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Division/School LANAO DEL NORTE Grade Level III

Teacher Learning Area English

Time & Dates Week 1 Day 4 Quarter Third


Demonstrates understanding of the elements of literary and expository

A. Content Standards
texts for creative interpretation.

B. Performance Uses information derived from texts in presenting varied oral and written
Standards activities.

Distinguish fact from opinion (EN3RC-IIIa 2.13)

Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts (pictures, title
C. Learning and content words) (EN3RC- IIIa 2.11)
Objectives (Write At the end of 50 minutes,100% of the learners should be able to:
the code for each 1. Distinguish fact from opinion
LC) 2. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts (pictures,
title and content words)
3. Appreciate the importance of having a healthy body


Fact and Opinion

A. Subject Matter
ArPan Integration
ICT Integration
Science Integration
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
English Expressways Language 242-244
3. Textbook Pages
Let’s Get Better in English 247-248
4. Additional
Materials from LR
B. Other Learning
Chart, pictures from Google
Learner’s Expected
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies
A. Reviewing previous
Pronunciation Drill:
lesson or presenting Yes, teacher
Let us watch a video about
the new lesson
Digraph /oy,oi/ sound
Read the following sentences.
Underline the cause and encircle
the effect.
1. Roofs of some nipa houses 1. Roofs of some nipa houses
are gone because of are gone because of typhoon
typhoon signal number 2. signal number 2.
2. Many coconut trees are
2. Many coconut trees are
broken and destroyed
broken and destroyed
because of typhoon
because of typhoon signal
number 3.

Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon)
with a statement stating a fact or an
opinion inside a box. Those who
picked an opinion should go to the
left side; those who picked a fact
should go to the right side. Pupils
who will not get it correctly should
B. Establishing a recite a poem; render a song or a
purpose for the dance number.
lesson 1. Computers can cook food. Opinion
2. Our heroes like Jose Rizal and
Andres Bonifacio fought for our Fact
3. Our flag is our national symbol. It Fact
represents our country.
4. Filipinos are patriotic people. Fact
They are proud supporters and
defenders of their country.

Present the following sentences on

the board. Read the following
*Setting of standards for oral
*Reading through explicit

First Reading- teacher

Second reading- teacher and pupils
C. Presenting Third Reading- pupils.
examples/ instances
of the new lesson 1.The Philippine flag is made up of
three colors. 1.The Philippine flag is made up
2. There are three major islands in of three colors.
our country. 2. There are three major islands
3. The Philippine flag is one of the in our country.
most beautifully designed flags in 3. The Philippine flag is one of
the world. the most beautifully designed
4. Ms. Almira Santos thinks that flags in the world.
Filipinos are all very patriotic 4. Ms. Almira Santos thinks that
people. Filipinos are all very patriotic
(ArPan Integration) people.

D. Discussing new
What do you notice with the first two The first two sentences state a
concepts and
sentences? fact.
practicing new skills
#1 Yes, the sentence is already
Does it tell something that is already
proven and accepted by everyone? proven to be true.

What do you notice with the third Yes they show judgment and
and fourth sentences? Do they feeling about something.
show judgment, feeling, or attitude
about someone or something?
What word in the sentence gives a The word “thinks”, teacher.
clue that it is a thought or judgment?

What do you call to a sentence that A sentence is a fact teacher.

can truly happen and can be

How about if it can happen only in A sentence is an opinion

the mind of a person? teacher.

The words “I think, I believe, in my

opinion”, signal an opinion

Group Activity
Pupils are grouped according to
their level of interest/level of
Group 1 Write F in the star before
each number if the sentence is a
fact and O if it is an opinion.
1. It seems more people use 1. Opinion
jeepneys and buses.
2. When ice melts, it turns into 2. Fact
3. It is good to review lessons at 3. Opinion
night rather than in the morning.
Group 2 Draw a happy face if the
sentence is a fact and a star if
it is an opinion.
1.Two and three are five.
2. The moon is seen at nighttime.
E. Discussing new 3. I think it will rain today.
concepts and 3.
practicing new skills
#2 Group 3 Write a sentence that tells 1. A long time ago, people
a fact and another sentence that used plants and herbs for
tells an opinion. treating sickness.
2. The sun rises in the East
and sets in the West.
Rubrics in Participation/Group
5 -Shows eagerness and
cooperation to the task, participate
actively, do great help to the group
4 - Shows eagerness and
cooperation to do the task, good
followers only
3 - Participated but late,
with teacher’s supervision
2 - Activity was done but
does not show eagerness
1 - No interest in
participating the activities
Read each passage below. Let the Pupils doing their task.
pupils give their inferences orally.

1.Mr. Sun reaches out his hand.

Everyone is on their way to 1.a
work. It is __.
a.summer b. rainfall
2. I am so hungry! It’s almost half 2.b
F. Developing mastery of the day of school. It will be
good to __.
a. play around b. eat something
3. Everyone felt wonderful to be
outside. Swimsuits and trunks 3.a
were saleable in the market.
It’s the best time to play
outdoor games in __.
a. summer b. rainfall

Is it important to have a healthy Yes, it is very important.

G. Finding practical As a pupil, what is your opinion Eating nutritious food is very
applications of about the importance of eating important especially to us pupils
concepts and skills nutritious food? in order to have a healthy body
in daily living and a healthy mind. Fruits and
(Science Integration) vegetables make our body

How can you distinguish fact from A sentence states a FACT if it

opinion? can truly happen and it can be
A sentence states an OPINION if
it can happen only in the mind of
H. Making
a person and it cannot be proven
generalization and
to be true.
abstractions about
the lesson Was it easy to infer? No
What is the first thing we need to A conclusion or opinion that is
think about when we are inferring? formed based from the given

Write F if the sentence is a fact and Pupils doing their task.

O if it is an opinion.
1. Luzon,Visayas and Mindanao 1.F
are the three major islands in the
I. Evaluating learning 2. The Philippine flag is one of the
most beautiful flags in the world.
3. Rodrigo Roa Duterte is our new
president. 4.O
4. Banana is our national fruit. 5.F

5. The sun has eight rays.

J. Additional activities for
application or
Write two statements under the 1. Filipinos are proud
following headings. supporters and defenders of
their country.
2. Luzon is bigger than
1. Fr. Cruz believes that the
Philippines is a peaceful
2. Corn is a better source of
carbohydrates than rice.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

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