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CPA Ireland Syllabus 2023 Final

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Syllabus 2023


Wherever you want to go

with your career CPA Ireland
can help you get there

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland

CPA Syllabus 2023

CPA Ireland Syllabus 2023 Introduction................................................ 3
The Examinations System .................................................................. 4


Financial Accounting..................................................................... 10
Management Accounting .............................................................. 15
Taxation ....................................................................................... 19
Management Fundamentals ......................................................... 25


Financial Reporting ....................................................................... 28
Performance Management ............................................................ 33
Advanced Taxation ....................................................................... 38
Corporate Law............................................................................... 43
Audit & Assurance .......................................................................... 48
Managerial Finance ....................................................................... 56


Advanced Financial Reporting ....................................................... 62
Strategy & Leadership ..................................................................... 67
Advanced Tax Strategy.................................................................. 73
Advanced Audit & Assurance ......................................................... 80
Data Analytics for Finance ..............................................................86
Strategic Corporate Finance ........................................................... 91

Examinable Material Document .......................................................... 96

CPA Syllabus 2023

The 2023 edition of the CPA Ireland Syllabus presents an update on the continued
evolution of subject matter to reflect recent developments, stakeholder feedback and
continue our mission to prepare professional accountants ready for the strategic
challenges of the modern business environment. The message below, conveyed on the
launch of this new syllabus continues to guide our approach.

The new CPA Ireland syllabus was introduced for 2021, which was developed in the
context of the finance function of the future. We undertook vast amounts of research
both desk based, consultative and most recently through participation and representation
on the IFAC International Forum for Accountancy Education Directors. We consulted with
many stakeholders including academia, industry, peer profession and global education

The key attribute the marketplace now seeks in a professional accountant is the
ability to influence business at a strategic level and to apply the latest technological
developments in the business environment. This syllabus has been revised to address
the impact of emerging and disruptive technologies through the introduction of these
topics across various subjects on the syllabus and through the introduction of a new
elective at our final level – Data Analytics for Finance.

CPA Ireland are very proud to announce that we are introducing Sustainability Reporting
on both of our final level compulsory subjects, Advanced Financial Reporting and
Strategy and Leadership. It is our ambition that our students will be pioneers in the drive
to increase sustainability reporting among corporates.

In recognition of the diverse range of rewarding and exciting career opportunities

available to professional accountants, this syllabus provides students with options in the
final level of studies, to tailor the CPA Ireland qualification to their chosen career paths.
Selecting from a number of pre-qualification specialisms, those students who intend
working in public practice can specialise in areas such as auditing and tax while those
with a preference for industry focus on data analytics and corporate finance.

This competency-based syllabus positions newly qualified Certified Public Accountants

(CPAs) as team players with all the essential technical skills and capacity to operate
at a strategic level, capable of understanding and contributing towards every facet of
business including entrepreneurial activity, practice and public service. The CPA Ireland
syllabus balances an appropriate emphasis on strategy, ethics and governance with the
fundamental components of auditing, taxation, finance and performance reporting.

The CPA Ireland syllabus, a rigorous training process and a commitment to life-long
learning are all designed to ensure that CPAs will retain and enhance their valued
position in the marketplace and continue to contribute to the development of business,
society at large and the accountancy profession both nationally and internationally.

Thank you for your interest in this syllabus. Should you require any further information,
the Institute shall be pleased to assist you.

Deirdre McDonnell
CPA Director; Education & Training,
CPA Ireland

CPA Syllabus 2023

The CPA Ireland Examination System

The path towards a Integration with the Training Process
CPA Ireland Qualification
The integration and interdependence of learning across
The CPA Ireland qualification is competency-based. subjects is explicitly highlighted within the syllabus. For
Competency-based education requires candidates to each subject the aim, integration with other subjects,
perform tasks and roles to standards expected in the indicative syllabus and detailed learning guides are
workplace. Both this syllabus of examination and the CPA provided.
Ireland education and training programme are
underpinned by the CPA Ireland Competency Profile, The Competency Profile for Newly Qualified Accountants
which has resulted from the Institute’s research into details the competencies required of an entry level
what will make accountants effective at strategic level Certified Public Accountant. Many of the competencies
in business and in practice into the future. The Profile required of an entry-level accountant are assessed through
specifies two dimensions: the range of knowledge/skills the examination process. Other competencies, by their
needed by CPAs and the depth of expertise required. nature, may be evaluated only in the workplace through a
It also defines the personal attributes essential for the supervised training regime. These may include non-
delivery of professional services to the highest standards. technical competencies such as team working, leadership,
effective communication skills and problem- solving
Prior to qualification, these knowledge, skills and attributes capabilities.
are acquired by CPA Ireland students through a syllabus
of examinations and a defined training regime. Post- The development of professional values, ethics and
qualification, further development occurs through a attitudes is an intrinsic and visible part of the education and
mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training processes.
programme and exposure to more complex work
This approach is of increased relevance because in the
evolving business environment there are ever more This syllabus complies with the examination requirements
demanding expectations of what is required from a of the European Union governing the approval of persons
professional accountant. These arise, in part, from responsible for carrying out the statutory audits of
the rapidly changing business landscape, business accounting documents. The CPA Ireland qualification is
innovation, advances in technology, greater exposure to also included in the Mutual Recognition Directive, giving
ethical challenges, complex regulation, increased volume CPAs access to the profession in other EU member states
and complexity of standards, globalisation, commitment to subject to an aptitude test in local law, taxation and
lifelong learning, and more diverse education and learning language. CPA Ireland is a founding member of the
opportunities. International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and the
CPA Ireland syllabus supports the educational Standards
All Certified Public Accountants, regardless of when & Guidelines issued by IFAC.
qualified, will be distinguishable by their ethical values,
professionalism and ability to work effectively with people. The Institute also has mutual recognition agreements with
Such behavioural attributes fall into three categories: CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants India,
1. Professionalism and Personal ethical Standards CPA Canada, the Association of National Accountants of
(covering the areas of values and objectivity). Nigeria (ANAN), the South African institute of Professional
2. Sensitivity to Business Needs (covering how CPAs Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants
view and interact with the business environment). of Sri Lanka and the Institute of Cost and Management
3. Interpersonal effectiveness (covering how CPAs work Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan).
with others to add value).
CPA Ireland has also signed memorandums of
In summary, the effectiveness of Certified Public understanding with CIMA, CPA Sri Lanka, CPA Russia, CPA
Accountants is achieved through the integration of a Bulgaria, CPA Belarus the Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors
robust education and examination process with a rigorous, and the Arab Institute of Certified Public Accountants Iraq
supervised training programme. (ARICPA Iraq).

CPA Syllabus 2023

CPA Ireland is also a Prescribed Accounting Body (PAB) Electives (Strategic Level)
and a Recognised Accountancy Body RAB) under the
supervisory remit of the Irish Auditing & Accounting CPA Ireland students at Strategic Level can tailor the
Supervisory Authority (IAASA). qualification to their chosen career path. In addition to two
mandatory subjects shown in Figure 1, Advanced Financial
CPA Ireland is also statutorily recognised as an approved Reporting and Strategy & Leadership, they choose two
body of auditors in New Zealand. from four elective subjects. Students not intending to
qualify for a practising certificate may choose to sit and
pass any two of the four elective subjects.
Assessment Methods
All students intending to apply for a Practising Certificate
CPA Ireland students develop the required competencies after qualification must sit and pass the Advanced Tax
through an integrated process of practical training and Strategy subject and any one of the other three electives
education, both of which have an assessment component. subjects. All students wishing to apply for a Practising
The adequate demonstration of competence on the job Certificate with Audit Qualification after qualification must
is formally attested to by training supervisors/mentors sit and pass both the Advanced Audit & Assurance and
through the sign-off requirement in the training regime. Advanced Tax Strategy elective subjects. There are other
The education element is assessed through computer- requirements that must be satisfied in order to obtain a
based examinations with remote invigilation at all levels. practising certificate, details of which are available on the
CPA Ireland website

Examination Structure Students wishing to pursue a career in industry, in most

instances, will elect for the Data Analytics for Finance and
There are 3 levels of examinations: Strategic Corporate Finance subjects in addition to the two
CPA Foundation Level mandatory subjects.
CPA Professional Level
The subjects at each level are shown in Figure 1
CPA Strategic Level

Assessment at the CPA Foundation and Professional

levels will be online, closed book examinations. At the CPA
Strategic Level the examinations will be open book.

Figure 1
Level Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject

Financial Management Management

CPA Foundation Taxation
Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Corporate Law
Professional Reporting Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Strategy & Advanced Advanced Audit Data Analytics
CPA Strategic Financial Corporate
Leadership* Tax Strategy~ & Assurance~ for Finance~
Reporting* Finance~

* Mandatory
~ Elective (students must complete 2 out of 4 electives)

CPA Syllabus 2023

Progression through the Examination Students must attempt exams in order by examination
Process level, but there are no restrictions on the order of subjects
you may take within an examination level.
There will be two diets of examinations each year, in April
and August. Students may attempt up to 4 exams per diet. Should students wish to attempt examinations from
There is no lower limit. the next examination level, they may do so, however, they
must also register to sit the remaining subjects in their
The total time allowed for each student to complete all current exam level in the same exam sitting. E.g., all
required examinations is based on the level at which they remaining examinations at Foundation level must be
enter the examination system. The time allowed is shown applied for if attempting a subject(s) from the Professional
in Figure 2. level. All remaining Professional level examinations must
be applied for if attempting a subject(s) from the Strategic
Figure 2 level.

Time Students may not attempt a subject from a higher level

Entry Level
if the prerequisite subject(s) from lower level(s) have not
CPA - Foundation 9 Years been completed or exempted. The full list of prerequisite
subjects is shown in Figure 3.
CPA - Professional 7 Years

CPA - Strategic 3 Years

Figure 3

Level / Subject Prerequisite

Foundation Level

CPA - Foundation No prerequisite

CPA - Professional No prerequisite

CPA - Foundation No prerequisite

CPA - Professional No prerequisite

Professional Le v e l

Financial Reporting Foundation - Financial Accounting

Performance Management Foundation - Management Accounting

Audit & Assurance No prerequisite

Advanced Taxation Foundation - Taxation

Managerial Finance No Prerequisite

Corporate Law No Prerequisite

Strategic Level

*Advanced Financial Reporting Professional – Financial Reporting

*Strategy & Leadership No Prerequisite

Advanced Tax Strategy (Elective) Professional – Advanced Taxation

Advanced Audit & Assurance (Elective) Professional – Audit & Assurance

Strategic Corporate Finance (Elective) Professional – Managerial Finance

Data Analytics for Finance (Elective) Professional – Performance Management

CPA Syllabus 2023

Gap Year Booklists and Study Materials

Students, subject to satisfying the Examination Regulations Suggested reading material is listed for each subject. A
requirements, may take a gap year between examination wide range of appropriate reading and web-based material
levels. available in all subjects has been carefully considered. The
list of learning resources will be updated when necessary
and students will be informed of such amendments.
Exemptions Students are advised to acquire the recommended books
which will be invaluable during study and will form the basis
Exemptions from some of the Institute’s examinations of a personal library after qualification. The value of a wide
may be granted to applicants who have already passed reading of books, journals, web-based research and
equivalent examinations. These are granted on a Technical Standards as a further extension of knowledge
subject-for-subject basis. Details are available on the is emphasised, as the learning resource list is not intended
Institute’s website to be exhaustive. It is important to obtain the latest editions,
where recommended. At Strategic examination stages
there is a requirement to demonstrate knowledge of
Competency Levels relevant current developments. The syllabus does not
necessarily set the boundary of knowledge required,
Each topic in each subject is assigned a competency level. students are expected to read widely from the financial
Three levels are defined, and these are referenced to the press, periodicals, Accountancy Plus, (the official journal of
intellectual skills listed in the International Education the Institute), Student News e-Bulletins, web-based
Standard 3 issued by the International Federation of resources and other professional journals.
Accountants (IFAC). Questions and case-study scenarios
in the examinations are framed so as to examine the
learning outcomes with reference to real working Past Examination Papers and
environments. Suggested Solutions
The Competency Levels are shown below in ascending The Institute publishes past examination papers and
order: suggested solutions on the CPA Ireland website. These
1. Knowledge and Understanding (Ability to locate and are freely available for download.
acquire knowledge).
2. Application and Analysis (The ability to apply
knowledge and understanding effectively to the New Legislation - The Six Months Rule
analysis of complex and unfamiliar situations).
3. Synthesis and Evaluation (The ability to integrate Questions involving the knowledge and application
knowledge with sound judgment in the critical of new legislation are not asked within six months of
evaluation of situations to develop creative solutions). enactment of the relevant legislation. Unless advised
in the Examinable Material Document this rule also
In general, Synthesis and Evaluation predominates for applies to the publication by the Institute of technical
subjects at CPA Strategic level, with students having pronouncements on accounting, auditing and taxation.
progressed through Knowledge and Understanding, and
Application and Analysis in the previous levels of the
syllabus. This is not an absolute, as higher-level Examinable Material Document
competencies are also required for some topics in the
earlier stages of the syllabus and lower levels for some The Examinable Material Document showing which
topics at the CPA Strategic stage. technical standards are examinable at each level in
Accounting and Auditing is located on pages 96-101.
The above progression is reflected in the competency
levels demonstrated in the workplace and assessed
through the training process. Students apply their Special Types of Accounts
knowledge and skills through a learning process which
blends formal study with supervised training. This results Questions requiring specialised detailed knowledge
in the demonstration of greater competency at work, regarding the accounts of insurance companies, shipping
leading to exposure to more complex tasks which companies and building societies will not be set.
develop critical analysis and judgment skills.

CPA Syllabus 2023

Case Law Examination Regulations

Students are expected to have an understanding of and The examination regulations for students are set out on the
the ability to apply, as appropriate, the decisions of case Institute’s website All students must
law in the relevant subjects. read, understand and abide by these. Clarification on any
aspect of these regulations may be obtained from the
Institute’s Examinations Executive.
Examination Regulations
Please refer to the CPA Ireland Examination Regulations How the Institute communications
for specific information about use of calculators in the with students
examinations. This document also outlines the supporting
information provided – such as formula sheets etc. To help students achieve their full potential, the Institute
operates an “Open Door” policy in dealing with queries and
specific problems encountered by students. Annually, a
Open Book Exams representative from the Institute visits students attending
courses in the approved centres of education. These visits
All the examinations at the CPA Strategic Level are ‘open give students an opportunity to communicate their views
book’. Candidates may use printed/written materials directly to the Institute. Online forums are also held for
during the examination. The Examination Regulations students who may be preparing for examinations via e-
contain additional information on the conduct of open book
Learning. Post-examination feedback is sought from
students twice yearly, through the online ExamView
process and reviewed by the Education and Training
Committee before examination results are finalised.
At the commencement of each academic year, the
Students are expected to demonstrate in papers, other Institute operates a process (the Educators Briefing)
than the stated taxation papers, the implications of through which examiners give feedback to approved
taxation in such matters as investment appraisal, CPA Educators on examination performance issues and
preparation of accounts etc. They are not required to outline the education priorities for the coming year. A
memorise the various taxation allowances, which are summary of these is then published on the CPA website.
provided (as necessary) during examination. The Institute believes that this is an important channel of
communication and an effective way to give direction
and support to all approved educators.
Case Studies
At the Strategic examination levels examiners test
students on their ability to:
1. Present well-structured written reports
2. Critically analyse problems and suggest appropriate
3. Evaluate alternative courses of action and make
4. Integrate knowledge across different subject areas.

Students may expect questions presented in case-study

format to test these important skills and competencies.

Amendments to the Syllabus

The Institute reserves the right to decide on amendments
to the syllabus between annual publication dates. Such
amendments will be published in Accountancy Plus (the
official journal of the Institute) and on the CPA Ireland

Financial Accounting................................................. 10
Management Accounting .......................................... 15
Taxation ................................................................... 19
Management Fundamentals ..................................... 25

CPA Syllabus:2023


The aim of this module is that students will understand the role, function and basic principles of financial
accounting and master the rules of double-entry book-keeping. They will develop the ability to prepare
and interpret the financial statements for specified reporting entities in accordance with current Irish
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards

Financial Accounting as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Financial Accounting is a prerequisite for the study of Financial Reporting. The concepts and principles
learnt in this subject are an essential foundation for the later studies of Financial Reporting, Advanced
Financial Reporting, Audit & Assurance and Advanced Audit & Assurance.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics
Financial Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance
Strategic Reporting Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the conceptual and regulatory frameworks applicable to financial reporting
• Identify the users of financial statements and explain their requirements
• Record financial transactions using double entry bookkeeping
• Apply financial accounting control techniques
• Prepare financial statements for sole traders, partnerships and single entity businesses in accordance with
current standards
• Prepare and present statements of cash flow and reconcile movements in cash balances
• Interpret financial statements and provide informed commentary tailored to the technical understanding
of specified user groups.

CPA Syllabus: 2023: CPA Foundation Financial Accounting

Indicative Syllabus


The • Terminology, concepts, conventions & conceptual framework 1

Conceptual • Users of financial accounts 1
& Regulatory • Regulatory framework 1
Frameworks • CPA Ireland code of ethics 1
to Financial

Double Entry • Sources of information 2

Bookkeeping • Books of prime entry and ledger accounts 2
• Capital & revenue expenditure 2
• Journals, accruals & prepayments 2
• Issue of shares 2

Accounting • Non-current assets – property, plant and equipment and intangibles 2

Treatment of (excluding complex revaluations)
the Following: • Events after the reporting period 2
• Provisions & contingencies 2
• Inventories 2
• Accounting for government grants & assistance 2

Financial • Trial balance 2

Accounting • Control accounts 2
Control • Reconciliation – bank, cash & control accounts 2
Techniques • Suspense accounts 2

Financial • Financial statements for single entity business excluding SOCE 2

Statements for • Partnership accounts 2
Sole Traders, • Clubs & society accounts 2
Partnerships & • Incomplete records 2
Single Entity

Statements of • Statements of Cash Flow for single entities 2

Cash Flow • Construction and reconciliation 2

Interpretation • Financial statements analysis for specific user groups 2

of Accounts • Ratio analysis 2

CPA Syllabus: 2023: CPA Foundation Financial Accounting

Learning Guide

The Conceptual and Regulatory Frameworks applicable to Financial Reporting

• Discuss accounting terminology, concepts, conventions and the conceptual framework for financial reporting.
Advise stakeholders of the purpose and limitations of accounting information
• Identify the users of financial accounts, statements and their requirements. Discuss the role of the accountant, in
the context of the accounting profession
• Discuss the regulatory framework of financial reporting, legislation, local and international GAAP, the role of
• Record financial transactions and events in accordance with the CPA Ireland code of ethics

Double Entry Bookkeeping

• Identify the sources of information for the preparation of accounting records and statements
• Record transactions appropriately in the books of prime entry and ledger accounts
• Allocate expenditure between capital and revenue
• Prepare journals and discuss their use in recording accruals and prepayments and other adjustments
• Record the transactions for the issue of shares

Accounting Treatment
• Apply the correct accounting treatment for the following:
- Non-current assets – property, plant and equipment and intangibles (excluding complex revaluations) in
accordance with IAS 16 and IAS 38
- Events after the reporting period, in accordance with IAS 10
- Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets in accordance with IAS 37
- Inventories, in accordance with IAS 2
- Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance in accordance with IAS 20
(Examinable for Individual transactions)
• Review IAS8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and discuss its application in
selecting and applying accounting policies, accounting for changes in estimates and reflecting corrections of
prior period errors

Financial Accounting Control Techniques

• Extract a trial balance. Discuss common errors in trial balances, how they are identified and corrected
• Prepare control accounts and discuss their purpose
• Prepare contra entries and explain their use
• Reconcile control and ledger accounts correcting any errors identified
• Reconcile bank statements and cash accounts
• Discuss the use of suspense accounts. Record entries into and out of suspense accounts

Financial Statements for Sole Traders, Partnerships and Single Entity Businesses
• Prepare financial statements (excluding SOCE) for single entity businesses in accordance with IFRS
• Prepare financial statements (excluding SOCE) for single entity businesses for internal use
• Prepare partnership accounts
• Prepare accounts for clubs and societies
• Prepare accounts from incomplete records

Statements of Cash Flow

• Prepare statements of cash flow in accordance with IAS 7 (Cash flow statements for groups will be examined at
Professional and Strategic level only)
• Reconcile movements in cash balances in statements of cash flow, correcting any errors identified

Interpretation of Accounts
• Analyse financial statements to provide relevant commentary tailored to the technical understanding of specified
user groups
• Calculate key accounting ratios relating to Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency, Position
• Discuss the usefulness of ratio analysis as a tool for the interpretation of financial statements

CPA Syllabus: 2023: CPA Foundation Financial Accounting

International Financial Reporting Standards

See Examinable Material Document on pages 96-101 for details of the International Reporting Standards etc.
applicable to this examination.

Companies Act
See Examinable Material Document on pages 96-101 for details of the Companies Act applicable to this examination.

Learning Resources
Core Texts
Sangster A / Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Vols 1 and 2 14th Revised Edition / Pearson 2018 / ISBN-13:
98-1292208626 / ISBN-13: 978-1292209173

Connolly / International Financial Accounting and Reporting 6th edition (2018). / CAI 2018 / ISBN: 978-1-

Griffith College CPA Foundation Level Financial Accounting – Latest edition

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Accountancy Plus
CPA Student News e-Bulletin

Useful Websites (as at date of publication) - CPA Ireland - Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority - The International Federation of Accountants - The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation - Deloitte: Summaries of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) - The Financial Reporting Council - FRC-Conduct Committee - Irish Accounting and Business Portal

Examination Approach
This examination seeks to test the students’ knowledge and understanding of the application of accounting
concepts and principles. Question 1 usually involves the preparation and presentation of financial
statements for sole traders, limited companies, partnerships and other organisations in accordance with
current standards and guidelines. Other questions provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their
understanding of the role, function and basic principles (including double entry bookkeeping) of financial

Emphasis in this examination is placed on proper layout and presentation as well as on numerical accuracy.
Students must demonstrate sound technical knowledge and presentation skills and the ability to integrate
learning from different parts of this and other syllabi, as appropriate.

CPA Syllabus: 2023: CPA Foundation Financial Accounting

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 4 hours in duration. The exam will also have an additional
10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the foundation level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 60 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-part
question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 40 marks Candidate can choose 2 from 3 questions.

The subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to this subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam
format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please
refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest educators briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Accounting


On completion of this module, students will be able to draw evidence-based conclusions from
management accounting and costing data and communicate these effectively to specialists and non-
specialists. The tools of management accounting are key to unlocking value from real-time data from
which insightful information on past performance is obtained; current trends identified, and future
outcomes are modelled, enabling optimal decision-making.

Management Accounting as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

This module is a necessary prerequisite for the subsequent study of Performance Management and
Data Analytics for Finance.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the role of management accounting in providing relevant information for decision making
• Apply a range of costing techniques and analyse the results
• Prepare and interpret information for decision-making
• Discuss budgeting in the context of planning and control and prepare cash and functional budgets
• Assess and interpret organisational performance using variance analysis
• Present qualitative and quantitative information for decision-making and analysis in a form appropriate to
the intended decision-maker.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Accounting

Indicative Syllabus


Role of • Nature & scope of management accounting 1

Management • Relationship between management & financial accounting 1
Accounting • Role of the management accountant & ethical considerations 1
for Decision • Drivers of management accounting change 1

Cost • Cost classifications 2

Classifications, • Accounting for materials 2
Accumulation • Accounting for labour 2
& Assignment. • Accounting for overheads 2
Costing • Job, batch & service costing 2
Systems & Cost • Process costing 2
Reporting • Marginal / variable costing 2
• Activity based costing (ABC) 2
• Comparison of absorption and activity-based costing 2

Statistics and • Sampling and statistical inference 1

Data Analytics • Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. 1
Techniques • Moving averages and regression analysis. 1

Information • Cost behaviour patterns 2

for Decision • Relevant, sunk, committed & opportunity costs 2
Making • Break-even, cost volume profit analysis, contribution 2
• Margin of safety 2

• Decision making with a single limiting factor 2

• Qualitative factors relevant to decision making 2

Planning & • Organisational planning & management control systems 1

Control • The role of budgeting 2
• Functional budgets 2
• Behavioural & motivational issues in budgeting 1

Analysing • Setting standard costs 2

Performance • Use of standard costs & variance analysis 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Accounting

Learning Guide

The role of management accounting in providing relevant information for decision making
• Discuss the nature and scope of management accounting
• Explain the relationship between management accounting and financial accounting
• Outline and explain the role of the Management Accountant including the recognition of ethical issues as they
• Identify and explain the drivers of management accounting change for example developments in technology,
communications, transportation, supply chains, and regulations

Cost classifications, accumulation and assignment. Costing systems and cost reporting
• Define and illustrate cost objects and assign costs to them. Define and distinguish between variable costs, semi
variable costs and fixed costs
• Explain and apply accounting for materials: inventory valuation approaches (FIFO; LIFO and AVCO); EOQ and JIT
• Describe and apply accounting for labour: remuneration methods; incentive schemes; productivity
• Describe and apply accounting for overheads using absorption costing
• Understand and apply job, batch and service costing.
• Explain and apply process costing for single products, using equivalent units calculations under both FIFO and
Weighted Average systems; process costing ledger accounts
• Explain and apply marginal / variable costing and the importance of contribution for decision-making
• Discuss and apply Activity Based Costing (ABC)
• Critically compare absorption costing and ABC

Statistics and Data Analytics Techniques

• Explain the concept of statistical inference and the relationship to sample size and sampling methods
• Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of a data set
• Describe the characteristics of a normal distribution
• Create a scatter diagram depicting a set of data
• Using Linear Regression derive the line of best fit and explain the limitations of this method
• Explain the concepts of Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Determination

Information for decision-making

• Analyse and explain cost behaviour patterns and identify fixed/variable elements in a cost using High/ Low
method, scatter-graphs and regression analysis
• Identify and explain relevant, sunk, committed and opportunity costs
• Apply break-even, cost volume profit analysis & contribution analysis.
• Explain and calculate margin of safety
• Explain and perform decision making with a single limiting factor
• Identify the Qualitative factors relevant to decision making

Planning and control

• Explain how planning and management control mechanisms might assist organisations in their decision making
• Discuss the role of budgeting including alternative budgeting systems (fixed, flexible, incremental and zero-based
budgeting (ZBB) and apply to budget preparation scenarios.
• Explain and prepare functional Budgets
• Analyse and discuss behavioural and motivational issues in budgetary processes

Analysing performance
• Discuss setting standard costs
• Explain and apply standard costs and variance analysis

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Accounting

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Burns, Quinn, Warren, Oliveira / Management Accounting / McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East &
Africa; UK edition (2013) ISBN-13: 978-0077121617

Drury / Cost and Management Accounting 9th Edition / Cengage 2018 / ISBN 9781473749054

Francis & Mousely/ Business Mathematics and Statistics/ 7th Edition/ Cengage 2014/ ISBN 9781408083154

Examination Approach

Questions in this examination are structured to ensure that students may demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of the principles and techniques of cost and management accounting at an introductory
level. Where appropriate, students are expected to apply and integrate relevant learning from other
syllabi with their learning from the Management Accounting syllabus. This is achieved through a blend of
theoretical and numeric questions, often set in the context of a scenario.

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. The exam will also have an additional
10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the foundation level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 60 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-part
question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 40 marks Candidate can choose 2 from 3 questions.

The subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most appropriate to this
subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam format be
deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please refer to the
CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Taxation


The aim of this module is to provide students with a knowledge of the administration of the taxation
system in Ireland. It introduces students to the application of Irish taxation legislation to individuals and
companies in a compliant and ethical manner.

Taxation as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Taxation is an essential module for the later study of Advanced Taxation and Advanced Tax Strategy.
Knowledge gained from this module will also be relevant in the further study of Audit & Assurance,
Advanced Audit & Assurance, Managerial Finance, Financial Reporting and Advanced Financial

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Accounting Fundamentals Taxation Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Advanced Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Tax Audit& for Finance Finance
Strategy Assurance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the role of tax in Irish Society, the underpinning legislative process, and the role and powers of the
Revenue Commissioners (Revenue) in tax administration
• Describe the principle of self-assessment as applied in the Irish tax system, and the role of the Revenue
Online Service (ROS) in supporting Revenue and its customers
• Prepare income tax computations and returns
• Prepare capital gains tax computations and returns
• Prepare corporation tax computations and returns
• Discuss the operation of VAT and prepare returns.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Taxation

Indicative Syllabus


Tax • Tax – its role in society, policy, legislation 1

Management • Tax management – the Revenue Commissioners, their role, audit, code of 1
practice, appeals, ROS
• Tax compliance, evasion vs avoidance, self-assessment 1
• Ethics 1
• Administration of Various Taxes 1

Income Tax • Tax Credits, Allowances and Reliefs, Charges 2

• Computation of Income Tax 2
• PRSI and USC 2

Capital Gains • Basic principles and basis of assessment for CGT, Residence implications, 1
Tax married couples
• Computation of CGT, indexation, enhancement expenditure, market value 2
• CGT Reliefs, Exemptions, Deductions, Allowances 2
• CGT for specific asset types 2
• Losses, CGT and Death 2

Corporation • Basis of assessment 1

Tax • Computation of CT 2
• Close Companies 1
• Treatment of Capital Allowances, Charges, Dividends 2

VAT • Principles of VAT 1

• Multiple and composite supplies, two-thirds rule 2
• Operation of VAT 2
• Supply 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Taxation

Learning Guide

Tax Management
• Describe the role of the taxation system and tax policy in Ireland
• Describe the process involved in the enactment of tax legislation
• Outline the structure and role of the Revenue Commissioners
• Distinguish between tax evasion and avoidance
• Define direct and indirect taxes and describe the difference between them
• Outline the responsibilities and rights of taxpayers in relation to tax compliance, and describe the role of the
Revenue Commissioners in relation to tax compliance
• Outline the key elements of the self-assessment system
• Describe the processes involved in Revenue Audits
• Outline the principal elements of the Revenue Charter and Code of Practice
• Describe the tax appeals process
• Recognise ethical dilemmas for taxpayers, their agents and advisors
• Describe the key functions of ROS.
• Describe the various requirements for Accounting for and paying income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Corporation Tax and
VAT, and identify the consequences for non – compliance.

Income Tax
• Outline the various Income Tax schedules
• Define the requirements for residence, ordinary residence and domicile, and explain their impact on liability to tax
• Calculate income tax liabilities for individuals
• Describe the various methods of taxation of married couples
• Demonstrate how married couples are taxed in year of marriage, year of separation and year of death
• Discuss and apply the principles of PRSI and USC
• Define tax credits and distinguish between refundable and non-refundable credits; describe allowances, reliefs
and charges and illustrate how they are applied
• Define the basis of assessment for Schedule D Case I/II incomes, outline allowable deductions, and calculate tax
adjusted profits, including treatment of losses
• Define basis periods for Schedule D Case I/II incomes where businesses commence, cease, or are short-lived,
and calculate income tax for each scenario
• Describe the rules for availing of Capital Allowances, and calculate allowances which may be claimed
• Define the basis of assessment for tax on income under Schedule D Case III
• Define the basis of assessment for tax on income under Schedule D Case IV
• Define the basis of assessment for tax on income under Schedule D Case V, outline the allowable deductions,
and calculate taxable profits, including treatment of losses
• Define the basis of assessment for tax on income under Schedule E, outline the allowable expenses regime,
describe and apply Benefit in Kind rules, and list exempt benefits
• Outline employer’s obligations in relation to deducting PAYE tax from employees, and describe the process in
such deductions
• Differentiate between employment and self-employment for tax purposes and discuss the implications of both.
• Distinguish between Contracts for Service and Contracts of Service
• Define the basis of assessment for tax on income under Schedule F
• Outline the principles and processes of withholding taxes from dividends paid professional services payments
and deposit interest paid.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Taxation

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

• Describe the activities to which Capital Gains Tax applies, together with the underlying principles, and the basis of
• Calculate capital gains or losses, and appropriate CGT
• Outline the principles of indexation and illustrate its workings
• Define enhancement expenditure and its role in CGT calculation
• Explain the impact of residency on liability to CGT
• Identify the treatment of married couples for CGT purposes
• Apply the specific rules relating to disposal of Principal Private Residences
• Outline and apply the specific rules for CGT liability on disposal of specific assets i.e., Shares, Development
Land, Chattels
• State the rules relating to a taxpayer’s death and their liability to CGT
• Outline the circumstances where market value is substituted for actual value in CGT calculations

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Taxation

Learning Guide contd.

Corporation Tax (CT)

• Define and apply the requirements for companies to be resident for tax purposes
• Explain the impact of residence on liability to corporation tax
• Define the basis of assessment for CT
• Outline allowable deductions; calculate tax adjusted profits and tax on other income sources
• Illustrate how dividends should be treated by companies for tax purposes
• Describe the rules for availing of Capital Allowances, and calculate allowances which may be claimed
• Define a Close Company
• Outline the restrictions that apply to directors of close companies

Value Added Tax (VAT)

• Outline the basic principles of VAT, and list VAT rates
• Describe the circumstances which give rise to a charge to VAT
• Explain what is meant by exempt supplies and apply the treatment for tax purposes
• Distinguish between multiple and composite supplies, and show how they are treated for VAT purposes, including
supplies under the two-thirds rule
• Define the rules for registration for VAT
• Discuss how the VAT system operates
• Define and apply the rules specific to the supply of goods
• Define and apply the rules specific to the supply of services
• Define the meaning of and rules relating to input credits, and show how they operate within the VAT system
• Describe the rules for accounting for VAT on (a) cash basis and (b) invoice basis, and illustrate how they are
applied in practice

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Foundation Tax by Paula Byrne, ISBN 978-1-9993047-6-8

Useful Websites – CPA Ireland – The Revenue Commissioners

Examination Approach

Students are expected to display a knowledge, at a basic level of the fundamentals of Income Tax,
Corporation Tax, VAT and Capital Gains Tax. This will include a requirement to complete basic tax
computations across the four taxes and demonstrate a knowledge of associated administration. Questions
will include basic computations, identification of correct filing/payment dates and may, in some cases,
require narrative answers. Students may be required to explain their treatment of some aspects of their

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. The exam will also have an additional
10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the foundation level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 60 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-part
question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 40 marks Candidate can choose 2 from 3 questions.

The subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to this subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam
format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please
refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest educators briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Fundamentals


The aim of this module is to introduce learners to management theory and practice with reference
to concepts, functions and the integration of activities. The role of business ethics will permeate the
module including in the use of technology and marketing strategies.

Management Fundamentals as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Management Fundamentals is an essential module for the study of modules on Management
Accounting, Strategy & Leadership and Auditing.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy Audit& for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Describe organisational structures and entrepreneurship in the evolving business landscape
• Discuss key management functions including strategic planning
• Explain the theories of motivation and leadership and their application in the workplace
• Describe how marketing and sales activities contribute to the attainment of an organisation’s strategic
• Describe the role of information technology in organisations
• Explain the principles of ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility in a business context.
• Describe the various market structures
• Discuss the global forces that influence the open Irish economy
• Explain economic concepts in the context of the consumer and business behaviour

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Fundamentals

Indicative Syllabus


Organisational • The business landscape 1

Structures & • Challenges & opportunities 1
the Business • Types of business 1
Environment • Organisation structures 1
• Economics 1

Entrepreneur- • Types and traits of entrepreneurs 1

ship & Small • Franchising / buying in 1
Business • Technology, social media, mobile marketing 1
• Financing options 1
• Supports 1

Planning, • Production of goods & services 1

Organising & • Transition to a service-based economy 1
Controlling • Production Management 1
• Operations planning & control 1
• Supply chain management 1
• HRM 1

Motivation & • Motivational theories & their application 1

Leadership • Leadership traits 1
• Role of leadership & corporate culture 1
• Teams in the workplace 1

Marketing & • Evolution of marketing 1

Sales • Marketing environment, consumer behaviour & market research 2
• Product development 2
• Branding strategies 2
• Pricing strategies 2
• Promotion, sales & distribution 2

Information • Management information systems 2

Technology in • Decision support systems 2
Business • MIS including cloud solutions 2
• Information security 2

Ethics & • Ethical systems, moral relativism, situational and Judeo-Christian ethics 1
Corporate • Personal ethics & the business environment 1
Social • Corporate ethics 1
Responsibility • Recovering from ethical lapse 1
• Corporate Social Responsibility 1

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Fundamentals

Learning Guide

Organisational Structures and the Business Environment

• Define business and explain factors of production
• Explain how competition, social environment, globalization and technological changes challenge and provide
opportunities to business owners
• Identify and describe types of business
• Describe various types of organistion structures
• Define economics and describe different types of economic systems
• Explain the principles of supply and demand and describe factors that affect these principles
• Describe the various degrees of business competition
• Understand the stages of the business cycle and explain how government uses fiscal and monetary policy to
control the business cycle
• Describe various types of fiscal and monetary policies
• Graphical and pictorial presentation of economic and related data. Compilation and interpretation and use of bar
charts, histograms, pie charts, frequency distributions, graphs and tables

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

• Explore and describe the reasons to start a small business
• Discuss the role of technology, social media and mobile marketing in entrepreneurship and small business
• Explain the traits of an effective entrepreneur and differentiate between the types of entrepreneurs
• Summarise the advantages and disadvantages of franchising and buying existing businesses
• Compare the potential benefits and drawbacks of each major source of small business financing
• Discuss resources available to diminish the potential for small business failure

Planning, Organising and Controlling

• Explain the importance of manufacturing and production
• Discuss transition to a service-based economy
• Describe production management and discuss common production processes that are used by business
• Describe how operations are controlled and quality standards achieved in a firm
• Define supply chain management and describe how it helps companies create and deliver goods and services
• Describe the processes involved in human resource management

Motivation and Leadership

• Understand the main theories of motivation and how they have changed the work environment
• Identify the various leadership styles and traits and explain how they affect business
• Describe the role of leadership and how it affects corporate culture
• Explain the best ways to create, manage and participate in teams
• Identify and describe team working skills.

Marketing and Sales

• Describe how marketing has evolved over time and outline the benefits and criticisms of marketing
• Understand the marketing environment. Describe the marketing research process and elements of a good
marketing plan.
• Compare customer behaviour in a business-to-business market to a business to consumer market
• Describe the elements of a marketing mix for a product and a service)
• Define the product life cycle for new product development. Discuss modification of existing products and
product lines
• Explain benefits of branding for buyers and sellers and discuss some branding strategies
• Describe some pricing objectives and discuss approaches to pricing strategies
• Describe the elements of a promotional mix. Outline the steps involved in the selling process
• Describe marketing intermediaries and their role in the distribution channel

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Foundation Management Fundamentals

Learning Guide contd.

Information Technology in Business

• Explain how the online environment helps market a business and describe types of business transactions that are
supported by online commerce
• List the functions of key IT personnel in a business and describe how businesses transform data into useful
business intelligence
• Define and describe information systems
• Understand the security challenges that arise with the increased use of technology in business
• Outline the ethical considerations in IT

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

• Describe ethics and the systems of ethical conduct
• Explain how personal ethics plays a role in the workplace
• Analyse the ways in which a company’s policies and decisions affects its achievement of corporate social
• Describe some strategies for how a company can recover from an ethical lapse
• Identify ways in which companies can apply ethical standards to create new business opportunities

Learning Resources

Suggested Texts

Better Business plus Pearson MyLab Business with Pearson eText, Global Edition (2018)
Solomon, Poatsy, Martin, ISBN-10: 1292218320, ISBN-13:9781292218328, Pearson (2018)

CPA Ireland resource – CPA code of ethics – selected sections

Examination Approach

Questions in this examination are structured to ensure that students may demonstrate their knowledge
and understanding of the principles of management at an introductory level. Where appropriate, students
are expected to apply and integrate explanations and examples linked to a work scenario. This is achieved
through a blend of theoretical and evaluation questions, often seeking examples in an organisational

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. The exam will also have an additional 10-minute
reading time.

All exam papers at the foundation level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 60 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-part question at
the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 40 marks Candidate can choose 2 from 3 questions.

The subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most appropriate to this subject.
This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam format be deemed appropriate this
will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest
Educators Briefing.

Financial Reporting ............................................... 28
Performance Management ....................................33
Advanced Taxation ............................................... 38
Corporate Law....................................................... 43
Audit & Assurance .................................................. 48
Managerial Finance ............................................... 56

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Financial Reporting


The aim of this module is to ensure that students understand the context of financial reporting and
develop the technical knowledge to be able to produce financial statements for single and group entities
in accordance with current International Financial Reporting Standards and national and EU legislation.

Financial Reporting as an Integral Part of the syllabus

This module builds on the concepts covered and skills developed in Financial Accounting. It provides
the context to further develop the breadth and depth of these technical skills and is an essential
underpinning for further studies in Advanced Corporate Reporting and Advanced Audit & Assurance.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics
Financial Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Prepare financial statements, including relevant notes and disclosures, for individual companies and groups
(including subsidiaries, associates, and joint arrangements).
• Interpret financial statements and prepare reports tailored to specified user groups’ technical knowledge
and understanding.
• Discuss the circumstances under which organisations must apply appropriate accounting standards.
• Appraise financial reporting standards (International Financial Reporting Standards and Irish GAAP and
discuss developments in corporate reporting.
• Discuss the ethical, conceptual and regulatory frameworks applicable to corporate reporting.
• Discuss emerging and disruptive technologies in corporate reporting.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Financial Reporting

Indicative Syllabus


The Legal, • Regulatory framework 2

ethical and • CPA Ireland Code of Ethics 2
context for

Single entity • Preparation and presentation of financial statements for companies 2

financial • Compliance with Companies Act 2014 2
statements • Compliance with Standards of International Accounting Practice 2

Group • Preparation and presentation of financial statements for companies 3

Accounts • Goodwill at acquisition 3
and Business

IFRS, Irish • Local GAAP 1

Interpretation • Ratio analysis 3

of financial • Cash flow analysis 3
statements • Interpretation of accounts and the preparation of reports thereon 3

Emerging & • Blockchain 1

disruptive • Machine Learning 1
technologies • Artificial Intelligence 1

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Financial Reporting

Learning Guide

The Legal, ethical and regulatory context for financial reporting

• Discuss the regulatory framework of financial reporting, legislation, local and international GAAP, the role of
• Prepare financial reports and statements in accordance with the CPA Ireland Code of Ethics

Single entity financial statements

• Prepare and present financial statements of companies in accordance with current international financial
reporting standards and national and EU legislation, including:
- Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
- Statements of Financial Position
- Statements of Changes in Equity
- Statements of Cash Flow
• Prepare notes to financial statements in accordance with current international financial reporting standards and
national and EU legislation

Group Accounts and Business Combinations

• Prepare and present financial statements for groups of companies, including subsidiaries, associates, and joint
arrangements, in accordance with current international financial reporting standards and national and EU
legislation, including:
- Consolidated statements of financial position
- Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- Reserve reconciliations
- Acquisition of subsidiaries and associates during the year (excluding foreign subsidiaries and associated).
• Apply the correct accounting treatment of goodwill at acquisition (Sub-subsidiaries are not included)

IFRS, Irish GAAP and current developments

• Apply the correct accounting treatment in accordance with the appropriate FRSs, IFRSs and IASs referring to the
Examinable Material Document for this subject on pages 96-101, noting the competency level applicable under
each heading.

Interpretation of financial statements

• Discuss, apply and report on the following:
- Ratio analysis
- Cash flow analysis
• Interpret financial statements and prepare reports tailored to each user group’s technical knowledge and
understanding of such statements.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Financial Reporting

Learning Guide contd.

Emerging & disruptive technologies in corporate reporting

• Discuss Blockchain and its potential impact on the accounting function, including:
- Maintaining and reconciling ledgers
- Certainty over ownership and management of assets
• Discuss Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence and its potential impact on the accounting function, including
examples of applications:
- Machine learning to code accounting entries, improve accuracy
- Machine learning based predictive models to forecast revenues
- Machine learning to improve access to, and analysis of data, such as emails etc.
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) allowing machines to complete repetitive time-consuming tasks in business
processes such as document analysis & handling in accounts

International Financial Reporting Standards

See Examinable Material Document on pages 96-101 for details of the International Financial Reporting
Standards etc. applicable to this examination.

Companies Act
See Examinable Material Document on pages 96-101 for details of the Companies Act applicable to this

Learning Resources

Core Texts
C. Connolly / International Financial Accounting and Reporting 6th ed. / CAI 2018 / ISBN-13: 978-
Elliott and Elliott, Financial Accounting and Reporting, 2019 Pearson (19th Edition) ISBN-13: 978-

Griffith College, CPA Financial Reporting - latest edition

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Melville / International Financial Reporting / 7th Edition/ Pearson 2019 / ISBN-13: 978-1292293127
CPA Student News eBulletin.
Accountancy Plus

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence, a Critical Reflection Point for the Accounting Profession, Spring 2019

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Accountancy

by Kirstin Gillon, ICAEW Thought Leadership, 2018

Blockchain and the Future of Corporate Reporting

FRC, June 2018

Blockchain and the Future of Accountancy

ICAEW, 2018

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Financial Reporting

Useful Websites - CPA Ireland - Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority - The International Federation of Accountants - The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation – Deloitte: Summaries of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) - The European Federation of Accountants - The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group - The Financial Reporting Council - FRC-Audit and Assurance
Council - FRC-Conduct Committee - Irish Accounting and Business Portal

Examination Approach

Students are required to demonstrate a detailed understanding of accounting principles and the ability to
apply these to practical situations. A peripheral knowledge does not suffice. In addition to testing technical
competence the examination requires students to demonstrate effective communication skills, particularly
in relation to the production of both internal memoranda and external financial reports for a wide variety
of user groups. Students are expected to integrate and apply learning from this and other syllabi, as

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional
10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Performance Management


The aim of this module is to ensure that students have the necessary management accounting expertise
and competence to conduct a critical, strategic analysis of unfamiliar business situations. This includes
the ability to select, integrate and apply the appropriate techniques and approaches in order to identify
problems, opportunities and recommend strategic solutions.

Performance Management as an Integral Part of the syllabus

This module builds on the learning from the domains of statistics, economics, management accounting
and finance. Performance Management requires students to integrate and expand that technical
knowledge so as to provide a framework for strategic analysis of business issues.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Data Strategic

Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance Analytics for Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Select and apply performance management techniques to given business situations to develop relevant
options for the decision maker(s)
• Propose relevant performance management techniques for a given organisation assessing the strategic
advantages or adverse side effects arising from their implementation
• Identify performance management structures that can be applied to improved performance management
in an organisation
• Assess the impact of existing, or proposed, performance structures on organisational performance,
behaviours, and work practices and make suggestions for improvements
• Describe and interpret analytical models in a performance management context
• Identify and discuss emerging developments relevant to an organisation’s performance management
systems and discuss the impact on the role of the management accountant.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Performance Management

Indicative Syllabus


Advanced • Pricing decisions 3

Decision • Target & lifecycle costing 2
Making • Profitability analysis 3
• Theory of constraints, throughput and backflush accounting 2
• Activity based management & analysis 2
• Measuring and managing uncertainty 3
• Multiple limiting factors / constraints 2
• Process improvement 2

Planning & • Budgetary control systems 3

Control • Alternative approaches to budgeting 3
• Control of engineered, committed and discretionary costs 3
• Advanced variance analysis 3
• Standard costing and variance analysis in modern manufacturing 3
• Scenario planning 3

Analytics in • Business analytics 1

performance • Predictive analytics: regression analysis and software tools 1
measurement • Predictive analytics: model evaluation 2
• Data visualisation 1

Divisional • Divisional profitability: return on investment and residual income 3

Performance • Economic and managerial performance evaluation 3
Evaluation • Economic value added 2
• Value-based management 3
• Transfer pricing 3
• Transfer pricing and taxation 2

Performance • Mission statements, objectives, strategies and goals 3

Measurement • Performance measurement in modern manufacturing environments 3
Systems • Alternative competitive strategies 3
• Monitoring the external environment 3
• Financial and non-financial performance measurement 3
• Benchmarking 2
• Performance measurement models 3
• Incentive schemes 2

Emerging and • Technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of 1

disruptive Things

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Performance Management

Learning Guide

Advanced decision making

• Understand the importance of costs in pricing decisions, price-setting and price-taking firms. Understand and
apply short and long-term pricing including strategic considerations and pricing policy, revenue management,
profit optimisation, services pricing, product mix and pricing.
• Explain and apply target costing as a pricing mechanism, understand target costing in a cost management and
value creation context
• Explain the stages of lifecycle, illustrate the allocation of costs to various stages of lifecycle including committed
costs and disposal/de-commissioning/environmental costs.
• Analyse product, service, segment or customer profitability including the incorporation of activity-based
costing; evaluate decisions on making or buying products, ceasing products/services/activities, in-sourcing and
outsourcing - including use of contribution analysis.
• Explain key elements of the theory of constraints
- Understand the concept of throughout accounting
- Calculate and apply the throughput accounting ratio and throughput contribution per factory hour
- Understand and apply backflush accounting entries in a just-in-time environment.
• Identify business activities (activity analysis) and interpret the use of activity-based techniques (including activity-
based costing) in broader management.
• Understand risk attitudes; apply risk appraisal techniques including expected values, maximax/maximin/regret
criteria, decision trees and sensitivity analysis.
• Understand and formulate linear programming models
- Determine solutions to linear programming models using the graphical method; understand the use of
spreadsheets to solve linear programming models.
• Describe general concepts of continuous improvement (Kanban), techniques such as business process
engineering Total Quality Management, Lean Management and Six Sigma.

Planning and control

• Understanding budgeting and how is it used as a means of planning and control within organisations through the
identification of the various purposes of budgetary control systems.
• Distinguish between the alternative approaches to budgeting including incremental, zero-based, activity based,
rolling budgets and ‘beyond’ budgeting techniques.
- Compare and contrast these alternative approaches and critique the benefits and drawbacks of each.
• Explain how the control of engineered, committed and discretionary costs impacts on the budgeting process.
• Demonstrate the ability to understand, apply and interpret advanced variance analysis, including – sales mix and
quantity variances, sales market size and sales market share variances; material mix and yield variances; labour
mix and yield variances and planning and operational variances.
• Understand and apply the learning curve effect in the calculation of variances
• Appreciate controllable and non-controllable variances as applicable to individuals and/or departments/segments
within organisations.
• Examine the factors that influence the decision to investigate variances and outline the various techniques that
can be adopted in making such decisions.
• Critically appraise the use of standard costing and variance analysis as applied to modern manufacturing.
• Describe and apply what is meant by scenario planning e.g., ‘what if’ analysis

Analytics in performance measurement

• Define business analytics (1)
• Explain data sources, internal and external, which may be useful in a forecasting and performance management
context (1)
• Describe multiple regression analysis and the use of statistical software in a forecasting and performance
management context (1)
• Understand and evaluate the assumptions underlying multiple regression analysis - linear relationship, multivariate
normality, multicollinearity, auto-correlation, homoscedasticity (2)
• Evaluate statistical model outputs including the coefficient of determination (r2), t-value and p-value (2)
• Define data visualisation (1)
• Describe visualisation tools within spreadsheets and other tools such as Tableau (1).

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Performance Management

Learning Guide contd.

Divisional performance evaluation

• Understanding differences between divisional and non-divisional organisational structures and the resultant
approach to performance evaluation
• Explain the various types of responsibility centres – investment, profit, revenue, cost and understand the best
metrics of assessing performance within each
• Apply and interpret the key measures of divisional profitability - return on investment and residual income and
critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each.
- Understand such measures in the context of overall divisional performance.
• Understand the challenges associated with allocating costs to divisions and consider the impact this has on
divisional performance evaluation (controllable v non controllable costs)
• Recognise the importance of the distinction between economic and managerial performance evaluation
• Understand and apply the economic value-added technique of performance evaluation
• Explain the principles underlying value-based management
• Understand options available to establish transfer prices within an organisation (e.g., cost-plus, market based,
negotiated and dual prices), and demonstrate an ability to apply these in given scenarios.
- Critically evaluate the appropriateness of each option as a measure of divisional evaluation considering factors
such as goal congruence, divisional autonomy and sub-optimisation.
• Outline the connections between transfer pricing options adopted by organisations and the taxation implications
arising thereon.

Performance measurement systems

• Define the meaning of a performance measurement system
• Explain the importance of an organisations mission statements, objectives, strategies and goals in developing an
effective performance measurement system.
• Describe and evaluate performance measurement in modern manufacturing environments including Just-in-time
(JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), and lean manufacturing.
• Understand and describe alternative competitive strategies available to an organisation, providing critical analysis
as to the applicability of Performance Management System options in a given scenario
• Outline and explain how an organisation may monitor its external environment - including the use of competitor
• Outline, with examples, what is meant by financial and non-financial performance measurement, demonstrate an
ability to interpret the results and draw conclusions thereon
- Understand the concept of external benchmarking as a method of performance measurement.
• Understand and describe the various performance measurement models, including the balanced scorecard,
providing critical analysis on the benefits and drawbacks of the models.
• Document the nature of incentive schemes that could be adopted by an organisation and evaluate their
effectiveness as a method of assisting in performance measurement.

Emerging and disruptive technologies

• Discuss emerging and disruptive technologies – concepts such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, internet
of things, blockchain and robotics and their use in/effect on performance measurement and performance

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Drury / Management & Cost Accounting 11 ed / Cengage 2018 / ISBN-13: 978-1473773615

W. Seal, C. Rohde, R. H. Garrison & E. W. Noreen / Management Accounting / McGraw-Hill 6th ed 2018 /
ISBN-13: 978-0077185534.

A. Bhimani, C. T. Horngren, S. M. Datar & M. Rajan / Management and Costing Accounting / 7th ed 2019
Pearson/ ISBN-13: 978 1292232669.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Performance Management

Additional texts
Evans / Business Analytics, 3ed Global / Pearson 2021 / ISBN-13: 978-1-292-339061
Camm et al. / Business Analytics, 3ed/Cengage 2019 / ISBN-13: 978-1-337-40642-0

Why Accountants Must Embrace Machine Learning by Donny C. Shimamoto, IFAC, April 2018

Richard Busulwa, Nina Evans /Digital Transformation in Accounting, Routledge 2021 /

The Internet of Things and Accounting: Lessons from China
ACAEW Thought Leadership, Business & Management Faculty, 2019
Examination Approach
Students are expected to demonstrate the management accounting expertise needed to conduct a
critical and strategic analysis of unfamiliar business problems. This includes the ability to select, justify, and
apply management accounting techniques which are appropriate to particular business scenarios
described in the examination questions. Students will be required to prepare management reports
encompassing both quantitative and qualitative analysis. A peripheral knowledge of the topics on the
syllabus is not sufficient.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an
additional 10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Advanced Taxation


The aim of this module is to provide students with a detailed knowledge of the administration of the
taxation system in Ireland. It develops students’ ability to apply Irish taxation legislation to individuals
and companies in a compliant and ethical manner.

Advanced Taxation as an Integral Part of the syllabus

Advanced Taxation is a prerequisite for the later study of Advanced Tax Strategy. Knowledge gained
from this subject will also be relevant in the further study of Audit & Assurance, Advanced Audit &
Assurance, Managerial Finance, Financial Reporting and Advanced Financial Reporting.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Advanced Audit Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Tax & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss how the Irish tax system is administered, Revenue Audits are carried out, and the powers of the
Revenue Commissioners in this regard
• Assess the income tax liabilities, including PRSI and Universal Social Charge, of individuals and correctly
apply all relevant, credits, reliefs, allowances, and withholding taxes
• Assess the capital gains tax liabilities of individuals having applied all relevant reliefs and exemptions
• Basic principles, relief and exemptions for CAT/ Stamp Duty
• Assess the tax liabilities of corporate taxpayers taking due account of allowances, distributions, reliefs and
withholding taxes
• Discuss the operation of VAT and apply the VAT legislation to individual transactions

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Advanced Taxation

Indicative Syllabus


Taxation in • Scope of Irish Taxation 2

Ireland • Revenue Charter & Code of practice 2
• Taxpayers rights & obligations 2
• Role of the accountant 2
• Ethical issues 2
• Tax evasion / avoidance 2

Income Tax • Basis of assessment 2

• Calculation of tax 2
• Schedule D Case I & II income 2
• Farm tax 2
• Capital allowances 2
• Loss relief 2
• Withholding taxes 2
• PRSI & USC 2
• Tax on interest received, rental income, short-term lease premiums, 2
• Schedule D, E & F income 2
• Filing requirements, payment & non-compliance consequences 2
• Double taxation – investment income 1

Capital Gains • Scope and basis of assessment 2

Tax • Calculation of tax 2
• Non-compliance consequences 2
• Share transactions 2
• Reliefs from capital gains taxes 2
• Development land 2

Corporation • Basis of assessment 2

Tax • Calculation of tax 2
• Badges of trade 2
• Capital allowance 2
• Chargeable gains 2
• Loss relief 2
• Tax on interest, foreign income, Irish rental income, dividends received 2
• Withholding taxes 2
• Close companies and distributions 2

VAT • Basis of assessment 2

• Calculation of tax 2
• Returns & payments 2

Capital • Basic principles of CAT 1

Acquisitions • Exemptions & reliefs 2
Tax & Stamp • Administration & payments 1
Duty • Basic principles of stamp duty 1

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Advanced Taxation

Learning Guide

The purpose & administration of taxation in Ireland

• Outline the scope of Irish: Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Corporation Tax, Value Added Tax, Professional
Services Withholding Tax, Relevant Contracts Tax, Local Property Tax, Capital Acquisitions Tax and Stamp Duty
• Explain the structure and administration of direct and indirect taxation, compliance obligations for taxpayers and
list the interest and penalties for non-compliance
• Describe the Code of Practice for Revenue Audit and other Compliance Interventions and the Revenue Customer
Service Charter
• Outline taxpayers’ rights and obligations in the event of a dispute with Revenue
• Discuss ethical issues and compliance with the CPA Ireland ethical code.
• Distinguish between tax avoidance and tax evasion and discuss accountants’ responsibilities in this context.

Income Tax
• Determine an individual’s income chargeable to Irish Income Tax
• Compute tax adjusted profit for Schedule D Case I & II income:
- Apply basis periods and determine assessable profits for continuing businesses and business in
commencement or cessation, including short lived business
- Calculate income tax on farm income using the income averaging basis
- Apply general stock relief for farmers
- Apply income tax credits and reliefs
- Calculate capital allowances on qualifying assets
- Define loss relief available and calculate relief
- Calculate withholding taxes
- Calculate Professional Services Withholding Tax and Relevant Contracts Tax
- Calculate charges to PRSI and USC
- Calculate Local Property Tax
• Determine and assess income tax on:
- Interest received
- Rental income
- Short-term lease premiums
- Irish dividend income including shares received in lieu of dividends
• Calculate income tax liability, having applied all relevant reliefs, allowances, and credits, arising from Schedule D,
E, and F income
• Outline filing requirements, methods of payment & consequences for non-compliance.
• Explain the scope and basis of assessment of Schedule E (employment) income
• Determine the taxable status; employed or self-employed, & outline taxation treatment arising
• Calculate Schedule E income tax, applying relevant reliefs, allowances, and credits
• Define and apply tax treatment of termination of employment

Capital Gains Tax

• Outline territorial scope and basis of assessment of Capital Gains Tax, self-assessment requirements &
consequences of non-compliance
• Calculate capital gains and losses, considering allowable acquisition, enhancement, incidental costs, and
indexation relief
• Calculate capital gains tax arising from share transactions including bonus and rights issues
• Apply reliefs from Capital Gains Tax, including principle private residence, transfer of a business to a company,
entrepreneur relief, land or building transfers, retirement, chattels, indexation and marginal relief
• Calculate capital Gains Tax on development land applying indexation relief, as appropriate.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Advanced Taxation

Learning Guide contd.

Corporation Tax
• Outline the scope of Corporation Tax, self- assessment requirements, methods of payment and consequences of
• Define tax residence, apply basis of assessment & determine accounting periods for assessment
• Define and apply badges of trade
• Calculate tax adjusted profit and capital allowances, including treatment of distributions
• Calculate chargeable gains
• Calculate losses having applied loss relief (terminal loss relief is excluded)
• Assess & calculate tax on:
- Interest
- Foreign income
- Irish rental income
- Dividends received
• Calculate withholding taxes
• Calculate a company’s taxable income, applying relevant relief & allowances to determine tax payable.
• Define the close company rules, including definitions (such as meaning of participator) and understand and apply
the effect of close company status.

• Define the operation and scope of VAT including registration requirements, maintenance of VAT records, goods
and services chargeable to VAT, place of supply of goods & services, invoicing for VAT, VAT rates, deduction and
payment requirements & consequences of non-compliance
• Recognise VAT exempt and zero-rated supplies
• Understand and distinguish between multiple supply and composite supply
• Define and apply the two-thirds rule and package rule
• Define non-deductible inputs
• Distinguish between and apply invoice basis and money received basis (cash basis) of accounting for VAT
• Explain VAT treatment of transactions within the EU, intra-Community acquisition and intra-Community supply,
and calculation of VAT arising
• Calculate VAT payable or receivable arising from transactions in a period

Capital Acquisitions Tax & Stamp Duty

• Describe the activities to which Capital Acquisitions Tax applies, together with the underlying principles and the
basis of assessment
• Calculate CAT applying basic reliefs and exemptions
• Outline the system of administration and payments for CAT
• Outline the basic principles of stamp duty

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Advanced Tax by Paula Byrne, ISBN 978-1-9993047-4-4

Irish Taxation: Law & Practice 2020/2021 / Irish Taxation Institute 2020 / eBook available from Irish Tax
Institute website

Supplementary Texts and Journals

CA Proficiency 1 / Taxation 1 (ROI) 2021/2022) / Chartered Accountants Ireland/ ISBN:

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Advanced Taxation

Examination Approach

Students are required to display a knowledge of the system of administration of the various taxes, including
requirements for compliance and corresponding penalties with regard to submissions and payment
of taxes. Questions are mainly scenario based and students are expected to demonstrate the correct
application of the practical aspects of the subject matter being examined.

Descriptive answers are also required to some questions to indicate an understanding of the relevant law
and administrative procedure. It is necessary to demonstrate an ability to answer questions in a logical and
coherent fashion.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an
additional 10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Corporate Law


On completion of this module students will have a knowledge of Irish Law, its application and relevance
to a member of the profession as a provider of auditing services, advisor or accountant within an

Corporate Law as an Integral Part of the syllabus

The legal principles learnt in this subject will be relevant to students throughout their professional
accountancy studies. In particular, this syllabus is an essential co-requisite for the study of Financial
Reporting, Advanced Taxation, Audit & Assurance and Managerial Finance, and is an essential
component for the further study of Advanced Financial Reporting, Advanced Audit & Assurance, and
Advanced Tax Strategy.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Accounting Fundamentals Taxation Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Strategy & Advanced Advanced Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting
Leadership Tax Audit& for Finance Finance
Strategy Assurance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the main sources of Irish law
• Explain and apply the laws of contract, tort, sale of goods and services and data protection
• Interpret the law of agency, distinguishing between principal and agent and their respective rights and duties
• Demonstrate the application of elements of company and partnership law in relation to how business entities
and partnerships are formed, structured and regulated, as well as their commercial relationships including
the various classifications of company capital and the rules governing its maintenance and distribution
• Advise on the role of company officers, including the appointment, dismissal, rights and duties of directors,
the auditor, and the company secretary
• Discuss the appointment, rights and duties of receivers, liquidators and examiners and outline the
implications of their appointment on key stakeholders.
• Interpret and advise on law of employment, including rights and duties of employers and employees.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Corporate Law

Indicative Syllabus


Sources of Law • The sources of law 1

• The legal system in operation 1
• EU law 1

Law of • Formation of a contract 2

Contract, Tort, • Formalities of a contract 2
Personal • Discharge of a contract and remedies 2
Insolvency and • Principles of tort 2
consumer credit, • General data protection regulation 2
Protection • Personal Insolvency 2
• Consumer Credit 2

Law of Agency • Agency relationships, duties and liability 2

Company • Business organisations 2

Formations & • Partnerships 2
Partnerships • Company formations 2
• Membership of a company 2
• Share capital 2
• Borrowings 2

Company Law • Directorships 2

- Officers & • Company secretary & auditor 2
Meetings • Proper books of account, annual returns, company accounts 1
• Company meetings 1
• Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement 1

Examinerships, • Liquidations 2
Receiverships • Receiverships 2
& Liquidations • Examinerships 2

Law of • Contracts of employment 2

Employment • Rights and duties of employers and employees 2
• Termination, dismissal and redundancy 2
• Leave – rights and entitlements 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Corporate Law

Learning Guide

Sources of Law
• Discuss the main sources of Irish law, common law and equity, judicial precedent and case law, statute law.
Describe the role of the Constitution of Ireland. Recount development of Irish company law and EU law
• Explain the legal system in operation in Ireland – doctrine of separation of powers, basic institutions of the State,
the requirements of natural and Constitutional justice, structure of the courts, civil and criminal divisions, solicitor/
barrister relationship, functions of the Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions, interpretation of
• Outline EU Law – the treaties, institutions, decisions, recommendations, and opinions of the Union. Distinguish
between regulations and directives.

Laws of contract, tort, personal insolvency and consumer credit, employment and data protection
• Describe and illustrate the formation of a contract, including electronic contracts, – capacity, offer (versus
invitation to treat), acceptance, intention to create legal relations, consideration, content, terms, representations,
and exclusion clauses
• Understand and apply the formalities of a contract to include contract terms and electronic contracts
• Discuss and demonstrate the performance of a contract, discharge and remedies for breach of contract
• Describe principles of tort, negligence including professional negligence, passing off, remedies and defenses
• Discuss and apply the General Data Protection Regulation - outline the rules for processing and storing data, the
principles of data protection and the rules regarding providing access to data.
• Explain the role of the Insolvency Service of Ireland, Insolvency Practitioners, Debt Relief Notices, Debt
Settlement Arrangements and Personal Insolvency Arrangements, Bankruptcy Law
• Explain credit agreements, higher purchase and lease agreements

The Law of Agency

• Demonstrate an understanding of the creation and termination of agency relationship, as well as authority, rights
and duties of agents and principals

Company formations, partnerships and their commercial relationships

• Describe the various forms of business organisations: sole traders, partnerships (limited, unlimited), companies
(private, public, limited, unlimited, limited by guarantee, and designated activity companies)
• Discuss the separate legal personality of the company, the veil of incorporation, ultra vires rule and designated
activity and public limited companies, liability of a company in respect of unauthorised or irregular transactions, in
both tort and criminal law. The doctrine of apparent authority and the rule in Royal British Bank v. Turquand.
• Describe partnership agreements. Discuss the formation, termination and dissolution of partnerships. Outline
partners’ rights, liabilities and authority.
• Describe and outline company formation, registration and associated documents. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of incorporation, the veil of incorporation
• Advise on membership of a company – becoming a member, capacity to be a member, register of members,
disclosure of interests in shares, rights and duties of a shareholder.
• Describe share capital, different classes of shares, capital, variation of rights of classes of shareholders, including,
flotation of a company. Explain nominal value of a share, share premium, discounts, allotment of shares, bonus
and rights issue. Describe and explain the introduction to capital maintenance.
• Understand and explain calls, liens, forfeiture and surrender of shares. Discuss transfer and transmission of shares
and share agreements. Explain the process and rules around dividends and distribution of profits.
• Discuss borrowings, loan capital and debentures. Describe fixed and floating charges & distribution of assets

Company Law – officers and meetings

• Advise on the formalities to be a director, duties, powers and responsibilities of directors, disqualification,
restriction, and authority. Corporate offences and money laundering
• Advise on the formalities to be a company secretary or auditor, duties, powers and responsibilities. The removal
of an auditor.
• Discuss the maintenance of proper books of account, annual returns and company accounts
• Describe procedures for: company meetings including notice, agenda, voting rights, quorum and records, as
well as the distinction between AGM’s and EGM’s. Explain majority and minority rights.
• Outline the role of the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement.
• Discuss investigation of a company’s affairs and liability arising from investigations.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Corporate Law

Learning Guide contd.

Examinerships, receiverships and liquidations

• Describe and assess the effects of a liquidation. Outline the formalities to be a liquidator, duties, powers and
responsibilities, including accounts of a liquidator. Outline the various types of winding up, compulsory and
voluntary winding up. Explain the order of payments of debts and charges on liquidation.
• Describe and assess the effects of a receivership. Outline the formalities to be a receiver, rights, duties and
powers of a receiver, including accounts of a receiver.
• Describe and assess the effects of an examinership on shareholders, directors, creditors and employees,
including potential liability to these. Outline the formalities to be an examiner, duties, powers and responsibilities,
including the accounts of an examiner

Law of Employment
• Describe, contrast and illustrate formation and terms of a contract of employment, contract of service and
contract for services.
• Discuss rights and duties of employers and employees.
• Explain and distinguish between termination and unfair, constructive and wrongful dismissal and redundancy,
• Outline rights and entitlements for maternity, paternity, adoptive and parental leave and force majeure.

Companies Act 2014

See Examinable Material Document, on pages 96 to 101 for details of the Companies Act applicable for this

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Griffith College – Corporate Law (Latest Edition)

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement / Books 1 to 7 (setting out the principal duties and
powers of companies, company directors, company secretaries, members and shareholders, auditors,
creditors, liquidators, receivers and examiners), free to download from:
companylawguidance /informationbooks.aspx
Regan / Employment Law in Ireland 2nd Revised Edition/ Bloomsbury/ 2017 / ISBN-13: 9781847663764
Forde / Employment Law / Thomson Round Hall 2009 / 3rd ed/ ISBN-13: 978-1858005522

Useful Websites (as of date of publication) - Irish Stock Exchange. - Irish Statute Book – Office of the Attorney General. - Companies Registration Office. - Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement. - Company Law Review Group.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Corporate Law

Examination Approach

Students are expected to demonstrate a preliminary critical understanding of, and the ability to apply,
the legal principles and concepts that underpin Irish legal systems, business and corporate law - with a
particular focus on the field of accounting. They will be expected to acquire core knowledge of legal
concepts and principles and analyse practical situations in order to apply that knowledge, while supporting
their answers with relevant case law and statutory provisions. Students are also expected to demonstrate
clear logical thinking, excellent written communication skills and the ability to integrate learning from this
and other syllabi.

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an
additional 10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance


The aim of this module is to introduce students to the concepts and principles of the audit process
and to develop their understanding of its application in the context of the legal, regulatory and ethical
framework of the profession, including the governance requirements applicable to business entities.

Integration of this module with the rest of the syllabus

Audit & Assurance is an essential foundation subject for the subsequent study of Advanced Audit &
Assurance at the Strategic Level. It is also an essential component for the study of Advanced Financial
Reporting. In carrying out the audit of an entity’s financial statements, there is a critical need to identify
the source, and test the treatment of financial statement items (period transactions and year-end
balances) and disclosures, to ensure compliance with IFRS. Corporate Law, Taxation and Advanced
Taxation will increase students’ awareness of other matters an auditor must consider in the audit process.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Accounting Fundamentals Taxation Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Advanced Data Analytics

Financial Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Tax Audit& for Finance Finance
Strategy Assurance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Appraise the audit and assurance environment, including stakeholder expectations of audit and assurance
• Interpret the UK Corporate Governance Code and related Irish Stock Exchange requirements with respect
to the role and responsibilities of shareholders, directors and auditors
• Devise an audit strategy and develop an audit plan
• Evaluate internal controls and provide appropriate recommendations to overcome weaknesses or potential
weaknesses identified
• Apply the International Standards of Auditing to execution of audit engagements
• Prepare an audit report, modified or unmodified as appropriate, having formed an opinion based on the
audit work and relevant evidence
• Identify ethical issues and discuss, escalate or resolve these as appropriate within the Institute’s ethical
framework, demonstrating integrity, objectivity, independence and professional scepticism.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Indicative Syllabus


The Audit and • The legal, ethical and regulatory environment of auditing 2
Assurance • The responsibilities and statutory rights of directors and auditors 2
Environment • Companies Act 2014, Company Law Enforcement Act (2001), Criminal 2
Justice Acts, EU Directives
• Relevant International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) 2
• Relevant International Accounting Standards (IFRS/IAS) 2
• Auditor responsibilities in relation to money laundering 2
• Fraud and the entity’s compliance with laws and regulations 2
• Professional scepticism 2
• Pre-appointment procedures, client assessment and engagement letter 2
• Emerging technologies and their effect on the role of the auditor 1
• Types of Audit Assurance Engagement 2

Corporate • Definitions of Corporate Governance 2

Governance • Agency theory 2
• The role of the board 2
• Remuneration, transparency and accountability 2
• Compliance culture 2
• Corporate regulation in Ireland 2
• UK Corporate Governance Code 2
• Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2
• Emerging issues and developments in Corporate Governance 2

Audit Strategy • Materiality 2

and Planning • Audit risk 2
• Audit strategies 2
• Knowledge of the entity and its environment 2
• Nature, extent and timing of audit procedures 2
• Audit planning, audit programmes and working papers 2
• Audit supervision and review 2

Audit • Entity’s control environment 2

Execution, • Continuous audit 1
Internal • Responsibilities of auditors and management 2
Controls • Internal controls 2
and Risk • Tests of control for major systems 2
Management • Risk of material misstatement 2
• Audit programmes for tests of control 2
• Final assessment of control risk 2
• Management letter reporting and assessment of impact on control risk 2

Audit • Application of specific substantive procedures 2

Execution – • Validation procedures 2
Substantive • IFRS/IAS concerning above 2
Procedures • Misstatements / aggregation / assessment / impact on audit reporting 2

Audit • Entity’s computer systems and controls 2

Execution • Computer assisted audit techniques 2
– Computer
Systems (CIS)

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Indicative Syllabus contd.


Audit • Sampling methods 2

Execution • Analytical review 2
– Other • Going concern 2
Considerations • Subsequent events 2
• Accounting estimates 2
• Commitments and contingencies 2
• Management representation letters 2
• Use of experts 2

Audit • Reporting on audited Financial Statements 2

Reporting • Audit opinion 2
• True and fair view 2
• Materiality 2
• Statutory requirements 2
• Auditor’s report, key audit matters 2
• Modified reports 2

Learning Guide

The Audit and Assurance Environment

• Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical and regulatory environment of auditing: CPA Code of Ethics,
IFAC Code of Ethics, Ethical Standard for Auditors (Ireland) 2017
• Explain and discuss the responsibilities and statutory rights of directors, auditors and those charged with
governance with respect to statutory audit: Companies Act 2014, Company Law Enforcement Act (2001),
Criminal Justice Acts, other relative laws, EU Directives
• Explain the relationship between International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and other technical pronouncements
issued by IAASA and other standard setters
• Demonstrate the ability to review the audit implications of International Accounting Standards (IFRS/IAS)
• Define Money Laundering and demonstrate the responsibility of the auditor in relation to money laundering and
• Understand the auditor’s responsibility in relation to fraud and describe the client entity’s responsibilities in relation
to compliance with laws and regulations
• explain the process of pre-appointment procedures, client assessment and engagement letters
• Understand the impact of emerging technologies and the effect they may have on the role of the auditor e.g.,
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automated Accounting technology, Blockchain technology, Cloud computing, Data
Analytics and the use of Big Data, Machine Learning (ML) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
• Explain the difference between Reasonable Assurance engagements (Statutory Audits) and Limited
Assurance engagements and their impact on the work conducted by the auditor
• Apply Professional Scepticism to the integrity of the information provided and exercise a questioning mind
throughout the audit engagement process

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance
Corporate Governance
• Understand and discuss the concepts, objectives, relevance and importance of Corporate Governance
• Assess the role of agency theory in Corporate Governance
• Discuss the role of the board, demonstrating an understanding of the roles, duties and responsibilities of directors
• Assess whether the board have acted in good faith in relation to remuneration, transparency and accountability
• Recognise the importance of compliance culture – in particular analysing the structures, roles and requirements
of committees within the board, such as the audit committee, remuneration committee and risk committee
• Describe the provisions of corporate regulation in Ireland – including the role of the Companies Registration
Office (CRO), the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE), the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE), the
Financial Regulator, the Irish Auditing and Accounting Standards Authority (IAASA)
• Discuss the provisions of UK Corporate Governance Code (2018) and related FRC/ISE guidelines, making
reference to specific sections of the Code and evaluating deficiencies within a given scenario and making
recommendations to improve the structures currently in place
• Understand the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its role to help protect investors from fraudulent activities of corporations
• Understand the emerging issues and developments in Corporate Governance and the implications on the
accounting and auditing profession

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Learning Guide contd.

Audit Strategy and Planning

• Define and explain the concepts of materiality and performance materiality (nature, determination, impact and
use) and the calculation of materiality levels
• Explain audit risk and its components: inherent, control and detection risk
• Identify and explain audit strategies, including designing auditing strategies
• Explain how auditors obtain an initial understanding of the entity and its environment during audit planning,
including the nature and purpose of analytical procedures, and the computation and interpretation of key ratios
used in analytical procedures
• Understand the nature, extent and timing of audit procedures in relation to planned audit strategies
• Recognise and design audit planning memos, audit programmes and working papers
• Explain the purpose of audit supervision and reviews

Audit Execution - Internal Controls and Risk Management

• Evaluate and assess an entity’s control environment, recognising why an auditor needs to obtain an
understanding of the internal controls relevant to the audit
• Understand the application of a continuous audit which examines accounting practices, risk controls,
compliance, information technology systems, and business procedures on an ongoing basis
• Understand and differentiate between the auditor’s and management respective responsibilities in relation to
internal controls and risk management
• Describe and explain components of internal controls: the control environment, the information system, the
entity’s risk assessment, control activities and monitoring of controls. Discuss internal control descriptions,
assessments and identify limitations within an entity’s control environment
• Evaluate tests of control for major systems: sales, purchases, payroll, cash receipts, inventory, receivables,
payables and non-current assets including deficiencies in internal controls. Discuss the limitations of internal
controls for major systems
• Recognise the risk of material misstatement and the responsibility of auditors for detecting and reporting material
misstatement due to fraud and error
• Design an audit programme for tests of control in relation to sales, purchases, payroll, cash receipts, inventory,
receivables, payables and non-current assets
• Discuss the factors to be taken into account on the final assessment of control risk
• Understand the requirement for auditors to communicate with those charged with governance by way of
management letter reporting, highlighting deficiencies and providing recommendations for resolving these
deficiencies to management and assessing any impact on control risk

Audit Execution – Substantive Procedures

• Apply specific substantive procedures to test assertions relating to classes of transactions and events, account
balances, presentation and disclosure
• Validate procedures, applied in the audit of statements of financial positions
• Validate procedures applied in the audit of statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income account
• Explain the significance of misstatements and aggregation, and assess the impact it may have on audit reporting

Audit Execution – Computer Information Systems (CIS) Auditing

• Describe the entity’s computer systems controls including key computer system general controls and key
computer system application controls:
- Computer systems: general applications of e-commerce and impact on control and audit work, key
computer processes, including data organisation and access, network and electronic transfers and transaction
processing modes, key computer system hardware and software, including XBRL
- Key computer system general controls: design and implementation, data integrity, privacy and security, system
program changes, system access and disaster recovery plans
- Key computer system application controls: transactions input, processing and output, master file changes
• Describe the relevant Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATS):
- Nature (computer software including expert systems and test data)
- Purpose (testing, administration)
- Application and related audit concerns (integrity and security of CAATs, audit planning considerations)
• Exercise professional scepticism around data reports, reliance on artificial intelligence generated reports,
questioning the underlying algorithms

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Learning Guide contd.

Audit Execution - Other Considerations

• Define audit sampling methods, explain the need for sampling and identify and discuss the differences between
statistical and non-statistical sampling
• Discuss and give examples of how analytical reviews are used as substantive procedures. Compute and interpret
analytical procedures to obtain audit evidence
• Define and discuss the going concern concept and its impact throughout various stages of the audit which
includes identifying and explaining potential going concern indicators along with the reporting implications of
such findings explaining the responsibilities of auditors and management regarding going concern
• Explain and discuss the purpose of subsequent events and relevant procedures undertaken during a subsequent
events review explaining the responsibilities of auditors regarding subsequent events
• Discuss the procedures surrounding the audit of accounting estimates and the difficulties associated with the
audit and review of accounting estimates
• Explain and identify the audit procedures to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence in relation to
commitments and contingencies
• Exercise professional scepticism and recognise bias and potential gaps in evidence. Identify contradictory
evidence and unsupported statements
• Discuss the purpose and procedures for obtaining management representation letters
• Discuss the extent to which external auditors can rely on the work of experts which includes the work on an
internal audit

Audit Reporting
• Identify and describe elements contained in the auditor’s report on audited financial statements
• Describe key concepts and elements of an audit report such as: the responsibility of the auditor and the
management of the company, the opinion of the auditor, basis of the opinion, true and fair view/ fair
presentation, materiality, statutory requirements, key audit matters (KAM)
• Advise on modifications to the auditor’s report (unmodified and modified) and when they are justified,
differentiating between matters that do not affect the auditor’s opinion, and those that do affect the auditor’s
opinion, providing examples of circumstances giving rise to modified reports

Learning Resources

Core Texts
External Auditing and Assurance: An Irish Textbook 3rd Edition by Martin Nolan and Christine Nangle
Revised/2018 / ICAI / ISBN 978-1-912350-03-2

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities /2018
/ IFAC / ISBN 978-1-60815-353-4 Published in two volumes, with Companion Manual, freely available for
download from:

Technical Material
1. Auditing and Quality Control Standards
International Standards on Auditing (Ireland)
ISQC (Ireland) Quality control for firms that perform audits and reviews of financial statements and
related services engagements.
These are available from the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Learning Resources contd.

2. Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) EU Endorsed are available from the European
Commission on

The International Standards on Auditing Ireland are available from the Irish Auditing and Accounting
Supervisory Authority

3. Ethical Standards
APB Ethical Standards (ESs) are available from the Auditing Practices Board website
CPA – Code of Ethics, available from the CPA website at

4. Examinable Material Document

See pages 96-101

Supplementary Texts
Auditing, 11th Edition / Millichamp and Taylor / Cengage 2018 / ISBN: 9781473749306

The Audit Process, Principles, Practice & Cases 7th Edition /Gray, Manson and Crawford / Cengage 2019 /
ISBN-13: 978-1408081709


CPA Students News eBulletin

Machine Learning in Auditing, Current and Future Applications

By Gabe Dickey, Sandra Blanke and Lloyd Seaton, The CPA Journal, June 2019

Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Impact on the Audit and Assurance Profession
AICPA, 2017

Auditing the RPA environment - Our approach towards addressing risks in a BOT environment
Deloitte, March 2018

Unconscious Bias and Professional Skepticism

by Elizabeth Gammie, IAESB, April 2018

How Can We Become Better Skeptics?

IAESB, April 2018

Examination Approach

The skills examined include comprehension, detailed application, synthesis, evaluation, effective
communication, the analysis of audit issues and the ability to propose appropriate solutions thereto.
Students’ competence is assessed over a range of issues, and they are asked to show how elements of it
interact and overlap. The questions seek to ascertain the students’ knowledge of the practical application of
the theoretical concepts studied.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Audit & Assurance

Students are also required to demonstrate, in the context of the scenario presented, the ability to exercise
professional judgement, including appropriate professional scepticism and consideration of legal and
ethical issues in drawing conclusions.

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an
additional 10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance


The aim of this module is to ensure that students understand the context of financial management
and the role of the financial manager. They will develop skills advising decision-makers on the optimal
business finance solutions available to them.

Integration of this module with the rest of the syllabus

This module builds on the concepts covered and skills developed in the domains of economics, statistics,
financial management and taxation. Students will further develop their skills in qualitative and
quantitative analysis, report writing and integrate their learning with that from modules in other domains,
such as financial reporting, economics, management accounting. This module is an essential
underpinning to the further studies in Strategic Financial Management.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Accounting Fundamentals Taxation Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics
Financial Strategic
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Corporate

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the financial environment and the role of financial management in supporting the development
and attainment of organisations’ financial policy
• Advise organisations on their short, medium and long-term financing decisions having assessed their
• Evaluate competing investment proposals and advise organisations of the optimum choice
• Analyse the working capital management options available to organisations
• Analyse reasons for and advise on actions to prevent corporate failure.
• Assess company valuations for organisations and/or clients
• Advise on risk and recommend appropriate risk management strategies for interest rates and foreign
• Explain emerging technologies (Fintech, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency) and their impact on the role of
the financial manager

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance

Indicative Syllabus


The Financial • Role of the financial manager 3

Environment • Financial objectives of profit and not-for-profit entities 3
• The relationship between financial management, management accounting 3
and financial reporting
• Interests and influence of key stakeholder groups 3
• Role of the financial services sector 3
• Ethics and corporate governance issues in finance 3

Cost of Capital • Cost of equity, dividend growth and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 2
• Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) 2
• Systematic and unsystematic risk 2
• Portfolio theory 2
• Dividend decisions 2

Sources of • Internally generated funds 2

Finance • Debt and equity markets 2
• Banks and other financial institutions 2
• Determinants of capital structure 2
• Institutional investors 2
• Other sources of finance

Investment • Investment Appraisal techniques 3

Appraisal • Capital rationing 3
• Effects of inflation 2
• Effects of taxation 2
• Risk, uncertainty, probability and sensitivity analysis 2
• Time value of money 3
• Relevant cash flows 3

Working • The operating cycle 2

Capital • Management of cash, payables, receivables and inventory 2
• Cash budgets and cash flow forecasts 2
• Inventory management 2

Corporate • Symptoms & causes of corporate failure 3

Failure • Avoidance of corporate failure 3
• Working capital management 3
• Over-trading 3
• Mismanagement of working capital 2
• Overtrading, evidence, causes and remedies 2

Company • Valuation models - Asset basis, earnings basis, discounted cash flow, 2
Valuations dividend yield, dividend growth

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance

Indicative Syllabus contd.


Risk • Interest rate risks 2

Management • Interest rate risk management 2
• Currency risks 2
• Currency risk management techniques 2
• The treasury function 2

Emerging • Dis – Intermediation and Fintech 1

Technologies • Blockchain 1
in Finance • Cryptocurrency 1

Learning Guide

The financial environment

• Explain the role of the financial manager and their interest in risk and return allied to the time value of money
• Evaluate the financial objectives of profit and not-for-profit entities vis a vis long term objective
• Discuss the significance of the over-riding objective of long-term shareholder wealth maximisation
• Explain the relationship between financial management, management accounting and financial reporting
• Appraise the interests of key stakeholder groups and their influence upon the role of the financial manager
• Describe the role of the financial services sector and the regulatory environment
• Discuss ethics and corporate governance issues in finance allied to the relationship between corporate social
responsibility and shareholder wealth.

Cost of Capital
• Explain the significance of the concept of Cost of Capital in managerial finance in the areas of Investments,
Finance, Dividends and their interrelationships with the role of the financial manager
• Discuss the trade-offs between debt and equity in the financing structure and the consequent variables affecting
the cost of capital
• Calculate the cost of capital with equity and debt related elements
• Examine the Capital Asset Pricing model (CAPM) and its application in the area of Cost of Capital and in the
wider domain of managerial finance
• Evaluate Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), focusing on calculations and interpretation of the results
• Explain systematic risk and unsystematic risk with the concept of beta
• Examine portfolio diversification with balancing risk mitigation and returns generation
• Explain Portfolio theory and its application in practical managerial finance
• Calculate the risk and return of a two-asset portfolio
• Identify the factors affecting dividend decisions that impact upon cost of capital

Sources of Finance
• Compare and contrast equity and debt financing, focusing on the attractions/returns and risks associated with
• Identify the sources of short-term, medium-term and long-term funding
• Explain the nature and importance of internally generated funds, focusing on equity and preference shares
• Examine the role of banks and other financial institutions
• Evaluate the determinants of capital structure
• Outline the nature and role of capital markets, types of share capital including rights issues, convertibles,
warrants, and other instruments
• Summarise the role of Institutional investors and their concerns
• Examine other types of finance including Venture Capital financing, Government finance, angel finance, crowd
funding, and emerging finance vehicles focusing on benefits and risks
• Explain the relevance and irrelevance arguments of dividends as proposed by Modigliani and Miller (Irrelevance)
and Litner and Gordon (Relevance)
• Evaluate dividend policy options and their theoretical and practical implications
• Examine the role of dividends and the trade-off decisions between finance, dividends and investments

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance

Learning Guide contd.

Investment Appraisal
• Examine the time value of money and the net present value concept (NPV) as used with investment decisions
• Apply investment appraisal techniques both time value based and NPV based including payback, discounted cash
flow and internal rate of return calculations.
• Compare and contrast time value based and non-time value-based techniques focusing on benefits and risks
associated with each
• Explain and exemplify the concept of ‘relevant cash flows’
• Evaluate non-financial factors/qualitative factors relevant to investment decisions
• Explain the two types of capital rationing – soft and hard – allied to their implications for investment decisions
• Examine the effects of taxation and inflation on investment decisions.

Working capital
• Explore effective working capital management strategies and corporate survival
• Evaluate the elements of the operating cycle, focusing on cash conversion strategies
• Examine debt and creditor management techniques including credit evaluation, terms of credit, settlement
discounts, debt collection techniques, factoring and invoice discounting
• Apply cash budgets and cash flow forecasting techniques
• Summarise inventory management techniques, including EOQ and JIT

Corporate Failure
• Examine the symptoms and causes of corporate failure and combine various financial ratios to predict corporate
failure; propose recommendations to avoid such failures.
• Illustrate the nature, scope and elements of working capital and the importance of effective working capital
management to corporate survival; and compare and contrast aggressive, neutral, and conservative working
capital management strategies.
• Explain overtrading and assess its symptoms, causes and remedies
• Explore effective working capital management strategies and corporate survival

Company valuations
• Apply methods of valuing a business, among these being asset bases; earnings bases; discounted cash flow;
dividend yield and dividend growth
• Explain the inter-relationship between company valuation and cost of capital

Risk management
• Evaluate interest rate risks and interest rate risk management techniques
• Appraise currency risks and currency risk management techniques
• Identify the key activities undertaken by the treasury function in managerial finance

Emerging Technologies in Finance

• Explain key concepts and under-pinnings of emerging technologies in the areas of managerial finance covering
Dis – Intermediation, Fintech, Blockchain (Distributed Ledger technology) and Cryptocurrency
• Discuss current and future applications of these emerging technologies in the area of managerial finance as the
technologies evolve.
• Explain threats and opportunities from these emerging technologies for the financial manager and the finance
function in global organisations.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance

Learning Resources
Core Texts
Arnold, G. and Lewis D. (2019) Corporate Financial Management, 6th Ed, Pearson ISBN-13: 978 12922140445.

Griffith College, CPA Professional Managerial Finance - Latest edition

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Power, Walsh and O’ Meara. (2009) Financial Management - An Irish Text, 3rd Ed, Gill & Mc Millan ISBN-13:
Watson. D and Head A. (2019) Corporate Finance Principles and Practice, 8th Ed, Pearson ISBN 978-1292244310
Ward AM. (2014) Finance Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, Chartered Accountants Ireland
Berk. J and De Marzo P (2020) Corporate Finance, 5th Ed, Pearson
Gates M (2017) Blockchain: Ultimate guide to understanding blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, smart
contracts and the future of money. Copyrighted material – Paperback
Sarmah S, (2018) Understanding Blockchain technology, Available at Computer Science and Engineering
2018, 8(2): 23-29
CPA Students’ eBulletin Recommended Journals Financial Director, Harvard Business Review, Investment
International. Accounting and Business. Accountancy Plus.

FinTech, Accounting, Audit…and the future!

by Cillian Leonowicz, CPA Ireland, December 2018

Blockchain Technology A game-changer in accounting?

Deloitte, 2016

Management Perspectives on Digitization, Technology and Data

by Max Kanaskar, January 2018

Financial Technology - Fintech

by Julia Kagan, Investopedia, August 2020

Cryptocurrency – Digital Currencies or Assets

Corporate Finance Institute

Accounting for Cryptocurrencies

ACCA Global

Useful Websites - CPA Ireland - Bloomberg

Examination Approach

Some questions may be entirely discursive, while others will be both discursive and computational. Skills
examined will include comprehension, detailed application, analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and effective
communication skills in relation to the production of reports and memoranda for internal use. Students are
expected to integrate and apply learning from this and other syllabi, as appropriate.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Professional Managerial Finance

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, closed book and 3.5 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an
additional 10-minute reading time.

All exam papers at the professional level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:
Section A: 60 - 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. (This section may include a multi-choice or multi-
part question at the discretion of subject examination team).

Section B: 20-40 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and
mark weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change
to the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s
Briefing. Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

Advanced Financial Reporting ................................... 62
Strategy & Leadership ................................................. 67
Advanced Tax Strategy............................................... 73
Advanced Audit & Assurance ..................................... 80
Data Analytics for Finance ......................................... 86
Strategic Corporate Finance ........................................ 91

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Financial Reporting


The aim of this module is to ensure that students apply the appropriate judgement and technical ability
in the preparation and interpretation of financial reports for complex business entities. Students must
also be able to evaluate and communicate the impact of current issues and developments in financial
reporting to those who may not have in-depth theoretical and technical expertise in this domain.

Advanced Financial Reporting as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

By using a case study approach Advanced Financial Reporting develops the knowledge and technical
skills acquired in Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting and is a mandatory module at the CPA
Strategic level of the CPA Ireland qualification process.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics
Financial Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance
Strategic Reporting Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Critically appraise given scenarios for ethical dilemmas. Select and justify responses to each that uphold
the ethics of the profession
• Assess complex financial accounting transactions and events. Interpret and apply the relevant accounting
standards using professional judgment to determine the appropriate accounting treatment of those events
and transactions
• Construct financial statements in accordance with Irish Law, International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) and interpretations adopted by the IASB
• Interpret corporate reports to evaluate, and prepare commentary on, an entity’s performance
• Advise the circumstances under which, and the advantages of an entity adopting local GAAP (FRS 100 –
102, FRS 105), and the key differences between local GAAP and IFRS
• Critically evaluate the current issues in corporate reporting, including Sustainability Reporting, and proposals
to address them

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Financial Reporting

Indicative Syllabus


Ethics & • CPA Ireland Code of Ethics 3

Professional • IFAC’s Code of Ethics 3

Local GAAP • Local GAAP, FRS 100-102, FRS 105 2

International • Development of IFRS 3

Financial • Application of IFRS 3

Preparation • Single entity financial statements 3

of Financial • Group financial statements 3

Performance • Critical appraisal of corporate reports 3

Evaluation • Ratio analysis and report writing 3

Sustainability • Sustainability reporting landscape and role of accountant 1

Reporting • Developing an organisational reporting strategy 1
• Reflecting sustainability impacts in financial statements 1
• Determining materiality & external disclosures 1

Current Issues • Conceptual framework for financial reporting 2

in Corporate • Impact of IFRS on quality of corporate reporting 2
Reporting • Integrated Reporting 1
• Impact of new and / or revised accounting standards 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Financial Reporting

Learning Guide

Ethics and professional behaviour

• Interpret and apply the CPA Ireland code of Ethics
• Interpret and apply IFAC’s Code of Ethics – published by the IESBA

Local GAAP
• Advise circumstances under which organisations may, or must, apply Local GAAP
• Discuss the advantages of an entity adopting Local GAAP (FRS 100-102, FRS 105)
• Identify and discuss the key accounting and presentation differences between Local GAAP and IFRS
• FRS 101 – the differences between FRS 101 and IFRS with particular reference to the scope of this standard
• FRS 102 – the key differences between accounting treatments examinable under IFRS and the equivalent
elements of FRS 102. (Sections 12, 31 and 34 are excluded)

International Financial Reporting Standards

• Review and discuss the development of IFRS
• Discuss the circumstances under which organisations may, or must, apply IFRS
• Interpret and apply IFRS and interpretations adopted by the IASB, selecting the appropriate accounting treatment
for transactions and events

Preparation of financial statements

• Prepare financial statements for single entities, groups and associated undertakings, including overseas subsidiary
undertakings, in accordance with IFRS, company law and EU law, including the following:
- Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Changes of Equity
- Statement of Cash Flows
• Appraise and apply the acquisition method of accounting and related disclosure requirements in financial
statements and notes

Performance evaluation
• Critically evaluate and analyse financial statements
• Perform and report ratio analysis of financial statements
• Compose detailed reports, tailored to the technical understanding of the various user groups

Sustainability Reporting
• Explore and discuss the sustainability reporting landscape and the role of the accountant
• Describe an approach to developing an organisational reporting strategy
• Discuss methods of reflecting sustainability impacts in financial statements & narrative for investors
• Review and discuss how to determine materiality & external disclosures
• Consider the issues around the reliability and quality of external assurance

Current issues in corporate reporting

• Critically evaluate the main accounting issues currently in the field of Financial Reporting
• Critically review the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
• Discuss the impact of IFRS on the quality of corporate reporting
• Review and evaluate the concept of Integrated Reporting
• Evaluate and discuss the impact of new and or revised accounting standards

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Financial Reporting

Learning Resources
Core Texts
C. Connolly / International Financial Accounting and Reporting 6th ed. / CAI 2018 / ISBN-13: 978-1912350025
Elliott and Elliott, Financial Accounting and Reporting, 2019 Pearson (19th Edition) ISBN-13: 978-1292255996
Griffith College, CPA Advanced Financial Reporting - latest edition
Supplementary Texts and Journals
Cases and Solutions in International Financial Reporting Standards (5th Edition) ICAI, ISBN:978-1-912350-01-8
Melville / International Financial Reporting / 7th Edition/ Pearson 2019 / ISBN-13: 978-1292293127
CPA Student News eBulletin.
Sustainability Framework 2.0, Professional Accountants as Integrators
IFAC, March 2011
Useful Websites (as of date of publication) - CPA Ireland - Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority - The International Federation of Accountants - The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation – Deloitte: Summaries of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) - The European Federation of Accountants - The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group - The Financial Reporting Council - FRC-Audit and Assurance Council - FRC-Conduct Committee - Irish Accounting and Business Portal.

Examination Approach
This examination paper, which uses a case-study format, is the final test of students’ ability to understand
and apply the theory of financial reporting to a number of practical accounting issues. The case-study is
designed to test students’ ability to digest a considerable amount of detailed information about the affairs
of a single company or group of companies. From that data, students are required to prepare a number of
primary statements i.e., published or consolidated financial statements. A substantial narrative element is
included requiring students to prepare both internal and external reports.
The assessment is designed to weight the marks mainly towards the presentational element of both the
narrative and computational parts of the case study. There is a considerable portion of marks available
for the display of sound technical judgement. The case-study includes a range of current technical issues
requiring, in many situations, substantial adjustments to the draft figures provided in the question. Students
are expected to demonstrate a strong technical understanding of how to solve external financial reporting
issues and display sound professional judgement and ethical sensitivity. They are also required to write
reports or memoranda tailored to the technical skills and understanding of various user groups in order to
assess their presentation and communication skills.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Financial Reporting

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to
the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing.
Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership


The aim of this module is to develop students’ ability to contribute effectively to the strategic
management of enterprises through the objective analysis of business situations, the critical evaluation
of strategic options and the implementation of change programmes.

Strategy & Leadership as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Strategy & Leadership integrates and expands the knowledge and skills acquired in many of the subjects
at the earlier examination levels. This subject provides a framework for future leaders to analyse, develop
and implement strategies for entrepreneurial activities in both growing and established entities.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics Strategic
Financial Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Critically apply the key stages in the strategic management process: strategic position, strategic choice
and strategic implementation
• Evaluate the role of strategic and organisational leadership in developing and implementing strategic
• Develop strategic change programmes that enable the effective implementation of strategic decisions
• Design appropriate competitive strategies and business models to support both existing organisations and
entrepreneurial start-ups
• Effectively integrate theories and concepts from strategic management with related disciplines such as
Finance, HR, Marketing, Operations and I.S. to solve business problems in complex and diverse situations
• Build a persuasive business case
• Evaluate what is required at an individual, team and organisational level to manage complex projects
• Communicate effectively to a variety of audiences

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership

Indicative Syllabus


Introduction – • The characteristics of strategic decisions 2

The concept of • Levels of strategy 2
Strategy • The vocabulary of strategy - mission, visions, goals and objectives 2
• Strategic Management - strategic position, strategic choice, strategy in 2
• Matching strategy and structure 2
• Strategic management and operational management perspectives on 2
strategy - deliberate and emergent strategy

The Strategic • Environmental analysis - the macro environment, industry/sector/market 3

Position analysis, opportunities and threats
• Resources and Capability - strategic capability, critical success factors, 3
assessing resources, identifying core competencies, benchmarking,
assessing strengths and weaknesses
• Stakeholders and Governance - corporate governance, stakeholder 3
analysis, identifying stakeholder expectations, business ethics, cultural
• The Marketing Dimension 3

Strategic • Corporate Level - Corporate diversification, role of the corporate centre, 3

Choice corporate core competencies, portfolio manager, synergy manager,
parental developer, corporate portfolio - growth/share matrix, directional
policy matrix, relatedness matrix
• Business Level: Bases of competitive advantage, sustaining competitive 3
advantage, game theory, competition and collaboration, value innovation,
business ecosystems, business case development, supporting the
entrepreneur and new venture creation
• Strategy Development: directions, methods, success criteria 3

Leadership • The nature of leadership 3

• Qualities and characteristics of effective leaders 3
• Organisational leadership theories 3
• The importance of strategic leadership and the senior management team 3
• The role of leadership in the change management process 3
• The role of leadership in business ethics and social responsibility 3

Strategy • Organisation structure 2

Implemen- • Planning and control systems (incl. ERP & balanced scorecard, market 2
tation mechanisms, social / cultural process)
Structure and

Strategy • The nature of organisational change 2

Implemen- • The change situation 2
tation: • Identifying and managing resistance to change 2
Managing • Change levers 2
Strategic • Use a change management model as a framework to manage a change 2
Change programme

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership

Indicative Syllabus contd.


Strategy • Project objective and scope 2

Implemen- • Project teams, sponsors and responsibilities 2
tation: • Project timeline and milestones 2
Project • Project reporting procedures 2
Management • Project evaluation 2

Enterprise Risk • Nature & impact of risk 2

Management • Identification, assessment and measurement of risk 2
• Managing, monitoring, mitigating risk 2
• Reporting Risks 2

Sustainability • Defining sustainability and the business case 2

Reporting • Vision & leadership 2
• Stakeholder engagement 2
• Goals & target setting 2
• Integration with risk management 2

Learning Guide

Introduction: The Concept of Strategy

• Explain the nature of strategic management
• Describe the characteristics of strategic decisions
• Explain the levels of strategy: corporate, business and operational
• Explain the meaning of mission, aims, goals and objectives and advise on how to effectively develop these in an
• Describe the stages of strategic management: strategic position, strategic choice and strategic implementation
• Assess and apply the relevant ethical, political and social considerations to an organisation’s strategy
• Contrast strategic management and operational management
• Explain the different perspectives on strategy, in particular deliberate v emergent strategies
• Explain the benefits and criticisms of the formalised strategic management process

The Strategic Position

• Analyse the macro-environment of an organisation, and identify the key macro-environmental trends
• Analyse the industry/sector/market of an organisation, and identify the main competitive forces
• Identify the opportunities and threats facing an organisation
• Assess the resources and capabilities of an organisation, including:
- Assessing threshold and distinctive resources
- Evaluating core competencies
- Applying the VRIO framework
- Identifying critical success factors
- Utilising benchmarking
• Assess the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation
• Advise how corporate strategy and purpose may be influenced by the following:
- Corporate governance
- Stakeholder expectations and mapping
- Business ethics
- Organisational culture
• The Marketing Dimension
- Describe the role of marketing concepts in developing and supporting strategy
- Explain how organisations can identify marketing opportunities
- Advise organisations on market segmentation and on developing effective marketing mix strategies, including
the use of digital marketing

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership

Learning Guide contd.

Strategic Choice
Strategic Choice: Corporate Level Strategy
• Describe the rationale for corporate diversification
• Assess the potential opportunities and risks of related and unrelated corporate diversification
• Identify and evaluate the role of the corporate parent: whether a portfolio manager, a synergy manager, or a
parental developer
• Assess the corporate core competencies of an organisation
• Evaluate corporate level strategies, using the following portfolio matrices:
- BCG Growth/Share Matrix
- Directional Policy Matrix
Strategic Choice: Business Level Strategy
• Identify and critically evaluate the bases of competitive advantage available to an organisation
- Cost leadership; differentiation; focus and hybrid
• Advise an organisation how to create a sustainable competitive advantage
• Describe and evaluate an organisation’s business model
• Explain how game theory can contribute to strategic planning and decision making
• Describe how organisations can use cooperative strategies to achieve advantage or reduce competition
• Describe how entrepreneurial relationships such as business ecosystems and corporate venturing can support
innovation and entrepreneurship and new venture creation
Strategic Choice: Growth Strategies
• Describe the nature of organic development, and advise an organisation how to develop a persuasive business
- Both for entrepreneurial start-ups and business expansion
• Explain the M&A process and evaluate the key issues in each stage of the process
• Assess the usefulness of strategic alliances and advise how to improve the likelihood of their effectiveness
• Identify and evaluate a suitable strategic growth strategy for an organisation in the context of its resources and its
Strategic Choice: Strategy Development
• Describe and evaluate the directions of growth available to an organisation
• Identify success criteria appropriate for strategic decisions
• Recommend and justify the most appropriate strategy based on these criteria
• Assess how cognitive biases may influence the strategic decision-making process

• Explain the nature of leadership
• Describe the qualities and characteristics of effective leaders
• Apply organisational leadership theories, including:
- Trait theory; Managerial Grid; Path-Goal Theory; Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory, and
Transformational and Transactional Theory
• Evaluate the importance of strategic leadership and the key actions associated with the senior management team
- Contrast strategic, visionary and managerial leadership styles
• Describe how leaders can use theories of motivation to improve organisational productivity, including:
- Equity Theory; Expectancy Theory, and Goal Setting Theory

Strategy Implementation: Structure, Processes and Culture

• Explain and assess the key elements of organisational design, including:
- Structural differentiation and integration
- Locus of decision-making
- Coordination and control processes and mechanisms
• Assess the main types of organisation structure, in particular in terms of their relative advantages and
• Describe the planning and control systems used within organisations, including:
- Balanced Scorecard and ERP, market mechanisms and social/cultural processes
• Explain the nature of organisational culture and its influence in strategy implementation
• Describe the elements of organisational culture and how these may be identified and evaluated
• Advise an organisation how to manage and change the culture of the organisation

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership

Learning Guide contd.

Strategy Implementation: Managing Strategic Change

• Explain the nature of organisational change
• Analyse the change situation facing an organisation and evaluate the drivers of organisational change
• Identify the reasons for resistance to organisational change and advise how to manage organisational resistance
to change
• Explain and advise how to use organisational levers to manage a strategic change programme
• Explain the importance of organisational leadership in managing strategic change
• Apply a change management model as a framework to manage a change programme
- Kotter’s Eight Step Model
- Lewin’s Three Stage Model

Strategy Implementation: Project Management

• Describe the phases in a project and explain the terms objectives and scope in relation to project management
• Describe the roles and responsibilities of a:
- Project Manager
- Project Sponsor
- Project Team
• Describe how project timelines and milestones are used in project planning and control
• Explain how critical path analysis can be used to manage the critical activities and resources of a project (no
calculations required).
• Explain the appropriate project reporting procedures that should be in place for a project
• Recommend how to effectively review a project on completion

Enterprise Risk Management

• Describe the nature and impact of risk
• Explain and apply methods for
- Identification, assessment and measurement of risk
- Managing, monitoring, mitigating risk
- Reporting risks

Sustainability Reporting
• Describe sustainability in the context of an organisation’s strategy and the business case for incorporating it into
the strategy
• Explain the role and importance of the following in developing an effective sustainability strategy and reporting
- Vision and leadership
- Stakeholder engagement
- Goals and target setting
- Integration with risk management

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington, Patrick Regnér, Kevan Scholes, and Duncan Angwin, Exploring
Strategy, Pearson Education; 12th Edition (Dec 2019) ISBN-13: 978-1292282459
Peter G Northouse Leadership: Theory and Practice SAGE Publications Inc.; Eighth Edition (International
Student Edition) 23 April 2018 - ISBN-13:978-1544331942
Kotler Philip, Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, Global edition/15th Edition (2014) Pearson, ISBN-
Gunnigle G., Heraty N., Morley M., Human Resource Management in Ireland, 5th. Edition, (2017), Institute
Of Public Administration (2017) ISBN-13: 978-1910393178

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Sustainability Framework 2.0, Professional Accountants as Integrators
IFAC, March 2011

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategy & Leadership

Useful Websites (as of date of publication) - CPA Ireland - Marketing Teacher 2000 – 2007. - Strategy + Business. - Strategy Analytics

Examination Approach

Strategic management is the main focus of the paper. Students are expected to demonstrate a thorough
understanding of the processes involved in reviewing competitiveness and evaluating long-term options
and the relevant marketing strategies. Individual related business topics are selected for detailed assessment
on a planned basis each year, throughout a cycle of examinations (typically three years).

Students are expected to demonstrate strategic thinking and creativity through their ability to analyse
business scenarios critically, carry out SWOT analyses and identify/justify innovative strategic options. In
addition to understanding business in an Irish context, students should display a global outlook and an
awareness of the importance of business ethics and social responsibility in organisations.

A thorough understanding of currently recognised theories and concepts relevant to the above areas and
the ability to apply appropriate analytical techniques and business models effectively is essential. Equally
important is the capacity for synthesis, demonstrated particularly by integrating areas such as marketing,
knowledge management, project management, financial control and organisation behaviour. The ability
to communicate clearly and succinctly is an overriding requirement. The marking scheme strongly favours
the demonstration of critical analysis, judgment and innovation, rather than the mere identification of
concepts and models or descriptive writing about these.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to
the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing.
Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy


The aim of this module is to ensure that students understand and can apply the principles and practice
of Advanced Tax Strategy and are able to identify and resolve practical taxation problems in a manner
that is compliant with tax law and the ethics of the profession. Students are expected to interpret and
apply relevant case law and to advise on the most tax efficient structures.

Advanced Tax Strategy as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Advanced Tax Strategy develops the students’ knowledge and competence in tax acquired in Taxation
and Advanced Taxation. There are also links to Advanced Financial Reporting, Advanced Audit &
Assurance, Strategy & Leadership and Strategic Corporate Finance.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Accounting Fundamentals Taxation Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategy & Advanced Advanced Data Analytics Strategic

Financial Leadership Corporate
Strategic Reporting Tax Audit& for Finance
Strategy Assurance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Appraise given scenarios and integrate tax knowledge across various tax heads to develop relevant tax
compliance and planning advice for individuals, employers and corporate clients
• Advise on Revenue Powers and the scope of a Revenue Audit to ensure client / management compliance
• Advise on tax efficient investments or expenditure appropriate to clients’ or employers’ current and
expected financial circumstances to legitimately optimise exposure to tax
• Assess all requests for advice, to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and the Institute’s Code of
• Discuss the current issues in tax policy both nationally and internationally.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

Indicative Syllabus


Income Tax • Residence and domicile 3

• Schedule D - Cases I, II, III, IV and V 3
• Schedule E 3
• Schedule F 3
• Withholding Taxes 3
• Charges 3
• Exemptions 3
• Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) and Start up Refunds 3
for Entrepreneurs (SURE)
• Employee incentive schemes 2
• Special Assignee relief programme 1
• Foreign Earnings deduction 3
• Double taxation relief available to individuals 2
• Income Tax position of trustees and beneficiaries of Irish trusts 2
• Research and Development credit surrender for key employees 2
• Anti-Avoidance 3

Corporation • Adjustments, capital allowances & changes to accounting periods 3

Tax • Close companies & distributions 3
• Losses, including Cases I, III, IV, V losses, terminal losses and capital losses 3
• Groups, including annual payments and losses for Groups / Consortia 3
• Corporation Tax Reliefs, including tax incentives, R&D Tax Reliefs, Holding 3
Company Regime
• Exemption for start-up companies 3
• Company Residence and treatment of branches 3
• Tax treaties with other countries 3
• Double Taxation Relief, Unilateral credit relief for tax on foreign activities 3
• Anti-avoidance 2

Capital Gains • Computation of Capital Gains Tax liabilities for both individuals and 3
Tax companies
• Share Valuations 3
• Capital Gains Tax Reliefs 3
• Transfer of business to company 3
• Development land 3
• Wasting Assets and chattels 3
• Acquisition by a company of its own shares 3
• Group Transfers 3
• Clearance Certificates/Withholding tax 3
• Anti-avoidance 2
• Capital Gains Tax and trusts 3
• Negligible value claims 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

Indicative Syllabus contd.


VAT • General principles of VAT 3

• Supplies of goods 3
• Supplies of services 3
• Exemptions 3
• Amount on which tax is chargeable 3
• VAT rates, self-supplies 3
• VAT on property 2
• EU VAT legislation/regulations 2
• International Transactions 2
• Anti-avoidance 2

Capital • Principles of CAT including territorial scope 3

Acquisitions • Exemptions from CAT 3
Tax • CAT Reliefs 3
• Interaction with CGT 3
• The use and taxing of Discretionary Trusts 2
• Anti-avoidance 2

Stamp Duty • Principles of Stamp Duty 1

• Stamp Duty with respect to property transactions 1
• Stamp duty on transfers to young, trained farmers 1
• Anti-avoidance 1

Revenue • The Code of Practice & Customer Service Charter 3

Powers and • Production of accounts, books and records 3
Revenue Audit • Information from third parties 3
• Sub-contractors 3
• Statements of affairs 3
• Retention of records 3
• Information for tax authorities in other territories 3
• Mandatory disclosure 3
• Prosecution policy within the Revenue 3
• Penalties and Interest 3

Tax policy • Finance act and budget changes 2

development & • The potential impact of changes in the international tax environment on 1
current issues, Irish tax policy.
national & • Transfer Pricing 1
international • The OECD Model treaty, the progressive income tax systems in the OECD 2
and Ireland’s progressivity
• The potential impact of recent and planned changes in tax policy on 1
Individuals and corporations.
• Effect of taxation on determinants of economic growth 1
• Responding to aggressive tax planning 1
• Base Erosion and Profit Shifting 1
• Country by country reporting 1
• Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) 1

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

Learning Guide

Income Tax
• Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of residence and domicile and assess the implications of residence and
domicile for income tax.
• Explain and assess the income tax liability for an individual with Schedule D (cases I, II, III, IV and/or V), Schedule E
and/or Schedule F income.
• Explain, apply and calculate withholding taxes to include dividend withholding tax (DWT), professional services
withholding taxes (PSWT) and Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT).
• Explain and apply the relief available for charges in income.
• Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the exemptions available from income tax.
• Explain and assess the tax relief available for a new company to include the Employment and Investment
Incentive Scheme (EIIS) and Start up Refunds for Entrepreneurs (SURE).
• Discuss and apply the income tax relief available under employee incentive schemes including Approved Profit-
Sharing Schemes (APSS), Save As You Earn Schemes (SAYE) and the Key Employee Engagement Programme
• Demonstrate an ability to discuss and apply the special assignee relief programme (SARP) and the foreign
earnings deduction (FED).
• Demonstrate an ability to assess the double taxation relief (DTR) available to individuals with overseas income and
demonstrate an ability to calculate the taxation relief available to include DTR, cross border relief and split year
• Demonstrate an ability to assess the income tax position of trustees and beneficiaries of Irish trusts.
• Discuss and apply the criteria for the surrender of R&D tax credit for key employees.
• Determine the anti-avoidance provisions for income tax.

Corporation Tax
• Evaluate the adjustments required to the accounting profits for tax purposes, including the claiming of capital
allowances, and assess the impact of changes to accounting periods.
• Determine the close company rules, including definitions (such as meaning of participator) and assess the effect
of close company status.
• Examine in the meaning of a distribution and assess the types of transactions classed as distributions, their
calculation and determine the distributions upon which dividend withholding tax applies.
• Evaluate the availability of corporate loss relief to include the utilisation of losses by companies for Cases I, III, IV,
V losses, terminal losses and capital losses.
• Demonstrate knowledge of corporate groups, including annual payments and an ability to assess the availability
of corporation tax group relief and consortium relief.
• Discuss and assess the criteria for various corporation tax reliefs, including tax incentives such as R&D tax
relief, the knowledge development box, relief for specified intangible assets and the holding company regime/
participation exemption.
• Discuss and assess the criteria for the exemption for start-up companies.
• Demonstrate an ability to conclude on the residence position for a company and the tax treatment of branches.
• Discuss and assess the main provisions of tax treaties with other countries.
• Demonstrate an ability to conclude on the double taxation relief and unilateral credit relief available for tax
suffered on foreign activities.
• Determine the anti-avoidance provisions for corporation tax.

Capital Gains Tax

• Calculate and explain the CGT computation for individuals and the computation of chargeable gains for
• Discuss and apply the CGT rules for wasting assets and chattels.
• Assess and calculate the CGT treatment of development land and share disposals (including share valuation
• Explain and conclude on the availability of common CGT reliefs, including, inter alia:
- Principal private residence relief
- Relief for disposals of land and buildings acquired between 7/12/11 and 31/12/14
- Relief for the transfer of site to child
- Relief for the transfer of a business to a company
- Retirement relief
- Entrepreneur relief
- Acquisition by a company of its own shares
- Group Transfers
- Paper for paper relief
- Reconstruction relief

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

Learning Guide

Capital Gains Tax contd.

• Assess and explain the Section 980 TCA 1997 withholding tax provisions and the availability of CG50 clearance
• Determine the CGT implications of the use of trusts, to include discretionary trusts.
• Discuss and apply the appropriate treatment of capital losses including the relief available for negligible value
• Determine the anti-avoidance provisions and valuation rules for CGT.

Capital Acquisitions Tax

• Discuss and apply the principles of CAT including territorial scope of CAT.
• Discuss and apply the general exemptions from CAT including significant buildings and works of art.
• Analyse and conclude on the availability of Agricultural Relief and Business Property Relief to include Favourite
Nephew/Niece relief.
• Analyse and conclude on the availability of the CGT/CAT offset.
• Determine the CAT implications of the use of trusts, to include discretionary trusts.
• Determine the anti-avoidance provisions and valuation rules for CAT.

• Demonstrate an ability to discuss the general principles of VAT including an ability to conclude on the VAT rates
appropriate to a particular transaction and the amount on which VAT is chargeable.
• Demonstrate an ability to discuss and apply the VAT rules in respect of the supply of goods and services, to
include the VAT rules and regulations that apply to:
- Exempt and partially exempt businesses
- Self-supplies
- The transfer of going concern provisions
- VAT group registration
• Analyse the VAT implications of the VAT on property rules.
• Demonstrate awareness of EU VAT legislation/regulations and their impact on Irish domestic legislation.
• Analyse the VAT implications of international transactions including imports and exports.
• Determine the VAT anti-avoidance measures in place.

Stamp Duty
• Examine the general principles regarding the scope of charge to stamp duty.
• Recognise the rates of stamp duty that apply to stampable transactions including property transactions.
• Recognise and explain the stamp duty reliefs available including:
- Relief for transfers between associated companies.
- Reconstruction / amalgamation relief.
- Transfers of certain land between relatives.
- Transfers to young, trained farmers.
• Explain the self-assessment system for stamp duty to include an understanding of the penalties, surcharges and
interest that can be imposed.

Revenue Powers and Revenue Audit

• Discuss and apply the Code of Practice for Revenue Audit and other Compliance Interventions, the Customer
Service Charter and the role of Special Investigations.
• Determine Revenue’s requirements regarding the production of accounts, books and records, including the
retention of records and the preparation of a statement of affairs.
• Determine Revenue’s ability and power to obtain the particulars of transactions from certain persons including
information from third parties, such as financial institutions.
• Determine the supervision and monitoring of sub-contractors for relevant contracts tax purposes.
• Discuss the exchange of taxpayer information by tax administrations, including Revenue.
• Discuss the mandatory disclosure regime.
• Discuss Revenue’s prosecution policy.
• Discuss Revenue’s policy in respect of penalties and interest.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

Learning Guide

Tax Policy Development and Current Issues

• Analyse the changes to tax policy proposed in the most recent Finance Act and Budget. (Knowledge is limited to
the most recent examinable Finance Act)
• Determine the potential impact of changes in the international tax environment on Irish tax policy.
• Discuss the transfer pricing rules and advise on their impact for companies.
• Discuss the main provisions of the OECD Model treaty and demonstrate awareness of the progressive income tax
systems in the OECD and Ireland’s progressivity.
• Determine the potential impact of recent and planned changes in tax policy on individuals and corporations.
• Discuss the effect of taxation on the determinants of economic growth.
• Discuss the national and international response in challenging aggressive tax planning.
• Discuss the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project, to include knowledge of the rules for Country-by-
Country reporting.
• Discuss the impact of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) proposals.

Learning Resources

Core Texts
Advanced Tax Strategy by Paula Byrne, ISBN 978-1-9993047-5-1

Supplementary Texts
Martyn and Shanahan / Taxation Summary Finance Act/2019 / Irish Taxation Institute.
Irish Taxation: Law & Practice 2020/2021 / Irish Taxation Institute
Revenue Statements of Practice & Tax Briefings.
Accountancy Plus.
CPA Student News eBulletin

Useful Websites (as of date of publication) - CPA Ireland - The Revenue Commissioners’ website - Taxworld - Irish Tax Institute

Examination Approach

This subject should be approached on the basis that it is the final subject in taxation and is mandatory for those
students wishing to satisfy the requirements to obtain a practising certificate, post qualification. The examination
paper is equally balanced between tax planning and tax computation. Marks are awarded for structured and
rationally based conclusions. Students are expected to select and integrate relevant syllabus material from
Advanced Taxation and other subjects where this is appropriate to the analysis and solution of the case-study.
Students are required to analyse complex tax issues and integrate their learning across different tax heads.
They should apply that learning to provide the optimal tax planning guidance within the legal and ethical
frameworks. Overall, students are expected to demonstrate a high level of intellectual, technical, personal and
communications skills including analytical, numeracy, ethical sensitivity, and report writing competencies.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.
CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Tax Strategy

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to
the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing.
Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance


The aim of this module is to prepare students to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, competencies
and professional scepticism necessary to carry out the audit of an entity and undertake assurance
engagements, having due regard to the Institute’s and profession’s ethical standards in a changing and
complex business environment.

Advanced Audit and Assurance as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

The study of Audit & Assurance at the previous level is a prerequisite for the study of Advanced Audit &
Assurance. Other modules in the domains of management accounting, financial accounting, law and
taxation are also essential prerequisites for the study of Advanced Audit and Assurance.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy Audit& for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Demonstrate the ability to exercise appropriate judgement in the application of legal, regulatory, professional
and ethical requirements to audit and assurance services
• Critically evaluate financial statements, analyse and interpret data, and utilise information to assess audit
risk; devise audit strategy, design, plan and execute the audit and/or assurance service
• Determine the application of International Standards on Auditing (Ireland), International Standards on
Quality Control (ISQC) (Ireland) and other technical pronouncements related to audit and assurance
• Evaluate the evidence-based conclusions from audit and assurance procedures to communicate effectively
to various stakeholders choosing appropriate report formats
• Critique current issues and developments relating to audit and assurance services.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance

Indicative Syllabus


The legal, • Companies Act / Orders, EU Directives & Company Law 3

regulatory, • Irish & London Stock Exchange listed companies 2
professional • Auditing Standards – IASB, IAASB & IAASA 3
and ethical • Case law, legal liabilities & obligations 2
framework of • Anti-money laundering 2
auditing • Corporate governance frameworks 2
• CPA Code of Ethics and the Ethical Standard for Auditors (Ireland) 2017 3
• Professional negligence & indemnity 3

Risk • New engagements and acceptance procedures 3

Assessment, • Planning, conducting and documenting an audit 3
audit planning • Review of financial statements, analysis and interpretation of data and 3
and execution other information
• Materiality and risk assessment 3
• Quality control, professional scepticism and practice management 3
• Evaluation and testing controls (see below) 3
• Substantive testing 3
• Using the work of others 3
• Laws and regulations 3
• Fraud and error 3

Internal • Control environment and control procedures 3

Controls and • Internal controls & internal control systems 3
Financial • Computer control environment 2
Systems • Continuous control monitoring 2

Completion • Subsequent events and going concern 3

and Reporting • Final review and matters arising 3
• Key concepts – opinion, true & fair view/ fair presentation, materiality & 3
statutory requirements
• Auditor’s report 3
• Modified reports 3
• Limitations on scope/ Disagreement 3
• Emphasis of matter / other matters / KAMs 3
• Auditor’s responsibility 3

Special Audits • Engagement, planning, execution and reporting 2

& Other • Professional practice considerations 2

Performance • Corporate reports and extended stakeholder reports e.g., 2

Evaluation sustainability, governance and environmental reports
• Performance management reports and KPIs 2

Current Issues • Current developments in the audit and assurance environment 2

• Auditing new technologies e.g., Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain 1

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance

Learning Guide

The legal, regulatory, professional and ethical framework of auditing

• Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the Companies Act / Orders and relevant EU directives and other
company law legislation affecting the auditor
• Explain the responsibilities imposed on auditors of Irish Stock Exchange (ISEQ) and London Stock Exchange listed
companies and describe the auditor’s legal responsibilities to shareholders
• Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Auditing standards and other technical pronouncements issued by
• Describe the implications for the auditing process of relevant case law decisions and explain how other legal
liabilities and obligations affects auditors and accountants in providing audit and assurance services
• Define money-laundering; advise how auditors and accountants can meet their obligations under anti-money
laundering legislation; demonstrate an ability to recognise suspicious transactions and describe how these
transactions should be reported
• Appraise and critique the implications of corporate governance frameworks on the accounting and audit
• Explain and describe with examples, the fundamental principles of the CPA Code of Ethics and the Ethical
Standard for Auditors (Ireland) 2017 and determine how they apply to audit and assurance services and the
profession, including the impact of provision of non-audit services and the need for professional scepticism
• Illustrate the situations whereby auditors and accountants may have professional liability and explain professional
indemnity, misconduct, negligence and the code of confidentiality.

Risk Assessment, audit planning and execution

• Explain the procedures to be undertaken before acceptance of a new or recurring engagement and recognise
when an engagement should be refused
• Describe the strategic design and planning of an audit and explain how the audit strategy is derived from the
result of planning procedures. Discuss the importance of knowledge and understanding of the client’s business
and the importance of audit documentation in this process.
• Demonstrate the ability to critically review financial statements and other relevant information to plan the audit
and assess risk. Identify, formulate and explain analytical procedures, data analysis and interpretation. Describe
how technology can assist the auditor with this process and identify any risks associated with reliance on data
reports, AI generated information and algorithmic processes.
• Consider materiality and performance materiality and illustrate how these concepts are applied in auditing.
Explain how materiality and risk are related and evaluate business and audit risk, including the risk of material
misstatement in an audit/assurance engagement. Consider other risk factors that may impact on the assurance
• Explain the principles of quality control and evaluate the quality control procedures to ensure good practice
management. Describe the importance of professional scepticism throughout the audit and assurance
• Design and evaluate tests of controls and assess their role in gathering audit evidence
• Design and implement tests of substance on specific audit areas within the financial statements and evaluate their
importance in gathering audit evidence
• Explain why and how the auditor may use the work of others
• Consider the impact of non-compliance with laws and regulations for the audit and assurance engagement
• Recognise and contrast the characteristics of fraud and error and explain with examples, the responsibility of
auditors for detecting and reporting material misstatement due to fraud and error

Internal Controls and Financial Systems

• Describe how the control environment and control procedures operate within a business
• Explain effective internal controls and discuss the limitations on the effectiveness of internal controls
• Ascertain and understand internal control systems through use of narrative notes, flowcharts, checklists,
questionnaires and walk-through tests
• Evaluate and assess accounting and internal control systems and the subsequent impact on audit work
• Define internal audit and ascertain and describe the situations when an auditor can/cannot place reliance on
internal controls and/or internal audit
• Understand the principles and control procedures in a computer environment, including system analysis, design
considerations and continuous control monitoring
• Understand that continuous audits are usually technology-driven and operate in real-time and recognise the
importance of computer assisted audit techniques for continuous audit. Outline the 7-steps in continuous audit
• Assess the uses of computer-assisted audit techniques and the impact of data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI)
and blockchain for the audit of internal controls and financial systems
• Identify the risks associated with reliance on technologically generated reports and outline the need to exercise
professional scepticism in questioning the underlying assumptions and algorithms

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance

Learning Guide contd.

Completion and Reporting

• Design audit procedures to identify subsequent events and assess the impact on the financial statements
• Evaluate the going concern indicators for an engagement and design audit procedures to gather evidence of
going concern issues and their potential impact on the business, financial statements and the audit report
• Ascertain the remaining evidence to be gathered before the audit conclusion can be reached e.g., solicitor’s
confirmation, review of provisions and contingencies, written representations etc.
• Conclude on the results of audit procedures performed and evidence gathered; identify adjustments and evaluate
the impact on the final financial report of unadjusted errors.
• Explain the importance of analytical procedures throughout the audit and apply final analytical procedures and
disclosure checks to the final financial statements
• Formulate any matters arising from the final review which may have an impact on the audit report
• Describe key concepts such as: audit opinion, true and fair view/fair presentation, materiality, statutory
requirements, key audit matters (KAM) etc.
• Determine the form and content of an unmodified auditor’s report and outline the elements comprising the
• Advise on modifications to the auditor’s report and when they are justified, differentiating between matters
that do not affect the auditor’s opinion, and those that do affect the auditor’s opinion providing examples of
circumstances giving rise to modified reports
• Recognise and contrast limitations on scope and disagreements with management and the impact of each on
the modified audit report
• Recognise when it is appropriate to use emphasis of matter paragraph, other matter paragraph and KAM
• Explain the auditor’s responsibility for their opinion and their responsibility before and after the date of the
auditor’s report
• Explain the auditor’s responsibility for other information in documents (e.g., Annual Report) containing audited
financial statements
• Describe other types of assurance report

Special audits and other engagements

• Describe the relevant engagement planning, execution (including internal control implications), reporting and
professional practice considerations concerning:
- Group audits, small business audits (including small business exemption), not-for-profit audits, first time audits
- Prospectuses and other offering documents (investment circulars): historical year-end financial statements,
interim financial statements, and future oriented information
- Other types of historical financial assurance engagements: financial statements review engagement
(Accountant’s Report), financial statements compilation engagements (Compilation Report), audit or review of
specific financial information (e.g., sales figures for retail park leases), compliance with agreements (e.g., loan
covenants), agreed-upon procedures
- Assurance on internal controls in service organisations (e.g., data holding and or processing company)
- Other types of audits: value for money/operational, social and environmental, due diligence, health and safety,
forensic (fraud identification, analysis and assessment)

Performance evaluation
• Critique corporate reports and extended stakeholder reports e.g., Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR),
Environmental, Social and Governance Report (ESG), and other forms of sustainability and environmental reports
• Clarify the importance of ratio analysis and the use of Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) in performance
management reports
• Recognise potential for bias in performance management reports

Current issues
• Discuss the current issues and developments relating to practice management, audit and assurance services,
including audit expectations and developments in the regulation of audits
• Discuss the impact of emerging technologies on the audit itself and the accounting profession e.g., Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Automated Accounting technology, Blockchain technology, Cloud computing, Data Analytics
and the use of Big Data, Machine Learning (ML) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance

Learning Resources

Core Texts
The Audit Process, Principles, Practice & Cases 7th Edition/Gray, Manson and Crawford / Cengage 2019 /
ISBN: 9781473760189

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities /2018
/ IFAC / ISBN 978-1-60815-353-4 Published in two volumes, with Companion Manual, freely available for
download from:

Technical Material
1. Assurance and Quality Control Standards
- International Standards on Auditing (Ireland)
- International Standards on Review Engagements (ISAE’s)
- ISQC (Ireland) Quality control for firms that perform audits and reviews of financial statements and
related services engagements. These are available from the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory
2. Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) EU Endorsed are available from the European
Commission on
- The International Standards on Auditing Ireland are available from the Irish Auditing and Accounting
Supervisory Authority
3. Ethical Standards
- Ethical Standard for Auditors (Ireland) 2017 are available from Irish Auditing and Accounting
Supervisory Authority
- CPA – Code of Ethics, available from the CPA website at
4. Examinable Material Document on pages 96-101 of this document

Supplementary Texts
Principles of External Auditing 4th Edition / Porter, Hatherly, Simon / Wiley 2014 / ISBN-13: 978-
External Auditing and Assurance: An Irish Textbook 3rd Edition by Martin Nolan and Christine Nangle
Revised/2018 / ICAI / ISBN 978-1-912350-03-2
Cosserat / Modern Auditing / Wiley / 4th Edition 2016 /ISBN-13: 978-1118962824
CPA Students’ eBulletin

Emerging Technologies, Risk, and the Auditor’s Focus

by Julie Bell Lindsay, Anita Doutt, and Catherine Ide, Center for Audit Quality, Harvard Law School, July

Three Technologies That Will Change The Face Of Auditing

Forbes, July 2018

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Advanced Audit & Assurance

Useful Websites (as of date of publication) - CPA Ireland. - Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority. -
FRC - Audit and Assurance Council -
FRC Corporate Reporting Council – International Auditing & Assurance Standards Board

Examination Approach

The subject should be approached on the basis that it is a final professional stage examination. It builds on
the knowledge gained at Professional 1 Stage in relation to the core auditing issues. Questions require
students to write reports, which must be tailored to the technical knowledge of the target audience.
Students are also presented with the opportunity to demonstrate professional judgement and ethical

Particular attention must be paid to the interaction between the various elements of the syllabus and
other subjects studied. Students are expected to select and integrate relevant syllabus material from Audit
Practice and Assurance Services and other subjects as appropriate. They must also be able to appraise and
defend the audit function and its impact on financial statements and the maintenance of standards.

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most
appropriate to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to
the exam format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing.
Please refer to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Data Analytics for Finance


The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of
data analysis in the Accounting and wider business domains. Students who complete this course should
develop the skills to apply and interpret data-based initiatives that address real-world problems across
many financial activities such as financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing and
corporate finance. The course will leverage the wide use of Data Analytics software tools, such as
Excel, R and Python among accounting practitioners and develop students understanding of the Data
Analysis functions and complement this with other analytics tools.

Data Analytics for Finance as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

The study of Management Accounting at Foundation Level and Performance Management at
Professional are prerequisites for the study of Data Analytics for Finance. Statistical techniques
introduced in earlier papers are applied to the methods of Data Analytics.

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Taxation Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

Advanced Strategic
Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Discuss the strategic processes, benefits and challenges of applying Data Analysis techniques to improve
decision making for competitive advantage.
• Apply statistical techniques, including regression analysis and time series analysis, to business
datasets and interpret results for various user groups.
• Describe the key concepts underpinning various supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods
• Evaluate the benefits and risks of utilising machine learning techniques in a variety of business financial
• Interpret outputs from a variety of Data Analytics software tools, such as Excel, R and Python, and discuss
the risks in making business recommendations from these outputs.
• Assess data protection, data privacy and other ethical issues associated with the utilisation of large
corporate datasets.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Data Analytics for Finance

Indicative Syllabus


Strategic Data • Challenges in Human Decision Making 3

Management • Data Analytics Processes - Introduction to Process Models 3
in Finance • Financial Big Data for Competitive Advantage 3
• Strategic Data Management in Finance 3
• Management Challenges in Data Driven Environments 3
• Developing a Data Driven Culture 2

Exploratory • Data Preparation – Normalization, Binning, Sampling 3

Data Analysis • Descriptive Statistics 3
• Data Quality Issues - Missing Values, Outliers 3
• Visualizing Relationships Between Features 3
• Measuring Covariance and Correlation 3
• Data Distributions and Confidence Intervals 3

Statistics for • Effect size, Statistical power and sample size 3

Big data • Effect of Variation 3
• Hypothesis testing 3
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to analyse patterns in accounting 3
data for signaling unexpected fluctuations e.g., Fraud Analysis, detecting
anomaly transactions etc.

Dimension • Factor Analysis 3

reduction • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 3
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to analyse reasons behind 3
fluctuations in accounting data e.g., defining cost drivers in Activity Based
Costing etc.

Regression • Simple Linear Regression 3

and Big Data • Correlation Coefficient 3
• Calculation of Regression parameters 3
• Overfitting - The Variance/Bias Trade-off 3
• Collinearity 3
• Regression Model accuracy 3
• Residual Analysis 3
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to interpret relationships in 3
accounting data e.g., Price/Revenue relationship, comparing performance
of different products, regions etc.

Forecasting • Time Series basics 3

Techniques • Decomposition of Time Series 3
and • Seasonality, Linear Trend models 3
Application • Smoothing models 3
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to support prediction of 3
accounting data e.g., Forecasting Revenue/Margin, Predicting
Going Concern status, What-if analysis etc.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Data Analytics for Finance

Indicative Syllabus contd.


Machine • Supervised Learning 3

Learning - Classification
- Tree-Based Methods
- Decision Trees
- Logistic Regression
- K-Nearest neighbors
- Applications in Finance
- Interpretation of software model output
- Neural Networks
- Support Vector Machines
• Unsupervised Learning 3
- Measuring Similarity
- Clustering
- Applications in Finance
• Evaluate ML techniques for analysis of high-volume accounting data
- Classifying fraud risk factors in accounting transactions
- Profiling customer buying and payment performance based on known 3
or unknown attributes
- Clustering accounting data for internal control procedure

Model • Misclassification Rate on a Hold-out Test Set 3

Evaluation • ROC Curves 3
• Confusion Matrix – Accuracy, Precision, Recall 3

Data Ethics • Data Ethics in Finance 2

& Legal • Data Legislation GDPR 2
Consider- • Data and Statistical reporting 2

Learning Guide

Strategic Data Management in Finance

• Identify and discuss the challenges in Human Decision Making, particularly relating to large datasets.
• Discuss the benefits and challenges of utilising Process Models to manage Finance Data Analysis projects
• Identify and discuss the strategic benefits to be derived from Financial Big Data
• Identify and discuss the management challenges in leveraging the benefits of Big Data for strategic competitive

Exploratory Data Analysis

• Discuss the process of data cleaning and preparation – e.g., Normalization, Binning, Sampling
• Apply and Evaluate key descriptive statistics, including Covariance and Correlation, in a data set for large business
• Discuss solutions to overcome data quality issues in Data Analysis projects - missing values, outliers etc.
• Apply and Evaluate methods for visualizing relationships between features

Statistics for Big data

• Explain relationships between sample size, effect size, statistical power
• Describe and Evaluate measures of variation for large datasets
• Describe hypothesis testing and evaluate outputs from hypothesis tests performed using software such as Excel,
R and Python etc.
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to analyse patterns in accounting data for signaling unexpected
fluctuations - fraud analysis, detection of anomaly transactions etc.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Data Analytics for Finance

Learning Guide contd.

Dimension reduction
• Explain PCA and factor analysis and discuss its uses in the analysis of large financial datasets
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to analyse reasons behind fluctuations in accounting data e.g., defining
cost drivers in Activity Based Costing etc.

Regression and Big Data

• Apply simple linear regression to find the line of best fit
• Calculate and explain the relevance of the Correlation Coefficient
• Calculate regression parameters, describing the significance of each
• Explain what is meant by overfitting and how the Variance/Bias Trade-off can be used to overcome this issue
• Discuss the role of regression analysis in Financial Data Analysis and Forecasting
• Interpret software outputs, including ANOVA and ANCOVA, to evaluate regression models
• Interpret model accuracy from analysis of model residuals using tabular and graphical residuals plots
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to interpret relationships in accounting data e.g., Price/Revenue
relationship, comparing performance of different products, regions etc.

Forecasting Techniques and Application

• Apply techniques to decompose additive and multiplicative time series and extract components such as trend,
seasonality etc.
• Discuss the role of time series analysis in Financial Data Analysis and Forecasting
• Interpret outputs from statistical software to support prediction of accounting data e.g., Forecasting Revenue/
Margin, Predicting Going Concern status, What-if analysis etc.

Machine Learning
• Explain the fundamental techniques that underpin a range of Supervised Learning techniques such as
Classification, Tree-Based Methods, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest neighbours,
• Explain the fundamental techniques that underpin a range of Unsupervised Learning techniques such as
Clustering, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines
• Discuss the benefits and challenges of applying machine learning techniques in the financial domain e.g., for
classifying fraud risk factors in accounting transactions, profiling customer buying, and payment performance
based on known or unknown attributes, clustering accounting data for internal control procedure

Model Evaluation
• Understand the application of ROC Curves in the evaluate of Machine Learning models
• Explain concepts such as model Accuracy, Precision, Recall
• Interpret Confusion Matrix and ROC curve outputs to evaluate the performance of a model

Data Ethics & Legal Considerations

• Identify and discuss the ethical issues surrounding the use of data analytics in finance
• Demonstrate an understanding of Data Legislation GDPR and its impact on data analytics
• Discuss the societal impacts of the increasing use of Data Analysis techniques in Finance and Business

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Data Analytics for Finance

Recommended Reading

The books identified below indicate the focus of this course. These books are indicative only. They are
currently available free of charge from Springer’s website

Excel Data Analysis - Modelling and Simulation

Author Hector Guerrero
Currently available to download at

Statistical Analysis and Data Display - An Intermediate Course with Examples in R

Authors - Richard M. Heiberger, Burt Holland
Currently available to download at

The Data Science Design Manual

Authors - Steven S. Skiena
Currently available to download at

Python for Data Analysis - 2nd Edition

Author Wes McKinney / O'Reilly Media Inc, USA / SBN-13: 9781491957660

Examination Approach
The examination paper will be a “loosely-stitched” case study. Specifically, the paper will begin with a case
description of an organisation (including relevant details appropriate to the case and to the questions, e.g., nature of
the business activity, strategies, and control systems). This introductory information will be kept reasonably short
(typically less than 500 words). Candidates will be subsequently provided with additional information as appropriate
(in the introductions to each of the individual questions). All of the individual questions on the paper will be about
this same organisation, in accordance with the integrative nature of the case.

Examination Format

This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most appropriate
to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam
format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please refer
to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategic Corporate Finance


The aim of this module is to develop students’ critical understanding of the key responsibilities and
financing decisions facing today’s strategic financial manager. Students should be able to develop
detailed business plans, to assess potential financial risks, and to advise on suitable risk management
strategies for entrepreneurial activities as well as established organisations.

Strategic Corporate Finance as an Integral Part of the Syllabus

Strategic Corporate Finance develops the financial management knowledge and skills acquired
by students in Managerial Finance and other disciplines acquired in the earlier examination stages.
Strategic Corporate Finance requires students to integrate and expand that knowledge so as to provide
a framework for strategic financial management analysis and decisions

Syllabus and Subject Dependencies


CPA Financial Management Management

Foundation Accounting Fundamentals Accounting

CPA Financial Corporate Advanced Audit & Performance Managerial

Professional Reporting Law Taxation Assurance Management Finance

CPA Advanced Strategic

Financial Strategy & Advanced Tax Advanced Audit Data Analytics Corporate
Strategic Reporting Leadership Strategy & Assurance for Finance Finance

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Evaluate the financial objectives of an organisation and explain how they are determined and interrelate
with the non-financial objectives and stakeholder interests.
• Discuss the legal regulations and the professional and ethical considerations facing financial managers.
• Value shares / businesses in the context of a proposed merger, acquisition or management buyout.
• Analyse the factors associated with corporate failure in order to predict its likelihood and to provide advice
on actions that will prevent its occurrence.
• Evaluate and advise as to the optimum capital gearing structure, term structure and dividend policy for an
• Advise as to appropriate exchange risk and interest rate risk management strategies and discuss the use
of derivatives in long-term risk management.
• Discuss the relevance of portfolio theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model for financial managers.
• Prepare a business plan for an organisation, given prescribed information.
• Evaluate the financial management of an organisation over a period of time relative to its competitors and
industry norms.

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategic Corporate Finance

Indicative Syllabus


The Financial • Financial objectives in strategy 3

Environment • Stakeholders 3
• Corporate social responsibility 3
• Agency Theory 3
• Professional, regulatory and legal framework 3
• Monetary regulation 3
• Treasury management 3
• The Efficient Market Hypothesis 3

Mergers and • Mergers and acquisitions – overview 3

Acquisitions • M&A procedures 3
• Valuation of an organisation 3
• Value gaps 3
• Financing mergers and takeovers 3
• Defence tactics 3
• Legal and financial due diligence 3
• Management buy outs 3
• Privatisation of quoted companies 3

Sources of • Equity and debt financing 3

Finance • Short, medium and long-term funding 3
• Gearing structure 3
• Modigliani and Miller’s theory of corporate financing 3
• Capital structures 3
• Dividend policies 3

Financial Risk • Key financial risks 2

Management • Currency risk 2
• Foreign exchange markets 2
• Foreign exchange and interest rates 2
• Forward exchange contracts 2
• Money market hedges 2
• Exchange rate risk management strategies 2
• Interest rate risk management strategies 2
• Long-term exposure to foreign currency risk 2

Cost of Capital • Risk and return 3

• Weighted average cost of capital 3
• Portfolio diversification 3
• Portfolio theory 3
• Capital asset pricing model 3

Financial • Long-term business planning 3

Analysis and • Capital investment appraisal 3
Business • Business plan evaluation 3
Planning • Assessment of financial position 3
• Competition and industry norms 3
• Key financial management indicators 3
• Benchmarking 3

Fintech • The future of fintech 2

• Data monetization 2
• Crypto technologies 2
• Regulation 2

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategic Corporate Finance

Learning Guide

The financial environment

• Summarise financial objectives within the strategic planning process
• Identify key stakeholders of organisations and examine the interests of each stakeholder group
• Discuss Corporate Social Responsibility and assess its relationship to the objective of maximising shareholder
• Explain agency theory and evaluate its relevance to financial managers
• Outline the professional, regulatory and legal framework relevant to financial management including: The City
Code and stock exchange requirements, money laundering, directors’ responsibilities
• Examine monetary regulation in the US and EU and its effect on Capital Markets
• Identify and discuss the key activities undertaken by treasury managers
• Summarise the advantages and disadvantages of centralised treasury management.
• Evaluate the Efficient Market Hypothesis and compare various forms of efficiency

Mergers and Acquisitions

• Describe organic and acquisitive corporate growth
• Critically analyse proposed mergers and acquisitions
• Describe procedures to be complied with during an acquisition
• Establish the valuation of an organisation in the context of a potential takeover using the earnings and asset-
based methodologies, and market-based multiples
• Summarise the significance of Value Gaps and the information efficiency of capital markets
• Propose methods of financing mergers and takeovers, including cash, debt, equity and hybrids.
• Appraise defence tactics used during a potential hostile takeover
• Explain the role of legal and financial due diligence during a merger/acquisition
• Discuss the benefits and risks associated with Management Buy Outs (MBOs) and evaluate the sources of finance
for MBOs
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of management buy-ins (MBIs)
• Summarise the arguments for and against a quoted company going private

Sources of Finance
• Compare and contrast equity and debt financing. Explain the attractions and risks associated with each
• Identify the sources of short-term, medium-term and long-term funding
• Summarize Modigliani and Miller’s theory of corporate financing in perfect capital markets
• Generalise the optimum capital structure of a firm in an imperfect market
• Explain Modigliani and Miller’s theory of dividend irrelevance in perfect capital markets
• Illustrate the signaling and the clientele approaches to dividend policy
• Discuss the influence of taxation on dividend policy
• Assess and summarize other key considerations in financing including the Pecking Order Theory (Myers and
Majluf), agency costs, and financial distress and bankruptcy costs
• Analyse various dividend payment policies including cash and stock dividends, and the use of share repurchase

Financial Risk Management

• Evaluate the key financial risks facing an organisation including exchange rate (currency) risk and interest rate risk
• Identify different currency risks including transaction, translation and economic exposure
• Discuss strategies to mitigate currency risks including the use of money market instruments, financial derivatives,
and other methods including netting, leading and lagging
• Show the workings of the foreign exchange markets
• Discuss the relationship between foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and inflation in different countries
• Explain various ways of managing interest rate risk including the use of options, swaps, forwards, futures and
• Appraise long-term economic exposure of a firm to foreign currency risk and evaluate steps to mitigate such

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategic Corporate Finance

Learning Guide contd.

Cost of Capital
• Interpret risk and return and discuss the relationship between risk and return
• Discuss the factors impacting on the cost of equity capital
• Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and discuss its uses and limitations
• Discuss portfolio theory and examine different risk-return profiles arising from various combinations for asset
allocation and explain the relevance of the efficient frontier approach
• Explain the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and discuss its assumptions, applications, and limitations

Financial Analysis and Business Planning

• Prepare long-term business plans from prescribed information
• Appraise capital investment options using NPV, IRR and Payback criteria
• Evaluate business plans from the perspective of an equity investor or provider of debt
• Evaluate an organisation’s current financial position
• Compare and evaluate the financial management of an organisation with that of competitors and industry norms
• Prepare, evaluate, and discuss key financial management indicators based on the published financial statements
of an organisation
• Benchmark selected financial KPIs against companies in the same industry sector

Emerging Technologies in Finance

• Define Fintech and describe the evolution of fintech; recognise the potential impact of Fintech on financial
intermediation (savings and credit) and digital currencies
• Discuss the potential impact of Fintech on payments, clearing and settlement services, and money creation
• Contrast TechFin from FinTech and describe opportunities and regulatory challenges brought about by data-
driven finance
• Appraise blockchain (Distributed Ledger) technology and its types including public and private systems
• Recognise the potential application of DL technology in various business issues including smart contracts and
supply chain management

Learning Resources
Core Texts
Arnold / Corporate Financial Management 6th Edition/ Pearson 2019 / ISBN-13: 978 12922140445.

Griffith College, CPA Strategic Level - Strategic Corporate Finance (Latest edition)

Supplementary Texts and Journals

Power, Walsh and O Meara 3rd ed / Financial Management / An Irish Text, Gill and Mc Millan / 2009 / ISBN-
13: 978-0717145546

Pilbeam / Finance and Financial Markets / 4th edition McMillan 2018 / ISBN-13: 978-1137515629.
CPA Students' eBulletin
Harvard Business Review
Investment International
Accounting & Business
Accountancy Plus
Arner, D., Barberis, J., and Buckley, R., 2019. The Evolution of Fintech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm?
Available at SSRN:
Pilkington, M., 2015. “Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications". Available at SSRN:

Thakor, A., 2020. Fintech and banking: What do we know? Journal of Financial Intermediation 41, 100833.

Zetzsche, D., Buckley, R., Arner, D., Barberis, J., 2017. From FinTech to TechFin: The Regulatory Challenges
of Data-Driven Finance. Available at SSRN:

CPA Syllabus 2023: CPA Strategic Strategic Corporate Finance

Examination Approach

This examination uses a case-study approach to test students’ ability to apply technical skills, critical analysis,
and demonstrate synthesis and decision-making. It also tests communication skills and familiarity with
contemporary business issues. Questions require students to write reports, which must be tailored to the
technical knowledge of the target audience. Students are also presented with the opportunity to demonstrate
professional judgement and ethical sensitivity.

Examination Format
This examination is unseen, open book and 4 hours in duration. Each exam will also have an additional 20-
minute reading time.

All exam papers at the Strategic Level will be prepared in accordance with the following format:

Section A: 80 marks. All questions are compulsory. There will be no multi-choice questions at this level.

Section B: 20 marks. This section will contain a number of optional questions. The exact number and mark
weighting of these questions will vary at the discretion of the subject examination team.

The individual subject examination team will decide upon the exact question style considered most appropriate
to their specific subject. This format will be followed in subsequent exams. Should a change to the exam
format be deemed appropriate this will be notified, in advance, in the annual Educator’s Briefing. Please refer
to the CPA Ireland website for latest Educators Briefing.

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

Examinable Material Document

International Financial Reporting Standards

Financial Financial Audit & Advanced Audit
Accounting Reporting Assurance & Assurance

Competency Level

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 1 2 3 2 3

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements 1 2 3 2 2

IAS 2 Inventories 2 2 3 2 2

IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows 1 (i) 2 3 N/A 1

Accounting Policies, Changes in 1 2 3 2 2

Accounting Estimates and Errors

IAS 10 Events After the Reporting Period 2 2 3 2 2

IAS 12 Income Taxes N/A 2(ii) 3 N/A 2

IAS 16 Property, Plant and equipment 2 2 3 2 3

IAS 19 Employee Benefits N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A

Accounting for Government Grants

IAS 20 and Disclosure of Government 2 2 3 2 2
The Effects of Changes in Foreign
IAS 21 exchange Rates N/A 2 3(iv) N/A 2

IAS 23 Borrowing Costs N/A 2 3 2 2

IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures N/A N/A 3 N/A 2

IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements N/A 2 3 (iv),(v) N/A 2

IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint N/A 2 3 N/A 2


IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation N/A 1 2 N/A 1

IAS 33 Earnings per Share N/A 2 (vi) 3 N/A 2

IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting N/A 1 1 N/A 2

IAS 36 Impairment of Assets N/A 1 3 1 2

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and

IAS 37 Contingent Assets 2 2 (v) 3 1 2

IAS 38 Intangible Assets 2 2 3 2 2

IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition N/A 1 (vii) 2 (vii) N/A 1 (vii)

and Measurement

IAS 40 Investment Property N/A 2 3 1 2

IAS 41 Agriculture N/A 1 1 N/A N/A

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

International Financial Reporting Standards

Financial Financial Audit & Advanced Audit
Accounting Reporting Assurance & Assurance

Competency Level

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 1 2 3 2 3

First-time Adoption of International

IFRS 1 Financial Reporting Standards N/A 2 3 2 2

IFRS 2 Share-based Payment N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A

IFRS 3 Business Combinations N/A 2 3 2 1

Non-current Assets held for Sale and

IFRS 5 Discontinued Operations N/A 2 3 N/A 2

IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures N/A 1 2 N/A 1

IFRS 8 Operating Segments N/A 2 2 N/A 2

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments N/A 1 2 N/A 1

IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements N/A 2 (v) 3 (iv), (v) N/A 2

IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements N/A 1 3 1 2

IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other N/A 1 2 N/A 2


IFRS 13 Fair Value measurement N/A 2 3 N/A 2

Revenue from Contracts with

IFRS 15 Customers N/A 2 3 2 2

IFRS 16 Leases N/A 2 3 N/A 2

Irish and UK GAAP

Application of Financial Reporting

FRS 100 Requirements N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A

FRS 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A

FRS 102 Financial Reporting Standard N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A

Applicable in the UK and ROI

FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A

The Financial Reporting Standards

FRS 105 applicable to the Micro-entities NA/ N/A 1 N/A N/A

(i) Cash flow statements for groups will be examined at Professional and Strategic Levels only.
(ii) Deferred tax not included.
(iii) Examinable for Individual transactions.
(iv) Closing rate method of foreign currency consolidation only, examinable.
(v) Piecemeal acquisition or disposal and sub subsidiaries not included.
(vi) Basic earnings per share only, examinable.
(vii) Questions may be answered with reference to IFRS 9 where relevant.

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

IFRS PRACTICE STATEMENT Advanced Financial Reporting Advanced Audit & Assurance

Management Commentary (Dec 2010) 2 1

Making Materiality Judgements (Sept 2017) 2 2

Statements of Insolvency Practice Corporate Law

Competency Level

SIP 1B A receiver’s responsibility for the mortgagor’s records – Republic 1

of Ireland

A liquidator’s investigations into the affairs of an insolvent

SIP 2B company – Republic of Ireland 1

Officeholders’ preparation of insolvency receipts and payments

SIP 7B accounts – Republic of Ireland 1

Planning and organisation of creditors’ meetings – Republic of

SIP 8B Ireland 1

SIP 9B Remuneration of insolvency officeholders – Republic of Ireland 1

SIP 10B Proxies - Republic of Ireland 1

The handling of funds in formal insolvency appointments -

SIP 11B Republic of Ireland 1

Acquisition of assets of insolvent companies by directors and

SIP 13B connected persons - Republic of Ireland 1

A receiver’s responsibility to preferential creditors – Republic of

SIP 14B Ireland 1

SIP 15B Dealing with employee claims - Republic of Ireland 1

Appointment as examiner under the Companies (Amendment)

SIP 19B Act 2014 - Republic of Ireland 1

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

Advanced Audit
Ethics Audit & Assurance & Assurance

Competency Level

CPA - Code of ethics August 2 3


Ethical Standard for Auditors (Ireland) 2020 2 3

Advanced Audit
International Standards on Auditing (Ireland) Audit & Assurance & Assurance

Competency Level

International Standard on Quality Control (Ireland) 1 2 3

Overall objectives of the independent auditor

200 and the conduct of an audit in accordance with 2 3
International Standards on Auditing (Ireland)

210 Agreeing the terms of audit engagements 2 3

Quality control for an audit of financial

220 statements 2 3

230 Audit Documentation 2 3

The auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in

240 an audit of financial statements 2 3

Consideration of laws and regulations in an audit

250A of financial statements 2 3

The auditor’s right and duty to report to

250B regulators of public interest entities and 2 3
regulators of other entities in the financial sector
Communication with those charged with
260 governance 2 3

Communicating deficiencies in internal

265 control to those charged with governance and 2 3

300 Planning an audit of financial statements 2 3

Identifying and assessing risks of material

315 misstatement through understanding the entity 2 3
and its environment

320 Materiality in planning and performing an audit 2 3

330 The auditor’s responses to assessed risks 2 3

402 Audit considerations relating to an entity using a 2 3

service organisation

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

Advanced Audit
International Standards on Auditing (Ireland) Audit & Assurance & Assurance

Competency Level

Evaluation of misstatements identified during the

450 audit 2 3

500 Audit evidence 2 3

Audit evidence - specific considerations for

501 selected items 2 3

505 External confirmations 2 3

510 Initial audit engagements - opening balances 2 3

520 Analytical procedures 2 3

530 Audit sampling 2 3

Auditing, accounting estimates, including

540 fair value accounting estimates, and related 2 3

550 Related parties 2 3

560 Subsequent events 2 3

570 Going concern 2 3

580 Written representations 2 3

Special considerations - audits of group financial

600 statements (including the work of component 2 3

610 Using the work of internal auditors 2 3

620 Using the work of an auditor’s expert 2 3

Forming an opinion and reporting on financial

700 statements 2 3

Communicating key Audit matters in the

701 Independent Auditor’s Report 2 3

Modifications to the opinion in the independent

705 auditor’s report 2 3

Emphasis of matter paragraphs and other matter

706 paragraphs in the independent auditor’s report 2 3

Comparative information - corresponding figures

710 and comparative financial statements 2 3

The auditor’s responsibilities relating to other

720 information 2 3

CPA Syllabus Examinable Material Document

Companies Act

Companies Act 2014

Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010, as amended

N.B. It is essential to check the Institute’s website ( for the most recent Examinable Material Document (EMD). An
updated EMD is published each November for the following year’s examinations.

CPA Ireland is one of the main Irish accountancy bodies
representing 5,000 members and students.
The CPA designation is the most commonly used
designation worldwide for professional accountants
and the CPA Ireland qualification enjoys wide
international recognition. Its current membership
operates in public practice, Industry, financial services
and the public sector and CPAs work in 48 countries
around the world.

CPA Ireland is active in the profession at national

and international level participating in the Consultative
Committee of Accountancy Bodies – Ireland – CCAB (I)
and together with other leading accountancy bodies
CPA Ireland was a founding member of the International
Federation of Accountants (IFAC) – the worldwide body.
CPA Ireland is also a member of the Federation des
Experts Comptables Europeens (FEE), the representative
body for the main accountancy bodies in 37
European countries.

CPA Ireland fulfils its statutory role as a recognised body

by overseeing the professional activities of its members
in practice and ensuring that education and training
standards are maintained. As the first accountancy body
to introduce a mandatory regime of Continuing
Professional Development, CPA Ireland ensures that all
CPAs remain at the leading edge throughout their

For further information visit

17 Harcourt Street, Unit 3, The Old

Dublin 2, D02 W963 Gasworks,Kilmorey
Street, Newry,
T: +353 (1) 425 Co. Down, Northern Ireland,
1000 BT34 2DH

F: +353 (1) 4251001 +44 (0)28 305 50000

hello@cpaireland.e hello@cpaireland.e

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