Approval Note
(Holidays in the Year 2024 - Sector B, BG)
Following may be approved as holidays of 2024 for all factories and H/0 of Sector B, BG:
ste | ‘Occasion Date Day | Number of Remarks
i Shab-e Mira] 8 February” Thursday 01 __| *Subject to sighting of moon.
2 Shab-e-Barat 26 February* Monday 01 __| *Subject to sighting of moon.
3. | independence Day & | 26 March Tuesday oi
National Day
a Shab-e-Qadr TApri* Sunday 01 __| *Subject to sighting of moon.
3. Eid-ub Fite 10,11,13 April® | Wed, Thurs, Sat 03 ___| *Subject to sighting of moon.
6 | May Day Oi May Wednesday on
7. Eid-ubAzha 16-18 June* Sun-Tues (03 __| “Subject to sighting of moon.
8. Victory Day 16 December Monday on
Total Days 2
2. Durga Puja (8 October — Tuesday"), Buddha Purnima (23 May ~ Thursday*) and Christmas Day (25
December — Wednesday) may be enjoyed as Holiday by respective religious believers only.
3. The day before, the Eid day and the day after Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha will be observed as holidays
except if a day among those is a Friday (weekly holiday), may be adjusted with a day immediate after.
4. Foryour kind approval please.
Lt Col Syed Jamil ARSa, afwe, psc, AC (retd)
General Manager (Central HR & Admin)
Sector ~8, Bashundhara Group
Approved By
ly wd
Hon’ble Managing Director, BG