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Dispersibility and Size Control of Silver
Nanoparticles with Anti-Algal Potential Based on
Coupling Effects of Polyvinylpyrrolidone and
Sodium Tripolyphosphate
Mingshuai Wang, Haibo Li *, Yinghua Li *, Fan Mo, Zhe Li, Rui Chai and Hongxuan Wang
School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China; (M.W.); (F.M.); (Z.L.); (R.C.); (H.W.)
* Correspondence: (H.L.); (Y.L.)

Received: 10 May 2020; Accepted: 27 May 2020; Published: 29 May 2020 

Abstract: In nearly all the cases of biotoxicity studies of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), AgNPs used
often have general dispersibility and wide size distribution, which may inevitably generate imprecise
results. Herein, a kind of synthesis method by coupling effects of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and
sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) was proposed, in order to prepare AgNPs with better dispersibility
and a stable size. Based on this, the preparation mechanism of AgNPs and the potential anti-algae
toxicity were analyzed. UV-vis analysis showed that the particle size distribution of AgNPs prepared
by co-protective agents was more uniform. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron
microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
were used to confirm that the obtained nano silver was of a high purity and stable size (~30 nm
in diameter). Zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis results
indicated the synthesis mechanism of AgNPs by co-protective agents, more precisely, PVP limited
the polynegative effect and prevented the linear induction of P3 O10 5− produced by STPP during the
growth of silver nuclei. Subsequently, Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus were utilized to test the
toxicity of AgNPs, confirming that AgNPs synthesized through co-protective agents have potential
inhibitory ability on algae, but not severe. This study provides a basic theory for the induction of
synthetic AgNPs by various factors in the natural environment and a scientific reference for the
environmental risk assessment.

Keywords: silver nanoparticles; dispersibility; coupling mechanism; anti-algal

1. Introduction
Over the past decades, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been widely applied for their unique
dimensional structures and performance superiorities, such as antibacterial [1,2], antifungal [3,4],
anti-algal [5,6], catalytic [7,8], and photoelectric properties [9,10]. Many investigations into the
biological and chemical synthesis methods of AgNPs with multiple shapes and sizes have been
reported [11–15]. Although these previous results were expansive, data to explain the growth process
are still scare. Such an explanation requires the exploration and perfection of the synthetic mechanism.
In general, there are two protective mechanisms for maintaining the stability of nanoparticles
during chemical synthesis, namely the electrostatic repulsion of small molecule protectants [16]
and the steric hindrance of macromolecular polymers [17]. When the pH of an aqueous solution
is higher than the zero-potential pH (pHPZC ) of nano silver, its surface without coating adsorbs
some negatively charged groups (e.g., hydroxide ions and oxygen-containing groups) and maintains

Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042; doi:10.3390/nano10061042

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stability via electrostatic repulsion [18]. Nano silver that is stabilized by steric hindrance has a
stronger anti-electrolyte interference ability and can exist stably under relatively high ionic-strength
conditions [19]. However, few studies [20,21] have combined two protective mechanisms to explore
their common mechanism for the synthesis of AgNPs.
Furthermore, in the biotoxicity experiments of AgNPs, the studies show that the most obvious
toxic effect of AgNPs on algae is to inhibit growth [22]. It may also adsorb and aggregate on the surface
of algae cells, which in turn leads to the destruction of the cell membrane or skeleton structure and
to the damage of organelle functions, thus inhibiting the material metabolism and photosynthesis of
algal cells [23]. However, most of them used AgNPs with general dispersibility and wide particle size
distribution for experiments, which would affect the evaluation of their biological toxicity and make
them difficult to be convinced. The dispersibility of AgNPs in the water environment may have a
difference in the toxicity of biomolecules, and this difference has not been confirmed.
Therefore, a hypothesis would be proposed that sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) was used as a
small molecule protectant and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as a macromolecular polymer
to investigate whether coupling mechanism would occur during the synthesis of AgNPs. The steric
hindrance effect of PVP and the electrostatic repulsion effect of STPP may synergistically promote
the dispersibility and stability of AgNPs or affect the entire redox process. In this present study,
PVP and STPP were used together as a protective agent for synthesizing AgNPs, with silver nitrate
(AgNO3 ) and glucose as the precursor of silver and the reducing agent, respectively. The obtained
nanoparticles were characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD),
field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), zeta
potential, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses, as a means of explaining the
coupling mechanism of particle size growth and stability during the synthesis process. Finally, Chlorella
and Scenedesmus obliquus were selected to compare the toxicity of nano silver, and we examined the
inhibition potential of AgNPs with different dispersibility to algae.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials
Silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) (99.8%) and sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5 P3 O10 ), which were both
analytical reagents (ARs), were supplied by Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Shenyang, China)
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (K30) was obtained from Macklin (Shanghai, China). Glucose and sodium
hydroxide (Zhiyuan Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd., Tianjin, China) were both reagent-grade, as-received
materials. Deionized water was used as a solvent throughout the experiment.

2.2. Preparation of AgNPs

Several reagent powders were dissolved in deionized water, using glucose (0.1 mol/L) as the
reducing solution, AgNO3 (0.01–0.05 mol/L) as the precursor of silver, PVP (0.1 mol/L), and STPP
(0.05 mol/L) as two protective solutions. The reducing solution, protective solutions, and sodium
hydroxide (0.05 mol/L) were mixed in a three-necked flask. In a constant temperature water bath,
the solution was stirred for 5 min, to even the mixture. Afterward, we added AgNO3 solution,
dropwise, into the flask. Nano silver was obtained after continued heating (bath heating at 80 ◦ C) and
stirring, and was then purified by multiple water washings and high-speed centrifugations. Detailed
parameters for preparing AgNPs are presented in Tables S1–S3.
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2.3. Characterization of AgNPs

2.3.1. Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy

The synthesis of AgNPs was confirmed through UV-vis spectroscopy, at 350 to 600 nm, on a
UV-vis spectrophotometer (Hach DR6000, Loveland, CO, USA). The mother liquor containing AgNPs
was diluted thirty times, to avoid noise signals, and deionized water was taken as reference.

2.3.2. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

The XRD (Panaco X Pertpro, Almelo, The Netherlands) technique was an effective method to
identify the crystal phase of substances. The average particle size in the direction of the corresponding
crystal plane was calculated by using the Scherrer equation. The XRD diffraction intensities were
recorded from 20◦ to 90◦ in 2θ angles, and patterns were analyzed through X’ Pert High Score Plus
software (PANalytical B.V., Almelo, The Netherlands).

2.3.3. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM)

The size and morphology of nano silver were evaluated by FE-SEM (Hitachi S-4800II, Tokyo,
Japan). The test samples were obtained via the drop-casting method, in which a small amount of AgNPs
dispersed in 95% alcohol was first dropped onto a silicon chip and then dried at room temperature,
to deposit. Later, the silicon chip was examined at an acceleration voltage of 2 kV. The obtained
FE-SEM images of nano silver were subsequently processed for their histograms by Nano Measurer
1.2 software (Fudan University, Shanghai, China). Elemental analysis of nanoparticles was performed
by using the equipped energy dispersive X-ray (EDX, Hitachi Limited, Tokyo, Japan).

2.3.4. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

The morphology and dispersion of nano silver were further authenticated by TEM (Hitachi HT7700,
Tokyo, Japan), operated at an accelerating voltage of 120 kV. A drop of colloidal nanoparticles was
placed on a 300-mesh copper grid with a carbon film support and dried for 24 h prior to observation.

2.3.5. Zeta Potential

Zeta potential is the scale of electrostatic interaction in nanoparticles and can be used to predict
the stability of the dispersion system. The zeta potential of AgNPs was determined with a Malvern
Zetasizer NanoZS instrument (Malvern Panalytical Ltd., Malvern, UK).

2.3.6. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

FTIR (Seymour Nicolet iS10, Waltham, MA, USA) identified different types of functional groups
in particles. Measurements were carried out, using scanning wavelengths of 600–4000 cm−1 , with a
resolution of 0.4 cm−1 . The obtained peaks were compared with standard functional group charts.

2.4. Anti-Algal Activity of AgNPs

2.4.1. Algae Cultivation

We selected Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus as experimental subjects, which were unicellular
green eukaryotic microalga. Both algae are outstanding single-cell green eukaryotic microalgae. They
can easily grow in freshwater and have a short culture period, which is preferred for biological
assays. Their cell structure is simple, and the chloroplast contains the green photosynthetic pigments
chlorophyll a and b. It is believed to have high potential for photosynthesis efficiency. We purchased
two algae species from Freshwater Algae Culture Collection at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan,
China, and cultured them in BG11 medium. An artificial climate equipment was used to continuously
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 4 of 15

provide a temperature control of 25 ◦ C and 2000 lux light intensity. The growth and cultivation status
of algae are available in the Figures S1 and S2.

2.4.2. Photosynthetic Pigment Measurement

In order to test the photosynthetic pigments, different concentrations of AgNPs (0.1, 0.3, and
0.5 mmol/L) were added to the cultured algal solution. Two parallel experiments were conducted.
The extraction method of photosynthetic pigment was improved based on the method proposed
by Sartory and Grobbelaar [24]. On the fifth day of incubation, 5 mL of algal culture solution was
filtered through a 0.45 µm filter membrane, which then was cut into pieces and put into a centrifuge
tube. After using alcohol (95%) for extraction, it was dispersed in ultrasound for 15 min, followed
by centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 8 min. We collected the supernatant and measured the absorbance
at 645 and 663 nm, using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The total chlorophyll content was calculated
according to the Arnon formula (Equation (1)) [25].

Total chlorophyll (mg/g) = ([(OD645 × 20.2) + (OD663 × 8)] × V)/(1000 × W) (1)

where V is the chlorophyll extraction volume (mL), and W is the biomass weight of algal (g).

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Synthesis and Parameter Control

3.1.1. Individual Protective Agents versus Combined Protective Agents

AgNPs have a high surface energy and are extremely unstable under the condition of no protective
agent coating. Adding a protective agent to the liquid-phase system to reduce the energy of nano
silver has a great influence on its size and structural formation [26,27]. Three AgNPs (p-AgNPs,
s-AgNPs, and ps-AgNPs) were prepared by Ag/glucose colloidal solution, under different protective
agents (PVP, STPP, and PVP plus STPP), which exhibited surface plasmon absorption band peaks
of 400, 389, and 394 nm, respectively (Figure 1a). Compared with the individual protective agents,
the position of the surface plasmon absorption peak of the AgNPs synthesized by the two protective
agents was intermediate, which means that the particle size of ps-AgNPs was between p-AgNPs and
s-AgNPs. Additionally, the colloidal concentration of ps-AgNPs was larger, and the size distribution
was relatively uniform by analyzing the peak height and width. After a period of time, a large amount
of gray–black precipitate appeared in the colloids prepared by STPP as a protective agent, while the
other two kinds of colloids basically remained in a dispersed state. This phenomenon indicated that the
nano silver colloids prepared by STPP were very unstable. The s-AgNPs were rapidly agglomerated,
i.e., its nanoparticles that were of a broad size range were formed with the passing of time [28].
The effect of the molar ratio of protective agent was investigated on the formation of nanoparticles,
under constant conditions (0.02 M AgNO3 , 15 mL glucose and bath heating at 80 ◦ C), as shown in
Figure 1b. Due to the strong surface plasmon resonance (SPR), AgNPs absorbed approximately 394 nm
of visible radiation. The comparison results illustrated that, when the ratio of PVP/STPP was 4:1,
a higher and narrower absorption peak of the waveform was obtained. Therefore, the synergistic
effect of the electrostatic repulsion and steric hindrance was easily affected by the proportion of
co-protective agents. After the ratio of protective agent was changed, the characteristic SPR band
did not exhibit any red or blue shift, thus suggesting that the particle size was stable substantially.
Hence, an appropriate adjustment of the ratio of the protective agent was beneficial to obtain a regular
AgNPs with a uniform size, which presented better stability and dispersion of AgNPs when the steric
hindrance of PVP dominated.
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Figure 1. (a) Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectra of individual protective agents versus combined
protective agents. (b) UV-vis spectra of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with different initial
Figure 1. (a)
1. (a) Ultraviolet-visible
concentrationsUltraviolet-visible (UV-vis)
(UV-vis) spectra
of AgNO3. Polyvinylpyrrolidone of
spectraisof individual
indicated protective
by p-, agents
and sodium versus combined
versus combined
tripolyphosphate by
s-. agents.(b)(b)
agents. UV-vis
UV-vis spectra
spectra ofnanoparticles
of silver silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
(AgNPs) with with
different different
initial initial
of of AgNO3. Polyvinylpyrrolidone
AgNO3 . Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by is p-,indicated by p-,
and sodium and sodium tripolyphosphate
tripolyphosphate by s-. by
3.1.2. Effects of Temperature and Silver Nitrate Concentration
3.1.2. Effects of Temperature and Silver Nitrate Concentration
Effects2a 2a displays
Temperature the UV-vis
and Silverabsorption spectra
Nitratespectra of AgNPs prepared at different temperatures
the UV-vis absorption of AgNPs prepared at different temperatures
(40, 60, 80, and 100◦ °C), with a reaction time of 20 min. At first, as the temperature rose from 40 to◦80
(40, 60, 80, and
Figure 2a 100 C), with UV-vis
displays a reaction time of 20spectra
min. Atoffirst, as the temperature rose from 40 to 80 C,
°C, the absorption peak the absorption
at 400 nm gradually became stronger;AgNPs prepared
hence, at different
more silver ions weretemperatures
(40, absorption
60, 80, and peak
100 at
°C), 400
with nm
a gradually
reaction timebecame
of 20 stronger;
min. At hence,
first, as more
the silver
temperature ions were
rose converted
from 40 to 80
into nano silver. In addition, such a raise in temperature would have accelerated the movement of
°C, nano
the silver. Inpeak
absorption addition,
at 400 such
nm a raise inbecame
gradually temperature would
stronger; have
hence, accelerated
more silver ionsthe movement
were convertedof
ions, thereby making electrostatic forces active, which would have enhanced the stability. However,
into thereby
nano making
silver. electrostatic
Intoaddition, suchforcesraiseactive,
ahave which would have
in temperature enhanced the stability. However,
a further increase 100
◦ C°C would led to a decreasewould
in thehave accelerated
maximum the movement
absorbance value. Thisof
further increase to 100 would have led to a decrease in the maximum absorbance value. This might
indicate making
that theelectrostatic forces active,
higher temperatures which would
accelerated the ratehave enhanced
of AgNPs the stability.
synthesis, However,
thus causing the
further that the higher
increase to 100 temperatures
°C would accelerated
have led to a the rate of in
decrease AgNPs
the synthesis,absorbance
maximum thus causing the faster
value. This
nucleation growth. When the particle size of nano silver became larger, its dispersibility
might indicategrowth. When
that the the particle
higher size ofaccelerated
temperatures nano silverthebecame
rate larger, its synthesis,
dispersibility thusdeteriorated,
deteriorated, resulting in agglomeration [29]. Therefore, an of AgNPs
equilibrium point between causing the
a good
faster in agglomeration
nucleation [29]. Therefore, an equilibrium point between a good synthesis rate and a
synthesis rate andgrowth.
a uniform When the size
particle particle size of nano
distribution silver at
were found became larger,temperature
the reaction ◦
its dispersibility
of 80
deteriorated,particle size distribution
resulting were found
in agglomeration [29].atthe
the reactionantemperature
Therefore, ofpoint
80 C.between
An even-higher
°C. An even-higher temperature might destroy electrostatic equilibrium
repulsion between AgNPs. a good
temperature might destroy the electrostatic repulsion between AgNPs.
synthesis rate and a uniform particle size distribution were found at the reaction temperature of 80
°C. An even-higher temperature might destroy the electrostatic repulsion between AgNPs.

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a)
Figure 2. (a)
(a) Ultraviolet-visible
Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis)
(UV-vis) spectra
spectra of
of ps-AgNPs
ps-AgNPs synthesized at(b)
synthesized at different
different temperatures,
using 0.02 mol/L AgNO3. (b) UV-vis spectra of ps-AgNPs synthesized with different initial
0.02 mol/L AgNO 3 . (b) UV-vis spectra of ps-AgNPs synthesized with different initial
Figure of
of AgNO
2. (a) Ultraviolet-visible
concentrations (UV-vis) spectra of ps-AgNPs synthesized at different temperatures,
using 0.02 mol/L AgNO3. (b) UV-vis spectra of ps-AgNPs synthesized with different initial
The effect of AgNO3 at
concentrations of AgNO 3.
different initial concentrations in the reaction is exhibited in Figure 2b.
The highest absorption peak position of the prepared colloids was around 400 nm. It is generally
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 6 of 15

believed that the formation of AgNPs includes two processes, nucleation and crystal growth [30].
These two processes existed simultaneously in the entire reaction of adding AgNO3 solution, but
nucleation dominated during the early stage, and nuclear growth dominated later. As the concentration
of silver ions in the colloid increased (0.01, 0.02, and 0.03 mol/L), more nuclei were formed during the
early stage, and sufficient silver was supplied to the nuclei for growth. Therefore, the concentration of
nano silver increased, and the absorption peak position was higher. By further increasing the AgNO3
concentration, the maximum absorbance value began to show a downward trend. We infer that the
scope and ability of the co-protective agents were limited. Increasing the AgNO3 concentration would
have resulted in frequent collisions between grains, thereby leading to the aggregation and deposition
of nanoparticles. Furthermore, we also reported the pH of the solution before and after the AgNPs
were synthesized in Table 1.

Table 1. The pH of the solution before and after the ps-AgNPs were synthesized with different initial
concentrations of AgNO3 .

The Concentration of
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
AgNO3 (mol/L)
pH before synthesis 10.58 10.35 10.17 10.22 10.14
pH after synthesis 5.82 5.44 4.74 4.67 4.83

The pH is an important factor affecting the ionization equilibrium and electrode potential of the
reaction system. Before the synthesis of AgNPs, the overall solution showed alkalinity due to the
ionization of sodium hydroxide. Moreover, as the concentration of AgNO3 increased, the alkalinity of
the reaction system decreased. It was because the hydrolysis of AgNO3 showed weak acidity, which
neutralized part of hydroxyl ion (OH− ). After the synthesis, the reaction solution showed acidity,
indicating that OH− participated in reduction of Ag+ to form Ag by glucose and generated acidic
substances. The addition of alkali was conducive to higher reducing ability; however, it had an adverse
effect on particle agglomeration [31]. According to the acid–base change of the solution, we speculated
that the following reaction process might occur during the synthesis of ps-AgNPs:

2Ag+ + 2OH− → Ag2 O + H2 O (2)

Ag2 O + CH2 OH (CHOH)4 CHO + 2PVP → CH2OH (CHOH)4 COOH + 2Ag(PVP)↓ (3)

3.2. Structural Characterization

3.2.1. XRD Analysis

Figure 3 presents the ps-AgNPs spectra prepared under the initial AgNO3 concentrations of
0.01, 0.02, and 0.03 mol/L. Through X’ pert High Score Plus software analysis, the similarities with
the standard silver crystal XRD diffraction card (01-087-0717) were 92%, 94%, and 96%, respectively
(Figure S3). Moreover, the diffraction peaks of the sample were relatively clear and single, without
miscellaneous peaks, thus indicating that AgNPs of a high purity and stable size were synthesized.
The XRD pattern of AgNPs showed five characteristic 2θ peaks, indexing Bragg’s reflections planes
(111), (200), (220), (222), and (311), which confirmed the face-centered cubic (fcc) phase of Ag. Then,
based on the crystal plane corresponding to the highest peak (111), the average particle sizes in the
direction of the peaks were all 32.4 nm (Tables S4–S6), as calculated by the Scherrer equation, thus
proving that nanoscale elemental Ag was generated.
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Figure 3. Diffractograms of synthesized polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium tripolyphosphate

(STPP) silver nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs), with different initial concentrations of AgNO3.
Figure 3.
3. Diffractograms of
of synthesized
synthesized polyvinylpyrrolidone
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plusplus sodium
sodium tripolyphosphate
FE-SEM and
silver TEM Analysis
silver nanoparticles
nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs),
(ps-AgNPs), with
with different
concentrationsof AgNO33..

3.2.2. The images

Analysis ps-AgNPs at different equimolar concentrations (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04,
3.2.2. FE-SEM and TEM Analysis
and 0.05 mol/L) are shown in Figure 4. The FE-SEM analysis revealed that ps-AgNPs had a smooth
The images
spherical surface.of
images synthesized
synthesized ps-AgNPs at
to the “encapsulation” at different
different equimolar concentrations
of the protective concentrations (0.01,
the edges (0.01, 0.02,
of the0.02, 0.03, were
particles 0.04,
and 0.05 mol/L)
lighter mol/L) are
theare shown in
centers, Figure
in Figure 4. The
4. The
them FE-SEM
to FE-SEM analysis revealed
analysis revealed
be oval/elliptical that
in shapethat ps-AgNPs
[32]. had a smooth
had a smooth
The characteristics of
agglomeration surface.
surface. Due to the
Due nanoparticles
among “encapsulation”
to the “encapsulation” of
were alsoofobserved the protective
the protective agent,
on account theirthe
edges edges of
highofsurface the particles
the particles
than than thecomparing
the centers,
Besides, by causing
causing thethem them
to be
particle to be distribution
size inps-AgNPs
inofshape [32].
[32]. The The characteristics
prepared at different of
of agglomeration
agglomeration among
among nanoparticles
nanoparticles werewere
alsoalso observed
observed on on account
account of of
their their
concentrations, we found they were 30.9 ± 4.2 nm, 26.6 ± 4.4 nm, 31.9 ± 5.0 nm, 31.8 ± 5.9 nm, and 28.2 high surface
surface tension
tension and
± 4.9energy.
which by comparing
by comparing
were consistent thethe
with theparticle
particle size
particle distribution
sizes ps-AgNPs
byps-AgNPs prepared
XRD. Moreover, TEM at provided
at different
further information we found
we found they were
they were
regarding 30.9 ± 4.2
30.9 ± 4.2 nm,
the morphology nm,
and26.6 26.6
± 4.4
size ± 4.4 nm,
nm, 31.9 ±of
distribution 31.9
5.0the ±
nm, 5.0 nm, 31.8
31.8 ± 5.9 nm,
synthesized ±
nano 5.9
and nm,
this ±which
4.9 nm,
concentration which
were werethe
range, consistent
with with the
the particle
morphology and particle
sizes sizes
particle by
of XRD. by XRD.
nano Moreover,
silver Moreover,
TEM provided
remained TEM
further further
consistent, information regarding
regarding the
with the conclusions the
of the morphology and size
and size analyses.
XRD and FE-SEM distribution
Their of
of morphology the
the synthesizedsynthesized
wasnano nano
andthis In this concentration
theconcentration range,
range, the
particle-size-variation the morphology
range and particle size of nano silver remained
was stable.and particle size of nano silver remained basically basically
consistent, with the conclusions
consistent, with the conclusions of the XRDof the XRD andand FE-SEM
FE-SEM analyses.
analyses. Their
Their morphology
morphology was was spheroidal,
and the particle-size-variation range
and the particle-size-variation range was stable.was stable.

Figure 4.4.Images
Figure Imagesand histograms
and of polyvinylpyrrolidone
histograms (PVP)(PVP)
of polyvinylpyrrolidone plus sodium tripolyphosphate
plus sodium (STPP)
(STPP) nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs)
silver nanoparticles with different
(ps-AgNPs) AgNO3 concentrations.
with different FE-SEM: FE-SEM:
AgNO3 concentrations. field emission
field scanning
Figure 4.microscopy;
electron TEM: transmission
Images microscopy;
and electron microscopy.
histograms electron microscopy.
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium tripolyphosphate
(STPP) silver nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs) with different AgNO3 concentrations. FE-SEM: field emission
scanning electron microscopy; TEM: transmission electron microscopy.
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15

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With respect to the p-AgNPs and s-AgNPs, Figure 5 presents their FE-SEM and TEM images for
clear comparison. The p-AgNPs had relatively neat edges and better dispersion. However, the
morphology of the to
With respect s-AgNPs was stretched
the p-AgNPs to a certain
and s-AgNPs, Figure 5extent andtheir
presents exhibited
FE-SEM a short,
and TEM thick rod-like
for clear comparison. The p-AgNPs had relatively neat edges and better dispersion.
shape. Moreover, their particles formed agglomerates, which implies that STPP led to the tendency However,
of the morphologyto
nanoparticles ofstretch
the s-AgNPs was agglomerate.
[13] and stretched to a certain extent and
In addition, exhibited athat
it transpired short,
thethick rod-like
shape. Moreover, their particles formed agglomerates, which implies that STPP led
force could be opened by ultrasonic vibration, given an appropriate power and time, as shown into the tendency of the
nanoparticles to stretch [13]
images under low magnification. and agglomerate. In addition, it transpired that the agglomeration force
could be opened by ultrasonic vibration, given an appropriate power and time, as shown in the images
under low magnification.

Figure (a,d)polyvinylpyrrolidone
polyvinylpyrrolidone silver
silver nanoparticles
(p-AgNPs) andand(b,e) sodium
(b,e) sodium
tripolyphosphate silver nanoparticles
nanoparticles (s-AgNPs)
(s-AgNPs) at at 0.02
0.02 mol/L
AgNO 3 , 3,and
and(c,f) images
(c,f) imagesof of
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) silver nanoparticles
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) silver nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs) (ps-AgNPs) at
0.01 mol/L AgNO
at 0.01 mol/L AgNO in low magnification. FE-SEM: field emission scanning electron microscopy;
3 3 in low magnification. FE-SEM: field emission scanning electron microscopy; TEM:
transmission electron microscopy.
TEM: transmission electron microscopy.
EDX spectra (Figure 6) analysis confirmed the presence of elemental silver by sharp signals around
3 keV, spectra
is a(Figure 6) analysis
typical range confirmed
of metallic the presence
nano crystallites of elemental
optical absorptionsilver by sharp
band [33]. signals
The peak
around 3 keV,
observed which
at 1.75 keV is a typical
belonged to range of metallic
Si, which nano
was formed crystallites
from opticalAabsorption
the SEM carrier. band
spurious peak [33]. The
peak observed at 1.75 keV belonged to Si, which was formed from the SEM carrier.
0 and 2 keV that corresponds to C was derived from the raw materials, and C was coated onto the A spurious peak
surface0ofand 2 keV
AgNPs in that corresponds
the form to Cagents.
of protective was derived
No otherfrom the raw
obvious materials,
impurity peaksand C detected
were was coated
onto the surface
throughout the of AgNPsrange
scanning in theof form of protective
binding agents.
energies. Thus, Noapparent
it was other obvious
that theimpurity peaks
EDX analysis were
evidence ofthe scanningAgNPs.
high-purity range of binding energies. Thus, it was apparent that the EDX
analysis also provided evidence of high-purity AgNPs.
3.2.3. Zeta Potential
As shown in Figure 7, zeta potential was tested for different concentrations and types of nano silver,
to determine their stability. Overall, the synthesized AgNPs were negatively charged, which kept the
nanoparticles in the colloidal suspension. With increased nano silver concentration, the zeta potential of
p-AgNPs decreased and that of the s-AgNPs increased. PVP is primarily used to stabilize nanoparticles
by providing steric resistance, rather than by electrostatic repulsion [34]. As a result, p-AgNPs is less
electronegative. The tripolyphosphate (P3 O10 5− ) produced by STPP acted as a polyanion that interacts
with cationic substances by electrostatic force [35]. As its concentration increased, this electrostatic
repulsion became more pronounced. The zeta potential of ps-AgNPs was lower at lower concentrations,
thus showing an insignificant electrostatic repulsion. When the concentration was increased, the zeta
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 9 of 15

potential was centered in contrast with the other two AgNPs, thereby indicating that PVP limited the
polynegative effect of P3 O10 5− . Combining the microscopy images of the three AgNPs, we observed
that the aggregation state of s-AgNPs was the worst, while p-AgNPs and ps-AgNPs had better
dispersibility. It was concluded that the steric hindrance of PVP played a leading role in maintaining
Figure 6. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium
the stability2020,
Nanomaterials of nanoparticles.
10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15
tripolyphosphate (STPP) silver nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs) at 0.02 mol/L AgNO3.

3.2.3. Zeta Potential

As shown in Figure 7, zeta potential was tested for different concentrations and types of nano
silver, to determine their stability. Overall, the synthesized AgNPs were negatively charged, which
kept the nanoparticles in the colloidal suspension. With increased nano silver concentration, the zeta
potential of p-AgNPs decreased and that of the s-AgNPs increased. PVP is primarily used to stabilize
nanoparticles by providing steric resistance, rather than by electrostatic repulsion [34]. As a result, p-
AgNPs is less electronegative. The tripolyphosphate (P3O105−) produced by STPP acted as a polyanion
that interacts with cationic substances by electrostatic force [35]. As its concentration increased, this
electrostatic repulsion became more pronounced. The zeta potential of ps-AgNPs was lower at lower
concentrations, thus showing an insignificant electrostatic repulsion. When the concentration was
increased, the zeta potential was centered in contrast with the other two AgNPs, thereby indicating
that PVP limited the polynegative effect of P3O105−. Combining the microscopy images of the three
AgNPs, we observed that the aggregation state of s-AgNPs was the worst, while p-AgNPs and ps-
AgNPs had better dispersibility. It was concluded that the steric hindrance of PVP played a leading
role in 6. Energy
6. thedispersive
maintaining stability ofX-ray
dispersive X-ray (EDX)
(EDX) spectra
spectra of polyvinylpyrrolidone
nanoparticles. polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) plus sodium
(STPP) silver
tripolyphosphate (STPP) silver nanoparticles
nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs)
(ps-AgNPs) at
at 0.02
0.02 mol/L
mol/L AgNO

3.2.3. Zeta Potential

As shown in Figure 7, zeta potential was tested for different concentrations and types of nano
silver, to determine their stability. Overall, the synthesized AgNPs were negatively charged, which
kept the nanoparticles in the colloidal suspension. With increased nano silver concentration, the zeta
potential of p-AgNPs decreased and that of the s-AgNPs increased. PVP is primarily used to stabilize
nanoparticles by providing steric resistance, rather than by electrostatic repulsion [34]. As a result, p-
AgNPs is less electronegative. The tripolyphosphate (P3O105−) produced by STPP acted as a polyanion
that interacts with cationic substances by electrostatic force [35]. As its concentration increased, this
electrostatic repulsion became more pronounced. The zeta potential of ps-AgNPs was lower at lower
concentrations, thus showing an insignificant electrostatic repulsion. When the concentration was
increased, the zeta potential was centered in contrast with the other two AgNPs, thereby indicating
that PVP limited the polynegative effect of P3O105−. Combining the microscopy images of the three
AgNPs, we7.observed
Figure Zeta
that theofof
potentials the
the three
three silver
aggregation statenanoparticles
silver of s-AgNPs (AgNPs)
nanoparticles (AgNPs)
was atat different
the worst, concentrations.
p-AgNPs and ps-
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by p-, and sodium tripolyphosphate by s-.
AgNPs had better dispersibility. It was concluded that the steric hindrance of PVP played a leading
role inFTIR
3.2.4. maintaining
Analysisthe stability of nanoparticles.
3.2.4. FTIR Analysis
The surface
The surface functional
functional groups
groups of
of three
three AgNPs
determinedby byFTIR,
shownin inFigure
In comparison with the frequency table of organic compound group vibration [36], the results
In comparison with the frequency table of organic compound group vibration [36], the results of of the
peaks in the same position have been marked. The analysis indicated that the spectra of p-AgNPs,
s-AgNPs and ps-AgNPs exhibited the same bands at 3346.19, 1640.23, 1391.93, 1079.50, and 904.49 cm−1 .
By comparing the expansion of the functional group NH3+ that corresponded to the diffused absorption
band at 2909.21 cm−1 , we speculate that NO3 − could be reduced to NH3+ by glucose only under the
action of PVP and STPP alone. However, when both of the protective agents were present, this reaction
rarely occurred, and the reduction of Ag+ by glucose was merely carried out. On the other hand,
the metal carbonyl CO stretching at 1971.94 cm−1 indicates that the aldehyde group (CHO) of glucose
had been broken and formed the metal carbonyl with the transition metal Ag. Similarly, this reaction
did not occur under the coupling of PVP and STPP. It is worth noting that the peaks at 2909.21 and

Figure 7. Zeta potentials of the three silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) at different concentrations.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by p-, and sodium tripolyphosphate by s-.
this reaction rarely occurred, and the reduction of Ag+ by glucose was merely carried out. On the
other hand, the metal carbonyl CO stretching at 1971.94 cm−1 indicates that the aldehyde group (CHO)
of glucose had been broken and formed the metal carbonyl with the transition metal Ag. Similarly,
this reaction did not occur under the coupling of PVP and STPP. It is worth noting that the peaks at
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 10 of 15
2909.21 and 1971.94 cm−1 were weak, indicating a small reaction intensity. Additionally, the distorted
vibration of the functional group NH2 at 803.24 cm−1 also supported the aforementioned conjecture.
1971.94 cm−1 were weak, indicating a small reaction intensity. Additionally, the distorted vibration of
the functional group NH2 at 803.24 cm−1 also supported the aforementioned conjecture.

Figure 8. 8. Fouriertransform
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
infrared (FTIR)(FTIR)
spectroscopy spectra of three silver
spectra nanoparticles
of three (AgNPs).
silver nanoparticles
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by p-, and sodium tripolyphosphate by s-.
(AgNPs). Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by p-, and sodium tripolyphosphate by s-.
3.3. Formation Mechanism
3.3. Formation Mechanism
The formation of nanoparticles mainly includes three stages: reduction of ions, grouping of
The formation
nanoparticles, andof nanoparticles
subsequent growthmainly includes Moreover,
of nanoparticles. three stages: reduction
the reduction of ions,
process grouping
of metal ions of
is affected by and subsequent
multiple factors, growth
includingofthenanoparticles. Moreover,
reaction conditions the reduction
(e.g., temperature, pH, process of metal
and reaction
ions time)
is affected by multiple
of the mixture system,factors, including
electrochemical the reaction
changes of metal conditions (e.g., temperature,
ions, and properties pH, and
of the protective
reaction [37]. of the mixture system, electrochemical changes of metal ions, and properties of the
protective agentsfollowing
[37].are formation mechanisms for the synthesis of ps-AgNPs with a stable particle size.
Firstly, during the reduction of Ag+ to silver, STPP as a protective agent can dissociate into P3 O10 5− ,
The following are formation mechanisms for the synthesis of ps-AgNPs with a stable particle
which would have combined with Ag+ to form silver triphosphate (Ag5 P3 O10 ). As a consequence of
size. Firstly, during the reduction of Ag+ to silver, STPP as a protective agent can dissociate into
the limited solubility of Ag5 P3 O10 in the solution, the concentration of Ag+ is maintained at a stable
5− , which would have combined with Ag to form silver triphosphate (Ag5P3O10). As a
which prevents the uneven particle size distribution caused by an excessive reduction rate and
stabilizes theof particle
the limited
size. Atsolubility
the same of Agthe
time, 5P3O10 in the solution, the concentration of Ag+ is
addition of PVP also promotes the stabilization of
the colloid at and
a stable level,
prevents which prevents
agglomeration the uneven
among particles. Thisparticle
is mainlysize distribution
because causedinby an
the polar groups
excessive reduction rate and stabilizes the particle size. At the same time, the
its structural unit contain N and O atoms, both of which have lone pair electrons such that they addition of PVP
can also
provide the stabilization
electron of the
clouds for empty colloid and orbitals
sp hybrid prevents +
of agglomeration among particles.
Ag to form coordination This
bonds [38]. is is,
That mainly
the sp orbits are hybridized to form a silver ion complex. Moreover, the linear
because the polar groups in its structural unit contain N and O atoms, both of which have lone pair PVP can continue to
electrons on the surface
that theyofcan
provideparticles after the
electron reduction
clouds of silver.
for empty spThe protective
hybrid layerofformed
orbitals Ag+ to at form
the solid–liquid interface can not only effectively reduce the surface
coordination bonds [38]. That is, the sp orbits are hybridized to form a silver 5− energy, but also uniformly disperse
ion complex. Moreover,
AgNPs in the liquid-phase system [39]. Meanwhile, the linear induction of P3 O10 during the growth
the linear PVP can continue to adsorb on the surface of colloidal particles after the reduction of silver.
of silver nuclei is prevented, and the agglomeration problem is alleviated. In addition, the coupling of
The protective layer formed at the solid–liquid interface can not only effectively reduce the surface
PVP and STPP as protective agents may also limit the progress of other redox reactions.
Nevertheless, we observed that, regardless of the type of protective agent that was used to prepare
the nano silver, different degrees of aggregation would occur after a period of time. This indicates
that the dispersion effect of the protective agent would weaken with time. As a result of the high
specific surface area and surface energy, the nano silver enters a thermodynamically unstable state,
progress of other redox reactions.
Nevertheless, we observed that, regardless of the type of protective agent that was used to
Nevertheless, we observed that, regardless of the type of protective agent that was used to
prepare the nano silver, different degrees of aggregation would occur after a period of time. This
prepare the nano silver, different degrees of aggregation would occur after a period of time. This
indicates that the dispersion effect of the protective agent would weaken with time. As a result of the
indicates that the dispersion effect of the protective agent would weaken with time. As a result of the
high specific surface area and surface energy, the nano silver enters a thermodynamically unstable
high specific
state, and 2020,
the 10, area and
easily energy,
fuse with eachtheother,
nanoinsilver enters
order a thermodynamically
to reunite unstable
[40]. Furthermore,
11 ofthe
agglomeration force can still be opened by ultrasonic dispersion. The synthesis process of the ps-the
and the particles easily fuse with each other, in order to reunite [40]. Furthermore,
agglomeration force can
AgNPs is illustrated still be9.opened by ultrasonic dispersion. The synthesis process of the ps-
in Figure
AgNPs is illustrated in Figurewith
and the particles easily fuse 9. each other, in order to reunite [40]. Furthermore, the agglomeration
force can still be opened by ultrasonic dispersion. The synthesis process of the ps-AgNPs is illustrated
in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Formation process of polyvinylpyrrolidone plus sodium tripolyphosphate silver

nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs). PVP: polyvinylpyrrolidone; STPP: sodium tripolyphosphate.
Figure9.9. Formation
process of polyvinylpyrrolidone
of polyvinylpyrrolidone plus
plus sodium sodium tripolyphosphate
tripolyphosphate silver
silver nanoparticles
3.4. Anti-Algal
(ps-AgNPs). Activity
PVP: of AgNPs
polyvinylpyrrolidone; STPP: sodium tripolyphosphate.
nanoparticles (ps-AgNPs). PVP: polyvinylpyrrolidone; STPP: sodium tripolyphosphate.
The effectActivity
3.4. Anti-Algal of AgNPs on the chlorophyll content was measured, in order to observe the sensitivity
of AgNPs
two algae Activity of AgNPs
toward their toxicity. Here, we compared the anti-algal toxicity with p-AgNPs, s-AgNPs,
and The effect of AgNPs10).
ps-AgNPs on the chlorophyll content was measured, in order to observe the sensitivity
The effect of (Figure
AgNPs on the chlorophyll content was measured, in order to observe the sensitivity
of two algae toward their toxicity. Here, we compared the anti-algal toxicity with p-AgNPs, s-AgNPs,
of two algae toward
and ps-AgNPs their10).
(Figure toxicity. Here, we compared the anti-algal toxicity with p-AgNPs, s-AgNPs,
and ps-AgNPs (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Reduction in total chlorophyll in algae at varying concentrations and types of silver
nanoparticles (AgNPs). (a) Chlorella. (b) Scenedesmus obliquus. Polyvinylpyrrolidone is indicated by p-,
and sodium tripolyphosphate by s-.

The total chlorophyll content in both the algal species (Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus) exhibited
a concentration-dependent decrease following exposure to the three AgNPs at different concentrations
(0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mmol/L). The percentage of the total chlorophyll reduction increased with exposure to
the AgNPs. On the third day of Scenedesmus obliquus cultivation, the chlorophyll content decreased
significantly, by 19.0%, 21.6%, and 25.4%, in response to the applied ps-AgNPs at concentrations of
0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mmol/L. Similarly, the reduction in the chlorophyll content was more pronounced,
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 12 of 15

exhibiting declines of approximately 36.2%, 43.1%, and 44.8%, at the corresponding doses of ps-AgNPs.
The decreased chlorophyll content that was caused by the silver toxicity, which was more evident in
Chlorella than in Scenedesmus obliquus, thus indicating a greater sensitivity of Chlorella against nano
silver toxicity. Additionally, the chlorophyll content of s-AgNPs decreased the least; that is, the effect
of s-AgNPs on photosynthetic pigments of algae was the weakest. Therefore, the s-AgNPs presented
a lower algae resistance than the other two AgNPs. Nano silver can be introduced to accumulate
slightly due to the presence of electrolytes in the BG11 medium [41]. As a result, the s-AgNPs, which
carried the most negative charges, were even less dispersed. The dispersion state of nano silver has
an important impact on its bioavailability and environmental behavior. It is generally believed that
nanoparticles can enter cells through holes in the cell wall [42]. Therefore, the severely agglomerated
s-AgNPs showed a poor anti-algal toxicity. At the same time, nanomaterials are more stable through
electrostatic repulsion and steric hindrance [43], which enhance the inhibition effect of the ps-AgNPs
on the algae photosynthetic pigment stability, thereby showing a better algae-suppression effect.

4. Conclusions
In summary, we used a new approach for the synthesis of AgNPs with a stable size and better
dispersibility, by combining PVP and STPP, and then we investigated the coupling mechanism and
tested its anti-algal potential. During the synthesis process, the AgNPs prepared by the synergistic
protection of PVP and STPP displayed a superior state. The structures analysis demonstrated that
the synthesized pure AgNPs was of a stable sized (~30 nm in diameter). The coupling mechanism
of the co-protective agents was proposed from the perspective of colloidal interface and potential.
The low-solubility Ag5 P3 O10 formed from STPP and the steric hindrance of PVP jointly limited the
reduction rate of Ag+ , preventing the uneven particle size distribution caused by the excessive reduction
rate and stabilizing the particle size. Meanwhile, PVP limited the polynegative effect of P3 O10 5− and
prevented the linear induction of P3 O10 5− during the growth of silver nuclei. Ultimately, the AgNPs
synthesized with co-protective agents exhibited the potential inhibitory ability in algal-resistance
experiments against Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus. This study provides a basic theory for the
synthesis of AgNPs induced by various factors in the natural environment and a scientific reference
for the risk assessment of water environment. For future studies, the co-effects of multiple protection
mechanisms on prepared materials can be further explored, to investigate whether the anti-algal
potential of nano silver is stable and durable.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at,

Figure S1: Growth curves of Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus, Figure S2: Linear relationships between algal
concentration and absorbance, Figure S3: Matching result of X’ pert High Score Plus software in XRD analysis (a)
ps-AgNPs with 0.01 mol/L of AgNO3 . (b) ps-AgNPs with 0.02 mol/L of AgNO3 . (c) ps-AgNPs with 0.03 mol/L of
AgNO3 , Table S1: Parameters for preparing ps-AgNPs, Table S2: Parameters for preparing p-AgNPs, Table S3:
Parameters for preparing s-AgNPs, Table S4: XRD data of ps-AgNPs with 0.01 mol/L of AgNO3 , Table S5: XRD
data of ps-AgNPs with 0.02 mol/L of AgNO3 , Table S6: XRD data of ps-AgNPs with 0.03 mol/L of AgNO3 .
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.W. and H.L.; methodology, M.W., Y.L., F.M., and Z.L.;
writing—original draft preparation, M.W.; writing—review and editing, Y.L.; supervision, Y.L., F.M., Z.L.,
R.C., and H.W.; project administration, H.L.; funding acquisition, H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grant
numbers N2001016 and N2001012), the Key Technologies Research and Development Program (grant number
2019YFC1803804), and the National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates
(grant number 200048).
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to Liangliang Li (Shenyang Agricultural University) and Haibo Long
(Shenyang University) for technical assistance in transmission electron microscopy and field emission scanning
electron microscopy studies, respectively.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1042 13 of 15

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