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Dungeonfloor Individuals B

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How to Play

Beneath the Dungeon Floor! HOW TO START

is a solo game, lasting about an First, create your party of six
hour for each session. You will adventurers (pp. 4-5). Then,
generate a party of 6 characters create a dungeon for your party
and send them to delve into to explore by generating rooms,
dungeons where they will meet passages, and doors (p. 6-7).
monsters and find treasure. Each room will be inhabited
Options for campaign play by hostile monsters, but if you
are provided, as you might want best them in combat then you
to keep track of your \small will be able to take the room’s
world. There are also options treasure. Value is listed in gold
for group play, in case you'd coins called guilders or g.
like to r un a quick gam e
around the campfire, after HOW TO FIGHT
school or on your lunch break. Your party and the monsters
The game’s core, though, is in the room will take turns
targeted at a solo experience. attacking one another. Roll to
Find your best way to play! see who goes first before each
round of combat, or flip a coin.
Table of Contents Monsters have no order on
How to Play ............................. 2 their turn, but your characters
Character Generation.............. 4 act in order of when they were
Dungeon Generation .............. 6 generated. Each character can
d6 Easy Monsters (A-C) .......... 8 attack or cast a spell.
d6 Hard Monsters (D-F) ......... 9 Combat ends when one side
Character Flavor .................... 10 has vanquished the other, or if
World Flavor ......................... 12 one side runs or teleports away.
The Portal spell allows you to
Credits help your characters escape!
Writing & Art: Hodag RPG. However, upon returning to
Editing & Graphics: Marcia B. the room, it is restocked with
monsters but without whatever
treasure you had taken before.

Attacks & Damage

Each character has a target
number or TN, which is what
an opponent must roll on a d6
in order to successfully land a
hit against them. If successful,
the opponent deals damage as
indicated by their type, which is
subtracted from the target’s hit
points or HP.

HP & Death
Characters with 0 HP are
dead. A character at 1 HP may
r etreat, b ut canno t attack
without sacrificing themselves.

A non-heroic adventurer who
earns 1,000 g or who survives a
dangerous action feature (p. 7)
attains the status of hero.
If a hero survives or gains
10k g, they become legendary.

Far to the east of the vast Plains, south from the Towers of
Ben Theben, west from Great Coast and north of the
Great Dragon Lake lies a small village called Poole, where the
King's Highway meets the Western County Lowroad.

THE SETTING You may choose to have one

At the village of Poole not troupe of characters, or to start
only converges the two routes, fresh every time. You may fill
but two different peoples: the the hillside cemetery of Parrish,
townsfolk of Poole, who make the sun god, with adventurers’
their trade in lumber, fishing on corpses, or let them become
the local ponds and lakes, and skeletal opponents for those
mining ore from the deep hill who next enter the crypts.
mines in the valley below.
Then, there are also the
adventurers: Brave warriors,
humble priests, cunning thieves
and wise mages who are drawn
to Poole by rumors of vast,
d an g er o us d un g eo n s, th e
remains of the old castles and
keeps nearby the village.
The village is where your
adventurers rest, continue their
journey, or even recruit new
traveling heroes. They may set
up shop at the Red Boar Inn.
You may flesh out the town
with the tables offered here, or
simply focus on delving into

Generating Characters

To create your party, you will CLERICS

need to generate 6 characters. Clerics can heal themselves
First, roll d6 for each character. or others for d3 hit points.
They are either human on 1-4 Heroic clerics heal 3 extra hit
or demi-human on 5-6. points, or d3 + 3 in total.
Then, roll d6 again to find
their class and refer to their MAGES
type’s class table below. Mages can cast a number of
spells each delve, as indicated
DEMI-HUMANS on the tables. They know all of
Roll d6 for your character’s the following below:
ancestry: dwarf (1-3), burrower
(4-5), and elf (6). Burrowers  Protection: Prevents one
have the trap-avoiding ability of party member from being
thieves, and elves can cast spells attacked by an enemy.
like mages. Dwarves have more  Portal: Teleports up to two
HP than do other characters. creatures back to town.
All demi-humans can reattempt  Po w er Ray : Attack all
to open any door once. opponents in a room for
d6 damage.
WARRIORS  Pry: Instantly opens doors,
Warriors have extra HP and portcullises, jammed locks,
deal more damage than do and stonework.
their fellow party members.
Heroic warriors have an extra Hero ic mages can cast + 3
6 hit points. spells.


Thieves, and also burrowers, Heroes are better versions of
can avoid traps on a roll of 4 or character classes with improved
greater on a d6. abilities as outlined prior.
Heroic thieves and elves can To see if any character is a
avoid traps on a 2 or more, and hero, roll a 6 on d6. You may
they get an extra attempt to also roll d6 for to designate one
open any door. character out of six as a hero.

Human Classes TN HP DMG SPELLS

1. Knight (Warrior) 5 14 d6 + 1 -
2. Mercenary (Warrior) 5 12 d6 + 1 -
3. Nomad (Warrior) 5 10 d6 + 1 -
4. Knave (Thief) 4 10 d3 + 1 -
5. Mage, Order of Emerald 3 6 d3 + 1 5
6. Cleric of Parrish, Sun God 4 8 d6 -

Dwarf Classes TN HP DMG SPELLS

1. Invader (Warrior) 5 18 d6 + 1 -
2. Soldier (Warrior) 5 17 d6 + 1 -
3. Militia (Warrior) 5 16 d6 + 1 -
4. Guard (Warrior) 5 15 d6 + 1 -
5. Caravanner (Warrior) 5 14 d6 + 1 -
6. Cleric of Markesan, Stone God 4 13 d6 + 1 -

ROLLING ATTRIBUTES the rest have d6 + 6 HP. Listed
Instead of using listed values values are derived from these.
for HP, you can roll for them. You can also roll for how
Heroic warriors and dwarves many spells a character has.
both have d6 + 12 HP, regular Elves and mages can each cast
warriors have 2d6 + 6 HP, and d3 + 3 spells per delve.

Burrower Classes TN HP DMG SPELLS

1. Treasure Hunter (Thief) 4 11 d3 + 1 -

2. Traveler (Thief) 4 10 d3 + 1 -
3. Wanderer (Thief) 4 9 d3 + 1 -
4. Burrowguard (Warrior) 5 14 d6 + 1 -
5. Fighter (Warrior) 5 12 d6 + 1 -
6. Cleric of Yarnell, Bounty Goddess 4 12 d6 -


1. Mage, Order of Ruby 3 9 d6 4

2. Mage, Order of Opal 3 8 d6 5
3. Mage, Order of Emerald 3 7 d6 6
4. Cataloguist (Thief) 4 10 d6 6
5. Knight (Warrior) 5 12 d6 + 1 4
6. Cleric of Curan Kôler, Magic God 4 11 d6 5

Generating Dungeons

Draw 6 + d6 rooms, marking Secret Doors (Rooms D-F)

doors and traps and whatever Detected secret doors lead to
other features you determine. a 20’ hall into a 10’ × 10’ room
You can generate rooms as you with treasure of room type F.
delve deeper into the dungeon, Only thieves and demi-humans
reaching as far as the edge of may roll d6 greater than or
your sheet of graph paper. equal to the room’s length (4-6)
Your party will make it to the to find the door. Elves need not
end if they do not die first. roll and always detect them.
Roll 1-6 for the room’s length
in tens of feet. Each room is an PASSAGES
additional ten feet wide than it Passages connect doors, each
is long, so a room is 60’ long is having a length equal to d6 tens
also 70’ wide. Refer to the table of feet. Roll d6 for any traps:
below for quick reference, and on 1, there is 1 trap; on 2, 2.
look at the diagrams below. Passages without traps (3-4)
have monsters lying in wait
A. 10’ long × 20’ wide.
instead, equal to that same d6.
B. 20’ long × 30’ wide.
If there are 3 monsters, then
C. 30’ long × 40’ wide.
they are goblins; if 4, gremlins.
D. 40’ long × 50’ wide.
Passages on 5-6 are all empty.
E. 50’ long × 60’ wide.
Refer to the d6 table below:
F. 60’ long × 70’ wide.
1. 1 trap.
2. 2 traps.
Every room has d3 doors
3. 3 goblins (p. 8).
besides the one through which
4. 4 gremlins (p. 8).
the party first entered. Roll d6
on the table below: entries 3-4 Roll d6 for what kind of trap
are stuck doors (S), and entries you find and how much HP its
5-6 are locked doors (L). victim loses (equal to the d6).
1. Rotten Wood Door. 1. Dart Slit.
2. Rusty Portcullis. 2. Arrow Slit.
3. Sturdy Wood Door (S). 3. Fire Glyph.
4. Iron Portcullis (S). 4. Deep Pit.
5. Locked Wood Door (L). 5. Acid Web.
6. Stone Door (L). 6. Spike Pit.
Stuck doors have TN 5 and can Only the first character in travel
be attempted up to d3 times. order can be hurt by the trap.
Locked doors have TN 3. After, the threat is no more.



Room types from A-C have 1 Monster Difficulty: Easy (p. 8)
feature, and types D-F have 2. Treasure A (d3):
There are two feature types 1. d6 g, rotten tapestry (0 g)
(roll d6): regular (on 1-4), and 2. d6 g, moldy wood (0 g)
action (5-6). Regular ones are: 3. d6 g × 2, wooden idol (30 g)
1. Shelves, chairs, crates ROOM B
2. Ropes, baskets, tools Monster Difficulty: Easy (p. 8)
3. Hides, blankets, coats Treasure B (d3):
4. Boxes, barrels, bunks 1. d6 g, worn rucksack (1 g)
5. Shackles, fetters, chains 2. d6 g × 2, candelabra (10 g)
6. Tables, racks, ladders 3. d6 g × 3, tin idol (60 g)
Action Features (on 5-6) ROOM C
After the adventurers and the Monster Difficulty: Easy (p. 8)
monsters have both attacked Treasure C (d3):
twice, the party that has dealt 1. d6 g × 2, exotic purse (10 g)
the most damage can attempt to 2. d6 g × 3, ornate mug (20 g)
subject a target to an insta-kill, 3. d6 g × 6, iron idol (70 g)
surviving only on a roll of 5-6.
1. Wall Spikes (1 Use) Monster Difficulty: Hard (p. 9)
2. Hot Oil Grate (1 Use) Treasure D (d6):
3. Wretch Cauldron (1 Use) 1. d6 g × 5
4. Trapdoor Pit w/ Lever 2. d6 g × 5
5. Still Acid Pool 3. Marble guard dog (20 g)
6. Swirling Acid Pool 4. Jade sleeping dog (40 g)
5. Pearl dancing pug (80 g)
On subsequent rounds, the two
6. d6 g × 20, copper idol (80 g)
parties can roll off to try to gain
access to the feature provided ROOM E
that it is not single use (1-3). Monster Difficulty: Hard (p. 9)
Treasure E (d3):
ROOM TREASURE* 1. d6 g × 10,
Roll for a room’s treasure on knight’s helm (70 g)
the tables to the right, based on 2. d6 g × 20,
the room’s size A-F. Most only hero’s shield (80 g)
put guilders in your pockets, 3. d6 g × 20,
but rare weapons are special. silver idol (90 g)
The hero’s sword gives warriors
+1 to attack, and the ancient
Monster Difficulty: Hard (p. 9)
bow gives the same to thieves.
Treasure F (d3):
1. d6 g × 40,
hero’s sword (80 g)*
2. d6 g × 50,
ancient bow (90 g)*
3. d6 g × 60,
golden idol (100 g)

d6 Easy Monsters (A-C)

Monsters are listed by what

set of rooms your party will find
them inhabiting, A-C or D-F.
Each monster has a formula for
how many there are in the
room (‘No.”), a target number,
a number of hit points, and
how many times the monster’s
treasure table is rolled (‘Tr.’).
Each monster also has a
damage table, where you roll
d6 and read the number at the
index, e.g., rolling a 3 for a
beastbear results in 4 damage.
No. d3+1, TN 4, HP 4, Tr. x1,
1. BEASTBEARS DMG d6 → { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }
No. d3, TN 5, HP 8, Tr. x2, Monsters made by malicious
DMG d6 → { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } sorcerers from human remains,
Tall, strong, furry humanoids old produce, dead frogs, and
from the forests and caves who orchard runoff. Treasure d6:
travel the overland with goblins
1. Sack of chicken bones (0 g)
and low orcs, carrying the arms
2. Dry leather scraps (0 g)
of those who dared raise steel
3. Oily leather scraps (0 g)
against them. Treasure d6:
4. Goblinoid Knife (1 g)
1. Sack of teeth (0 g) 5. Burlap sack (with 1 g)
2. d2 Animal pelts (1 g/each) 6. Burlap sack (with 3 g)
3. Muddy cloak (2 g)
4. Reclaimed sword (4 g)
5. Reclaimed vest (4 g)
No. d3+1, TN 3, HP 3, Tr. x1,
6. Orcish chainmail (6 g)
DMG d6 → { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 }
A subspecies of goblin made
2. LOW ORCS not with bones of humans but
No. d3, TN 4, HP 6, Tr. x2, instead with those of burrowers.
DMG d6 → { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 } Treasure d6:
The low orcs chose the path of
1. Sack of chicken bones (0 g)
wrath, violence and destruction,
2. Dry leather scraps (0 g)
relishing in greed. Treasure d6:
3. Oily leather scraps (0 g)
1. Sack of teeth (0 g) 4. Goblinoid Knife (1 g)
2. d2 Animal pelts (1 g/each) 5. Burlap sack (with 1 g)
3. Muddy cloak (2 g) 6. Burlap sack (with 3 g)
4. Reclaimed sword (4 g)
5. Reclaimed vest (4 g)
6. Orcish chainmail (6 g)
No. d6, TN 2, HP 2, Tr. x1,
DMG d6 → { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }
3. HOBGOBLINS Unholy, rotten creatures the
No. d3+1, TN 4, HP 5, Tr. x1, size of toddlers: slime-coated,
DMG d6 → { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 } juvenile goblinoids driven to
A subspecies of low orc, bred feast on any who disturb their
in the same environments that larval garden. Treasure d6:
burrowers inhabit. Treasure d6:
1. Nothing
1. Sack of teeth (0 g) 2. Nothing
2. d2 Animal pelts (1 g/each) 3. Nothing
3. Muddy cloak (2 g) 4. Burlap sack (with 0 g)
4. Reclaimed sword (4 g) 5. Burlap sack (with 0 g)
5. Reclaimed vest (4 g) 6. Burlap sack (with 1 g)
6. Orcish chainmail (6 g)

d6 Hard Monsters (D-F)

No. d3, TN 3, HP 4, Tr. x2,
DMG d6 → { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 }
Bandits roam the dungeon for
the same reason you do: the
promise of gold! Treasure d6:
1. Leisure items (d3):
i. Playing cards (1 g)
ii. Bone dice (2 g)
iii.Tarot deck (3 g)
2. Green cloak (2 g)
3. Black cloak (3 g)
4. Spoiled leather vest (4 g)
5. Leather vest (6 g)
6. Thief’s chainmail (8 g)
No. 1, TN 6, HP 12, Tr. x3,
DMG d6 → { 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 }
A gloopy, gloppy glob that is a 5. SKELETONS
mixture of an oil slick, pudding, No. d6+3, TN 3, HP 2, Tr. x1,
and raw hamburger. It leaves DMG d6 → { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }
icky trails and bones sticky with Laid to rest or left where they
tar in its path. Treasure d6: fell, these skeletons have been
reanimated and now guard the
1. Bones (0 g)
dungeon’s treasure. They will
2. Metal shield (30 g)
not attack clerics and will climb
3. Crooked sword (40 g)
back into their crypts, coffins,
4. Golden necklace (80 g)
and alcoves if 3 or more are
5. Dark helm (80 g)
present. Treasure d6:
6. Golden chalice (100 g)
1. Rusty chainmail (1 g)
2. MINOTAUR 2. Rusty shield (1 g)
No. 1, TN 6, HP 10, Tr. x2, 3. Broken sword (1 g)
DMG d6 → { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } 4. Intact sword (4 g)
A nine-foot tall monster that 5. Intact spear (5 g)
resembles a man-bull hybrid, 6. Ornate sword (6 g)
but with razor-sharp claws and
teeth! Treasure d6:
1. Human femur club (0 g) No. d6, TN 4, HP 3, Tr. x1,
2. Skull bowl (0 g)* DMG d6 → { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }
3. Coin purse (70 g) These juvenile gremlins are as
4. Golden necklace (80 g) nasty as you would believe,
5. Ancient axe (90 g)** although they are unexpectedly
6. Golden chalice (100 g) hardier than crudlings or their
elders are. Treasure d6:
3. BLACK KNIGHTS 1. Sack of chicken bones (0 g)
No. d3, TN 5, HP 8, Tr. x2, 2. Dry leather scraps (0 g)
DMG d6 → { 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 } 3. Oily leather scraps (0 g)
Searching for secret talismans 4. Goblinoid Knife (1 g)
to increase their power, these 5. Burlap sack (with 1 g)
warlords traverse the darkest of 6. Burlap sack (with 3 g)
dungeons to find rarer treasure.
Treasure d6:
* Priests may consecrate the
1. Crooked dagger (10 g) skull to restore all HP.
2. Jeweled dagger (20 g) ** +1 to dwarves’ attacks.
3. Crooked sword (40 g)
4. Obsidian blade (60 g)
5. Dark helm (80 g)
6. Blood-red cloak (100 g)

Character Flavor

Provided are tables to help ALL CHARACTERS

you flesh out your characters Attire
and the campaign world! These 1. Fashionable.
are not intended to have the 2. Hand-me-down.
final word on your imagination 3. Ornate.
nor to be all-encompassing. 4. Plain.
5. Rugged.
6. Well-kept.
Names Personality
1. Maranath(a). 1. Calm.
2. Boga(e). 2. Excitable.
3. Hass(i). 3. Neurotic.
4. Ank(a). 4. Stoic.
5. Traw(e). 5. Verbose.
6. Mere(t). 6. Wise.
Surnames Weapon
1. Baudle. 1. Axe.
2. Kett. 2. Bow.
3. Goverre. 3. Club.
4. Moone. 4. Dagger.
5. Othor. 5. Mace.
6. Wulfhart. 6. Sword.
Places Animal Companion
1. Demetyr. 1. Cat.
2. West Cabbat. 2. Frog.
3. Golden Hill. 3. Pug.
4. Riverhaven. 4. Rabbit.
5. Orchardville. 5. Songbird.
6. Bellsburg. 6. Two rats.

Names Names
1. Orem(o). 1. Mondo(l).
2. Kard(u). 2. Bali(m).
3. Greb(a). 3. Raro(n).
4. Losh(i). 4. Ereg(o).
5. Vess(e). 5. Thuro(p).
6. Ashir(y). 6. Esra(q).
Surnames Surnames
1. Stonecutter. 1. Doublefoot.
2. Lowdelver. 2. Twoshoes.
3. Sheerstone. 3. Overhill.
4. Gemwish. 4. Highfence.
5. Elderbeard. 5. Overland.
6. Gravelheart. 6. Sweetwater.
Places Places
1. Hestemar Hill. 1. Little River Burrow.
2. Arndelve. 2. Hometree Hill.
3. Bugtarnican Mines. 3. Oakwood Hills.
4. Maggar Valley. 4. Riverbank City.
5. Harlshearth. 5. Maple Glen.
6. Mount Fairsword. 6. Twinshire Glens.


Mononyms You may replace one of the
1. Tan/bar/arac. outcomes that would be a dwarf
2. Gar/na/mana. on the demi-human table with a
3. Rass/far/alam. high orc, or turn any human
4. Gral/val/alra. into a high orc on a 1-in-6.
5. Vas/dar/abar. They have their own pantheon,
6. Val/man/ara. led by Gillet of Revelry.
Places Deities
1. Demetyr. 1. Omro-Oulu of Druids
2. West Cabbat. (Symbol: A green man)
3. Golden Hill. 2. Kossuth of Gains
4. Riverhaven. (Symbol: A flexing arm)
5. Orchardville. 3. Brillion of Knowledge
6. Bellsburg. (Symbol: An open book)
4. Onalaska of Fate
(Symbol: Goblet of dice)
5. Fairchild of Travel
(Symbol: A winged boot)
6. Estella’Elba of Forests
(Symbol: Three trees)

World Flavor


Bandit Gangs Magic Spells
1. Sow’s Ears Gang 1. Ponderous Orb
2. Rotted Apples 2. Varied Illusion
3. Sallow Riders 3. Wizard’s Tongue
4. Baudle Brothers’ Gang 4. Moonlight Map
5. Greentongues of the Vale 5. Leyline Travel
6. Ascendent Moonchildren 6. Minor Conjuration
Armies & Militias Minor Miracles
1. Ameslander Free Army 1. Holy Vision
2. Army of the Six Banners 2. Ground Hallow
3. Regal Cavalry Regiment 3. Cast Out Evil
4. Marathon Coastal Militia 4. Blessed Apparition
5. Benton County Militia
6. Queen’s Royal Army

1. Castle ruin, dungeon
2. Cave, mine
3. Crypt, catacomb, tomb

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