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HR Activities Terms

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SoD= Segrigation of Duties

2. DoA= Delegation of Authorirty
3. JD= Job Description
4. PCF= Personnel Confidential Files
5. TNA= Training Needs Analysis
6. EoC= End of Contract
7. TL= Transfer Letter
8. DL= Dismiss Letter
9. NoC= No objection Certificate/ No other claims
10. PSEA policy= Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policy
11. AWSP= Annual workplace skills plan
12. AoR= Allocation of Responsibility
13. Role Metrix
14. SLA= Service Level Agreement
15. F&FS= Full and Final Settlement
16. EVP= Employee Value Proportion
17. MDM= Master Database Management
18. Metadata=(data model, schemas, standards and rules repository, data monitoring)
19. ATS= Applicant Tracking System
20. IRCA= Injury Root Cause Analysis
21. PLB= Pregnant Log Book
22. SAR= Sickness Analysis Report
23.EEP= Employees Engagement Programs
24. Recruitment Metrix Report
25. HR Processs Effectiveness Report
26. Employer Branding Impact report
27. MOUs= Memorandums of Understanding
28.SBU HR= Strategic Business Unit HR
29. CAP Report= Curretive Action Plan Report
30. PC = Participation Committee
31. SC= Safety Committee
32. Anti Harassment Committee
33. OHS= Occupational Health and Safety committee
34. Canteen Committee
35. MSDS= Materials Safety Data Sheet
36. CSDS= Chemical Safety Data Sheet
37. PPE= Personal Protective Equipment
38. COC= Code of Conduct
39. CAR Report= Corrective Action Recommendations Report
40. HR Reports like - Headcount, Manpower Movement, working hour, line transfer, incentive,
Tiffin order, Nightshift
41. SOPs= Standard Operating Procedures
42. KPIs= Key Performance Indicators
43. Employees & Workers skill Matrix assessment
44. Nirapon SMS 90 days program reporting
45. H&M Quarterly perfromance validation
46. Employees wellbeing programs
47. SHE protocols= Safety, Health & Environment protocols
48. POC= Point of contract
49. Employee life cycle
50. CHRO= Cheif Human Resource Officer
51. PIP= Performance Improvement Plan
52. OE = Organizational Excellence
53. HRDM= HR Database Management
54. HRIS= HR Information System
55. ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
56. SAP = Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing
2. HR & Complaince activities related terms which may help you for understanding - Part-2

1. TNA= Training Needs Assessment

2. SME= Subject Matter Expert
3. KM= Knowledge Management
4. LEM= Learning Exexution Monitoring Section
5. TB= Training Budget
6. SDT= Skill Development Training
7. CBT= Competency based Training
8. BV= Budget Variance
9. CLDP= Certified Learning and Development Professional
10. ToT= Training for Trainers
11. TMS= Trainer Management System
12. OJA= On the Job Assignment
13. MEL= Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
14. 360° Evaluation
15. IR= Industrial Relations
16. ER= Employee Relations
17. OKR=Objectives and Key results
18. TOR= Terms of references
19. EWS= Early Warning System
20. F&FS= Full and Final Settlement
21. WFH emails= Work from Home emails
22. HRIS= Human Resource Information System
23. ELCM= Employee life cycle Management
24. SOPs= Standard Operating Procedures
25. COC= Code of Conduct
26.H&S= Health and safety
27. OH&S= Occupational Health and Safety
28. OHSMS= Occupational Health and Safety Management System
29. QMS= Quality Management System
30. EMS= Environment Management System
31. MDQMS=Medical Device Quality Management System
32. CTPAT= Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
33. CAP= Corrective action plan
34. CHRO= Cheif Human Resources Officer
35. SLAs= Service level Agreements
36. SLCP= Social & Labor Convergence Program
37. BWB= Better Work Bangladesh Program
38. SEDEX= Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SMETA)
39. GSV Audit= Global Security Verification
40. WRAP= Worldwide Responsible Accridated Production
41. BSCI= Business Social Compliance Initiative
42. FCCA Audit
43. SCS Audit-Supply Chain Security Audit
44. RSC= RMG Sustainability Council
45. WPC= Workers Participation Committee
46. GC= Grievance Committee
47. PA System= Public Annuncement System
48. SBU= Strategic Business Unit
49. BEPZA= Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
50. SLD= Single Line Diagram
51. LPS= Lightning Protection System
52. TSDS= Technical Safety Data Sheets
53. FSCD= Fire Service and Civil Defence
54. NIRAPON Standards
55. BNBC= Bangladesh National Building Code
56. ETP= Effluent Treatment Plant
57. ERP= Enterprise Resource Planning software
58. HR Cloud
59. CSR= Corporate Social Responsibility
60. OCS Audit
61. GRS Audit
62. GOTS Audit
62. EMV Audit
63. ISO Audits
64. OEKO-TEX Audit (STeP)
65. FSC Audit
66. ECC Audit
67. BGAPMEA Audit
68. Higg vFEM Audit
69. ICS Audit
70. NEXT Audit
71. INDITEX Audit
72. PRIMARK Audit
73. KIABI Audit
74. MANGO Audit
76. C&A Audit
77. ESPRIT Audit
78. S. Oliver (Monthly Basis) CAP
79. Higg FSLM
80. SVCOC Audit
81. BEPI Audit
82. ZDHC Audit
83. BHIVE/BVE3 Audit
84. REGENAGR Audit
85. QMS ISO 9001:2015 Audit
86. EMS ISO 14001:2015 Audit
87. OHSMS ISO 45001:2018 Audit
88. Buyers Code of Conduct(COC)
89. L&D= Learning and Development
90. OD= Organizational Development
3. HR & Complaince activities related terms which may help you for understanding - Part-3

1. LEM= Learning Execution Monitoring

2. TB= Training Budget
3. BV= Budget Variance
4. Target Buyers' Audit
6. GEMBA Walk
7. LEAN Practice
8. SMETA(Sedex)= Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit
9. BOM= Bill of Materials
10. SWOT Analysis= Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppourtunities & Threats Analysis
11. Environment Audits
12. Technical Audits
13. VTS= Vehicle Tracking System
14. VDRA= Vehicle Daily Running Activity
15. MLC= Medical Legal Case
16. CGC by BSEC = Corporate Goverence Code
17. BSEC= Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
18. RJSC= Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and firms
19. Thomas Psychometric Test
20. Bell Curve
21. BCMEA= Bangladeah Ceramic Manufacturers & Exporters Association
22. CRM= Customer Relationship Management
23. CRO= Chief Relationship Officer
24. AOR= Area of Operations
25. GP= Gross Profit
26. GDS= Global Distribution System
27. CD= Country Director
28. DSO= Day Sales Outstanding
29. BTMA= Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
30. LOTO= Lock Out Tag Out
31. BPO= Business Process Outsourcinh
32. CX= Customer Experience
33. HRBP= Human Resource Business Partner
34. RM= Raw Materials
35. PM= Packing Materials
36. RRF= Recruitment Request Form
37. SGS Audit
38. HRP= Human Resource Planning
39. HRB= Human Resource Budget
40. NMS= Non Management Staff
41. WIP= Work In Process
42. SCMS= Supply Chain Management System
43. T&A plan= Time and Action Plan
44. ROI= Return On Investment
45. HVAC= Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning
46. TQM= Total Quality Management
47. QMS= Quality Management System
48. CMS= Chemical Management System
49. 4 point febric inspection system
50. Sewing line 7 point check practice system
51. RCA= Root Cause Analysis
52. 6S= Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardize, Sustain and safety
53. TDS = Tax Deducted at Source
54. VDS= VAT Deducted at Source
55. AQL= Acceptable Quality Level
56. OQL= Overall Quality Level
57. SMV= Standard Minute Value
58. NPT= Non Productive Time ( Loss Time)
59. BLC= Bangladesh Labor Code
60. OB= Operation Bulletin
61. NPI= New Product Introductions
62. AGM= Annual General Meeting
63. ZLD= Zero Liquid Discharge by reduce, reuse, recycle etc.
64.RFT%= Right First Time
65. DHU= Defects per Hundred Unit

Sales HR activities related terms which may help you for understanding - Part-4

1. SoP= Statement of purpose

2. SKU= Stock Keeping Unit
3. AIC= Area In Charge
4. RM= Regional Manager
5. SR= Sales Representatives
6. CM= Cycle Man
7. PR= Public Relations
8. GRN= Goods Received Note
9. ASM= Area Sales Manager
10. TSO= Territory Sales Officer
11. MPO= Material Promotion Officer
12. Sales Trends
13. Sales Forcast
14. Competitive price analysis report
15. SEO= Search Engine Optimization
16. SEM= Search Engine Marketing
17. B2B sales= Business to Business Sales
18. B2C sales= Business to Customer/Consumer sales
19. PA= Party Acceptance
20. GOB= Government of Bangladesh
21. SPRO= SAP Project Refference Object
22. Bottlenecks
23. Primary/ Secondary sales report
24. Memo Report
25. Target vs Achievement Report
26. UML flow diagram= Unified Modeling Language flow Diagram
27. TA= Tiffin Allowance
28. DA= Daily Allowance
29. DSO= Daily Sales Outstanding
30. AOP= Annual Operating Plan
31. A&M strategy= Advertisements and Marketing strategy
32. NOPBT= Net Operating Profit Before Tax
33. FG= Finished Goods
34. TT= Team Tracker
35. CMP= Corporate Messaging Platform
36. Blank(new) Market
37. DO= Demand Order
38. DO vs Collection status
39. PICs= Point of contacts
40. ASR= Area Salea Representative
41. ATL= Above The Line Marketing
42. BTL= Below The Line Marketing
43. TTL= Through The Line Marketing
44. PDCA= Plan, Do, Check, Act
45. DP= Dealer Point
46. GP= Gross Profit
47. SSI score= Social Selling Index score
48. IOQs= Initial/ Incremental Order Quantities
49. OEM= Original Quipment Manufacturer
50. DSM= Divitional Sales Manager
HR & Compliance activities related terms which may help you for understanding -Part-5
1. KPI based performance apprisal
2. KPI feedback form
3. Bell curve analysis for C&B recommendations
4. KPI Monitoring
5. 4-level evaluation
6. HRIS for white coller employees
7. HR dashboard with key metrics
8. Provident Fund Voucher
9. Gratuity Voucher
10. Provident Fund Investment
11. Loan from Provident Fund
12. Gratuity probation calculation
13. Performance Improvement Plan(PIP)
14. Daily Attendance Report
15. Punch Missing Report
16. Attendence Summary Report
17. Late Punch Report
18. Bank forwarding for monthly salary,OT, EL encashment, Final Settlement, other payments
19. Fire control panel monitoring (System Warning, Supervisory,trouble)
20. Public Announcement (PA) Sysytem Monitoring
21. Structured interview, Technical knowledge assessment, behavioural questions
22. HR Metrics and trends
23. Job satisfaction Survey
25. ATS= Applicant Tracking System
26. Talent pipeline
27. CCTV Management
28. Time and motion study
29. SMV calculation,Line lay out,Line balancing, efficiency calculation
30. Counselling on service rules, company rules,regulations, policies,procedures, discipline
31. Councelling to the absentee
32. Employee turnover
33. Councelling to inefficient employee
34. Councelling to aggrieved employee
35. LMS= Learning Management System
36. Full cycle of Disciplinary action procedure
37. Data records of registers like Maternity Leave,safety, Participatory committee(PC), Training,
Canteen,child care registers
38. Regulatory documentation of ISO, BSTI, HACCP
39. Training needs assessment (TNA) survey and Development needs
40. Making business cases and design training materials
41. Training budget
42. Evaluating the effectiveness of training
43. Online training materials
44. Developing strategies, budgeting,initiatives to promote and achieve a culture of excellence and
employee engagement
45. Develop orgaizational calender of activities
46. Develop factory control system
47. Identifying hidden risks and non-conformity issues.
48. Maintain a database of conpany vehicle(vegicle registration number,registration date,
configuratiom of vehicle,Tax Token, Fitness,route permit renewal date,type of fuel, namer of user and
driver,license number etc.)
49. HR Budget- Yearly/ Quarterly in line with Annual Business Plan(ABP)
50. ACR= Annual Confidential Report
HR & Compliance activities related terms which may help you for understanding -Part-6 (Partial)

1. Functional and Technical Training

2. Competency based team building interventions
3. Employee engagement initiatives through employee survey, Suggestion box,Health and wellness
competition etc.
4. Staff benefits like staff car loan, staff house building loan, Furniture benefits, Mobile bill allowances,
TA/DA etc.
5. Safety protocols and regulations
6. Healthy workplace maintaing efficient operation of safety,Hygiene and Environment
7. Employee morivation factors
8. Grievance and Labor handling
9. Conflict Management
10. Company’s calender of activities such as birthday, anniversaries, monthly events, Community
service etc
11. Master Corporate calender of all conference, all hands-events,vacations,holidays
12. Policy awarness
13. Address unique hazards from electrical safety, fall protection,Fire safety, Equipment handling
14. Investigation of workplaces near mises, incidents and accidents
15. Analyze root cause and implement corrective actions plan to prevent recurrence.
16. Company’s emergency response plan for fires, electrical emergency, critical situations
17. Executive travel, hotel and dining arrangements
18. Safety Evaluation & Remediation, Safety reports, safety committee meetings, safety audits,safety
performance, safety practices and processes.
19.ESIA- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
20. Visiting Floor for verifying below safety aspects and workers` welfare facilities in terms of law,
buyers COC and company policy, Electrical Safety, Fire safety, Structural Safety, Machine Safety. Find
out Probable hazard in workplace, resolve immediately if possible by communicating with concern
department. Follow up previous observation.
21. Developing safety and precautionary signage/ symbol.
22. Follow up stack Air emission, sound, indoor air, Indoor light, VOC, waste water & chemical related
23. OE= Organizational Excellence, HR R&D,
24. KAIZEN culture
25. In house skill based training programs.

4. Production HRBP activities related terms which may help you for understanding - Part-7
1. PP Meeting= Pre Production Meeting
2. CM= Cost of Making
3. GMP= Good Manufacturing Practice
4. GLP= Good Laboratory Practice
5. NPDT= Non Productive Down Time
6. Operation Bulletin
7. Line Layout
8. Capacity graph
9. Line balancing
10. Efficiency report
11. Operatiors assessment on recruitment
12. DPR=Daily Production Report
13. FIFO= First In First Out
14. COA= Certificate of Analysis
15. LOR= Letter Of Recognition
16. 3P= Third Party
17. CNPs= Community Nutrition Promoters
18. SEA= Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
19. CIP= Clean-In-Place
20. CP= Chaneel Partner
21. IPC= Initial Production Check
22. HPLC= High Performance Liquid Chromatography
23. GC= Gas Chromatography
24. MOM= Manufacturing Operations Management
25. SSHP= Site Safety and Health Plan
26. LPG= Liquefied Petroleum Gas
27. EOG= Ethylene Oxide Gas
28. MSDS= Material Safety Data Sheet
29. OOS= Out Of Specifications
30. CAPA= Corrective Action Preventive Action
5. HR & Compliance activities related terms which may help you understand -Part-9
1. Suggestion box
2. Open door policy
3. Motivational program for absenteeism
4. Formation of union
5. Formation of Joint Manufacturing Committee
6. Formation of co-operative society
7. Formation of welfare committee
8. Conflict resolution
9. Employee shift plan
10. CCTV surveillance system utilization
11. TOT= Training for Trainers
12. Knowledge Management
13. 9 box Tools
14. Labor relations
15. Labor Welfare
16. Basic knowledge of compensation
17. Annual retreats
18. Team outing
19. Paid time of 24 days (CL&SL)
20. Maternity Leave with benefits
21. Paternity leave
22. People Management
23. Employment laws and regulations (BLL & BLR)
24. HR software and tools
25. Handle Sensitive and confidential information with discretion
26. Factory laws, Fire laws, Environmental laws, BNBC
27. Overtime, Holiday duty, Night shift allowance
28. Life insurance, Health insurance, Medical insurance, Discount on diagnostic, Group life
29. Work from home facility
30. Employee Training Feedback
31. Annual performance development dialogues
32. Organization Restructuring interventions
33. Career management process and framework
34. Cross-functional capability across business operations
35. WPPF= Workers Profit Partnership Fund, Provident Fund, Welfare Fund
36. Leadership and specialist role
37. Hazards, Near Miss, Serious incidents, injuries, minor accident, fatal accident, Death
38. Environment-related development projects like Higg FEM(Wordly), ZDHC, VBE3
39. Product related Audit like GRS, GOTS, OCS
40. KPI-based PMS Software
41. Workplace safety and security protocols
42. Job Advertisement on Job websites, career websites, Job boards, social networks
43. Employee Branding & Employer Branding in social media like LinkedIn, Facebook,
Instagram, Youtube
44. Welcome packs for newly hired employees
45. Revamping employee orientation / Induction/ onboarding
46. Update with industry trends and best practices
47. Negotiation of job offer and compensation process
48. Resolve employee grievances
49. LFA= Leave Fair Allowance
50. Disciplinary Actions

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