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Orange (Cardiac) Emergency Chart - Sheet1

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Repiratory Illness What is the Pathophysiology Signs & Symptoms Treatment Causes

Aortic Aneurysm (Abdomen)

1. Aneurysm is a ballooning out of an weakened artery 1. ABC's
2. Aortic DIssection is the actual Tear of Artery *Pulsating Mass 2. Oxygen
3. If Ruptured, Exsanguination will occur *Ripping/Tearing Pain. 3.Tranport Carefully! Trauma / High BP / ATHEROSCLEROSIS

1. Clot that has occluded an artery feeding the heart.

Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart
Attack) Reasons for AMI:
2. Occluded artery ( No O2/Nutrients to muscle) 1. Oxygen
3. Epi Dump occurs ( Pale, Diaphoretic) *Unrelieved Chest Pain 2. ASA 324mg ( BABY CHEWABLE) *Blood Clot (DVT)
(AKA Cardiogenic
*Radiatioin of PainShock)
(Jaw, Left Arm) / *PALE, DIAPHORETIC (Sweating) *Sitting doing
3. nothing
Nitro 0.4mg
( 90/60
pain came
or Lower,
on! Boner Pills, 3+) *High Blood Pressure *Atherosclerosis
1. Ateriosclerosis build up causing less blood through

2. Exercise induced Chest pain due to Increase in HR

Angina Pectoris to compensate for O2 demand from Heart to beat. 1. Oxygen
3. Example: *Pain relieved with Rest 3. Nitro 0.4mg ( 90/60 or Lower, Boner Pills, 3+)
Pumping through 1 1/2inch hose vs 3inch *Nitro Relieves Pain Cautious with Inferior MI Atherosclerosis / High Blood Pressure
Which gets more
1. Damaged/ at 60 gpmoforthe
Hypertrophy 300heart
2. Hypertrophy of Left Ventricle (High BP / Steroid use)
This puts pressue LV must overcome to get blood out *Pink Frothy Sputum
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and like lifting weights builds muscle. *Rales 1. ABC's
3. MI kills muscle causing less muscle to move blood *Pitting Edema 2. Oxygen
resulting blood to remain in ventricle after contraction. *JVD 3. CPAP (5mmhg to 10mmhg)
4. Normal Ventricle hold 45-70ml of blood each *CANNOT
stroke. Sleep Laying down (Usually sleep in a chair) 4. Transport Steroid Use / Chronic Hypertension / AMI
1. Fluid build up between the Heart muscle and
Pericardial Sac ( Strong FIborus Tissue).

Cardiac Tamponade (Becks Triad) 2. Pressue builds around Heart squeezing the heart. 1. ABC's
( Creepy Uncle hug) *JVD 2. Oxygen
*Muffled Heart Tones 3. IV Access
3. Effects ability to Pump blood IN or OUT of heart. *Narrow BP 4. (Supportive Care) Transport Pericarditis / Chest Trauma
1. HR beats too slow to adequately perfuse body.
2. Head Injuries due to ICP on Brain stem

Bradycardia 3. OD on Beta Blockers/ Calcium Channel Blockers

( supresses the Pacemakers ability to raise) 1. ABC's
Heart Rate UNDER 60 BPM 2. Oxygen
4. Organophosphate Poisoning (SLUDGEM) (Symptomatic vs Non Symptomatic) 3. Transport *Athletic Person (Normal) *Organophosphate poisoning *Medications (Beta Blocker end in olol)

1. HR
5. is too fast
Failure to adequately
of Pacemaker perfuse blood
(Mechanical to the
body, not allowing chambers to fill full with blood.
2. Stimulant OD ( Cocaine, Energy Drinks, Meth) 1. ABC's *Drugs
Heart Rate OVER 100 BPM 2. Oxygen *Anxiety
3. Excited cell causing take over of Pacemaker site Anxiety/Restlessness 3. Transport *Excited cell on your heart (SVT)
1. AMI
Ventricular Fibrilation (V-Fib) 2.CPR (30:2) 2 mins or 5 cycles
2. Cardiac Arrest
Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia
1. Chaotic rhythm w/ Ventricle re-entry issues. 3. Defibrilation (360J)
(pVT) 1. DEAD 4. CPR (30:2) 2min or 5 cycles 3. Ischemia
2. There is NO depolarization OR Contraction of 6. Defibrilation (360J)
the ventricles during these rhythms. 2. Pulseless 7. Transport 4. Untreated V-Tach
5. H's & T's

1. Abcense of all Electrical activty of the heart.

2. Usually the Final outcome of V-Fib 1. DEAD 1. ABC's
2. CPR (30:2) 2 mins or 5 cycles
3. PEA= Electrical complex but No Mechanical 2. Pulseless 3. Transport 1. H's & T's

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