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Homework Does More Harm Than Good

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Homework has been a staple in the education system for decades.

It is seen as a way to reinforce

learning and improve academic performance. However, recent studies have shown that homework
may actually do more harm than good.

One of the main reasons for this is the amount of stress and pressure it puts on students. With the
increasing workload and expectations, students are often overwhelmed and overworked. This can
lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In addition, homework can also have a negative impact on family dynamics. With the amount of
time and effort students put into completing their homework, they may have less time to spend with
their families. This can lead to strained relationships and a lack of quality family time.

Furthermore, homework can also contribute to an unhealthy work-life balance. Many students spend
hours each day completing assignments, leaving little time for extracurricular activities, hobbies, or
even just relaxation. This can lead to burnout and a lack of motivation for learning.

Another issue with homework is the inequality it creates. Students from lower-income families may
not have access to the same resources and support as their wealthier peers, making it difficult for
them to complete assignments at the same level. This can perpetuate the achievement gap and limit
opportunities for these students.

With all of these negative effects, it is clear that homework does more harm than good. So what can
students and parents do to alleviate this burden?

One solution is to seek help from professional writing services, such as ⇒ ⇔. These
services offer assistance with homework assignments, allowing students to reduce their workload
and focus on other aspects of their lives. This can help alleviate stress and improve overall well-being.

In conclusion, homework may have been a long-standing tradition in education, but its harmful
effects cannot be ignored. It is important for students and parents to recognize these negative
impacts and take steps to reduce the burden of homework. Seeking help from services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable solution in achieving a healthier and more balanced academic life.
Without time to socialize and relax, students can become increasingly stressed, impacting life at
school and at home. All the media does is conveys the information to you, it is you that decides to
watch it, to understand it and to go by it. Assign too much or the wrong kind (or both) and the law
of diminishing returns kicks in, says Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology and neuroscience at
Duke University, r esulting in undue stress for students, aggravation for parents and no academic
pay-off. Take the TV for example, on its own, it is just like a box, it doesn’t control you, it is you that
chooses to plug it in, to turn it on and to watch whatever you do. The hours logged in class, and the
hours logged on schoolwork can lead to students feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated. First
getting your homework done on time leads to more learning and better grades. While I believe that it
can teach organization, I think there are other, better ways to support organization. It enriches our
lives by either informing, educating or entertaining us. When teachers assignment literature, math,
chemistry, business, and physics homework all in one night, students do get stressed out. Most of
them think that they are not good at writing, so they don’t bother getting better. Once they have
access to your course, they can get your assignments finished and your instructor will not know. But,
come to think of it, do the disadvantages really outweigh the advantages. Homework is not fun but it
is a needed part of school. For example, when the child is doing math homework, a parent could
balance the checkbook to demonstrate how the skill can be used in adult life, or they can they read
their own book while their child is reading. Here is a great article about how we should change our
mindset about homework and how we use homework. Ultimately, the amount of homework a
student has can impact a lot more than his or her grades. Overall, while homework may have some
benefits, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. Teachers assign homework as a
necessary approach in helping Homework continue the learning process at home. 2 Charts Say Yes.
Homework is Not Harmful. Well, of course, you may try also reading a whole book during a lesson
or learning the whole history of the Civil War but you’ll hardly succeed but stop believing those who
say that everything may and should be learned in class. Homework does not always provide these
opportunities, leading to boredom and a lack of problem-solving skills. The key is to offer balance
and assignments that students can do. Increasing numbers of students are facing batteries of new
standardized tests, and both parents and teachers feel the pressure. read more. Different schools have
in place various policies about homework. Navigating the line between developing learning skills and
feeling frustrated can be tricky. Homework does not contribute to retaining information after the test.
Dear student, your opinion about the amount of homework is very important for every teacher when
he or she assigns it (no). It may sound unreal, but such fairytale countries where kids spend only a
couple of hours per week on homework exist. Students Have a Say Students perceive the teacher as
an authority. For me, it was more important the kids enjoy the few free hours they had each day.
They also say that it widens social inequality and is not proven to be beneficial for younger children.
Students Have a Say Students perceive the teacher as an authority. Also we need to know more
about the use of the Internet, especially as it relates to potential disparities between rich and poor
and the ability to research at home. All those factors cause substantial levels of stress in their lives. I
think that instead, teachers should focus on extended learning for homework, such as exploring the
internet for connections between the learning done in class to how the learning can be applicable to
real-life. Everyone has tried to explain to students how important homework is. To make matters
more difficult, my school was 95% free and reduced lunch. Their teachers convince them that it’s a
good thing for them. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This is very different from traditional homework
which typically drills the skill learned that day with little review. They procrastinate even when they
get a single assignment that can be done in half an hour. Many students develop somatic symptoms,
mainly headaches, when they get too much homework to do. If support from parents is withdrawn
slowly, it can promote autonomous learning - teaching kids that they can learn on their own and they
can learn anywhere. This will not benefit the students because they would not obtain the information
from the homework, making the homework pointless. He concluded that doing more homework
correlated to higher test scores, and this correlation was strongest among older students. So we really
need more work on subject matter, on homework quality, on the level of inquisitiveness that it
engenders and the way it motivates. Completing homework is one of the responsibilities of the
student. I can say for myself, I responded well to structure and discipline so I applied myself more
when I was given homework to complete. When students practice a skill incorrectly, more time is
required to reteach and break the bad habit. A lack of knowledge about homework is a systemic
issue among teachers. My philosophy here is I didn’t want my students to spend time incorrectly
practicing something they haven’t fully learned. In my experience, I have seen my students’ self-
confidence boost. Television provides us with everything we need, from news, to educational
programs to movies. Students, on the other hand, should realize that if they stop hating assignments
so much, they might actually benefit from them. It is very good way of conveying public opinion and
can accessed from everywhere, at any time, e.g. in your car, at your home, in your office and almost
everywhere else. However, instead of eliminating homework completely, I would utilise an
alternative approach to accommodate the people who do support homework. Because school is so
crucial to future job opportunities, this system only creates a cycle of poverty wherein the children of
the poorest in society are forced to remain impoverished, keeping families at the bottom of the
economic ladder for generations. The sheer amount of research showing the negative of homework
versus the one study pointing at a precarious link between homework and test scores is not enough
for me to throw my hat into the homework ring. It may sound unreal, but such fairytale countries
where kids spend only a couple of hours per week on homework exist. It's also worth noting that
these correlations with older students are likely caused, not only by homework helping achievement,
but also by kids who have higher achievement levels doing more homework. Homework Won’t Go
Away No matter how much students hate it, professors don’t plan to stop assigning it.
While the value of homework for high-school kids is supported by the data, the same is not true for
elementary students. Also we need to know more about the use of the Internet, especially as it
relates to potential disparities between rich and poor and the ability to research at home. Homework
also causes students to stay in their room, and be less sociable with their family. This simply means
that students should be given homework on the lines of the syllabus done in the class. It appears a
real test to see whether any material can be recalled and applied outside of the classroom setting.
Javascript is required for this site to function properly. How can educators work with parents to keep
their role constructive. Fortunately there are still some who find homework helpful. There's often
intense pressure to succeed academically, from both parents and peers. Homework was controversial
almost as soon as it was introduced. Once they have access to your course, they can get your
assignments finished and your instructor will not know. When it comes to test time, students are
more likely to fail the test because they didn’t do their homework; they didn’t learn what they needed
to acquire for the test, which lowers the test scores in every state. Our behavior hasn't changed for
the better over the past few centuries. They are the cheapest and most easily available form of
media. Homework does not contribute to retaining information after the test. They show that kids
who did the homework performed better. For example, in a math class, when students are trying to
learn a skill, they are more likely to remember it if they do it over and over again. Homework can
indeed produce academic benefits, such as increased understanding and retention of the material,
says Duke University social psychologist Harris Cooper, PhD, one of the nation's leading homework
researchers. Rather than understand the times tables by reciting verbatim, they are now presented in
real life situations. After weighing all pros cons it is possible to answer the question Is homework
harmful or helpful debate In any debate the most popular solution is to achieve a balance and this
one is not an exception. It enriches our lives by either informing, educating or entertaining us. When
this happens, the child may stop completing homework or rely on a parent to assist with homework.
My philosophy here is I didn’t want my students to spend time incorrectly practicing something they
haven’t fully learned. I think that providing interactive activities related to the class material would
be a great way to include parents who do use homework as a way to be engaged in the learning
process. Information is broadcasted by a cable connection and is available as multi-media (sound and
pictures). I have sometimes gotten homework that is done IN the parent’s handwriting, while other
students have parents whose first language is not English or whose parents work two jobs and are
not around to help them. Time Management Is Essential for Successful Homework Writing Let’s get
real: students hate homework even when it’s not too much. Here is a great article about how we
should change our mindset about homework and how we use homework. It also shows that their test
scores or grades won't improve. As another school year begins, our schools and children are under
the gun as never before.
What's even worse is that homework can actually be problematic for young children. In the 1970s
and 1980s, we needed more homework to keep up with the Japanese economically. Some districts
and individual schools have started to place bans on homework and have regulated how much
homework schools can give children. They don’t like that they are constantly being compared to
other students. This can lead to feelings of resentment and a lack of balance in students' lives.
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Dear student,
your opinion about the amount of homework is very important for every teacher when he or she
assigns it (no). They show that kids who did the homework performed better. It can exacerbate
inequities: Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges when it comes
to completing homework, such as a lack of resources or support at home. Overall it is a great thing
that can be very helpful. When done with attention, it has beneficial effects that shouldn’t be
neglected. There's often intense pressure to succeed academically, from both parents and peers.
Public schools, terrified of losing funding due to low test scores, have moved to “ teaching to the
test,” where the goal is passing exams, not mastery of a subject. (In Michigan last month it was
announced that 100 schools were to be shut down because their students fell short on these exams.).
Without hesitation, I decided to pack best writing tips for students and educators in this blog. But
students who have large amounts of homework have less time to spend with their families and
friends. Parents also tend to use the amount of homework a teacher gives to judge the rigor of that
classroom. Sometimes teachers may not realize this inequity exists within their classrooms. I have
worked in upper-middle-class areas where I assumed the students had access to high-speed internet
at home. The students, in their turn, can see from the homework if they need to ask more questions
or devote some time to more practice. School is from 6-7am until 2-3pm and when your back home
you got only 3h left. Excessive amounts of homework can result in unneeded stress and pressure
which can affect the student's physical and mental health (Bogdanovich, 2014). They may not
master the skill on the first, second, or third night, but eventually, they do. This can lead to increased
feelings of frustration, hopelessness, and even depression. Read in any language, just read.” Are
there homework benefits. We’ll list 10 surprising facts about homework, which will make them
reconsider their practices. This can leave them feeling isolated and without a support system. The
focus often falls on the quantity of work given, not the quality. Report this Document Download
now Save Save is homework harmful or helpful essay For Later 0% (1) 0% found this document
useful (1 vote) 456 views 3 pages Is Homework Harmful or Helpful Essay Uploaded by api-
316235340 AI-enhanced title and description Homework is a fast way to increase stress, lower
family and extracurricular time, and lose sleep. Students who don’t get to spend time with their
family, such as eating dinner with them, have a higher risk of depression than most students. This is
very different from traditional homework which typically drills the skill learned that day with little
review. It is probably the cheapest for of media, (after newspapers) for handheld radio sets can be
purchased for very cheap prices and you don’t have to pay anything to get connected.
Just imagine a day in your life, without any form of media, how would it feel. It is a debate topic
between students and their parents often being on opposite sides. While the value of homework for
high-school kids is supported by the data, the same is not true for elementary students. By hiring
someone to do the assignments, parents and students can pick the assignments that are beneficial to
their learning and give the rest to the tutor to complete. As a kid, I hated that I spent all day in school
just to go home and continue the madness. Let them play, engage in sports and yes, relax in front of
the television at night with their families. I think that instead, teachers should focus on extended
learning for homework, such as exploring the internet for connections between the learning done in
class to how the learning can be applicable to real-life. But when it comes to deciphering the research
literature on the subject, homework is anything but an open book. All the media does is conveys the
information to you, it is you that decides to watch it, to understand it and to go by it. I mean,
seriously, why would any teacher expect a child to do all that work after working all day. The only
place you'll see a warning about it is in high school: you can expect half an hour a night per academic
subject. Following this rule means that 1st graders get ten minutes, second graders get 20 minutes,
etc. Whether it is good or bad depends on the aims of manufacturers. But what people don’t seem to
understand is homework is more harmful than it is helpful. However, in fact, your homework might
be managed like this if the scheme was widely accepted. The clash of today’s debate is whether the
harm brought by fast food restaurants. The second element is, does the student have time to complete
the work at home. Homework was controversial almost as soon as it was introduced. But, teachers
often find that students fail to do this, too. My Homework Policy as a Teacher When I had my
classroom of third graders, I vowed not to assign any homework if I could help it. In Pope and
Galloway's research, only 20 percent to 30 percent of students said they felt their homework was
useful or meaningful. They show that kids who did the homework performed better. Well, of course,
you may try also reading a whole book during a lesson or learning the whole history of the Civil War
but you’ll hardly succeed but stop believing those who say that everything may and should be
learned in class. It is very cheap (as low as a shilling a minute) and can be accessed from anywhere
(cyber cafes or home computers). Homework helps them go through the material while it’s still fresh.
It can contribute to sleep deprivation: Many students struggle to find the time to complete their
homework, leading to late nights and less sleep. Students can watch the lessons at home or
elsewhere. According to a study by Stanford University, 56 per cent of students considered
homework a primary source of stress. Usually, online homework helpers just need a username,
password, and list of work to complete. Students who spend too much time on homework are not
always able to meet other needs, like being physically and socially active.
It appears a real test to see whether any material can be recalled and applied outside of the classroom
setting. They believe it is vital that he gets it done before returning to school tomorrow. With this
traditional way, students and parents are likely to become frustrated, and as a result, the homework
loses its effectiveness. You can watch all the greatest events going on around the world, live, directly
from your own house, without having to actually go to place where the event is taking place.
Students, on the other hand, should realize that if they stop hating assignments so much, they might
actually benefit from them. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. I'm an English tutor, educational expert
and marketing magician. The teachers should reconsider the volume of homework that they assign,
and they should engage students by making the tasks more fun. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
Share to Pinterest. Pro assistance from question is homework harmful or helpful debate your mind-.
For these reasons, I strongly believe that if students are given an appropriate amount of useful work
to take home, homework can be very beneficial. My own twins are now in fourth grade, and,
although I said I didn’t “believe in homework” on the teacher survey, it feels odd that they DON’T
have any. There has always been and will always be badly designed homework. Cooper took studies
that already existed from the mid-2000s and correlated the number of homework students reported
doing to standardized test scores. As they say, in third grade you learn to read, and in fourth grade
you read to learn. Increasing numbers of students are facing batteries of new standardized tests, and
both parents and teachers feel the pressure. read more. But, the more homework they get, the less
they want to engage. First getting your homework done on time leads to more learning and better
grades. Of all the reading I have done over the years looking for homework answers, this is the
extent of the evidence I have seen in homework support. I have personally seen this when dealing
with new ways to approach math problems. The newer, more concrete, and conceptual ways are
sometimes confusing for parents. But there are experimental studies even at the earliest grades that
look at skills such as spelling, math facts, etc. However, instead of eliminating homework completely,
I would utilise an alternative approach to accommodate the people who do support homework. In
addition to, children will feel nervous because of the great pressure of spending 2 or 3 hours doing
their homework. That probably means teachers are doing their job properly. There is also the
argument that homework is a great way to teach kids how to be organized. But, like I said before,
three in five parents are satisfied and there's one in each direction - too much homework or too little.
I wanted to watch tv, go outside or play Nintendo, but instead, I was inside doing loads of math
problems. The sheer amount of homework is seared into my brain and shaped my views as a teacher.
Due to these feelings of frustrations, I did not enjoy the aspect of learning. Piling homework will
only encourage students to put it off. The clash of today’s debate is whether the harm brought by fast
food restaurants.
Another issue with parent help is that sometimes it can be detrimental. Students, on the other hand,
should realize that if they stop hating assignments so much, they might actually benefit from them.
Read in any language, just read.” Are there homework benefits. Time Management Is Essential for
Successful Homework Writing Let’s get real: students hate homework even when it’s not too much.
To some kids when they hear that word they despise it. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Students and their parents can manage their tasks with a
homework planner, so everyone knows exactly what needs to be completed by their deadlines. But,
like I said before, three in five parents are satisfied and there's one in each direction - too much
homework or too little. This can lead to feelings of resentment and a lack of balance in students'
lives. But what people don’t seem to understand is homework is more harmful than it is helpful. I
cannot go shopping everyday so I watch television, read newspaper to. Education expert Harris
Cooper’s just published the third edition of his well-regarded book The Battle Over Homework:
Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents, which offers compelling evidence that
homework for young children is actually destructive, in several ways. I believe that yes, homework is
important and an integral piece to learning, however, I think that the type of homework assigned can
dramatically change students' opinions. I believe that a balance needs to be struck and we should be
addressing this issue on a student to student level rather then generalizing one decision to all
students in a district. He sums up all known advantages of homework to prove that any assignment
given by a competent teacher does make sense. Students can be up until 11 or even midnight
finishing homework. Some teachers are taking it upon themselves to only give students assignments
to complete in class, while others are flipping their classrooms. Depending on the type of class, some
teachers are recording their lessons and placing them online. Overall, while homework may have
some benefits, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. Many students develop
somatic symptoms, mainly headaches, when they get too much homework to do. It may sound
unreal, but such fairytale countries where kids spend only a couple of hours per week on homework
exist. Other advantages are: good local acceptance; high geographic and demographic selectivity.
This can leave them feeling isolated and without a support system. I have personally seen this when
dealing with new ways to approach math problems. The newer, more concrete, and conceptual ways
are sometimes confusing for parents. If students reasonably explain the problem, they may start
assigning less of it. If for any reason you don't, let us know and we’ll make things right. When you
assign more than these levels, the law of diminishing returns or even negative effects - stress
especially - begin to appear. If eliminating it already works for many school districts in the United
States, what is Edina waiting for. Common reasons teachers give homework is to make students
don’t forget to learn. Homework gives them the opportunity to keep practicing and feel success at
their own pace.

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