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Science 8vo Terrestrial Environment

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Integrated Science Grade 11

Week 1 Lesson1

The Terrestrial Environment


KWHL- K- what I already know, W- what I want to know, H- How will I find out this
information, L- What I have learnt

Complete the KWHL chart below, by writing in what you know about soils:



Soil- is the uppermost layer of the earth’s crust.

Soil is a mixture of inorganic rock particles, water, air, mineral salts, organic matter and living
organisms including plant roots, small animals and micro- organisms. Soil provides organisms
living in it with water, oxygen, nitrogen and mineral nutrients.

A soil contains the following main components:

 Mineral particles: provide mineral salts for plant growth.

 Rock particles: provide anchorage for plant roots.
 Air: air contains oxygen used for aerobic respiration of soil organisms.
 Water: is needed by plants for photosynthesis
 Living organisms: bacteria and fungi responsible for the decay of dead organisms; this
releases nutrients into the soil.
 Humus: is organic matter, the dead remains of plants and animals.
Formation of Soil

The wind, rain and other agents break the rock into small pieces. This is called weathering.

Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks. There are two different types of weathering:

 Mechanical weathering
 Chemical weathering

Mechanical Weathering- is the physical disintegration of exposed rock, without any change in
the chemical composition of the rock. This includes:

 Expansion and Contraction: the heating and cooling of rocks causing expansion
and contraction; this creates tensions in the rock and pieces break off.
 Frost action: water in cracks in rocks can freeze at night and, when it does, it
expands; the expansion wedges the rock the rocks apart and breaks pieces off.
 Other types: cracking of rocks by plant roots and burrowing animals.

Chemical Weathering- Rainwater is slightly acidic and, when it falls on rocks, can dissolve
materials creating fissures, or cracks, in the rocks. This is important in allowing other types of
weathering, such as expansion effects of freezing water and plant roots growing in the rock.

Biological action- caused by the growth of roots through rocks takes place continuously.

Stages in the formation of soil:

1. Mechanical and chemical weathering begin to break the rock into smaller pieces.
2. Some organisms die and add organic matter; the rock disintegrates further.
3. At the surface there are now very small pieces of rock and a lot more organic matter
(humus) as more plants grow and die in the soil.
4. The soil is now fully formed with very small pieces of rock fully mixed with organic
matter at the surface disintegrated rock below that and, below that the parent rock.


1. Complete the KWHL chart by, writing in what you learnt from this lesson.
2. List the main components of soils.
3. What is the name given to the organic matter in soils?
4. What is the process by which soils are formed?
5. List, in order the stages in the formation of a soil from rock.
Answer Sheet
1. The main components of soils are:
- Humus
- Mineral particles
- Rock particles
- Air
- Water
- Living organisms
2. Humus
3. Weathering
4. Stage of soil formation:
- Mechanical and chemical weathering begin to break the rock into smaller pieces.
- Some organisms die and add organic matter; the rock disintegrates further.
- At the surface there are now very small pieces of rock and a lot more organic matter
(humus) as more plants grow and die in the soil.
- The soil is now fully formed with very small pieces of rock fully mixed with organic
matter at the surface disintegrated rock below that and, below that the parent rock.
Week 1 Lesson 2

Types of Soil

10-2-2: take 10minutes to think about soil types, whether soils are the same and what you know
about the types of soil. Then read the information in the content.

Take two minutes and discuss with someone, what you learnt about types of soil.

Take two minutes and think about and write down what you learnt about types of soil.


Different soils are formed from different rocks. They contain different proportions of the
different sized particles and different amounts of organic matter. There are three main types of

- Sandy soils
- Clay soils
- Loams
Comparing the types of soil

Properties Sandy soil Clay soil Loam

Particle size Very large particles Very small particles Particles are smaller
than sandy soil but
larger than clay
Air space Very large air spaces Very small air spaces Air spaces are
smaller than sandy
soil but larger than
clay soil
Drainage Drains easily, so do Do not drain freely Drain quite easily
not become and so become whilst still holding a
waterlogged. waterlogged easily. fair amount of water
for plant growth.

Aim: To compare the water holding capacity of two soil samples

Materials /Apparatus: dried sandy and clay soil samples, water, cotton balls, a small glass or
cup, 2 funnels (if funnel not available, make them by cutting plastic bottles.) two suitable
containers or the bottom half of the bottles (collecting jars), 250 cm 3 measuring cup, Stopwatch


1) Set up the apparatus by placing the cotton balls into the funnel, mount funnel with cotton balls
over the collecting jar.

2) Measure a cup of clay soil sample and gently empty it into the funnel.

3) Measure 250 cm3 water and pour it through the soil sample.

4) Start stopwatch as soon as pouring begins and note the time it takes for the water to drain from
the soil.

5) Ensure that soil is completely drained then measure the volume of the water in the collecting

6)Record results on a suitable table with appropriate headings.

7) Repeat steps 1-6 for the sandy soil sample.


1. Which soil drained the fastest?

2. Which soil allowed the least amount of water to drain?
3. Account for the observations made in this investigation.
Week 1 Lesson 3

The Terrestrial Environment

Soil Fertility


Look at the two pictures of soils A and B.

- What do you observe about the two soils?

- How would you describe the two soils?


How well a soil can grow crops is the fertility of the soil. Soil fertility is determined by:

 Particle size
 Mineral content
 Organic content
 pH

Particle size- affects the physical properties of the soil: the drainage, water-holding capacity, and
the air content. Sandy soils are light and do not give good support to the roots; clay particles do
not favor root penetration.

Mineral content- soil contains most of the essential minerals needed for plant growth. The degree
to which the minerals are available to the plants determine the soil fertility. Clay soils are rich in
mineral ions, yet many crops grow poorly in them. This is usually because the cell has too much
water and too little air. The root cannot take up mineral ions easily and so growth is slow, and
the fertility is low.

Organic content- the organic content of soil is called humus. Humus is beneficial to soil fertility
in number of ways:

 it binds the very loose particles of a sandy soil and separates the compacted particles of a
clay soil, improving the structure of both
 it acts as a store of minerals that will be released into the soil
 because of the dark colour, it absorbs the sun’s heat and helps soils to warm up more
 it improves the drainage capacity of clay soils and the water holding capacity of sandy
 it feeds many soil animals and soil microorganisms and so helps to maintain a healthy
soil population, which in turn, helps to improve the structure of the soil

When mineral ions are lost from the soil, they must be replaced. Farmers replace mineral ions by
adding natural manures or artificial fertilisers.

Manures are natural organic fertilizers and replace the mineral ions in the soil. They also help to
improve the structure of the soil. Artificial fertilisers are inorganic fertilisers. They only replace
the mineral ions in a soil.

Comparing organic and inorganic fertilisers:

Organic fertilisers Inorganic fertilisers

They are cheap: the materials to make them Expensive: all materials must be brought to a
are available on the farm. factory and mixed and transported to the
Improve drainage and aeration of soils. Do not improve any physical features of the
Are not concentrated sources of mineral ions. Much more concentrated in mineral ions.
Mineral ions released slowly from the Mineral ions are instantly available to the
fertiliser, they are only released as the plants as soon as the fertiliser is applied
fertiliser decays.
Mineral ions do not become concentrated in Mineral ions can become concentrated and
the soil and leach into waterways. leached into waterways.
Must be ploughed into the soil. Can be applied more easily as they are


Write a paragraph explaining to an Agricultural Science student, what is meant by soil fertility
and the factors that contribute to soil fertility.
Week 2 Lesson 1

The Terrestrial Environment

Soil Erosion


Look at the picture of the soil and identify the activity observed. Explain what factors causes this


Erosion is a natural process in which topsoil is removed by the action of water or wind.

Once this nutrient rich layer (topsoil) is gone, few plants will grow in the soil again. The fertility
of the soil remaining is much reduced, and the crop yield will be poor. Without soil and plants,
the land can become desert-like and unable to support life, this process is called desertification.

There are several causes of soil erosion:

 careless farming methods

 deforestation
 overgrazing
 over-cropping
 loss of soil structure

There are several ways to reduce soil erosion:

 contour farming
 terracing
 planting trees
 strip cropping

Contour farming- reduces erosion caused by water running down the hillside, taking the topsoil
with it. In contour farming farmers carry out their farming activities across a slope instead of up
and down the slope. This practice can:

 Keep valuable topsoil in place on slopping fields by reducing the amount carried down
slope by water.
 Slow down water runoff and let it soak into the soil.
 Improve irrigation systems and conserve water.
 Reduce labour and make harvesting easier.

Terracing- areas of flat land are created that follows the contours of the slope. They are
supported by stone walls or by whatever material is convenient. The areas where the crops are
cultivated are flat, so the water percolates through the soil, rather than running down the slope.

Strip cropping- in this technique the main crop is sown in rows or strips. Other plants such as
grass are sown between these strips, to cover the soil. These are called cover-crops. They prevent
the wind and water from eroding the soil from between the rows of the main crop.

Farmers have been using techniques to maximize crop yields but minimize soil depletion. These
techniques are:

 Mulching – the application of organic matter to the surface of the soil. It allows moisture
to be retained near the surface.
 Rolling and draining- Rolling pushes the soil aggregates together allowing more water to
be brought to the surface.
Drains remove excess soil water and stimulate additional plant growth.
 Base fallowing- the practice of leaving land uncultivated for a season; it allows water to
be conserved in the soil.
 Crop rotation- plants with different nutritional requirements are alternated so that there is
minimal depletion.
 Liming- improves the structure of heavy soils by joining the particles. This improves
drainage and aeration.

1. What is soil erosion?

2. What are the two main environmental agents that cause soil erosion?
3. Identify the activities that cause soil erosion.
4. What is contour farming?
5. List the techniques farmers use to minimize soil depletion but maximize crop yields.
Answer Sheet
1. Erosion is a natural process in which topsoil is removed by the action of water or wind.
2. The two main environmental agents that cause soil erosion are water and wind.
3. The activities that cause soil erosion are:
Careless farming
Loss of soil structure
4. In contour farming farmers carry out their farming activities across a slope instead of up
and down the slope.
5. The techniques farmers use to minimize soil depletion but maximize crop yields are:
Rolling and draining
Base fallowing
Crop rotation
Week 2 Lesson 2

The Terrestrial Environment

Cycling of materials through terrestrial ecosystems


Two cents

Write down two things you learnt about materials in a previous lesson.

Write down two things you would like to learn about cycling of materials in the terrestrial


Materials are recycled in the ecosystem. Materials are recycled in the:

Carbon cycle

Nitrogen cycle

Oxygen cycle

Water cycle

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is a component of all major biological molecules. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic
acid, vitamins and many other molecules all contain carbon.
Removing Carbon from the atmosphere

Photosynthesis- carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, is removed from the atmosphere by plants,
which use it for the process of photosynthesis.

Replacing Carbon into the atmosphere

Nutrition- animals eat organic compounds in the plants.

Death and decay- bacteria and fungi decompose dead and decaying plants and animals.

Fossilization- produces fossil fuels.

Respiration- plants, animals, bacteria and fungi all undergo respiration, releasing carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere.

Combustion- fossil fuels when burnt in air, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen is a key element in many biological compounds. It is present in proteins, amino acids,
most vitamins DNA, RNA and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The nitrogen cycle involves
feeding assimilation, death and decay.
Removal of nitrogen from the atmosphere

Lightning- produces nitrogen oxide gases; these gases then react with water to produce acid rain.
They are washed into the soil where they form nitrates.

Haber process- this process uses nitrogen for the formation of ammonia, which is used to
manufacture fertilisers to provide the soil with nutrients such as nitrates.

Nitrogen fixation- nitrogen fixing bacteria convert nitrogen into nitrates in the root nodules and

Nutrition- plants use the nutrients in the soil to manufacture plant protein. The plants are eaten
by animals that then manufacture animal protein.

Death and decay- dead plant and animal material decays and is decomposed by bacteria to give
ammonium compounds.

Excretion- one of the excretory products of animals is urea, which contains ammonium

Nitrification- nitrification bacteria in the soil convert the ammonium compounds into nitrites
then to nitrates.

Replacing Nitrogen to the atmosphere

Denitrification- denitrifying bacteria in the soil convert the nitrates into nitrogen for release into
the atmosphere.
The Oxygen Cycle

The oxygen cycle and carbon cycle are interlinked.

Removal of oxygen from the atmosphere

Respiration- plants and animals use oxygen for the process of aerobic respiration.

Combustion- oxygen is needed for the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy.

Replacing oxygen into the atmosphere

Photosynthesis- plants manufacture their food using carbon dioxide and water. Oxygen is
released as a by- product.
The Water cycle

Removing water from the atmosphere

Precipitation- is when water from the clouds is returned to the land as rain and snow. Some of
this rain goes into rivers and lakes, and some sinks into the ground.

Returning water to the atmosphere

Evaporation- the evaporation of water from the lakes and rivers by the sun returns water to the

Respiration- takes place in animals and plants, it is the loss of water vapour through parts of the
plants, returns water to the atmosphere.

Transpiration- this is the process that occurs in plants, it is the loss of water vapour through parts
of the plant.


Make a model of each of the following cycles; carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water. Use materials
from around your home such as: cardboard, paper, cotton balls, play dough, paste, seeds and
rocks or other suitable materials.
Week 2 Lesson 3

The Terrestrial Environment

Air masses and the terrestrial environment


Anticipation Guide- The guide is based on air mass. Individually mark whether or not you agree
or disagree with each statement on the left side of the page. If you disagree with the statement,
change the wording to make it into a statement you agree with.

If you wish, you could contact two of your class mates and discuss the statements. Then decide
whether you still agree or disagree with the statement on the right side of the page.

Agree Disagree Statement Agree Disagree

1. Air mass is a large body of air that has relative
uniform temperature and humidity.

2. Air masses are formed in mountainous regions.

3. Gases usually move from high-pressure areas to

low pressure areas.

4. Sea breeze is created during the night when air


5. Weather in the Caribbean is affected by the

northeast trades and southeast trades.

6. Trade winds are created when air moves from

the sea over the land.

Read the content below and confirm your ideas in the anticipation guide.

An air mass is a large body of air that has relatively uniform temperature and humidity (water
vapour content). The regions where air masses are form are called air mass source regions. Air
mass source regions are generally flat and of similar structure throughout. If air remains over a
source region long enough, it will gain the properties of the surface below (e.g. hot, dry, cold,
wet). Examples of air mass source regions are:

 Central Canada
 Siberia
 The northern and southern oceans
 Large desserts

Air masses are identified by two letter codes. Air masses are placed in one of three categories
relating to their latitude (distance from the equator and as result, temperature):

 Arctic- A
 Polar- P
 Tropical- T

A lower-case letter is also used to describe whether the mass is maritime (from over the sea) or
continental (from over land):

 Maritime – m
 Continental- c

This letter is placed in front of the uppercase letter to designate the nature of the surfaces and the
humidity characteristics of the air mass. Using this classification the following air masses in the
table below are identified:

Air mass Temperature Humidity

Arctic continental- cA Very cold Very dry
Polar continental- cP Cold dry
Polar maritime- mP Cold Moist
Tropical continental- cT Hot Fairly dry
Tropical maritime- mT Hot Very moist

Movement of air masses

Gasses move in bulk from one place to another if there is a pressure difference. They move from
the high- pressure area to the low- pressure area. Regions of high pressure air are created when
cool air from high in the atmosphere sinks. As it sinks, it compresses air underneath it. Regions
of low pressure air are created when warm air near the ground rises. The air near the ground
expands and pressure drops. These pressure changes drive major weather systems.

Winds are the result of uneven heating of the atmosphere.

Land and Sea breezes

A land breeze is created when, at nights the sea cools down more slowly than the land, so the air
above the sea rises creating an area of low pressure. Air blows from the land to the sea giving a
land breeze.

A sea breeze is created during the day when the sun heats up air over the land faster than over the
sea. The hot air over the land rises, creating a low pressure area. Over the sea, cooler air sinks
and creates high pressure area. Air moves from the high pressure over the sea to the low pressure
over the land creating a sea breeze.

Diagram illustrating how a see breeze is created:

Trade winds

The sun heats air at the equator, which rises, creating an area of low pressure at the equator. The
hot air cools and sinks back to Earth at the tropics north and south of the equator. This creates
areas of high pressure at the tropics. Air moves from the high- pressure tropics to the low
pressure equator. This global convection current creates the trade winds and other major winds.
Diagram illustrating creation of trade winds:

Because of the rotation of the Earth, these winds do not blow due north and south, but from
northeast and southeast. The northeast trades and southeast trades are the main winds that affect
the weather in the Caribbean. Both these winds bring tropical maritime (mT) air masses to the

Mass movements of air can move all kinds of pollutants. Sweden, in Europe, is seriously affected
by pollution it doesn’t produce. The Northeast trades protect the Caribbean from pollution
produced in the USA. The winds blow any polluted from the USA away from the Caribbean.

Winds sometimes carry sand from deserts to other parts of the world. Sand from the Sahara
Desert is taken to the Caribbean and England by winds.


1. Confirm your response to the statements in the Anticipation guide.

2. Complete the activity sheet below:

Air Masses

1.What is an air mass?


2. Identify the Air mass source regions: ________________________________


3. What are the categories of air masses? _______________________________


4. Identify the code and features of these air masses:

Arctic continental _____________ ________________ __________________

Tropical continental _____________ ________________ _________________
Polar Maritime _____________ _________________ ________________

5. Explain how trade winds are formed.




7. Identify the trade winds that affect weather in the Caribbean:

Answer Sheet

1. An air mass is a large body of air that has relatively uniform temperature and humidity.
2. Air mass source regions:
Central Canada
The northern and southern oceans
Large desserts
3. Categories of air masses:
4. Features of air masses:
Arctic continental cA Very cold very dry

Tropical continental Hot Fairly dry

Polar Maritime Cold Moist
5. The sun heats air at the equator, which rises, creating an area of low pressure at the
equator. The hot air cools and sinks back to Earth at the tropics north and south of the
equator. This creates areas of high pressure at the tropics. Air moves from the high-
pressure tropics to the low pressure equator. This global convection current creates the
trade winds and other major winds.
6. Trade winds affecting Caribbean weather:
Northeast trades
Southeast trades
Week 3 Lesson 1

The Terrestrial Environment

Weather fronts



What are air masses?

What is wind?

How is sea breeze formed?

Which two types of winds affect the weather in the Caribbean?


The type of weather we enjoy depends upon movement of air in the atmosphere. When air
masses meet, they do not mix. A sharp boundary forms where temperature differences occur.
This boundary is called a front. Changes in the weather are the result of different weather fronts.
There are four main kinds of weather fronts:

 Cold fronts
 Warm fronts
 Occluded fronts
 Stationary fronts

Cold fronts

When a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air, and causes the warm air to rise, a cold front is
formed. It is represented on a weather map by a line of blue triangles pointing in the direction in
which the cold front is moving. Cold fronts are the most common in the Caribbean, since the air
is generally warm. Cold fronts cause a drop in temperature and increase in wind speed. This
results in rainfall, which is usually heavy with thunder storms.

Symbol of cold front

Warm fronts

Where two masses of air meet and the warm air follows the cold air. It is represented on the
weather map by a line of red semi circles pointing in the direction that the warm front is moving.
There is a gradual drop in atmospheric pressure. Water vapour in the warm air condenses to give
rain and the temperature slowly rises. Warm fronts are not often encountered in the Caribbean.

Symbol of warm front:

Occluded fronts

These are formed because cold fronts move faster than warm fronts. In an occluded front the
separate warm and cold fronts only exist high in the atmosphere. An occluded front is
represented on a weather map by a line of alternating blue triangles and red semicircles, both
pointing in the direction that the cold and warm fronts are moving. Steady rain is associated with
the front itself. Ahead of the front and behind the front the weather is usually fine and showery.
This front is non- common in the Caribbean.

Symbol of occluded fronts:

Stationary fronts

Stationary fronts occur when a warm air mass meets a cold air mass and neither has enough
energy to push the other, so neither air mass advances. This is represented on a weather map as a
line of alternative blue triangles and red semicircles, each pointing to their own system.
Stationary fronts do not alter the weather greatly so conditions are most likely to be as they are
for a warm front.

Symbol of stationary fronts


At a weather front, warm air rises over cold air, reducing the pressure at the bottom of the front.
Cold air is drawn in to replace it. As more and more warm air rises, more and more cold air is
drawn in to replace it. The cold air begins to swirl around the warm air in an anti- clockwise
direction. This mass of swirling air is called a depression. The centre of a depression is marked
low on a weather map. This is because the rising air leaves an area of low pressure behind it.

Symbol of a depression:


Create a model of weather map for a selected region. Include at least two weather fronts and a
depression. Predict what the weather would be like in that region.
Week 3 Lesson 2

The Terrestrial Environment

Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes


Look at the picture of the satellite image below!

What type of weather system is observed in the picture?

How does this system affect people?

Identify how people can be safe during this weather system.

How is this weather system formed?


The term cyclone means a system of winds that rotate inwards towards an area of low pressure.

A cyclone is a region of low pressure in the atmosphere which is accompanied by wind and rain.
So a cyclone is really a form of depression.

A cyclone is formed when warm and cold air masses meet. Cyclones are known by different
names in different parts of the world e.g.

 Hurricanes in the Caribbean

 Cyclones off Africa
 Typhoons in the Far East
 Willy- nillies in Australia
Hurricanes are formed over tropical seas where the water temperature is around 27- 280C. Water
evaporates from the surface of the sea and is carried into the sky by the rising air. When the
moist air cools it condenses turning the water vapour into rain, and in doing so releases energy
which powers the hurricane.

As the air rises up, more hot moist air is drawn in to replace it creating powerful winds. In the
northern hemisphere the winds blow in an anti-clockwise direction around the centre or eye of
the hurricane. In the southern hemisphere, the wind blows in a clockwise direction.

At the centre of a cyclone, the eye of the storm, the descending air is still, warm and moist.
Immediately around the eye is the vertex, an area of rapidly rising moist air. If the pressure at the
centre of the cyclone is really low, the air rises rapid in the vertex. The winds rotate rapidly
around it and the cyclone can cause serious damage.

Cyclones cause damage in several ways:

 The rotating winds can reach speeds of over 200km per hour. These are speeds that can
damage buildings.
 The suction effect of the vertex can throw heavy objects high into the air.
 The winds and suction can cause tides to rise by 5- 10m, causing serious floodings.

The hurricane season in the Caribbean runs from July to November.

Hurricane Safety

A battery powered radio is an essential for listening to weather forecast about hurricanes.

If a hurricane watch is announced, it suggests that there might be a hurricane heading to the area.

A hurricane warning means a hurricane is on its way and there is likely to be some damages.

Some precautions to take:

 Move any loose item from around the outside of the house, such as chairs and garbage
 Board up windows with strong wood and tape around them.
 Make sure you have spare batteries for your radios and flashlights as there may be a loss
of electrical power.
 Make sure you have enough food to last for a couple of weeks in case there is any
problem with your supply.
 Get a gas-powered camping stove and a couple of spare gas cylinders, so you can boil
water and make some hot meals.
 Make sure your car is full of gasoline in case you have to evacuate the area quickly.
 Keep important documents and other important personal items together in a waterproof


1. What is a cyclone?
2. What causes a hurricane to form?
3. In which direction does a hurricane blow in the northern hemisphere?
4. What is the middle region of a hurricane called?
5. Why is it sensible to have canned food rather than fresh food if you are expecting a
Answer Sheet
1. A cyclone is a region of low pressure in the atmosphere which is accompanied by wind
and rain.

2. Water evaporates from the surface of the sea and is carried into the sky by the rising air.
When the moist air cools it condenses turning the water vapour into rain, and in doing so
releases energy which powers the hurricane. As the air rises up, more hot moist air is
drawn in to replace it creating powerful winds.

3. In the northern hemisphere hurricanes blow in an anti-clockwise direction.

4. It is sensible because it will prevent spoilage, since can food has a longer shelf life than
fresh food.

5. The middle of the hurricane is called the eye.

Week 3 Lesson 3

The Terrestrial Environment



Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.


Melted, molten rock,
Like soup that boils in a crock…

Beneath the Earth,

It rolls and roils,
Beneath the Earth,
It turns and toils…
Pressure grows,
Magma escapes,
Blows through holes of different shapes…

Mountain cones,
Ring of fire,
Volcanoes blow,
Ash flies higher!
Magma flows,
Becomes hot lava,
Cools to make,
A place like Java…

Magma comes from underground,

And flows as lava all around…
Listen now,
Don’t interrupt,
When volcanoes blow,
They do erupt!

By Mr. R’s
1. What is magma?
2. Where is magma located?
3. How does magma escape?
4. What is lava?

Let us learn more about volcanoes!


Volcanoes are structures that are formed out of molten rock or magma that has risen upwards
from beneath the Earth’s crust.

A volcano is a gap in the Earth’s crust through which a mixture of molten rock and gases called
magma can escape.

The solid crust of the Earth is a very thin layer. Most of the rest of the Earth is molten rock. The
crust is not a single structure but is made from several tectonic plates that are moving. Most
volcanoes are found where plates in the Earth’s crust are colliding. At the collision zones, some
the material of the Earth’s crust is forced down into the mantle. Here it is melted, and some rises
to the surface again to form volcanoes. Sometimes this happens beneath the sea and volcanic
islands are formed. Each volcano has a vent through which magma escapes from the Earth’s
mantle. Once it has escaped, it is called lava. Lava solidifies and block the vent, causing pressure
of molten rock to build up inside the volcano. The pressure eventually become so high, that it
will dislodge the blockage in the vent and the molten rock will escape. The volcano is now
erupting. There are two ways in which volcanoes:

 Explosive eruptions blow rock, gas, and ash high into the air. These solidify and the solid
rock makes the volcano higher. Explosive volcanoes have steep sides.
 Quiet eruptions allow the liquid lava to seep out. It can run quite a long way before it
becomes solid and so quiet volcanoes have fewer steep sides.

Types of volcanoes

There are three types of volcanoes:

 Cinder cone volcano- is cone shaped with a crater at the top. These volcanoes erupt
explosively. e.g. La Soufriere in St.Vincent.
 Shield volcano- is wide and relatively short, with gentle slopes. These volcanoes erupt
quietly (mildly). These are common in Hawaii.
 Composite or Strato- volcanoes – are steep sided and cone shaped. They are built from
lava, volcanic ash, and cinders. e.g., Mount St. Helens in USA.

Ecological effects of volcanic eruptions

 Volcanic dust produce during eruption can:

Block out sunlight
Damage plants
Damage dwellings
Affect people with respiratory problems.
 Hot magma can kill plants and animals, including livestock.
 Volcanoes can change the shape of the land and the properties of soil.
 Volcanic deposits develop into rich and fertile soils that are ideal for farming.
 Hot springs can develop where volcanoes once erupted.

Picture of a volcano.

 Magma chamber - large underground pool of magma

 Lava - magma, once it reaches the surface
 Crater - bowl-shaped basin in the top of the volcano
 Vent - central tube which magma travels through
 Secondary cones - eruptions from other vents may build up secondary cones on the flanks
 Ash, steam, and gas - material thrown out by the volcano
 Volcanic bombs - larger material thrown out by the force of eruption

a. Create a model of a volcano, identifying the parts.

b. In the Caribbean, the Lesser Antilles are a chain of volcanic islands. Conduct a research
to identify volcanoes and their location in this island chain.
Week 4 Lesson 1

The Terrestrial Environment



Read the extract below and answer the questions.

It had been an average day in the office, conference calls, report writing, fighting off the
mosquitoes that plague us here in Haiti. My clock showed just 10 minutes until it was time to
leave for the day, when without any warning the ground made slight movements, which rapidly
became violent. The earth shook harder than I have ever felt before, I ran to the door but could
not get out. I hid under my desk, my hand pressed up against the surface protecting my head,
hoping it would hold up to the pressure of 2 stories falling on it. If I were buried under a ton of
debris, would I ever get rescued? Was this the end for me?

As quickly as the movement started, the violent tremor stopped, everything became still again.
Covered in dust, I scrambled shaking over the rubble by the office and made it out to the safety
of the street outside. People were coming out stunned, some crying, some injured, some silent. A
count of heads to check everyone was present showed one member of the team was missing,
stuck under the rubble. Companions brought him out and they carried him unconscious on a
piece of the gate on their shoulders to the nearest hospital where he later died. Several of the
hospitals had already collapsed. Home, schools, offices — the buildings we spend our lives in
become our greatest danger.

Cars were left abandoned in the street, roads were impassable covered by collapsed walls,
buildings, telegraph poles and crushed vehicles. We walked the long way home not saying much,
amongst people praying, crying, hysterical. It was surreal. We made a large detour around the
petrol station that had exploded but was still making uncomfortable noises. A couple of people
were wailing outside a collapsed building, the broken sign on the wall showed it had been a

Communication in emergency situations is often not easy. The phone networks were either down
or overloaded so it is impossible to find out if our friends were okay. I had no way of letting my
family know that I had survived. We have no idea where was worst hit or how the rest of the
country is doing.
1. What natural disaster was described in the extract?

2. What were some effects of this natural disaster?

3. How did the writer know that the natural disaster was occurring?

4. Where did this natural disaster occurred?

Now think about this!

1. What causes this natural disaster?

2. How are these natural disasters detected and measured?


The Earth’s crust is composed of huge plates called tectonic plates. One of these plates is called
the Caribbean plate. The Caribbean plate underlines the Caribbean and Central America. Along
the border of the Caribbean plate there are regions which experience frequent earthquakes,
occasional tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

Earthquakes are shaking of the Earth’s crust. They vary from being barely detectable to violent,
wavelike quakes that raze buildings to the ground. Earthquakes occur near major faults in the
Earth’s crust. Major faults are often found where plates are colliding. A fault is a crack in the
Earth’s crust. Faults are created by the forces involved in the collision of plates. Where faults are
formed blocks of rocks often try to move past each other. Sometimes the rocks stick, but they are
still trying to move and this creates enormous tension in the blocks of rock. Eventually the
tension is so great that it overcomes whatever was making them stick and the rocks move
suddenly. A lot of energy is released at the sticking point, causing an Earthquake. The actual
point at which an earthquake starts is called the focus. This is usually deep in the Earth’s crust.
The place directly above it on the surface is called the epicenter. When an earthquake starts the
focus moves the earth in three different ways. These are called seismic waves:

 P waves- push the materials around it. This produces a series of compressions that pass
through rocks. P waves can travel through the Earth’s crust, mantle and core. They are
strong enough that they can reach the other side of the Earth. They travel the fastest.
 S waves- shake the ground. This produces a series of waves in the ground. They can
travel a long way but cannot pass through the Earth’s liquid core, therefore cannot go
straight through the Earth to the other side.

 L waves- these are surface waves that move through the Earth’s crust. They result when P
waves and S waves reach the surface of the Earth, causing damages which are greatest at
the epicenter. L waves travel the slowest.

These waves are detected using an instrument called a seismometer. It is embedded in the rocks
to detect the three types of waves, to produce a trace called a seismograph. Because the different
waves travel at different speeds scientists can work out how far away an earthquake occurred.

Earthquakes are measured on the 10- point Richter scale. 1 is the weakest and 10 is the strongest.

Volcanoes are similar to earthquakes in that they form at the edges of tectonic plates.


Match the term in column A to the statement that best describes it in column B.
Answer Sheet
Week 4 Lesson 2

The Terrestrial Environment



Spend some time observing the movement of a body of water; river, ocean, trench (large drain),
lake or creek. Make a note of when there is high tide (water is high) and when there is low tide
(water is low). List the animals and plants seen at these times.

Try to determine how many times there was a high tide (water is high) and low tide (water is
low) during the day.

What causes the tide to change?


Tides are movements of whole oceans as they are dragged first in one direction then in the
opposite direction. Tides are caused by the forces of gravity between:

 The Earth and the Moon

 The oceans and the Moon

 The Earth and the Sun

 The oceans and the Sun

The Earth’s crust is solid and the oceans are liquid, so the pull of gravity from the Sun and Moon
acts differently on each. The oceans are not attached to the crust and so the pull of gravity of the
Sun and Moon can move oceans over the surface. The twice daily high tide and low tide are due
mainly to the effects of the moon on the Earth and oceans. The Sun’s influence is much smaller
than the Moon because the Moon is closer to the Earth.
As the Moon orbits around the Earth, tidal bulges occur. The bulge is really a large wave beneath
the Moon that moves across the Earth. On the opposite side of the Earth, There is a second bulge.
These bulges are high tide and between each high tide there is low tide.

When the Moon, Earth and Sun are in a straight line, the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon
are combined. This results in spring tides.

Formation of spring tides:

When the moon, the Earth and the Sun are at right angles to each other, the gravitational pull of
the Sun and the Moon oppose each other. This results in the highest low tides and the lowest
high tides, which is called neap tides.

Tidal waves- are huge waves caused by disturbances on the ocean bed. They are also called
tsunamis. Tsunamis are caused by:

 Under sea earthquakes

 Under-sea landslides
 Under-sea volcanic eruptions
Whatever the cause, large amounts of rock or sediment are moved around on the seabed. This
undersea activity displaces a huge amount of water, which form the tidal wave or tsunami. One
disturbance usually generates several tsunamis. The effect of a tsunami on the shore is divided
into two main phases:

 The sea surface is rapidly drawn down as water is sucked into the area where the seabed
was disturbed. This is like moving from high tide to low tide in seconds.
 The waves strike at intervals. The force of the waves drives water in front of them up the
shore. This rapidly floods an area that can stretch for considerable distances inland.

Tidal zones

Intertidal zones exist anywhere the ocean meets the land, between high and low tides. Organisms
that live on the sea shore or in rivers are adapted to the changes that occur as a result of tides.
During high tide this area is underwater and during low tide it is exposed. Here the conditions
continually change, so the organisms must cope with changes in moisture, temperature, salinity
and water turbulence.


1. Define the following terms: tides, tsunami and tidal zone.

2. How is a spring tide caused?
3. Name four factors that are changing in the intertidal zone.
4. Using the information in this lesson, review the information you gathered from your
research in the activity at the beginning of this lesson.
Answer Sheet
1. Tides- are movements of whole oceans as they are dragged first in one direction then in the
opposite direction.
Tsunami- is a huge wave caused by disturbances on the ocean bed.
Tidal zones exist anywhere the ocean meets the land, between high and low tides.
2. A spring tide is caused when the Moon, Earth and Sun are in a straight line, the gravitational pull
of the Sun and Moon are combined.
3. The factors that are changing in an intertidal zone are: moisture, temperature, salinity and
water turbulence.
Week 4 Lesson 3

Water and the Aquatic Environment

Uses of water


KWL- K- what I already know, W- what I want to know, L- What I have learnt

Complete the KWL chart below, by writing in what you know about water and uses of water:



The oceans cover nearly three-quarters of the Earth’s surface. Water is probably the single most
important substance on the plant. Without water you will die in a few days. This is because water
makes up about 70% of our bodies. If we don’t replace any water we lose we will die. Ways in
which water is important in our bodies are:

 Water is the main component of sweat.

 The air sac in the lungs must be moist for good gas exchange.
 Water is used in the blood to transport substances.
 Water is needed to digest our food.
 Water is used in excreting waste products.
 All moving joints are lubricated by a fluid which is mainly water.

The importance of water in plants:

 Water is used to produce nectar.

 Water is a raw material of photosynthesis.
 In non-woody plants the pressure of water in the cells, keeps the plants upright.
 Water transport materials through the stem, root and leaves in special transport system.

Uses of water:

In the home-

 Washing clothes, dishes and cleaning

 Flushing toilet
 Bathing
 Cooking
 Drinking
 Watering gardens
 Industrial and agricultural uses-
 The manufacture of goods
 Mining
 Irrigation of crops
 Hydroponics
 Providing water for animals
 Cleaning crops before marketing
 Generating hydroelectric power
 Transport of goods and people
 Fire fighting
 Leisure activities-
 Swimming
 Sailing
 Fishing
 Water skiing
 As a habitat for many organisms-
 Support
 Oxygen for respiration
 Submerged plants with carbon dioxide
 Food for aquatic animals.

Water is also used to generate electricity. Wherever there is moving water, its kinetic energy can
be harnessed to drive a generator. The generator produces electricity from water.

Wastage of water

Some ways in which we waste water are:

 Ignoring faulty faucets

 Washing cars with high pressure pumps
 Using old and outdated washing machines
 Poor water management
 Leaving water running in sinks and showers when not in use
 Flushing systems

Conservation of water

Ways to conserve water:

 Turning the water off when not in use e.g. when brushing teeth, washing hair.
 Purchase water efficient products and appliances for your home.
 Check for leaks and fix them.
 When washing close ensure you are washing full loads.
 Take shorter showers.
 Harvest rain water to water plants, and do other chores.
 Use the car wash to wash your vehicles.


1. Complete the KWL chart.

2. Write a paragraph explaining to your friend the importance and uses of water, how water
is wasted and how to conserve water.
Integrated Science Grade 11

Week 5 Lesson 1

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Purifying water


Where do you obtain water for use?

Is the water safe to use as it is obtained from the source?

Explain how water is purified in your home. Then investigate in your community two other ways
in which water is purified.


Water is held in stores, such as the oceans, ground water, rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. These
stores are linked and water move between them. Sometimes the water we obtain is polluted. It
looks cloudy and has particles floating around in it. Water can also look clear and still be heavily
polluted. Water can be polluted in a number of ways:

 Contain organic matter such as remains of dead plants and animals, faeces of animals and
manures from farms which usually include both plant remains and faeces. Organic
pollution provides a food source for bacteria in the water.
 Fertilisers which dissolve in water in the soil. These dissolved fertilisers find its way into
streams and ponds. Here they cause massive growth of algae. This results in
 Pesticides including weed killers and insecticides. Pesticides are used to kill pests like
weeds and insects which damage crops. They can remain in the soil or enter water ways
and enter other organisms and so get pass up to humans along the food chain.
 Oil slicks are huge patches of oil that form when a tanker spills some of its cargo.

Large scale purification of water

The stages of water purification are:

 Screening – removes large objects like twigs, branches, large pieces of paper and other
 Settling tank- small objects fall to the bottom. Alum is added to coat particles and make
them fall.
 Graded filter bed- remaining solids and bacteria removed when water percolates (drips)
through. By the time the water reaches the bottom all the organic matter has been
 Chlorination and aeration- chlorine gas bubbled through to kill microorganisms, water
then aerated to remove chlorine.
 Treated water is pumped for domestic use.

Treatment of Seawater

In some countries seawater is used to provide drinking water. The salt must be removed before it
can be used. The process of purification includes:

 Solar distillation- uses the heat of the sun to evaporate seawater in trenches covered with
transparent plastic. The water vapour condenses on the transparent plastic, drips into
gutters and is carried away.
 Electrodialysis- uses an electric current to draw the charged particles of sodium and
chloride (these make up the salt in seawater) out of the seawater across a special
 Vacuum freezing- freezes seawater in special vacuum chambers. As the seawater freezes,
some water flash evaporates to steam and is pumped out. The salt is left behind.
 Flash distillation- involves heating seawater under low pressure. The water vapour
formed is then condensed and is drawn off as pure drinking water.

Purifying water at home

 Boiling- boiling for 15 minutes kills all microorganisms. After boiling the water should
be cooled.
 Chlorination- drops of chlorinated bleach can be added to water. It should be stirred and
left for 30 minutes. The chlorine kills all microorganisms.
 Distillation- a method of purifying seawater by removing the salts from it.


1. If it is possible; visit a water treatment plant, and note their process of purifying water.
2. Investigation:
Materials: two containers one with small holes in the bottom, fine sand, course sand,
small stones (gravel), large stones, muddy water.
 Create a filter by adding to the container with small holes, a layer of large stones.
Ensure they are close together.
 Then place a layer of small stones (gravel), follow by a layer of course sand, then
fine sand.
 Suspend the container over the next container, using suitable support.
 Pour muddy water into the container with the layers of materials.
 Observe the water that is filtered into the container below.


1. What is the colour of the filtered water?

2. Is it different to the water that was poured into the filter?
3. Is the water safe for drinking purposes?
4. Think of ways in which you can improve the filter used in this investigation.
Week 5 Lesson 2

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Properties of water


Pour one cup of water into two separate containers. In one cup, add a spoonful of sugar and stir.
In the other cup, add one spoonful of oil.

1. Which substance was able to dissolve and why?

2. Which property of water does this demonstrate?

Fill a cup to the very brim with water. Next, take a paper clip and gently place it on the surface
of the water. If you are careful, it should float, even though metal is heavy and normally sinks.

1. Why do you think the paperclip floats?

2. What property of water does this demonstrate?

Pour a small amount of water in a cup. Next, dip the tip of a paper towel in the water.

1. What do you notice over time?

2. Why does the water seem to "climb" up the paper towel?
3. What property of water does this demonstrate?

Next, pour one cup of water in a glass and add two ice cubes.

1. What happens to the ice cubes and why?

2. What property of water does this demonstrate?


Pure water has the following properties:

 It is Colourless, tasteless and odourless liquid.

 Boiling point is 1000C and freezing point is 00C.
 It has a density of 1g/cm3.
 It has a high heat capacity.
 Water has a high heat of vaporization.
 Adhesion- the attraction between water molecules and molecules of other substances.
This leads to capillary action.
 It is a polar molecule. This makes it a good solvent. Ionic and covalent polar molecules
dissolve in water. The solvent properties of water of water make it ideal as a medium in
which the chemical reactions in cells take place.
 When cooled water expands. At 0 0C the volume of ice is greater than the volume of
water from which it forms. This result from the way water molecule is arranged in ice.
This is why ice cubes floats in water. When a pond freezes, ice covers the surface.
However the denser water remains below the ice so fish can survive under the ice.
 Surface tension- the attraction between water molecules result in a skin on the surface of
the water, which is called surface tension. Small objects are able to float and small insects
are able to walk on water because the surface tension is strong enough to support the


Look back at the activities at the beginning of the lesson. Use the information learnt to identify
the properties of water investigated.
Answer Sheet

Activity 1: Sugar would dissolve and not oil because of the polarity of water.

Activity 2: The paperclip floats because of the surface tension.

Activity 3: The water climbs up the paper towel over time because of capillary

Activity 4: The ice cubes float because they are less dense than water.
Week 5 Lesson 3

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Conditions for Flotation


 Collect at least ten items from around the home.

 Obtain a large container full of water.
 Place one item into the water at a time. Does it float or sink? Place the object into the
corresponding labelled container.
 Think about why some objects sank and others didn’t.
 Think about the weight, size and material the object is made of and how this influences
the floating ability.
 Think about why there were bubbles when some objects sank.

 Record your ideas.

When objects are totally or partially submerged in a liquid there is a force pushing upward on
them. This force is called upthrust force.

Archimedes’ Principle
When any object is held in a liquid, it pushes a side or displaces the liquid. The volume of the
liquid displaced is equal to the volume of the object.
Archimedes principle states that when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid the
upthrust is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
Since the weight of an object always acts vertically downwards, the upthrust of an object always
acts vertically upwards. Whether an object sinks or floats depends on its weight and upthrust it
 If the upthrust and weight are equal, the object will stay still.
 If the weight is greater than the upthrust, the object will sink downwards.
 If the upthrust is greater than the weight, the object will float upwards.

Upthrust and Density

 If an object is denser than the liquid in which it is placed, it will sink. The liquid
displaced ways less than the object, so the upthrust is less than the weight of the object.
 If the object is less dense than the liquid in which it is placed, it will float because it can
displace the weight of liquid needed to receive an upthrust equal to its weight.
According to Archimedes principle; when an object floats it displaces the weight of the
fluid in which it floats equal to its own weight.
Shipping in different waters

Seawater has salts dissolved in it, making its density greater than that of pure water. It is easier to
float in seawater than fresh water.

Cold water is more dense than warm water; therefore, it is easier to float in cold water.

Plimsoll lines

When a ship is built, calculations are made to determine the level to which it can be safely
loaded in different waters at different temperatures. A series of lines are painted on the side of
the ship’s hull to indicate these levels. These lines are called Plimsoll lines.


1. Explain using Archimedes principle, why the objects in your activity float.
2. Answer the following questions
a. Which two forces determine whether an object sinks or float?
b. Why is it easier to float in seawater than in fresh water?
c. What is Archimedes principle?
Answer Sheet

a. The two forces: weight and upthrust.

b. Seawater has dissolved salts which increases its density, making it denser than
c. Archimedes principle states: that when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a
fluid the upthrust is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
Week 6 Lesson 1

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Water Pollution


Review Week 5, Lesson 1 on Purifying water. Identify ways in which water can be polluted.

State what is pollution.


Pollution is the contamination of land, air or water environment with harmful or poisonous
substances. Pollution is mainly caused by human activity. Water pollution can occur for several
reasons; eutrophication, run off of chemicals and oil spills.


Eutrophication is the term used to describe the effect on fresh water rivers and lakes of the
addition of large quantities of nitrates and phosphates from excessive use of fertilisers. The
nitrates and phosphates encourage the rapid growth of algae, forming an algal bloom in the
water. This brings about the death of fish and other animals that need to absorb oxygen from the
water. The stages of Eutrophication are:

 The algae cover the surface of the water and prevent light from reaching plants below
 The plants die and begin to decompose.
 The decomposers microorganisms need oxygen respiration as their numbers increase so
more oxygen is absorbed from the water.
 Eventually the concentration of oxygen in the water is insufficient for fish and the
suffocate and die.


Pesticides applied to crops may wash off into rivers and lakes. They may poison aquatic
organisms and terrestrial animals which eat them. The insecticide DDT is very effective. Its use
is banned in many countries because of the toxicity, once it enters a food chain. This leads to
bioaccumulation. One effect bioaccumulation of DDT has on birds is that it cause them to lay
eggs with very thin shells that cracked easily and few chicks were born.

Oil spillage
When crude oil from tankers spills into the sea, it floats on the surface of the water. It prevents
oxygen from dissolving in the water. Organisms living on the surface, such as seabirds, rapidly
become coated in crude oil and are unable to fly. When they attempt to preen their feathers, they
ingest crude oil and eventually die.

As a result of wave action, the crude oil and seawater are whipped together and form a mousse.
After some time, this sinks in the seabed where it covers coral and any other organisms living
there. Some oil may be washed up on beaches, where it kills plants and animals that live in the
tidal zone. It leaves a sticky brown mess on sand and rocks.

Organic waste

Organic waste from untreated sewage increases the amount of bacteria, which use up the
dissolved oxygen, and hence lead to the death of aquatic organisms.

Hot water

Hot water from power stations can cause an increase in bacteria, which use up the dissolved
oxygen rapidly.


Answer the following questions

1. What are possible causes of water pollution?

2. How do pesticides get into water?
3. What happens to pesticides like DDT in the food chain?
4. Why are fish killed as a result of eutrophication?
Answer Sheet

1. Some possible causes of water pollution are; run off of chemicals, oil spills, organic
waste, hot water and eutrophication.
2. Pesticides get into rivers when they wash off from the crops they are applied to or
sprayed directly to kill pests like mosquitoes.
3. Pesticides like DDT bio-accumulate in the food chain affecting the animals.
4. Fish are killed as a result of eutrophication, because eutrophication results in a lack of
oxygen in the water causing fish to suffocate.
Week 6 Lesson 2

Water and The Aquatic Environment



Observe and describe how fishing is done in and around your community.


Fish is an important part of people’s diet in many countries, including the Caribbean. It is a good
source of protein and has fewer lipids than meat obtained from terrestrial animals. Fish also
contains essential oils and vitamins that help to keep people healthy. Some fish are obtained from
fresh water, but most commercial fishing is carried out at sea.

Fishing methods

 Hand fishing- is done during low tide. Some fish may be trapped in holes in the coral and
are easily caught; individuals can feel for fish in shallow water.
 Using grappling and wounding gear- involves the use of gear such as loops, spears and
harpoons; these are hand held and tossed at the fish.
 Stunning- involves the reduction of the mobility of the fish, by poisoning the fish with
toxic materials and chemicals, or by the use of explosives, or by electrical shock. This is
not good practice as it destroys the other organisms in the environment.
 Line and hook- this is done with a baited hook tied to a line. When the fish attempts to
swallow the bait, the hook fastens in its mouth. The fisherman pulls in the line and
catches the fish.
 Traps and pots- these are basket like cages; they consist of a chamber with easy access
and a device at the entrance which prevents the fish from getting out. The pots are usually
baited to encourage the fish to enter them.
 Nets range from small to large and are of various types.e.g.
 Entangle nets- set across channels where the fish are known to swim.
 Cart nets- which are small circular nets with a cast line at the centre and lead
weights on the edge.
 Trawling nets- which consists of a bag net with openings attached to a motorized

Fish farming

Fish farming developed due to a decrease in fish stocks in the oceans. In the Caribbean,
freshwater fish, such as tilapia and silver carp are farmed in Cuba and Jamaica. The islands have
favorable environment for development of fish farming. The benefits of fish farming are:
 A controlled supply of fish.
 Fish have an optimum growth rate.
 Disease resistant fish can be reared.

Hobby fishing

Fishing is a popular hobby and many people catch a small number of fish for their own table.
Methods used by hobby fishermen are:

 Spearing
 Rod and line.


Create a three part scrap book. In the first part of the scrap book include pictures or drawings of
fishing methods and outline how the methods are used.
Week 6 Lesson 3

Water and the Aquatic Environment

Navigational devices


10- 2- 2: take 10 minutes, first think about what you know about navigational devices, then read
the information in the content of this less. Secondly, take two minutes and think about what you
have learnt about navigational devices, you may write down of you feel the need to do so.
Finally, explain to someone what you have learnt about navigational devices.


Navigational devices refer to the instruments used by navigators (sailors, fishermen) and pilots as
tools of their trade. The purpose of these tools is to help them to go places and to get back home.
Navigation is to ascertain the present position and to determine the speed, direction etc. to arrive
at the port or point of destination.

Some navigational devices are:

 Compass – a compass is a magnetic needle which is mounted on a pin, so it is free to spin

around. The point on the compass always points north. This means that the fishermen can
always tell in which direction they are going. Compasses on boats are mounted on
gimbals which allow the compass to always be horizontal no matter how much the boat
moves up and down.
 Echo sounders or sonars- are used to find fish. The echo sounder sends short impulses of
sound through the water surrounding a fishing boat. If the sound waves strike a shoal of
fish they are reflected back and detected by an operator in the boat.
 Radar- uses electromagnetic waves to detect the range, direction and speeds of objects.
There is a transmitter that emits the waves, which are scattered when they come in
contact with an object. A receiver detects the signal which is reflected back from the
object. There is a slight change of wavelength or frequency in the returned signal if the
object is moving.
 GPS (Global Positioning System)- is a global navigation satellite system that can be used
worldwide by anybody, day, or night, in all weathers and anywhere on Earth. GPS
satellite broadcast signals from space and a person with a GPS receive r can obtain a
three dimensional location giving latitude and longitude and the altitude at a certain time.
It is the basis of navigational systems used on land, sea and air and is particular useful for

In your three-part scrapbook, add picture or drawings of navigational devices and explain their
Week 7 Lesson1

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Water Safety


Two Cents

Write down two things you know about water safety.

Write down two things you would like to learn about water safety.


People involved in water sports, such as sailing, rafting, or canoeing need safety devices to keep
them afloat in the event of an accident. These maybe in the form of inflatable tubes, life jackets
or life rafts. These devices are made of strong but light materials. They can be inflated or may
inflate automatically. When a person wears or sits on one of these devices the density of their
body is effectively reduced. This is because the total volume increases by a large amount, while
the total weight only increases by a small amount. Water safety devices are:

 Life Jacket- is designed to keep the wearer afloat with their nose and mouth above water.
Life jackets in the form of nylon- lined foam vests are useful buoyancy aids and are
suitable for those who can swim and for children. Inflatable life jackets or vests are more
suitable for boating, sailing, and fishing. These jackets have air chambers which can be
inflated by pulling a cord. The wearer is then made buoyant and will float.
 Life raft- is an inflatable boat than can be launched from a larger boat in the event of an
accident. It is usually provided with paddles.
 Inflatable rings- provide support in the water. They may be used as aids to give non-
swimmers confidence while they are learning to swim, or they may be thrown into the
water to help someone in difficulties.


To your three-part scrap book, include pictures or drawings of water safety devices and explain
how they are used.
Week 7 Lesson 2

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Scuba diving


Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow:

1. What activity is being done by the individual in the picture?

2. Try to identify the equipment the individual is using to carry out this activity.
3. Why it is necessary for them to use these equipment?
4. Conduct an interview with someone in your community who engage in a similar activity,
to determine: How it is done, risks of participating in this activity and precautions to
follow, whilst participating in the activity.


Scuba stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Scuba diving is a popular
sport in the Caribbean. The diver carries a thank of compressed air on their back so they can
breathe underwater without needing to come to the surface for air.

Hazards associated with scuba diving are:

 The bends- the pressure of water acting on a diver increases with depth (Note: the
pressure in a liquid increases with depth.). Increasing pressure causes an increase in
the solubility of gases in liquids so more air so more air dissolve in the diver’s blood
at greater depths. When the diver returns to the surface, they must do so slowly, so
the extra air has time to come out of the blood. If the diver rises too quickly bubbles
of air may form in the blood; this is known as air embolism. In the heart or brain
these can be fatal. In the joints the air bubbles cause severe pain causing the body to
become contorted into strange positions, this is called the bends. Divers who return to
the surface too quickly must immediately go into a decompression chamber, where
the pressure is increased to the same pressure experience by the diver. Then lowered
to normal atmospheric pressure.
 Nitrogen narcosis- the deeper a diver goes, the more nitrogen dissolves in the blood.
The diver loses control of his movements, is unable to think clearly and becomes
totally disorientated.
 Burst ear drums- increase pressure may cause damage to the ear drum. Normally the
pressure on both sides of the ear drum is the same, but, when diving the higher
external pressure may cause the ear drum to be pushed inwards with sufficient force
to burst it.
 Ruptured lungs- respiratory problems are caused by high damaging the delicate
membrane lining of the lungs. Ascending too quickly may even cause the lungs to


Complete the paragraph by writing in the correct answer.

The __________________ of a liquid increases with depth, so there are numerous hazards
associated with scuba diving. Increasing ___________________ increases the solubility of gases
in liquids. Scuba refers to self- contained underwater ___________________ apparatus. Some
hazards of scuba diving are the bends, nitrogen narcosis, _______________________ and
______________. To reverse the effects of the bend, the diver is placed in a ________________.
Another condition associated with the bends is _____________________ where air bubbles
enter the blood. Nitrogen narcosis causes the driver to lose control of his __________________.
Being aware of the hazards of subs diving, allow divers to reduce the risks and safely participate
in this popular sport.
Answer Sheet
The pressure of a liquid increases with depth, so there are numerous hazards associated with
scuba diving. Increasing pressure increases the solubility of gases in liquids. Scuba refers to self-
contained underwater breathing apparatus. Some hazards of scuba diving are the bends, nitrogen
narcosis, burst ear drums and ruptured lungs. To reverse the effects of the bend, the diver is
placed in a decompression chamber. Another condition associated with the bends is air embolism
where air bubbles enter the blood. Nitrogen narcosis causes the diver to lose control of his
movements. Being aware of the hazards of subs diving, allow divers to reduce the risks and
safely participate in this popular sport.
Week 7 Lesson 3

Water and The Aquatic Environment

Movement in air and water


Materials: two large transparent containers (same size), plasticine shaped into two rectangular
blocks (same size), water

Activity 1

Fill one of the containers with water, and leaves the other it will be filled with air. Drop objects
A and B into the containers. As shown in the diagram.

a. Which object will reach the bottom first?

b. Explain your answer using forces and particles.

Activity 2

Drop objects A and B into the containers of water. As shown in the diagram.
a. Which object will reach the bottom first?
b. Explain your answer using force and particles.

Activity 3

Drop objects A and B into the containers as shown in the diagram.

a. Which object will reach the bottom first?

b. Explain your answer using force and particles.

Air and water are fluids. A fluid is anything that flows. Friction is a force that opposes
movement when one surface tries to move over another surface. When an object tries to move
through a fluid, there is a fictional force between the fluid particles and the object, called drag. If
the object is moving through the air it is called air resistance. A force which drives a moving
object is called thrust. Thrust may be provided from an engine, human muscles or wind. If the
thrust acting on an object is greater than the drag, it will accelerate (speed up) in the direction of
the thrust. If the thrust is reduced, so it become less than the drag, the object will decelerate
(slow down).

Factors affecting the drag force

The size of the drag force acting on an object depends on:

 The speed of the object- as the speed of an object increases the drag force also increases.
Eventually the drag force will become equal to the thrust. The forces on the object are
now balanced and it will continue to move at a constant speed.
 The type of fluid through which the object is moving- some fluid can be described as
thick or sticky, they have a high viscosity. Some fluids such as water, have a lower
viscosity. The more viscous the fluid, the greater the drag it exerts on an object passing
through it.
 The shape of the object- some objects are streamlined in shape. Fluids flow around them
in smooth unbroken patterns or streamlines. Other objects are less streamlined and the
fluid flowing around them becomes turbulent increasing the drag.
 The size of the object- the bigger the object the greater the drag exerted on it when
passing through a fluid.

Running and cycling

Runners and cyclists both experience a drag force when they move. To reduce the size of this
force by making themselves more streamline, by wearing tight smooth clothing crouching low
over the handlebars and wearing streamlined helmets. If a wind is blowing in the same direction
as the runner and cyclist is going, it adds to the thrust they are generating, and they will go faster.
If the wind is blowing in the opposite direction it adds to the drag and slows them down.


A sailing boat uses wind to provide thrust. The boat will move forwards if the thrust is equal to
or greater than the total drag forces acting on the boat. The drag forces come from both water
resistance and air resistance. If the boat is sailing in the same direction as the wind is blowing,
there is little air resistance, and the sails are set at right angles to the wind. Sailing and other
boats are also affected by water currents. The boat may need to be steered in a direction that
compensates for the force from a water current pushing it off course.


Review your answers to the questions asked for each activity, use the knowledge gained from
this lesson and correct any misconceptions.

Conduct similar investigations using objects with different shapes and size. Then explain your
results using force and particles.
Week 8 Lesson 1

Principles of force


Materials: balloon, string, straw and tape


1. Place the string through the straw.

2. Tie the string across the room or from one pole to another.
3. Use the tape to attach the balloon to the straw.
4. Stand at one end of the string and inflate (blow up) the balloon.
5. Release the balloon and observe.
6. Explain what happened to the balloon.


A force is a push or pull. When a force is applied it may change speed, direction, size or shape.

A force is measured using a force meter or Newton meter. The unit for measuring force is the
newton (N).

Two objects must work together or interact for a force to exist.

Forces always exist in pairs; they cannot exist alone.

When one object exerts a force on another object, the other object pulls or pushes back. The
forces between the two objects are always the same size but pull or push in the opposite

Newton’s laws

 Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest or continue
moving in a straight line at a constant speed, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
 Newton’s second law of motion is concerned with acceleration. Acceleration is the rate at
which speed changes when a force is applied to an object.
 Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. The action reaction forces are pairs of forces that are always equal in size, act in
the opposite direction and act on different objects.

Application of Newton’s third law of motion

 Walking- where your feet push backwards on the ground, and the ground pushes
forwards on you, with an equal and opposite reaction force, so you move forward.
 Moving vehicles- when driving a car forward the driving wheel tries to turn causing a
force that acts where the tyres come in contact with the ground. The tyres push
backwards on the ground and the ground pushes forward with an equal and opposite
force, causing the vehicle to move forward.
 The jet engine newton’ third law also helps us to understand how jet engines work.


Think of another everyday application of Newton’s third law of motion and try to explain how it
Week 8 Lesson 2

Forces of flight


Materials: two strips of paper

Hold the strips vertically next to each other and blow in between them. Observe what happens.

Hold one strip horizontally in front of you and blow over the top of it. Observe what happens.


The wings of birds and airplanes are designed to provide lift when flying. Without lifting forces,
aircrafts would never leave the ground. Bird’s wings and airplane wings are shaped like an
aerofoil. Air flowing past an aerofoil divides as it hits the aerofoil. The air flowing over the top
has to flow further. The air molecules spread out and this lowers the air pressure above the
aerofoil. The air pressure beneath the aerofoil is higher than the pressure above. This creates lift.

The jet engines of airplanes work by pushing out a jet of gas backwards. This action creates an
equal and opposite reaction (thrust), which pushes the airplane forward.

Resultant force

Most time more than one force acts on an object at the same time. The effects of these forces can
be added to give a resultant force. The resultant force is the single force that has the same effect
on the object as all the original forces acting together.

In the activity at the beginning of this lesson; air was forced quickly between the two strips of
paper. There will be less air pressure between the two papers than outside them. So they are
pushed together. The one strip of paper lifted up. The air moving over it, moves faster than that
at the bottom and airflow created lift.


Complete the paragraph by writing in the correct answers.

The upward force on an airplane wing is called _______________. The _____________ of an

airplane is shaped like an aerofoil. The air moving over the aerofoil is flowing faster, resulting in
a decrease in the _______________. The pressure beneath the aerofoil is _________________
than the pressure above it. The engine also enables the aircraft to fly. The engine works by
pushing out a jet of ________________ backwards. This action creates an _______________
and _________________ reaction which pushes the airplane forward.

Answer Sheet

The upward force on an airplane wing is called lift. The wings of an airplane are shaped like an
aerofoil. The air moving over the aerofoil is flowing faster, resulting in a decrease in the
pressure. The pressure beneath the aerofoil is greater than the pressure above it. The engine also
enables the aircraft to fly. The engine works by pushing out a jet of gas backwards. This action
creates an equal and opposite reaction which pushes the airplane forward.
Week 8 Lesson 3



Materials: sheets of rough and smooth plastic, a carpet square (mat), a toy car, a rule or
measuring tape.


1. Place the car at the top of the wood slope.

2. Raise the edge slowly until the car moves steadily down the slope.
3. Measure the height that the slope was lifted.
4. Repeat using a plastic surface then a carpet on the surface. Ensure the length of each
slope is the same. Record your observation and compare the outcome on the different


Friction is the force that stops things from moving.

Friction is a force that occurs when two objects are touching each other and one moves against
each other.

Friction always acts against the direction of movement. As a result, friction slows down a
moving object or causes it to stop.

Friction caused by air is called air resistance.

Static friction is a force that keeps an object at rest.

Sliding friction is the friction that occurs between two objects that are sliding against each other.

Uses of friction

Helpful uses

 Preventing tyres on vehicles from sliding on the road surface. The vehicle can be
controlled better when the brakes are applied.
 Making it possible for us to walk, run and play sport on different surfaces.
 Allowing us to write clearly on paper surfaces.
 Holding objects in our hands without dropping them.
 Lighting matches and bringing about ignition.

Unhelpful uses

 It causes wear and tear on different surfaces.

 Extra force is needed to overcome frictional force.
 The friction between moving parts of machines slows them down and produces heat.
 Air resistance can slow down moving objects.

Overcoming friction

 Grease and oil are used as lubricants to reduce friction in the moving parts of machinery.
 Rollers can be placed on objects so that they are not in direct contact with a surface.
 Cars and aircraft are designed with streamlined shapes to reduce the force of air friction.

Note: that rough surfaces has more friction than smooth surfaces.


Review the activity at the beginning of this lesson and account for the observations made.

Investigate how athletes, use friction in their sport.

Define the following terms and illustrate how they occur: static friction, sliding friction and air
Week 9 Lesson 1



Misconception Check: The statements provided are misconceptions about gravity. Indicate if the
statement is correct by selecting Agree and incorrect by selecting Disagree. The first was done
for you.

Statements Agree Disagree

Gravity is a non-contact force. √
The mass and weight of an object is the same.
Gravity exists between any object that has a mass.
The size of centripetal force increases with the mass of an object.
The greater the mass of an object the greater the force of gravity acting on
the object.
The effect of gravity is reduced as the height the object is at.


Gravity is the force that attracts objects together. If an object is dropped from a height it will be
pulled to the ground by gravity. Gravitational force exists between any two objects that have
mass, the greater their mass the greater the force of attraction. As you move away from the
centre of the Earth gravity decreases as well as the weight. Weight is the gravitational pull we
feel because of our mass and this is measured in Newtons.

Centripetal force is the force acting on an object moving in a circular path. Any object travelling
in a circular path is continuously changing directions, so it must be continually acted upon by an
external force. The size of the centripetal force acting on an object increases as the mass and
speed of the object increases. Centripetal force is always directed towards the centre of the circle.

Examples of centripetal force:

 A bead whirling around on a string, the centripetal force is provided by the tension in the
string, if the string burst the bead will go off on a tangent.
 A car going around a bend, the centripetal force is provided by friction, if there was no
friction the car would skid off the road.
 A satellite orbiting the Earth the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational pull of
the Earth.
Centrifugal force is a force that tends to move objects away from the center in a system
undergoing circular motion. Centripetal force is always balanced by centrifugal force.
Centrifugal force is the equal and opposite force to centripetal force. If centripetal force is
removed, then centrifugal force will also be removed.


a. Use the information learnt in this lesson to confirm your choices in the Misconception
b. Activity: PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting)- think about and write down the positive or
pluses, negative or minuses and the neutral or interesting details you learnt about gravity,
centripetal and centrifugal forces in this lesson.
Week 9 Lesson 2

Centre of gravity


Review previous lessons on gravity and the other forces.


The centre of gravity of a body is defined as that point in the body at which all its weight acts.
That is the point about which the body will balance when no other force, except weight, act.

The centre of gravity of a regular shaped thin sheet is at the intersection of the lines of symmetry.

The centre of gravity of a regular 3-dimentional solid is at its geometric centre.

Stability – the position of the centre of mass of an object in relation to its base determine the
stability of the object. The smaller the base of an object and the higher its centre of gravity, the
less stable it will be.

If the centre of gravity of an object remains within the base of the object, it will tilt but it will not
topple over.

If the centre of gravity moves outside the base of the object will topple on its side.


Use of cardboard cutouts of triangles, rectangles, circles and irregular shapes to arrive at the
approximate position of the center of gravity of objects of different shapes; items such as pencils,
rulers and solids with regular shapes should be used to locate the center of gravity (by balancing


1. Punch three holes near the edge of the shapes.

2. Create a plumb line by tying a rock to a string.
3. Hang the cardboard shape by a hole from a clamp or pin support and attach the plumb
4. Draw a line across the cardboard where the string hangs.
5. Repeat the process hanging the cardboard shape from a second hole.
Week 9 Lesson 3

Conditions for Equilibrium under parallel forces


Obtain three plastic bottles. Place one to stand on its base, the next to stand on the other side
(top) and the third one to lay on its side. Turn on a fan or manually generate wind and observe
what happens to the bottles.

What happened to the bottles?

Try to explain the effect on the bottles using centre of gravity.

When something is balanced and not moving, we say it is in a state of equilibrium. Equilibrium
is classified based on what happens to the object and its centre of gravity when is moved. The
three types of equilibrium are:

 Stable equilibrium- when the object is moved, its centre of gravity returns to the original
position, so does the the bottle standing on its base.
 Unstable equilibrium- when the object is moved, both the centre of gravity and the object
fall. E.g. the bottle that was inverted.
 When the object moves, so does the centre of gravity, but both remain at the same height.
E.g., the bottle that was laying on its side.

Moment of force

If a force acts through the centre of gravity, it is either a push or a pulland the object moves in
the direction of the force. However a turning effect results if the force does not act through the
centre of gravity. For example, when we use a spanner to tighten or slcken a nut, we apply the
force at the opposite end to the nut and it turns. The force created by a turning effect is called a

We calculate the size of the moment using the equation:

Moment (Nm) = Force (N) X perpendicular distance between the line of action of the

force and the fulcrum

the law of moments states that in equilibrium the anticlockwise moment must be equal to the
clockwise moment.

A load of 10N is applied 5m away from the fulcrum of a lever. Find the distance at which a force
of 25N must be applied to bring the lever into equilibrium.

At equilibrium: sum of clockwise moment = sum of anticlockwise moments

Let the distance be d


1. We measure the size of forces in ______________________.

2. The word turning effect of a force is the ___________________.
3. To work out the moment of a force we also need to know the __________________ in
4. When an object is balance and not moving, we say it is in a state of ________________.
5. According to the law of moments; in equilibrium the anticlockwise moment must be
_________________ to the clockwise moment.
Answer Sheet

1. We measure the size of forces in Newtons.

2. The word turning effect of a force is the moments.
3. To work out the moment of a force we also need to know the distance in meters.
4. When an object is balance and not moving, we say it is in a state of equilibrium.
5. According to the law of moments; in equilibrium the anticlockwise moment must be
equal to the clockwise moment.
Week 10 Lesson 1

Fossil fuels and Alternative Energy Sources

Fossil fuels


Thick about it!

 Can you name some fossil fuels?

 How are fossil fuels created in the first place?
 What are some of the things you use on a daily basis that depend on fossil fuels?
How/why do they depend on fossil fuels?


Energy is obtained by burning fossil fuels or by using alternative energy sources.

A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried
dead organisms. The main fossil fuels are coal, crude oil and natural gas.

Fossil fuels are examples of non- renewable energy sources. A non- renewable source of energy
is one that is being used up far more quickly than it can be replaced by natural process.

Another type of energy sources are renewable source of energy. Alternative energy sources are
renewable source of energy. Renewable source of energy can be continuously replaced as they
are being used.

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form. When plants and animals died, their bodies decayed in
seas and lakes; the pressure from the rocks in the absence of air made the plant and animal
bodies change into fossil fuels, such as coal.

Crude oil and natural gas form underground and are absorb into porous rock, rising towards the
surface until they become trapped between layers of impermeable rocks. Crude oil and natural
gas are composed entirely of hydrocarbons.

Natural gas is composed of methane, together with small proportions of ethane and other gases.

Crude oil is a more complex mixture of hydrocarbons and is of little use in that form. Crude oil
must be refined. Refining separates the hydrocarbons and modifies them to form useful products.
Crude oil is refined by a process called fractional distillation. Some of the hydrocarbons
separated during fractional distillation are large hydrocarbons which are less useful than smaller
ones. Smaller hydrocarbons can be obtained from larger ones by the process of cracking.
There are two types of cracking:

 Thermo- cracking- involves heating large hydrocarbons to very high temperatures to

break them up.
 Catalytic cracking- involves using low temperatures and chemicals such as aluminium
oxide to break hydrocarbon chains.

Combustion of fuels

Combustion is the process by which organic compounds burn in oxygen to produce carbon
dioxide, water and energy. There are two types of flame that can be produced during combustion
of fuels are luminous and non- luminous flame.

Luminous flames

o Yellow colour.
o No sound produced.
o Can use only some oxygen so some not all the oxygen is changed to carbon dioxide and
soot is produced.
o Not very efficient as less energy is produced.

Non- luminous flames

o Blue colour.
o Sometimes called roaring flames as sound is produced.
o Combine all the available oxygen to carbon dioxide so no soot is produced.
o Very efficient as a lot of energy is produced.

1. Complete the concept map below

2. Complete the Frayer four squares below based on fossil fuels.

Week 10 Lesson 2

Fossil fuels and Alternative Energy Sources

Problem associated with the use of fossil fuels


o What are the products of combustion of hydrocarbon?

o What happens to the products of combustion of hydrocarbons?
o What effects do you think this product will have on Earth?


The use of fossil fuels can lead to a polluted environment. Combustion of fossil fuel releases
many harmful products into the environment.

 Carbon monoxide- gas is produced by incomplete combustion of fuels in motor vehicles.

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas. It combines with haemoglobin to produce
carboxyhaemoglobin, which prevents the oxygen from combining with the haemoglobin
and hence from reaching the body; this can lead to death.
 Carbon dioxide- more and more carbon dioxide produced during combustion of fossil
fuels has been released into the atmosphere. This results in a steady increase in the
concentration of this gas in the atmosphere. One effect of this has been to reduce the
amount of heat lost by radiation from the Earth to space. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse
gas, it traps some of this heat and redirects it back to Earth. The increase in carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere results in a small but significant increase in average
temperatures around the world. Resulting in global warming.
Global warming is causing the North and South poles to shrink, as the ice caps melt, and
is responsible for changes in the world weather patterns.
 Acid rain- the acidity of rainwater increases due to burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels
contain impurities such as sulphur. When they are burnt sulphur oxidises to sulphur
dioxide. When fossil fuels burn in furnaces or car engines, atmospheric nitrogen is
oxidized to nitrogen oxides.
Acid rain reacts with building materials, such as limestone and mortar, and increases the
rate at which metals corrode. Acid rain also damages the foliage on trees, and damages
the organisms in lakes and rivers. The water becomes more acidic and causes harmful
metal ions to pass out of soil as water drains off the land.

1. What happens to water in the atmosphere when sulphur dioxide dissolves in it?
2. What is a greenhouse gas?
3. Describe the effects of acid rain on buildings.
4. Identify the effects of acid rain in your community.
Answer Sheet
1. The acidity of the water increases resulting in acid rain.
2. A greenhouse gas traps some of the heat entering space and redirects it back to Earth.
3. Acid rain reacts with building materials, such as limestone and mortar, and increases the
rate at which metals corrode.
Week 10 Lesson 3

Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy Source

Alternative sources of Energy


In addition to fossil fuel identify other sources of energy used in and around your community.

Explain how that energy source improves the lives of persons in the community.


A renewable source of energy is one that is sustained or replaced by natural processes.

Alternative sources of energy are renewable energy sources. Some alternative sources of energy

 Biofuels- are obtained from plants and animals. Some biofuels are: biogas, ethanol,
gasohol and alcool gasoline and biodiesel.
Animal dung is used in biogas units to produce methane for cooking, or dried and burnt
as fuel.
Sugar from sugar cane can be fermented to produce ethanol. The sugar cane waste is
burnt to provide the energy needed for distillation. In some countries the ethanol is mixed
with petrol to form biofuels such as gasohol and alcool gasoline. This uses a fuel from
renewable source ethanol, and thus reduces the demand on a fuel from a non- renewable
source, petrol.
Biodiesel is made from reacting vegetable oil and animal fats with alcohol. The fuel
produced can be used in vehicles in the same way as normal diesel and does not require
any modification to the engine.
 Solar energy- the sun either directly or indirectly is responsible for almost all renewable
source of energy. Solar cells capture the radiation from the sun and convert it directly into
 Wind energy- winds are the result of uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun. Wind
energy drives wind turbines which generate electricity. Blades are used to collect the
kinetic energy of the wind. The blades are connected to a drive shaft, which turns an
electric generator. There are no waste gases produced, so wind power does not contribute
to global warming. Wind power is abundant safe and reliable, although the turning of the
blade create noise.
 Energy from moving water- in hydroelectric schemes, the water flows down from hills to
the sea it can be trapped behind dams and used to drive turbo- generators to produce
electricity. This type of power, wave power, is different from tidal power, which uses the
energy from the tides to generate electricity.
 Geothermal energy- the temperature of the rocks under the ground increases at increasing
depth. This is the result of heat energy given out by the decay by radioactive materials in
the Earth. In some places, hot water rises to the surface as hot water geysers. In other
places bore holes are drilled down into the hot rocks. Cold water is pumped down one
borehole and rises up the other as hot water or steam. This can be used for heating or
generating electricity.


1. Create a poster; identifying alternative sources of energy, include pictures or drawings of

2. Complete the Concept web by identifying each alternative energy source and describing
Integrated Science Grade 11

Week 11 Lesson 1

Fossil fuels and Alternative Sources of Energy

Uses of solar energy


Identify at least five devices or instruments that use solar energy.


Solar cells are also known as photovoltaic cells. They convert light directly into electricity. Solar
cells contain a semi- conductor, such as silicon, which has been especially threated to form an
electric field. The material absorb photon of light and releases electrons, which are captured and
result in an electric current that can be used as electricity can be generated at nights
using solar cells.

Solar panels absorb heat energy from the sun. They do not generate electricity. The heat is
transferred by conduction to water which heats up. Solar water heaters are used in homes and

Other uses of solar energy include:

Solar street lighting and solar powered lamps,

Solar drivers for food crops, and

Solar cookers.

Efficiency of solar energy transfer

Solar cells can be made with conversion efficiency of 15%, so the maximum electric power that
can be generated is 33 watts per square meter. Use of solar cells as an alternative source of
energy is limited by the loss of energy during conversion. Solar cells are useful in powering
calculators, watches and lamps and have been used in space satellites, but the energy conversion
would need to be much more efficient before they can replace other alternatives.

Explain the difference between a solar cell and a solar panel.

Identify instruments that use solar cells and solar panel.

Week 11 Lesson 2

Fossil Fuels and Alternative Sources of Energy

Uses of Solar Energy


Making a model solar cooker

You will need a tall rectangular box which is open at the top for this activity.

Making a model solar cooker. Test your cooker during 3 hours of intense sunlight.

1. Cut down the seams (left and right) of one face of the box to about 5 cm above the base.
This creates a flap or a door.
2. Cover the inner surface of the flap and the floor of the box with aluminium foil.
3. Insert two layers of cardboard (A and B in figure 18.12b) covered with aluminium foil at
60° to each other. Glue or staple the two layers of cardboard in position.
4. Create a latch (from cardboard) with multiple, but evenly spaced, notches and attach it at
the side of the box. This allows you to adjust the flap to direct sunlight to the centre of the
cooker. (A chain could be used instead.)
5. Get a small, dark-coated container and half-fill it with water. Record the initial
temperature of the water. (You may have to paint the outside of the container black.)
6. Place your cooker in a position to get as much sunlight as possible. Adjust the flap so that
it reflects light towards the central position of the cooker.
7. Place the container with water in the centre of the cooker and record the temperature of
the water every 30 minutes for 3 hours. (Observe the changes in the water)
8. Record your results in a table like the one shown below.
9. Plot a line graph to represent the data you collected. (if you were able to use a


1. Describe the trend observed in your results.

2. What was the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures?
3. What happened to the temperature of the water over the 3 hours?
4. Would this design of a solar cooker be effective in cooking stew beef in your region?
5. Think of ways to improve your model, to make it more efficient.
Week 11 lesson 3

The Universe and our Solar System

Earth’s location in the universe


What is the universe? Where in the universe is Earth located?


The universe is the vast expanse of space and all matter in it. Within the universe are many
collections of dust, gas and billions of stars, which are held together by gravity. Each collection
of stars, gas and dust is called a galaxy. There are many galaxies in the universe.

Our planet, Earth is located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy can be described as having
spiral dusty clouds with dispersed stars and a massive black hole in its centre. If you should ever
observe the night sky in a very dark area, far away from all artificial lighting, you should be able
to see the dusty bands of our galaxy.

Stars are huge balls of burning gases. Our Sun is only a small star. Stars are born from the clouds
of dust and gas scattered throughout the galaxies. Stars give out light since they are burning
gases. Most stars are far away so they appear as points of light in the sky. The stars in the sky
appear to twinkle and to change their position by a tiny distance each night. This is because our
atmosphere is not uniform and there is turbulence and air movement in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The stars appear to twinkle more at the equator because there is more atmosphere between that
point on Earth and the stars. Stars form patterns in the sky. These patterns formed by the groups
of stars were later called constellations.

Planets are small balls of solid materials which travel around stars. Earth is an example of a
planet which orbits our Sun. Planets do not produce light but they reflect the light of the stars
which they orbit.

The Moon appears to be the largest object we see in the night sky. It seems to be the largest
because it is nearer to Earth than the stars. The Moon is a natural satellite which orbits the Earth.
We are able to see the Moon because it reflects light from the Sun.

Comets are balls of dust and ice that travel through space. When they approach the Sun they
begin to melt, releasing gas and dust particles which creates a trail (called a tail) behind it.

An asteroid is a small body of metal and rock which revolves around the Sun. Most asteroids
orbit the Sun in a region of space called the asteroid belt.

Ceres are dwarf planets found the asteroid belt.

When comets, asteroids and other space debris enter the Earth’s atmosphere they are called


Create a Glossary with the following terms:


The moon







Week 12 Lesson 1

The universe And our Solar System

The Solar System


Anticipation Guide- The guide is based on the Solar System. Individually mark whether or not
you agree or disagree with each statement on the left side of the page. If you disagree with the
statement, change the wording to make it into a statement you agree with.

If you wish, you could contact two of your class mates and discuss the statements as a group.
Then decide whether you still agree or disagree with the statement on the right side of the page.

Agree Disagree Statements Agree Disagree

There are nine planets in the solar system.

The Earth is the smallest planet in the solar system.

The planets orbit the sun.

The path the planets take around the sun is circular in


Terrestrial planets are the larger planets in the solar


The Sun is the centre of the solar system and the planets orbit the Sun. The planets orbit the sun
in an elliptical path. The planets of the solar system are:

o Mercury
o Venus
o Earth
o Mars
o Jupiter
o Saturn
o Uranus
o Neptune

The larger planets are called the Jovian planets or gas giants. These are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune. These planets are mainly comprised of the gases, hydrogen and helium. The
smaller planets are known as terrestrial planets because they are mainly silicate rock and iron,
and they are closer to the Sun. These are: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

The Asteroid belt is located in the area between Mars and Jupiter.

Jupiter is the largest planet.

Mercury is the smallest planet and the closest to the sun.

Neptune is the planet furthest away from the sun.

The Sun is made up of a mixture of very hot gases. These gases undergo nuclear fusion which
causes the Sun to give out light and heat. A great amount of energy is released during nuclear
fusion reactions.


Create a model of the Solar System, Include all the bodies.

Week 12 Lesson 2

The universe And our Solar System

Effects of larger objects on planets


Review what is gravity and centripetal force.


All objects have a gravitational force that attracts them to each other. When objects come in
close proximity to each other the gravitational force of attraction exerted on each other increases.
Also, the object with the larger mass will exert a greater gravitational pull on the objects close to

In the solar system, the Sun has the largest mass of all the objects. Therefore, it exerts a greater
gravitational pull on the planets and all other bodies in the solar system. This gravitational pull
on the planets towards the Sun, which is at the centre of the elliptical path, is called the
centripetal force. The centripetal force keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun; otherwise they
would travel in a straight line.

Day and Night

On Earth, we experience changes from daylight to darkness during the time it takes the Earth to
make one complete rotation on its axis. This occurrence is linked to the rotation of the Earth on
its axis while it orbits the Sun. As the Earth spins on its axis, the side exposed to the sunlight
constantly changes, causing a shift from darkness to daylight within one complete rotation. Most
countries around the world experience a change between night to daylight within a day.
However, countries or landmasses located at the Earth’s poles, North and South poles, do not
experience this change within a day. This is so because the Earth is tilted on its axis by about 23
degrees. As a result the Sun rises and sets only once a year at the poles. Usually they experience
six months of daylight and six months of darkness.

Earth’s axis- an imaginery line around which the Earth rotates while it orbits the sun.


Investigating Day and Night

Materials: globe/ball, flashlight and sticker

1. Put a sticker or mark on the globe or ball to indicate where you live.
2. Place the globe or ball on a table, then turn the lights off.
3. Shine the flashlight on the globe or ball where the sticker or mark is.
4. State if it is day or night where the sticker is located.
5. Turn the globe or ball counterclockwise until the sticker is away from you.
6. Shine the light on the other side. State if it is day or night where you live.
7. Try to identity two countries that has day when the country you are living in has day and two
that has night.
Week 12 Lesson 3

The universe And our Solar System



What is an eclipse?

Have you ever seen an eclipse?

If yes, describe what you saw.


When bodies in space such as the Sun, Moon and Earth become aligned then an eclipse will
occur. Usually the eclipse results in a shadow being cast on the Earth or the Moon as one blocks
the sunlight from reaching the other. There are two types of eclipse:

 Solar eclipse, also known as an eclipse of the Sun, occurs when the Moon comes between
the Sun and the Earth and a shadow of the Moon is cast onto the surface of the Earth.

 Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon and casts a
shadow onto the surface of the Moon. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon
because the Moon and the Sun are aligned during that phase. When the Moon is in the
umbra a full lunar eclipse is observed. A partial lunar eclipse will occur when only part of
the Moon falls in the region of the umbra. That happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth
are not in direct alignment. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon falls in the
penumbra; these usually go unnoticed by most people on Earth.

Investigating eclipse

Materials: cardboard tube, 2 balls one bigger than the other.

1. Take one cardboard tube and make a series of small (2-cm deep), even, vertical cuts
around the circumference of each end.

2. Bend the cut pieces out at each end and then stand the tube upright. The cut edges should
fan out like a flower.
3. Using adhesive tape, fasten one end of the cardboard tube to the cardboard strip to create
the base of the model. The tube should be at least 30 cm from one end of the cardboard

4. Using tape or glue, attach the larger ball to the top of the tube. This ball represents the
5. Cover the smaller ball with aluminium foil, with the shiny side on the outside. This will
be the Moon.

6. Insert one end of the wire into the top of Earth so that the wire is vertical.

7. Measure approximately a finger’s length along the wire and bend the wire here at a right
angle, creating a horizontal arm.

8. About halfway between the Earth and the far end of the cardboard strip, measure a
finger’s length along the wire and bend it again. This time bend it downwards at a right
angle, towards the cardboard base.

9. Insert the other end of the wire into the "Moon". The Moon’s equator should be at the
same height as the Earth’s equator.

10. Balance the torch on a stack of books or magazines at the opposite end of the cardboard
strip from the “Earth”. Make sure the height is correct: the middle of the torch beam
should hit Earth’s equator. If the beam is too diffuse, attach the second cardboard tube to
the end of the torch to direct the light. Ensure that the beam directly hits the nearest half
of the Earth and the Moon. If the beam is not bright enough, move the stack of books

Week 13 Lesson 1

The universe And our Solar System

Human’s Exploration of the Universe


Why do you think humans go into space?

What challenges do you think they will face while in space?


Humans have invented rockets which go so fast that they can shoot through the atmosphere into
space where there is no air. Many rockets have been launched to either:

o put satellites in orbit around the Earth

o carry out scientific investigations, or
o to take scientific equipment into space

The Earth is becoming increasingly overcrowded and polluted. Consequently, scientists and
ecologists have been exploring the possibility of living in space. Although scientists wanted to
explore the Moon, they took the opportunity to start investigations on the possibility of living in

There is no definite end to the Earth’s atmosphere, but it can be considered to cease beyond 160
km from the Earth’s surface. This means that beyond that distance a spacecraft would require its
own supply of oxygen and be pressurised to resemble conditions on Earth in order for the
occupants to stay alive. Fresh oxygen is usually stored in liquid form at a low temperature. Air
conditioning systems circulate the air and purify it by removing carbon dioxide and water
vapour. The temperature and the pressure of the cabin are also controlled.

In orbit the spacecraft and its occupants become weightless but not massless. Weightlessness
causes the muscles in the body to become very weak and astronauts have to do special exercises
during the flight to avoid muscle wastage. The biological and physiological effects of
weightlessness are still being investigated.

A challenge with weightlessness is that anything in the spacecraft which is not fastened down
(including the astronaut) will float about in free fall due to gravity. This makes eating a very
difficult task. Therefore, food for astronauts is usually liquefied or pureed and placed in sealed
packets for them to suck. Similarly urine and faeces create a problem and are passed into sealed
containers which can be disposed of after the flight.
During orbit it is likely that only one side of the spacecraft is exposed to the sun, which can
cause extreme temperature differences in the cabin. Therefore, to counterbalance this effect,
most spacecraft rotate as they travel to their destination.

During space exploration, many experiments were conducted, which included scientific and
medical investigations, UV astronomy experiments and an X-ray analysis of the sun. The
condition of weightlessness in a spacecraft had special advantages for the preparation and
examination of certain substances such as drugs and some metal alloys.

The exploration of Mars started as early as 1964 when Mariner 3 and later Mariner 4 (in the
same year) were launched to conduct flybys. The Mars mission has in fact occurred in three

1. Flybys- This involved flying by Mars and taking as many pictures as possible. This
occurred between 1964 and 1969.
2. Orbiters- As more information is gathered about Mars along with the advancements in
technology, satellites have been launched to orbit Mars. Therefore, more information is
obtained about the planet over an extended period of time. The first artificial satellite of
Mars was the Mariner 9 which was launched in 1971.
3. Landers and rovers- By 1975 the advancement in space technology led to NASA’s
Viking project. A spacecraft consisting of a lander and an orbiter was designed. Once the
craft entered in Mars’ orbit the two parts would separate and the lander descended to the
surface of Mars. These mobile rovers have documented many features and events
happening on the surface through photographs and videos, which are transmitted back to
base on Earth.


1. Why do some spacecraft spin while they are in orbit?

2. State the three stages in which the Mars exploration occurred.
3. Give one reason for the importance of the first stage of the Mars exploration.
Answer Sheets

1. Because during orbit only one side of the spacecraft is exposed to the sun, this causes
extreme temperature differences in the cabin. Therefore, to counterbalance this effect,
most spacecraft rotate as they travel to their destination.

2. The three stages in the Mars exploration are; flybys, orbiters and landers and rovers.

3. The first stage in the Mars exploration was important because it tokomaks many pictures
as possible to provide adequate information to further the exploration, since very little
was known about Mars.
Week 13 Lesson 2

The Universe and Our Solar System



What is a satellite?

Identify two things you know about satellites.


A satellite is any object in orbit around another object. The moon is a natural satellite around the

Satellites are very important in monitoring and collecting data about space and the Earth. They
can be used:

o To monitor the weather on Earth

o To improve wireless communication connectivity
o For global positioning systems (GPS)
o To observe rare or unusual occurrences in space
o For military surveillance.

The type of satellite launched into orbit around the Earth will determine the distance or height at
which it is launched, the speed at which it travels in orbit and the orbital path it takes. There are
two main types of satellite:

 Polar satellites are launched closer to the Earth and they travel from pole to pole, north to
south. As a polar satellite orbits, the Earth spins below it; therefore, these satellites are
used to monitor the surface of the Earth.
 Geostationary satellites are launched at a higher orbit above the Earth and they travel in
the same direction in which the Earth spins. These satellites travel from west to east
passing over the equator and they travel at the same speed at which the Earth spins. As a
result, geostationary satellites appear to be stationary above the Earth. They are
commonly used in communications.

Satellite in free fall

We know that on Earth anything that is thrown upwards will fall back to the ground. This is
because of the Earth’s gravitational pull on the object. Therefore, for a spacecraft to be
successfully launched, the rocket must overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull. For a spacecraft
to stay in orbit:
 It must be launched parallel to the Earth’s surface. Otherwise, it would fly off into space
in a straight line. The gravitational pull of Earth helps to prevent this event from
 The speed of the craft and its distance from Earth must be carefully matched. If too fast,
the craft will move out to a distant orbit or escape completely into space. If the speed of
the satellite is too slow, it will move towards the Earth. If it comes too close to Earth, air
resistance will slow it down even further and the satellite will eventually crash into the
Earth’s surface.

When a satellite is in free fall, it means that only the force of gravity is acting on it.


Identify devices we use that are dependent on satellites.

Week 13 Lesson 3



Materials: large plastic bottle, seeds or seedlings, invertebrates, soil, water

1. Cut off the top of the bottle. To make a bottle ecosystem, you will need an empty 2 quart
(2 liter) plastic bottle. It is best to use a clear plastic so that you can see inside the bottle
and make observations. Cut off the top of the bottle, about 2 inches below the neck.
2. Add soil to the bottle. Use a small garden shovel and add 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) of potting
soil to the bottom of the bottle. Lightly tap the soil with your hand to help it settle. Make
sure you do not press too hard because you do not want to pack the soil tightly.
3. Create small holes to plant your seeds or seedlings.
4. Place the seeds or seedlings into the holes.
5. Water the seeds. Prior to sealing your ecosystem, you need to water the seeds.
6. Ad invertebrates (such as earthworms) into the bottle.
7. Turn the top upside down and place it inside the base. Place it inside the ecosystem so
that the neck and top of the bottle are hanging a few inches above the soil.
8. Seal with tape around the edges. In order to hold the top of the bottle in place, and to seal
the ecosystem, you should tape around the edge of the bottle.
9. Place the ecosystem in a sunny spot. Now that the ecosystem is sealed, you should place
it in a sunny spot. For example, a windowsill is a great place to keep your bottle
ecosystem. The location should receive indirect sunlight for most of the day.
10. Observe and record any changes observed in your ecosystem.


The living things and their physical environments interact to form ecosystems. The main
components of an ecosystem are:

 The physical environment e.g. soil, air, water

 The producers- the organisms that produce food by photosynthesis (mainly plants and
 The consumers- organisms that eat other organisms to gain their food (animals). Types of
consumers are:
Herbivores- are animals that feed on plant material.
Carnivores- are animals that feed on other animals.
Omnivores- are animals that feed on both plants and animals.
 The decomposers: organisms that decay the dead remains of other organisms (bacteria
and fungi.

Substances pass through the various components of a natural ecosystem in cycles like the carbon
cycle and nitrogen cycles. Ecosystems sustain themselves because materials are continuously
cycled. Plants continuously trap light energy, which replaces the energy lost to the environment
as heat.

All the organisms of a particular species found in an ecosystem at any one time form a
population of that species in that ecosystem.

The populations of all species, found in a particular ecosystem at any one time form the
community in that ecosystem.


Review your observations and identify the components of an ecosystem in your bottle

Define the following terms and identify examples of each in an ecosystem: producers,
consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, population and community.
Week 14 Lesson 1

Food chains


Read the story and answer the questions.

Food Chain Story! By: Lily

Once upon a time there was a little bunny out looking for some grass. Then, the bunny spots
trouble! He sees a fox! He is on the move and running as quick as he can to get away.
Unfortunately, he was too slow. The fox had caught up to the bunny and ate him.
While the fox was finishing his meal he also spots trouble. The bear walks away after finishing
his meal. High up in the sky a vulture spots his lunch. He sees the remains of the fox. After the
vulture finished his lunch he flew back up looking for his dinner. Then, a fly was buzzing around
looking for his lunch. The fly spots the remains of the fox. A fly is a decomposer. Then The
Cycle Starts Back At The Beginning!

1. Write down the order in which the organisms were eaten.

2. The rabbit feeds on the grass, what type of consumer is the rabbit?
3. What type of consumer is the fox?

The story describes a food chain.


Animals all ultimately depend on plants as a source of food. This is because only plants can
photosynthesise and make their own food. Animals eat these plants and other animals eat the
animals that eat the plant. These feeding sequence are called food chains. In a food chain there
are producers and consumers. There are different levels of consumers e.g.

Primary consumers- are animals that feed on the producers.

Secondary consumers- are animals that consume the primary consumers.

The tertiary consumers- are animals that consume the secondary consumers.

For example: the food chain in the story

Grass  rabbit  fox  bear

The grass is the producer.

The rabbit is the primary consumer.

The fox is the secondary consumer.

The bear is the tertiary consumer.

The arrows in the food chain show the transfer of energy from one organism to another in the

The rabbit is a prey. A prey is an animal that is hunted caught an eaten by another animal.

The fox is a predator. A predator is an animal that hunts, catches and eats another animal.


Study the food chain and answer the questions.

Algae  Snail  Leech  Fish

1. Identify the type of feeder in the food chain.

2. List the consumer level of each organism in the food chain
3. Identify a predator and prey in the food chain.

Observe organisms in your community and create a food chain as shown in the picture. Identify
the type of feeder and the level of consumer in your food chain.
Week 14 Lesson 2

Food Web


Look at the pictures A and B! Identify two similarities between the picture at A and B and two

Picture A is a food web and picture B is a food chain. Write one food chain from the food web in
picture A.


A food chain shows one organism feeding on one other organism only, but feeding relationships
are more complex. One organism may feed on a number of organism and intern be eaten by a
number of organisms. A food chain is usually linked to other food chains in food webs. The
interlinking of a number of food chains are called food webs.

Study the food web in picture A and answer questions.

1. Name two herbivores and two carnivores.

2. Give the name of an organism which is:
a. Primary consumer
b. Tertiary consumer
c. Both a secondary and tertiary consumer
3. Identify a predator and a prey.

Trophic level- the position occupied by an organism in a food chain or food web.

4. Identify an organism that is at the first trophic level in the food web.


1. Grasshopper, caterpillar, rabbit or dear

2. A. grasshopper, caterpillar, rabbit or dear
b. lion, hawk, owl, bird, snake
c. lion, snake

3. Predator- lion, hawk, snake, fox etc.

Prey- dear, rabbit, grasshopper, frog etc.

3. Green plants


Study the food web and answer the questions.

1. Name one producer in the food web.
2. Give the name of an organism that is a carnivore
3. Identify an organism which is:
A secondary consumer
In the second trophic level
A tertiary consumer
4. Write a food chain from the food web.
Week 14 Lesson 3


Materials: containers to store organisms, forceps (for collection)


 Observe organisms in the community and collect if possible.

 Record each organism observed on the table.
 Take note of their activities e.g. feeding habits.
 Construct food chains by working out which carnivore can possibly eat which herbivores.
 Organize your food chains into food webs.

Table to be used:

Name of Where found Plant, animal or If animal is a Other comments

organisms other herbivore,
carnivore or Predator, prey,
omnivore tropic level etc.
Week 15 Lesson 1



Review the food web you created and the other food webs in the previous lessons.


The organisms in a food web can be organized into trophic pyramid, where organisms occupy
different trophic levels. Each level of the pyramid is occupied by a different organism. At the top
of the pyramid are tertiary consumers.

There are different types of trophic pyramids:

 Pyramid of energy- shows the energy relations between organisms in the ecosystem. As
you move from one organism to another in a food chain the amount of energy is reduced.
 Pyramids of numbers- show the number of organism at each level of the food chain in an
 Pyramids of biomass- show the biomass of each organism in at a given time in each
trophic level.

Example of trophic pyramids


Construct a trophic level pyramid for the food web

Construct a trophic pyramid of the food web you created in the previous lesson.
Answer Sheet
Week 15 Lesson 2


Think about and write down two things you know about resources.


Resources are features of the environment that can be used by human society. Types of resource

 Mineral resources like bauxite and gold other metal ores.

 Soil resources for agriculture
 Biotic resources like fish and plants for food and other purposes.
 Water
 Fuel and other energy resources, like petroleum and other natural gas.

Resources are classified as; renewable and non- renewable

 Non- renewable resource- are in limited supply and once they are used up, they are gone
forever e.g. mineral resources and fuel resources such as fossil fuel.
 Renewable resource- is one which can be reused or quickly replace e.g. soil resources,
biotic resources, and water resources.

Non- renewable resources will eventually run out if we continue to use them. In order to preserve
as much of these resources as possible for future generations, we must:




This is particularly important in relation to discarded manufactured materials such as paper,

glass, metals, plastic and textiles. When discarded into the environment, some of these materials
break naturally into simpler, usually harmless forms, by the action of microorganisms. These are
called biodegradable materials. These include organic materials.

Non- biodegradable materials cannot be broken down or take a very long time to do so.

Identify resources in Guyana and classify them as renewable and non- renewable. Identify how
these resources are used.

Complete the Concept map:

Week 15 Lesson 3

Reducing waste


Complete the concept map:

How to reduce resource consumption?


Recycle- is the process of collecting and materials from the waste stream, separating them by
type, remaking them into new products, and marketing and reusing the materials as new

Advantages of recycling

 Resources will not be used up as quickly, so there will be more for later generations.
 Less land is needed for disposal of waste.
 Less pollution of soil and water occurs as waste decompose.
 Less toxic waste is generated.
 Harm to animals is prevented
 In many cases less energy is used to recycle than to make a new product.
Reducing waste

 Save and reuse things like string, gift wrap, shopping bags.
 Give magazines and books to friends, hospitals, doctors’ offices.
 Help nursery schools; they love to have egg cartoons, yoghurt containers, toilet paper
rolls, apple baskets
 Give old clothes or furniture to charitable organisations.
 Cut down on food waste.
 Start a compost heap with kitchen and yard waste.


PMI- Plus, Minus, Interesting

Write down the positive or pluses, the negative or minuses and the neutral or the interesting
things you learnt from this lesson.
1. McMongale, Derek. Etal. (2010).Integrated Science for CSEC: Nelson Thornes LTD.
2. Arthur- Bynoe, Donna. (2004). Integrated Science, A Concise Revision Course for CXC:
Nelson Thorne LTD.
3. Potter, Steve. Etal. (2009). Longman Integrated Science for CSEC 3rd Edition: Pearson
Education LTD.
4. Chung, Tania. (2017). Integrated Science for CSEC Examinations 3rd Edition. Macmillan
Publishers LTD.
5. Ali- Atwaroo, Linda. (2014). Biology for CSEC Examinations 3rd Edition. Macmillan
Publishers LTD. last accessed:08-12-2020.

Hawkings, Helen. last

accessed 08- 12- 2020. Last accessed 09- 12-

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