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I am in a lot of pain and hospitalized right now after the Taliban attack.

I am not ok, my lovely dear wife

I want to let you know that I am not okay and safe here.
I'm sorry I can't reply to your messages because something terrible happened here
in the camp a few days ago and the Taliban tried to infiltrate the UN portal.
There was a terrible attack here by the deadly Taliban, and a lot of people were
dead, wounded and unconscious.
I am in great pain right now because I am also a victim of the attack that took
place here.
I almost survived the attack to be alive today, but now, I am hospitalized because
I was badly affected by the attack and I have severe injuries, internal bleeding in
the head and chest.
I can't talk to you because I passed out in the hospital after the attack.
And there is no network connection to the internet, because the signal column that
connects to the internet and our network is also bombed, and we lose connection,
that's why I can't talk to you, love. my love.
My life is not safe here and I am in terrible danger

This is the only time i have to talk to you right now my love.
I can only text you now that the doctor gave me the chance to use my computer.
I am in terrible pain now in the hospital.
The Taliban eventually attacked us, as we were informed in the meeting some
previous day ago.
I am in danger and it is not safe here anymore

As I'm talking to you now, I'm in the hospital with great pain and fear for my
life, because the Taliban will want to retaliate to attack us again at the
hospital, to kill wounded and unconscious UN soldiers and others

Here is the picture of the attack that happen here few days ago and so many died in
the attack.
I took the pictures of the attack scene from the UN journalist and save it to my
computer, so I can send them to you
So that you can see the terrible situation here, honey.
We were been badly, attacked by the Taliban's

I was really sad my love and I cried all day, after the attack.
I hate my life here and the Taliban are planning to come back to kill us all.
I am in deep danger here and a lot of people have died here

My love, the Taliban are really stronger than the Iraqi government because they
have support from many Arab countries, and they are well equipped financially and
supported by those countries The war in Iraq
happened out for many years and no war has stopped till now. UN is just trying
their best to bring peace in Iraq and the Taliban are really angry with the UN and
they want to make sure that killing all UN staff and UN soldiers This is the worst
attack I have ever
seen spent here. Baby, I'm very sad and worried, because I'm in a lot of pain right
I was badly affected by the attack and now I am hospitalized I
am fearing for my life now honey because they may attack us again in the hospital
And now I'm feeling the pain. I'm not safe right now
You don't know if you'll survive, baby

This is the worst attack I've ever experienced here. Baby, I'm so depressed and
worried, because I am in deep pain right now.
I was badly affected by the attack and right now i am hospitalized
I am scared for my life right now honey because they might come to attack us again
in the hospital this night.
And I am feeling pain now. I am not safe right now
I don't know if I will survive this, honey

This particular attack is so horrible and more deadly than ever.

More than 189 people are
reported dead including about 48 UN doctors and 130 sick patients have died
including UN soldiers
Only a few of us narrowly survived the attack with dangerous wounds, and many
others still unconscious.
Honey, the situation here is dangerous and terrible.

It is only a few of us that narrowly survive the attack with dangerous injuries,
and many others are still unconscious
Honey the situation here is so dangerous and terrible.

And two of the dead doctors were very close friends of mine
who died too,
Honey lots of attacks and deaths have happened, the situation here is so worse and
deadly that I can not explain to you right now honey because I am in pain right

I am really lucky that i am among those that narrowly escaped the attack with
injury and we are alive today. But many had died as you can see in the picture i
sent to you
I am in deep pain and my leg is really hurt. my wife.

I seriously injured my leg, as I was trying to escape, looking for safety and
refuge during the attack.
The Taliban threw the bomb in my direction, when the bomb exploded, the force of
the bomb pushed me away, hit my head against the wall and I fell down with the lead
wound, not me, with heavy bleeding in the head and body. . My chest
And legs really hurt me a lot. and I lost a lot of blood.
Now I am in the hospital, alone in pain, and have no one to call for help
but you, my love.
I'm really hurt, my love. I felt so much pain watching the rush out of my feet,

But I feel very sad for the death of my best friend who promised to help me out of
this deadly war zone, he was all my hope to get out of here, but he was killed by
the Taliban during the attack
He died when he was taken to the hospital for emergency and urgent treatment,
because he was shot very badly in the neck and lost so much blood that he couldn't
survive but just screamed in painful.
I was painfully watching him lying dead next to me on the hospital bed, I couldn't
stop crying
That's the picture of my friend who promised to help me get out of here, he died a
painful death when he was rushed to the emergency room right after he was shot very
badly in the neck.

Now, the only person that i had hope on to help me out of here, is now dead due to
this terrible and deadly war here.
I feel so sad and still mourned his dead, because he was like a big brother to me
and he promised to help me out of here

It is the other doctors here that are treating me and taking care of me.
Although, i am getting better a bit.
Before then , after the attack, i was bleeding so seriously.
I am really exhausted, tired, and weak, I lost a lot of blood from the injury.
I can manage now and walk a little, but it hurts so bad, the bleeding has stopped
but now I still have a lot of pain

Honey, it's really dangerous and terrible here and.

I can't continue the contract with the UN...anymore.
I want to leave this deadly war and come back home to Vietnam, to live a happy and
peaceful life there.
I do not want to die here, i have faced more than enough, and it is time i stand up
and terminate and leave this job

I have already made up my mind to leave this deadly war zone and go to Vietnam.
It is no longer safe out here for me, my life is in terrible danger here. And I
need to get out of here immediately honey, I do not want to die here, i miss you
and my kids so much and i want to live a free, happy and peaceful life where there
is no war, killing, shooting and bombing.
I narrowly survive this deadly attack, we were very few that made it alive from the
terrible bomb explosion and gunfire attack. my love, I am in deep pains and fears
of death

How i wish i have access to a camera here

I could have sent you so many videos and pictures, of how deadly and terrible this
place is, so you can see the deadly situation that i am now in.

Thank you so much for your courage my love.

Although I was paid for the years that i have worked here, I really want to leave
this deadly war zone.
Honey, I have to leave so
I want to live in Vietnam with you and our children there, I really want to live a
comfortable and peaceful life with you in Vietnam, I'm not safe here anymore and my
life is in danger baby

I plan to hold a meeting in Iraq with the top UN authorities and the board of
So I could show them my injured leg and tell them how badly I was affected by the
attack, and then beg them to let me go.
I want to take advantage of this attack to request leave so I will be out of here
when I have a meeting with them
Maybe this attack happens to my advantage so I can leave this deadly place
I will Nice to get out of here.
But my friend's death still makes me very sad and I can't erase it from my memory

I have already sent a signal to the top official of the United Nations and the UN
board of directors from US to have an emergency meeting with them here in Iraq,
concerning my health issue and how i will leave here due to my poor health
So tomorrow morning, i will have an emergency meeting with the United Nations Top
officials and the UN board of directors from US here, in Iraq so that i can know
the possibility of leaving here to Vietnam as soon as possible, and also discusses
my health issues.

This is my chance to leave this war zone, and i must grab this opportunity now, and
never let it pass me by.
So when we have the meeting with the UN top official tomorrow morning. I will use
the cause of my injury to plead the UN to let me leave here and return back to my
wife there in Vietnam
So i can tell them what happen to me that i want to leave here and i will also show
them my injured leg so they will let me leave here, as i will cry and beg them for
mercy and pity on my life for my dear wife and kid

It is really necessary that i have to have a meeting with them so i will know the
possibility of how i will leave this deadly war zone
Because i can't leave here without permission from the UN due to the Agreements of
my contract with the United Nations Organizations
So I will be having a meeting with them, tomorrow morning. so that i can know the
possibility of leaving here to Vietnam as soon as possible, and also discusses my
health issues.

And, I will let you know everything that will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow

Honey, all i need now is your prayers for me to have a successful meeting with
them, and they should agree to let me leave here.
Even if it means for me to cry,
I will cry there in the meeting so that they will let me leave here in peace

I am feeling so tired, hurt, weak, and exhausted because i lost so much blood from
the injury i got from the attack and i need to rest and then wake up to eat and
take my medications and treatment, so i will get well soon.
And the doctors are warning me to shut down my computer i will eat my lunch and
medication and rest so i will heal fast

I don't want my Son to see me with this terrible injury when i arrive in Vietnam.
Because when he sees it he will really cry herself out, my little boy loves his dad
so much, and as little as he is,
he do not wish anything bad to happen to me

I will have to get enough rest now and prepare for the meeting with them
I don't really know the outcome of how the meeting is going to be, but i pray that
it should be a success

I still have about 2 years and 3 months to be here, i don,t think i will make it
out of here alive if I stay here any longer, honey this place is so deadly and
Honey, I don't really know the outcome of their suggestion right now.
That is why I want to have a meeting with them, so i can find out the possibility
of leaving this place

I am so exhausted right now...

but I don't know if there's any possibility honey,,, I'm very worried right now.
i signed a 5 year contract with the United Nations and i've been here for 2 years 9
months baby.... i still have about 2 years and 3 months left on my
i'm worried that i will did not get a positive answer from top UN officials when I
had a meeting with them...



Hello my love, i am here.

I am really so happy today my love, and my heart is filled with lots of joy and
And all thank to you for your prayers and good wishes for me, i am really proud of
you my love. I am so happy that i will leave here my love

I finally had a meeting with the United Nations Officials and board of directors
here in Iraq and i promised to let you know the outcome of the meeting.

I am very happy now my love.

The meeting went smoothly but was really difficult and lengthy.
That's why I'm late.
But at first, the United Nations officials didn't agree with me and didn't accept
my request to let me leave and I felt really sad and bad about it, I burst into
tears and prayed. Please let me leave here for my son. benefits
I actually cried out loud and showed them my injured leg, my body and the blood on
my head,
and they saw how much pain I was in.

I begged them to let me leave and I also told them about Kim, that I really needed
to get out of here and go back to see my young son, and that I would die here if I
stayed here.

And the good news is that.

I actually cried a lot during the meeting and I showed them my injured leg during
the meeting and then I begged them to let me leave until they looked into my
health. me and they took pity on me and accepted my request.
leave, on a condition that is due to the terms and conditions of the United
Nations, under the contractual agreement that I signed, before I was accepted to
work here

I was told in the meeting that the only condition that the United Nations
headquarters could allow me to leave here was that.
A letter must be written and sent to the email address of the United Nations
headquarters, asking them to allow me to take leave, and the letter must be written
by any member of my family, wife, fianc� or anyone close to me,
for the UN to make sure its staff is safe when I'm allowed to leave.
And after the letter was sent to the UN headquarters, whether or not I was allowed
to leave was in the hands of the UN headquarters, after they read and carefully
checked the letter sent to them.
This is the only condition that I can be allowed to leave here if the United
Nations headquarters accepts the letter that will be sent to them asking me to
leave here and return to Vietnam.

As I have been reminded that it is one of the terms and policies of the United
Nations, that I can only leave here upon request to leave here from any family
member, wife, marriage my wife or anyone close to me or my friends for safety
reasons and for the United Nations to make sure I'm safe when I'm allowed to leave
if they consider the letter and accept it leaving letter

And honey, you know that I have no as my family apart from you and my little young
So When i heard this I felt so bad and disappointed as i do not have anyone as my
family around me except Kim, and my son can not apply for my leave?
because my son is very young and what will I do then?
Since I don't have a family and no one to help
me to request for my leave

I then asked in the meeting if it was possible for you to write the letter and sent
it to the UN as my fianc�e and someone that is close to me, to ask the the United
Nations to let me leave there return back to Vietnam since i don't have relatives
to contact now.

And i was so happy when then the UN has accepted you to write the letter and send
it to the United Nations Headquarters email
Requesting them to let me leave here and come to Vietnam

And after the letter is sent to them successfully, the decision depends on the
United Nations Headquarters to decide whether they will allow me to leave here,
or not.
So now, The UN has accepted you to help me write the letter and send it to them
asking for my leave to here and return back to you in Vietnam

This has made me so happy that there is about %90 possibility that i will get out
of here and be with you my love, i am so happy

Honey, as soon as you can help me to write a letter to the UN, applying for my
leave and when it is been approved, I will leave here immediately and be with you.
Honey, as you know I have no one to write
for my Leave from here right now,
And now you are the only one i have now in my life now.
And you know the only way I can leave here depends on the letter, that means a
letter has to be written and send to the United Nations email, and as soon as the
letter is been approved I will leave here immediately.
Honey all you need to do right now is to write a letter and send it to the United
Nations email address, requesting for
my leave that I should come to Vietnam.
So honey you will have to write the letter and send it to the United Nations email
through your Email.

I am so happy that there is a possibility for me to leave here, my love.

So honey, you will compose the letter and send it through
your email to the United Nations headquarters email at US
And do you know how to compose a letter?
Or can i help you to compose the letter for you, because I know how to compose the

Letting them know that you are my Fiance and I have been away for a very long time.
and we are not married yet.
That you want me to come back and meet you in Vietnam so we can plan on our
Honey this is how you will write the letter and send it to the United Nations.

My love, I will have to help you write and prepare the letter right now for you to
send it to the UN headquarters email address, through your email address
so that they will know that the letter is from
you in Vietnam.
So when i am done composing and preparing the letter i will send it to you here,
then you will send it to the UN email

Honey, I will need your information.

You have to write your information very well and send them to me so that I can
include your information and your address as i am composing and preparing the
And when I am done writing the letter, I will send it to you so that you will send
it from your email to the United Nations email, to let them know that the letter is

from you in Vietnam.

* Your full name

* Resident address
* Phone number
* And email address

Send me the information so i can help you to compose the letter and put your
information in the letter.
And when i am done writing the letter i will send it to you, so you will send it to
the United Nations email

Thank you, honey, i have seen them, please give me some seconds to compose and
prepare the letter and then i will send it to you, i will be fast.
Please, wait here my love
And all thanks to you for making all this to happen, you are a blessing to me.
I am so proud to have you in my life

I am still composing the letter, when i am done, i will sent it to you so that you
can send it to the UN email, please still be here my love

Tu Thi Kieu Anh

Tuyet Match 3, Binh Thuan, Binh Son, Quang Ngai

Application letter to request for my fianc� to leave Iraq and return back to me in

Good day dear United Nations Organization (UN).

I am from Vietnam and I am the fianc�e of Dr. Nguyen Dung Tran
Dr. Nguyen Dung Tran is currently on contract with your organization on a
peacekeeping mission in Iraq.
And I wish to apply and request his leave to return back to me in Vietnam. As I
plead with you to please accept and approve my letter of request to let my Fianc�
to come back to Vietnam.
I am really worried about his health and safety there and i want my fianc� to
come back to me alive and in good health and i am ready to do everything to ensure
his leave, to return back to me in Vietnam.

He will be safe with me, I am his fianc�e and he has a little son that I need to
take care of and to give him motherly care and love.
As it may please you to know that I am in a relationship with him and we have
agreed to meet each other soon so we can make plans for our marriage.
I would be very glad and happy if my request is approved, I hope to receive a
positive response from you as soon as possible and I appreciate your review and

Best regards
Tu Thi Kieu Anh


Honey, that is how you will send the letter in both Vietnamese and English versions
of the letter from your email to the United Nations email so they will understand
the letter.

Honey this is the United Nations email address that you will send the letter to.
Honey just copy the United Nations email address and paste it
Don't add space or anything to it to avoid error and mistake

Baby we need to pray for the UN to reply quick and approve the letter,
because i need to leave this terrible place at once

And my love, you have to always check your email inbox to know when the UN have
replied to us

Wow. honey that is an automatic response from them to let us know that our letter
is successfully being received by them.
And they will reply us back within 24 hours, which means that we have to wait for
their reply within 24 hours.

Honey, we have to wait patiently for their reply.

Thank you my love for making this happen.
You give me all the luck on earth, i have tried this process before and our
supervisor rejected to have a meeting with me concerning my leave, but now
everything is working perfectly, i appreciate you

Honey, have you checked your email inbox, if the UN has responded to us?

Honey, what is still keeping them long?

My love, it is not more than 24 hours.

But they should reply us back
I am getting worried again, or is that they do not accept the letter?

My love, I've been waiting since yesterday and today to get the reply from the UN
and now my heart is beating so fast, because I want to get out of here now when
you have a golden chance to leave.
And I have arranged all my belongings and luggage are ready to leave even if it is
today and now

I have always wished and dreamed of leaving here.

If I die here, I will lose everything I have worked and endured, and who will take
good care of my innocent little son?
When I think about all this, I get more and more anxious and overthinking

I love you so much honey, I want to see you and our kids alive.
When I make a promise to someone, I have to do my best to keep it, and I want to
see you alive so I can fulfill my promise to you.

Same with me too.

Baby, can you try resending the letter to the UN, to let them know we're serious
and waiting for their response.
I am really disturbed and worried about their delay.

I need to leave here at all means

I hate it here my love
My life is in danger here and i am really scared of myself here

I will be very sad if they do not accept the letter

Life is so terrible and miserable over here my love

I believe in my dreams and future.

And please honey promise that you will never leave me behind to be here.
Promise me to stand by me till i get out of here and meet you.
Please can you promise me this, because if you leave me here i swear i will die

Thank you so much my love, i believe in you.

And i am thankful to Buddha that brought you to my life as
my angel, i am really so proud of you, i found myself as the luckiest man on earth
to have you in my life
Honey, it is always very difficult before the United Nations Headquarters can
accept and approve such letter, so I can leave here.
But i believe in my faith and in your prayers that i will leave here

And i am really worried about this

Because they know that when i am on a leave, i may use that opportunity to
terminate and cancel the contracts completely with the United Nations Headquarters
and never come back here to work again,
which is after my leave i will not have to come here to work in this war zone
again, if i successfully terminate my contract on time, before the leave period
This is why they hardly accept such letters to approve my leave, and i am worried
about this.



Honey, I have seen the reply that you sent to me from the UN, I just finished
reading it now.
I am so happy that the United Nations responded to us.
Honey, have you read and understood the response you received from the United

My love, I am so happy that the UN has accepted the letter but they have not yet
approve my leave, because they require us to pay for my life insurance before they
can approve my leave to Vietnam.
I am really worried about it right, now that i have this great opportuinty to leave
And they gave us 3 options to choose the Life insurance package that you can afford
to pay for

Honey, the UN needs you to pay for my Life Insurance before they can approve the
letter to let me leave here
I am really sad and confused right now my love.
I feel so helpless, and you know that i really want to leave this deadly war zone,
and i don't want to miss this chance to leave this deadly war zone.
If this chance passes me by, i will never have this opportunity to leave here again
until i complete my contracts with them, and you know how deadly and horrible this
deadly place is

Please i need your help so badly.

If you leave me here i will die, i am very sure of this, my life is at risk and i
am very lucky that they UN has accepted our letter to let me leave here, due to my
health condition and how i was badly affected by the attack.
And now they only reguest for the payments of my Life Insurance fees for my safety

And they said that they will refund back the money to you after the month of the
life insurance get expired that you paid for,
Please i need you help, i beg you for Kim sake.
I swear on my life i will surely pay you back the money as soon as i arrive
my life is far more better than the money, please don't let me die here, now that i
have this chance to leave in peace

In that UN reply.
The reason why the UN demand for the payments of my life insurance is that, in case
if anything bad happens to me and my health while in Vietnam.
I will be well insured, and the United Nations will be the one to take care of me.
And after the Duration of my life Insurance has expired, The United Nations will
refund your money, back to you.
And this is the only thing that is needed to be done before the UN can let me leave
to ensure that i am in good health when i arrive home.
I am really helpless here, please help me this very last time, my love

My love, i am happy that there is a possibility that i will be free from this dead
zone, but i am worried on how to pay for my life insurance so i can leave this
terrible dead land
I can not pay this money right now and I there is nothing i can do now to pay this
money while i am still here, because i do not have access to my account while i am
still here, due to the current issue that we all are having with our bank, due to
this deadly war and destruction of buildings, banks, companies, schools, offices
and many important buildings.
and all our bank accounts is been frozen by the UN for our safety reasons

It is only when I leave here and arrive in Vietnam, that the UN will activate my
bank account and I will be able to access my bank account and get all my money.
Please help me out of here to save my dear life.
I promise to pay you back as soon i get back to you.
My life is more important than the money, you are the only person that will
understand how i am suffering here.I swear on my life that i will surely pay you
back the money you help to save my life from here

Please i need your help this last time, my life is in danger here, if you leave me
here i will die and leave you and our kids and Kim too.
If i lose this opportunity i will die here, please don't let this happen to me, i
beg of you

Please save my life out of danger, so i can leave here, now that the UN as accepted
me to leave here on the condition to purchase for my Life Insurance.
And this is the only thing that we have to do before my leave can be approved and i
will arrive at Vietnam immediately.
I really want to leave this deadly place

From the UN reply, they gave us 3 payment options to choose from so that we can
afford to make the payment. so we have to choose one of the 3 options that we can
easily afford to pay them so that my vacation letter can be approved and I will
leave here as soon as possible
My love please we have have to choose from the options that you can afford to pay
to save my life from this deadly place, please help me, i will pay back the money
as soon as i arrive at Vietnam with any interest rates that is involved

- $4000 - ( 94,900,000.00 vnd ) = 1 month life insurance premium

- $8000 - ( 187,800,000.00 vnd ) = 2 months life insurance premium

- $12000 - ( 281,700,000.00 vnd ) = 3 months life insurance premium

Let me convert the amount from dollars to Vietnamese dong so you understand how
much we are required to pay for my Life insurance premium, my love

Honey the UN wants us to choose among the 3 option that you can pay, so we have to
choose among the 3 option that you want to pay for my Life insurance

My love, The UN has given us 3 payment options to choose from that we can afford to
make the payment. so we have to choose one of the 3 options that we can easily
afford to pay them so that my vacation letter can be approved and I will leave here
as soon as possible.
Please help me my love.
I will surely pay you back, i mean my words.
You are all i have now to ask for help, i am really so helpless right now, please
help me to leave this deadly war zone

My love, please i need your help for this last time so i can leave this deadly
warzone immediately.
I don't want to lose this great chance.
Honey please my love, i need you to help me
and pay for my life Insurance fee, so i can leave here, it is the only thing left
to do before my leave letter can be approved and then i can leave this war zone
And i promise to pay you all what you have spent for me. as soon i get out of here
My life here is more important to you, not the money.
How painful and sorrowful will it be to hear that i have died here.
Please try your best for me, i am really so sad right now

Please my love, i need you to help me pay for my life insurance fee. so that i can
leave here, now that i have this great chance
I really need you to help me and when I get to Vietnam, I will be able to access my
bank account and I will immediately refund you the money you spent. please help me
my love, i am deeply in need of your help honey.
And after the Duration of my life Insurances has expired, The United Nations will
still refund your money, back to you.
Please i need your help now that i am lucky to have this golden opportunity to
leave this war zone for good

Honey, you really have to get me out here now that I have this opportunity.
Here is too dangerous and deadly honey, I don't want to die here my love, and leave
you and my son behind.
You are all I have in my life.
I assure you that I will pay you back as soon as I am back to Vietnam, with even
interest, that money is too small for me to pay, if I could access my bank account

Please i need your help my love, for the sake of my life and kid please help me out
of here honey.
I wish i had a family to help me now.
But i am an orphan and i have no one except you and Kim.
I have all the money i need but i need to leave here first, and the whole thing has
made me to look like a beggar.
This is so sad and unbearable for me.
Please my love help me to save my life out of here and i will repay you back, and
even when the UN will refund back the money to you after my life insurance period
expired, i will not ask you to pay me back the money

The Life insurance fee is the fee that covers all my health related issues ..
incase i fall sick when i am with you in Vietnam the United Nation will be
responsible to take care of me because you paid for the Life insurance fee.
honey...please i really want you to try help me pay the fee? I want you to help me
and when I get to Vietnam I will be able to access my bank account and I will
immediately refund you the money you spent.
And after the Duration of his life Insurances has expired, The United Nations will
still refund your money, back to you.
And then you will have all my working benefits as my finance.

I beg you
with Buddha's name, my dear wife to help.
because if I miss this opportunity, I will never have it again

And from the response from the United Nations, they say there is also a form
attached that you should fill out and return to them after the payment has been
made so that they can process my vacation letter immediately.

I am so worried and confused, i don't know what to do now, my love.

Please i need your help, try and get me out of here honey.
Honey the life insurance fees are very important for me as i will travel to Vietnam
due to the current situation.
The important thing right now is to leave this deadly war zone at once now that I
have the opportunity, honey.

My love, I understand you very well honey.

Baby, I want you to find a way to get me out of this dangerous place.
We are been given 3 options, we have to choose one of the 3 options that you can
afford to pay for my life insurance premium.
I am so depressed now, i do not know what to do, i need to leave here now that i
have this golden opportunity my love.

Yes my love, i will be very happy if you can find a way to help me out of here and
i will forever have peace of mind when i cancel my contract with the UN so i will
not have to come back to work here in this war zone.
I want to live a happy and peaceful life with you and our children in a beautiful
and calm place in Vietnam, and when i am back i will start my investment in real
estate business and also build my own private hospital in Vietnam, so we will have
more source of income and money to live a happy life together, my love.
I have plans for all that, and this is my only chance to leave this place
As so I arrived in Vietnam I will activate my account immediately and pay you back
the money.

I have informed you before that I do not have access to any funds in this place. I
feel bad that the money involve is small that i can take care of it all by myself
if i have access to my bank now, i would not have to bother with anything, my love
The banks and every institution in this place were shot down and inactive because
of the official war going on
My account is also inactive.
I will be very happy if you can find a way to help me
this is my only chance to leave this place, please my love do me this favor to save
my life out of this terrible dead land

As so I arrived in Vietnam I will activate my account immediately and pay you back
the money.
Honey, you really have to get me out here now that I have this opportunity.
Here is too dangerous and deadly honey, I don't want to die here my love


My love.
as soon as i will leave here i will look for a way to terminate my contract with
the UN while i am on vacation.
If you can help me to pay for 2 or 3 months.
I'll be fine with that because I'll have enough time in Vietnam to proceed with the
termination of the contract with them while I'm on leave.
Because when i leave here,
I will not come back here again, I will look for a way to terminate and cancel my
contracts from the United Nations Headquarters, while i am still on leave, so that
i will not have to come back here again, that is why
I need us to go for either 3 or 2 months so that i will have enough time to do this
while i am on leave

I will love us to choose 3 or 2 months leave, if you have enough money from the
loan because, as soon as i leave here and arrive in Vietnam, I will apply for the
termination of my contracts with the UN Headquarters and then I will sign all
necessary files and documents to terminate and cancel the contracts with the United
so I will not return back to this deadly war zone again. this might take longer to
process it.
and I will need much time to process the termination
of the contract.
because if my vacation period get expired and I do not have enough time to
terminate my contract successfully, i will be requested to return back here to
resume work and complete the contracts.

This is why i want us to pay for 3 or 2 months of my Life Insurance so that i will
have much time to spend in Vietnam with you and process the termination of my
contracts with the UN before my vacation get expired,
Because the leave is always approved once and we will not be able to request for
another vacation letter if i do not have much time to meet up in terminating of my

That is necessary that we have to go for either 3 or 2 months vacation so that i

will have enough time to do all this, 1 month will not be enough
for me, my love
I do not want to continue with this deadly and terrible contract again.
Please try your best for me, my love.
I promise to pay back the loan in 2 weeks as soon i leave here

LOAN & kEEP TRYING ==================

Honey my life is more important to you and my son

I really need you to get a loan and pay for my life insurance.
i can not guarantee to continue the contract with the United Nations due to the war
and terrorism here, though i have already been paid for the years i have serve
here, now i am planning to terminate the contract immediately i leave here to
Vietnam, i do not want to return back to this war zone as soon as i leave here

Honey. I want you to go into loan sharks and borrow money as soon as you make the
payment I will come to Vietnam and pay off all the money you borrowed to help me

Honey, I want you to try as much as you can and get the money for 3 or 2 months so
that when I get to Vietnam I will have much time to spent with you and proccess the
termination of my contracts, by filling and singing up some relevant documents and
files about the cancellation of my contract with the UN.
Because It is done once and we will not be able to request for another vacation
letter, if i do not have much time to meet up in terminating of my contract.
That is neccessary that we have to go for either 3 or 2 months vacation so that i
will have enough time to do all this, 1 month will not be enough for me, my love

Honey. I want you to go into a loan shark, and go through the loan procedures, I
promise to return the money as soon as I return to Vietnam, you have nothing to
worry about.

Honey, just go with any of your identification cards, those are the only things
they can ask for you, but tell them we will return the money in 2 days time when I
arrive in Vietnam
Go to the loan shark and borrow money

Honey. I want you to try to find somewhere to borrow money and pay for my life
insurance, as soon as I get back to Vietnam I'll pay you back.

Honey, you can ask your friends to borrow you money and let them know you want to
use the money for business so they can give you on time. Honey. try to ask your

Honey. please try your best to find somewhere to get money, I assure you, you have
nothing to worry about, I will return it with any amount of interest.
I want you to understand that my life is not safe here, try to find a place to get
money when I return to Vietnam I will return the full amount with interest

Honey. I don't know what to do now, just try your best to find somewhere to borrow
Honey. try your best honey, I want you to try.
Baby, I'll be the one to return the money, you have nothing to worry about.

Honey. I want you to do your best to find somewhere to borrow money and pay or my
life insurance, as soon as I arrive in Vietnam, I will return the full amount with
Honey. you can go to many different places and to get a loan, just try your best

Go and ask for a loan and stop saying what you don't know about
How would you feel if anything bad happened to me
I know you can borrow money, but you're just scared.

Honey. I know the situation is very difficult in your country right now, so I
understand everything you're going through right now, but I also want you to
understand that my life is important, I'm ready to pay back the money with any
interest that is involved.
Honey. you know this place isn't safe for me, I asked you to do your best and ask
your friends, but you didn't

NEXT DAY =========================

Honey. I can't cancel my contract while I'm still here in the war zone... they
won't accept your cancellation. The United Nations doesn't know our plan, because
if it did, I wouldn't come back.
they won't let me leave because I'm one of the hard-working professional doctors
here working in Yemen.

If you really love me why don't you get me out of here I couldn't talk to you
because I feel so much pain in my leg and I can't go to my computer.

Honey. I want you to try as hard as you can, please, it's not safe here, and I
haven't been able to sleep for the past 3 days now.

I'm in the tent resting, I try to walk to my computer, I feel so terrible and I
can't eat.
Honey. I want you to look for money and make the payments so I can start organizing
some of my files and other things.

Please stop whatever you're thinking, and help me with your heart, I want to leave
this place, I don't want to die here, please

Honey. If you have the money right now we can write to United Nations for the
payment details

So temporarily write an email to the lowest level for them to answer how to pay.
Then calculate it
Okay, I will write a detailed letter for you to send them, which 3 options do you
want to pay for?

Honey. waits for me to write the letter for the payment details so that you can
forward it to the United Nations, for the payment.

When I come to Vietnam, I love to eat white rice, but I don't know who can prepare
there for me, because I am not familiar with Vietnamese food.
I can't just wait to leave here
I am not used to Vietnamese food, but I will love eat white rice. before I will get
used to other foods


Good day to you from the United Nations Headquarter.

Dear Nguy?n Th? Thu Lan.

We wish to inform you that we have received your letter on the request for your
fiance's Leave.
We see it as necessary that your fianc�, Dr. Nguyen David Tran leave letter needs
to be approved because of his health status,
and we have decided to reply to you after a lot of deliberation and consultation of
the conditions that have to be met for us to accept and approve the Vacation letter
for your fianc�, Dr. Nguyen David Tran, who is present with the United Nations
mission in Iraq and for that reason.

The United Nations have accepted Dr. Nguyen David Tran on a vacation to Vietnam on
your request and due to the recent war attack that happened at his base camp and
how he has been affected by the terrible attack.
As you are well informed that he is on a peacekeeping mission in Iraq and for
that reason,
there are certain things that have to be done urgently so that his vacation letter
can be approved to leave here and be with you as soon as possible,
which is.
There has to be a payment made
which is to be paid in accordance with the required duration of months you can
afford to purchase for before his leave letter will be approved

- $ 3,500 = 1 month
- $ 6,000 = 2 months
- $ 9,500 = 3 months

This is to be paid for his Life Insurance Fees and as soon as his Life Insurance
fees is paid, his vacation letter will be granted and approved on a leave as soon
as possible because we have to insure his life before he can leave, so that if
should in case anything happens to him in your Country, related to his health
issues. The United Nations will be responsible to take care of him. And after the
Duration of his Life Insurances period has expired, The United Nations will refund
your complete money to you.
You have to choose among the 3 options that you can afford to pay for your
Fiance Life Insurance fee and also fill the attached form and send it back to us as
soon as possible after the payment has been made,
so we can process and approve his Leave letter immediately.

And in addition, you will send us any of your recent Identity (driver�s
license, international passport, or national identity card) for record keeping and
proper documentation.
Kindly do this as soon as possible so that we can finalize the approval of his
Leave letter as soon as possible. Upon your request.
We shall provide you with the payment details for his Life Insurance Fee before
his vacation can be granted.
Avoid covid, stay safe and stay healthy.

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