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1a.current Electricity Synopsis (1 32)

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SYNOPSIS v is linear velocity of the charge q
r is radius of the circular path
Strength of Electric Current 5. If in a discharge tube n1 protons are moving from
The strength of electric current is defined as rate of
flow of charge through any cross section of a left to right in t seconds and n2 electrons are moving
conductor. simultaneously from right to left in t seconds, then
1. The instantaneous current is defined by the the net current in any crossection of the discharge
equation, tube is
Q dQ (n1  n2 )e
I  Lt  I (from left to right)
t 0 t dt t
q here e is the magnitude of charge of electron (or)
Average current i  proton.
Ampere : If one coulomb of charge passes DRIFT VELOCITY : Drift velocity is the
through a cross-section of the conductor per average velocity acquired by free electrons
second then the current is one ampere. inside a metal by the application of an electric
1coulom b field which results in current.
1 ampere = J I
1sec ond Drift velocity vd  
current is a scalar quantity. ne Ane
Applications on electric current where, J = I/A is current density
1. If the current is varying with time t, then the charge n is number of free electrons per unit volume
e is charge of electron
flowing in a time interval from t1 to t 2 is
The drift velocity is related to relaxation time
q   Idt
t1 eE

vd 
2. If n particles, each having a charge q, pass m
through a given cross sectional area in time t, Note : 1.The drift velocity of electrons is of the order
nq of 104 ms 1 .
then average current is i =
t 2. Greater the electric field, greater will be the
3. If a point charge q is revolving in a circle of drift velocity vd  E
radius r with speed v then its time period is
3. The direction of drift velocity for electrons in a
metal is opposite to that of electric field applied
V 
T  (2 r / v) W.E-1: In a hydrogen atom, electron moves in an
orbit of radius 5 × 10-11 m with a speed of 2.2 ×
106 m/s. Calculate the equivalent current.
4. The average current associated with this
revolving charge is v
Sol: Current i  f .e  .e
q  vq 2 r
I   fq  q
T 2 2 r 2.2 106
Where f is the frequency of revolution in Hz. = × 1.6 × 10–19
2  5 1011
 is the angular frequency in rad/sec = 1.12 × 10–3 amp = 1.12 mA.


W.E-2: The current through a wire depends on i 2

Sol:  vd   29 ms 1
time as i  i0   t , where i0  10 A and 6
nAe 10  10  1.6  10 19

  4 A / s . Find the charge that crossed = 12.5 × 10–4 ms–1

through a section of the wire in 10 seconds. Average time taken by an electron to cross the
length of wire
Sol: i  i0   t ; but i  l 4
dt t  4
vd 1.25 104 s = 3.2 × 10 s
 dq  (i0   t )dt
Mobility (  ) : Mobility (  ) of a charge
t 10 10
 2
t  carrier (like electron) is defined as the average
q t 0 dq  q  i0t  2  drift velocity resulting from the application of
unit electric field strength.
= (10i0  50 ) = 300 coloumb drift velocity
  | vd |
Current Density ( J ) : Current density at a electric field ;  E
point is defined as a vector having magnitude Mobility depends on pressure and temperature.
equal to current per unit area. OHM’S LAW : For a given conductor, at a
 I dI given temperature the strength of electric
J  Lt  nˆ current through it is directly proportional to
s 0 s ds
the potential difference applied across at its
If the normal to the area makes an angle  with
the direction of the current, then the current
I i.e. I  V  I  ; V = IR
density is J , dI  Jds cos  (or) R
s cos 
  Where R is electrical resistance of the conductor
 
dI  J .ds i.e., I   J .ds Note :
  ohm’s law is neither a basic law nor a deriavable
SI unit of J is Am one
Dimensional formula of J is [ AL2 ]  ohm’s law is just an empherical relation.
Current is the flux of current density.  Microscopically Ohm’s law is expressed as
Relaxation time (  ) : 1. It is the time interval J  nevd  J   E where  is the
between two successive collisions of electrons electrical conductivity of the material.
with +ve ions in the metallic lattice.The  The conductors which obey Ohm’s law are
resistance of a conductor is given by called Ohmic conductors.
2ml Ex : all metals
R=  For Ohmic conductors V – i graph is a straight
ne 2 A
line passing through origin (metals).
where n = number density of electrons
e = electron charge T 1

m = mass of electron V
 = relaxation time. 2

W.E-3: Consider a wire of length 4m and cross-

sectional area I mm2 carrying a current of  

2A. If each cubic metre of the material i

contains 1029 free electrons, find the average
(A) Slope of the line (B) Here tan 1  tan  2
time taken by an elctron to cross the length
of the wire. tan   v / i  R ; T1  T2 So R1  R2 i.e


 The substances which do not obey Ohm’s law are V

called non-Ohmic conductors. Resistance R 
Ex: Thermistor, Electronic Valve, Semi- i
conductor devices, gases, crystal rectifier etc.,  The resistance of a conductor depends upon
 The V – i graph for a non – Ohmic conductor is 1) shape (dimensions) 2) nature of material
non-linear. 3) impurities 4) Temperature
 The resistance of a conductor increases with
(mA) impurities.
 The resistance of a semi conductor decreases
V 0 with impurities.
(A) Factors Effecting the Resistance of A
V Conductor
vaccum tube semi conductors
1. The resistance of the conductor is directly
proportional to the length (l) of the conductor
V 0 R1 l1
i1 V R l (or) R  l
2 2
V1 i
Thermistor dilH2SO4(Platinum Electrode) R l
For small changes in the length, 
R l
i 2. The resistance of a conductor is inversely
proportional to the area of cross-section (A)
V 0
V 1 1 R1  A2   r22 
i.e., R (or) R  2 ;   
i A r R2  A1   r12 
Neon Gas(With tungsten Electrode)
For small changes in area (or) radius we have
Noo o ooooo oooooooo : The circuits in which
Ohm's law is not obeyed are called non-ohmic R A 2r
 
circuits. The V-I graph is a curve, e.g. torch bulb, R A r
electrolyte, 3. As the temperature increases resistance of
semiconductors, thermonic valves etc. as shown metallic conductors increases and that of
by curves (a), (b), (c). semiconductors decreases.
I I Conductance: The reciprocal of resistance (R)
is called conductance.
Semi conductor

a) Diode b) 1
conductance, G  .
The S.I unit of conductance is mho or siemen or
Resistivity: As we know, that the resistance of
the conductor is directly proportional to its
c) length and inversely proportional to its area of
cross section, we can write
l l
Resistance-Definiton : The resistance of a R R
conductor is defined as the ratio of the potential where  is specific resistance or resisitivity
difference ‘V’ across the condutor to the current of the material of the conductor.
‘i’ flowing through the conductor.
Note: h
1. Resistitivity is the specific property of a material Resistance across EF, REF 
but Resistance is the bulk property of a l b
conductor. If l  b  h , then
2. Resistivity is independent of dimensions of the l h
conductor such as length, area of the cross Rmax  Rmin 
bh l b
section. 5. If a wire of resistance R is stretched to ‘n’ times
3. Resistivity depends on the nature of the material its original length, its resistance becomes n2 R.
of the conductor, temperature and impurities. 6. If a wire of resistance R is stretched until its
4. Resistivity of any alloy is more than resistivity
of its constituent elements. 1
radius becomes th of its original radius then
i) R alloys  R conductors ii)  metals   alloys
its resistance becomes n4R.
Special Cases : 7. When a wire is stretched to increase its length
1. The alternate forms of resistance is by x% (where x is very small) its resistance
increases by 2x %.
l2 l 2 d V m 8. When a wire is stretched to increase its length
R   2 
V m A d A2 by x% (where x is large) its resistance increases
Where d is density of material of conductor  2 
V is volume of the conductor  2x  x 
by  100  .
m is mass of the conductor 
2. If a conductor is streched or elongated or drawn 9. When a wire is stretched to reduce its radius
or twisted, then the volume of the conductor is byx% (where x is very small), its resistance
constant. Hence increases by 4x%.
l 2 W.E-4: A rectangular block has dimensions 5 cm
a. R  R l 2 × 5 cm × 10 cm. Calculate the resistance
measured between (a) two square ends and
V 1 1 (b) the opposite rectangular ends. Specific
b. R  2  R 2  4
A A r resistance of the material is 3.5  105  m .
l2 
c. Interms of mass of the wire R Sol: a) Resistance between two square ends R1 
m A

m m 3.5  10 5  10  10 2
and R  R1  4
 1.4  103 
A2 r 4 5  5  10
3. For small changes in the length or radius during
the stretching
R l R A r
2 ;  2  4
R l R A r 5 cm
4. In case of a cuboid of dimensions l  b  h is
F 5 cm 10 cm

b A
B b) Resistance between the opposite rectangular
D ends R2 
3.5  10 5  5  10 2
l R2   1.4  10 4 
Resistance across AB, RAB  5  10  10 4
b h
Conductivity: Conductivity is the measure of
b the ability of a material to conduct electric
Resistance across CD, RCD 
lh current through it. It is reciprocal of resistivity.


1 l  The resistivity of manganin and constantan is almost

  independent of temperature.
 RA  Two resistors having resistances R1 and R2
S.I unit : sieman / m : (Sm–1) at 0o C are connected in series. The condition
For perfect insulators   0 for the effective resistance in series in same
For perfect conductors,  is infinity.. at all temperatures
Temperature dependence of resistance: R1  R2  R1'  R2'
For conductors i.e metals resistance increases
with rise in temperature R1  R2  R1 (1  1t )  R2 (1   2t )

R t  R o (1  t   t 2 ) for t > 300oC

R11   R2 2
Variation of resistance of some materials
R t  R o (1  t) for t < 300oC or
Rt  Ro Temp. coefficient Variation of
 0
Material of resistance with
R ot / C
resistance () temperature rise
IfR 0 = resistance of conductor at 0oC Metals Positive Increases
If R t = resistance of conductor at toC And Solid non-
Zero independents
,  = temperature co-efficients of resistance metal
If R1 and R2 are the resistances at t1oC to t2oC Semi- Negative Decreases
R1 1   t1
respectively then R  1   t Electrolyte Negative Decreases
2 2
R  R1 Negative Decreases
  2 gases
R1t2  R2t1
Alloys Small positive Almost
The value of  is different at different value constant
1  dR  Variation of Resistivity with Temperature:
At a given temperature   R  dt  at t0C  If 1 is the resistivity of a material at temperature
t  
Y t1 and  2 is the resistivity of the same material
c to

at temperature t 2 ,then

2  1 1    t 2  t1  

for manganin and constantan

W.E-5: The temperature coefficient of resistance

for of platinum is   3.92  103 K 1 at 0° C. Find

se mic
ond the temperature at which the increase in the
 u cto
rs resistance of platinum wire is 10% of its value
at 00C.
X 110R1
0 Sol: R2   1.1R1 ;   3.92  103 K 1
Temperature 100
Graph shows the variation of resistivity with R2  R1 1.1R1  R1
temperature for conductors, semiconductors t   
R1 R1
and for alloys like manganin and constantan.
Since the resistivity of manganin and R1 (1.1  1) 0.1R1 0.1
  
constantan remains constant with respect to R1 R1 3.92  10 3
change in temperature, these materials are 0
used for the bridge wires and resistance coils. t  25.510 C ; t 2  25.51  20  45.51 C


W.E-6: The resistance of iron wire is 10 and cos  sin 

or   R 0   T2  T1 
  5  10 3
C . If a current of 30A is sin  cos 
flowing in it at 20C , keeping the potential cos 2
R 0 T2  T1  
difference across its length constant, if the sin 2 ; or T2  T1  cot 2
temperature is increased to 120C , what is 2
the current flowing through that wire ? W.E-10: Figure shows a conductor of length l
R120  R20 R  10 having a circular cross -section. The radius
Sol: a  R 5  10 3  120 of cross-section varies linearly from a to b.
20 120 20 
10  100 The resistivity of the material is  . Assuming
 R120  15 ; But V = IR that b - a <<l, find the resistance of the
Here V is constant. Hence, conductor.  dx

I120 R20 I120 10 Sol : y b

 ;  ;  I120  20 A a
I 20 R120 30 15 ba ya
tan   
W.E-7: Resistance of a wire at temperature t C l x
is R  R0 (1  at  bt 2 ) yl - al = bx - ax x

Here, R0 is the temperature at 00C. Find the  dy   l 

l    (b  a)  dx    dy  (1)
temperature coefficient of resistance at  dx  ba
temperature t is Resistance across the elemental disc under
Sol : dx
consideration dR    (2)
1 dR 1 A
 .  [ R0 (a  2bt )]
R dt R0 (1  at  bt 2 )  l  dy
from (1) and (2) dR     2
 a  2bt  ba  y
   2   Resistance across the given conductor,,
 1  at  bt 
b y b
W.E-8: A silver wire has a resistance of 2.1  at R   dR  R  
l dy
.  2 ; R  
27.5C & 2.7 at 1000C. Determine the tem- y a  (b  a) y a y  ab
perature coefficient of resistivity of silver. W.E-11: A hollow cylinder of specific resistance
Sol: Rt = R0 (1 + αθ )  , inner radius R, outer radius 2R and length
2.1 = R0 (1+ α  27.5) ......(1) l is as shown in figure. What is the net
2.7 = R0 (1+ α  100) ......(2) resistance between the inner and outer
Solve equation (1) and (2) α=0.00390 C-1 surfaces ?
W.E-9: V- I graph of a conductor at temperature Sol : Consider a ring of width ‘dr’ and radius ‘r’.
T1 and T2 are shown in the figure (T2 – T1) is
proportional to 2r


 Resistance accross the ring is

Sol: Slope of line gives resistance  dr  dr
dR  
So, R1  tan   R 0 1 T1  dA 2 rl
R2  tan(90 )  cot   R0 1 T2 
Net resistance  
2R r (dr )  r 
cot   tan   R 0 T2  T1    l n (2)
R (2p rl )  2p l 

W.E-12: There are two concentric spheres of W.E-15: How many number of turns of nichrome
radius a and b respectively. If the space wire of specific resistance 106 m and
between them is filled with medium of
diameter 2mm that should be wound on a
resistivity  , then the resistance of the
cylinder of diameter 5cm to obtain a resistance
intergap between the two spheres will be
of 40 ?
(Assume b > a)
Sol: Consider a concentric spherical shell of radius Sol: If R is the radius of the cylinder
x and thickness dx, its resistance is r is the radius of the wire
N is the number of turns
 dx
dR, dR =
4 x 2 ρ r 2 p R  N
then R '   R '
Total resistance A pr2
106  22.5102N 
b b
   dx   1 1 
R =  dR  R   4   x 2  4  a  b  40 =  N  800
a  a   1106
W.E-13: A hollow copper cylinder is of inner Thermistor: A thermistor is a heat sensitive
radius 4cm and outer radius 5cm. Now and non-ohmic device.
hollow portion is completely filled with  This is made of semiconductor compounds as
suitable copper wires. Find percentage oxides of Ni, Fe, Co etc.
change in its electric resistance.  This will have high +ve (or) -ve temperature
Sol: A hollow cylidner of inner radius ‘r’ and outer coefficient of resistance.
radius ‘R’ has specific resistance '  ' . If its  Thermistor with -ve ‘  ’ are used as resistance
length is ' l ' then its resistance themometers which can measure low temperature
of order
of 10K and small changes of in the order
of 10 K.
l  Having -ve  , these are widely used in
 measuring the rate of energy flow in micro wave
  R2  r2  beam.
l l k
r R R1 =   52  42   9  9  Thermistor can also be used to serve as
Final Resistance Resistor Colour codes
l l k Colour Number Multiplier Tolerance(%)
R2 =   52   25  25 Black 0 × 10°
Brown 1 × 101
Percentage of change = R2  R1  100
R1 Red 2 × 102
Orange 3 × 103
k k
 Yellow 4 × 104
 25 9 100  64%
k Green 5 × 105
9 Blue 6 × 106
W.E-14: If resistivity of the material of a Violet 7 × 107
conductor of uniform area of cross-section Gray 8 × 108
varies along its length as   0 1  x  . Find White 9 × 109 –
then the resistance of the conductor if its –1
Gold – ×10  5%
lengths is ‘L’ and area of cross-section is ‘A’ Silver – ×10–2  10%
0 1 2 No clour –  20%

A  L  2 L  digit 2 tolerence
  digit 1 multiplier
dx dx
Sol: dR =   0 1  x  ;  R   dR ]
A A 0 wire


Colour bands on a resistor: B.B.ROY of VR1 VR2

Great Britain having Very Good Wife with Gold V1  and V2 
R1  R2 R1  R2
and Silver
 Resistors in the higher range are made mostly Resistances in Parallel
from carbon. Carbon resistors are compact, I1 R1
inexpensive and thus find extensive use in
electronic circuits. I2 R2
W.E-16: Suppose the colours on the resistor as
shown in Figure are brown, yellow, green and I3 R3
gold as read from left to right. Using the table, I
find the resistance of the resistor
Yellow Gold V
Brown Green
Sol: 1. If resistors of resistance R1, R2, R 3 ……..are
connected in parallel, the resultant resistance R
Brown Yellow Green Gold is given by
1 4 > ×105 > +5% > 1 1 1 1
    ............
 5  R R1 R 2 R 3
 14  105  1  
 100  2. If resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel,
 (1.4  0.07)10 6   (1.4  0.07)M  R 1R 2
Some times tolerance is missing from the code the resultant resistance. R  R  R
1 2
and there are only three bands. Then the
tolerance is 20%. 3. When resistors are joined in parallel the
potential difference across each resistor is same.
 Super Conductor : There are certain metals
But the currents are in the ratio i1 : i2 : i3:.............
for which the resistance suddenly falls to zero
below certain temp. Called critical 1 1 1
temperature. = R : R : R : ............
1 2 3
 Critical temperature depends on the nature of
4. When two resistances are parallel then
material. The materials in this state are called
super conductors. IR2 IR1
I1  and I2 
 Without any applied emf steady current can be R1  R2 R1  R2
maintained in super conductors. Note:
Ex: Hg below 4.2 K or Pb below 8.2K 1. When resistors are joined in parallel, the
Resistances In Series: effective resistance is less than the least
resistance in the circuit.
R1 R2 R3 2. A wire of resistance ‘R’ is cut into ‘n’ equal
I I parts and all of them are connected in parallel,
 
equivalent resistance becomes 2 .
1. If resistors of resistances R 1, R 2, R3, ..... are n
connected in series, the resultant resistance 3. In ‘n’ wires of equal resistances are given, the
R = R1 + R 2+ R3 + ........ number of combinations that can be made to give
2. When resistances are connected in series, same different resistances is 2n –1 .
current passes through each resistor. But the 4. If ‘n’ wire of unequal resistances are given, the
pot ential differences are in the ratio number of combinations that can be made to give
V1 : V2 : V3 ..... = R1 : R2 : R3 ..... different resistances is 2n (If n >2).
3. When resistors are joined in series, the effective
5. If R s and R p be the resultant resistances of R1
resistance is greater than the greatest resistance
in the circuit. and R2 when connected in series and parallel
4. When two resistances are connected in series then

1 21 2
R1 
2 R s  R s2  4R s R p  If A1 = A2 then  =    .
1 2

2 
R 2  R s  R s2  4R s R p  and conductivity  1
  2
6. If a uniform wire of resistance R is, stretched 10. If ‘n’ wires each of resistance ‘R’ are connected
to ‘m’ times its initial length and bent into a to form a closed polygon, equivalent resistance
regular polygon of ‘n’ sides
a) Resistance of the wire after stretching is  n  1
across two adjacent corners is Reff   R
2 ' 2 n 
R1  m R ( R  l )
W.E-17: For a circuit shown in Fig find the value
m2 R of resistance R 2 and current I 2 flowing
b) Resistance of each side R2  through R2
c) Resistance across diagonally opposite points I=10 P
I1 I2
n  +
 2 R2  - 50V R1 10 R2
m2 R
R0     R0 
 2  4 Q
  Sol: If equivalent resistance of parallel
d) Resistance across one side combination of R1 and R2 is R, then
R1R2 10R2
(n  1) (n  1)m 2 R R 
R3  R2  R1  R2 10  R2
n n2
7. 12 wires each of resistance ‘r’ are connected to V
According to Ohm’s law, R 
form a cube. Effective resistance across I
5r 50 10R2
a) Diagonally opposite corners = . R  5   5  R  10 .
10 10  R2
The current is equally divided into R1 and R2.
b) face diagonal  . Hence I2 = 5A.
W.E-18: Two wires of equal diameters of
c) two adjacent corners  . resistivities 1 and 2 and length x1 and x2
respectively are joined in series. Find the
8. If two wires of resistivities 1 and  2 , lengths equivalent resistivity of the combination.
l1 and l2 are connected in series, the equivalent
Sol: Resistance, R1  11 ;R2  2 2
resistivity A1 A2
1 l1   2 l 2 1  x1 ,  2  x2
 . As the wires are of equal diameters A1  A2  A .
l1  l2
1   2 x1 x x
R1  , R2  2 ; R
If l1  l 2 then   . A A2 A
where x = x1 + x2; R = R1 + R2
21 2
If l1  l 2 then conductivity  =    . x 1x1 2 x2
1 2   ; x  1x1  2 x2
9. If two wires of resistivities  1 and  2, Areas (x1  x2 )  1x1  2 x2 [ x  x1  x2 ]
of cross section A1 and A2 are connected in
parallel, the equivalent resistivity x1 x 2

1  2  A1  A2 
 x  2 x2
  1 1 1
also  s1 s2
= x1  x2
1 A2   2 A1
. s x1  x 2

W.E-19: Find equivalent resistance of the R R
network in Fig. between points (i) A and B R1  . r  ; Resistance of section PTQ
2 r 2
and (ii) A and C.
10 Rr 2
R2  ; R 2  
2 r R2 
30 7.5 2
As R1 and R2 are in parallel
R1 R2 R
Sol: (i)The 10 and 30 resistors are connected in
So, Req   2 2
parallel between points A and B. The equivalent R1  R2 4
resistance between A and B is W.E-22: Determine the current drawn from a 12V
10  30 supply with internal resistance 0.5 Ω . by the
R1  ohm = 7.5
10  30 infinite network shown in Fig. Each resistor
(ii) The resistance R1 is connected in series with has 1 Ω . resistance.
resistor of 7.5 , hence the equivalent resistance 1 1 1
between points A and C is, R2=(R1+7.5) ohm =
(7.5+7.5) ohm = 15  .
12V, 0.5 1 1
W.E-20: Find potential difference between points
A and B of the network shown in Fig. and
distribution of given main current through 1 1 1
different resistors. Sol: First calculate net resistance of  network
4 6

8 X 1 x
A 9 B
Sol: Between points A and B resistors of 4 , 6 x
and 8 resistances are in series and these are x=2+ ; 2 ;
in parallel to 9 resistor.. x+1 x  2x  2  0
Equivalent resistance of series combinaiton is on solving, x  1  3  2.73
R1 = (4 + 6 + 8 ) ohm = 18 Total resistance = 2.73 + 0.5 = 3.23 Ω
If equivalent resistance between A and B is
R = 9 × 18 / (9 + 18) ohm = 6  12
I= =3.73A
Potential difference between A and B is 3.23
V = IR = 2.7 × 6V = 16.2V JOULE’S LAW: According to Joule’s law,
Current through 9  resistor = 16.2/9=1.8A the current passing through a conductor produces
Current through 4  ,6  and 8  resistors = heat.
2.7 – 1.8 = 0.9A. W = vit
W.E-21: P and Q are two points on a uniform Now, work done, W = (iR) i t
ring of resistance R. The equivalent resistance 2
between P and Q is W = i2 R t = v t = v i t
This work is converted into energy in the
 conductor.
Q  Thermal energy produced, Q = i2 Rt in Joules

Sol: Resistance of section PSQ i 2 Rt

Or Q = in cal.
P S 4.2
 Q As H  i 2 , heating effect of current is common
O to both A.C and D.C.
Joule’s effect is irreversible.

Electrical Energy: W.E-23: A fuse wire with radius of 0.2mm blows
 The electric energy consumed in a circuit is off with a current of 5 Amp. The fuse wire of
defined as the total workdone in maintaing the same material, but of radius 0.3mm will blow
current in an electric circuit for a given time. off with a current of
V2t 3 5 3
Electrical Energy = Vit = Pt = i2Rt 
R 1) 5 Amp 2) Amp
2 2
S.I. unit of electric energy is joule
1 K.W.H. = 36 × 105 J 27
3) 5 Amp 4) 5 Amp
Electrical Power: 8
 The rate at which work is done in maintaining 3 3
the current in electric circuit. Electrical power i1  r1  2  0.2  2
    
i 2  r2 
Sol: i2  r 3 ;
W V2  0.3 
P  Vi  i2R  watt (or) joule / sec
t R
 Heat energy produced due to the electric current 27
i2  5 Amp
W Pt E it i 2 Rt E 2t  If radiation losses are neglected, due to
H=    
J J J J RJ heating effect of current the temperature of
H  mst fuse wire will increase continuously, and it
Where s  4200J /Kg0C melt in time ‘t’ such that
where J is mechanical equivalent of heat. I 2 Rt
Fuse wire: A fuse wire generally prepared H  ms  ;  ms( mp  r )
from tin - lead alloy (63% tin + 37% lead). It
should have high resistivity, low melting point.  2 r 4 s  mp   r  J
Let R be the resistance of fuse wire. t 2
;t  r 4
I 
rL i.e., in absence of radiation lossess, the time
We know that R  2
pr in which fuse will melt is also independent on
(L and r denote length and radius) length and varies with radius as r4.
The heat produced in the fuse wire is Note :
a) If resistances are connected in series , i.e.., I is
i2rL same
H  i2R 
pr 2 P R with V a R [ as V  IR ]
If H0 is heat loss per unit surface area of the i.e.., in series potential difference and power
fuse wire, then heat radiated per second is = consumed will be more in larger resistance.
H 0 2rL At thermal equilibrium, However, if resistances are connected in
parallel, i.e.., V is same
i2 r2 L i2 r 1 1
 H0 2prL (or) H0  Pa with I a [ as V  IR ]
pr 2 2p2r 3 R R
According to Newton’s law of cooling. i.e.., in parallel current and power consumed
H 0  K will be more in smaller resistance. This in turn
implies that more power is consumed in larger
Where  is the increase in temperature of fuse
resistance if reistances are in series and in
wire and K is a constant. smaller reistance if reistances are in parallel.
i 2r b) A reistance R under a potential difference V
q dissipates power.
Here  is independent of length L of the fuse P  V 2 / R 
wire provided i remains constant. So If the resistance is changed from R to (R/n)
For a given material of fuse wire i2 r 3 . keeping V same, the power consumed will be

V2 V2 V 
P1  n  nP P   A  W
( R / n) R  VS 
i.e.., if for a given voltage, resistance is changed 2
from R to (R/n) , power consumed changes from so, P   100   1000  250W
P to nP.  200 
c) If n equal resistances are connected in series c) The total electrical energy consumed by an
with a voltage source, the power dissipated will electric appliance in a specified time is given
be by,
V2 W1h1
Ps  [ as Rs  nR ] E kWh
nR 1000
And if the same resistances are connected in
parallel with the same voltage source so, E  1000  (10  30)  300kWh
V2 nV 2 Bulbs connected in Series:
Pp   [as Rp  ( R / n)]
( R / n) R  If Bulbs (or electrical appliances) are connected
Pp in series, the current through each resistance is
So,  n 2 i.e.., P  n 2 P . same. Then power of the electrical appliance
Ps P S
P  R & V  R  P  i2Rt 
i.e.., power consumed by n equal resistors in
i.e. In series combination; t he potential
parallel is n 2 times that of power consumed in
difference and power consumed will be more
series if V remains same. in larger resistance.
d) As resistance of a given electric appliance
 When the appliances of power P1, P2 , P3 .... are
( e.g.., bulb , heater, geyser or press ) is constant
and is given by, in series, the effective power consumed (P) is
2 1 1 1 1
V VS V W     ......... i.e. effective power is
R S   s [ as I  ] P P1 P2 P3
I (W / VS ) W V less than the power of individual appliance.
Where Vs and W are the voltage and wattage  If ‘n’ appliances, each of equal resistance ‘R’
specified on the appliance. So if the applied are connected in series with a voltage source
voltage is different from specified, the ‘ actual V2
power consumption’ will be ‘V’, the power dissipated ‘ Ps ’ will be Ps  .
2 2
2 Bulbs connected in parallel:
VA  VA 
P     W [ as R  VS ].  If Bulbs (or electrical appliances) are connected
R  VS  W in parallel, the potential difference across each
W.E-24: A 1 kW heater is meant to operate at 1 1
resistance is same. Then P  and I  .
200 V. (a) What is its resistance ? (b) How R R
much power will it consume if the line voltage i.e. The current and power consumed will be
drops to 100 V ? (c) How many units of more in smaller resistance.
electrical energy will it consume in a month  When the appliances of power P1, P2 , P3 .... are
(of 30 days) if it operates 10 hr daily at the in parallel, the effective power consumed(P) is
specified voltage ?
P  P1  P2  P3  .........
Sol:a) The resistance of an electric appliance is given i.e. the effective power of various electrical
2 2
 200   40 appliance is more than the power of individual
by , R  so, R  appliance.
W 1000  If ‘n’ appliances, each of resistance ‘R’ are
b) The ‘ actual power ‘ consumed by an electric connected in parallel with a voltage source ’V’,
appliance is given by , the power dissipated ‘Pp’ will be


V2 nV 2 W.E-27: A 100W and a 500W bulbs are joined in

PP   series and connected to the mains. Which
R / n  R
bulb will glow brighter ?
PP Sol: Let R1 and R2 be the resistances of the two bulbs.
 n 2  or  PP  n 2 PS
PS If each bulb is connected separately to the mains
of voltage V,
This shows that power consumed by ‘n’ equal
resistances in parallel is n2 times that of power V2 V2
then P1  and P2 
consumed in series if voltage remains same. R1 R2
 In parallel grouping of bulbs across a given P1 R2 R1 P2 500
source of voltage, the bulb of greater wattage     5
P2 R1 (or) R 2 P1 100
will give more brightness and will allow more
current through it, but will have lesser resistance If the two bulbs are in series with the mains, the
and same potential difference across it. same current ‘i’ flows through each of them.
 For a given voltage V, if resistance is changed Let P1 and P2 be the powers dissipated by two
bulbs, turn
from ‘R’ to  n  , power consumed changes from P11  i2 R1 and P21  i2 R 2
 
V2 R P11 R1
‘P’ to ‘nP’ P'  where R  , then   5 or P11  5P21
R' n P21 R2

V2 nV 2 Since 100 watt bulb dissipates more power, it

P    nP . glows brighter
R / n  R
W.E-28: A cell develops the same power across
 If t1, t 2 are the time taken by two different coils two resistances R1 and R2 separately. The in-
for producing same heat with same supply, then ternal resistance of the cell is
If they are connected in series to produce same Sol: Let r be the internal resistance of the cell and E
heat, time taken t  t1  t2 its EMF. When connected across the resistance
If they are connected in parallel to produce same R1 in the circuit, current passing through the re-
1 2tt sistance is
heat, time taken is t  t  t .
 E 
1 2 E
i  P1  i R1  2
 R
W.E-25: A lamp of 100W works at 220 volts. What R1  r ;  R1  r  1
is its resistance and current capacity ?
Sol: Power of the lamp, P = 100W  E 
  R 2 ; Given that P = P
Operating voltage, V = 220V Similarly P2  
Current capacity of the lamp,  R 2  r  1 2

P 100 Substituting the values, we get ; r  R1R 2

i   0.455A
V 220
W.E-29: A 100 W bulb B1 and two 60 W bulbs B2
Resistance of the lamp, R  V  (220)  484
2 2
and B3, are connected to a 250V source, as
P 100 shown in the figure. Now W1 , W2 and W3 are
W.E-26: A 100W – 220V bulb is connected to the output powers of the bulbs B1, B2 and B3
110V source. Calculate the power consumed respectively. Then
by the bulb.
B1 B2
Sol: Power of the bulb, P = 100W
Operating voltage, V = 200V
V 2 (220)2
Resistance of the bulb, R    484
P 100
Actual operating voltage, = 110 V V1
Therefore, power consumed by the bulb,
(V1 )2 (110)2
P1    25W.
R 484


V2 W.E-30: A battery if internal resistance 4 is

Sol: A bulb is essentially a resistance R  where connected to the network of ressitances as
P shown. What must be the value of R so that
P denotes the power of the bulb. maximum power is delivered to the network
 Resistance of B1(R1) = V2 / 100 ? Find the maximum power ?
Resistance of B2 (R2) = V2 / 60 R 2R
Resistance of B3(R3) = V2 / 60
250 250300
 I1 = Current in B1  R  R   8V 2
2R 4R
1 2
250 250 300 Sol:i) According to maximum power transfer theorem
I2 = Current in B2  R  R  
1 2 8V 2 3R 6R 4
R ext  R int  4  R   2
I3 = Current in B3 = I1 as B1, B2 are in series 9R 2
 W1 output power of B1 = I12 R1  E 2 E2

 4 
Pmax  i R ext  4  4 
 250300 2 V 2 16
 W1    
 8V2  100 Consumption of Electrical Energy:
 Units of electrical energy consumed by an
 250 300  V 2 electrical appliance =
W2  I 22 R 2 or W2   
 8V 2  60 Number of watts× Number of hours
 250 300 2 V 2 It is in KWH.
W3  I22 R 3 or W3   
 8V 2  60 CELLS
 Primary Cells: Voltaic, Leclanche, Daniel and
 W1 : W2 : W3  15 : 25 : 64 or W1 < W2 < W3
Dry cells are primary cells. They convert
Maximum power transfer theorem chemical energy into electrical energy. They
can’t be recharged. They supply small currents.
Secondary Cells (or) Storage Cells:
r  Electrical energy is first converted into chemical
E R energy and then the stored chemical energy is
converted into electrical energy due to these
Consider a device of resistance R connected to  These cells can be recharged.
a source of e.m.f E and internal resistance r as  The internal resistance of a secondary cell is
 E  low where as the internal resistance of a primary
shown. Current in the circuit is i   . cell is large.
R  r 
 EMF of a Cell: The energy supplied by the
Power dissipated in the device is P = i2R
battery to drive unit charge around the circuit is
E2R defined as electro motive force of the cell.
(R  r)2  EMF is also defined as the absolute potential
For maximum power dissipated in the device difference between the terminals of a source
when no energy is drawn from it. i.e., in the open
dP d  E2R  circuit of the cell. It depends on the nature of
0   0 electrolyte used in the cell.
dR dR  (R  r)2 
Unit :J/C (or) Volt
On simplification, we can get R = r
So, the power dissipated in an external  emf of a cell depends on
resistance is maximum if that resistance is equal a) metal of electrodes
to internal resistance of the source supplying the b) nature of electrolyte
current to that device. c) temperature

 emf of the cell is independent of E V ....................(B)

a) area of plate r
b) quantitiy of electrolyte
 E V 
c) distance between plate    E  V  E 
r   R    1  R .... (C)
d) size of the cell  V   V  V 
 R 
Internal Resistance of a Cell
 It is the resistance offered by the electrolyte of ER
 V = iR =
the cell. R  r 
It depends on V R
1  Fractional energy useful = 
 area of the electrodes used ( r ) E Rr
A  % of fractional useful energy
 nature of electrolyte , concentration( r C ) V   R 
 area of cross section of the electrolyte through =   100 =  100
E Rr
which the current flows and
 age of the cell. V' r
 Internal resistance of an ideal cell is zero.  Fractional energy lost, 
E Rr
Terminal Voltage:  V' 
   r 
When no current flows through the cell, the  % of lost energy,  E 100   R  r 100
circuit is said to be an open circuit. This is shown  
in figure. E V 
 internal resistance, r =  V  R
 
 When the cell is charging, the EMF is less than
the terminal voltage (E < V) and the direction of
In such a case, the potential difference (p.d) current inside the cell is from + ve terminal to
across the terminals of the cell, called the the –ve terminal.
terminal voltage (V) will be equal to the emf i i
(E) of the cell. E EV
If an external resistance R is connected across V=E +ir
the two terminals of the cell, as in figure then  When the cell is discharging, the EMF is greater
current flows in the closed circuit., than the terminal voltage (E >V) and the
direction of current inside the cell is from – ve
E, r terminal to the +ve terminal.
i i i
R i

V V = E – i r ; Hence E  V
i ........... (1)  Power delivered will be maximum when R = r.
E E2
and also i  ........... (2) So Pmax 
 R  r 4r
 This statement in generalized form is called
iR + ir = E, V +ir = E, V = E – ir ‘maximum power transfer theorem’
Lost volts: It is the difference between emf 2
and P.D. of a cell It is used in driving the current Pmax = E /4r
between terminals of the cell. P
Lost volts E - V = i r
Note: Formulae related with cells
E V R=r
i ..................(A)
Here the % of energy lost and energy useful are W.E-33: When a battery is connected to the
each equal to 50% resistance of 10 the current in the circuit is
Back EMF: When current flows through the 0.12A. The same battery gives 0.07A current
electrolyte solution, electrolysis takes place with with 20 . Calculate e.m.f. and internal
a layer of hydrogen and this hinders the flow of resistance of the battery.
current. In the neighbourhood of both electrodes, Sol: We know that E  Ir  IR
the concentrations of ions get altered. This I2 R2  I1R1
opposing EMF is called back EMF and the I1r  I1R1  I2 r  I2 R2 ; r 
I1  I2
phenomenon is called Electrolytic polarisation.
To reduce back emf manganese dioxide (or) 0.07  20  0.12  10 1.4  1.2 0.2
r    4
potassium dichromate is added to electrolyte of 0.12  0.07 0.05 0.05
cell. Internal resistance r  4
W.E-31: When a current drawn from a battery is e. m. f E  Ir  IR
0.5A, its terminal potential difference is 20V. 0.12  4  0.12  10  0.48  1.2 ; E = 1.68 volt.
And when current drawn from it is 2.0A, the GROUPING OF CELLS
terminal voltage reduces to 16 V. Find out. 1. Electric Cells in Series: When ‘n’ identical
e.m.f and internal resistance of the battery. cells each of EMF ‘E’ and internal resistance
Sol: We know ‘r ’ are connected in series to an external
V = E --- Ir ; I = 0.5 A, V = 20 Volt, we have resistance ‘R’, then
20 = E – 0.5r ....... (i)  total emf of the combination = n E
I = 2 A, V = 16 Volt, we have  effective internal resistance = n r
16 = E-0.2r ....... (ii)
From eqs (i) and (ii) nE
 Current through external resistance i =
2E – r = 40 and E – 2r = 16 R  nr
Solving we get E = 21.3V, r = 2.675  .

W.E-32: An ideal battery passes a current of 5A  If R << n r then i = = current from one cell
through a resistor. When it is connected to r
another resistance of 10  in parallel, the nE
 If R>> n r then i =
current is 6A. Find the resistance of the first R
resistor.  If two cells of different emf’s are in series
R1 R2 = 10 E1  E2
Eeq = E1 + E2 ; req = r1 + r2 ; i  r  r  R
1 2
5A E1 E2

Sol: 6A
r1 r2
Current through R1 in the first case i1 = 5A R
Current in the second case i2 = 6A T.P.D across the first cell V1 = E1 - ir1
Effective resistance in the second case T.P.D across the second cell V2 = E2 - ir2
R1R2 RR  If one of the cell is in reverse connection
1 2
R ; V  I1R1 and V  I2 R  R ( E1 > E2 ) then Eeq = E1 - E2
R1  R2 1 2
E1  E2
I1R1  I2
 I1  I2
R2 req = r1 + r2 ; i  r  r  R
R1  R 2 R1  R2 1 2
E1 E2
5  6  5(R1  10)  60
R1  10
r1 r2
5R1 + 50 = 60, 5R1 = 10
R1   2   R1  2  .
5 R

First cell is discharging then V1 = E1 - ir1 W.E-36: In the given circuit as shown below,
Second cell is charging then V2 = E2 + ir2 calculate the magnitude and direction of the
cell having less emf in charging state. current
 By mistake if ‘m’ cells out of ‘n’ cells are 10V 5V
wrongly connected to the external resistance ‘R’
(a) total emf of the combination = (n – 2m) E D 1 C
(b) total internal resistance = n r
(c) total resistance = R + n r Sol: Effective resistance of the circuit is
n  2mE Reff  2  2  1  5
(d) current through the circuit (i) =
R  nr V V
 total current in the circuit is i  1 2
W.E-34:Two cells A and B with same e.m.f of 2 V Reff
each and with internal resistances
rA  3.5 and rB  0.5 are connected in series 10  5
i=  1A
with an external resistance R  3 . Find the 5
terminal voltages across the two cells. Since the cell of larger emf decides the direction
Sol: Current through the circuit of flow of current, the direction of current in the
circuit is from A to B through e
 22 4
 R  r

  3  3.5  0.5 

7 W.E-37: A voltmeter resistance 500  is used to
measure the emf of a cell of internal resis-
i) R  3, rA  3.5 , E  2V
tance 4  . The percentage error in the read-
Terminal voltages A, VA  E  ir ing of the voltmeter will be
4 Sol: V = E – ir
 2   3.5  0 volt
7 E ir
ii) rB 0.5 , R 3 , E2V  Percentage error  100  100
Terminal voltage at B, VB Eir
 E 
 r
 R  r 
 2   0.5  1.714 volts.  r 
 100   100
 R  r 
W.E-35: Two cells A and B each of 2 V are E
connected in series to an external resistance  4 
  100  0.8%
R=1 ohm . The internal resistance of A is rA  500  4 
=1.9 ohm and B is rB =0.9 ohm. Find the
potential difference between the terminals of ELECTRIC CELLS IN PARALLEL
A. When ‘n’ identical cells each of EMF ‘E’ and
Sol: internal resistance ‘r’ are connected in parallel
voltage to an external resistance ‘R’, then
Total current through the circuit i   total emf of the combination = E
Total resist an ce
r = 1.9 0.9  effective internal resistance =
A B r
 total resistance in the circuit = R +
 current through the external resistance
R =1
E nE
4 4 i= r

  A nR r
1  1.9  0.9  3.8 . n
potential difference at A, VA    ir , r E
 If R >> , then i = = current from one cell.
4 n R
 2  1.9 = 2 – 2 = 0.

r nE nr
 If R << , then i =  Condition for maximum power R  and
n r m
 If two cells of emf E1 and E2 having internal
resistances r1 and r2 are connected in parallel Pmax   mn 
to an external resistance ‘R’, then 4r
r1 E1  Condition for maximum current
i1 + - i
R r
E2 + =minimum
- i n m
i2 +r
i 2 R d  mR r   N

dm  N m 
0; n  m 
E 1 r 2  E 2r 1  
the effective emf, E = r 1  r2 R r R r
 2  0; i.e.,  (N = n x m)
N m n m
r1 r2 So in case of mixed grouping of cells, current
the effective internal resistance, reff  r  r
1 2 R r 
in the circuit will be maximum when   
E  n m
Current through the circuit, i  r  R
eff nE mE
I max  
i = i1 + i2 2 R 2r
E1  i R E2  iR  Total number of cells = m  n
i1 = r and i 2  r KIRCHHOFF’S LAWS
1 2
Potential difference across R, i.e terminal When the circuit is complecated to find current
kirchhoff’s laws are formulated.
potential of the cells is V  iR  R  r (i) Kirchhoff`s First Law (Junction Law or
eff Current law) : It states that the sum of the
 When the cell E2 is reversed in polarity then currents flowing into a junction is equal to the
sum of the currents flowing out of the junciton .
we should use - E2 in all the above equations. Or
Mixed Grouping: If n identical cell’s are “The algebraic sum of currents at a junction is
connected in a row and such m rows are zero”.
connected in parallel as then
E,r E,r E,r
1 2 n I1 I4
2 R1 R3
A I3
m I2 R2

R Distribution of current at a junction in the circuit

 Equivalent emf of the combination Ee q = nE I1 + I2 = I3 + I4 or I1 + I2 – I3 – I4 = 0
 Equivalent internal resistance of the combination If we take currents approaching point A in Fig
nr as positive and that leaving the point as negative,
req = then the above relation may be written as
m I1 + I2 +(–I3) + (–I4) = 0
 Main current flowing through the load
I  0
nE nmE Note: Thus, Kirchhoff’s first law is accordance with
i 
nr mR  nr law of conservation of charge, since no charge
m can accumulate at a junction.
(ii) Kirchoff`s Second Law (Loop Law or Potential Note:
law) : Kirchhoff’s second law states that the 1) This law represents “conservation of energy”
algebraic sum of changes in potential around any 2) If there are n meshes in a circuit, the number of
closed loop is zero. independent equations in accordance with loop
(Kirchhoff’s second law) can be expressed as rule will be (n – 1).
V  0 . Application : This is the most general case of
In terms of potential drops and emfs, the law is parallel grouping in which E and r of different
cells are different and the positive terminals
expressed as  iR E  0 cells are connected as shown
Sign conventions: E1 r1
(a) The change in potential in traversing a resistance i1
in the direction of current is –IR while in the
opposite direction +IR as shown in the figure. E2 r2
A R I B A R B i2
i i
V A - IR = V B V B + IR = V A
V A - V B = IR V A - V B = IR Kirchhoff’s second law in diferent loops gives
(b) The change in potential in traversing an emf the following equations,
source from negative to positive is +E while in E1  iR  i1r1  0
the opposite direction –E irrespective of the
direction of current in the circuit as shown in or i1  E1  iR ................ (1)
the figure. r1 r1
A I +E - I B A I +E - I B E2  iR  i2 r2  0
E2 iR
VA - E = VB VB + E = VA
i2   ............... (2)
r2 r2
VA - VB = E VA - VB = E
Adding Eqs. (1), (2) we get
Example 1: i1  i2  ( E1 / r1 )  ( E2 / r2 )  iR (1/ r1  1/ r2 )
A i B or i[1  R(1/ r1  1/ r2 )]  ( E1 / r1 )  ( E2 / r2 )
i R1
R2 ( E1 / r1 )  ( E2 / r2 )
i 
R3 i 1  R (1/ r1  1/ r2 )
D i C
W.E-38: Find the emf (V) and internal resistance
Apply the Kirchoff’s second law to the loop (r) of a single battery which is equivalent to a
ABCDA, then parallel combination of two batteries of emfs
E V1 and V2 and internal resistances r1 and r2
– iR1 – iR2 – iR3 + E = 0 ;  i   R  R  R  respectively, with polarities as shown in fig-
1 2 3
Example 2:
A r1 a r2 B
i2 V2
+ -
i i1 V1
i E1 E2 i A B
R i
D C Sol: EMF of battery is equal to potential difference
across the terminals, when no current is drawn
Apply the kirchoff’s second law to the loop from battery (for external circuit) [Here, all the
ADCBA, then elements in the circuit are in series]
–iR – ir2 + E2 – E1 – ir1 = 0 Current in internal circuit = i
E 2  E1 Net emf V  V2
i(r1 + R + r2) = E2 – E1  i  i or i= 1
r1  r2  R Total resistance r1  r2


W.E-40: Solve for current values in figure.

i2 V2 i1 8V, 1 i1
i A F
i1 12V, 1.5
+ - B E
A i V1 B i3 i2 i2
i1 i3

 VA  VB  V1  ir1 [  V1 cell is discharging] Sol: Applying Kirchhoff’s first law at the junction B
we have i1 + i2 = i3 ....... (1)
 V  V2 
or VA  VB  V1   1  r1 Applying Kirchhoff’s second law to loop
 r1  r2  ABEFA
– 12 + i2 x 1.5 – i1 x 1 + 8 = 0
V1r2  V2 r1 i1 – 1.5 i2 = – 4. ....... (2)
or VA  VB 
r1  r2 From loop BCDEB
 Equivalent emf of the battery = V – (i2 x 1.5) – (i3 x 9) + 12 = 0
1.5 i2 + 9i3 = 12 ....... (3)
V1r2  V2 r1
 V  r r
on solving i1 = – 1A
1 2 and i3 = 1 A
(ii) Internal resistance of equivalent battery. r1 and WHEATSTONE BRIDGE
r2 are in parallel. B
1 1 1 rr P Q
  or r  1 2 I1 I
r r1 r2 r1  r2 A G C
W.E-39: In the given circuit values are as follows
1  2V, 2  4V, R1  1 and R2  R3  1 . I4
Calculate the Currents through R1, R2 and R3. I D

A B C ( )
E1 E2 E K
R1 R2 R3 Condition for balancing of bridge :
Applying Kirchhoff`s first law at junction B and
D we get I1 – I3 – IG = 0 ; and I2 + IG – I4 = 0
Applying Kirchhoff’s second law for closed
A -B C
loop ABDA, I1P  IGG  I2 R  0
i1 E E2
1 Applying Kirchhoff’s second law for closed
R1 R2 R3 i
2 loop BCDB , I3Q  I4S  IGG  0
(i1+i2) The values of P, Q, R, S are adjusted such that
G +F D IG becomes zero. At this stage the bridge is set
Let i1 , i2 are currents across R1 and R3. to be in balance condition.
(i1 + i2) is current across R2. i.e., In balanced condition of bridge IG = 0
Their direction are taken as shown  In balanced condition the above equations
From Kirchhoff’s second law for AGFBA loop respectively become
i1R1  (i1 i2 ) R2  E1  0 ; i1  i1  i2  2 I1 = I3 ........(1)
and I2 = I4 ........(2)
2i1  i2  2  (1)
From Kirchhoff’s second law for BCDEB loop I1P  I 2 R ...........(3)
i2 R3  (i1 i2 ) R2  E2  0 ; i2  i1  i2  4 I 3Q  I 4 S ............(4)
Dividing equation (3) by equation (4)
i2  2i2  4  (2)
Solving equation (1) and (2) we get i1 = 0A, i2 = 2A I1P I 2 R

Thus currents across R1 is 0, while across R3 I 3Q I 4S
and R2 are 2A each. Using eqns (1) and (2) we get

P R W.E-41: Determine the current in each branch of

 .......(5) the network shown in fig.
This is the balancing condition for Wheat stone 10 5
bridge. A C
1. We can compare two unknown resistances R and 5 10
S from 
Q S 10V 10
2. In place of resistances we can use capacitors to B I-I 1

form a D.C. Wheatstone bridge with four 10 5

capacitors of capacitances C1, C2, C3 and C4. AI
5 C
I-I I-2I
C1 C3
The balancing condition will be C  C I 5 10 I
2 4 I1
3. It has been found that the bridge has the greatest F E
sensitivity when the resistances are as nearly 10V 10

equal as possible. Sol: Apply KVL in loop ABDA

The bridge is most sensitive if P = Q = R = S. 10I1  5 I  2I1   5 I  I1   0
4. Equivalent resistance of balanced bridge across
the ends of battery when the bridge is balanced 2I  5I  .......(1)
is given by Apply KVL in ADCEFA loop
P  Q R  S 5 I  I1  10I1  10 10I=0
PQR S 5I1 + 15I = 10 .......(2)
5. There are seven closed meshes in wheatstone’s From equation (1) and (2)
bridge 10 21 4
Application : Direction of current in an I= ; I1 =  A
17 5 17
unbalanced wheatstone’s bridge :
B Current in AB branch 
P Q 17
i1 10 4 6
i A i2 C =I  I1    A
17 17 17
R S Current in DB branch
D 10 8 2
I  2I  = - = A
R  S P 17 17 17
VAB  VA  VB  i1P  i  Metre bridge: It works on the principle of
PQ R S
 P R
VAD  VA  VD  i2 R  i
 P  Q R Wheatstone Bridge   
PQ R S Q S 
+ -
( )
i Cell
VB  VD   P  Q  R  S  P  Q R   R  S  P  RB

i J

PQ R S
 QR  PS  A l1 l2 B
if QR  PS , VB  VD  current flows from B to D
 When the Meter bridge is balanced then
QR  PS , VB  VD  current flows from D to B R l1 l1
 
QR  PS , VB  VD  Balanced bridge X l2 100  l1

Where l1 is the balancing length from the left 2 

 ..................................(i)
end. x 100  
Note: x   20
1. If resistance in the left gap increases or  ....................................(ii)
resistance in the right gap decreases, balancing 2 80  
point shifts towards right side. Equations (i) and (ii) give x  3
2. If resistance in the left gap decreases or Potentiometer: Potentiometer is an instrument
resistance in the right gap increases, balancing which can measure accurately the emf of a
point shifts towards left. source or the potential difference across any
3. If a cm, b cm are the end corrections at A and B, part of an electric circuit without drawing any
R l1  a current.
then X  l  b a) Principle : The principle of potentiometer states
2 that when a constant current is passed through a
4. Meter bridge is more sensitive if l1 = 50 cm wire of uniform area of cross-section, the
potential drop across any portion of the wire is
5. The resistance of copper strip is called end directly proportional to the length of that portion.
resistance The principle of potentiometer require that
W.E-42: In the shown arrangement of the ex- i) potentiometer wire should be of uniform
periment of the meter bridge if AC corre- area of cross-section and
sponding to null deflection of galvanometer ii) current through the wire should remain
is x, what would be its value if the radius of constant.
the wire AB is doubled? c) Theory of potentiometer : The end of the
potentiometer wire AB are connected to a
R1 R2 standard cell of emf E or a source of emf E that
supplies constant current. The current through
the potentiometer wire can be varied by means
A x C B of a series resistance Rs which is adjustable.
Sol:For null deflection of galvanometer in a r k RS
metrebridge experiment, + - ( )
r E Primarycircuit
R1 R AC R x
 or 1  I I
R 2 RCB R 2 100  x 1 D
Since R1 / R2 remains constant, x / (100-x) also Secondary circuit J
remains constant. The value of x remains as such. HR
 Length of AC = x + -
W.E-43: A resistance of 2  is connected across e G
one gap of a metre-bridge (the length of the Let r be the internal resistance of the cell of emf
wire is 100 cm) and an unknown resistance, E connected across the potentiometer wire of
greater than 2  , is connected across the length L and resistance R. The current through
other gap. When these resistances are inter- the potentiometer wire is
changed, the balance point shifts by 20 cm. E
Neglecting any corrections, the unknown re- I
r  R  Rs
sistance is
The potential of the wire decreases from the end
Sol: Refer to the diagram Apply the conditions of
A to the end B. The potential fall or potential
the balanced Wheatstone’s bridge for the two
cases. drop across a length l of the potentiometer wire
R1 R2
V = Current x Resistance of length l of the
100-l potentiometer wire  I    l
l L

R  Initially in secondary circuit key K’ remains open

If the resistance per unit length of the wire ,is
L and balancing length  l1  is obtained. Since cell
denoted by  , the potential drop across the wire E is in open circuit so it’s emf balances on length
V  I   
i.e E  xl1 .....(i)
is called potential drop per unit length of the  Now key K ’ is closed so cell E comes in closed
l circuit. If the process of balancing is repeated
potentiometer wire or potential gradient of the
again keeping constant then potential difference
wire. It is given by
V balances on length l2
V  E R
 I    i.e V  xl2 .....(ii)
l  r  R  RS  L   By using formula internal resistance
Thus, the unknown voltage V is measured when
no current is drawn from it. E 
r    1 .R /
1) When specific resistance (S) of potentiometer V 
wire is given then potential gradiant Where E = emf of cell in secondary circuit
IS IS V = Terminal voltage
X  2
A pr  l1  l2 
where A = area of cross - section of potentiometer i.e p.d on R, r   l  R '
wire r = Radius of potentiometer wire.  2 
2) When two wires of length L1 and L2 and E l1 E l
 , 1  1 1
resistance R1 and R2 are joined together to form V l2 V l2
x1 R1 L2

the potentiometer wire, then  Let l1 and l2 be the balancing length with the
x2 L1 R2
cell E1 and E2 respectively, then E1  xl1 and
Potential gradient depends on
a) Resistance per unit length of the potentiometer E1 l1
E2  xl2  
wire (  =R/L) E2 l2
b) Radius of crosssection of the potentiometer
K Rh
wire, when the series resistance is included in e,r
( )
the circuit and cell in the primary circuit is not
ideal. J
c) Current flowing through potentiometer wire. A B
d) emf of the cell in primary circuit E1 G
e) Series resistance in the primary circuit
f) Total length (L) and resistance (R) of the 2
potentiometer wire.
g) If cell in primary circuit is ideal and in the  Let E1  E2 and both are connected in series.
absence of series resistance potential gradient If balancing length is l1 when cells assist each
only depends on emf of cell in primary circuit
and length of potentiometer wire other and it is l2 when they oppose each other
k Rh        
e, r
( )

 E1  E2   xl1  E1  E2   xl2
G E1  E2 l1 E1 l1  l2
E   (or) E  l  l
E1  E2 l2
( )

2 1 2
R1 K1


Comparison of resistances: SENSITIVITY OF POTENTIO METER

Let the balancing length for resistance R1 (when 1. Sensitivity of potentio meter is estimated by its
potential gradient.
XY is connected) be l1 and let balancing length 2. Sensitivity is inversly proportional to potential
for resistance R1  R2 (when YZ is connected) gradient so lower the potential gradient higher
will be the sensitivity.
be l2 . keeping X constant 3. The best instrument for accurate measurement
of e.m.f. of a cell is potentiometer, because it
does not draw any current from the cell.
Calibration of ammeter: Checking the
correctness of ammeter readings with the help
of potentiometer is called calibration of ammeter.
+e - Rh

A + B
+ - E1 1
2 G
1 3
Then iR1  xl1 and A
+ -
K2 Rh
R2 l2  l1 + - ()
i  R1  R2   xl2  
R1 l1  For the calibration of an ammeter, 1 resistance
To determine thermo emf: coil is specifically used in the secondary circuit
e r
of the potentiometer, because the potential
K Rh
+ - difference across 1 is equal to the current
R A following through it i.e V  i
A HRB B  If the balancing length for the emf
+ -
E0 1 2 3
G E0 is l0 then E0  xl0  x  l (Process of
Cold ice Hot sand standardisation)
 The value of thermo-emf in a thermocouple for  Let i ' current flows through 1 resistance giving
ordinary temperature difference is very low
potential difference as V '  i ' 1  xl1 where l1
10 6

volt . For this the potential gradient x is the balancing length. so error can be found as
must be also very low 104 V / m  . Hence a E
i  i  i '  i  xl1  i  0  l1
high resistance (R) is connected in series with l0
the potentiometer wire in order to reduce current Here i is ammeter reading
in the primary circuit Calibration of voltmeter:
 The potential difference across R must be equal  Checking the correctness of voltmeter readings
to the emf of standard cell with the help of potentiometer is called
calibration of voltmeter.
i.e iR  E0 i  0  If l0 is balancing length for E0 the emf of
 The small thermo emf produced in the standard cell by connecting 1 and 2 of bi-
thermocouple e  xl directional key, then x  E0 / l0
K1 Rh
iR| iR| I + -
 x  i   e 
where L = Length of potentiometer wire, A + B
+ - E0 1
 =resistance per unit length, l  balancing V

length of e and RB
+ -
R| = Resistance of potentiometer wire ()

 The balancing length l1 for unknown potential
difference V ' is given by (closing 2 and 3) C. U. Q
V |  xl1   0  l1
1. If n, e,  , m, are representing electron density,,
If the voltmeter reading is V then the error will
charge, relaxation time and mass of an
be V  V |  which may be +ve, -ve or zero electron respectively then the resistance of
W.E-44:The length of a potentiometer wire is 1m wire of length l and cross sectional area A is
given by
and its resistance is 4 . A current of 5 mA is
flowing in it. An unknown source of e.m.f is ml 2mA ne 2 A
balanced on 40 cm length of this wire, then 1) 2) 3) ne 2 A 4)
ne 2 τA ne 2  2m
find the e.m.f of the source. 2. Among the following dependences of drift
R 5 4 velocity vd on electric field E, Ohm’s Law
Sol: x  I   I L  1  20 mV
obeyed is
E = 1 x = 0. 40 x 20 = 8 mV
1) vd E 2) vd E 2
W.E-45: A cell of e.m.f 2 volt and internal
resistance 1.5 is connected to the ends of 3) vd  E 4) vd  constant
1m long wire. The resistance of wire is 3. A steady current is passing through a linear
0.5 / m . Find the value of potential gradient conductor of nonuniform cross-section. The
on the wire. net quantity of charge crossing any cross
section per second is
I R  E  R 2  0.5 1) independent of area of cross-section
Sol: X     =0. 5 V/m
L  R  r  L 0.5  1.5 2) directly proportional to the length of the
W.E-46: In a potentiometer experiment the conductor
balancing length with a cell is 560 cm. When 3) directly proportional to the area of cross
an external resistance of 10  is connected in section.
4) inversely proportional to the area of the
parallel to the cell, the balancing length conductor
changes by 60 cm. Find the internal resistance 4. Given a current carrying wire of non-uniform
of the cell. cross section. Which of the following quantity
Sol: Balancing length 1  560 cm or quantities are constant throughout the
Change in balancing length (1   2 )  60 cm length of the wire?
560   2  60 1) current, electric field and drift speed
2) drift speed only
  2  500 cm
3) current and drift speed
    4) current only
rR  1 2   r10
60 6
 1.2  . 
  2  500 5 5. When electric field ( E ) is applied on the ends
W.E-47: In a potentiometer experiment when a of a conductor, the free electrons starts
battery of e.m.f. 2V is included in the moving in direction
 
secondary circuit, the balance point is 500cm. 1) similar to E 2) Opposite to E
Find the balancing length of the same end 
3) Perpendicular to E 4) Cannot be predicted
when a cadimum cell of e.m.f. 1.018V is 6. The drift speed of an electron in a metal is of
connected to the secondary circuit. the order of
Sol: E   1) 10–13 m/s 2) 10–3 mm/s
E1 1 –4
3) 10 m/s 4) 10–30 m/s

E2  2 7. In metals and vacuum tubes charge carriers
E2 1.018
2   1   500  254.5cm . 1) electrons 2) protons
E1 2
3) both 4) positrons

8. The electric intensity E, current density j and 17. i-v graph for a metal at temperatures t1, t2, t3
conductivity  are related as : are as shown. The highest temperature is
1) j  E 2) j  E /  3) jE   4) j   2 E t3

9. Electric field (E) and current density (J) have i
1 2 1
1) E  J 1 2) E  J 3) E  2 4) E  V
J J 1) t1 2) t2 3) t3 4) t1  t2  t3
10. Assertion : A current flows in a conductor only
18. A certain piece of copper is to be shaped into
when there is an electric field within the
conductor. a conductor of minimum resistance. Its length
Reason : The drift velocity of electron in and cross sectional area should be
presence of electric field decreases. 1) L and A 2) 2L and A/2
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 3) L/2 and 2A 4) 3L and A/3
explanation of A. 19. When light falls on semiconductors, their
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the resistance
correct explanation of A. 1) decreases 2) increases
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 3) does not change 4) can’t be predicted
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 20. With the increase of temperature, the ratio of
OHM’S LAW & FACTORS conductivity to resistivity of a metal conductor
EFFECTING RESISTANCE 1) Decreases 2) Remains same
11. In an electric circuit containg a battery, the 3) Increases 4) May increase or decrease
charge (assumed positive) inside the battery 21. The conductivity of a super conductor, in the
1) always goes form the positive terminal to the super conducting state is
negative terminal
2) may move from the positive terminal to the 1) Zero 2) Infinity
negative terminal 3) Depends on temp
3) always goes from the negative terminal to the 4) Depends on free election
positive terminal 22. When a piece of aluminium wire of finite length
4) does not move . is drawn through a series of dies to reduce its
12. From the following the quantity which is diameter to half its original value, its resistance
analogous to temperature in electricity is will become
1) potential 2) resistance 1) Two times 2) Four times
3) current 4) charge
13. The flow of the electric current through a 3) Eight times 4) Sixteen times
metallic conductor is 23. Metals have
1) only due to electrons 1) Zero resistivity 2) High resistivity
2) only due to +ve charges 3) Low resistivity 4) Infinite resistivity
3) due to both nuclei and electrons. 24. Consider a rectangular slab of length L, and
4) can not be predicted. area of cross-section A. A current I is passed
14. For making standard resistance, wire of through it, if the length is doubled the potential
following material is used drop across the end faces
1) Nichrome 2) Copper
1) Becomes half of the initial value
3) Silver 4) manganin
15. Material used for heating coils is 2) Becomes one-forth of the initial value
1) Nichrome 2) Copper 3) Becomes double the initial value
3) Silver 4) Manganin 4) Remains Same
16. A piece of silver and another of silicon are heated 25. A metallic block has no potential difference
from room temperature. The resistance of applied across it, then the mean velocity of
1) each of them increases free electrons is (T = absolute temperature
2) each of them decreases of the block)
3) Silver increases and Silicon decreases 1) Proportional to T 2) Proportional to T
4) Silver decreases and Silicon increases 3) Zero
4) Finite but independent of temperature.
26. The resistance of a metal increases with 33. Fuse wire is a wire of
increasing temperature because 1) low melting point and low value of a
1) The collisions of the conducting electrons 2) high melting pointand high value of a
with the electrons increases.
2) The collisions of the conducting electrons 3) high melting point and low value of a
with the lattice consisting of the ions of the metal 4) low melting point and high value of a
increases 34. Assertion : Material used in the construction
3) The number of the conduction electrons of a standard resistance is constantan or
decreases. manganin.
4) The number of conduction electrons increase. Reason : Temperature coefficient of constantan
27. In the absence of applied potential, the electric is very small.
current flowing through a metallic wire is zero 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
because explanation of A.
1) The average velocity of electron is zero 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
2) The electrons are drifted in random direction with correct explanation of A.
a speed of the order of 10-2cm/s. 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
3) The electrons move in random direction with a
speed of the order close to that of velocity of light. 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
4) Electrons and ions move in opposite direction. 35. Assertion (A) : Bending of a conducting wire
28. A long constan wire is connected across the effects electrical resistance.
terminals of an ideal battery. if the wire is Reason (R) : Resistance of a wire depends on
cut in to two equal pieces and one of them is resistivity of that material.
now connected to the same battery, what will 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
be the mobility of free electrons now in the explanation of A.
wire compared to that in the first case? 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
1) same as that of previous value correct explanation of A.
2) double that of previous value 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
3) half that of previous value 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
4) four times that of previous value 36. Assertion (A) : When the radius of a copper
29. Ohm’s law is not applicable for wire is doubled, its specific resistance gets
1) insulators 2) semi conductors increased.
3) vaccum tube 4) all the above Reason (R):Specific resistance is independent
30. V - I graphs for two materials is shown in the of cross-section of material used
figure. The graphs are drawn at two different 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
temperatures. explanation of A.
Y 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
T1 correct explanation of A.
3) (A) is true but (R) is false
 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
V X 37. The thermistors are usually made of
1) T1  T2  cot 2q 2) T1  T2  sin 2q 1) metals with low temperature coefficient of
3) T1  T2  tan 2q 4) T1  T2  cos 2q
2) metals with high temperature coefficient of
31. Wires of Nichrome and Copper of equal resistivity.
dimensions are connected in series in 3) metal oxides with high temperature coefficient
electrical circuit. Then of resistivity
1) More current will flow in copper wire
2) More current will flow in Nichrome wire 4) semiconducting materials having
3) Copper wire will get heated more low temperature coefficient of resistivity
4) Nichrome wire will get heated more 38. For a chosen non-zero value of voltage, there
32. At absolute zero silver wire behaves as can be more than one value of current in
1) Super conductor 2) Semi conductor 1) copper wire 2) thermistor
3) Perfect insulator 4) Semi insulator 3) zener diode 4) manganin wire

ELECTRIC POWER 45. Two metallic wires of same material and same
39. A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and length have different diameters. When the
only one part is used in the heater. Then the wires are connected in parallel across an ideal
heat generated becomes battery the rate of heat produced in thinner
1) become one fourth 2) halved wire is Q1 and that in thicker wire is Q2. The
3) doubled4) become four times correct statement is
40. Two lamps have resistance r and R, R being
greater than r. If they are connected in parallel 1) Q1 = Q2 2) Q1 < Q2 3) Q1 > Q2
in an electric circuit, then
1) the lamp with resistance R will shine more 4) It will depend on the emf of the battery
brightly 46. There are two metalic wires of same material,
2) the lamp with resistance r will shine more brightly same length but of different radii. When these
3) the two lamps will shine equal brightly are connected to an ideal battery in series, heat
4) the lamp with resistance R will not shine at all
41. Two bulbs are fitted in a room in the domestic produced is H1 but when connected in parallel,
electric installation. If one of them glows heat produced is H2 for the same time. Then
brighter than the other, then the correct statement is
1) the brighter bulb has smaller resistance
2) the brighter bulb has larger resistance 1) H1  H2 2) H1  H2
3) both the bulbs have the same resistance 3) H1  H2 4) No relation
4) nothing can be said about the resistance unless
other factors are known 47. Two electric bulbs rated P1 watt and V volt ,
42. Three identical bulbs P, Q and R are connected are connected in series, across V-volt supply.
to a battery as shown in the figure. When the The total power consumed is
circuit is closed P1  P2 P1  P2
1) 2) P1  P2 3)
P P
4) P1  P2 
2 1 2

 48. In above question, if the bulbs are connected

Q R in parallel, total power consumed is
P1  P2 P1  P2
1) Q and R will be brighter than P 1) 2) P1  P23) P  P 4) P1  P2 
2 1 2
2) Q and R will be dimmer than P 49. Which of the following causes production of
3) All the bulbs will be equally bright heat, when current is set up in a wire
4) Q and R will not shine at all 1) Fall of electron from higher orbits to lower orbits
43. Figure shows three similar lamps L1, L2, L3 2)Inter atomic collisions
connected across a power supply. If the lamp
L3 fuses. The light emitted by L1 and L2 will 3)Inter electron collisions
change as 4)Collisions of conduction electrons with atoms
50. A constant voltage is applied between the two
ends of a metallic wire. If both the length and
the radius of the wire are doubled, the rate of
Power supply

heat developed in the wire

1) will be doubled 2) will be halved
L2 L3 3) will remain the same 4) will be quadrupled
51. A resistor R1 dissipates the power P when
1) no change connected to a certain generator. If the
2) brilliance of L1 decreases and that of L 2 resistor R2 is put in series with R1, the power
increases dissipated by R1
3) brilliance of both L1 and L2 increases 1) Decreases 2) Increases
4) brilliance of both L1 and L2 decreases
3) Remains the same
44. The potential difference across a conductor is
doubled, the rate of generation of heat will 4) Any of the above depending upon the relative
1) become one fourth 2) be halved values of R1 and R2
3) be doubledtimes 4) become four times

CELL-INTERNAL RESISTANCE 62. The resistance of an open circuit is
EMF 1) Infinity 2) Zero
52. Back emf of a cell is due to 3) Negative 4) cann’t be predicted
1) Electrolytic polarization 63. According to joule's law if potential difference
2) Peltier effect across a conductor having a material of specific
3) Magnetic effect of current resistance  , remains constant, then heat
4) Internal resistance produced in the conductor is directly
53. The direction of current in a cell is proportional to
1)    ve pole to    ve pole during discharging 1 1
1)  2)  2 3)  4)
2)    ve pole to    ve pole during discharging 
64. Internal resistance of a cell depends on
3) Always    ve pole to    ve pole 1) concentration of electrolyte
4) always flows from (+)ve ploe to (-) ve pole 2) distance between the electrodes
54. When an electric cell drives current through 3) area of electrode
load resistance, its Back emf, 4) all the above
1) Supports the original emf 65. When cells are arranged in series
2) Opposes the original emf 1) the current capacity decreases
3) Supports if internal resistance is low 2) The current capacity increases
4) Opposes if load resistance is large 3) the emf increases 4) the emf decreases
55. The terminal voltage of a cell is greater than 66. To supply maximum current, cells should be
its emf. when it is arrange in
1) being charged 2) an open circuit 1) series 2) parallel 3) Mixed grouping
3) being discharged 4) it never happens 4) depends on the internal and external resistance
56. What is constant in a battery ( also called a 67. The terminal Pd of a cell is equal to its emf if
source of emf) ? 1) external resistance is infinity
1) current supplied by it 2) internal resistance is zero
2) terminal potential difference 3) both 1 and 2
3) internal resistance
4) emf 4) internal resistance is 5
57. From the following the standard cell is 68. The electric power transfered by a cell to an
1) Daniel cell 2) Cadmium cell external resistance is maximum when the
3) Leclanche cell 4) Lead accumulator external resistance is equal to ...(r internal
58. A cell is to convert resistance)
1) chemical energy into electrical energy r
2) electrical energy into chemical energy 1) 2) 2r 3) r 4) r2
3) heat energy into potential energy 69. Which depolarizers are used to neutralizes
4) potential energy into heat energy hydrogen layer in cells
59. ‘n’ identical cells, each of internal resistance 1) Potassium dichromite 2) Manganese dioxide
(r) are first connected in parallel and then 3) 1 or 2 4) hydrogen peroxide
connected in series across a resistance ( R). 70. Assertion : Series combination of cells is used
If the current through R is the same in both when their internal resitance is much smaller
cases, then than the external resistance.
1) R = r/2 2) r = R/2 3) R = r 4) r = 0
60. The value of internal resistance of ideal cell is n
Reason : I  where the symbols have
1) Zero 2) infinite 3) 1  4) 2  R  nr
61. In a circuit two or more cells of the same emf their standard meaning,in series connection
are connected in parallel in order 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
1) Increases the pd across a resistance in the circuit explanation of A.
2) Decreases pd across a resistance in the circuit 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
3) Facilitate drawing more current from the correct explanation of A.
battery system 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
4) Change the emf across the system of batteries 4) (A) is false but (R) is true

71. Assertion (A) : To draw more current at low 78. In a wheatstone's bridge three resistances
P.d; parallel connection of cells is preferred. P,Q,R connected in three arms and the fourth
Reason (R) : In parallel connection, current arm is formed by two resitances S1,S2 con-
nE nected in parallel.The condition for bridge to
i , if r >> R. be balanced will be
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct P R P 2R
explanation of A. 1) Q  S  S 2) Q  S  S
1 2 1 2
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of A. P R ( S1  S 2 ) P R ( S1  S 2 )
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 3) Q  S S 4) Q  2S S
1 2 1 2
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 79. Assertion : At any junction of a network,
KIRCHHOFF’S LAWS algebraic sum of various currents is zero
WHEATSTONE BRIDGE Reason : At steady state there is
72. Kirchoff’s law of meshes is in accordance with no accumulation of charge at the junction.
law of conservation of 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
1) charge 2) current correct explanation of A.
3) energy 4) angular momentum 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of A.
73. Kirchoff’s law of junctions is also called the
3) (A) is true but (R) is false
law of conservation of
4) (A) is false but (R) is true
1) energy 2) charge
3) momentum 4) angular momentum METERBRIDGE
74. Wheatstones’s bridge cannot be used for 80. Metal wire is connected in the left gap, semi
measurement of very ——— resistances. conductor is connected in the right gap of
1) high 2) low 3) low(or) high 4) zero meter bridge and balancing point is found.
75. In a balanced Wheatstone’s network, the Both are heated so that change of resistances
resistances in the arms Q and S are in them are same. Then the balancing point
interchanged. As a result of this : 1) will not shift
1)galvanometer and the cell must be interchanged 2) shifts towards left
to balance 3) shifts towards right
4) depends on rise of temperature
2) galvanometer shows zero deflection
81. A metre bridge is balanced with known
3) network is not balanced
resistance in the right gap and a metal wire
4) network is still balanced
in the left gap. If the metal wire is heated
76. If galvanometer and battery are interchanged the balance point.
in balanced wheatstone bridge, then 1) shifts towards left
1) the battery discharges 2) shifts towards right
2) the bridge still balances 3) does not change
3) the balance point is changed 4) may shift towards left or right depending on
4) the galvanometer is damaged due to flow of high the nature of the metal.
current 82. In metre bridge experiment of resistances, the
77. Wheatstone bridge can be used known and unknown resistances are inter-
1) To compare two unknown resistances. changed . The error so removed is
2) to measure small strains produced in hardmetals 1) end correction
3) as the working principle of meterbridge 2) index error
4) All the above 3) due to temperature effect
4) random error

83. In a metre-bridge experiment, when the 89. If the emf of the cell in the primary circuit is
resistances in the gaps are interchanged, the doubled, with out changing the cell in the
balance-point did not shift at all. The ratio of secondary circuit, the balancing length is
resistances must be 1) Doubled 2) Halved
1) Very large 2) Very small 3) Uncharged 4) Zero
3) Equal to unity 4) zero
84. Assertion (A) : Meterbridge wire is made up 90. The potential gradients on the potentiometer
of manganin wire are V1 and V2 with an ideal cell and a
Reason (R) : The temperature coeffiecient real cell of same emf in the primary circuit
of resistance is very small for manganin then
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
1) V1  V2 2) V1  V2 3) V1  V2 4) V1  V2
correct explanation of A.
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the 91. If the current in the primary circuit is
correct explanation of A. decreased, then balancing length is obtained
3) (A) is true but (R) is false at
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 1) Lower length 2) Higher length
POTENTIOMETER 3) Same length 4) 1/3rd length
85. A potentiometer is superior to voltmeter for 92. Temperature coefficient of resistance ' ' and
measuring a potential because resistivity ‘  ’ of a potentiometer wire must
1) voltmeter has high resistance be
2) resistance of potentiometer wire is quite low
1) high and low 2) low and high
3) potentiometer does not draw any current from
the unknown source of emf. to be measured. 3) low and low 4) high and high
4) sensitivity of potentiometer is higher than that 93. A series high resistance is preferable than
of a voltmeter. shunt resistance in the galvanometer circuit
86. In comparing emf’s of 2 cells with the help of of potentiometer. Because
potentiometer, at the balance point, the 1) shunt resistances are costly
current flowing through the wire is taken from 2) shunt resistance damages the galvanometer
1) Any one of these cells.
3) series resistance reduces the current through
2) both of these cells
galvanometer in an unbalanced circuit
3) Battery in the primary circuit
4) From an unknown source 4) high resistances are easily available
87. A potentiometer wire is connected across the 94. The sensitivity of potentiometer wire can be
ideal battery now, the radius of potentiometer increased by
wire is doubled without changing its length. 1) decreasing the length of potentiometer wire
The value of potential gradient 2) increasing potential gradient on its wire
1) increases 4 times 2) increases two times
3) increasing emf of battery in the primary circuit
3) Does not change 4) becomes half
88. In a potentiometer of ten wires, the balance 4) decreasing the potential gradient on its wire
point is obtained on the sixth wire. To shift 95. A cell of emf ‘E’ and internal resistance ‘r’
the balance point to eighth wire, we should connected in the secondary gets balanced
1) increase resistance in the primary circuit. against length ‘  ’ of potentiometer wire. If a
2) decrease resistance in the primary circuit. resistance ‘R’ is connected in parallel with
3) decrease resistance in series with the cell whose the cell, then the new balancing length for
emf. has to be measured. the cell will be
4) increase resistance in series with the cell whose  R 
1) 
Rr R  R 
emf. has to be measured.  l 2)     4) 
R l 3) r
R r      Rr 

96. Potentiometer is an ideal instrument, because 103. The quantity that cannot be measured by a
1) no current is drawn from the source of unknown potentiometer is ...........
emf 1) Resistance 2) emf
2) current is drawn from the source of unknown 3) current in the wire 4) Inductance
emf 104. Assertion : Potentiometer is much better than
3) it gives deflection even at null point a voltmeter for measuring emf of cell
4) it has variable potential gradient Reason : A potentiometer draws no current
97. On increasing the resistance of the primary while measuring emf of a cell
circuit of potentiometer, its potential gradient 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
will correct explanation of A.
1) become more 2) become less 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not
3) not change 4) become infinite the correct explanation of A.
98. If the value of potential gradient on potentiometer 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
wire is decreased, then the new null point will 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
be obtained at 105. A : The emf of the cell in secondary circuit
1) lower length 2) higher length must be less than emf of cell in primary circuit
3) same length 4) nothing can be said in potentiometer.
99. A cell of negligible internal resistance is R : Balancing length cannot be more than
connected to a potentiometer wire and length of potentiometer wire.
potential gradient is found. Keeping the 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
len gt h as const an t , i f t h e radi u s of correct explanation of A.
potentiometer wire is increased four times, 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not
the potential gradient will become (no series the correct explanation of A.
resistance in primary) 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
1) 4 times 2) 2 times 3) half 4) constant 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
100. For the working of potentiometer, the emf of cell
in the primary circuit (E) compared to the emf of
the cell in the secondary circuit (E1) is 1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3
1) E > E1 2) E < E1 7) 1 8) 1 9) 2 10) 3 11) 2 12) 1
3) Both the above 4) E = E1 13) 1 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 3
101. The balancing lengths of potentiometer wire 19) 1 20) 1 21) 2 22) 4 23) 1 24) 3
are l1 and l2 when two cells of emf E1 and E2 25) 3 26) 2 27) 1 28) 1 29) 4 30) 1
are connected in the secondary circuit in 31) 4 32) 1 33) 4 34) 1 35) 2 36) 4
series first to help each other and next to 37) 3 38) 2 39) 3 40) 2 41) 1 42) 2
E1 43) 2 44) 4 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 4
oppose each other E is equal to (E1>E2). 49) 4 50) 1 51) 1 52) 1 53) 1 54) 2
55) 1 56) 4 57) 2 58) 1 59) 3 60) 1
l1 l1  l2 l1  l2 l2 61) 3 62) 1 63) 4 64) 4 65) 3 66) 4
1) l 2) l  l 3) l  l 4) l
2 1 2 1 2 1 67) 3 68) 3 69) 3 70) 1 71) 1 72) 3
102. At the moment when the potentiometer is 73) 2 74) 2 75) 3 76) 2 77) 4 78) 3
balanced, 79) 1 80) 3 81) 2 82) 1 83) 3 84) 1
1) Current flows only in the primary circuit 85) 3 86)3 87) 3 88) 1 89) 2 90) 2
2) Current flows only in the secondary circuit 91) 2 92) 2 93) 3 94) 4 95) 4 96) 1
3) Current flows both in primary and secondary 97) 2 98) 2 99) 4 100)1 101)3 102) 1
circuits 103) 4 104) 1 105) 1
4) current does not flow in any circuit

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