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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 04 December 2023

DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1321233

Brexpiprazole in patients with

OPEN ACCESS schizophrenia with or without
substance use disorder: an
Octavian Vasiliu,
Dr. Carol Davila University Emergency Military
Central Hospital, Romania

observational study
Vassilis Martiadis,
Asl Napoli 1 Centro, Italy
Gaia Sampogna, Ginevra Lombardozzi1*, Giada Trovini1 , Emanuela Amici1 ,
University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli,” Italy
Ovidiu Alexinschi, Georgios D. Kotzalidis1,2,3,4*, Filippo Perrini5 , Valeria Giovanetti1 ,
Socola Iaşi Institute of Psychiatry, Romania
Marcin Siwek,
Alessandro Di Giovanni1 and Sergio De Filippis1
Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Poland 1
Villa Von Siebenthal Neuropsychiatric Hospital and Clinic, Genzano di Roma, Italy, 2 NESMOS
*CORRESPONDENCE Department, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy,
Ginevra Lombardozzi Department of Neuroscience, Section of Psychiatry, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCSS, Rome, Italy, 4 Centro Lucio Bini, Rome, Italy, 5 ASL Roma 6, Rome, Italy
Georgios D. Kotzalidis

RECEIVED 13 October 2023 Background: Partial dopamine D2 receptor agonists are used for psychotic
ACCEPTED 13 November 2023 symptoms in adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Recently, interest
PUBLISHED 04 December 2023
surged for partial dopamine D2 receptor agonists in substance use disorders
(SUDs). Since it is believed that SUDs decrease the efficacy of pharmacotherapy
Lombardozzi G, Trovini G, Amici E,
Kotzalidis GD, Perrini F, Giovanetti V, Di of underlying psychiatric disorders, we tested the efficacy of the partial D2 agonist
Giovanni A and De Filippis S (2023) brexpiprazole in patients with schizophrenia who were either comorbid with a SUD
Brexpiprazole in patients with schizophrenia
(SUD group) or not comorbid (non-SUD) to assess treatment response and the
with or without substance use disorder: an
observational study. effect of brexpiprazole on substance craving in SUD.
Front. Psychiatry 14:1321233.
Methods: We included patients with DSM-5/DSM-5-TR schizophrenia (using
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1321233
SCID-5-CV) aged 18–66 years with either comorbid SUD or non-SUD to treat with
© 2023 Lombardozzi, Trovini, Amici, Kotzalidis,
brexpiprazole 4 mg/day for 6 months during February–October 2022. Patients
Perrini, Giovanetti, Di Giovanni and De Filippis. were assessed with the Clinical Global Impressions–Severity (CGI-S) scale, the 24-
This is an open-access article distributed under item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and the Positive And Negative Syndrome
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
Scale (PANSS) at baseline, weekly for the first 2 months and monthly for the next
reproduction in other forums is permitted, four. Furthermore, we assessed substance craving in SUD with a visual analog scale
provided the original author(s) and the for craving (VAScrav) at the same timepoints.
copyright owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is cited, in Results: The total sample was 86 (85 analysable) 18- to 64-year-old (mean 39.32
accordance with accepted academic practice. ± 14.09) patients with schizophrenia [51 men (59.3%) and 35 women (40.7%)], of
No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these
whom 48 SUD (55.8%) (37 men and 11 women) and 38 non-SUD (44.2%) (14 men
terms. and 24 women). No serious or persistent adverse events developed over the study
period, but one patient dropped out for subjective akathisia. Results indicated the
main effects of time with improvements over the course of the study for CGI-
S, BPRS, and PANSS in both SUD and non-SUD groups and the entire sample,
and for VAScrav in SUD. Brexpiprazole was associated with similar significant
improvements in both groups at the 6 month endpoint compared to baseline.
Conclusion: Treatment with brexpiprazole for 6 months improved psychotic
symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, independently from whether they
belonged to the SUD or the non-SUD group; hence, SUD comorbidity did not
confer treatment resistance to brexpiprazole. Furthermore, in the SUD group, we
observed reduced substance craving.


antipsychotic medications, brexpiprazole, partial dopamine D2 receptor agonists,

schizophrenia, substance use disorder

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1 Introduction with the tasks of everyday life. These drugs are able, through
partial agonist activity on the D2 group of receptors (D2 ,
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder with a pooled annual D3 , and D4 ), to increase dopaminergic activity in the DLPFC
incidence of 15 per 100,000 people (1). It is a chronic condition that and by increasing the dose to block dopaminergic receptors
has huge health, social, and economic impacts on patients, their in the mesolimbic system. Simultaneously, they block 5-HT2A
families and caregivers, and on the entire society; it ranked 20th (and 5-HT6 and 5-HT7 ) receptors (21) and partially activate
among the leading causes of disability in 2019 (1). Its treatment is 5-HT1A receptors (22). Hence, the properties of the “atypical”
still unsatisfactory and is the focus of debate, with newly proposed or “second generation” antipsychotics apply to these molecules.
drugs based on recent developments in the pathophysiology of the This group of drugs comprises aripiprazole, cariprazine, and
disorder (2–4) going beyond the classical dopaminergic hypothesis. brexpiprazole, which have shown comparable effectiveness in
A few months passed since the first report of environmental schizophrenia studies, although each maintains its own unique
indifference induced by chlorpromazine (5), which prompted profile (23). In particular, brexpiprazole is more potent at the 5-
Henri Laborit to advise Delay and Deniker (6) to use the drug in HT7 receptors than the other two drugs (Supplementary Table 1).
psychiatric patients and to report the efficacy of chlorpromazine Inhibiting the 5-HT7 receptor has been associated with positive
in purported schizophrenia cases (7) and in manic agitation cognitive effects (24, 25), which are essential for recovery from
(8). From that time until the first rudimentary draft of the schizophrenia (26).
dopaminergic theory (9), 11 years elapsed, and a further 3 years Currently, there are more than 20 pharmacotherapeutic options
were required until its accomplished formulation (10). In the to treat schizophrenia symptoms (27, 28) and some focus on
meantime, phenothiazines were considered antihistaminics that non-dopaminergic mechanisms (29), although these mechanisms
failed to induce adequate analgesia, and all antipsychotic drugs ultimately affect dopaminergic transmission (30). When choosing
produced in these years were variations of methylene blue and a prescription, clinicians should balance efficacy with safety and
chlorpromazine structures. The discovery of the butyrophenone adverse events. The latter may impair the patient’s quality of life
haloperidol also followed a serendipitous path, with the young (QoL) and lead to treatment discontinuation (31, 32). This, in
chemist Bert K. F. Hermans synthesizing the drug on 11 February turn, may be followed by symptom exacerbation, which is the main
1958 at Janssen (11), while Paul A.J. Janssen’s group was playing reason for subsequent hospitalization (33). Hospitalization, besides
around with the structure of pethidine in an attempt to discover constituting a traumatic event in a psychiatric patient’s life (34), is
stronger pain killers (12); the discoverers published their results also related to increasing healthcare costs and social burdens (35).
1 year later (13), but had already passed the molecule to Divry Schizophrenia treatment is arduous even after treating the
et al. (14, 15) and Paquay et al. (16), who performed the first acute phase. The main task is to treat the acute phase but also to
encouraging clinical trials, something that would not have been prevent relapses and lead the patient to recovery, thus ensuring
feasible in current years for ethical reasons. At these times, the socialization and reintegration into the community. Antipsychotics
dopamine receptor was unknown to the scientific community, and often need to be taken for very long periods, thus increasing the
dopamine was considered to be only a noradrenaline precursor. probability of adverse events, which prompt patients to discontinue
Carlsson et al. (17, 18) identified dopamine as an independent medication and decrease adherence (36). A meta-analysis of clinical
transmitter in the brain in the late 1950s. Seven more years trials compared 32 commonly prescribed oral antipsychotics and
were still needed to formulate a form of the dopaminergic found similar efficacy rates, while the greater differences regarded
hypothesis for schizophrenia that posed hyperdopaminergia adverse events (37). This meta-analysis found weak effect sizes for
as the pathological basis of schizophrenia (10). The theory brexpiprazole compared to clozapine but also confirmed a low
underwent various modifications, with additions, specifications, potential for adverse events. The D2 dopamine receptor partial
and enrichment concerning other transmitters and modulators, agonist antipsychotics, due to their potential to increase prefrontal
such as glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin cortical dopamine release, which is related to motivation and
(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), acetylcholine, endorphins, other cognition (38–40), can decrease the symptoms of mood disorders,
peptides, and adenosine, but the idea that increased mesolimbic such as some core symptoms [but not all (41)] of major depressive
dopaminergic activity linked to the development of schizophrenia disorder (MDD) or bipolar depression. In fact, this group of
was never disproved and all adjunctive mechanisms had to fit antipsychotics is used, both in monotherapy and in augmentation,
this idea, as drugs without mesolimbic antidopaminergic (direct in the treatment of mood (41) and personality disorders (42). While
or indirect) activity are ineffective. It was hypothesized that the FDA accepted some antipsychotic drugs as monotherapy in
abnormally developing dopaminergic projections to the prefrontal bipolar depression, it does not recommend any antipsychotic alone
cortex affected GABAergic and glutamatergic transmissions in for unipolar depression.
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and its feedback Brexpiprazole (7-[4-[4-(1-benzothiophen-4-yl)piperazin-1-
to the mesolimbic dopaminergic system (19). Realizing that yl]butoxy]quinolin-2(1H)-one) was first approved in the US by
dopaminergic activity in the prefrontal cerebral cortex was the FDA in 2015 for schizophrenia in adults and pediatric patients
hypoactive and in the mesolimbic system was hyperactive led older than 13 years, and as an add-on to an antidepressant drug for
to the development of drugs that could slow the activity of MDD in adults (43). In 2023, its indication was expanded to the
dopamine in the mesolimbic system, as all neuroleptics and treatment of agitation associated with dementia due to Alzheimer’s
antipsychotics do, but enhance it in the DLPFC (20), which disease (44). In Europe, it is indicated for schizophrenia in
is the seat of executive functions that help individuals to deal adults (45).

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Brexpiprazole was found to be suitable for long-term adult Dose-dependent reductions of cocaine self-administration in
schizophrenia treatment, as it shows a favorable adverse event rhesus monkeys were obtained when drugs with 5-HT2C receptor
profile, thus ensuring safety, besides reducing both positive and agonist and 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist properties were
negative symptoms; this way, it achieves the goals of increasing administered (61). 5-HT2A antagonist activity and partial agonist
patient’s socialization and reintegration into the community (46). activity on 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors could be active in
Brexpiprazole displays a high affinity for serotonin, dopamine, reducing stimulant drug consumption in patients with SUDs
and noradrenaline receptors. It strongly binds (K i < 1 nM), 5HT1A comorbid with psychotic disorders. Thus, in the light of its
and 5HT2A serotonin receptors, D2 dopamine receptors, and α1B receptor-binding profile, brexpiprazole appears to be a valid
and α2C adrenoceptors (47, 48). It is a partial agonist at 5HT1A treatment for psychosis and a particularly suitable drug for patients
serotonin and D2 dopamine receptors and an antagonist at 5- with psychotic symptoms and concomitant SUD.
HT2A serotonin receptors and α1 and α2 adrenoceptors (47, 48). There are perspectives for the new class of dopamine receptor
Brexpiprazole shows a fairly high affinity (K i < 5 nM) for D3 partial agonists in various psychiatric disorders and neurological
dopamine-, 5HT2B , 5HT7 serotonin-, and α1A and α1D adrenergic diseases, and many molecules are now being tested (62, 63). It
receptors, a moderate affinity (K i = 19 nM) for H1 histamine appears that those directed to the D1 group of dopamine receptors
receptors, and low affinity (K i > 1,000 nM) for M1 muscarinic (D1 /D5 ), such as tavapadon, will not work in schizophrenia, but will
cholinergic receptors (47, 48). Compared to aripiprazole and be effective in Parkinson’s disease (64), while psychotic disorders
cariprazine, brexpiprazole binds the D2 dopamine and the 5-HT2A will respond to the partial agonism of the D2 group of receptors.
serotonin receptors strongly and displays more powerful partial Recently, there has been a suggestion that by focusing on the
agonist activities on 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C serotonin receptors. Due partial agonism of this group, especially D3 , we could develop drugs
to its lower intrinsic activity at D2 receptors and higher binding that may prove useful in SUDs (65–68). Such drugs can reduce
affinities for 5-HT1A/2A receptors than aripiprazole, brexpiprazole the psychotic symptomatology of schizophrenia in patients with
would have a favorable antipsychotic potential without D2 receptor SUD (65). We employed the D2 dopamine receptor partial agonist,
agonist- and antagonist-related adverse effects (48). Furthermore, brexpiprazole, to assess its efficacy in patients with schizophrenia
due to its greater 5-HT7 -blocking ability compared to other with or without a comorbid SUD in a study with an open-label
dopamine D2 partial agonists [Supplementary Table 1; (49–51)], design. In this study, we do not report on safety in detail, which was
brexpiprazole has more robust effects on the cognitive impairment however assessed and will be the object of a future study. Our intent
associated with schizophrenia (24, 25, 48). was to assess the efficacy of brexpiprazole in reducing psychotic
Brexpiprazole and aripiprazole have low propensities to induce symptoms in both subpopulations. We also aimed to evaluate if the
extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). However, the low EPS risk of presence of a comorbid SUD conferred treatment resistance and to
brexpiprazole is more likely dependent on its agonist properties assess the effect of brexpiprazole on the craving for the substance
on presynaptic 5-HT1A receptors, while that of aripiprazole is less used in that specific SUD for 6 months.
sensitive to 5-HT1A receptor antagonism, as shown in a preclinical
study (52).
Both antipsychotics reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia,
but brexpiprazole seems to show a peculiar reduction in 2 Materials and methods
impulsivity; this latter should lead to better tolerability with a
lower incidence of akathisia (53). Brexpiprazole administered to 2.1 Patients
patients with schizophrenia and impulsivity was associated with
decreased right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) activation We conducted an observational study on inpatients with a
and decreased stop-signal reaction time (SSRT), supporting a diagnosis of schizophrenia hospitalized at the Villa Von Siebenthal
benefit of brexpiprazole on inhibition-related brain activation and neuropsychiatric hospital. Recruitment began on 1st February 2022
behavior (54). and ended on 31st October 2022.
The blockade of mesolimbic receptor D2 results in the Patients aged from 18 to 66 years were eligible if they had (1) a
inhibition of the reward and reinforcement circuits. While diagnosis of DSM-5/DSM-5-TR schizophrenia and SUD (cannabis,
dopamine D2 receptor antagonism reduces positive psychotic synthetic cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, opioids,
symptoms in schizophrenia, it may worsen negative symptoms ketamine/phencyclidine or other NMDA receptor inhibitors,
such as apathy, avolition, reduced motivation, and anhedonia khat and other alkaloid cathinones, and alcohol or polysubstance
(55). This partly explains an increase in tobacco and substance use disorder) or (2) schizophrenia without SUD (69, 70). We
use in patients treated with classical antipsychotic drugs (56, 57). admitted SUD patients who were receiving their specific SUD
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are highly comorbid with psychotic pharmacological treatment, such as methadone, buprenorphine,
disorders (58). Patients with psychosis appear to be particularly and naltrexone, or benzodiazepines and gabapentinoids. All
vulnerable to the consumption of psychoactive drugs (59). Negative patients were initially inpatients, discharged after 1 month and
symptoms, either primary or fostered by antipsychotics, may followed-up as outpatients thereafter.
promote the use of psychostimulant drugs, and the latter may be Exclusion criteria were the presence of a comorbid major
used to treat negative symptoms (60). However, psychostimulant psychiatric disorder other than schizophrenia; high risk of
drugs are not easy to manage and cannot be used for long periods suicide as assessed with the Columbia-Suicide Severity Risk
of time. Scale (C-SSRS) (71); comorbidity with severe organic diseases

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(autoimmune or systemic connective tissue diseases, treatment- analog scale for craving (VAScrav) (78). The latter rates craving
resistant hypertension, type 1 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, from 0 (no craving) to 10 (the most intense craving according to
severe cardiovascular diseases, and major neurological diseases); patient’s experience).
history of epilepsy, head injury, electroencephalographic (EEG) The BPRS has been developed from a previous 18-item
abnormalities, and neurodevelopmental disorders; intelligence version (79), which has been factorialised in the following five
quotient (IQ) <75, as assessed with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence subscales: anxiety-depression, anergy, thought disorders, activity,
Scale (WAIS) (72); unwillingness to participate, and inability to and hostility (80). A similar factor structure has also been obtained
sign the informed consent for oneself or, in case of inability, for the expanded 24-item version (81), so we decided to maintain
unwillingness/refusal of the legal guardian to sign. this five-factor solution as the best fit, although factoralisations of
After meeting the inclusion criteria and not meeting the the BPRS have been very inconsistent (82, 83). Our primary goal
exclusion criteria, patients were explained study aims and methods was to assess the efficacy of brexpiprazole through PANSS, CGI-S,
and provided free, informed consent. The study received approval and BPRS scores.
from the local ethical committee (CE Lazio 2, Rome, Italy; protocol Patients affected by SUD were meant to be compared to those
number 331-306-00387). It was conducted in accordance with the without SUD (non-SUD) to assess if comorbid SUD could hinder
Principles of Human Rights, as adopted by the World Medical brexpiprazole psychosis treatment and if the same treatment is
Association at the 18th WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, associated with changes in substance craving. Adverse events were
June 1964, subsequently amended by the 64th WMA General recorded as reported.
Assembly, held in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, in October 2013.

2.4 Statistical analysis

2.2 Treatment
Frequency distributions and descriptive statistics were
performed to analyse the sample. We used Student’s t-test for
If the included patients were antipsychotic drug naïve or
analyzing point differences between the two samples in continuous
antipsychotic drug-free for at least 2 weeks, they were immediately
variables, with all two-tailed analyses, univariate analysis of
treated with brexpiprazole, following the recommended titration
variance (ANOVA) for analyzing course differences of continuous
from 1 mg once daily to adjustment to 2–4 mg once daily. If they
variables and the chi-squared test (χ 2 ) for nominal variables after
were on other antipsychotic medications, they were prescribed
ensuring normal distribution with the Shapiro and Wilk test (84)
brexpiprazole after a proper wash-out of at least 2 weeks. Once
and sphericity with the Mauchly W-test (85). Data were analyzed
reaching the appropriate dose for each patient (based on clinical
using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
course and clinician’s decision), usually the target dose of 4
Version 23 (IBM, Armonk, New York, 2016). Significance was set
mg/day in monotherapy, the regimen was maintained for 6
at p < 0.05.
months. Patients were not allowed to take other antipsychotic
drugs or antidepressants throughout the study period; the only
medications allowed were those specifically used for each SUD, i.e.,
3 Results
methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone, and benzodiazepines
and gabapentinoids for anxiety and insomnia.
Our sample consisted of 86 patients with schizophrenia, with
51 men (59.3%) and 35 women (40.7%). Of these, 48 patients
had comorbid SUD (55.8%), 37 men and 11 women, whereas 38
2.3 Study assessments did not have a substance use disorder in comorbidity (non-SUD)
(44.2%), 14 men and 24 women. Patients’ ages ranged from 18
We followed up with our patients for 6 months, evaluating their to 64 years (mean 39.32, standard deviation SD = 14.09). The
psychopathology with psychometric scales. sociodemographic characteristics of the sample, along with the
Schizophrenia and SUD (cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, SUD types, are shown in Table 1. The patients’ scores on the clinical
cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, ketamine/phencyclidine or other scales are shown in Figures 1–4. Of the 86 patients who were
inhibitors of NMDA receptors, khat and other cathinone alkaloids, included in the sample, 85 were analyzed because one woman of
and alcohol and polysubstance use disorder) were diagnosed by the non-SUD group requested to withdraw after 1 week on 1 mg
professional psychiatrists using SCID-5-CV (73); eligibility was brexpiprazole due to subjectively perceived akathisia.
based on schizophrenia diagnosis. Patients were regularly tested for At baseline, the non-SUD group scored 4.95 ± 0.61 on the CGI-
drug use both at intake and during the study. S, while the SUD group scored 5.06 ± 0.84 [Student’s t = 0.71; p
Patients were assessed at baseline, every week for 2 months, and = 0.48, not significant (ns)], and at endpoint, they scored 2.66 ±
every month for a further 4 month period (study endpoint at 6 0.48 and 2.74 ± 0.67, respectively (Student’s t = 0.67; p = 0.51,
month follow-up) with the following instruments. ns). Both groups showed significant decrements from baseline to
To rate psychopathology, we used the Clinical Global endpoint Student’s t = 18.12; p < 0.00001 for the non-SUD group
Impressions–Severity scale (CGI-S) (74), the 24-item Brief and Student’s t = 15.01; p < 0.00001 for the SUD group (Figure 1).
Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (75), the Italian version (76), At baseline, the non-SUD group scored 62.08 ± 13.81 on the
and the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (77). BPRS (total score), while the SUD group scored 70.55 ± 19.02
To evaluate craving in patients with SUD, we used the visual (Student’s t = −2.30; p = 0.024, with the latter scoring significantly

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TABLE 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample with schizophrenia.

Study sample (n = 86) Men (n = 51; 59.30%) Women (n = 35; 40.70%) Test P
Age in years (x ± SD) t-test 39.51 ± 14.53 36.12 ± 11.72 44.46 ± 16.49 −2.71 0.008

Marital status, N (%) [χ 2 test]

Single 60 (69.77%) 43 (84.32%) 17 (48.57%) 12.77 0.047

Married 14 (16.28%) 5 (9.80%) 9 (25.71%)

Separated/divorced 11 (12.79%) 3 (5.88%) 8 (22.86%)

Widowed 1 (1.16%) 0 (0%) 1 (2.86%)

Educational level, N (%) [χ 2 test]

Primary school 2 (2.33%) 0 (0%) 2 (5.71%) 11.83 0.066

Middle school 34 (39.53%) 19 (37.26%) 15 (42.86%)

High school 42 (48.84%) 28 (54.90%) 14 (40%)

College/University, Master 8 (9.30%) 4 (7.84 %) 4 (11.43%)

classes, Specialty, Ph.D.

Presence of alcohol (AUD) or Substance Use Disorder (SUD), N (%) [χ 2 test]

No AUD or SUD 38 (44.19%) 14 (27.45%) 24 (68.57%) 14.23 0.0002

AUD and/or SUD 48 (55.81%) 37 (72.55%) 11 (31.43%)

◦ Polysubstance 24 (50%) 17 (45.95%) 7 (63.64%) 3.35 0.763

◦ Cannabis 14 (29.16%) 13 (35.14%) 1 (9.09%)

◦ Cocaine 5 (10.42%) 4 (10.81%) 1 (9.09%)

◦ Alcohol 5 (10.42%) 3 (8.10%) 2 (18.18%)

Significant differences in bold characters. AUD, alcohol use disorder; N, number; SD, standard deviation; SUD, substance use disorder; t-test; Student’s t-test; x, mean; χ 2 , chi-square test.

Drop of Clinical Global Impressions (CGI-S) scores during the study in the groups with comorbid substance use disorder (SUD) and the
non-comorbid group (non-SUD). The two groups look quite similar in their scores on this scale.

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Course of the scores on the 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-Expanded version (BPRS-24) in the groups with comorbid substance use disorder
(SUD) and in the non-comorbid group (non-SUD). Both groups obtained about a 50% reduction from baseline to endpoint, but the non-SUD group
scored constantly lower throughout the study, indicating that its participants fared better than the comorbid SUD group.

Course of the total scores of the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) in the groups with comorbid substance use disorder (SUD) and the
non-comorbid group (non-SUD). Both groups obtained >50% reduction from baseline to endpoint, compatible with clinical response, but similarly
to what occurred with the BPRS-24, the non-SUD group scored constantly lower throughout the study, indicating that the non-comorbid group was
clinically better than the comorbid SUD group.

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Course of the scores on the Visual Analog Scale for craving (VAScrav) in the SUD comorbid group. This scale is rated by the patient from 0 to 10; at
baseline, it was 7.47 and by the 6 month endpoint had dropped to 1.49, i.e., by >80%.

higher), and at endpoint, they scored 6.82 ± 1.43 and 35.64 ± 12.92, decreases from baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 6.29; p < 0.00001
respectively (Student’s t = −2.61; p = 0.01, with the SUD group for the non-SUD group and Student’s t = 6.95; p < 0.00001 for the
scoring even more significantly higher than the non-SUD). Both SUD). On the activity subscale of the BPRS, the non-SUD group
groups showed significant decreases from baseline to endpoint scored 10.37 ± 4.00 at baseline and the SUD group 12.72 ± 5.75
Student’s t = 13.25; p < 0.00001 for the non-SUD group and (Student’s t = −2.14; p = 0.035; the SUD group scored significantly
Student’s t = 10.41; p < 0.00001 for the SUD group (Figure 2). higher), while at endpoint, they scored 5.76 ± 1.17 and 7.02 ±
Regarding BPRS subscales, the non-SUD group scored 18.76 ± 2.51, respectively (Student’s t = −2.85; p = 0.006, with the SUD
4.31 at baseline on the BPRS anxiety/depression subscale, while the group scoring higher and the gap between the two remaining and
SUD group scored 16.55 ± 4.15 (Student’s t = 2.40; p = 0.019, with even enlarging). In any case, both groups showed similar significant
the latter scoring significantly lower), and at endpoint, they scored score decreases from baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 6.81; p <
7.50 ± 2.60 and 7.26 ± 3.04, respectively (Student’s t = 0.39; p = 0.00001 for the non-SUD group and Student’s t = 6.23; p < 0.00001
0.69, ns). Both groups showed similar significant decreases from for the SUD). On the hostility/suspiciousness subscale of the BPRS,
baseline to endpoint Student’s t = 13.80; p < 0.00001 for the non- the non-SUD group scored 4.61 ± 2.63 at baseline and the SUD
SUD group and Student’s t = 12.39; p < 0.00001 for the SUD. group scored 7.77 ± 4.26 (Student’s t = −4.00; p = 0.0001, with
On the anergy subscale of the BPRS, the non-SUD group scored the SUD group scoring significantly higher), while at endpoint they
14.92 ± 5.28 at baseline and the SUD group scored 15.00 ± 4.52 scored 3.11 ± 0.39 and 4.46 ± 2.27, respectively (Student’s t =
(Student’s t = −0.07; p = 0.94, ns), while at endpoint, they scored −3.54; p = 0.0007, with the SUD group scoring higher and the gap
6.58 ± 2.11 and 7.62 ± 2.91, respectively (Student’s t = 1.84; p = between the two tending to close but remaining). At any rate, both
0.07, ns). Both groups showed similar significant decreases from groups showed similar significant score decreases from baseline to
baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 9.04; p < 0.00001 for the non- endpoint (Student’s t = 3.48; p = 0.0008 for the non-SUD group
SUD group and Student’s t = 9.42; p < 0.00001 for the SUD). On and Student’s t = 4.74; p < 0.00001 for the SUD).
the thought disorder subscale of the BPRS, the non-SUD group On the PANSS, the non-SUD group obtained a baseline total
scored 13.29 ± 6.19 at baseline, while the SUD group scored 18.45 score of 85.29 ± 14.94 and the SUD 98.40 ± 21.83 (Student’s t
± 8.06 (Student’s t = −3.25; p = 0.0017, with the SUD group = −3.15; p = 0.002, with SUD scoring higher). At endpoint, they
scoring significantly higher), and at endpoint, they scored 6.58 ± obtained scores of 41.08 ± 10.03 and 48.17 ± 16.69 (Student’s t
2.11 and 9.19 ± 4.31, respectively (Student’s t = −3.01; p = 0.004, = −2.30; p = 0.024, with the SUD group still scoring higher, but
with the SUD group scoring higher and the gap between the two with the gap tending to close). Both groups showed significant
remaining). However, both groups showed similar significant score large decreases from baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 15.15;

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p < 0.00001 for the non-SUD group and Student’s t = 12.53; p < for the thought disorder subscale, with an overall improvement
0.00001 for the SUD) (Figure 3). of symptoms. Moreover, there was an interaction effect of time
Concerning PANSS subscales, baseline scores on the positive × SUD (presence/absence) [F (1,913) = 3.415; p < 0.0001], in
PANSS subscale were 12.95 ± 5.59 for the non-SUD group and which symptoms of both conditions improved over time. Main
19.62 ± 9.94 for the SUD group (Student’s t = −3.69; p = 0.0004, effects of time were also found for the activity [F (1,913) = 53.494;
with SUD scoring higher), while at endpoint they were 7.87 ± 1.54 p < 0.0001] and hostility/suspiciousness [F (1,913) = 8.443; p
and 9.66 ± 3.81, respectively (Student’s t = −2.72; p = 0.008, < 0.0001] subscales and for the BPRS total score [F (1,913) =
with SUD continuing to score higher). In both groups, reductions 105.166; p < 0.0001], with overall symptomatologic improvements
in PANSS positive scores were significant Student’s t = 5.39; p < over time.
0.00001 for the non-SUD and Student’s t = 6.41; p < 0.00001 for the
SUD group. Baseline scores on the negative PANSS subscale were
22.00 ± 6.86 for the non-SUD and 24.26 ± 5.74 for the SUD group 3.3 PANSS
(Student’s t = −1.65; p = 0.103, ns), while at endpoint, they scored
9.79 ± 3.60 and 11.57 ± 4.48, respectively (Student’s t = −1.99; Comparing the 12 timepoints for each subscale of the PANSS,
p < 0.05, with the SUD group scoring marginally higher than the we found a main effect of time for the positive symptoms subscale
non-SUD). Both groups showed significant score decreases from [F (1,913) = 35.957; p < 0.0001], with an overall improvement
baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 9.72; p < 0.00001 for the non- in positive symptoms over time. Furthermore, there was an
SUD group and Student’s t = 11.95; p < 0.00001 for the SUD). interaction effect of time × SUD (presence/absence) [F (1,913) =
On the general psychopathology PANSS subscale, baseline scores 6.493; p < 0.0001], in which both conditions improved in positive
were 50.39 ± 10.68 for the non-SUD and 54.62 ± 11.09 for the symptoms over time. A main effect of time was also found for
SUD group (Student’s t = −1.77; p = 0.080, ns), while endpoint the negative symptoms subscale [F (1,913) = 106.9359; p < 0.0001],
scores were 23.42 ± 6.85 and 26.94 ± 10.03, respectively (Student’s for the general psychopathology subscale [F (1,913) = 132.715; p <
t = −1.84; p = 0.07, ns), i.e., non-SUD and SUD did not differ on 0.0001], and for the PANSS total subscale [F (1,913) = 135.825; p <
baseline or endpoint scores on the general psychopathology PANSS 0.0001], with all symptoms decreasing over time.
subscale. However, both groups obtained strong score reductions
on this subscale from baseline to endpoint (Student’s t = 13.11; p
< 0.00001 for the non-SUD group and Student’s t = 12.69; p < 3.4 VAScrav
0.00001 for the SUD).
In the SUD group, VAS craving scores decreased from 7.47 ± Comparing the 12 timepoints for the VAScrav questionnaire in
2.45 at baseline to 1.49 ± 2.06 at endpoint (Student’s t = 12.80; p SUD outpatients, we found a main effect of time [F (1,506) = 81.858;
< 0.00001) (Figure 4). The effect size was very large (Cohen’s d = p < 0.0001], with an overall amelioration in craving over time.
2.67; Glass’s delta = 2.49; Hedges’ g = 2.67).
We implemented repeated-measures ANOVA involving the
independent variable SUD (presence/absence) as the between- 3.5 Adverse events
subjects variable, time as the within-subjects variable, and CGI,
BPRS, PANSS, and VAScrav scores as dependent variables. In the During the study, no serious adverse event developed, but
case of statistical significance, we conducted Tukey’s post-hoc test. subjective akathisia in a woman led to her drop-out. All adverse
events, i.e., nausea, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and insomnia,
were transient and mild, needing no specific treatment or
3.1 CGI-S discontinuation. Detailed safety data will be provided in a future
study focusing on safety.
Comparing the 12 timepoints, results indicate a main effect of
Time [F (1,913) = 162.798; p < 0.0001], with an improvement of
4 Discussion
clinical global severity.
In this study, we evaluated 86 patients with schizophrenia, of
whom 48 had a comorbid SUD. These patients were all treated
3.2 BPRS with brexpiprazole at the target dose of 4 mg/day; 79 were already
treated with other antipsychotics and underwent an appropriate
Comparing the 12 timepoints for each subscale of the BPRS, pharmacological switch, whereas seven were antipsychotic drug
a main effect of time was found for anxiety-depression [F (1,913) = naïve. We found no differences between the SUD and non-
144.275; p < 0.0001], which highlights an overall improvement of SUD groups, concerning symptoms assessed with the CGI-S, the
symptomatology over time. Moreover, we found an interaction of PANSS, and the 24-item BPRS. We might conclude from our
Time × SUD (presence/absence) [F (1,913) = 4.382; p < 0.0001], results that people with schizophrenia who have a comorbid SUD
in which symptoms improve in both conditions over time. For do not respond to brexpiprazole treatment less than non-SUD
the anergia subscale, there was a main effect of time [F (1,913) = patients with schizophrenia. Hence, having a SUD in a patient
94.705; p < 0.0001], with overall improvement over time. A main with schizophrenia does not confer resistance to treatment with
effect of time [F (1,913) = 50.333; p < 0.0001] was also found brexpiprazole. Substance craving for their respective substances,

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as assessed through the VAScrav, was decreased in SUD-comorbid negative symptoms to the antipsychotic in SUD patients, but we
patients during brexpiprazole treatment. should recall that most of our sample had cannabis use disorder and
We intended to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with that cannabinoid mechanisms may underlie negative symptoms in
brexpiprazole in psychotic symptom reduction and its ability schizophrenia, although in a most complex way (98).
to improve the global clinical status. Comparing patients with Regarding differences between SUD and non-SUD groups,
and without comorbid SUD allowed us to evaluate whether the latter had scored higher than the former at baseline on the
brexpiprazole could be a good treatment option in patients with BPRS Anxiety-Depression subscale. Both populations obtained fair
SUD. Comorbid SUD is usually an obstacle to the treatment reductions of BPRS scores in this very subscale when treated with
since it reduces treatment adherence in schizophrenia (86). brexpiprazole over 6 months. At the study endpoint, the differences
Furthermore, high-potency dopaminergic blockade in persons with in the BPRS Anxiety-Depression subscale disappeared, indicating
schizophrenia and comorbid SUD may interfere with the reward that depression and anxiety in both SUD comorbid and non-SUD
circuitry (87) and cause dysphoria (88). Lower reward perception groups with schizophrenia benefitted from drug treatment with
may prompt the patient to resume illicit drug use to reinstate their brexpiprazole. Decreases in the scores of the BPRS anergy subscale
previous state (57, 89). While the activation of D2 receptors in and the negative PANSS dimension were observed with treatment
the nucleus accumbens soothes the symptoms of opiate withdrawal over time.
in opiate-dependent rats, their blockade elicits somatic symptoms Patients with comorbid SUD scored higher than their non-
attributable to withdrawal (90). The withdrawal symptom-eliciting comorbid non-SUD counterparts on the BPRS-24 thought disorder
and aversive effects of dopamine receptor blockade were related subscale at baseline. Both subgroups of patients with schizophrenia
to the blockade of D2 but not D1 dopamine receptors (91). improved over time with treatment, with endpoint scores not
We may presume that by reducing ventral striatal-accumbal differing between the two groups. SUD patients scored higher than
dopamine-related reward through D2 receptor inhibition, we may non-SUD on the PANSS Positive subscale at baseline; both groups
actually worsen addictive behaviors in patients with comorbid responded to drug treatment, with positive symptoms improving
schizophrenia and SUD, although differences in baseline reward over time in both SUD and non-SUD groups.
circuitry function among patients with schizophrenia may play Patients with comorbid SUD scored higher than non-SUD
a role (92). We did not observe such worsening or lack of patients on the BPRS hostility subscale. There is evidence that
improvement in patients receiving brexpiprazole in our study; we SUD is related to violent behavior (99); substance use patterns in
may attribute this effect to the partial agonist effect of brexpiprazole people with addiction may be related to coping styles associated
on dopamine D2 /D3 receptors in the limbic system (93), mainly with aggression and hostility (100). In our study, patients’ scores
to the D2 (94). In this study, we showed a positive effect of on the hostility subscale of the BRPS decreased over time,
brexpiprazole 4 mg/day on craving; currently, there are no studies independently of whether they had SUD comorbidity or not. The
investigating craving in SUD in patients treated with brexpiprazole. scores on the BPRS activity dimension also decreased over time in
One that investigated it in patients with cocaine use disorder found both populations.
a medium-to-large effect for olanzapine, with Cohen’s d = 0.79 We have been overcautious in our switch from other
(95), while we found a much larger effect (Cohen’s d = 2.67); antipsychotics to brexpiprazole. Probably, the wash-out we
however, the substance use disorder in their sample differed from practiced per protocol was not actually needed, as brexpiprazole
ours, as did the craving assessment scale, and sample sizes were was well tolerated. In future studies, we are set to switch
different [smaller in Smelson et al. (95)]. directly, reducing the dose of the other antipsychotics according to
We evaluated the psychopathology in our patients using its schedule.
psychometric scales at baseline, i.e., before treatment with Regarding craving for substances, which we investigated only
brexpiprazole, then every week for 2 months, and then every month in the SUD-comorbid population, scores decreased over time,
until the 6th month of evaluation. We observed the main effects of despite the abrupt substance discontinuation and the concomitant
time for both SUD comorbid and non-comorbid samples for scores use of an antipsychotic such as brexpiprazole. It appears that this
on the CGI-S, BPRS-24, and PANSS subscales and total scores. A antipsychotic has no detrimental effect on the patients’ reward
similar main effect of time with an overall improvement in craving system. A recent systematic review focused on the effects of various
was evident in the SUD-comorbid group. While negative PANSS drugs, including antipsychotics, on cocaine craving (101). This
scores decreased for both SUD and non-SUD groups from baseline review found no consistent effects of antipsychotics on craving
to endpoint, and the two groups did not differ for baseline scores (one study showing positive effects of aripiprazole and two showing
on the negative subscale, the final scores of the SUD group were results similar to placebo, three studies on risperidone, and one on
higher than the non-SUD scores, indicating that the latter group’s quetiapine showing no significant results, while among five studies
negative symptoms had benefitted from brexpiprazole treatment on olanzapine, one showed it to be better than haloperidol, one to
more than what they did in the SUD group. It should be underlined be worse than haloperidol, and three showed no significant effects).
that the majority of our SUD sample had cannabis use disorder; The results obtained here are legitimate further studies of the effects
this subgroup in our study did not show lower negative symptoms of antipsychotics on substance craving.
compared to the non-SUD sample, in contrast to what has been Brexpiprazole was shown to be effective in adult schizophrenia,
observed in other studies, where people with cannabis use disorder both in the short- and long-term (102, 103) and as an adjunct,
showed less negative symptoms than individuals without cannabis also in major depression (104), even if treatment-resistant (105).
use disorder (96, 97). There is no sufficient data to speculate as There is a current trend to use partial D2/3 agonists in the so-called
to the neurochemical mechanism underpinning the resistance of “dual” disorders, i.e., a major psychiatric disorder comorbid with a

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SUD (106, 107), and there is a sound rationale to pursue this way in the therapeutic horizon of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and
(108). For the moment, long-acting injectable antipsychotics were other major psychiatric disorders comorbid with specific substance
associated with improvement in dual disorders (65), and among use disorders.
them, aripiprazole, a partial D2/3 agonist, holds a preeminent
position (109–111). Future studies will establish whether there
are differences among the already marketed partial D2/3 agonists
Data availability statement
aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, and cariprazine in the treatment of
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
comorbid major psychiatric disorders and SUDs (and which SUDs).
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
While evidence for a positive effect of aripiprazole on craving has
been obtained in controlled studies (109, 112, 113), data on alcohol
use disorder were inconsistent (114, 115). For cariprazine, there Ethics statement
are only case reports of efficacy in reducing craving (116, 117),
whereas, for brexpiprazole, there are still no reports besides the The studies involving humans were approved by CE Lazio 2,
current study; here, we showed a strong effect of brexpiprazole in Rome, Italy; protocol number 331-306-00387. The studies were
reducing craving. conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional
requirements. Written informed consent for participation in this
study was provided by the participants’ legal guardians/next of kin.
4.1 Limitations

Our study had several limitations. Our sample size was small Author contributions
and needs to increase to enable us to draw valid conclusions.
Furthermore, there were no comparison groups, for example, GL: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
samples with or without SUD treated with other than brexpiprazole Investigation, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Validation,
antipsychotics or placebo. Open-label studies may affect results and Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. GT: Software,
limit generalisability. The fact that our study used a population Visualization, Writing—original draft. EA: Data curation, Formal
referring to a single site could have limited the representability analysis, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing—original
of the sample. Moreover, we could not analyse data according to draft. GK: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
gender or whether they were drug-naïve or switched from another Investigation, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Validation,
antipsychotic, but there were many more women in the non-SUD Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. FP: Data
group and many more men in the SUD group, and the drug- curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software,
naïve subsample was very small compared to the sample that Validation, Writing—original draft. VG: Conceptualization,
switched from another antipsychotic. The substances used in the Investigation, Methodology, Validation, Writing—original draft.
SUD comorbid group were often multiple, and there were not AD: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software,
sufficient subsample sizes to allow us to differentiate the different Validation, Writing—original draft. SD: Conceptualization, Formal
substances. However, most patients in the comorbid group were analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration,
using cannabis, although the relative majority were multisubstance Validation, Visualization, Writing—original draft.
users (Table 1).

5 Conclusion
The author(s) declare financial support was received for
We found brexpiprazole to be a valid treatment option to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This
treat schizophrenia, with or without substance use disorder. research has been supported by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Italy and,
Brexpiprazole proved to be effective on psychotic symptoms, both as its copromotion partner, by Lundbeck Italy. Both Companies
positive and negative. Comorbid substance use disorder did not were not involved in study conduction, data analyses, and
confer treatment resistance in this study. Brexpiprazole was found manuscript publication.
to be suitable to treat patients with comorbid SUD and psychotic
disorders since it did not increase craving for illicit substances after
their abrupt discontinuation (on the contrary, craving decreased Acknowledgments
during the study in the SUD group). Furthermore, treatment with
brexpiprazole was followed by the leveling of initial differences We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Scientific
between SUD and non-SUD patients with schizophrenia on those Administration of the Bibliographic and Bibliometric Support
psychopathological dimensions where the two groups differed at Service, Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, in particular,
baseline. Further studies with larger samples, randomized control Dr. Maria Pattuglia, as well as Ms. Mimma Ariano, Ms.
designs, and using healthy controls as comparison groups are Ales Casciaro, Ms. Teresa Prioreschi, and Ms. Susanna Rospo,
needed to confirm these encouraging results. Should our data be Librarians of the Sant’Andrea Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and
confirmed by such studies, new clinical perspectives for the use of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, for rendering precious
brexpiprazole (and partial D2/3 agonists in general) may appear bibliographical material accessible.

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Lombardozzi et al. 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1321233

Conflict of interest their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher,

the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be
The authors declare that the research was conducted evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by
in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the
that could be construed as a potential conflict publisher.
of interest.

Supplementary material
Publisher’s note
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
All claims expressed in this article are solely those online at:
of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of 1321233/full#supplementary-material

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