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Aol e Portfolio Acts

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Learning Targets:

 Illustrate Graphs
 Uses appropriate graph to represent data’s
 Design graph appropriately
 Organizes data’s accurately
Our Rubric
Presented is the rubric to be followed in scoring your activity.
4 3 2 1
Completion All graphs and All graphs and Most of the parts Few parts of the
data are data are of the activity are activity are
completed and completed but completed and completed.
correct. there are some there are few
errors in the errors in the
activity. activity.
Timeliness Activity was Activity was Activity was Activity was
received on or received on the received 1 day received 2 or
before the due due date but not late. more days late.
date and time. on the due time.
Accuracy Each data are One data is Some datas are Entire data is
complete and incorrect. incorrect. incorrect and
the graph that graph that has
has been used is been used is
appropriate for inappropriate for
the activity. the activity.
Steps Every steps in One step in Several processes All steps are
graphing the graphing the data or step in incorrect.
data was done was incorrect or graphing the data
orderly and contains error. contains errors.
Our Likert Scale
Put a check on the number that corresponds to the following statements.
4- Strongly Agree
3- Agree
1- Strongly Disagree
4 3 2 1
1.I can identify appropriate graph that should be used to represent
2. I can organize data’s accurately.
3. I can design graph to represent statistical data’s
4. I can gather appropriate data’s needed in a certain statistical
5. I can identify the different types of graph.
6. I can differentiate the different types of graph.

Our Semantic Differential

Direction: Below are phrases which describes your skills in the topic. Please rate yourself
honestly using the scales provided below each phrases.
1.Graphs Data’s Appropriately 2. Uses Appropriate Graph 3. Gathers Appro. Data
(1) Bad (1) Bad (1) Bad

(2) (2) (2)

(3) (3) (3)

(4) (4) (4)

(5) Good (5) Good (5) Good

Our Checklist
Put a check in the YES column if the you have satisfied the following questions in the activity,
otherwise put a check in the NO column.

1.Did I used appropriate graph to represent the data’s?
2.Are all of the data’s correct?
3.Are the data’s properly organized?
4.Did I design the graph appropriately?
5.Did I do the activity accurately?

Our Interview Guide

Note: This interview guide is intended for the learners who has struggle in topic. It was
conducted to help educators identify the struggles of students and provide proper solutions or
method to deal with it.

1. Introduction:
 Before proceeding to the interview, let the student adjust and be comfortable so that they
will feel at ease throughout the interview.
 Talk with the student any matter so that he/she will be comfortable talking to you and in
order for the student to open or share everything that she wants to share.
2. Proceed to the Interview
 Ask students questions regarding on the topic such as:
- What part of the topic they don’t understand?
- What are their struggles towards the topic?, etc.
 Let the student talk and share their ideas, struggles and perspectives in order to identify
their weaknesses.
3. Identifying Solutions and Sharing Coping-up Techniques
 Let the learners open up or share their preferred learning techniques or method in order
for them to understand the content of the subject or to cope-up with their struggles.
 Share also some coping-up techniques or strategies to the student.
 Encourage the learner to do better on his/her study and try to fight on the struggles that
she feels or experience on the subject through giving some advices.
4. Conclusion
 To formally end the interview, encourage the learners braveness in sharing his/her
 Ask the learner if he/she has anything more to say or discuss.
 If there are no more questions raised, officially end the interview and thanked the learner.

Our Instructions for Student Journal

Each week write a journal entry for every topics that have been tackled within that certain week.
I will be checking whether you have accomplished your journal entries every Monday and I wont
be reminding you to do your journals, instead, keep in mind that you need to do your journal
assignment each week. I will be giving back your journal after making sure that you have
accomplished your entries each week and you need to keep those entries because you will be
compiling it which will be submitted at once on the day of your exam. NO compilation of journal
means no exam.
Each journal entry must include the following:
 Own understanding or definition of the topic.
 Ways/ processes/ steps in solving a certain mathematical problem concerning on the
topic. (Explain briefly the steps with example)
 Conclusion which answers the questions: How can you apply this concept in real life?,
What are the difficulties that you have encountered throughout the discussion and how
did you cope up with it?, and What have you learned in the topic?
Our Observation Guide
Presented below is the observation guide to be followed in grading students understanding and
skills in graphing ,designing and representing statistical data’s.
Scoring Guide:
4- Very Good
3- Good
2- Poor
1- Very Poor
1 Depth of knowledge of the content.
2 Gathers appropriate data’s needed in the activity.
3 Ability to discuss the data’s elaborately.
4 Ability to explain the processes/ steps in gathering,
designing and graphing data’s.
5 Organization of data’s.
6. Skills in designing graphs.
7. Used appropriate graph neede tp represent the data’s.

Points Grade Feedbacks

28-25 98 Highly developed skills.
24-21 94 Well developed skills.
20-17 92 Developed skills on the topic.
16-13 86 Moderately developed skills.
12-9 82 Low understanding and skills,needs improvement.
8-0 78 Very low understanding and skills, needs improvement.
My Course Portfolio Plan
1. My Target Goals:
 To monitor students activities and achievements in the subject.
 To determine whether they have accomplished all the activities and quizzes.
 To determine whether the students have understood the discussions.
 To measure the students skills in problem solving.
2. My Target Collections:
 Students activities, test and quizzes with high scores or at least 50 % score of the
activity or quiz.
3. My Non-Negotiable Collections:
 Students introduction, table of contents, entries or outputs and reflection.
4. My Plan for Organization:
 The content of portfolio that I will create are the students activities, quizzes and
test papers. The organization of the content of the portfolio must be arranged by
type and by date.
5. My Style of Reflection:
 After the students have included all of their test paper, quizzes and activities with
high scores they must have a reflection at the last page of their portfolio which
contains their expectation on the subject, their experiences, how they deal with
challenges in the contents of the subject specifically in problem solving’s and the
lessons that they have learned throughout the quarter.
6. My Own Evaluation Rubric:
 First, I will look at the organization of their portfolio, second if how many
activities and quizzes with high scores they included, the third is their reflection
and last is the design of their portfolio, on how creative they are in crafting their
7. My Plan for Portfolio Exhibit:
 All of the students portfolio will be collected and I will select the best portfolio to
be displayed in the classroom. This will serve as a reminder to the students to
work hard.

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