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Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2020 E-ISSN : 2721-303X, P-ISSN : 2721-3021



Arry Hutomo1, Theresia Marditama2, Nandan Limakrisna3, Ilham Sentosa4, John Lee
Kean Yew5
Universitas Kebangsaan, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Kebangsaan, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Persada Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Asia Europe Institute, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ARTICLE INFORMATION Abstract: Researchers have shown that both of green

Received: 05th March 2020 human resources management (GHRM) practices and
Revised: 27th April 2020 customer environmental collaboration enhance
Issued: 17th May 2020 environmental performance. However, existing literatures
not be able to explain well how relationship between
Corresponding author: GHRM practices, customer environmental collaboration
Arry Hutomo (CEC), the enablers of employee green empowerment and
environmental performance. We conduct a medium-scale
E-mail: survey 125 employees at Indonesia manufacturing which have label green certificates by Green Label Indonesia
(GLI-Certificates). SEM-AMOS is choosing as statistical
methodology and tools that uses a confirmatory approach
to data analysis. Our paper contributes to HRM and SCM
theory in terms of utility and originality of research by
explaining that the enablers employee green empowerment
positively mediates the relationship between GHRM
practices, customer environmental collaboration and
DOI: 10.38035/DIJEFA environmental performance. Finally, we address potential
implications of this research for developing framework to
future formulations of responsible employee’s green
abilities as managers.

Keywords: Green Human Resources Management,

Customer Environmental Collaboration, Employee Green
Empowerment, Environmental Performance.

Available Online: Page 358

Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2020 E-ISSN : 2721-303X, P-ISSN : 2721-3021

Today, the organization has changed, its paradigm, view, concern about
environmental issues, which is interest in sustainable development especially on
environmental performance (Chaudhary, 2019; Ren et al., 2017; Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza et
al., 2017). Employees in organizations tend to be forced even with certain incentive urges to
always be conscious of the environment's concerns (Aina et al., 2019) , with some programs
being conducted to ensure that employees move towards the green organization's function in
accordance with market desires (Arulrajah & Opatha, 2016).
Environmental policy makers, government mindful that the EP-Index 2019 based on
ISO 140024:2018 for Indonesia Green Company (IGC) Type I showed increase progress but
inefficient and rather slow related on customer environmental collaboration since term 1-
2018 period (GLI Annual Report, 2019).
Some organization involve employees to encourage them to analyze some strategic
decisions, how to analyze a problem that is dissimilar to give the organization benefits in the
empowerment of green employees followed by the most important green solution and
environmentally friendly concerns on their company (Yu et al., 2020).
The organization has changed the paradigm in empowering their employees to run
their current businesses. Some green tasks assigned to them become a necessity because
demands of consumer are aware and want a more environmentally friendly. Henceforth, the
company mentioning it with the term ‘Green Employee Empowerment ' (Aina et al., 2019).
Organizations today not only hope that there works satisfaction for all employees, but also
seeks to improve the value of governance in order to achieve organizational efficiency to
maintain the employee's motivation level have fully impact on environmentally friendly or
green practices both internal and external companies (Aina et al., 2019).
Researchers have done review some research regarding to the relationship between
GHRM practices and environmental performance at company. Researchers summarizes that
in the previous study has found that the positive GHRM practice affects the environmental
performance through activities such as waste reduction and organizational efficiency
(Chaudhary, 2019 and Yusliza et al., 2017).
Overall, green practice can increase the green behavior of employees to improve the
environmental performance directly or indirectly. However, the relationship between GHRM
practices and environmental performance (EP) has often been a lot of discussion. Previous
studies have stated that how environmentally conscious apply for a green initiative related to
organizational and customer-related considerations are incomplete. The collaboration with
demand customers is the most major thing, therefore, make them aware of the business's
campaign about green practice (Chaudhary, 2019; Yusliza et al., 2017). Human capital is an
instrument to implement corporate strategy and to achieve organizational objectives.
Researchers do hypotheses that it is important to align the function of HRM to fulfill the
organizational environment of sustainability with customer environmental collaboration
(Chaudhary, 2019; Ren et al., 2017; Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza et al., 2017).
Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) become a part of option. Therefore,
industry need to shift green paradigm experience to make their enabler employee on supply

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Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2020 E-ISSN : 2721-303X, P-ISSN : 2721-3021

chain more efficient towards their sustainability and environmental commitments through in
order to ensure all supply chain and environmental performance in particular (Yong et al.,
2019; Yusliza et al., 2017). Industry movements around the world have been moving towards
production environmentally friendly and creating goods that support sustainability of the
earth. In Indonesia, industry is also moving in the same direction (Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza
et al., 2017). This research is based on the thought of increasing competitiveness by creating
a conducive business climate, increased technological ability for enabler employee green
industry to encourage improvement of quality, efficiency and productivity, legal capacity,
provision of government fiscal incentives, raw material support, human resources and
financing and other facilities in order to support the business activities of environmentally
friendly industries in Indonesia.
In previous studies, the behavior learning process to be environmentally friendly
requires sustainable learning and it will be serious problem if there is no collaboration with
customers, especially to encourage organization to achieve better environmental performance
(Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza et al., 2017).
Even though motivation employees are good enough compared to the green culture
organization (value of work in order to improve employee performance, job satisfaction and
to develop a committed attitude) task given, but when the product reached the customer or
distributor has not been aligned with the appropriate green practice standards (Lopez-cabrales
& Valle-cabrera, 2019).
Based on the results of the quarterly audit report IV 2019 of the Ministry of
Environment Ecolabel Indonesia that the company as research samples is classified as
ISO14024:2018 Type I (GLI Annual Report, 2019).
Result audit mentioned that guarantees can be worn by third parties (Clauses 3.7 and
3.8) based on independent standards covering the entire lifetime of the product (material,
retrieval, manufacture, distribution, use, disposal and recycling) have low performance in
terms of customer/user collaboration related to environmental awareness. Clauses 3.7 is
"Parties involved" are usually supplier ("first party") and purchaser ("second party") interests.
Clauses 3.8 is any party affected by a Type I environmental labelling programme (GLI
Annual Report, 2019).
It is seen that average for the implementation of green human resources management
practices in some companies in Indonesia lack to provides and to ensure service to customers
that products or services delivered in accordance with hygienists and environment friendly. It
means that customer environmental collaboration (CEC) become a very important variable to
improve environmental performance (Hutomo et al., 2018; Sarkis et al., 2011; Yu et al.,
Results of the audit based on ISO 140024:2018 eco labelling variables are (1)
Product/services; (2) Product category; (3) Product environmental criteria; (4) Customer
environmental cooperation/collaboration environmental aspect; (5) Product function
characteristics; (6) Ecolabelling body. In Picture 1 described how variables ISO 140024:2018
impact on the achievement of environmental performance in average Indonesia Green
Company Type-I (GLI Annual Report, 2019) are as follows:

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Picture 1. EP Index Audit ISO 140024:2018 Reports [IGC-Type I]

There are some insignificant findings on some customer audit results when sending or
receiving of goods, therefore, existence of a customer of eco-design, can perceive supply
chain eco-design. Cooperation with customers, CEC by providing some alternative using less
energy during products shipping transportation are needed, especially distributors that
transported goods (Sarkis et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2020). Based on the results of audits related
to environmental labels that showed, usefulness of these products/services to inform and
attract consumers have not impacted to the success of the improvement of environmental
performance for the scope of green enterprises in Indonesian.
EP-Index reports 2019 stated in its implementation is not optimal despite on GHRM
practices, employee green Empowerment is good, it is stated in audit reports that collaborate
with customers to develop EM solutions and to manage reverse flows/packaging has not been
a priority well to increase EP Index according to ISO 140024:2018 standards (GLI Annual
Report, 2019).
Lack of collaborate with customer to build program to reduce and to eliminate waste
is a crucial thing that process of monitoring environmental compliance status and practices of
customer and supplier operations is not in accordance with pre-standardized IGC Type-I. All
this is related to environmental technology and knowledge acquisition in customer is not in
accordance with expectations (GLI Annual Report, 2019).
Therefore, this research seeks to discuss the influence of customer environmental
collaboration should be an important concern based on the findings of the field conditions
and research gaps in previous literatures. Basic determination of research gaps is lacks of
literature in reviewing on framework with unified role of GHRM practices, enabler employee
green empowerment, customer environmental collaboration to support environmental
performance and just limited to research recommendations only.
The others reasons that are related to local issue in IGC Type I in Indonesia state that
customer environmental collaboration has low EP Index value compared to other EP Index
from year to year. IGC industry Type I has a significant growth in Indonesia green industry
and supports government programs of 52.39% in growing environmentally friendly business
ecosystem. Awareness of users wants to live healthy and high demand understanding to
maintaining hospitality of the environment become important thing. In addition, indicator of
customer environmental collaboration on theoretical framework as mediation is one of

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Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2020 E-ISSN : 2721-303X, P-ISSN : 2721-3021

originality in this research. An emerging need exists for collaborating and cooperating with
customers to maximize EP Index based on ISO 140024:2018 (GLI Annual Report, 2019).
Therefore, researcher can determine the interaction effect green human resources
management practices, employee green empowerment to environmental performance
mediating by customer environmental collaboration as objective of this research. The specific
objectives of the study are (1) to examine the relationship GHRM practices, employee green
empowerment and environmental performance; and (2) to determine the interaction effect
GHRM practices, employee green empowerment to environmental performance mediating by
customer environmental collaboration.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 discusses literature
review and outlines the hypotheses. The details of the research methods will be explained in
Section 3, followed by a presentation of the finding and discussion in Section 4. Section 5
conclusion and suggestion will elaborate on the theoretical and practical implications,
limitations, and possibilities for future research.

Stakeholder Theory (ST) indicates that green company are optimizing, connecting
externalities and it always concerned many green employees (stakeholders), which are both
internal and external companies. Externalities often cause green employee and environmental
policy makers forcing to increase pressure stakeholder and customer related, to facilitate
green employee empowerment and to reduce negative impact in improving environmental
performance (Freeman, 2015).
In particular, stakeholder theory should be enhancing the company's objectives, it is
related to stakeholders in maintaining environmental performance. In this research, stakeholder
theory was adopted to identify lack of connection, between stakeholder management and
customers to achievement companies and to improve the environmental performance support
by enabling green employee empowerment (Donaldson & Preston, 1995; Freeman, 2015). It
is more relevant because of the pressure of globalization into concept of green human
resources management. Need to development of resource management has led stakeholder in
field continues to evolve demands environmentally friendly standardization along with
supply chain linkage. A stakeholder view of companies emerged, proposing that managers
and customer always collaboration to maintain sustainability performance and then should
design specific green practices and processes to manage and facilitate stakeholders’
expectations (Argenti & Schoenl, 2018).
A Social Network Theory (SNT) considers that green organization as a function of
social relations between the organization or individual in an organization can be developed in
knowledge sharing practices for customers, in the form of customer environmental
collaboration (Krause et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2017) . In green society tends to be under greater
pressure to adopt practice of GHRM in connection with some activity’s customer
environmental collaboration. It has fewer controls on whether to adopt or not to adopt. Social
network theory can bridge that matter to improve pattern of relationships that appropriate for

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GHRM framework in enhancing environmental performance by customer environmental

collaboration (CEC) program.
Resources based View (RBV) is a model that puts forward a competitive advantage
based on resources. In this case, the role of green employee empowerment be a basic
prerequisite that is crucial in improving the performance of the company, especially related to
environmental issues (Wright, Dunford, & Snell, 2001).
RBV shows that competitive advantage can be supported by utilizing valuable
resources and cannot be replaced. Knowledge management and acquisition through
collaboration between suppliers, distributors and customers as an integrated framework are
needed. Then, learning patterns of thinking and theoretical perspectives that focus on
learning between organizations in the internal and external environments must be support by
green employee/organization in an introductory knowledge acquisition program for the
diffusion practice of GHRM and the optimization of employees in improving the
environmental performance (Islam et al., 2017). It needs to be addressed seriously, these
things to avoid that competency, capability owned by producers only, that may result in the
purpose of producers as implementers of imperfect green practices on supply chain linkages.
Various competitive dimensions still required to develop and to increase quality GHRM's
practices that it can affect corporate sustainability performance consequently (Islam et al.,
In addition, Ability Motivation Opportunity Theory (AMO) is very necessary in
research to support concept of involving people in management and to participate concept of
GHRM in companies completely. In the previous research, AMO can explain that individual
performance can be motivation with collaborating with the customer towards sustainability
performance through baseline green human resources management practices indicators
mediating by green employee empowerment (Aina et al., 2019; Anwar et al., 2020).

The relationship of green human resources management practices (GHRM) and customer
environmental collaboration (CEC)
Environmental cooperation with customers is cooperation among customers through a
commitment to collective environmental objectives, such as joint planning and environmental
problem solving. It also involves establishing a near and long-term strategic relationship with
downstream customers (Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza et al., 2017).
GHRM literatures has been criticized for emphasizing activities within the boundaries
of the organization while ignoring external environments, stakeholders, and supply chains.
Employee green empowerment can help green employee develop labor standards for
customers, and address issues related to skills outside of environmental performance related
organizations (Yong et al., 2019; Yusliza et al., 2017).
Green human resources management are containing with job description; recruitment,
recruitment, selection, training, performance assessment, rewards, employee involvement and
employee acquisition. The GSCM literature recognizes the need for cooperating with
suppliers and customers, but cooperation with external suppliers and customers is inherently

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more complex and difficult than working within the organizational boundaries (Yong et al.,
2019; Yusliza et al., 2017).
Thus, the difference between GHRM practice in terms of difficulties, such as
recycling in an organization and environmental cooperation with customers and suppliers,
requires further exploration. HRM factors such as stakeholder involvement and customer are
considered important to be implement as a green practice (Yong et al., 2019).
GHRM implementation and green human resources benefits, for example, job
satisfaction and employee/staff retention benefits. GHRM practice is aligned to specifically
promote cooperation with customers and suppliers, employees are more motivated to address
broader environmental issues (Yong et al., 2019). The opportunity to be involved is a key
factor in this matter. When implementing the GHRM practices, some organizations can
restrict their performance efforts to specific supply chains and functional sustainability.
Based on the above arguments, the following hypothesis is posited:
H1. Green human resources management practices (GHRM) is positively related to
customer environmental collaboration (CEC).

The relationship of the enablers of green employee empowerment (GEE) and customer
environmental collaboration (CEC)
Based on the literatures study, the empowerment of green employees includes various
activities that have relationships with job satisfaction. Employees can empower customers to
achieve their goals and become motivated employees to lead to a profit companies
environmentally friendly (Aina et al., 2019; Chaudhary, 2019; Yong et al., 2019).
Employee motivation levels can affect their internal satisfaction and employees feel
empowered for collaboration on the basis of personal and organizational goals. In addition,
GHRM practices can improve the lifestyle of employees to participate in good environmental
practices (Chaudhary, 2019; Yong et al., 2019).
When they are empowered in pursuing green tasks within an organization, this will be
called "Green Employee Empowerment" playing an important role in an organization.
Empowerment of employees identified as a key element in the process of implementing the
environmental management system. Green employee has an important role to provide moral
support to their employees to ensure that employees are well motivated when they come to
collaborate with customers (Yong et al., 2019). Therefore, we propose that green employee
empowerment is an important factor influencing the adoption of CEC. Thus, the following
hypothesis is posited:
H2. Enablers of green employee empowerment (GEE) is positively related to customer
environmental collaboration (CEC)

The relationship of customer environmental collaboration (CEC) and environmental

performance (EP)
Involving external partners should be able to provide benefits such as access to
knowledge, new product development and a faster introduction to the market related products
and services should be environmentally friendly. Collaboration with customers provides an

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opportunity for the introduction of more efficient products and services to acquisition
knowledge of diverse knowledge sources in customers (Yu et al., 2020; Zaid et al., 2018).
It is argued that companies need to cooperate with customer can contribute to
improving environmental performance. Cross-functional collaboration includes integration
between CEC function and cooperation within the company to integrate diverse knowledge
resources to improve environmental performance (Yu et al., 2020; Zaid et al., 2018).
Corporate environment scheme includes environmental objectives and practices.
Collaboration with customers requires cooperation with customers to design a cleaner
production process that delivers prospective products with green products and services. This
collaboration will be beneficial to companies in creating innovations, enhancing product
design and manufacturing processes, and developing the whole in accordance with
environmental regulations (Yu et al., 2020; Zaid et al., 2018).
Effect strategic collaboration policy on the effectiveness of green practices, the
relationship between customer collaboration and environmental collaboration, can be directed
to examine the influence of green operations on the overall performance of supply chain
team, and learn green practices that can reduce environmental impact (Yu et al., 2020; Zaid et
al., 2018).
Among the practices assigned to collaboration, cooperation with customers has the
lowest score. Among the practices assigned to innovation, green organizations and green
products differ significantly.
Thus, based on the aforementioned discussion, the following hypothesis is formulated for this
H3. Customer environmental collaboration (CEC) is positively related to environmental
performance (EP).

The mediating role of customer environmental collaboration (CEC)

Collaborative customer environment builds programs to reduce and eliminate waste;
sharing of technological and environmental management knowledge; and monitoring the
status of environmental compliance and customer/supplier operating practices (Younis,
Sundarakani, & O’Mahony, 2019) (Younis et al., 2019).
Collaboration to improve environmental performance can be made by integration
between customer functions, it means integration of technical knowledge between company
products and research organizations; knowledge base is integrated into projects with technical
cooperation and market knowledge across functions and across international borders;
integration market knowledge, and environmental regulations (Younis et al., 2019).
Environmental collaboration of customers to environmental performance supports the
environmental ability organizing; variations in the organization running green innovations
with the support of other functions project is run solely by the organization. It needs
collaboration to share prediction environmental issues to answer the lack of environmental
issues shared in the project environment deployed through the organization (Uemura Reche et
al., 2020). .

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In the early stages, customers contribute by generating ideas and providing knowledge
about the market, end customer demand and environmental requirements. At the final stage,
customers contribute by participating in product testing as a pilot user. Companies tend to
collaborate with leading market companies that lead users (Uemura Reche et al., 2020). This
Study demonstrates the importance of having a wide network for improved environmental
performance, similar to the results on the environmental network discussed by stakeholders.
Thus, the following hypotheses are expressed.
H4. Customer environmental collaboration (CEC) mediate the relationship between green
human resources management (GHRM) and environmental performance (EP).
H5. Customer environmental collaboration (CEC) mediate the relationship between the
enabler green employee empowerment (GEE) and environmental performance (EP).
In this study, researcher trying to clarify concepts and propose relationships below to
provide a context for interpreting the study finding and explain observation that encourage
theory development that is useful to practice. As shown in Pictures 2 below researcher placed
a logical and sequential design based on specific concepts and literatures derived from
empirical observation.





Picture 2. Research Framework

The research method contains the type of research, sample, and population or research
subject, time, and place of research, instruments, procedures, and research techniques, as well
as other matters related to the research method. This section can be divided into several sub-
chapters, but it is not necessary to include the numbering.
Philosophical framework that guides this research paradigm are linked to research
design and a wide range for collecting and analysing primary data need to adopt a cohesive
approach to ensure meets philosophical assumptions of this research paradigm. Primary data
conducted in this research to generate from original source with questionnaire survey,
interviews from company IGC Type I in Indonesia which have ISO 140024:2018 certified.
Methodology associated with the main paradigms in positivist study, a study
methodology used to collect primary or secondary data from sample by researcher, researcher
analysing the data statistically and generalizing the results to a population. Guided by these

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criteria, in this study has given full attention to design of the survey sample, in particular the
sampling method for deciding the composition as well as the size of the sample. A sample of
136 firms became 128 feedback respondents was randomly selected from the list of IGC
Type 1. The independent, moderating, and dependent variables were all measured using
multi‐ item scales. Whenever possible, measures were adopted or adapted from previous
studies. Each scale item, except those for control variables, used a Likert‐ type response
format ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5(great extent).
Krejcie and Morgan (1970) said that for N-Population = 210 managers refers to
companies which have S= 136 managers, average response rate who give feedback
questionnaire 128 only, a unit of analysis is manager (section category selected) as an
individual respondent, representative of organization/companies. The pilot study from May
12th-20th, 2019 and survey conduct from the September 1, 2019 to November 19, 2019,
(around 3 months). AMOS software utilized to carry out some of the statistical tests
(Creswell, 2015) (Creswell, 2015) . The final stage involved using AMOS to the hypothesis
testing and do analyze data. This chapter also outlines justification Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) Fundamentals of SEM techniques to maximize the explained variance of
the endogenous latent constructs. In this chapter, researcher focus on predictive ability of
model then examine the linkage between indicators and constructs. In this research, the
development model based on the relationship of causality, in which a change of variables is
assumed consequently change in another variable.


The results of the hypothesis testing are presented in this chapter followed by a detail
analysis of the measure of model fit and generalizability of the model. Summary linking the
objectives of the research to the results of the hypotheses testing. From 136 questionnaire that
researchers distribute to company IGC Type I in Indonesia which have ISO 140024:2018
certified. Researchers receive feedback from their only 94.12% (128 questionnaire). The
entire sample can be given to each manager by mail and meet directly on office and some
conference and GLI 2019 Annual Meeting. Researchers make sure which sending by post
mail and electronics mail by direct contact with phone. From the output of AMOS 25, Square
Multiple Correlation (R-Square, R2) Model fit is (0.623), meaning output the results that the
model that influenced 62.3% of EP cover by all variable.
Mahalanobis distance measures the distance of the cases from means of the predictor
variables and is the statistical technique used to supplement the boxplots in identification of
multivariate outlier (Byrne, 2013). The diagnostics test for multivariate outliers using
mahalanobis distance indicate there no significant outliers.
Researcher can see that in the pattern matrix above, researcher would need a sample
size 128 at a minimum to achieve significant loadings for variables. Regardless of sample
size, it is best to have loadings greater than >0.500. The results showed that the value of
Kaiser Meyer Olkin Measure of Sampling of 0.920. Thus, the requirements of KMO meets
the requirements for having a value above 0.5 (Byrne, 2013). Confirmatory Factor Analysis is
one method of multivariate analysis that can be used to confirm whether a measurement
model is constructed in accordance with that hypothesized. In the analysis o.

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Picture 3. Research Hybrid Model

Confirmatory factor analysis, there is variable latent variables and indicators (Byrne,
2013). The latent variable is a variable that could not be formed and built directly while the
indicator variable is a variable that can be observed and measured directly (Byrne, 2013).
Estimation of the parameters in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) generally based on
the methods maximum likelihood (ML) (Byrne, 2013) as shown in Table 1 and Picture 3

Table 1. Goodness of fit index

Goodness of fit index Cut-off Value Estimation Note
Chi-square (χ2) 292,265 Good
Significance probability ≥ 0,05 0,082 Good
RMSEA ≤ 0,08 0,032 Good
GFI ≥ 0,90 0,849 Marginal
AGFI ≥ 0,90 0,811 Marginal
CMIN/DF ≤ 3,00 1,124 Good
TLI ≥ 0,95 0,986 Good
CFI ≥ 0,95 0,988 Good

The research is considered reliable Cronbach Alpha (0.912) when giving consistent
results for the same measurement. Unreliable if repeated measurements that give different
results. If the value of the alpha reliability means > 0.708 sufficient (sufficient reliability)
while if alpha > 0.80 suggest entire items reliability and all tests consistently has strong
reliability (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2012; Byrne, 2013). In analyzing the item corellations,
researchers using AMOS to view data corellation and covariance between variables. Testing
is done by looking at the t-Value with a level of significance of 0.05. A value of the t-Value
in the programme AMOS is the value of Critical Ration (C.R) on the Regression Weights:
(Group number 1-Defaults model) fit model (Full Model). If the Critical Ratio (C. R) > 1,967
or value the probability (p) then H0 0.05 < rejected (the research hypothesis is accepted)
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2012). The results of the processing of AMOS can be seen in Table 2
as below.

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Table 2. Regression Weight: Covariance (Group number 1- Default Model)

ITEMS Estimate S.E. C.R. P Sig
CEC <--- GEE .374 .147 2.541 .011 S
CEC <--- GHRM .494 .148 3.330 *** S
EP <--- CEC .324 .118 2.738 .006 S
EP <--- GEE .273 .117 2.334 .020 S
EP <--- GHRM .332 .132 2.524 .012 S
Note: S = Significance
The relationship between GHRM and CEC; GEE and CEC have t-Value or C.R (>
1,967); have positive relatonship and significant.
The steps will be done in explaining these hypotheses the researcher starts with
explaining the items which are considered valid to represent the independent variable, the
dimension of the mediator and the dependent.
Then, the second step with attention to the table for direct and indirect relationship
hypothesis which has been suggested in this study, to answer specific objective this research.
To explain the hypothesis then researcher’s analysis that

(H1) There is a positive significant effect between GHRM and CEC.

(H2) There is a positive significant effect between GEE and CEC.
(H3) There is a positive significant effect between CEC and EP.

The relationship between CEC and EP; GEE and EP mediate by CEC; GHRM and EP
mediate by CEC have t-Value or C.R (> 1,967); have positive relatonship and significant.

(H4) Customer environmental collaboration (CEC) mediates the relationship between

GHRM and EP positively.
(H5) Customer environmental collaboration (CEC) mediates the relationship between
GEE and EP.

This section summaries the results of the hypothesis testing and conclusions drawn on
the purpose of this research. The objectives of this research to determine the mediating
effects of customer environmetal collaboration on green human resources management
practices (GHRM) and the enabler green employee empowerment its impact in
environmental performance performance.
In this research, green employee empowerment implementation and green human
resources benefits, has positive benefits to enhancing EP. GHRM practice is positive aligned
to specifically promote cooperation with customers and suppliers, employees are more
motivated to address broader environmental issues. The opportunity to be involved is a key
factor in this matter. When implementing the GHRM practices, some organizations can
restrict their performance efforts to specific supply chains and functional sustainability.
Customer environmental collaboration items can be conclude such as the following, CEC1,

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CEC2, CEC3 CEC4 and CEC5. In this research, Factor Loading CEC3(0.87) and
CEC3 explained organization need collaboration to share prediction environmental
issues to answer the lack of environmental issues shared in the project environment deployed
through the organization to customers itself. CEC5 explained knowledge base is integrated
into projects with technical cooperation and market knowledge across functions and across
international borders; integration market knowledge, and environmental regulations.


Researcher can determine the interaction effect green human resources management
practices, employee green empowerment to environmental performance mediating by
customer environmental collaboration as objective of this research. The specific objectives of
the study are (1) positive relationship between GHRM practices, employee green
empowerment and environmental performance; and (2) researchers have determine positive
interaction effect GHRM practices, employee green empowerment to environmental
performance mediating by customer environmental collaboration.
Items which have impact on customer environmental collaboration must be under line
is need collaboration to share prediction environmental issues to answer the lack of
environmental issues shared in the project environment deployed through the organization to
customers itself and then knowledge base is integrated into projects with technical
cooperation and market knowledge across functions and across international borders;
integration market knowledge, and environmental regulations must be program by green
practitioner to enhance environmental collaboration. Understanding the needs of demand
customers to meet customer environment requirements and create customer value. In
achieving environmental objectives collectively, reducing environmental impacts. GHRM in
achieving environmental sustainability involves the synchronization of typical human
resource management practices with environmental objectives of green organization.
With the recognition of increasing environmental responsibility, green employee
empowerment has considering human or behavioral factors in their environmental initiatives
will lead to inefficient environmental performance. This study has several implications for
practitioners. Our findings of the significant relationships between GHRM and environ-
mental cooperation with customers and suppliers provide important guidance for green
employee empowerment. To date, in most organizations the HRM function has lacked a
powerful voice in sustainability circles.
Future research is encouraged to collect data from multiple respondents' perspectives,
which could increase the validity and reliability of the research by providing a more
comprehensive analysis. Fourth, we selected GHRM dimensions that emphasize intrinsic
motivation. We have not included practices such as remuneration, rewards, and performance
measures, because they might act as a form of extrinsic motivation that discourages self-
worth and determination with bigdata analysis and talent capabilities.

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