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Name of Teacher :Rebecca M. Hadjerel Quarter: 3

Grade Level: Grade 8
Learning Area : Science
Teaching Time : 8:30 – 9:30

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The particle nature of matter as basis for explaining properties,
physical changes, and structure of substances and mixtures
B.Performance The Learners should be able to:
Standards Present how water behaves in its different states within the
water cycle
C. Learning Competency Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and
motion of atoms and molecules; S8MT-IIIc-d-9
Lesson Objectives: The learners should be able to:

1.Determine the physical changes that matter undergoes,

2.Describe what happens to the molecules or atom when matter
absorbed or release heat.
3. Illustrate physical changes of matter in terms of the
arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules.
4. Appreciate the practical application of phase change in matter

(MELC Week 3-4 S8MT-IIIc-d-9

D. Peace Issue
Peace Concept Participation, listening, respect for others, application of skills
Peace Message

Cooperation- students will learn the value of cooperation during

group activity

II.CONTENT The Phase Change

III.LEARNING Reference: Science 8 Quarter 3 - Module 2: Phase Change.
RESOURCES Materials: laptop, PowerPoint presentation, printed images.

References: Teachers guide
-1/definition-and-mathematics –of-work
-Science Links- Work text for Scientific and Technological
Literacy(Grade 8)
MATERIAL : laptop, PowerPoint presentation
Science Grade 8 by Pia C. Campo et al, pp 184-189
Additional Materials from Chalk, water, alcohol lamp, ice cubes and tripod


A. ELICIT(Reviewing previous lesson)5min.

i. Daily routines(prayer /checking of attendance)

Giving Classroom Rules:

The class will start with a prayer followed by the checking of attendance and presentation
ofthe classroom norms and standards. (the learners will read it aloud together)

1. Listen and pay attention if someone is talking.

2. Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to recognize you. Don’t answer in chorus.
3. Respect each other! Be participative and cooperative

The teacher will have a review on the previous topic about the particle nature of matter. 1.
What is matter?2. The three states of matter.3. How will you describe the particles in a solid?
liquid? or gas

Direction: Identify and act out what type of particle model of the three states of matter the
situations applies to.


You are all in a regular class ,and I ask you to create a group project in Science about matter
which need to pass immediately, which particle of matter your group should be like.


Mayor Hj Abraham Ibba strictly implemented social distancing by limiting face to face contact
with others to reduce the spread of corona virus diseas in Bataraza. If you are going to relate
it to the particle model of matter which particle of matter the people of Bataraza be like?

Due to the pandemic, you and your friends cannot see each other but stay connected online.
If you were to describe your relationship with your friend using the particle model of atom
what would you be like.


Arrange the scrambled words related in physical change in matter. The alphabet ordinal
number of the first and last letter of the word is given as a clue to find the correct word.

Clue: 1st letter - 13th Alphabet ordinal no.
Last letter-7th Alphabet ordinal no.

1st -5th Alphabet ordinal no.
Last-14th Alphabet ordinal no.

1st- 19th Alphabet ordinal No.
Last-14th Alphabet ordinal no.

1st- 6th Alphabet Ordinal No.
Last-7th Alphabet Ordinal No.

1st – 3rd Alphabet ordinal no.
Last-14th Alphabet ordinal no.


1st- 4th Alphabet ordinal no.

Last- 14th Alphabet ordinal no.

C. EXPLORE (Presenting example/ instances of the new lesson)

The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will be given printed images.
Then they will identify what type of phase change it is and post it on the board according to
the corresponding column. After putting them in a proper column describe the picture using
demonstrative pronoun.
D.EXPLAIN (Discussing practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living:

The students will be made to verify if the printed images they have posted on the board are
on the correct label.

Changes that happen because matter absorbed heat.

1.MELTING- When solid exposed to heat the molecules move faster goes farther away from
each other and the matter become flowy. Changes that happen because matter lost heat
- the melting point of a water is 0 degree Celsius

2.EVAPORATION - a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.

- when a liquid gained heat energy the molecules move faster and spread
out until it look like it disappear.
-the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.

3. SUBLIMATION - a substance directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without
passing through the intermediate liquid phase.

Changes that happen because matter released heat ..

1.CONDENSATION - a substance is changed from the gaseous to the liquid state of matter.

- when a gas molecule cools down molecule move closer to each other.

2.FREEZING/SOLIDIFICATION - a substance changes from a liquid to a solid.

- when a liquid does not get exposed to heat the molecule

move closer to each other.

3. DEPOSITION - a substance from a gas change directly to a solid without going through the
liquid state the molecules move slowly until they become tightly packed.

REMEMBER: When phase change occurs only the state of the substance is change but its
chemical composition is retained

How does phase change occur?

Increasing the temperature will result in the increase of kinetic energy(motion) of

particles and this will affect the current arrangement of the particles in solid, liquid and gas.
As the temperature and the kinetic energy are both increase, the tiny particles move, resulting
to a farther distance between the particles. Decreasing the temperature will result in
the decrease of kinetic energy(motion) of particles, leading to a closer distance between
the particles. The lower the temperature and the kinetic energy, the closer the particles are

Each group will be presenting

their output after 8 minutes and for you to do that
you have to choose your leader.

Group 1- You will draw a diagram showing the physical change in matter.

Group 2- Make a poem about physical changes of matter

Group 3-The group will create a song it could be in a rap or jingle type about the arrangement
and motion of atoms and molecules.

The teacher will present the rubrics for this activity.

Rubrics in Participation/Group Activities:

5 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, participate actively, do great help to the
4 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, good followers only
3 -Participated but late, with teacher’s supervision
2 -Activity was done but does not show eagerness
to participate or cooperate
1 -No interest in participating the activities


The students will further elaborate the concept of how matter undergoes phase
change. Where do you find phase changes in your everyday life?
When you boil water, make ice cubes, cook food – you are causing a phase change!
Think of a phase change that you have seen and describe the phase change using the
vocabulary we learned today

DIRECTION: Read the selection below, then answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers on a 1/4 sheet of paper.

Choose the letter of the BEST answer and write it in a 1/4 sheet of paper.
1. Which transformation process changes a solid state of matter to a gaseous state?
a. evaporation c. melting b. freezing d. sublimation

2. Which of the following processes changes a gaseous state of matter to a solid state?
a. deposition c. melting b. evaporation d. sublimation

3. Which transformation process changes a solid state of matter to a liquid state?

a. condensation c. freezing b. evaporation d. melting

4. What phase transformation occurs when clouds precipitate in the form of rain?
a. condensation c. melting b. evaporation d. freezing

5. What will happen to the kinetic energy of the particles of matter if the
temperature will increase?
a. Decrease c. remains the same b. Increase d. neither increase nor decrease



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