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Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5 Workbook Without Answers

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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5

Rawdon Wyatt
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IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Workbook without Answers
Rawdon Wyatt

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
Table of Contents
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Map of the units 4

1 Getting higher qualifications 6

2 Colour my world 12

3 A healthy life 18

4 Art and the artist 24

5 Stepping back in time 30

6 IT society 36

7 Our relationship with nature 42

8 Across the universe 48

Recording scripts 54

Acknowledgements 62

Contents 3

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Unit 1 Getting higher qualifications

Listening Section 1 2 Look at the Exam task below and decide what sort
of information you need to complete each gap.
1 Look at the advertisement on a college
notice board. From the information in the
Questions 1–12
advertisement, can you predict what you are
going to hear? Complete the form below.
OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Care for the Community

Applicant details

Name: 1
Sex: Female

Occupation: 2 student at
Brookfields University studying
on 3 Course (BA).

Contact details
Phone: 4
Email: 5
Availability: Up to 6 per week.

Other information
Care for the Community
• Reason for applying: Would like
Part-time student volunteers wanted.
Can you spare a few hours each week to help • Area of interest: Children with
out in your local community? We urgently 8
need volunteers to help us run and support
a range of local care services. We especially • Experience: Has recently done similar
need people who can: work at a 9 . Found it
10 .
- offer care and assistance to the elderly
• Perceived strengths: Has excellent
- help those with mobility problems
11 . Also listens to people.
- provide support for young people from
disadvantaged backgrounds.
12 arranged for Wednesday 10th
For more information, visit September.

3 2 Now listen and complete Questions 1–12.

6 Unit 1

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

4 Look carefully at your answers and check to
make sure: 2

• you haven’t exceeded the allowed number of 3

words and/or numbers 4 5

• your answer is grammatically correct (where
relevant), and/or collocates with the words before
or after the gap (especially in questions 7–12) 6
• your spelling is correct.

Vocabulary 7

Dependent prepositions
1 Complete each sentence with one word from the
first box and one from the second box. Then
write your answers in the crossword. 8

available concentrate confidence for in

deal involved participate related on to
reputation spent suited with

1 The college currently has no money 10

new computers, so we’ll have to make the best of
the old ones.
Key vocabulary
2 I’m interested in politics, but I don’t think I would
2 Complete each gap in this passage with a word
be a career in it.
or words from the first box, and a word or words
3 I have complete my tutor when she from the second box.
says that she’ll do her best to get us through our
brings channels all of its desire programme
exams. common get to range resources
4 One thing I’ve learnt is never get an go on recruitment people together the top
vast vocational to do training
argument unless it affects you directly.
5 During tutorials, I always try to the For the last two years, I’ve been studying at
the International University in Bampton, which
discussion as much as possible.
I believe is one of the best universities in the
6 Mr Wilkinson has a being the country. As well as offering a 1 of
strictest tutor in the college. academic courses, it also runs several 2
7 A lot of student illnesses before exams are programmes, and is especially well-known for its
computer-programming courses. What I like about
stress caused by overwork.
it is that it is a truly international university which
8 On average, just under a third of a student’s 3 from all around the world. It expects
income is accommodation. its students to be hardworking and to show initative,
9 I tend to problems one at a time and it 4 into ensuring they get the
best education possible. The students all have a
rather than try to tackle them all at once.
5 – to get top grades in their subjects –
10 The college library is always so noisy it’s really and many 6 postgraduate studies before
difficult to your work. taking their first step on the career ladder. Naturally,
many expect to 7 in their chosen
career. The university has an excellent reputation,
and some of the world’s biggest and most prestigious
companies visit the college each year as part of their
8 .

Getting higher qualifications 7

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Reading Section 1
1 You are going to read a passage about gap years.
Skim the passage. Which of these best describes
the writer’s purpose? Circle A, B or C.

A To summarise the main reasons why students take

a gap year.
B To explain why some gap year programmes are so
C To illustrate, with examples, one particular
advantage of a gap year.

The University of Life qualification in hairdressing. However, she very quickly

began to realise it was not quite what she wanted and
Katherine Demopoulos meets students who took a break that going back into some kind of education could be her
from study to volunteer overseas and returned with a new next step. Like many 16-year-old school leavers starting
sense of purpose work for the first time, it dawned on her that if you don’t
have qualifications, or the right qualifications, you have
The majority of 18-year-old students entering higher fewer work choices. ‘The things that you want to do just
education go straight from school to university. For many aren’t available to you,’ she says.
school leavers, however, there is the irresistible attraction
Unsure of what her next step should be, Christine decided
of the ‘gap year’, a time between school and university
to head to Mexico to do voluntary work at a children’s
when they decide to experience something new, different
home. She was there for a year under the auspices
or exciting. Many of these so-called ‘gappers’ go off
of the International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) –
travelling around the world, often supplementing their
an organisation which has been running since 1949,
limited funds by taking on casual work, while others may
when it sent 50 German students to the US as peace
do voluntary work in a village in a distant part of the
ambassadors. She never expected that working in Mexico
would give her such a sense of confidence and, perhaps
For the majority of gappers, the gap year is simply a just as importantly, direction. On returning home to the
chance to enjoy life as an independent adult for the first UK, she decided to make a fresh start in education by
time. Increasingly, however, they are also proving a enrolling on a course in Social Sciences and Humanities
great way of reinvigorating a lapsed or flagging interest to prepare herself for university. Her new sense of
in education, offering a chance to think about why you confidence helped at her college interview. Previously,
should study, or if you need to study at all. A growing a formal interview would have made her very nervous,
number of students, having taken a break after school, but she now found it much easier to talk on an informal
are heading back into further and higher education via and formal level to people she didn’t know. ‘I feel more
a roundabout route of working and ‘gapping’. According comfortable in these situations,’ she says. ‘Mexico was
to the latest data from the British university admissions the first time I’d been out of my comfort zone. Now I think
service, UCAS, 105,000 students aged 19, and 44,400 I can cope with things better.’
aged 20, entered higher education last year – figures that
Christine is now working towards a degree in International
show a steady annual increase in this age group over the
Development at Bath University, a choice of subject
previous three years.
informed by her experience of working with Mexican
19-year-old student Christine Samways is a typical children. And, as well as finding some direction in her
example. She left school at 16 with nine good exam career, she now speaks good Spanish – a skill she says
passes at grades A to C, but did not want to continue she intends to keep up, perhaps by working abroad.
studying at the time. She was also worried that, despite She knows that the Mexican children’s home benefited
having all the attributes of a good student, she would find from her time there, just as she did. As well as being
the challenges of higher education too great and would ‘an extra pair of hands’, she helped to streamline the
be forced to drop out. Instead, she gained a vocational children’s timetable so they spent more structured time

8 Unit 1

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

on homework. The children began to ‘do better in

school,’ she says. ‘You only move up a year if you pass 3 The number of university students has
a year – I got four children that at the beginning of the increased in the last few years.
year were told they were going to stay down, but they 4 Christine Samways lacks the right qualities to
moved up. It’s a good feeling.’ be a good student.
5 Christine Samways believes that if you lack
ICYE also brings students to Europe from the countries
educational qualifications, your career options
that European students traditionally visit. Agnes Eldad,
are reduced.
from Kampala, Uganda, has just graduated with a
degree in Social Work. She came to the UK in January
this year, getting a voluntary work placement relieving
Questions 6–10
full-time carers of elderly people in Bexleyheath, Kent.
With her social work background, she wanted to Complete the notes below.
understand how elderly people were treated in Britain Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
and to see for herself how their relationships with their passage for each answer.
children, grandchildren and in-laws worked.
Christine Samways: ICYE participant
Agnes found the experience extremely beneficial, but Carried out 6 in Mexico.
says that the ICYE only really works if participants
have a focus for what they want to do, see and study. Programme gave her more 7 in
Ironically, for her, this could be the only chance to herself.
work with elderly people before she goes back home Returned to 8 when she was back
in January. In Uganda, old people live with, and are in the UK.
supported by, their families, so she won’t have an Currently studying 9
opportunity to work with them. Instead, she now wants
to set up her own vocational training programme for Thinks that 10 may be a good way
young girls in northern Uganda. Agnes says her time in of maintaining her Spanish.
the UK has helped her to set her goals for the future.

Questions 11–13
Answer the questions below.
2 Now look at Questions 1–13 below and underline
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
the key words and phrases. Then read the passage
passage for each answer.
and answer the questions.
11 According to Agnes Eldad, what do people
need in order to benefit from an ICYE exchange
Questions 1–5 programme?
Do the following statements agree with the 12 Who does Agnes Eldad plan to work with
information in the Reading passage? when she finishes her ICYE programme?
13 What does Agnes Eldad have now that she
TRUE if the statement agrees with the didn’t have before she came to the UK?
FALSE if the statement contradicts the
3 Review your answers. For Questions 6–13, make
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this sure that you have not used more than the
1 The majority of young people who go travelling maximum allowed number of words.
during their gap year must work in order to
finance their trip.
2 Taking a gap year can give young people
time to consider whether or not they want to
continue with their studies.

Getting higher qualifications 9

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Grammar Superlative forms

used to / would Student’s Book, page 119

Student’s Book, page 120 2 Underline the correct words or phrases in bold in
these sentences.
1 Complete the passage with expressions from the
1 My second more favourite / favourite subject
box. Use each expression once only.
was Art.

2 My Maths teacher Mrs Jennings was the least

popular / less popular teacher in the school.

3 My English teacher, Mr Clark, was one of the most

funny / funniest teachers I have ever had.

4 Mr Clark probably had the lowest / most low rate

of absenteeism in the school.

5 When he ran the school’s drama club, it had the

greatest number / most number of members in its

6 It was the greatest popular / most popular

activity by far.

Past simple, present perfect simple and past

didn’t use to be used to be spent used to pour perfect simple
used to seeing used to have would arrive
would go off would have to would receive 3 Complete this passage with the correct form of
wouldn’t go the verbs in brackets.
Since it first opened in 1989, St Darren’s College
Today, the Park Street Academy is widely recognised 1 has had (have) a chequered history. The first
as being one of the best colleges in the country. five years 2 (be) slow in terms of student
However, it 1 didn’t use to be like this. In numbers, but after they 3 (receive)
fact, it 2 a very bad reputation. an excellent report in 1994, the number of students
Students 3 late, and often they applying to the college 4 (rise), and
4 to classes at all. The college 5 (continue) to do so each year for
building was in a terrible state. When it rained, the next eight years. However, in 2002, the college
water 5 through holes in the ceiling 6 (see) a 30% increase in rent.
and the power 6 suddenly without Nobody at the college 7 (predict)
any reason. In winter, the rooms were so cold that this, and they 8 (have to) increase
you quickly became 7 people in fees. As a result, in 2003, student numbers, which
classrooms wrapped up like they were in the Arctic. 9 (rise) consistently each year since
Then, in 2010, a new head teacher was appointed, 1994, suddenly 10 (stagnate). They
and she turned the place around. Strict discipline was then 11 (start) to fall. By 2007, student
applied at all levels. For example, students who were numbers 12 (fall) to less than 100.
late or absent without reason 8 pay The following year, with applications at an all time
a financial penalty, while those who improved their low, the college 13 (shut) down. In
academic record 9 rewards in the 2010, the local council 14 (take) over
form of things like cinema tickets. Meanwhile, money the buildings, and 15 (start) offering
that 10 on unimportant things like vocational courses. Since then, St Darren’s College
computer games for the library was instead used to 16 (go) from strength to strength.
repair the building.

10 Unit 1

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Writing Task 1 4 as it had been at the beginning of

the period. Overall, the 5 between the
1 Look at the graph below and complete this three groups had become 6 .
introductory sentence by arranging the
expressions in the box. A7 look at the graph reveals that
the number of school leavers going to university
did over a school leavers three things that
and the number of leavers looking for work
five-year period information about
8 . Between 2008 and 2010, the
former increased while the latter decreased. Then
The graph gives
in 2011 and 2012, the number of those going to
university fell, while after 9 briefly
in 2011, the number of those looking for employment
The graph below gives the results of a survey rose. The number of school leavers taking a break
showing what 1,000 young people did after leaving from their education saw a 10 rise.
school between 2008 and 2012.
Overall, the 11 changes involved the
Summarise the information by selecting
number of school leavers looking for work and those
and reporting the main features, and make
taking a break from education. This shows that more
comparisons where relevant.
young people planned to enter higher education, even
School leavers 2008–2012 though they decided to wait a while before doing so.

3 Now write your answer to this Writing task in

about 20 minutes. Your answer should be at least
150 words long.

The graph below shows the percentage change in
places where students lived over five decades.
Summarise the information by selecting
and reporting the main features, and make
100 comparisons where relevant.

Types of student accommodation, 1960s–2000s.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Went to university Looked for work Took a temporary break from education

2 Complete the rest of the answer with words and 55

phrases from the box. 50

by just over by the same amount
continuous and steady differences less marked 40
Percentage of students

more detailed most noticeable fluctuated 35

significant changes stagnating the same 30

At the beginning of the five-year period, about half of
the school leavers surveyed looked for work. Of the
remaining 500, 300 went to university and 200 took a 15

temporary break from their education. By the end of 10

the five years, however, the figures for those seeking 5

employment and for those taking a break from their 0

education had seen 1 . The former 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

had fallen 2 a hundred, while the Room in a shared house or flat with other students Students hall of residence

latter had risen 3 . Meanwhile, the Paying guest with a host family At home with own family

number of school leavers going to university was

Getting higher qualifications 11

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Unit 2 Colour my world

Reading Section 2 B But why purple? At that time, purple dye was an
expensive substance produced in a complicated,
1 Quickly read the passage below, which is about foul-smelling and time-consuming process. This
the colour purple. Match the names of the people involved boiling thousands of molluscs in water
(1–6) with the thing they do or did (a–e). There is in order to harvest their glandular juices. The
one person who does not match any of the letters. technique had originally been developed by the
1 William Perkin Phoenicians over a thousand years previously, and
2 August Wilhelm von Hofmann it hadn’t changed since. Cheaper but poorer quality
3 Simon Garfield purple dyes could be made from lichens using an
4 Queen Victoria equally messy and unpleasant procedure, but they
5 Dr Max Luscher were not as bright, and the colour quickly faded. It
6 Julia Kubler was no surprise, therefore, that good purple dye was
a rare and precious thing, and clothes dyed purple
a believed that colours could be used to treat
were beyond the financial means of most people.
b wrote a biography about an historical figure C However, times have changed. In the great
c uses colours as a form of alternative medicine consumer democracy of the 21st century, even the
d invented an artificial dye most humble citizen can choose it as the colour of
e taught chemistry their latest outfit. For that privilege, we must thank
a young 19th century research chemist, William
Perkin. A talented 15-year-old when he entered
the Royal College of Chemistry in London in 1853,
An invention to dye for: Perkin was immediately appointed as laboratory
assistant to his tutor, August Wilhelm von Hofmann.
the colour purple He became determined to prove Hofmann’s claim
that quinine, a drug used to treat fevers such as
malaria, could be synthesised in a laboratory.
However, rather than the cure desperately needed
A 19th century research chemist was trying to
for people dying from malaria in tropical countries,
make medicine when, instead, he came up with
he produced little more than a black, sticky mess
a coloured dye that has ensured the world is a
that turned purple when dissolved in industrial
brighter place.
alcohol. Perkin’s experiments could have been a
A Of all the colours, purple has perhaps the most complete waste of time, but to his surprise and,
powerful connotations. From the earliest cultures ultimately, financial benefit, his purple liquid turned
to the present day, people have sought to harness out to be a long-lasting dye that was to transform
its visual power to mark themselves out as better fashion.
than those around them. From bishops to kings, D Perkin repeated his experiments in an improvised
pop stars to fashion models, its wearing has laboratory in his garden shed, perfecting the process
been a calculated act of showing off. In ancient for making the substance he had called mauveine
Rome, for example, purple was such a revered after the French mallow plant. It was, says Simon
colour that only the emperor was allowed to Garfield, the author of Mauve which details Perkin’s
wear it. Indeed, an emperor who was referred life and work, an astonishing breakthrough. ‘Once
to as porphyrogenitus, (‘born to the purple’) was you could do that you could make colour in a factory
especially important, since this meant that he had from chemicals rather than insects or plants. It
inherited his position through family connections opened up the prospect of mass-produced artificial
rather than seizing power through military force. dyes and made Perkin one of the first scientists to

12 Unit 2

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

bridge the gap between pure chemistry and its F In the alternative medical practice of colour
industrial applications.’ It didn’t take long for the therapy, which practitioners say can trace its
chemist, still only 18, to capitalise on his creation, origins back to ancient India, the ‘purple range’
patenting the product, convincing his father and colours of indigo and violet are vital. They refer
brother to back it with savings, and finding a to spiritual energy centres known as chakras and
manufacturer who could help him bring it rapidly to are situated in the head. The colours and their
the market. The buying public loved it, and clothes ‘medical’ qualities were first officially listed by the
coloured with purple started appearing in shops up Swiss scientist Dr Max Luscher, who said that
and down the country. appropriately coloured lights, applied to specific
Appropriately, considering the origins of Perkins’ chakras, could treat ailments from depression to
colour, he was to receive a helping hand from grief. Julia Kubler is one of Britain’s leading colour
the two most important women of the day. Queen therapists and has been using colours to treat
Victoria caused a sensation when she stepped patients at her clinic at Manningtree, Essex, for 15
out at the Royal Exhibition in 1862 wearing a silk years. Purple, she says, ‘is consistent with intuition
gown dyed with mauveine. In Paris, Napoleon III’s and higher understanding, with spirituality and
wife, Empress Eugenie, amazed the court when meditation. It combines the coolness of blue with a
she was seen wearing it. To propel the scientist bit of red that makes it not just passive but active.’
further on the way to a great fortune, the fashion of It is hardly the most outlandish of claims for this
the time was for broad skirts that, happily for him, most enigmatic of colours. Variously touted as
needed a lot of his revolutionary new dye. the colour of everything from insanity to equality,
E Perkins, ever the serious scientist, would have it is enjoying a new role as the symbol of political
been among the first to point out that his mauve compromise. Purple may have had its origins in the
is just one of a range of colours described in ancient world, but thanks to a young chemist, it still
everyday language as purple. Not itself a true has a brilliant future.
colour of the spectrum – that position is given
to indigo and violet – purple normally refers to 2 Look at Questions 1–14 below, and underline
those colours which inhabit the limits of human the key words and phrases. Then look for the
perception in the area between red and violet. answers in the passage.
Newton excluded the colour from his colour wheel.
Scientists today talk about the ‘line of purples’ Questions 1–6
which include violet, mauve, magenta, indigo
The reading passage has six sections, A–F.
and lilac.
Choose the correct heading for each section from
the list of headings below.
List of headings
i From the laboratory to the High Street
ii Seeking royal support
iii An unexpected but fortunate side result
iv The healing power of purple
v An old problem
vi Standing out from the crowd
vii Finding an alternative cure for a common
viii Part of a larger family
ix An ancient manufacturing practice

1 Section A 4 Section D
2 Section B 5 Section E
3 Section C 6 Section F

Colour my world 13

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

Questions 7–10 Listening Section 2

Choose TWO letters, A–E. 1 You are going to hear the first part of a radio
programme about a book on colour. Underline the
Questions 7–8 key ideas around each gap in the table below and
What TWO points does the writer make about decide what information you need to listen for.
the colour purple and purple dye before William
Perkin’s creation? Questions 1–6
A It was only used to colour clothes.
Complete the table below.
B It was originally produced for Roman
emperors. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
C It was not easy to make. Spectrum by Alex Mackenzie
D There were many different techniques used to
make it. Title of Theme Features
E Some purple dyes were inferior to others. chapter
Questions 9–10 ‘The hidden How an Has some
jungle’ animal’s colour outstanding
What TWO things about William Perkin are true, and shape 2 .
according to the passage? can conceal
A He taught Chemistry at a college in London. it when it
B He believed that quinine could be artificially hides or
produced. 1 .
C He extracted the substance for his dye from a ‘A question of Why people’s A4
common plant. choice’ colour test which
D He quickly realised the financial benefits of his 3 involves readers
new creation. differ from grading things
E He set a new fashion trend for large skirts. others. based on colour.
‘It’s all in the How our brain Describes some
5 ’ perceives 6
Questions 11–14 colour. that the reader
Complete the summary below. can do.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
passage for each answer.
2 3 Now listen to the first part of the Listening
The purple range of colours plays an essential passage and complete questions 1–6.
role in colour therapy, a form of 11 .
Colour therapy is said to have originated many 3 Read questions 7–10 below. Underline the key
years ago in 12 and is still used by words or phrases in the questions and options.
colour therapists such as Julia Kubler, who uses
it to 13 with various health issues. Questions 7–10
According to Kubler, purple 14
Choose TWO letters, A–E.
aspects of two colours, making it both active and
passive. Questions 7–8
According to the book, which of these TWO effects
are red and orange believed to have on shoppers?
3 Check your answers carefully. For Question
pairs 7–8 and 9–10, make sure you have chosen A They calm you down.
TWO answers for each pair. For Questions 11–14, B They make you feel energetic.
make sure that you have used no more than C They give you an appetite.
the maximum number of words allowed, your D They make you feel enthusiastic.
spelling is correct, and your answers make E They encourage you to spend more.
grammatical sense.

14 Unit 2

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66444-9 – Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5
Rawdon Wyatt
More information

each birthday could be put aside to see her through

Questions 9–10 university and law school. Meanwhile, family meals
Which of these TWO colours do people with a were 5 long discussions about the
limited amount of money respond to the best? different types of law she should practise, with her
A light blue B purple parents fi nally 6 Janice’s options to
either corporate or family law.
C orange D pink
E red Once at university, it didn’t take her long to realise
that law wasn’t the profession for her, and after just
one year at university she decided to leave education
4 4 Now listen to the next part of the Listening and 7 a gallery where she could
passage and answer questions 7–10. sell her pictures. She asked her parents how she
should 8 running a business like
Vocabulary this, but disappointed with her choice, they refused
to help. They just couldn’t 9 why
Phrasal verbs she had given up such a bright and promising future
as a lawyer. Without their support, and without the
right professional contacts, it was inevitable that her
venture 10 to be a complete disaster,
and she watched in dismay as all the money she had
saved gradually disappeared.
However, she was an optimistic person, and knew
that something would 11 .
And one day it did. Through a friend, she
12 that a local advertising company
was looking for an assistant in their corporate colour
consultancy department. She applied for the job
and was successful. Over the next few months, she
13 her duties diligently, displaying
a degree of dedication and initiative that really
impressed her employers. Consequently, when
the company started looking for ways to attract
more customers, Janice was one of the people they
1 Complete the passage with phrasal verbs from the
consulted. She was able to 14 lots of
box. You will need to change the form of some of
exciting and practical ideas, and as a result, customer
the verbs. In one case, two options are possible.
numbers almost doubled within a few months.
bring up carry out come up with end up
find out go about narrow down point out Key vocabulary
set up start up take up with turn out
turn up work out 2 Complete this passage with words from the box.
In several cases, you will need to change the
Janice loved art, was a keen painter, and dreamt of form of the word.
becoming a famous artist. However, since she was
1 brought up in a house surrounded by lawyers except house hypothesis improve notice
(her father, mother and elder brother all worked purpose scheme set strike way
for the family’s legal business), it was generally
expected that she would 2 doing It has been said that colour can influence people
the same thing when she finished university. Her in such a 1 that it can alter their
father frequently 3 that working as a behaviour. This is an interesting 2 ,
lawyer was one of the most satisfying jobs a person but how accurate is it? Recently, a prison in the USA
could have, and her mother 4 a 3 out to test it.
special bank account where the money they gave her

Colour my world 15

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