustainability 12, no.
19 (2020): 8174,
extracted and processed. It includes the energy and resources required to use
su12198174. the product, and whether the product’s end of life results in reuse, remanu-
– facturing, recycling, or other scenarios. Finally, it includes interactions with
28 Frank Figge, William Young, and Ralf
all the people involved across the value chain. Choices made at each step in
Barkemeyer, “Sufficiency or Efficiency
to Achieve Lower Resource Consumption the design process lead to positive and/or negative outcomes, both direct and
and Emissions? The Role of the Rebound indirect, in the short- and long-term.
Effect,” Journal of Cleaner Production
Yet the power of designers is limited. Design is merely one strand in the
69 (April 2014): 216–24, https://doi.
org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.031. web of modern industrial culture, which includes materials, supply chains,
29 Thomas Piketty, A Brief History of Equal- business models, marketing and advertising, regulations, infrastructure,
ity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
consumer culture, and more. For example, a recycled and recyclable product
Press, 2021).
30 Krystle Ontong, “Addressing the cannot be designed without sourcing recycled materials, nor without the
Negative Impact of Consumerism on collection and processing infrastructure to recycle it at end of life. Repairable
Young People by (Re)Awakening Their
and long-lasting products cannot be economically competitive without sup-
Spirituality through Sense of Place,”
South African Journal of Higher Education porting business strategies. A product designed for existing scales can become
32, no. 4 (2018): 199–214, https://doi. unsustainable when overconsumed. For example, overuse of energy efficient
products can cause greater energy consumption due to a lack of accompa-
31 Paul Hawken, ed., Drawdown: The Most
Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to nying changes in economic or marketing conditions — the “rebound effect.”28
Reverse Global Warming (New York: Economics and laws (or lack thereof) frequently constrain designers by prior-
Penguin Books, 2017).
itizing property rights over environmental health and human rights.29 Some
aspects of today’s culture are technocentric and consumerist, encouraging
people to fulfill their needs by buying things rather than making personal con-
nections or engaging in spiritual contemplation.30 Global-scale sustainability
reports such as the IPCC’s climate assessments and the IPBES’s biodiversity
assessments barely mention product design, focusing mostly on energy gener-
ation, material production and waste, transport systems, economics, govern-
ment policy, and society. These other fields may have more individual power
to address the largest environmental and social challenges.31 Indeed, some
argue that product designers cannot produce sustainability in isolation. They
must collaborate with many partners — up and down management chains,
across value chains, and across disciplines — to pursue shared visions. When
business executives, collaborators, and legislators fail to value sustainability,
designers must use communication and leadership skills to convince them.
For Transition Design, designers work directly on larger-scale business,
legal, social, and technical systems. But, unlike a product designer changing
the wall thickness of a part, they cannot make direct changes to these systems.
Instead, they are facilitators bringing interdisciplinary stakeholder teams
through their design processes. Thus, for these designers, communication and
leadership skills are analogous to a product designer’s CAD or rendering skills.
They depend on others to implement.
Economic limits on design are especially complicated. Popular opinion
often assumes that sustainability adds costs without commensurate business
value. However, many well-established strategies for cost efficiency, such as
lean manufacturing and energy efficiency, are also unacknowledged profitable
161 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

32 Paul Hawken, Hunter Lovins, and Amory sustainability strategies.32 Numerous studies document that sustainable strate-
Lovins, Natural Capitalism: The Next In-
gies improve the bottom line, reduce legal risk, and raise brand value.33 Today,
dustrial Revolution (Oxfordshire, England:
Taylor & Francis, 1999), 63.
99% of CEOs of the largest companies say sustainability is important to their
33 Tensie Whelan et al., “ESG and Financial business success.34 When the maximization of short-term shareholder profit
Performance: Uncovering the Relation-
conflicts with ideal environmental and social action, some companies change
ship by Aggregating Evidence from
1000 Plus Studies Published between
their business models and governance structures. For example, the Mondragon
2015–2020” (report, NYU Stern Center for Corporation, which is a worker-owned cooperative with semi-democratic
Sustainable Business, 2021), 7–9, https://
self-governance, has been financially successful for nearly 80 years and em-
ploys over 70,000 people. Increased operating risks resulting from the climate
per_2021%20Rev_0.pdf. and environmental crises are also becoming economic concerns. Institutional
34 UN Global Compact and Accenture, “The
investors (for example, BlackRock at $10 trillion) now exert shareholder pres-
Decade to Deliver: A Call to Business
Action” (report, by United Nations Global
sure on management to prioritize sustainability.35
Compact, New York, 2019), 23, https:// Thus, the alignment between long-term financial and sustainability
performance has never been clearer. It leads to a talent gap, with demand
for sustainable design skills outweighing supply.36 At the same time, young
document/Accenture-The-Decade-to-De- people demand that their schools, governments, and employers privilege
sustainability and climate action as an existential imperative,37 as illustrated
35 Larry Fink, “The Power of Capitalism:
Larry Fink’s Annual 2022 Letter to
by Greta Thunberg-inspired climate crisis strikes.38
CEOs,” Blackrock, accessed May 29,
individual/2022-larry-fink-ceo-letter. Teaching Sustainable Design
36 LinkedIn Corporate Communications, “Our
2022 Global Green Skills Report,” LinkedIn Sustainability has been included in product and industrial design curricula
Economic Graph, February 22, 2022,
in some higher education for decades. TU Delft has taught it since the 1990s.
Professional development programs have offered training in sustainable design
37 SOS International, “Students, Sustainabil- for some time, usually as a special topic taught by consulting firms, such as Pré
ity, and Education: Results from a Survey
Sustainability’s courses on LCA, or Biomimicry 3.8’s courses on bio-inspired
with Students in Higher Education
around the World,” Students Organizing
design. Some entrepreneurship incubators now provide resources for sustain-
for Sustainability International, February able design training, such as the Kickstarter Environmental Resources Center39
and VentureWell Tools for Design and Sustainability.40 Overall, however,
38 Mattias Wahlström et al., eds., “Protest
for a Future: Composition, Mobilization,
few college design programs require classes dedicated entirely to sustainable
and Motives of the Participants in design, mentioning the topic only briefly in other courses or assigning it elective
Fridays for Future Climate Protests on
status.41 Lack of faculty expertise is a frequent reason for this shortfall, as is the
15 March, 2019 in 13 European Cities”
(report, Protest for the Future, July 2019),
view that — when it comes to finding graduates jobs in industry — sustainability
available at https://www.researchgate. is less important than existing aesthetics or engineering curriculum.42 This lack
of curriculum — especially required curriculum — means that design education
39 Kickstarter, “Kickstarter Environmental
Resources Center,” 2018, accessed May
fails to act at the scale required to face current ecological crises.
29, 2023, Meanwhile, other fields are incorporating sustainability into their college
curricula. The Lemelson Foundation’s Engineering for One Planet (EOP)43
40 VentureWell, “Tools for Design and
Sustainability,” VentureWell, accessed
initiative is driving sustainability as a core tenet of the engineering profession.
May 29, 2023, EOP recognizes that the sustainability talent gap cannot be bridged without
changes in engineering education — changes that prepare all graduates with
41 Matthew Watkins et al., “Sustainable
Product Design Education: Current
essential sustainability skill sets and mindsets.44 Its framework of learning
Practice,” She Ji: The Journal of Design, objectives and teaching guides does not prescribe one curriculum. Instead,
Economics, and Innovation 7, no. 4
it recommends a menu of existing curricular examples from many sources,
(2021): 611–37,
which align with the engineering accreditation standards of the Accredita-
tion Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. EOP co-developed the framework to pro-
tect and improve the planet and life through collaboration with hundreds of
162 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

42 Jeremy Faludi and Cindy Gilbert, “Best stakeholders from academic, corporate, government, and non-profit sectors.
Practices for Teaching Green Invention: In-
As a community of practice, EOP brings together academics and other stake-
terviews on Design, Engineering, and Busi-
ness Education,” Journal of Cleaner Produc-
holders for mutual support in developing the future of engineering education.
tion 234 (October 2019): 1246–61, https:// This is a model that design education can follow.
While most studies relevant to sustainable design education are anecdotal,
43 The Lemelson Foundation and VentureWell,
“The Engineering for One Planet Frame-
some have been quantitative. The largest studies focused on engineering edu-
work: Essential Learning Outcomes for cation45 or a general education in sustainability.46 Some studied innovation in
Engineering Education” (Powered by
business education,47 but only a few targeted design.48 One by Jeremy Faludi
Lemelson Foundation, prepared in part-
nership with VentureWell, 2020), https://
and Cindy Gilbert49 quantitatively and qualitatively studied curriculum, teaching, and administrative support — it provided a basis for the Future of
44 Cindy P. Cooper, “The Surge in Climate
Design Education curricular recommendations that follow.
Action Requires a Surge in Green Talent,
but How on Earth to Fill the Gap?,” The Le-
melson Foundation, April 13, 2022, https://
Student Skill Levels
Sustainable design competencies include an array of approaches to under-
– standing impacts and interconnection, all to reduce the negative and increase
45 David T. Allen et al., “Benchmarking the positive impacts of design decisions. Sustainability must be integrated into
Sustainable Engineering Education:
all design practices, but there are many different fields of expertise and not
Final Report” (report, Syracuse Univer-
sity, May 2005), available at https://doi. everyone will be an expert. Curriculum planners must consider what subjects to
org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21852.13446. teach and the competency levels required for roles in industry. Giving students
46 Armin Wiek, Lauren Withycombe, and
cursory exposure to sustainability could result in educational “greenwashing,”
Charles L. Redman, “Key Competencies in
Sustainability: A Reference Framework for where advertised or perceived competencies in methods, tools, and metrics far
Academic Program Development,” Sus- exceed actual skills. In turn, graduates could unintentionally greenwash prod-
tainability Science 6, no. 2 (2011): 203–18,
ucts and services they go on to design. Just as evidence-based metrics are crit-
47 Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Jose Luis Duarte ical to the credibility of sustainable design, they are important to the credibility
Ribeiro, and Marcelo Nogueira Cortimiglia, of design education too. Bloom’s taxonomy can be used to assess level-specific
“Success Factors for Environmentally Sus-
competencies related to sustainability.50 Technical knowledge and skills in very
tainable Product Innovation: A Systematic
Literature Review,” Journal of Cleaner Pro- specialized fields can change quickly, but some concepts endure — particularly
duction 65 (February 2014): 76–86, https:// basic principles. Educators must stay current with industry standards for tools,
methods, and metrics by asking practitioners for advice.51
48 Humphries-Smith, “Sustainable Design and
the Design Curriculum.” Educators and employers cannot expect all students to become experts in
49 Faludi and Gilbert, “Best Practices for all topics, or all faculty to stay current with advances in all sub-specialties.
Teaching Green Invention.”
There are at least three levels of competency to consider in sustainable design
50 Eric Pappas, Olga Pierrakos, and Robert
Nagel, “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Teach education: what all design students should know and do; what future prac-
Sustainability in Multiple Contexts,” titioners in sustainable design should know and do; and what advanced or
Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (June
elective students might study.
2013): 54–64,
51 Johannes Christoph Behrisch, Mariano
Ramirez, and Damien Giurco, “Ecodesign in The Development of Recommendations for
Industrial Design Consultancies — Comparing Sustainable Design Education
Australia, China, Germany and the USA,” in
DS 68-5: Proceedings of the 18th Internation- The working group on sustainability included practitioners and faculty, all
al Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 11)
with years of experience in sustainable design. Co-leaders (one practitioner
(London: DRS, 2011), 1–11,; Jeremy and one academic) selected members to mirror the diversity of practice, types
Faludi and Alice M. Agogino, “What Design of institutions, geographic location, and designer demographics. The working
Practices Do Professionals Use for Sustain-
group also reached out to relevant organizations (e.g., the Ellen MacArthur
ability and Innovation?,” in DS92: Proceedings
of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Foundation) and other disciplines for advice.
Conference (London: DRS, 2018), 2633–44, Table 1 outlines the core ideas for sustainable design the working group
163 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

Table 1 Core ideas.

Fundamentals of Sustainability  All humans depend on nature and are part of it; all products and ser-
vices require materials and energy that come from nature and must
safely return to it. Thus, without sustainable design, there will be no
other fields of design. (Industrial, mechanical, information, and textile
design etc., must all consider sustainability.)
 Economics depends on society, which depends on the environment.
All designers must take responsibility for their decisions, which impact
these interdependent systems, even when effects are unintentional.
 Design choices cause environmental and social impacts in all life cycle
phases (raw materials, manufacturing, transport, usage, and end of
life). Designers have a responsibility to consider all these different
phases to produce the most positive effects possible, moving away
from exploitative design to regenerative design.
 Social and environmental consequences are intertwined. Design must
not reinforce oppressive cultures and must bring about environmental

Circular Economy  Designing for the circular economy means aiming to eliminate
mining and landfill through wise resource cycling: designing for
long life, sharing, repair, upgrade, reuse, remanufacture, service
models, refurbishment, and recycling or composting in simple and
intuitive ways.
 Circular design strategies often require new business or economic
models (e.g., product service systems, product stewardship) to
transition to a circular economy. Such strategies require designers
to partner and collaborate with stakeholders in all aspects of the
system (e.g., business planners, governments, external partners, etc.).

Whole Systems Thinking  When assessing impact and making design choices, designers must
consider the whole system from the earliest stages of the design
process. This includes the life cycle and larger context, as well as
technical and social issues at different levels. Considering the whole
system helps avoid unintended consequences, such as improving
one component of the system to the detriment of the whole. It
also helps designers to decide what changes have the greatest

Sustainable Innovation Strategies  There are tools, methods, and strategies unique to sustainable
design that drive innovation at different points and levels in the
design process (e.g., certification checklists, LCA, design for recy-
cling). Designers should learn these and choose the most appropri-
ate ones for the job at hand. They should also improve tools and
methods as needed.

Impact Assessment, and Laws and  Environmental and social impact can be quantified, or at least qual-
Standards itatively assessed. Design priorities and choices should be based on
evidence from such assessments.
 Laws establish minimum sustainability performance in various regions
and industries. Certifications establish higher levels of expectations
that designers can and should achieve. Designers can also design
better policies, laws, and certifications.

Communication, Collaboration, and  Designers can lead through the things they do and the things they
Leadership produce. They can also advocate across value chains, management hi-
erarchies, and broader society to drive evolving systems of sustainable
production, consumption, policy, culture, and living.
164 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

The recommendations that follow provide detail on sustainable design

issues related to natural systems, as introduced in the article on systems and as
a counterpart to articles on “Pluriversal Futures for Design Education” (social
systems) and “Navigating Design, Data, and Decision in an Age of Uncertainty”
(technical systems) in this special issue of She Ji. The goal of the Future of
Design Education working group on sustainability is to fill sustainability knowl-
edge gaps in design education at three levels of study and to suggest relevant
learning outcomes across design specializations taught in higher education,
engineering universities, art schools, and professional training programs. It
is up to institutions to frame topics appropriately for their undergraduate and
postgraduate students.
Table 2 provides an overview of recommended curricular content at each
level of student specialization:
[All] Is critical to all design education and recommended as a requirement,
even in programs without a specific sustainability focus.
[SD] Is not required for designers in general but is required for a
sustainability-specific class or program.
[EA] Is not required but is a valuable topic, suitable for elective or advanced study.

Any of these topics can be taught at the graduate or undergraduate level by

varying the depth and degree of emphasis.

Table 2 Curriculum topics students should know and do.

Fundamentals of Sustainability All designers and engineers need a basic level of sustainability
literacy to recognize problems, proximate causes, and approaches
to create regenerative, equitable and resilient outcomes for all life
on Earth. Designers and engineers who specialize in sustainable
design need deeper understanding of applications, as well as how
to measure success, set goals, and make tradeoffs or find synergies.

[All] Definitions of List definitions of environmental, social, and economic sustainability (e.g.,
environmental, social, and Brundtland report, Earth Charter, or other). For higher education levels,
economic sustainability write a definition of sustainable design relevant to the student’s region and
context, using concepts from Impact Assessment, and Laws and Standards.

[All] Planetary boundaries and Describe the planetary boundaries and list which ones can be impacted
the Anthropocene negatively and/or positively by a given design.

[All] Sustainable Development Recognize which United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN
Goals SDGs) can be impacted negatively and/or positively by a given design.

[All] Environmental and social Qualitatively list the environmental and social impacts of a given
impacts of design and design and acknowledge the designer’s responsibility to improve
designers’ responsibility to them. (For greater depth, see Impact Assessment, and Laws and
improve them Standards.)

[All] Equity in access and resource Identify inequalities in access and resource distribution, globally and
distribution, both globally nationally, relevant to a given design.
and within countries
165 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

[SD] Natural resource extraction List the main natural resource extraction limits and problems relevant
limits and issues to a given design. (See also Impact Assessment, and Laws and

[SD] Production and consumption Qualitatively describe the environmental and social impacts of a
impacts across life cycle product’s production and consumption across all life cycle phases (e.g.,
phases (A) materials, production, use, and end of life).

[SD] Production and consumption Redesign a product to improve its production and consumption impacts,
impacts across life cycle and describe its expected benefits and limitations. (See also Impact
phases (B) Assessment, and Laws and Standards.)

[SD] Ecosystem cycles and/or Describe key ecosystem cycles (carbon, nitrogen/phosphorus, water,
services soil creation, etc.) and/or ecosystem services such as water purification,
crop pollination, and other provisioning, regulating, cultural, or support
services performed by ecosystems. Also describe how the cycles or
services drive design priorities.

[SD] Diversity and inclusion in Practice diversity and inclusion in the composition of design teams,
design practice classes, departments, and engagement of users or other stakeholders.
Assess how well the group reflects the people with and for whom
they design, and suggest ways to improve representation in decision-

[EA] Doughnut Economics Describe Doughnut Economics and apply it to design by creating a design
that can benefit various categories of impacts.

[EA] Environmental justice in Design a product, service, or system to drive environmental justice and
design justify its features and/or qualities by expected benefits.

[EA] History of sustainable Explain how the history of sustainability movements relating to design
design movements can guide today’s designers.

Circular Economy The Circular Economy or Cradle to Cradle thinking aims for restorative
or regenerative value and design. It emphasizes effective resource
use: eliminating mining of new resources, waste, pollution, and
ecosystem disruption by circulating resources through the economy
many times in closed loops at their highest value. This approach
replaces an old linear economy of mining > production > use > landfill
or incineration. The Circular Economy combines products and services
in circular business models; for example, ownership of physical
products may stay with the manufacturing company.
This approach requires designers to know more about materials,
product lifespan, business models, and service systems. In addition,
shifting to business models in which ownership stays with the
manufacturer extends the relationship between the company and
users across time. Designing for the circular economy requires the
engagement of stakeholders in the design process, and a systems

[All] Think regeneratively rather Describe the difference and compare the implications of a linear product
than linearly system and a regenerative circular system.

[All] Visualize product or service Visualize the flow and impact of raw material, components, products,
resource flows and services for insights, both at the scale of user needs and system
implications for circular design.
166 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

[All] Design for extended life Describe how circular design strategies (including durability, repairability,
(durability, repair, upgrade) upgradability) extend product lifetimes, tighten resource loops, and
eliminate waste. (See also Sustainable Innovation Strategies.)

[All] Design for multiple use Propose design strategies for multiple use cycles (e.g., reuse, refurbish,
cycles sharing) while retaining value in a circular economy.

[All] Select materials to enable Select product materials and manufacturing processes that enable
circularity and minimize circularity and improve impacts (health, environmental, and social) across
impacts the full product life cycle and recovery.

[All] Product-service systems for Propose product-service systems that allow for recovering and looping
circular economy back products, components, and materials into a circular economy.

[SD] Circular Economy business Apply circular business models, such as product service systems, that aim
models at fully closing resource loops and integrating products with services at
scale. (See also Sustainable Innovation Strategies.)

[SD] Circularity assessment Differentiate between weak circularity (or greenwashing) and strong
circularity by quantifying consequences of circular offerings at the
system level and over multiple use cycles, using a circularity assessment
and/or life cycle assessment. (See also Impact Assessment, and Laws and

[SD] Design for extended life Apply design for repair, upgrade, refurbishment, and durability strategies
(durability, repair, upgrade) to a product and its service system. (See also Sustainable Innovation

[SD] Enroll user in maintenance, Propose strategies for engaging users in product care, maintenance, and
recovery, etc. recovery, whether shared or owned.

[SD] Manage collaboration with Identify, map, facilitate, and manage the collaboration among external
external stakeholders for a stakeholders required to operationalize a circular economy business
circular business model model. (See also Communication, Collaboration, and Leadership.)

[EA] Regenerative solutions Design regenerative solutions that give back more than is taken from
ecosystems, including solutions that reverse climate change, biodiversity
loss, waste, and pollution at scale.

[EA] Product-service system Create maps and models of product-service systems (PSS) to understand
maps existing scenarios and propose better alternatives; this may include
studying an unsustainable product-service system to improve its

[EA] Embed sensors and data Identify where and how to embed data types and sensors into a system
types for circularity so they create feedback loops that enable more efficient operation of
circular systems (e.g., to recover parts).

[EA] Circular economy policy Identify where and how to change policies, internal or external, so they
economically incentivize circularity (e.g., to recover products or materials).

[EA] Work with alternative Compare the advantages and disadvantages of alternative socio-
socio-economic models economic models, such as Doughnut Economics, degrowth capitalism, or
others, and propose new alternatives.
167 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

Whole Systems Thinking Designers should see and map dynamic cause-and-effect
relationships in systems as reflections of complexity in the real
world. Systems thinking is a holistic approach to design decision-
making. It assesses impact at all levels to ensure that outcomes
meet overarching sustainability goals, identify new opportunities,
and innovate.

[All] Identify system-wide Explain the relationships among design decisions, impacts, broader
implications of design systems, and opportunities, including the system-wide implications of a
decisions specific design decision.

[All] Map full life cycle of products, Construct a simple analogue system map to illustrate relationships and
services, and materials identify insights that could lead to interventions.

[All] Assess functionality and When evaluating functionality and impact, conduct assessments at the
impact at system level level of the whole system to avoid making the whole worse by improving
a part.

[SD] Cause and effect Identify cause-effect relationships, consequences of action, and impact
relationships assessments to take responsibility for professional decisions.

[SD] Systems thinking in design Apply a systems mindset to design challenges, ensuring that solutions
are developed from a whole-systems perspective.

[SD] System mapping Draw a basic system map communicating the impacts that product, ma-
terial, and general design decisions have on the natural and social world.

[SD] Life cycle and functionality Draw a product life cycle and/or value chain map to demonstrate mate-
rial flows and the impact of these on the natural and social world.

[EA] Manage trade-offs in Manage trade-offs and/or synergies within systems, such as between
complex systems embodied material impacts, end of life options, different use cases, etc.

[EA] System dynamics Map or quantitatively model systems dynamics using causal loop
diagrams, including stocks and flows and feedback loops.

[EA] Root cause analysis Identify “upstream” root causes to “end-of-pipe” symptoms in a system,
including physical, economic, policy, and cultural, and suggest design
interventions to improve them.

[EA] Consequential system Create a system-level design intervention based on consequential

design impact (i.e., anticipating the changes in customer demand or other
consequences of the main intervention).

Sustainable Innovation Strategies Designers should understand and apply sustainable design
tools, methods, and strategies to innovate products and services
in concrete, measurable ways. This includes using insights
from impact assessments, whole systems thinking, and circular
economy strategies to select specific tools and methods.

[All] Recognize that sustainable Identify different sustainability-specific design tools, methods, or
innovation tools and strategies for different circumstances and life cycle stages, such as
methods exist those listed below. Include impact assessment tools or methods they
should be paired with to avoid greenwashing.
168 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

[SD] Ecodesign Strategy Wheel Use the Ecodesign Strategy Wheel (“sustainable design thinking”) to
ideate sustainable design solutions and identify opportunities for
greatest improvement across different stages of a product’s life cycle.

[SD] Material choice Select sustainable materials for a product and compare benefits and

[SD] Cradle to Cradle or Circular Apply Cradle to Cradle or Circular Economy tools and methods (e.g.,
Economy strategies design for durability, repair, reuse, recycle, compost, etc.) to the design
of a product or system. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
various strategies. (See also Circular Economy.)

[SD] Circular sustainable business Explore various sustainable business models (e.g., turn a product into a
strategies product service system, build a social benefit model etc.), and compare
likely environmental, social, and economic outcomes.

[SD] Energy effectiveness Apply energy effectiveness strategies to the design of a product or
system, and compare their advantages and disadvantages.

[SD] Behavior change Apply persuasive design strategies to a product, service, or system,
to drive more sustainable user behavior. Describe both the expected
benefits and potential ethical concerns.

[SD] Integrate impact assessment Choose impact assessment and systems thinking methods to apply
and systems alongside sustainable ideation methods to guide innovation and avoid
greenwashing. Consider a variety of assessments to understand strengths
and limitations of different strategies.

[SD] Match design tools to their Recognize that different sustainable design methods, tools, and strategies
different purposes are used for different purposes (e.g., goal setting, research, analysis,
ideation, decision making, communication, and industry-specific context).
Use the best one(s) for the job at hand.

[EA] Biomimicry or Apply biomimicry to a product, service, or system design. Describe

bio-inspiration advantages and disadvantages of the intervention. Perform field studies
in nature and describe how they inspire and motivate sustainability.

[EA] Frugal innovation Apply extreme affordability strategies to the design of a product, service,
or system to make it accessible to the world’s poorest. Explain what is
gained and lost in reducing consumer cost.

[EA] Lightweighting Apply lightweighting to a product design and describe its advantages
and disadvantages versus circular design strategies to reduce material

[EA] Factor Ten Engineering Apply Factor Ten Engineering (10xE) to the design of a product, service, or
system. Explain the energy and resource savings, as well as consequences
for other aspects of the design.

[EA] Integrate legal or List legal and certification requirements applying to a design. Use them to
certification requirements help choose sustainable innovation and assessment strategies.

[EA] Practical details of Describe and integrate the practical details of executing sustainable
executing strategies design strategies in a real-world context (e.g., business relationships,
multiple stakeholders, reverse logistics, etc.). Describe how it limits and
enables design decisions.
169 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

Impact Assessment, and Laws and Designers must understand and apply environmental and social
Standards impact assessments to set evidence-based design priorities and
choose between design options based on evidence. They should
balance trade-offs between different types of impacts or find
beneficial synergies.

[All] Read existing assessments Read and interpret a life cycle assessment (LCA), Environmental Product
to set priorities or make Declaration, or scorecard specific to a product category to set design
choices priorities and/or make informed decisions between design options.

[SD] Fast-track LCA Apply a streamlined (“fast track”) Life Cycle Assessment to a product
or service using dedicated LCA software, lookup tables, or tools
within other design software (e.g., SimaPro, GaBi software, IDEMAT
spreadsheets, or SolidWorks Sustainability plugin).

[SD] Assess environmental Apply a specific impact assessment method (e.g., ecological footprint, LCA
impacts in all life-cycle or others, such as product-specific scorecards) to assess the environmental
stages impacts of a product across its entire life cycle, including raw material ex-
traction, manufacturing, packaging and transportation, use, and end of life.

[SD] Debunk greenwashing Find or perform assessments to debunk greenwashing in sustainability


[SD] Social impact assessment Describe a social impact assessment and how it would be applied to a
product, service, and supply chain.

[SD] Describe limits of Describe the limitations of various environmental or social sustainability
assessment methods assessment methods and how to work around them to make informed

[SD] Describe key laws Describe important environmental and social sustainability laws
relevant to the designer’s field, such as Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS); Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE); Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of
Chemical (REACH); and the EcoDesign Directive. Apply them to a
design project.

[SD] Integrate assessments into Decide when and how to integrate sustainability assessments into
product development standard product development processes. Use the insights to inform
design decisions.

[SD] Balance tradeoffs between Choose among design alternatives, balancing trade-offs between dif-
different impacts ferent types of impacts, or finding beneficial synergies between them.

[EA] Full LCA: EPD / ISO 14000 Apply a full Environmental Product Declaration or ISO 14000 series
compliant life cycle assessment to a product or services, using dedicated
LCA software or similar tools.

[EA] Circularity assessment Apply a circularity metric to assess the amount of resources and financial
value recovered across multiple product or material lifetimes.

[EA] Health hazard assessment Apply a material or chemical toxicity hazard assessment on a product or

[EA] MIPS Apply a Material Input per Unit of Service (MIPS) assessment to a pro-
duct or service.
170 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

[EA] Repairability assessment Assess a product’s repairability, using French Repairability Index, iFixit,
Joint Research Council, disassembly map, or other tools.

[EA] UN SDG assessment Assess a product, service, company, or value chain for its contributions
to (and detriments to) specific targets in various United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals.

[EA] Certification or ecolabel Apply a sustainability certification (ecolabel) assessment to a product,

service, company, or value chain. Some legitimate certifications include
Cradle to Cradle for products like furniture or textiles, Electronic
Protection Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) for computers and
peripherals, EnergyStar for appliances, EU Ecolabel or EcoMark Japan for
multiple product categories.

[EA] Social impact certification Apply or explain results of an existing social sustainability certification
for a business operation. Some legitimate certifications include Fair
Trade, Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), or SA8000.

[EA] Country-specific/field- Identify and integrate country- and field-specific environmental, health,
specific laws and social laws into design decisions.

[EA] Design better policy Write a suggested law, certification, or policy to improve the
sustainability of a field, or contribute to research that improves
sustainability laws, certifications, or policies.

Communication, Collaboration, and Designers are often not the ultimate decision makers, but they are
Leadership well-positioned to use their design and leadership skills to drive
sustainable innovation. They must develop engaging visions and
narratives of sustainability and advocate for policy and cultural
change. Studies show that organizational barriers are often
more significant than economic or technological barriers. Thus,
communication and leadership are needed to activate stakeholders,
both internal (peers and executives) and external constituencies
(value chain partners, customers, governments, and others).
Storytelling helps create a shared vocabulary, reframes problem
and solution spaces, and helps sell ideas. Collaboration skills boost
team effectiveness and help members cope with the stress of
addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges without giving
up for easier pursuits. Leadership motivates individuals and teams to
overcome obstacles.

[All] Sustainability vocabulary List key sustainability vocabulary (see all other curricular topic areas) and
describe them in value-added framing (the benefits they provide in design).

[All] Recognize greenwashing Differentiate between genuine steps toward sustainability and

[All] Sustainability visions Create engaging visions, stories, and value propositions for sustainability
and the circular economy.

[All] Sell sustainability within Argue persuasively with colleagues and executives for the value of
team sustainability in a project.

[All] Personal code of conduct Write an ethics-based personal code of conduct related to design practice.

[All] Gather stakeholder feedback Gather feedback from stakeholders to identify and address the (un)intend-
on (un)intended consequences ed consequences and barriers of design decisions.
171 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

[SD] Build psychological safety Apply methods and tools for building psychological safety among
among collaborators collaborators (e.g., empathy and nonviolent communication) to enhance
team effectiveness and individual resilience, especially in hostile

[SD] Sell sustainability to Argue persuasively with external partners (e.g., up to clients, down to
external teams supply chain vendors, across to other partners) for them to contribute to
a project’s sustainability (e.g., by changing materials, production, end of
life collection, etc.)

[SD] Organizational change and Describe methods and tools for change management and how to apply
change management them to drive organizational change for sustainability in teams.

[SD] Reframing problems to Question users, collaborators, executives, and other stakeholders to
reimagine them interpret their deeper needs, to broaden and refocus ideation on more
effective and radical sustainable solutions.

[SD] Share knowledge, skills, and Describe best practices for sharing knowledge, skills, and opportunities
opportunities with colleagues, partners, key suppliers, etc. to normalize approaches to
sustainable design.

[EA] Debunk greenwashing Write analyses debunking greenwashing or verifying claims with science-
based evidence and persuasive arguments.

[EA] Participatory design and Apply participatory and co-design methods in projects to drive
co-design adoption of circular and sustainable solutions, especially with influential
organizations, key suppliers, or with marginalized groups.

[EA] Building partnerships, To lead organizational change, describe how to build internal and external
breaking down silos partnerships to break down silos and barriers across organizations (e.g.,
within value chains and across academic, government, NGO sectors).


The sustainability working group also developed a list of recommended cur-

ricular resources. Levels of clarity, depth, and ease of use vary widely among
different books, videos, exercises, and other teaching tools. Table 3 lists rec-
ommended resources for each of the categories above. It is not a definitive or
exhaustive list and is biased by what resources the authors are familiar with.
However, it should help newcomers to sustainability integrate the topics into
their coursework.

Limitations and Future Work

The working group on sustainability acknowledges that this article does

not represent a definitive curriculum proposal. Its members encourage
discussion in the wider sustainable design community to hone recommen-
dations. While the working group was diverse, the educational background
of its members was largely Euro-centric, which may limit the applicability
172 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023

Table 3 Resources.

52 Papanek, Design for the Real World.

53 Noel, “The Designer’s Critical Alphabet.”
Fundamentals of Sustainability:
54 Deborah Sumter et al., “Key Competen-
cies for Design in a Circular Economy:  Anthropocene and Great American Acceleration website,
Exploring Gaps in Design Knowledge and great-acceleration.php
Skills for a Circular Economy,” Sustain-  Design for the Real World book (Papanek & Fuller, 1972)52
ability 13, no. 2 (2021): 776, https://doi.  Designer’s Critical Alphabet cards (Noel, 2020)53
org/10.3390/su13020776.  Doughnut Economics Lab website,
55 Draper L. Kauffman, Systems One: An In-  Engineering for One Planet website,
troduction to Systems Thinking (Waltham,  EU Ecodesign guide website,
MA: Pegasus Communications, 1980).  Kickstarter Environmental Resources Center website,
56 Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems: environment
A Primer (White River Junction, VT:  Planetary Boundaries website,
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008). tary-boundaries/the-nine-planetary-boundaries.html
57 Vanessa Kirsch, Jim Bildner, and Jeff  SDG Compass website,
Walker, “Why Social Ventures Need
Systems Thinking,” Harvard Business
Review, July 25, 2016, https://hbr. Circular Economy:
 Circular Design website,
 “Circular Economy Competencies for Design” article (Sumter et al., 2021)54
58 Annemiek G. C. van Boeijen, Jaap Dall-
 Doughnut Economics Lab website,
hauizen, and Jelle Zijlstra, Delft Design
 Ellen MacArthur Foundation / IDEO Circular Design Guide, https://www.circulardesign-
Guide: Perspectives, Models, Approaches,
Methods (Amsterdam: BIS Publishers,
 European Commission Circular Economy Action Plan (2020) website,
59 Amory Lovins et al., “Factor Ten En-
 VentureWell Tools for Design and Sustainability (TFDS) online tutorials on design for
gineering Design Principles” (report,
circular economy and product service systems,
published by Rocky Mountain Insti-
tute, 2010),
60 McDonough and Braungart, Cradle to
Whole Systems Thinking:
61 Philip White, Steve Belletire, and Louise  Online system mapping tools such as Loopy,; or Kumu,
St Pierre, Okala Practitioner: Integrating
Ecological Design (Phoenix, AZ: IDSA,  Systems One book (Kauffman, 1980)55
2013).  Systems Thinker website,
62 Alexandre Joyce and Raymond L.  Systems Thinking Design Pack website,
Paquin, “The Triple Layered Business institute-play-design-pack-systems-thinking/
Model Canvas: A Tool to Design More  Thinking in Systems book (Meadows, 2008)56
Sustainable Business Models,” Journal  UNEP Life Cycle Initiative website,
of Cleaner Production 135 (November  VentureWell TFDS Whole System Mapping method online tutorial, https://venturewell.
2016): 1474–86, org/tools_for_design/whole-systems-mapping/
jclepro.2016.06.067.  Why Social Ventures Need Systems Thinking (Kirsch et al., 2016)57
63 Biomimicry 3.8, “Biomimicry Design-
Lens: A Toolkit of Best Practices,”
accessed May 23, 2023, https:// Sustainable Innovation Strategies:  Delft Design Guide tutorials on Ecodesign Strategy Wheel, Cradle to Cradle, LCA, Base of
biomimicry-designlens/. the Pyramid, and more (Van Boeijen et al., 2020)58
 Factor Ten Engineering Design Principles (Lovins et al., 2010)59
 Cradle to Cradle book (McDonough & Braungart, 2002)60
 Okala Practitioner tutorials on Ecodesign Strategy Wheel, LCA, circular economy, and
more (White et al., 2013)61
 Presidio Sustainability Booster for Business Model Canvas website, https://www.presidio.
 Triple Layered Business Model Canvas method (Joyce et al., 2016)62
 AskNature biomimicry database website,
 Biomimicry DesignLens method (Biomimicry 3.8, 2013)63
 VentureWell TFDS online tutorials on material choice, systems, energy, circular economy,
behavior change, business models, certifications, and more,
173 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

64 Joost G. Vogtlander. LCA, A Practical

Guide for Students, Designers, and
Impact Assessment, and Laws and Standards:
Business Managers, 2nd ed. (Delft: Delft
Academic Press, 2014).  Cradle to Cradle certification resources website,
65 Walter Klöpffer and Birgit Grahl, Life  Global Reporting Initiative, “How to Use the GRI Standards” website, https://www.
Cycle Assessment (LCA): A Guide to Best
Practice (New York: John Wiley & Sons,  EPEAT certification online tutorial on VentureWell TFDS,
2014). tools_for_design/measuring-sustainability/epeat-certification/
66 White et al., Okala Practitioner.  LCA: A Practical Guide for Students, Designers, and Business Managers book (Vogtlander,
67 United Nations Environment Programme, 2014)64
Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment  Life Cycle Assessment: A Guide to Best Practices book (Klöpffer & Grahl, 2014)65
(Belgium: UNEP, 2009).  LCA professional software: SimaPro,; Gabi,
68 Kerry Patterson et al., Crucial Conversa- uct-sustainability-software/; or OpenLCA,
tions: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are  LCA streamlined web apps: SustainableMinds,; LCA
High (New York: McGraw-Hill Education, Calculator,
2012).  LCA lookup tables and spreadsheet calculators: Ecolizer,; Okala
69 Harvard Business Review, HBR’s 10 Must Practitioner LCA tables,66 VentureWell TFDS calculator,
Reads on Change Management (Boston: tools_for_design/measuring-sustainability/life-cycle-assessment-content/
Harvard Business Press, 2011).  OpenLCA network partners website,
70 Nya van Leuvan et al., Making Shift  SA8000 certification online tutorial on VentureWell TFDS,
Happen: Designing for Successful Environ- tools_for_design/measuring-sustainability/sa8000-certification/
mental Behavior Change (Gabriola Island,  Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products (Benoit et al., 2009)67
BC: New Society Publishers, 2022).  UN Global Compact website,
71 Marshall B. Rosenberg, Nonviolent  UNEP Life Cycle Initiative website,
Communication: A Language of Compas-
sion (Encinitas, CA: Puddledancer Press,
2002). Communication, Collaboration, and Leadership:
72 Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organiza-
 Crucial Conversations book (Patterson et al., 2012)68
tions: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the
 Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads on Change Management book (Kotter et al.,
Conversations on Next-Stage Organiza-
tions (Brussels: Nelson Parker, 2016).
 Making Shift Happen book (Leuvan et al., 2022)70
 Nonviolent Communication book (Rosenberg, 2002)71
 Reinventing Organizations, Illustrated book (Laloux, 2016)72
 Team Effectiveness online worksheets from Re:Work / Google Project Aristotle, https://
 US Federal Trade Commission “Green Guides” for greenwashing website, https://www.ftc.

of recommendations to different contexts and the traditions they evoke.

The working group also encourages more inputs from India, China, and
Africa — inputs which might lead to a reframing of its recommendations.
The working group concedes that listing curricular topics and resources is
not enough to change education. True change requires transformation of large
institutions and industry. Future research on the resources and methods likely
to accelerate both deep and broad adoption of sustainable design education is
needed to make change at scale. The purpose of this article is to prompt dia-
logue, not to be exhaustive.
Another limitation of this article is that it discusses sustainable design as its
own field, not as part of other engineering or design practices. While sustain-
ability will continue as a specialization, it must also be integrated deeply into
other fields, as mathematics is in the sciences. Future work should drive integra-
tion in both directions — integrating sustainability tools and methods into other
design fields and using design methods from other fields to improve sustain-
ability tools.
174 she ji The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2023


In this article, the Future of Design Education working group on sustain-

ability developed recommendations for sustainable design curricula. The
recommendations aim to base design instruction on evidence-based tools,
methods, mindsets that both support designer advocacy for social and
environmental responsibility and are effective in professional practice.
They include eleven core ideas for an overarching vision of sustainability
in design and design education, plus learning outcomes organized in six
categories for three levels of study. As best practices in sustainable design
evolve, education should follow suit or even lead, but these recommenda-
tions will bring education up to the standards of currently well-established
Regardless of whether these exact recommendations are followed,
the central point is the necessity of integrating sustainability into design
education, both academic and professional. The urgency of environmental
and social challenges is obvious. But even for those privileged enough to
be untouched by current problems, if the purpose of design is to satisfy
people’s needs in creative and beautiful ways, then the best way to fulfill
that purpose is by designing to make the whole world more satisfying and
beautiful. Not only for today’s immediate users of one product, but also for
everyone and everyplace touched by the system, across all future gener-
ations of all life. The goal of the Future of Design Education is to rapidly
accelerate the transition to a better world, by challenging the design
community to rapidly transform the way it educates. Today’s students and
industry practitioners need to start designing sustainable solutions today,
not ten years from now. The knowledge and tools are already here, there
is no better time or greater urgency to build them into the future of design

Declaration of Interests

There are no conflicts of interest involved in this article.


We thank those that initiated and supported the Future of Design Educa-
tion initiative. These include Don Norman and others at the University of
California San Diego Design Lab; Meredith Davis at North Carolina State
University; IBM Global Design Group; and the World Design Organization.
We also thank Simon Widmer at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for initial
conversations on the recommendations, and the academics and industry
professionals who provided feedback on them.

Allen, David T., Braden Allenby, Michael Bridges, John Crittenden, Cliff Davidson,
Chris Hendrickson, Scott Matthews, Cynthia Folsom Murphy, and K. David Pijawka.
“Benchmarking Sustainable Engineering Education: Final Report.” Report for EPA
175 Faludi et al.: Sustainability in the Future of Design Education

grant X3-83235101-0. Syracuse University, May 2005. Available at https://csengin.
Behrisch, Johannes Christoph, Mariano Ramirez, and Damien Giurco. “Ecodesign in
Industrial Design Consultancies — Comparing Australia, China, Germany and the
USA.” In DS 68-5: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED 11), 1–11. London: DRS, 2011.
Benyus, Janine M. Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. New York: HarperCollins,
Biomimicry 3.8. “Biomimicry DesignLens: A Toolkit of Best Practices.” Accessed May 23,
van Boeijen, Annemiek G. C., Jaap Dallhauizen, and Jelle Zijlstra. Delft Design Guide:
Perspectives, Models, Approaches, Methods. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2020.
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