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Installation Manual for Sage Pay Shopware

This manual describes the installation and usage of the Sage Pay extension for

Release Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 09:34:53 +0100

Version: 2.0.149
customweb GmbH
General-Guisan-Strasse 47
CH-8400 Winterthur


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© copyright by customweb GmbH Wed, 24 Jan 2018 09:34:53 +0100

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Procedure of the Installation ................................................................................................... 5

2 Configuration Sage Pay - Back-End .................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Valid IPs ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 Identify the IP Address of your Shop ............................................................................. 7
2.1.2 Entering the Valid IP ........................................................................................................ 8

3 Module Installation in the Shopware Shop ....................................................................................... 9

3.1 Configuration of the Main Module ........................................................................................... 9
3.2 Configuration of the Payment Method ................................................................................... 9
3.3 Assigning the Payment Method to the Shipping Costs ....................................................... 10
3.4 Shop ID ....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Order Prefix ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Selecting the Authorisation Method ..................................................................................... 12
3.7 Direct Capturing of Transactions ........................................................................................... 12
3.8 Uncertain Status Status .......................................................................................................... 12
3.9 Optional: Validation ................................................................................................................. 12
3.10 Multi-Shop Set-Up ................................................................................................................... 13
3.10.1 Usage of the Integrated Multishop Functionality of Shopware ........................... 14

4 Settings / Configuration of Payment Methods .............................................................................. 15

4.1 General Information About the Payment Methods ............................................................. 15
4.2 Information on Payment Status ............................................................................................ 15
4.2.1 Order status "pending" / imminent payment (or similar) ...................................... 15
4.2.2 Order status "cancelled" ............................................................................................... 15
4.3 Sage Pay Authorization methods ........................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Selection of the Authorisation Method - National Payment Methods .................. 16
4.3.2 Fraud Recognition Rules .............................................................................................. 16
4.4 Sage Pay PayPal ........................................................................................................................ 18

5 The Module in Action .......................................................................................................................... 19

5.1 Capturing / Canceling of Orders ............................................................................................ 19
5.1.1 Capturing Orders ............................................................................................................ 19
5.1.2 Cancellation .................................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Useful Transaction Information on the Order .................................................................... 20
5.3 Refunds ...................................................................................................................................... 21

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5.4 Usage Abo Commerce / Recurring Payments ..................................................................... 22
5.5 Usage of the Alias Managers / Token Solution .................................................................... 22

6 Getting the Credit Card Data via Shopware REST API .................................................................... 24
6.1 Set-up a cron job to activate the timed operations ........................................................... 24

7 Testing .................................................................................................................................................. 25
7.1 Test Data .................................................................................................................................... 25

8 Updates and Upgrades ...................................................................................................................... 26

8.1 Update Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 26
8.2 Update Instructions ................................................................................................................ 26

9 Errors and their Solutions ................................................................................................................. 28

9.1 The Referrer URL appears in my Analytics Tool ................................................................... 28

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1 Introduction
This manual explains the installation, configuration and usage of the payment module for
Shopware and Sage Pay.

Before beginning with the installation, please make sure that you are in possession of all
necessary data:

You should have received a vendor name, a user name as well as a password from Sage
Pay for the live and test platform
Shopware payment module by
Access data to your server and shop

In case you don't yet have a contract with Sage Pay, you can gladly acquire it directly through us.

1.1 Procedure of the Installation

In this document you will find all information important for the installation of the module. It is
important that you strictly follow the check-list. Only by doing so, can a secure usage in
correspondence with all security regulations be guaranteed.

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1. Configuration of the test administration interface of Sage Pay. You will find the test
platform under
2. Configuration of the basic settings of the payment module
3. Configuration of the payment methods
4. Carrying out of a test purchase by means of the attached test data at the end of this
5. If the test was successful, you can request the going live of your account by Sage Pay. With
the obtained access data you can log into the live environment. The live environment can
be found under the following URL:

Installation Service
Our payment plugins should have per default the correct settings for most of our
customers' preferences. That means once you have entered the required credentials in
the plugin configuration to connect your account to your website, the plugin should be
fully operational. Should you be willing to receive detailed informations on a setting you
do not know, you may contact our support team who will be able to assist you further.

Our support team is at your disposal during regular business hours at: http://www. Furthermore, you have the option of ordering our installation
service. We will make sure the plugin is installed correctly in your shop: http://www.

.htaccess Directory Protection

In order to test the module, any kind of directory protection or IP blocking on your server
must be deactivated. This is crucial; otherwise the payment feedback of Sage Pay might
not get through to the shop.

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2 Configuration Sage Pay - Back-End
For the configuration log into Sage Pay in the Administration Tool (MySagePay):

Test Environment:

Live Environment:

The settings carried out on the following pages are a precondition for the later configuration of
the main module.

2.1 Valid IPs

In order for your shop to be able to access the payment page of SagePay, the IP of your server has
to be saved as a valid IP with SagePay.

2.1.1 Identify the IP Address of your Shop

In a first step you must find out the IP address of your shop. We display the IP on the about page
of the plugin directly in your store.

Alternatively, request your IP directly with the host of your website.

Figure 2.1: You find your IP in the about section of the plugin (here a screenshot inside Magento).

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2.1.2 Entering the Valid IP

Click on add and enter the above identified IP address. Enter for the subnet

Figure 2.1: Adding an IP

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3 Module Installation in the Shopware Shop
At this time you should already be in possession of the module. Should this not be the case, you
can download the necessary files in your customer account in the sellxed shop (Menu "My
Downloads Downloads"). In order to download the module in your shop, please carry out the
following steps:

1. Create a back-up of your shop.

2. Extract the content of the ZIP file that you have downloaded in your customer account.
3. Copy the entire content of the folder "files" into the main directory of the server of your
shop respectively to the folder where the plugins are copied normally. In order to do so,
use your usual ftp program. Make sure that the folders aren't replaced but merely merged.
4. If you haven't yet done so, log back into your shop.

The configuration consists of two steps. The first step is the configuration of the main module
with all the basic settings (cf. Configuration of the Main Module). During the second step you can
then carry out individual configurations for each payment method . This allows for full flexibility
and perfect adaptation to your processes.

Create back-ups!
Please create a back-up of the main directory of your shop. In case of problems you will
then always be able to return your shop to its original state.

We furthermore recommend testing the integration on a test system. Complications may

arise with third party modules installed by you. In case of questions, our support is gladly
at your disposal.

3.1 Configuration of the Main Module

In order to install the main module search for Sage Pay under Settings > Plug-in Manager . Click
on the + symbol in order to begin the installation process. Afterwards, click the "edit" symbol and
configure the main module.

Enter the individual options which you partly may have already used for the configuration of the
administration interface of Sage Pay. Should an option not be clear to you, you can click on the
question mark and will find further information on the settings.

3.2 Configuration of the Payment Method

After having configured the main module, you will find all payment methods under Settings >
Payment Methods. Activate each payment method you wish to offer in your shop. You can save
individual settings for each payment method (and for each shop in case of a multi-shop set-up)
and thereby optimally adapt the payment methods to your existing processes. The most central
options are described in more detail further below.

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Figure 3.1: Configuration of the Payment Method

3.3 Assigning the Payment Method to the Shipping Costs

In order for the transactions and the shipping costs to be matched correctly to the payment
methods you need to assign the payment methods to the shipping methods. Go to settings >
shipping costs. Open all the shipping costs and add a payment method.

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Figure 3.1: Assigning the Payment Method to the Shipping Method.

Attributing Payment Methods to the Shipping Method

Depending on the amount of delivered payment methods, it may be that certain payment
methods can't be attributed to a specific shipping method as not all payment methods
can be displayed. This is a known bug of Shopware. Merely the first 30 payment methods
are displayed. Please delete all payment methods that you don't need and then all other
payments will be displayed.

3.4 Shop ID
In the case of a multi-store set up (cf. chapter: Multi-Store), the parameter Shop ID identifies the

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shop's request and, therefore, redirects the feedback of Sage Pay based on the shop ID.

3.5 Order Prefix

With the option order prefix you can define your own order scheme for the transmission to Sage
Pay. This option helps you identify to which shop a transaction the back-end of Sage Pay is
related to. The tag "{id}" will automatically be replaced be the consecutive order number.

3.6 Selecting the Authorisation Method

You can choose between two options of authorizing credit card payments. By selecting one of the
two under the option 'Authorisation Methods', you define how you want to process the individual
payment methods.

Further information on the various authorisation methods can be found on our sellxed website.

Payment Processing
Please pay attention to the fact that you require the activation of further options with
Sage Pay in order to use some of the authorisation methods.

It may be that certain authorization methods are not available for every payment method.

Alongside the introduction of PCI 3 there are additional certification requirements in

case you are using the authorization method Hidden or AJAX. Please contact Sage Pay for
further information or switch to another authorization method.

3.7 Direct Capturing of Transactions

The option "Capture" allows you to specify if you wish to debit payments directly or if you first
wish to authorise them and the debit the payment at a later point.

Depending on your acquiring contract, a reservation is only guaranteed for a specific amount of
time. Should you fail to debit the payment within that period, the authorisation may therefore no
longer be guaranteed. Further information on this process can be found below.

Different settings between Sage Pay and the module

It may be that settings saved in the payment modules overwrite settings saved in Sage

3.8 Uncertain Status Status

You can specifically label orders for which no 3D-Secure verification nor any other security
mechanism was carried out. This allows you to manually control the order before shipment.

3.9 Optional: Validation

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3.9 Optional: Validation
Note: It can be that this option is not visible in your module.In this case just ignore this section.

With the option 'Validation' you can define the moment when the payment method should be
made visible to the customer during the checkout process. This setting is relevant for modules
where the usage depends on the customer's compliance with specific preconditions. For
example, if a solvency check has to be carried out or if the payment method is only available in
certain countries. You have the choice between these options:

Validation before the selection of the payment method: A validation verification is carried
out before the customer selects the payment method. If he or she does not fulfill the
requirements, the payment method is not displayed
Validation after selection of the payment method: The verification of the compliance
occurs after the selection of the payment method and before the confirmation of the order
During the authorisation: The validation verification is carried out by Sage Pay during the
authorisation process. The payment method is displayed in any case

3.10 Multi-Shop Set-Up

The payment module is designed for the usage of one Sage Pay contract for several shops. It
must be differentiated, however, between the case of an integrated multi-shop functionality and
independent shops:

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Figure 3.1: Multi-shop set-up

In the case of independent shops, you require a payment module license for each shop.
For scale prices, please contact us directly.

3.10.1 Usage of the Integrated Multishop Functionality of Shopware

The payment module supports the multishop feature of Shopware. No further modifications are
necessary. The module automatically recognizes the shop the order belongs to. In order for the
multishop functionality to work, it is, however, necessary that the individual sub-shops within
Shopware have been configured correctly.

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4 Settings / Configuration of Payment Methods
4.1 General Information About the Payment Methods
All sellxed payment modules are delivered with the most common payment methods. In case a
desired payment method is not included per default, please contact us directly.

In order to be able to use a payment method, it must be activated in your account with Sage Pay
as well as in your shop. Information about the configuration of the payment methods can be
found further above.

Below you can find important information for specific payment methods that deviate from the
standard process.

4.2 Information on Payment Status

For each payment method you can define an initial payment status (status for authorized
payments etc.). You hereby define the payment status for each state depending on the
processing type of the order (captured, authorized, etc.). It's the initial status which the order
assumes. Depending on the mutation carried out by you, the status can change.

Important info regarding Order Status

Never set the status to Pending Sage Pay or any similar pending status which is
implemented by the module.

4.2.1 Order status "pending" / imminent payment (or similar)

Orders with the status 'pending Sage Pay' are pending orders. Orders are set to that status if a
customer is redirected in order to pay but hasn't returned successfully or the feedback hasn't
reached your shop yet (Customer closed window on the payment page and didn't complete
payment). Depending on the payment method these orders will automatically be transformed
into cancelled orders and the inventory will be cleared (so long as the Cronjob is activated). How
long this takes depends on the characteristics of the payment method and cannot be configured.

If you have a lot of pending orders it usually means that the notifications from your webserver to
Sage Pay are being blocked. In this case check the settings of your firewall and ask the Hoster to
activate the IPs and User Agents of Sage Pay.

4.2.2 Order status "cancelled"

Orders with the status "cancelled" have either been set to that status automatically due to a
timeout, as described above, or have been cancelled directly by the customer.

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4.3 Sage Pay Authorization methods
Payment Page (Server) and iFrame (Server with iFrame) are the authorization methods which do
not require for your shop a PCI-certificate. Please check our product description page for a real
time overview of the payment methods that support the specific authorization method you are
interested in. If you are PCI-certified you can feel free to activate and configure the authorization
method Server Authorization (Direct). This is an integration which requires a PCI certification. It is
therefore crucial that you do not integrate this authorization method if you aren’t PCI-certified.

4.3.1 Selection of the Authorisation Method - National Payment Methods

You have the choice between integration via InFrame or via Payment Page. In the case of
national payment methods such as ELV, Sofortüberweisung, etc., you must use Payment Page as
Authorisation Method.

4.3.2 Fraud Recognition Rules

You have the possibility of filtering orders based on certain criteria and then have the order be
labelled by the system. You can select a combination of rules which - if the criteria are fulfilled
cumulatively - will lead to the order being moved into a pending status for manual verification.

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Figure 4.1: Fraud Rules Configuration.

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4.4 Sage Pay PayPal
You have the possibility of processing PayPal via Sage Pay. In order to do so, the payment method
must be activated in your account.

Please follow the instructions of the installation guides of Sage Pay in order to configure the
module. You will find these in the administration interface (MySagePay) under the tab 'Payment

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5 The Module in Action
Below you will find an overview over the most important features in the daily usage of the Sage
Pay module.

####conditional(isFeatureCapturingActive or isFeatureCancellationActive)####

5.1 Capturing / Canceling of Orders

5.1.1 Capturing Orders

Please note
The transaction management between your shop and Sage Pay is not synchronized. If you
capture payments with Sage Pay, the status in the shop will not be updated and a second
capturing in the shop is not possible.

In order to be able to capture orders, you must make sure that you have set 'Capturing' to
deferred in the configuration of the payment method.

Open the order you wish to capture and switch to the tab Transactions. Here you will find the tab
Captures. Enter the amount you wish to debit from the customer's card. By clicking Capture, a
direct capturing of the order occurs with Sage Pay.

5.1.2 Cancellation

By clicking the button Cancel, you delete the initial authorization on the customer's card. The pre-
authorized amount is released from the customer's card.

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Figure 5.1: Capturing/Cancellation of orders in Shopware

5.2 Useful Transaction Information on the Order

In each order, processed via the sellxed module, you can find an overview over the most
important information about the transaction as well as a transaction history.

In order to get to the transaction information, open the order and switch to the tab Transactions.
Here you will find all authorization attempts and the related information.

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Figure 5.1: Transaction Information in Shopware.

5.3 Refunds
You can refund already captured transactions and automatically transmit them to Sage Pay. In
order to to so, open the order. Switch to the tab Transactions. A new window will open up in which
you must then switch to the tab Refunds in order to refund orders.

Enter the amount you wish to refund. By clicking Refund, the refund is automatically transmitted
to Sage Pay and the reserved amount on your customer's credit card is released immediately.

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Figure 5.1: Refunding Orders in Shopware.

Please note that you can't refund more than 100% of the original amount.

5.4 Usage Abo Commerce / Recurring Payments

Abo-Commerce increases long-term customer loyalty. Customers can choose as many products
as they wish and have them home to them in cycles of their choice. The advantage for
customers: products that are required regularly are automatically delivered to their home.

Shopware offers you the possibility of offering Abo Commerce in your shop. In order to do so, a
special module has been developed by Shopware (Abo Commerce Module). All sellxed payment
modules are compatible with the Abo Commerce module of ____shopSytemName____. In case of
questions concerning the Abo Commerce Module, please contact Shopware directly.

Abo Commerce requires the additional option with Sage Pay

The usage of Abo Commerce requires the activation of additional options with Sage Pay.

5.5 Usage of the Alias Managers / Token Solution

With the Alias Manager, your customers can securely save their credit cards with Sage Pay for
later purchases. You can enable this by activating the option "Alias Manager" in the configuration
of the Payment Method. The customer can then choose from his or her saved credit cards
without having to re-enter all the details.

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Figure 5.1: Alias Manager Usage in Shopware

Please note!
The usage of the Alias Managers requires the activation of the correct option with Sage
Pay. To do so, please contact the support directly.

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6 Getting the Credit Card Data via Shopware
When connecting ERP systems to Shopware it may be that further information is required via
Shopware API. The sellxed modules provide you with a lot of payment information also via
Shopware REST API.

Basic Information about the usage of the REST API of Shopware can be found under: http://wiki.

The service can be called up under

/SagepaycwTransactions. The call of the above URL leads to the listing of all transactions. By
adding the Transaction ID you can filter by the corresponding Transaction ID. The Transaction ID
can be found in the order overview. Orders through sellxed modules always begin with "cw".

Additionally, you can also access the transaction via the Payment ID (transmitted through Sage
Pay). To do so, the parameter 'usePaymentId=1' has to be added as a parameter to the URL.

6.1 Set-up a cron job to activate the timed operations

To activate the timed operations of the plugin (e.g. update service, deleting pending orders, etc.)
make sure that you set up the Shopware Cron engine. Especially the update function allows you
to automatically retrieve additional information or changes of your order directly via the API of
Sage Pay. Please note it could be that in order to use the update feature it may be necessary that
Sage Pay activates additional options in your account.

The module uses the standard cron engine of Shopware. More information regarding the set up
can be found here.

Here we suggest you use a Cron Engine like for example EasyCron. That way you can This allows
you to open the file ( URL ) with an external service.

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7 Testing
Before switching from test to live mode it is important that you test the module extensively. You
can find all relevant test credit card data under:

Do not forget to switch the operating mode from test to live after having successfully
tested the module.

7.1 Test Data

In the following section you can find the test data for the various payment methods:
Credit Card
Card number 4929000000006
Expiry Date 12/2018
CVC 123

Card number 4929000000006
Expiry Date 12/2018
CVC 123

Card number 5404000000000001
Expiry Date 12/2018
CVC 123

Visa Electron
Card number 4917300000000008
Expiry Date 12/2018
CVC 123

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8 Updates and Upgrades
You have direct and unlimited access to updates and upgrades during the duration of your
support contract. In order to receive constant information about available updates we ask you to
subscribe to our RSS feed that we publish for your module. More information regardind the
subscription of this RSS feed can be found under:

8.1 Update Checklist

We ask you to strictly comply with the checklist below when doing an update:

1. Always do a back up for your database and your files in your shop
2. Use always a test system to test the update process.
3. Wait until all the files are copied to the shop, clear the cache if there is one in your shop
and then visit the configuration page of the main module so that the update process will
be initialized.

Do not do updates directly in the live environment

Please test the update procedure first in your test shop. Our support team is able and
willing to help you if you experience problems with the update process. However, if you
decide to perform the update directly in your live shop there is the possibility of a
downtime of the shop of more than two days depending on the availability of our support
if you do not want to book our complementary support.

Depending on the version it could be that the database has to be migrated. We recommend you
therefore, to perform the updates in times when the shop is not visited too frequently by your

8.2 Update Instructions

Please always read the update instructions (as shown on the screenshot below). They can be
found on the plugin page in the shop under the section change log on the lower end of the page.
If there are no special remarks, you can proceed by just overwriting the files in your system

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Figure 8.1: Changelog update instructions.

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9 Errors and their Solutions
You can find detailed information under Should you not be able
to solve your problem with the provided information, please contact us directly under:

9.1 The Referrer URL appears in my Analytics Tool

When a customer and the notification are redirected via Header Redirection, the Sage Pay
Referrer URL might appear in your Analytics Tool thus hiding the original traffic source. However,
most Analytic Tools are able to minimize this problem.

In case you are using Google Analytics as reporting tool, this step by step guide may help you to
exclude the URLs: under bullet point 4.

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