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Word Form Grade 8b1-b20

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WORD FORM grade 8B1

1. Do you want to go on a…………………………trip this summer? (FISH)

2. You always see many…………………………in the park on Saturday mornings. (JOG)

Làn đường

3. There’s a special lane for………………………… (CYCLE)

Đồ cổ /ænˈtiːk/ Có giá trị

4. These antiques are both beautiful and…………………………valuable. (EXTREME)

5. The dog was…………………………and dangerous. (FRIEND)

Bóng ném
6. Playing handball and soccer is really………………………… (EXCITE)
Hành động
7. I am not a very…………………………person. (ACT)

8. They love doing lots of different………………………… (ACT)

Có ý nghĩa Chất lượng

9. Is there any significant…………………………in quality between these two items? (DIFFER)

Giàu trí tưởng tượng
10. She was a very imaginative………………………… (DESIGN)

11. I never knew you were such a good………………………… (DANCE)

12. There's nothing to do at the cabin - I feel very………………………… (BORE)

13. We had a very…………………………evening. (ENJOY)

14. I have a…………………………for dark-haired men. (PREFER)

Người trang trí
15. He works as a …………………………… and decorator. (PAINT)
Có hiệu quả
16. Monkeys are efficient …………………………… (CLIMB)
Phát triển
17. Try to find a course which will allow you to develop the…………………………skills (PRACTICE)

18. He won fourth place in the .......................................... (COMPETE)

19. .................................................... is a good form of exercise. (SWIM)

20. You know ....................................................well what I mean. (PERFECT)

Sự biểu lộ

21. Everyone has the right to .................................................... of expression. (FREE)

Khôi phục
22. Napoleon promised to restore France to its former .......................................... (GREAT)
Im lặng
23. They sat in ....................................................silence. (THINK)
WORD FORM grade 8B2

24. Tell the ............................................ what your passage is about (READ)

Khoa học

25. We need to be more .......................................... about this problem (SCIENCE)

26. The baby slept ................................... (PEACE)

Tôn trọng
27. We should respect animals and the .............................................environment (NATURE)

28. The children were playing ............................................ upstairs (NOISE)

Sự giải trí

29. Parents can relax while the kids .................................themselves in the outdoor playground (entertainment)

30. We employ a ............................................ two days a week (GARDEN)

Thu hút
31. The Sea Park attracts 2.5 million .................................... a year (VISIT)
Vùng đất
32. My sister is living in a .................................................... region. (MOUNTAIN)
Thí sinh Cuộc thi hoa hậu /ˈpædʒənt/
33. She was a contestant in the Miss World ................................................. pageant (BEAUTIFUL)

34. I love the ............................................... of the countryside (QUIET)

35. The wind made her ........................................... last night (SLEEP)

Buổi biểu diễn Giải trí

36. I watched the performance with great .......................................... (AMUSE)

Độc hại Sự ô nhiễm

37. They ....................................................the river with toxic waste from local factories (POLLUTION)

38. Do you think she's telling the ....................................................? (TRUE)

39. They use small .................................................... toys (WOOD)

40. Just a....................................................note to say thanks for lunch yesterday (QUICKLY)

41. I'm not very .......................................... (SPORT)

42. This weekend, visitors will get a ....................................................chance to visit the Law School (RARELY)
Chúc mừng

43. As part of the…………………………the school is planning an open day for students. (CELEBRATE)
Biểu diễn

44. We can enjoy music....................................................from famous Vietnamese singers. (PERFORM)

45. To my ...................................................., he remembered me. (AMAZE)

Chuông cửa Thông báo

46. A ring at the doorbell .................................................... Jack's arrival last night. (ANNOUNCEMENT)
WORD FORM grade 8B3

47. The river is 300 miles in .......................................... (LONG)

48. This meal is ....................................................of local cookery. (TYPE)

49. Please listen ..........................................! (CAREFUL)

50. The ozone layer forms a....................................................barrier against the sun's rays. (PROTECT)
Hóa chất

51. They are ........................................................ damaging chemicals. (ENVIRONMENT)

Các nhà môi trường

52. Environmentalists say there is a high risk of ........................................................ in the area. (POLLUTE)

53. His clothes were covered in .......................................... (DIRTY)

54. Her father is seriously .................................................... in Quy Nhon General hospital. (ILL)

55. The .................................................... season in my hometown, Hue, peaks in summer. (TOURISM)

56. Things are going .......................................... (BAD)

Bệnh nhân

57. Patients develop a cough and shortness of .......................................... (BREATHE)

Chứng kiến

58. He witnessed the....................................................of his mother from Covid 19. (DIE)

Bạo loạn ˈraɪət/
59. The police were able to take .................................................... action and avoid a possible riot. (PREVENT)

60. I hate .................................................... weather. (STORM)

Nạn thất nghiệp

61. There has been some unemployment. (REDUCE)

62. Children's lives are in ....................................................every time they cross this road. (DANGEROUS)

63. The present findings point to a similar .......................................... (CONCLUDE)

64. A............................................... is a very rich person who has money at least one million dollars. (MILLION)
Bất kể

65. Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their…………………………to pay. (ABLE)
Gây nguy hiểm

66. His behavior endangered the .................................................... of the public. (SAFE)

67. When she died, I was filled with a sense of.......................................... (LOSE)

68. Doctors say too many teenagers have a/an .................................................... lifestyle. (HEALTH)
Phong tục
69. The book is not very....................................................about local customs. (INFORMATION)
WORD FORM grade 8B4

70. The village is in a good state of…………………………for the event. (TIDY)

71. My mother is an .................................................... young woman. (ENERGY)

72. He was the most .................................................... man. (POWER)

Không hiệu quả

73. The whole process is ....................................................and inefficient. (WASTE)

74. Learning languages doesn't come .................................................... to him. (EASY)

75. The church was rebuilt after a .................................................... fire in 1824. (DISASTER)

76. Chili peppers add taste and .................................................... to food. (HOT)

Sỡ hữu
77. The land is owned by a local .......................................... (FARM)

78. What he said was me. (HURT)

79. Heart disease is the biggest Scotland. (KILL)

80. It comes as no learn that they broke their promises. (SURPRISING)

81. My father was so sad when he saw the .................................................... fields after the heavy rain. (FLOOD)
Công ty

82. These companies depend ....................................................on government support. (HEAVY)

83. He pushed against the rock with all his .......................................... (STRONG)

84. It’s too go out in the boat. (WIND)

Khách hàng
85. You will need to be able to deal with both customers and .......................................... (SUPPLY)
Kín gió
86. Food will last longer if kept in an air-tight .......................................... (CONTAIN)
lỏng lẻo
87. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of .......................................... (MOVE)

88. More ...................................................., can he be trusted? (IMPORTANT)

89. The third book in the series is currently in .......................................... (PREPARE)

90. She is the same .................................................... as her sister. (HIGH)

Điều tra

91. She worked as an investigative ....................................................for a national newspaper. (REPORT)

92. The situation is extremely .......................................... (DANGER)

WORD FORM grade 8B5

93. Always read the ....................................................before you start. (INSTRUCT)

94. There was a general ....................................................that he would win. (EXPECT)

95. These are ....................................colored flowers. (BRIGHT)

Sự nghiệp
96. She gave the greatest ....................................of her career. (PERFORM)

97. By the age of 15, Allan had become an experienced circus ..................................... (PERFORM)

98. Ms. Mai spoke very....................................about that yesterday. (POWER)

99. The astronauts are space. (WEIGHT)

hướng dẫn
100. Follow the instructions on the back of the bag ..................................... (CARE)

101. He drove ....................................and caused a serious accident. (CARE)

102. I ....................................agree with you. (COMPLETE)

103. You'll be paid on ....................................of the project. (COMPLETE)

Điều hướng

104. In the past, ....................................depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars. (NAVIGATE)

105. Keep....................................! My little daughter is sleeping in her bedroom. (QUIET)

106. He is a ....................................spoken, thoughtful man. (QUIET)

107. I enjoyed the ....................................of the early morning. (QUIET)

108. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly ....................................landmark. (RECOGNIZE)

Mắc kẹt Giải thoát
Thợ mỏ
109. ....................................began to free the trapped miners. (RESCUE)
Bị đe dọa
110.His behavior endangered the ....................................of the public. (SAFE)
Tàn khóc
111.The plane landed ....................................after being severely damaged during a storm. (SAFE)

112.The water was dirty and drink. (SAFE)

113.Choosing a guest .................................... for your event is of vital importance (SPEAK)

114.Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your ...................................., please? (ATTEND)

Vị trí

115.The hotel is beautifully .................................... near the river. (SITUATION)

WORD FORM grade 8B6

116. He gave us a word of…………………………about going out at night. (WARN)

117. Her mother was away and couldn't .................................................... her. (ADVICE)

118. They should find a strong .................................................... and go into it. (BUILD)
Săn bắt
119.The company says it will .................................................... start the hunt for a new CEO. (IMMEDIATE)
Bệnh tật
120. …………………………and poor living conditions spread diseases. (CROWD)

121. The French began to....................................the island in the 15th century. (POPULATION)
Dày đặt

122. This city is densely ..................................... (POPULATION)

Riêng biệt
123. The two languages are distinct but………………………… (SIMILAR)

124. The results also showed the ....................................of the two groups. (SIMILAR)

125. My bedroom is ....................................and comfortable. (SPACE)

Nội thất
126. The furniture was....................................spread out. (SPACE)

127. These programs are each watched by around 19 million ....................................every week. (VIEW)
Cao đẳng
128. He had the ....................................of a college student. (APPEAR)

129. The black car drove away from them and ..................................... (APPEAR)

130. I'll try to get on the....................................from Nha Trang to Hanoi tonight. (FLY)

131. “You don't know much about our town, do you?” - No, I'm a .................................... here.” (STRANGE)
Phản ứng Cuộc náo loạn

132. The universities have been ....................................silent in their response to the riots. (STRANGE)

133. This design is in ..................................... colors with three rectangles (BEAUTIFY)

Điều kỳ diệu
134. Space travel is one of the marvels of modern ..................................... (SCIENTIST)
Nhạc chuông
135. My phone came with 20 ....................................ringtones. (OPTION)

136. He left and, more ...................................., never came back. (IMPORTANT)

137. We have always stressed the ....................................of English learning. (IMPORTANT)

Hoàn toàn
138. We have totally ....................................views. (DIFFER)

WORD FORM grade 8B7

139. That’s sounds ..................................... (DANGER)

140. Alex is a fashion ..................................... (DESIGN)
Chi tiết
141. Follow the link for a more detailed ..................................... (DESCRIBE)

142. The ....................................between two things is the way in which they are unlike
Bối rối
each other. (DIFFER)

143. She was confused. I could see the her eyes. (BELIEVE)

144. Hopefully, there is light despite all of the ..................................... (DARK)

Báo cáo
145. There was a of UFOs flying over the city. (RECENTLY)
Bổ nhiệm
146. She has just been appointed artistic ....................................of Queensland Theatre Company. (DIRECT)

147. The boss gave me a…………………………order. (DIRECT)

148. Ho Chi Minh city is ten miles in the opposite ..................................... (DIRECT)
Sự nghiệp
149. He began a career in ...................................., working for the North London Press Group. (JOURNALIST)
Dụng cụ

150. A musician is a person who plays a....................................instrument as their job or hobby. (MUSIC)

151. By the time he died, he was a ..................................... (MILLION)

152. Someone who is ....................................likes playing sports. (SPORT)

153. Many children are so ....................................they are unable to do even basic exercises. (FIT)

154. I'm trying to improve my biking to work. (FIT)

Giả định Sự biểu lộ
155. His face assumed a sort of ....................................expression. (DREAM)

156. I want to help people have ....................................smiles. (BEAUTY)

157. She surprises herself by playing the piano ..................................... (BEAUTY)

158. One drink and she became very ..................................... (TALK)

159. He wants to be a (FAME)

Phàn nàn
160. People always complain that Judy spoke in a loud, rather ....................................voice. (FRIEND)
Giá trị
161. Steve really values your....................................more than anything else. (FRIEND)

WORD FORM grade 8B8

162. Hundreds of ....................................are being sent out this week. (INVITE)

163. There is a(n) with an outdoor terrace. (INVITE)

164. Oysters are a ....................................of the area. (SPECIAL)

165. He told the .................................... that he couldn’t live without his guitar. (INTERVIEW)

166. One of the top concerns for solo safety. (TRAVEL)

167. They don’t have a lot of money. They want to eat in ....................................restaurants. (EXPENSIVE)

168. Today, you have decide your own future. (FREE)
Nghề thêu
Cổ áo
169. The collar was ...............................................with very small red strawberries. (EMBROIDERY)
Phong phú

170. Missouri is not nearly as .......................................... diverse as the rest of the US. (ETHNIC)
Được ủy quyền Chưa đào tạo

171. Routine tasks are often delegated to ................................................, untrained doctors. (EXPERIENCE)
Duy trì
172. It expected to maintain ....................................of cars at the same level as last year. (PRODUCT)

173. have been able to provide cheaper food. (PRODUCT)

174. The rate of....................................following non-payment of water charges is rising. (CONNECT)

175. Neha Trang, my hometown, is the of Khanh Hoa province. (PROVINCE)
Hoa văn
176. The cloth has ....................................patterns such as squares, clouds, flowers, …. (TRADITION)

177. You know ....................................well what happened. (PERFECT)

178. The rule of law is still ...................................., but it’s better than having no laws at all. (PERFECT)

179. With its simple ...................................., the main bedroom looks beautiful. (DECORATE)

180. She made all the important .................................... in her family. (DECIDE)
Bị chỉ trích

181. He was criticized as a weak and ....................................leader. (DECIDE)

182. Chi is trying to eat ..................................... She usually eats a lot of steamed vegetables. (HEALTH)

183. She asked them whether they were ..................................... (HUNGER)

184. We joined lots of fun .................................... in Jun village last summer. (ACT)

WORD FORM grade 8B9

185. I think the ....................................sound exciting. (excite)

186. Everyone is in a state of great ..................................... (excite)

Sự biểu lộ
187. She had a ....................................expression on her face. (think)
Cà kheo /stɪlt/

188. We visited famous Cham buildings and ....................................stilt houses. (wood)

189. When we visited Ba Na Hill, we went biking through quiet and ....................................areas. (peace)

190. He is one of the president's his country. (support)

191. Vietnam has more than (nation)

Quốc tế

192. At the International School, they have students of 46 different ..................................... (nation)

193. ..........................................., I think it's a waste of time. (person)

194. Vietnamese people are very warm and………………………… (friend)

195. La Hill is a…………………………writer. (humor)

196. Each of my friend has a …………………………character. (difference)

197. I’m…………………………sorry for coming late. (extreme)

Bầu không khí

198. I love the…………………………of the atmosphere in the countryside. (peaceful)

199. Bao is very…………………………, kind and generous. (social)

200. We are good friends although each of us has a different………………………… (characteristic)

Tổ chức từ thiện
201. He spends most of his time doing charity work. He’s a…………………………man. (social)

202. He has a sense of…………………………because he often tells jokes. (humorous)

Hòa đồng
203. Nam makes friends very…………………………because he is very sociable. (ease)

204. Hoa is very………………………… She doesn’t talk to anybody in her class. (reservation)

205. A(n) …………………………is a child who lost his parents. (orphanage)

Sống sót
206. They were very…………………………to survive a fire. (luck)

207. Nga often helps poor and homeless people. She is…………………………. (generosity)

WORD FORM grade 8B10

208. ……………………….……, her sister passed the driving test. (luck)

209. Alex often spends his free time doing volunteer at a local …….…………………… (orphan)

210. I love the …………………………of the summer evenings in the countryside. (peaceful)

211. My father is loved by his because of his sense of………………………… (humorous)

212. A child whose parents have died is called an ………………………… (orphanage)

213. I can do all of these exercises ………………………… (ease)

214. I find him quite…………………………in class. (reserve)

215. I think learning a language is very………………………… (interest)

216. She gets…………………………when people smoke in the restaurants. (annoy)

217. It was……………………….……that she didn’t go to school. (surprise)

218. He always does his homework………………………… (careful)

219. An…………………………is a home for children whose parents were dead. (orphan)

220. Her sister plays the violin very ………….………………… (beautiful)

221. Paul works very…………………………in his new job. (hard)

222. She looks ……………….………………because she gets good mark. (happiness)

223. I find it ………………….……………for me to answer her question. (difficulty)

224. I’ll make……………………………………for the meeting tomorrow. (arrange)

225. There was still no …………………………on what to do next. (agree)

Thương mại
226. HCM City is an important …………………………………center. (commerce)
Lĩnh vực

227. Michael Faraday made a lot of…………………………in the field of electronic. (invent)
Phòng trưng bày
228. There was an …………………….………of painting at the Art gallery. (exhibit)

229. Your order is ready for ………………………… (deliver)

230. Thomas Watson was Bell’s …………….………………, wasn’t he? (assist)

WORD FORM grade 8B11

231. He was …………………………in demonstrating his inventions. (success)
Chứng minh Triển lãm
232. Bell demonstrated his…………………………at a lot of exhibitions. (invent)

233. He was asking to …………………………how to connect with the Internet. (demonstration)

234. We have to make careful …………………………for our trip to Malaysia. (arrange)

235. What led to the …………………………of the telephone? (invent)

236. Lan felt sad because she was …………………………in her job. (success)

237. He likes …………………………movies very much. (act)

238. Marconi was the …………………………of radio. (invent)

239. Jack …………………………me to his birthday party last week. (invitation)

Thương mại
240. The play was a …………………………success. (commerce)

241. Alexander Graham Bell …………………………demonstrated his invention. (success)

242. Can I leave the …………………………of the tables for you. (arrange)
Tiên phong Sự truyền thanh
243. Alexander Graham Bell pioneered long-distance …………………………transmission. (speak)
Hấp dẫn

244. The film ………………………… is very attractive. (introduce)

245. The life in the countryside makes us relaxed because it’s very ………………………… (peace)
Nội thất
246. She called him about her furniture ………………………… (deliver)

247. Each of my friends has a …………………….………character. (differ)

248. You should do your test …………………………if you want to get good marks. (care)

249. There was still no …………………………on what to do next. (agree)

250. This river is very …………………………for swimmers. (danger)

251. My mother told me a very ……….…………………… story yesterday. (interest)

252. This old man is …………………………in one ear. (deafen)

Dụng cụ

253. He can play many kinds of ………………………… instruments. (music)

WORD FORM grade 8B12

254. Hard work always brings ………………………… (succeed)
Dần dần
255. Heat gradually …………………………vitamin C. (destruction)
ổ cắm
256. Be careful to cover the …………………………sockets for the safety of the children. (electric)
At least: ít nhất

257. Every …………………………in my neighborhood has at least a TV set. (house)

Thiết bị

258. She is often worried about the …………………………of all electric appliances in her house. (safe)

259. Save…………………………: turn off all room lights before leaving. (electric)
Tuân theo Quy định

260. You should obey the ………………………… regulations at the hospital yesterday. (safe)
Bị thương

261. The ………………………… victims were sent to the hospital yesterday. (injure)
Đồ, vật

262. You have to keep all ………………………… object out of the children’s reach. (danger)

263. A kitchen is not a ………………………… place to play. (suitability)

264. It’s a …………………………idea for children to do some working at early age. (marvel)
Dịch vụ
265. Most teenagers like taking part in …………………………service. (communal)

266. Warm clothes are…………………………for hot weather. (suit)

Nguyên tử

267. The …………………………….… of atom bomb is very terrible. (destroy)

268. You must put all the ………………………… in a cupboard. (chemistry)

Sự đề phòng /prɪˈkɔːʃn/

269. These are some …………………………precautions in the home. (safe)

Gợi ý
270. I’m going to the shop for a rice …………………………. What brand do you recommend? (cook)

271. He works as a(n) ………………………… (electricity)

Nữ trang

272. A …………………………is a secure box for valuables like money or jewelry. (safe)

273. We must reach a(n) ………………………… soon. (agree)

274. Kitchen isn’t a …………………………place to play in. (suit)

275. Kitchen is a …………………………place to play in. (suit)

276. Did you take your …………………………? (medical)

WORD FORM grade 8B13

277. I can’t finish this task without your ………………………… (encourage)

278. Ha Long Bay is one of the most famous tourists ………………………… (attract)
ấm đun nước

279. She brought me a(n) …………………………………kettle as a gift. (electricity)

280. His room is full of ………………………… (dirty)

281. She …………………………everybody with a beautiful smile last night. (attractive)

Struck the match: quẹt diêm

282. When the …………………………went out, he struck the match to find the candles. (electric)
Phớt lờ
283. His …………………….……… became worse because he ignored the doctor’s advice. (injure)

284. Our life is much better with the help of modern ………………………… (equip)
Trang phục
285. All the singers wore ………………………… costumes. (tradition)

286. ………………………………….…, I lost my keys on the way home. (fortunate)

Tiên nữ

287. A fairy ………………………… changed Little Pea’s rags into beautiful clothes. (magic)

288. Everyone was very ………………………… after hearing that news. (excite)

289. You made a wise …………………………when you chose to study Spanish. (decide)

290. The boy fell off his bicycle and …………………………broke his arm. (fortunate)

291. The “Lost Shoe” is one of the …………………………stories I like best. (tradition)

292. His sudden …………………………surprised all of us. (appear)

Khôn ngoan

293. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s ………………………… (wise)

294. He is so proud of his ………………………… (wise)

295. I can’t stand people who are………………………… to animals. (cruelty)

296. The children were very …………………………to hear the fairy tale. (excite)

297. My grandfather often wears ………………………… clothes on the Tet holiday. (tradition)
Tiên nữ

298. Children were very happy with the …………………………of the fairy. (appear)

299. My car has given me excellent ………………………… (serve)

WORD FORM grade 8B14

300. Who is the …………………………of this black Merced? (own)

301. Would you like …………………………in the Festival in Hue next week? (participation)

302. This room is …………………………with latest machine. (equip)

303. He kept ………………………… during the meeting. (quietness)

304. The teenagers shouted ………………………… in the concert. (excite)

Cuộc thi
305. There are many ___________ in this competition. (participate)

306. He came home …………………………when he heard the news. (immediate)

307. The tiger wondered why a strong buffalo was a farmer’s ………………………… (serve)

308. My Tam has a …………………………voice. (wonder)

309. Many people became ………………………… after the storm. (home)

310. It is a(n) …………………………decision, so make sure it’s your final answer. (change)

311. Children enjoy …………………………fish. (color)

312. …………………………, children receive lucky money at Tet. (tradition)

313. Many people don’t believe in ………………………… (magical)

314. Her disappearance has never been ………………………… explained. (satisfy)

315. Do you know the ………………………… of that word? (pronounce)

316. I’m pleased to hear you had an ………………………… summer vacation. (enjoy)
Tư học

317. Don’t you know the …………………………of self-study? (important)

318. Her parents are ………………………… with her good behavior. (please)
Sự hợp tác
319. Our project wouldn’t be ………………………… without your kind cooperation. (success)
Quy tắc

320. You don’t have to …………………………the grammar rules to be able to do these exercises. (memory)

321. You have to …………………………those English vocabularies every day. (revision)

Tích cực
322. She actively …………………………in social work. (participation)

WORD FORM grade 8B15

Đối với Hung dữ

323. His ………………………… towards her is becoming more and more aggressive. (behave)
Cộng đồng
324. We used to…………………………in many activities of communal center. (participation)

325. I can do all of these exercises ………………………… (easy)

Thành tựu Chinh trị
326. He was ………………………… of his achievements in the field of politics. (pride)

327. His ………………………… of some words is not correct. (pronounce)

Ngăn chặn
328. Her …………………………prevented her from success. (nervous)

329. We finished the test………………………… (excellent)

330. The teacher is pleased with the ………………………… in my study. (improve)

331. He is an ………………………… student. (excellence)

332. Students should only learn ………………………… words. (importance)

Ôn lại

333. ………………………… is necessary. (revise)

334. We are going to Hue tonight to ………………………… the festival with my family. (celebration)

335. His mom takes …………………………in him. (proud)

336. We spent our summer vacation ………………………… (enjoy)

Mục tiêu

337. They aim at …………………………target. (practice)

338. Her English ………………………… very fast (improvement)

339. They always ………………………… kindly towards their neighbors (behavior)

340. She always talks about his son ………………………… (pride)

341. Sit down and make yourselves………………………… (comfort)

342. Sit down and …………………………your dinner, please (enjoyment)

343. We are looking forward to our next ………………………… (cooperate)

344. She is beautiful with a ............................. smile. (Love)

345. ............................................., the barber cut my hair too short. (luck)

WORD FORM grade 8B16

Tính cách
346. Each of my friends has a ............................ character. (differ)

347. Minh is very ............................., kind and generous. (social)

348. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local ...................... (orphan)

349. Emily has short .......................... hair. (curl)

350. Trung and his brother like .............................. movies very much. (act)

351. My brother likes acting and outdoor ..................................... (act)

Thử nghiệm Truyền tải Khoảng cách

352. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting.................................. over a long distance. (speak)

353. Bell ............................................... demonstrated his invention. (success)

354. Mr. Phong made an ...................... to see us at two o’clock. (arrange)

355. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ..................................., wasn’t he? (assist)

356. There wasn’t any ........................................ in our village two years ago. (electric)

357. “The lost shoe” is one of the ...........................................stories I like best. (tradition)

358. Everyone was .................................... at the soccer match. (excite)

359. Marconi was the ............................... of radio. (invent)

360. The ........................................... of radio was made by Marconi. (invent)

Chứng minh
361. Alexander ………................................... demonstrates his invention. (success)

362. Can I leave the .............................................. of the table for you? (arrange)
Thuộc về bưu điện

363. We have two postal ............................................... each day. (deliver)

364. I’m going to the shop for a rice ................................... (cook)

365. Be careful to cover the .......................... sockets for the safety of the children. (electric)

366. The music is beautiful. It makes the movie ............................. (forget)

367. In order to save the ..............................., remember to turn off the lights before going out. (electric)

368. The boy fell off his bicycle and ................................ broke his arm. (fortunate)

WORD FORM grade 8B17

369. His broken arm was still ………………………… (pain)

Xuất hiện
370. A fairy appeared and ………………………… changed her old clothes. (magic)

371. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s ………………………… (wise)

372. The police came ………………………… (immediate)

373. Our life is much better with the help of modern ………………………… (equip)
Hoàng tử

374. In the story, the prince got ………………………… to a poor girl. (marry)

375. He is an ………………………… student. (excellence)

376. Thank you for your ………………………… party. (enjoy)

Sai lầm
377. Remember to check for ………………………… mistakes prince before handing in your writing. (spell)
Cuộc thi
378. ………………………… in sport competitions is open to everyone in our school. (participate)

379. Her parents are pleased with her good ………………………… (behave)

380. His ………………………… of some words is not correct. (pronounce)

381. My teacher is proud of my ………………………… in my study. (improve)

382. I can do all the exercises ………………………… (easy)

Thiếu niên

383. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth ………….…………………… (organize)

384. The form must have the ………………………… of the writer. (sign)
Khuyến khích
385. Our teacher always gives us …………………………… so that we can work hard. (encourage)

386. If you want to join the club, please fill in this ………………………… form. (apply)

387. Who is the ………………………… of this car? (own)

388. There are not enough doctors in this ………………………… (neighbor)

Cư trú tại
389. The ………………………… in the area are against the building of the new high way. (reside)

390. I want to become a famous ………………………… when I grow up. (photograph)

391. There is a wide ………………………… of clothes for you in this summer. (select)

WORD FORM grade 8B18

Từ điển
392. Mai always brings an English dictionary in her ………………………… (pack)
393. The weather is getting ………………………… (bad)
394. It is ………………………… than usual in my town today. (busy)

395. School days are the ………………………… days of my life. (happy)

396. Who is …………………………, Tom or Tim? (good)

397. She lives in the ………………………… house of the village. (large)

398. Going on a trip is ……….…………………… than staying at home. (interesting)

399. The people in the country are very open and ………………………… (friend)

400. She is loved by many people because of her ………………………………. (kind)

401. Some of my …………………………… live in the city. (relate)

402. Air ………………………… is a big problem in the city nowadays. (pollute)

403. Mr. Tan teaches ………………………… sciences. (nature)

404. Disneyland is one of the famous areas of ………………………… (entertain)

Sự vắng mặt

405. He had no ………………………… for his absence. (explain)

406. How ………………………… of you to break that cup! (care)

407. We live in a rather rich ………………………… (neighbor)

Quốc tế

408. They are members of an international ………………………… (organize)

409. Television is very ………….………………… nowadays. (popularity)

410. It’s …………………………… to cross the avenue. (danger)

411. ……………………….………, her illness was more serious than we thought. (fortunate)

412. Sapa is a wonderful ………………………… resort in Viet Nam. (mountain)

Bộ tộc

413. Most tourists like visiting ………………………… villages. (tribe)

Đa dạng

414. There are ………………………… ways of solving problem. (variety)

WORD FORM grade 8B19

415. It’s not easy to find cheap ………………………… at busy times. (accommodate)
416. Some of my ………………………… are going to my birthday party. (class)

417. We like our math teacher for his sense of ………………………… (humorous)
Giáo sư

418. Tom is working as an ………………………… to Professor Brown. (assist)

419. We are waiting for the ………………………… of his plane (arrive)

420. Every week, there are two ………………………… from Ha Noi to HCM city. (fly)
Điểm đến

421. There are some buses to ………………………… destinations. (south)

422. This knife is ………………………… It can’t cut anything. (use)

423. The person who sells flowers at the shop is called ………………………… (flower)
Sự lo lắng /æŋˈzaɪəti/

424. She is very ………………………… about her mother’s health. (anxiety)

425. Mrs. Hoa can help Mai to make a good ………………………… (choose).

426. In May, the days often ………………………… (long)

427. My father has a good ………………………… of Vietnamese history. (know)

428. My father plans to live ………………………… in the countryside after he retires (permanent)

429. Read the user’s manual carefully, it will give you a lot of useful ………………………… (inform)

430. Our ………………………… are doing their best to improve the people’s quality of life (govern)
Khởi hành
431. What’s the ………………………… time of your flight? (depart)

432. I’m going to buy a motorcycle. I’m tired of riding on ………………………… buses (crowd)

433. English is an ………………………… and important subject (interest)

Điện tử Thiết bị
434. In electronics, we learn to repair ………………………… appliance (house)

435. Nam is very ………………………… in computer (interest)

436. Ba will be a ………………………… artist one day (fame)

437. If you want to have a ………………………… body, you should play sport (health)

WORD FORM grade 8B20

Cơ quan, tổ chức

438. In most country, there are organizations especially for ………………………… (teen)
439. There are many kinds of ………………………… for young people (entertain)

440. More and more young people want a university ………………………… (educate)
Diễn tập Dịp kỉ niệm
441. We are rehearsing a play for the school anniversary ………………………… (celebrate)

442. When I go to the library, I sit and read about ………………………… things (wonder)

443. Ask the ………………………… if you can borrow this book (library)

444. We have a ………………………… who comes twice a week (garden)

445. I’d like to live here because the people are very ………………………… (friend)

446. We usually go ………………………… in the morning. (swim)

447. Feeding the ducks is her ………………………… work. (day)

448. …………………….…………, he was ill on the day of the Pop festival. (fortunate)

449. She looks more ………………………… than her sister (beauty)

Sự chìm tàu
450. They are very ………………………… to survive a shipwreck (luck)

451. I love the ………………………… of summer evening in the countryside (peaceful)

452. Those cats look ………………………… (love)

Bếp lò
453. Stop, Nam! It's ………………………… to be near the stove. (danger)

454. The glass pieces are dried ………………………… (complete)

455. My elder brother studies hard to pass the university ………………………… exam. (enter)

456. Please confirm your ………………………… date and time if you want to come with us. (arrive)
Sắp xếp
457. I’ll make ………………………… for you to meet him at airport (arrange)

458. Tuan ………………………… his friend to his house on Christmas day (invitation)

459. My ………………………… will call you later (assist)

460. What led to the ………………………… of the telephone? (invent)

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