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Programming Tools

Version 3.05

m Mobile Shell, Programming Tools, Version 3.05
Written by Lukas Knecht

Document AB-M-TOO-869

c 2004-2010 airbit AG, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland

The information contained herein is the property of airbit AG and shall neither be
reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval from airbit AG. All rights
are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of
translation, reprinting, reuse of illustration, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying
machine or similar means and storage in data banks. airbit AG reserves the right to make
changes, without notice, to the contents contained herein and shall not be responsible for
any damages (including consequential) caused by reliance on the material as presented.

Typeset in Switzerland.
c 2010 airbit AG Contents

1 Introduction 3

2 Debugging Support 5
2.1 Module debug: Runtime Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Module, Class, Function and Variable Indices . . . 6
2.1.2 Code Positions and Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.3 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Generating Documentation 19
3.1 Item Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Module mdoc: Documentation Generator . . . . . . . . . 20

4 Scanning m Sources 21
4.1 Module mscanner: Source Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Index 23

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 1

Contents c 2010 airbit AG

2 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG

1. Introduction
This manual describes the programming tools available in m. The tools
are a collection of m modules which aid in developing m applications
and module libraries.
The following tools are currently available:

• Debugging Support (module debug (p. 5)) allows to load, compile

and execute an m process from within another m process, set
breakpoints, execute it stepwise, examine its variables, etc.

• Generating Documentation (module mdoc (p. 20)) produces HTML

documentation from a set of m source files, similar to javadoc or

• Scanning m Sources (module mscanner (p. 21)) tokenizes an m

source, applying the same rules as the scanner used by m itself.

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1. Introduction c 2010 airbit AG

4 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG

2. Debugging Support
The m debugging support consist of three parts:

1. The compiler supporting a special debug mode making code and

data references available to other processes.
2. The m virtual machine offering special execution modes for single
stepping and breakpoint catching.
3. The module debug serving as the developer’s low-level interface to
the above.

The m installation currently does not contain an actual debugger ap-

plication. Creating one based on module debug should however be
Please note that the debugging facilities are only available in the full m
installation. The m environment does not contain the module debug,
nor the compiler required to load a script in debug mode.
Compiled scripts (.mex files) cannot be debugged, only scripts for which
the sources are available.

2.1 Module debug: Runtime Debugging

This module allows to create a debuggable process and provides access
to its data and code.
The typical sequence of calls is:

1. Open a script for debugging with (p. 13), producing

a debuggable process.
2. Compile and load the code of the process via debug.compile
(p. 12).

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2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

3. If compilation was successful, information about the code units

(modules, classes, functions) can be obtained via debug.ccount
(p. 11), debug.cindex, debug.cinfo.

4. Likewise, information about the variables (module variables,

class member variables, function parameters and local variables)
can be obtained via debug.vcount (p. 14), debug.vindex,

5. Set or clear breakpoints as desired with debug.breakp (p. 10).

6. Execute the process with debug.go (p. 13), either stepwise, or

until a breakpoint is hit, or until it is paused asynchronously with
debug.pause (p. 13).

7. Check the process state, and check for runtime errors with
debug.state (p. 14).

8. Examine the current position in code with debug.fcount (p. 12)

and debug.pos (p. 13).

9. Examine the variable values and types with debug.vglobal (p. 15)
and debug.vlocal (p. 16).

10. Close the process via debug.close (p. 10).

2.1.1 Module, Class, Function and Variable Indices

All information about the debuggable process is accessed via indices:

• A module index mod denotes a module. mod=0 is always the main

module (script module).

• A class index cls denotes a class within a module. cls=0 refers to

the functions and variables of the module itself.

• A function index func denotes a function of a module or a class:

cls Denoted function
0 Function in module mod.
>0 Function in class cls of module mod.

6 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

• A variable index var denotes a variable of a module, class or

cls func Denoted variable
0 <0 Global variable of module mod.
0 >=0 Local variable or parameter of function func of
module mod.
>0 <0 Member variable of class cls of module mod.
>0 >=0 Local variable or parameter of function func of
class cls of module mod.

A negative index stands for ‘‘Unknown’’ or ‘‘not applicable’’. See also

the function descriptions below.
All functions of module debug throw ExcIndexOutOfRange if the item
with a given index does not exist.

2.1.2 Code Positions and Frames

Code positions always refer to a character position in the corresponding
source file (which may be different from the character’s byte position).
New lines always count as one character, regardless of their actual
representation in the file.
In short, a code position rather corresponds to a document position in a
text editor or viewer than to a file position.
When execution of the debuggable process is paused, the current code
position is within a series of nested function calls. Each function call
corresponds to a frame. frame=0 always refers to the topmost frame,
i.e. the currently executing function. frame=1 refers to the caller of
the currently executing function, and so on. The number of frames can
be obtained with debug.fcount (p. 12). debug.fcount(process)-1
therefore always refers to the frame of the main code.

2.1.3 Example
Assume the following (not particulary useful) script SampleScript:

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 7

2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

use ui
class C
function init(p=..DEFAULTMUL)
function mul(n)
return n*p
function fact(n)
if n>1 then
return res
print "n=" + n
print "fact=" + c.mul(fact(n))
print "fact2=" + c.mul("a")

Load this script with the runtime debug module:

// open and compile the script"SampleScript")
// list information about the modules
for i=0 to debug.ccount(d)-1 do
print debug.cinfo(d,i)
→ [C:\documents\mShell\SampleScript.m,-1,0,-1,-1,,1]
// get information about fact() (module 0, "class" 0)
print fact
→ [C:\documents\mShell\SampleScript.m,155,0,0,40,fact,0]

8 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

Now run it, demonstrating breakpoints and single stepping:

// set a breakpoint at the start of fact()
// run the script, hitting the breakpoint three times
for i=1 to 3 do
debug.go(d); debug.wait(d)
// list the call frames and the values of n in fact()
for i=0 to debug.fcount(d)-1 do
print debug.pos(d,i);
if debug.pos(d,i)["func"]=fact["func"] then
print "n=",debug.vlocal(d,n,i)
→ [C:\documents\mShell\SampleScript.m,155,0,0,40]
n= [8,Number]
n= [9,Number]
n= [10,Number]
// single step from here
debug.go(d,debug.step); debug.wait(d);
print debug.pos(d)
// get the index of global variable c
// print its value and type
print debug.vglobal(d,0,c)
→ [.C(p=13),Instance,0,1]
// print the value and type of c.p
print debug.vglobal(d,0,c,[p])
→ [13,Number]

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2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

Demonstrate how exceptions can be handled (‘‘post-mortem debug-

// remove the breakpoint and run to termination
debug.go(d); debug.wait(d)
// find that an exception was thrown
print debug.state(d)
→ ExcStringNotNumber: Operand is a string,not a number
// list the call stack
for i=0 to debug.fcount(d)-1 do
print debug.pos(d,i)
→ [C:\documents\mShell\SampleScript.m,119,0,2,1]
// variables are still accessible, so
// get the value of n in C.mul
print debug.vlocal(d,n)
→ [a,String]

• function breakp(process,mod,pos,enabled=true)→ Number
Enables (if enabled=true) or disables (if enabled=false) the break-
point in module mod at code position pos in the debuggable process.
Execution will pause if an enabled breakpoint is reached.
Returns the real position where the breakpoint was enabled or disabled
(breakpoints can only be set at the beginning of statements).
Throws ErrNotFound if the code position does not exist. Throws
ErrInUse if process is executing.

• function close(process)→ null
Closes the debuggable process. Its state changes to debug.died.

10 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

• function ccount(process,mod=-1,cls=-1)→ Number
Returns the number of code units (or the maximum index + 1):
mod cls Count returned
<0 Number of modules.
>=0 <0 Number of classes in module mod.
>=0 0 Number of functions in module mod.
>=0 >0 Number of functions in class cls in module mod.

• function cindex(process,name,mod=-1,cls=-1)→ Number
Returns the index of a code unit with name name:
mod cls Index returned
<0 Index of module.
>=0 <0 Index of class in module mod.
>=0 0 Index of function in module mod.
>=0 >0 Index of function in class cls in module mod.

• function cinfo(process,mod,cls=-1,func=-1)→ Array
Returns information about a code unit:
cls func Information returned
<0 About module mod.
>0 <0 About class cls in module mod.
0 >=0 About function func in module mod.
>0 >=0 About function func in class cls in module mod.
The information is returned as an array with the following fields:

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 11

2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

Key Meaning Type

file Source file path String
pos Position in source file Number
mod Module index Number
cls Class index Number
func Function index Number
name Name (e.g. function name) String
flags Flag bits (see below) Number
superMod Module index of base class (only if class) Number
superCls Class index of base class (only if class) Number
flags is a combination of the following values:
• const isnative = 1 A function or variable defined in a native
• const isinherited = 2 An inherited function (not overwritten).
• const isconst = 4 A const variable.

• function compile(process)→ null|Array
Compile the debuggable process. Returns null if successful, an array
with the following fields if an error occured:
Key Meaning Type
msg Error message String
file Source file path with error String
pos Position in source file Number
Throws ErrInUse if process is not stopped.

• function fcount(process)→ Number
Return the number of frames (nested function calls) of the debuggable
Throws ErrNotReady if process has not been started. Throws ErrInUse
if process is executing.

12 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

• function go(process,,arg="")→ null
Continues execution the debuggable process (or starts it), either until a
breakpoint is hit, or the condition implied by mode occurs. If the process
is started, arg is passed to it as a parameter.
mode determines the condition when execution pauses:
• const run = 0 Execute until a breakpoint is hit, an exception occurs,
or the process terminates normally.
• const stepinto = 1 Execute the next statement, stepping into
function calls.
• const step = 2 Execute the next statement, behaving like within functions called from this frame.
• const stepout = 3 Execute until the current function returns, oth-
erwise behaving like
Throws ErrInUse if process is not compiled or paused.
• function open(name)→ Native Object
Opens the script with name name to debug it, creates a new debuggable
process, and returns it. The script is not yet compiled or loaded.
Throws ErrNotFound if the script does not exist.

• function pause(process)→ null
Pauses the debuggable process, as if a breakpoint has been hit.

• function pos(process,frame=0)→ Array
Get the current position of execution for the frame with index frame.
The position is returned as an array with the following fields:

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 13

2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

Key Meaning Type

file Source file path String
pos Position in source file Number
mod Module index Number
cls Class index Number
func Function index Number
Throws ErrNotReady if process has not been started. Throws ErrInUse
if process is executing.

• function state(process)→ Number|String
Get the state the debuggable process is in.
If a string is returned, execution terminated with an exception, and the
return value is the expression thrown (normally the error message).
If a number is returned, the debuggable is in one of the following states:
• const opened = 0 The process has been opened with
• const compiled = 1 The process has been compiled successfully
with debug.compile.
• const running = 2 The process is running and executing code.
• const waiting = 3 The process is running and waiting from some
asynchronous external event (input, timeout, message arriving).
• const paused = 4 The process is not running (a breakpoint was hit,
or an execution step was completed). It can be continued with debug.go
(p. 13).
• const ended = 5 The process terminated, either normally or with
an exception. Variables can still be examined.
• const died = 6 The process has been closed and was removed.

• function vcount(process,mod,cls=0,func=-1)→ Number
Returns the number of variables (or the maximum variable index + 1):

14 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

cls func Count returned

0 <0 Number of global variables in module mod.
0 >=0 Number of local variables and parameters in function
func in module mod.
>0 <0 Number of member variables in class cls in module
>0 >=0 Number of local variables and parameters in function
func in class cls in module mod.

• function vglobal(process,mod,var,follow=[])→ Array
Returns value and type of the global variable var in module mod of the
debuggable process. If the value is an array or a class instance, its
elements or member variables are derefenced in order by the element
indices or member variable indices in follow.
The array returned has the following elements:
Index Meaning Type
0 Value of variable Number or String
1 Type of variable String
2 If Array, the number of elements Number
2 If Instance, the module index of its class Number
3 If Instance, the class index of its class Number
Note that non-numeric values are always returned as strings, since
data from the debugged process cannot be accessed directly from the
debugging process.
The possible types are Number, String, Array, Native, Boolean, null,
Instance, Function, InstanceFunction.
Throws ErrNotReady if process has not been started. Throws ErrInUse
if process is executing.

• function vindex(process,name,mod,cls=0,func=-1)→
Returns the index of a variable with name name:

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 15

2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

cls func Index returned

0 <0 Index of global variable in module mod.
0 >=0 Index of local variable or parameter in function func
in module mod.
>0 <0 Index of member variable in class cls in module mod.
>0 >=0 Index of local variable or parameter in function func
in class cls in module mod.

• function vinfo(process,mod,cls,func,var)→ Array
Returns information about a variable with index var:
cls func Information returned
0 <0 About global variable in module mod.
0 >=0 About local variable or parameter in function func in
module mod.
>0 <0 About member variable in class cls in module mod.
>0 >=0 About local variable or parameter in function func in
class cls in module mod.
The information is returned as an array with the same fields as those
returned by debug.cinfo (p. 11):
Key Meaning Type
file Source file path String
pos -1 Number
mod Module index Number
cls Class index Number
func Function index Number
name Name of variable String
flags Flag bits Number

• function vlocal(process,var,frame=0,follow=[])→ Array
Returns value and type of the local variable with index var in the function
at frame frame of debuggable process. If the value is an array or a
class instance, its elements or member variables are derefenced in order

16 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG 2.1. Module debug: Runtime Debugging

by the element indices or member variable indices in follow.

See debug.vglobal (p. 15) for information about the array returned.
Throws ErrNotReady if process has not been started. Throws ErrInUse
if process is executing.

• function wait(process,timeout=-1)→ Number|String
Waits until the debuggable process pauses or terminates, and returns
its new state, like debug.state (p. 14).
If timeout>=0 and timeout milliseconds have passed without the script
pausing, the current state is returned.

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2. Debugging Support c 2010 airbit AG

18 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG

3. Generating
Generating documentation from m source is a simple way of producing
reference documentation, in particular for APIs. If a source is commented
properly and marked up where necessary, helpful HTML documentation
can be generated automatically.

• The module mdoc scans list of m sources (and the sources imported
by them) and generates HTML documentation from them. The
generated documentation is configurable by class properties, and
of course by subclassing and overriding the HTML generating
• A sample application mDocumenter adds a user interface on top of
module mdoc to select source files and generate documentation.
All the documentations of m modules in the mdoc index have been
generated using this tool.

Sample m screen

3.1 Item Descriptions

Each item (module, class, function, variable) may be described in the
source by a comment. A comment between /* and */ before an item

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 19

3. Generating Documentation c 2010 airbit AG

is considered the item’s description and included into the collected data
and generated output. For the module or script itself, it is the comment
the module source starts with.
The comment is output ‘‘as is’’, i.e. can be marked up with HTML. The
following @-tags in comments are specially processed:

• @internal: if the only word in the comment, output of the entire

item is suppressed.

• {@link item}: insert a link to the item. See the corresponding


• @param p: explains the function parameter with name p.

• @return: explains the return value of a function.

Here is an example:
Run the event handling loop. This updates the UI,
handles UI commands, idle timer ticks, and, if set,
reads from streams. Returns if either {@link exit()}
has been called, or a menu command has been executed.
@return the menu command, or null if {@link exit()}
has been called.
function run()

3.2 Module mdoc: Documentation Generator

This module is part of the mDocumenter package which can be down-
loaded from
Please refer to the mdoc of module mdoc for reference information.

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c 2010 airbit AG

4. Scanning m Sources
Scanning an m source means reading the tokens (keywords, identifiers,
separators, string and number literals, comments) one after another.
Scanning is the first step when analyzing m sources, e.g. extracting static
metrics, extracting comments, instrumenting it, etc.
The module mscanner is used by module mdoc (p. 20) to read an m
source and all the files it imports.

4.1 Module mscanner: Source Scanner

This module is part of the ablib msource package which can be
downloaded from
Please refer to the mdoc of module mscanner for reference information.

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4. Scanning m Sources c 2010 airbit AG

22 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

c 2010 airbit AG Index

breakp function (in debug), 10 func, code information field, 12, 16
func, code position field, 14
ccount function (in debug), 11 function index, 6
cindex function (in debug), 11
cinfo function (in debug), 11 go function (in debug), 13
class index, 6
close function (in debug), 10 isconst constant (in debug), 12
cls, code information field, 12, 16 isinherited constant (in debug), 12
cls, code position field, 14 isnative constant (in debug), 12
Code position, 7
mdoc module, 20
code position, 7
mod, code information field, 12, 16
compile function (in debug), 12
mod, code position field, 14
compiled constant (in debug), 14
module index, 6

debug module, 5 mscanner module, 21

debuggable process, 5 msg, compile error field, 12
died constant (in debug), 14
name, code information field, 12, 16
ended constant (in debug), 14
open function (in debug), 13
ErrInUse, 10, 12--15, 17
opened constant (in debug), 14
ErrNotFound, 10, 13
ErrNotReady, 12, 14, 15, 17 pause function (in debug), 13
ExcIndexOutOfRange, 7 paused constant (in debug), 14
pos function (in debug), 13
fcount function (in debug), 12
pos, code information field, 12, 16
file, code information field, 12, 16
pos, code position field, 14
file, code position field, 14
pos, compile error field, 12
file, compile error field, 12
flags, code information field, 12, 16 run constant (in debug), 13
frame, 7 running constant (in debug), 14

m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05 23

Index c 2010 airbit AG

state function (in debug), 14

step constant (in debug), 13
stepinto constant (in debug), 13
stepout constant (in debug), 13
superCls, code information field, 12
superMod, code information field, 12

variable index, 7
vcount function (in debug), 14
vglobal function (in debug), 15
vindex function (in debug), 15
vinfo function (in debug), 16
vlocal function (in debug), 16

wait function (in debug), 17

waiting constant (in debug), 14

24 m Mobile Shell Programming Tools Version 3.05

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