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Crowdfunding: Introduction

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Introduction: -
Crowdfunding is a modern fundraising approach that leverages the
power of the internet and social networks to gather financial support
for a wide range of projects, ventures, and causes. Instead of relying
on a single large investor or traditional financial institutions,
crowdfunding enables individuals or organizations to raise smaller
amounts of money from a large number of people, often referred to as
"backers" or "contributors."
The process of crowdfunding typically takes place on online
platforms that serve as intermediaries between project creators and
potential backers. These platforms facilitate the campaign setup,
promotion, and payment processing. There are different types of
crowdfunding models, including reward-based, donation-based,
equity-based, and debt-based crowdfunding.
In reward-based crowdfunding, backers pledge money in exchange
for non-monetary rewards, such as early access to a product, exclusive
merchandise, or personalized experiences. Donation-based
crowdfunding, on the other hand, involves people contributing funds
without expecting any financial returns, often used for charitable or
humanitarian purposes.
Equity-based crowdfunding allows backers to become shareholders in
a company, offering them a potential financial return if the business
succeeds. Debt-based crowdfunding, also known as peer-to-peer
lending, involves individuals lending money to others with the
expectation of receiving interest on the loan.
For a crowdfunding campaign to succeed, effective marketing and
communication strategies are essential. Project creators must create
compelling pitches that clearly explain their vision, goals, and how
the funds will be utilized. Engaging storytelling and transparent
financial breakdowns can build trust and encourage people to
Crowdfunding has democratized access to capital, empowering
entrepreneurs, artists, and social activists to bring their ideas to life
without the traditional barriers imposed by banks or venture
capitalists. It has also enabled individuals to support causes they are
passionate about and be part of something meaningful.
While crowdfunding has enabled countless successful projects and
initiatives, it also comes with risks. Not all campaigns reach their
funding goals, and some may even fail to deliver on promises, leading
to disappointed backers. As such, potential backers should exercise
caution, conduct due diligence, and assess the credibility of project
creators before contributing to any crowdfunding campaign.
Overall, crowdfunding has revolutionized the way projects are funded
and has become a powerful tool for innovation, creativity, and
philanthropy in the digital age. It continues to shape various industries
and serves as a testament to the collective power of individuals
coming together to support worthy endeavors.
Benefits of Crowdfunding: -
1. Accessible Funding: Making Funds Easily Available to
Everyone You don’t need an amazing credit score. You don’t need
to beat out the competition for the attention of the few venture
capitalists that may be interested in your idea/product. And you don’t
need to give up equity or land yourself in a ton of debt.
One of the biggest advantages of crowdfunding is that you will be
making connections directly with the general public.
2. A Great Alternative to Traditional Funding: Breaking the Mold
of Conventional Financing Accessibility aside, another pro of
crowdfunding is that it beats banks and ventures on many fronts.
For one thing, the potential of finances that you could tap into are
limitless. This is because you won’t be depending on one single
financial institution for raising money. Taking the conventional path
can be complicated, with a lot of bureaucratic red tape and
3. Lower Risk for Backers and Creators: Minimizing Financial
Risks for All Involved So, we’ve established that it’s an accessible
and attractive alternative. But one of the valuable advantages of
crowdfunding is that it’s more convenient and carries much less
financial risk.
4. Gain Early Adopters and Enthusiastic Supporters: Cultivating a
Loyal Fanbase from the Start The power of early adopters cannot be
stated enough, they are the ones who will propel your business into
the mass market via their sense of loyalty and investment in your idea,
mission, and brand.
Finding these loyal customers and advocates is not traditionally an
easy process. These are the people who share your vision and believe
in you enough to stake their money on your success.
5. Test Your Marketability and Prove Your Concept: Gauging
Interest and Validating Your Ideas Down the line, dealing with
traditional investors will probably be inevitable. But a successful
crowdfunding campaign can act as something like a portfolio to show
these would-be investors.
Generally speaking, investors need to be convinced that your venture
has gained enough market validation that makes you worth the risk.
Accomplishing this when you’re at the concept testing stage is tough.
Crowdfunding helps you to establish a solid proof of concept.
6. Free Brainstorming, Consultation, and Feedback: Tapping into
the Wisdom of the Crowd Another benefit of crowdfunding is that you
can test the waters with your campaign and get valuable feedback
from your backers and potential customers. Like a soundboard, you’ll
get a feel for frequently asked questions, concerns, and even desired
features straight from your target audience, for free. Think of it like
one big crowdsourced brainstorming session.
7. Set the Stage for Future Momentum and Partnerships: Building
a Strong Foundation for Future Ventures Succeed or fail, the process
of creating and following through with a crowdfunding campaign will
open new doors for the future. Laying down a solid foundation for
any future projects, a crowdfunding campaign can help build much-
needed momentum for any kind of new business venture.
8. Perfect for Pre-Sales and Generating Revenue: Securing Sales
and Income Before Launching If we really get down to it, your
crowdfunding page is a place where you can sell your concept,
product, or service before it’s ever hit the market.
Test out all your sales strategies and watch people assemble. Pre-
sale gives you a unique shot to get the money you need for the
production of your first batch of goods ahead of time, with little to no
financial risk on your part.
The first case of crowd funding: -
The first noteworthy instance of online crowdfunding in the music
industry was in 1997, when fans of the British rock band Marillion
raised US$60,000 in donations through an Internet campaign to
underwrite an entire U.S. tour. The band subsequently used this
method to fund their studio albums.
Types of Crowdfunding: -
1)Equity crowdfunding: Equity crowdfunding is a type of
crowdfunding where investors receive a share of ownership or a stake
in the company or project that they fund. This means that they can
benefit from the future growth and profits of the business, but also
bear the risk of losing their money if it fails. Equity crowdfunding is
usually regulated by securities laws and requires compliance with
disclosure and reporting requirements. It can be a way of accessing
capital from a wider and more diverse pool of investors, but it also
involves giving up some control and diluting your ownership.
2)Debt crowdfunding: Debt crowdfunding is a type of
crowdfunding where investors lend money to the company or project
that they fund, and expect to be repaid with interest over a fixed
period of time. This means that they do not receive any ownership or
stake in the business, but they have a legal claim on its assets and cash
flows. Debt crowdfunding is also regulated by securities laws and
may require collateral or guarantees. It can be a way of borrowing
money at a lower cost or with more flexible terms than traditional
lenders, but it also increases your debt burden and repayment
Best crowdfunding platform in India: -
 Fueladream, Ketto
 Crowdera
 Milaap
 Catapooolt
 Impact Guru
 SeedInvest
 Wishberry

Examples of success crowdfunding: -

 Brewdog: Now a global name in beverages, Scottish brewery
Brewdog was able to grow thanks to crowdfunding.
 Pebble Time: Pebble Time is a world-famous smartwatch
launched on Kickstarter.
 Allbirds: In 2014, Allbirds launched its crowdfunding
campaign, quickly becoming one of the most successful
crowdfunded businesses in the world. They raised 120K U.S.
dollars within 5 days with 970 backers.
Conclusion: -
Crowdfunding is an evolving phenomenon and currently
characterised by high dynamics as this research shows. While it
has its roots in the analogue world where Beethoven or Mozart
have financed their concerts through public subscription, the
global digitalisation process allows this ecosystem of innovation
and finance to flourish. Increasing numbers of projects of
different natures are trying to acquire money from the internet
public through Crowdfunding.

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