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School year: 2023-2024
I. Pronunciation
 Pronunciation of some vowels and consonants
 Stress patterns
 Stress in two - syllable words
 Stress in two - syllable words with derivatives
 Stress in three - syllable words
Words learned from Unit 6 and 7 on topics:
Synonyms and Antonyms
III. Grammar:
- Passive voice
- Modal verbs: active and passive, modal verbs + have done
- Comparisons
- Prepositions
- Word form
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. pleasant E B. health E C. healthy E D. breathe I
2. A. come A B. roll ƠU C. comb ƠU D. grow ƠU
3. A. fear IƠ B. realize IƠ C. pear EƠ D. near IƠ
4. A. inventor E B. president E C. adventure E D. genetics Ơ
5. A. adopt O B. front A C. column O D. borrow O
6. A. women I B. follow O C. concentrate O D. project O
7. A. address Ơ B. allow Ơ C. traffic E BẸT D. rural Ơ
8. A. minimum I B. influence I C. eliminate I D. bias AI
9. A. prevent I B. education E C. dependent I D. eliminate I
10. A. encourage K B. contribute K C. delicious SS D. college K
11. A. protest E B. wedding E C. reception I D. success E
12. A. present Z B. decrease S C. increase S D. mouse S
13. A. complicated I B. bridegroom AI C. originate I D. superstition I
14. A. country K B. contrast K C. culture K D. ceremony S
15. A. good U B. moon U: C. groom U: D. food U:
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. parachutist 1 B. competitive 2 C. economy 2 D. equality 2
2. A. participant 2 B. voluntary 1 C. participate 2 D. community 2
3. A. traditional 2 B. communicate 2 C. economic 3 D. intelligence 2
4. A. organisation 4 B. participation 4 C. responsibility 4 D. international 3
5. A. opportunity 3 B. environmental 4 C. pronunciation 4 D. communication 4
6. A. uneducated 2 B. organisation 4 C. laboratory 2 D. traditional 2
7. A. educational 3 B. economic 3 C. economy 2 D. university 3
8. A. activity 2 B. uncomfortable 2 C. intelligence 2 D. educated 1
9. A. advice 2 B. amazed 2 C. reply 2 D. gender 1
10. A. major 1 B. female 1 C. police 2 D. famous 1
11. A. support 2 B. women 1 C. pursue 2 D. employ 2
12. A. correct 2 B. follow 1 C. party 1 D. workforce 1
13. A. workforce 1 B. trouble 1 C. machine 2 D. female 1
14. A. admire 2 B. freedom 1 C. fighter 1 D. image 1
15. A. accept 2 B. student 1 C. problem 1 D. open 1
16. A. career 2 B. gender 1 C. equal 1 D. bias 1
17. A. enrol 2 B. rural 1 C. allow 2 D. prefer 2
18. A. abandon 2 B. dependent 2 C. preference 1 D. exhausted 2
19. A. unequal 2 B. enrolment 2 C. encourage 2 D. minimum 1
20. A. physically 1 B. equality 2 C. remarkably 2 D. discriminate 2


Ex 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Her courage not only inspired TRUYỀN CẢM HỨNG her followers but moved her rivals as well.
A. depressed B. motivated C. overlooked D. rejected
2. The government's plans to cut taxes really stimulated THÚC ĐẨY the economy.
A. discouraged B. started C. weakened LÀM SUY YẾU D. improved CẢI THIỆN
3. Linda is very outgoing, CỞI MỞ however, her brother is quite reserved. DÈ DẶT
A. open B. sociable HÒA ĐỒNG C. easygoing DỄ TÍNH D. shy
4. Ideally, LÝ TƯỞNG NHẤT I'd like to work at home but there is no way my boss agrees with that.
A. Generally B. Luckily C. Preferably TỐT NHẤT LÀ D. Fortunately
5. This year, more girls enrolled ĐĂNG KÝ , GHI DANH on courses in art and design.
A. avoided B. inserted C. erased D. enlisted
6. In some rural areas, students don’t have many chances CƠ HỘI to get access to the Internet.
A. time B. opportunities C. performances D. rights
7. We should get rid of XÓA BỎ gender and race discrimination in community.
A. encourage B. reduce C. enrol D. eliminate
8. Women PHỤ NỮ represent 40 percent of the country’s workforce.
A. Females B. Males C. Children D. Adults
9. Women should receive the same CÔNG BẰNG rights as men.
A. unequal B. equal C. different D. exact
10. In some rural areas, women and girls are forced BỊ ÉP BUỘC to do most of the housework.
A. invited B. encouraged C. made D. contributed
11. Mary is planning to tie the knot KẾT HÔN with her German boyfriend next June.
A. get married B. say goodbye C. get together D. fall in love
12. In some Asian countries like Viet Nam or China, money is given to the newly-married couple as a
wedding present. QUÀ TẶNG
A. gift B. donation C. souvenir D. contribution
13. A computer or laptop can be your powerful weapon and you can take advantage of TẬN DỤNG the
Internet your study.
A. take notice of CHÚ Ý B. have benefits of C. take benefits of D. make use of
14. “Edwards seems like a dog with two tails CỰC KỲ VUI this morning”. “Haven’t you heard the news?
His wife gave birth to a baby boy early this morning.”
A. extremely happy B. extremely dazed C. very exhausted D. very proud
15. Discharging XẢ THẢI chemical pollutants into the environment is a cruel action to the environment as
well as the future generation.
A. Releasing B. Filling C. Making D. Adding
16. The area is roped off because the water is seriously polluted. BỊ Ô NHIỄM
A. contaminated B. disappeared C. purified SẠCH D. endangered
17. The environmental habitat of some rare HIẾM animals is being threatened.
A. aware B. endangered BỊ ĐE DỌA C. dangerous D. share
18. Many species of fauna ĐỘNG VẬT and flora THỰC VẬT = PLANTS in this national park is being in
A. sauna B. coral SAN HÔ C. animals D. coastal VEN BIỂN
19. Water pollution is a result of dumping pollutants CHẤT GÂY Ô NHIỄM such as detergents,
pesticides, oil and other chemicals in rivers.
A. contaminants B. sewage RÁC
C. insecticides THUỐC TRỪ SÂU D. substances CHẤT
20. In Vietnam, people often choose a favorable PHÙ HỢP , THUẬN LỢI day – NGÀY ĐẸP for their
important occasions.
A. beautiful B. suitable C. acceptable D. uncomfortable

EX4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. During the Great Depression, many people suddenly found themselves jobless THẤT NGHIỆP after a
A. employed CÓ VIỆC LÀM B. redundant C. unoccupied D. supplementary
2. I was relieved AN TÂM by the news that they had gone home safe and sound.
A. comforted B. concerned LO LẮNG , BẬN TÂM
C. relaxed THOẢI MÁI D. lightened
3. She comes from an admirable and respectable ĐÁNG KÍNH family.
A. good B. respected C. unworthy KO ĐÁNG D. dignified
4. This boy is poorly-educated HỌC VẤN KÉM and doesn't know how to behave properly.
A. uneducated VÔ HỌC B. knowledgeable HIỂU BIẾT
C. ignorant D. rude THÔ LỖ
5. White blood cells help defend BẢO VỆ the body against infection.
A. fight B. cover C. protect D. abandon BỎ HOANG , BỎ RƠI
6. In Vietnam, people often choose a favorable THUẬN LỢI day for their important occasions.
A. beautiful B. suitable C. acceptable D. gloomy ẢM ĐẠM
7. It was quite relaxing THƯ GIÃN to spend a week on a camping trip with friends in the open air.
A. nervous LO LẮNG B. stressful ÁP LỰC C.tense CĂNG THẲNG D. all of those
8. In many countries, it is customary THEO PHONG TỤC for the bride to throw her bouquet of flowers
into a crowd of well-wishers.
A. uncommon KO PHỔ BIẾN B. inadvisable
9. To an American, success is the result of hard work CHĂM and self-reliance.
A. devotion SỰ CỐNG HIẾN

B. industry C. laziness SỰ LƯỜI BIẾNG D. enthusiasm LÒNG NHIỆT TÌNH

10. Stores everywhere compete to sell their distinctive ĐẶC BIỆT versions of Christmas cake before the
holiday. A. different B. various C. similar GIỐNG NHAU D special

EX5. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

BỊ ĐỘNG : S + MODAL VERBS + BE + VP2 + ( BY 0)
1. Women should ______ the same salaries as men for doing the same jobs.
A. be given B. have given C. give D. have been given
2. We __________ stop when traffic lights are red.
A. might B. should C. must PHẢI ( BẮT BUỘC ) D. Can
3. Cigarettes __________ at a drugstore. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. most buy B. cannot buy C. cannot be bought D. should not buy
4. A child _________ everything he or she wants. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. mustn't be given B. should not be given C. mustn’t give D. should give
5. The entire lake ____________ from their flat on the 7th floor. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. can see B. can be seen CÓ THỂ ( KHẢ NĂNG) C. should be seen D. must see
6. Efforts : NỖ LỰC ___________ to offer all children equal access to education. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. should make B. can make C. should be made D. can made
7. I think everybody ___________ with equal access to health service.
A. should be provided BỊ ĐỘNG B. should provided C. should provide D. provide
8. Our teacher told us that all of our assignments ____________ in ink. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. must write B. must be written C. should be written D. be written
9. The afternoon meeting ____ because three of five committee members are unable to attend. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. must postpone B. might postponed C. might be postponed D. postponed
10. Children __________ to play violent video games. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. should not be allowed B. allowed C. must allow D. can't be allowed
11. Milk ________ in the fridge or it will go sour. CHUA
A. should keep B. must be kept BỊ ĐỘNG C. must keep D. should be kept
12. Important work __________ first. BỊ ĐỘNG TLD: S + WILL + BE + VP2
A. will do B. be done C. will be done D. can be done
13. Remember to bring your raincoat. It __________ rain.
A. should B. might CÓ LẼ ( PHỎNG ĐOÁN ) C. can D. must
14. In Muslim countries, changes ____ to give women equal rights to natural or economic resources, as well
as access to ownership.
A. may make B. will make C. must be made BỊ ĐỘNG D. can make
15. In order to reduce gender inequality in South Korean society, women ____ more opportunities by
A. will prove B. should provide C. may be provided D. should be provided BỊ ĐỘNG : NÊN
16. Child marriage TẢO HÔN ____ in several parts in the world because it limits access to education and
A. must stop B. will be stopped C. must be stopped D. can be stop
17. Discrimination on the basis of gender ____ from workplaces. NƠI LÀM VIỆC
A. should be removed B. must be removed C. can be removed D. will be removed
18. A surgeon must _+VO : CHỦ ĐỘNG _______ excellent eyesight and mental strength.
A. have had B. have +N C. be had D. be having
19. Education can ________ girls the opportunity to have a better life in the future.
A. be given B. have been given C. give D. have given
20. I think everybody should ________ with equal access to health service. BỊ ĐỘNG
A. provide B. provided C. be provide D. be provided
* Comparative and superlative
1. He was older ____________ I thought.
A. then B. than C. as D. like
2. China is ______________ Vietnam.
A. bigger then B. bigger than C. more big than D. biger than
3. Sue is ________ of the four girls.
A. the prettier B. prettier C. the prettiest D. prettiest
4. I am not as +ADJ + AS + S2 __________ my brother.
A. successful as B. successful so C. successful than D. more successful than
5. That was _______ funniest thing to do.
A. a B. an C. the + SO SÁNH NHẤT D. x
6. It was _______ gift I have ever received. SO SÁNH NHẤT + HTHT
A. most expensive B. the most expensive C. the more expensive D. more expensive
7. She owns a _+ADJ___ collection of antiques.
A. fine B. finer C. finest D. the fine
8. It was _______ than I was expecting.
A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. more cheap
9. This chair is _________ than the old one.
A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. most comfortable D. the more comfortable
10. Trains are _________ than planes.
A. slow B. slowest C. slower D. the slow
11. I bought the + S S NHẤT________ car I could afford.
A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. most expensive
12. In this classroom there are ________ girls than boys.
A. many B. more C. most D. the more
13. Ann is _______ youngest child in the family.
A. a B. an C. the D. x
14. That TV set is the ________ of all.
A. cheaper B. cheap C. cheapest D. most cheap
15. This place is _______ than that one.
A. safe B. safer C. more safe D. the safest
16. Lisa is ______ than Kate.
A. pretty B. prettier C. most pretty D. the prettiest
17. This is the ________ film I have ever seen.
A. exciting B. more exciting C. most exciting D. the exciting
18. Tom is________ than Peter.
A. more talented B. most talented C. the most talented D. talented
19. This city is one of the _+ SS NHẤT : 1 TRONG SỐ NHỮNG CÁI GÌ NHẤT _____ destinations for
foreign visitors.
A. attractive most B. more attractive C. attractive more D. most attractive
20. Organic products are now becoming _______ than they were in the past.
A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. popularer
1. Egypt AI CẬP is a traditional country, and it has many customs PHONG TỤC that are different
FROM : KHÁC VỚI ____ the U.S.
A. of B. from C. to D. for
2. She worked as a nurse _FOR: LÀM VIỆC CHO ___ the Red Cross and got to know many of the
wounded pilots.
A. of B. from C. to D. for
3. We do not allow any kind of discrimination AGAINST : PHÂN BIỆT CHỐNG LẠI _ women and girls.
A. against B. from C. to D. for
4. Valentina Tereshkova travelled into space in Vostok 6 and successfully returned to Earth _ON + NGÀY
__ 19 June, 1963. .
A. of B. on C. in D. at
5. Most parents don't want to find _OUT : TÌM RA ___ the gender of their babies before birth.
A. in B. from C. out D. for
6. Greater educational opportunities abroad are now open _TO: MỞ RA CHO____ Vietnamese students.
A. of B. to C. from D. for
7. Our country has become one OF THE + SS NHẤT _____ the most popular destinations for foreign
tourists in the region.
A. of B. to C. from D. for
8. Many teenagers nowadays drop_OUT of school BỎ HỌC and start working to earn their living.
A. down B. up C. front D. out
9. The program focuses ON: TẬP TRUNG VÀO _____ helping disadvantaged teenagers continue their
A. of B. on C. in D. at
10. Should all people be provided SB WITH ST: CUNG CẤP _CHO AI CÁI GÌ ___ equal access to
A. of B. for C. with D. up
1. While we were cleaning her house, we + QKD: DÀI NGẮN ___ a knock at the door. It was the man who
lived next door.
A. are hearing B. were hearing C. hear D. heard
2. When I visited my uncle this morning, he __+ QKTD ___ his lunch. DÀI NGẮN
A. is preparing B. was preparing C. has prepared D. prepares
3. Where’s Tim? He ____ to a new CD in his room.
A. is listening B. listen C. listens D. listened
4. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always +HTD __ there.
A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. rained
5. I can’t come to the party tomorrow. I _____ for my exam.
A. study B. will study C. studied D. am going to study
6. He really wants TO V : MUỐN ____ to play a musical instrument this summer.
A. learn B. to play C. playing D. to playing
7. They decided _TO V : QUYẾT ĐỊNH ___ to the live concert.
A. go B. went C. going D. to go
8. Many people enjoy _+ V-ING : THÍCH ___ the news on their smartphones.
A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read
9. I’m very interested in + V-ING : THÍCH ____ to classical music.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening
10. It’s very difficult ____ this device. IT + BE + ADJ + TO V : THẾ NÀO KHI LÀM GÌ
A. use B. using C. to use D. uses

EX6. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. Since 2009, Iceland has been the global _ +N ___ in gender equality.
A. leader NGƯỜI DẪN ĐẦU B. leads C. leading D. lead
2. For the past five years, Iceland has been in the first rank of educational achievement and + N ( SONG
HÀNH ) ____ in women's economic conditions.
A. improve B. improvement SỰ TIẾN BỘ C. improving D. improved
3. UNICEF says that ____ to education is one of the biggest challenges facing children in Yemen today,
especially girls.
A. access TO : SỰ TIẾP CẬN B. get C. connect D. search
4. Until now, the high cost of schooling has discouraged or prevented poor parents from having their
children, ____ girls, educated.
A. especially ADV: ĐẶC BIỆT LÀ B. specially C. and D. with
5. All forms of discrimination against all women and girls ____ immediately everywhere.
A. must be taken away B. must be ended BỊ ĐỘNG MUST
C. must be allowed D. must be followed
6. Moreover, a lack of female teachers contributes to low ____ of girls in schools.
A. enrolment SỰ ĐĂNG KÝ B. application C. participation D. gender
7. UNICEF is now __+ V-ING ( HTTD)__ schools and families with educational supplies to help lower
A. providing B. improving C. contributing D. making
8. There are some things Americans would change, and ___________ thing people would change is their
A. The biggest B. a big C. the D. a bigger
9. Cultural diversity makes our country __________ by making it a _________ place in which to live.
A. rich – more interesting B. richest – most interesting
C. richer – most interesting D. richer – more interesting
10. In Yemen, women have less ____ to property ownership, credit, training and employment
A. possibility B. way C. use D. access SỰ TIẾP CẬN
11. Child marriage ____ in several parts in the world because it limits access to education and training.
A. must stop B. will be stopped C. must be stopped D. can be stop
12. Our atmosphere is gradually becoming more and ______ polluted.
A. much B. many C. more D. most
EX7. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
1. Have you decided who to talk about?
A. I see. I will talk to him. B. Let's talk about your study.
C. I need to talk to you now. D. Not yet. I am still considering.
2. What do you think about Steve Jobs?
A. That's right! B. I doubt it. It is not true.
C. Well, he is talented. D. I agree with you about him.
3. Good luck to you in your exam!
A. Thank you! Same to you. B. Yeah. That's the one.
C. Well, I'll see. D. Don't worry! I'll be fine.
4. What a wonderful party!
A. I am fine. Thank you! B. I don't know. Let me check.
C. I am happy you like it. D. Same to you. Thanks!
5. What's new with you?
A. Me too. B. Nothing much.
C. See you later D. Help yourself.
6. Khoa: Kim, ________to join me for this week's charity walk?
Kim: Ah, that sounds good, but I'm really busy this week. Next time, perhaps?
A. what about + V-ING B. why don’t we +VO
C. would you like TO V ? MỜI RỦ D. let’s +VO
7. Tam: Van, ________ seeing a video about the United Nations?
Van: Yes, I'd love to. Shall we start now?
A would you like TO V B. you like C. do you want TO V
D. do you feel like +V-ING? MỜI
8. Would you like to have lunch with us? – MỜI
A. Yes, I’d love to ( ĐỒNG Ý VỚI LỜI MỜI )
B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. Thank you
9. Mai is talking to Hoa about Hoa’s new dress.
- Mai: “You’ve got a nice dress, Hoa.” – KHEN
- Hoa: “_______”
A. Congratulations! B. Thank you. C. Me too. D. No problem.
10. I think hunting wild animals should be banned. SUY NGHĨ CÁ NHÂN
“_______. Many wild animals are in danger of extinction.”
A. That’s true ĐỒNG Ý B. No problem C. I disagree completely D. You’re wrong
11. Would you like some cookies? I have just baked them.
A. Thank you. Yes, I would. B. Take it easy. C. Yes, I think so. D. Here you are.
12. Shall we talk about Larry or Oprah? -HỎI Ý KIỆN LỰA CHỌN
A. Never mind. There is always something to do.
B. We'd better talk about them both. – KHUYÊN
C. Wow! They are adorable. D. Oh, I see what you mean.
13. What kind of books do you like?
A. No, I don't have any hobbies. B. Nothing special.
C. Novels . I believe. D. I believe novels are boring.
14. I think it is the best movie I have ever seen.
A. Me neither. B. Me too. PHỤ HỌA KHẲNG ĐỊNH
C. Not me. D. Same to you.
15. Did you watch The Voice last night?
A. For a while, then I had to study. B. Not now. I am studying.
C. Yes, sir. D. Yes, please.
EX8. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. She faced .............................. because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area
( lonely )
2. This university is ranked as one of the most successful institutions which have made ...+ADV ........
progress in gender equality ( consider )
3. in order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic ..+N ........ need to be shared by both husband and wives
(responsible )
4. The number of female ..+N SỐ NHIỀU ........ has increased sharply for the past few years ( enroll )
5. She contributed to the information of an .......+N ................ for female pilots, gave advice to women on
careers and helped inspire others ( organize )
6. It is believed that meeting a black cat is lucky, but it is ...+ ADJ ....... to walk under a ladder or break a
mirror ( luck )
7. Thatcher worked very hard to be a good wife and mother as well as one of the most famous British ..+N
SỐ NHIỀU ......., whose nickname was the Iron Lady. ( politic )
8. Through a joint project involving the World Bank, UNICEF hopes to help the government
.HELP SB .+ V: .GIÚP AI LÀM GÌ ............ all children with textbooks at the beginning of each school year.
( provision )
9. In the workplace, women should be given +ADJ opportunities as men. ( equally )
10. Until now, the high cost of schooling has .......................... or prevented (V): NGĂN CHẶN poor
parents from having their children, especially girls, educated. ( courage )
Answer keys:
1. loneliness (N): 2. considerable 3.responsibilities 4. enrollments 5.organization
6. unlucky (ADJ): 7. politicians (N) : 8. provide (V): 9. equal (ADJ): 10. discouraged

EX9. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition.

1. Most Vietnamese people place more emphasis _____on_TẬP TRUNG VÀO ____ their duties ____in__
their family than their own desires.
2. _____At_ home : Ở NHÀ , he should show respect ____to : SỰ TÔN TRỌNG VỚI ____ his parents,
older brothers or sisters, and older relatives.
3. ___For_ĐỐI _VỚI _ some teenagers, when they rebel ___against_ NỔI LOẠN CHỐNG LẠI __ their
parents, they act as rebels.
4. If you really want __TO V : MUỐN __to____ get to know ____about_BIẾT VỀ __ their culture, you
need TO V :CẦN ____to___ go there to record their daily activities as well as festivals.
5. There are three ways ______by__BẰNG CÁCH ___ which a man can acquire a good name: either
____by___ heroic deeds, ___by____ intellectual achievements, or _____by_____ moral virtue.
6. If you volunteer _____to V_: TÌNH NGUYỆN LÀM GÌ ____ present about that cultural aspect, you will
get a present ____from NHẬN QUÀ TỪ ___ the teacher.
7. Rich people who are not educated are often looked ___down__ upon : COI THƯỜNG ___by_ST:
BẰNG CÁCH __ other people.

8. We do not allow any kind of discrimination ____against__PHÂN BIỆT CHỐNG LẠI _______ women
and girls.
9. The members ____ of : THÀNH VIÊN CỦA __________ our family have equal rights and
10. Most parents don't want to find ____ out : TÌM RA __________ the gender of their babies before birth.

EX 10. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. A lot of people think that marriage women shouldn’t pursue a career.
2. We must stop discrimination on people coming from the rural area.
3. My brother is good at cooking and he cannot cook very delicious food.
4. I guess they may be keep home to do housework and look after their children.
5. Women in rural areas might forced to work both at home and on the fields.
6. Richard feels good than several days ago.
7. Mary and Daisy are both intelligent students. Mary is so intelligent as Daisy.
8. I found the conversation as most interesting and I was glad to practice my English.
9. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is the largest than any other lakes in the world.
10. He drives the car more dangerous than his brother does.
11. It was the most biggest building that I had ever seen.
12. I wish my house were so large as Jone’s.
13. The Mekong is one of the longer rivers in the world.
14. She is talking with a man which works in the same company with her.
15. Many people believe that New York is the most great city in America
16. Dalat, that I visited last summer, is very beautiful.
17. They are looking for the man and his dog which have lost the way in the forest.
18. The most beautiful girl, whose long hair I like very much, live in this city.
19. More girls should being chosen to represent us in the School Youth Union.
20. In the past, women was often passive and dependent on their husbands.
A B – women WERE C D

EX11. Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning to the given one
1. Ann can't use her office at the moment.
Her office ……………………………………………………………………………………
2. I have to finish my work now.
My work ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. You must do your task.
Your task ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. Governments should offer poor women more help.
Poor women …………………………………………………………………………………
5. We must do something before it's too late.
Something ……………………………………………………………………………………
6. My uncle may earn 500$ a day.
500$ ………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. He might have caught the fish.
The fish ………………………………………………………………………………………
8. They will sue the company for wage discrimination.
The company ………………………………………………………………………………..
9. She could have washed the dress.
The dress …………………………………………………………………………………….
10. She can't pick many flowers.
Many flowers ……………………………………………………………………………….
11. Parents should give children a lot of love.
Children ……………………………………………………………………………………..
12. Each student must write an essay on gender equality.
An essay on gender equality ………………………………………………………………..
13. You must wash your hands.
Your hands ………………………………………………………………………………….
14. He can speak four languages.
Four languages ………………………………………………………………………………
15. You must keep dogs outside shops.
Dogs ………………………………………………………………………………………….
16. The Vietnamese government will make more progress in gender equality.
More progress ………………………………………………………………………………
17. Children should treat old men with respect.
Old men ……………………………………………………………………………………..
18. They should give men and women equal pay for equal work.
Men and women ……………………………………………………………………………
19. My classmates used to call me John.
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………
20. The house needs cleaning.
The house …………………………………………………………………………………….

1. Her office can’t be used by Ann at the moment.
2. My work has to be finished now.
3. Your task must be done.
4. Poor women should be offered more help by governments.
5. Something must be done before it’s too late.
6. 500$ a day may be earned by my uncle.
7. The fish might have been caught by him.
8. The company will be sued for wage discrimination.
9. The dress could have been washed ( by her).
10. Many flowers can’t be picked (by her).
11. Children should be given a lot of love by parents.
12. An essay on gender equality must be written by each student.
13. Your hands must be washed.
14. Four languages can be spoken by him.
15. Dogs must be kept outside shops.
16. More progress will be made by the Vietnamese government in gender equality.
17. Old men should be treated with respect by children.
18. Men and women should be given equal pay for equal work.
19. I used to be called John by my classmates.
20. The house needs to be cleaned.


1. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
The red car………………………………………………………………………..
2. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
According to me, Maths ……..…………………………………………………..
3. Phu Si mountain is higher than Yen Tu mountain.
Yen Tu mountain…………………………………………………………………
4. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
Her new house…………………………………………………………………….
5. Hue to Ha Noi is nearer than HCM City to Ha Noi.
HCM City to Ha Noi……………………..……………………………………….
6. This exercise is more difficult than the last one.
The last exercise..........................................................................................................
7. This book is worse than that book.
That book ...................................................................................................................
8.My flat is smaller than yours.
Your flat ….................................................................................................................
9. My uncle is fatter than my father.
My father…………………………………………………………………………
10. The sun is hotter than the moon.
The moon………………………………………………………………………...
11. My kitchen is bigger than yours.
Your kitchen .............................................................................................................
12. This film is more interesting than that one.
That film ...................................................................................................................
13. Today is hotter than yesterday.
Yesterday .................................................................................................................
14. My mom is younger than my dad.
My dad ……………………………………………………………………………
15. My father is heavier than me.
I am ……………………………………………………..........................................
16. My shirt is older than your shirt.
Your shirt …………………………………………………………………………
17. My painting is more expensive than hers.
Her painting ………………………………………………………………………
18. My English results are not as high as yours.
Your English results………………………………………………………………
19. Avatar Season 2 is not as interesting as Avatar Season 1.
Avatar Season 1………………………………………………………………….
20. Watching movie is not as entertaining as reading book.
Reading book……………………………………………………………………..

1. The red car is more expensive than the black one.
2. According to me, Maths is more difficult than English.
3. Yen Tu mountain is shorter than Phu Si mountain.
4. Her new house is smaller than her old one.
5. HCM City to Ha Noi is farther than Hue to Ha Noi.
6. The last exercise was easier than this one
7. That book is better than this book.
8. Your flat is bigger than mine.
9. My father is thinner than my uncle.
10. The moon is colder than the sun.
11. Your kitchen is smaller than mine.
12. That film is more boring than this one.
13. Yesterday was warmer than today
14. My dad is older than my mom.
15. I am lighter than my father.
16. Your shirt is newer than mine.
17. Her painting is cheaper than my painting.
18. Your English results are higher than mine.
19. Avatar Season 1 is more interesting than Avatar Season 2.
20. Reading book is more entertaining than watching movie.


1. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr. John.
Mr. John is …………………………………………….……………………………
2. No film in Korean is more interesting than Squid Games.
Squid Games is…………………………………………….………………………..
3. No car in the world is more expensive than Japanese one.
Japanese car …………………………………….…………………………………..
4. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
She is …………………………………….………………………………………….
5. No international organization is larger than the United Nations.
The United Nations ………………………………………………………….……….
6. Mount Everest is higher than every mountain in the world.
Mount Everest ………………………….……………………………………………
7. No ocean in the world is deeper than the Pacific.
The Pacific ………………………….……………………………………………….
8. The Nile is longer than any other river in the world.
The Nile ………………………….…………………………………………………..
9. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world.
Russia ………………………….…………………………………………………….
10.No one in my class is taller than Minh.
Minh ………………………….………………………………………………………
11. I’ve never met any more dependable person than George.
George ..…………………………………………………………………………………
12. There isn’t anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.
Your mother ……………………………………………………………………………..
13. My grandmother is older than everyone in my family.
My grandmother ………………………………………………………………………..
14. No hotel in the city is as comfortable as this.
This hotel ……………………………………………………………………………….
15. No animal in the zoo is more adorable than this monkey.
This monkey ……………………………………………………………………………
16. No one in her team is more beautiful than Salim.
Salim ………………………………………………………………………………….
17. No house in my city is higher than his house.
His house ……………………………………………………………………………..
18. There isn’t anything in this restaurant more delicious than that food.
That food .…………………………………………….…………………………………
19. No one in my class more intelligent than Nam.
Nam …………………………………………….………………………………………
20. There isn’t any toy in my room prettier than that doll.
That doll ……………………………………………. …………………………………

1. Mr. John is the best teacher in this school.
2. Squid Games is the most interesting film in Korean.
3. Japanese car is the most expensive (car) in the world.
4. She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.
5. The United Nations is the largest international organization.
6. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
7. The Pacific is the deepest ocean in the world.
8. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
9. Russia is the biggest country in the world.
10. Minh is the tallest student in my class
11. George is the most dependable : CÓ THỂ TIN CẬY person I’ve ever met.
12. Your mother is more kind-hearted than anyone.
13. My grandmother is the oldest (person/member) in my family.
14. This hotel is the most comfortable in the city.
15. This monkey is the most adorable : DỄ THƯƠNG in the zoo.
16. Salim is the most beautiful member in her team
17. His house is the highest in my city.
18. That food is the most delicious in this restaurant.
19. Nam is the most intelligent student in my class.
20. That doll is the prettiest toy in my room.
Ex 12. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best
fits each of the numbered blanks.
Many people dream of living in a foreign country. It can be an amazing experience for those (1) ____ are
willing to settle down in a new place. (2) ____, there’s one potential problem you should be aware of:
culture shock. Culture shock is the feeling we get from living in a place that is so different to where we grew
up that we are not sure (3) ____ to deal with it. Societies are (4) _+_VP2_ : BỊ ĐỘNG HTĐ_ in many
different ways. Customs and traditions can be very different and that can sometimes make it difficult to get
on with local people who might not approve (5) _OF : ĐỒNG Ý , TÁN THÀNH ___ things you do and
might object to things you say. You might be banned from doing things in another country that are perfectly
legal in your own. For example, in Singapore people can be forced to (6) ____ a large fine NỘP PHẠT just
for dropping rubbish. Eventually, though, most people who live abroad fall in love with their adopted
country and learn to accept its differences.
1. A. who B. which C. what D. whose
2. A. Therefore B. However C. Although D. Moreover
3. A. what B. when C. how D. why
4. A. organize B. organizing C. organization D. organized
5. A. of B. with C. on D. off
6. A. spend B. waste C. pay TRẢ TIỀN D. borrow
Ex 13. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best
fits each of the numbered blanks.
There are many strange superstitions in the world. The most common one is related to black cats, (1) ____
are the source of hundreds of unlucky superstitions. It’s a sign of bad luck VẬN RỦI (2) ____ they walk in
front of you or you step on their tails. They even bring bad luck into a house if they sneeze inside! This
superstition dates (3) ___BACK _ to : CÓ TỪ THỜI the Middle Ages when they became associated with
witches and evil spirits.
Another common superstition is about walking under a ladder. A more (4) _+ADJ __ explanation can be
traced back to ancient Egypt. The (5) ____ Egyptians believed that the shape of the Pyramids had a special
power. It was considered very bad luck to break the “power” of this shape and that’s exactly what walking
under a ladder would do!
In addition, in Roman times, people (6) _ the habit of CÓ THÓI QUEN looking at themselves in pools of
water. Some believed that these reflections were in fact “glimpses of the soul”. Any disruption to the water
in the pool would bring bad luck to the person looking in it. This superstition lives on with the fear of bad
luck from breaking a mirror.
1. A. which B. who C. when D. where
2. A. although B. because C. if NẾU D. unless
3. A. on B. in C. back D. for
4. A. mystery B. mysterious ADJ : BÍ ẨN C. mysteriously D. mysteries
5. A. late B. recent C. past D. early CỔ , XƯA
6. A. had B. took C. raised D. became
Ex 14. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions
1. The tradition of gift giving is a worldwide practice that is said to have been around since the
beginning of human beings. Over time, different cultures have developed their own gift giving
customs and traditions.
In France, the gift of wine for the hostess of a dinner party is not an appropriate gift as the hostess would
prefer to choose the vintage for the night. 2. In Sweden, a bottle of wine or flowers are an appropriate
PHÙ HỢP gift for the hostess. In Viet Nam, a gift of whisky is appropriate for the host, and some fruit or
small gifts for the hostess, children or elders of the home. Besides, gifts should never be wrapped in black
paper because this color is unlucky and associated with funerals ĐÁM MA in this country. Gifts that
symbolize cutting such as scissors, knives and other sharp objects should be avoided because they mean the
cutting of the relationship. Also, in some countries you should not open the gift in front of the giver and in
others it would be an insult if you did not open the gift.
Beyond the gift itself, give careful consideration to the manner in which it is presented. Different cultures
have different customs regarding how a gift should be offered - using only your right hand or using both
hands, for example. Others have strong traditions related to the appropriate way to accept a gift. In
Singapore, for instance, it is the standard to graciously refuse a gift several times before finally accepting it.
The recipient would never unwrap a gift in front of the giver for fear of appearing greedy.
Understanding these traditions and customs, as well as taking time to choose an appropriate gift, will help
you to avoid any awkwardness or embarrassment as you seek to build a better cross-cultural relationship.
1. When did the tradition of gift-giving become popular all over the world?
A. a long time ago B. thousands of years ago
C. since the beginning of humans D. since the beginning of industrialization
2. Which of the following is NOT true about gift-giving customs?
A. In France, wine is not considered a suitable gift for the hostess of a dinner party.
B. In Sweden, it is not customary to bring some wine or flowers when you are invited to a dinner
C . In Viet Nam, such things as scissors, knives and other sharp objects shouldn't be used as a gift.
D. In Singapore, it is unacceptable to open the gift right in front of the giver.
3. The phrase “associated with"LIÊN QUAN TỚI is closest in meaning to ____.
A. connected with B. familiar with C. informed of D. similar to
4. The word “it" in paragraph 3 refer to ____.
A. consideration B. manner C. gift D. culture
5. Which of the following is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The people who are presented with gifts
B. The traditions of giving and receiving gifts
C. The occasions of giving and receiving gifts
D. The manners of giving and receiving gifts

Ex 15. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions
If you find yourself learn better by making notes during the lecture, or when the teacher uses a new word,
you want to see it written immediately, then you are very likely to be a more visual learner. You prefer to
see the written words. You learn by reading and writing. Visual learners often think in pictures. If you find
a particular task or text difficult, look for sources that will suit your learning style, e.g. sources with
illustrations, charts, tables, or videos.
If you prefer recording the lecture and listening again to taking notes, or you memorize something by
repeating it aloud instead of writing it out several times, you are probably a more auditory learner. You
prefer to learn by listening and speaking. Auditory learners often learn best from lectures, discussions, by
reading aloud, and by listening to audio material.
However, it is probably that you, like most people, learn through a mixture of styles. Sometimes you may
prefer to learn by reading, at other time by listening. Ask yourself which is the best style for the particular
task you are doing.
Question 1. Which of the following is probably NOT preferred by a visual learner?
A. reading aloud B. sources with illustrations SỰ MINH HỌA C. sources with videos D. making notes
Question 2. What does the word "it" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. the lecture B. the new word C. the note D. the written word
Question 3. The word “visual” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. picturesque B. written C. illustrative
Question 4. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Auditory learners hate taking notes.
B. Auditory learners prefer listening to speaking.
C. Most people are auditory learners.
D. When learning something by heart HỌC THUỘC LÒNG , an auditory learner prefers reading it out loud.
Question 5. The word "auditory” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ____.
A. discussive B. noisy C. audible DÙNG ÂM THANH D.

Ex 16. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions
Etalk is a company that makes learning software in England. Their Onebillion project has recently become
popular, 1. especially since their maths learning app was able to improve children's maths knowledge
in Malawi in just eight weeks.
“Onebilion” gets its name from “the aim of reaching one billion children”. This is almost the number of
children who don't have the chance to go to school, according to the founder of Etalk. Primary education
was not free in Malawi until 1994, and the sudden increase in student registration SỰ ĐĂNG KÝ has
put much pressure on the country's education system. There are many great benefits of educating
children in developing countries. For example, women tend to have fewer and healthier kids, and have
more chance to become part of the economy if they learn the basic skills right at primary level. In
Malawi, a girl has more than 5 children on average, and it doesn't continue now.
4. In the Onebillion project, children are divided into groups of 25 or even 50. They are then taken to a
special classroom called Oneclass where they spend half an hour every other day with the device. Each day
ten or twelve children can use one tablet. 5. An international volunteer controls the Oneclass and there is
an online teacher who guides the children through the app. Participating in Oneclass, 6. all children
can learn at their own pace and make good progress in their study.
Question 1. The project of Etalk has helped children in Malawi make an improvement in ________.
A. language B. maths C. software
Question 2. “Onebillion” gets its names from the number of children ________.
A. who have participated in the project up to now
B. who are currently participating in the project
C. that the project expects to participate
Question 3. There is a lot of pressure on the education system in Malawi because of ________.
A. fewer teachers B. the lack of teaching resources C. the increase in student numbers
Question 4. Giving girls some basic skills at primary schools means ________.
A. they will have fewer but healthier children
B. they are less likely to find jobs
C. they have better health and more children
Question 5. In the Onebillion project, a class consists of ________.
A. over 50 students B. about 25 to 50 students C. less than 25 students
Question 6. The children in Oneclass ________.
A. study in their normal classroom B. work for 30 minutes every day C. are guided by an online teacher
Question 7. This learning app gives children in Malawi an opportunity to ________.
A. manage their study time B. speed up the learning process C. meet an online teacher

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