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Easy Traffic

Robert Howard
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Let’s Get Cured with
Curated Content

That seems to be the watchword of the day. Everyone says now

“Build sites that have curated content!”

At first, I didn’t even know what the hell that was supposed to
mean. Until, of course, an “expert” enlightened me.

“Rob, look dude, curated content is when you take someone

else’s content, you share a bit of with your audience and then
comment on it. This produces high quality content and people
love it.”

“Oh – so basically curated content is what we have all been doing

anyway?” I asked.

“No, no, no, curated is when you take someone else’s content”
“Oh, so theft?”
“No, because you quote them and comment on it.”

“Oh, so that’s what a lot of people do anyway…”

I think I frustrated the poor warrior trying to explain it to me. To

me, curated content is just giving away good content from another
source. I’ve used that WAY before the term “curated” came to be.

But anyway, I have a twist for you.

All of these people are telling you to build curated content sites.
That’s great I suppose.

But I’m going to show you the other end of the spectrum, and how
to, basically, steal traffic and powerful backlinks (legally and
ethically) from these powerful and high traffic curated sites!
Primary Method
This is the primary method to stealing these links and traffic. I’ll
give you the basic run down of the steps and then go into some
details on what I think is important to pay attention too.

#1 – Find blogs that do daily, weekly, or monthly “link roundups”.

I’ll explain more about this in a minute.
#2 – Write a really kick-a$$ post on your own blog. Again, more in
a minute.
#3 – Submit your content for the link roundups.
#4 – Profit!

That’s really it. Let me explain in a few details what you do.

“Link Roundups”

Link roundups are, basically, a blog post in which the blog owner
finds unique content, videos, etc. and shares it with his audience.
They list it as “links to good content” and a lot of the times they
also comment on it. This is “curating” according to the definition
Here is how you find these blogs.
1. Go to
2. Use one of these search parameters
a. "link roundup" + (your niche)
b. “daily link roundup” + (your niche)
c. “weekly link roundup” + (your niche)
d. “monthly link roundup” + (your niche)
e. EXAMPLE: “link roundup” + marketing
f. EXAMPLE: “daily link roundup” + dog training
g. This is a starting point – there probably are other
keywords you can use.

3. Once you find the blogs, look through their previous link lists.
What kind of content have they accepted in the past? What
content are they missing from this niche that could
supplement well?

Take this information and make notes of it. You are going to
use it in a minute.

This will provide you with a list of blogs that accept links of useful
information on a regular basis. (Key word here being “regular”)

Now, once you have your list of blogs and some basic info on the
topics they have accepted as well as what is “missing” in their
content, we need to write up a killer blog post or piece of content
Killer Content

Now I could just say “write some good stuff” and leave you at that.
But instead, I’m going to give you a nice bonus.

I’ll call this…

“How to Write Kick-A$$, Attention Grabbing Content!”

This is going to apply to just about any content you can give.
Whether it be blog posts, articles for article sites or syndication,
guest blog posting, or even info products.

When I write, I have three main rules. Well, more like

“guidelines”... But anyway, I call this the “Rule of Threes”:

1. The content must be Entertaining.

2. The content must be able to be read in less than 20 minutes.
(Ideally. It depends on the purpose of the content, but I’ll say
most content needs to fall in this category, unless you are
doing LARGE products)
3. They must feel like the content they are reading solves one
problem really well. Ideally, they can see themselves doing
it because it’s explained well enough and easy
enough…gives them the “ah-ha” moment.
Most people who write don’t do any of these things. They kinda
just “write” and are surprised when it doesn’t work out.

Now, if you want an example of what I’m talking about, look at this

I attempt, hopefully with some success, to fulfill all three of those


Now imagine if I gave this away for FREE on my website. The

blog owner gets something cool to give away, and you get a
POWERFUL link on a website and some traffic.

And all you did was write ONE post. No guest blogging. No writing
and submitting articles. Easy backlink and easy traffic.

The final piece of this pie is getting the blog owner to post your
link and comment on it.

This isn’t that difficult, however.

Getting Your Stuff Posted

Here is a little template that you can use to help you get your stuff
posted on these blogs.

“Hey (Name). I’ve been reading your blog and I noticed you have
content (about this) and you may be missing some stuff about

Your link roundup is really cool.

I’ve got something that I think your readers would like. I’ve
attached (a link, the PDF, etc.) for you to review.

If you wouldn’t mind posting it on your blog, I would be grateful.

BTW – I’ve already mentioned your blog in a link roundup myself

because I knew my people would enjoy it.

Anyway, whatever you do, enjoy and have a great day!”

A simple, to the point message that does a few things.

1. It shows the blog owner you’ve paid attention to his blog.
2. You’ve provided the content for him to review without any
work on his part.
3. You’ve already helped him (this is something I recommend
you do BEFORE you ask for help. If possible, do something
that helps the blog owner out.

It doesn’t have to be a link roundup yourself – it could be

other things. But show that you have an interest in helping
him too!)
4. You actually ask for the link. A lot of people are afraid to
come out and actually ask.

Now, not every blog owner will bother. But the better crafted offer
and message will increase your chances.

You may have to hit up a few blogs before you get a “yes”.
But this is SO simple, it only takes a few minutes to do, and a
single “yes” on a powerful blog can make a huge difference
in your entire traffic and SEO campaign.
Why You Should Do This

There are a lot of reasons why this works and why you should do

Here are my top reasons:

1. Easier than guest blogging. Guest blogging could require

you to write more – this you just write one or two posts and
get them promoted.

2. Networking – When these blogs run them, and you link to

them, you form a partnership. You can leverage this down
the road.

3. Solid SEO links – these links are very valuable.

4. Do once, work pays for itself over and over again. You write
the post, spend the rest of the time getting that post

5. Because of #4, you’ll actually work LESS than you would on

other methods.

6. Obvious direct traffic.

Now, there is one minor draw back. When compared to traditional
guest posting, the traffic isn’t going to be AS excited/rabid as it is

This is simply because they have to click a link to read your stuff.
As a guest post, you are in an honored position.

Don’t let that stop you, however. While it may not be as “powerful”
as guest blogging, this is an extremely viable alternative for those
who may not want to guest blog.

You still get authority and trust passed along to you by being
listed in the link roundup and you get traffic/seo benefits.

I do have another twist that involves guest blogging in a moment.

But first, I have another idea for you…
No Website Method
Don’t have a website? Don’t want to bother setting one up?

Ok – I have a solution for you ;)

This is REALLY easy and has only one problem compared to the
main method, but since it’s easier to do, it works itself out. I’ll
explain that in a moment.

If you don’t have a website and you don’t want to build one, you
can still do this and get massive traffic.

In fact, you could use this technique to build a mighty email

list pretty fast.

Here it is:

-Instead of doing a blog post, you instead either write an ebook or

modify a PLR ebook, following the suggestions I give you in the
writing section.
-You then get an aweber account. Aweber allows you to self
host an opt in page.
- They host the opt-in page and you attach the ebook to the email
follow up.

Now, this method will cost, I believe, 19 dollars a month.

However, you avoid the hassles of building a website and hosting

With this email list, you can now promote affiliate offers if you
wish. (You can also put affiliate links in the book)

Now, the biggest drawback with this method is you will have a
slightly harder time getting blog owners to post it. The content
needs to be pretty darn good.

This just means you contact more blog owners to increase your

Anyway, with this list in hand, you can take some of that income
and hire someone for 20 to 40 dollars to build you a basic

This is just one idea for you – if you don’t have a website and are
like me, HTML illiterate.
Third Method

This method is just a combination of guest blogging AND link


Here is what you do:

1. Find the link roundups like before.

2. Instead of writing up a blog post or doing an ebook of some

kind, you actually link to a guest blog post that you’ve done

3. Profit!

“Why would you want to do this…” You may ask.

There are a couple of reasons. The biggest reason I call the

“Double Punch”. Instead of gaining authority from just the link
roundup, you also gain the authority of the guest blog post.

So the user sees your link, goes and reads your guest blog post,
and then he or she goes to your site!
By the time they land on the site, they are like…

“Dang, this guy was recommended to me from my favorite

blogger. Then I see he is a guest blogger for this other popular
guy. He must be worth following!”

Not only that, if you have a particularly stubborn blogger who

won’t post your guest post, you could add this in as persuasion.

“Look Mr. Blogger. I’m not only going to promote this myself, but I
also plan on getting Mr. Other Blogger over there to promote it
too. This means he’ll send people to your site, which will increase
your following.”

Stacking the value like this can help motivate.

There is a third reason you may want to do this, especially if your

site is just starting out and you are weak in the rankings.

Getting a link back to your guest blog post increases your chance
of having that post ranked higher in Google.
Which in turn, gives you valuable links back to your site, and
before you know it, you’ve formed a small but powerful link
network, all centered on your content!

So as you can see, there are plenty of advantages of doing it this


The biggest disadvantage is you are trusting your content on

someone else’s site for long term traffic and rankings. That is ok
when you are starting out, but I would recommend that you
eventually build up your own links to your own site.
Other Twists
Besides these three methods, there are, I’m sure, other ways to
increase the power of this method.

One I can think of immediately can do two things: Help you get
bloggers on board, and increase the ranking power of your links.

If you own any software, Sick Marketing, SENukeX, Magic

Submitter, or whatever, you can tell the blogger that you are also
going to promote his blog as a way of saying thank you and to
boost your links power.

This will help persuade him to follow through.

There are many, many ways to make this work, just do some
thinking outside the box!

As you can see, curation (while not being anything new), can get
you powerful links and traffic.

Plus – with the special way of doing it, you wouldn’t even need a
Thanks again for purchasing and be sure to check out my other

Gain the secrets of producing quick hit products that will put
money directly in your paypal account!

Rob’s Free Deal of the Day!

Want a free special? Each day I’m going to have something new
to give away. So click the link above to see if there is something
new to grab!

(Note: As of this writing I’m still setting the above up – so it may

show the same deal for a while.)

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