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Disaster Management

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MAINS 2023



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NOTES DM .................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is a Disaster?........................................................................................................................................ 3
Key components of disaster risk reduction (DRR). ....................................................................................... 5
international ORGANISATIONAL FW ............................................................................................................. 7
Framework at India level: ............................................................................................................................. 8
Earth quake ................................................................................................................................................. 14
FLOODs........................................................................................................................................................ 18
CYCLONES.................................................................................................................................................... 25
Cloudburst................................................................................................................................................... 29
Tsunamis ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
DROUGHT .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Related Concept- Flash Drought ............................................................................................................. 35
HEAT WAVES ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Forest fire .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Landslide ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Avalanche .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Oil Spilling.................................................................................................................................................... 45
GLACIAL LAKES OUTBURST FLOODS (GLOFS).............................................................................................. 47

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1. Define+data or report
2. Reasons- why?
3. Impact- Multi dimension-like on farmers, industry
4. Govt Steps- 10 pt
5. Solution
2. Sendai
3. Arc
4. CAG
5. Case study-

What is a Disaster?
 A disaster is a result of natural or man-made causes that leads to sudden disruption of
normal life, causing severe damage to life and property to an extent that available social
and economic protection mechanisms are inadequate to cope.
 It is an undesirable occurrence resulting from forces that are largely outside human
control. It strikes quickly with little or no warning and requires major efforts in providing
statutory emergency service.

Classification of Disasters

 Crises caused by acts of nature. These can further be divided into the
following sub-categories:
o Climatic events: cyclones and storms (associated sea erosion), floods
and drought
o Geological events: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and avalanches;
 Crises caused by environmental degradation and disturbance of the
ecological balance;
 Man Made
o Crises caused by accidents. These, again, can be further classified into:
industrial and nuclear mishaps and fire related accidents;
o Crises caused by biological activities: public health crises, epidemics etc;

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o Crises caused by hostile elements: war, terrorism, extremism, insurgency etc;

o Crises caused by disruption/failure of major infrastructure facilities
including communication systems, large-scale strikes etc; and

Summary of the vulnerability profile of India:

1. Earthquakes: Approximately 59% of India's landmass is prone to earthquakes of

moderate to very high intensity.
2. Floods and River Erosion: About 12% of India's land, equivalent to over 40 million
hectares, is prone to floods and river erosion.
3. Cyclones and Tsunamis: India's coastline, spanning 7,516 kilometers, has around 5,700
kilometers prone to cyclones and tsunamis.
4. Droughts: Around 68% of India's cultivable area is vulnerable to droughts, which have
severe implications for agriculture and water availability.
5. Landslides and Avalanches: Hilly areas in India are at risk of landslides and avalanches,
posing a threat to the population and infrastructure.
6. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Emergencies: India is also
vulnerable to CBRN emergencies and other man-made disasters, which can have
catastrophic consequences.

India has experienced several devastating disasters in its history. Some of the worst
disasters include:

1. Kashmir Floods (2014): Resulted in the death of over 500 people in areas of Jammu and
2. Uttarakhand Flash Floods (2013): Caused over 5,000 deaths in various locations in
3. Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004): Impacted parts of southern India, Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, causing the death of over 200,000 people.
4. Gujarat Earthquake (2001): Devastated several districts in Gujarat, resulting in the
death of over 20,000 people.
5. Odisha Super Cyclone (1999): Affected coastal districts of Odisha, leading to over
10,000 deaths.


 The "zero casualty" policy and accurate early warning system of the India Meteorological
Department (IMD) have reduced deaths from cyclones like Fani in Odisha.
 India's effective disaster management was demonstrated during cyclone Phailin in 2013,
with a low casualty rate despite the intensity of the storm.

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 The Indian Army's search, rescue, and relief operations during the 2010 flash floods in
Leh, Ladakh region, helped mitigate the impact and restore normal life.
 Bihar has improved its disaster
preparedness and mitigation
efforts since 2011 to address
the annual floods caused by
the Ganges and its tributaries.

Key components
of disaster risk
reduction (DRR).
Pre-Disaster Risk Reduction:

1. Mitigation: Mitigation involves

measures taken to eliminate or
reduce the impacts and risks of
hazards before a disaster
2. Preparedness: Preparedness focuses on actions taken to enhance the capacity of
individuals, communities, and systems to respond effectively to disasters. This includes
developing early warning systems, conducting emergency drills and exercises,
establishing communication networks, and developing contingency plans.

During disaster management, specific actions are taken in each phase to address the needs of
affected communities:


 Conduct search and rescue operations to save lives.

 Evacuate affected populations and ensure their safety.
 Seek support from armed forces, such as the Army, for enhanced response capabilities.


 Provide essential and culturally acceptable humanitarian assistance.

 2ND ARC recommendations

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o Consider cash assistance to empower affected individuals.

o Establish well-equipped relief camps with trauma care facilities.
o Ensure safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities.
o Establish monitoring and vigilance committees to address grievances.
o Include women representatives in decision-making within relief camps.


 Coordinate actions among government, communities, and national/international

 Prioritize provision of healthcare, food, water, shelter, and sanitation.
 Collaborate with government agencies, civil society, and international actors for effective
 Address immediate and ongoing needs of affected populations.
 Ensure timely delivery of essential services to promote well-being.

Post-Disaster Risk Reduction:

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Post Disaster Phases

 Recovery
o Implementation of actions to promote sustainable redevelopment following a
 Rehabilitation
o support the victims retuern to normalcy and re- integration in regular
community function
o Temporary housing, public utilities and economic rehabilitation through
livelihood recovery
o Psycho- Social Rehabilitation for the traumatisesd
 Reconstruction
o Attempts to return communitites to Improved Pre- Disaster functioning

Eg Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (DRI)

Smart city # AMRUT

New York - catastrophe bonds to counter against storm surge

 Highlight how governance and civic planning failure have intensified crisis


Organizations related to the global disaster management framework include:

1. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): Established in 1999, it
implements the UN Disaster Risk Reduction strategy and coordinates global efforts to
reduce disaster risks.
2. International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR): Declared from 1990 to
2000, it aimed to promote initiatives and actions to reduce the impacts of natural
3. Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA): A 10-year plan (2005-2015) that focused on
disaster risk reduction, identification, assessment, preparedness, and innovation.
4. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: The successor to the HFA,
it is a non-binding agreement adopted by signatory nations, including India, to reduce
disaster risks and enhance resilience.

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Sendai Framework

 The Sendai Framework for Disaster

Risk Reduction is a global
framework adopted in 2015 as a
successor to the Hyogo Framework.
 It provides a roadmap and
guidance for disaster risk reduction
efforts from 2015 to 2030.
 The framework aims to reduce
disaster risk, enhance resilience, and
prevent the creation of new risks.
 It focuses on four priority areas:
understanding disaster risk,
strengthening disaster risk governance, investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience,
and enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response.

PM 10 point agenda- can be used in conclusions and suggestions

1. All development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management.
2. Work towards risk coverage for all - starting from poor households to SMEs to multi-
national corporations to nation states.
3. Encourage greater involvement and leadership of women in disaster risk management.
4. Invest in risk mapping globally.
5. Leverage technology to enhance the efficiency of disaster risk management efforts.
6. Develop a network of universities to work on disaster issues as they have social
responsibilities too.
7. Utilise the opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies and
recognise the potential of social media and develop applications for all aspects of
disaster risk management.
8. Build on local capacity and initiative.
9. Ensure that the opportunity to learn from a disaster must not be wasted.
10. Bring about greater cohesion in international response to disasters.

Framework at India level:

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National Disaster Management Authority of India (NDMA)

 It was established in 2005, under the Disaster Management Act 2005.

 The objective of NDMA is, to build a safer and disaster resilient India by a holistic,
proactive, technology driven and sustainable development strategy.
 The NDMA is chaired by the Prime Minister of India and has a vice chairman with the
status of Cabinet Minister and eight members with the status of Ministers of State.
 The NDMA Secretariat is headed by a Secretary and deals with mitigation, preparedness,
plans, reconstruction, community awareness and financial and administrative aspects.

National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP)

 It was released in 2016, it is the first ever national plan prepared in the country for
disaster management.
 With National Disaster Management Plan (2016) India has aligned its National plan with
the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, to which India is a
 The objective of the plan is to make India disaster resilient, achieve substantial disaster
risk reduction.

State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)

 At State level, State Disaster Management Authorities are established under Disaster
Management Act 2005.
 SDMA is chaired by the Chief Minister of the State and has not more than eight
members who are appointed by the Chief Minister.
 The SDMA prepares the state disaster management plan and implements the National
Disaster Management Plan.

District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)

 Under Disaster Management Act 2005, every State government shall establish a DDMA
for every district in the State.
 The DDM Authority shall consist of:
o Chairperson - the Collector or District Magistrate or Deputy Commissioner act as
Chairperson of DDMA.
 There are not more than seven other members in DDMA.
 The Disaster Management Committee governed under District Magistrate will formulate
village level disaster management plans for concern villages.
 The DDMA makes District Disaster Management Plan and implements the state Disaster
Management Plan.

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 NEC (National Executive Body )

o headed by home secretary
o Looks up at implementations
o Too powerful - can direct states - Federal
o Plus conflicting role with National Crisis Management Committee ( NCMC) under
CaBinet Secretary
o CAG said - Did not meet even once between 2008 and 2012
6. Hence, 2nd ARC has called for removal of the body
7. Other issues - Bureaucracy rules the roost
8. Similarly SEC

NIDM - national Institute of Disaster Management for

1. capacity building
2. Reseach

NDRF set up

1. Formed out of Paramililtary

2. Only Specialist force in world - Highly trained, quick response
3. Role - 3 Rs, Plus capacity development, etc
4. CAG - Praised their role
5. But still, army needed as a last resort
6. Suggestions by 2nd ARC
1. SoP for deployment

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2. Fill up Vacant positions

3. DG shhould be given the power to transfer
4. States be incentives to set up SDRF

 2nd ARC about NDM and Federal Issues

1. Concurrent List - Make it under Concurrent list
2. De Centralisation required

1. DM Act, 2005 NDMA under PM with National Executive Commitee with Home secretary
as a head
2. Have powers not only to coordinate but also to direct a state
1. It is best if certain functions of disaster management are centralized while
others are decentralized down to the lowest level. 1.

District Immediate rescue and relief

Provision of resources and some
Centre • Coordination role
• Repository of Best practises, Science and tech facilities,
Capacity development
• Early Warning systems
• Funds and logistical support

1. Disaster be graded to clearly identify the appropriate authority/ level of

2. Fire and Civil Defence under NDMA ( currently states )
3. NDMA be given powers so that state complies

 Role of Local Self-Governments

1. closest to the people but too small in their reach and capabilities
2. State govt - should enact legislations to provide a more streamlined role
under the overall leadership of the District Administration
3. Committee in Large cities
1. 2nd ARC - committee under Mayor, Municipal Commissioner and
Commissioner of Police
2. Because Municipalities have the capacity to provide such relief

 Funds Disbursal
1. CAG - NDMA not disbursing funds to Uttarakhand SDMA - Floods of 2013
2. Flexibility to District Administration

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1. 2nd ARC recommends giving flexibility to concerned officers to

requisition resources and services quickly including from private
2. At the same time, provision against misuse must be made more

 Power to order states

1. NEC too powerful
2. NDMA though be given the power to enforce its orders

 Role of Collector and Administration

1. 2nd ARC
1. Handling of disasters should be made a criterion for promotion of
2. Collector should be given total command
3. Planning
 SOP should be provided at district and community level
 Third party audits
 Evaluation of every plan after disaster
4. All records pertaining to licenses, permission must be brought in the
public domain
5. At same time, It must be remembered that plans are no substitute for
sound judgement at the time of crisis.

National disaster Management Policy, 2009

 4 themes - Write this in any general answer on Disaster

o Community based DM
o Capacity development in all spheres
o Consolidation of past best practises
o Cooperation of agencies at nation and iternational level

Civil Society and local community - DM

 Conventional Role
o Mobilisation of Manpower
o Damage assessment at local level
o Mobilisation of funds for relief
o Mobilisation and Channelisation of funds for rehabilitation
 Challenge
o Mostly in During Rehabilitation.

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o Limited role in prevention and adaptation

o No regulatory role of NGOs to define a code of conduct and establish meaningful
o 1993 Latur earthquake - Many NGOs - Cross Purposes- so much so that govt
intervention became difficult - as multidude of opposing information
 Can work in
o Training staff
o Information dissemination
o Project monitoring
o Community KITCHEN
o Post Disaster -Recovery, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction
 Corporate Sector

 Affected - economic losses, Manpower, Hindrances

 And they themselves create disatsters - Industrial Disasters
 Issues out of Survey
o More than 90% of Indian SMEs not suffficiently prepared for disasters
o 6% firms - Operation does not return back within 24 hours - Recovery
o Most firms don’t have backup for IT - Wannacry
 What they should do?
o Prevention
 Capacity building
 Following rules and guidelines themselves
 Periodic Mock drills - for themselves and other
 Joining hands with NGOs - TATA - Gujarat - Bhuj earthquake
 Using technical and managerial expertise for monitoring and
 Work with govt
o CSR - PMNRF - One of the highest
o Adaptation
 Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
 Community Infra, Relief, Livelihood - FICCI in Bhuj earthquake
 Craetion of Schools, Panchayat Bhavans

Media / Information

 ethical guidelines for the media

 Media to respect the dignity and privacy of affected people.
 Also, in a move aimed to stop rumours and spread of panic, the plan directed the
authorities to schedule regular media briefing (depending on the severity of the
disaster) and designate a nodal officer for interacting with the media on behalf of the

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 Integrate Armed Forces in Disater Management

o JalRahat Exercise in Assam

Earth quake
Causes of Earthquakes:

1. Tectonic Plate Movements:

- Most earthquakes occur due to the movement of tectonic plates, which make up the Earth's

- Examples: Subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, such as
the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest, United States.

2. Fault Movements:

- Earthquakes can result from the movement along faults, which are fractures in the Earth's
crust. - Examples: San Andreas Fault in California, United States; Himalayan Frontal Thrust in
the Himalayan region.

3. Volcanic Activity:

- Volcanic eruptions can cause earthquakes due to the movement of magma and the release
of gases. - Examples: The Ring of Fire, a region with numerous active volcanoes and
earthquakes, including the Pacific coasts of North and South America, Japan, and the

4. Human-Induced Seismic Activity:

- Certain human activities, such as mining, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and reservoir-
induced seismicity, can trigger earthquakes. Examples: The induced seismicity in Oklahoma, USA,
associated with wastewater disposal from oil and gas operations.

6. Stress Accumulation and Release:

- Over time, stress accumulates along faults, and when the stress exceeds the strength of the
rocks, it is released in the form of an earthquake.

- Examples: The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, caused by the release of accumulated
stress along the Japan Trench subduction zone.

It's important to note that these causes can often interact with each ot

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 Seismic Zones:

 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in India for earthquake


1. Risk Assessment and Mapping:

o Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify high-risk areas.

o Develop hazard maps and vulnerability assessments for effective planning and

2. Building Codes and Regulations:

o Enforce strict building codes and regulations for earthquake-resistant

o Regularly update and strengthen existing structures to meet safety standards.

3. Public Awareness and Education:

o Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate communities about

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earthquake risks, preparedness, and response measures.

o Disseminate information through various mediums, including print, electronic,
and social media.

4. Capacity Building:

o Train and equip local authorities, emergency responders, and community

volunteers with necessary skills and resources for effective disaster
o Conduct regular drills, exercises, and simulations to enhance preparedness.

5. Early Warning Systems:

o Establish and enhance early warning systems to provide timely alerts and
enable prompt response.
o Develop communication protocols to disseminate warnings to the public
through multiple channels.

6. Strengthening Critical Infrastructure:

o Identify critical infrastructure and ensure their seismic resilience through

retrofitting and structural reinforcement.
o Focus on critical facilities such as hospitals, schools, power plants, and
transportation networks.

7. Multi-Hazard Approach:

o Integrate earthquake management with overall disaster risk reduction efforts,

considering the multi-hazard environment.
o Coordinate with other sectors, such as urban planning, transportation, and
public health, to ensure comprehensive preparedness.

8. Post-Earthquake Response and Recovery:

o Develop robust post-earthquake response plans, including search and rescue

operations, medical support, and humanitarian assistance.
o Facilitate efficient and timely recovery and reconstruction efforts, with a focus
on building back better and increasing community resilience.

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What Steps can be Taken for Earthquake Preparedness in


 Building Codes and Standards: India has established building codes and standards
for earthquake-resistant construction.
o It is important to strictly enforce these codes and standards to ensure that
new buildings are built to withstand earthquakes. This will also require regular
inspections and enforcement of existing building codes.
 Retrofitting and Reinforcement: Older buildings may not meet current earthquake-
resistant standards, and many of them can be retrofitted or reinforced to improve
their seismic performance.
 Emergency Response Planning: Planning for emergency response is critical for
minimising the impact of earthquakes. This includes developing evacuation plans,
establishing emergency shelters, and training personnel on how to respond to
 Research and Monitoring: Investing in research and monitoring can help improve our
understanding of earthquakes and their causes, and can also help to develop better
methods for predicting and mitigating their impact.
 Land-Use Planning: It is important to consider the potential impacts of earthquakes
when planning and developing land-use policies. This includes limiting development in
areas that are prone to earthquakes and ensuring that new development is designed
and constructed in a way that minimises the risk of damage

 Case study: Lessons from Japan in Earthquake management

o Approach: People-oriented ->Multilayer/Multifunction ->Multidisciplinary.
o Earthquake resilient buildings and infrastructure.
 Way forward
o Implementation standards shall be revised.
o Leverage traditional systems. Eg. Khasi model of houses in hilly areas.
o Local population training and capacity building.
o Empowerment of panchayats and municipal corporations.
o Research and development institutes, dedicated response forces in high-risk

Best Practices
1. Pueblo Construction Techniques (North America):
- Pueblo communities in the southwestern United States have long practiced adobe
construction, which utilizes thick, earthen walls that can withstand the shaking during

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2. Taos Pueblo (New Mexico, USA):

- Taos Pueblo, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a Native American community that has
been inhabited for over a thousand years.
- The multi-story adobe buildings with thick walls and layered construction have survived
numerous earthquakes in the region, demonstrating the effectiveness of their traditional
building techniques.

3. Machu Picchu (Peru):

- The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu, situated in the Andes Mountains, showcases the
earthquake-resistant architectural techniques of the Inca civilization.
- The stone structures were constructed using precisely carved stones that interlock,
allowing for flexibility and redistribution of seismic forces during earthquakes.

4. Māori Earthquake Resilience (New Zealand):

- The Māori people of New Zealand have a deep understanding of their natural environment
and seismic activities.

Recent earthquakes:

 Frequent low intensity earthquakes around Delhi: Reasons

o Tectonic active zone: Indo-Eurasian plate collision going on.
o Zone IV area: High seismic zone.



1. The people of the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, for instance, have adapted their
lifestyle to the annual flood cycle of the Mekong River, building floating villages and
engaging in fishing and agriculture practices suited to the flood regime.
2. The Maasai communities in Kenya have implemented sustainable land management
practices reducing the risk of flash floods.
3. The Chinampas system used by the Nahua people in Mexico City is an example of a
traditional water management system that helps manage floodwaters.

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4. Kukama-Kukamiria people in the Peruvian Amazon have established community

monitoring systems to observe river levels and predict floods, enabling timely evacuation
and preparation.

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry. In the sense of "flowing
water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide.

Causes of Floods in India:

Natural Causes:

1. Heavy Rainfall: Excessive rainfall leads to the overflow of rivers and water bodies,
resulting in flooding.
2. Tropical Cyclones: India's coastal regions are susceptible to cyclones, which bring heavy
rainfall and storm surges, leading to flooding in low-lying areas.
3. Snowmelt: rapid snowmelt during the warmer months can contribute to river swelling
and subsequent flooding downstream.
4. Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs): Glacial lakes formed by the melting of glaciers
can burst, causing a sudden release of large volumes of water downstream, resulting in
flash floods.

Man-Made Causes:

1. Deforestation: Excessive deforestation and the removal of vegetation cover result in

reduced infiltration of rainwater into the soil, leading to increased surface runoff and
higher flood risks.
2. Urbanization and Encroachment: Unplanned urban development and encroachment
on natural drainage systems, such as lakes, rivers, and wetlands, disrupt the natural flow
of water, exacerbating flood hazards.
3. Dam Mismanagement: Poorly designed or maintained dams, improper operation of
reservoirs, and inadequate release of water during heavy rainfall can contribute to
flooding downstream.
4. River Channelization: Straightening and narrowing of river channels for navigation or
agriculture can increase the speed and volume of water flow, raising the risk of flooding
during heavy rainfall.
5. Climate Change: Global climate change has the potential to intensify extreme weather
events, including rainfall patterns. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can
increase the frequency and severity of floods.

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6. Inadequate Drainage Systems: Insufficient or poorly maintained drainage systems,

including stormwater drains and canals, can lead to waterlogging and flooding in urban

NDMA Guidelines for Flood Management:

Structural Measures:

1. Reservoirs and Checking Dams: Constructing storage facilities to store excess water
during heavy discharge.
2. Diversion Channels: Redirecting floodwater towards natural and artificial channels and
wetlands to reduce its impact.
3. Flood Protection Structures: Building embankments and walls to limit the overflow of
floodwater into inhabited areas.
4. Desilting and Dredging: Removing sediment and increasing the carrying capacity of
channels to minimize spillover.
5. Watershed Management: Implementing measures like tree plantation in catchment
areas to increase vegetation cover, reduce erosion, and manage runoff.

Non-Structural Measures:

1. Floodplain Zoning: Regulating land use to prevent habitation in low-lying flood-prone

areas and designating evacuation and relocation areas.
2. Flood Proofing: Constructing flood shelters, ensuring food and fodder availability,
securing communication channels, and maintaining access to health services during
3. Departmental Flood Management Plans: All government departments and agencies
should develop their own flood management plans based on local topography, flood
frequency, and population vulnerability.
4. Community Participation: Launching the "Aapda Mitra" scheme to train community
volunteers in flood-prone districts for flood rescue and rehabilitation efforts.


1. (Master Plan for Flood Control): Develop a comprehensive master plan for flood control
and management specific to each flood-prone basin.

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2. Adequate Flood Cushion: Ensure that water storage projects have sufficient capacity to
accommodate floodwaters, prioritizing flood mitigation over electricity generation or
irrigation in flood-prone regions.
3. Regulation of Settlements: Implement strict regulations on settlements in flood plain
zones, along with flood-proofing measures to minimize damage to lives and property.


1. Legislative Actions: Pass the Dam Safety Bill to ensure the safety and integrity of
dams, reducing the risk of failure during floods.
2. Flood Management Plans: Develop and implement flood management plans that
include strategies for rescue and relief operations during and after floods.
3. Use of Advanced Technology: Utilize advanced technologies such as artificial
intelligence (AI), satellites, and remote sensing to enhance flood forecasting, early
warning systems, and decision support.
4. Improved City Planning: Incorporate flood management measures into urban planning
to mitigate the threat of urban flooding, including proper drainage systems and flood-
resilient infrastructure.
5. Wetland and Floodplain Design: Consider designing wetlands or floodplains in flood-
prone areas, like the Yongning River Park in Taizhou, China, to allow periodic flooding
and minimize the impact on populated areas.


the 2020 floods in Hyderabad, thousands of houses were submerged.

The 2015 Chennai flood is a stark reminder of how rapid urbanisation is making cities prone to
urban floods.

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Causal Factors of Urban Flooding:

1. Climate Change: Altered monsoon patterns and increased frequency of extreme

weather events due to climate change have contributed to urban flooding in India.
2. Land Use Changes:
o Deforestation: Reduction in forest cover disrupts natural water absorption and
increases runoff during heavy rainfall.
o Wetland Management: Poor management of wetlands, which act as natural
buffers, reduces their water-holding capacity and increases the risk of flooding.
3. Encroachments and Garbage Disposal:
o Encroachments on floodplains and wetlands reduce their capacity to absorb
excess water, exacerbating flooding.
o Improper garbage disposal and siltation of water bodies reduce their drainage
capacity, leading to waterlogging.
4. Urban Planning:
o Haphazard Construction: Inadequate consideration of proper drainage systems
during construction leads to water accumulation in urban areas.
o Insufficient Stormwater Drainage: Lack of attention to constructing and
maintaining stormwater drains results in limited capacity to handle heavy rainfall.

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 Misuse of Stormwater Drains: Using stormwater drains for sewage disposal impairs
their functionality and contributes to flooding. Example: Chennai Floods 2015 due to
release of water from Chembarambakkam Lake.
 Absence of Mandatory Rainwater Harvesting: Failure to implement rainwater
harvesting structures leads to excess water runoff on streets.
 Reservoir Management:
 Improper Reservoir Management: Release of water from reservoirs during heavy
rainfall, without proper planning, can worsen flood situations in downstream areas.
 Overfilled Reservoirs: Reservoirs exceeding their prescribed limits due to high water
levels require controlled releases during heavy rains to protect the reservoir's integrity.

Impacts of Urban Flooding:

1. Loss of Life and Property:

o Urban floods can result in the loss of human lives and cause physical injuries.
Property damage occurs due to the destructive force of floodwaters.
2. Infrastructure Disruptions:
o Urban flooding disrupts essential infrastructure such as water supply, sewerage
systems, power and transmission lines, communication networks, and
transportation systems.
3. Ecological Impacts:
o Floods can wash away trees, plants, and soil, leading to the loss of vegetation and
contributing to riverbank erosion. This can disrupt the local ecosystem and affect
4. Health Implications:
o Stagnant stormwater and contaminated water sources during floods can lead to
water-borne diseases and the spread of infections.
5. Psychological Impact:
o Loss of shelter, personal belongings, and the loss of loved ones can lead to
emotional distress and long-term psychological trauma.

Addressing Factors Contributing to Urban Flooding:

1. Disaster vulnerability mapping for the entire city:

o Conduct comprehensive mapping to identify flood-prone areas and develop
appropriate mitigation measures.
2. Legal and institutional framework for urban lakes:
o Establish a legal framework and institutions to manage and protect urban lakes,
including regulations for their preservation and restoration.
3. Community awareness and participation for water bodies rejuvenation:

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o Engage communities in initiatives such as river restoration projects to raise

awareness and encourage active participation in maintaining and rejuvenating
water bodies.
4. Drainage systems in sync with natural patterns:
o Design and implement drainage systems that align with natural drainage patterns
to ensure efficient and effective water flow during heavy rainfall.
5. Waste management for unclogged drains:
o Implement proper waste management practices to prevent the clogging of
drains, such as enforcing policies for waste segregation and promoting
6. Rainwater harvesting structures:
o Promote the installation of rainwater harvesting structures in buildings to capture
and utilize rainwater, reducing the burden on drainage systems.
7. Developing Blue Green Infrastructure: Blue Green Infrastructure is an effective way
of providing a sustainable natural solution to urban and climatic challenges.
8. Disaster Resilient Public Utility: Public facilities like hospitals and schools and basic
services such as food, water, health and sanitation should be made disaster resilient.
9. Sensitization and Rehabilitation: Awareness should be created about flood
preparedness and mitigation measures along with response drills.
10. Vulnerability analyses & risk assessments should form part & parcel of city master

NDMA guidelines on urban flooding

 Early Warning System & Communication

 Create a National Hydro meteorological Network
 Developing local networks for real-time rainfall data collection with a ‘Local Network Cell’
in IMD headquarter.
 Design & Management of Urban Drainage System
 Every building in an urban area must have rainwater harvesting
 Encroachments on drain should attract penal action.
 Urban Flood Disaster Risk Management
o Annual Pre-monsoon desilting of all major drains.
o Urban Flooding has to be dealt as a separate disaster, de-linking it from riverine
floods, which affect rural areas.
o Suitable interventions in drainage system like traps, trash racks can be provided
to reduce amount of solid waste going into storm sewers.
o Concept of Rain Gardens to be incorporated
o Effort must be taken to protect, restore & revive all urban water bodies.

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Capacity Development, Awareness Generation & Documentation

 Flood hazard assessments

 Massive Public Awareness programmes covering Solid Waste Disposal, problems of
Encroachment, Insurance etc.
 Strengthen Techno-Legal Regime Stormwater drainage concerns to be made a part of all
EIA norms.
 Preparation of DM Plans for an effective response


 Tropical cyclones (typhoons or hurricanes)- intense water rotating systems formed by

strong winds around low-pressure areas.

• **Conditions favorable:**

o Large sea surface with temperature higher than 27° C;

o Presence of Coriolis force; o Small variations in vertical wind speed;

o A pre-existing weak low-pressure area or low-level-cyclonic circulation;

o Upper divergence above sea level system


 India's cyclone management has received global recognition for its swift action during
events like Cyclone Phailin and Fani.
 The state government of Odisha has conducted large-scale evacuations, with over a
million people evacuated for these cyclones.
 Evacuations have been effective in minimizing human deaths.

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India's vulnerability to cyclones:

1. Geographical Location:
o India has a long coastline of
around 7,516 kilometers, making
it exposed to cyclones originating
from the Bay of Bengal and the
Arabian Sea.
2. Warm Ocean Waters:
o The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian
Sea have warm waters, providing
favorable conditions for the
formation and intensification of
o Example: Cyclone Phailin, which
struck Odisha in 2013, intensified
rapidly due to the warm waters of
the Bay of Bengal, reaching a peak
intensity of a Category 5 cyclone.
3. Monsoon System:
o India's monsoon system plays a
role in cyclone formation and movement. The southwest monsoon brings
moisture and favorable atmospheric conditions for cyclones to develop.
o Example: Cyclone Nisarga, which made landfall near Mumbai in 2020, formed as a
result of the interaction between the monsoon system and a low-pressure area.
4. Vulnerable Coastal Populations:
o India has densely populated coastal areas, with communities and infrastructure
located in low-lying regions prone to storm surges and flooding.
o Example: The 1999 Odisha cyclone (Super Cyclone) resulted in significant loss of
life and property as it made landfall in densely populated areas.
5. Climate Change:
o Climate change contributes to the vulnerability of India to cyclones by potentially
increasing their intensity and frequency.
o Data: According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the
frequency and intensity of cyclones in the Arabian Sea are projected to increase
in a warming climate.
6. Limited Resources and Infrastructure:
o Limited resources and infrastructure in coastal regions can pose challenges in
terms of early warning systems, evacuation, and post-cyclone relief efforts.

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o Example: Cyclone Amphan in 2020 highlighted the challenges faced in providing

timely assistance and relief to affected communities in West Bengal and


Risk reduction measures:

 Mangroves: Preserving and restoring mangrove forests can act as natural barriers
against storms and tsunamis, reducing their impact on coastal areas.
 2ND ARC (Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, and the Sundarbans region) -
areas with mangroves are less prone to tsunamis.
 Flood management measures:
 Embankments against storm surges: Constructing embankments or levees along
coastlines and rivers can protect against storm surges and flooding.
 Building Code: Implementing and enforcing strict building codes and regulations that
consider flood resilience can help minimize damage to structures during floods.
 Demonstration Camps: Organizing demonstration camps to educate communities
about flood preparedness, response, and evacuation procedures.


Cyclone Shelters / Flood Shelters:

 Architectural design: Constructing cyclone shelters with minimal openings facing

prevailing winds to reduce wind impact.
 Green belts: Planting green belts in front of cyclone shelters to provide additional
protection against storms.


1. Early Warning Systems:

o Strengthening and upgrading meteorological and oceanographic forecasting
o Timely dissemination of cyclone warnings to the public, media, and local
o Developing communication networks for effective dissemination of warnings.
2. Evacuation and Shelter Management:
o Identifying vulnerable areas and populations at risk.
o Establishing cyclone shelters and evacuation routes.
o Conducting mock drills and training programs for efficient evacuation.

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o Ensuring adequate provisions for shelter, food, water, and medical facilities in
cyclone shelters.
3. Communication and Public Awareness:
o Conducting awareness campaigns to educate the public about cyclone
preparedness, early warning systems, and evacuation procedures.
o Engaging with media for effective dissemination of information and warnings.
4. Search and Rescue Operations:
o Preparing and training response teams for search and rescue operations during
and after cyclones.
o Coordinating with various agencies, including defense forces, for prompt
response and deployment of resources.
5. Relief and Rehabilitation:
o Providing immediate relief measures such as food, water, healthcare, and
essential supplies to affected communities.
o Assessing and addressing the post-cyclone needs for rehabilitation and
6. Coordination and Planning:
o Establishing coordination mechanisms among various government agencies,
departments, and stakeholders involved in cyclone response.
o Developing state and district-level plans for cyclone management and response.
7. Building Community Resilience:
o Promoting community-based preparedness and response mechanisms.
o Encouraging the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes
related to cyclone risk management


 Traditional Shelter Designs-Kutchi people in Gujarat, India, build circular huts called
"Bhungas" that can withstand high winds and provide safety during cyclones.
 Community Early Warning Systems: For instance, the Moken community in the
Andaman Sea uses their deep knowledge of the ocean to predict approaching cyclones.
 Sustainable Agriculture Practices . The Milpa system practiced by indigenous
communities in Mexico is an example of sustainable agriculture that diversifies crops and
reduces vulnerability to cyclone-related crop damage.
 Natural Resource Management: The Guna people in Panama, for example, have
traditional practices for forest conservation and sustainable fishing that preserve their
coastal ecosystems.

SIDE NOTE= The National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) is an initiative
undertaken by the Indian government to enhance cyclone risk management in high-risk
coastal areas.

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1. NCRMP focuses on strengthening cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure and capacities in

vulnerable states.
2. It aims to improve early warning systems, evacuation planning, and community
preparedness for cyclonic events.
3. The project involves the construction of cyclone shelters, multipurpose evacuation
buildings, and strengthening of existing infrastructure.
4. Capacity building activities, including training programs and awareness campaigns, are
conducted to enhance cyclone resilience at the community level.
5. NCRMP is implemented in phases and covers states such as Odisha, Andhra Pradesh,
Gujarat, and West Bengal.
6. The project contributes to reducing the loss of lives and property during cyclones,
enhancing the overall resilience of coastal communities.


 Cloudbursts have been observed in Uttarakhand's Chamoli, Tehri, and Rudraprayag

districts in recent times.

Cloudbursts are characterized by sudden and extreme rainfall events over a limited area within a
short period.

Relationship between climate change and cloudbursts:

1. Increased Atmospheric Moisture: As the global climate warms, there is an increase in

the amount of moisture held in the atmosphere. This increased moisture content can fuel
the formation of intense rainfall events, including cloudbursts.
2. Changes in Rainfall Patterns: Climate change can lead to alterations in rainfall patterns,
including more intense rainfall over shorter durations.
3. Higher Risk of Extreme Weather Events: The warming climate provides the energy and
conditions necessary for the formation of intense storms and cloudbursts.
4. Vulnerability of Mountainous Regions: Rising temperatures in these areas can lead to
the melting of glaciers, changes in precipitation patterns, and an increased likelihood of
5. Feedback Loops: The impacts of cloudbursts can, in turn, contribute to climate change.
For example, intense rainfall events can lead to soil erosion, landslides, and disruption of
ecosystems, which can have long-term effects on carbon storage and the water cycle,
further influencing climate patterns. | | --- |

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Factors of Cloudburst:

1. Deforestation: The removal of trees and vegetation disrupts the natural water cycle,
leading to reduced water absorption and increased surface runoff during heavy rainfall.
2. Global Warming: Rising global temperatures contribute to the increased intensity of
rainfall events, including cloudbursts.
3. Concretization of floodplains and river banks: Urbanization and infrastructure
development on floodplains and river banks reduce natural drainage capacity, leading to
water accumulation during cloudbursts.
4. Construction on hill slopes and seismic zones: Unsustainable construction practices on
vulnerable hill slopes and seismic zones increase the risk of landslides and soil erosion
during cloudbursts.
5. Climate Change: Long-term shifts in weather patterns and atmospheric conditions due
to climate change can influence the occurrence and intensity of cloudbursts.

Impact of Cloudburst:

1. Flash floods: Cloudbursts result in intense rainfall within a short duration, overwhelming
the drainage systems and causing rapid flooding in low-lying areas.
o Example: The 2013 Uttarakhand flash floods caused by cloudbursts resulted in
widespread destruction and loss of lives.
2. Landslides: The heavy rainfall associated with cloudbursts triggers landslides, particularly
in hilly terrains, leading to soil erosion and blocking of roads and transportation routes.
o Example: The 2010 Leh cloudburst in Jammu and Kashmir caused severe
landslides, damaging infrastructure and causing casualties.
3. Loss of life and property: Cloudbursts pose a significant risk to human life and
infrastructure due to the sudden onset and intensity of rainfall.
o Example: The 2018 cloudburst in Kailashahar, Tripura resulted in several deaths
and extensive damage to homes, roads, and crops.
4. Disruption of Infrastructure: Cloudbursts can cause significant damage to critical
infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings, and utilities, leading to disruptions in
transportation, communication, and access to essential services.
o Example: The 2017 cloudburst in Mumbai resulted in the collapse of a pedestrian
bridge, causing transportation disruptions and hindering rescue operations.
5. Environmental Degradation: Cloudbursts can lead to environmental degradation by
causing soil erosion, sedimentation in water bodies, and contamination of natural
resources. The loss of topsoil and pollution of water sources can have long-term
ecological impacts.
o Example: The 2014 cloudburst in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir resulted in
significant soil erosion and the deposit of sediments in the Dal Lake, affecting its
water quality and ecosystem.

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1. Enhanced Monitoring and Forecasting: Establish a dense radar network in cloudburst-

prone areas. This will aid in issuing timely warnings and enabling preparedness
2. Learn from Best Practices: Study and adopt best practices from successful climate
adaptation plans, such as the Copenhagen climate adaptation plan.
3. Avoid Construction in Vulnerable Areas: Avoid constructing settlements, infrastructure,
and buildings in fragile slopes, floodplains, and along streams
4. Community Engagement and Training: Empower rural communities by imparting
training and knowledge on cloudburst preparedness, early warning systems, evacuation
procedures, and basic disaster response techniques
5. Ecosystem Restoration and Conservation: Focus on restoring and conserving natural
ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, and water bodies.
6. Strengthen Infrastructure Resilience: Build resilient infrastructure that can withstand
cloudburst events, including robust drainage systems, reinforced buildings, and bridges
designed to handle high-intensity rainfall.
7. International Cooperation: Collaborate with international organizations, research
institutions, and neighboring countries to share knowledge, experiences, and expertise in
cloudburst risk management.


 These are a series of waves usually generated by movement of the sea floor. These
movements are caused by different types of geophysical phenomena such
as earthquakes, **landslides** and volcanic eruptions.

India is vulnerable to tsunamis due to several factors:

1. Geographic Location: India has a long coastline along the Indian Ocean, which puts it at
risk of tsunamis generated by undersea earthquakes and other seismic activities in the
2. Subduction Zones: The tectonic plate boundaries in the Indian Ocean, particularly the
subduction zone where the Indian Plate subducts beneath the Eurasian Plate, have the
potential to generate large earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis.

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3. Historical Events: India has experienced significant tsunamis in the past, such as the
devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. This event resulted in the loss of thousands of
lives and caused widespread destruction along the Indian coastline.
4. Population Density: Many densely populated coastal regions in India, including cities
and tourist destinations, are susceptible to tsunamis. The concentration of population
and infrastructure in these areas increases the potential impact and vulnerability to
5. Lack of Early Warning Systems: While India has made significant progress in establishing an
early warning system for tsunamis after the 2004 disaster, there may still be limitations in
coverage, response time, and community awareness, especially in remote or less-developed
coastal areas.


1. Establishment of early warning systems for tsunamis.

2. Enhancing preparedness and capacity building through training programs and drills.
3. Conducting risk assessments and implementing zoning regulations.
4. Promoting public awareness and education about tsunamis.
5. Ensuring effective coordination and response mechanisms among stakeholders.

 Guidelines emphasize timely alerts, risk assessments, community engagement, and

 Regular reviews and updates are conducted to incorporate new knowledge and lessons


Risk reduction measures for tsunamis:

1. Early Warning Systems (EWS): Implementing effective tsunami warning systems that
can detect tsunamis and provide timely alerts to coastal communities, allowing them to
evacuate to safer locations.
2. Site Planning and Land Management: Proper land-use planning and zoning
regulations can help ensure that critical infrastructure and residential areas are located at
safe distances from the coast, reducing vulnerability to tsunamis.
3. Construction of Community Halls

Other flood-related measures:

1. Relief Teams and Equipment: Preparing and mobilizing specialized relief teams
equipped with necessary equipment, such as rescue boats, life jackets, and medical

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supplies, to respond promptly to flood situations and provide assistance to affected

2. Strict Enforcement of Coastal Regulation Zones:


Indigenous communities in coastal regions of India, like the Nicobar Islands, have relied on their
traditional knowledge to detect signs of impending tsunamis and take appropriate actions to


MANGROVES- village of Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu, India, the dense mangrove forests acted as
a buffer during the 2004 tsunami


 Absence or Defiency of rainfall in a region for an extended period of time leading to

general suffering in soicety


• directly affected 1.5 billion people in this century so far

 700 million people are at a risk of being displaced as a

result of drought by 2030. • By 2025**, 2-3rd of world**
will be under water stressed conditions. • Effect of
severe droughts on India's GDP is estimated at 2-5%.

Drought vulnerability in India can be attributed to various

factors, including:

1. Erratic Monsoons: India's agriculture heavily depends

on the monsoon rains, and any deviations from normal
monsoon patterns can lead to drought conditions.

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2. Lopsided Water Management Policies: Inadequate water management practices, such

as overexploitation of groundwater, inefficient irrigation systems, and limited water
storage infrastructure, contribute to water scarcity during droughts.
3. Deforestation: Deforestation reduces the natural water-holding capacity of land,
disrupts rainfall patterns, and contributes to soil erosion.
4. Agriculture: India's heavy reliance on rain-fed agriculture makes the sector highly
vulnerable to droughts.
5. Poor Irrigation Systems: Inefficient irrigation practices, such as flood irrigation and lack
of modern water-saving techniques, result in excessive water wastage and ineffective
water distribution
6. Climate Change: Climate change exacerbates drought vulnerability by altering rainfall
patterns, increasing temperatures, and intensifying evaporation rates.

Types of droughts:

1. Meteorological Drought: This type of drought is characterized by a prolonged period

of below-average precipitation. It occurs when rainfall levels fall below 75% of the
normal average for a specific region and timeframe.
2. Hydrological Drought: Hydrological drought relates to the impact of reduced water
availability on surface water and groundwater sources. It is determined by low water flow
in streams, rivers, lakes, and reduced groundwater levels, leading to water scarcity for
various purposes.
3. Agricultural Drought: Agricultural drought is associated with insufficient soil moisture
levels, which can adversely affect crop growth and yield. It occurs when there is
inadequate water available in the soil to meet the water requirements of crops.

2nd ARC on drought declaration recommendations:

 Revisiting the definition of drought to make it comprehensive and context-specific.

 Developing standardized operating procedures (SOPs) for drought declaration.
 Adopting an integrated approach involving multiple sectors and stakeholders.
 Establishing robust early warning systems for timely detection and monitoring of
drought conditions.
 Providing immediate relief measures during drought periods, including access to food,
water, healthcare, and financial support.
 Creating a dedicated fund for drought relief and implementing social safety net
 Conducting comprehensive drought risk assessments and developing preparedness
 Mapping vulnerable areas and promoting water conservation and efficient irrigation

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 Implementing drought-resistant agricultural practices.

Related Concept- Flash Drought

BEST PRACTICES= One specific example is the indigenous Apatani tribe in Arunachal Pradesh,
India. They practice a unique rice-fish farming system called "Paddy-cum-Fish Culture."

Measures were taken by the Government of India

 Diesel Subsidy to farmers in drought-affected areas is given.

 Subsidy for farmers on various other agricultural commodities is enhanced.
 Interference with appropriate inputs to rejuvenate water-stressed horticulture crops.
 Implementation of additional fodder development programs.
 Crop contingency plans in the event of late monsoons, long dry spells, deficit rainfall, etc
with the availability of seeds, potable water, and other necessary inputs.
 SMS Services, Radio and Television Programs to educate the farmers.
 Development and Management of Social Forestry and Agroforestry.
 Development of livestock and dairy industry.
 Restructuring of Cropping patterns.
 Protection of the catchment area of the rivers.
 Water management through the construction of dams, barrages, and canals.

NDMA Guidelines on Drought Management

| Institutional framework & financial arrangements |

• Create Separate Drought Monitoring Cells at state level with adequate staff preparation of
vulnerability maps for their respective States.

• Watershed development approach

| | --- | --- | | Assessment & Early Warning |

• ground-based info. Should be integrated with space-based information for comprehensive


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• Automatic weather stations will also include moisture sensors

• Unit of deceleration of drought should be standardized

| | Prevention, Preparedness & Mitigation |

• Automatic weather station & rain gauges Conduct of pilot studies in all categories of drought
prone areas for suggesting long term mitigation measures.

o Cloud-seeding • Promote crop diversification &

• Insurance products will be developed for different agro climatic zones

| | Capacity Development |

• A national training & capacity building programme for drought management will be
formulated & implemented.

• Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) & Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) | | Relief & Response |

• Agencies will be sensitized regarding their value in generating employment in drought-

affected areas & building assets such as tank | | Preparation of Drought Management Plans
(DMP) |

• National Executive Committee will prepare a National DMP,

• States needs to modify existing plans according to GoI- UNDP Programme on Disaster Risk


 Heatwaves are prolonged periods of excessively hot weather that can cause adverse
impacts on human health, the environment, and the economy.
o India, being a tropical country, is particularly vulnerable to heatwaves, which
have become more frequent and intense in recent years.

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Key reasons for heat waves

1. Urban Heat Island: Urban areas with

concrete and asphalt absorb and retain
heat, leading to higher temperatures
compared to surrounding rural areas.

2. El Nino: El Nino is a climate pattern

characterized by the warming of the
central and eastern equatorial Pacific
Ocean, which can disrupt normal weather
patterns and contribute to heat waves in
different regions.

3. Climate Change: Global warming caused

by greenhouse gas emissions is increasing
the frequency and intensity of heat waves
worldwide, including in India.

4. Warming Indian Ocean: The Indian Ocean is warming at a faster rate, which affects the
monsoon pattern and can result in inadequate rainfall over India, leading to hotter and
drier conditions.

1. Deforestation: Clearing of forests reduces the cooling effect of vegetation and

exposes the land to direct sunlight, contributing to higher temperatures.


1. Heat-related deaths: Heat waves can cause fatalities, particularly among outdoor
workers and vulnerable populations. However, there has been a significant reduction in
heat wave-related deaths in recent years.
2. Crop failures and livestock issues: Heat waves can lead to crop failures and impact
livestock, affecting agricultural productivity and food security.
3. Spread of diseases: Heat waves create favorable conditions for the spread of vector-
borne diseases, such as dengue and malaria, as well as heat-related illnesses.
4. Power shortages: Increased use of air conditioning during heat waves can strain power
supply, leading to power shortages and disruptions.
5. Environmental impact: Heat waves contribute to the depletion of groundwater due to
increased pumping for agricultural and domestic use, exacerbating water scarcity issues.

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6. Economic impact: Heat waves can disrupt economic activities, such as construction
projects, and require adjustments to working schedules, leading to productivity losses.
o BP

 Western European Model

o 2003 - around 70k people esp old people died due to severe heat wave
o Steps - Capital Intensive
o Geriatic care, AC
 Odisha model
o Timings in offices, construction sites, schools were modified in accordance with
heat conditions
o Water Distribution Booths
o Districts facing high temperatures devise plans at local level
 Gujarat Model
o Mapping of high risk zones, Early warning system
o Outreach program

Way forward

1. Urban Greening:

 Increase green spaces and vegetation in cities to reduce urban heat island effect.
 Mandate the development of urban forests in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.
 Promote natural landscapes, such as trees and parks, for cooling effects.

2. Infrastructure:

 Use permeable materials in civic infrastructure and construction to minimize heat

 Encourage cleaner cooking fuels to reduce indoor air pollution and urban heat.
 Improve public transportation and discourage personal vehicle usage.

3. Waste Management:

 Reduce landfill size, implement waste segregation, and improve solid waste management
to minimize methane production and fires that contribute to urban heat.

4. Policies and Guidelines:

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 Develop weather variability and urban heat management policies and guidelines at
different levels.
 Expand wetlands and restore ponds and lakes for natural cooling effects.

5. Building Design:

 Promote the use of green roofs, cool roofs, and green spaces in buildings.
 Implement passive cooling techniques like natural ventilation, shading, and thermal
 Use high-albedo roofs and pavements to reflect sunlight.

6. Renewable Energy:

 Promote the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy
for cooling and electricity needs.

7. Public Awareness:

 Educate the public about heatwave risks, measures to stay cool, and the importance of
reducing carbon footprint.

8. Agricultural Adaptation:

 Support farmers with resilient farming practices to cope with heatwaves, droughts, and
water scarcity.
 Encourage crop diversification, agroforestry, mulching, crop rotation, and efficient
irrigation methods.

Heat Waves Action Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan with disaster adaptation
strategies and effective disaster management policies to mitigate the impact of

Forest fire
 Issue
o 50% of India vulnerable - Forest survey
o PSC - Frequemcy Has risen by 50% late;y
 Regions

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o Central India - Orissa, Chattisgarh, MP - most prone

o Northeastern region
o Uttarakhand regions
 Caused mostly by human factors
o Accidently
 by tourists
 Sparks from Transformers
 In the process of scaring away Wild Animals
o Voluntary by
 Poachers who want to direct animals out tot the periphery
 Slash and burn by farmers - Esp NE
 Mafia for timber and vacated forest land
 Natural
o Lightining
o Drought and rubbing
o Chir forests burn very fast
o Introduction of exotic tree species - which are more susceptible
 Effect
o Loss of biodiversity
o Threat to human settlement
o Water run off increases in a burnt land
o Black carbon - Greenhouse effect
o Forest soil affected
o Health hazard - CO, PM 2.5, Hg
 Positive effects
o Removal of pests, diseases
o Some plants depend on forest fires to sustain life- Fire breaks open bark and
helps spread seeds
o Nutrient content of soil increases
o Undercover destroyed reducing competition for bigger plants
 Measures
o Fire lines or buffer belts
o Ponds inside
o Remove Chir pine
 By Broad leaved tree
 MGNREGA for collecting broken twigs esp of Chir Pines
 Sweeping Machine
o Joint forest management
o CSR funds for Awareness of locals
 Always use this CSR funds for awareness - instead of just writing

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o Drones to detect
o Coordination - Fire, Forest and Locals
o Parliamentary Standing Commitee - National Policy

The movement of a mass of rock, rubble, or dirt down a slope due to gravity is known as a
landslide. Landslides are particularly dangerous in areas with steep slopes, such as hilly regions.
Landslides include things like earth flow, mass movement, mudflow, rotational slip, and

Landslide prone zones

1. Himalayan Mountain ranges and Hilly tracts of North-eastern


 High seismicity due to proximity to plate

boundaries,young and rugged topography,
 unstable rock conditions
 heavy downpours
 As part of developing activities, there is a lot of
anthropogenic influence.

2. Western Ghats:

 Overburdening of steep hill slopes

 Rainfall at a high intensity.

3. Nilgiris Hills:

Rainfall with a high intensity and a long duration

Following are the reasons for landslides:

Natural Causes :

 Earthquakes
 Excessive Rainfall: The Uttarakhand Cloudburst of 2013 for example, caused massive landslides
in the area.

Anthropogenic Causes:

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 Infrastructure Development: For instance, ****the development of Konkan Railways in western

ghats is considered a significant reason behind the frequent occurrence of landslides in the
 Mining: It involves removing the surface of the earth for mineral exploration, which loosens the
grip of material
 Deforestation: Trees are cut for agricultural and industrial activities which loosens the soil grip
and makes the region more vulnerable to landslides.
 Unsustainable Tourism: The rising tourist influx in the Himalayan region puts greater pressure
on land as more infrastructure and amenities are needed to accommodate them. This leads to
more construction and greater landslides.

What are the consequences of Landslides?

 The loss of irreplaceable human and animal lives is the most devastating effect of a landslide.
 Movement is restricted because mud, rocks, and debris sliding down the hill create a barrier on
important traffic corridors such as highways and railway lines.
 The movement of products and persons is restricted as a result of this.
 Damage to infrastructure: When a landslide occurs, several residences, buildings, roads, and
other infrastructure are affected.
 Economic Losses: A substantial amount of money is spent on rebuilding infrastructure,
rehabilitating the masses, and providing aid to those who have been impacted.
 Jeopardize Water Availability: When landslides occur on the slopes of a river valley, the sliding
material may reach the valley's bottom, blocking the river channel partially or completely.
 A landslide dam is a mound of avalanche debris that has gathered and blocked a river. It may
reduce the amount of water available to surrounding residents.

Steps taken

National Landslide Risk Management Strategy (2019):

 It covers all aspects of landslide disaster risk reduction and management, such as hazard
mapping, monitoring, and early warning systems.

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Guidelines on Landslide Hazard Management


 It outlines the steps that should be taken to avoid or reduce the risk of landslides.
Identifying regions that are prone to landslides
 Encourage the use of effective landslide rehabilitation and mitigation techniques.
 The efficient management of the landslide danger necessitates the development of
institutional capacity and training for geoscientists, engineers, and planners.

National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM):

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 It is a prominent institute that provides disaster management and disaster risk reduction
capacity building support to various national and state level authorities.

Several solutions can be implemented:

1. Slope Stability Analysis: Conduct comprehensive geotechnical surveys and slope

stability analysis to identify areas prone to landslides.
2. Early Warning Systems: Install advanced monitoring systems to detect early signs of
slope instability
3. Land Use Planning and Zoning: Implement strict land use planning regulations to
restrict construction activities in landslide-prone areas.
4. Afforestation and Soil Conservation: which helps in stabilizing slopes and reducing soil
5. Drainage and Water Management: Improve drainage systems to effectively manage
surface water runoff and prevent water accumulation on slopes.
6. Structural Measures: Construct retaining walls, slope stabilization structures.
7. Education and Awareness: Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate
communities living in landslide-prone areas about the risks and safety measures.
8. Strengthening Institutions: Enhance the capacity of local authorities, disaster
management agencies, and geotechnical experts to effectively manage landslide risks.
9. Infrastructure Design: Ensure that infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and
buildings, are designed with proper slope stability considerations.
10. Collaborative Approach: Foster collaboration among government agencies,
researchers, NGOs, and local communities to develop and implement holistic landslide
mitigation strategies.

 The state of Sikkim has undertaken extensive afforestation efforts, including the Five-
Fold Path program, which aims to restore forest cover and reduce the risk of landslides.
 The state of Uttarakhand has implemented zoning regulations for construction activities
in landslide-prone regions.
 The Himalayan region in India has implemented a Community-Based Landslide Early
Warning System (CBLEWS) in several vulnerable areas.

 Movement of snow cover on a slope generally under the influence of gravity and against
the resisting forces such as friction and resistance by shrubs

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 Sonamarg Avalanche, Jammu and Kashmir (2020).

 Chamoli Avalanche, Uttarakhand (2021)

Causes of Avalanche:

Fixed Causes:

1. Topography and Slope: Steep slopes increase the risk of avalanches. The angle and
shape of the terrain can create conditions where snow is more prone to slide.
2. Lack of Vegetation Cover: Areas with sparse vegetation or exposed rocky surfaces have
less natural stability, making them susceptible to avalanches.

Variable Factors:

1. Wind Velocity: Strong winds can transport and redistribute snow, leading to the
formation of wind slabs, which are unstable layers prone to avalanches.
2. Depth of Snow (Load): A significant accumulation of snow, especially after heavy
snowfall, can add weight and stress to the underlying layers, increasing the potential for
3. Temperature: Rapid temperature changes, such as warm weather following a period of
cold temperatures, can weaken the snowpack and trigger avalanches.
4. Vibrations: External factors that cause vibrations, such as earthquakes or human
activities like construction or the use of explosives, can destabilize the snowpack and
trigger avalanches.

 Regions
o Kargil, Siachen, Ladakh
o Himachal - Kulu, Spiti . Uttarakhand - Badrinath

Solutions for Avalanche Mitigation:

1. Risk Assessment and Monitoring: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)

and local authorities in avalanche-prone regions of India conduct regular
monitoring and issue avalanche warnings based on weather forecasts and
snowpack assessments.
2. Early Warning Systems: The Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE) in
India operates a network of avalanche detection and warning systems in the
Himalayan region

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3. Protective Structures and Snow Control Measures: The construction of snow

sheds and avalanche galleries along highways and vulnerable sections of
mountainous regions, such as the Rohtang Tunnel in Himachal Pradesh, India,
which is designed to protect the tunnel entrance from avalanche hazards.
4. Land-Use Planning and Zoning Regulations: In many countries, including
Switzerland, strict building codes and zoning regulations are enforced to ensure
that new constructions are located in safe areas away from potential avalanche
5. Public Awareness and Education: International Snow Training Academy (ISTA)
conducts training programs and workshops to educate individuals on avalanche
safety and rescue techniques, empowering them to make informed decisions in
avalanche terrain.

Oil Spilling
 Environmental Impact:
o Toxicity: Oil contains harmful chemicals that can be toxic to marine life. It affects
organisms at different levels of the food chain, from phytoplankton to fish and
marine mammals.
o Wildlife Contamination: Oil spills can coat the feathers or fur of birds and
mammals, leading to reduced buoyancy, loss of insulation, and difficulty in
regulating body temperature. This can result in hypothermia, drowning, or death
due to inability to find food.
o Habitat Destruction: Oil can contaminate and destroy sensitive habitats such as
coral reefs, mangroves, and wetlands, disrupting the delicate balance of these
o Water Contamination: Oil spreads rapidly over the water surface, reducing
oxygen levels and blocking sunlight, which hampers photosynthesis and disrupts
the aquatic food chain.
o Long-term Residual Effects: Oil residues can persist in the environment for
years, causing long-term harm to ecosystems.
 Economic Impact:
o Fisheries: Oil spills can lead to the closure of fishing grounds, causing a loss of
livelihood for fishermen and impacting the seafood industry.
o Tourism: Coastal areas affected by oil spills may experience a decline in tourism
due to concerns about water quality, contaminated beaches, and impacted

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o Clean-up Costs: The process of cleaning up oil spills is expensive and time-
consuming, requiring resources and specialized equipment. The costs include
containment, recovery, and remediation efforts.
o Legal and Financial Consequences: Companies responsible for oil spills may
face legal actions, fines, and compensation claims from affected parties.
o Difficulty in controlling
 Wind - spreads the geographical spread
 Difficult to separate water and oil
 Mix with sand and debris to form a "chocolate mousse"

Solution measures for addressing oil spills include:

1. Environmental Solutions:

 Oil-Zapping Bacteria: Genetically modified oil-eating bacteria can be used to

break down oil spills. These bacteria are provided with nutrient cover to multiply
and accelerate the biodegradation process.
 Bioremediation Agents: Substances like Bregoli, a byproduct from the paper
industry, can be utilized to aid in the absorption and removal of oil from water
 Sorbents: Natural materials like sawdust, pet hair, or specialized sorbent
materials can be deployed to absorb oil from the affected areas.

2. Prevention and Response Measures:

 Anti-Collision Systems: The installation of anti-collision systems in ships can

help prevent accidents that lead to oil spills.
 Satellite Tracking and Drones: Satellite tracking systems and drones can be
employed to monitor and detect oil spills in real-time, enabling prompt response
and containment efforts.
 Local Community Involvement: Engaging local communities, including
fishermen, in oil spill response activities can enhance the effectiveness and
efficiency of clean-up operations.
 International Cooperation: Collaborating with neighboring countries and
international organizations for joint exercises, knowledge sharing, and support in
oil spill management can strengthen response capabilities.

3. Research and Development:

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 Continued research and development are necessary to develop more robust

technologies and techniques for preventing, detecting, and cleaning up oil spills.
 Focus on fracking: Research should particularly address the risks associated with
fracking and the potential intermixing of fracking fluids with water sources.

4. Legal Framework:

 Comprehensive Legal Mechanism: Establishing a comprehensive legal

framework for oil spill management, including strict regulations, penalties, and
enforcement mechanisms, is essential.
 National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan: Strengthening and amending the


existing plan to align with international conventions, such as the Bunker
Convention, which provides compensation for oil spill damages.

About Glacial Lakes & GLOFs •

Glacial lakes are **ice-dammed, moraine-dammed, & bedrock dammed lakes.**

o formed by trapping of melt water from glacier within dammed structure.

o glaciers are retreating & glacier lakes are expanding in size & umbers, due to global

• Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF)- sudden release of significant amount of water retained in
a glacial lake, irrespective of cause. o formation of moraine-dammed glacial lakes & glacial lake
outburst flood is major concern in Himalayan states of India.

The causes behind Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) can be attributed to various
factors, including:

1. Buildup of water pressure or structural weakness: Increased water flow into the glacial
lake can lead to a buildup of water pressure, which may exceed the structural capacity of
the lake boundary. This can cause the boundaries to breach and result in a GLOF.

2. Earthquakes and cryoseisms: Tectonic earthquakes or non-tectonic seismic events

within the glacial cryosphere can trigger GLOFs. The seismic activity can cause the sudden
collapse of the glacial lake boundary, resulting in the release of water.

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3. Avalanches: Rock or heavy snow avalanches can impact glacial lakes. The force from an
avalanche can displace the water within the lake, leading to a sudden release of water.

4. Volcanic eruptions: Volcanic activity beneath glaciers can disrupt the stability of glacial
lakes. Eruptions can displace the lake boundary or increase pressure on the glacial lake,
leading to a GLOF.

5. Heavy rainfall and snowmelt: Intense and prolonged rainfall or rapid melting of snow
can significantly increase the inflow of water into glacial lakes. The excessive water input
can exceed the capacity of the lake, causing it to breach and trigger a GLOF.

6. Long-term dam degradation: Over time, the internal structure of a glacial dam can
undergo changes, leading to dam degradation. This can result in increased hydrostatic
pressure due to basal ice melting, ultimately leading to dam failure and a subsequent

7. Collapse of adjacent glacial lakes: The collapse or breach of one glacial lake can have a
cascading effect on adjacent lakes, causing a chain reaction of GLOFs.

These various causes highlight the complex nature of GLOFs and the need for monitoring,
early warning systems, and appropriate risk management strategies to mitigate the
impacts of such events.

Impact of GLOFs

• Impact on ocean circulation & climate: reduces salinity of surface layer & subsequently
alters ocean circulation.

 Geomorphological impact: potential to influence erosion-accumulation interactions &

sediment dynamics, like bank & depth erosion

Government Initiatives/Schemes/Policies

• ISRO = engaged in glaciallake monitoring

• Sikkim installed a Lake monitoring & information System at South Lhonak lake


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• Hazard & risk assessment provide basis for prioritizing, designing, &
Hazard & risk
implementing risk management strategies, & is therefore considered to
be a cornerstone of Disaster Risk Management.
Monitoring, risk • Early Warning Systems- most
reduction & effective approach to disaster risk
mitigation measures reduction.
• scientific, management, engineering & institutional capacities are required for
successful & sustainable implementation of framework for
Capacity development
Efforts to develop capacities should focus both on training & strengthening academic
education in relevant disciplines from natural & social sciences.
Disaster response • Well-established disaster response procedures at national, state district
Research & • Repeated monitoring using advanced space-borne & terrestrial technology is
development required for regular re-assessment of lakes across entire Himalayan region
Action plan & • Comprehensive disaster management plans will be prepared at National, State & District
implementation levels.

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