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Tabuga, Aubrey D.; Mina, Christian D.

Working Paper
Disability and Gender: The Case of the Philippines

PIDS Discussion Paper Series, No. 2011-32

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Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Philippines

Suggested Citation: Tabuga, Aubrey D.; Mina, Christian D. (2011) : Disability and Gender: The
Case of the Philippines, PIDS Discussion Paper Series, No. 2011-32, Philippine Institute for
Development Studies (PIDS), Makati City

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Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Surian sa mga Pag-aaral Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas

Disability and Gender:

The Case of the Philippines
Aubrey D. Tabuga and Christian D. Mina


The PIDS Discussion Paper Series

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December 2011

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The disparities among men and women with disability in the Philippines1

Aubrey D. Tabuga and Christian D. Mina2


Addressing gender gaps is a major development objective anywhere in the world. This paper
aims to illustrate that this is far more critical in the presence of another social layer –disability.
Among persons with disability (PWDs), the gap between men and women are more distinct, their
conditions more dismal with poverty as their needs are different. Apart from poverty,
discrimination and prejudice are the major challenges that persons with disabilities face in their
everyday life. Because they face various social, physical and economic barriers, policies should
gear towards formulating rights-based and comprehensive actions to improve their well-being. In
formulation of effective policy actions, data and information are critical. However, data
collection on disability in many countries is at an early stage of development because it is given
low priority or often excluded from official statistics. The ESCAP noted that the lack of
availability and the quality of demographic and socio-economic indicators concerning disability
continue to be major challenges. This paper aims to fill in this information gap. It discusses the
conditions of men and women with disability using a set of pioneering surveys conducted in the
Philippines. The goal is to illustrate the gender disparities and to draw useful insights on how
stakeholders can address this issue.

Keywords: Persons with disability, gender studies, Philippines

Paper presented at the 2011 Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economists (IAFFE) in
Hangzhou, China, June 24-26, 2011.
Research Associates at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, usual disclaimer applies
List of Figures

Figure 1. Distribution of survey respondents by type of disability, sex, and area

Figure 2. Histogram of age of respondents: Urban
Figure 3. Distribution of respondents by age: Rural
Figure 4. Proportion of men and women with disability by educational attainment and area
Note: rural data (2010), urban data (2008)
Figure 5. Proportion of PWDs with SPED, urban
Figure 6. Proportion of persons with disability in the urban areas by educational attainment,
impairment type and sex, 2008
Figure 7. Proportion of persons with disability in the rural areas by educational attainment,
impairment type and sex, 20103
Figure 8. Distribution of respondents by mode of labor force participation and by sex
Figure 9. Distribution of respondents by mode of labor force participation,
by sex and by impairment type
Figure 10. Distribution of respondents by class of worker, by sex and by impairment type
Figure 11. Comparative personal income of men and women
Figure 12. Mean personal income of PWD in the rural survey by sex and sources
(in thousand pesos, 2009)
Figure 13. Per capita income of PWD households in the rural survey
by sex and impairment type, (in pesos, 2009)
Figure 14. Total household income of PWD in the rural survey
by sex and impairment type, (in pesos, 2009)
Figure 15. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by female respondents on
various activities during the nearest past working day (%)
Figure 16. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by male respondents on
various activities during the nearest past working day (%)
Figure 17. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by female respondents on
various activities during the nearest past non-working day (%)
Figure 18. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by male respondents on
various activities during the nearest past non-working day (%)
Figure 19. Comparative number of hours spent by men and women with disability by type of
activity and day

Because of the limited size of the sample, the aggregations of respondents by educational attainment were made
List of Tables

Table 1. Distribution of Respondent by Impairment and Sex

Table 2. Basic characteristics of men and women with disability by area
Table 3. Average years of schooling by area and sex
Table 4. Types of occupation of PWDs in the rural areas
Table 5. Type of business of PWD by sex
Table 6. Reason for not looking for job/additional job by sex
Table 7. Unpaid work done by PWD by sex and type of work (% to total)
Table 8. PWD with income-generating jobs by impairment type and sex
Table 9. Distribution of PWD respondents by occupational group and sex, urban, 2008
Table 10. Proportion of respondents with policy awareness by type of impairment in the urban
area, %
Table 11. Proportion of respondents with policy awareness by type of impairment in the rural
area, %
Disability and Gender: The case of the Philippines

Aubrey D. Tabuga and Christian D. Mina4

1. Background

Disability is a growing concern in developing countries like the Philippines. The United Nations
Development Program estimates that 80 percent of persons with disabilities live in developing
countries. The World Bank estimates that 20 per cent of the world's poorest people have some
kind of disability.5In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the need to understand the
link between disability and poverty is recognized.

Apart from poverty, discrimination and prejudice are the major challenges that persons with
disabilities face in their everyday life. Because they face all types of social, physical and
economic barriers, policies should gear towards formulating rights-based and comprehensive set
of actions to improve their well-being. For formulation of effective policy actions, data and
information are critical. However, data collection on disability in many countries is at an early
stage of development because it is given low priority or often excluded from official statistics.
Likewise, the ESCAP noted that the lack of availability and the quality of demographic and
socio-economic indicators concerning disability continue to be major challenges.6

In the Philippines, studies that examine the conditions of PWDs are likewise very limited, with
statistics being very rare. In fact, the latest official estimate available on the number of PWDs in
the country can be obtained from the 2000 Census and the figure is placed at 1.2 percent of the
total population or 942,0987, with women comprising 50.24 percent (473,332). The 2010 Census
of Population and Housing (CPH) included questions on disability. However, as of publication
date, the results have not been released yet.

Being aware of the importance of collecting data on persons with disability, the Philippine
Institute for Development Studies in collaboration with the Institute for Developing Economies
(in 2008) and the University of Tokyo (in 2010) conducted a set of surveys that aims to
understand the conditions of persons with disability in the Philippines. The first one, being
conducted in 2008, was a survey on PWD in the urban areas, particularly Metro Manila. The
second one was conducted in a rural municipality in the province of Batangas to complement the
urban study. This paper aims to discuss the conditions of men and women with disability based
on the results of these surveys. It also shows that improving the welfare of PWDs in general has
Research Associates at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, usual disclaimer applies
Disabled World at Accessed February 23, 2011
UN-ESCAP, Basic Facts at Accessed February 17, 2011
Several other entities have also estimated the number of PWDs in the country. The Department of Health conducted
a registration of PWDs in 1997 and counted 469,707 PWDs, a number that was claimed to be an underestimation of
the number of PWDs in the country. Thus, the government does not officially recognize this estimate.
gender implications within the households owing to the fact that PWDs are taken care of mostly
by women household members.

This papers proceeds by first briefly describing the PIDS-IDE 2008 and PIDS-University of
Tokyo 2010 survey on PWDs. This is followed by a review on available literature on disability
in the Philippines. Discussions on the conditions of men and women with disability follow
afterwards. The discussion focuses on disparities in educational achievement, employment and
unpaid work, income, time-usage, and policy awareness. The impact of disability on gender
inequality within the household is also briefly discussed. The last section summarizes and

2. The Surveys on PWD

To bridge the information gap on the conditions of people with disability, the survey on PWD
asked various questions on basic and socioeconomic characteristics of the PWD and their
households. The study centered on the livelihood of PWDs, participation in disability
organizations, awareness in various policies that affect their welfare, range of movements and
independent living. The study was limited to three types of impairment – the mobility-impaired,
visually- and hearing-impaired. It also focused only on the economically active population, thus
aged 15 and above because the main objective is on livelihood and independent living.

The survey on the urban areas was conducted in 4 cities in Metro Manila. These were Makati,
Quezon City, Pasay, and Valenzuela. 8 There were a total of 403 respondents for the urban
survey. Meanwhile, to get information on PWD in the rural areas, the municipality of Rosario,
Batangas was selected as the survey area. This survey covered 106 respondents from 31
barangays (villages).

The set of questionnaires used in the 2008 survey was developed by the Institute of Developing
Economies through a cross-country effort. A pilot-testing of the survey was conducted in
August 2007 in Metro Manila. The survey used four modules. The general module were
developed for all survey respondents to gather demographic, as well as socio-economic
information on each of the three groups of PWDs, i.e. those with (a) mobility, (b) visual or (c)
hearing impairment. The three other modules were designed to collect detailed information on
each type of disability. These questionnaires were revised with inputs from the PIDS research
team. The entire questionnaire was meant to be administered in English and translated, when
need be, with the assistance of the field personnel who themselves are PWDs. Among the
questions asked in the survey included: 1) how do PWDs make a living; 2) are PWDs' ability
fully made use of; 3) how are PWDs' assisted; and 4) how do policies reach PWDs? In the 2010
rural survey, the 2008 modules were slightly improved to provide more detailed questions on
income, membership in organizations, and participation in government programs. Some items on
employment were also revised to reflect variation in the opportunities present in the rural versus

To know more about the rationale for selecting the sites, please read Yap, (2009) and Reyes, (2011).
the urbann areas. Morre importanttly, the 20100 questionnaaire also inccluded questtions on tim
and unpaaid work.

The survvey utilized persons

p withh disability themselves
t i the enumeration to ennsure two thhings.
Fist reasoon is for resp
pondents to be more at ease
e in convversing with the enumeraator knowingg that
the latterr may be mo ore likely to understand the former’ss situation. The
T second reason
r is thaat the
enumerattor is more adept
a in undeerstanding thhe interview
wee’s medicaal condition for
f more acccurate
recordingg of details and
a all matteers pertaininng to the disability. In thhe case of thhose with heearing
impairmeents, the enu umerators were those wiith sign langguage skills. Thus, the mobility-imp
m paired
interviewwed mobility y-impaired reespondents, the visuallyy-impaired innterviewed thoset with visual
disabilityy, while the hearing-imp
h aired were innterviewed byb hearing-immpaired enuumerators.

In the urrban survey, 38 percent of the sam

mples were women andd rest was men.
m In the rural
survey, thhe samples were
w equallyy divided am
mong men annd women (T

Table 1.. Distribution

n of Responndent by Imppairment andd Sex

Urbaan (2008 survvey) Rural (22010 survey))

Type off % %
impairmment Fem
male Male Total % femaale Femalle Male Total
T % female
Mobilityy 39 82 121 30.0
3 32.22 13 18 31 29.22 41.9
Visual 53 89 142 35.2
3 37.33 13 12 25 23.6 52
Hearingg 50 56 106 26.3
2 47.22 18 14 32 30.22 56.3
Multiplee 12 22 34 8.4 35.33 9 9 18 17.0 50
Total 154 249 403 1000.0 38.22 53 53 106 100.0 50

Figure 1. Diistribution of
o survey resppondents byy type of disaability, sex, and
a area
Majority of the PWDs in the rural areas were single/never been married. Meanwhile, the
proportion of married respondents was higher in the urban survey. In both surveys, the women
were slightly older than the men. The histograms below show the distribution of the survey
respondents by age.

Table 2. Basic characteristics of men and women with

disability by area
Area Men Women
Rural 53 53
Urban 249 154
Mean age
Rural 39.4 40.7
Urban 38.2 38.8
Marital status
Married/married-like 37.7 24.5
Divorced/separated 0 5.7
Widowed 0 13.2
Never been married 62.3 56.6
Married/married-like 47.8 46.1
Divorced/separated 3.2 7.1
Widowed 2.8 3.9
Never been married 46.2 42.2

20 40 60 80

Figure 2. Histogram of age of respondents: Urban





20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
age age

Women Men
Figure 3. Distribution of respondents by age: Rural

3. Review of literature

There is a very limited body of literature on PWDs not only in the Philippines but also in other
developing economies. In the Philippines, disability statistics are very rare with decade-old latest
official estimates. The National Statistics Office placed the estimated number of PWDs in the
country at 1.2 percent of the total population or 942,0989 in 2000, 50.24 percent (473,332) of
these are women. Meanwhile, the 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) included
questions on disability but as of publication time, the results have not yet been released.

Many aspects of the daily living conditions of PWDs in the urban setting were uncovered in the
2008 PIDS-IDE survey. The survey revealed that the average educational attainment of PWDs is
low with only a third of the respondents having reached or completed high school level. A little
over half (54%) have completed at least high school. Also, only half of the respondents had
income-generating jobs while half were looking for employment. More men were employed
(57%) compared to women (40%). Among the 3 types of disability, the blind had the highest
proportion with jobs (72%) followed by the mobility-impaired (44%) and the deaf (32%). In fact,
majority (65%) of those with income-generating jobs were blind persons working as masseurs
and they tend to work in groups. This group thus had the highest average income among the
PWDs (Reyes and Tabuga, 2009).

Reyes and Tabuga (2009) also reported that major income sources differed depending on
disability type. For the mobility- impaired, their primary income sources were earnings from
businesses while for the blind, wages and salaries. The deaf on the other hand, relied heavily on

Several other entities have also estimated the number of PWDs in the country. The Department of Health conducted
a registration of PWDs in 1997 and counted 469,707 PWDs, a number that was claimed to be an underestimation of
the number of PWDs in the country. Thus, the government does not officially recognize this estimate.
money received from family and friends and therefore they can be considered to be the least
independent among the groups of PWDs included in the survey. It was also found in the study
that majority of the PWDs were not aware of the Magna Carta for PWDs and its amended
version. Worse, not even half of the respondents have been issued PWD ID cards which were
necessary for them to be given privileges as stipulated in the Magna Carta. Apparently, the rate
of issuance of ID cards has been really slow.

From the 2008 urban survey on PWDs, a quantitative study was conducted by Mori and
Yamagata (2009) and this provides interesting insights. Their paper focused on the determinants
of income of PWDs. They found that a key factor explaining income of PWDs is education. In
their study, it was found that the rate of return on education is so great that highly educated
PWDs earn substantial amounts of income while those with no education earn far less than the
educated ones. They also found that females earn only one-third of the income of males with the
same education, age, marital status, and disability.

Using also the 2008 urban survey on PWDs, Mina (2008) examined the correlation between
characteristics of PWDs and their labor market participation. Econometric models were
developed using Logistic Regression and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. One of the
main findings suggests that PWDs who are household heads are more likely to have
job/business. Pressure to seek employment is greater among them, particularly those who are
male, have children, have relatively fewer assets, and cannot afford or does not urgently need
assistance from PAs and/or any special devices. Education and membership in a disability self-
help organization are also found to be positively correlated with employment. Meanwhile, PWDs
with higher access to PAs and/or assistive devices (which implies limited physical functioning or
higher household wealth) are less likely to have job/business.

Meanwhile, Tabuga (2010) quantitatively analyzed awareness and participation of PWDs in

discount programs of the government. The study found that the low awareness among PWD is a
major hurdle in their ability to participate or avail various programs intended to improve their
conditions. These programs refer to the discount privileges in various goods and services given
to PWDs as stipulated in the amended version of the Magna Carta for PWDs. Because education
is key to awareness, efforts should center on educating the PWD. Hence, the government and
NGOs alike must come up with creative ways to educate PWD with varying levels of ability.
The study likewise stressed the critical roles of the municipal governments and the village
governments (i.e. barangay officials and barangay health workers) in educating not only the
PWD but in disseminating information to the public in general especially the transport groups,
medical facilities, and other commercial establishments where the discounts are supposed to be
imposed. Moreover, the study showed that organizations of PWD are a powerful avenue to
disseminate information. Therefore, using the organizations as way to reach out to persons with
disability is highly recommended.
While the findings in the urban survey already look dismal, the situation in the rural areas is far
worse. PWDs in the rural areas performed very poorly in terms of educational attainment. Only
19 percent have completed at least high school, way below the 54% for those in the urban areas.
Employment rate among the rural dwellers was slightly lower, at 47 percent, than those in Metro
Manila (50%). Also, while the blind had the highest employment rate with the deaf having the
lowest in the urban areas, the case for the rural survey was the opposite. The deaf were the ones
that had the highest proportion (58%) of those with income-generating jobs while the blind
(41%) had the lowest. Like in the urban survey, employment rate among men was higher at 60%
than women at only 36%. Meanwhile, personal income is highest among the mobility-impaired
and lowest among those with multiple impairments. The awareness rate among rural PWDs was
also very low, lower than those in the urban areas with only 3 out of 10 respondents (Reyes, et.
al. 2011).

While these reports cited have explained some disparities between sexes, the analysis was not
done in a comprehensive way. This paper aims to contribute to the body of literature by
consolidating the facts and developing a gender-based analysis.

Why look at gender gaps among PWDs? The reason for this is because of the presence of
disability, the opportunities are far less and rare, the problems more daunting, and therefore
finding solutions to such important issues like gender gaps and inequality is more critical.
Because of their “different” abilities, the effective delivery of basic services and physical and
social infrastructures are far more necessary.

If the needs of PWDs are not effectively addressed, if the current practices inside their
households prevail, this could further worsen gender inequality. This is because women are
generally more involved in providing care and assistance for PWDs. Without the necessary
interventions to empower PWDs to have independent living, the situation will continue to
prevent the women in PWD households from becoming economically active citizens, and from
fully realizing their potential to contribute to their families in other ways.

4. Disparities in Educational Achievement

Men and women with disability have wide gaps in terms of educational attainment. The
disparities are far wider in the rural than in the urban areas. There are more women than men
who did not complete any grade at all. In the rural areas, the proportion of women who did not
complete any grade at all was nearly as twice as the men’s (i.e. 30.2 percent compared to 17.0).
This is the same case with the PWD in the urban areas, with women having 11 percent and men,
6 percent. There is a lower percentage of women reaching college particularly in the rural areas
(9% of men while only 2% of women) (Figure 4).10

It would be useful to compare this with the general population’s educational attainment to determine how the
PWD would fare. However, because of data limitation, this could not be made.
The average number of years of schooling of PWD is about 4.8 for those in rural areas while 9.3
for those in the urban areas. In both cases, women have less years of schooling (Table 3).

Figure 4. Proportion of men and women with disability by educational attainment and area
Note: rural data (2010), urban data (2008)

Table 3. Average years of schooling by area and sex

Area/Sex Men Women All
Urban 9.7 8.7 9.3
Rural 5.4 4.3 4.8
Figure 5. Proportionn of PWDs with
w SPED, urban

A more plausible
p comparison beetween the sexes
s takes into
i accountt the type off disability. In
I all
types of impairmentt except for visual, menn in the urbaan areas outtperformed women
w in alll the
educationn categories. Among thee visually-im
mpaired, there were morre women whow have reaached
college (330%) than men
m (26%).

Figuree 6. Proportion of personns with disabbility in the urban

u areas by
b educationnal attainmennt,
impairmentt type and seex, 2008

Meanwhile, in all types of im mpairment except for the multiplle, men in the rural areas
outperforrmed womeen, particulaarly in term
ms of those who are ellementary graduate at most.
Disparityy is widest among personns with mobbility impairm ment where 61 percent of
o men weree able
to reacheed at least high
h school whereas
w onlyy 38 percennt of the wom men were. Among
A the blind,
the wommen were quiite at par with the men because
b whiile there werre more wom
men who did not
completee any grade at all (31% % for women comparedd to 25% foor men), theere were a larger l
proportioon of women n who have reached
r at leeast high schhool (15.4% of women while
w only 8%
% for
men). Thhe same situ uation is truue for the deeaf. The datta for peoplee with multiple impairmments
meanwhiile show thatt women weere at a same level with men. m

Figurre 7. Proportiion of personns with disabbility in the rural areas by

b educationnal attainmennt,
impairment type and sexx, 2010

5. Disparities
D in
n Employmennt and Unpaaid Work

Findingss in the rurall area (2010 survey)

Comparinng the emplloyment status of men versus

v womeen shows sevveral insighttful observattions.
First, meen have sign
nificantly higgher employyment rate thhan women. Second, woomen have much
higher unnemploymen nt rate than men.
m And laastly, womenn have lowerr underemplloyment ratee than

Fifty-eighht (58%) of the men witth disability were emplooyed while only
o 36 perceent of the woomen
were. Thhese refer to those with an income-ggenerating job/business or who those who workk but
without pay
p for the farm
f or businness that is operated
o by the memberr of his/her household.
h T

Because of the limited size of the sam
mple, the aggreegations of resppondents by edducational attaiinment were made
constitute the fully employed as well as the underemployed. The fully employed are those who
are employed but did not express desire of having additional hours of work or an additional job.
Meanwhile, the underemployed refer to those who are already employed but still wanting more
hours of work or looking for an additional job.12 Not surprisingly, the percentage of women that
are fully employed is slightly higher, at 24%, than that of men, with 23%, while men have much
higher underemployment rate because they tend to seek additional jobs. Women did not want
more hours of paid work because of their household works. Moreover, while 26 percent of the
women were unemployed, only 10 percent of men were.

80% 38.0
50% 26.0
40% 35.4
30% 12.0
10% 24.0 22.9
Female Male
Fully employed Underemployed Unemployed Not in the labor force

Figure 8. Distribution of respondents by mode of labor force participation and by sex

Note that the proportion of female respondents who are not in the labor force is higher than that
of male respondents and this is true for all impairment types.

This paper used the ILO employment definitions.
Figure 9. Distributionn of respondents by modde of labor foorce participation,
by sex and by impairmeent type

Figurre 10. Distrib

bution of resspondents byy class of woorker, by sexx and by imppairment typpe

The typees of jobs thaat women wiith disabilityy in the counntryside norm
mally take are
a housekeeeping,
vending, farming, an nd doing launndry. A feww of them weere quite luckky to becomme health woorkers
or teacheer or storekeeeper. Meanw while, the tyypes of jobss among menn are more varied.
v The most
common is still farmming, but som me work in construction
c ns and factorries. Some manage
m theirr own
family buusinesses wh hile others get
g to show thheir talents as
a musicianss (Table 4). In
I terms of hours
worked, women worrked far lesss hours than men, only 14 1 hours on the averagee compared to 30
for the men
m during th he past weekk prior to the survey.
Table 4. Types of occupation of PWDs in the rural areas
Occupation Frequency
Helper/housekeeper 3
Vendor 3
Farmer/farm worker 2
Village health worker 2
Laundrywoman 2
Storekeeper/helper/manager 1
Teacher/instructor 1
Babysitter 1
Farmer/farm worker 7
Construction worker/laborer 3
Factory worker/supervisor 2
Artist/musician 2
Barber/pedicure 2
Family business manager/restaurant owner 2
Stick maker 2
Office clerk/manager 1
Storekeeper/helper/manager 1
Assistant surveyor 1
Helper 1
Vendor 1
Tricycle operator 1

The table below provides us an idea on what types of business PWD ventures in the rural areas.
For women, the most common businesses are agriculture-related and small time vending like
selling electronic load for mobile phones, or ice. Men, on the other hand, manage their own
stores, musical band, or barber shop.

Table 5. Type of business of PWD by sex

Type of business Men Women
Street vending 0 1
Running a store 2 1
Agriculture-related 1 2
Selling ice 0 1
Selling e-load 1 1
Meat processing 0 1
Manages a band (musician) 1 0
Barber shop 1 0
Car wash, coco lumber 1 0
Selling sticks 1 0

What are the factors associated with employment or unemployment, to be more relevant policy-
wise? Majority (65%) of the employed women were single, widowed, or separated. Meanwhile,
most (54%) of the men who were employed were married. Clearly, it indicates that married
women were less likely to get employed than men. In fact, among the married women, only 46
percent were employed while 75 percent of married men were employed. This indicates that
because of women’s assumed roles in the family (i.e. housekeeping, caring for children), they are
less likely to obtain gainful occupations.

Meanwhile, for both men and women, being unemployed is correlated with low level of
education since 8 out of 10 PWD have attained as far only as elementary education. Therefore, to
help them be able to help themselves, programs on educating the PWDs have to be effectively
implemented. From the interview, the respondents mentioned that there is no school nearby
which can cater to their special needs (i.e. for the blind and the deaf). Also, those with mobility
impairment often complain about the poor quality of roads that they have, if they have at all,
because many communities can be reached only by foot as there are no roads that connect them
with the other parts of the community. This situation is dismal even for the non-PWD. One could
not imagine what a person, say, in crutches, has to go through to be able to go out and partake in
the local economy and society.

Because of the inability of PWDs to take part in the society, due to various constraints such as
the lack of roads/better roads, they don’t get exposed as much to information and available
resources around them. Thus, when they were asked about their reasons of not looking for work,
many would normally answer that they could not do anything worthwhile since they have
disability. Many of them believed that there is no work available for them (Table 6).

Table 6. Reason for not looking for job/additional job by sex

Reason Men Women
Believe no work is available 5 9
Disability/temporary Illness 14 17
Too young/old 4 4
Schooling 2 1
Shy to go out 1 3
Parents do not allow 1 3
Lack of education 1 1
Already has a job (earning), business 6 1
Do not want to 0 1
Housekeeping 0 2
No personal assistant, cannot go by
himself 1 0
Difficult to go out, no road 1 0
Bad weather 1 0

Aside from contributing to their families by working in paid jobs, PWD also contribute in terms
of doing household works, caring for other members of the household, and doing family
sustenance activities. Among them, more women do unpaid works than men. Seven out of ten
women with varying types of disability were doing unpaid works while only 4 in 10 men did.
Moreover, women also do more unpaid works than men.

Among the type of unpaid works women mostly do are housekeeping and taking care of
children/elderly. Some men also do some household chores, 26% of them, while very few men,
11%, were involved in taking care of other family members.

Table 7. Unpaid work done by PWD by sex and type of work

(% to total)
Unpaid work Men Women All
Housekeeping 26.4 60.4 43.4
Taking care of children/elderly 11.3 35.8 47.2
Farming 9.4 0.0 9.4
Poultry/livestock 7.5 7.5 15.1
Fishery 1.9 0.0 1.9

Any type of unpaid work 40.4 66.0 53.3

Findings in the urban area (2008 survey)

In the urban areas, men likewise outperformed women in employment. Sixty-five percent of the
male respondents had income-generating jobs while only 47 percent of the women had. Among
the types of disability, the visually impaired ones had the highest employment rate at around
79%. Women had lower employment rates in all the disability types.i

Table 8. PWD with income-generating jobs by

impairment type and sex
Impairment type Men Women All
Mobility 59.0 47.5 55.3
Visual 83.3 71.7 79.0
Hearing 50.0 28.0 39.6
Multiple 50.0 18.2 38.7
All 65.1 47.4 58.3
As in the findings in the rural survey, the underemployment rate of women is lower than those of
men. Twenty-three percent of women were underemployed as signified by their wanting to look
for additional job. Meanwhile, 36 percent of the male PWDs were underemployed. Women had a
lower underemployment rate in all four types of disability. The situations of women in both
urban and rural areas are common. They did not desire to look for additional job mainly because
of their roles in the household, the bulk of the underemployed women were married.

For both men and women, the most common occupation category they belong to is technicians
and associate professionals. Thirty percent (30%) of men and 41 percent of women were
categorized as such. The bulk of these however are masseurs (88 percent of all PWD in this
occupation category). In the Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC), masseurs
are categorized under Other Health Associate Professionals and therefore, share the same
category with the occupational therapy technicians, and orthopedic technicians. The types of jobs
of those in this group other than masseurs are musicians, computer technicians, and sales
agents/real estate brokers.

Table 9. Distribution of PWD respondents by occupational group and sex,

urban, 2008
Occupational group Male Female Total
Officers, managers, supervisors 26 8 34
Professionals 4 2 6
Technicians and associate professionals 48 30 78
Clerks 10 8 18
Service workers; shop and market sales workers 4 4 8
Farmers, forestry workers, fishermen 2 0 2
Trades and Related Workers 16 0 16
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 11 0 11
Labourers and unskilled workers 39 20 59
Other occupations NEC 2 1 3
Total 162 73 235

Aside from being technicians and associate professionals, many of the PWDs are laborers and
unskilled workers, 24 percent for men and 27 percent for women. Many of the men held sales
and services elementary occupations – these are the street vendors (selling handicrafts,
newspaper, and biscuits), street sweepers, shop helpers, and messengers. Some were transport
laborers and freight handlers – pedicab (pedal vehicle) drivers; while others are construction
workers/helpers. The women on the other hand were mostly street vendors (ice, and barbecue)
and direct selling agents (who go house to house to sell cosmetic products). Many of them were
cleaners/janitress, and launderers and pressers. PWDs who were farmers, forestry workers,
fishermenn; trade wo
orkers; and machine
m opeerators weree all men, as
a these are generally male-
dominateed fields.

Among the PWDs having higgh ranking occupationss such as officers o andd managers,, and
professioonals, three out
o of four ofo these werre men. Manny of these are owners and manageers of
small businesses likee junk shop, T-shirt prinnting business, house renntal, umbrellla repair serrvice,
and smalll food businnesses. For women,
w mostt are store keeepers/managers and alsoo lessors.

Like in thhe rural areaa, more marrried men werre employedd than womenn. About thrree-fourths (774%)
of marrieed men had income-generating jobs,, while onlyy 56 percent of married women w had. This
may indicate that wo omen with diisability in thhe urban areas face hurddles as well in
i participatiing in
the laborr force. How wever, the daata show thaat even among single inndividuals, women
w had lower
employm ment rate than n men.

6. Disparities
D in
n Income

gure 11. Com
mparative peersonal incom
me of men and
a women

Findingss in the rurall areas

It was shhown that em

mployment rate
r among men m was higgher than am mong womeen. Consequeently,
personal income of men
m is generrally higher than womenn. Figure 100 shows the average perrsonal
income of o the emplooyed male PWD
P responndents (arounnd PhP27,3000) in 20099 is almost twice
that of thhe employed
d female resppondents (PhhP15,200). Itt was found that not onlyy did womenn had
less opportunity to earn incom me, they alsoo receive faar less assisstance in teerms of oveerseas
remittancces and otheer types of assistance such as those coming frrom governm ment and prrivate
A significant percenttage of persoonal income of male PW
WDs, 43 perccent, in the rural
r survey came
from othher sources (i.e.
( overseas remittancees and cash receipts, suppport, assisttance, relief from
domesticc sources including govvernment annd private soources). It must
m be notted that majjority
(60%) off the responndents who reported to be receivinng overseas remittances were male.. The
remaininng 33 percen nt and 27.5 percent weere obtainedd from entreepreneurial and salariess and
wages, reespectively. Despite theese, the meaan income thhat male PWWDs obtain from each of o the
two incomme sources was
w nevertheeless higher than those of
o female PW WDs.

Figure 12. Mean
M personaal income off PWD in thee rural surveey by sex andd sources
(in thoussand pesos, 2009)

Meanwhile, female respondents

r d
derived 51 percent
p of their personal income from
m entrepreneeurial
sources. A significaant proportioon, 39 perccent, was obbtained from m salaries and
a wages. Only
around 16 percent weere derived from
f other sources.

At the hoousehold lev

vel, the housseholds of male
m PWDs are a relativelyy better off with a per capita
income ofo around P227,000 in 20009. Househholds of wom men PWDs had only arround P19,000 in
the samee year. The gaps
g are widdest among the deaf andd the mobiliity impaired. Meanwhilee, the
disparity among the blind’s houuseholds waas smaller thhan the otheer types of impairment.
i And
househollds of wom men with muultiple impaairments werre relativelyy better off than their male
Figuree 13. Per cappita income of
o PWD houuseholds in thhe rural survvey
by sex and impairmment type, (iin pesos, 20009)

Interestinngly, the tottal householld incomes between thee male and female PW WDs were allmost
equal. Thhis is true for the mobbility impairred and visuually impairred. Men who
w are deaff had
significanntly higher total househhold incomee than their women couunterparts whhile women with
multiple impairmentss had higherr household income
i thann their male counterparts
c .

Despite these,
t the peer capita inccomes of woomen are loower becausee their household sizes were
bigger. In all types, except for the deaf, thhe average household
h siizes for wom
men PWDs were

ure 14. Totaal household income of PWD

Figu P in the rural
r survey
by sex and impairm ment type, (iin pesos, 20009)
7. Disparities on time-usage in the rural areas

An important improvement in the survey instrument for the rural survey was the inclusion of
time-usage. The reason behind this improvement hinges upon the growing importance of time-
use data for determining unpaid work. It is also an important aspect if one needs to make a
gender-based analysis.

It was found from the survey that PWDs spent most of their time sleeping. This is
understandable because there are not much late night activities in the rural areas, unlike in the
urban areas, and so people tend to retire early in the night. The figures below show that on the
average, women spent around 9 hours sleeping either on a working or a non-working day. Men
with disability likewise spent 8.4 to 8.7 hours per day on sleeping.

As expected, female respondents spent more time on household chores and child care than the
men did, both in working and non-working days. In fact, the women worked twice as long as the
men did during non-working day (4.5 hours against 2.1 hours for men) and even thrice during
working day (2.8 hours versus 1 hour for men). They also spent less number of hours working
(5.2 hours) as compared to the men (7.7 hours). Moreover, the amount of time spent on meals
and personal care are larger among females.

Aside from having spent more time on paid work, male respondents also devoted more hours
(3.1 hours) on their hobbies, entertainment, and social affairs, than did the women (2.2 hours)
even during working days. During non-working days, men spent about twice as much hours on
leisure compared to the women. While women spent 19 percent of their time to leisure on non-
working days, men used up 33 percent of their time.

Commuting to work place or

0.18, 1%
Traveling other than the above


5.24, 24% Household duties/Child care/Other

8.80, 41% care/Nursing
Disabled People's
2.76, 13%
Organization/Community activities
2.18, 10% Visiting medical office/Medical
2.41, 11% care/Rehabilitation/Exercise

0.05, 0% Others

Figure 15. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by female respondents on
various activities during the nearest past working day (%)
Source: Reyes et al (2011)
0.37, 2% Commuting to work place or
0.28, 1%
Traveling other than the above


Household duties/Child care/Other

8.35, 37% care/Nursing
7.74, 34%
Disabled People's
Organization/Community activities
Visiting medical office/Medical
0.02, 0% 3.09, 14% care/Rehabilitation/Exercise
0.95, 4% Sleeping
1.81, 8%
0.06, 0% Others

Figure 16. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by male respondents on
various activities during the nearest past working day (%)
Source: Reyes et al (2011)

0.09, 1% 0.04, 0% Commuting to work place or

0.01, 0%
Traveling other than the above

4.47, 22%
Household duties/Child care/Other
9.05, 44% Hobby/Entertainment/Social
Disabled People's
3.98, 19% Organization/Community activities
Visiting medical office/Medical
2.69, 13% care/Rehabilitation/Exercise
0.25, 1% Others

Figure 17. Mean amount and percentage of time allocated by female respondents on
various activities during the nearest past non-working day (%)
Source: Reyes et al (2011)
0.05, 0%
0 0.48, 3% Commuting to work place or
0.02, 0% school
Traveling otherr than the abovee

2.10, 10% Work/job

Household duties/Child care/O Other

9, 43% care/Nursing
6.73,, 33% Disabled Peoplle's
Organization/CCommunity activvities
Meal/Bathing/D Dressing/Groom ming/
Visiting medicaal office/Medicaal
2.27, 11%
1 Sleeping
0.07, 0%

Figure 18. Mean
M amount and percenttage of time allocated byy male responndents on
varrious activitiees during thee nearest passt non-workiing day (%)
Source: Reyes
R et al (22011)

Figure 19. Comparrative numbeer of hours spent

s by menn and womenn with disabbility by typee of
activvity and dayy
8. Disparities in policy awareness

To help improve the well-being of PWD, there are already a number of key policies that have
been enacted. Most notable of these are the Magna Carta for PWD, enacted in 1991 and its
amendment which was passed into law in 2007. The amended version had further widened the
range of privileges that PWD are entitled for. In particular, this law stipulated a list of discount
privileges for PWD in hotels, restaurants, cinema houses, recreational facilities, medical and
dental facilities, air, and land transportation.

In the survey, the level of awareness of PWD was examined by asking them whether they are
aware of the said policies and privileges or not. In the urban areas, about 68 out of 100 were
aware of policies or their provisions. And there were relatively more women than men who
reported awareness. In particular, women outperformed men among the mobility and visually
impaired. Among the PWDs, the visually-impaired had the highest awareness rate at 80 percent
while those with multiple disabilities had the lowest at only 29 percent. The visually impaired
were considered to be the most mobile among the PWDs because the survey seemed to have
targeted many masseurs in the survey. These masseurs are very mobile that they tend to move in
groups and are more organized than the ones with other types of disability.

Table 10. Proportion of respondents with policy

awareness by type of impairment in the urban area, %
Impairment Female Male All
Mobility 74.4 62.2 66.1
Visual 83.0 78.7 80.3
Hearing 64.0 64.3 64.2
Multiple 16.7 36.4 29.4
All 69.5 66.3 67.5

Meanwhile, the situation is reversed in the rural areas. Men outperformed women and level of
awareness in general is very low. The table below shows the results in the rural survey. About 3
in 10 respondents reported that they are aware of any of the policies –the 1991 Magna Carta for
PWD, its amended version, or any of the privileges enumerated above. Among the types of
impairment, the mobility-impaired (MI) has the highest awareness rate at 48 percent, followed
by the visually-impaired (VI) at 36 percent, and hearing-impaired (HI) with 22 percent. There is
zero awareness among those with multiple impairments.
Table 11. Proportion of respondents with policy
awareness by type of impairment in the rural area, %
Impairment Female Male All
Mobility 46.2 50.0 48.4
Visual 23.1 50.0 36.0
Hearing 22.2 21.4 21.9
Multiple 0.0 0.0 0.0
All 24.5 34.0 29.2

In general, there were more male (34% of total) than female (24%) respondents who reported
awareness. It was only among the HI respondents where women slightly outperformed the men.
Why are women less aware than men? This is because women are less educated than men (with
women having an average of only 4.3 years of education as compared to 5.4 years among men).
They are also less mobile than men (they don’t go out that much because they have no job, have
limited interaction with the people outside their family circles). Also, because they are women,
their families tend to be more protective of them, not letting them wander around unattended
because of their disability. Hence, they have less opportunities of gaining knowledge and

In an econometric analysis on awareness of PWD to various policies and their provisions, it was
shown that sex did not matter in explaining awareness (Tabuga, 2010). This was of course using
data from the urban survey where the gaps between the sexes are not as wide as those in the rural

9. Other Key Issues

The major constraint that PWD face in a developing country such as the Philippines remains to
be social and behavioral in nature, in the sense that the society still does not view PWDs as
citizens who can still contribute despite the presence of impairment. One reason why PWDs do
have interpersonal constraints themselves, even emotional and behavioral, is the label that
society puts on them. Many would simply chose to stay home and not attempt to seek
employment because they argue their disability won’t allow them to because that is what they get
from people around them, it may be their own family and relatives (who feel that they have
disability and must therefore be taken care of), or the larger community who would not
acknowledge that they too can be economically active. Thus, it was common to get reasons from
respondents that their disability prevents them from fully participating when they were asked
why do not attempt to seek work.
One major constraint that PWDs face is poor quality of roads, if there are roads at all especially
in the rural areas. Inability to provide for basic infrastructures like roads does not only hamper
economic and social advancement in the communities but also further restricts people with
disability to obtain their basic (food, medicine) and specials needs (therapy) as well as participate
in the mainstream society. This would lead not only to perpetuation of the reliance of PWD on
their families but may also worsen gender inequality because women family members take more
of the load of looking after their PWD members than do the male members of the household.

One aspect that is important in terms of policy is the impact of PWDs not being able to have
independent living to other members of the households especially on women. While there is
limited focus on this in the set of surveys conducted, it has touched upon it nonetheless because
several details on the other members of the PWD household were also gathered. Most of
personal assistants, specifically in the rural areas survey, were women unpaid members (in 9 out
of 10 PWDs with PA). They are the mother, sister, daughter, or granddaughter of the PWDs.
These household members spend relatively longer time, an average of 7.6 hours, on household
chores (which includes caring for the PWD’s needs) than on paid work, at only 3.4 hours on the
average. From the interview, it also clearly shows how the need to care for the PWD family
member has prevented the women family members to look for paid work and other
opportunities, or just to have the leisure time that they need for themselves.

Because the main focus of the survey was on the conditions of PWD, the conditions of these
unpaid family member-personal assistants were not examined in further details, and in
comparison with other members of the family/household. Also, since it is evident that there is
gender bias on who should primarily look after the PWDs, a deeper assessment on how this
affects the welfare of these women household members is needed.

10. Summary and Concluding Remarks

Even for a country where there is a strong advocacy for gender equality and where the
advancement of the welfare of women is well-legislated, there’s still a lot of work to do. Such is
in case of persons with disability. Men and women with disability have wide gaps in educational
attainment. There are more women than men who did not complete any grade at all. In the rural
areas, the proportion of women who did not complete any grade at all was nearly as twice as the
men’s (i.e. 30.2 percent compared to 17.0). This is the same case with the PWD in the urban
areas, with women having 11 percent and men, 6 percent. The disparities are wider in the rural
than in the urban areas.

Employment rate among male respondents is higher than for women Most of the female
respondents have no job/business. The proportion of male respondents who are employed is
highest among the mobility-impaired while lowest among those with hearing and multiple
impairments. Unpaid family workers are dominated by females.
Male respondents have relatively higher personal income than female respondents. Most of the
personal income of female respondents is derived from entrepreneurial activities while that of
male respondents came from other sources. Female respondents allot relatively more time on
household duties and personal activities (i.e., meals, grooming) both in working and non-
working days. Male respondents spend more time on work and leisure, even during working
days. Moreover, there were more men than women respondents who reported awareness on key
policies that affect their lives.

The gender disparities among PWDs must be addressed and their basic and special needs
(educational and livelihood needs) must be provided. Failure to address their needs and concerns
has serious repercussions that may also further worsen inequality within the family and between
sexes. Government and stakeholders must work together therefore to help PWDs be able to help
themselves by providing programs that aim to capacitate them so they can better partake in
community and economic affairs.

Programs aimed at PWDs must address gender differences among PWDs. There should be
programs that are designed especially for women as their situation is quite different from the
men. These programs must take into account the tendencies of PWD when designing programs
aimed at helping them. For instance, employment opportunities that would require women to
leave their homes may not yield expected results because women would simply chose to remain
at home. Home-based livelihood programs would then be most appropriate for them. Including
in such programs the female non-PWD members who takes care of the PWDs is highly

Improving the roads in the countryside is a critical action that the government and other
stakeholders must work on in order to help not only the PWD but the non-PWDs as well. The
quality of roads where the survey was undertaken is very poor that it can make even an able and
healthy person become disabled. This would not only help a PWD go to school or find work for
himself but more importantly be able to participate in the community, learn from other people on
various information and resources which he/she can take advantage from to find more meaning
in his/her life.

Most importantly, the way the society views the PWDs must be changed in a way that gives
them a chance to fully realize their potentials as non-PWD citizens do. This does not stop from
promulgating and passing laws but by providing concrete actions towards integration of PWDs
in the mainstream society and the economy.

ADB. Identifying Disability Issues Related to Poverty Reduction. June 2005. RETA 5956.

Enns, H. (n.d.) The Role of Organizations of Disabled People: A Disabled Peoples' Accessed 22
in the Philippines: Livelihood Analysis from the Data of PWDs in Metro Manila, Joint
Research Program Series No. 151, Chiba, Japan: Institute of Developing Economies,
International Discussion Paper. Independent Living Institute. [online]

Mina, C. (2010). Employment Choices of Persons with Disability in Metro Manila. PIDS
Discussion Paper Series No. 2010-29.

Mori, S., C. Reyes, and T. Yamagata, eds. (2009) Poverty reduction for the disabled in the
Mori; Celia Reyes; and Tatsufumi Yamagata, eds., Poverty Reduction for the Disabled
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) Conducted in Selected Metro Manila Cities,” Soya
Philippines: Livelihood analysis from the data of PWDs in Metro Manila. Joint Research
Program Series No. 151. Institute of Developing Economies. [online] Accessed 02 June 2010.
pp. 17‐143.

Reyes, C., A. Tabuga, C. Mina, R. Asis, and M.B. Datu. (2011). Persons with Disability in Rural
Philippines Results from the 2010 Field Survey in Rosario, Batangas. PIDS Discussion
Paper Series No. 2011-06.

September 2010.
Tabuga, A. (2010). Factors Motivating Participation of Persons with Disability in the
Philippines: The Discount Privilege in Goods and Services. PIDS Discussion Paper
Series No. 2010-28.

Yap, J., C. Reyes, J.R. Albert and A. Tabuga [2009], “Preliminary Results of the Survey on
Appendix 1. Definition of terms

Employed: those with an income-generating job/business or who work without pay for the farm
or business that is operated by the member of his/her household, reference period is during the
week of visit or survey period

Underemployed: those who are employed but still wanting more hours of work or looking for an
additional job;

Unemployed: those who have no work (or are not employed) and are either (i) looking for work
and available for work (during the previous week or within the next two weeks), or (ii) not
looking for work because of their belief that no work is available, temporary illness, bad weather,
awaiting results of previous job application, or waiting for rehire or job recall, but are available
for work (during the previous week or within the next two weeks)

Not in the labor force: those who are neither employed nor unemployed and are either (i) not
looking for work because of their belief that no work is available, temporary illness, bad weather,
awaiting results of previous job application, or waiting for rehire or job recall, and are not
available for work (during the previous week or within the next two weeks), or (ii) not looking
for work because of any of the following reasons: housekeeping, schooling, retired/recipient of a
disability pension, too young/old.

In the 2008 survey, the instrument did not ask questions on availability, these are therefore rough estimates of
employment among PWDs in the urban areas.

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