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General_Knowledge MCQs

Q1. Total number of continents in the World is

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 ★ (D) 9

Q2. Total number of oceans in the World is

(A) 3 (B) 5 ★ (C) 7 (D) 12

Q3. Which one is the largest ocean in the World?

(A) Indian (B) Pacific ★ (C) Atlantic (D) Arctic

Q4. Which one is the smallest ocean in the World? (A) Indian (B) Pacific (C) Atlantic (D) Arctic ★

Q5. Dead Sea is located between which two countries?

(A) Jordan and Sudan (B) Jordan and Israel ★

(C) Turkey and UAE (D) UAE and Egypt

Q6. Which country gifted the 'Statue of Liberty' to USA in 1886?

(A) French ★ (B) Canada (C) Brazil (D)England

Q7. In which ocean 'Bermuda Triangle' region is located?

(A) Atlantic ★ (B) Indian (C) Pacific (D) Arctic

Q8. Which country is also known as 'Land of the 'Midnight Sun'?

(A) Geenland (B) Iceland (C) Ireland (D) Norway ★

Q9. Which country is known as the 'playground of Europe'?

(A) Autria (B) Holland (C) Switzerland ★ (D) Italy

Q10. Which country is also known as the 'Land of Rising Sun'?

(A) Japan ★ (B) New Zealand (C) Fiji (D) China

Q11. Which country is also known as the 'Land of Thousand Lakes'?

(A) Iceland (B) Norway

(C) Finland ★ (D)Switzerland

Q12. Which country is known as the 'Land of Thunderbolts'?

(A) China (B) Bhutan ★ (C) Mongolia (D) Thailand

Q13. In which country, white elephant is found?

(A) India (B) Sri Lanka (C) Thailand★(D) Malaysia

Q14. Which continent has the highest number of countries?

(A) Asia (B) Europe (C) Noth America (D) Africa ★

Q15. Which one is the largest producer of tea in the World?

(A) China ★ (B) Sri Lanka (C) India (D) Kenya

1. How many verses are in Holy Qur’an?

A. 6235 B. 6666.✔ ★

C. 6237 D. 6238

2. How many times is the word ‘Qur’an’ repeated in Holy Qur’an?

A. 67 B. 68 C. 69 D. 70✔ ★

3. Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an? A. Honey B. Milk✔ ★ C. Water D. Juice

4 The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?

A. Honey✔ ★ B. Milk C. Water melon D. Dabino

5. Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Qur’an?


6. The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala though Halal is?

A. Hajj B. Divorce✔ ★ C. Marriage D. Murder

7. Which letter is used the most time in Holy Quran?

A. Wa B. Ba'un C. Alif✔ ★ D. Qaf

8. Which letter is used the least in the Holy Qur’an?

A. Zaa ★✔ B. Maa C. Taa D. Laa

9. Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Fish B. Whale C. Elephant✔ ★ D. Anaconda

10. Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Fly B. Mosquito✔ ★ C. Spider D. Ant

11. How many words are in the smallest Sura (kausar) of Holy Qur’an?

A. 41 B. 42✔ ★ C. 43 D. 44

12. Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Qur’an?

A. Baqara B. Fatiha✔ ★ C. Iklass D. Yaseen

13. How many Sura start with Al-Hamdulillah?

A. Four B. Five✔ ★ C. six D. Seven

14. How many Sura’s name is only one letter?

A. Two B. Three✔ ★ C. Four D. Five

15. How many Sura start with word ‘Inna ‘?

A. Three B. Four. ✔★ C. Five D. Six

16. How many Sura are Makkahi

A. 85 B. 86✔ ★ C. 87 D. 88

17. and how suras many are Madni

A. 28 ★✔ B. 27 C. 26 D. 25

18. Which Sura is from the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?

A. Lahab B. Quraish✔ ★ C. Hashim D. Sab'i

19. Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Qur’an?

A. Iklas B. Yaseen✔ ★ C. Fatiha D. Mulk

20. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated only five times?

A. An'am B. Hajj✔ ★ C. Maryam D. Mu'meen

21. Which Sura is the name of one Holy war?

A. Room B. Ahzab✔ ★ C. Fathi D. Nasr

22. Which Sura is the name of one metal?

A. Ra'ad B. Hadeed✔ ★ C. Ahzab D. HUD

23. Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an

A. Fatiha B. Yaseen C. Jinn D. Rahman✔ ★

24. Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of holy Qur’an?

A. Al-Ikhlas ★ B. Falaq... C. Nas D. Fatiha

25. Which Sura was revealed twice?

A. Iklaas B. Fatiha✔ ★ C. Ayatul kursiyyu D. Tauba

26. In which Sura is the backbiter condemned?

A. Munafiqun B. Humaza✔ ★

C. Nuhu D. Zalzala

27. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated in every verse?

A. Iklaas B. Mujadala✔ ★

C. Mumtahana D. Fatiha

28. In which Sura does the letter ‘Fa’ did not appear?

A. Al-Imaran B. Baqara.

C. fatiha✔ D. Nass

29. How many Suras starts with word ‘ Tabara Kallazi’

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 ★ D. 1

30. Makkan Suras were revealed in how many years?

A. 13✔ B. 14 C. 15 D. 16

31. Medina Sura were revealed in how many years?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 10✔ ★ D. 11

32. How many Suras start with word Qad?

A. 2 ★✔ B. 3 C 4 D. 5

33. Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?

A. Humaza B. Tagabun C. Adiyat✔ ★ D. Balad

34. Which Sura has every verse ending with letter ‘Dal ‘?

A. Iqra'a B. falaq C. Balad D. Iklas✔★

35. Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt?

A. Luqman B. Qamar C. Layl D. Insan✔ ★

36. Which Sura every verse ends with letter ‘Ra'

A. Buruj B. Dariq C. Kausar✔ ★ D. Shams

37. In which Sura is the creation of human beings mentioned?

A. Hajj B. Hijr✔ ★ C. Hadid D. Humaza

38. In which Sura are the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?

A. Baqara B. Al- Imran

C. Nisa✔ ★ D. Insan

39. Which Sura deals with the laws of marriage?

A. Dalaq B. Mujadala C. Nisa✔ ★ D. Mumtahana

40. In which Sura is the story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned?

A. Baqara B. Taha✔ ★ C. Qasas D. Kahfi

41. In which Sura is the law of inheritance mentioned?

A. Nisa. ★✔ B. Ma'ida C. Noor D. Anbiya

42. In which Sura is the Hijra of the Holy Prophet mentioned?

A. A'araf B. HUD C. Nuhu D. Anfal✔ ★

43. In which Sura are the 27 Attributes of Allah mentioned?

A. Hadeed✔ ★ B. Rahman

C.Yunus D. Yusuf

44. Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Qamar B. Qadar✔ ★

C. Najm D. Layl

45. Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Rajab B. Sha'abān

C. Ramadan ★✔ D. Hajj

46. How many words are in the longest Sura of Holy Qur’an?

A. 25500✔ ★ B. 26600

C. 27700 D. 28800
47. How many times is Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem is repeated?

A. 116 B. 115 C. 114✔ ★ D. 113

48. How many Sura start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem?

A. 116 B. 115 C. 114 D. 113✔ ★

49. In what surah the first aya in the holy Qur'an revealed?

A. Fatiha B. Muzammil

C. Mudassir D. Iqra'a✔ ★

50. What is the translation of 'Muzammil'?

A. The enshrouded One ★✔ B. The cloaked One

C. The feared One D. The Runaway One

51: What is the meaning of Pakistan

(A) Muslim Land

(B) Land of five rivers

(C) Holy land✔ ★

52: Who is the first governor general of Pakistan

(A) Sikendar Mirza

(B) Muhammad Ali Jinnah✔ ★

(C) Liaqat Ali khan

53:: What was the major event of 1971

(A) Bangladesh broke away from Pakistan✔ ★

(B) Tashkent Agreement

(C) Nawaz Sharif become Prime Minister

54: In which year did Pakistan win the cricket world cup?

(A) 1991 ( B) 1992✔ ★ (C) 1993

55: When did Pakistan win Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time?

(A) 1960✔ ★ (B) 1971 (C) 1948

56: Where was general pervez Mushraf born?

(A) Lahore (B) Delhi✔ ★ (C) Karachi

57:Where is the tomb of mughal emperor Jahangeer?

(A) Bomby (B) Aagra (C) Lahore✔ ★

58: Who is succeeded Zia Ul Haq as president of Pakistan?

(A) Ishaq khan ★✔ (B) Rafiq Tararr (C) Bhutto

59:When did Pakistan become a Republic?

(A) 23/3/1956✔ ★

(B) 14/8/1947

(C) 6/11/1963

60:How many time did squash player Jahangeer khan when world open?

(A) Six (B) Seven (C) Eight✔ ★

61:Which is the national Flower of Pakistan?

(A) Jasmin✔ ★ (B) Rose (C) Thistle

62: Who Designed Pakistan's national flag?

A) Ch Rehmal Ali

B) Ameer Ul Deen khdwai✔ ★

C) Wali khan

63: Which Militry Alliance had Pakistan as its member?


64:Who wrote Pakistan's First National anthem?

(A) Hafeez Jallundri✔ ★

(B) Abdul Rab Nashtar

(C) Ahmad Chagla.

01:Q. Vladimir Putin belongs to ___ Party:

(a) Communist Party (b) United Russia ★

(c) Nationalist (d) None of These

2:Q. Vladimir Putin wins __ term as Russian President Elections 2018?

(a) Fifth (b) Fourth ★

(c) Sixth (d) None of These

3:Q.Who won the Russian Presidential Elections 2018?

(a) Pavel Grudinin (b) Vladimir Zhirinovsky

(c) Vladimir Putin ★ (d) None of These

4:Q. Russian Presidential Elections was held on:

(a) 16th March, 2018 (b) 19th Feb, 2018

(c) 19th March, 2018 ★ (d) None of These

5:Q. Who is the current Secretary of State of USA?

(a) Mike Pompeo ★ (b) Rex W. Tillerson

(c) Gina Haspel (d) None of These

6:Q. Which Country Expels Nearly 23 Russian Diplomats After Nerve Attack On Ex-Spy?

(a) U.K ★ (b) USA (c) North Korea (d) All

7:Q. Which Country successfully launched a hyper-sonic Missile recently called as “an ideal weapon“?

(a) Russia ★ (b) USA

(c) North Korea (d) All

8:Q. Which Country has approved the removal of the two-term limit on the presidency and effectively
allowing President to remain in Power for life.

(a) China ★ (b) Iran (c) Japan (d) Pakistan

9;Q. Which two countries signed a key Security accord for the Indian Ocean to counter China’s growing
influence in the region?

(a) Pakistan and China (b) India and France ★

(c) India and Japan (d) None of These

10:Q. Which two countries have been recently suspended from voting in the United Nations (UN)
General Assembly?

(a) Venezuela and Somalia

(b) Venezuela and Iraq

(c) Venezuela and Libya ★

(d) None of These

11:Q. ___ Country Supreme Court has issued a landmark ruling allowing “passive euthanasia”:

(a) Pakistan (b) India ★

(c) Saudi Arabia (d) None of These

12:Q. ___ country holds first ever All-female marathon:

(a) Pakistan (b) Iran

(c) Saudi Arabia ★ (d) A and Bale marathon:

(a) Pakistan (b) Iran

(c) Saudi Arabia ★ (d) A and B


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