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RULES, 2007
[Revenue Department Notification SRO 64 dated 5th May, 2007]

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Jammu and

Kashmir State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act 2001, the
Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the
Jammu and Kashmir State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Rules,
[(2) They shall come into force on their publication in the Government

2. Definitions. – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) “Act” means the Jammu and Kashmir State Lands (Vesting of
Ownership to the Occupants) Act, 2001;

(b) “Assistant Commissioner” means Assistant Commissioner, Nazool,

Assistant Commissioner, Revenue, Sub-Divisional Magistrate
concerned or any other officer authorized by the Government to
discharge the duties and perform the functions assigned to the
Assistant Commissioner, Revenue under the Act;

(c) “Defaulter” means a person liable for payment of arrears of

premium or ground rent and includes a surety;

(d) “District Collector” means the Deputy Commissioner of the district

in which property claimed for ownership rights is situated;

(e) “Form” means a form appended to these rules;

(f) “section” means a section of the Act;

(g) “Tehsildar” means Tehsildar Territorial/Tehsildar Nazool or any

other officer authorized by the Government to discharge the duties
and functions assigned to the Tehsildar Territorial under the Act;

(h) words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall
have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.

These rules have been published in Government Gazette dated 5th March, 2007.
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3. Mapping of State land. - (1) The mapping of State land shall be carried
out by the Tehsildar in such manner and within such period as may be directed by
the Government from time to time:

Provided that the Divisional Forest Officer concerned shall be associated

in the mapping of Forest land.

(2) Any officer may, in the discharge of his duty under the Act enter upon
and survey the State Land and demarcate the boundaries under section 3-A of the

4. State land to be notified. – (1) When mapping of State land has been
completed and the Tehsildar is satisfied that the particular property in his
jurisdiction is State land, he shall notify the same in the Government Gazette and
in local News paper as also on the notice board kept for that purpose in his office.

(2) The Tehsildar shall intimate the District Collector within 7 days of
such notification about the completion of mapping.

5. Disposal of property left by un-authorized occupants. – A person

who has been evicted from any land or property vested in the Government under
the Act or the rules shall be given 21 days time including holidays for removing
the article or articles remaining on such property:

Provided that if the owner fails or refuses to remove the article or articles
thereof after the expiry of prescribed notice or if the article is subject to speedy
and natural decay, the Tehsildar may cause it to be disposed off by public auction
and the owner shall be entitled to sale proceeds, after deducting the expenses
incurred on holding of such auction:

Provided further that the notice of auction shall be published in at least two
local dailies having wide circulation in the locality.

6. Auction. – The procedure for auction shall be as under: -

(a) The Tehsildar shall give wide publicity to the notice for auction of
the land through print and electronic media, giving full particulars
in the notice, and the auction shall be conducted after 15 days from
the date of publication of such notice by the committee constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act.

(b) The intending bidder shall have to deposit with the Tehsildar,
earnest money equal to 2% of the minimum reserve price, fixed for
such land, before the auction.

(c) The person offering the highest bid shall have to deposit 1/4th of
the bid amount with the Tehsildar, on the close of auction, failing
which the land in question shall be re-auctioned forthwith.
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(d) The balance amount shall be paid by the person in whose favour
auction has been confirmed within a period of 10 days from the
date of auction.

(e) In case of default of payment of the bid amount within the

prescribed period, the 1/4th amount already deposited shall stand
forfeited to the Government.

7. Procedure of application. – (1) An application in terms of sub-clause

(b) of Sub section (1) of section 8 of the Act shall contain full particulars of the
State land as per Form No.2. It shall be stamped with a court fee of Rs.10 and
shall be verified in the manner prescribed for the verification of the pleadings in
rule 15 of Order VI of the Code of Civil Procedure, Samvat 1977:

Provided that an occupant shall have to furnish the requisite information,

in duplicate, with respect to his proprietary land as well as the State land under
occupation as per Form No-2:

Provided further that an occupant who fails to apply for vesting of

ownership rights within the prescribed period shall forfeit his claim under the Act
and be evicted from such land by the Assistant Commissioner under section 9 of
the Act.

(2) The person verifying the pleadings shall also furnish an affidavit in
support of the said pleadings.

(3) The Tehsildar may issue notice to any person whose attendance is
required in his opinion or who may be interested in the proceedings. The Tehsildar
may for expeditious disposal of the case issue commission for examination of any
person within his jurisdiction.

8. Procedure of eviction. – (1) Where an occupant is to be evicted under

the Act, either wholly or partly, from the State Land, a notice shall be issued by
the Tehsildar in Form No. 1, demanding him to surrender possession of such land,
within one month of issue of notice.

(2) Where a notice has been duly served under sub rule (1) and possession
is not delivered as required, a warrant of eviction shall be issued under the
signatures of the Assistant Commissioner under section 9 of the Act. One copy of
the warrant shall be forwarded to the Police Officer of the Police Station
concerned for carrying out eviction who shall forthwith take steps to effect the
eviction with use of such force as may be necessary.

9. Determination of market value. – The following Committees shall

determine the market value in each case in accordance with the parameters laid
down in the Act: -
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‘A’. For Jammu and Srinagar districts:

(a) Divisional Commissioner concerned. Chairman

(b) District Collector concerned. Member

(c) Assistant Commissioner Nazool/Revenue concerned. Member

(d) Tehsildar concerned. Member

‘B’ For other districts including areas falling under the Tourism
Development Authorities:

(a) District Collector concerned. Chairman

(b) Additional Deputy Commissioner concerned. Member

(c) Assistant Commissioner Revenue concerned. Member

(d) Chief Executive Officer of the Tourism

Development Authority concerned.

(e) Tehsildar Territorial concerned. Member

10. Structures over State land. – Where an occupant has constructed a

structure, rented it out and died leaving no legal heir, the Committee may, subject
to verification of the claims submitted to it, consider occupant of such structure
for vesting of ownership.

11. Terms and conditions under section 4 of the Act. – (1) For the
purpose of implementation of section 4 of the Act the terms and conditions shall
be as under: -

(i) The prospective owner should be permanent resident of the State.

(ii) The land, for which transfer of ownership is sought, should be free
from encumbrances.
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(iii) The prospective owner should not be a proclaimed offender/anti-

social element.

(iv) Price fixed shall be paid in lump.

(2) Arrears, if any, on account of ground rent or any other such account
shall have to be deposited by the occupant, with the Tehsildar, prior to vesting of
ownership rights.

12. Death of occupant. – No action initiated under the Act shall abate by
reason of the death of occupant and the same may be continued by or against the
legal heir of the occupant.

13. Fixation of price. – Subject to provisions of section 4 of the Act,

fixation of the price payable by different categories of occupants shall be as

Category of occupant Price payable

I) In Residential use:-

i. Authorized occupant (where lease has not expired):

a) upto 2 kanals 25% of the value of land

determined by the

b) from 3rd kanal to 10th kanal 40% of the value of land

determined by the

c) more than 10 kanals The occupant will have the

option to continue with the
lease beyond 10 kanals or pay
full value of land determined
by the Committee.

ii. Authorized over-stayed occupant/ un-authorized expectant

occupant (where lease has expired):

a) upto 2 kanals 35% of the value of land

determined by the

b) from 3rd kanal to 10th kanal 50% of the value of land

determined by the
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c) more than 10 kanals The occupant will have the

option to surrender the land
beyond 10 kanals or pay full
value of land determined by
the Committee.

iii. Unauthorized occupant (where no lease has been granted or

no allotment has been made by the Government)

a) upto 2 kanals 40% of the value of land

determined by the

b) from 3rd kanal to 10th kanal 50% of the value of land

determined by the

II) In Commercial Use:-

i) Authorized occupant 30% of the value of the

(where lease has not land determined by the
expired. Committee.

ii) Authorized overstayed 45% of the value of the

occupant/ Un-authorized land determined by the
expectant occupant (where Committee.
lease has expired).

iii) Un-authorized occupant 60% of the value of the

(where no lease has been land determined by the
granted or no allotment Committee.
has been made).

III) In Institutional use viz educational, religious, charitable, non-

profitable, social institutions / trusts / societies, political parties
recognized by Election Commission of India:-

i) Authorized occupant 15% of the value of the

(where lease has not land determined by the
expired. Committee.

ii) Authorized overstayed 25% of the value of the

occupant/ Un-authorized land determined by the
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expectant occupant (where Committee.

lease has expired).

iii) Un-authorized occupant 50% of the value of the

(where no lease has been land determined by the
granted or no allotment Committee.
has been made).

IV) Agricultural use:- Free of cost. However a

token amount of rupees one
hundred per kanal shall be
charged for maintenance of
proper Revenue records:

Provided that where the land is in residential as well as commercial use the
rates of commercial use shall apply:

Provided further that if an occupant in whose favour ownership right has

been vested does not commence the intended activity within three years, the
Government shall have the right to resume the land:

Provided also that Authorized Overstayed Occupant and Unauthorized

Expectant Occupant shall be treated at par with Authorized Occupant in
respect of scale of payment where such occupant has applied for renewal of lease
within 30 days of expiry of lease:

Provided further that the following limit shall apply for regularization of
land in favour of Occupants which is under Institutional use and the land held
over and above the said limit shall be resumed by the Government: -

a) Land in religious use upto a maximum of 50 kanals, on

case to case basis, to be decided
by the Committee.

b) Land in use other than religious upto a maximum of 25 kanals, on

case to case basis, to be decided
by the Committee:

Provided further that the conferment of ownership rights for land in

agricultural use shall be subject to the following conditions:-

(a) the land use in respect of agricultural land shall not be changed
after the ownership is vested. However, in case an occupant desires
to use agricultural land in future for any purpose, other than
agriculture if otherwise admissible in due process of law, he shall
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have to pay as per the scale prescribed for commercial use for
getting the land regularized for that purpose;

(b) the land in question should have been in cultivation at least for
three years on the date of application;

(c) no transfer of Agricultural land other than by inheritance shall be

permitted for 10 years from the date of conferment of ownership

14. Incentive and Penalty for payment. – The following schedule of time
and scale of incentive and penalty shall be adopted in the realization of the price
of land against which ownership rights are decided to be vested with the occupant,

For payments made within 3 months A rebate of 25%

For payments made within 6 months A rebate of 15%

For payments made within 9 months A rebate of 5%

For payments made within one year A rebate of 2%

For payments made within one year and A penalty of 5%

3 months

For payments made within one year and 6 A penalty of 15%


For payments made within one year and 9 A penalty of 25%


For payments made within two years A penalty of 35%

15. Review by officers. – An officer exercising powers under this Act may
either of his own motion or on the application of any party interested, review,
modify, reverse or confirm, any order passed by himself or any officer
predecessor in office within a period of 15 days from the date of issuance of such

16. Rewards and incentives. – The Government may devise and notify a
policy of granting rewards and incentives to such officers administering the
scheme who show excellent performance in implementation of the scheme:

Provided that a minimum limit of quantum of land shall be fixed in case of

each individual official after considering total area and value of land under
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encroachment in the particular unit of administration viz Halqa, Niabat, Tehsil,

District or Division.

17. Appeals. – (1) An appeal against the order of the Committee may be
filed within a period of thirty days stating the grounds on which the order
appealed against is sought to be challenged and shall be accompanied by a
certified copy of such order.

(2) Where an original order is confirmed no further appeal shall lie.

18. Repeal and Savings. – (1) The Jammu and Kashmir State Lands
(Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Rules, 2005 are hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done, any action taken, or any
order or notification issued under the said Rules shall be deemed to have been
done, taken or issued under the corresponding provisions of these Rules as if these
Rules were in force on the date such thing was done, action taken or order or
notification issued.

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Form 1

Office of the Tehsildar ________________________


Sh./Smt. ________________________________



Whereas you are not entitled to hold the under-mentioned property in

terms of the J&K State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act, 2001
and the rules made thereunder.

Now, therefore, I, Tehsildar ____________________________hereby

demand that possession of the said property be surrendered to me by you within a
period of one month of issue of this notice failing which you will be evicted from
the said premises.

Serial No. Description of property

Signature of Tehsildar



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Form 2


1. Name with parentage:

2. Full residential particulars: (a) Village/Estate ______________

(b) Patwar Halqa _________ (c) Niabat ____________________

(d) Tehsil _______________ (e) District____________________

3. Family strength: Total_________ Male_____ Female___ Children_____

4. State Land under possession: Kanal_______ Marla_______ Sft._____

5. Date since when in possession ________________________

6. Particulars of the land under occupation (please attach extract of


(a) Khasra Nos._______ (b) Village/Estate where situated______.

7. Details of the land use:-

(a) Commercial Kanal_________ Marla_______ Sft_______

(b) Residential Kanal_________ Marla_______ Sft._______

(c) Agricultural Kanal_________ Marla_______ Sft________

(d) Institutional Kanal_________ Marla_______ Sft________

8. Whether a part or whole of the above land is under an existing lease, if

yes, indicate the following:-

(a) Area under lease_____________ (b) Khasra No.____________

(c) Village/Estate_______________ (d) Date when lease granted_______

(e) Date when lease expired/expires____________________

9. Name and particulars of the person from whom the State land shown
above was urchased (if applicable)_______________

10. Particulars of proprietary land:

(a) K___ M___ Sft.___ Village/Estate_______ Tehsil____ District___

(b) K___ M___ Sft.___ Village/Estate_______ Tehsil____ District___

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(c) K___ M___ Sft.___ Village/Estate_______ Tehsil____ District___

(d) Total area_____________________________________________

11. Date of issue of Permanent Resident Certificate (please attach copy)

12. Name/designation of Issuing Authority______________________

Signature of Applicant

Note: - The applicant should attach a duly sworn affidavit in support of the
information given above


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