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Envmath 2 01 TA P

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Topic 1

Name_____________________________ Assessment

1. Chris draws 8 birds. Luke 2. Lisa has 7 pencils.

draws 4 birds. How many Armando has 2 more
birds do they draw in all? pencils than Lisa. Which
equations show how
Which shows how to many pencils in all?
count on to solve the Choose all that apply.
7 + 9 = 16
A 4+8
B 8+4
7 + 7 + 2 = 16
C 8 . . . 9, 10, 11
7 + 7 = 14
D 8 . . . 9, 10, 11, 12
7 + 7 + 7 = 21

3. Use the ten-frames. Show how to find the sum of 7 + 6 by

making a 10. Then fill in the gray boxes.

4. Which have a sum of 14? Choose all that apply.

8+7 7+7 8+6
10 + 4 9+4

Assessment 1 of 4
5. 6 friends want to Draw lines to match each solution
play baseball. They to how it was solved.
need 9 players to A 6 . . . 7, 8, 9 Count back.
make a team. How
many more players B 9 . . . 8, 7, 6 Use an addition fact.

do they need?
C 9 – 6 = 3 Use a subtraction fact.

D 6 + 3 = 9 Count on.

6. Juan has 17 toy cars. He 7. Use the ten-frames.

gives his brother 9 toy Show how to make a 10
cars. to find 16 - 8. Then
complete the equation.
Which addition fact can
help you find how many
toy cars Juan has left?
A 9 + 9 = 18

B 9 + 8 = 17

C 10 + 7 = 17

D 9 + 6 = 15
16 - 8 = ______

8. Jen has some rings.

She gives 5 rings to
Carrie. Now Jen has
7 rings. How many
rings did Jen have
at first? –––– rings
Write an equation
to solve.

Assessment 2 of 4
9. Marco has 8 apples. Jerry gives him some more apples.
Now Marco has 13 apples. How many apples did Jerry
give Marco?
Part A Part B
Draw a picture to model Write an equation to
the problem. solve the problem.

–––– apples

10. A pet store had 12 fish. Then 3 fish were sold. The next
day, 4 more fish were sold. How many fish does the store
have now? Use the numbers on the cards. Complete both
equations to solve the problem.

11. Choose Yes or No to

show if 5 will make each
equation true. 12. Eric has 6 marbles. Maria

□ = 16○ Yes ○ No
has 4 marbles. How
many marbles do they

10 +
□ = 15 ○ Yes ○ No
have in all? Write an
equation to explain.

15 − 10 =

□ ○ Yes ○

Assessment 3 of 4
–––– marbles in all

Assessment 3 of 4
13. Choose Yes or No to show if 7 will make each
equation true.


□ ○Yes


□ ○Yes



+ 10


○ ○
+ 5 = 10 + 2

Yes No

14. Julie has 8 fewer pears than Dan. Dan has 14 pears. How
many pears does Julie have?
Part A Part B
Draw a picture to model Write an equation to
the problem. solve the problem.

–––– pears

15. The table shows how Choose one of the friends.

many stickers 3 friends Write the name of the
have. friend you chose. –––––––
How many stickers does
Stickers We Have
that friend have?
Flowers Animals Stars Write an equation to solve
the problem.
Kade 6 3 4
Olivia 7 1 9
Ali 5 3 7

–––– stickers
Assessment 4 of 4

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