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What are articles?

Articles are small words that are often used at the beginning of
noun phrases. There are two types : (the definite article ) and a/an
(the indefinite article). They belong to a group of words calling

What are articles used for?

Articles can show whether we are talking about things that are
known both to speaker/writer and to the listener/reader (definite)
or that they are not known to both of them. (indefinite)

How much do articles matter?

The correct use of the articles is one of the most difficult aspects
in English Grammar.

Usage related rules

To say ‘you know which I mean’ we put the before a noun
 I’ve been to the doctor (you know which one my doctor)
 Have you fed the dogs? (you know which one I mean)
 Could you pass the salt? (you can see the salt that I want)

When we can’t say ‘you know which I mean’ we put a/an before a
singular countable noun
 There’s a rat in a kitchen!
 I need an envelope.
 She lives in a big house. (The hearer doesn’t know which
 She lives in a big house over there. (The hearer knows which

When there is word that (1) begins with a vowel or (2) sounds as if
it begins with a vowel when pronounced , through it actually
begins with a consonant, the indefinite article ‘an’ is used instead
of ‘a’.

a and an: the difference

We do not normally pronounce the sound a before a vowel. So

before a vowel or the article ‘a’ changes to an. compare: a rabbit,
a lemon

The choice between a and an depends upon pronunciation, not

spelling we use an before a vowel sound even if it is written as a
An hour/an aoar (pronunciation)
An mp/an em ‘pi’ (pronunciation)

And we use a before a consonant sound, even if it is written as a

A university/
A one pound coin/ a wan (pronunciation)

Some people say (an) not a before words begning with ‘h’ if the
first syllable is unstress/silent

‘A’ something pronounced/ER/before a hesitation , when we want

to emphasise the following word , or when we want to make a
contrast with ‘the’
 I think i’ll have a /er – chocolate ice cream
 It’s a /er / reason – its not the only reason.

Four common mistake to avoid`

 Don’t use a/an plural or uncountable nouns.
John collects stamps.
Our garden needs water.
She is afraid of rats. I need help

 Don’t use the talk about things in general. The does not
mean ‘all’
Elephants can swim very well.
Petrol is expensive.

 Don’t use articles together with my, this, or other

my work
this problem
a friend of mine
 Don’t use singular countable nouns alone, without an article
or other determiner. We can say a cat, the cat, my cat, this
cat, either cat or every cat, but not just cat.
Give it to the cat,
Annie is a doctor.

A/An is called the indefinite article because it usually leaves

indefinite the person/thi9ng spoken of;i.e any person / thing. It
tells about the thing or an idea in a general manner.

1) Get me a lot of bread.

2) This morning I heard a child crying bitterly.
3) Don’t drink this water, there is a insect in it.
4) He had an egg and an orange for breakfast.
5) Her father is an engineer but her mother is a dancer.
The is called the definite article, it tells us about a particular thing
(place, individual, idea feeling, object, etc) since it clearly defines
the word, it is called DEFINITE ARTICLE.
1) The soldier fought bravely
2) Sheela is the only girl to have topped in IAS.
3) Rohan was the odd man out in the party held yesterday.
4) I like the dish you prepared
5) You are not the candidate I am looking for.


A:- ‘a’ is used before a word beginning with a constant or a vowel

with a consonant sound.
e.g. a man . a hat, a university, a European , a one-way street.

An:- ‘an’ is used before words beginning with vowel sound

An apple an island an uncle an egg , an onion , an hour, (here ‘h’ is
silent ) an MBA an MLA an MP (here the sound ‘em’ is vowel

The:- ‘the’ is the same for singular and plural and for all genders
The boy the girls the day
The boys the girls the days

Here the clearly states the noun. You have the particular
boy/boys, girl/girls, day/days.



With a noun complement. This includes names of professions
It was an earthquake.
She will be a dancer.
he is an actor.


With certain numbers: a hundred a thousand

Before half when half follows a whole number

1 1/2 kilos = one and a half kilos or a kilo and a half

But % kg = half a kilo (no a b be half), though a + half+ noun is

sometimes possible

a half-holiday a half-portion a half-share

With 1/3, 1/4. 1/5 etc. ‘a' is used: a third, a quarter etc., but ‘one'
is also possible

Rule 3

In exclamations before singular; countable nouns; before


Such a long queue! What a pretty girl!

Such long queues! What pretty girls!

Such gruesome tragedies

What a gruesome tragedy

Rule 4

a can be placed before Mr. / Mrs. I Miss + surname: a Mr. Smith ,

a Mrs. Smith a Miss Smith 'a’ Mr. Smith means ‘a man called
Smith’ and implies that Mr. Smith is a stranger or it existence of
the person using this expression. .
Rule 5

Before abstract nouns:

What a relief! a travesty, a wonder, an amazement, an elation.

What a marvel, what a sight, an enigma, a cruelty.

Rule 6

Before a singular noun which is COUNTABLE (i.e. of which there

are more than one) when it is mentioned and represents for the
first time and represent no particular person or thing or just one
person or a thing.

I need a helper.

They live in a flat.

He bought an ice-cream cup.

Rule 7

‘a’ or ‘an’ does not add much to the meaning of a noun. It is like a
weak form of ‘one‘. It has several common uses:

1. We can use a/an when we talk about one person or thing.

There's a police car outside.

My brother’s married to a doctor. Andy lives in 'an old house.

2. Before a singular countable noun which is used as an example

for a class or things, any one member of a classifying and defining.

A car must be insured (All cars/Any car must be insured).

A child needs love (All children/Any child needs love).

We can use a/an when we talk about any one member of a class.

A doctor must like people. (= any doctor)

I would like to live in an old house. {= any old house)

We can use a/an when we classify or define people and things-

when we say what they are , what job they do or what they are
used for.

She is a doctor

I am looking forward to being a grandmother

3. in a certain expression of quantity , price, speed, ratio, certain

numbers etc.

A lot of, a dozen, rupees fifty a kilo 60 kilometers

4. Descriptions

A/an is common before nouns that are used in descriptions

She is a nice person that has a lovely evening.

He’s got a friendly face. It’s an extremely hot day.

Rule 8

Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause:

The girl in blue. The man with the banner.

The boy that I met. The place where I met him.

Rule 9

Before a noun which by reason of locality can represent only one

particular thing:

Ann is in the garden (the garden of this house)

Please pass the wine. (the wine on the table)

Rule 10

Similarly: the postman (the one who comes to us) the car (our:
car) the newspaper (the one we read) contain the definite article.

 The + Singular noun when used takes a singular verb. The

pronoun used here' Is he she or it: The first class travel/er
pays more so he expects some comfort
 the is used before other proper names consisting of
adjective + noun OR noun + of + noun: the National Gallery
the Philadelphia Orchestra

 The with names of people has a very limited use the + plural
surname can be used to mean ‘the.. .family': the Smiths= Mr.
and Mrs. Smith (and children)

 The + singular name + clause/phrase can be used to

distinguish one person from another of the same name: We
have two Mr. Smiths. Which do you want? I want the Mr.
Smith who signed this letter. . .

 Before unique objects/heavenly bodies/specific things

The earth, The stars, The equator

 The is used before titles (the Duke of York) but it is not used
before other titles or ranks (Lord Olivier Captain Cook). but if
someone is referred to by title/rank alone 'the' is used.
The ear1 expected...

The captain ordered....

Letters written to two or more unmarried sisters jointly may

be addressed.

The Misses + surname: The Misses Smith.

 The is used to signify the latent

quality/characteristics/attributes“ In a person.

The rogue in me. The genius of Edison.

It could also be used as an index of comparison.

The Gandhi in him forbade him from consuming liquor.

Rule 11

Before a noun which has become definite (by referring to it for the
second time) when a phrase or clause is added to the noun.

His car hit a tree; you can still see the mark on it.

The girl in blue is my sister (phrase)

The boy whom you met at the party is my neighbor. (clause)

1. Before superlative and ordinal Adjectives.

Rohan is the tallest boy in the class (Superlative).

He is the first to arrive (ordinal).

Today is the seventh day that he has not reported for duty
4. The is used with a title or adjective attached to a person or
proper name and also before adjective when the noun is

Ashoka the great denounced the world.

The immortal Shakespeare work is still read by many people.

5. Before newspapers and historical monuments. names of rivers,

islands, mountains etc

The Times of India is read by many.

The Taj Mahal is one of the wonders of the world.

The Bay of Bengal. The Himalayas. The Ganga.

Exceptions in the usage

1. Definite article ‘the’ is omitted before home, church, hospital,
prison, school, college and university.

He has gone to hospital (no article primary purpose)

However, ‘the’ may be used when the places are visited or used
for other purpose.

I went to the church to see the stain glass. (Other purpose)

2. a European, a university, a useful thing etc. Though these words

begin with a vowel. They have a consonant sound of 'yu’. . .
Similarly we say. ' an MLA, an MBA student, because they have
consonant sound of 'em' -Vowel sounding an hour, an hair vowel
sounding ’a’, ’aiy’.

3. Article is omitted before the name of substances and abstract

nouns (uncountable nouns) used in general sense .
Gold is a precious stone.

4. Uncountable nouns take ‘the’ when used in a particular sense'

especially when qualified by an Ad]. Ad]. phase or Adj.caulse. .
Would you pass me the salt (the salt on the table)?

5. We omit article before plural countable nouns used in general

sense. Children love to play.

6. When two or more connected nouns refer to the same person.

the article is used before the first noun only but when men they
qualify two different nouns, expressed or understood, 'the’ article
is used before each noun.

Sharad is currently functioning as the secretary and treasure (one

person). The secretary and the treasurer are absent (two persons).

7. A/An and the, auxiliary verbs and ‘be’ are often left out of
headlines. Actor dies (An actor has died)

8. ‘The’ is sometimes left out of instructions. Open (the) battery

compartment cover by pushing in the direction of ever. Television
and radio as institutions do not take an article.

Jayesh has got a job in television/radio.

9. "The’ is left before names of meals (used in general sense lunch,

dinner etc. We use ‘the' when we specify.

The breakfast is ready (no article in general sense)

I had a yummy lunch (preceded by adj. yummy)

The breakfast we had at Sayaji was tasty. (specifies the breakfast

at Sayaji)

10. We omit article before names of relations.

Father is on tour.
11. A country and The country

A country is a place like India, England or Canada. ‘

The country is a part of a country consisting of field

I spend my holidays in the country of fields, forests, and


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