Semester Project (ME)
Semester Project (ME)
Semester Project (ME)
DOMESTIC WASTEWATER:...............................................................................................4
Wastewater strength:...............................................................................................................7
Wastewater Treatment:...........................................................................................................9
ANAEROBIC METHODS:.................................................................................................10
ANAEROBIC DIGESTION:............................................................................................10
Wastewater use/disposal:......................................................................................................14
Status and need for the knowledge and skills on the safe use of wastewater:......................18
Pakistan, once a water-surplus country, is now a water deficit country. The water availability
has decreased from 1,299 m³ per capita in 1996-97 to 1,100 m³ per capita in 2006 and it is
projected to less than 700 m³ per capita by 2025. Therefore, search for other non-
conventional water resources for irrigation i.e. wastewater, has become important. In
Pakistan, domestic and industrial wastewater is either discharged directly to a sewer system, a
natural drain or water body, a nearby field or an internal septic tank. Mostly, this wastewater
is not treated and none of the cities have any biological treatment process except Islamabad
and Karachi, and even these cities treat only a small proportion (<8%) of their wastewater
before disposal. The wastewater used for irrigation is valued by farmers, mainly because of
its nutrient contents and reliability of supply and exert positive impacts on agriculture land
values, households, monthly income and employment due to reuse of wastewater despite of
the ill effects of wastewater irrigation on soil physical and chemical properties in addition to
contamination of human food chain and related health risks. Limited information is available
in this regard. There seems no national policy in effect on sustainable use of wastewater in
this country. Problems of wastewater disposal tend to stem from distortions due to economy-
wide policies, failure of targeted environmental policies and institutional failures. Thus laws
and regulations have been formulated about treatment and disposal of wastewater but their
implementation due to lack of resources and skilled manpower is the real issue. There is
hardly any well organized study which focused on risk assessment in a systematic way. Some
of the systematic work has been done by IWMI and Pak-EPA with financial aid from foreign
donors. Therefore, a well-coordinated program is necessary to create awareness among
different sections of the society including the general public, organizations, industrialists and
With the rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization, environmental
contamination has worsened due to the incessant discharge of toxic substances into water
bodies, which has become a worldwide problem [1]. Furthermore, the demand for water in
domestic and industrial activities has significantly increased, which has accordingly increased
the amount of wastewater that is released into sewage systems. Thus, the reuse and treatment
of wastewater have become important concepts in the attempt to increase water availability
[2]. The wastewater industry is in a state of transition [3] due to the recent wastewater
effluent standards and emerging contaminants such as pharmaceutical and personal care
products, and dyes in water bodies [4]. At present, several physicochemical methods (e.g.,
advanced oxidation process, adsorption, and membrane technologies), biological methods
(e.g., activated sludge process, phytoremediation, bioremediation, and anammox), and hybrid
methods have been developed to treat polluted water [1]. However, a treatment method with
maximum efficiency in the removal of all kinds of contaminants is still far being realized.
Moreover, the United Nations’ sustainable developmentgoal This SI discusses state-of-the-art
wastewater and water treatment technologies that could be used to develop a sustainable
treatment method in the future. On this topic, studies have focused on measurements,
modeling, and experiments under laboratory and field conditions.
Domestic wastewater is the water that has been used by a community and which contains all
the materials added to the water during its use. It is thus composed of human body wastes
(faeces and urine) together with the water used for flushing toilets, and sullage, which is the
wastewater resulting from personal washing, laundry, food preparation and the cleaning of
kitchen utensils. Fresh wastewater is a grey turbid liquid that has an earthy but inoffensive
odour. It contains large floating and suspended solids (such as faeces, rags, plastic containers,
maize cobs), smaller suspended solids (such as partially disintegrated faeces, paper, vegetable
peel) and very small solids in colloidal (ie non-settleable) suspension, as well as pollutants in
true solution. It is objectionable in appearance and hazardous in content, mainly because of
the number of disease-causing (‘pathogenic’) organisms it contains (Chapter 2). In warm
climates wastewater can soon lose its content of dissolved oxygen and so become ‘stale’ or
‘septic’. Septic wastewater has an offensive odour, usually of hydrogen sulphide. The organic
fraction of both is composed principally of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These
compounds, particularly the first two, form an excellent diet for bacteria, the microscopic
organisms whose voracious appetite for food is exploited by public health engineers in the
microbiological treatment of wastewater. In addition to these chemical compounds, faeces
and, to a lesser extent, urine contain many millions of intestinal bacteria and smaller numbers
of other organisms.
Wastewaters are usually treated by supplying them with oxygen so that bacteria can utilize
the wastewater contents as food. The general equation is: wastewater + oxygen ➝ bacteria
treated wastewater + new bacteria The nature of domestic wastewater is so complex that it
precludes its complete analysis. However, since it is comparatively easy to measure the
amount of oxygen used by the bacteria as they oxidize the wastewater, the concentration of
organic matter in the wastewater can easily be expressed in terms of the amount of oxygen
required for its oxidation. Thus, if, for example, half a gram of oxygen is consumed in the
oxidation of each litre of a particular wastewater, then we say that this wastewater has an
‘oxygen demand’ of 500 mg/l, by which we mean that the concentration of organic matter in
a litre of the wastewater is such that its oxidation requires 500 mg of oxygen. There are
basically three ways of expressing the oxygen demand of a waste: 1 Theoretical oxygen
demand (ThOD) – this is the theoretical amount of oxygen required to oxidize the organic
fraction of the wastewater completely to carbon dioxide and water.
The principal biological processes used for wastewater treatment are divided into two main
1) Suspended growth processes
2) Attached growth (or biofilm) processes.
In suspended growth processes the microorganisms responsible for treatment are maintained
in liquid suspension by appropriate mixing methods. Many suspended growth processes used
in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment are operated with a positive dissolved
oxygen concentration (aerobic), but applications exist where suspended growth anaerobic
processes are used, such as for high organic concentration industrial wastewater and organic
sludges. The most common suspended growth process used for municipal wastewater
treatment is the Activated Sludge Process.
In attached growth processes, the microorganisms responsible for the conversion of organic
material or nutrients are attached on inert packing material. The organic material and
nutrients are removed from the water flowing past the attached growth also known as the
biofilm. Packing material in attached growth processes include rock, gravel, sand, slag,
redwood and range of plastics and other synthetic materials.
Attached growth processes are operated as aerobic or anaerobic processes. The packing can
be submerged completely in liquid or not submerged, with air or gas space above the biofilm
liquid layer. The most common aerobic attached growth process used is the Trickling filter.
Wastewater strength:
The higher the concentration of organic matter in a wastewater, the ‘stronger’ it is said to be.
Wastewater strength is often judged by its BOD5 or COD (Table 1.2). The strength of the
wastewater from a community is governed to a very large degree by its water consumption.
Thus, in the US where water consumption is high (350–400 l/person day) the wastewater is
weak (BOD5 = 200–250 mg/l), whereas in tropical countries the wastewater is strong (BOD5
= 300–700 mg/l) as the water consumption is typically much lower (40–100 l/person day).
The other factor determining the strength of domestic wastewater is the BOD (= amount of
organic waste) produced per person per day. This varies from country to country and the
differences are largely due to differences in the quantity and quality of sullage rather than of
body wastes, although variations in diet are important.
The renewable water resources are estimated at 248 billion m3/year. Surface runoff is
estimated at 243 billion m3/year, while groundwater resources are about 55 billion m 3/year,
most being the base flow of the river system. Of which 96.8% is withdrawn for agricultural
purposes, 1.6% for domestic use and another 1.6% for industrial use. Pakistan would need
more additional water in future to meet irrigation and other requirements of the people. This
was not possible unless new storage dams were built.
Wastewater production and treatment:
Wastewater Treatment:
In Pakistan, domestic waste containing household effluent and human waste is either
discharged directly to a sewer system, a natural drain or water body, a nearby field or
an internal septic tank. Normally, municipal wastewater is not subjected to any
treatment and none of the cities have any biological treatment process except
Islamabad and Karachi, and even these cities treat only a small proportion of their
wastewater before disposal. Assuming that all the installed treatment plants are
working at their full installed capacity, it is estimated that about 8% of urban
wastewater is probably treated in municipal treatment plants (Table 2). Other estimates
suggest that the figure is not greater than 1 per cent. The treated wastewater generally
flows into open drains, and there are no provisions for reuse of the treated wastewater
for agriculture or other municipal uses. Table above (2) shows ten large urban districts
of the country, which produce more than 60% of the total urban wastewater including
household, industrial and commercial wastewater (WB-CWRAS Paper 3, 2005). A
negligible proportion i.e. 8% of wastewater in Pakistan is treated through
sedimentation ponds to a primary level only but most of the treatment plants are not
functional therefore the figure can be estimated around 1 per cent. There is no
prevailing concept of treatment at secondary and tertiary level in this country.
Although treatment facilities exist in about a dozen major cities, in some cases these
have been built without the completion of associated sewerage networks, and the
plants are often either under-loaded or abandoned (Pak-SCEA, 2006).
Anaerobic digestion is particularly suited to wet organic material and is commonly used for
effluent and sewage treatment. Anaerobic digestion is a simple process that can greatly
reduce the amount of organic matter which might otherwise be destined to be landfilled or
burnt in an incinerator.
Almost any organic material can be processed with anaerobic digestion. This includes
biodegradable waste materials such as waste paper, grass clippings, leftover food, sewage and
animal waste. The exception to this is woody wastes that are largely unaffected by digestion
as anaerobes are unable to degrade lignin. Anaerobic digesters can also be fed with specially
grown energy crops such as silage for dedicated biogas production. In Germany and
continental Europe these facilities are referred to as biogas plants. A co-digestion or
cofermentation plant is typically an agricultural anaerobic digester that accepts two or more
input materials for simultaneous digestion. In developing countries simple home and farm-
based anaerobic digestion systems offer the potential for cheap, low-cost energy for cooking
and lighting. Anaerobic digestion facilities have been recognised by the United Nations
Development Programme as one of the most useful decentralised sources of energy supply.
Pressure from environmentally-related legislation on solid waste disposal methods in
developed countries has increased the application of anaerobic digestion as a process for
reducing waste volumes and generating useful by-products. Anaerobic digestion may either
be used to process the source separated fraction of municipal waste, or alternatively
combined with mechanical sorting systems, to process residual mixed municipal waste. These
facilities are called mechanical biological treatment plants Utilising anaerobic digestion
technologies can help to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in a number of key ways:
Replacement of fossil fuels
Reducing methane emission from landfills
Displacing industrially-produced chemical fertilisers
Reducing vehicle movements
Reducing electrical grid transportation losses
Methane and power produced in anaerobic digestion facilities can be utilised to replace
energy derived from fossil fuels, and hence reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .This is due
to the fact that the carbon in biodegradable material is part of a carbon cycle. The carbon
released into the atmosphere from the combustion of biogas has been removed by plants in
order for them to grow in the recent past. This can have occurred within the last decade, but
more typically within the last growing season. If the plants are re-grown, taking the carbon
out of the atmosphere once more, the system will be carbon neutral.This contrasts to carbon
in fossil fuels that has been sequestered in the earth for many millions of years, the
combustion of which increases the overall levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Digestate liquor can be used as a fertiliser supplying vital nutrients to soils. The solid, fibrous
component of digestate can be used as a soil conditioner. The liquor can be used as a
substitute for chemical fertilisers which require large amounts of energy to produce. The use
of manufactured fertilisers is therefore more carbon intensive than the use of anaerobic
digestate fertiliser. This solid digestate can be used to boost the organic content of soils.
The process
There are a number of bacteria that are involved in the process of anaerobic digestion
including acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetogens) and methane-forming bacteria
(methanogens). These bacteria feed upon the initial feedstock, which undergoes a number of
different processes converting it to intermediate molecules including sugars, hydrogen &
acetic acid before finally being converted to biogas.
Different species of bacteria are able to survive at different temperature ranges. Ones living
optimally at temperatures between 35-40°C are called mesophiles or mesophilic bacteria.
Some of the bacteria can survive at the hotter and more hostile conditions of 55-60°C, these
are called thermophiles or thermophilic bacteria. Methanogens come from the primitive
group of archaea. This family includes species that can grow in the hostile conditions of
hydrothermal vents. These species are more resistant to heat and can therefore operate at
thermophilic temperatures, a property that is unique to bacterial families.
As with aerobic systems the bacteria in anaerobic systems the growing and reproducing
microorganisms within them require a source of elemental oxygen to survive. In an anaerobic
system there is an absence of gaseous oxygen. In an anaerobic digester, gaseous oxygen is
prevented from entering the system through physical containment in sealed tanks. Anaerobes
access oxygen from sources other than the surrounding air. The oxygen source for these
microorganisms can be the organic material itself or alternatively may be supplied by
inorganic oxides from within the input material. When the oxygen source in an anaerobic
system is derived from the organic material itself, then the 'intermediate' end products are
primarily alcohols, aldehydes, and organic acids plus carbon dioxide. In the presence of
specialised methanogens, the intermediates are converted to the 'final' end products of
methane, carbon dioxide with trace levels of hydrogen sulfide. In an anaerobic system the
majority of the chemical energy contained within the starting material is released by
methanogenic bacteria as methane.
Populations of anaerobic bacteria typically take a significant period of time to establish
themselves to be fully effective. It is therefore common practice to introduce anaerobic
microorganisms from materials with existing populations. This process is called 'seeding' the
digesters and typically takes place with the addition of sewage sludge or cattle slurry.
Digestive is the solid remnants of the original input material to the digesters that the microbes
cannot use. It also consists of the mineralised remains of the dead bacteria from within the
digesters. Digestive can come in three forms; fibrous, liquor or a sludge-based combination
of the two fractions. In two-stage systems the different forms of digestive come from
different digestion tanks. In single stage digestion systems the two fractions will be combined
and if desired separated by further processing.
As per a review of literature, out of 388 cities of Pakistan, only 8 have wastewater
treatment facilities, that too up to primary level. According to the Pakistan Water
Situational Analysis, there are three wastewater treatment plants in Islamabad, of which
only one is functional. Karachi has two trickling filters, where effluents generally receive
screening and sedimentation. Lahore has some screening and grit removal systems, but
they are hardly functional. In Faisalabad, there is a wastewater treatment plant, in which
wastewater receives primary treatment. In rural areas, wastewater treatment is
nonexistent, leading to pollution of surface and groundwater.
Wastewater use/disposal:
Urban centres are the main cause of water pollution in this country. Typically, storm water
drains and nullahs collect and carry untreated sewage which then flows into streams,
rivers and irrigation canals. Although there are some sewerage collection systems,
typically discharging to the nearest water body, collection levels are estimated to be no
greater than 50% nationally (less than 20% in many rural areas). As per a careful
estimation, the wastewater generated in Pakistan is directly used for irrigating an area of
about 32,500 ha (Ensink et al., 2004).
Commonly grown crops include vegetables, fodder, cotton and to some extent rice.
Vegetables receive wastewater irrigation almost twice a week, fodder once a week and
cotton after 3 weeks. The crops grown in suburban areas while using wastewater include
vegetables, and fodder as these fetch high prices in nearby urban markets. The quantity of
N, P and K applied from sewage -
The wastewater used for irrigation is valued by farmers, mainly because of its nutrient
contents and reliability of supply. Reuse of wastewater has many positive impacts on
socio-economic aspects of the users. The data of Anwar et al. (2010) show that there is a
major increase in price of agriculture land due to availability of wastewater and the
average land value was Pak. Rs. 0.3 million per acre before the reuse of wastewater while
after the availability of wastewater as alternative irrigation source it has increased up to
Rs. 0.4- 0.6 million per acre. Similarly, monthly income of 87% households has increased
and 77% respondents replied that employment opportunities have been generated.
Land treatment of partially treated wastewater has been used as a low-cost method of
wastewater disposal for a very long time. In Haroonabad (Pakistan), land irrigated with
wastewater has a higher value than the canal irrigated land, and the land rents of
wastewater irrigated farms were on average three and a half times higher than those of
canal water irrigated lands (Hassan et al., 2001). Considering economics, impacts of
wastewater irrigation can be grouped under (1) potential yield losses, (2) loss of soil
productive capacity, (3) depreciation in market value of land, and (4) cost of additional
nutrients and soil reclamation measures. After initial study by Ensink et al. (2004), several
researchers of the country have focused on this area which was neglected in recent past.
Further working on this aspect may only encourage growers about less use of chemical
fertilizers unless they are equally educated about ill effects of wastewater irrigation on soil
chemical and physical properties in addition to contamination of human food chain and
related health risks.
The biggest challenge faced by policymakers at present, is how best to minimize the
negative effects of wastewater use, while at the same time obtaining the maximum benefits
from this resource. While most of the impacts of wastewater use, both negative as well as
positive, are generally known, a comprehensive valuation of the benefits and costs of these
impacts has not as yet been attempted.
Prime importance should be given to the treatment of industrial effluent before it is
allowed to pour in Drain. The environmental laws and their implementation need be dealt
more seriously and responsibly. The practice of usage of untreated wastewater for
irrigation of fields should be immediately stopped as it is harmful for the consumers of
those vegetables and crops. Pumping of groundwater near wastewater drains for drinking
purposes must be avoided. In some cases, sewage is auctioned by the municipalities to the
highest bidder, often a group of rich farmers, who then rent out their fields to poor
landless farmers. Under these conditions, the use of sewage is considered a win- a -win
situation by both the authorities those are responsible for sewage disposal and the farmers
who get its reliable supply with high nutrient content (Ensink et al., 2004). In relation to
wastewater irrigation, economic analyses should also have to conduct with precise
perspectives keeping in mind
Up-till now, there is no centre for research on wastewater that deals exclusively with this
issue. Instead, various departments of educational and research bodies randomly do some
research work on this aspect. Most of the studies are published in local journals due to poor
quality of the project work. There is dire need to fortify such scattered efforts so that a
collective future action plan could be devised well in time. For example, up- till now, there
is no short term or long term study available that explains ill effects of wastewater, if any,
on soil physical properties, in this country. In Pakistan where safe effluent disposal
facilities and its treatment are non-existent or limited, raw sewage is used to irrigate
fodders, ornamental and food crops including vegetables (Murtaza et al., 2010).
In developing countries including Pakistan, little work is being conducted on this very
important research area. Limited information is available on the physical treatment of
effluents and soils, bioremediation of effluents and soils, advanced chemical oxidation
treatments, thermal remediation strategies, waste landfills and amendments to decrease
bioavailability. The restriction in research seems to be related solely to the high cost of
implementation on such research. Under these circumstances, at least crop restriction can
be used to protect the health of consumers when water of sufficient quality is not available
for unrestricted irrigation. For example, water of poorer quality can be used to irrigate non-
vegetable crops as cotton, lawns, ornamental or crops that are cooked well before
consumption. There is also lack of information regarding both the short and long term
effect of wastewater on soil physical properties which needs to be addressed. Moreover, if
polluted water treatment at the source is not economically feasible at this time then there
should be screening of crop genotypes which are hyper-accumulators of heavy metals in
their eatable portions, especially vegetables. Laws should be framed, to encourage farmers
to grow only those genotypes which accumulate relatively very low amounts of metals in
their eatable portions, especially around major cities of Pakistan. While genotypic/cultivar
differences in plant uptake of metals are well documented but absolutely no work has been
conducted in this regard in Pakistan. There is hardly any well organized study conducted in
this country which focused on risk assessment in a systematic way. Moreover, there are no
studies which concern heavy metals bioavailability employing animal trials. Some of the
systematic work has been done by IWMI and Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency
with financial aid from foreign donors.
Status and need for the knowledge and skills on the safe use of wastewater:
Anonymous. 2011. Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Statistics, Statistics Division. "Overall Water Availability". Pakistan Statistical Year
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Synergistic effects of oxidation, coagulation and adsorption in the integrated
fenton-based process for wastewater treatment: A review. J. Environ. Manag. 2022,
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Sakr, M.; Mohamed, M.M.; Maraqa, M.A.; Hamouda, M.A.; Aly Hassan, A.; Ali, J.;
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applications for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment. Alex. Eng. J. 2021, in