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Assurance ICAEW Workbook 2021

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The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


For exams in 2021
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
e-ISBN: 978-1-5097-3473-3
ISBN: 978-1-5097-3463-4
Previous ISBN: 978-1-5097-2780-3
First edition 2007
Fifteenth edition 2020
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© ICAEW 2020
Welcome to ICAEW iv
Assurance v
Key resources vi
Professional skills required by the ACA qualification vii

1 Concept of and need for assurance 1

2 Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 25
3 Process of assurance: planning the assignment 47
4 Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 83
5 Introduction to internal control 109
6 Revenue system 133
7 Purchases system 155
8 Employee costs 173
9 Internal audit 191
10 Documentation 205
11 Evidence and sampling 223
12 Written representations 251
13 Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 265
14 Codes of professional ethics 299
15 Integrity, objectivity and independence 315
16 Confidentiality 345

Notes 363
Glossary of terms 365
Index 373

Questions within the Workbook should be treated as preparation questions, providing you with a
firm foundation before you attempt the exam-standard questions. The exam-standard questions are
found in the Question Bank.

ICAEW 2021 Contents iii

Welcome to ICAEW
I’d like to personally welcome you to ICAEW.
In a fast-changing and volatile world, the role of the accountancy profession has never been more
As an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, you will make decisions that will define the future of global
Whether studying for our Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB) or our
world-leading chartered accountancy qualification, the ACA, you will acquire exceptional knowledge
and skills – with technology and ethics at the heart of your learning. A focus on capabilities such as
judgement and scepticism will enable you to make the right decisions in diverse and often complex
You will be equipped to flourish and to lead in areas that are transforming the business landscape.
This includes embracing technological change and harnessing digital disruption, to help our
profession deliver greater value. It also includes putting climate change and sustainability at the heart
of business strategy. We will equip you to be adaptable and agile in your work and all within a set of
values fundamental to trust and transparency, which will set you apart from others.
Joining over 186,500 ICAEW Chartered Accountants and students worldwide, you are now part of a
global community. This unique network of talented and diverse professionals work in the public
interest to build economies that are sustainable, accountable and fair.
You are also joining a community of 1.8m chartered accountants and students as part of Chartered
Accountants Worldwide – a family of leading institutes, of which we are a founder member.
ICAEW will support you through your studies and throughout your career: this is the start of a lifetime
relationship, and we will be with you every step of the way to ensure you are ready to face the
challenges of the global economy. Visit page vi to review the key resources available as you study.
With our training, guidance and support, you will join our members in realising your career
ambitions, developing world-leading insights and maintaining a competitive edge.
We will create a world of strong economies, together.
I wish you the best of luck with your studies.

Michael Izza
Chief Executive

iv Assurance ICAEW 2021

You can access this guide and more exam resources on our website. If you are studying this exam as
part of the ACA qualification go to or if you are studying the ICAEW CFAB
qualification go to

Module aim
To ensure that students understand the assurance process and fundamental principles of ethics, and
are able to contribute to the assessment of internal controls and gathering of evidence on an
assurance engagement.
On completion of this module, students will be able to:
• explain the concept of assurance, why assurance is required and the reasons for assurance
engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals with an attitude of
professional scepticism and the exercise of professional judgement;
• explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document an organisation’s
internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems;
• select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence and recognise when
conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be referred to a senior
colleague; and
• understand the importance of ethical behaviour to a professional and identify issues relating to
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional
behaviour and independence.

Method of assessment
The Assurance module exam is 1.5 hours long. The exam consists of 50 questions worth two marks
each, covering the areas of the syllabus in accordance with the weightings set out in the specification
grid. The questions are presented in the form of multiple choice, multi-part multiple choice, or
multiple response.

Ethics and professional scepticism

The importance of ethics both as a knowledge area and as a behaviour to be demonstrated is
reflected in the syllabus area below ‘Professional ethics’. The learning outcomes cover a range of
threats and dilemmas to be identified as well as safeguards and solutions to be resolved.
Professional scepticism is included in the requirement for the syllabus area ‘The concept, process
and need for assurance’ where students are also required to recognise the need for the exercise of
professional judgement.

Specification grid
This grid shows the relative weightings of subjects within this module and should guide the relative
study time spent on each. Over time the marks available in the assessment will equate to the
weightings below, while slight variations may occur in individual assessments to enable suitably
rigorous questions to be set.

Weighting (%)

1 The concept, process and need for assurance 20

2 Internal controls 25

3 Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement 35

4 Professional ethics 20

ICAEW 2021 Introduction v

Key resources
Whether you’re studying the ICAEW CFAB or ACA qualification or ICAEW CFAB, with an employer, at
university, independently (self-studying), or as part of an apprenticeship, we provide a wide range of
resources and services to help you in your studies.
ACA students, you can access dedicated exam resources, guidance and information for the ACA
qualification via your dashboard at
ICAEW CFAB students, you can find everything you need at

Syllabus and technical knowledge grids

The syllabus presents the learning outcomes for each exam and should be read in conjunction with
the relevant technical knowledge grids.

Exam support
A variety of exam resources and support have been developed to help you through your studies and
each exam. This includes exam guidance, sample exams, hints and tips from examiners and tutors,
on-demand webinars and articles.

Errata sheets
These documents will correct any omissions within the learning materials once they have been
published. You should refer to them when studying.

Student support team

Our student support team is here to help and advise you, so do not hesitate to get in touch. Email or call +44 (0)1908 248 250. If you are browsing our website, look out
for the live help boxes. You will be able to speak directly to an adviser. Mia, our ChatBot, is also on
hand to answer your queries.

ICAEW Business and Finance Professional (BFP)

ICAEW Business and Finance Professional (BFP) is an internationally recognised designation and
professional status. It demonstrates your business knowledge, your commitment to professionalism
and that you meet the standards of a membership organisation. Once you have completed the
ICAEW CFAB qualification or the ACA Certificate Level, you are eligible to apply towards gaining BFP
status. Start your application at

vi Assurance ICAEW 2021

Professional skills required by the ACA
The following professional skills areas are present throughout the ACA qualification.

Skill area Overall objective

Assimilating and using Understand a business or accounting situation, prioritise by

information determining key drivers, issues and requirements and identify any
relevant information.

Structuring problems and Structure information from various sources into suitable formats for
solutions analysis and provide creative and pragmatic solutions in a business

Applying judgement Apply professional scepticism and critical thinking to identify faults,
gaps, inconsistencies and interactions from a range of relevant
information sources and relate issues to a business environment.

Concluding, Apply technical knowledge, skills and experience to support

recommending and reasoning and conclusion and formulate opinions, advice, plans,
communicating solutions, options and reservations based on valid evidence and
communicate clearly in a manner suitable for the recipient.

The level of skill required to pass each exam increases as ACA trainees progress upwards through
each Level of the ACA qualification. The skills progression embedded throughout the ACA
qualification ensures ACA trainees develop the knowledge and professional skills necessary to
successfully operate in the modern workplace and which are expected by today’s forward-thinking
At Certificate Level, the ACA Professional Skills which you are expected to demonstrate in the exam
are summarised as follows:
Assimilating and using information
• Understanding the situation and the requirements
• Identifying and using relevant information
• Identifying and prioritising key issues
Structuring problems and solutions
• Structuring data
• Developing solutions
Applying judgement
• Applying professional scepticism and critical thinking
• Relating issues to the broader business environment, including ethical issues
Concluding, recommending and communicating
• Concluding and recommending
• Communicating
To help you develop your ability to demonstrate competency in each professional skills area, each
chapter of this Workbook includes up to four Professional Skills Guidance points.
Each Professional Skills Guidance point focuses on one of the four ACA Professional Skills areas and
explains how to demonstrate a particular aspect of that professional skill relevant to the topic being
studied. It is advised you refer back to the Professional Skills Guidance points while revisiting specific
topics and during question practice.

ICAEW 2021 Introduction vii

viii Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 1

Concept of and need for


Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 What is assurance?
2 Why is assurance important?
3 Why can assurance never be absolute?
4 The statutory audit
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
The concept, process and need for assurance
Students will be able to explain the concept of assurance, why assurance is required and the reasons
for assurance engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• define the concept of assurance, and compare the purposes and characteristics of reasonable
and limited levels of assurance obtained from different assurance engagements
• state why users desire assurance reports and provide examples of the benefits gained from them
such as to assure the quality of an entity’s published corporate responsibility or sustainability
• compare the functions and responsibilities of the different parties involved in an assurance
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 1a, b, c

Syllabus links
You have studied the basic records and financial statements of a company in the Accounting exam. It
is in relation to these records that the auditor will seek evidence to be able to give assurance.
As already mentioned, audit is a key form of assurance and you will be able to apply the basic
principles learnt in this exam to that form of assurance service both here and in the Audit and
Assurance exam.

Examination context
It is crucial to the whole syllabus that you understand the concept of assurance, why it is required and
the reason for assurance engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals.
You can therefore expect to see questions in the exam testing your understanding of the definition of
assurance and the different levels of assurance.
In the sample paper, the first five questions relate to the subject matter you will cover in this chapter.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 1 Concept of and need for assurance.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self–test

significance Questions

1 What is Understand the This area is most 1 and 2

assurance? worked example, likely to be
Users of financial and attempt the examined as a
and non-financial interactive short form
information want question. The question, but it is
to have distinction of foundational
confidence that between importance for
the information reasonable and the Assurance
they are using is limited assurance exam and is
reliable and that is of fundamental therefore relevant
they can draw importance to to the areas
valid conclusions grasping the which follow it.
as a result of it. nature of audit.
They want

2 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self–test
significance Questions

assurance about Make sure you

the quality of the understand what
information they an assurance
are using to make engagement is
decisions and the different
levels of
assurance which
it can provide
depending on
the specific
nature of the
engagement. You
should also be
familiar with the
objective of an
audit and the
meaning of ‘true’
and ‘fair’.
Stop and think
Which is the key
reason why
assurance cannot
be absolute?

2 Why is assurance Read through the This topic is 5

important? material and mainly
The provision of think about why background, and
assurance you think provides a link
services is a very assurance might between different
important area of be important. areas of the
business for Stop and think syllabus. For
accountants. instance, auditors
Consider what must produce
Accountants are might be the
able to provide reports that
counter- address the
assurance on a arguments here.
range of matters needs of users
The audit (Reporting is
because they are profession is an
skilled business covered in
embattled one, Chapter 4), and
professionals. As with claims being
accountants are in order to
made that it is produce a useful
subject to strict unfit for purpose,
ethical codes, report they must
fails to meet the be trustworthy
they are needs of users
perceived to be and ethically
and is not worthy independent
trustworthy, and of the public’s
therefore users of (Ethics is covered
trust. Weigh the in Chapter 14).
information arguments and
believe that the make up your
assurance they own mind.
give can be

3 Why can Read through the This area is most 3

assurance never section and like to be
be absolute? attempt the examined within
interactive a short form
question. question, for

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 3

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self–test
significance Questions

Assurance is Stop and think example on the

subject to some What is the inherent
inherent connection limitations of
limitations which between the audit.
mean that it relative nature of
cannot be assurance and
absolute. This is the issue of trust
sometimes not in audit?
understood by
those who use
reports, which is
part of the
expectations gap.

4 The statutory Read through the The most 6

audit section and the examinable parts
An audit is the worked example. of this section are
most important Pay close to those on ISA (UK)
type of assurance attention to the 200, and on
engagement. material on ISAs, professional
Companies over which set out judgment and
a certain size are how an audit scepticism. The
legally required should be remaining
to have an audit, conducted. The material provides
in which an stages of the important
independent audit give an background.
auditor reports overview of the
on the truth and process; when
fairness of their you are
financial answering exam
statements. questions, it is
helpful to bear in
mind the stage
the audit is at.
Finally the
concepts of
judgment and
scepticism are
crucial to
auditors, and link
in with the
concepts of
and trust.
Stop and think
Would financial
markets be able
to operate
without a
statutory audit
process? Do
markets trust

4 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self–test
significance Questions

auditors in any

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 5

1 What is assurance?
Section overview

• An assurance engagement is one in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion, designed to

enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users, other than the responsible party, about
the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.
• Key elements are: three party involvement, subject matter, suitable criteria, sufficient appropriate
evidence, written report.
• Assurance engagements can give either a reasonable level of assurance or a limited level of
• There are various examples of assurance services, the key example in the UK is the audit.

1.1 Definition (parties, subject matter, criteria)

Assurance engagement: It is when a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the
degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of
the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.

The key elements of an assurance engagement are as follows:

• three people or groups of people involved:
– the practitioner (accountant);
– the intended users;
– the responsible party (the person(s) who prepared the subject matter); and
• a subject matter.
As we shall see below, the subject matter of an assurance engagement may vary considerably.
However, it is likely to fall into one of three categories:
– data (for example, financial statements or business projections)
– dystems or processes (for example, internal control systems or computer systems)
– behaviour (for example, social and environmental performance or corporate governance)
• suitable criteria
The person providing the assurance must have something by which to judge whether the
information is reliable and can be trusted. So for example, in an assurance engagement relating
to financial statements, the criteria might be accounting standards. The practitioner will be able to
test whether the financial statements have been put together in accordance with accounting
standards, and if they have, then the practitioner can conclude that there is a degree of assurance
that they are reliable.
In the context of company behaviour, suitable criteria to judge whether something is reliable and
can be trusted might be the UK Corporate Governance Code, or, if the company has one, its
published Code of Practice.
• sufficient appropriate evidence to support the assurance opinion
The practitioner must substantiate the opinion that he draws in order that the user can have
confidence that it is reliable. The practitioner must obtain evidence as to whether the criteria have
been met. We will look at the collection of evidence in detail later in this Workbook.
• A written report in appropriate form
Lastly, it is required that assurance reports are provided to the intended users in a written form
and contain certain specified information. This adds to the assurance that the user is being given,
as it ensures that key information is being given and that the assurance given is clear and

6 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Assurance engagement
In order to demonstrate these elements of an assurance engagement, the content example is that of
a house purchase. Imagine you are buying a house. There are certain issues you would want
assurance about, particularly whether the house is structurally sound. In this situation, you would be
unlikely just to trust the word of the person who was selling the house but would seek the additional
assurance of a qualified professional, such as a surveyor.
You should already be able to see the first key element of an assurance engagement, which is the
involvement of three people:
• you (the intended user);
• the house owner (the responsible party); and
• the surveyor (the practitioner).
The subject matter of this assurance engagement is the house in question. The surveyor will visit the
house to test whether it is sound and will draw a conclusion.
The surveyor will judge whether the house is sound in the context of building regulations, planning
rules and best practice in the building industry. These are the criteria by which he will judge whether
he can give you assurance that the house is structurally sound.
In order to make a conclusion, the surveyor will obtain evidence from the house (for example, by
looking for damp patches and making inspections of key elements of the house).
Lastly, when he has drawn a conclusion, the surveyor will issue a report to you, outlining his opinion
as to whether the house is sound or not. This report will contain any limitations to his work, for
example, if he was unable to access any of the property or he was unable to lift fitted carpets to
inspect the floor underneath them.
Ultimately, when you have read the surveyor’s report, you will have more assurance about the state of
the property, and correspondingly, more confidence to pay the deposit, take out a mortgage and
buy that house.

Interactive question 1: Assurance engagement

You are an accountant who has been approached by Jamal, who wants to invest in Company X. He
has asked you for assurance whether the most recent financial statements of Company X are a
reliable basis for him to make his investment decision.
Identify the key elements of an assurance engagement in this scenario, if you accepted the

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.2 Levels of assurance

The definition of an assurance engagement given above is taken from the International Framework
for Assurance Engagements, which is issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), a
global organisation for the accountancy profession, which works with its member organisations to
protect the public interest by encouraging high quality practices around the world. ICAEW is a
member of IFAC.
The Framework identifies two types of assurance engagement:
• reasonable assurance engagement; and
• limited assurance engagement.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 7

Reasonable assurance: A high level of assurance, that is less than absolute assurance, that
engagement risk has been reduced to an acceptably low level, which then allows a conclusion to be
expressed positively.
Limited assurance: A meaningful level of assurance, that is more than inconsequential but is less than
reasonable assurance, that engagement risk has been reduced to an acceptable level, which then
allows a conclusion to be expressed negatively.

The reason that there are two types of assurance engagement is that the level of assurance that can
be given depends on the evidence that can be obtained by the practitioner. Using the surveyor
example above, a surveyor can only give assurance that a property is structurally sound if he is
allowed to enter the property to inspect it. If he is only given access to part of the building, he can
only give limited assurance.
The key differences between the two types of assurance engagement are therefore:
• the evidence obtained
• the type of opinion given
We shall look in detail at obtaining evidence later in this Workbook. The key point about evidence is
that in all assurance engagements, sufficient, appropriate evidence must be obtained. We will look at
what constitutes sufficient, appropriate evidence as we go through the course. What determines
whether evidence is sufficient and appropriate is the level of assurance that the practitioner is trying
to give, so it is tied in with the type of opinion being given, which we shall look at here. In summary, a
lower level of evidence will be obtained for a limited assurance engagement.
The opinion given in an assurance engagement therefore depends on what type of engagement it is.
As noted above, there are two levels of assurance expressed positively and negatively.
Say, for example, that a practitioner is seeking evidence to conclude whether the report issued by the
Chairman of a company in the financial statements is reasonable or not. He could seek evidence,
conclude that the statement is reasonable and state in a report something like this:
“In my opinion, the statement by the Chairman regarding X is reasonable.”
This is a positive statement of his conclusion that the statement is reasonable. Alternatively, he could
state in a report something like this:
“In the course of my seeking evidence about the statement by the Chairman, nothing has come to
my attention indicating that the statement is not reasonable.”
This conclusion is less certain, as it implies that matters could exist which cause the statement to be
unreasonable, but that the practitioner has not uncovered any such matters. This is therefore called
limited assurance. It is the conclusion that a practitioner gives when he carries out a limited assurance
engagement and seeks a lower level of evidence.

Summary of types of engagement

Type of engagement Evidence sought Conclusion


Reasonable assurance (high level) Sufficient and Positive wording


Limited assurance (moderate level) Sufficient and Negative

appropriate (lower wording

1.3 Examples of assurance engagements

The key example of an assurance engagement in the UK is the statutory audit. We shall look at the
nature of this engagement later on in this chapter.
Other examples of assurance engagements include other audits, which may be specialised due to
the nature of the business, for example:

8 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• local authority audits (audits of local authorities, with specific reporting requirements which differ
from the statutory audit)
• insurance company audits, bank audits, pension scheme audits (audits of often complex
companies in a highly-regulated industry)
• charity audits (charities may be audited under the Companies Act or the Charities Act)
• solicitors’ audits (audits of firms of solicitors in line with the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules)
• branch audit (where an overseas company trades in the UK through a branch and requires an
audit of that branch although an audit is not required by UK law)
There are also many issues users want assurance on, where the terms of the engagement will be
agreed between the practitioner and the person commissioning the report, for example:
• value for money studies (for example, in the public sector where auditors may be asked to
conclude on whether a service provides value for money)
• environmental audits (assurance engagements on information given about an organisation’s
impact on the natural environment)
• internal audit
• circulation reports (for example, for magazines)
• cost/benefit reports
• due diligence (where a report is requested on an acquisition target)
• reviews of specialist business activities
• reports on website security, such as WebTrust
• fraud investigations
• inventories and receivables reports
• internal control reports
• reports on business plans or projections

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Although assurance engagements may deal with many different subject areas, the need for the
practitioner to apply professional judgement is common to them all.

2 Why is assurance important?

Section overview

• Who the users are will depend on the nature of the subject matter.
• Users benefit from receiving an independent, professional opinion on the subject matter.
• Users may also benefit from additional confidence in the subject matter given to others.
• The existence of an assurance service may prevent errors or frauds occurring in the first place.

2.1 Users
In the key assurance service of audit, which we looked at above, the users were the shareholders of a
company, to whom the financial statements are addressed. In other cases, the users might be the
board of directors of a company or a subsection of them.

2.2 Benefits of assurance

The key benefit of assurance is the independent, professional verification being given to the users.
This can be seen in the example of the house purchase given above. The importance of
independence and objectivity in assurance provision will be looked at in Chapters 14 and 15.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 9

In addition, assurance may have subsidiary benefits.
Although an assurance report may only be addressed to one set of people, it may give additional
confidence to other parties in a way that benefits the business. For example, audit reports are
addressed to shareholders, but the existence of an audit report with an unmodified opinion might
give the bank more confidence to lend money to that business; in other words, it enhances the
credibility of the information.
The existence of an independent check might help prevent errors or frauds being made and reduce
the risk of management bias. In other words, the fact that an assurance service will be carried out
might make people involved in preparing the subject matter more careful in its preparation and
reduce the chance of errors arising. Therefore it can be seen that an assurance service may act as a
In addition, where problems exist within information, the existence of an assurance report draws
attention to the deficiencies in that information, so that users know what those deficiencies are.
Assurance is also important in more general terms. It helps to ensure that high quality, reliable
information exists, leading to effective markets that investors have faith in and trust. It adds to the
reputation of organisations and even countries, so that investors are happy to invest in country X
because there is a strong culture of assurance provision there.
Businesses are keen to be seen as acting responsibly and are increasingly publishing information
such as emissions targets or a pledge not to employ children. There is a growing public perception
that this is an important area and stakeholders are unlikely to associate with businesses that could
damage their reputation. Corporate responsibility or sustainability reports provide assurance for
stakeholders that this published information is reliable and accurate.

3 Why can assurance never be absolute?

Section overview

• Assurance can never be absolute.

• Assurance provision has limitations which may not be understood by users.
• The expectations gap also adds to the lack of guarantee given by assurance.

3.1 Limitations of assurance

A key issue for accountants is that there are limitations to assurance services, and therefore there is
always a risk involved that the wrong conclusion will be drawn. We shall look in more detail at this
issue of assurance engagement risk in Chapter 3.
The limitations of assurance services include:
• the fact that testing is used – the auditors do not oversee the process of building the financial
statements from start to finish.
• the fact that the accounting systems on which assurance providers may place a degree of reliance
also have inherent limitations (we shall look at control systems and their limitations in Chapter 5).
• the fact that most audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive.
• the fact that assurance providers would not test every item in the subject matter (this would be
prohibitively expensive for the responsible party, so a sampling approach is used – see Chapter
• the fact that the client’s staff members may collude in fraud that can then be deliberately hidden
from the auditor or misrepresent matters to them for the same purpose.
• the fact that assurance provision can be subjective and professional judgements have to be made
(for example, about what aspects of the subject matter are the most important, how much
evidence to obtain etc).
• the fact that assurance providers rely on the responsible party and its staff to provide correct
information, which in some cases may be impossible to verify by other means.

10 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• the fact that some items in the subject matter may be estimates and are therefore uncertain. It is
impossible to conclude absolutely that judgemental estimates are correct.
• the fact that the nature of the assurance report might itself be limiting, as every judgement and
conclusion the assurance provider has drawn cannot be included in it.

3.2 The expectations gap

The problems users may experience in connection with assurance provision also arise from the
limitations and restrictions inherent in assurance provision. This is often because users are not aware
of the nature of the limitations on assurance provision, or do not understand them and believe that
the assurance provider is offering a service (such as a guarantee of correctness) which in fact he is
The distinction between reasonable and limited assurance may also be misunderstood by users.
We shall look at the concept of the expectations gap in more detail in Chapter 4, in the context of
reporting, but in essence it is this lack of understanding which constitutes the expectations gap –
meaning that there is a gap between what the assurance provider understands he is doing and what
the user of the information believes he is doing.
Assurance providers need to close this gap as far as possible in order to maintain the value of the
assurance provided for the user. This is done in a variety of ways, for example, by issuing an
engagement letter spelling out the work that will be carried out and the limitations of that work
(which we shall look at in the next chapter) and by regularly reviewing the format and content of
reports issued as a result of assurance work.

Interactive question 2: Benefits of assurance

Which three of the following are benefits of assurance work?
A An independent, professional opinion
B Additional confidence given to other related parties
C Testing as a result of sampling is cheaper for the responsible party
D Judgements on estimates can be conclusive
E Assurance may act as a deterrent to error or fraud

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 The statutory audit

Section overview

• The statutory audit is the key example of an assurance engagement in the UK.
• Auditors are subject to a variety of legal and professional requirements.
• Audits are composed of five principal stages: obtaining the engagement, planning, procedures,
review, and reporting.
• Professional scepticism is an important aspect of the auditor’s skillset.

4.1 Statutory audit

An audit is historically the most important type of assurance service in the UK. This is because it is a
legal (statutory) requirement that all companies over a certain size have an audit (with small
companies being exempt). The statutory external audit is therefore one of the most common forms
of assurance engagements.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 11

Audit of financial statements: The objective is to enable the auditor to express an opinion whether
the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable
financial reporting framework.

Context example: Audit

The key criteria of an assurance engagement can be seen in an audit as follows:
• three party involvement
– the shareholders (users)
– the board of directors (the responsible party)
– the audit firm (the practitioner)
• subject matter
– the financial statements
• relevant criteria
– law and accounting standards
• evidence
– as has been said earlier, sufficient and appropriate evidence is required to support an
assurance opinion. The specific requirements in relation to evidence on assurance
engagements will be looked at in Chapters 4 and 11.
• written report in a suitable form
– again, as has been said, an assurance report is a written report issued in a prescribed form. We
will look at the specific requirements for an audit report in Chapter 4.

The key outcome of the statutory audit is the audit opinion. In the UK, the auditor will normally
express his audit opinion by reference to the ‘true and fair view’, which is an expression of reasonable
assurance. Whilst this term is at the heart of the audit, ‘true’ and ‘fair’ are not defined in law or audit
guidance. However, for practical purposes the following definitions are generally accepted.

True: Information is factual and conforms with reality, not false. In addition the information conforms
with required standards and law. The accounts have been correctly extracted from the books and
Fair: Information is free from discrimination and bias in compliance with expected standards and
rules. The accounts should reflect the commercial substance of the company’s underlying

4.2 Audit exemption in the UK

Small companies are not required to have an audit in the UK (except in some particular situations).
How do we tell if a company is small enough? We have the Companies Act 2006 requirements. A
company must meet two of three of the following criteria, for both this financial year and the last
financial year:

Periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016

Turnover < £10.2m

Total assets < £5.1m

Number of employees < 50

12 Assurance ICAEW 2021

All companies above these thresholds must have an audit.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Applying these thresholds is slightly trickier than might appear to be the case - notice that two of the
three criteria must be met for a company to be small.
Companies that qualify as small are also then able to apply the less stringent financial reporting
standard for small entities, FRS 102.

4.3 Legal and professional requirements

Auditors in the UK are subject to both legal and professional requirements. The legal requirements
are all contained within the Companies Act 2006.
The Companies Act requires that auditors are members of a Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB) and
are eligible for appointment under the rules of that body. RSBs are required to have rules to ensure
that those eligible for appointment as a company auditor are either:
• individuals holding an appropriate qualification; or
• firms controlled by qualified persons.
ICAEW is an RSB. Professional qualifications are a prerequisite of membership of an RSB, and these
are offered by Registered Qualifying Bodies approved by the Secretary of State.
RSBs must also implement procedures for monitoring their registered auditors on a regular basis.
The Companies Act 2006 also sets out factors which make a person ineligible for being a company
auditor, for example, if he or she is:
• an officer or employee of the company
• a partner or employee of such a person
• any partner in a partnership in which such a person is a partner
• ineligible by the above for appointment as auditor of any directly connected companies
As you will see later in this course, the professional ethics of the RSBs are usually far stricter in their
criteria for ineligibility as an auditor.
In the UK, the task of independently monitoring the accountancy profession is currently undertaken
by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which operates under executive authority delegated from
the government. The government has, however, announced that the FRC is to be abolished and
replaced with a new regulator, the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA). At the time
this Workbook went to print the exact details of this change were not known, so for exams in 2020 it
should be assumed that the FRC remains in place as the regulator of the accountancy profession.
The FRC is responsible for issuing auditing standards, which it does through its Codes and Standards
Committee. The FRC issues the following standards and guidance for auditing:
• auditing standards
• ethical standards for Auditors
• practice notes
• bulletins
• standards for reviews of financial information and examination of prospective financial
The auditing standards issued by the FRC are the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs (UK)),
which were based on the IAASB’s ISAs to which the FRC has added further requirements for the UK.
Note that until July 2012, the FRC’s work in this area was done by the Auditing Practices Board (APB).
Already existing guidance (eg, ISAs) was issued by the APB and may still be referred to as such, and
indeed the FRC has continued to refer to the APB in guidance issued since it ceased to exist.
ISA (UK) 200, Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Auditor in
Accordance with International Standards on Auditing states that auditors shall comply with relevant
ethical requirements relating to audit engagements. These will be outlined later in this Workbook. An
auditor must conduct an audit in accordance with ISAs. Relevant ISAs will be referred to in this

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 13

4.4 International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
As stated above, statutory audits conducted in the UK must be conducted in accordance with ISAs
(UK) as issued by the FRC. ISAs are made up of:
• introductory material and definitions
• objectives
• requirements
• application and other explanatory material (including appendices)
The requirements must be adhered to if an audit is to be conducted ‘in accordance with ISAs’ (as UK
audits must be). That is to say, the basic principles and essential audit procedures required must be
applied in the circumstances of each audit: this is where the ‘application and other explanatory
material’ comes in. This part of an ISA is more concrete and practical, and sometimes contains
examples of what the auditor must think about (and do) in practice.
The application material is an integral part of an ISA. It does not carry the same weight as the
requirements because it may not be relevant in every case, but an auditor must make sure that an
audit is conducted in the manner set out by the application guidance.

4.5 The value of the statutory audit

The reason why most companies that have audits do so, is that they are legally required to. However,
audits can be invaluable to an entity because they may enhance the credibility of the financial
statements, among other key benefits discussed in section 2 above.

4.6 Stages of an audit

In common with other assurance engagements, an audit will comprise several stages along the way
to its eventual completion and the issuance of the auditor’s opinion.

Obtaining the engagement


Performing procedures

Review and completion


Before the engagement even begins, it must be obtained; there are various requirements that must
be adhered to in relation to this which are covered in Chapter 2. It is important at this stage to
consider the professional and ethical requirements around accepting audit engagements, and these
are covered in Chapters 14, 15 and 16.
Planning is a crucial aspect of the audit, with the importance of proper planning being emphasised
greatly by auditing standards (ISAs). This is covered in Chapter 3.
Audit procedures are designed at the planning stage, and are then performed in order to obtain
evidence. Coverage of audit procedures pervades this Workbook, but is concentrated in Chapters 6,
7 and 8.
Audit reporting is covered in Chapter 4, while review and completion are largely outside the scope
of the Assurance syllabus and will be covered later on in your studies.

14 Assurance ICAEW 2021

4.7 Overall objectives of the auditor
ISA (UK) 200, Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in
Accordance with International Standards on Auditing states that the overall objectives of the auditor
(a) to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an
opinion on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance
with an applicable financial reporting framework; and
(b) to report on the financial statements, and communicate as required by the ISAs, in accordance
with the auditor’s findings.
In order to do this, the auditor must:
• comply with relevant ethical requirements;
• plan and perform the audit with professional scepticism;
• exercise professional judgement; and
• obtain audit evidence that is both sufficient and appropriate, from which reasonable conclusions
may be drawn, on which the auditor’s opinion is then based.

Professional scepticism: It is an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions
which may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical assessment of audit
Professional judgement: It is the application of relevant training, knowledge and experience in
making informed decisions about the courses of action that are appropriate in the circumstances of
the audit engagement.

ISA 200 states that auditors must plan and perform an audit with an attitude of professional
scepticism, recognising that circumstances may exist that cause the financial statements to be
materially misstated.
This requires the auditor to be alert to:
• audit evidence that contradicts other audit evidence obtained
• information that brings into question the reliability of documents and responses to inquiries to be
used as audit evidence;
• conditions that may indicate possible fraud; and
• circumstances that suggest the need for audit procedures in addition to those required by ISAs.
Professional scepticism needs to be maintained throughout the audit to reduce the risks of
overlooking unusual transactions, over-generalising when drawing conclusions, and using
inappropriate assumptions in determining the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures and
evaluating the results of them. Professional scepticism is also necessary to the critical assessment of
audit evidence. This includes questioning contradictory audit evidence and the reliability of
documents and responses from management and those charged with governance.
ISA 200 also requires the auditor to exercise professional judgement in planning and performing an
audit of financial statements. Professional judgement is required in the following areas:
• Materiality and audit risk
• Nature, timing and extent of audit procedures
• Evaluation of whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained
• Evaluating management’s judgements in applying the applicable financial reporting framework
• Drawing conclusions based on the audit evidence obtained

4.8 Factors in professional scepticism

Professional scepticism is a subjective attitude that the auditor should have; whether it is sufficiently
present in an audit may, however, have to do with more objective factors. Professional scepticism
may be facilitated or hindered by the characteristics of a particular engagement.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 15

Factors facilitative of professional scepticism
• Characteristics of the audit team, including:
– Relevant technical or analytical skills
– Open-mindedness, and the capacity to notice facts which are inconsistent with expectations
– Independence
– Confidence and persistence to challenge management and to follow things through
– Knowledge of client and industry
• Provision of training relevant to the type of engagement eg, for the particular industrial sector
• Review procedures within the audit team, and the presence of external review
• Partners and managers actively leading the audit team, and being accessible to other staff during
the audit
• A culture within the audit firm which emphasises the importance of scepticism, and of making
difficult audit judgments
• The embedding of scepticism within the firm’s training and competency frameworks, used for
evaluating and rewarding performance
Factors hindersome of professional scepticism
• Characteristics of the audit team, including:
– Lack of relevant technical or analytical skills
– Excessive trust in the client, and in the explanations given by client staff
– Timidity and a lack of assertiveness
– Lack of sufficient audit experience for the tasks allocated
• A checklist approach to audit procedures, in place of a more fundamental interest and

4.9 Bookkeeping recap

The statutory audit is concerned with the truth and fairness of the financial statements. The audit
involves a consideration of the accounting processes (systems) that generate the information
presented by the financial statements. It may be helpful to recap how this happens in general terms.
What follows is a summary of the overall process of bookkeeping. These processes are crucial
because it is through them that the figures in the financial statements are generated; a major focus of
many audits is on how reliable the bookkeeping process is. Indeed you could think of much of this
Assurance exam as being about how the auditor audits different aspects of a company’s
bookkeeping systems as they work in different contexts, such as revenue, purchases, or payroll.
The Assurance exam from 2020 is based on a computerised system of accounting, in line with the
current Accounting exam. However, you may have studied Accounting under a manual system and,
although the general principles are the same, there are some differences from a computerised
Every audited entity must record its financial information. Under a manual system, it would do this
first in its ‘books of original entry’, eg, the Sales Day Book, the Purchases Day Book, or the Cash Book.
Data would then be transferred from these books of original entry into both of the nominal ledger
accounts, using the double-entry system. Separate receivables and payables ledgers would also be
kept, but these would be memorandum accounts only, and would not form part of the nominal
ledger system.
Under a computerised system (on which your exam is based), there are no books of original entry as
such – the various Day Books do not exist. Instead, entries are made directly into the ledger system.
And instead of maintaining the three ledgers (nominal, receivables and payables) separately, they
are connected. This means that when an entry is made into, for example, the receivables or payables
ledger (say, for a credit note), the nominal ledger is updated automatically by the computerised
system. As a result of this, there is no need to perform the procedures that would have been
necessary under a manual system in order to check for discrepancies between the three ledgers,
because the posting has been made automatically by the computer (these procedures were known
as the receivables and payables control account reconciliations). Under a computerised system the
distinction between the nominal ledger and the receivables and payables ledgers is much less
relevant than under a manual system.

16 Assurance ICAEW 2021

At the end of the financial reporting period, the ledger accounts are balanced off and their balances
extracted to construct a trial balance (TB). Adjustments are made for accruals and prepayments
together with any other items (or errors), and a final TB is produced. (Under a manual system of
accounting, adjustments would have been made using an extended trial balance (ETB), before
producing the final TB. An ETB is essentially a piece of paper that is wide enough to write the
adjustments on, as columns of debits and credits, before adding across to get the total ‘final TB’ on
the right side.)
The statement of profit or loss and the statement of financial position are then prepared from the
final TB. The statement of profit or loss is prepared by transferring all of the income and expense
account balances from the TB into a new ledger account, called the profit or loss ledger account. It is
from this that the statement of profit or loss will be prepared.
The remaining balances on the TB are for assets, liabilities and capital. These are listed out in the
vertical format statement of financial position. The profit/loss for the period is transferred from the
profit or loss ledger account into the capital account. Once this is done then the statement of
financial position can be prepared.
The following diagram depicts this process in general overview.


Nominal ledger
(double-entry system)


Financial statements

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 17


An assurance engagement is one

in which a practitioner expresses a
conclusion designed to enhance
the degree of confidence of the Levels of assurance:
intended users other than the • Limited
responsible party about the • Reasonable (high)
outcome of the evaluation or
measurement of a subject matter
against criteria

Key elements: Key example: audit

• Three party relationship Directors, auditors, shareholders
• Subject matter Financial statements
• Suitable criteria Law and accounting standards
• Sufficient appropriate evidence As prescribed by ISA 500
• Written report Audit report

Benefits: Limitations:
• Independent, professional opinion Subjective, sampled, limitations of
• Added confidence to other users systems, information from third
• Deterrent to error/fraud parties, limitations of reporting,
includes estimates

18 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Indicate if the following statement is true or false

Assurance services are required by law. .

2 What five elements are required for an engagement to be an assurance engagement?

3 Name four limitations of an assurance service.

4 Indicate whether the following statement is true or false

Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance. .

5 Indicate whether the following statement is true or false

The most important benefit of an assurance report is that it may help to deter fraud within the entity.

6 Indicate whether the following statement is true or false

The statutory audit provides only limited assurance, not absolute assurance. .

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 19

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you define assurance? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain why assurance is important? (Topic 2)

(3) Can you explain the inherent limitations of assurance services? (Topic 3)

(4) Can you explain the concepts of professional scepticism and professional
judgment? (Topic 4)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 1 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement.

20 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 21
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Key elements include:
(1) Three party involvement:
• Jama (the intended user)
• You (the practitioner)
• The directors of Company X as they produce the financial statements (the responsible party)
(2) Subject matter
The most recent financial statements of Company X are the subject matter.
(3) Relevant criteria
It is most likely in this instance that the criteria would be accounting standards, so that Jamal was
assured that the financial statements were properly prepared and comparable with other
companies’ financial statements.
(4) Evidence
You would have to agree the extent of procedures in relation to this assignment with Jamal so
that he knew the level of evidence you were intending to seek. This would depend on several
factors, including the degree of secrecy in the proposed transaction and whether the directors of
Company X allowed you to inspect the books and documents.
(5) Report
Again, the nature of the report would be agreed between you and Jamal; however, it would be a
written report containing your opinion on the financial statements.

Answer to Interactive question 2

A An independent, professional opinion
B Additional confidence given to other related parties
E Assurance may act as a deterrent to error or fraud

22 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Assurance services are required by law. False .

An audit may be required by law if the company does not qualify as a small company.

2 The following five elements are required:

• Three party relationship
• Subject matter
• Suitable criteria
• Sufficient appropriate evidence
• Written report

3 From the following:

• Subjective exercise
• Sampling
• Limitations in systems
• Limitations in report
• Information from third parties
• Estimations

4 Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance. True .

5 The most important benefit of an assurance report is that it may help to deter fraud within the entity.
True .

6 The statutory audit provides only limited assurance, not absolute assurance. False .

ICAEW 2021 1: Concept of and need for assurance 23

24 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 2

Process of assurance:
obtaining an engagement

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Obtaining an engagement
2 Accepting an engagement
3 Agreeing terms of an engagement
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical reference
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
The concept, process and need for assurance
Students will be able to explain the concept of assurance, why assurance is required and the reasons
for assurance engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• identify the steps involved in obtaining, accepting and agreeing the terms of an assurance
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 1e

Syllabus links
The issues of obtaining engagements will be looked at in much greater detail in the Audit and
Assurance exam at the Application level.

Examination context
This is a fairly minor area for the exam, but you could expect at least one question on the scope of
the engagement (there was a question about engagement letters in the sample paper) and possibly
another on the considerations of the assurance firm when deciding to accept engagements.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 2, Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Obtaining an Read through this This area is 1

engagement section, which unlikely to be
In practice, the gives you some examined
matters covered background for directly, but you
in this chapter this chapter. need to know its
are very The key points contents.
important to relate to
assurance firms. It advertising, and
is important to the definition of a
know how to tender. Make
obtain clients and sure you
therefore secure understand what
future revenue tendering is.
for the firm.
During your
training, you are
unlikely to be
involved in
obtaining clients
or determining
whether an
engagement is
going to be
However, if you

26 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

continue in your
career to higher
levels, even
partnership, then
these will be
practical issues
for you.

2 Accepting an Read through the The detail of 2, 3, 4

engagement section, paying these procedures
It is important to particular is examinable, an
only accept attention to the in particular the
clients which the appointment considerations in
firm is able to decision chart, relation to money
serve and and attempt both laundering.
engagements of the interactive Money
which the firm questions in this laundering
has the resources section. continues to be a
to carry out. It is topical area, and
particularly one that may
important that all feature
parties prominently in
understand the your exam.
nature of the
work that will be
carried out, as
this may prevent
disputes and
problems later
important area
for practitioners
is the increased
client awareness
and identification
required to guard
involvement in

3 Agreeing terms Read through the The purpose and 5, 6

of an section and make contents of the
engagement sure you engagement
Once an understand the letter are an
engagement has purpose of the examinable area.
been accepted, engagement You need to learn
the firm will use letter. the main
an engagement Attempt the contents of the
letter - effectively interactive letter, in addition
a contract - to question in this to understanding
regulate its section. its purpose.
relationship with Stop and think
the client.

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 27

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

There is a link
with the
problems with
assurance (its
which were
discussed in
Chapter 1.
How does the
auditor attempt
to address this
problem in the

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

28 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Obtaining an engagement
Section overview

• Accountants are permitted to advertise for clients, within certain professional guidelines.
• Accountants may sometimes be invited to tender for an audit.

How assurance firms obtain clients is an important practical question, but it is largely outside the
scope of this syllabus. In brief, you should be aware that:
• accountants are permitted to advertise for clients within certain professional guidelines, the
details of which you do not need to know.
• accountants are often invited to tender for particular engagements, which means that they offer a
quote for services, outlining the benefits of their firm and personnel, usually in competition with
other firms which are tendering at the same time.
In this syllabus, if the topics in this chapter are examined, it will be in the context of an accountant
being invited by a potential client to accept an engagement. We will go on now to look at the things
which an accountant must consider when he is so invited.

2 Accepting an engagement
Section overview

• The present and proposed auditors should normally communicate about the client prior to the
audit being accepted.
• The client must be asked to give permission for communication to occur. If the client refuses to
give permission, the proposed auditors should normally decline the appointment.
• The auditors must ensure they have sufficient resources (time and staff, for example) to carry out
the appointment.
• The audit firm must have client due diligence procedures in place in order to comply with the
Money Laundering Regulations.

This section covers the procedures that the auditors must undertake to ensure that their
appointment is valid and that they are clear to act.

2.1 Appointment considerations

Section 320 of the ICAEW Code of Ethics sets out the relevant considerations for when accountants
should accept new appointments. Before a new audit client is accepted, the auditors must determine
whether there are any independence or other ethical issues likely to cause significant problems with
the ethical code (ie, significant threats to complying with the fundamental principles of ethical
behaviour – see later in this Workbook). Furthermore, new accountants should ensure that they have
been appointed in a proper and legal manner.
A key factor in evaluating the ethical threats present is whether it will be possible to contact the
existing/predecessor accountant, in order to ask whether there are any reasons why the engagement
should not be accepted (ICAEW Code of Ethics: para. 320.4 A3).
The proposed auditor must carry out the following procedures.

Acceptance procedures

Ensure professionally qualified to act Consider whether disqualified on legal or

ethical grounds, for example if there would be a
conflict of interest with another client. We will

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 29

Acceptance procedures

look in more detail at ethical issues later in this


Ensure existing resources adequate Consider available time, staff and technical

Obtain references Make independent enquiries if directors not

personally known.

Communicate with existing/predecessor Enquire whether there are

auditors reasons/circumstances behind the change
which the new auditors ought to know, also as a
matter of courtesy.

When communicating with the existing or predecessor auditor, if no reply is received then the Code
of Ethics states that “The proposed accountant is entitled to assume that the existing accountant’s
silence implies there was no adverse comment to be made” (ICAEW Code of Ethics: para. 320.6 A1) -
ie, they can still accept the engagement if they are satisfied that any ethical threats are not too great.
Where the client refuses to grant the existing or predecessor auditor permission to communicate
with the proposed auditor, then they should disclose this fact to the proposed auditor (ICAEW Code
of Ethics: para. R320.8). The proposed auditor will then need to carefully consider whether to accept
the audit.
Some of the basic factors for consideration are given below.
• The integrity of those managing a company will be of great importance, particularly if the
company is controlled by one or a few dominant personalities.
• The audit firm will also consider whether the client is likely to be high or low risk to the firm in
terms of being able to draw an appropriate assurance conclusion in relation to that client. The
following table contrasts low and high risk clients.

Low risk High risk

Good long-term prospects Poor recent or forecast performance

Well-financed Likely lack of finance

Strong internal controls Significant control weaknesses

Conservative, prudent accounting policies Evidence of questionable integrity, doubtful

accounting policies

Competent, honest management Lack of finance director

Few unusual transactions Significant unexplained transactions or

transactions with connected companies

Where the risk level of a company’s audit is determined as anything other than low, then the specific
risks should be identified and documented. It might be necessary to assign specialists in response to
these risks, particularly industry specialists, as independent reviewers. Some audit firms have
procedures for closely monitoring audits which have been accepted, but which are considered high
Generally, the expected fees from a new client should reflect the level of risk expected. They should
also offer the same sort of return expected of clients of this nature and reflect the overall financial
strategy of the audit firm. Occasionally, the audit firm will want the work to gain entry into the client’s
particular industry, or to establish better contacts within that industry. These factors will all contribute
to a total expected economic return.
The audit firm will generally want the relationship with a client to be long term. This is not only to
enjoy receiving fees year after year; it is also to allow the audit work to be enhanced by better
knowledge of the client and thereby offer a better service.

30 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Conflict of interest problems can be significant; the firm should establish that no existing clients will
cause difficulties as competitors of the new client. Other services to other clients may have an impact
here, not just audit.
The audit firm must have the resources to perform the work properly, as well as any specialist
knowledge or skills. The impact on existing engagements must be estimated, in terms of staff time
and the timing of the audit.

Sources of information about new clients

Enquiries of other sources Bankers, solicitors

Review of documents Most recent annual accounts, listing particulars,

credit rating

Previous accountants/auditors Previous auditors should be invited to disclose

fully all relevant information

Review of rules and standards Consider specific laws/standards that relate to


Prospective auditors should seek the prospective client’s permission to contact the previous auditors.
If this permission is not given, the prospective auditors should normally decline the appointment.
Normally permission will be given, so the prospective auditors can write to the outgoing auditors.

Worked example: Initial communication

To: Retiring LLP, Chartered Accountants

Subject: New Client Ltd
Dear Sir or Madam
We have been asked to allow our name to go forward for nomination as auditors of the above
company, and we should therefore be grateful if you would please let us know whether there are
any professional reasons why we should not accept nomination ...... .
Acquiring LLP
Chartered Accountants, Registered Auditors

Having negotiated these steps the auditors will be in a position to accept the nomination, or not, as
the case may be.


ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 31

Worked example: Appointment decision chart

Approach by potential
new audit client

Is this the Prospective auditor can

first audit? make own decision


Does client
give permission NO
to contact
old auditor?


Write for all information Prospective auditor

pertinent to the should normally decline
appointment the appointment

Does client
give old auditor NO
to reply?


Does Give old auditor due

old auditor
reply with information notice then decide on
relevant to new basis of knowledge
appointment? obtained otherwise



32 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Worked example: Accepting appointment
Identify whether the following are true or false. The audit firm should consider the following factors
when determining whether to accept an engagement.


Whether the firm is ethically barred from acting True

Whether the firm has sufficient resources to True

carry out the engagement

Whether the firm can make sufficient profit from True

the engagement

Whether the client is new to the firm False

Whether the client gives permission to contact True

the outgoing auditors

The auditors should consider all these factors except whether the client is new to the firm. This is
irrelevant in making the decision, although the firm may have to carry out additional procedures to
get to know the client if it is a new client. The auditors must consider if they are ethically qualified to
act, whether they have sufficient resources and whether the client gives permission to contact the
previous auditors (if this is declined, the auditors must consider carefully the reasons for the refusal).
As the audit firm is also a commercial enterprise, it must consider whether taking on the engagement
is commercially viable.

The following procedures should be carried out after accepting nomination.

• Ensure that the outgoing auditors’ removal or resignation has been properly conducted in
accordance with national legislation.
The new auditors should see a valid notice of the outgoing auditors’ resignation, or confirm that
the outgoing auditors were properly removed.
• Ensure that the new auditors’ appointment is valid. The new auditors should obtain a copy of the
resolution passed at the general meeting appointing them as the company’s auditors.
• Set up and submit a letter of engagement to the directors of the company.
Where the outgoing auditors have fees still owing by the client, the new auditors need not decline
appointment solely for this reason.
Once a new appointment has taken place, the new auditors should obtain all books and papers
which belong to the client from the outgoing auditors. The outgoing auditors should ensure that all
such documents are transferred promptly, unless they have a lien (a legal right to hold on to them)
because of unpaid fees. An outgoing auditor cannot have a lien over the accounting records of a
registered company as the Companies Act requires these to be available for public inspection. The
outgoing auditors should also pass any useful information to the new auditors if it will be of help,
without charge, unless a lot of work is involved.

2.2 Other assurance engagements

Similar considerations will be required for any assurance engagements. The legal considerations
relating to audit will not be relevant to other assurance engagements, but the ethical, risk and
practical considerations will be just as valid.

2.3 Money laundering regulations

In order to comply with the Money Laundering Regulations, assurance firms must keep certain
records about clients and undertake what is known as client due diligence.

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 33

It is mandatory to check the identity of all clients before any work is undertaken when an ongoing
relationship is envisaged (this would be the case for certain assurance engagements) or where a one-
off transaction or a series of transactions greater than €10,000 will take place.
The identity of clients should be checked by the following:
• For individuals: obtaining official documents including a photograph and identifying the client’s
full name and permanent address, for example, a passport supported by a number of utilities bills
or a driving licence.
• For companies: obtaining similar legal information from the Registrar of Companies; for example,
a certificate of incorporation, the registered address and a list of shareholders and directors.
Client identification documents must be kept for a minimum of five years and until five years have
elapsed since the relationship with the client in question has ceased. It is also necessary to keep a full
audit trail of all transactions with the client.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

‘Due diligence’ is a general term that refers to the steps that should be taken before taking an action,
in order to reduce the risk of adverse consequences arising. For instance, a ‘due diligence’
engagement is commonly undertaken before acquiring a new subsidiary. Here the term is being
used for an auditor accepting a new client, an action which carries risks that will need to be identified
and managed.

Worked example: Client due diligence

Drew Brothers, chartered accountants, has recently accepted appointment as the auditor of Abysin
Ltd. In terms of client due diligence, they should check which two of the following documents?
A Certificate of incorporation
B Passport
C Utilities bills
D Annual return

A Certificate of incorporation
D Annual return
They should check the certificate of incorporation and the annual return (which should give
details of the registered office and the shareholders and directors). If they are taking on any work
for any individuals connected with Abysin (for example, personal tax for the directors) they
should also obtain information for them from passports and utilities bills.

3 Agreeing terms of an engagement

Section overview

• An engagement letter should be sent to all clients to clarify the terms of the engagement.
• Agreement of audit engagement terms must be in writing.
• It must include an explanation of the scope of the audit, the limitations of an audit and the
responsibilities of auditors and those charged with governance.
• It may contain other information concerning practical details of the audit.

The purpose of an engagement letter is to:

34 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• define clearly the extent of the firm’s responsibilities and so minimise the possibility of any
misunderstanding between the client and the firm; and
• provide written confirmation of the firm’s acceptance of the appointment, the scope of the
engagement and the form of their report.
If an engagement letter is not sent to clients, both new and existing, there is scope for argument
about the precise extent of the respective obligations of the client and its directors and the auditors.
The elements of an engagement letter should be discussed and agreed with management before it
is sent.
An engagement letter for any type of assurance engagement will contain the same contents as an
audit engagement letter (discussed below). Clearly details will be different (for instance, it will cover
the scope of the engagement, but the scope of an audit and the scope of a review of forecast
information, for example, will be different). An engagement letter for an assurance engagement
other than audit is likely to refer to specific fees for the engagement. As you will see below, as an
audit engagement is often recurring, specific fees are initially not mentioned.

3.1 Audit engagement letters

ISA (UK) 210, Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements requires that the auditor and the client
agree on the terms of the engagement. The agreed terms must be in writing and the usual form
would be a letter of engagement. Any other form of appropriate contract, however, may be used.
Even in countries where the audit objectives and scope and the auditor’s obligations are established
by law, an audit engagement letter may be informative for clients.
The auditors should send an engagement letter to all new clients soon after their appointment as
auditors and, in any event, before the commencement of the first audit assignment. They should also
consider sending an engagement letter to existing clients to whom no letter has previously been
sent as soon as a suitable opportunity presents itself.
The following items shall be included in the engagement letter:
• the objective of the audit of financial statements
• the scope of the audit, which could include reference to applicable legislation, regulations, or
pronouncements of professional bodies to which the auditor adheres
• The auditor’s responsibility
• the reporting framework that is applicable for the financial statements being prepared, for
example International Financial Reporting Standards
• management’s responsibility to prepare the financial statements and to provide the auditor with
unrestricted access to whatever records, documentation and other information is requested in
connection with the audit
• the form of any reports of results of the engagement
The form and remaining content of audit engagement letters may vary for each client, but the auditor
may wish to include in the letter the following items:
• the form of any other communication of the results of the engagement
• the fact that because of the test nature and other inherent limitations of an audit, together with
the inherent limitations of any accounting and internal control system, there is an unavoidable risk
that some material misstatements may remain undiscovered
• Arrangements regarding the planning of the audit
• expectation of receiving from management written confirmation of representations made in
connection with the audit
• agreement of the client to provide the auditor with information in time to allow the auditor to
complete the audit in line with the proposed timetable
• Basis on which fees are computed and any billing arrangements
• request for the client to confirm the terms of the engagement by acknowledging receipt of the
engagement letter
When relevant, the following points could also be made:
• arrangements concerning the involvement of other auditors and experts in some aspects of the

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 35

• arrangements concerning the involvement of internal auditors and other client staff
• arrangements to be made with the predecessor auditor, if any, in the case of an initial audit
• any restriction of the auditor’s liability when such possibility exists
• a reference to any further agreements between the auditor and the client
• any obligations to provide audit working papers to other parties

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Notice that some things have to be included in the engagement letter (the ISA says these ‘shall’ be
included). Other things are likely to be included, but are not absolutely obligatory, such as the form
of communications, the inherent limitations of audit.
It is advisable to learn the items that have to be included. The remaining items would be tailored to
the needs of the particular client.

Worked example: Audit engagement letter (extract)

To the Board of Directors of ABC Company

Your responsibilities as directors
As directors of the company, you are responsible for preparing financial statements which give a
true and fair view and which have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006
(the Act). As directors you must not approve the financial statements unless you are satisfied that
they give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the
In preparing the financial statements, you are required to:
• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently
• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to
presume that the company will continue in business
You are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that set out with reasonable
accuracy at any time the company’s financial position, and for ensuring that the financial
statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the
European Union and with the Companies Act 2006 and give a true and fair view.
You are also responsible for such internal control as you determine is necessary to enable the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud
or error.
You are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking
reasonable steps to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.
You are responsible for ensuring that the company complies with laws and regulations that apply
to its activities, and for preventing non-compliance and detecting any that occurs.
You have undertaken to make available to us, as and when required, all the company’s accounting
records and related financial information, including minutes of management and shareholders’
meetings, that we need to do our work. You have also undertaken to provide us with unrestricted
access to any persons from whom we deem it necessary to obtain audit evidence. Each director is
required to take all steps that he ought to take as a director in order to make himself aware of any
relevant audit information and to establish that we are aware of that information.
Our responsibilities as auditor

36 Assurance ICAEW 2021

We have a statutory responsibility to report to the members as a body, whether in our opinion the
financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs, whether they have
been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and whether they give a true and fair
view. We are also required to report whether the information given in the directors’ report is
consistent with the financial statements. In arriving at our opinion, we are required to consider the
following matters, and report on any that we are not satisfied with:
(1) whether the company has kept adequate accounting records, and whether branches that we
have not visited have sent in returns adequate for our audit
(2) whether the company’s individual accounts are in agreement with the accounting records and
(3) whether we have obtained all the information and explanations which we consider necessary
for the purposes of our audit
We may also need to deal with certain other matters in our report. If the company prepares
accounts and reports in accordance with the small companies regime when in our opinion it is not
entitled to do so we are required to state that fact in our report.
We have a professional responsibility to report if the financial statements do not significantly
comply with applicable financial reporting standards, unless we believe there is a good reason for
the non-compliance. In deciding whether or not this is the case, we consider:
(1) whether the non-compliance is necessary for the financial statements to give a true and fair
view; and
(2) whether the non-compliance has been clearly disclosed.
We also have a professional responsibility to consider whether other information in documents
containing audited financial statements is consistent with those financial statements.
Scope of audit
We will carry out our audit in accordance with the International Standards of Auditing (UK) issued
by the Financial Reporting Council. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit involves performing procedures
to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The
procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgement, including the assessment of the risks of
material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
financial statements. Because of the test nature and other inherent limitations of an audit, together
with the inherent limitations of any accounting and internal control system, there is an
unavoidable risk that even some material misstatements may remain undiscovered.
We shall obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control systems in order to
assess their adequacy as a basis for the preparation of the financial statements and to establish
whether adequate accounting records have been maintained by the company. We shall expect to
obtain such appropriate evidence as we consider sufficient to enable us to draw reasonable
conclusions there from. In addition to our report on the financial statements, we will provide you
with a separate letter concerning any significant deficiencies in accounting and internal control
systems which come to our notice.
The nature and extent of our audit will vary according to our assessment of the company’s
accounting system and, where we wish to rely on it the internal control system, and may cover any
aspect of the business’s operations that we consider appropriate. Our audit is not designed to
identify all significant deficiencies in the company’s systems and internal controls but, if we detect
significant deficiencies we will report them to you in writing.
As part of our normal audit procedures, we may ask you to confirm in writing representations you
have made to us during the audit. In particular, where misstatements in the financial statements
that we bring to your attention are not adjusted, you must state your reasons. In connection with
representations and the supply of information to us generally, we draw your attention to section
501 of the Companies Act 2006, under which it is an offence for anyone to recklessly or knowingly
supply information to the auditors that is false or misleading and to fail to promptly provide
information requested.

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 37

To help us examine your financial statements, we will ask to see all documents or statements that
are due to be issued with the financial statements. We are also entitled to receive details of all
written resolutions that are to be circulated to members, to attend all the company’s general
meetings and to receive notice of them all.
You are responsible for safeguarding the company’s assets and for preventing and detecting
fraud, error and non-compliance with law or regulations. We will plan our audit so that we can
reasonably expect to detect significant misstatements in the financial statements or accounting
records (including those resulting from fraud, error or non-compliance with law or regulations),
but you cannot rely on us finding all such errors.
In respect of the expected form and content of our report, we refer you to the most recent bulletin
on auditors’ reports published by the Financial Reporting Council. The form and content of our
report may need to be amended in the light of our findings.
Once we have issued our report, we have no further responsibility in relation to the financial
statements for that financial year. However, we expect that you will inform us of any material event
occurring between the date of our report and the date the financial statements are sent out in
accordance with section 423 Companies Act 2006, which may affect the financial statements.
We look forward to full cooperation from your staff during our audit.
[Other relevant information]
[Insert other information, such as fee arrangements, billings and other specific terms, as
XYZ & Co.

Acknowledged and agreed on behalf of ABC Company by

(signed) ...................... Name and Title



Interactive question 1: Engagement letters

Which three of the following may be contained within a letter of engagement?
A Responsibilities of the auditors
B Responsibilities of the directors
C The names of the staff assigned to the engagement
D The scope of the audit

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

38 Assurance ICAEW 2021


Auditors may advertise their Auditors will often be invited to

services, within certain tender for audits

When an audit firms is invited to accept an engagement (usually as a

result of a successful tender), it must:
• consider whether it is ethically barred from acting
• consider whether it has the resources available to undertake the
• obtain permission to contact the outgoing auditors, and so do

When an audit firm accepts an engagement it must:

• check the outgoing auditors' removal was carried out properly
• ensure its appointment is valid
• carry out customer due diligence in accordance with Money
Laundering Regulations
• set up Letter of engagement

Must be sent prior to first audit

Clarifies terms of engagement

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 39

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Indicate if the following statement is true or false.

An audit firm must not accept an engagement if the client is not previously known to them.

2 If a prospective client declines permission to contact the previous auditors, the audit firm should:
A report the client to the Companies Registrar
B contact the previous auditors anyway
C accept the engagement provisionally and continue to request permission
D normally decline the appointment

3 Complete the questions that should be in the diagram on the following page (see next).

40 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Approach by new
audit client

No need to follow
professional rules – the
auditor can make own




Write for all information Prospective auditor

pertinent to the should normally decline
appointment the appointment



Give old auditor due

notice then decide on
basis of knowledge
obtained otherwise



4 In accordance with the money laundering regulations, client identification documents should be kept
A five years
B five years after the cessation of the relationship with the client
C seven years
D seven years after the cessation of the relationship with the client

5 Indicate if the following statement is true or false.

An engagement letter is only ever sent to a client before the first audit. .

6 Indicate if the following statement is true or false

An engagement letter defines the scope of the engagement. .

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 41

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

42 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain what a tender is? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the procedures that the auditor should perform before they
accept an audit client? (Topic 2)

(3) Can you explain the procedures that should be carried out after accepting
nomination? (Topic 2)

(4) Can you explain what should be checked as part of an auditor’s client due
diligence procedures? (Topic 2)

(5) Can you explain the obligatory features of the audit engagement letter?
(Topic 3)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 2 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Process of assurance: planning the assignment.

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 43

Technical reference
1 Accepting an engagement
Section 320, ICAEW Code of Ethics

2 Agreeing terms of an engagement

Agree the terms in writing - ISA (UK) 210.10
Send letter before first audit - ISA (UK) 210.A22
Contents of engagement letter - ISA (UK) 210.10, A23

44 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A Responsibilities of the auditors
B Responsibilities of the directors
D The scope of the audit
The specific staff assigned to the engagement will not normally be referred to (as the auditors
will reserve the right to change their arrangement and the client should not have influence over
assurance staff anyway). The composition of the audit team may be referred to – for example, the
number of senior and junior staff in the team.

ICAEW 2021 2: Process of assurance: obtaining an engagement 45

Answers to Self-test questions

1 An audit firm must not accept an engagement if the client is not previously known to them. False .

However, if the client is unknown to the audit firm, they should seek references in respect of key
personnel associated with the client, and must carry out customer due diligence (as they must with
all clients).

2 Correct answer(s):
D normally decline the appointment
Normally decline the appointment. The auditors must not contact the previous auditors without
permission as this would be a breach of confidentiality. The client is legally entitled to refuse this
permission so there is no reason to report to the Companies Registrar.

3 In the following order:

• Is this the first audit?
• Does the client give permission to contact the old auditor?
• Does the client give old auditor permission to reply?
• Does the old auditor reply with information relevant to the new appointment?

4 Correct answer(s):
B five years after the cessation of the relationship with the client

5 An engagement letter is only ever sent to a client before the first audit. False .

It should be re-issued if there is a change in circumstances.

6 An engagement letter defines the scope of the engagement. True .

46 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 3

Process of assurance: planning

the assignment

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Planning
2 Analytical procedures
3 Materiality
4 Audit risk
5 Fraud
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
• Identify the process of planning an assurance engagement, including risk assessment
• Define materiality and identify its role in the assurance engagement
• Recognise the need to plan and perform assurance engagements with an attitude of professional
scepticism and the exercise of professional judgement
• Recognise the characteristics of fraud and distinguish between fraud and error
Specific syllabus learning outcomes for this chapter: 1f, g, I, j

Syllabus links
Planning is a large part of the Audit and Assurance syllabus, so when you reach that exam you will
build on the knowledge you have gained in this syllabus and learn to apply that knowledge in a
more practical way.

Examination context
Planning and risk are key issues for assurance providers and you should expect this area to come up
in your assessment. Ensure that you understand the definitions that are set out in this chapter since
any of them could be examined. In addition, work through the examples and questions in the
chapter on identifying risks, as your assessment could include a question in such an area.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 3, Process of assurance: planning the assignment.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Planning This is a long Planning and risk 1, 2, 3, 4

Every piece of section, and one are key issues for
assurance work which you should assurance
carried out by a work through providers and
firm should be carefully. you should
planned, Make sure you expect this area
therefore this can distinguish to come up in
chapter covers an between the your exam. This is
area of huge audit strategy an important and
practical and the audit examinable area.
significance. plan. Ensure that you
As you become Pay particular understand the
more senior in attention to steps definitions that
your firm you are 1 to 4 (for a are set out in this
more likely to structured chapter, since all
become involved approach to could be
in planning work. planning), before examined.
However, you reading through
may carry out risk the worked
assessment example and
procedures from then attempting
an early stage. the interactive
You will be question.
involved in the

48 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

required Next, the concept

discussion of ‘understanding
relating to audit the entity’ is key
planning that to risk-based
must involve all auditing, since it
members of the is on the basis of
audit team this
whenever you are understanding
assigned to an that the auditor.

2 Analytical This section This is a

procedures introduces moderately
Analytical analytical examinable area.
procedures are a procedures. You need to
key part of the Work through the understand the
audit process, Worked example purpose of each
and are a and make sure calculation so
fundamental part you attempt the that you can
of audit planning. Interactive interpret the
They can be used question on this results of the
to quickly and topic. procedures
effectively It is important performed.
identify areas of here that you do
audit risk, and so not merely learn
direct the audit how to calculate
team’s effort to each of the
the places where specified rations,
it can have the but that you also
biggest impact understand why
you might need
to do so. A
common pitfall in
this area is to
focus on the
simpler task of
calculations, at
the cost of the
more complex
task of
the entity.

3 Materiality Read through the This is an

Materiality is a chapter and the examinable area.
key concept in worked example You should
risk-based at the end. expect to be
auditing. The You should learn given questions
setting of and understand on any of the
materiality levels the definitions of material in this
is a part of audit materiality and section.
planning, but performance
they should also materiality, as
be borne in mind well as the
when actually thresholds for
performing audit calculating

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 49

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

procedures. materiality.

4 Audit risk Audit risk is This is a key area 6, 7, 8

Auditing another key that helps form
standards require concept. Look the foundation of
the auditor to carefully at the the auditor’s
adopt a risk- components of work.
based approach audit risk and the
to auditing. Audit way in which they
risk comes from interact.
several different Complete all the
areas, but the Interactive and
common thread Self-test
is that they questions.
contribute to the
risk of giving an
audit opinion.

5 Fraud Work through the Another 9

The detection of section and try to important area,
fraud is not the see the on which you
aim of the audit; connections should expect to
this is a common between the be examined
misconception, different areas. directly.
and forms part of The auditor’s
the expectations objectives in
gap. relation to fraud
stem from their
Fraud should, responsibilities,
however, be which may be
considered derived in turn
insofar as it gives from the
rise to an audit distinction
risk, ie of an between fraud
inappropriate and error.
audit opinion
being expressed
on the truth and
fairness of the

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter

50 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Planning
Section overview

• The auditors formulate an overall audit strategy which is translated into a detailed audit plan for
audit staff to follow.
• A key part of audit planning is obtaining an understanding of the entity – its environment, its
internal control, so that risk may be assessed and audit work planned.
• Professional scepticism is an important tool of the auditor when carrying out audit work.

In this chapter, we will look at the major auditing standards (ISAs) covering the planning process.
Remember that an audit is a high level assurance engagement, and therefore the auditor will carry
out more procedures than would be the case on a lower level assurance assignment. However, the
general principles discussed in this chapter would be relevant to another assurance assignment such
as a review. Remember that in a lower level engagement, less detailed procedures are likely to be
carried out.
An effective and efficient audit relies on proper planning procedures. The planning process is
covered in general terms by ISA (UK) 300, Planning an Audit of Financial Statements. ISA 300
paragraph 4 states ‘The objective of the auditor is to plan the audit so that it will be performed in an
effective manner’.

Audit strategy: The formulation of the general strategy for the audit, which sets the scope, timing
and direction of the audit and guides the development of the audit plan.
Audit plan: An audit plan is more detailed than the strategy and sets out the nature, timing and
extent of audit procedures (including risk assessment procedures) to be performed by engagement
team members in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

An audit plan shows how the overall audit strategy will be implemented.
Audits are planned to:
• ensure appropriate attention is devoted to important areas of the audit
• identify potential problems and resolve them on a timely basis
• ensure that the audit is properly organised and managed
• assign work to engagement team members properly
• facilitate direction and supervision of engagement team members
• facilitate review of work
Audit procedures may be discussed with the client’s management, staff and/or audit committee in
order to coordinate audit work, including that of internal audit. However, all audit procedures remain
the responsibility of the external auditors.
A structured approach to planning will include:
Step 1 Ensuring that ethical requirements continue to be met
Step 2 Ensuring the terms of the engagement are understood
Step 3 Establishing the overall audit strategy:
• identifying the relevant characteristics of the engagement, such as the reporting
framework used as this will set the scope for the engagement
• discovering key dates for reporting and other communications
• determining materiality, preliminary risk assessment, whether internal controls are to be
• consideration of when work is to be carried out, for example before or after the year end

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 51

• consideration of ‘team members’ available, their skills and how and when they are to be
used, for example particular skills for high risk areas. In addition, appropriate levels of
staff are required to facilitate direction, supervision and review of more junior team
members’ work
Step 4 Developing an audit plan including risk assessment procedures, audit tests and any other
procedures necessary to comply with ISAs
The audit plan and any significant changes to it during the audit must be documented.

Key contents of an overall audit strategy

Understanding General economic factors and industry conditions

the entity’s Important characteristics of the client:
(a) business
(b) principal business strategies
(c) financial performance
(d) reporting requirements, including changes since the previous
The general level of competence of management

Understanding The accounting policies adopted by the entity and changes in those
the accounting policies
and internal The effect of new accounting or auditing pronouncements
control systems
The auditors’ cumulative knowledge of the accounting and internal
control systems, and the relative emphasis expected to be placed on
different types of test (we shall consider this in Chapter 4)

Risk and The expected assessments of risks of fraud or error and identification
materiality of significant audit areas
The setting of materiality for audit planning purposes
The possibility of material misstatements, including the experience
of past periods, or fraud
The identification of complex accounting areas including those
involving estimates

Consequent Possible change of emphasis on specific audit areas

nature, timing The effect of information technology on the audit
and extent of

Coordination, The number of locations

direction, Staffing requirements
supervision and
review Need to attend client premises for inventory count or other year-end

Other matters The possibility that the going concern basis may be subject to
Conditions requiring special attention
The terms of the engagement and any statutory responsibilities
The nature and timing of reports or other communication with the
entity that are expected under the engagement

52 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Overall audit strategy for Kwikstore Ltd

Area Typical comment on the audit strategy/explanation

The terms of ‘Normal audit report – we write up the nominal ledger and draft statutory
engagement accounts from client records.’
The letter of engagement should be read carefully to see exactly what the
contractual commitments are.

Understanding the ‘Old established confectioners, tobacconists and newsagents with main
company and its shop in high street and a branch in Kings Road Estate. Revenue £8 million.’
business The auditor will use knowledge of the client to:
• assess risks and identify procedures
• plan and perform the audit effectively and efficiently
• evaluate the audit evidence

Special audit ‘Review profit margins (profits as a percentage of sales) and directors’
problems (risks) salaries to ensure that both appear reasonable in the light of the other
evidence, the nature and location of the business and the proprietor’s
standard of living.’
Here, it has been identified that in a cash business all earnings might not be
reported. The audit team is therefore being alerted that they should see if
reported earnings are consistent with other information that is available.

Results of analytical ‘No results currently available – we expect gross margins of 26%
procedures (newspapers), 10% (tobacco), and 20% (confectionery). Normally sales mix
has been approximately 5:3:2.’
Another influence on how the auditor would perform the audit is the
analytical procedures. (We look at this in more detail later in this chapter,
but in summary it means looking at ratios and the changes in the accounts
to see if anything looks odd.)

Materiality ‘Accounting – all posting to be accurate – whenever possible work to be the

nearest £ or £10. Audit materiality – £50,000 based on 5% profits.’
We look at this in more detail later. However, the auditor does not claim to
find every misstatement (see the engagement letter), but material
misstatements should be discovered.
This section of the audit strategy gives the audit team some indication as to
materiality levels.

Risk evaluation and ‘No reliance can be placed on internal controls or analytical procedures.
audit approach Generally a substantive approach will be adopted.’ (We will see what this
means in Chapter 4.)
‘As far as the risk of understatement of sales is concerned, we will check till
rolls to cash book, estimate the sales mix and purchase mix and predict
gross margins. We will also review cash movements over 10 weeks at
random and check that they appear reasonable.’

Other matters ‘None.’

This section could contain details of inventory counts and other year-end
procedures (which we will look at in Chapter 13).

Budget and fee ‘Fee: £15,000

Detailed time budget is shown on the current audit file.’

Timetable ‘Accounts to be ready for discussion with client by 30 September 20X4.’

Staffing ‘Senior – 2 weeks

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 53

Area Typical comment on the audit strategy/explanation

Junior – 1 week
There will be one audit visit after year-end commencing 11 August 20X4.
Manager review: 1 day (23 August 20X4)
Partner review: 1 day (30 August 20X4).’
This ties in with the fees section. The auditor will set a time budget for each
level of staff involved on the audit. The time budget will be analysed over
the different parts of the audit.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

As a trainee, you are unlikely to be involved in creating the audit plan, but you may need to read the
plan so that you can do the work that it lays out. It is therefore important that you are familiar with its

Interactive question 1: The overall audit strategy

Which three of the following would ordinarily be contained in the overall audit strategy?
A The contract between the audit firm and the client
B The results of audit risk assessment
C Calculation of preliminary materiality
D Detailed plan of audit procedures to be carried out
E List of staff to be involved with the audit

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.1 Understanding the entity and its environment

ISA (UK) 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment states that ‘the objective of the auditor is to identify and assess the risks of
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and assertion levels,
through understanding the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control, thereby
providing a basis for designing and implementing responses to the assessed risks of material
In order to be able to identify problem areas which might cause difficulties in collecting evidence or
drawing assurance conclusions, auditors must have an understanding of the nature of the business
and the context in which it operates.

Summary Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment

Why? To identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the financial
To enable the auditor to design and perform further audit procedures
To provide a frame of reference for exercising audit judgement, for example,
when setting audit materiality (which we shall look at later in this chapter)

What? Industry, regulatory and other external factors, including the reporting
Nature of the entity, including selection and application of accounting policies

54 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Summary Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment

Objectives and strategies and relating business risks that might cause material
misstatement in the financial statements
Measurement and review of the entity’s financial performance
Internal control (which we shall look at in detail in Chapter 5)

How? Inquiries of management and others within the entity

Analytical procedures (which we shall look at in the next section of this chapter)
Observation and inspection
Prior period knowledge
Discussion of the susceptibility of the financial statements to material
misstatement among the engagement team

As can be seen in the table above, the reasons the auditor is to obtain the understanding of the
entity and its environment are very much bound up with assessing risks and exercising audit
judgement. We shall look at these aspects further later in this chapter.

1.1.1 What?
The ISA sets out a number of requirements about what the auditors must consider in relation to
obtaining an understanding of the business. These were summarised in the table above and are
covered in more detail in the diagram in Figure 3.1.

1.1.2 How?
ISA 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment also sets out the methods that the auditor must use to obtain the
understanding (listed above in the summary). The auditor does not have to use all of these for each
area, but a combination of these procedures should be used. These are as follows.
• Inquiries of management and others within the entity. (The auditors will usually obtain most of the
information they require from staff in the accounts department, but may also need to make
enquiries of other personnel, for example, internal audit, production staff or directors.)

Context example: Inquiries of management and others

Directors may give insight into the environment in which the financial statements are prepared. In-
house legal advisers may help with understanding matters such as outstanding litigation, or
compliance with laws and regulations. Sales and marketing personnel may give information about
marketing strategies and sales trends.

• Analytical procedures (which we will look at in the next section).

• Observation and inspection (these techniques are likely to confirm the answers made to inquiries
made of management. They will include observing the normal operations of a company, reading
documents or manuals relating to the client’s operations or visiting premises and meeting staff).
• If it is a recurring audit, the auditors may have obtained a great deal of knowledge about the
entity and the environment in the course of prior year audits. The auditor is entitled to use this
information in the current year audit, but he must make sure that he has determined whether any
changes in the year have affected the relevance of information obtained in previous years.
• The audit team is also required by ISA 315 to discuss the susceptibility of the financial statements
to material misstatement. Judgement must be exercised in determining which members of the
team should be involved in which parts of the discussion, but all team members should be
involved in the discussion relevant to the parts of the audit they will be involved in.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 55

Figure 3.1: The entity and its environment

Business operations: nature Existence of objectives

of revenue sources;
products or services and Example Potential business risk
Financial reporting: markets; conduct of Industry development Entity does not have
accounting principles and operations; location of expertise to develop
industry specific practices; production facilities,
accounting issues such as warehouses and offices; key New products and services Increased product liability
accounting for inventories customers; important Expansion of the business Demand inaccurately
or for unusual or complex suppliers; employment; projected
transactions including those research and development
in controversial or emerging activities and expenditures. New accounting Poor implementation, cost
areas; FS presentation and requirements
disclosure. Regulatory requirements Increased legal exposure

Current/prospective Loss of financing

Nature of financing requirements
the entity Use of IT Systems incompatible
shares or loans?
Effects of implementing a strategy, particularly those that
will lead to new accounting requirements (related business
risk = improper implementation)

General level of economic

activity (eg, recession/growth; Objectives
interest rates and availability and strategies
of financing; inflation). and relating
business risks

The market and competition;

including demand, capacity Industry,
and price competition; cyclical regulatory Understanding Measurement and
or seasonal activity; production and other the entity and review of the entity's
technology relating to the external its environment financial performance
entity's products; energy factors
supply and cost.

Key ratio/operating statistics; key

Accounting principles and industry performance indicators; trends; use of
specific practices; regulatory framework forecasting, budgets, analyst reports and
for a regulated industry; legislation and credit rating reports; competitor analysis;
regulation that significantly affect the period-on-period financing performance.
entity's operations (regulatory
requirements/direct supervisory
activities); taxation; government policies
currently affecting the conduct of the
entity's business (monetary – including
foreign exchange controls, fiscal, activities
financial incentives – eg, aid, tariffs,
trade restrictions), environmental Information system including the related
Monitoring Internal
requirements affecting the industry and business processes relevant to financial
of controls control
the entity's businesses. reporting and communication.

Internal Entity's risk

The control
audit assessment process

We shall look in more detail at

control systems in Chapter 5

Context example: Understanding the entity

The auditors want to build up a profile of the audit client against the background of the general
economic climate. Here is an example for a new audit client, Icket Ltd.

Icket Ltd

56 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Shareholders Members of Icket family – (Jane, Chris, Annabel and James)
Other shareholders – (Eddie Stewart, Vikram Sandhu)

Directors Chris Icket, Jane Icket, Eddie Stewart

Operations Manufactures tableware for high street stores and standard lines
for a number of wholesalers
Activity tends to be seasonal with new lines being brought into
shops in October and April

Customers Three major high street retailers, 50 wholesalers

Suppliers Three key suppliers of fabrics and threads – Fine Fabrics Limited,
Sundry Sewing plc and All Sewing Supplies (Manchester)

IT The accounting system is completely computerised

Financial performance Company formed 20 years ago and has always been profitable.
Company is financed by equity capital and has a substantial
bank loan from National Bank

Future plans No new plans that we are aware of

This is a very basic company profile. In carrying out risk assessment, more detail would be sought in
each area, as you will see when this example is continued in section 4.

Interactive question 2: Understanding the entity

In order to obtain an understanding of the entity, auditors must use a combination of which four of
the following procedures?
A Inspection
B Observation
C Inquiry
D Analytical procedures
E Computation

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Analytical procedures
Section overview

• Analytical procedures are used at all stages of the audit, but here we consider only their use in
planning the audit.
• Analytical procedures consist of the analysis of significant ratios and trends including the resulting
investigations of fluctuations and relationships that are inconsistent with other relevant
information or which deviate from predictable amounts.
• During planning, analytical procedures are used as a means of understanding the business and
identifying audit risk.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 57

Analytical procedures: Evaluations of financial information through analysis of plausible relationships
among both financial and non-financial data. Analytical procedures also encompass such
investigation as is necessary of identified fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with other
relevant information or that differ from expected values by a significant amount.
They include consideration of comparisons of the entity’s financial information with other
information, and the consideration of relationships among elements of financial information that
would be expected to conform to a particular pattern or between financial information and relevant
non-financial information.

ISA (UK) 520, Analytical Procedures requires auditors to apply analytical procedures in the overall
review at the end of the audit and as substantive procedures, to obtain audit evidence directly. ISA
(UK) 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment also requires the auditor to use analytical procedures. Here they are used
as risk assessment procedures to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment. We will
look at the uses of analytical procedures for purposes other than planning later in the Workbook.
The ISA states that analytical procedures include:
• the consideration of comparisons with:
– comparable information for prior periods
– anticipated results of the entity, from budgets or forecasts or expectations of the auditor
– similar industry information, such as a comparison of the client’s ratio of sales to trade
receivables with industry averages, or with the ratios relating to other entities of comparable
size in the same industry
• consideration of relationships between:
– elements of financial information that are expected to conform to a predicted pattern based on
the entity’s experience, such as the relationship of gross profit to sales
– financial information and relevant non-financial information, such as the relationship of payroll
costs to number of employees
A variety of methods can be used to perform the procedures discussed above, ranging from simple
comparisons to complex analysis using statistics. The choice of procedures is a matter for the
auditor’s professional judgement.

2.1 Analytical procedures in planning the audit

As we have discussed, analytical procedures should be used at the risk assessment stage. Possible
sources of information about the client include:
• interim financial information
• budgets
• management accounts
• non-financial information
• bank and cash records
• VAT returns
• board minutes
• discussions or correspondence with the client at the year end
Auditors may also use specific industry information or general knowledge of current industry
conditions to assess the client’s performance.
As well as helping to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures, such
analytical procedures may also indicate aspects of the business of which the auditors were previously
unaware. Auditors are looking to see if developments in the client’s business have had the expected
effects. They will be particularly interested in changes in audit areas where problems have occurred
in the past.
Certain accounting ratios may be used as analytical procedures. Here are the key ratios used:

58 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Heading/Ratio Formula Purpose

Performance ratios Profit before interest and tax / Effective use of resources
Return on capital employed Equity + net debt

Return on shareholders’ Net profit for the period / Share Effective use of resources
funds capital + reserves

Gross profit margin Gross profit × 100 / Revenue Assess profitability before
taking overheads into

Cost of sales percentage Cost of sales × 100 / Revenue Assess relationship of costs
to revenue

Operating cost percentage Operating costs × 100 / Revenue Assess relationship of costs
to revenue

Net margin = operating Profit before interest and tax × 100 Assess profitability after
margin / Revenue taking overheads into

Short-term liquidity ratios Current assets: current liabilities Assess ability to pay current
Current ratio liabilities from reasonably
liquid assets

Quick ratio Receivables + Current investments Assess ability to pay current

+ Cash: current liabilities liabilities from reasonably
liquid assets

Long-term solvency ratios Net debt / Equity × 100 Assess reliance on external
Gearing ratio finance

Interest cover Profit before interest payable / Assess ability to pay interest
Interest payable charges

Efficiency ratios Revenue / Capital employed Assess revenue generated

Net asset turnover from asset base

Inventory turnover Cost of sales / Inventories Assess level of inventory held

Inventory days Average inventory / Cost of sales Assess the average

× 365 inventory-holding period

Trade receivables collection Trade receivables × 365 / Revenue Assess ability to turn
period receivables into cash

Trade payables payment Trade payables × 365 / Credit Assess ability to pay
period purchases suppliers

Context example: Analytical procedures

Here are some extracts from a statement of profit or loss for a company. The areas which analytical
procedures suggest may indicate risks are highlighted in grey.

20X6 20X5 Comments

£’000 £’000
Revenue has risen
Revenue 1,566,088 950,339 substantially
Cost of sales 1,237,231 757,700 Cost of sales and gross

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 59

20X6 20X5 Comments
£’000 £’000
margin have risen in line
with the rise in revenue
Gross profit 328,857 192,639
Salaries have fallen
despite rise in revenue. If
rise is due to increased
output, why has related
Salaries and wages 141,984 185,664 labour cost fallen?
administrative costs 10,988 9,939
Audit fee 5,400 5,350
Bank charges have nearly
doubled – indicating
large loan taken out?
Bank charges 64 33 Why? Potential problem?
Other finance costs 32 35
Seems odd that sales
appear to have increased
when advertising costs
Advertising 276 463 have been slashed?

Interactive question 3: Analytical procedures

Here is some budget financial information for Fleming plc, contrasted with the management results
for the 12 months under review.

Budget 20X6 Actual 20X6

£ £
Sales 1,350,000 1,339,588
Cost of sales 850,000 994,663
Gross margin 500,000 344,925
Salaries 245,000 243,873
Repairs and renewals 7,500 24,983
Depreciation 7,500 7,551
Motor expenses 25,750 14,678
Other costs 44,000 43,968

Which three of the following areas would you be most likely to investigate further as a result of
carrying out analytical procedures on the above?
A Sales
B Cost of sales
C Sales and cost of sales
D Depreciation
E Repairs and renewals
F Motor expenses

60 Assurance ICAEW 2021

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Materiality
Section overview

• Materiality relates to the level of misstatement that affects the decisions of users of the accounts.
• Materiality must be calculated at the planning stages of all audits. The calculation or estimation of
materiality is based on experience and judgement.
• Materiality must be reviewed during the audit.

Materiality relates to the level of misstatement that affects the decisions of users of the accounts,
where users are taken as a group. The needs of specific individuals are not considered as their needs
may vary considerably.

Materiality: An expression of the relative significance or importance of a particular matter in the
context of financial statements as a whole. The IFRS Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
states that a matter is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions
of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.
Performance materiality: The amount or amounts set by the auditor at less than materiality for the
financial statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the
aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds materiality for the financial
statements as a whole.

ISA (UK) 320, Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit paragraph A1 states that ‘materiality
and audit risk are considered throughout the audit, in particular, when:
• identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement;
• determining the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures; and
• evaluating the effect of uncorrected misstatements, if any, on the financial statements and in
forming the opinion in the auditor’s report’.
The figure below shows how materiality is used in the course of an assurance engagement.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 61

Figure 3.2: Audit materiality

Materiality for the

financial statements as a whole
based on draft financial
statement and other
available information
Compare and
consider need for
additional testing
Performance materiality
Apply planning materiality to
individual balances and classes of

Test all items ≥ Actual misstatements

Performance materiality detected

Sample fromremaining items Actual misstatements

≥ tolerable misstatement detected

Actual misstatements
Materiality for the projected to population
financial statements as a whole
is revised as the audit progresses

Materiality considerations during audit planning are extremely important. The assessment of
materiality at this stage should be based on the most recent and reliable financial information and
will help to determine an effective and efficient audit approach. Materiality assessment will help the
auditors to decide:
• how many and what items to examine
• whether to use sampling techniques
• what level of misstatement is likely to lead to an auditor to say the financial statements do not give
a true and fair view
The resulting combination of audit procedures should help to reduce audit risk to an appropriately
low level. This is how risk and materiality are closely connected. The value of discovered
misstatements should be aggregated at the end of the audit to ensure the total is still below
tolerable misstatement. Tolerable misstatement is the maximum misstatement that an auditor is
prepared to accept in a class of transactions or balances in the financial statements. It will be
considered in more detail in Chapter 11.
To set the materiality level the auditors need to decide the level of misstatement that would distort
the view given by the accounts. Because many users of accounts are primarily interested in the
profitability of the company, the level is often expressed as a proportion of its profits.
Materiality can be thought of in terms of the size of the business. Hence, if the company remains a
fairly constant size, the materiality level should not change; similarly if the business is growing, the
level of materiality will increase from year to year.
The size of a company can be measured in terms of revenue and total assets, both of which tend not
to be subject to the fluctuations which may affect profit.
Note that the auditors will often calculate a range of values, such as those shown below, and then
take an average or weighted average of all the figures produced as the preliminary materiality level.
However, different firms have different methods and this is just one of the available approaches.

62 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Value %
Profit before tax 5–10
Revenue 0.5–1
Total assets 1–2

However, bear in mind that materiality has qualitative, as well as quantitative, aspects. For example,
transactions relating to directors are considered material by nature regardless of their value.
You must not simply think of materiality as being a percentage of items in the financial statements.

3.1 Performance materiality

The concept of performance materiality focuses on the difference between the level of tolerable
misstatement and the level of actual misstatements detected. For example, if a misstatement were
detected that was just below overall materiality, then there is a difficulty for the auditor; the financial
statements are not materially misstated, but there is a risk that there may be undetected
misstatements which would push over the materiality threshold. The auditor needs to think of
materiality not just as a whole, but in relation to the specific areas which have been tested. Thinking
in terms of performance materiality means thinking of what the effect of individual misstatements
might be on audit risk for the financial statements as a whole. This provides the auditor with a margin
of safety in relation to any undetected misstatements, which are then less likely to exceed materiality
as a whole.
Performance materiality therefore entails a prudent approach to materiality, and to determining the
procedures that are needed to conclude on whether or not the financial statements are materially
misstated. The higher the assessed risk, the lower the performance materiality must be set. This
means that the auditor will perform more audit work than if the concept of performance materiality
did not exist.
As with overall materiality, setting performance materiality involves the use of professional
judgement. This judgement must take into account qualitative aspects, such as the level of risk
attached to a particular balance in the financial statements.

Context example: Performance materiality

An auditor might judge an entity’s non-current assets to be a high-risk area. If non-current assets are
£10 million and total assets are £25 million, then setting overall materiality at 2% of total assets gives
an overall materiality figure of £0.5 million.
Performance materiality for non-current assets could then be set in proportion to their size relative to
total assets ie, at £200,000 (= £10m/£25m × £0.5m).
Taking into account the auditor’s judgement that non-current assets are higher risk, this could thus be
decreased to £150,000 in order to provide a greater margin of safety. Any misstatements above this
level would be judged material.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

If you work as an audit trainee and are responsible for performing procedures, the concept of
performance materiality is relevant to your work as it will help you to determine whether individual
misstatements are material in the context of the audit as a whole.

3.2 Review of materiality

The level of materiality must be reviewed constantly as the audit progresses and changes may be
required because:
• draft financial statements are altered (due to material misstatement and so on) and therefore
overall materiality changes;

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 63

• external factors may cause changes in risk estimates.
Such changes are caused by misstatements found during testing.

4 Audit risk
Section overview

• The auditor adopts a risk-based approach to auditing and focuses his testing on the riskiest
balances and classes of transactions.
• Audit risk has two elements, the risk that the financial statements contain a material
misstatement and the risk that the auditors will fail to detect any material misstatements.
• Risk of material misstatement in the financial statements has two elements, inherent and control
• The risk that the auditor will fail to detect material misstatements is known as detection risk.
• Auditors set an acceptable level for overall audit risk and carry out sufficient tests to ensure this
level is met.
• When the auditor has obtained an understanding of the entity, he must assess the risks of material
misstatement in the financial statements, also identifying significant risks.
• Significant risks are complex or unusual transactions ie, those that may indicate fraud or other
special risks.

Auditors follow a risk-based approach to auditing. In the risk-based approach, auditors analyse the
risks associated with the client’s business, transactions and systems which could lead to
misstatements in the financial statements, and direct their testing to risky areas. They are therefore
not concerned with individual routine transactions, although they will still be concerned with
material, non-routine transactions.

Audit risk: The risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial
statements are materially misstated. Audit risk is a function of the risks of material misstatement and
detection risk.

Figure 3.3: Audit risk

Audit risk = Risk of material misstatement + Detection risk

Inherent risk Detection risk

Control risk

Company Financial statements Auditors

As you can see from the figure above, audit risk has two major components. One is dependent on
the entity, and is the risk of material misstatement arising in the financial statements. The other is
dependent on the auditor, and is the risk that the auditor will not detect material misstatements in
the financial statements.
The risk of material misstatement means more than just the risk that the financial statements contain
the wrong numbers. ISAs do not conceive of audit as a process of simply checking the financial
statements that the entity has prepared. Rather, the financial statements should be seen as more than
just a series of figures, but as embodying certain underlying assertions eg, that the figures are not
only correct but are complete and do not miss anything out, and ultimately that they give a ‘true and

64 Assurance ICAEW 2021

fair view’ of the entity’s financial position and performance. (The financial statement assertions are
covered in more detail in Chapter 4.) As a result, ISAs see auditing as the process whereby the
auditor performs an assessment of the risk of these financial statement assertions being materially
misstated. The starting point for this process is not the draft financial statements (not just checking
the numbers), but the auditor’s understanding of the entity and its environment as a whole, as it is
from this underlying reality that any risks of material misstatement may later arise.

4.1 Risk of material misstatement in the financial statements

Inherent risk: The susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or
disclosure to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with
other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls.

Inherent risk is the risk that items will be misstated due to characteristics of those items. Example of
issues that might increase inherent risk are:
• Balance is, or includes, an estimate
• Balance is important in the account
• Financial statements are liable to misstatement because:
– company is in trouble
– company is seeking to raise finance
– other motivation for directors to misstate the figures (such as profit targets or profit related
• Financial statements contain balances with complex financial accounting requirements or a choice
of treatment
The auditors must use their professional judgement and all available knowledge to assess inherent
risk. If no such information or knowledge is available then the inherent risk is high.
Inherent risk is affected by the nature of the entity, for example the industry it is in and the regulations
it falls under, and also the nature of the strategies it adopts. These are the kind of things we looked at
in Figure 3.1, when obtaining an understanding of the entity.

Control risk: The risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion about a class of transaction,
account balance or disclosure and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated
with other misstatements, will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by the
entity’s internal control.

In other words this is the risk that a material misstatement would not be prevented, detected or
corrected by the accounting and internal control systems.
We shall look at controls in more detail in Chapter 5, where you will learn about the sort of controls
you might expect to see in a company, and therefore be able to identify weaknesses, which indicate
control risk.

4.2 Risk that the auditor will not detect a material misstatement in the financial

Detection risk: The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an
acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material, either
individually or when aggregated with other misstatements.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 65

This is the component of audit risk that the auditors have a degree of control over, because, if risk is
too high to be tolerated, the auditors can carry out more work to reduce this aspect of audit risk, and
therefore audit risk as a whole.
ISA 200, Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance
with International Standards on Auditing states that ‘the auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level and thereby enable the auditor to draw
reasonable conclusions on which to base the auditor’s opinion’.
Auditors will want their overall audit risk to be at an acceptable level, or it will not be worth them
carrying out the audit. In other words, if the chance of them giving an inappropriate opinion and
being sued is high, it might be better not to do the audit at all.
The auditors will obviously consider how risky a new audit client is during the acceptance process,
and may decide not to go ahead with the relationship. However, they will also consider audit risk for
each individual audit, and will seek to manage the risk.
As we have seen above, it is not in the auditors’ power to affect inherent or control risk. As they are
risks integral to the client, the auditor cannot change the level of these risks.
The auditor therefore manages overall audit risk by manipulating detection risk, the only element of
audit risk the auditor has control over. This is because, the more audit work the auditors carry out, the
lower detection risk becomes, although it can never be entirely eliminated due to the inherent
limitations of an audit.
This audit risk management can be shown crudely in a mathematical equation. The auditor will
decide what level of overall risk is acceptable, and then determine a level of audit work so that
detection risk makes the equation work.

Context example: Audit risk 1

Inherent risk × Control risk × Detection risk = Audit risk

High × High × Low* = Acceptable

*This is variable and is a high level of audit work

In the Context example ‘Audit risk 1’ above, inherent and control risk were both high. This has the
following effects on the audit.
• The auditors are unlikely to rely on tests of controls, but will carry out extended tests of details (we
will look at what this means in practice in Chapter 4).
• Detection risk must be rendered low, which will mean carrying out a substantial number of tests of
Audits are not all the same, however. A different company could produce the following audit risk

Context example: Audit risk 2

Inherent risk × Control risk × Detection risk = Audit risk

Medium × Low × Medium = Acceptable

In the Context example ‘Audit risk 2’ above, as control risk is low, the auditors are likely to carry out
tests of controls and seek to rely on the client’s system. As you will see in Chapter 4, this does not
mean substantive procedures can be eliminated entirely. Detection risk in this instance would be
affected by the amount of tests of controls and tests of details carried out.
It is important to understand that there is not a standard level of audit risk which is considered
generally by auditors to be acceptable. This is a matter of audit judgement, and so will vary from firm
to firm and audit to audit. Audit firms are likely to charge higher fees for higher risk clients.

66 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Regardless of the risk level of the audit, however, it is vital that audit firms always carry out an audit of
sufficient quality.

Interactive question 4: Audit risk

Audit risk can be split into three components: inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.


The organisation has few employees in the

accounts department.


The organisation is highly connected with the

building trade.


The assurance firm may do insufficient work

to detect material misstatements.


The financial statements contain a number of


See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4.3 Identifying and assessing the risks

ISA (UK) 315 paragraph 3 says that ‘the objective of the auditor is to identify and assess the risks of
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and assertion levels,
through understanding the entity and its environment…’. It requires the auditor to take the following
Step 1 Identify risks throughout the process of obtaining an understanding of the entity and its
Step 2 Assess the identified risks and relate them to what can go wrong at the assertion level (this is
the assertions made in the financial statements by the directors, for example, that inventory
is £X)
Step 3 Consider whether the risks are of a magnitude that could result in a material misstatement
Step 4 Consider the likelihood of the risks causing a material misstatement

Context example: Understanding the entity and identifying risks

The audit team at Icket Ltd has been carrying out procedures to obtain an understanding of the
entity. In the course of making inquiries about the inventory system, they have discovered that Icket
Ltd designs and produces tableware to order for a number of high street stores. It also makes a
number of standard lines of tableware, which it sells to a number of wholesalers. By the terms of its
contracts with the high street stores, it is not entitled to sell uncalled inventory designed for them to
wholesalers. Icket Ltd regularly produces 10% more than the high street stores have ordered, in
order to ensure that they meet requirements when the stores do their quality control check. Certain
stores have more stringent control requirements than others and regularly reject some of the

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 67

The knowledge above suggests two risks, one that the company may have obsolete inventory, and
the other that if their production quality standards are insufficiently high, they could run the risk of
losing custom.
We shall look at each of these risks in turn and relate them to the assertion level.
If certain of the inventories are obsolete due to the fact that they have been produced in excess of
the customer’s requirement and there is no other available market for the inventory, then there is a
risk that inventory as a whole in the financial statements will not be carried at the appropriate value.
Given that inventory is likely to be a material balance in the statement of financial position of a
manufacturing company, and the misstatement could be up to 10% of the total value, this has the
capacity to be a material misstatement.
The factors that will contribute to the likelihood of these risks causing a misstatement are matters
such as:
• whether management regularly review inventory levels and scrap items that are obsolete
• whether such items are identified and scrapped at the inventory count
• whether such items can be put back into production and changed so that they are saleable
Losing custom
The long-term risk of losing custom is a risk that in the future the company will not be able to
operate. It could have an impact on the financial statements, if disputed sales were attributed to
customers, sales and trade receivables could be overstated, that is, not carried at the correct value.
However, it appears less likely that this would be a material problem in either area, as the problem is
likely to be restricted to a few customers, and only a few number of sales to those customers.
Again, review of the company’s controls over the recording of sales and the debt collection
procedures of the company would indicate how likely these risks to the financial statements are to

Interactive question 5: Identifying risks

You are involved with the audit of Tantpro Ltd, a small company. You have been carrying out
procedures to gain an understanding of the entity. The following matters have come to your
The company offers standard credit terms to its customers of 60 days from the date of invoice.
Statements are sent to customers on a monthly basis. However, Tantpro Ltd does not employ a credit
controller, and other than sending the statements on a monthly basis, it does not otherwise
communicate with its customers on a systematic basis. On occasion, the receivables ledger clerk may
telephone a customer if the company has not received a payment for some time. Some customers
pay regularly according to the credit terms offered to them, but others pay on a very haphazard basis
and do not provide a remittance advice. Receivables ledger receipts are entered onto the
receivables ledger but not matched to invoices remitted. The company does not produce an aged
list of balances.
Which one of the following is the risk most likely to arise out of the above scenario?
A Inventory may be overstated
B Inventory may be understated
C Purchases may be overstated
D Purchases may be understated
E Trade receivables may be overstated
F Trade receivables may be understated

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

68 Assurance ICAEW 2021

4.4 Significant risks
Some risks may be significant risks, which require special audit consideration. When the auditor is
identifying and assessing risks, they must consider whether any of the risks identified are significant
risks. When the auditor identifies a significant risk, they must evaluate the design and implementation
of the entity’s controls in that area.
ISA 315 sets out the following factors which indicate that a risk may be a significant risk:
• Risk of fraud
• Related to recent significant economic, accounting or other development
• The complexity of the transaction
• It is a significant transaction with a related party
• The degree of subjectivity in the financial information
• It is an unusual transaction
Routine, non-complex transactions are less likely to give rise to significant risk than unusual
transactions or matters of director judgement. This is because unusual transactions are likely to have
• management intervention;
• manual intervention;
• complex accounting principles or calculations; and
• opportunity for control procedures not to be followed.
The ISA notes that although it is less likely that the entity will have controls for non-routine risks, there
may still be some. After all, management will still need to respond to these risks in some way. The
auditor should understand whether there are controls such as:
• Review of assumptions by senior management or experts
• Documented processes for estimations
• Approval by those charged with governance
An example of a control for a non-routine risk might be that where the entity receives notice of a
significant lawsuit, it takes advice from legal counsel and considers the effect on the financial

4.4.1 Related party transactions

There is an auditing standard devoted to this area: ISA (UK) 550, Related Parties.
Although hard to define precisely, a related party is someone (or a company) who is related to the
entity, its owners or its management. Transactions with related parties might take place for reasons
other than the entity’s normal business.
Consider the example of North Ltd, whose director, Mr Smith, arranges for the company to make a
loan to a business owned by his son. This transaction is outside of North Ltd’s normal course of
business, and it is possible that it has not been conducted on normal market terms and conditions.
The fact that the loan was made to the son’s business means that it is not immediately clear that the
loan is to a related party. But this transaction is clearly something that users of the financial
statements need to know about.
Most financial reporting frameworks, including IFRS, therefore require companies to disclose related
party transactions, and this is usually done in the notes to the financial statements. Auditors therefore
need to verify these disclosures.
From the auditor’s point of view, related party transactions are inherently risky because the auditor
may not be aware that a party is related. A company might conduct thousands of transactions during
the year, and it would be very difficult for the auditor to tell if any of these were with related parties.
The matter is made even riskier by the fact that management might not even be aware of reporting
requirements in relation to these transactions.
In addition, ISA 550 notes that auditors need to understand related party relationships and
transactions in order to ensure that the economic reality of a transaction is reflected in the financial

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 69

4.4.2 Risks for which substantive procedures alone are not sufficient
For some of the most significant risks identified, the ISA notes that substantive procedures may not
be enough. In many audits there will be a risk that routine transactions are not recorded accurately.
There will, by definition, be lots of these transactions, so if the auditor used only substantive
procedures then they would have to do a very large amount of work in order to obtain sufficient
evidence. Indeed, performing these substantive procedures may not really help to identify problems
anyway, especially where processes are highly automated, because errors are less likely to occur as a
result of a fault in the routine processing than because of a failure of control to begin with.

5 Fraud
Section overview

• Fraud is an intentional act which may result in the financial statements being misstated.
• Errors are unintentional.
• Management is primarily responsible for preventing and detecting fraud.
• The auditor is responsible for detecting material misstatements, whether as a result of fraud or

ISA (UK) 240, The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
provides guidance to auditors in this area.

5.1 Fraud and error

Fraud: An intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with
governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal
Error: An unintentional misstatement in financial statements, including the omission of an amount or
a disclosure.

The financial statements can fail to give a true and fair view (ie, be misstated) as a result of either
fraud or error. Fraud is a wide legal concept, but the auditor’s main concern is with fraud that causes
a material misstatement in the financial statements. It is distinguished from error, which is when a
material misstatement is caused by mistake; for example, in the misapplication of an accounting
An example of a fraud might be if a management accountant submits false invoices that she
pretends are from a supplier, and then approves them for payment, knowing the payment will
actually go into a bank account belonging to her. An example of an error might be if she enters the
wrong amount when entering the invoice onto the accounting system, misstating the amount of the

5.2 Characteristics of fraud

There are two types of fraud causing material misstatement in financial statements:
• Fraudulent financial reporting
• Misappropriation of assets
Fraudulent financial reporting involves intentional misstatements, including omissions of amounts or
disclosures in financial statements, to deceive financial statement users.
Misappropriation of assets involves the theft of an entity’s assets and is often perpetrated by
employees in relatively small and immaterial amounts. However, it can also involve management who
are usually more capable of disguising or concealing misappropriations in ways that are difficult to

70 Assurance ICAEW 2021

5.3 Responsibilities in relation to fraud
The company’s management is responsible for preventing and detecting both fraud and error. They
do this by putting in place a system of internal control over the company’s transactions and
exercising oversight over this system, and by creating a culture of honesty and ethical behaviour.
The auditor is responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free
from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. Material misstatements from fraud are
at greater risk of not being detected than material misstatements from error. This is because:
• fraud may involve sophisticated schemes designed to conceal it;
• fraud may be perpetrated by individuals in collusion;
• management fraud is harder to detect because management is in a position to manipulate
accounting records or override control procedures.
The auditor is responsible for maintaining professional scepticism throughout the audit, considering
the possibility of management override of controls, and recognising that audit procedures effective
for detecting errors may not be effective for detecting fraud.
The auditor may also have a responsibility to report a fraud to an external, relevant authority. The
ICAEW Code of Ethics requires the auditor to respond to identified or suspected non-compliance
with laws or regulations (such as a fraud); this response could include reporting the non-compliance
to the relevant authorities eg, if there is a suspicion of money laundering.
There may be other situations in which the auditor may need to report a fraud eg, when
communicating with another auditor in a group audit (ISA (UK) 240: para. 8a).

5.4 Auditor’s objectives

The auditor’s objectives in relation to fraud are:
(a) To identify and assess the risks of material misstatement due to fraud
(b) To obtain evidence regarding these risks by designing and implementing appropriate responses
(c) To respond appropriately to any actual or suspected fraud identified during the audit
ISA 315 requires there to be a discussion among the engagement team about where fraud might
take place at the entity, which is usually done during the planning phase.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 71


Planning is necessary to ensure work is carried out efficiently and effectively

Key elements of an overall audit In order to identify risks: Need professional

strategy: • Inquiry scepticism
• Understanding the entity and • Analytical procedures
its environment • Inspection and observation
Analysis of
• Risk and materiality
• Practical matters
The concept of significance to fluctuations from
readers. A matter is generally expected results
considered to be material if it
would affect the decision of a
user of financial statements

Audit risk =
inherent risk × The risk that a material misstatement exists in the financial statements
control risk ×
detection risk × The risk that auditors do not uncover material misstatements

72 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Complete the definitions.

An is the formulation of a general strategy for the audit.

An is a set of instructions to the audit team that sets out the further audit
procedures to be carried out.

2 Name four sources of information which could be used at the planning stage of the audit.

3 Which of the following procedures might an auditor use in gaining an understanding of the entity?
A Inquiry
B Recalculation
C Analytical procedures
D Reperformance of a control
E Observation and inspection

4 The audit team is required to discuss the susceptibility of the financial statements to material
A True
B False

5 Match the percentages to the values for a typical calculation of materiality:

• 0.5-1%
• 1-2%
• 5-10%

Values %

Profit before tax


Total assets

6 Complete the definitions.

risk is the risk that expresses an opinion

when the financial statements are materially misstated.

risk is the of an assertion about a , account

balance or disclosure to a that could be material, either individually or when
aggregated with other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls.

7 If control and inherent risk are assessed as sufficiently low, substantive procedures can be
abandoned completely.
A True
B False

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 73

8 Name four factors which might indicate a significant risk.

9 The main difference between fraud and error is that fraud involves a material loss of assets.
A True
B False

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

74 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain the contents of the audit plan? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you identify what the auditor should understand about the entity, and
why they need to obtain this understanding? (Topic 1)

(3) Can you explain the purpose of the key ratios? (Topic 2)

(4) Can you define materiality and performance materiality? (Topic 3)

(5) Can you explain the components of audit risk? (Topic 4)

(6) Can you distinguish the responsibilities of management from those of the
auditor in relation to fraud? (Topic 5)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 3 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Process of assurance: evidence and reporting.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 75

Technical references
1 Planning
• The role and timing of planning – ISA (UK) 300.2
• Objective – ISA (UK) 300.4
• Requirements – ISA (UK) 300.5–13
• Risk assessment procedures – ISA (UK) 315.5–10
• Understanding the entity – ISA (UK) 315.11–24
• Professional scepticism – ISA (UK) 200.15

2 Analytical procedures
• Definition – ISA (UK) 520.4, A1, A2
• Analytical procedures in planning – ISA (UK) 315.6

3 Materiality
• Definition – ISA (UK) 320.9
• Use in auditing – ISA (UK) 320.A1
• Revision – ISA (UK) 320.12

4 Audit risk
• Definitions – ISA (UK) 200.13
• Identifying and assessing the risks – ISA (UK) 315.3
• Significant risks – ISA (UK) 315.28–30

5 Fraud
• Definitions – ISA (UK) 240.11; IAASB Glossary of Terms
• Fraud and error – ISA (UK) 240.2
• Characteristics – ISA (UK) 240.3
• Responsibilities – ISA (UK) 240.4–8
• Objectives – ISA (UK) 240.10

76 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 77
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

B The results of audit risk assessment
C Calculation of preliminary materiality
E List of staff to be involved with the audit
The contract between the firm and client is generally found in the engagement letter which is a
separate document. Detailed plan of audit procedures to be carried out would be contained in
the audit plan.

Answer to Interactive question 2

A Inspection
B Observation
C Inquiry
D Analytical procedures
Although the auditor may use computation, particularly when carrying out analytical procedures,
it is not a required tool, whereas a combination of the procedures outlined above is required by
the ISA.

Answer to Interactive question 3

C Sales and cost of sales
E Repairs and renewals
F Motor expenses
On the face of it, sales do not appear to have fallen much below what was anticipated for the
year, but the fact that the gross margin has changed so much (from 37% to 26%) indicates that
there may be a problem somewhere in sales and cost of sales, hence rather than focus on one or
the other (you might have selected cost of sales only, due to the fact that the major difference
from budget is here) it would be best to look at the whole issue together. Gross margin may look
wrong because sales are understated in error – and sales were actually much better for the year
than anticipated.
Depreciation, as you might expect, appears to have been predicted accurately and is low risk.
Problems with depreciation if they existed would probably be uncovered by an analysis of the
statement of financial position.
Repairs and renewals and motor expenses vary substantially from budget, so are worth further

Answer to Interactive question 4

4.1 Inherent/Control/Detection:


The organisation has few employees in the Control

accounts department.

The fact that there are few employees in the accounts department means that segregation of
duties will be limited (see Chapter 5 for more details in this area).
4.2 Inherent/Control/Detection:

78 Assurance ICAEW 2021


The organisation is highly connected with the Inherent

building trade.

This is a naturally risky industry.

4.3 Inherent/Control/Detection:


The assurance firm may do insufficient work Detection

to detect material misstatements.

This is in essence the definition of detection risk.

4.4 Inherent/Control/Detection:


The financial statements contain a number of Inherent


There is a risk that estimates may be inappropriate.

Answer to Interactive question 5

E Trade receivables may be overstated
The key risk arising from the above information is that trade receivables will not be carried at the
appropriate value in the financial statements, as some may be irrecoverable. Where receipts are
not matched against invoices in the ledger, the balance on the ledger may include old invoices
that the customer has no intention of paying.
It is difficult to assess at this stage whether this is likely to be material. Trade receivables is likely
to be a material balance in the financial statements, but the number of irrecoverable balances
may not be material. Analytical procedures, for example, to determine whether the level of
accounts receivable has risen year-on-year in a manner that is not explained by price rises or
levels of production, might help to assess this.
A key factor that affects the likelihood of the material misstatement arising is the poor controls
over the receivables ledger. The fact that invoices are not matched against receipts increases the
chance of old invoices not having been paid and not noticed by Tantpro Ltd. It appears
reasonably likely that the trade receivables balance is overstated in this instance.

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 79

Answers to Self-test questions

1 An overall audit strategy is the formulation of a general strategy for the audit.

An audit plan is a set of instructions to the audit team that sets out the further audit procedures to
be carried out.

2 Four from:
• Interim financial information
• Budgets
• Management accounts
• Non-financial information
• Bank and cash records
• Sales tax returns
• Board minutes
• Discussions or correspondence with the client at the year-end

3 Correct answer(s):
A Inquiry
C Analytical procedures
E Observation and inspection

4 Correct answer(s):
A True

Values %

Profit before tax 5-10

Revenue 0.5-1

Total assets 1-2

5 Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the
financial statements are materially misstated.

Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transactions , account

balance or disclosure to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when
aggregated with other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls.

6 Correct answer(s):
B False

7 Any of:
• Risk of fraud
• Relationship with recent developments
• Degree of subjectivity in the financial information
• The fact that it is an unusual transaction

80 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Transaction with a related party
• Complexity of the transaction

8 Correct answer(s):
B False
Both fraud and error could result in the loss of assets. The main difference between fraud and error is

ICAEW 2021 3: Process of assurance: planning the assignment 81

82 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 4

Process of assurance: evidence

and reporting

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Evidence
2 Reporting
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
The concept, process and need for assurance
Students will be able to explain the concept of assurance, why assurance is required and the reasons
for assurance engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• State why users desire assurance reports and provide examples of the benefits gained from them
such as to assure the quality of an entity’s published corporate responsibility or sustainability
• Identify the issues which can lead to gaps between the outcomes delivered by the assurance
engagement and the expectations of users of the assurance reports, and suggest how these can
be overcome
• Identify how the assurance provider reports to the engaging party
Specific syllabus references for this chapter: 1b, 1d, 1h

Syllabus links
The issue of drawing conclusions and reporting will be looked at in more detail in Audit and
Assurance. Clearly the basic evidence collection that you learn at this level will feed into the drawing
of conclusions at the Application level.

Examination context
Evidence is a very important topic for the exam, and half of this Workbook is dedicated to the
collection of evidence. Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement represents 35% of the
syllabus. In contrast, reporting is a minor area of the syllabus, so you should expect no more than one
or two questions in this area.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 4 Process of assurance: evidence and reporting.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Evidence This section is Evidence is a very 1, 2

Obtaining important as it important topic
evidence is the introduces some for the exam, and
biggest part of of the basic half of this
any assurance definitions and Workbook is
engagement, as principles of dedicated to the
the practitioner audit evidence collection of
needs to be able which are evidence.
to justify the developed in Gathering
conclusion which later chapters. evidence on an
they publish. Read through this assurance
Therefore section carefully engagement
understanding and attempt represents 35%
the basics of Interactive of the syllabus. It
evidence question 1. is therefore
collection is crucial that you

84 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

extremely The material on are comfortable

important. data analytics (in with the material
While training, it section 1.4.1) is in this section, as
is more likely that important, as this it is the basis of
you will be is a developing the subsequent
involved in area of practice chapters that are
evidence and one that may devoted to
collection than in form part of your evidence in
preparing exam. specific areas.
reports, but the
being drawn
from the work
you do in
collection will be
feeding through
into the ultimate

2 Reporting You must be 3, 4

The report is the aware of the
published basic content of
product of the an unmodified
assurance audit report, and
engagement and in particular the
therefore is also opinion given.
very important in Also note section
practice for both 2.4 on other
assurance reports.
providers and
users of

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 85

1 Evidence
Section overview

• Auditors must obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence.

• Evidence can be in the form of tests of controls or substantive procedures.
• The reliability of audit evidence is influenced by its source and by its nature.
• Audit tests are designed to obtain evidence about the financial statement assertions.

1.1 Evidence
The objective of an assurance engagement is to enable practitioners to express an opinion on
whether the subject of the assurance engagement is in accordance with the identified criteria. There
is an ISA on audit evidence (ISA 500), which we shall look at here.
Remember that audit requires a reasonable level of assurance to be given, and correspondingly
detailed audit evidence needs to be obtained. In a lower level assurance engagement, less evidence
will be required to support the conclusion. We shall look at the sufficiency of evidence obtained in
more detail in a later chapter.
In this section, we shall introduce the audit evidence auditors gather, to enable them to express an
opinion of reasonable assurance on financial statements. We shall look at the process of gathering
evidence in more detail later in this Workbook, particularly in Chapters 5 to 8 and 11 to 13.

Audit evidence: Information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusions on which the auditor’s
opinion is based.

Audit evidence includes both the information contained within the accounting records underlying
the financial statements, and other information gathered by the auditors, such as confirmations from
third parties. Auditors are not expected to look at all the information that might exist. They will often
perform their testing on a sample basis, as we shall see in Chapter 11.
In order to reach a position in which they can express a professional opinion, the auditors need to
gather evidence from various sources. There are potentially two types of test which they will carry
out: tests of controls and substantive procedures.

Tests of controls: Audit procedures designed to evaluate the operating effectiveness of controls in
preventing, or detecting and correcting material misstatements at the assertion level.
Substantive procedures: Audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements at the
assertion level. Substantive procedures comprise:
• tests of detail (of classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures)
• substantive analytical procedures

We shall look in detail at financial statement assertions later in this chapter.

When the auditors carry out tests of controls, they are seeking to rely on the good operation of the
control system that the company has in place to draw a conclusion that the financial statements give
a true and fair view. The logic is as follows.
• The directors set up systems of internal controls to ensure they report correctly to the
shareholders (we shall look at internal controls in more detail in the next chapter).
• The auditors are required to conclude whether the financial statements give a true and fair view.
• The auditors evaluate the control system put in place to assess whether it is capable of producing
financial statements which give a true and fair view.

86 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• The auditors test the control system to assess whether it has operated as it was intended to,
therefore giving assurance that the financial statements give a true and fair view.
When the auditors carry out substantive procedures, they are testing whether specific items within
balances or transactions in the financial statements are stated correctly.
ISAs require that auditors must always carry out some substantive procedures, because the
limitations in internal control systems (which we will look at in the next chapter) mean that the control
system can never be fully relied on. However, there may also be instances of cases where it is more
appropriate to test controls than to test specific balances or transactions (this will be discussed more

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

In addition to considering the quality of audit evidence obtained, the auditor should also consider
the relative efficiency of each approach. In an audit area in which there are lots of transactions, for
example, it is likely to be more efficient to test controls than to test substantively; conversely, in some
areas substantive procedures may be more efficient, for instance when testing a small number of
highly material assets.

1.2 Sufficient appropriate audit evidence

ISA (UK) 500, Audit Evidence requires auditors to ‘obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be
able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the auditor’s opinion’. ‘Sufficiency’ and
‘appropriateness’ are interrelated and apply to both tests of controls and substantive procedures.
• Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence.
• Appropriateness is the measure of the quality or relevance and reliability of the audit evidence.
(ISA (UK) 500: para. 5)
How much evidence is required will depend on the level of assurance being offered in an
The quantity of audit evidence required is affected by the level of risk in the area being audited. It is
also affected by the quality of evidence obtained. If the evidence is high quality, the auditor may
need less than if it were poor quality. However, obtaining a high quantity of poor quality evidence
will not cancel out its poor quality. The following generalisations may help in assessing the reliability
of audit evidence.

Quality of evidence

External Audit evidence from external sources is more reliable than that obtained
from the entity’s records

Auditor Evidence obtained directly by auditors is more reliable than that obtained
indirectly or by inference

Entity Evidence obtained from the entity’s records is more reliable when related
control systems operate effectively

Written Evidence in the form of documents (paper or electronic) or written

representations are more reliable than oral representations

Originals Original documents are more reliable than photocopies, or facsimiles

Auditors will often use information produced by the entity when obtaining audit evidence, although
this will not always be a strong form of audit evidence. When doing so, the ISA requires that the
auditor ensures it is sufficiently reliable, including ‘obtaining audit evidence about the accuracy and
completeness of the information and evaluating whether the information is sufficiently precise and
detailed for the auditor’s purposes’. This may be achieved by testing controls in the related area. (ISA
(UK) 315: para. 3)

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 87

1.3 Financial statement assertions

Financial statement assertions: Representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are
embodied in the financial statements, as used by the auditor to consider the different types of
potential misstatements that may occur.

By approving the financial statements, the directors are making representations about the
information therein. These representations or assertions may be described in general terms in a
number of ways.
ISA (UK) 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment states that ‘The objective of the auditor is to identify and assess the risks of
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and assertion levels,
through understanding the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control, thereby
providing a basis for designing and implementing responses to the assessed risks of material
misstatement’. The auditor must therefore identify risks both for the specific assertions (classes of
transactions etc,) and for the financial statements as a whole.
ISA 315 gives the following examples of financial statement assertions.

Assertions used by the auditor

Assertions about Occurrence: transactions and events that have been recorded or
classes of disclosed, have occurred, and such transactions and events pertain to the
transactions and entity
events, and related Completeness: all transactions and events that should have been
disclosures, for the recorded have been recorded, and all related disclosures that should
period under audit have been included in the financial statements have been included
Accuracy: amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and
events have been recorded appropriately, and related disclosures have
been appropriately measured and described
Cut-off: transactions and events have been recorded in the correct
accounting period
Classification: transactions and events have been recorded in the proper
Presentation: transactions and events are appropriately aggregated or
disaggregated and clearly described, and related disclosures are relevant
and understandable in the context of the requirements of the applicable
financial reporting framework

Assertions about Existence: assets, liabilities and equity interests exist

account balances, Rights and obligations: the entity holds or controls the rights to assets,
and related and liabilities are the obligations of the entity
disclosures, at the
period end Completeness: all assets, liabilities and equity interests that should have
been recorded have been recorded and all related disclosures that
should have been included in the financial statements have been
Accuracy, valuation and allocation: assets, liabilities, and equity interests
have been included in the financial statements at appropriate amounts
and any resulting valuation or allocation adjustments have been
appropriately recorded, and related disclosures have been appropriately
measured and described
Classification: assets, liabilities, and equity interests have been recorded
in the proper accounts
Presentation: assets, liabilities, and equity interests are appropriately
aggregated or disaggregated and clearly described, and related

88 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Assertions used by the auditor

disclosures are relevant and understandable in the context of the

requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework

Interactive question 1: Financial statement assertions

The senior financial controller of the audited entity has been off work with illness for six months. Her
temporary replacement has not worked in a role at this level before and appears to be struggling to
keep up with her workload.
At which one of the following levels does this situation present an audit risk?
A Financial statement level
B Assertion level

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.4 Tests of controls or tests of detail?

ISA (UK) 330, The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks follows on from ISA 315. Both ISAs are of
particular use at the planning stage of the audit. ISA 315 required auditors to assess the risks of
material misstatement. ISA 330 then simply requires auditors to respond to the risks of misstatement
that they have found ie, to determine how to they are going to obtain evidence about the risks of
misstatement. This involves designing and performing audit procedures in order to detect material
misstatements – to manage detection risk, as we saw in Chapter 3.
The auditor must choose what kind of procedures to perform. In most cases this will be a mixture of
tests of controls and substantive procedures. The auditor must always perform some substantive
procedures, no matter how reliable an entity’s internal controls are.
What that means is that the auditors must carry out tests to reduce the risk of there being a material
misstatement that they do not know about, and the audit opinion therefore being incorrect. What
tests the auditors will carry out is largely a matter of judgement for the auditors and depends on the
nature of the risk.

Context example: What type of test?

SuperRetail plc is a large retailing operation which has sophisticated point of sale technology and a
revenue from sales of £5 billion annually. This represents millions of point of sale transactions.
In order to test the completeness of revenue in the financial statements, rather than sample millions
of individual transactions and verify them to individual sales receipts, it is going to be significantly
more efficient and cost effective for the auditors to test whether the revenue system, with regard to
sales recording, operates effectively overall. In this case, the auditors would choose to test controls
over revenue recording to establish whether they can rely on the fact that the system worked as it
was supposed to and material mistakes in the recording of sales have not occurred.
During the year, SuperRetail plc also invested in new premises for stores. This involved the purchase
of three pieces of land. In one case, building work on the new store has started, but in the other two
it has not.
In order to test the valuation of these additions to non-current assets in the financial statements,
rather than look in detail at the systems surrounding land purchase and building, it will be more
efficient and cost effective for the auditors to verify the cost of the land to purchase documentation
and the cost of the building to date to the surveyor’s reports. This will be a substantive procedure.
In the first instance, the auditors had to consider a vast number of transactions which were all carried
out in a normal, routine fashion through a sophisticated system, in the second, a small number of
large transactions, which, although they were probably carried out in line with an established
company policy, were easily verified by available, third party evidence. Thus the auditors made a
judgement about the best way to collect evidence concerning those different assertions.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 89

We will look in more detail at obtaining evidence in the following chapters of this Workbook. First we
shall look at obtaining evidence by testing controls, then in more detail at obtaining evidence by
substantive procedures.
When the auditor believes controls are operating effectively, the auditor shall perform tests of
controls to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the controls were operating effectively at
relevant times during the period under audit. So, for example, if controls over revenue and
receivables were expected to operate effectively, auditors need to test controls in that area.
It is also necessary to undertake tests of controls when it will not be possible to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence simply from substantive procedures. This might be the case if the entity
conducts its business using IT systems which do not produce documentation of transactions.
In carrying out tests of control, auditors must use inquiry, but must not only use inquiry. Other
procedures must also be used. In testing controls, reperformance by the auditor will often be a
helpful procedure, as will observation.
When considering timing in relation to tests of controls, the purpose of the test will be important. For
example, if the company carries out a year-end inventory count, controls over the inventory count
can only be tested at the year end. Other controls will operate all year, and the auditor will need to
test that controls have been effective all year.
Some controls may have been tested in prior audits and the auditor may choose to rely on that
evidence of their effectiveness. If this is the case, the auditor must obtain evidence about any
changes since the controls were last tested and must test the controls if they have changed. In any
case, controls should be tested for effectiveness at least once in every three audits.
If the related risk has been designated a significant risk, the auditor cannot rely on testing carried out
in prior years, but shall carry out testing in the current year.
The auditor must always carry out substantive procedures on material items.
In addition, the auditor must carry out the following substantive procedures:
• Agreeing the financial statements to the underlying accounting records
• examining material journal entries
• examining other adjustments made in preparing the financial statements
As you know, substantive procedures fall into two categories: analytical procedures and other
procedures. The auditor must determine when it is appropriate to use which type of substantive
Analytical procedures tend to be appropriate for large volumes of predictable transactions (for
example, wages and salaries). Other procedures (tests of detail) may be appropriate to gain
information about account balances (for example, inventories or trade receivables), particularly in
verifying the assertions of existence and valuation.
Tests of detail rather than analytical procedures are likely to be more appropriate with regard to
matters which have been identified as significant risks, but the auditor must determine procedures
that are specifically responsive to that risk, which may include analytical procedures. Significant risks
are likely to be the most difficult to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about.

1.4.1 Effect of data analytics

The rise of data analytics in recent years has led some to think again about how and why auditors test
internal controls.
Data analytics is the examination of data to try to identify patterns, trends or correlations. Recent
advances in IT make it increasingly possible for auditors to examine a complete data set – 100% of
the transactions – and to represent trends graphically, almost instantly. Some have claimed that these
techniques may bring about a long-term revolution in audit approaches, since they enable auditors
to focus on 100% of the transactions rather than just a sample (as auditing standards assume).
This raises a question not only about sampling, but about the whole approach of placing reliance on
an entity’s internal controls. It is a basic assumption of the concept of an audit contained in ISAs that
it is impractical to test 100% of transactions. It is because of this that the audit is conceived of as a
risk-management exercise, in which the auditor obtains evidence of the effectiveness of the entity’s
own internal controls, as a way of assessing the risk of there being a material misstatement. But if the
auditor can now test 100% of the transactions, why worry about controls at all?

90 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Even if nothing else, the auditor relying on data analytics would still have to understand the system
which produced the data being analysed. The auditor would also need to understand and test how
data got into the system in the first place: for example, a data set might show that a certain amount of
cash has been received by an entity, but the only way you can really tell whether this is reliable is by
testing the actual cash receipts. Data analytics is unlikely to help here.
It appears likely that, even if it does not totally eliminate controls testing, data analytics will lead to a
reconsideration of how controls are tested, particularly controls in an IT environment.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

This is an important area, and one that is constantly changing. Data analytics will form a part of your
future career as an accountant, so you need to be familiar with this approach.

Interactive question 2: Types of procedure

For each of the following statements, indicate whether they are true or false.
Tests of controls are tests designed to give evidence of whether the controls in a company are
operating effectively or not.
A True
B False
Analytical procedures are a type of substantive procedure.
C True
D False
A lack of credit control activities would affect the valuation assertion for trade receivables.
E True
F False

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Reporting
Section overview

• Reasonable or limited assurance can be given.

• The auditor’s report contains a number of elements required by law and by ISAs.
• The auditor’s report gives a high level of assurance, but concerns remain about the gap between
what users think it means and what it actually means.
• The purpose of gathering evidence is to be able to express an opinion on the subject matter of
the assurance engagement.

2.1 Types of opinion

We have already mentioned in Chapter 1 the different levels of assurance that can be offered in an
assurance engagement (reasonable and limited). The difference between these types of assurance
can be seen by comparing the reports produced at the end of an audit and at the end of a review
(lower level engagement).

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 91

Context example: Opinion
Auditor’s opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements:
• give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as at _ and of its profit (loss) for the
year then ended
• have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

In this text we refer to the auditor’s report as given in FRC Bulletin Illustrative auditor’s reports on
United Kingdom private sector financial statements (March 2020). This document provides illustrative
examples of standard UK auditor’s reports which include references to the Companies Act 2006 and
UK GAAP, and to UK auditing standards.

2.2 Content of the auditor’s report

In this syllabus, you are only concerned with cases where the auditor finds that he can conclude that
the financial statements give a true and fair view. Such an auditor’s report is referred to as an
‘auditor’s report with an unmodified opinion’.

Explicit opinions

In respect of the state of the company’s affairs at the end of the financial year.

In respect of the company’s profit or loss for the financial year.

In relation to the financial reporting framework (IFRSs or UK GAAP).

In respect of other legal requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

The information given in the strategic report and the directors’ report is consistent with the
financial statements.

In addition, certain requirements are reported on by exception. What this means is that the auditor
only has to report on them if they have not been met (if there is a problem). Another way of saying
this is that they are ‘implied opinions’, because the unmodified auditor’s report does not explicitly
state an opinion on them, but merely implies that no problems have been found.

Items included only by exception

Adequate accounting records have been kept.

Returns adequate for the audit have been received from branches not visited.

The financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records and returns.

All information and explanations have been received as the auditors think necessary and they
have had access at all times to the company’s books, accounts and vouchers.

Details of directors’ emoluments and other benefits have been correctly disclosed in the financial

Particulars of loans and other transactions in favour of directors and others have been correctly
disclosed in the financial statements.

The auditor’s report should include the following basic elements, usually in the following layout.
• Title
• Addressee

92 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Auditor’s opinion section comes first, with the heading ‘Opinion’, expressing an opinion on the
financial statements
• Basis for opinion section
• Going concern section, where applicable
• Key audit matters section, for audits of listed companies
• Other information section
• Responsibilities of management for the financial statements section
• Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section
• Explanation of the extent to which the audit was considered capable of detecting irregularities,
including fraud
• Opinion on other matters such as specific statutory requirements eg, on whether the Directors’
Report and the Strategic Report are consistent with the financial statements
• Matters on which the auditor is required to report on by exception
• Name of engagement partner
• Signature of engagement partner
• Auditor’s address
• Date of the report
The Companies Act 2006 states that where the auditor is a firm, the auditor’s report must be signed
by the senior statutory auditor in his own name, for and on behalf of the audit firm. Under ISAs,
senior statutory auditor has the same meaning as the term ‘engagement partner’.
A measure of uniformity in the form and content of the auditor’s report is desirable because it helps
to promote the reader’s understanding and to identify unusual circumstances when they occur.
However, the standard unmodified auditor’s report for listed entities does include a section on Key
Audit Matters, which must be tailored to each audit. This allows auditors to provide more information
in their reports but without expressing a modified opinion.
The FRC had been the first standard setter in the world to develop this new style of auditor reporting
in relation to key audit matters and, for some time, its ISA (UK) 700 differed from the IAASB’s ISA 700.
Things changed, however, in 2015 when the IAASB’s project on auditor reporting was completed
and key audit matters were included in the standard IAASB auditor’s report. As a result, the FRC
adopted the IAASB’s version of ISA 700 in 2016, and the two are now substantially similar, albeit the
ISA (UK) imposes a number of additional obligations on UK auditors, such as a requirement to report
on the extent to which the audit was able to detect irregularities, such as fraud.
ISA (UK) 701, Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report gives guidance
on determining which key audit matters to include in the auditor’s report, and on what information
should be given in respect of them. Key audit matters are ‘matters of most significance’ to the audit.
ISA (UK) 701 largely follows the IAASB’s ISA 701, but requires the auditor to provide further
information about how it applied materiality in the audit. Communicating key audit matters in the
auditor’s report is not a substitute for disclosures in the financial statements that the applicable
financial reporting framework requires management to make, or that are otherwise necessary to
achieve fair presentation.
ISA (UK) 701 requires the auditor to choose which matters are key matters. Broadly speaking, these
are the areas of the audit that were risky, and which needed the most audit work/attention. More
precisely, ISA (UK) 701: para. 9 states that the auditor takes into account: areas of high risk; areas of
significant auditor and management judgment (eg, accounting estimates); significant transactions or
An example of a complete UK auditor’s report is given below, adapted from Appendix 3 of the FRC
Bulletin referred to in section 2.1 above.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 93

Context example: UK auditor’s reports (FRC Bulletin (2020))

We have audited the financial statements of [XYZ Limited] (the ‘company’) for the year ended [date]
which comprise [specify the titles of the primary statements] and notes to the financial statements,
including a summary of significant accounting policies. The financial reporting framework that has
been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union.
In our opinion, the financial statements:
• give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as at [date] and of its [profit/loss] for
the year then ended;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and
applicable law. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s
responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of
the company in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the
financial statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard as applied to listed entities, and
we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe
that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
Conclusions relating to going conern
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors’ use of the going concern
basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate. Our evaluation of
the directors’ assessment of the entity’s ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of
accounting included [Explanation of how the auditor evaluated management’s assessment and the
key observations arising with respect to that evaluation].
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to
events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the [entity]’s ability
to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial
statements are authorised for issue.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern are
described in the relevant sections of this report.
Our approach to the audit
[Overview of the scope of the audit]

Key Audit Matter How our scope addressed this matter

[Description of each key audit matter in [Explanation of how the scope addressed each
accordance with ISA (UK) 701 (Revised key audit matter and was influenced by the
November 2019). The significant judgements auditor’s application of materiality.]
made be the engagement team with respect to
each key audit matter should be explained. The
auditor should include a description of the most
significant assessed risks of material
misstatement, a summary of their response and
any key observations arising in relation to those

Our application of materiality

[Explanation of how the auditor applied the concept of materiality in planning and performing the
audit. This is required to include the threshold used by the auditor as being materiality for the financial
statements as a whole, as well as the threshold used by the auditor as being performance materiality

94 Assurance ICAEW 2021

but may include other relevant disclosures. The significant judgments made by the auditor in
determining both of these thresholds should also be explained.]
Other information
The directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the
information included in the annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and,
except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with
the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements,
we are required to determine whether there is a material misstatement in the financial statements or
a material misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we
conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report
that fact.
We have nothing to report in this regard.
Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:
• the information given in the strategic report and the directors’ report for the financial year for
which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements; and
• the strategic report and the directors’ report has been prepared in accordance with applicable
legal requirements.
Matters on which we are required to report by exception
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the company and its environment obtained in
the course of the audit, we have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report and the
directors’ report.
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in relation to which the Companies Act
2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:
• adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not
been received from branches not visited by us;
• the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns;
• certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
• we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.
Responsibilities of directors
As explained more fully in the directors’ responsibilities statement [set out on page …], the directors
are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a
true and fair view, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the company’s
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern
and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the
company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report
that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement
when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually
or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of these financial statements.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 95

Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. We design
procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined above, to detect material misstatements in
respect of irregularities, including fraud. The extent to which our procedures are capable of
detecting irregularities, including fraud is detailed below:
[Explanation as to what extent the audit was considered capable of detecting irregularities, including
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on the
Financial Reporting Council’s website at: [website link]. This description forms part of our auditor’s
Michelle Roberts
(Senior statutory auditor)
For and on behalf of ABC LLP, Statutory Auditor
The FRC is clear that auditors’ reports must not simply use the same standard wording, but should be
tailored to the circumstances of each engagement. We have therefore reproduced below extracts
from a real auditor’s report in order to help illustrate this. The extracts focus on the sections of the
reports dealing with the key audit matters.
Please note that at this stage in your studies you are not expected to understand all of the technical
audit and accounting terminology used in these reports.

Context example: Extracts from auditor’s report on Tesco Plc, 2019

Report on the audit of the financial statements

In our opinion:
• the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Group’s and of the Parent
Company’s affairs as at 23 February 2019 and of the Group’s profit for the year then ended;
• the Group financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union;
• the Parent Company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with United
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice including FRS 101 ‘Reduced Disclosure
Framework’; and
• the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Group financial statements, Article 4 of theIAS
Summary of our audit approach
Key audit matters
The key audit matters that we identified in the current year were:
• Booker IFRS 3 acquisition accounting judgements and presentation of results;
• IFRS 16 presentation and disclosure;
• Tesco Bank: loan impairment;
• store impairment review;
• recognition of commercial income;
• pension obligation valuation;
• contingent liabilities;
• presentation of the Group’s income statement; and

96 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• retail technology environment, including IT security.
We have considered a number of benchmarks and determined that it is appropriate to base
materiality on profit before tax. The materiality that we used for the Group financial statements was
£80m (2017/18: £50m) which equates to 4.7% (2017/18: 4.4%) of profit before tax before
exceptional items and amortisation of acquired intangibles.
Our audit scoping provides full scope audit coverage of 95% (2017/18: 96%) of revenue and 95%
(2017/18: 92%) of net assets.
Significant changes in our approach
Our 2018/19 report includes three new key audit matters:
• Booker IFRS 3 acquisition accounting judgements and presentation of results.
• IFRS 16 presentation and disclosure; and
• Tesco Bank: loan impairment.
We no longer report inventory valuation as a key audit matter due to a reduction in the required level
of management judgement.
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in
our audit of the financial statements of the current period and include the most significant assessed
risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) that we identified. These matters
included those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy the allocation of resources
in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team.
These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and
in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Key audit matter description How the scope of our audit responded to Key observations
the key audit matter

Booker IFRS 3 acquisition accounting judgments and presentation of Booker results

Booker IFRS 3 acquisition Booker IFRS 3 acquisition accounting Booker IFRS 3

accounting judgements judgements acquisition
As described in Note 31 Our audit procedures included assessing accounting
(Business combinations), on 5 the design and implementation of key judgements
March 2018, the Group controls which relate to the completeness Management’s key
completed the acquisition of and valuation of identifiable intangible estimates
Booker Group plc for assets and the fair valuation of acquired underpinning the
consideration of £3,993m. land and buildings. In order to address this IFRS 3 acquisition
The transaction has been key audit matter we have completed audit accounting
accounted for in accordance procedures including: exercise, in relation
with IFRS 3 ‘Business • engaging our valuation specialists to to the
Combinations’. £3,093m of assist in assessing the completeness and completeness and
goodwill and £900m of other key valuation assumptions such as the valuation of
assets or liabilities have been discount rate and long-term growth separately
recognised, including £755m rates; identifiable assets
of acquired intangible assets. and the fair value
• challenging management’s key cash flow valuation of land
We have identified a key assumptions with reference to industry
audit matter in relation to the and buildings are
benchmarks and historical performance; reasonable
completeness and valuation and
of separately identifiable
assets recognised upon • engaging our real estate experts to assist
acquisition and the key with the assessment of management’s
assumptions underpinning property fair valuations.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 97

Key audit matter description How the scope of our audit responded to Key observations
the key audit matter

the fair valuation of £220m of

acquired land and buildings.
The Audit Committee’s
discussion of this key audit
matter is set out on page 58.

Presentation of Booker Presentation of Booker results Presentation of

results Our audit procedures included assessing Booker results
As described in Note 1 the design and implementation of the key The inclusion of
(Accounting policies, controls relating to the segmental Booker’s results
judgements and estimates) presentation of the Booker results. Our within the UK &
and Note 2 (Segmental procedures to assess management’s ROI segment is in
reporting), following the judgment include assessing the following compliance with
acquisition of Booker on 5 key matters in the context of the guidance IFRS 8 with the
March 2018, management provided by IFRS 8: presentation being
has applied judgment in their – reviewing management’s internal reflective of how
decision to present Booker reporting to verify that the CODM monitors the CODM
within the UK & ROI segment performance and allocates resources at a monitors
under IFRS 8 ‘Operating combined UK & ROI level which includes performance and
Segments’. Booker; allocates resources
Management’s key to the business.
– challenging management over the extent
considerations include the and timeliness of the integration of Booker’s
fact that Booker is managed performance information into the UK & ROI
on an integrated basis with management information; and
the rest of the UK retail
business and the Chief – assessing whether the Group’s external
Operating Decision Maker reporting narrative and its internal reporting
(CODM) monitors lines were consistent with the inclusion of
performance and allocates Booker within the UK & ROI segment.
resources at a combined UK
& ROI level which includes
The Audit Committee’s
discussion of this key audit
matter is set out on page 59.

(Source: [Accessed


2.3 Level of assurance and the expectations gap

The above report is designed to give a reasonable (high) level of assurance. However, critics argue
that it can fail to do so due to what is known as the ‘expectations gap’.
The ‘expectations gap’ is defined as the difference between the apparent public perceptions of the
responsibilities of auditors on the one hand (and hence the assurance that their involvement
provides) and the legal and professional reality on the other. The question remains: how can we
make the meaning of an unmodified auditor’s report clear to the user?
The above definition of the expectations gap is not definitive and it is not a ‘static phenomenon’.
However, we can highlight some specific issues.
• Misunderstanding of the nature of audited financial statements, for example that:
– the statement of financial position provides a fair valuation of the reporting entity;
– the amounts in the financial statements are stated precisely; and
– the audited financial statements will guarantee that the entity concerned will continue to exist.
• Misunderstanding as to the type and extent of work undertaken by auditors, for example that:

98 Assurance ICAEW 2021

– all items in financial statements are tested;
– auditors will uncover all errors; and
– auditors should detect all fraud.
• Misunderstanding about the level of assurance provided by auditors, for example that:
– the auditors provide absolute assurance that the figures in the financial statements are correct
(ignoring the concept of materiality and the problems of estimation).

2.4 Other reports

The main assurance report is addressed to users of the assurance material. The international
standard on assurance engagements requires that an assurance report must have the following
• A title that clearly indicates the report is an independent assurance report
• An addressee
• An identification and description of the subject matter information and, when appropriate, the
subject matter
• Identification of the criteria
• Where appropriate, a description of any significant inherent limitations associated with the
evaluation or measurement of the subject matter against the criteria
• When the criteria used to evaluate or measure the subject matter are available only to specific
intended users, or are relevant only to a specific purpose, a statement restricting the use of the
assurance report to those intended users or that purpose
• A statement to identify the responsible party and to describe the responsibilities of the
responsible party and the practitioner
• A statement that the engagement was performed in accordance with International Standards on
Assurance Engagements (ISAEs)
• A summary of the work performed (usually limited, particularly where a negative conclusion is
being given)
• The practitioner’s conclusion (positive or negative, depending on the level of assurance being
given and the work carried out)
• The assurance report date
• The name of the firm or practitioner, and a specific location, which ordinarily is the city where the
practitioner maintains the office that has responsibility for the engagement
To illustrate some of these points, here is an extract from a sample report on prospective financial
information, from the ISAE 3400, The Examination of Prospective Financial Information.

Context example: Extract from a report on prospective financial information

We have examined the forecast in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance
Engagements applicable to the examination of prospective financial information. Management is
responsible for the forecast including the assumptions set out in Note X on which it is based.
Based on our examination of the evidence supporting the assumptions, nothing has come to our
attention which causes us to believe that these assumptions do not provide a reasonable basis for
the forecast. Further, in our opinion the forecast is properly prepared on the basis of the assumptions
and is presented in accordance with…..
Actual results are likely to be different from the forecast since anticipated events frequently do not
occur as expected and the variation may be material.
The assurance provider also may sometimes issue reports to the party that has engaged them as well
as the main report to users of the assurance material. So for example, in an audit, the auditors will
sometimes issue a report to the directors or management as a by-product of the audit. One major
issue that such a report might cover is internal control deficiencies, and this is looked at in the next

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 99

Interactive question 3: Auditor’s report
Which three of the following are reported by exception in the auditor’s report?
A All information and explanations required for the audit have been received
B Adequate accounting records have been kept
C The directors’ report is consistent with the financial statements
D The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006
E Details of directors’ emoluments have been properly disclosed in the financial statements

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

100 Assurance ICAEW 2021


Evidence can be in the form of tests of control or substantive

Auditors must obtain procedures
sufficient, appropriate
audit evidence The reliability of audit evidence is influenced by its source and by
its nature

Audit tests are designed to obtain evidence about the financial statement assertions

Evidence allows the practitioner to draw a conclusion on the assurance engagement

An assurance conclusion An audit opinion is always a positive opinion and gives a

can be positive or reasonable level of assurance. There are implied and explicit
negative (limited) opinions

Less testing will be However, the expectations gap can serve to limit the amount
carried out on lower of assurance
level assignments

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 101

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Name seven financial statement assertions.

2 Fill in the blanks

Audit evidence from external sources is than that obtained from the entity’s

Evidence obtained directly is more than that obtained

indirectly or by inference.

3 Complete the standard opinion paragraph

In our opinion the financial statements give a of the state of the company’s affairs
as at _ and of its for the year then ended; have been in
accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and have been in
accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

4 Give three examples of misunderstandings which contribute to the expectations gap.

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

102 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you define tests of controls and substantive procedures? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the characteristics of good quality audit evidence? (Topic 1)

(3) Can you explain the financial statement assertions? (Topic 1)

(4) Do you know the order of the sections in the auditor’s report? (Topic 2)

(5) Can you identify the explicit opinions given in the auditor’s report? (Topic 2)

2 Question practice
Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 4 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Introduction to internal control.

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 103

Technical references
1 Evidence
• Definition – ISA (UK) 500.5
• Types of test – ISA (UK) 330.4
• Sufficient appropriate evidence – ISA (UK) 500.4
• Quality of evidence – ISA (UK) 500.A31
• Financial statement assertions – ISA (UK) 315.25, ISA (UK) 315.A124
• Tests of controls or tests of detail – ISA (UK) 330.8 – 23

2 Reporting
• Content of the auditor’s report – FRC Bulletin (March 2020)
• ISA (UK) 700

104 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 105
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A Financial statement level
This would affect all controls and therefore potentially any area of the financial statements

Answer to Interactive question 2

A True
C True
E True

Answer to Interactive question 3

A All information and explanations required for the audit have been received
B Adequate accounting records have been kept
E Details of directors’ emoluments have been properly disclosed in the financial statements

106 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Any of:
Existence, rights and obligations, occurrence, completeness, valuation, accuracy, classification, cut-
off, allocation

2 Audit evidence from external sources is more reliable than that obtained from the entity’s records.

Evidence obtained directly by auditors is more reliable than that obtained indirectly or by

3 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s
affairs as at _ and of its profit (loss) for the year then ended; have been properly prepared in
accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and have been properly prepared in
accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

4 The following are three examples:

• The nature of the financial statements
• The type and extent of work undertaken by auditors
• The level of assurance given by auditors

ICAEW 2021 4: Process of assurance: evidence and reporting 107

108 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 5

Introduction to internal

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 What is internal control?
2 Components of internal control
3 Information about controls
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
Internal controls
Students will be able to explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document
an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• state the reasons for organisations having effective systems of control
• identify the fundamental principles of effective control systems
• identify the main areas of a business that need effective control systems
• identify the components of internal control in both manual and IT environments
• define and classify different types of internal control, with particular emphasis upon those which
impact upon the quality of financial information and identify the difference between preventative
and detective controls
• show how specified internal controls mitigate risk, including cyber risks, and state their limitations
• identify internal controls or internal control deficiencies for an organisation in a given scenario
• identify, for a specified organisation, the sources of information which will enable a sufficient
record to be made of accounting or other systems and internal controls

Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i

Syllabus links
You will have studied the basic components of an information system when studying for your
Accounting exam and should therefore know the basic set up of source documents, ledgers,
journals, trial balances and financial statements.
You will learn about business’s risk management and control in your Business and Finance exam.

Examination context
Internal control is an important practical area in auditing. It is therefore 25% of the syllabus and you
should expect that to be reflected in your assessment. In the sample paper there were 15 questions
on internal control-related issues. This is the first chapter of four in this area.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 5 Introduction to internal control.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 What is internal Chapter 5 is Internal control is

control? important as it an important
Every business is provides an practical area in
faced with risks; introduction to auditing. It is
internal control is internal control. therefore 25% of
the business’ The principles the syllabus and
effort to address introduced here you should
those risks. are developed expect that to be
for specific reflected in your
If you work in transaction cycles exam. In the
practice you are in Chapters 6–8. sample exam

110 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

likely to be Stop and think there were 15

involved with the Consider the questions on
audit department following internal control
in some way. You analogy. A related issues.
may be involved business is like an
in a wide range organism: both
of different types have things that
of audit, or you they want to get
may have from the outside
specialised in a world, but the
particular sector. world does not
However, all necessarily
companies have conform to their
internal controls wishes. This is to
and many audits say that there is
involve controls always a risk that
testing, so this is things will not go
an area you will as hoped or
have or will gain planned. In order
practical to achieve its
experience in. If objectives, the
so, think about an organism or
example of business must
controls testing attend to these
you have been risks, and take
involved in. actions to
Remember the mitigate them. A
controls you were business does
testing and try to this through its
think back to system of internal
what the control.
objectives of the
control were and
how you tested
them. It is this
skill of
recognising the
purpose of
controls and
therefore how to
test them that will
be important
both in practice
and in your exam.

2 Components of You need to be This is an 1, 2, 3

internal control able to view this important area
Auditing topic from both for your
standards require the business’s assessment, so
auditors to point of view and you need to be
consider whether that of the familiar with the
to rely on the auditor. As you material included
entity’s controls are reading the in this section.
as part of their chapter, notice Speaking
audit. This will be that it is the generally, it is
the case in two responsibility of important you
instances: the business to use the right

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 111

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

• Where the implement and language in your

auditors’ risk maintain a system audit exam, so try
assessment of internal to take in some of
includes an controls. The the terminology
expectation of auditor then used here - terms
the operating records and such as ‘the
effectiveness assesses the information
of internal system as part of system relevant
controls (so the audit process. to financial
controls If you work in a reporting’, or
testing must finance ‘control activities’.
be carried out department in
to support the industry you are
risk likely to be
assessment) involved in the
• Where operation of a
substantive number of
procedures controls relating
alone do not to the financial
provide statements. Think
sufficient through the
evidence controls you
A company’s regularly
internal controls implement and
will be important consider the
in the majority of objectives
audits, regardless behind them.
of the size of the
company being
audited and the
sector it is in.

3 Information Work through This area may be

about controls this section and examinable
The auditor will attempt the directly, so you
need to gather interactive should be
information questions at the prepared for a
about controls in end. question here.
order to decide
to what extent
they can be
relied upon as
part of the audit.
This process of
gathering and
should be done
in a systematic

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter

112 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 What is internal control?
Section overview

• Internal control is the process designed to mitigate risks to the business and ensure that the
business operates efficiently and effectively.
• Key limitations to internal controls include the fact that they may be expensive, the fact that they
generally rely on humans to operate them and the fact that they are generally only designed for
routine, normal transactions.
• Small companies in particular may have difficulties implementing effective internal control
systems due to employing fewer staff to implement internal controls than larger companies.

1.1 Definition
ISA (UK) 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment contains the following definition of internal control.

Internal control: The process designed, implemented and maintained by those charged with
governance, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the
achievement of an entity’s objectives with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and
efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The term ‘controls’
refers to any aspects of one or more of the components of internal control. (ISA (UK) 315: para. 4)

‘Those charged with governance‘, a phrase used in the definition above, is a technical term used by
ISAs. It means the people responsible for the ‘strategic oversight’ of the entity. This is distinguished
from ‘management’, which refers to the people responsible for the ‘conduct of the entity’s
operations’. In the UK, those charged with governance and management are often one and the same
people – the company directors – acting in slightly different roles.

Context example: Company objectives

A company has various objectives:
• To ensure it reports its financial position correctly to shareholders
• To ensure that it operates effectively and efficiently
• To ensure that it complies with relevant laws and regulations
In order to meet these objectives, the directors will take the following steps:

Step 1 Identify risks to these objectives not being fulfilled, for example, in terms of reporting
financial position, the directors might identify that a risk of not being able to report correctly
is computer failure and consequent destruction of the financial records.
Step 2 Implement internal controls to mitigate this risk. The controls to mitigate the above risk
could be many and varied, for example, ensuring that all users have passwords to limit
unauthorised access to the computer and therefore the risk of it being infected, or, at the
other end of the scale, detailed back up and emergency procedures, including a
reconstruction plan, to kick into action in the event of computer failure.

1.2 Reasons for internal controls

The reasons for internal controls can be seen in the example. They include:
• Minimising the company’s business risks
• Ensuring the continuing effective functioning of the company

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 113

• Ensuring the company complies with relevant laws and regulations
Most of these reasons funnel back to the ultimate objective that the company continues to operate.
For example, if the company failed to comply with relevant laws and regulations, it might be forced
to stop operations.

Context example: Fairfood Co

Fairfood Co is a food manufacturer. It is subject to a great number of health and safety regulations
and therefore must have significant internal controls surrounding the food preparation areas. If these
controls were seriously breached, Fairfood Co would be forced to cease operations. The primary
objective of each internal control might focus on a particular operation, for example, that all
personnel must wear protective clothing when operating machinery however, the ultimate objective
is to ensure the operation of the company continues. If the protective clothing wasn’t worn and hair
or other items, such as jewellery from staff, fell into the food, the company might be forced to stop

1.3 Limitations of internal controls

Internal controls have some limitations. In other words, the risk to the business of operating cannot
be eliminated entirely.

Limitation Explanation

Human element Another important limitation of controls is the human element. Most controls
can only function as well as the people that are implementing them. Controls
are not necessarily foolproof. If a human being makes a mistake implementing
a control, then that control might be ineffective. Another problem for
companies associated with the human element of controls is that of the
intention of the people using them. Controls, such as keeping your computer
password secret, rely on the integrity of the people being asked to implement
them. If people do not understand the importance or relevance of the control
they may be less inclined to adhere to it.

Collusion Staff members may want to override or avoid controls in order to defraud the
company. Controls may be bypassed very effectively and secretly by two or
more people working together, that is, colluding in fraud.

Unusual Finally, a limitation of internal controls is that they are generally designed to
transactions deal with what normally or routinely happens in a business. However, it may
be the case that an unusual transaction may occur which does not fit into the
normal routines, in which case standard controls may not be relevant to the
unusual transaction, and hence mistakes may be made in relation to that
unusual transaction.

Small companies may have particular problems in implementing effective internal control systems.
This is largely because of the human element discussed above. Small companies generally have
fewer employees than larger companies, meaning that there are fewer people to involve in the
internal control system.
Involving a large number of people in internal control systems helps to limit the risk of the human
element in internal control systems because if a lot of people are involved, there is a greater chance
that people’s errors or, worse, frauds, will be uncovered by the next person in the control chain. The
control of using a number of people in a single system is called segregation of duties, and we will
look at it in more detail later. In a small company, if its staff capacity is not such to ensure that lots of
people are involved in the internal control system, then the control system will be weaker.

114 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Large Co and Small Co
Contrast the following examples.
Large Co is a large company with sophisticated controls systems. In respect of purchase ordering, an
order is raised by a member of the purchase team (who all have pre-set limits of the price they are
allowed to order up to) on the basis of a requisition note from the relevant department, signed by
the department manager. Before the order is despatched to the approved supplier, the purchase
manager approves the order. If the order is in excess of £30 million, the purchasing director
approves the order.
Small Co is a small company with limited controls systems. When the stores manager needs the
stores replacing he rings the approved supplier and orders the goods. The annual cost of purchases
is £7 million.
You can see that in the second scenario there are far fewer people, indeed just one, compared with a
minimum of four at Large Co, involved in the transaction. If one of the people at Large Co made a
mistake with the order, then another member of the team might pick it up. If the stores manager
makes a mistake at Small Co, there is not another team member to correct the mistake. Small Co has
a control, in that it uses an approved supplier, who might query an unusual order, but the internal
control in relation to purchasing is weak due to lack of staff members.
Bear in mind also that although the sums of money discussed in the two scenarios are very different,
the materiality of those sums to the businesses themselves might be comparable. A mistake in a
£30,000 order may not seem as important as a mistake in a £30 million order, but it might be enough
to put Small Co into financial difficulties.

2 Components of internal control

Section overview

• Internal control comprises five components.

• The control environment is the context of the internal control system, influenced by management.
• The entity’s risk assessment process is the process by which the company determines what control
policies and procedures to implement.
• The information system is the system which captures information about transactions and events
for financial reporting purposes.
• Control activities are the heart of the internal control system, comprising policies and procedures
which may prevent, or detect and correct errors.
• All control systems should be monitored.

ISA (UK) 315 sets out the five components of internal control, each of which may impact on the audit
process differently. We shall look at each of them in more detail below. An internal control may fall
into a particular category.
Each particular control activity may also prevent an error occurring (preventative control), or may
identify that an error has occurred and correct it (detective control). It is an important part of
understanding internal controls to be able to identify what it is that each specific control actually
Some controls may be relevant to audit while others are not. The auditor will not waste time looking
at company controls that are not relevant to whether the financial statements are true and fair,
however important those controls might be to the overall operating of the business; for example,
control processes over asset utilisation.
The extent of reliance on internal control in an assurance engagement will depend on the nature of
the engagement and the assurance provider’s expectation of the effectiveness of controls. In some
engagements, very few controls will be relied on and the assurance provider will carry out more tests
of detail instead.

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 115

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The decision about the extent to which an entity’s internal controls are to be relied upon is a key part
of the audit planning, and depends on the auditor’s understanding of the entity.

2.1 The control environment

Control environment: The control environment includes the governance and management functions
and the attitudes, awareness and actions of those charged with governance and management
concerning the entity’s internal control and its importance in the entity. The control environment sets
the tone of an organisation, influencing the control consciousness of its people.

Where directors feel that internal control is important, staff members are likely to be better educated
about what the controls are and why they are important, so the human element of risk associated
with internal controls is reduced. Also, if directors set the tone by taking controls seriously and
rigorously applying them, even when they seem silly or unnecessary, then other staff members will
be encouraged to do the same.
In a strong control environment, management will ensure that individuals have the competence to
perform their roles. Authority and responsibility will be assigned to appropriate levels and staff will
be made aware of their specific responsibilities and how these affect the organisation as a whole.
Policies will be in place to promote best practice in recruitment, training, promotion and
compensation so that employees feel valued. Overall, a strong control environment is a foundation
for effective internal control.
The control environment is therefore very important to the auditors and they will evaluate it as part of
their risk assessment process. If the control environment is strong, then auditors will be more inclined
to rely on the controls system in the entity than if it is weak.
However, it is important to understand that the control environment is only one component of the
overall internal control system. Equally important are the other aspects of controls, because if other
control components are weak, it will not matter as much to the auditors that the directors think that
controls are important, because the auditor will not be happy to rely on well-intentioned, but weak,
control systems.

2.1.1 Audit committees

The audit committee is an important aspect of the control environment of the company. It is a sub-
committee of the board of directors responsible for overseeing an entity’s internal control structure,
financial reporting and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
The audit committee is comprised of non-executive directors. It is a requirement in UK listed
companies under the rules of the UK Corporate Governance Code. The Code requires the
committee to have written terms of reference which are likely to include the following:
• To review the integrity of the financial statements of the company and formal announcements
relating to the company’s performance
• To review the company’s internal financial controls and the company’s risk management systems
(unless there is a separate risk management committee)
• To monitor and review the effectiveness of the company’s internal audit function (if relevant)
• To make recommendations to the board in relation to the external auditor
• To monitor the independence of the external auditor
• To implement policy on the provision of non-audit services by the external auditor
The key issue for the audit committee is the financial statements, so the audit committee itself can be
seen as a control in relation to the information system and the way in which the company produces
its financial statements. Note that the committee also has responsibilities with regard to supervising
the identification of risks and monitoring controls (these are all discussed later in this chapter).

116 Assurance ICAEW 2021

2.2 Business risk and the entity’s risk assessment process

Entity’s risk assessment process: A component of internal control that is the entity’s process for
identifying business risks relevant to financial reporting objectives and deciding about actions to
address those risks, and the results thereof.
Business risk: A risk resulting from significant conditions, events, circumstances, actions or inactions
that could adversely affect an entity’s ability to achieve its objectives and execute its strategies, or
from the setting of inappropriate objectives and strategies.

Internal controls are implemented to minimise business risk.

Assurance providers, particularly auditors focusing on the financial statements, are interested in
business risk because issues which pose threats to the business may in some cases also be a risk of
the financial statements being misstated. For example, if a particular division of a business was
threatened with closure, the valuation of all the assets associated with that division would be
affected. In more general terms, if an economic downturn puts pressure on a company to meet the
expectations of providers of finance, management might be tempted to manipulate the financial
Not all business risks have a direct impact on the financial statements – for example, the risk that
production does not meet quality control requirements of customers does not directly impact upon
financial statements; the risk that credit notes are not recorded properly does. However, if an
assurance provider is aware of the general business risk that there is a stringent quality control
process to be met, he will be aware that there is likely to be a correlation with sales and sales returns
if the process is not working adequately.
You can see that if the risk assessment process is weak, then the resulting internal controls may not
be effective. The process will involve the following elements:
Figure 5.1: Entity’s risk assessment process

Identify relevant Estimate the significance Assess the likelihood

business risks of the risks of occurrence

Decide upon actions (internal controls, insurances, changes in operations) to address them

Assessing the risk assessment process will also take place during audit risk assessment, as identifying
business risks that management have identified will assist auditors in identifying audit risks as well. In
terms of internal control, the auditors will have to evaluate each aspect of this process. If, during the
audit, the auditors identify a risk that the entity did not identify, the auditors will evaluate what this
means for the effectiveness of the entity’s risk assessment process.

2.3 The information system relevant to financial reporting

An information system consists of infrastructure (physical and hardware components), software,
people, procedures and data.

Information system relevant to financial reporting: A component of internal control that includes the
financial reporting system, and consists of the procedures and records established to initiate, record,
process and report entity transactions (as well as events and conditions) and to maintain
accountability for the related assets, liabilities and equity.

The auditors will be interested in:

• the classes of transactions that are significant to the entity’s financial statements;
• the procedures by which transactions are initiated, recorded, processed, corrected and reported;

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 117

• the related accounting records and supporting information;
• how the information system captures events other than transactions that are significant to the
financial statements; and
• the process of preparing the financial statements.
This will typically involve the financial controller and/or director and the use of journals, which the
auditors will be interested in.
The auditors will be interested in how this process links in with other internal controls and whether it
is at this point that controls are overridden or ignored (by use of journals, for example).

2.4 Control activities

Control activities: They are the policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives
are carried out.

Control activities are the most tangible internal controls that the auditor will concentrate on to a large
degree. The auditor will be concerned with understanding whether a control is able to prevent an
error, or to detect and correct an error. Control activities may be manual or, if relevant, where
processes are computerised, then there may also be computer-specific control activities.
The auditor’s approach is likely to differ depending on the extent to which controls are
computerised. Systems of internal control will usually involve a mixture of manual and computerised
activities. Smaller or less sophisticated entities are likely to place more reliance on manual control
systems, which are covered in section 2.4.1 below.
Generally speaking, IT controls come with both benefits and drawbacks. For instance, one of their
benefits is their ability to consistently process large volumes of data; but the drawback of this is that if
the system is processing data incorrectly then the error will affect the whole population. It is
important then that IT systems are designed with their own controls in mind, and these are covered in
section 2.4.2.
Manual control systems may be more appropriate where judgement is required eg, for large or
unusual transactions. They are, however, likely to be error-prone where a large number of similar
transactions is being processed; in this situation, well-designed and implemented IT systems are
likely to be more effective.

2.4.1 Types of control activity

ISA 315 gives examples of five types of control activities: authorisation, performance reviews,
information processing, physical controls and segregation of duties.

Type of control Examples Explanation


Authorisation Approval of Transactions/documents should be approved by

transactions/documents an appropriate person.
For example, overtime should be approved by
departmental managers, purchase orders by the
purchasing manager.

Performance Review and analysis of A review highlights and explains any unexpected
reviews actual performance variances. This reduces the likelihood of errors or
versus budgets, forecasts deliberate misstatement.
and prior period

Relating different sets of For example, comparing sales reports by units

data (operating or sold to sales in the statement of profit or loss.
financial) to one another

118 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Type of control Examples Explanation

Comparing internal data For example, comparison of key performance

with external sources of indicators (KPIs) with industry sector KPIs.

Review of functional or For example, a review of sales by branch, region,

activity performance and product type.

Information Controls to check the The two broad groupings of information systems
processing accuracy, completeness control activities are application controls and
and authorisation of general IT controls (see later section).

Physical controls Physical security of Only authorised personnel should have access to
assets certain assets (particularly valuable or portable
For example, ensuring that the inventories store
is only open when the store personnel are there
and is otherwise locked.

Authorisation for access Passwords over computer programs and data

to computer programs files will ensure only authorised personnel can
and data files access them.
For example, a password over the payroll system
prevents unauthorised changes such as creating
a fictitious employee.

Periodic counting and For example, a physical count of petty cash.

comparison with amount The balance shown in the petty cash nominal
shown on accounts ledger account should be the same amount as is
in the petty cash box.

Segregation of Assigning different Segregation of duties makes it more difficult for

duties individuals the fraudulent errors to be processed (since a
responsibilities of number of people would have to collude in the
authorising transactions, fraud) and also for accidental errors to be
recording transactions processed (since the more people that are
and maintaining custody involved, the more checking there can be).
of assets For example, the same staff member should not
both record transactions and carry out any
related reconciliations at the period-end.

2.4.2 Information processing controls

The internal controls in a computerised environment include both manual procedures and
procedures designed into computer programs. Such manual and computer control procedures
comprise two types of control.

Application controls: Manual or automated procedures that typically operate at a business process
level. Application controls can be preventative or detective in nature and are designed to ensure the
integrity of the accounting records. Accordingly, application controls relate to procedures used to
initiate, record, process and report transactions or other financial data.
General controls: Policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective
function of application controls by helping to ensure the continued proper operation of information

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 119

Examples of general controls

Development of computer Standards over systems design, programming and documentation

applications Full testing procedures using test data (see Chapter 11)
Approval by computer users and management
Segregation of duties so that those responsible for design are not
responsible for testing
Installation procedures so that data is not corrupted in transition
Training of staff in new procedures and availability of adequate

Prevention or detection of Segregation of duties

unauthorised changes to Full records of program changes
Password protection of programs so that access is limited to
computer operations staff
Restricted access to central computer by locked doors, keypads
Maintenance of program logs
Virus checks on software: use of anti-virus software and policy
prohibiting use of non-authorised programs or files
Back-up copies of programs being taken and stored in other
Control copies of programs being preserved and regularly
compared with actual programs
Stricter controls over certain programs (utility programs) by use of
read only memory

Testing and Complete testing procedures

documentation of Documentation standards
program changes
Approval of changes by computer users and management
Training of staff using programs

Controls to prevent wrong Operation controls over programs

programs or files being Libraries of programs
Proper job scheduling

Controls to prevent Such as passwords to prevent unauthorised entry, built in controls to

unauthorised permit changes
amendments to data files

Controls to ensure Storing extra copies of programs and data files off-site
continuity of operations Protection of equipment against fire and other hazards
Back-up power sources
Emergency procedures
Disaster recovery procedures eg, availability of back-up computer
Maintenance agreements and insurance

The auditors will wish to test some or all of the above general controls, having considered how they
affect the computer applications significant to the audit.
General controls that relate to some or all applications are usually interdependent controls ie, their
operation is often essential to the effectiveness of application controls. As application controls may
be useless when general controls are ineffective, it will be more efficient to review the design of
general controls first, before reviewing the application controls.

120 Assurance ICAEW 2021

The purpose of application controls is to establish specific control activities over the accounting
applications in order to provide reasonable assurance that all transactions are authorised and
recorded, and are processed completely, accurately and on a timely basis. Application controls
include the following.

Examples of application controls

Controls over input: Manual or programmed agreement of control totals

completeness Document counts
One-for-one checking of processed output to source documents
Programmed matching of input to an expected input control file
Procedures over resubmission of rejected data

Controls over input: Programs to check data fields (for example value, reference number,
accuracy date) on input transactions for plausibility:
• Digit verification (eg, reference numbers are as expected)
• Reasonableness test (eg, VAT to total value)
• Existence checks (eg, customer name)
• Character checks (no unexpected characters used in reference)
• Necessary information (no transaction passed with missing
• Permitted range (no transaction processed over a certain value)
Manual scrutiny of output and reconciliation to source
Agreement of control totals (manual/programmed)

Controls over input: Manual checks to ensure information input was:

authorisation • Authorised
• Input by authorised personnel

Controls over processing Similar controls to input must be completed when input is
completed, for example, batch reconciliations
Screen warnings can prevent people logging out before processing
is complete

Controls over master files One to one checking of master files to source documents (such as
and standing data payroll master files to individual employee personal files)
Cyclical reviews of all master files and standing data
Record counts (number of documents processed) and hash totals
(for example, the total of all the payroll numbers) used when master
files are used to ensure no deletions
Controls over the deletion of accounts that have no current balance

Control over input, processing, data files and output may be carried out by IT personnel, users of the
system, a separate control group and may be programmed into application software. The auditors
may wish to test the following application controls.

Testing of application controls

Manual controls exercised If manual controls exercised by the user of the application system are
by the user capable of providing reasonable assurance that the system’s output
is complete, accurate and authorised, the auditors may decide to
limit tests of control to these manual controls.

Controls over system If, in addition to manual controls exercised by the user, the controls
output to be tested use information produced by the computer or are
contained within computer programs, such controls may be tested

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 121

Testing of application controls

by examining the system’s output using either manual procedures or

computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs) which will be described
in more detail in Chapter 11. Such output may be in the form of
magnetic media, microfilm or printouts. Alternatively, the auditor may
test the control by performing it with the use of CAATs.

Programmed control In the case of certain computer systems, the auditor may find that it is
procedures not possible or, in some cases, not practical to test controls by
examining only user controls or the system’s output. The auditor may
consider performing tests of control by using CAATs, such as test
data, reprocessing transaction data or, in unusual situations,
examining the coding of the application program.

As we have already noted, general IT controls may have a pervasive effect on the processing of
transactions in application systems. If these general controls are not effective, there may be a risk that
misstatements occur and go undetected in the application systems. Although weaknesses in general
IT controls may preclude testing certain IT application controls, it is possible that manual procedures
exercised by users may provide effective control at the application level.
Bear in mind that most companies have computerised accounting systems so these controls are
important in practice as well as in your assessment.

2.4.3 Cyber security risks

It has become increasingly clear in recent years that cyber security is a major issue for most
organisations, with several cases being reported of high-profile companies falling victim to these
The cyber risks that an organisation may face include the following.
• Human threats: hackers may be able to get into the organisation’s internal network, either to steal
data or to damage the system. Political terrorism is a major risk in the era of cyber-terrorism.
• Fraud: the theft of funds by dishonest use of a computer system.
• Deliberate sabotage: for example, commercial espionage, malicious damage or industrial action.
• Viruses and other corruptions: these can spread through the network to all of the organisation’s
• Malware: this term is used for hostile or intrusive software such as worms, trojan horses, spyware
and other malicious programs.
• Denial of Service (DoS) attack: a denial of service attack is characterised by an attempt by
attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service.
The ICAEW publication, Audit insights: cyber security (2014), made the following suggestions for
organisations seeking to combat cyber risks.
• Communication is a key barrier to common understanding and discussion. The language of
cyber security is often highly technical. Organisations need to work with security professionals to
build better communication about the articulation and management of cyber risks, and the value
of associated security spending.
• Organisational structures need to define responsibility and accountability for cyber security.
Particularly in larger organisations, in recent years there has been a growth in the number of
entities operating information security functions.
• Board-level accountability for cyber risks needs to be determined, but at present in many
organisations it is unclear who is ultimately responsible for managing cyber risks. Accountability
for such activity could be assigned to a number of roles including the chief executive officer, chief
risk officer, chief information security officer or even the human resources director.
• Non-executive directors and audit committees also need to play a part in tackling cyber security,
by ensuring that the executive management put in place adequate provisions to safeguard the
The points outlined above in ICAEW’s report do present some challenges for small- and medium-
sized enterprises. Creating new positions such as the chief information security officer role and

122 Assurance ICAEW 2021

introducing dedicated information security teams is very often unviable for smaller entities. As a
result it is likely that to some degree a ‘cyber gap’ will remain.

2.5 Monitoring of controls

An entity should review its overall control system to ensure that it still meets its objectives, still
operates effectively and efficiently, and that necessary corrections to the system are made on a timely
basis. If it does not, then the control system may not be operating optimally. This is often a role
undertaken by a company’s internal audit department, as we shall see in Chapter 9. For this reason, it
is important to discuss controls with the internal auditors at the planning phase. The internal auditors
may, as part of their monitoring of controls, have found control weaknesses that the external auditor
should be aware of.
In smaller companies that do not have an internal audit function, the company may make use of
auditor feedback to ensure that controls continue to operate efficiently. Auditors will often produce a
management report at the end of an audit, outlining any weaknesses they have observed in internal
controls. Auditors are also required by ISAs to identify control weaknesses observed to those
charged with governance. However, this does not remove the onus from the company itself to
monitor its own internal controls.

3 Information about controls

Section overview

• Auditors will obtain information about internal controls from a variety of sources, including
company internal control manuals and observing controls in operation.
• Auditors will record information about internal controls in a variety of ways in their files, including
notes, flowcharts and questionnaires.

3.1 Information about internal controls

Auditors will obtain information about internal controls from a variety of sources.
The company may have manuals of control activities and copies of internal controls policies, or
minutes of meetings of the risk assessment group. These will be useful documents for the auditors to
read. In addition, in recurring audits, the auditors should have a record of what the controls were in
previous years and therefore will only be looking for new policies in the current year.
The auditors will also obtain knowledge by talking to the people involved with internal control at all
stages and asking them what the controls are and why they have been implemented. Again, where
auditors have a record of what the controls were last year, inquiry will be useful in updating the
picture to what they are now.
Lastly, an important tool for auditors in determining what internal controls exist in an organisation or
whether controls in use in an operation are the same as those stated to be in operation is
observation. The auditor will watch operations at a company to identify the control activities being
put into action.

3.2 Recording of controls

Auditors shall record the control activities that they see.
There are broadly three types of document which are used for recording the understanding of the
• Narrative notes
• Questionnaires/checklists; and
• Diagrams.
Narrative notes
These are good for things like:

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 123

• short notes on simple systems
• background information
They are less good when things get more complex when diagrams tend to take over.
Questionnaires and checklists
These are:
• good as aide memoires to ensure you have all the bases covered
• can lead to a mechanical approach so that an important extra question is never asked
• tick boxes often get ticked whether the brain is engaged or not
These include:
• Flowcharts
• Organisation charts
• Family trees
• Records of related parties
Organisation charts and family trees are without doubt the best way of recording relationships,
reporting lines, etc.
Flow charts of systems are an excellent and comprehensive way of recording systems, but they are
time consuming to construct and can be difficult for the reader to assimilate.
Once the auditors have documented the internal controls that are present, they should check that
their understanding of these controls is correct by performing walk-through procedures.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Most of the time, auditors will be auditing clients who have been with the firm for some time, so the
controls have already been recorded. In this situation, the auditor will need to exercise professional
scepticism in relation to the firm’s documentation. A key aspect of this is the proper performance of
walk-through procedures; the auditor should be trying to find flaws in the firm’s understanding of the

Walk-through procedure: A procedure that involves tracing a few transactions through the financial
reporting system.
Walk-through procedures would normally be performed near the start of the fieldwork stage of the
audit. They involve tracing transactions from the very beginning to the very end, in order to confirm
that the auditor has correctly understood how the controls are supposed to operate. Walk-through
procedures aim to test the auditor’s understanding and are not tests of controls.

Interactive question 1: Internal control

Which one of the following is a reason that organisations have effective systems of control?
To assist the organisation in:
A maximising profitability
B maximising operating efficiency
C reducing time required for the statutory audit
D minimising audit risk

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

124 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Interactive question 2: Control activities
The following are examples of internal controls which operate at Searson plc.
The financial controller investigates the exception report of unmatched transactions from the
electronic banking system.
A Authorisation
B Performance review
C Information processing
D Physical
The sales director compares monthly budgeted sales figures to actual.
E Authorisation
F Performance review
G Information processing
H Physical

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 3: IT controls

Most entities use IT systems for financial reporting and operational purposes. Controls operating in
an IT environment can be split into general controls and application controls.
Which two of the following are application controls?
A Document counts
B Digit verification
C Passwords
D Virus checks

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 125


Key limitations to internal

controls include the fact that Small companies in
they may be expensive, the particular may have
fact that they generally rely difficulties implementing
on humans to operate them, effective internal control
that they may be subject to systems due to
Internal control is the collusion and the fact that employing fewer staff to
process designed to they are generally only implement internal
mitigate risks to the designed for routine, controls than larger
business and ensure that normal transactions companies
the business operates
efficiently and effectively
Information system

Risk assessment process

Control environment
Control activities

Control can be preventive or detective. Control Many control systems

activities fall into the general categories: encompass IT systems and
• Authorisation therefore special IT controls
• Performance reviews may be required. These are
• Information processing general controls and
• Physical controls application controls
• Segregation of duties

Controls may be recorded in

Controls will be identified by inquiry and various ways, including notes,
observation flowcharts and questionnaires

Cyber security risk examples: To combat cyber security

• Human threats attacks, an organisation should
• Fraud implement controls and assign
• Deliberate sabotage authority, perhaps to a chief
• Viruses and other corruptions information security officer
• Malware
• DoS attack
This may be difficult for
small- and medium-sized
organisations due to resource

126 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Complete the definition using the words given below.

The includes the governance and management functions and the

, and of those charged with
and management concerning the entity’s internal and its importance in the entity.
It sets the of an organisation, influencing the control of its
• actions
• attitudes
• awareness
• consciousness
• control
• control environment
• governance
• tone

2 Name two key inherent limitations of an internal control system.

3 For each of the following controls, state whether they are general or application


One-to-one checking

Segregation of duties

Review of master files

Back-up copies

Virus checks



Record counts

Hash totals

Program libraries

Controls over deletions of IT user accounts

Back-up power source

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 127

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you define internal control? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the inherent limitations of internal controls? (Topic 1)

(3) Can you distinguish general controls from application controls? (Topic 2)

(4) Can you give examples of the types of control activities? (Topic 2)

(5) Can you explain the three types of document that are used to record the
auditor’s understanding of the business? (Topic 3)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 5 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Revenue system.

128 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Technical references
1 What is internal control?
• Definition of internal control – ISA (UK) 315.4
• Limitations of internal controls – ISA (UK) 315.A46 – A48

2 Components of internal control

• Control environment – ISA (UK) 315.14, A69 – A78
• The entity’s risk assessment process – ISA (UK) 315.15, A79
• Information system – ISA (UK) 315.18, A81
• Control activities – ISA (UK) 315.20, A88 – 97, Appendix 1, 9 – 10
• Monitoring of controls – ISA (UK) 315.22 – 24

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 129

130 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

B maximising operating efficiency

Answer to Interactive question 2

C Information processing
F Performance review

Answer to Interactive question 3

A Document counts
B Digit verification

ICAEW 2021 5: Introduction to internal control 131

Answers to Self-test questions

1 The control environment includes the governance and management functions and the attitudes
, awareness and actions of those charged with governance and management concerning
the entity’s internal control and its importance in the entity. It sets the tone of an organisation,
influencing the control consciousness of its people.

2 Two from:
• Human error
• Possibility of staff colluding in fraud
• Only designed for routine, normal transactions
• May be expensive to implement

3 General/Application:


One-to-one checking Application

Segregation of duties General

Review of master files Application

Back-up copies General

Virus checks General

Passwords General

Training General

Record counts Application

Hash totals Application

Program libraries General

Controls over deletions of IT user accounts General

Back-up power source General

132 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 6

Revenue system

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Ordering
2 Despatch and invoicing
3 Recording
4 Cash collection
5 Deficiencies
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
Internal controls
Students will be able to explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document
an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• show how specified internal controls mitigate risk, including cyber risks, and state their limitations
• identify internal controls or internal control deficiencies for an organisation in a given scenario
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• select appropriate methods of obtaining evidence from tests of control and from substantive
procedures for a given business scenario
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2f, g, 3f

Syllabus links
You will have learnt about the various records in the sales system in Accounting.

Examination context
As the sales system is an important practical area, your assessment might well include a scenario
internal controls question in this area. The sample paper contains one question looking at strengths
and weaknesses in a given sales system.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 6 Revenue system.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Ordering Read through the This is an 1, 2

The revenue section, including important
(sales) system is the worked chapter as
usually the most example, and questions in your
important system attempt the exam may
in a business. interactive require
Most companies question. application of
operate on a In general terms, knowledge to a
credit basis, that it is important specific scenario.
is, they invoice that, at a As the sales
for goods when minimum, you system is an
despatched to know the important
customers and sections practical area,
then collect the contained within your exam might
cash at a later this chapter, and well include a
date. Obviously, are familiar with scenario internal

134 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

it is important for the main risks, controls question

companies to controls and tests in this area. The
ensure that they of controls in sample exam
invoice promptly each. contained one
and collect cash Make sure you question looking
promptly, to understand the at strengths and
ensure that they difference weaknesses in a
have sufficient between the given sales
capital to control system.
continue objectives,
operating. controls and tests
Some of controls.
particularly retail
or hospitality
operate on a cash
basis. This means
that they do not
extend a period
of credit for sales
but are paid cash
or cash
equivalents (for
cheques or credit
card payments) at
the time of sale.
In such
businesses, some
of the issues
outlined in this
chapter will be

2 Despatch and Work through No one topic is 1

invoicing this section, and more or less
As almost all attempt the examinable than
companies make interactive another in this
sales, you are question at the chapter, so it is
likely to be end. important that
involved with you are familiar
sales transactions with all of the
at some point in material here and
your career either are prepared to
recording them answer questions
or auditing them, with scenarios
or analysing depicting any
them to see if aspect of the
they are subject revenue system.
to tax. Due to the
fact that sales
usually comprise
a large number
of similar

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 135

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

providers often
test controls over
sales rather than
carrying out
many substantive
tests. It is
therefore crucial
that you
understand the
key aspects of a
system and are
able to apply
these when they
are relevant and
not to particular
This section
focuses on the
risks arising in
relation to the
despatch of
goods and the
raising of sales
invoices in
relation to them.

3 Sales not being Work through No one topic is 1

recorded at all is this section, and more or less
the overall risk attempt the examinable than
addressed in this interactive another in this
section. question at the chapter, so it is
end. important that
you are familiar
with all of the
material here and
are prepared to
answer questions
with scenarios
depicting any
aspect of the
revenue system.

4 Cash collection Read through the No one topic is 1

This section section, including more or less
focuses on the the worked examinable than
risk of cash being examples, and another in this
misappropriated. attempt the chapter, so it is
Segregation of interactive important that
duties is a key question. you are familiar
control here. with all of the
material here and
are prepared to
answer questions
with scenarios
depicting any
aspect of the

136 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

revenue system.

5 Deficiencies Read through the Exam scenarios

The identification section and are likely to
of deficiencies is attempt the require you to
a key audit skill. interactive identify the
Poor quality question. problems with a
auditors will particular system
simply document - its ‘deficiencies’.
the system, but
will not think
critically about its
potential pitfalls

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 137

1 Ordering
Section overview

• Key risks include accepting customers who are a poor credit risk and not fulfilling orders.
• Key controls include authorising credit terms to customers and ensuring orders are matched with
production orders and despatch records.

1.1 Risks and control objectives

When considering sales orders, a company might recognise all or some of the following risks:
• Orders may be taken from customers who are not able to pay.
• Orders may be taken from customers who are unlikely to pay for a long time.
• Orders may not be recorded properly and therefore not fulfilled and customers might be lost.
The controls put into place will be designed to mitigate these risks. Hence the objectives of the
controls will be to prevent these risks from occurring. Here are the control objectives which might
arise from the risks noted above:
• Goods and services are only supplied to customers with good credit ratings.
• Customers are encouraged to pay promptly.
• Orders are recorded correctly.
• Orders are fulfilled.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Most of the risks in this chapter arise from error, but the auditor should always be alert to the
possibility that misstatements could arise from fraud.

1.2 Controls
Once the company has identified the risks which exist in the sales system, it will try and create
controls which mitigate those risks (that is, meet the control objectives outlined above). What
controls will be put into place depend on the nature of the company and the specific risks associated
with the way it operates, but the following controls can be used as examples of how the above risks
can be mitigated.
• Segregation of duties; credit control, invoicing and inventory despatch
• Authorisation of credit terms to customers
– References/credit checks obtained
– Authorisation by senior staff
– Regular review
• Authorisation for changes in other customer data
– Change of address supported by letterhead
– Deletion requests supported by evidence of balances cleared/customer in liquidation
• Orders only accepted from customers who have no credit problems
• Sequential numbering of blank pre-printed order documents and subsequent checking of
sequence for completeness
• Correct prices quoted to customers
• Matching of customer orders with production orders and despatch records and querying of
orders not matched
• Dealing with customer queries

138 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Controls over ordering
Manufacturing Company Ltd (MCL) is a large manufacturing company selling a unique product. It has
an established customer base but, as its product is unique, it also receives regular inquiries from
potential customers that have not bought products from MCL before. In respect of such new
customers, MCL has a significant risk of taking orders from customers who might not be able to pay.
In order to mitigate this risk, MCL should put the following controls into place:
• MCL should have a policy of obtaining credit checks on all new customers from a reputable credit
agency, such as Dun and Bradstreet.
• MCL should ensure that it sets limited credit terms for new customers, such as a low credit limit or
a short credit period, although these terms could be reviewed once the relationship is
• A senior member of staff should sign off on all new customers before orders are accepted. This
member of staff should check that appropriate credit references have been obtained and that the
credit terms extended are reasonable.
• New customer accounts should be reviewed and followed up for prompt payment until a
relationship is established.
MCL is in a strong position to set limited credit terms to new customers as it is the sole source of a
product. Other companies might have to balance the risk of customers not paying with the need to
encourage new customers to use them rather than their competitors. In this case, companies would
concentrate on the credit checks and the authorisation by senior staff.

1.3 Tests of controls

The tests that the assurance providers carry out over such controls will obviously also depend on the
exact nature of the control and the business. However, again, some general ideas can be generated.
• Check that references are being obtained for all new customers.
• Check that all new accounts on the receivables ledger have been authorised by senior staff.
• Check that orders are only accepted from customers who are within their credit terms and credit
• Check that customer orders are being matched with production orders and despatch records.

Context example: Tests of controls over ordering

The audit senior at MCL has been asked to test controls over sales, particularly with reference to new
customers. There are three controls in particular that he should check – obtaining credit references,
setting credit terms and authorisation.
The senior would select a sample of new customers by comparing the current year receivables
ledger with the prior year one. He would then ask a member of the sales team for the customer files.
These files should contain the details of the credit check, terms and evidence that the customer has
been authorised by the sales director and when.

Interactive question 1: Ordering

MC plc is a company that has had a number of inquiries from potential new customers in recent
months. The sales director is excited at this potential sales growth, but the financial controller is
concerned that the company could be exposed to the risk of increased irrecoverable receivables.
Which two of the following internal controls will mitigate the risk of irrecoverable receivables arising
from new customers?
A Obtaining a credit reference for new customers
B Matching of customer orders with despatch records

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 139

C Quoting the correct prices to customers making orders
D Authorisation of new customers by a senior staff member
E Authorisation for changes in customer data

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Despatch and invoicing

Section overview

• A key risk is despatching goods to a customer but not invoicing for them.
• A control to mitigate that risk is matching despatch records to invoices.

2.1 Risks and control objectives

When considering despatch and invoicing, a company might recognise all or some of the following
• Goods may be despatched but not recorded so they are lost to the business.
• Goods may be despatched but not invoiced for.
• Invoices may be raised in error with resulting customer dissatisfaction.
• Invoices may be wrongly cancelled by credit notes resulting in loss to the business.
These risks lead to the following control objectives:
• All despatches of goods are recorded.
• All goods and services sold are correctly invoiced.
• All invoices raised relate to goods and services supplied by the business.
• Credit notes are only given for valid reasons.

2.2 Controls
The following are types of controls which could be put in place to fulfil the above objectives.
• Authorisation of despatch of goods
– Despatch only on sales order
– Despatch only to authorised customers
– Special authorisation of despatches of goods free of charge or on special terms
• Examination of goods outwards as to quantity, quality and condition
• Recording of all goods outwards in a despatch record
• Agreement of despatch records to customer orders and invoices
• Pre-numbering of despatch records and regular checks on sequence
• Condition of returns checked
• Recording of goods returned on goods returned notes
• Signature of despatch records by customers
• Preparation of invoices and credit notes
– Authorisation of selling prices/use of price lists
– Authorisation of credit notes
– Checks on prices, quantities, extensions and totals on invoices and credit notes
– Sequential numbering of blank invoices/credit notes and regular sequence checks
• Inventory records updated

140 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Matching of sales invoices with despatch records and sales orders
• Regular review for despatch records not matched by invoices

Context example: Controls over despatch

MCL has experienced a number of requests for credit notes recently as a result of the alleged poor
condition of goods when they arrive with customers.
In order to ensure that credits are not being wrongly issued, MCL needs to ensure that it has
sufficient control over the despatch of its goods and their receipt by the customer.
MCL should ensure that goods are checked before they leave MCL’s premises to ensure that the
goods are packaged appropriately and are not damaged when they leave. Evidence of this check
could be made by the checker signing a despatch record to accompany the goods to the customer.
MCL could try to ensure that goods are not left with the customer until a similar quality check has
been carried out by a member of the customer’s staff, and similarly evidenced on the despatch
record, a copy of which can be left with the customer.
These steps would mean that MCL had more control over the quality of the goods that arrived at the
customer and more knowledge about the condition of the goods and whether a credit note was
required. If the customer has signed that the condition appeared fine when the goods arrived,
customers will have to give further justification to obtain a credit.

2.3 Tests of controls

The following tests could be used in relation to the controls noted above.
• Verify details of trade sales or goods despatch records with sales invoices checking:
– Quantities
– Prices charged with official price lists
– Trade discounts have been properly dealt with
– Calculations and additions
– VAT, where chargeable, has been properly dealt with
– Postings to receivables ledger
• Verify details of trade sales with entries in inventory records
• Verify non-routine sales (scrap, non-current assets etc) with:
– Appropriate supporting evidence
– Approval by authorised officials
– Entries in plant register
• Verify credit notes with:
– Correspondence or other supporting evidence
– Approval by authorised officials
– Entries in inventory records
– Entries in goods returned records
– Calculations and additions
– Postings to receivables ledger
• Test numerical sequence of despatch records and enquire into missing numbers
• Test numerical sequence of invoices and credit notes, enquire into missing numbers and inspect
copies of those cancelled
• Test numerical sequence of order forms and enquire into missing numbers
• Check that despatches of goods free of charge or on special terms have been authorised by

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 141

Context example: Tests of controls over invoicing
MCL have recently been the subject of an HMRC enquiry into errors in their invoicing impacting on
VAT declared. MCL have asked an assurance provider to review the controls in place over invoicing
to see what can be improved in the system.
As a minimum, the assurance providers would expect to see the following controls over invoice
• Evidence that the sales invoice has been agreed to the goods despatch record to confirm
quantities of goods sold.
• Evidence that the sales invoice has been agreed to the order to confirm the price of the goods
• Evidence that the calculations on the invoice, including the VAT calculation, have been checked.
In a large computerised function, these checks are likely to be carried out by a computer program, so
could be checked by processing ‘dummy’ invoices through the system, some of which contain errors,
to ensure that the appropriate checks are being made.
In a less complex system, these checks might be made manually by a member of staff. In this case,
the checks might be evidenced by signature or initials by that staff member. This is sometimes done
by using a pre-printed stamp on the copy of the invoice, such as the following:

Quantity agreed to despatch record? NM

Price agreed to price list? NM

Calculations checked? NM

Interactive question 2: Despatch and invoicing

Which three of the following controls will help to mitigate the risk of goods being despatched but
not invoiced?
A Pre-numbering of goods despatched notes and regular checks on sequence
B Pre-numbering of invoices and regular checks on sequence
C Matching of goods despatched notes with orders and invoices
D Regular review of despatch records not matched with invoices

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Recording
Section overview

• A key risk is failure to record sales so that payment is not prompted.

• Controls include various methods of prompting payment, such as statements sent out to

3.1 Risks and control objectives

The following risks arise at this stage:
• Invoiced sales might not be properly recorded.
• Credit notes might not be properly recorded.
• Sales might be recorded in the wrong customer accounts.
• Debts might be included in receivables that are not collectable.

142 Assurance ICAEW 2021

These risks lead to the following objectives:
• All sales that have been invoiced are recorded in the nominal ledger.
• All credit notes that have been issued are recorded in the nominal ledger.
• All entries in the receivables ledger are made to the correct receivables ledger accounts.
• Cut-off is applied correctly.
• Potentially irrecoverable receivables are identified.

3.2 Controls
The following controls might be used to fulfil the objectives outlined above:
• Segregation of duties: recording sales, maintaining customer accounts and preparing statements
• Recording of sales invoices sequence and control over spoilt invoices
• Matching of cash receipts with invoices
• Retention of customer remittance advices
• Separate recording of sales returns, price adjustments etc
• Cut-off procedures to ensure goods despatched and not invoiced (or vice versa) are properly
dealt with in the correct period
• Regular preparation of trade receivables statements
• Checking of trade receivables statements
• Safeguarding of trade receivables statements so that they cannot be altered before despatch
• Review and follow-up of overdue accounts
• Authorisation of writing off for irrecoverable receivables
• Analytical review of receivables account and profit margins

Context example: Controls over recording of sales

In the course of the audit of Perkins Limited, a small family owned company, it becomes clear from
other testing that invoices which do not appear in the nominal ledger have been paid by customers.
This has been caused by a failure in controls over recording of invoices and payments.
Further inquiry has revealed that since the previous receivables clerk left half-way through the
accounting year, customers have not been sent statements of their account on a monthly basis as the
new clerk has not had time. She has also not matched receipts with particular invoices, but has simply
posted receipts to the ledger when they have arrived. Some customers are in credit at the end of the
year as a result of the problems arising.
Matching receipts with specific invoices would have highlighted immediately whether there were
invoices missing from the ledger. Had statements been sent it is possible that an honest customer
might have queried why invoices he had been sent had not been included on the statement.
(It emerges that a batch of invoices raised on the receivables clerk’s last day were not posted to the
ledger but were instead lost in a pile of papers which the new receivables clerk had put in a drawer.)

3.3 Tests of controls

The following tests of control might be appropriate.
Receivables ledger
• Check entries with invoices and credit notes respectively.
• Check additions and cross casts.
• Check additions and balances carried down.
• Note and enquire into contra entries.
• Scrutinise accounts to see if credit limits have been observed.
• Check that trade receivables statements are prepared and sent out regularly.
• Check that overdue accounts have been followed up.

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 143

• Check that all irrecoverable receivables written off have been authorised by management.

Context example: Tests of controls over recording of sales

The audit senior wants to ensure that the above error in invoice recording at Perkins Ltd was isolated.
She selects a sample of invoices from each month following the incident and traces them through to
the receivables ledger. The error appears to be isolated.
However, the fact that the error was not picked up indicates that other controls, such as checking
trade receivables statements and matching receipts from customers with specific invoices, have not
been carried out. As such, it is unlikely that reliance can be placed on the sales recording system, and
extensive substantive procedures should be carried out.

Interactive question 3: Recording of sales

The auditor at Icy Limited, a wholesaler of frozen goods, has discovered that the receivables ledger
clerk has not matched receipts with invoices when processing receipts onto the ledger.
Which two of the following are potential risks arising from this failure?
A The clerk could be siphoning off individual receipts and defrauding the company
B Old outstanding invoices could be left unpaid
C Sales might be recorded in the wrong supplier’s accounts
D Sales may not be recorded properly in the sales account

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Cash collection
Section overview

• A risk is that cash is misappropriated before recording and/or banking.

• Segregation of duties is very important.

4.1 Risks and control objectives

The key risks are that money might be received at the business premises but not be recorded or
banked (generally due to fraud but also by simply losing cheques received). This leads to two key
• All monies received are recorded.
• All monies received are banked.

4.2 Controls
As there is a particular risk of fraud in relation to cash receipts, segregation of duties (the involvement
of various people in the process) is particularly important. The following controls may be relevant:

Controls: cash at bank and in hand – receipts

Segregation of duties between the various functions listed below is particularly important.

Recording of receipts • Safeguards to prevent interception of mail between receipt and

received by post opening
• Appointment of responsible person to supervise mail

144 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Controls: cash at bank and in hand – receipts

• Protection of cash and cheques (restrictive crossing)

• Amounts received listed when post opened
• Post stamped with date of receipt

Recording of cash • Restrictions on receipt of cash (by cashiers only, or by sales

sales and collections representatives)
• Evidencing of receipt of cash
– Serially numbered receipt forms
– Cash registers incorporating sealed till rolls
• Emptying of cash offices and registers
• Agreement of cash collections with till rolls
• Agreement of cash collections with bankings and cash and sales
• Investigation of cash shortages and surpluses

General controls over • Prompt maintenance of records (cash book, ledger accounts)
recording • Limitation of duties of receiving cashiers
• Ensuring that the person who records cash takes holidays (so they do
not have absolute control over cash recording) and controls are
continued in their absence
• Giving and recording of receipts
– Retained copies
– Serially numbered receipts books
– Custody of receipt books
– Comparisons with cash records and bank paying in slips

Banking • Daily bankings

• Make-up and comparison of paying-in slips against initial receipt
records and cash book
• Banking of receipts intact/control of payments

Safeguarding of cash • Restrictions on opening new bank accounts

and bank accounts • Limitations on cash floats held
• Restrictions on payments out of cash received
• Restrictions on access to cash registers and offices
• Independent checks on cash floats
• Surprise cash counts
• Custody of cash outside office hours
• Custody over supply and issue of cheques
• Preparation of cheques restricted
• Safeguards over mechanically signed cheques/cheques carrying
printed signatures
• Restrictions on issue of blank or bearer cheques
• Safeguarding of IOUs, cash in transit
• Insurance arrangements
• Bank reconciliations
– Issue of bank statements
– Frequency of reconciliations by independent person

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 145

Controls: cash at bank and in hand – receipts

– Reconciliation procedures
– Treatment of longstanding unpresented cheques
– Sequence of cheque numbers
– Comparison with cash books

Context example: Controls over cash receipts

Hampton Hotels plc (HH) owns a number of exclusive hotels in England and Wales. The majority of
sales are cash sales (which includes credit cards) made on the day guests check out of the hotel. HH
takes customer credit card details on arrival and reserves the right to extract full payment in the event
of non-payment. Only cashiers are allowed to process cash transactions. Till receipts are maintained
and reconciled to daily takings (cash and credit card slips) by the cashier in the presence of a
member of staff who is not a cashier. This reduces the chance that cash will be misappropriated.
Daily cash takings are entered in the cash at bank account after the daily reconciliation.
Credit card slips are entered into a credit card receivables account each day. This account is
reconciled to statements from the card companies on a monthly basis, and then to receipts in the
cash at bank account.
Cash transactions are likely to be so few in number in a hotel basis so as to necessitate banking only
on a weekly basis, when an entry is made to transfer the balance from the cash at hand account to
the cash at bank account. Cash is kept in a locked safe in the reception area. The financial controller
reconciles the cash at bank account with bank statements for each hotel on a monthly basis.

4.3 Tests of controls

The following tests of control may be used:

Area Tests of control

Receipts • Observe whether procedures for post opening are being followed
received by • Observe that cheques received by post are immediately crossed in the
post company’s favour
• For items entered in the rough cash book (or other record of cash, cheques
etc, received by post), trace entries to:
– cash book
– paying-in book
– counterfoil or carbon copy receipts
• Verify amounts entered as received with remittance advices or other
supporting evidence

Cash sales, • For a sample of cash sales summaries/branch summaries from different
branch takings locations:
– Verify with till rolls or copy cash sale notes
– Check to paying-in slip date-stamped and initialled by the bank
– Verify that takings are banked intact daily
– Vouch expenditure out of takings

Collections • For a sample of items from the original collection records:

– Trace amounts to cash book via collectors’ cash sheets or other collection

146 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Area Tests of control

– Check entries on cash sheets or collection records with collectors’ receipt

– Verify that goods delivered to travellers/salesmen have been regularly
reconciled with sales and inventories in hand
– Check numerical sequence of collection records

Cash receipts • For cash receipts for several days throughout the period:
cash book – Check to entries in cash book, receipts, branch returns or other records
– Check to paying-in slips obtained direct from the bank (rather than
looking only at client copy of the slip which might have been tampered
with), observing that there is no delay in banking monies received
– Check additions of paying-in slips
– Check additions of cash book
– Check postings to the general ledger
• Scrutinise the cash book and investigate items of a special or unusual nature

Context example: Tests of controls over cash receipts

You are a member of the assurance team at Happy Manufacturers Ltd (HM). All of their sales are
made on credit terms and they receive cheques daily in the post. In order to ensure that the security
over cheques is adequate, you will be observing the post opening, cheque listing and storing
As a minimum, you would expect to see:
• two people present at post opening (to prevent misappropriation of cheques)
• cheques received being listed (to prevent misappropriation of cheques after initial receipt but
before cheques are passed to accounts department)
• cheques being put into a safe until banking (to prevent misappropriation of cheques before they
are banked – for example, these cheques could be stolen and later cheques allocated to the
relevant invoices in the customer account to hide the fraud)

Interactive question 4: Cash receipts

An effective system of internal control requires segregation of basic functions. Which three of the
following functions should ideally be segregated?
A Authorisation of orders
B Recording cash receipts from receivables
C Invoicing
D Credit control

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

5 Deficiencies
Section overview

Identifying the deficiencies of a system is a key exam technique.

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 147

Once you can identify control risks in a scenario and are aware of the types of control that will
mitigate those risks, you should also be able to identify deficiencies of systems. This is an important
area in practice, as auditors must be able to determine whether the control system is capable of
operating well and therefore is capable of being relied upon by them, and it is also an important
exam technique.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The identification of deficiencies is one of more difficult areas of practice. It may be helpful here to
think about whether the controls are really sufficient for the control objectives to be met.

Interactive question 5: Sales system deficiencies

The following describes the sales system in operation at Jinbob Company. For each process indicate
whether the process indicates a strength or a deficiency of the system.


Written orders are received in the sales office. Orders are

processed into the sales system with no further action being

The order generates a production note which is forwarded to the

production department, on the basis of which they fulfil the
order. Completed orders are despatched with a delivery note, a
copy of which is matched with the production note and sent to
the invoicing department.

Unfulfilled production notes are placed in a pending file which is

reviewed weekly and completed as soon as possible.

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

148 Assurance ICAEW 2021


Controls in the sales system are focused on the following

keypoints of the cycle

Despatch and
Ordering Recording Cash receipts

Risks: Risks: Risks: Risks:

• Customers • Goods are • Invoices are not • Money received
cannot pay despatched but recorded but not recorded
• Orders may not not invoiced • Invoices are • Money received
be fulfilled • Invoices/credits processed to but not banked
raised in error wrong account

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 149

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 For each of the following, state whether it is an objective relating to ordering, despatch and invoicing
or recording:
All sales that have been invoiced have been put in the general ledger
A Ordering
B Despatch/invoice
C Recording
Orders are fulfilled
D Ordering
E Despatch/invoice
F Recording
Cut-off is correct
G Ordering
H Despatch/invoice
I Recording
Goods are only supplied to good credit risks
J Ordering
K Despatch/invoice
L Recording
Goods are correctly invoiced
M Ordering
N Despatch/invoice
O Recording
Customers are encouraged to pay promptly
P Ordering
Q Despatch/invoice
R Recording

2 List five controls relating to the ordering and granting of credit process.

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

150 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you delineate the key risks arising in relation to sales ordering? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the control objectives for sales despatch and invoicing?
(Topic 2)

(3) Can you explain the control activities for recording sales? (Topic 3)

(4) What are the key tests of control in relation to cash collection? (Topic 4)

(5) Can you distinguish a system’s strengths from its deficiencies? (Topic 5)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 6 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Purchases system.

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 151

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A Obtaining a credit reference for new customers
D Authorisation of new customers by a senior staff member

Answer to Interactive question 2

A Pre-numbering of goods despatched notes and regular checks on sequence
C Matching of goods despatched notes with orders and invoices
D Regular review of despatch records not matched with invoices
Sequential pre-numbering of invoices helps to ensure that invoices are not sent out and not
recorded, but does not necessarily ensure that all goods despatched are invoiced. The other
controls all contribute to ensuring that all despatched goods are invoiced.

Answer to Interactive question 3

A The clerk could be siphoning off individual receipts and defrauding the company
B Old outstanding invoices could be left unpaid
The clerk could be siphoning off individual receipts and defrauding the company. (This is a fraud
called ‘teeming and lading’ which can be successful if the outstanding balance on the account
does not look unusual and the actions of the receivables ledger clerk are not checked.)
Old outstanding invoices could be left unpaid. This is because if the invoices are not matched
then it is not clear which invoices are outstanding, and yet the overall balance outstanding looks
reasonable, thus older invoices, which should be being chased up by the company may not be
paid and ultimately may be forgotten about.

Answer to Interactive question 4

A Authorisation of orders
B Recording cash receipts from receivables
C Invoicing
If one person were in charge of all these functions then the person would have control over the
whole process of raising an order and fulfilling it. They could therefore raise fictitious orders and
not invoice for them, or invoice for goods but transfer other people’s payments to make it look
as though the fictitious sale had been paid for.

Answer to Interactive question 5


Written orders are received in the sales office. Orders are

processed into the sales system with no further action being Deficiency

The order generates a production note which is forwarded to the

production department, on the basis of which they fulfil the
order. Completed orders are despatched with a delivery note, a Strength
copy of which is matched with the production note and sent to
the invoicing department.

Unfulfilled production notes are placed in a pending file which is

reviewed weekly and completed as soon as possible.

152 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Deficiency (because the customer’s credit status is not checked before the order is processed)
Strength (because the invoices are generated from goods despatched information)
Strength (because production is kept up to date by weekly review of outstanding orders)

ICAEW 2021 6: Revenue system 153

Answers to Self-test questions

1 C Recording
D Ordering
I Recording
J Ordering
N Despatch/invoice
P Ordering

2 Any of:
• Segregation of duties; credit control, invoicing and inventory despatch
• Authorisation of credit terms to customers
– References/credit checks obtained
– Authorisation by senior staff
– Regular review
• Authorisation for changes in other customer data
– Change of address supported by letterhead
– Deletion requests supported by evidence of balances cleared/customer in liquidation
• Orders only accepted from customers who have no credit problems
• Sequential numbering of blank pre-printed order documents
• Correct pricesquoted to customers
• Matching of customer orders with production orders and despatch records and querying of
orders not matched
• Dealing with customer queries

154 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 7

Purchases system

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Ordering
2 Goods inward and recording of invoices
3 Payment
4 Deficiencies
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
Internal controls
Students will be able to explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document
an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• show how specified internal controls mitigate risk, including cyber risks, and state their limitations
• identify internal controls or internal control deficiencies for an organisation in a given scenario
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• select appropriate methods of obtaining evidence from tests of control and from substantive
procedures for a given business scenario
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2f, g, 3f

Syllabus links
You will have learnt about the various records in the purchases system in Accounting.

Examination context
As purchases is another important practical area, your assessment might well include scenario
internal controls questions in this area. The sample paper contained one such scenario question
looking at consequences of given weaknesses in a purchases system.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 7 Purchases system.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Ordering The format of As purchases is 1

The purchases Chapter 7 is very another
system is another similar to that of important
important system Chapter 6. Again practical area,
in a business. the key issues are your assessment
More so than in the control might well
the case of sales, objectives at the include scenario
most companies various stages of internal controls
operate on a the cycle and the questions in this
credit basis, that tests of controls area. The sample
is they are which the auditor exam contained
invoiced for might perform to one such
goods when determine scenario question
those goods are whether the looking at
despatched to controls are consequences of
them and then operating given

156 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

pay later. It is effectively. Make weaknesses in a

important for sure you are purchases
companies to familiar with both system.
ensure that they of these aspects No one topic is
have an within the context more or less
uninterrupted of the purchases examinable than
supply of the cycle. another in this
goods and Stop and think chapter, so it is
services they important that
need in order for What are the key
risks to a you are familiar
their business to with all of the
function. business when
they make material here and
Key issues are purchases on are prepared to
therefore credit? answer questions
choosing the with scenarios
right suppliers depicting any
and negotiating aspect of the
good credit purchases system
terms, then
payments so as
to create the
correct balance
between keeping
suppliers happy
and making the
most of the credit
As almost all
companies make
purchases, you
are likely to be
involved in
purchases at
some point in
your career,
recording them
or analysing
them or
assurance on
them. Similarly to
sales, purchases
usually comprise
a large number
of similar
transactions, and
therefore they are
often tested
primarily by
testing controls. It
is therefore
crucial that you
understand the
key aspects of a

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 157

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

purchases system
and are able to
whether they are
relevant to

2 Goods inward Work through the No one topic is 1, 2, 3

and recording of section, including more or less
invoices the worked examinable than
There is a risk of examples, and another in this
accepting goods attempt the chapter, so it is
not ordered or interactive important that
for accepting questions. you are familiar
invoices for poor with all of the
quality goods. material here and
are prepared to
answer questions
with scenarios
depicting any
aspect of the

3 Payment Work through the No one topic is 4

There is a risk of section, including more or less
payments being the worked examinable than
made to the examples, and another in this
wrong person. attempt the chapter, so it is
interactive important that
question. you are familiar
with all of the
material here and
are prepared to
answer questions
with scenarios
depicting any
aspect of the

4 Deficiencies Attempt the Exam scenarios

The identification interactive are likely to
of deficiencies is question. require you to
a key audit skill. identify the
Poor quality problems with a
auditors will particular system
simply document - its ‘deficiencies’.
the system, but
will not think
critically about its
potential pitfalls.

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

158 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Ordering
Section overview

• Key risks are that purchases might be made for personal use or not made on the most
advantageous terms.
• Authorisation is therefore an important control.

1.1 Risks and control objectives

When considering purchase orders, a company might recognise one or both of the following risks:
• Unauthorised purchases may be made for personal use.
• Goods and services might not be obtained on the most advantageous terms.
The controls put into place will be designed to mitigate these risks. Hence the objectives of the
controls will be to prevent these risks from occurring. Here are the control objectives which might
arise from the risks noted above:
• All orders for goods and services are properly authorised and duly processed. All orders are for
goods and services actually required by the company.
• Orders are only made with authorised suppliers.
• Orders are made at competitive prices.

1.2 Controls
Once the company has identified the risks which exist in the purchases system, it will try and create
controls which mitigate those risks (that is, meet the control objectives outlined above). What
controls will be put into place depend on the nature of the company and the specific risks associated
with the way it operates, but the following controls can be used as examples of how the above risks
can be mitigated.
• Segregation of duties; requisition and ordering
• Central policy for choice of suppliers
• Evidence required of requirements for purchase before purchase authorised (pre-set-order
quantities and re-order levels)
• Order forms prepared only when a pre-numbered purchase requisition has been received
• Authorisation of order forms
• Pre-numbered order forms
• Safeguarding of blank order forms
• Review for outstanding orders
• Monitoring of supplier terms and taking advantage of favourable conditions (bulk order and
prompt payment discounts)

Context example: Controls over ordering

Truman Limited buys ‘Drox’ frequently. Drox is highly marketable and easily portable and the
company has a history of theft of inventories of Drox. In order to make sure that only Drox required
for business use is purchased in the first place, the directors have decided to put the following
controls into operation:
• Simon Radinski, the store’s manager, will be in charge of purchase requisitions, which will be
made when inventories of Drox have fallen to a pre-set level.
• Orders will only be raised in respect of purchase requisitions made by Simon Radinski, except in
periods of Simon’s absence, when requisitions may be made by his deputy Cathy Lewis.
• Orders will be authorised by Linda Fairburn, the purchases director.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 159

• Random, occasional spot checks will be carried out by Linda Fairburn on the level of Drox when
the requisition is raised.
• Purchase orders will be kept in a locked office in the purchase department.
In addition, in order to control inventories, Drox will only be kept in a locked cupboard in the

1.3 Tests of controls

The tests that the assurance providers carry out over such controls will obviously also depend on the
exact nature of the control and the business. However, again, some general ideas can be generated.
• Review list of suppliers and check a sample to orders made
• Check sequence of pre-numbered order forms
• Check orders are supported by a purchase requisition
• Review security arrangements over blank orders

Context example: Tests of controls over orders

The directors of Truman Limited have requested that the auditors review that the new controls over
the purchase of Drox are operating effectively. The audit senior has therefore drafted the following
• Perform a spot check on security arrangements over purchase orders.
• Request that Linda Fairburn notifies the audit team of requisitions for Drox during the audit and
perform spot check on re-order level.
• Observe the premises for evidence of Drox being stored elsewhere than the locked cupboard.
• Review sample of orders for Drox to ensure that purchase requisition exists and orders were made
only by Simon Radinski and were authorised by Linda Fairburn.
• If sampled requisitions were made by Cathy Lewis, check absence records for Simon Radinski.

Interactive question 1: Ordering

The directors of Lyton Limited (LL) have just uncovered a fraud being perpetrated by the stores
manager. He was in charge of ordering, had raised a number of false orders to non-existent
suppliers, raised goods received records in respect of non-existent deliveries and forwarded an
invoice to the accounts department, which was then paid.
Which two of the following controls could have prevented this fraud?
A Approved list of suppliers
B Check of goods inward by person other than orderer
C Pre-numbered order forms
D Blank order forms locked in a safe

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Goods inward and recording of invoices

Section overview

• Risks are of accepting goods not ordered or for accepting invoices for poor quality goods.
• Controls include matching goods received with orders.

160 Assurance ICAEW 2021

2.1 Risks and control objectives
When considering goods inward and recording of invoices, a company might recognise all or some
of the following risks:
• Goods may be misappropriated for private use.
• Goods may be accepted that have not been ordered.
• Invoices may not be recorded resulting in non-payment.
• The company may not take advantage of the full period of credit that is available.
• The company may not record credit notes resulting in paying invoices unnecessarily.
These risks lead to the following control objectives:
• All goods and services received are used for the company’s purposes, and not private purposes.
• Goods and services are only accepted if they have been ordered, and the order has been
• All goods and services received are accurately recorded.
• Liabilities are recognised for all goods and services that have been received.
• All credits to which the company is entitled are claimed and received.
• Receipt of goods and services is necessary in order for a liability to be recorded.
• All credit notes that are received are recorded in the nominal ledger.
• Cut-off is applied correctly to the payables account.

2.2 Controls
The following are types of controls which could be put in place to fulfil the above objectives.
• Examination of goods inwards
– Quality
– Quantity
– Condition
• Recording arrival and acceptance of goods (pre-numbered goods received records)
• Comparison of goods received records with purchase orders
• Referencing of supplier invoices: numerical sequence and supplier reference
• Checking of suppliers’ invoices
– Prices, quantities, accuracy of calculation
– Comparison with order and goods received record
• Recording return of goods (pre-numbered goods returned notes)
• Procedures for obtaining credit notes from suppliers
• Segregation of duties: accounting and checking functions
• Prompt recording of purchases and purchase returns ledger
• Regular maintenance of payables ledger
• Comparison of monthly statements of account balance from suppliers with payables balances
• Review of classification of expenditure
• Matching of goods received records and invoices along with the creation of an accrual for any
goods received but not matched to invoices at the year-end

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The acceptance of poor-quality goods is a problem not just for businesses but for private individuals
too. If you have ever bought a large item such as a fridge or a washing machine then you will know
that it is important to inspect the delivery before accepting it. This is the case for companies too, only
on a much grander scale.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 161

Context example: Controls over goods inward
The production department at Manufacturing Company Limited (MCL) works on a just-in-time basis.
Orders for necessary materials are dispatched by computer according to pre-set re-order levels.
Deliveries are made within 12 hours by the suppliers, who invoice electronically when goods are
dispatched. Items are put into production within hours of arriving at MCL’s premises.
In this example, it is crucial that controls over goods inward operate effectively. In the first case, it is
necessary that the quality of goods being put into production immediately are of appropriate quality
or production will be held up. Therefore it is vital that goods inward are checked for quality and
quantity on arrival at MCL’s premises.
It is also important that goods inwards are recorded, as with the goods being used so quickly it
would be more difficult to verify purchase invoices to goods being held in a warehouse.
Therefore MCL have a pre-printed, numbered goods received record (GRR) which contains a number
of checks in respect of quality and quantity and on which the warehouse staff note the relevant order
number, the time of delivery, and the quantity of goods delivered. A copy of this GRR is forwarded to
the accounts department to be matched with the supplier’s electronic invoice.

Context example: Controls over purchase recording

Stibbe Limited have recently discovered that they have been paying invoices that had been credited
because the goods had been returned by the production quality controller due to poor quality.
In order to prevent this occurring, Stibbe Limited should have put the following controls in place:
• Raising purchase return notes
• Copy purchase return notes sent to accounts department by production department
• Review of credit notes before payment run authorised
• Regular comparison of supplier statements with payables ledger accounts

2.3 Tests of controls

The following tests could be used in relation to the controls noted above.
• Check invoices for goods are:
– supported by goods received records
– entered in inventory records
– priced correctly by checking to quotations, price lists to see the price is in order
– properly referenced with a number and supplier code
– correctly coded by type of expenditure
– trace entry in record of goods returned etc and see credit note duly received from the supplier,
for invoices not passed due to defects or discrepancy
• For invoices of all types:
– check calculations and additions
– check entries in payables ledger and verify that they are correctly analysed
• For credit notes:
– verify the correctness of credit received with correspondence
– check entries in inventory records
– check entries in record of returns
– check entries in payables ledger and verify that they are correctly analysed
• Check for returns that credit notes are duly received from the suppliers
• Test numerical sequence and enquire into missing numbers of:
– purchase requisitions

162 Assurance ICAEW 2021

– goods received records
– suppliers’ invoices
– purchase orders
– goods returned notes
• Obtain explanations for items which have been outstanding for a long time:
– unmatched purchase requisitions
– unmatched purchase orders
– unmatched goods received records
– unrecorded invoices
• Verify that invoices and credit notes recorded in the purchases account are:
– initialled for prices, calculations and extensions
– cross-referenced to purchase orders, goods received records etc
– authorised for payment
• Check additions
• Check postings to nominal ledger accounts
• Examine nominal ledger account for unusual entries
• For a sample of supplier accounts:
– test check additions and carried forward balances
– note and enquire into all contra entries

Context example: Tests of controls over goods inward and invoices

The auditor is verifying the controls over goods inward at MCL. He selects a sample of goods
received records and checks that they are in sequence, enquiring into any missing numbers (spoilt
copies should be retained) and seeking evidence (initials of relevant staff) that the quality checks
have been carried out. These goods received records would then be checked to purchase invoices
to ensure that all invoices had an associated goods received record and also to purchase orders to
ensure that the goods were ordered properly.

Interactive question 2: Goods inward and invoices

Weezy plc is a company that has a large number of deliveries daily.
Which one of the following internal controls is most likely to prevent Weezy plc paying for goods that
have not been received?
A Locked stores
B Matching of purchase invoices with goods received records
C Authorisation of invoice payment
D Safeguarding of blank order documents

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 3: Purchase recording

Rhonda posts the invoices to the payables account.
Which one of the following would help prevent suppliers from being overpaid?
A Posting invoices to the receivables account
B Examining nominal ledger account for unusual entries
C Authorisation of payments
D Bank reconciliations

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 163

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Payment
Section overview

• Payments might be made to the wrong person.

• Payments should be authorised.

3.1 Risks and control objectives

The following risks arise at this stage of proceedings:
• False invoices are paid in error.
• Invoices are paid too soon.
• Payment is not correctly recorded.
• Credits are not correctly recorded.
• Payments are not recorded in the correct period.
The key risk is that money might be paid out by the business inappropriately. The following
objectives arise out of the risks:
• All expenditure is for goods that are received.
• All expenditure is authorised.
• All expenditure that is made is recorded correctly in the nominal ledger.
• Payments are not made twice for the same liability.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Auditors are required to consider the material risks to the financial statements that arise from fraud.
Payments are clearly an area where fraud might take place, with a fraudster exploiting a weakness in
the system to direct payments towards themselves.

3.2 Controls
The arrangements for controlling payments will depend to a great extent on the nature of business
transacted, the volume of payments involved and the size of the company.

Cheque and cash The cashier should generally not be concerned with keeping or writing
payments generally up books of account other than those recording payments, nor should
he have access to, or be responsible for the custody of, securities or title
deeds belonging to the company.
The person responsible for preparing cheques should not himself be a
cheque signatory. Cheque signatories in turn should not be responsible
for recording payments.

Cheque and bank • Cheque and bank transfer requisitions

transfer payments – Appropriate supporting documentation (for example, invoices)
– Approval by appropriate staff
– Presentation to cheque signatories (in case of cheques)
– Instigation of bank transfer by appropriate staff
• Authority to sign cheques

164 Assurance ICAEW 2021

– Signatories should not also approve cheque requisitions
– Limitations on authority to specific amounts
– At least 2 signatories should be required
– Prohibitions over signing of blank cheques
• Prompt dispatch of signed cheques
• Obtaining of paid cheques from banks
• Payments recorded promptly in nominal ledger

Cash payments • Authorisation of expenditure

• Cancellation of vouchers to ensure they cannot be paid twice
• Limits on payments
• Rules on cash advances to employees, IOUs and cheque cashing

Context example: Controls over cash payments

Build Co has a large number of suppliers and it takes deliveries most days. Deliveries are noted on
goods received records which are matched with invoices when they arrive. Invoices are entered to
the payables ledger system, which is programmed with the credit terms given by each supplier and
produces a payment listing each week when the computer prints all the necessary cheques.
Linda, the payments clerk, takes the cheques to the financial controller for authorisation and

3.3 Tests of controls

The following controls may be used:

Payments in cash at • For a sample of payments:

bank account – Compare with paid cheques to ensure payee agrees.
– Check that cheques are signed by the persons authorised to do so
within their authority limits.
– Check that bank transfer was authorised and initiated by appropriate
– Check to suppliers’ invoices for goods and services. Verify that
supporting documents are signed as having been checked and passed
for payment and have been stamped ‘paid’.
– Check to suppliers’ statements.
– Check to other documentary evidence, as appropriate (agreements,
authorised expense vouchers, petty cash books etc).

Payments in cash at • For a sample of weeks:

bank account – Check the sequence of cheque numbers and enquire into missing
(recording) numbers.
– Trace transfers to other bank accounts, petty cash account or other
records, as appropriate.
– Check additions, including extensions, and balances forward at the
beginning and end of the months covering the periods chosen.
– Check postings to the nominal ledger

When checking that bank and cash are secure, assurance providers should consider the security
arrangements over blank cheques. Bank reconciliations are also a very important control and
assurance providers should carry out the following tests on these.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 165

Area Tests of control

Bank reconciliations • For a period which includes a reconciliation date

reperform reconciliation (see Chapter 13).
• Verify that reconciliations have been prepared at regular
intervals throughout the year.
• Scrutinise reconciliations for unusual items.

Petty cash payments • For a sample of payments:

– Check to supporting vouchers.
– Check whether they are properly approved.
– See that vouchers have been marked and initialled by
the cashier to prevent their re-use.

Context example: Tests of controls over cash payments

The auditors of Build Co have decided that it is important to check the computer control that ensures
that suppliers’ credit terms are used and payments are made on time. To do this they will use a
computer assisted audit technique (CAAT). They will process a number of ‘dummy’ invoices from
existing suppliers and check that the computer processes the payments at the correct time. CAATs
will be covered in more detail in Chapter 11.

Interactive question 4: Cash payments

Which two of the following control activities are most likely to reduce the risk of payments being
made twice for the same liability?
A Stamping ‘Paid’ on invoices that have been paid
B Prompt dispatch of cheques
C Authorisation of payments
D Checking supplier statements before payments are made

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Deficiencies
Section overview

As outlined in Chapter 6, it is important to be able to identify the deficiencies of systems.

Interactive question 5: Deficiencies of the purchases system

The auditor of Sunny plc has identified that there is no procedure to track purchase invoice due
Which one of the following is the most likely consequence which might arise as a result of that
A Prompt payment discounts may not be obtained.
B Goods not actually received may be paid for.
C Inferior goods may be purchased

166 Assurance ICAEW 2021

D Payments may be made to fictitious suppliers

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 167


Controls in the purchases system are focused on

the following key points of the cycle

Ordering Goods inwards and recording of invoices Cash payments

Risks: Risks: Risks:

• Goods for personal • Goods may be misappropriated • Payments made
use inappropriately
• Invoices may be mislaid leading to
• Goods not on most non-payment • Blank cheques
advantageous • Invoices are paid at wrong time/amount (and therefore
terms cash) stolen
• Payments/credits not recorded
• Record in wrong period

168 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 For each of the following, state whether it is an objective relating to ordering, recording invoices or
Orders are only made to authorised suppliers
A Ordering
B Recording invoices
C Payment
Liabilities are recognised for all goods and services received
D Ordering
E Recording invoices
F Payment
Orders are made at competitive prices
G Ordering
H Recording invoices
I Payment
All expenditure is authorised
J Ordering
K Recording invoices
L Payment
Cut-off is correctly applied
M Ordering
N Recording invoices
O Payment
Goods and services are only accepted if there is an authorised order
P Ordering
Q Recording invoices
R Payment

2 List four examples of purchase documentation on which numerical sequence should be checked.

3 Why is numerical sequence on GRRs checked?

4 Give five examples of tests to be performed on the cash payments book.

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 169

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you delineate the key risks arising in relation to purchase orders? (Topic

(2) Can you explain the control objectives in respect of goods inward? (Topic 2)

(3) Can you explain the key controls for purchase invoices? (Topic 2)

(4) What are the key tests of control in payments? (Topic 3)

(5) Can you distinguish a purchase system’s strengths from its deficiencies?
(Topic 4)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 7 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Employee costs.

170 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A Approved list of suppliers
B Check of goods inward by person other than orderer
Because the store’s manager is entitled to make orders, pre-numbered order forms and
safekeeping of order forms would have made no difference in this case.

Answer to Interactive question 2

B Matching of purchase invoices with goods received records

Answer to Interactive question 3

C Authorisation of payments

Answer to Interactive question 4

A Stamping ‘Paid’ on invoices that have been paid
C Authorisation of payments
Although checking supplier statements will help, the timing differences between the statement
date and payments made may mean that this method is not foolproof.

Answer to Interactive question 5

A Prompt payment discounts may not be obtained.

ICAEW 2021 7: Purchases system 171

Answers to Self-test questions

1 A Ordering
E Recording invoices
G Ordering
L Payment
N Recording invoices
Q Recording invoices

2 Four from the following:

• purchase requisitions
• purchase orders
• Goods received records
• Goods returned notes
• Suppliers’ invoices

3 Sequence provides a control that purchases are completely recorded. Missing documents should be
explained, or cancelled copies available otherwise the implication could be that goods have been
received but not matched with an invoice and the liability in respect of that invoice is being omitted.

4 For a sample of payments:

(1) compare with paid cheques to ensure payee agrees
(2) note that cheques are signed by the persons authorised to do so within their authority limits
(3) check to suppliers’ invoices for goods and services. Verify that supporting documents are signed
as having been checked and passed for payment and have been stamped ‘paid’
(4) check to suppliers’ statements
(5) check to other documentary evidence, as appropriate (agreements, authorised expense
vouchers, waves/salaries records, petty cash books etc)

172 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 8

Employee costs

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Calculating wages and salaries
2 Recording of wages and salaries and deductions
3 Payment of wages and salaries
4 Deficiencies
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
Internal controls
Students will be able to explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document
an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• show how specified internal controls mitigate risk, including cyber risks, and state their limitations
• identify internal controls or internal control deficiencies for an organisation in a given scenario
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• select appropriate methods of obtaining evidence from tests of control and from substantive
procedures for a given business scenario
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2f, g, 3f

Syllabus links
You will have learnt about double entries relating to wages and salaries in Accounting.

Examination context
As payroll is an important practical area, your assessment might well include scenario internal
controls questions in this area. The sample paper contained a number of questions focused on
payroll controls.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 8 Employee costs.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Calculating Chapter 8 As payroll is an 2, 3

wages and continues the important
salaries theme of internal practical area,
The payroll controls but your assessment
system is another applied to the might well
important system payroll cycle. include scenario
in a business. Again, you must internal controls
Most employees be familiar with questions in this
work best when the key control area. The sample
they are paid on objectives and exam contained a
time! Obviously it tests of controls number of
is important for at each stage of questions
companies to the cycle. focused on
ensure that they Work through the payroll controls.
keep their section, including No one topic is
employees the worked more or less
happy. examples, and examinable than

174 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

A key risk in attempt the another in this

relation to the interactive chapter, so it is
calculation of question. important that
wages and Stop and think you are familiar
salaries is paying with all of the
employees too What are the key material here and
much. A key risks to a are prepared to
control is business in terms answer questions
authorisation of of paying salaries with scenarios
the payroll. and wages? depicting any
Due to the fact aspect of the
that payroll employee costs
usually comprises system
a large number
of similar
transactions, they
are often tested
primarily by
testing controls,
although the fact
that payroll costs
are also
means that
procedures are
also often used.

2 Recording of Work through the No one topic is

wages and section, including more or less
salaries and the worked examinable than
deductions examples, and another in this
A key risk is not attempt the chapter, so it is
recording wages, interactive important that
and therefore question. you are familiar
making incorrect with all of the
payments. material here and
are prepared to
answer questions
with scenarios
depicting any
aspect of the
employee costs

3 Payment of Work through the No one topic is 1

wages and section, including more or less
salaries the worked examinable than
There is a key risk examples, and another in this
that payments attempt the chapter, so it is
are made interactive important that
incorrectly; again, question. you are familiar
authorisation is with all of the
an important material here and
control against are prepared to
this. answer questions
with scenarios

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 175

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

Payroll can be an depicting any

area that is aspect of the
subject to frauds, employee costs
for example, system.
employees may
be inserted into
the payroll.

4 Deficiencies Attempt the Exam scenarios

It is important interactive are likely to
that you question. require you to
understand the identify the
key aspects of a problems with a
payroll system particular system
and are able to - its ‘deficiencies’.
weaknesses in a
given system.

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

176 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Calculating wages and salaries
Section overview

• A key risk is paying employees too much.

• A key control is authorisation (of time records or of changes to the payroll, for example).

1.1 Risks and control objectives

When calculating wages and salaries, a company might recognise the following risks:
• The company may pay employees too much money.
• The company may pay employees who have left.
The controls put into place will be designed to mitigate these risks. Hence the objectives of the
controls will be to prevent these risks from occurring. Here are the control objectives which might
arise from the risks noted above:
• Employees are only paid for work that they have done.
• Gross pay has been calculated correctly and authorised.
• Net pay has been calculated correctly.

1.2 Controls
The following controls may be put into place to mitigate the risks noted above.
• Staffing and segregation of duties
• Maintenance of personnel records and regular checking of wages and salaries to details in
personnel records
• Authorisation
– Engagement and discharge of employees
– Changes in pay rates
– Overtime
– Non-statutory deductions (for example pension contributions)
– Advances of pay
• Recording of changes in personnel and pay rates
• Recording of hours worked by timesheets, clocking in and out arrangements
• Review of hours worked
• Recording of advances of pay
• Holiday pay arrangements
• Answering queries
• Review of wages against budget

Context example: Calculating wages

The workforce at CleanCo Limited has negotiated a pay rise through discussions between the trade
union and management. In relation to this pay rise, management will want to ensure that it has the
following controls in place to ensure that employees are not paid too much or too little for their
• Increases should be authorised on an individual basis by Adrian Lewis, the Personnel Manager,
who is in charge of payroll.
• Details of the pay rise should be entered into each employee’s personnel file.

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 177

• As the computer system calculates pay automatically, the new details must be entered into the
master file by Adrian Lewis using the private password which allows him to make such changes.

1.3 Tests of controls

• Check that the wages and salary summary is approved for payment.
• Confirm that procedures are operating for authorising changes in rates of pay, overtime, and
holiday pay.
• Obtain evidence that staff only start being paid when they join the company, and are removed
from the payroll when they leave the company.
• Check that the engagement of new employees and discharges of former employees have been
confirmed in writing.
• Check that the calculations of wages and salaries are being checked.
• For wages, check calculation of gross pay with:
– Authorised rates of pay
– Production records. See that production bonuses have been authorised and properly
– Clock cards, time sheets or other evidence of hours worked. Verify that overtime has been
• For salaries, verify that gross salaries and bonuses are in accordance with personnel records,
contracts of employment etc and that increases in pay have been properly authorised.

Context example: Tests of controls over calculating pay

The auditors at CleanCo want to check that controls over the negotiated pay rise operated properly.
They have a copy of the minutes of the meeting where the pay rise was agreed, the pay rise being a
3.25% increase for all employees. This minute of agreement indicates that the pay rise was
authorised by the directors.
The auditors select a sample of employees and request their personnel files. They recalculate the pay
rise as compared to the previous pay rate (which they agree to the previous payroll).
They then review the standing data in the payroll system for each employee sampled to ensure that
the computer system contains the correct pay rate. They check that each employee was paid the
correct wage in the month following the pay rise.
Lastly, the auditors attempt (with permission) to change the standing data in the computer system to
ensure that unauthorised amendments cannot be made.

Interactive question 1: Calculating pay

The following system of time records exists at Shepherd Limited. Staff members are required to fill in
a manual timesheet as they arrive, stating the time of arrival and as they leave, stating the time of
departure. Staff members are then paid an hourly rate on the basis of this record.
Which two of the following outcomes could arise from this system?
A Employees may be paid at an inappropriate rate
B Employees may be paid for work they have not done
C Employees are paid for the hours they have worked
D Employee deductions may be inappropriate

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

178 Assurance ICAEW 2021

2 Recording of wages and salaries and deductions
Section overview

• A risk is not recording wages, and therefore making incorrect payments.

• The payroll should be prepared, checked and authorised.

2.1 Risks and control objectives

When considering recording wages and salaries, the company might recognise the following risks:
• The various elements of pay might not be recorded correctly in the payroll.
• Amounts paid to employees might not be reflected in the cash at bank account.
• Pay might not be recorded correctly in the nominal ledger.
In addition, the company has a duty to pay over to HMRC the correct amounts in respect of tax and
national insurance. If these are calculated wrongly, the company might face a large tax bill in the
future of arrears and penalties. The company also has a duty to pay other deductions on behalf of
employees, for example pension deductions. Again, errors might mean future liabilities.
These lead to the following control objectives:
• Gross and net pay and deductions are accurately recorded on the payroll.
• Wages and salaries are correctly recorded in the nominal ledger.
• Wages and salaries paid are recorded correctly in cash records.
• All deductions have been calculated correctly and are authorised.
• The correct amounts are paid to HMRC.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

You will need to recall the ledger entries for payroll from Accounting, but in practice companies may
use slightly different entries from those in your exam. It is important that you understand what is
being done and are able to assess whether it is correct.

2.2 Controls
Responsibility for the preparation of payroll should be delegated to a suitable person, and adequate
staff appointed to assist him. The extent to which the staff responsible for preparing wages and
salaries may perform other duties should be clearly defined. In this connection full advantage should
be taken where possible of the division of duties and checks available where automatic wage
accounting systems are in use.
In addition there should be:
• bases for compilation of payroll (for example, clock cards, overtime records, agreed hours)
• arrangements for the preparation, checking (reconciling to payroll information) and approval of
• procedures for dealing with non-routine matters
• maintenance of separate employees’ personnel records
• one-for-one checking of payroll details back to independently maintained personnel records
• reconciliation of total pay and deductions between one payday and the next
• comparison of actual pay totals with budget estimates or standard costs and the investigation of
differences between them
• agreement of gross earnings and total tax deducted with taxation returns

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 179

Context example: Preparation of payroll
The system of control over payroll production at Maybury plc operates as follows.
Anne, the payroll clerk, uses a well-known computerised payroll system. She enters the number of
hours worked by each employee in the week as per their clock cards. The computer then produces
the payroll based on the standing data concerning pay rates and deductions. Anne prints off the
payroll for the week, checks that the brought forward figures for tax and national insurance agree to
the previous payroll and sends it to Sandra, who checks the payroll and authorises it.
Sandra also checks that the brought forward figures agree to the previous payroll and indicates that
she has checked by initialling the appropriate column in the payroll. She compares a sample of net
pays to the previous payroll and investigates any significant differences. She authorises it by signing
it. She prepares the journals that will be posted to the nominal ledger and passes these and the
payroll to the finance department, so that the journals may be posted and the bank transfer list

2.3 Tests of controls

A key control assurance providers will be concerned with will be the reconciliation of wages and
salaries. For wages, there should have been reconciliations with:
• The previous week’s payroll
• Clock cards/time sheets/job cards
• Costing analyses, production budgets
The total of salaries should be reconciled with the previous week/month or the standard payroll.
In addition, assurance providers should confirm that important calculations have been checked by
the clients and re-perform those calculations.
These include checking for wages for a number of weeks:
• Additions of payroll
• Totals of payroll detail selected to summary of payroll
• Additions and cross-casts of summary
• Postings of summary to nominal ledger
• Net cash column to the cash at bank account
For salaries they include checking for a number of weeks/months:
• Additions of payroll
• Totals of salaries details to summary
• Additions and cross-casts of summary
• Postings of summary to nominal ledger
• Total of net pay column to the cash at bank account
Assurance providers should check the calculations of taxation and non-statutory deductions. For
PAYE and NI they should carry out the following tests:
• Scrutinise the nominal ledger accounts maintained to see appropriate deductions have been
• Check that the payments to HMRC are correct.
They should check other deductions to appropriate records. For voluntary deductions, they should
see the authority completed by the relevant employees

Context example: Test of controls over recording pay

An audit assistant on the audit of Maybury plc has been asked to test controls over the payroll. She
has been given the following audit plan.
• Sample four separate weeks of payroll.
• Ensure that Sandra’s signature appears, authorising payroll.

180 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Check for Sandra’s initials showing the brought forward figures have been checked.
• Recheck the brought forward figures from the previous payroll.
• Cast a sample of lines in the payroll to ensure it is arithmetically accurate.
• Check the calculations of statutory deductions.
• Obtain journal sheet for posting to ledger and confirm that the postings are correct.
• Trace postings to ledgers to ensure processed correctly.
• Check a sample of hours worked to original clock cards.

Interactive question 2: Recording pay

Personnel and wages records at Simonston Brothers Limited are maintained by Sam, the wages clerk,
on a personal computer. Sam calculates the hours worked by each employee on a weekly basis,
based on that employee’s clock card, and enters them on the computer. The payroll program, using
data from personnel records in respect of wage rates and deductions, produces the weekly payroll
and a payslip for each employee.
Sam uses the payroll to prepare the bank transfer list, which he then sends to the company
accountant. The accountant signs the transfer list and has it countersigned by a director. The wages
clerk then processes the bank transfer on the computer.
Which two of the following are deficiencies which exist in the wages system at Simonston Brothers
A Sam records the salaries and organises the payment of wages.
B There is no review of the payroll.
C The bank transfer list is countersigned by a director.
D The payroll and the time recording system are separate.

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Payment of wages and salaries

Section overview

• There is a risk that payments are made incorrectly.

• Authorisation should prevent this.

3.1 Risks and control objectives

The key risks here are that people who are not employees are paid and those that are employees are
not paid. Therefore the overriding control objective is that the correct employees are paid.

3.2 Controls

Payment of cash • Segregation of duties

wages (this is – Preparing the payroll net pay summary
increasingly rare)
– Filling of pay packets
– Distribution of wages
• Authorisation of wage cheque cashed
• Custody of cash
– When the wages cheque is cashed

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 181

– Security of pay packets
– Security of transit
– Security and prompt banking of unclaimed wages
• Verification of identity
• Recording of distributions

Payment of salaries • Preparation and authorisation of cheques and bank transfer lists
• Comparison of cheques and bank transfer list with payroll
• Maintenance and reconciliation of wages and salaries nominal ledger

Context example: Payment of wages

At Pynewood Limited, the bookkeeper calculates the wages and then prepares the bank transfer list.
She then puts through the transfer herself. This system displays the following deficiency:
• There is no segregation of duties between preparing the payroll and preparing the bank transfer
lists, and then again between preparing the lists and making the actual payment. This means that
the bookkeeper could easily perpetrate a fraud of paying staff extra or paying non-existent staff
and keeping the proceeds.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Auditors are required to consider the material risks to the financial statements that arise from fraud.
Payments of wages are an area where fraud might take place, with a fraudster exploiting a deficiency
in the system to direct payments towards themselves.

3.3 Tests of controls

If wages are paid in cash:
• arrange to attend the pay-out of wages to confirm that the official procedures are being followed;
• before the wages are paid compare payroll with wage packets to ensure all employees have a
wage packet;
• examine receipts given by employees; check unclaimed wages are recorded in unclaimed wages
• check that no employee receives more than one wage packet;
• check entries in the unclaimed wages book with the entries on the payroll;
• check that unclaimed wages are banked regularly;
• check that unclaimed wages books show reasons why wages are unclaimed;
• check pattern of unclaimed wages in unclaimed wages book; variations may indicate failure to
record; and
• for salaries, check that comparisons are being made between each month’s payroll net pay
summary and examine paid cheques or a certified copy of the bank list for employees paid by
cheque or bank transfer.

Context example: Tests of control over payment of wages

At HyperCo plc, all employees are salaried and are paid by direct transfer to their bank each month.
The auditors will test that controls operate properly over this direct transfer by requesting a certified

182 Assurance ICAEW 2021

copy of the bank list for the payroll to see how the sum leaving the company’s bank account is
broken down and checking the individual amounts paid back to the payroll.

Interactive question 3: Payment of wages

Which two of the following control activities will reduce the risk of employees who have left being
made up a pay packet which is collected by the leaver or an accomplice?
A Check that each employee only collects one pay packet
B Supervision of payout by member of staff who knows all the employees personally
C Authorisation of payroll
D Comparison of payroll with wage packets to ensure that they match

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Deficiencies
Section overview

• Being able to identify the deficiencies of a system an important exam technique.

Interactive question 4: Deficiencies of a payroll system

The following describes the payroll system in operation at Whistling Co.
For each process indicate whether the process indicates a strength or a deficiency of the system.


Employees each have an electronic card to

swipe in order to enter and leave the factory
premises. This ‘swipe’ system automatically
updates time records in the payroll system.

There is no personnel department. Employees

are engaged by department heads with the
verbal consent of a director

On leaving, employees are required to return

their swipe cards.

The payroll has a variance function which

reports items within the payroll falling outside
the expected conventions which must be
resolved by an authorised member of staff
before the payroll can be finalised. The ability to
resolve this report is controlled by a secret

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 183


Controls in the employee costs system are focused on the

following key points of the cycle

Setting wages Recording wages and deductions Payment

Risk: Risks: Risks:

• Employees are paid • Incorrect recording of • Employees are not paid
for work not done wages and cash paid • Non-employees are paid
• Incorrect deductions
leading to future liabilities

184 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 List six procedures assurance providers should carry out if wages are paid in cash.

2 What are the most important authorisation controls over amounts to be paid to employees?

3 How should assurance providers confirm that wages have been paid at the correct rate to individual

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 185

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain the control objectives in respect of the recording of wages
and salaries and deductions? (Topic 2)

(2) Can you explain the key controls for the payment of wages and salaries?
(Topic 3)

(3) What are the key tests of control in the payment of wages and salaries? (Topic

(4) Can you distinguish a payroll system’s strengths from its deficiencies? (Topic

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 8 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Internal audit.

186 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

B Employees may be paid for work they have not done
C Employees are paid for the hours they have worked
Shepherd has a simple control over how much work is being done by its employees. Therefore,
employees should be being paid for the hours they have worked.
However, it is a very simple control, which relies on the integrity of the employees in recording
the correct times they arrived and left the premises. There does not appear to be a supervisory
control ensuring that employees are writing the correct times. Nor is there any provision for
times when the employees are not working, for example, lunch hour or slack periods. Therefore
it is possible that despite the presence of this control, employees may be paid for work they
have not done.

Answer to Interactive question 2

A Sam records the salaries and organises the payment of wages.
B There is no review of the payroll.

Answer to Interactive question 3

A Check that each employee only collects one pay packet
C Authorisation of payroll
Comparison of the payroll with the pay packets will only be effective if the payroll has been
properly updated for the leaver. Supervision by a member of staff who knows all the staff will be
necessary if the employees are not required to show identification to pick up wages, but will not
necessarily stop a leaver picking up a wage packet if the supervisor does not know the staff
member has left.

Answer to Interactive question 4



Employees each have an electronic card to Strength (The fact that employees cannot
swipe in order to enter and leave the factory access the factory to work without updating the
premises. This ‘swipe’ system automatically time records automatically is a strength in the
updates time records in the payroll system. system.)

There is no personnel department. Employees Deficiency (It appears that the recruitment
are engaged by department heads with the process is casual and there is not necessarily
verbal consent of a director any written documentation resulting from the
appointment of an employee. This could lead to
errors in pay rates and payroll production that
could be eliminated if written notice of an
employee’s start was given to the payroll

On leaving, employees are required to return Strength (The fact that employees are required
their swipe cards. to return their cards when they leave means that
they are effectively excluded from the time
recording system and in practice cannot
continue to be paid after they have left.)

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 187


The payroll has a variance function which Strength (The fact that the payroll has
reports items within the payroll falling outside parameters beyond which it seeks authorisation
the expected conventions which must be means that mistakes should be corrected
resolved by an authorised member of staff before the payroll is finalised. In addition, there
before the payroll can be finalised. The ability to are application controls over correction of the
resolve this report is controlled by a secret payroll, strengthening this control.)

188 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 From the following:

• Arrange to attend the pay-out of wages to confirm that the official procedures are being followed.
• Before the wages are paid compare payroll with wage packets to ensure all employees have a
wage packet.
• Examine receipts given by employees; check unclaimed wages are recorded in unclaimed wages
• Check that no employee receives more than one wage packet.
• Check entries in the unclaimed wages book with the entries on the payroll.
• Check that unclaimed wages are banked regularly.
• Check that unclaimed wages book shows reasons why wages are unclaimed.
• Check pattern of unclaimed wages in unclaimed wages book; variations may indicate failure to
• Verify a sample of holiday pay payments with the underlying records and check the calculation of
the amounts paid.

2 The most important authorisation controls over wages and salaries are controls over:
• engagement and discharge of employees
• changes in pay rates
• overtime
• non-statutory deductions
• advances of pay

3 Assurance providers should confirm that wages have been paid at the correct rate by checking
calculation of gross pay to:
• authorised rates of pay
• production records
• clock cards, time sheets or other evidence of time worked

ICAEW 2021 8: Employee costs 189

190 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 9

Internal audit

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 What is an internal audit?
2 What does the internal audit function do?
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions

Learning outcomes
Internal controls
Students will be able to explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document
an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• identify the role of an internal audit function in an organisation
Specific syllabus references for this chapter: 2h

Syllabus links
Internal audit will be looked at again in the Business, Technology and Finance syllabus, and also in
the Audit and Assurance syllabus.

Examination context
A question on this topic is likely to be included in your assessment as one of the questions on
internal controls.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to identify the components of internal control in both
manual and IT environments, including internal audit.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 9 Internal audit.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 What is internal This is a brief A question on 1, 2, 3

audit? chapter but this topic is likely
Many larger includes some to be included in
companies have important your assessment
internal audit information. Read as one of the
departments, as through this questions on
they are section paying internal controls.
generally particular
considered to be attention to the
an important part distinction
of good between the
management of a internal and the
company. Most external auditor
large audit firms and the role of
also offer internal internal audit.
audit services as
well as external
audit services.

2 What does the Read through this This area is also 4

internal audit section, including directly
function do? the worked examinable in
If you work in a example, and your assessment.
large or mid-tier attempt the
firm you are likely interactive

192 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

to come across question at the

internal audit at end.
some point in
your training,
either liaising
with them or
reviewing their
work as part of an
external audit.
Some of you may
carry out some or
all of your
training as an
internal auditor.
Stop and think
Might there be
any problems
associated with
offering both
external and
internal audit

Once you have worked through this guidance you, will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 193

1 What is an internal audit?
Section overview

• The internal audit function assists management in achieving corporate objectives, particularly in
achieving good corporate governance.
• Although many of the techniques internal and external auditors use are similar, the basis and
reasoning of their work is different.

Internal audit function: An appraisal activity established or provided as a service to the entity. Its
functions include, amongst other things, examining, evaluating and monitoring the adequacy and
effectiveness of internal control.

Internal audit is generally a feature of large companies. It is a function, provided either by employees
of the entity or sourced from an external organisation to assist management in achieving corporate
If the internal audit function exists to assist management in achieving corporate objectives, it is
important to ask ‘what are corporate objectives?’ Obviously, these will vary from company to
company, and will be found, for example, in companies’ mission statements and strategic plans.
In principle, all companies will want good management, and the internal audit function is a
recognised way of ensuring good corporate governance.
The codes of corporate governance that indicate good practice for companies, such as the UK
Corporate Governance Code (mandatory for UK listed companies) highlight the need for businesses
to maintain good systems of internal control to manage the risks the company faces. Internal audit
can play a key role in assessing and monitoring internal control policies and procedures.
The internal audit function can assist the board in other ways as well:
• By, in effect, acting as auditors for board reports not audited by the external auditors.
• By being the experts in fields such as auditing and accounting standards and assisting in
implementation of new standards.
• By liaising with external auditors, particularly where external auditors can use internal audit work
and reduce the time and therefore cost of the external audit. There are limits on the extent to
which internal audit work can be used, however, the use of internal auditors to provide direct
assistance to the external auditor is prohibited in an audit conducted under ISAs (UK).
In addition, internal auditors can check that external auditors are reporting back to the board
everything they are required to under auditing standards.
The UK Corporate Governance Code highlights the importance of internal audit by stipulating that
directors of companies that do not have an internal audit department should reconsider the need for
one annually.

1.1 Distinction between internal and external audit

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

There is no requirement for companies which do not apply the UK Corporate Governance Code to
have an internal audit function. This means that, unless they choose to apply the Code voluntarily,
small and medium-sized companies are unlikely to have such a function.

An external audit is an audit carried out by an external, as opposed to an internal, auditor. Remember
that the objective of an external audit of financial statements is to enable auditors to express an

194 Assurance ICAEW 2021

opinion on whether the financial statements are prepared (in all material respects) in accordance with
the applicable financial reporting framework.
Contrast this with the definition of the internal audit function given at the beginning of this chapter.
The external audit is focused on the financial statements, whereas the internal audit function is
focused on the operations of the entire business.
The following table highlights the differences between internal and external audit.

Internal audit External audit

Reason The internal audit function is an An exercise to enable auditors to

activity designed to add value and express an opinion on the financial
improve an organisation’s statements.

Reporting to Internal auditors report to the The external auditors report to the
board of directors, or the audit shareholders of a company on the
committee, which is a truth and fairness of the financial
subcommittee of the board of statements.
directors concerned with financial
and audit matters.

Relating to As demonstrated in the reason for External audit’s work relates to the
their existence, an internal financial statements. They are
auditor’s work relates to the concerned with the financial
operations of the organisation. records that underlie these.

Relationship with the Internal auditors are very often External auditors are independent
company employees of the organisation, of the company and its
although sometimes the internal management. They are appointed
audit function is outsourced. by the shareholders.

The table shows that although some of the procedures that the internal audit function undertake are
very similar to those undertaken by the external auditors, the whole basis and reasoning of their
work is fundamentally different.

2 What does the internal audit function do?

Section overview

• The internal audit function has two key roles to play in relation to organisational risk management:
– Ensuring the company’s risk management system operates effectively
– Ensuring that strategies implemented in respect of business risks operate effectively
• Internal auditors undertake operational audits.
• Internal auditors may also undertake special investigations on behalf of the directors.
• However, to preserve objectivity, internal auditors must not get involved in operational decision-
making matters

The activities of the internal audit function usually involve:

• monitoring internal controls (we shall consider this more in sections 2.1 and 2.2);
• examining financial and operating information (for example, reviewing the accounting system and
carrying out tests of detail on transactions and balances in the same way as the external auditor
• reviewing the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of operations (this would include looking at
non-financial controls of the organisation);
• reviewing compliance with laws, regulations and other external requirements;

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 195

• conducting special investigations, for instance, into suspected fraud;
• identifying and evaluating significant exposures to risk and contributing to the improvement of
risk management and control systems; and
• assessing the governance process in its accomplishment of objectives on ethics and values,
performance management and accountability, communicating risk and control information to
appropriate areas of the organisation and effectiveness of communication among those charged
with governance, external and internal auditors, and management.

2.1 Risk
We introduced the concept of the company facing risks in Chapter 5. All companies face risks arising
from their activities, which cannot be eliminated, but such risks must be managed by the company.
Designing and operating internal control systems is a key part of a company’s risk management. This
will often be done by employees in their various departments, although sometimes (particularly in
the case of specialised computer systems) the company will hire external expertise to design
The internal audit function has a two-fold role in relation to risk management:
• Monitoring the company’s overall risk management policy to ensure it operates effectively
• Monitoring the strategies implemented to ensure that they continue to operate effectively

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Although both the internal and external audit are about risks, it should be remembered that the risks
in question are fundamentally different. The internal audit is focused on the company’s business risks;
the external audit is focused on audit risk, which relates to the auditor’s opinion on the financial

2.2 Internal controls

The internal audit function is unlikely to assist in the development of systems because its key role will
be in monitoring the overall process and in providing assurance that the systems which the
departments have designed meet objectives and operate effectively.
It is important that the internal audit function retains objectivity towards these aspects of their role,
which is why internal auditors would generally not be involved in the assessment of risks and the
design of the system.
The fact that the control system should be monitored was discussed in Chapter 5. If there is an
internal audit function, testing (and therefore monitoring) controls is likely to be an important part of
their role. The tests that they carry out will be on the same lines as the tests outlined in the previous
three chapters that external auditors will carry out. However, as internal auditors are focused on all
the operations of the company, they are focusing on all controls, not just ones linked ultimately to the
financial statements, so the scope of their testing will be far greater than that of the external auditors.
The work that internal auditors carry out on controls can be termed operational audits. These are
audits of the operational processes of the organisation. They are also known as management or
efficiency audits. Their prime objective is the monitoring of management’s performance, ensuring
company policy is adhered to.
There are two aspects of an operational assignment:
• Ensure policies are adequate
• Ensure policies work effectively
In terms of adequacy, the internal auditor will have to review the policies of a particular department
• Reading them
• Discussing them with members of the department
Then the auditor will have to assess whether the policies are adequate, and possibly advise the
board of improvement.

196 Assurance ICAEW 2021

The auditor will then have to examine the effectiveness of the controls by testing them, as discussed
in the previous few chapters.

2.3 Other functions

The internal audit function may also carry out other work for the directors in a company. For instance,
they might undertake special investigations in respect of a suspected fraud, or they might carry out
traditional financial audits, similar to the exercise carried out by the external auditors.
However, the key issue to remember with regard to the internal audit function is the necessity for the
department to retain objectivity in order to carry out its important monitoring role in respect of risk
and controls. Therefore internal auditors will not become involved in the operational activities of the

Context example: Internal audit

Ritzy Hotels plc (RH) is a listed company which owns a number of hotels in the UK. Each hotel is a
subsidiary company of RH, for example, Ritzy Southampton Limited is the hotel in Southampton. RH
charges each hotel a management charge, which is determined on a fixed calculation dependent on
the number of rooms at the hotel. One of the things this management charge covers is the internal
audit function, which is managed centrally by RH.
The internal audit function at RH is required to carry out cyclical operational audits at all the hotels.
The London hotel, which comprises 20% of group income, is audited annually. Other hotels are
audited on a rotational basis, with each hotel being audited at least once every three years.
An ‘audit’ comprises a number of elements, all of which have to have been carried out (although not
all at the same time) for the full cyclical audit to have been completed. These elements are:
• Surprise cash counts in key cash transactions areas (reception, bar, restaurant)
• Asset inspections, particularly linens and leisure facilities
• Inventory count for certain assets, particularly the larder and bar
• Tests of controls in key systems: sales, purchases, payroll (RH has a systems manual that all hotels
are required to follow)
• Health and safety control systems testing
• Review of actual results against budget for the year
In addition, the internal audit function is sometimes required to carry out a special investigation. In
2019, there was a special investigation into VAT errors at one hotel. Currently, the directors of RH,
concerned at the results of analytical review on bar income at one of the hotels, are considering
implementing a discrepancy investigation at that hotel.

Interactive question 1: Internal audit activities

Lightening plc has an organisational structure which includes accounting, human resources, internal
audit and audit committee.
Which department should not be involved in determining pay rises?
A Accounting
B Human resources
C Internal audit
D Audit committee

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 197


The internal audit function is an appraisal activity

established or provided as a service to the entity. Its
functions include, amongst other things, examining,
evaluating and monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness
of internal control

Monitoring for adequacy and effectiveness

Therefore, must stay objective. Not involved in operational activities.

198 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 What is an internal audit function?

2 Name three key differences between external and internal audit.

3 It is possible to buy in an internal audit service from an external organisation.

A True
B False

4 As objectivity is a key issue for internal auditors, they are likely to routinely be involved in operational
A True
B False

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 199

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain what an internal audit function is? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the four ways in which internal audit may be distinguished
from the external audit? (Topic 1)

(3) Can you identify the principal activities of an internal audit function? (Topic 2)

(4) What is the role of internal audit in respect of risk? (Topic 2)

(5) Can you explain what an operational audit is? (Topic 2)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 9 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this chapter
for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not provided
sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these questions, you can
move onto the next chapter, Documentation.

200 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 201
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

C Internal audit
The internal audit function must not become involved in operational activities

202 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 The internal audit function is an appraisal activity established or provided as a service to the entity

2 The following three are key differences:

• External report to members, internal to directors
• External report on financial statements, internal on systems, controls and risks
• External are independent of the company, internal often employed by it

3 Correct answer(s):
A True

4 Correct answer(s):
B False
The reverse is true.

ICAEW 2021 9: Internal audit 203

204 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 10


Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Purpose of documentation
2 Form and content of documentation
3 Safe custody and retention of documentation
4 Ownership of and right of access to documentation
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• state the reasons for preparing and keeping documentation relating to an assurance engagement
Specific syllabus references for this chapter: 3a

Syllabus links
One reason for keeping working papers is to protect the assurance provider in the event of a
negligence claim. This will be looked at in more detail in Audit and Assurance.

Examination context
This topic is likely to be examined on a regular basis and questions should be reasonably
straightforward if you are well prepared.
There was one question in the sample paper on documentation, looking at the reasons behind
preparing particular pieces of documentation and whether these reasons were valid.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 10 Documentation.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Purpose of Chapter 10 deals This topic is likely

documentation with the to be examined
Assurance straightforward on a regular basis
providers need topic of audit and questions
to keep working documentation. should be
papers about the Read through the reasonably
work they have section carefully, straightforward if
done for clients, making notes as you are well
so assurance you go. prepared.
firms will have There was one
stores of files question in the
relating to their sample exam on
clients. documentation,
Stop and think looking at the
reasons behind
Why are preparing
assurance particular pieces
providers of
required to keep documentation
working papers and whether
on the work they these reasons
have done? were valid.

206 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

2 Form and Read through the This topic is likely 1, 2

content of section carefully, to be examined
documentation making notes as on a regular basis
If you work in you go and and questions
practice, you will paying particular should be
prepare working attention to the reasonably
papers from very worked example. straightforward if
early on in your you are well
career, so it is prepared.
important to
know the key
contents of these
and the purpose
of them so that
you record the
correct details
within them.
Some contents
are required by
ISAs, but each
firm will have a
particular way of
detailing their
work and
keeping their
files, which you
will learn very
quickly. Most
firms have pre-
printed or
working papers
which already
contain some of
the reference
details that the
working papers
are required to

3 Safe custody and Read through the This topic is likely 3

retention of section carefully, to be examined
documentation making notes as on a regular basis
Firms are you go. and questions
required to keep Sections 3 and 4 should be
them for a set are more reasonably
period of time technical in straightforward if
and may keep nature than the you are well
them for longer if first two, so read prepared.
they feel it through them
benefits the carefully. Notice
relationship. the minimum
These records period for which
must be kept audit documents

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 207

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

secure. Firms must be retained

may keep files in and that they are
paper or the property of
electronic form, the assurance
which will bring provider.
different security

4 Ownership of Read through the This topic is likely

and right of section carefully, to be examined
access to making notes as on a regular basis
documentation you go, and and questions
attempt the should be
interactive reasonably
question. straightforward if
you are well

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

208 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Purpose of documentation
Section overview

• Assurance providers should document the work they have done.

• This should be a record of the procedures performed, the evidence obtained and the conclusions
• This provides evidence that the engagement was performed in accordance with any relevant
standards, law or regulatory requirements.
• A record of work done also assists the team to plan and direct work, facilitates review by senior
staff, provides accountability for work, provides a record of matters that are relevant to future
engagements and enables experienced auditors to carry out any additional reviews necessary.

All assurance work must be documented: the working papers are the tangible evidence of the work
done in support of the conclusion. Although the term ‘working papers’ continues to be used,
modern audit practices are likely to retain little paper documentation on file, with most documents
being retained electronically.
Audit documentation provides:
(a) evidence for the auditor’s basis for a conclusion about the achievement of the overall objectives
of the auditor
(b) evidence that the audit was planned and performed in accordance with ISAs and applicable
legal and regulatory requirements
They must be prepared on a timely basis. Documentation prepared after the audit work has been
performed is likely to be less accurate than timely documentation.

Audit documentation (working papers): The record of procedures performed, relevant evidence
obtained and conclusions the auditor reached.

In addition, particularly in relation to audit, assurance providers record their work to:
• assist the audit team to plan and perform the audit;
• assist relevant members of the team to direct and supervise work
• enable the audit team to be accountable for its work (and to prove adherence to ISAs in a litigious
• retain a record of matters of continuing significance to future audits;
• enable an experienced auditor to carry out quality control reviews; and
• enable an experienced auditor to conduct external inspections in accordance with applicable
legal, regulatory or other requirements.
Auditors may find it helpful to include in the audit documentation a summary of all significant matters
arising during the audit and how these were addressed. This summary will facilitate effective and
efficient reviews of the audit documentation. Additionally, it may assist the auditor’s consideration of
significant matters and help the auditor to consider if any individual ISA objectives have not been

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

One important reason for retaining proper working papers - beyond the fact that doing so is a
requirement of ISAs - is that it allows the auditor to demonstrate that they actually performed the
audit in accordance with professional standards. This could be crucial if the auditor were to be sued
for negligence, as the auditor may then need to show that in performing the audit they had applied
the required standard of care.

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 209

2 Form and content of documentation
Section overview

• Working papers should be headed in a certain way and contain certain information.
• They may be automated.

Working papers should be sufficiently complete and detailed to provide an overall understanding of
the engagement.
However, assurance providers cannot record everything they consider. Therefore judgement must be
used as to the extent of working papers, based on the following general rule (given in an audit
context - in ISA (UK) 230: para. 8):
Documentation that is sufficient to enable an experienced auditor, having no previous connection
with the audit, to understand the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures performed to comply
with the ISAs and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, the results of audit procedures
performed and the audit evidence obtained, and significant matters arising during the audit, the
conclusions reached thereon and significant professional judgements made in reaching those
The form and content of working papers are affected by matters such as:
• The size and complexity of the entity
• The nature of the audit procedures to be performed
• The identified risks of material misstatement
• The significance of the audit evidence obtained
• The nature and extent of exceptions identified
• The need to document a conclusion or the basis for a conclusion not readily determinable from
the documentation of the work performed or audit evidence obtained
• The audit methodology and tools used

Context example: Audit file

An audit file will normally contain the following working papers:
• Information obtained in understanding the entity and its environment, including its internal
control, such as the following:
– information concerning legal documents, agreements and minutes
– extracts from, or copies of, important legal documents, agreements and minutes
– information concerning the industry, economic and legislative environment within which the
entity operates
– extracts from the entity’s internal control manual
• evidence of the planning process including audit plans and any changes thereto
• evidence of the auditor’s consideration of the work of the internal audit function and conclusions
• analyses of transactions and balances
• analyses of significant ratios and trends
• the identified and assessed risks of material misstatements
• a record of the nature, timing, extent and results of audit procedures
• evidence that the work performed by assistants was supervised and reviewed
• an indication as to who performed the audit procedures and when they were performed
• details of audit procedures applied regarding components whose financial statements are
audited by another auditor

210 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• copies of communications with other auditors, experts and other third parties
• copies of letters or notes concerning audit matters communicated to or discussed with
management, including the terms of the engagement and material weaknesses in internal control
• written representations received from the entity (these are covered in Chapter 12)
• conclusions reached by the auditor concerning significant aspects of the audit, including how
exceptions and unusual matters, if any, disclosed by the auditor’s procedures were resolved or
• copies of the financial statements and auditor’s reports
• notes of discussions about significant matters with management and others
• in exceptional circumstances, the reasons for departing from a basic principle or essential
procedure of an ISA and how the alternative procedure performed achieved the audit objective

Working papers should show:

• the name of the client • how any sample was selected

• the reporting date • the sample size determined
• the file reference of the working paper • the work done
• the name of the preparer • a key to any audit ticks or symbols
• the date of preparation • appropriate cross-referencing
• the subject of the working paper • the results obtained
• the name of the reviewer • analysis of errors
• the date of the review • other significant observations
• the objective of the work done • the conclusions drawn
• the source of information • the key points highlighted

Context example: Working paper

1 Client 1 Example Ltd Prepared by Farhana Haque 4 Date 16/2/X4 7
2 Subject 6 Payables Reviewed by Wendy Smith 5 Date 3/3/X4 8
E.3.1 E.3.1

3 Year end 2 31 December 20X3 3

5 9 To ensure payables ledger balances fairly stated.
6 10 10
Selected a sample of trade payables as at 31 December and reconciled the supplier's statement to the year end payables ledger balance.
7 Procedures 11
9 Results 13 See E.3.2 E.3.2
12 An adjustment is required. 14
14 Dr Trade payables 4,975
15 Cr Purchases 4,975 H.1.2 H.1.2
17 One other error was found, which was immaterial, and which was the fault of the supplier.
18 14

21 Conclusion 15

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 211

1 Client Example Ltd Prepared by Farhana Haque Date 16/2/X4 E.3.2
2 Subject Payables Reviewed by Wendy Smith Date 3/3/X4
3 Year end 31 December 20X3
Client Balance per Balance per Agreed Reconcilling
5 payables supplier item
ledger statement
6 £ £ £ £
7 A Ltd 300.00 300.00 ü
8 B Ltd 747.00 732.00 15.00 û 15.00
10 1,047.00
11 ^

1 The name of the client 8 The date of the review
2 The reporting date 9 The objective of the work done
3 The file reference of the working paper 10 The sources of information
4 The name of the person preparing the 11 The work done
working paper 12 A key to any audit ticks or symbols
5 The date the working paper was prepared [none used here]
6 The subject of the working paper 13 The results obtained
7 The name of the person reviewing the 14
Analysis of errors or other significant
working paper observations
15 The conclusions drawn

The auditor shall record the identifying characteristics of specific items or matters being tested.

2.1 Automated and electronic working papers

Automated working paper packages have been developed which can make the documenting of
audit work much easier. Such programs aid preparation of working papers, lead schedules, trial
balance and the financial statements themselves. These are automatically cross referenced, adjusted
and balanced by the computer.
The advantages of automated working papers are as follows:
• The risk of errors is reduced.
• The working papers are neater and easier to review.
• The time saved is substantial as adjustments can be made easily to all working papers, including
working papers summarising the key analytical information.
In contrast to automated working papers, electronic working papers do not involve any automatic
calculations (although these can be made use of if desired). Most audit firms nowadays – certainly all
of the big firms – use electronic working papers.
Usually these take the form of a database containing all of the working papers (which may be
Microsoft Office documents), which make up an electronic audit file. Electronic working papers can
be cross-referenced within the program, and then signed off electronically by the preparer and by
reviewers with various levels of authority. Written notes can be left for team members, and review
points can be left electronically.
These days most documents are scanned and stored electronically rather than in paper form.

2.2 Filing working papers

Firms should have standard referencing and filing procedures for working papers, to facilitate their

212 Assurance ICAEW 2021

For recurring audits, working papers may be split between permanent and current audit files,
although this distinction is fading as audit files become automated, and ‘permanent’ documents can
be scanned and carried in computer files year on year.
Permanent audit files (contain any information of continuing importance to the audit). These may
• engagement letters
• new client questionnaire
• the memorandum and articles of association
• other legal documents such as prospectuses, leases, sales agreements
• details of the history of the client’s business
• board minutes of continuing relevance
• previous years’ signed accounts and analytical procedures
• accounting systems notes, previous years’ control questionnaires
Current audit files (contain any information of relevance to the current year’s audit). These should be
compiled on a timely basis after the completion of the audit and should contain (amongst other
• Financial statements
• Accounts checklists
• Management accounts details
• Reconciliations of management accounts and financial statements
• A summary of unadjusted errors
• Report to partner including details of significant events and errors
• Review notes
• Audit planning memorandum
• Time budgets and summaries
• Written representations from management
• Notes of board minutes
• Communications with third parties such as experts or other auditors
They also contain working papers covering each audit area. These should include the following:
• A lead schedule including details of the figures to be included in the accounts
• Problems encountered and conclusions drawn
• Audit plans
• Risk assessments
• Sampling plans
• Analytical procedures
• Details of tests of detail and tests of control

3 Safe custody and retention of documentation

Section overview

• Assurance providers should retain documents for a certain period of time.

• Documents must be kept secure during this period due to confidentiality requirements.

Judgement may have to be used in deciding the duration of holding working papers, and further
consideration should be given to the matter before their destruction. ICAEW requires that all firms
should have a document retention policy and that Registered Auditors should keep all audit working

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 213

papers required by auditing standards for at least six years from the end of the accounting period to
which they relate.
Given that assurance work must be kept confidential (as we shall see in Chapter 16), it is important
that firms have good security procedures over their retained working papers. Paper documents must
be kept securely, in locked premises. Electronic documents should be protected by electronic

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The requirement to keep working papers safe and confidential applies to every member of the audit
team - so working papers should not be accessed when on public transport, for example, if this puts
their confidentiality at risk.

4 Ownership of and right of access to

Section overview

• Working papers belong to the assurance providers.

• The report, once issued, belongs to the client.
• Assurance providers must keep working papers confidential.
• They may show working papers to the client at their discretion.
• They should obtain client permission before showing working papers to third parties.

ICAEW regulations, standards and guidance (available at

standards-and-guidance) provides members with assistance in relation to documents and records:
ownership, lien and rights of access.
Working papers are the property of the assurance providers. They are not a substitute for, nor part of,
the entity’s accounting records. However, the report becomes the property of the client once it has
been issued.
Assurance providers must follow ethical guidance on the confidentiality of working papers. As
working papers belong to the firm, the assurance providers are not required to show them to the
client. However, the firm may show working papers to the client at their discretion, so long as the
assurance process is not prejudiced.
Information should not be made available to third parties without the permission of the client. An
example of when working papers might be shared with a third party is when a new firm is taking over
an audit from the existing auditors.

Interactive question 1: Documentation

The auditor will prepare documentation in relation to the fieldwork carried out on an assurance
Indicate whether the following are, or are not, valid reasons for preparing such documentation.

Valid / Not valid

To comply with the law

To provide a record of matters of continuing significance to

future audits.

214 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Valid / Not valid

To facilitate review by senior staff.

To prove adherence to ISAs in a litigious situation

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

The table shows how the ownership of documents depends on the nature of the work being carried

Nature of work Type of document Who has



Preparation of auditor’s report Any documents prepared by member solely Member

whether carried out under for purpose of carrying out his duties as
statutory provisions or not auditor

Auditor’s Report Client


Preparation of accounting records Accounting Records Client

Preparation of financial Financial statements Client

statements from client’s records
Draft/office copy of financial statements Member

Correspondence with third parties Member

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 215


Assurance providers should

document the work they have done

This should be a record of the

procedures performed, the evidence
obtained and the conclusions reached

This provides evidence that the A record of work done also assists the
engagement was performed in team to plan and direct work, facilitates
accordance with any relevant review by senior staff, provides
standards, law or regulatory accountability for work, keeps a record
requirements of matters that are relevant to future
engagements and enables
experienced staff to carry out any
additional reviews necessary

Working papers should be

kept in assurance files

Assurance firms should have

a document retention policy

Files must be kept securely

to ensure confidentiality
requirements are met

Working papers belong to Working papers may be shown to

the firm. Issued reports the client at the assurance
belong to the client provider's discretion. Working
papers may only be shown to third
parties with the client's permission
(duty of confidentiality)

216 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 State whether the following are advantages or disadvantages of standardised audit working papers:


Facilitate the delegation of work

Detract from proper exercise of professional


Means to control quality

2 Complete the table, indicating in which file the working papers given below should be included.

Current audit file Permanent audit file

• Engagement letters
• New client questionnaire
• Financial statements relating to year under review
• Accounts checklists
• Audit planning memo
• Board minutes of continuing relevance
• Accounting systems notes

3 Which three of the following are true?

A Working papers belong to the auditor
B The issued auditor’s report belongs to the auditor
C Auditors should retain working papers securely because of the duty of confidentiality
D Auditors need client permission to share working papers with third parties

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 217

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain why the auditor should keep audit documentation? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the matters that affect the form and content of working
papers? (Topic 2)

(3) Can you identify the items that should be included in the permanent and
current audit files respectively? (Topic 2)

(4) For how long should audit working papers be retained? (Topic 3)

(5) Who owns the audit working papers? (Topic 4)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 10 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Evidence and sampling.

218 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Technical references

• Nature and purposes of audit documentation – ISA (UK) 230.2 – 3

• Form and content of documentation – ISA (UK) 230.8 – 11
• Ownership of and right of access to documentation – ICAEW regulations, standards and guidance

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 219

220 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

It is not a legal requirement for the auditor to prepare working papers.

Valid / Not valid

To comply with the law Not valid

To provide a record of matters of continuing significance to Valid

future audits.

To facilitate review by senior staff. Valid

To prove adherence to ISAs in a litigious situation Valid

ICAEW 2021 10: Documentation 221

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Advantage/Disadvantage:


Facilitate the delegation of work Advantage

Detract from proper exercise of professional Disadvantage


Means to control quality Advantage

2 Current audit file/Permanent audit file:

Current audit file Permanent audit file

Financial statements relating to year under review Engagement letters

Accounts checklists New client questionnaire

Audit planning memo Board minutes of continuing relevance

Accounting systems notes

3 Correct answer(s):
A Working papers belong to the auditor
C Auditors should retain working papers securely because of the duty of confidentiality
D Auditors need client permission to share working papers with third parties

222 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 11

Evidence and sampling

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Evidence
2 Selecting items to test
3 Drawing conclusions from sampling
4 Evaluation of misstatements
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• identify the different methods of obtaining evidence from the use of tests of control, substantive
procedures, including analytical procedures and data analytics
• recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the different methods of obtaining evidence
• identify the situations within which the different methods of obtaining evidence should and
should not be used
• compare the reliability of different types of assurance evidence
• recognise when the quantity (including factors affecting sample design) and quality of evidence
gathered is of a sufficient and appropriate level, after taking account of sampling risk, to draw
conclusions on which to base a report
Specific syllabus references for this chapter: 3b, c, d, e, g

Syllabus links
In Audit and Assurance you will focus on the drawing conclusions part of evidence, based on the
collection of evidence that we focus on in this Assurance manual.

Examination context
This is a very important part of your syllabus and the issues discussed here and previously in Chapter
4 underpin the following two chapters as well. You can expect a number of practical and theoretical
questions in the assessment covering audit evidence.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 11 Evidence and sampling.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Evidence Section 1.1 of This is a very 3

Evidence is what this chapter picks important part of
the assurance up on some of your syllabus and
conclusion is the points on the issues
based on. evidence discussed here
Therefore, in introduced in and previously in
practice, knowing Chapter 4. Chapter 4
which tests to Review these underpin the
carry out and points briefly as following two
how many items they should be chapters as well.
to test is an familiar. Then You can expect a
important read through number of
practical skill. sections 1.2 – practical and
Getting it wrong 1.6. Notice in theoretical
may cost the firm particular the questions in the
money, if too different assessment

224 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

much work is procedures covering audit

done, or leave which can be evidence.
the firm exposed used to obtain
to negligence evidence and the
claims, if way in which
insufficient work CAATs may be
is done. It is an used.
area where Section 1.4
considerable considers
judgement will analytical
have to be procedures as a
exercised. substantive
Stop and think procedure. You
How do you think will have come
an auditor across analytical
determines how procedures in
much evidence Chapter 3 as a
to obtain? planning
question 1 before
moving on.

2 Selecting items Section 2 looks at This is an 1, 2, 5

to test the issue of important and
If you are training sampling. This is examinable
in practice, you quite a technical section. It covers
are likely to be topic so read a lot of material
involved in through it slowly so you will need
obtaining ensuring that you to work hard to
evidence, but understand the be ready for
less likely to be various questions in this
involved in the definitions as you area.
more work through.
judgemental Also note the
areas of how to different ways of
obtain it and how selecting the
much of it to sample in section
obtain. 2.3 and review
the worked

3 Drawing Continue to work This is another 4

conclusions from through this important section
sampling material on that you are likely
As you progress sampling, to be tested on.
with your including the
training, you will worked example,
be given and attempt the
opportunity to interactive
make question.
judgements in
this area. You will
be expected to
draw conclusions
from the audit

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 225

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

work you have

undertaken from
an early stage. It
is important
therefore to
understand why
you are carrying
out a particular
procedure and
what you intend
to achieve by it.

4 Evaluation of Work through This section may

misstatements this section and come up in your
It is not attempt the exam, but it is
uncommon for interactive slightly harder to
the auditor to question at the test than some of
encounter end. the other
misstatements material. It is only
when conducting a short section,
audit procedures. however, so it
It is important should not be too
that you know onerous for you
how to handle to retain the
them. information here.

Stop and think

What would you
do if you
encountered a
when performing
an audit

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

226 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Evidence
Section overview

• Evidence must be sufficient and appropriate.

• Evidence is obtained in the form of substantive procedures and/or tests of controls.
• Evidence can be obtained by inspection, observation, inquiry and confirmation, recalculation,
reperformance and analytical procedures.
• Substantive procedures will test for evidence of understatement or overstatement of account

1.1 Overview of evidence from Chapter 4

You studied the basic principles of evidence in Chapter 4. These are the key points:
Evidence includes all the information contained within the accounting records underlying the
financial statements, and other information gathered by the assurance providers, such as
confirmations from third parties. Evidence is obtained in relation to the financial statement assertions
which were set out in Chapter 4. There are two types of audit procedures; tests of controls (which we
have looked at in detail in Chapters 5 to 9) and substantive procedures (which we will look at in more
detail in Chapters 12 and 13).
ISA 500 states that evidence must be sufficient and appropriate.
• Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence.
• Appropriateness is the measure of the quality or relevance and reliability of the audit evidence.
We will look at the quantity of evidence obtained in section 2 below.
There are some general principles relating to the quality of evidence which were set out in Chapter

Quality of evidence

External Evidence from external sources is more reliable than that obtained from the
entity’s records

Auditor Evidence obtained directly by assurance providers is more reliable than that
obtained indirectly or by inference

Entity Evidence obtained from the entity’s records is more reliable when related
control systems operate effectively

Written Evidence in the form of documents (paper or electronic) or written

representations are more reliable than oral representations

Originals Original documents are more reliable than photocopies, or facsimiles

1.2 Procedures to obtain evidence

Assurance providers obtain evidence by one or more of the following procedures outlined in ISA

Procedures Explanation Strengths and weaknesses

Inspection of Inspection (physical examination) of Inspection of assets is a good

tangible assets tangible assets that are recorded in the procedure, particularly in the
accounting records confirms existence, but case of assets that the entity
does not confirm rights and obligations or could not function without (for
valuation. For example, machinery example its production plant), but
recorded in asset register can be the weakness associated with

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 227

Procedures Explanation Strengths and weaknesses

inspected by assurance providers. inspection is that assets not used

Confirmation that assets seen are recorded in daily production could be
in accounting records gives evidence of hidden from the assurance
completeness. However, this is limited to providers and not included in
assets assurance providers can see – if financial statements.
assets have been taken off site (hidden)
they might not be picked up.

Inspection of Inspection of documents involves The strength of this procedure

documentation examining records or documents, for depends on what is being
example, looking at a sales contract or a inspected to give evidence. For
share certificate. instance, inspection of a purchase
What inspection of documents achieves invoice gives better quality
depends on the nature of the document. evidence than inspection of sales
For example, looking at a share certificate invoice, because a purchase
gives evidence of the existence of the invoice is created by a third party.
investment. Looking at source documents
(eg, sales invoices) and tracing to financial
statements gives evidence of
completeness (eg, of revenue).
Inspection also provides evidence of
valuation (for example, a purchase invoice
gives evidence of the cost of inventory),
rights and obligations (for example, a hire
purchase agreement gives evidence in
relation to ownership of non-current
assets) and the nature of items
(presentation and disclosure). It can also
be used to compare documents (and
hence test consistency of audit evidence)
and confirm authorisation.

Observation This involves watching a procedure being This procedure is relatively weak,
performed (for example, post opening). as it only confirms that the
procedure is being performed
correctly when the assurance
provider is watching.

Inquiry This involves seeking information from The strength or weakness of this
client management or staff or external procedure will depend on of
sources and evaluating responses. whom the inquiry is being made –
a member of client staff could
misrepresent matters to the
assurance provider if they
misunderstand the nature of the
question, or they are seeking to
conceal a misstatement or fraud.

External This involves seeking confirmation from a This can be a very strong
confirmation (a third party eg, confirmation from bank of procedure but there may be
particular form bank balances. instances where the third party is
of inquiry) motivated to misrepresent, for
example an understated
receivables balance might be
confirmed because it favoured
the customer.


228 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Procedures Explanation Strengths and weaknesses

Checking mathematical accuracy of client’s Recalculation is evidence created

records, for example, adding up ledger by the assurance provider so is
accounts. strong evidence.

Reperformance Independently executing procedures or Again, the fact that the assurance
controls, either manually or through the provider carries out the
use of computer assisted audit techniques performance of a control himself
(covered below). makes it strong evidence.

Analytical Evaluating and comparing financial and/or Evidence here is limited by the
procedures non-financial data for plausible strength or weakness of the
relationships and investigating unexpected underlying accounting system.
fluctuations. However, this can be a strong
procedure if comparison is made
to items that do not rely on the
same accounting system or that
the assurance provider can
corroborate outside the
accounting system.

Often these procedures will be used in conjunction with one another to provide a greater quality of
evidence. For example, an assurance provider might observe controls in operation and then
reperform the control himself to confirm that it operates as he has observed. Auditors will gather
detailed evidence but other assurance providers may need less evidence.

1.3 Computer assisted audit techniques

With so many accounting systems now held on computer, the assurance provider may wish to make
use of computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs). These have been mentioned before in your
Workbook, particularly in Chapter 5. There are three main types of CAAT that can be used:
• test data
• audit software
• data analytics

1.3.1 Test data

Under this test of control, the assurance provider supervises the process of running data through the
client’s system. The stages in the use of test data are as follows:
• Note controls in client’s system
• Decide upon test data, the options include:
– dummy data (the assurance provider must be very careful to reverse all effects)
– real data (the data may not contain all the errors necessary to test the controls rigorously)
– dummy data against a verified copy of the client’s system (much safer)
• Run the test data
• Compare results with those expected
• Conclude on whether controls are operating properly

Context example: Test data

Test data makes use of the client’s own system. To carry out such a test the assurance provider
identifies a control (or series of controls) in the client’s system. The assurance provider then predicts
the system’s reaction to the test data. For example:
• an invoice which does not cast should be rejected when entered in the system.
• an invoice with an invalid supplier code should be rejected.
• dates outside the current year should be rejected.

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 229

• valid data should be posted to the correct account.
The assurance provider then runs the test data through the client’s system (or a copy thereof) and
compares the results with those expected. The results tell the assurance provider whether the
controls within the system are operating correctly; the test is therefore a test of control.

1.3.2 Audit software

Audit software makes use of the assurance providers’ own specialised software. There are a number
of off-the-shelf packages available, or the assurance provider could have a tailor-made system. Audit
software works on the basis of interrogating the client’s system and extracting and analysing
information. It can therefore carry out a whole range of substantive procedures, across all sorts of
different data.
Examples of what audit software can do include the following:
• Extract a sample according to specified criteria:
– Random
– Over a certain amount
– Below a certain amount
– At certain dates
• Calculate ratios and select those outside set criteria (eg, more than 5% different from last year)
• Check calculations and casts performed by the system
• Prepare reports (eg, comparison of actual against budgeted figures)
• Follow items through a system and flag where they are posted
The procedures listed above are mostly substantive procedures, because they are substantiating the
figures in the accounts. To generate more procedures that can be done using audit software, just
think of the substantive procedures that you may wish to carry out, and consider whether the
information is held on the client’s computer (you can normally assume that it is). If the test does not
require judgement, then it can almost certainly be carried out by audit software.

1.3.3 Data analytics

Data analytics: When used to obtain audit evidence in a financial statement audit, data analytics is
the science and art of discovering and analysing patterns, deviations and inconsistencies, and
extracting other useful information in the data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit
through analysis, modelling and visualisation for the purpose of planning and performing the audit.
FRC, 2017, Audit Quality Thematic Review: The Use of Data Analytics in the Audit of Financial

Within an audit context this is sometimes known as Audit Data Analytics, or ADA.
Data analytics is a very hot topic in the auditing profession, and can be seen as part of the broader
revolution wrought by ‘big data’. Data analytics are fundamentally a modern, developed form of
CAATs, and whereas CAATs never really changed the audit profession as a whole, it is possible that
data analytics will do.
Auditors have for many years used computers to help them, developing the CAATs and audit
software discussed above, but technology has not really been powerful enough to make these tools
worth the time that needed to be invested in them. A key problem was the need to tailor the CAATs
to each audit client, which could be costly. Many auditors did not use them.
In recent years, however, computing power has developed to the point where much more complex
testing can be performed on data, but crucially without the need to create tailor-made software.
Data analytics software came from the older audit software, but is standardised and more powerful.
Now, standard data analytics techniques can simply be applied to a client’s data, and since this is a
much more efficient process than before, it is beginning to be adopted widely within the profession.
Auditors can generate intuitive visualisations of very complex data (eg, bubble, bar or pie charts),
which they can then use in their analysis to spot trends that might otherwise have been missed.

230 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Here are some examples of specific areas where ADA may be useful:
• Analyse all transactions in a population, stratify that population and identify outliers for further
• Reperform calculations relevant to the financial statements
• Match transactions as they pass through a processing cycle
• Assist in segregation of duties testing
• Compare entity data to externally obtained data
• Manipulate data to assess the impact of different assumptions.
• Analyses of revenue trends split by product or region
• Matches of orders to cash and purchases to payments
• Three-way matches between purchase/sales orders, goods received/despatched documentation
and invoices
• ‘Can do, did do testing’ of user codes to test whether segregation of duties is appropriate, and
whether any inappropriate combinations of users have been involved in processing transactions.
(FRC, 2017: p7)

1.4 Analytical procedures

ISA (UK) 520, Analytical Procedures gives more detail on the use of analytical procedures as
substantive procedures (optional) and at the overall review stage (compulsory) of an audit. The use of
analytical procedures in planning (compulsory) is included in ISA 315 and was covered in Chapter 3.
These ISAs apply to audits only, but all assurance providers may be able to use analytical procedures
(indeed, they will be an important tool where less detailed evidence is required) and will need to
consider the same general principles.
ISA 520 describes how the auditor must decide whether using substantive analytical procedures will
be effective and efficient in reducing audit risk to an acceptably low level. Auditors may find it
effective to use analytical data prepared by the entity’s management, provided they are satisfied that
it has been properly prepared.
There are a number of factors that the auditors should consider when using analytical procedures as
substantive procedures:
• Objective of the analytical procedures (for example analytical procedures may be good at
indicating whether a population is complete)
• Suitability of analytical procedures
• Reliability of the data

Factor Issues to consider

Suitability • Generally analytical procedures are more applicable to large

volumes of transactions that tend to be predictable (for
example, payroll).
• It depends on the purpose of the test – for example, some
analytical procedures will provide persuasive evidence and
others will provide corroboration of other tests.
• Other audit tests directed to the same assertions.
• The auditor must decide if analytical procedures are suitable
given the nature of the assertion and the assessment of risk
associated with it.

Reliability of the data • The source of the information used (third party or internal, for
• The comparability of the information (for example, an industry
standard may not be useful if the company is unusual within the
• Nature and relevance of the information used (for example, if
comparing something to budget, is the budget realistic or more

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 231

Factor Issues to consider

of a target?).
• Whether there are controls over the production of the
information used to ensure completeness, accuracy, validity.

Precision • The accuracy with which results in test area can be predicted (for
example, compare gross margin with a less predictable item, for
example, advertising).
• The extent to which information can be disaggregated (for
example, by division).
• Availability of required information.

Acceptable difference This is influenced by materiality and the desired level of assurance.
As assessed risk rises, the amount of difference from expected
results considered acceptable without investigation will reduce.

When analytical procedures identify significant fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with
other relevant information, or that are not the results that were expected, this must be investigated
The auditor shall make inquiries of management about the inconsistency or unexpected result and
then corroborate those replies with other evidence.
If management responses cannot be corroborated or are unavailable, the auditor shall perform other
audit procedures as necessary.
The auditor may consider testing the operating effectiveness of controls, if any, over the preparation
of information used in applying analytical procedures. When such controls are effective, the auditor
generally has greater confidence in the reliability of the information, and therefore in the results of
analytical procedures.
The operating effectiveness of controls over non-financial information may often be tested in
conjunction with other tests of controls. For example, in establishing controls over the processing of
sales invoices, a business may include controls over the recording of sales units. In these
circumstances the auditor may test the operating effectiveness of controls over the recording of unit
sales in conjunction with tests of the operating effectiveness of controls over the processing of sales
The suitability of a particular analytical procedure will depend upon the auditor’s assessment of how
effective it will be in detecting a misstatement that may cause the financial statements to be
materially misstated.
The ISA states that ‘the auditor shall design and perform analytical procedures near the end of the
audit that assist the auditor when forming an overall conclusion as to whether the financial
statements are consistent with the auditor’s understanding of the entity’ (ISA (UK) 520: para. 6).
The conclusions from these analytical procedures should corroborate the conclusions formed from
other audit procedures on parts of the financial statements. This assists the auditor to draw
reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion. However, these analytical procedures
may identify a previously unrecognised risk of material misstatement. In such circumstances the
auditor is required to revise the auditor’s assessment of the risks of material misstatement and
modify the further planned audit procedures accordingly.
As we have discussed, analytical procedures should be used at the risk assessment stage. Possible
sources of information about the client include:
• interim financial information
• budgets
• management accounts
• non-financial information
• bank and cash records
• sales tax returns
• board minutes

232 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• discussions or correspondence with the client at the year end
Auditors may also use specific industry information or general knowledge of current industry
conditions to assess the client’s performance.
As well as helping to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures, such
analytical procedures may also indicate aspects of the business of which the auditors were previously
unaware. Auditors are looking to see if developments in the client’s business have had the expected
effects. They will be particularly interested in changes in audit areas where problems have occurred
in the past.

1.5 Directional testing

For any item in the final statements which is being tested there are two possibilities. It could be fairly
stated or misstated.
If it is misstated there are again two possibilities. It could be:
• overstated; or
• understated.
When testing for overstatement (or existence/occurrence) a different approach is used from testing
for understatement (or completeness).

Context example: Two invoices

Imagine two invoices, each for £1,000.
Invoice 1 is a fraudulent invoice for the purchase of a non-current asset and should not have been
posted. As a result, non-current assets are overstated by £1,000 (before depreciation). To find this
misstatement the auditor can either:
• look at all the purchase invoices and try to identify the fraudulent one; or
• look at the figure for non-current assets in the financial statements and gradually follow the audit
trail until arriving at persuasive supporting evidence.
One might think that either of these approaches would work. If the fraudulent invoice had been
suppressed in some way, however, it would be impossible to find it by looking through the invoices.
It follows therefore that, when testing for overstatement, the auditor should start with the figures
given, and follow the audit trail until coming to the supporting documentation.
To summarise, the pattern for overstatement testing is as follows:

Figure in the



Now consider invoice 2, a sales invoice which has been omitted resulting in an understatement of
revenue by £1,000. In this case, selecting a sample from the final revenue figure in the financial
statements will be no use. As the item has been omitted, it will be impossible to select it and test it.
So in order to test for understatement the auditor will have to select from a population which will give
the chance of selecting omitted items. Such a population has been described as ‘a reciprocal
population’. For invoice 2, that population would be the entity’s dispatch notes, provided that the
auditor is satisfied that all despatches are ‘captured’ on dispatch notes at the point of dispatch.
A reciprocal population for accounts payable is more difficult to arrive at. Paragraph A27 of ISA 500
suggests that when testing accounts payable for understatement, such a population could be:

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 233

• subsequent disbursements
• unpaid invoices
• suppliers’ statements
• unmatched receiving reports
The pattern for understatement (or completeness) testing can be summarised as follows.

Reciprocal Supporting
population evidence


Figure in the

Traditionally directional testing has been used as a mechanism for reducing the amount of testing
done. If in a double entry bookkeeping system there is a debit for every credit, the trial balance
balances and all debit entries (expenses and assets) are tested for overstatement, and all credit
entries (revenue, liabilities, equity and reserves) are tested for understatement, it is possible to draw
the conclusion that, if no misstatements are found, all items are fairly stated.
The ‘normal’ approach adopted, therefore, is to test debits for overstatement and credits for
However, note that the majority of high profile corporate scandals (including Enron) have involved
the overstatement of income rather than its understatement. Money laundering schemes would also
tend to show similar characteristics. It is important therefore to assess the true risks, rather than
automatically apply a formula.

Interactive question 1: Evidence

In respect of an assurance engagement, which one of the following is the least persuasive method of
gathering evidence?
A Inspection of a purchase invoice
B Inspection of a sales invoice
C Inspection of inventory by the auditor
D Reperformance of a supplier statement reconciliation undertaken by the client

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.6 Audit of accounting estimates

The auditor often has to audit estimated figures, such as those for product warranties, depreciation,
inventory or receivables allowances, where the values included in the financial statements are not the
result of transactions with third parties (which are fairly reliable) but result from judgements made by
management. Yet these figures can have a very significant effect on reported profits.
There is a risk that management may be biased in the judgements it makes when calculating
estimated figures. The auditor must therefore approach these values with professional scepticism
regarding the judgements made.
The audit approach required is set out in ISA (UK) 540 (Revised), Auditing Accounting Estimates and
Related Disclosures. Essentially, if risk assessment procedures have identified a risk of material
misstatement due to accounting estimates, the auditor can respond by undertaking one or more of
the following methods.

234 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Method Example

Test the process that management Management may use a formula to calculate the
used to estimate the figure and the allowance for receivables. The auditor can test this by:
data on which it is based • (checking the calculation
• (considering if anything this year is likely to have
changed the estimate

Use a point estimate The auditors may use an available or proprietary model,
or introduce different assumptions, or engage a specialist
to develop a model.

Review events occurring up to the If a settlement is reached after the year end regarding a
date of the auditor’s report claim against the company which requires a provision, the
auditor can use the evidence of the agreement to
establish the correct figure for the financial statements. In
this case there is usually no need to use the other two

Test the operating effectiveness of If there are strong controls over the estimation, and the
controls over how management made estimate is derived from the routine processing of data by
the accounting estimate, with the entity’s accounting system.
associated substantive procedures

Having done the detailed work on the accounting estimate, the auditor checks the reasonableness of
the figure and then reaches a conclusion about whether it is fairly stated.
This sort of work is clearly needed in an audit assignment, where estimates such as provisions
required for damages in a lawsuit might be required, but the work is also very relevant to a number
of other types of assurance engagement. Reports on a business plan often require an accounting
estimate to be checked. The techniques used in these assignments will be the same as for audit

2 Selecting items to test

Section overview

• Assurance providers usually seek evidence from less than 100% of items of the balance or
transaction being tested.
• Every item in the population of items being sampled must have an equal chance of being
selected in the sample.
• The greater the risk of the area being sampled, the higher the sample size will be.
• When drawing conclusions from sampling, the auditor must identify which discovered
misstatements affect the overall balance.

2.1 The concept of sampling

Assurance providers do not normally examine all the information available to them; it would be
impractical to do so and using sampling will produce valid conclusions provided it is carried out
ISA (UK) 530, Audit Sampling states that ‘the objective of the auditor, when using audit sampling, is to
provide a reasonable basis for the auditor to draw conclusions about the population from which the
sample is selected’. Remember that the ISA relates specifically to audits, but all assurance providers
may use sampling.
(ISA (UK) 530: para. 4)

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 235

Audit sampling: The application of audit procedures to less than 100% of items within a population
of audit relevance such that all sampling units have a chance of selection in order to provide the
auditor with a reasonable basis on which to draw conclusions about the entire population.
Population: The entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about which an auditor wishes
to draw conclusions.

Some testing procedures do not involve sampling, such as:

• testing all items in a population (100% examination)
• testing all items with a certain characteristic, as selection is not representative
Assurance providers are unlikely to test 100% of items when carrying out tests of control, but 100%
examination may be appropriate for certain substantive procedures. For example, if the population is
made up of a small number of high value items and there is a high risk of material misstatement then
100% examination may be appropriate.
The ISA requires distinguishes between statistical sampling and non-statistical methods.

Statistical sampling: An approach to sampling that has the following characteristics:
(a) Random selection of the sample items; and
(b) The use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including measurement of sampling
Non-statistical sampling: A sampling approach that does not have characteristics (a) and (b) is
considered non-statistical sampling.

The auditor may alternatively select certain items from a population because of specific
characteristics they possess. The results of items selected in this way cannot be projected onto the
whole population but may be used in conjunction with other audit evidence concerning the rest of
the population.
• High value or key items. The auditor may select high value items or items that are suspicious,
unusual or prone to error.
• All items over a certain amount. Selecting items this way may mean a large proportion of the
population can be verified by testing a few items.
• Items to obtain information about the client’s business, the nature of transactions, or the client’s
accounting and control systems.

2.2 Design of the sample

When designing the sample, ISA 530 requires the auditor to ‘consider the purpose of the audit
procedure and the characteristics of the population from which the sample will be drawn’, and to
consider the sampling and selection methods.
(ISA (UK) 530: para. 6)
When designing an audit sample, the auditor’s consideration includes the specific purpose to be
achieved and the combination of audit procedures that is likely to best achieve that purpose. The
auditor also needs to consider the nature and characteristics of the audit evidence sought and
possible deviation or misstatement conditions. This will help them to define what constitutes a
deviation or misstatement and what population to use for sampling.

Misstatement: A difference between the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure of a
reported financial statement item and the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure that is
required for the item to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Misstatements can arise from error or fraud.

236 Assurance ICAEW 2021

The population from which the sample is drawn must be appropriate and complete for the specific
audit objectives. Auditors must define the sampling unit in order to obtain an efficient and effective
sample to achieve the particular audit objectives.

Sampling units: The individual items constituting a population.

Context example: Sampling units

• Cheques listed on deposit slips
• Credit entries on bank statements
• Sales invoices
• Receivables balances
• A monetary unit (an example of monetary unit sampling is given in section 2.3)

ISA 530 requires that the auditor ‘shall select items for the sample in such a way that each sampling
unit in the population has a chance of selection’. This requires that all items in the population have an
opportunity to be selected.
As we saw above, in obtaining evidence, the auditor should use professional judgement to assess
audit risk and design audit procedures to ensure this risk is reduced to an acceptably low level. In
determining the sample size, the auditor shall determine a sample size sufficient to reduce sampling
risk is reduced to an acceptably low level.

Sampling risk: The risk that the auditor’s conclusion based on a sample may be different from the
conclusion if the entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure.
Non-sampling risk: The risk that the auditor reaches an erroneous conclusion for any reason not
related to sampling risk. For example, the use of inappropriate procedures, or misinterpretation of
audit evidence and failure to recognise a misstatement or deviation.

2.2.1 Factors influencing sample sizes

ISA 530 gives examples of factors which influence sample sizes for tests of controls and tests of

Tests of controls

Factor Effect on sample size

An increase in the extent to which the auditor’s risk assessment takes Increase
into account relevant controls

An increase in the tolerable rate of deviation Decrease

An increase in the expected rate of deviation of the population to be Increase


An increase in the auditor’s desired level of assurance that the tolerable Increase
rate of deviation is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation in the

An increase in the number of sampling units in the population Negligible effect

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 237

Tests of details

Factor Effect on sample size

An increase in the auditor’s assessment of the risk of material Increase


An increase in the use of other substantive procedures directed at the Decrease

same assertion

An increase in the auditor’s desired level of assurance that tolerable Increase

misstatement is not exceeded by actual misstatement in the population

An increase in tolerable misstatement Decrease

An increase in the amount of misstatement the auditor expects to find in Increase

the population

Stratification of the population when appropriate Decrease

The number of sampling units in the population Negligible effect

The greater the auditor’s desired level of assurance that the results of the sample are in fact indicative
of the actual misstatement in the population, the larger sample sizes have to be. In other words, if the
auditor is placing a great deal of relevance on this (it is not corroborating other evidence, for
example) the higher the sample size will have to be.

Tolerable misstatement is a monetary amount set by the auditor in respect of which the auditor
seeks to obtain an appropriate level of assurance that the monetary amount set by the auditor is not
exceeded by the actual misstatement in the population.
Tolerable rate of deviation is a rate of deviation from prescribed internal control procedures set by
the auditor in respect of which the auditor seeks to obtain an appropriate level of assurance that the
rate of deviation set by the auditor is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation in the population.

Tolerable misstatement is considered during the planning stage and, for substantive procedures, is
related to the auditor’s judgement about materiality. The smaller the tolerable misstatement, the
greater the sample size will need to be.
(a) For tests of controls, the auditor makes an assessment of the expected rate of deviation based
on the auditor’s understanding of the relevant controls or on the examination of a small number
of items from the population. If the expected rate of deviation is unacceptably high, the auditor
will normally decide not to perform tests of controls.
(b) For tests of details, the auditor makes an assessment of the expected misstatement in the
population, If the expected misstatement is high, 100% examination or use of a large sample size
may be appropriate when performing tests of details.
The level of sampling risk that the auditor is willing to accept affects the sample size required. The
lower the risk the auditor is willing to accept, the greater the sample size will need to be.

Context example: Designing the sample

Sarah is planning the audit of receivables at Manufacturing Company Limited (MCL). MCL makes all
its sales on credit, and the receivables ledger is extensive. However, Sarah has judged the area to be
low risk as most customers pay their debts promptly and controls over the receivables ledger and
credit control are good. In previous years, testing has revealed that few misstatements are
discovered. She therefore selects a small sample.

238 Assurance ICAEW 2021

During the course of testing, Sarah discovers a much higher number of misstatements than she was
expecting. She therefore increases her sample and extends her test.

In practice, most auditing firms use computer programs to set sample sizes, based on risk
assessments and materiality.

2.3 Selecting the sample

There are a number of selection methods available.
(a) Random selection ensures that all items in the population have an equal chance of selection eg,
by use of random number tables or computerised generator.
(b) Systematic selection involves selecting items using a constant interval between selections, the
first interval having a random start. When using systematic selection assurance providers must
ensure that the population is not structured in such a manner that the sampling interval
corresponds with a particular pattern in the population.
(c) Haphazard selection may be an alternative to random selection provided assurance providers
are satisfied that the sample is representative of the entire population. This method requires care
to guard against making a selection that is biased, for example towards items that are easily
located, as they may not be representative. It should not be used if assurance providers are
carrying out statistical sampling.
(d) Sequence or block selection. Sequence sampling may be used to check whether certain items
have particular characteristics. For example, an auditor may use a sample of 50 consecutive
cheques to check whether cheques are signed by authorised signatories rather than picking 50
single cheques throughout the year. Sequence sampling may, however, produce samples that
are not representative of the population as a whole, particularly if misstatements only occurred
during a certain part of the period, and hence the misstatements found cannot be projected
onto the rest of the population.
(e) Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS). This is a selection method that ensures that every £1 in a
population has an equal chance of being selected for testing. The advantages of this selection
method are that it is easy when computers are used, and that every material item will
automatically be sampled. Disadvantages include the fact that if computers are not used, it can
be time consuming to pick the sample, and that MUS does not cope well with errors of
understatement (as the computer cannot select a £ which is not there) or negative balances.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Different approaches are possible here. The approach taken may depend on a firm’s culture as much
as anything; other factors would include the particular client being audited and the kind of data that
is available to the audit firm.

Context example: MUS

You are auditing trade accounts receivable and are testing for overstatement. Total trade account
receivables is £500,000 and performance materiality is £50,000. You will select the balances
containing each 50,000th £1 from the following ledger.

Customer Balance Cumulative total Selected

A 30,000 30,000

B 35,000 65,000 Yes

C 45,000 110,000 Yes

D 52,000 162,000 Yes

E 13,000 175,000

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 239

Customer Balance Cumulative total Selected

F 50,000 225,000 Yes

G 23,000 248,000

H 500 248,500

I 41,500 290,000 Yes

J 47,000 337,000 Yes

K 54,000 391,000 Yes

L 17,000 408,000 Yes

M 80,000 488,000 Yes

N 12,000 500,000 Yes


Material items are shown in bold and have all automatically been selected. The cumulative column
helps you to determine when the next 50,000th £1 has been reached

Interactive question 2: Factors affecting sample size

When determining a sample size for tests of detail there are a number of factors that an auditor
should take into account.
For each of the following factors, select whether it would cause the sample size to increase or


Decrease in the assessed level of tolerable misstatement.

Increase in the assessed risk level.

Discovery of more misstatements than were anticipated during


See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Drawing conclusions from sampling

Section overview

• The purpose of sampling a set of items was to enable the auditors to project the conclusion to the
whole population.
• Auditors must consider the nature of the misstatement and whether it is fair to project that
• If the projected misstatement exceeds tolerable misstatement then sampling risk must be
reassessed and further audit procedures must be considered.

240 Assurance ICAEW 2021

When the auditors have tested a sample of items, they must then draw conclusions from that sample.
The purpose of audit sampling is to enable conclusions to be drawn from an entire population on the
basis of testing a sample drawn from it.
To begin with, the auditors must consider whether the items in question are true misstatements, as
they defined them before the test. For example, when testing receivables, a sampled misposting
between customer accounts will not affect whether the auditors conclude the valuation of total
receivables is true and fair.
When the expected audit evidence regarding a specific sample item cannot be found, the auditor
shall perform the procedure on a replacement item. In such cases, the item is not treated as a
The qualitative aspects of misstatements are also considered, including the nature and cause of the
misstatement. Auditors must also consider any possible effects the misstatement might have on
other parts of the audit including the general effect on the financial statements and on the auditors’
assessment of the accounting and internal control systems.
Where common features are discovered in misstatements, the auditors may decide to identify all
items in the population that possess the common feature (eg, location), thereby producing a sub-
population. Audit procedures could then be extended in this area.
On some occasions the auditor may decide that the misstatement is an anomaly.

Anomaly: A misstatement or deviation that is demonstrably not representative of misstatements or
deviations in a population.

To be considered anomalous, the auditors have to be certain that the misstatements are not
representative of the population. Extra work will be required to prove that a misstatement is an
The auditors must project the misstatement results from the sample onto the relevant population.
The auditors will estimate the probable misstatement in the population by extrapolating the
misstatements found in the sample.
For substantive procedures, auditors will then estimate any further misstatement that might not have
been detected because of the imprecision of the technique (in addition to consideration of the
qualitative aspects of the errors).
Auditors must also consider the effect of the projected misstatement on other areas of the audit. The
auditors should compare the projected population misstatement (net of adjustments made by the
entity in the case of substantive procedures) to the tolerable misstatement taking account of other
relevant audit procedures.
If the projected population misstatement exceeds or is close to tolerable misstatement, then the
auditors must re-assess sampling risk. If it is unacceptable, they shall consider extending auditing
procedures or performing alternative procedures. However, if after alternative procedures the
auditors still believe the actual misstatement rate is higher than the tolerable misstatement rate, they
should re-assess control risk if the test is a test of controls; if the test is a substantive procedures, they
should consider whether the financial statements need to be adjusted.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

This is an application of the concept of performance materiality, whereby the auditor assesses the
materiality of a misstatement not just in line with the overall materiality level for the financial
statements as a whole, but deploys materiality in the context of the specific misstatement or sample
in question.

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 241

Context example: Drawing conclusions from sampling
Adrian carried out a supplier statement reconciliation on Peabody Ltd, testing the completeness and
valuation assertions. This means that he compared the statements sent by suppliers to Peabody Ltd
with the details on Peabody’s own payables ledger. Tolerable misstatement has been set at £10,000.
The sample was 10 payables ledger balances totalling £35,024 out of a total of £375,297. Adrian
found that of these, eight reconciliations proved that the balance on the ledger was correct, one
showed that an invoice had been misposted to a different supplier’s account and one showed that an
invoice had not been posted at all.
When considering the results of his sample, Adrian decided that he can disregard the misposting, as,
although it means that two accounts were individually misstated, the overall balance was not affected
by this mistake. In the case of the invoice that had simply been omitted in error however, Adrian had
to conclude that this misstatement of £250, which does affect the overall total balance, could be
repeated in the overall population with the potential for causing material misstatement. Adrian
projected the total population misstatement based on the sample and compared the outcome with
tolerable misstatement. In this case he found that the projected misstatement of £2,679 was
considerably below the tolerable misstatement of £10,000 and concluded that no further action was
required. He concluded from his testing that the trade payables balance in the financial statements
was fairly stated.

Interactive question 3: Drawing conclusions from sampling

Danielle has carried out a receivables circularisation on Donothing plc to gain evidence about the
existence and valuation of the receivables balance stated in the draft statement of financial position.
Identify whether the following conclusions drawn by her are correct or not.


An amount disagreed by Lazy Limited because a payment for an

invoice had been despatched two days before the year end and
received by Donothing plc shortly after the year end, did not
constitute a misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion
for the whole population.

An amount disagreed by Sloth Limited because a credit note had

been issued by Donothing plc a month before the year end did not
constitute a misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion
for the whole population.

An amount disagreed by Busy Limited because they had paid the

balance some time earlier, which further enquiry revealed had been
posted to a different customer account, did constitute a
misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion for the whole

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Evaluation of misstatements
Section overview

• ISA (UK) 450, Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During the Audit requires the auditor to
evaluate the effect of identified misstatements on the audit and evaluate the effect of any
uncorrected misstatements on the financial statements.

242 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• All non-trivial misstatements must be communicated to management and if uncorrected, to those
charged with governance.

The auditor is required to evaluate the effect of identified misstatements on the audit in ISA (UK)
450, Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit. Under this ISA, the auditor must also
evaluate the effect of any uncorrected misstatements on the financial statements.
During the audit, auditors must accumulate any non-trivial misstatements identified and determine
whether the audit plan or overall audit strategy need to be revised based on these. Additional audit
procedures shall be performed where management has examined and corrected balances at the
auditor’s request.
The auditor is required to communicate all misstatements on a timely basis to the appropriate level
of management and request that management corrects the misstatements. The auditor is required to
request a written representation from management whether they believe the effects of uncorrected
misstatements to be immaterial to the financial statements as a whole. If management have corrected
material misstatements, then doing this may help them to fulfil their governance responsibilities,
including reviewing the effectiveness of internal control.
If management refuses to correct some or all of the misstatements then the auditor shall:
• obtain an understanding of management’s reasons for not making the corrections
• determine whether uncorrected misstatements are material individually or in aggregate
• communicate individual uncorrected misstatements to those charged with governance and
request that these be corrected, mentioning any effect on the opinion in the auditor’s report
• request a written representation from management (and if appropriate those charged with
governance) that they believe the effects of the uncorrected misstatements are immaterial,
individually and in aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole
In determining whether uncorrected misstatements are material, the auditor must consider the size
and nature of the misstatements, along with the particular circumstances of their occurrence. Certain
circumstances may cause the auditor to evaluate misstatements as material, even if they are lower
than materiality for the financial statements as a whole. Examples of circumstances include, but are
not limited to, the extent to which the misstatement:
• affects compliance with regulatory requirements
• affects compliance with debt covenants or other regulatory requirements
• masks a change in earnings or other trends
• affects ratios used to evaluate the entity’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows
• increases management’s compensation, for example by ensuring the requirements for the award
of bonuses are met

Interactive question 4: Material misstatements

Which two of the following should be determined as material uncorrected misstatements?
A An isolated misposting between two supplier accounts which is below materiality
B A misstatement which is below materiality and results in directors’ bonus targets being met
C An immaterial misstatement of assets which results in a debt covenant not being breached
D The monthly bank reconciliation was not prepared in August as the cashier was on holiday

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 243


Evidence can be obtained by:

• inspection
• observation
• inquiry
• confrontation
• recalculation
• reperformance
• analytical procedures

The strengths and weaknesses of

these methods depend on associated
issues relating to the quality of
evidence – for example, of whom the
inquiry was made, client staff or third

Evidence will often be obtained from

a sample of a population, rather than
testing every item within it

Factors affecting sample size To draw a conclusion from a

include: sample, auditors must distinguish
• the degree of assessed risk between true misstatements and
other misstatements
• the level of tolerable

Auditors must communicate

misstatements to management
and request that these be

244 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Which one of the following procedures would give the most persuasive evidence that a control
operated as the assurance providers had been advised?
A Inspection of the controls handbook
B Inquiry of the staff operating the control
C Observation of the staff operating the control
D Reperformance of the control by audit staff

2 Indicate the purpose of the primary test for each type of account in directional testing.






3 Identify the significant relationships in the list of items below

(a) Payables (b) Interest (c) Purchases (d) Revenue

(e) Amortisation (f) Loans (g) Receivables (h) Intangibles

4 Identify whether the following statements are true or false

The risk that the auditor’s conclusion, based on a sample, may be different from the conclusion if the
entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure is sampling risk. .

The risk that the auditor might use inappropriate procedures or might misinterpret audit evidence
and thus fail to recognise a misstatement or deviation is non-sampling risk. .

5 Identify whether the following examples of sample selection are random, haphazard or systematic.


(Barry is selecting a sample from the list of receivables

balances. He selects the second, and thereafter every
7th balance.

Carol is selecting a number of purchase invoices to carry

out a directional test. She selects them by flicking
through the files and selecting an invoice occasionally.

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 245

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you define audit data analytics? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you explain the procedures by which audit evidence may be obtained?
(Topic 1)

(3) Can you explain the four principal methods for auditing accounting
estimates? (Topic 1)

(4) Can you define sampling risk? (Topic 2)

(5) Do you understand the factors influencing sample sizes and whether they
increase or decrease sample size? (Topic 2)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 11 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Written representations.

246 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Technical references
1 Evidence
• Procedures to obtain evidence – ISA (UK) 500.A14 – A25
• Analytical procedures – ISA (UK) 520, ISA (UK) 315.
• Accounting estimates – ISA (UK) 540.13

2 Selecting items to test

• The concept of sampling – ISA (UK) 500.A54 + ISA (UK) 530.4 – 5
• Design of the sample – ISA (UK) 530.5 – 8, Appx 2, Appx 3
• Selecting the sample – ISA (UK) 530 Appx 1

3 Drawing conclusions from sampling – ISA (UK) 530.14, A18 – A23

4 Evaluation of misstatements – ISA (UK) 450.5 – 15 + ISA (UK) 450.A16

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 247

248 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

B Inspection of a sales invoice
A sales invoice is an internally generated document and therefore provides a poor source of
evidence. It would be better to obtain information about sales from the customers.

Answer to Interactive question 2

They would all cause the sample size to increase.


Decrease in the assessed level of tolerable misstatement. Increase

Increase in the assessed risk level. Increase

Discovery of more misstatements than were anticipated during Increase


Answer to Interactive question 3



An amount disagreed by Lazy Limited because a payment for an True - this is just a timing
invoice had been despatched two days before the year end and difference.
received by Donothing plc shortly after the year end, did not
constitute a misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion
for the whole population.

An amount disagreed by Sloth Limited because a credit note had False – this indicates that
been issued by Donothing plc a month before the year end did not the credit note may not
constitute a misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion have been processed to
for the whole population. the receivables ledger,
which would be an error
that could also be true of
other potential credits due
on the ledger.

An amount disagreed by Busy Limited because they had paid the False – this error does not
balance some time earlier, which further enquiry revealed had been affect the overall balance
posted to a different customer account, did constitute a on the ledger.
misstatement for the purposes of drawing a conclusion for the whole

Answer to Interactive question 4

B A misstatement which is below materiality and results in directors’ bonus targets being met
C An immaterial misstatement of assets which results in a debt covenant not being breached
Although these two items are below materiality, the particular circumstances surrounding their
occurrence make them material misstatements. The last item relates to a test of controls.

ICAEW 2021 11: Evidence and sampling 249

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Correct answer(s):
D Reperformance of the control by audit staff

2 Overstatement/Understatement:


Assets Overstatement

Liabilities Understatement

Income Understatement

Expense Overstatement

3 (a) and (c)

(b) and (f)
(d) and (g)
(e) and (h)

4 The risk that the auditor’s conclusion, based on a sample, may be different from the conclusion if the
entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure is sampling risk. True .

The risk that the auditor might use inappropriate procedures or might misinterpret audit evidence
and thus fail to recognise a misstatement or deviation is non-sampling risk. True .

5 Random/Haphazard/Systematic:


(Barry is selecting a sample from the list of receivables Systematic

balances. He selects the second, and thereafter every
7th balance.

Carol is selecting a number of purchase invoices to carry Haphazard

out a directional test. She selects them by flicking
through the files and selecting an invoice occasionally.

250 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 12

Written representations

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Written representations as assurance evidence
2 When other written representations are required
3 Example of a written representation letter
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical references
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence
and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be
referred to a senior colleague.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• identify the circumstances in which written confirmation of representations from management
should be sought and the reliability of such confirmation as a form of assurance evidence
Specific syllabus references for this chapter: 3h

Syllabus links
You will need to understand the purpose, content and reliability of written representations as
assurance evidence when you go on to draw assurance conclusions and look at assurance reports in
Audit and Assurance.

Examination context
There was one question on the sample paper, relating to written representations, dealing with their
purpose. You should not expect more than one or two questions on this area in your assessment.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 12 Written representations.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 Written Chapter 12 is a There was one 1, 2

representations short chapter but question on the
as assurance looks at the sample exam,
evidence important issue relating to written
Written of management representations,
representations representations. dealing with their
are the result of The key thing to purpose. You
the assurance note in this should not
procedure of section is the expect more than
inquiry. As general matters one or two
auditors which are questions on this
commonly ask included in the area in your
management letter of assessment.
questions during representation.
an audit It is important to
engagement, the note that
critical points are management
when these representations
representations cannot be a
should be put substitute for
into writing and audit evidence
how much which should be
reliance can be available.
placed on them.

252 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

Stop and think

Why might
providers want
made by
management to
be written down
by the

2 When other Work through the This is a 3

written section, including moderately
representations the worked examinable area,
are required example. on which you
When carrying should be
out assurance prepared for a
work, you are question in your
sure to ask exam.
questions of
management, so
knowing when to
record answers to
these questions
will be important.

3 Example of a Read through the This is a

written section, and moderately
representation attempt the examinable area,
letter interactive on which you
If in the future question at the should be
you are part of end. prepared for a
the management question in your
of a company exam.
that has
services, it is
important to
understand what
providers are
asking you to do
when you sign a

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 253

1 Written representations as assurance evidence
Section overview

• The auditor shall request management to provide certain general written representations: that it
has prepared the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
framework, that it has provided the auditor with all relevant information and access, and that all
transactions have been recorded and reflected in the financial statements.
• Some ISAs require the auditor to request written representations. In addition to this, the auditor
may decide that it needs more. These written representations from management should be
restricted to one or more specific assertions in the financial statements.
• Any written representations should be compared with other evidence and their sufficiency

Assurance providers receive many representations during the engagement, both unsolicited and in
response to specific questions. Some of these representations may be critical to obtaining sufficient
appropriate evidence.
ISA (UK) 580, Written Representations deals with the auditor’s responsibility to obtain written
representations from management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance in an
audit of financial statements. The principles of the ISA (outlined in this section) are also valid for other
assurance work.

Management: It is the person(s) with executive responsibility for the conduct of the entity’s
operations. For some entities in some jurisdictions, management includes some or all of those
charged with governance, for example, executive members of a governance board, or an owner-

In ISA 580 references to management also include those charged with governance where this is
Written confirmation of oral representations avoids confusion and disagreement. Such matters
should be discussed with those responsible for giving the written confirmation, to ensure that they
understand what they are confirming. Written confirmations are normally required of senior

1.1 General matters

Written representations are required for general matters; for example, that the accounting records
have been made fully available to the auditors.
There are a number of elements that ISA 580 requires auditors to confirm in writing, namely that
management (usually the directors in the UK, who have statutory duties in respect of financial
statements) has:
• fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework, including where relevant their fair presentation, as set
out in the terms of the audit engagement
• provided the auditor with all relevant information and access as agreed in the terms of the audit
• recorded and reflected all transactions in the financial statements
The confirmation with regard to responsibility and approval of the financial statements is normally
done when the auditors receive a signed copy of the financial statements, which incorporate a
relevant statement of responsibilities.
The written representations are dated as near as possible, the date of the auditor’s report on the
financial statements.

254 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

These written representations help form the backdrop to the audit. You could think of them as setting
out the expectations that the audit team can reasonably have of management.
For instance, the auditor can expect that the financial statements have been prepared (and that the
auditor is not, for example, preparing the financial statements for them). Similarly, the auditor can
expect that management will be available to answer their questions.

1.2 Other written representations

In addition to general written representations about management’s responsibilities, the auditors are
required to request specific written representations by other ISAs and also where the auditor
determines they are necessary to support other audit evidence.
Written representations cannot be used instead of other (better) evidence which the auditors expect
to exist.

2 When other written representations are

Section overview

• Specific written representations may be required in a variety of situations.

• If written representations do not agree with other audit evidence, other audit procedures should
be performed and the implications considered.

Other written representations may include the following matters.

• Whether the selection and application of accounting policies are appropriate
• Whether matters such as the following, where relevant under the applicable financial reporting
framework, have been recognised, measured, presented or disclosed in accordance with that
– Plans or intentions that may affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities
– Liabilities, both actual and contingent
– Title to assets, the liens on assets, and assets pledged as collateral
– Aspects of laws, regulations and contractual agreements that may affect the financial
statements, including non-compliance
• Whether all deficiencies in internal control of which management is aware have been
communicated to auditors
• Specific written representations required by other ISAs
• Support for management’s judgement or intent in relation to a specific assertion

Context example: Other written representations required

Keira is working on the audit of Prejudiced plc. In the prior year, there had been a large amount of
obsolete inventory at the year end due to a decision by management to amend the design of their
major product to improve the safety of the product. Keira has been asked to ensure that
management provide written representation that they have no intention of making any similar
amendments to their products this year that would impact on existing inventory in this way. This
representation would be corroborated by reviewing minutes of management meetings.

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 255

There may be occasions when there are doubts over the reliability of written representations. If the
auditor has concerns over the competence, integrity, ethical values or diligence of management, the
auditor shall determine the effect that such concerns may have over the reliability of representations
(oral and written) and audit evidence in general.
If written representations are inconsistent with other audit evidence, the auditor shall perform audit
procedures in an attempt to resolve the matter. If the matter remains unresolved, the auditor shall
reconsider its assessment of management and determine the effect that this may have on the
reliability of representations (oral or written) in general.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

As a trainee, it is unlikely that you would be working on written representations at first, but they may
come into your work as you take on more senior roles in the audit team.

3 Example of a written representation letter

Section overview

Here is an example of a written representation letter from management

(Entity Letterhead)
(To Auditor) (Date)
This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of
ABC Company for the year ended 31 December 20X1 for the purpose of expressing an opinion
as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, (or give a true
and fair view) in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
We confirm that (to the best of our knowledge and belief, having made such inquiries as we
considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately informing ourselves):
Financial Statements
• We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement dated
[insert date], for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards; in particular the financial statements are fairly presented (or
give a true and fair view) in accordance therewith.
• Significant assumptions used by us in making accounting estimates, including those measured
at fair value, are reasonable. (ISA 540)
• Related party relationships and transactions have been appropriately accounted for and
disclosed in accordance with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards.
(ISA 550)
• All events subsequent to the date of the financial statements and for which International
Financial Reporting Standards require adjustment or disclosure have been adjusted or
disclosed. (ISA 560)
• The effects of uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both individually and in the
aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole. A list of the uncorrected misstatements is
attached to the representation letter. (ISA 450)
• Any other matters that the auditor may consider appropriate.
Information provided
• We have provided you with:

256 Assurance ICAEW 2021

– access to all information of which we are aware that is relevant to the preparation of the
financial statements such as records, documentation and other matters;
– additional information that you have requested from us for the purpose of the audit; and
– unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom you determined it necessary to
obtain audit evidence.
• All transactions have been recorded in the accounting records and are reflected in the financial
• We have disclosed to you the results of our assessment of the risk that the financial statements
may be materially misstated as a result of fraud. (ISA 240)
• We have disclosed to you all information in relation to fraud or suspected fraud that we are
aware of and that affects the entity and involves:
– management;
– employees who have significant roles in internal control; or
– others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. (ISA 240)
• We have disclosed to you all information in relation to allegations of fraud, or suspected fraud,
affecting the entity’s financial statements communicated by employees, former employees,
analysts, regulators or others. (ISA 240)
• We have disclosed to you all known instances of non-compliance or suspected non-
compliance with laws and regulations whose effects should be considered when preparing
financial statements. (ISA 250A)
• We have disclosed to you the identity of the entity’s related parties and all the related party
relationships and transactions of which we are aware. (ISA 550)
• Any other matters that the auditor may consider necessary.

Interactive question 1: Written representations

Which two of the following are purposes of a written representation letter from management?
A Confirmation that management has received the signed audit report
B Confirmation that management has fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation of the financial
C Confirmation of all representations made by management in the course of the audit.
D Confirmation that management has recorded and reflected all transactions in the financial
E Confirmation that management understands the terms of the engagement.

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 257


Auditors obtain written representations about:

General matters that they are

required by ISA 580 to confirm Other matters
in writing

Such as, management's

responsibility for the financial

258 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Written representations include a statement that management has provided the auditor with all
relevant information.
A True
B False

2 All written representations are in the form of a representation letter addressed to the shareholders.
A True
B False

3 Which two of the following statements are correct?

A Written representations must include a statement that the selected accounting policies are
B Written representations should be corroborated with other sources of evidence.
C Written representations are an appropriate source of evidence when other evidence does not
exist because it has been accidentally destroyed.
D The written representation should be dated on or before the date of the auditor’s report.

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 259

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) What are the general matters on which written representations must be
obtained? (Topic 1)

(2) What are the principal specific issues in relation to which written
representations may be obtained? (Topic 2)

(3) Who signs the written representation letter? (Topic 3)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 12 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Substantive procedures – key financial statement

260 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Technical references
1 Written representations as assurance evidence – ISA (UK) 580.10 – 11

2 When other written representations are required

• Other representations – ISA (UK) 580.A10 – A12
• Reliability – ISA (UK) 580.16 – 18

3 Example of a written representation letter – ISA (UK) 580 Appx 2

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 261

262 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

B Confirmation that management has fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation of the financial
D Confirmation that management has recorded and reflected all transactions in the financial

ICAEW 2021 12: Written representations 263

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Correct answer(s):
A True

2 Correct answer(s):
B False
The representation letter is addressed to the auditor.

3 Correct answer(s):
B Written representations should be corroborated with other sources of evidence.
D The written representation should be dated on or before the date of the auditor’s report.

264 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Chapter 13

Substantive procedures – key

financial statement figures

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Non-current assets
2 Inventory
3 Receivables
4 Bank
5 Payables
6 Long-term liabilities
7 Statement of profit or loss items
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Technical reference
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Gathering evidence on an assurance engagement
• Students will be able to select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance
evidence and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues
need to be referred to a senior colleague.
• In the assessment, students may be required to:
– select appropriate methods of obtaining evidence from tests of control and from substantive
procedures for a given business scenario
– recognise issues arising while gathering assurance evidence that should be referred to a senior
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3f, i

Syllabus links
The results of the tests outlined here will be the basis for the drawing conclusions part of your Audit
and Assurance exam.

Examination context
Questions about assurance evidence could be set in the context of any balances outlined in this

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 13 Substantive procedures - key financial statement figures.

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test

significance questions

1 This chapter (on This is a detailed Questions about 1

substantive chapter which assurance
testing), in looks at the evidence could
conjunction with specific audit be set in the
Chapters 6–8 (on procedures context of any
tests of controls), which are balances outlined
covers the core applied to key in this chapter.
of assurance financial These questions
provision. It has statement could appear in
been said in this figures. any part of the
Workbook that Read through examination.
the collection of section 1. Notice
evidence is a vital the way in which
part of the the procedures
assurance address the
engagement. financial

2 Remember the In section 2 the Questions about 2, 3

results of tests of key issue is the assurance
controls may auditor’s evidence could
allow assurance attendance at the be set in the

266 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions

providers to inventory count. context of any

reduce tests of Work through the balances outlined
detail but that Worked example in this chapter.
substantive taking particular These questions
testing can never note of the could appear in
be eliminated procedures any part of the
entirely. performed by the examination.
auditor before,
during and after
the count.

3 In this chapter, Section 3 deals Questions about 4

the practical tests with the audit of assurance
that are regularly receivables. evidence could
carried out by Make sure you be set in the
assurance understand the context of any
providers are difference balances outlined
looked at. between the in this chapter.
positive method These questions
of confirmation could appear in
and the negative any part of the
method and the examination.
circumstances in
which these
would be used.

4 In an audit, all of In section 4 the Questions about 5, 6

the financial key points to assurance
statement note are the evidence could
assertions would procedures for be set in the
be looked at. In a confirming context of any
different information balances outlined
assurance about a client in this chapter.
engagement, with the bank These questions
particular and the could appear in
assertions might performance of any part of the
be focused on. the bank examination.
Read through
section 4
carefully and
review the bank
reconciliation in
the Worked

5 Stop and think Read through this Questions about

Think back to the section carefully. assurance
issues of quality For the audit of evidence could
of evidence payables notice be set in the
discussed in the importance context of any
Chapter 11. What of the balances outlined
sources of reconciliation of in this chapter.
evidence do you supplier These questions
think there are in statements. could appear in
respect of the any part of the
balances to be examination.
discussed in this

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 267
Topic Practical Study approach Exam approach Self-test
significance questions


6 Some of the Read through this Questions about

calculations section carefully. assurance
involved with evidence could
long-term be set in the
liabilities may be context of any
complex, but balances outlined
since there are in this chapter.
generally few These questions
balances to audit, could appear in
this is often a low- any part of the
risk area. examination.

7 Statement of Read through this Questions about

profit or loss section carefully. assurance
items are an evidence could
important area. A be set in the
key risk is of context of any
misclassification balances outlined
between assets in this chapter.
and expenses, These questions
with could appear in
understatement any part of the
of expenses examination.
being the
principal danger.

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

268 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Non-current assets
Section overview

• Key areas when testing tangible non-current assets are:

– confirmation of ownership (rights and obligations)
– inspection of non-current assets (existence and valuation)
– valuation, preferably by third parties (valuation)
– adequacy of depreciation rates (valuation)
• Key areas when testing intangible non-current assets are:
– confirmation that ‘assets’ exist
– confirmation of appropriate valuation
• Key areas when testing investments are:
– confirmation of existence
– confirmation of ownership

1.1 Tangible non-current assets

You should be aware of the major classes of tangible non-current assets from your Accounting
studies. Examples of tangible non-current assets include land, buildings, plant, vehicles, fittings and
The major risks of the tangible non-current asset balances in the financial statements being misstated
are due to:
• the company not actually owning the assets (rights and obligations assertion)
• the assets not actually existing or having been sold by the company (existence assertion)
• omission of assets owned by the company (completeness assertion)
• the assets being overvalued, either by inflating cost or valuation, or by undercharging
depreciation (valuation assertion)
• the assets being undervalued, by not including an appropriate revaluation in a policy of
revaluation or by overcharging depreciation (valuation assertion)
• the assets being incorrectly presented in the financial statements (presentation and disclosure
The objective of assurance tests in respect of non-current assets is therefore to prove that these
assertions about the assets are correct. There are several sources of information about non-current
assets that can be used (you should consider the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources of
evidence listed in this chapter according to the criteria we set out in Chapter 11):
• The non-current asset register (which many companies maintain as a control over the assets they
• Purchase invoices for assets purchased within the year
• Sales invoices for assets sold within the year
• Registration documents or other documents of title such as title deeds for property
• Valuations carried out by employees or third party valuers
• Leases or hire purchase documentation in respect of assets
• Physical inspection of the assets themselves by the auditor
• Depreciation records or calculations (these are often kept with the asset register)

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 269
Context example: Non-current asset assurance engagement
Peter is carrying out a non-current asset assurance engagement at Manufacturing Company Limited
(MCL). MCL owns the property from which it operates. It has a lot of fixed plant, which it replaced
three years ago, and owns several industrial vehicles for moving inventory between locations at its
premises. It also owns a number of cars, which its staff have as company cars, and a great deal of
office furniture, fittings and computers in the office complex attached to the factory.
Peter is concerned with concluding that the non-current assets declared in the financial statements
are complete, exist, are owned by the company and are valued appropriately.
Peter will:
• obtain a schedule of non-current assets from the client
• agree the figures per the schedule to the financial statements and accounting records (nominal
• compare the schedule to the asset register to ensure that the schedule reflects all the assets
owned by the company
• select a number of assets physically present on site and ensure that they are contained in the
asset register
• confirm the additions on the schedule are correct
Peter will:
• select a sample of assets contained in the asset register and verify that they are physically present
on site
Rights and obligations
Peter will:
• select a sample of assets in the asset register and vouch them to the registration documents
available for those assets (vehicles – registration documents (although these indicate who is the
‘registered keeper’, who is not necessarily the owner), building – title deeds, plant and fixtures –
purchase invoice, ensuring that it is not a lease)
• review sales invoices for sold assets to ensure that ownership has been transferred
Peter will:
• confirm the cost or valuation of a sample of assets to purchase invoices or valuation certificates
• confirm the brought forward depreciation levels of those assets (if relevant) to prior year audit
files or by reviewing the brought forward asset register files
• confirm the annual depreciation in respect of those assets is appropriate (by reference to the
accounting policy on depreciation published in the financial statements), and correctly calculated
(by recalculation or by using analytical procedures)
• review to ensure that depreciation has been correctly calculated on disposed assets, and
recalculate profit or loss on sale of those assets
Presentation and disclosure
• Peter will review the financial statements to ensure that the disclosure requirements relating to
non-current assets have been met.
Other matters
• Peter is likely to focus asset testing on asset additions, as these will comprise a large proportion of
the cost of non-current assets as they will have been depreciated the least.
• Peter will use sampling on some classes of assets and not others. For example, in this instance,
property is likely to be a material balance and therefore will be vouched 100%. Other classes of
assets are likely to be sampled as the overall total contains a large number of assets.

270 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Self-constructed assets
Katie is working on the audit of Quickshop plc, a large supermarket chain. She has been allocated
the audit of non-current assets. One aspect of this audit is the fact that the company has built four
new superstores during the year, which have been capitalised into non-current assets. The key
objectives she is working on are that all the relevant costs have been capitalised (completeness) and
that the self-built stores are valued correctly at cost (valuation).
Katie will:
• obtain architect’s certificates for the stores, certifying that the work is complete
• obtain a schedule of all the costs capitalised into the stores; this is also likely to have been verified
by the contractor, giving comfort that the costs are complete
Katie will:
• vouch a sample of costs to appropriate sources of evidence, for example, labour costs to payroll
records or contractor bills, materials costs to purchase invoices or contractor bills, finance costs to
statements from lenders (for example, bank statements)
• in respect of finance costs, review bank statements to ensure that all relevant finance costs have
been included

Interactive question 1: Non-current assets

Which three of the following might an auditor vouch when testing the rights and obligations of a
company in respect of a vehicle?
A A purchase invoice
B A registration document
C A hire-purchase agreement
D An asset register

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.2 Intangible non-current assets

Examples of intangible assets include licences, development costs and purchased brands.
The major risks of misstatement of the intangible non-current asset balances in the financial
statements are due to:
• expenses being capitalised as non-current assets inappropriately (existence assertion)
• intangible assets being carried at the wrong cost or valuation due to inflating the cost or valuation
(valuation assertion)
• intangible assets being carried at the wrong cost or valuation due to charging inappropriate
amortisation, wrongly amortising or not amortising (valuation assertion)
• intangible assets being carried at the wrong cost or valuation due to impairment reviews not
being carried out appropriately (valuation assertion)
The objective of tests in respect of intangible non-current assets is therefore to prove that these
assertions about the assets are correct. The following sources of information can be used:
• Accounting standards/auditor’s knowledge of accounting standards for what constitutes an
intangible asset
• Purchase invoices or documentation (particularly for, say, purchased intangibles)
• Client calculations and schedules
• Specialist valuations
• Auditor understanding of the entity for signs of impairment factors

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 271
2 Inventory
Section overview

• Key areas when testing inventory are:

– attending an inventory count (existence)
– valuation at the lower of cost and net realisable value (valuation)
– in some cases, confirmation of ownership (rights and obligations)

The major risks of misstatement of the inventory balance in the financial statements are due to:
• inventory that does not exist being included in the financial statements (existence)
• not all inventory that exists being included in the financial statements (completeness)
• inventory being included in the financial statements at full value when it is obsolete or damaged
• inventory being included in the financial statements at the wrong value, whether due to
miscalculation of cost or the fact that cost has been used although net realisable value is lower
than cost (valuation)
• inventory that actually belongs to third parties being included in the financial statements (rights
and obligations)
• inventory which has actually been sold is included in the financial statements (cut-off)
The objective of assurance tests in respect of inventory is therefore to prove that these assertions
about the assets are correct. The following sources of information can be used:
• The company’s controls over inventory counting
• The auditors’ attendance at the annual inventory count
• Confirmations with third parties holding inventory or having inventory stored for them by the
• Purchase invoices for inventory
• Work-in-progress records for inventory
• Post-year-end sales invoices for inventory
• Post-year-end price lists for inventory
• Post-year-end sales orders
Inventory may lend itself to analytical review as there is a relationship between inventory, revenue
and purchases.

2.1 Inventory count

Attendance at an inventory count can be very important. In order to confirm the amount of inventory
in existence, rather than undertake a count itself, assurance providers usually rely on the controls that
a company has in operation over its inventory or its annual inventory count.
It is important that the assurance provider is satisfied that controls are such that it can be concluded
that the count, or the overall inventory controls, are capable of ensuring the correct amount of
inventory is reflected in the financial statements.
In terms of inventory counts, the assurance provider will be looking for the following sorts of controls.

Review of inventory count instructions

Organisation of count Supervision by senior staff, including senior staff not

normally involved with inventory
Tidying and marking inventory to help counting
Restriction and control of the production process and
inventory movements during the count

272 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Review of inventory count instructions

Identification of damaged, obsolete, slow-moving, third

party and returnable inventory

Counting Systematic counting to ensure all inventory is counted

Teams of two counters, with one counting and the other
checking, or two independent counts

Recording Serial numbering, control and return of all inventory sheets

Inventory sheets being completed in ink and signed
Information to be recorded on the count records (location
and identity, count units, quantity counted, conditions of
items, stage reached in production process)
Recording of quantity, conditions and stage of production
of work-in-progress
Recording of last numbers of goods inwards and outwards
records and of internal transfer records
Reconciliation with inventory records and investigation
and correction of any differences

Some companies have better day-to-day controls over inventories than others and many have
complex systems of perpetual counting rendering an annual year-end count unnecessary. In order to
rely on such a system of perpetual counting, the assurance provider needs to confirm that the
controls over this system are strong.
If perpetual inventory counting is used, assurance providers will check that management does the
(a) Ensures that all inventory lines are counted at least once a year.
(b) Maintains adequate inventory records that are kept up-to-date. Assurance providers may
compare sales and purchase transactions with inventory movements, and carry out other tests on
the inventory records, for example checking casts and classification of inventory.
(c) Has satisfactory procedures for inventory counts and test-counting. Assurance providers should
confirm the inventory count arrangements and instructions are as rigorous as those for a year-
end inventory count by reviewing instructions and observing counts. Assurance providers will be
particularly concerned with cut-off; that there are no inventory movements whilst the count is
taking place, and inventory records are updated up until the time of the inventory counts.
(d) Investigates and corrects all material differences. Reasons for differences should be recorded
and any necessary corrective action taken. All corrections to inventory movements should be
authorised by a manager who has not been involved in the detailed work; these procedures are
necessary to guard against the possibility that inventory records may be adjusted to conceal

Audit plan: Perpetual inventory count

Attend one of the inventory counts (to observe and confirm that instructions are being adhered to)

Follow up the inventory counts attended to compare quantities counted by the assurance
providers with the inventory records, obtaining and verifying explanations for any differences, and
checking that the client has reconciled count records with book records

Review the year’s counts to confirm the extent of counting, the treatment of discrepancies and the
overall accuracy of records (if matters are not satisfactory, assurance providers will only be able to
gain sufficient assurance by a full count at the year-end)

Assuming a full count is not necessary at the year-end, compare the listing of inventory with the
detailed inventory records, and carry out other procedures (cut-off, analytical review) to gain
further comfort

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 273
2.2 Cost vs net realisable value (NRV)

Cost: The cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
Net realisable value: It is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the
estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
(IAS 2: paras. 6, 9)

Management should compare cost and net realisable value for each item of inventory. Where this is
impracticable, the comparison may be done by group or category.
Net realisable value (NRV) is likely to be less than cost when there has been:
• an increase in costs or a fall in selling price
• physical deterioration
• obsolescence of products
• a marketing decision to manufacture and sell products at a loss
• errors in production or purchasing
For work in progress, the ultimate selling price should be compared with the carrying value at the
year-end plus costs to be incurred after the year-end to bring work in progress to a finished state.
The example below shows the test carried out to identify whether NRV is lower than cost.

Context example: Real life example

Rajeev is carrying out the audit of inventory at Icket Ltd. Icket produces various lines of tableware on
behalf of high street stores. It also sells tableware to wholesalers and has a small retail outlet. Icket is
not entitled to sell branded products to wholesalers and it makes approximately 10% more inventory
of branded products than ordered to ensure it meets quality control standards of the stores. This
10% is therefore obsolete once sales of a line to a store are finished. Each high street store has an
allocated sales manager at Icket who keeps records of what sales have been made of each line and
when the line is coming to an end. One high street store customer, Argus, maintains a store of
approved inventory at Icket’s premises, which it calls off as required. Icket carried out an annual
inventory count at the year-end.
The key issues for Rajeev when auditing inventory are:
• to ensure that obsolete inventory is not included at full cost in the financial statements
• to ascertain that inventory included in the financial statements exists and that all existing and
valuable inventory is included, including the inventory held at the retail outlet
• to ensure that inventory belonging to Argus is not included in the financial statements
• to ensure that inventory is held at the appropriate value in the financial statements
Rajeev will:
• obtain a copy of the count instructions issued to employees of Icket and review them to assess
whether controls over the count appear strong enough to ensure that the correct amount of
inventory will be reflected in the financial statements
• assess the key issues arising at the count; for instance, what the high value inventory is, what the
risks are (outlined above), or whether there are any specific issues that will make counting
complex (not in this case)
• plan his count attendance, including sample sizes and target inventory lines

274 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• attend the inventory count, at which he will carry out sample counts to ensure that the counters
are counting properly, the instructions are being adhered to, procedures for obsolete and
damaged inventory are being followed, Argus inventory is properly separated and noted, and to
gain an overall impression of the level and state of the inventories and conclude whether the
count has been carried out properly
• trace a sample of items on the final inventory sheets back to original count documents and ensure
all count documents are reflected in the final sheets
Rajeev will:
• follow up items sampled at the inventory count to ensure that they are included in the final
inventory sheets, and therefore the financial statements
• follow up Argus items sampled at the inventory count to ensure that they are not included in the
final inventory sheets, and therefore the financial statements
• carry out a ‘cut-off’ test, ensuring that year-end deliveries and sales have not been double
counted or not counted (for example, by including an item in inventory and in sales, or by
excluding a consignment of goods received from inventory and purchases). This will be done by
selecting the goods inwards and outwards notes on either side of the year-end and tracing them
to invoices, ledgers and inventory sheets to ensure they are recorded correctly
Rights and obligations
Rajeev will:
• send a confirmation letter to Argus, asking them to confirm the level of inventory held at Icket on
the year-end date
• compare the answer to this letter to Icket’s records, and, if necessary, reconcile any differences,
liaising with Icket’s Argus sales manager. If there are any substantial differences, this could
indicate a problem with controls over this area of which Rajeev should inform a senior audit team
Rajeev will:
• check that the calculations of valuation on the final inventory sheets have been made correctly
• select samples of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods from Icket’s final inventory
• ascertain the accounting policy for inventory cost from the financial statements (for example,
FIFO) and confirm it is reasonable and appropriate
• trace the cost of the raw materials sample to purchase invoices to ensure cost has been recorded
correctly and on the right basis
• in addition, for work in progress and finished goods samples, ensure that an appropriate level of
raw material has been costed, by reviewing production records
• confirm labour costs allocated to work in progress and finished goods by reference to production
records and payroll
• review Icket’s overhead allocation to ensure only appropriate costs are included (for example, not
idle time) and perform analytical procedures comparing overhead allocation to previous years
• compare valuation of cost for finished goods sample to post-year end selling prices, by reference
to sales orders or invoices, to ensure inventory is held at the lower of cost and NRV
• follow up items noted as obsolete or damaged at the inventory count to ensure that valuation has
been appropriately adjusted to reflect NRV
• for branded goods in excess of customer requirements, ensure that valuation has been entered as
zero (these goods should be identifiable from sales manager’s records)

Interactive question 2: Inventory

Which one of the following procedures should be undertaken to confirm the existence of inventory?
A Attendance at inventory count

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 275
B Follow up of inventory count sheets to final inventory sheets
C Trace items of inventory to purchase invoices
D Cast the final inventory sheets

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Receivables
Section overview

• Key areas when testing receivables are:

– directly confirming the debt owed by customers (existence, rights and obligations)
– confirming debt is still likely to be collected (valuation)

The major risks of misstatement of the receivables balance in the financial statements are due to:
• debts being uncollectable (valuation)
• debts being contested by customers (existence, rights and obligations)
The objective of assurance tests in respect of receivables is therefore to prove that these assertions
about the assets are correct. The following sources of information can be used:
• Receivables ledger information
• Confirmations from customers
• Cash payments received after the year end
If the company makes a similar number of sales annually to a fairly established customer base then
analytical procedures may give good results.

3.1 Confirmations from customers

When it is reasonable to expect customers to respond, the assurance providers should ordinarily
plan to obtain direct confirmation of receivables to individual entries in an account balance. Direct
confirmation of receivables in an audit is covered by ISA (UK) 505, External Confirmations. External
confirmations are not compulsory in an audit of financial statements.
The verification of trade receivables by external confirmation is a means of providing relevant and
reliable audit evidence to satisfy the objective of checking whether customers exist and owe bona
fide amounts to the company (existence and rights and obligations).
Confirmation should take place immediately after the year end and hence cover the year end
balances to be included in the statement of financial position. If this is not possible it may be
acceptable to carry out the confirmation prior to the year end provided that the auditor obtains
further evidence relating to the remainder of the period.
Confirmation is essentially an act of the client, who alone can authorise third parties to divulge
information to the auditor. If the client refuses to allow the auditor to send a confirmation request, the
auditor shall inquire as to management’s reasons for the refusal and evaluate the implications on the
auditor’s risk assessment. Alternative audit procedures must be performed. If these do not generate
relevant and reliable audit evidence or the auditor concludes that management’s refusal is
unreasonable, the auditor must communicate with those charged with governance and determine
the implications for the auditor’s opinion.
When confirmation is undertaken the method of requesting information from the customer may be
either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.
• Under the positive method the customer is requested to give the balance or to confirm the
accuracy of the balance shown or state in what respect he is in disagreement.

276 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Under the negative method the customer is requested to reply only if the amount stated is
disputed. This method generally provides less reliable audit evidence than the positive method as
a lack of response could mean that the customer does not dispute the balance, or it could mean
that the customer did not receive the confirmation request, or ignored it.
The positive method is generally preferable as it is designed to encourage definite replies from
those contacted. The risk that customers might reply without actually confirming the balance can be
mitigated by not providing the balance for confirmation and requesting that the customer fills the
balance in. However, this approach can lead to a lower response rate as it involves more work on the
part of the customer. The negative method should only be used when:
• assessed risk of material misstatement is low.
• the relevant controls are operating effectively.
• a large number of small balances is involved.
• a substantial number of errors is not expected.
• the auditor has no reason to believe that customers will disregard the request.
The statements will normally be prepared by the client’s staff, from which point the assurance
providers, as a safeguard against the possibility of fraudulent manipulation, must maintain strict
control over the checking and despatch of the statements.
Precautions must also be taken to ensure that undelivered items are returned, not to the client, but to
the assurance providers’ own office for follow up by them.

Context example: Positive request for confirmation with balance provided

15 South Street
Messrs (customer)
In accordance with the request of our auditors, Arthur Daley LLP, we ask that you kindly confirm to
them directly your indebtedness to us at (insert date) which, according to our records, amounted to
£.......... as shown by the enclosed statement.
If the above amount is in agreement with your records, please sign in the space provided below and
return this letter direct to our auditors in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope.
If the amount is not in agreement with your records, please notify our auditors directly of the amount
shown by your records, and if possible detail on the reverse of this letter full particulars of the
Yours faithfully,
For Manufacturing Co Limited
Reference No: ...........................
(Tear off slip)
The amount shown above is/is not * in agreement with our records as at (insert date)
Account No..............................Signature................................
Date..............................Title or position................................
* The position according to our records is shown overleaf.

1 The letter is on the client’s paper, signed by the client.
2 A copy of the statement is attached (although that will not always be the case).

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 277
3 The reply is sent directly to the auditor in a pre-paid envelope.

Assurance providers will normally only contact a sample of customers although it must be based
upon a complete list of all customers. In addition, when constructing the sample, the following
classes of account should receive special attention:
• Old unpaid accounts
• Accounts written off during the period under review
• Accounts with credit balances
• Accounts settled by round sum payments
Similarly, the following should not be overlooked:
• Accounts with nil balances
• Accounts that have been paid by the date of the examination
Assurance providers will have to carry out further work in relation to those receivables who:
• disagree with the balance stated (positive and negative confirmation)
• do not respond (positive confirmation only)
In the case of disagreements, where the customer balance was stated, the customer response should
have identified specific amounts that are disputed.

Reasons for disagreements

There is a dispute between the client and the customer. The reasons for the dispute would have to
be identified, and specific allowances for receivables made if appropriate against the debt.

Cut-off problems exist, because the client records the following year’s sales in the current year or
because goods returned by the customer in the current year are not recorded in the current year.
Cut-off testing may have to be extended.

The customer may have sent the monies before the year-end, but the monies were not recorded
by the client as receipts until after the year-end. Detailed cut-off work may be required on receipts.

Monies received may have been posted to the wrong account or a cash-in-transit account.
Assurance providers should check if there is evidence of other misposting. If the monies have
been posted to a cash-in-transit account, assurance providers should ensure this account has been
cleared promptly.

Customers who are also suppliers may net off balances owed and owing. Assurance providers
should check that this is allowed.

Teeming and lading (stealing monies and incorrectly posting other receipts so that no particular
customer is seriously in debt), is a fraud that can arise in this area. If assurance providers suspect
teeming and lading has occurred, detailed testing will be required on cash receipts, particularly on
prompt posting of cash receipts.

When the positive request method is used the assurance providers must follow up by all practicable
means those customers who fail to respond. Second requests should be sent out in the event of no
reply being received within two or three weeks and if necessary this may be followed by telephoning
the customer, with the client’s permission.
After two, or even three, attempts to obtain confirmation, a list of the outstanding items will normally
be passed to a responsible company official, preferably independent of the sales accounting
department, who will arrange for them to be investigated.
Where their confirmation is carried out before the year end, assurance providers will have to
reconcile the balance agreed to the year-end balance by reviewing ledger records, invoices and
All confirmations, regardless of timing, must be properly recorded and evaluated. All balance
disagreements and non replies must be followed up and their effect on total receivables evaluated.

278 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Differences arising that merely represent invoices or cash in transit (normal timing differences)
generally do not require adjustment, but disputed amounts, and errors by the client, may indicate
that further substantive work is necessary to determine whether material adjustments are required.

3.2 Alternative procedures to verify existence/rights and obligations

If it proves impossible to get confirmations from individual customers, alternative procedures must
be performed which may include the following.

Plan: Receivables – alternative procedures

Vouch receipt of cash after date to post year end cash book

Verify valid purchase orders, although these will not necessarily have led to an invoice

Examine the account to see if the balance outstanding represents specific invoices and confirm
their validity to despatch notes

Obtain explanations for invoices remaining unpaid after subsequent ones have been paid

Check if the balance on the account is growing, and if so, why

Test company’s control over the issue of credit notes and the write-off of irrecoverable

3.3 Irrecoverable receivables

A significant test of irrecoverable receivables will be reviewing the cash received after date. This will
provide evidence of collectability of debts (and hence valuation). It also provides some evidence of
correctness of title (rights and obligations), although ideally it should be carried out as well as a
receivables confirmation (the main test on rights and obligations as outlined above).

3.4 Other receivables

A company may also have other receivables, such as royalties. It should be possible to verify such
items to third party evidence, such as correspondence from the relevant partner, or by cash received
after date.

Context example: Audit of receivables

Sajeeda is working on the audit of General Stationery plc (GSP), a company that sells a large range of
standard stationery items to businesses by mail order. GSP has a large receivables ledger. Although
GSP has many established clients, it also receives a number of one-off or short-term customers, as
some companies tend to shop around for the best deals on stationery at the time. GSP’s controls
over new customers and sales orders are good in principle, but controls testing has revealed
weaknesses in their operation. In addition, some problems with goods despatch and invoicing were
also discovered during controls testing. It has been concluded that substantial tests of detail are
required in this area with quite a large sample of customer accounts being taken.
The major risks of misstatement of GSP’s receivables balance arise from:
• customers disputing the balances due to requested credits and general problems with recording
sales on customer accounts
• there being a high instance of irrecoverable receivables
Rights and obligations/existence
Sajeeda will:
• select a sample of receivables balances and carry out confirmation procedures at the year end,
using the positive approach, providing a statement of the customer’s account
• follow up replies appropriately depending on their content
Sajeeda will:

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 279
• obtain an analysis of aged debt at the year end from receivables ledger records and review it for
debt in excess of GSP’s published credit terms
• carry out an analysis of after-date receipts to observe whether any old debt remains outstanding
at audit date
• if so, collate a list of old debt as yet unpaid and compare the results of any confirmation replies
that are covered by the list
• cross-refer her list to any list of debt written off in the financial statements
• discuss old debts not written off with the credit controller to see what steps GSP has taken to
recover the debt
• consider whether any of the debt requires writing off in the financial statements. This amount
should be entered on a list of potential adjustments. If material, it should be referred to senior
audit team members
Sajeeda will:
• check a sample of customers on the list against the receivables ledger accounts
It is the middle of the final audit visit to GSP. Sajeeda has received 54 out of 56 replies to her
confirmation requests. Of these replies, 30 agree the balance stated and 24 dispute the balance.
Customers who have not yet replied have been sent three reminders each.
Sajeeda will:
• pass the two outstanding requests to a senior official unconnected with sales for further follow up
• perform reconciliations on the 24 disputed balances, using the information given on the reply and
the information available in the sales and receipts records of GSP
Of the 24 disputes, Sajeeda finds that 10 relate to timing differences with regard to receipts. She
confirms that all of these receipts clear GSP’s bank within reasonable time after the year end by
checking the paying in records and bank statements. She can conclude that these 10 accounts are
fairly stated.
The remaining 14 have differences resulting from requested credits, for damaged goods (some
going back over six months), for invoices in relation to which there were no goods delivered and for
invoices relating to different customers.
Sajeeda will:
• discuss the requested credits with the appropriate sales manager to determine why credits have
not been issued and form an opinion as to whether these debts and related sales may need
writing off
• trace invoices disputed due to lack of goods delivered, try and trace back to despatch notes to
ascertain whether GSP states the goods were delivered and form an opinion as to whether these
debts and related sales may need writing off
• consider the implications in terms of inventory movements if goods are being invoiced but not
delivered – is inventory overstated; is a fraud being carried out where goods are being stolen?
• refer to copy invoices to confirm whether invoices were in fact sent to the wrong customers. These
errors, while indicating a lack of control over invoicing, do not affect the overall total of
receivables, as they are genuine sales to other customers
Sajeeda should:
• highlight to senior audit team members that performing substantive procedures has confirmed
conclusions that controls in the area have been ineffective and proved that there is a problem with
the receivables balance, and that the sample may have to be extended and further substantive
procedures carried out in this area

Interactive question 3: Audit of receivables

Which one of the following procedures should be undertaken to confirm the rights and obligations
of trade receivables
A Review of cash received after date

280 Assurance ICAEW 2021

B Tests of controls over ordering
C Receivables external confirmation
D Recalculation of specific allowance for doubtful debts

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Bank
Section overview

• Key areas when testing the statement of financial position bank figure are:
– confirming bank balances directly with the bank (existence, valuation, rights and obligations)
– confirming reconciling differences calculated by the client are reasonable (completeness,
– confirming any material cash balances held at the client are correctly stated (valuation)

The major risks of misstatement of the bank and cash balance in the financial statements are due to:
• not all bank balances owned by the client being disclosed (rights and obligations/existence)
• reconciliation differences between bank balance and cash at bank nominal ledger account
balance being misstated (valuation)
• material cash floats being omitted or misstated (completeness/existence)
The objective of tests in respect of bank is therefore to prove that these assertions about the assets
are correct. The following sources of information can be used:
• Cash at bank nominal ledger account
• Confirmation from the bank
• Bank statements
• Bank reconciliation carried out by the client

4.1 Direct confirmation with bank

Testing of bank balances will need to cover completeness, existence, rights and obligations and
valuation. All of these elements can be tested directly through the device of obtaining third party
confirmations from the client’s banks and reconciling these with the accounting records, having
regard to cut off. The assurance providers should update details of bank accounts held.
The form and content of a confirmation request letter (bank letter) will depend on the purpose for
which it is required and on local practices.
The most commonly requested information is in respect of balances due to or from the client entity
on current, deposit, loan and other accounts. The request letter should provide the account
description number and the type of currency for the account.
It may also be advisable to request information about nil balances on accounts, and accounts which
were closed in the twelve months prior to the chosen confirmation date. The client entity may ask for
confirmation not only of the balances on accounts but also, where it may be helpful, other
information, such as the maturity and interest terms, unused facilities, lines of credit/standby facilities,
any offset or other rights or encumbrances, and details of any collateral given or received.
The client entity and its assurance providers are likely to request confirmation of contingent
liabilities, such as those arising on guarantees, comfort letters, bills and so on.
Banks often hold securities and other items in safe custody on behalf of customers. A request letter
may thus ask for confirmation of such items held by the confirming bank.
The procedure is simple but important.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 281
(a) The banks will require explicit written authority from their client to disclose the information
(b) The assurance providers’ request must refer to the client’s letter of authority and the date
thereof. Alternatively it may be countersigned by the client or it may be accompanied by a
specific letter of authority.
(c) In the case of joint accounts, letters of authority signed by all parties will be necessary.
(d) Such letters of authority may either give permission to the bank to disclose information for a
specific request or grant permission for an indeterminate length of time.
(e) The request should reach the branch manager at least two weeks in advance of the client’s year-
end and should state both that year-end date and the previous year-end date.
(f) The assurance providers should themselves check that the bank response covers all the
information in the standard and other responses.

4.2 Bank reconciliation

Care must be taken to ensure that there is no window dressing, so the cut off should be checked
carefully. Window dressing in this context is usually manifested as an attempt to overstate the
liquidity of the company by:
(a) keeping the cash at bank nominal ledger account open to take credit for remittances actually
received after the year-end, thus enhancing the balance at bank and reducing receivables, as
cash is more liquid than debt; and
(b) recording cheques paid in the period under review which are not actually despatched until after
the year-end, thus decreasing the balance at bank and reducing payables. This can contrive to
present an artificially healthy looking current ratio.
With the possibility of (a) above in mind, where lodgements have not been cleared by the bank until
the new period, the assurance providers should examine the paying in slip to ensure that the
amounts were actually paid into the bank on or before the end of the reporting period.
As regards (b) above, where there appears to be a particularly large number of outstanding cheques
at the year-end, the assurance providers should check whether these were cleared within a
reasonable time in the new period. If not, this may indicate that despatch occurred after the year-

4.3 Cash count

Planning is an essential element of cash counts, for it is an important principle that all cash balances
are counted at the same time as far as possible. Cash in this context may include unbanked cheques
received, IOUs and credit card slips, in addition to notes and coins. Often such cash balances are
unlikely to be material, but in certain businesses they may be.
As part of their planning procedures the assurance providers will hence need to determine the
locations where cash is held and which of these locations (if any) warrant a count.
Planning decisions will need to be recorded on the current audit file including:
• the precise time of the count(s) and location(s)
• the names of the audit staff conducting the counts
• the names of the client staff intending to be present at each location
Where a location is not visited it may be expedient to obtain a letter from the client confirming the
The following matters apply to the count itself:
• All petty cash books should be written up to date in ink (or other permanent form) at the time of
the count.
• All balances must be counted at the same time.
• At no time should the assurance providers be left alone with the cash and negotiable securities.
• All cash counted must be recorded on working papers subsequently filed on the current audit
file. Reconciliations should be prepared where applicable (for example imprest petty cash float).

282 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Context example: Audit of Bank
Tracey is working on the audit of the bank reconciliation at IT Limited (ITL), a computer systems
company. She has obtained the following bank reconciliation.
Bank reconciliation at 31 December 20X6

£ £
Balance per bank statement 79,938
Less unpresented cheques
Cheque number
13539 (24,933)
13540 (54,388)
13542 (64,420)
13543 (3,492)
13544 (1,849)
13545 (53,944)
13546 (940)
Bal c/f (124,028)
Add outstanding lodgements
Date in cash book
27.12 355
28.12 103,344
31.12 39,455
31.12 5,301
Balance per financial statements 24,427

The bank letter confirmed the balance per bank given in the bank reconciliation.
Tracey will:
• trace unpresented cheques to bank statements after the year end to confirm what date they
cleared the bank
• review paying in books and bank statements in respect of the lodgements, to see what date they
were paid into the bank
• enquire why a substantial lodgement remained unbanked for three days prior to the year end

Interactive question 4: Bank balance

Which one of the following will be confirmed by obtaining a bank letter from a specific bank?
A That the bank balance stated on the bank reconciliation is correct.
B That the unpresented cheques listed on the bank reconciliation were sent out pre year-end.
C That the company possesses only the bank accounts it declares.
D That the cash floats of the company are fairly stated.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 283
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

5 Payables
Section overview

• Key areas when testing payables are:

– ensuring that all liabilities are included (completeness)
– confirming that all liabilities are bona fide owed by the company (rights and obligations)

The major risks of misstatements of payables in the financial statements are due to:
• the entity understating its liabilities in the financial statements (completeness)
• cut-off between goods inward and liability recording being incorrect (cut-off)
• (more rarely) non-existent liabilities being declared (existence, rights and obligations)
The objective of tests in respect of payables is therefore to prove that these assertions about the
liabilities are correct. The following sources of information can be used:
• Payables ledger records
• Confirmations from suppliers
Analytical procedures could point to understatement if the account balance is inexplicably reduced
from previous years.

5.1 Supplier statements

The most important test when considering trade payables is comparison of suppliers’ statements
with payables ledger balances.
When selecting a sample of payables to test, assurance providers must be careful not just to select
suppliers with large year-end balances. Remember, it is errors of understatement that assurance
providers are primarily interested in when reviewing payables, and errors of understatement could
occur equally in payables with low or nil balances as with high.
When comparing supplier statements with year-end payables ledger balances, assurance providers
should include within their sample payables with nil or negative payables ledger balances.
Assurance providers should be particularly wary of low balances with major suppliers. Remember the
client has no incentive to record liabilities before being invoiced. The sample should be selected
from the client’s list of suppliers, not the payables ledger.
You may be wondering, as we normally carry out a circularisation confirmation of receivables,
whether we would also circularise suppliers. The answer is generally no.
The principal reason for this lies in the nature of the purchases cycle: third party evidence in the form
of suppliers’ invoices and, even more significantly, suppliers’ statements, are part of the standard
documentation of the cycle. The assurance providers will hence concentrate on these documents
when designing and conducting their tests.
In the following circumstances the assurance providers may, however, determine that a confirmation
is necessary. In these cases confirmation requests should be sent out and processed in a similar way
to accounts receivable confirmation requests. ‘Positive’ replies will be required where:
• suppliers’ statements are, for whatever reason, unavailable or incomplete
• weaknesses in internal control or the nature of the client’s business make possible a material
misstatement of liabilities that would not otherwise be picked up
• it is thought that the client is deliberately trying to understate payables
• the accounts appear to be irregular or if the nature or size of balances or transactions is abnormal

284 Assurance ICAEW 2021

5.2 Other payables/accrued expenses
Companies may have other payables and the tests carried out on them will vary according to what
the nature of that account is. Remember that you are primarily testing for understatement. Consider
whether you can obtain third party evidence about the balance. You may have to think laterally about
the specific balance.
An accrual is a type of payable, and is made when an expense has been incurred in the current
period, but will not be paid for until the next period. Typically, an accrual is made when a company
not only has not paid for the item, but has not even received an invoice at the period end. In order to
include these expenses the company draws up a list of accruals. Examples of accruals include
recurring items, such as utility expenses and bank interest, as well as one-offs such as the audit fee.
The amount of some accruals may be known precisely, but in some cases the amount to accrue has
to be estimated. In cases where the invoice covers a period straddling the year end, it may be
necessary to prorate an expense ie, to accrue for only the proportion of the expense which falls
before the period end (eg, the two months of a three-month phone bill which relates to the reporting
The audit of accruals focuses primarily on cut-off and completeness. Here, cut-off means that the
amount accrued relates to the reporting period eg, that two months of the three-month phone bill
have been accrued (up to the period end) rather than two and half months, which would be
inaccurate. Cut-off can therefore be tested by the auditor making her own estimate of the accrual
and comparing this with the amount accrued by the entity.
Completeness means that no accruals have been missed. This can be tested by reviewing the entity’s
purchase invoices received after the period end. Any invoices which relate to the reporting period
should be accrued for.

Context example: Audit of payables

Ugo is working on the audit of payables at Seriously Dodgy Limited (SDL). He has carried out
analytical procedures on the payables balance, comparing it with prior years, month by month
balance owing levels, levels of purchases during the year and the change in inventory levels from
beginning to end of the year.
Ugo has enquired about obtaining supplier statements at the year-end, and the payables ledger
clerk has directed him to a file where they are kept. She tells him that not all the suppliers send
statements, so they only reconcile the ones they get. Ugo confirms this with the audit file from the
previous year. On examination of the file, however, Ugo notes that at least three suppliers which sent
statements last year have apparently not sent statements this year. In addition, SDL has started major
accounts with three new suppliers in the year, none of which has sent a statement.
As a result of this, and the results of his analytical procedures, which indicate that there may be a
discrepancy between the level of purchases and the published payables at the year end, he suspects
that SDL may be trying to understate payables.
Ugo therefore alerts senior audit staff members to his suspicions and makes a recommendation that
a supplier circularisation be carried out as a one-off exercise.

Interactive question 5: Audit of payables

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false
Supplier statements are a strong source of evidence as they are third party evidence; however, as the
assurance provider receives them through the medium of the client, the assurance provider must
treat supplier statements with professional scepticism. .

Payables may be tested by cash payments after date as these give an indication that debts were
owed and the value of those debts has not been understated. .

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 285
6 Long-term liabilities
Section overview

• Risks include failure to make correct disclosures and miscalculation of interest.

• There should be third party evidence from lender

We are concerned here with long-term liabilities comprising debentures, loan stock and other loans
repayable at a date more than one year after the year-end. The major risks of misstatement of long-
term liabilities are:
• that not all long-term liabilities have been disclosed (completeness)
• that interest payable has not been calculated correctly and included in the correct accounting
period (accuracy and cut-off)
• that disclosure is incorrect (presentation and disclosure)
A complication for the assurance provider is that debenture and loan agreements frequently contain
conditions with which the company must comply, including restrictions on the company’s total
borrowings and adherence to specific borrowing ratios.
The following sources of information exist:
• Schedule of loans/prior year audit file information
• Statutory books, such as register of debentures, articles of association
• Loan agreements
• Bank letter and direct confirmations from other lenders
• Cash at bank nominal ledger account
• Board minutes
• Client schedules and calculations
• Accounting policies in the financial statements

Plan: Long-term liabilities

Obtain/prepare schedule of loans outstanding at the end of the reporting period showing, for
each loan: name of lender, date of loan, maturity date, interest date, interest rate, balance at the
end of the period and security

Compare opening balances to previous year’s working papers

Test the clerical accuracy of the analysis

Compare balances to the nominal ledger

Agree name of lender etc, to register of debenture holders or equivalent (if kept)

Trace additions and repayments to entries in the cash at bank nominal ledger account

Confirm repayments are in accordance with loan agreement

Examine cancelled cheques and memoranda of satisfaction for loans repaid

Verify that borrowing limits imposed either by Articles or by other agreements are not exceeded

Examine signed Board minutes relating to new borrowings/repayments

Obtain direct confirmation from lenders of the amounts outstanding, accrued interest and what
security they hold

Verify interest charged for the period and the adequacy of accrued interest

Confirm assets charged have been entered in the register of charges and notified to the Registrar

286 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Plan: Long-term liabilities

Review restrictive covenants and provisions relating to default:

• (Review any correspondence relating to the loan
• (Review confirmation replies for noncompliance
• (If a default appears to exist, determine its effect, and schedule findings

Review minutes and cash at bank nominal ledger account to determine whether all loans have
been recorded

7 Statement of profit or loss items

Section overview

• A key area when testing statement of profit or loss items is completeness.

7.1 Revenue
It was stated in Chapter 6 that revenue will often be tested by testing controls. Subsequent testing on
revenue will usually involve analytical procedures, as revenue is the area of the business the
company is most likely to have information and analysis about. In addition, revenue has predictable
relationships with other items in the financial statements, notably receivables, about which it is
possible to obtain strong third party evidence as outlined above.
Revenue can also be tested by vouching individual transactions. If the major risk with revenue at a
particular client is that it is overstated, this would involve selecting individual items of revenue
recorded in the nominal ledger and tracing back to source documents, such as sales invoice, then
despatch notes.

7.2 Purchases
As noted in Chapter 7, purchases are often tested by testing controls in that area. Additional or
alternative substantive procedures will often include the use of analytical procedures due to the
strong relationships that purchases has with other items in financial statements, notably inventory
and payables.
In addition, individual transactions can be tested, commencing with goods received notes and
tracing transactions through the system to ensure completeness.

7.3 Payroll costs

Analytical procedures are often carried out on payroll costs as there are strong relationships between
numbers of staff, pay rates and overall costs and also tax/national insurance (NI) rates and pay.
Tests of details to verify if payroll costs might include checking for a sample of payroll records that
time worked has been correctly included (to clockcards), employees exist (personnel records) and
are being paid at the correct rate (contracts/personnel records) and that the payroll is calculated
correctly (by reperforming calculations).
Payments from the payroll to staff and tax authorities can be verified to bank statements. Postings
from the payroll to the nominal ledger should also be checked.

7.4 Interest paid/received

Interest paid/received can usually be tested by inspecting bank statements, or confirmations from
other lenders.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 287
7.5 Expenses
Other expenses in the statement of profit or loss can be tested by analytical procedures, and also by
vouching specific transactions to purchase invoices.

7.6 Summary of matters which should be reported to more senior staff

The following table applies to any of the areas of the financial statements covered in this chapter, and
gives examples of matters which should be reported to more senior staff.

Matters which should be referred to a senior member of staff

Conclusions of audit procedures performed. This is crucial if the conclusion is negative eg, that
controls in the area being tested are ineffective.

Exceptional items discovered when performing procedures eg, transactions outside the normal
course of business, and transactions above or below market rates.

Any unusual accounting entries noticed. These could be misstatements, or may be subject to
different reporting requirements eg, related party transactions.

Any indications of possible money laundering. It may be necessary for the junior to report the
matter to the firm’s MLRO rather than to more senior staff.

Issues which need to be discussed with the client. Different firms have different norms here; in
some it is usual for the junior member of staff to discuss issues with the client staff, but in others
this would always be done by a senior member of staff. Junior staff should generally behave in
accordance with their firm’s expectations, referring matters up to senior staff as appropriate.
Where the junior member of staff discusses issues directly with the client staff, the client’s
responses should be clearly recorded in the audit file. If these responses appear unclear or
ambiguous, this should be raised and discussed with a senior member of staff.

Anything which the junior member of staff is unsure about or does not understand. It may not be
always necessary to raise an exception on the audit file, so the matter should first be discussed
with more senior staff. This is important both for the junior’s professional development and also
because it may be that they do not understand the matter because it contains a misstatement.

288 Assurance ICAEW 2021


Non-current assets Inventory

Key issues: Key issues:

Existence, rights and obligations, Existence, valuation
completeness, valuation
Sources of information:
Sources of information: Auditor attendance at count, invoices,
Third party valuations, invoices, third party confirmations (strong)
auditor inspection (strong) Client controls over count, client
Client schedules and calculations production schedules (not so strong)
(not so strong)

Receivables Payables

Key issues: Key issues:

Rights and obligations, valuation Completeness

Sources of information: Sources of information:

Third party confirmations, cash Supplier statements (strong, but open
payments after date (strong) to tampering by client)

Bank Long-term liabilities

Key issues: Key issues:

Completeness, existence, rights and Completeness, accuracy, disclosure
obligations, valuation
Sources of information:
Sources of information: Loan documentation, statutory books,
Confirmation from bank, bank confirmations from lenders (strong)
statements (strong) Client schedules, board minutes,
Client schedules, reconciliations (not client calculations (not so strong)
so strong)

Statement of profit or loss

Key issue:

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 289
Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Complete the table, showing which tests on tangible non-current assets are designed to provide
evidence about which financial statement assertion.

Completeness Existence

Accuracy, valuation and allocation Rights and obligations

(1) Inspect assets

(2) Verify to valuation certificate
(3) Refer to title deeds
(4) Compare assets in ledger to non-current asset register
(5) Review depreciation rates
(6) Verify material on self-constructed assets to invoices
(7) Examine invoices after the year end
(8) Review repairs in nominal ledger

2 Should the following inventory counting tests take place before, during or after the count?


Check client staff are following instructions

Review previous year’s inventory count arrangements

Assess method of accounting for inventories

Trace counted items to final inventory sheets

Check replies from 3rd parties re inventory held for them

Conclude whether count has been properly carried out

Gain an overall impression of levels/values of inventory

Consider the need for expert help

3 Which of the following is not a reason why NRV of inventory should be lower than cost?
A An increase in costs or a fall in selling price
B Physical deterioration
C A marketing decision to manufacture and sell products at a loss
D Errors in recording or counting

290 Assurance ICAEW 2021

4 The negative method of receivables external confirmation should only be used if the client has a
good system of internal control, and a small number of large receivables accounts
A True
B False

5 Complete these two sentences of the audit tests performed to verify the bank reconciliation.

Trace cheques shown as outstanding on the to the prior to the

year end and

Obtain satisfactory explanations for all items in the for which there is no
corresponding entry in the and

6 At which two of the following locations would auditors expect to see more substantial cash floats?
A Hotels
B Retail outlets
C Manufacturing company
D Solicitor’s practice

7 Nil balances should not be included in a supplier statement test.

A True
B False

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 291
Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you identify the key areas when testing tangible non-current assets?
(Topic 1)

(2) Can you identify the key areas when testing inventory? (Topic 2)

(3) Can you identify the three principal sources of information can be used to
audit receivables? (Topic 3)

(4) Can you identify the key areas when testing the bank figure in the statement
of financial position? (Topic 4)

(5) Can you identify the principal sources of information in the audit of payables?
(Topic 5)

(6) What are the principal risks in relation to long-term liabilities? (Topic 6)

(7) What are the key statement of profit or loss items to be tested? (Topic 7)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 13 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Codes of professional ethics.

292 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Technical reference
1 Receivables
Confirmations from customers – ISA (UK) 505

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 293
294 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A A purchase invoice
B A registration document
C A hire-purchase agreement

Answer to Interactive question 2

A Attendance at inventory count

Answer to Interactive question 3

C Receivables external confirmation

Answer to Interactive question 4

A That the bank balance stated on the bank reconciliation is correct.
The others are incorrect for the following reasons:
• That the unpresented cheques listed on the bank reconciliation were sent out pre year-end.
(These will not be accounted for in the bank’s year-end balance; only bank statements after the
reporting period will indicate whether these may have been held back.)
• That the company possesses only the bank accounts it declares. (As the company may have bank
accounts with a different bank.)
• That the cash floats of the company are fairly stated. (As cash floats at the company are not within
the scope of the bank letter.)

Answer to Interactive question 5

Supplier statements are a strong source of evidence as they are third party evidence; however, as the
assurance provider receives them through the medium of the client, the assurance provider must
treat supplier statements with professional scepticism. True .

Payables may be tested by cash payments after date as these give an indication that debts were
owed and the value of those debts has not been understated. False .

True. Assurance providers must always behave with professional scepticism, not assuming that
documents such as supplier statements have been tampered with, but bearing in mind that it is a
possibility if indications arise supporting that suggestion.
False. Cash payments after date do not prove that the balance is not understated, as the client may
control the payments it makes and conceal correspondence from suppliers requesting full payment.

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 295
Answers to Self-test questions

1 Tests on tangible non-current assets:

Completeness Existence
• Compare assets in ledger to non-current • Inspect assets
asset register
• Review repairs in nominal ledger

Accuracy, valuation and allocation Rights and obligations

• Verify to valuation certificate • Refer to title deeds
• Review depreciation rates • Examine invoices after the year end
• Verify material on self-constructed assets to

2 Before/During/After:


Check client staff are following instructions During

Review previous year’s inventory count arrangements Before

Assess method of accounting for inventories Before

Trace counted items to final inventory sheets After

Check replies from 3rd parties re inventory held for them After

Conclude whether count has been properly carried out During

Gain an overall impression of levels/values of inventory During

Consider the need for expert help Before

3 Correct answer(s):
D Errors in recording or counting

4 Correct answer(s):
B False

5 Trace cheques shown as outstanding on the bank reconciliation to the

cash at bank nominal ledger account prior to the year end and after date bank statements

Obtain satisfactory explanations for all items in the bank statements for which there is no
corresponding entry in the cash at bank nominal ledger account and bank reconciliation

6 Correct answer(s):
A Hotels
B Retail outlets

296 Assurance ICAEW 2021

7 Correct answer(s):
B False

ICAEW 2021 13: Substantive procedures – key financial statement figures 297
298 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 14

Codes of professional ethics

Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Professional ethics
2 IESBA Code of Ethics
3 ICAEW Code
4 FRC Ethical Standard
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Professional ethics
Students will be able to understand the importance of ethical behaviour to a professional and
identify issues relating to integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality,
professional behaviour and independence.
• In the assessment, students may be required to:
– state the role of ethical codes and their importance to the profession and identify the key
features of the system of professional ethics adopted by IESBA and ICAEW
– recognise the differences between a rules-based ethical code and one based upon a set of
– recognise how the principles of professional behaviour protect the public and fellow
– identify the fundamental principles underlying the ICAEW Code of Ethics
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4a, b, c, d

Syllabus links
You will build on the principles of professional ethics you learn here in your Audit and Assurance

Examination context
Ethics is 20% of the syllabus, and therefore in the sample paper there were 10 questions on ethics.
These were a combination of questions about general ethical concepts and principles, which we
shall look at in this chapter, and more detailed ethical threats and safeguards, which we shall look at
in the next two chapters.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 14 Codes of professional ethics.

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self – test


1 Professional ethics Chapter 14 Ethics is 20% of the 1

Professional ethics is introduces the syllabus, and therefore in
of critical importance concept of ethical the sample exam there
to accounting behaviour and sets were ten questions on
professionals. out the sources of ethics. These were a
Remember in guidance on this combination of questions
Chapter 1 where we issue. Specific about general ethical
set out that one aspects of ethical concepts and principles,
reason people seek behaviour are then which we shall look at in this
assurance from developed in chapter, and more detailed
accountants is that Chapters 15 and ethical threats and
they are 16. safeguards, which we shall
independent, Read through all look at in the next two
impartial people? of the material. chapters.
That is due to Also note the
accountants’ codes of nature of the
ethics. Ethical issues guidance, ie, it is in

300 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self – test

are important for all the form of a

accountants, from framework rather
trainees to partners. than a set of
Stop and think specific rules.

What ethical issues

might arise for
trainees that are less
likely to arise for
partners? And vice

2 IESBA Code Make sure you Ethics is 20% of the 2, 3

The IESBA Code is understand that syllabus, and therefore in
the basis of local ethical guidance the sample exam, there
codes of professional can be found in were ten questions on
ethics around the the IESBA Code, ethics. These were a
globe. the ICAEW Code combination of questions
and the FRC about general ethical
If a trainee in practice Ethical Standard. concepts and principles,
is at a client carrying which we shall look at in this
out assurance work, chapter, and more detailed
they could be faced ethical threats and
with ethical decisions, safeguards, which we shall
such as if client staff look at in the next two
are trying to influence chapters.
them regarding the
appropriateness of a
particular accounting
policy, in which case
they should refer the
matter to their
assurance senior.

3 ICAEW Code Read through this Ethics is 20% of the 4

The ICAEW Code brief section. syllabus, and therefore in
implements the the sample exam, there
IESBA Code, but were ten questions on
contains additional ethics. These were a
guidance for ICAEW combination of questions
members. about general ethical
concepts and principles,
which we shall look at in this
chapter, and more detailed
ethical threats and
safeguards, which we shall
look at in the next two

4 FRC Ethical Standard Read through this Ethics is 20% of the 5

The FRC Ethical brief section and syllabus, and therefore in
Standard is a distinct attempt the the sample exam, there
body of ethical interactive were ten questions on
guidance for UK question. ethics. These were a
auditors, and is not combination of questions
based on the IESBA about general ethical
Code. concepts and principles,

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 301

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self – test

which we shall look at in this

chapter, and more detailed
ethical threats and
safeguards, which we shall
look at in the next two

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

302 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Professional ethics
Section overview

• Accountants require an ethical code because they hold positions of trust, and people rely on
• Accountants work in the public interest, which extends beyond clients to people associated with
those clients and the general community.
• ICAEW members are subject to ICAEW guidance (influenced by IESBA guidance) and FRC
• Guidance tends to be issued in the form of principles rather than hard and fast rules.

1.1 Need for ethics

Professional accountants have a responsibility to consider the public interest and maintain the
reputation of the accounting profession. Personal self-interest must not prevail over these duties. The
IESBA and ICAEW Codes of Ethics help accountants to meet these obligations by setting out ethical
guidance to be followed.
Acting in the public interest involves having regard to the legitimate interests of clients, government,
financial institutions, employees, investors, the business and financial community and others who rely
upon the objectivity and integrity of the accounting profession to support the propriety and orderly
functioning of commerce.
In summary, then, the key reason accountants need to have an ethical code is that people rely on
them and their expertise. It is important to note that this reliance extends beyond clients to the
general community.
Accountants deal with a range of issues on behalf of clients. They often have access to confidential
and sensitive information. Auditors (and other assurance providers) claim to give an independent
view. It is therefore critical that accountants (particularly those giving assurance) are independent.
Compliance with a shared set of ethical guidelines gives protection to accountants as well, as they
cannot be accused of behaving differently from (that is, less well than) other accountants.

1.2 Sources of ethical guidance

ICAEW members (and trainees) and employees of member firms are subject to the ICAEW Code of
Ethics. This is influenced by the guidance of the International Federation of Accountants, (IFAC, of
which ICAEW is a member), which is actually issued by the IESBA (a body of IFAC) as the IESBA Code
of Ethics for Professional Accountants. This is referred to here as the IESBA Code of Ethics. You should
already be aware of this body as it is the same body that issues International Standards on Auditing,
which we have been studying in this Workbook.
UK auditors are also subject to the FRC’s Ethical Standard (formerly the ‘Ethical Standards for
Auditors’). The FRC is the Financial Reporting Council in the UK, which also issues auditing standards
(adopted from IFAC, which creates them).

1.3 Rules- or principles-based guidance?

The ethical guidance we shall look at tends to be in the form of a principles-based framework. It
contains some rules (as we shall see in the next chapter), but in the main it is flexible guidance. It can
be seen as being a framework of principles rather than a set of rules. There are a number of
advantages of a framework of principles over a system of ethical rules, which are outlined in the
following table.

Factor Explanation

Active A framework of principles places the onus on the accountant to actively

consideration and consider independence for every given situation, rather than just agreeing
demonstration of a checklist of forbidden items. It also requires him to demonstrate that a

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 303

Factor Explanation

conclusions responsible conclusion has been reached about ethical issues.

Broad A principles-based framework prevents auditors interpreting legalistic

interpretation of requirements narrowly to get around ethical requirements. There is an
ethical situations element to which rules engender deception whereas principles encourage

Individual situations A principles-based framework allows for the variations that are found in
covered individual situations. Each situation is likely to be different.

Flexible to A principles-based framework can accommodate a rapidly changing

changing situation environment, such as the one that assurance providers are involved in.

Can incorporate However, a principles-based framework can contain certain prohibitions

prohibitions where these are necessary.

2 IESBA Code of Ethics

Section overview

• The IESBA Code of Ethics contains a number of fundamental principles.

• It also gives guidance on the meaning of independence and the approach accountants should
take to ethical questions.
• The IESBA Code of Ethics sets out a number of general threats to independence and categories
of safeguards.

The IESBA Code of Ethics contains a number of fundamental principles. It then goes on to outline key
issues of ethics, such as independence, and highlight general and specific threats to independence
and the safeguards that can be implemented to reduce those threats. A key issue to remember is that
if it is impossible to reduce a threat to an acceptable level then the threat must be avoided (for
example, by not accepting an engagement).

2.1 Fundamental principles

The fundamental principles as follows.
• Integrity. To be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships.
• Objectivity. Not to compromise professional or business judgments because of bias, conflict of
interest or undue influence of others.
• Professional competence and due care. To:
– attain and maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client
or employing organisation receives competent professional service based on current technical
and professional standards and relevant legislation; and
– act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards.
• Confidentiality. To respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional
and business relationships.
• Professional behaviour. To comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any conduct that
the professional accountant knows or should know might discredit the profession.
(IESBA Code of Ethics: para. 110.1 A1)
In marketing and promoting themselves and their work, professional accountants shall not make:
• exaggerated claims for the services they are able to offer, the qualifications they possess, or
experience they have gained; or
• disparaging references or unsubstantiated comparisons to the work of others.

304 Assurance ICAEW 2021

(IESBA Code of Ethics: para. R115.2)

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Consider which principles are the most relevant to trainees. These are likely to be confidentiality
(trainees may be privy to client information), and professional competence and due care (in relation
to doing work that may be new to them).

2.2 Independence
IESBA Code of Ethics
‘It is in the public interest and required by the Code that professional accountants in public practice
be independent when performing audit or review engagements’ (IESBA Code of Ethics: para. 400.1).
The Code discusses independence in the light of the wider term ‘assurance engagements’ and
separately in relation to audits.
The guidance states its purpose in a series of steps. It aims to help firms and members:
Step 1 Identify threats to compliance with the fundamental principles
Step 2 Evaluate the threats identified
Step 3 Address the threats by eliminating them or reducing them to an acceptable level
Addressing the threats may require the application of safeguards.
It also recognises that there may be occasions where no safeguard is available. In such a
situation, it is only appropriate to:
• eliminate the interest or activities causing the threat; or
• decline the engagement, or discontinue it

Independence of mind: The state of mind that permits the expression of a conclusion without being
affected by influences that compromise professional judgment, thereby allowing an individual to act
with integrity, and exercise objectivity and professional scepticism.
Independence in appearance: The avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so significant that a
reasonable and informed third party would be likely to conclude that a firm’s, or an audit team
member’s, integrity, objectivity or professional scepticism has been compromised.
(IESBA Code of Ethics: para. 400.5)

The degree of independence required is highest for an audit engagement, with less stringent
requirements for non-audit engagements at an audit client, and engagements at non-audit clients.

2.3 Threats and safeguards

The following general points are made in the Code. We shall look at more specific guidance in the
following chapters.
There are five general sources of threat identified by the Code. The FRC’s Ethical Standard (section 1)
identifies a sixth threat (the management threat):
• Self-interest threat (for example, having a financial interest in a client)
• Self-review threat (for example, auditing financial statements prepared by the firm)
• Advocacy threat (for example, promoting the client’s position by dealing in its shares)
• Familiarity threat (for example, an audit team member having family at the client)
• Intimidation threat (for example, threats of replacement due to disagreement)
• Management threat (for example, doing work that should be carried out by management, such as
the design and implementation of IT systems)
There are two general categories of safeguard identified by the Code:

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 305

• Safeguards created by the profession, legislation or regulation
• Safeguards within the work environment
Examples of safeguards created by the profession, legislation or regulation:
• Educational training and experience requirements for entry into the profession
• Continuing professional development requirements
• Corporate governance regulations
• Professional standards
• Professional or regulatory monitoring and disciplinary procedures
• External review by a legally empowered third party of the reports, returns, communication or
information produced by a professional accountant
Examples of safeguards in the work environment:
• Involving an additional professional accountant to review the work done or otherwise advise as
• Consulting an independent third party, such as a committee of independent directors, a
professional regulatory body or another professional accountant
• Rotating senior personnel
• Discussing ethical issues with those in charge of client governance
• Disclosing to those charged with governance the nature of services provided and extent of fees
• Involving another firm to perform or re-perform part of the engagement
The team and the firm should be independent during the period of the engagement.
The period of the engagement is from the commencement of work until the signing of the final
report being produced. For a recurring audit, independence may only cease on termination of the
contract between the parties.

3 ICAEW Code
Section overview

• The ICAEW Code is relevant to professional accountants in all of their professional and business
• The ICAEW Code incorporates the IESBA Code of Ethics, but also contains additional rules
deemed appropriate by ICAEW.

The ICAEW Code states that ‘professional accountants shall follow the guidance contained in the
fundamental principles in all of their professional and business activities whether carried out with or
without reward and in other circumstances where to fail to do so would bring discredit to the
profession.’ (ICAEW Code of Ethics: para. R1.2)
Therefore the Code may apply not only to the job of the professional accountant but also to the life
of the professional accountant, particularly if he is involved in matters relevant to his profession, such
as keeping the books for a private club of which he is a member.
The Code also states that professional accountants are required to follow the spirit as well as the
letter of the guidance. In other words, a specific matter being excluded from the guidance does not
mean that the accountant does not have to think about it; rather he must determine if the spirit of the
guidance would also apply to the situation.
The ICAEW Code implements the IESBA Code of Ethics above so that following it ensures
compliance with the IESBA Code of Ethics.

306 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The ICAEW Code applies to ICAEW students as well as to full members.

4 FRC Ethical Standard

Section overview

• The FRC has issued an ethical standard with which UK auditors must comply when carrying out
• The ethical standard was drafted with the IESBA Code of Ethics in mind.

As noted above, auditors must comply with the FRC’s Ethical Standard (ES) when carrying out UK
audits. The Ethical Standard brings together in one document the guidance which was previously
contained within five separate ‘Ethical Standards for Auditors’.
These standards were developed with regard to the IESBA Code of Ethics and also the EU audit
regulations (2014), on the independence of statutory audits.

Interactive question 1: Ethical codes

There are two main approaches to a code of professional ethics: a rules-based ethical code and a
code based on a set of principles
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
A code based on a set of principles rather than rules is more flexible in a rapidly changing
environment. .

ICAEW’s Code of Ethics is principles-based. .

A code based on a set of rules requires accountants to evaluate and address threats to
independence. .

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 307


Accountants require an ethical code because they hold positions of trust and
people rely on them

A principles based system: The IESBA Code is principles based. It

• Allows flexibility contains a number of fundamental
principles and then goes on to focus
• Allows broad
on the importance of independence,
and threats of self-interest, self-review,
• Encourages evaluation advocacy, familiarity and intimidation
• Allows for individual
• Can contain rules The ICAEW Code is The FRC has issued its
compulsory for members in Ethical Standard, with
their professional lives and which UK auditors must
where actions in their comply when carrying out
personal life would discredit UK audits. This standard
the profession. It implements applies the principles of
the IESBA Code the IESBA Code

308 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Indicate whether the following statements are true.


Accountants must have ethical codes because

people rely on accountants.

A set of ethical principles gives protection to

accountants as it means they are all working to
the same guidelines.

Rules-based codes provide better protection to

users of accountancy services because every
potential situation arising is covered by them.

2 Are the following statements true or false?

The principle of integrity can be defined as the accountant not allowing bias, conflict of interest or
undue influence of others to override his choice of actions. .

Accountants may use information obtained during the course of their professional work for personal
use so long as they do not disclose it to others in breach of their duty of confidentiality.

Professional accountants should be technically up to date so as to give appropriate advice to clients.


3 The following are examples of which types of general threats to independence?

(1) The financial statements of Dropdown Ltd have been prepared by Glazer Brothers LLP, their
audit firm.
(2) Know how plc has intimated to the audit firm that if they do not receive an unqualified auditor’s
opinion for the year 20X6, they may put the audit out to tender.

4 The ICAEW Code implements the IESBA Code.

A True
B False

5 The FRC’s Ethical Standard only applies to audit work.

A True
B False

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 309

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) What are the main differences between rules-based and principles-
based guidance? (Topic 1)

(2) Can you give the definitions of the five fundamental principles? (Topic 2)

(3) What are the three steps in responding to an ethical threat? (Topic 2)

(4) What are the principal categories of threat? (Topic 2)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 14 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Integrity, objectivity and independence.

310 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 311
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

A code based on a set of principles rather than rules is more flexible in a rapidly changing
environment. True .

ICAEW’s Code of Ethics is principles-based. True .

A code based on a set of rules requires accountants to evaluate and address threats to
independence. False .

True – it is an advantage of the principles-based approach.

True – it implements the IESBA Code, which is principles-based.
False – a rules-based system tends to remove the need to evaluate, as accountants can just check
whether certain rules are being met or not, rather than applying the principles to given situations

312 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 The first two statements are true; the third statement is not true, as this would be true of a principles-
based system, not a rules-based system.


Accountants must have ethical codes because True

people rely on accountants.

A set of ethical principles gives protection to True

accountants as it means they are all working to
the same guidelines.

Rules-based codes provide better protection to False

users of accountancy services because every
potential situation arising is covered by them.

2 The principle of integrity can be defined as the accountant not allowing bias, conflict of interest or
undue influence of others to override his choice of actions. False .

Accountants may use information obtained during the course of their professional work for personal
use so long as they do not disclose it to others in breach of their duty of confidentiality. False .

Professional accountants should be technically up to date so as to give appropriate advice to clients.

True .

The first two statements are false. Statement 1 is a description of objectivity whilst statement 2 is false
because accountants are not entitled to use confidential information for their own personal good.
The third statement is true.

3 The following:
(1) Self-review
(2) Intimidation

4 Correct answer(s):
A True

5 Correct answer(s):
B False
It applies to audit engagements and public interest assurance engagements.

ICAEW 2021 14: Codes of professional ethics 313

314 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 15

Integrity, objectivity and


Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Integrity, objectivity and independence
2 Threats and safeguards
3 Resolving ethical conflicts
4 Conflicts of interest for the accountant
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Professional ethics
• Students will be able to understand the importance of ethical behaviour to a professional and
identify issues relating to integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care,
confidentiality, professional behaviour and independence.
• In the assessment, students may be required to:
– recognise the importance of integrity, objectivity and independence to professional
accountants, identifying situations that may impair or threaten integrity, objectivity and
– suggest courses of action to resolve ethical conflicts relating to integrity, objectivity and
– respond appropriately to the request of an employer to undertake work outside the confines of
an individual’s expertise or experience
– identify the following threats to the fundamental ethical principles and the independence of
assurance providers:
◦ self-interest threat
◦ self-review threat
◦ management threat
◦ advocacy threat
◦ familiarity threat
◦ intimidation threat
– identify safeguards to eliminate or reduce threats to the fundamental ethical principles and the
independence of assurance providers
– suggest how a conflict of loyalty between the duty a professional accountant has to their
employer and the duty to their profession could be resolved
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4e, f, g, k, l, m

Syllabus links
All these ethical matters will be considered further in Audit and Assurance.

Examination context
As we saw in the previous chapter, ethics is an important area for your exam. The sample paper
contained six practical, scenario-based questions about issues relating to independence. In addition,
there was a question on a conflict for an employed accountant working in industry between the
needs of his employer and his professional duty.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 15 Integrity, objectivity and independence.

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self-test


1 Integrity, objectivity Sections 1 and 2 As we saw in the previous 1, 2

and independence deal with the key chapter, ethics is an
We outlined in the ethical issue of important area for your
previous chapter the independence so exam. The sample exam

316 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self-test

importance of read through contained six practical,

professional ethics. these carefully. scenario-based questions
Stop and think Questions are about issues relating to
likely to test this independence. In addition,
How should an topic in detail so there was a question on a
accountancy trainee you need to have conflict for an employed
respond if the a thorough accountant working in
demands of their firm understanding of industry between the needs
seem to contradict this area. of his employer and his
the requirements of professional duty.
their ethical duty? You must be
familiar with the
basic principle
behind the
importance of
and objectivity so
do not
underestimate the
importance of
section 1.

2 Threats and This is one of the This is a highly examinable 3, 4, 5, 6

safeguards most important area that is of crucial
Issues relating to sections in the importance for your exam.
integrity and Assurance material
objectivity tend to be on ethics.
thought of at the There is a lot of
beginning of the detail here so work
engagement and through it
when deciding to methodically,
accept clients, and in taking note of the
practice, this will be different threats
left to the partners, and safeguards.
not to a trainee. Attempt
However, it should be Interactive
continually questions 1 and 2
reappraised, so you to confirm your
should be aware of understanding.
factors arising during
engagements that
might affect
independence and
be prepared to make
senior staff aware of

3 Resolving ethical Read through this This area could be 7

conflicts section and examined, but it is not as
You may find yourself attempt the important as the other
in difficult ethical interactive sections of this chapter.
situations, such as question.
being invited to
accept gifts or
hospitality from
clients or finding you
inherit shares in a

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 317

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self-test

client company.

4 Conflicts of interest Read through this This area could be 8

for the accountant section and examined, but it is not as
If you work in industry attempt the important as the other
the onus will be on interactive sections of this chapter.
you even more to question.
review your own
ethical compliance.

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

318 Assurance ICAEW 2021

1 Integrity, objectivity and independence
Section overview

• Independence and objectivity matter because of the trust clients and the public have in the
assurance provider.
• Safeguards should be applied when independence and objectivity are put at risk.
• If the risks are too great for safeguards to be effective, then the assurance provider should not
accept or should withdraw from the engagement.

We looked at the importance of independence in the IESBA Code of Ethics in the previous chapter.
The fundamental principles of integrity and objectivity were also introduced. In this chapter we shall
look more closely at these three issues, the threats to them that exist and the safeguards that can be
applied to reduce the risks to a level determined to be acceptable by partners in the audit firm.
Remember, however, that the ethical principles state that some risks cannot be reduced by
safeguards and should therefore be avoided.

Integrity: This means that an accountant must be straightforward and honest. It implies fair dealing
and truthfulness.
Objectivity: This is a state of mind that excludes bias, prejudice and compromise and that gives fair
and impartial consideration to all matters that are relevant to the task in hand, disregarding those that
are not.
Independence: It is related to and underpins objectivity – it is freedom from situations and
relationships that make it probable that a reasonable and informed third party would conclude that
objectivity either is impaired or could be impaired.

In other words, objectivity relates to the state of the accountant’s mind, and independence relates to
the circumstances surrounding the situation, such as financial, employment, business and personal
relationships that affect the assurance provider in connection with the client or potential client.

1.1 Why do independence and objectivity matter so much?

Independence and objectivity matter because of the following.
• The expectations of those directly affected, particularly the members of the company. The audit
should be able to provide objective assurance that the directors can never provide on the
financial statements.
• The public interest. Companies are public entities, governed by rules requiring the disclosure of
Potential general threats to independence and objectivity were outlined in Chapter 14. We shall look
at more specific threats in the next section.
What can the auditor do to preserve objectivity? The simple answer is to withdraw from any
engagement where there is the slightest threat to objectivity. However, there are disadvantages in
this strict approach.
• Clients may lose an auditor who knows their business.
• It denies clients the freedom to be advised by the accountant of their choice.
The better approach was set out in Chapter 14 too. It is to identify threats to independence, evaluate
how significant they are and then apply safeguards if they are significant. We shall look in more detail
at safeguards in the next section also.

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 319

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Just as auditors face an ‘expectations gap’ in relation to the audit itself, it could be claimed that
another such gap exists in relation to their independence. The public may see that auditors provide
non-audit services to their audit clients, but may not be aware of the approach that the auditors take
to ensure that they remain independent.

1.2 Integrity
Integrity is an important part of independence. The ICAEW Code of Ethics states that integrity means
being straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships’ (ICAEW Code of
Ethics: para. R111.1).
Acting with integrity means not knowingly being associated with information that:
(a) contains a materially false or misleading statement;
(b) contains statements or information furnished recklessly; or
(c) omits or obscures information required to be included where such omission or obscurity would
be misleading.
(ICAEW Code of Ethics: para. R111.2)

2 Threats and safeguards

Section overview

• Examples of threats to independence and potential safeguards are given here, categorised by the
main type of threat they represent. You should note that some matters can present several types
of threat.
• Hard and fast rules are shown in bold.

This section is based on the ICAEW Code of Ethics and the FRC Ethical Standard. It examines a
number of specific threats to independence on assurance engagements. They are outlined here,
categorised by type of risk and appropriate safeguards. You should, however, note that certain issues
fall into several types of threat, not simply one. Where this is the case, issues have been listed under
the dominant threat but other threats are noted. Where relevant, rules relating to each threat are set
out. We shall also look at how these risks might apply to particular situations, such as when
considering whether to accept a new client.

2.1 Self-interest threat

The Code of Ethics highlights a great number of areas in which a self-interest threat might arise.

320 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Figure 15.1: Self-interest threat

Employment with
assurance client
Close business Partner on
relationships client board

Financial interests Family and personal relationships

Lowballing Gifts and hospitality

High percentage
Loans and guarantees
of fees

Percentage or Overdue fees

contingent fees

2.1.1 Financial interests

Financial interest: An interest in equity or other security, debenture, loan or other debt instrument of
an entity, including rights and obligations to acquire such an interest and derivatives directly related
to such interest.
Direct financial interest: A financial interest:
• owned directly by and under the control of an individual or entity (including those managed on a
discretionary basis by others); or
• beneficially owned through a collective investment vehicle, estate, trust or other intermediary
over which the individual or entity has control, or the ability to influence investment decisions.
Indirect financial interest: A financial interest beneficially owned through a collective investment
vehicle, estate, trust or other intermediary over which the individual or entity has no control or ability
to influence investment decisions.
Immediate family: A spouse (or equivalent) or a dependent.
Assurance team:
(a) All members of the engagement team for the assurance engagement.
(b) All others within a firm who can directly influence the outcome of the assurance engagement.

A financial interest in a client constitutes a substantial self-interest threat. The parties listed below are
not allowed to own a direct financial interest or an indirect material financial interest in a client:
• The assurance firm
• Any partner in the assurance firm
• Any person in a position to influence the conduct and outcome of the engagement (eg, a
member of the assurance team)
• An immediate family member of such a person
The following safeguards will therefore be relevant:
• Disposing of the interest
• Removing the individual from the team if required
• Keeping the client’s audit committee informed of the situation
• Using an engagement quality control reviewer to review work carried out if necessary

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 321

Assurance firms should have quality control procedures requiring staff to disclose relevant financial
interests for themselves and immediate family members. They should also foster a culture of
voluntary disclosure on an ongoing basis so that any potential problems are identified on a timely

2.1.2 Close business relationships

A close business relationship will involve a common commercial interest, which in addition to a self-
interest threat, could cause advocacy or intimidation threats and a perceived loss of independence.
Examples of when an assurance firm and an assurance client have an inappropriately close business
relationship include:
• operating a joint venture between the firm and the client, or between the firm and a director or
other senior manager of the client
• arrangements to combine one or more services or products of the firm with one or more services
or products of the assurance client and to market the package with reference to both parties
• distribution or marketing arrangements under which the firm acts as distributor or marketer of the
assurance client’s products or services or vice versa
• other commercial transactions, such as the audit firm leasing its office space from the assurance
Again, it will be necessary for the partners to judge the materiality of the interest and therefore its
significance. However, unless the financial interest is clearly immaterial and the relationship to the
firm and its client clearly insignificant, an assurance provider should not participate in such a
venture with an assurance client. Appropriate safeguards are therefore to end the assurance
provision or to terminate the (other) business relationship.
If an individual member of an assurance team had such an interest, he should be removed from the
assurance team.
Generally speaking, purchasing goods and services from an assurance client in the ordinary course
of business on an arm’s length basis does not constitute a threat to independence. However, if there
is a substantial number of such transactions, there may be a threat to independence and safeguards
may be necessary.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 2) states that for audit clients and firms, there should be no
business relationships except for the purchase of goods and services in the ordinary course of
business and on an arm’s length basis, and which are not material or clearly inconsequential to either

2.1.3 Employment with assurance client

Dual employment (the same person being employed by both an assurance firm and a client) is not
It is also possible that staff might transfer between an assurance firm and a client, or that negotiations
or interviews to facilitate such movement might take place. Both situations are a threat to
• An assurance team member might be motivated by a desire to impress a future possible
employer (objectivity is therefore affected).
• A former partner turned Finance Director has too much knowledge of the firm’s systems and
These sorts of situations can also present self-review, intimidation and familiarity threats. The extent
of the threat to independence depends on various factors, such as the role the individual has taken
up at the client, the extent of his influence on the assurance service previously, and the length of time
that has passed between the individual’s connection with the assurance service and the new role at
the client.
Various safeguards may be considered:
• Modifying the assurance strategy
• Ensuring the assurance engagement is assigned to someone of sufficient experience as
compared with the individual who has left
• Involving an additional professional accountant not involved with the engagement to review the
work done

322 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Carrying out a quality control review of the engagement
There is a significant threat to objectivity if a partner of an audit firm accepts a key management
position at a client of the firm.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 2) states that when a partner leaves the firm and is appointed as a
director or to a key management position with an audit client, having acted as audit engagement or
independent/key partner in relation to that audit at any time in the previous two years, the firm
should resign as auditors. The auditors should not reaccept appointment until two years have
elapsed since that partner’s involvement in the audit or the former partner leaves the audit client, if
When any other former member of an engagement team joins an audit client as director/key
management within two years of being involved with the audit, the firm should consider whether the
composition of the audit team is appropriate.
An individual who has moved from the firm to a client should not be entitled to any benefits or
payments from the firm unless these are made in accordance with pre-determined arrangements.
The individual should not continue to participate (or appear to) in the firm’s business or professional
activities. If money is owed to the individual, it should not be so much as to compromise the
independence of the assurance engagement.
A firm should have quality control procedures setting out that an individual involved in serious
employment negotiations with an audit client should notify the firm and that this person would then
be removed from the engagement. In addition, the FRC Ethical Standard (section 2) states that a
review of the employee’s work on the current and, where appropriate, most recent audit should take

2.1.4 Partner/employee on client’s board

A partner or employee of an assurance firm should not serve on the board of an assurance client.
This can also cause a self-review and/or a management threat.
It may be acceptable for a partner or an employee of an assurance firm to perform the role of
company secretary for an assurance client, if the role is essentially administrative.

2.1.5 Family and personal relationships

Close family: A parent, child or sibling who is not an immediate family member.

Family or close personal relationships between assurance firm and client staff could seriously
threaten independence. Each situation has to be evaluated individually. Factors to consider are:
• the individual’s responsibilities on the assurance engagement
• the closeness of the relationship
• the role of the other party at the assurance client
When an immediate family member of a member of the assurance team is a director, an officer or an
employee of the assurance client in a position to exert significant influence over the subject matter
information of the assurance engagement, the individual should be removed from the assurance
The firm should also consider whether there is any threat to independence if an employee who is not
a member of the assurance team has a close family or personal relationship with a director, an officer
or an employee of an assurance client.
A firm may wish to establish quality control policies and procedures under which staff should
disclose if a close family member employed by the client is promoted within the client.
If a firm inadvertently violates the rules concerning family and personal relationships they should
consider applying additional safeguards, such as undertaking a quality control review of the
assurance engagement and discussing the matter with the audit committee of the client, if there is

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 323

2.1.6 Gifts and hospitality
Unless the value of gifts or hospitality are such that a reasonable and informed third party, weighing
all the specific facts and circumstances, would consider them trivial and inconsequential, a firm or a
member of an assurance team should not accept them.

Context example: Receiving a benefit

Katie, a trainee at West LLP, chartered accountants, is attending the inventory count at Designs
Limited, a company that manufactures fashion lines for a number of famous high street stores. During
the course of the count, the stores manager tells Katie that after the inventory count, staff are entitled
to purchase goods at cost to the value of £30 each. He invites her to take part in this company perk.
In this case, Katie has not been offered a gift, she has been invited to spend £30. However, the
benefit that this would confer on her could be substantial. Given the customary mark ups in the
fashion industry, cost price could be as low as 25% of ultimate selling price, so in effect, Katie would
be receiving a benefit of £90. While this is likely to be immaterial and insignificant to the financial
statements of Designs Limited, it could be significant to a trainee in an audit firm. Katie should
certainly not accept any such offer without confirming with her engagement partner that it is
appropriate to do so. She may be able to determine herself that the best course of action is not to
accept the benefit.
In this case, a benefit of £90 is not clearly insignificant, and therefore Katie should decline the offer.
In addition, you should note that this practice could represent an audit risk, as it means that there will
be inventory movements after the inventory count but before the end of the year, and unless there
are strong controls over recording these sales, both inventory and sales could be misstated. Such a
benefit to employees is unlikely to cause a material misstatement, but Katie should probably observe
the controls over the sales and make a note of the practice for the audit file.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 4) extends this prohibition to immediate family members or
persons able to influence the audit and states that hospitality should not be accepted from an audit
client unless it is reasonable in terms of its frequency, nature and cost.

2.1.7 Loans and guarantees

Audit firms must not make/guarantee a loan to a client, or accept a loan from a client.
There is one exception to this rule: where the client is a bank, and;
• In the case of a deposit, it is made by the firm in the ordinary course of business and on normal
business terms (ie, the auditor can have a bank account with a bank which it audits); or
• In the case of a loan/guarantee, the loan is in the ordinary course of business, is on normal
business terms and is not material either to the firm or to the client (ie the auditor can have a loan
from a bank which it audits).
This also applies to ‘covered persons’, eg the audit engagement partner, or their immediate family.
If the loan is made under normal lending procedures, then this is acceptable provided that
appropriate safeguards are applied. An example of a safeguard would be having the work reviewed
by a professional accountant from a network firm that is neither involved with the audit nor received
the loan.
If a loan is made by a bank client to a member of the audit team under normal lending procedures,
then this is acceptable and no safeguards are necessary. An example of this would be if a member of
the team had a home mortgage, bank overdraft, car loan or credit card with a bank client.
If a loan is made or guaranteed by a client that is not a bank or other similar institution to either the
firm or to a member of the audit team, then the self-interest threat created would be so significant
that no safeguards could reduce the threat to an acceptable level, unless the loan or guarantee is
immaterial to both (a) the firm or the member of the audit team and the immediate family member,
and (b) the client.
Finally, if the firm, a member of the audit team or an immediate family member, makes or
guarantees a loan to a client, then the self-interest threat created would be so significant that no
safeguards could reduce the threat to an acceptable level, unless the loan or guarantee is immaterial

324 Assurance ICAEW 2021

to both (a) the firm or the member of the audit team or the immediate family member, and (b) the

2.1.8 Overdue fees

In a situation where there are overdue fees, the assurance provider runs the risk of, in effect, making a
loan to a client, whereupon the guidance above becomes relevant. The ICAEW Code states that,
generally, the payment of overdue fees should be required before the assurance report for the
following year can be issued.
Firms should guard against fees building up and being significant by discussing the issues with those
charged with governance (more specifically, the audit committee), and, if necessary, the possibility of
resigning if overdue fees are not paid.

2.1.9 Percentage or contingent fees

Contingent fee: A fee calculated on a predetermined basis relating to the outcome of a transaction
or the result of the services performed by the firm. A fee that is established by a court or other public
authority is not a contingent fee.

A firm shall not enter into any fee arrangement for an assurance engagement under which the
amount of the fee is contingent on the result of the assurance work or on items that are the subject
matter of the assurance engagement.

2.1.10 High percentage of fees

Public interest entity:
• A listed entity; and
• An entity (a) defined by regulation or legislation as a public interest entity or (b) for which the
audit is required by regulation or legislation to be conducted in compliance with the same
independence requirements that apply to the audit of listed entities. Such regulation may be
promulgated by any relevant regulator, including an audit regulator.

A firm should be alert to the situation arising where the total fees generated by an assurance client
represent a large proportion of a firm’s total fees. Factors such as the structure of the firm and the
length of time it has been trading will be relevant in determining whether there is a threat to
independence. It is also necessary to beware of situations where the fees generated by an assurance
client present a large proportion of the revenue of an individual partner.
Safeguards in these situations might include:
• discussing the issues with the audit committee
• taking steps to reduce the dependency on the client
• obtaining external/internal quality control reviews
• consulting a third party such as ICAEW
The Guidance on fees is complex, because the guidance in the ICAEW Code of Ethics differs slightly
from that in the FRC Ethical standard.
The ICAEW Code of Ethics states that where an audit client is a public interest entity and, for two
consecutive years, the total fees from the client and its related entities represent more than 15% of
the total fees received by the firm expressing the opinion on the financial statements of the client,
the firm shall:
• disclose this fact to those charged with governance of the audit client
• carry out an engagement quality control review of the second year engagement, either before the
audit opinion is issued (a ‘pre-issuance review’) or after it is issued (a ‘post-issuance review’)
The FRC Ethical Standard contains stricter requirements than these. Section 4 of the Ethical Standard
states that if total fees (audit and non-audit services) are expected to regularly exceed 10% of the

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 325

annual fee income of the audit firm (5% in the case of a listed company), then the audit engagement
partner should disclose that fact to the ethics partner and those charged with governance of the
audit client, and consider whether appropriate safeguards should be applied to reduce the threat to
independence. This is stricter than the 15% threshold in the ICAEW Code of Ethics.
In the case of non-listed companies, an external independent quality control review of the
engagement should be undertaken before the report is signed. In the case of a listed client, the
safeguards might be stricter, such as seeking to reduce non-audit work provided.
If total fees (audit and non-audit services) are expected to regularly exceed 15% (10% for a listed
entity) of gross practice income, the firm should not act as the auditors of that entity, and should
resign or refuse reappointment, as appropriate.
The FRC Ethical Standard also features a further requirement in relation to the total amount of fees
received from non-audit services. For public-interest (listed) entities, total fees from non-audit
services must not exceed 70% of the audit fee (or rather, of the average audit fee over the last three
It will be difficult for new firms establishing themselves to keep within these limits and firms in this
situation should make use of the safeguards outlined above.

2.1.11 Lowballing
When a firm quotes a significantly lower fee level for an assurance service than would have been
charged by the predecessor firm, there is a significant self-interest threat. If the firm’s tender is
successful, the firm must apply safeguards such as:
• maintaining records such that the firm is able to demonstrate that appropriate staff and time are
spent on the engagement
• complying with all applicable assurance standards, guidelines and quality control procedures
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 4) observes that ‘the engagement partner shall be satisfied and
able to demonstrate that the audit engagement has assigned to it sufficient partners and staff with
appropriate time and skill to perform the audit in accordance with all applicable Auditing and Ethical
Standards, irrespective of the audit fee to be charged’. (FRC ES, Part B4: para 4.1)
The FRC Ethical Standard also states that the audit engagement partner should ensure audit fees are
not influenced or determined by the provision of non-audit service to the audited entity.
As a result of the EU Audit Regulation (June 2016), a limit is also placed on the total fees received
from non-audit services in comparison with the audit. The FRC Ethical Standard states that the total
non-audit fees must be no more than 70% of the average total fees from the last three years.

2.2 Self-review threat

Figure 15.2: Self-interest threat

Service with Preparing accounting records and

assurance client financial statements

Other services Self-review threat Valuation services

Tax services
Internal audit

The key area in which there is likely to be a self-review threat is where an assurance firm provides
services other than assurance services to an assurance client (providing multiple services). There is a
great deal of guidance in the rules about various other services accountancy firms might provide to
their clients, and these are dealt with below.

326 Assurance ICAEW 2021

2.2.1 Service with an assurance client
Individuals who have been a director or officer of the client, or an employee in a position to exert
direct and significant influence over the subject matter information of the assurance engagement in
the period under review or the previous two years, should not be assigned to the assurance team.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 2) states that the person should not be assigned to a position in
which he or she is able to influence the conduct and outcome of the audit for two years following the
date of leaving the audit client.
Here the key threat is self-review where a member of the engagement team has to report on work
they prepared originally, or elements of the financial statement they had responsibility for at the
client, but there is also a risk of self-interest and familiarity threats.
The FRC Ethical Standard also covers the situation where audit staff are temporarily ‘loaned’ to a
client, which is forbidden.

2.2.2 Preparing accounting records and financial statements

There is clearly a significant risk of a self-review threat if a firm prepares accounting records and
financial statements and then audits or reviews them.
On the other hand, auditors routinely assist management with the preparation of financial statements
and give advice about accounting treatments and journal entries.
Therefore, assurance firms must analyse the risks arising and put safeguards in place to ensure that
the risk is at an acceptable level. Safeguards include:
• using staff members other than assurance team members to carry out work
• implementing policies and procedures to prohibit the individual providing such services from
making any managerial decisions on behalf of the assurance client
• requiring the source data for the accounting entries to be originated by the assurance client
• requiring the underlying assumptions to be originated and approved by the assurance client
The rules are more stringent when the client is listed. The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) states that
firms should not prepare accounts or financial statements for listed clients (in the past there was an
exception which allowed firms to prepare accounts in an ‘emergency’, but this has been removed).
The EU Audit Regulation (June 2016) reiterated this guidance by prohibiting auditors from
bookkeeping, preparing accounting records or preparing financial statements for public interest

2.2.3 Valuation services

Valuation: Comprises the making of assumptions with regard to future developments, the
application of appropriate methodologies and techniques, and the combination of both to compute
a certain value, or range of values, for an asset, a liability or for a business as a whole.

If an audit firm performs a valuation that will be included in financial statements audited by the firm, a
self-review threat arises and also a management threat might arise.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) states that audit firms shall not carry out valuations which
• have a material effect on a listed company’s financial statements, either separately or in aggregate
with other valuations provided; or
• involve a significant degree of subjective judgement and have a material effect on the financial
statements either separately or in aggregate with other valuations provided to any other audited
If the valuation is for an immaterial matter, the audit firm should apply safeguards to ensure that the
risk is reduced to an acceptable level. Matters to consider when applying safeguards are the extent
of the audit client’s knowledge of the relevant matters in making the valuation and the degree of
judgement involved, how much use is made of established methodologies and the degree of
uncertainty in the valuation. Safeguards might include:
• second partner review

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 327

• confirming that the client understands the valuation and the assumptions used
• ensuring the client acknowledges responsibility for the valuation
• using separate personnel for the valuation and the audit
The EU Audit Regulation (June 2016) stated that valuation services, including those performed in
relation to actuarial or litigation support services, are prohibited for public interest entities. This
guidance is reflected in the FRC Ethical Standard.

2.2.4 Taxation services

The Code divides taxation services into four categories:
• Tax return preparation
• Tax calculations for the purpose of preparing the accounting entries
• Tax planning and other tax advisory services
• Assistance in the resolution of tax disputes
Tax return preparation does not generally threaten independence, as long as management takes
responsibility for the returns.
Tax calculations for the purpose of preparing the accounting entities may not be prepared for
public interest entities, except in emergency situations. For non-public interest entities, it is
acceptable to do so provided that safeguards are applied.
Tax planning may be acceptable in certain circumstances eg, where the advice is clearly supported
by a tax authority or other precedent. However, if the effectiveness of the tax advice depends on a
particular accounting treatment or presentation in the financial statements, the audit team has
reasonable doubt about the accounting treatment, and the consequences of the tax advice would be
material, then the service should not be provided.
Assistance in the resolution of tax disputes may be provided, depending on whether the firm itself
provided the service which is the subject of the dispute, and whether the effect is material on the
financial statements. Safeguards include using professionals who are not members of the audit team
to perform the service, and obtaining advice on the service from an external tax professional.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) divides tax services as follows:
• provides advice to the audit client in one or more specific matters at the request of the client
• undertakes a substantial proportion of the tax planning or compliance work for the audit client
• promotes tax structures or products to the audit client, the effectiveness of which is likely to be
influenced by the manner in which they are accounted for in the financial statements
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) observes that providing taxation services can cause self-review,
self-interest, management and advocacy threats. Safeguards to mitigate these threats include:
• tax services being provided by partners and staff with no involvement in the audit of financial
• tax services being reviewed by an independent tax partner or senior tax employee
• obtaining external independent advice on tax work
• tax computations prepared by audit staff members being reviewed by a partner/staff member of
appropriate experience who is not a member of the audit team
• an audit partner not involved in the audit engagement reviews whether the tax work has been
properly and effectively addressed in the context of an audit of the financial statements
In addition, there are a number of rules set out in the FRC Ethical Standard (section 5).
The audit firm shall not:
• promote tax structures or products or undertake an engagement to provide tax advice to an audit
client where the audit engagement partner has, or ought to have, reasonable doubt as to whether
the relevant accounting treatment involved is based on established interpretations or is
appropriate, having regard to the requirement for the financial statements to give a true and fair
view in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework
• undertake an engagement to provide tax services to an audited entity where the engagement
would involve the audit firm undertaking a management role

328 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• undertake an engagement to prepare current or deferred tax calculations to an audited entity
that is a listed entity or significant affiliate for the purpose of preparing accounting entries that are
material to the relevant financial statements. This is, however, accepted for unlisted clients where
the services are technical, do not involve initiating transactions, and where safeguards are
• undertake an engagement to provide tax services to an audited entity where this would involve
acting as an advocate

2.2.5 Internal audit services

Providing internal audit services to an audit client is absolutely prohibited, as a result of the 2019
revisions of the FRC Ethical Standard. This prohibition applies to all audits, whether of a listed or an
unlisted company.

2.2.6 Corporate finance services

Certain aspects of corporate finance services will create self-review threats that cannot be reduced to
an acceptable level by safeguards. Therefore, assurance firms are not allowed to promote, deal in or
underwrite an assurance client’s shares. They are also not allowed to commit an assurance client to
the terms of a transaction or consummate a transaction on the client’s behalf.
Other corporate finance services, such as assisting a client in defining corporate strategies, assisting
in identifying possible sources of capital and providing structuring advice may be acceptable,
provided that safeguards, such as using different teams of staff, and ensuring no management
decisions are taken on behalf of the client are in place.
Note that corporate finance services can also constitute an advocacy threat if the audit firm is
representing the interests of the client.
The EU Audit Regulation (June 2016) prohibited – for auditors of public interest entities – services
linked to the financing, capital structure and allocation of the audit client. This is unless these services
have no consequential (material) effect on the financial statements.

2.2.7 Information technology services

The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) states that the key threats in providing IT services are the self-
review and the management threats. The ES is broadly consistent with the ICAEW Code of Ethics, in
that it allows IT services where they do not relate to the accounting system or the financial
statements, subject to safeguards (eg, the use of separate partners for the audit and for the IT
service). IT services are prohibited where they relate to the accounting or financial management
system, or where they involve taking on the role of management.

2.2.8 Litigation support services

The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) forbids acceptance of litigation support services for all entities
(whether listed or not), where the service involves estimating the outcome of a legal matter that
could be material to the disclosures in the financial statements.

2.3 Advocacy threat

Figure 15.3: Advocacy Threat

Legal services

Contingent fees Advocacy threat Corporate finance

An advocacy threat arises in certain situations where the assurance firm is in a position of taking the
client’s part in a dispute or somehow acting as their advocate. The most obvious instances of this
would be when a firm offered legal services to a client and, say, defended them in a legal case. The
FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) forbids the provision of legal services to an audited entity where it
would involve acting as the solicitor formally nominated to represent the audited entity in resolution
of a dispute or litigation which is material to the financial statements. An advocacy threat might also

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 329

arise if the firm carried out corporate finance work for the client; for example, if the audit firm were
involved in advice on debt restructuring and negotiated with the bank on the client’s behalf.
As with the other threats above, the firm has to appraise the risk and apply safeguards as necessary.
Relevant safeguards might be using different departments in the firm to carry out the work and
making disclosures to the audit committee. Remember, the ultimate option is always to withdraw
from an engagement if the risk to independence is too high.

2.4 Familiarity threat

A familiarity threat is where independence is jeopardised by the audit firm and its staff becoming
over familiar with the client and its staff. There is a substantial risk of loss of professional scepticism in
such circumstances.
We have already discussed some examples of when this risk arises, because very often a familiarity
threat arises in conjunction with a self-interest threat.
Figure 15.4: Familiarity threat

Where there are family and personal

relationships between client/firm

Employment with
Recruitment Familiarity threat
assurance client

Long association with Recent service with

assurance clients assurance client

2.4.1 Long association of senior personnel with assurance clients

It can be a significant threat to independence if senior members of staff at an audit firm have a long
association with a client. All firms should therefore monitor the relationship between staff and
established clients and use safeguards to independence such as rotating senior staff off the
assurance team and involving engagement quality control reviews. Where appropriate safeguards
cannot be applied, the firm should resign.
The requirements of the FRC’s Ethical Standard are stricter in this area that those of the ICAEW Code
of Ethics.

Context example: Long association

Peter has been the audit engagement partner for Santa Ltd for a number of years. During that time,
he has formed a friendly relationship with the finance director, to the point that on occasion, usually
at client hospitality days organised by the firm, but sometimes not, he might play a round of golf with
the Finance Director or attend a dinner function with him and his wife.
There is a risk of a familiarity threat here, particularly if the relationship is growing closer and more
personal as time evolves. Peter should monitor this situation and request a review of the audit file by
an engagement quality control reviewer to ensure that the risk is not too significant for the audit firm.
Alternatively, the audit firm might decide that it would be better to ‘rest’ Peter from this engagement
for a period of time to ensure that independence was not affected, if the firm were confident that this
would not affect the professional relationship between the firm and Santa Ltd.

For public interest entities, the ICAEW Code of Ethics has more stringent rules. The FRC Ethical
Standard (section 3) states these as follows.
• No one shall act as the audit engagement partner for more than five years.

330 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• Anyone who has acted as the audit engagement partner for a period of five years, shall not
subsequently participate in the audit engagement until a further period of five years has elapsed.
However, there may be circumstances in which it is necessary to be flexible about rotation of the
audit engagement partner or audit quality control reviewer in relation to the audit of a public interest
entity. If the audit committee of the audited entity decides that flexibility is necessary to safeguard
the quality of the audit (and the audit firm agrees), then the audit engagement partner may continue
in the role for two more years. This might happen, for example, where:
• substantial change has recently been made or will soon be made to the nature or structure of the
audited entity’s business
• there are unexpected changes in the senior management of the audited entity
In such situations, alternative safeguards should be applied such as an expanded review of the work
by an engagement quality control reviewer.
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 3) then goes on to specify the following rules for engagement
quality control reviewers:
• No one should act as the engagement quality control reviewer for a continuous period longer
than seven years.
• Where the engagement quality control reviewer becomes the audit engagement partner the
combined service in these two positions should not exceed seven years.
• People who have held these positions for seven years (continuously or in aggregate) should not
return to them for at least five years.
Staff in senior positions and other partners who have been responsible for significant affiliates should
be reviewed by the audit engagement partner where they have been involved in the audit of a public
interest entity for a continuous period exceeding seven years. Safeguards should be applied such as
the removal of members of staff from, or the rotation of roles within, the engagement team.
When an audited entity becomes a listed company, the length of time the audit engagement
partner has been involved should be taken into consideration. The engagement partner should only
continue in the position for another two years where four or more years have already been served by
that individual.

2.4.2 Recruitment
The FRC Ethical Standard (section 5) states that an audit firm should not provide recruitment services
to an audit client (whether listed or not). This includes advising on the appointment of a director or
employee, or advising on a remuneration package.

2.5 Intimidation threat

An intimidation threat arises when members of the assurance team have reason to be intimidated by
client staff.
Figure 15.5: Intimidation threat

Close business relationships

Family and personal

Litigation Intimidation threat

Assurance staff members move to

employment with client

These are also examples of self-interest threats discussed in section 2.1, largely because intimidation
may only arise significantly when the assurance firm has something to lose.

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 331

2.5.1 Actual and threatened litigation
The most obvious example of an intimidation threat is when the client threatens to sue, or indeed
sues, the assurance firm for work that has been done previously. The firm is then faced with the risk of
losing the client, bad publicity and the possibility that they will be found to have been negligent,
which will lead to further problems. This could lead to the firm being under pressure to produce an
unqualified audit report when they have been qualified in the past, for example.
Generally, assurance firms should seek to avoid such situations arising. If they do arise, factors to
consider are:
• the materiality of the litigation
• the nature of the assurance engagement
• whether the litigation relates to a prior assurance engagement
The following safeguards could be considered:
• Disclosing to the audit committee the nature and extent of the litigation
• Removing specific affected individuals from the engagement team
• Involving an additional professional accountant on the team to review work
However, if the litigation is at all serious, it may be necessary to resign from the engagement, as the
threat to independence is so great. The FRC Ethical Standard (section 4) requires a firm to not
continue with/accept an engagement where the threat of litigation is anything other than
insignificant, however it is not required to resign immediately in circumstances where a reasonable
and informed third party would not regard it in the interests of the shareholders for it to do so.
The EU Audit Regulation (June 2016) states that legal services are prohibited in the case of audits of
public interest entities.

2.6 Management threat

The management threat is identified in the FRC Ethical Standard rather than in ICAEW Code. A
management threat arises when the audit firm undertakes work involving making judgements and
taking decisions that are the responsibility of management. There is a significant cross-over with self-
review threat here, and, as we have already seen, assurance providers are forbidden to take decisions
on behalf of management, therefore this risk should be removed by avoiding situations or not
accepting engagements where the client is asking the assurance firm to take management decisions.
An important factor in whether a management threat exists is whether there is ‘informed
management’ at the client.

Informed management: It is where the auditors believe that the member of management designated
by the audit client to receive the results of a non-audit service provided by the auditor has the
capability to make independent management judgements and decisions on the basis of the
information provided.

If there is informed management, it is possible that safeguards can be effective to avoid a

management threat or reduce it. If there is not, it is unlikely management threat can be avoided. For
example, consultancy services are generally acceptable where there is informed management and
the auditors do not take management decisions.

Interactive question 1: Type of threat

In each of the following cases, indicate the principal threat that the assurance firm is facing.

Case Principal Threat

Peter Perkins recently resigned as finance

director of Assiduous Limited. Peter joined the
assurance firm that provides the audit to

332 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Case Principal Threat

Assiduous after his notice period of six months

Artifice Limited has suggested to the

engagement partner that a qualified audit
report would be unacceptable in the current
year because the company is considering a

Anonymous Limited has requested that the

audit team should not be changed from the
previous year as they got on well with client

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2.7 Accepting new clients

We outlined the issues relating to accepting new clients in Chapter 2. We stated that auditors must
consider any ethical issues that might be a bar to acceptance. Any of the ethical issues outlined
above could constitute a barrier to acceptance. In addition, the assurance firm must consider
whether there appear to be any factors at the client that could be a threat to the firm’s integrity or
professional behaviour. These are likely to arise from:
• illegal activities of the client
• apparent dishonesty of the client
• questionable accounting practices of the client
It may not be possible to reduce these risks, in which case, the assurance service should be declined.
However, some safeguards, such as obtaining a commitment from those charged with governance to
improving corporate governance, might be sufficient to make acceptance possible.

Interactive question 2: Engagement acceptance

Notable LLP is a small assurance firm that has been asked to take on the statutory audit of the
following two companies. For each of the companies, indicate on what basis the audits could be
accepted, if at all.
Notorious Limited is a small company that has had a number of HMRC investigations in recent years.
The company has had to pay a number of back taxes where incorrect figures had been declared.
Recently a director was banned from being a director for five years for wrongful trading. This person
has left Notorious and a new managing director has been appointed, who has intimated to the firm
that improved corporate governance is at the top of his agenda.
A Do not accept
B Accept with safeguards
C Accept with no safeguards
Pristine plc is a listed company that has good references from all parties whom the firm made
enquiries of. It has requested that Notable LLP both prepare and audit the financial statements. It
does not feel that these services are divisible.
D Do not accept
E Accept with safeguards
F Accept with no safeguards

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 333

3 Resolving ethical conflicts
Section overview

• The ICAEW Code sets out a framework for professional accountants to follow when faced with an
ethical conflict.
• It is generally better to resolve conflicts ‘in-house’ than to refer to external bodies, although that
option is always available and ICAEW has an ethical helpline.

The ICAEW Code sets out a framework that professional accountants can follow when seeking to
resolve ethical problems. It states that the professional accountant should consider:
• the relevant facts
• the relevant parties
• the ethical issues involved
• the fundamental principles related to the matter in question
• established internal procedures
• alternative courses of action
The accountant should then consider which is the course of action that most aligns with the
fundamental principles.
If the accountant cannot determine the best course of action himself, he should refer it to the
relevant department within his firm for more advice.
It is generally better for firms to come to conclusions ‘in-house’, but if needs be, further advice can be
sought from ICAEW.
This is a useful structure for you to use when considering ethical problems in the assessment. Think
about the facts, parties, issues and fundamental principles involved and try and see the best course
of action. Remember that as a trainee, referral to a more senior member of staff may be your most
appropriate course of action.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

The three steps that were given in Chapter 14 are relevant here. This section covers the way that
individuals and firms should seek to apply these steps in practice.

Interactive question 3: Audit trainee issues

You are a trainee in the audit department of Harris Brothers LLP. You have recently started your
training, have not attended any courses and have attended one audit, where you carried out some
simple audit tests under the audit senior’s supervision.
An audit manager has asked you to attend the inventory count of Brox Bros, which has a large
amount of inventory, which is subject to an annual inventory count. There are very few other controls
over the inventory at Brox Bros. Inventory is highly material to Brox Bros’ financial statements. No
other audit staff will be attending the inventory count.
Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for you to take?
A Perform the work
B Refer to training partner
C Contact ICAEW

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

334 Assurance ICAEW 2021

4 Conflicts of interest for the accountant
Section overview

• An accountant in industry may face more pressure to behave unethically at times.

• The accountant should evaluate the threats that such pressures bring.
• Safeguards might include:
– obtaining advice
– using a formal dispute resolution process at work
– seeking legal advice

In this section we will consider the problem that an accountant employed by someone other than a
practice of other accountants might face if the needs of his professional duty and his employer
conflict. This is less likely to be a problem for accountants in practice, as their employers or partners
will be bound by the same professional duties as them, but in industry, employers might not
understand the importance and nature of an accountant’s professional duty.
The Code of Ethics gives advice to accountants in such conflicting situations.
It is important to remember that accountants in a non-practice environment are subject to the same
fundamental principles as accountants in practice. However, an accountant in business (as opposed
to practice) may find that he is faced with implicit or explicit pressure to:
• act contrary to law or regulation
• act contrary to technical or professional standards
• facilitate unethical or illegal earnings management strategies
• lie to or mislead auditors or regulators
• issue or be associated with published reports (for example, financial statements, tax statements)
that materially misrepresent the facts
The accountant in question should evaluate the threats that such situations bring (for example, the
accountant may face severe intimidation and self-interest threats if he could lose his job by not
complying). Available courses of action should be applied as follows:
• First, resolve internally (if possible) using a formal dispute resolution process or audit committee
(if the employing organisation has one)
• Second, obtain advice from ICAEW
• Third, seek legal advice
• As a last resort, resign

Interactive question 4: Conflict of interest

Imo is a qualified accountant. She has recently moved out of practice and taken up the position of
financial controller of a small, unlisted company, Lavender Lane Limited. The company has a short-
term cash flow problem.
Imo was recently called into the board meeting and asked if she could defer some income from the
previous financial year so as to influence when the tax (both VAT and corporation tax) would be due
on those sales. The directors were insistent that such deferral was necessary and that she should
consider this request more in the nature of an order.
Which two of the following possible courses of action are likely initially to be the most appropriate in
this situation?
A Report her concerns to the audit committee of the board of directors
B Seek advice from ICAEW
C Take steps in line with the company’s formal dispute resolution process
D Take advice from her legal advisors

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 335

E Resign her job

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

336 Assurance ICAEW 2021


Assurance providers are required to work with intergrity, objectivity and independence

Integrity is being
straightforward and honest
Independence is the outward circumstances that
surround integrity and objectivity and could affect
Objectivity is the state of them, or appear to affect them – for example, the
mind that has regard to all relationships between client and firm
relevant considerations but
no others

Objectivity and independence may be

threatened by various factors which fall
into the following general categories
of threat

Self-interest Advocacy

Self-review Intimidation

Familiarity Management

The ICAEW Code of Ethics recommends a framework for resolving ethical conflicts,
and recommends that such conflicts be dealt with 'in house' before reference is made
ultimately to ICAEW

The same concept can be applied to resolving

conflicts between an employer and employee's
professional duties. The employee should
• raising concerns with senior staff
members/audit committee
• resolving the problem through company
dispute resolution procedures
• if necessary, seeking legal advice or further
advice from ICAEW

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 337

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 Match the ethical principle with the right description.

A Not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or
business judgements
B Be straightforward and honest in all business and professional relationships.
C Not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or
business judgements
D Be straightforward and honest in all business and professional relationships

2 Indicate whether the following statement is true or false:

An ethical conflict should never be referred outside of the assurance firm for advice in relation to
resolving that conflict. .

3 Fill in the blanks:

In general, the recurring work paid by the client or group of connected clients should not regularly
exceed % of the firm’s annual fee income.

In the case of companies, the figure should be 10% of the firm’s annual fee

4 Which of the following services would it be least appropriate for a firm to carry out for an audit
A Preparation of tax computation
B Provision of tax advice
C Provision of internal audit services
D Preparation of the financial statements for a public interest entity

5 Audit engagement partners of listed companies should be rotated away from the engagement:
A after 2 years
B after 5 years
C after 7 years
D after 10 years

6 Justine, who is audit senior on the in progress audit of Wedding Planner plc, has recently placed her
CV with a recruitment agent. She has had no feedback from the agent, with whom she has a meeting
on Friday. The agency is currently carrying an advert for a financial controller at Wedding Planner plc,
but the advert does not give the company’s name.
This represents:
A a self-interest threat
B an intimidation threat
C a management threat
D no threat

338 Assurance ICAEW 2021

7 An ethical conflict should never be referred outside of the assurance firm for advice in relation to
resolving that conflict.
Indicate whether the following statement is true or false:
An ethical conflict should never be referred outside of the assurance firm for advice in relation to
resolving that conflict. .

8 When an accountant is faced with a conflict between professional duty and duty to his employer, he
should always seek legal advice.
Indicate whether the following statement is true or false
When an accountant is faced with a conflict between professional duty and duty to his employer, he
should always seek legal advice. .

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 339

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) How would you explain the differences between independence, objectivity and
integrity? (Topic 1)

(2) For each of the categories of threat, can you give at least two examples of a
threat to independence? (Topic 2)

(3) What is a management threat to independence? (Topic 2)

(4) Can you explain what should be considered when resolving an ethical conflict?
(Topic 3)

(5) Can you explain the main safeguards for accountants, working in business, who
are faced with a conflict of interest? (Topic 4)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 15 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries. Once you have attempted these
questions, you can move onto the next chapter, Confidentiality.

340 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 341
Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Principal threat:

Case Principal Threat

Peter Perkins recently resigned as finance Self-review

director of Assiduous Limited. Peter joined the
assurance firm that provides the audit to
Assiduous after his notice period of six months

Artifice Limited has suggested to the Intimidation

engagement partner that a qualified audit
report would be unacceptable in the current
year because the company is considering a

Anonymous Limited has requested that the Familiarity

audit team should not be changed from the
previous year as they got on well with client

Case 3 - Familiarity (however, unless any of the members of the team have been on the team for a
significant period of time or have close personal relationships with any client staff, this risk is
probably insignificant)

Answer to Interactive question 2

B Accept with safeguards
Notorious Limited could be accepted with safeguards. The key safeguard is that the managing
director has expressed an intention of improving corporate governance. This safeguard would
be strengthened if the audit firm obtained this intention from him in writing.
D Do not accept
Pristine plc should not be accepted. This is because the self-review threat associated with
preparing the accounts and then auditing them for a listed company is considered too great.

Answer to Interactive question 3

B Refer to training partner
You should refer this matter to the training partner. You have no experience or training to
undertake this work. The risks attaching to the audit tests being carried out are high. The person
allocating the work must have allocated you in error

Answer to Interactive question 4

B Seek advice from ICAEW
D Take advice from her legal advisors
It is unlikely to be appropriate to make disclosure to the audit committee in this case, as
Lavender Lane Limited, a small, unlisted company, is unlikely to have one. Given the instructions
have come from the board of directors, it will be fruitless to take steps in line with the company’s
formal dispute resolution process. Thus, resolving the situation internally is not possible in this
Imo should seek advice from ICAEW and then take advice from her legal advisors. Resigning her
job is not an initial option and should only take place if the other options have been

342 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 B Be straightforward and honest in all business and professional relationships.

C Not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or
business judgements

2 An ethical conflict should never be referred outside of the assurance firm for advice in relation to
resolving that conflict. False .

It applies to all assurance services

3 In general, the recurring work paid by the client or group of connected clients should not regularly
exceed 15 % of the firm’s annual fee income.

In the case of listed/public interest companies, the figure should be 10% of the firm’s annual fee

4 Correct answer(s):
D Preparation of the financial statements for a public interest entity
Preparation of financial statements for a listed company as this brings a significant self-review threat
and is rarely acceptable.

5 Correct answer(s):
B after 5 years
As laid down by the FRC Ethical Standard (section 3).

6 Correct answer(s):
D no threat
There is currently no threat. If Justine were aware that she was being put forward for a job at an audit
client, then she would be faced with a self-interest threat, as she might want to impress client staff to
the detriment of doing her job properly.

7 An ethical conflict should never be referred outside of the assurance firm for advice in relation to
resolving that conflict. False .

However, external referral should be seen as a last option.

8 When an accountant is faced with a conflict between professional duty and duty to his employer, he
should always seek legal advice. False .

It may not be necessary to seek legal advice unless failure to make a disclosure would constitute a
criminal offence. The matter may be resolved internally.

ICAEW 2021 15: Integrity, objectivity and independence 343

344 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Chapter 16


Learning outcomes
Syllabus links
Examination context
Chapter study guidance

Learning topics
1 Importance of confidentiality
2 Safeguards to confidentiality
3 Disclosure of confidential information
Self-test questions
Further question practice
Answers to Interactive questions
Answers to Self-test questions


Learning outcomes
Professional ethics
Students will be able to understand the importance of ethical behaviour to a professional and
identify issues relating to integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality,
professional behaviour and independence.
In the assessment, students may be required to:
• recognise the importance of confidentiality, including compliance with GDPR, and identify the
sources of risks of accidental disclosure of information
• identify steps to comply with GDPR and prevent the disclosure of information
• identify situations in which confidential information may be disclosed, including where reporting
suspicions of money laundering
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4h, i, j

Syllabus links
These matters will all be considered again in Audit and Assurance, and in particular, the topical and
practically challenging issue of money laundering regulations will be looked at in more detail at the
higher level.

Examination context
2 of the 10 ethics questions in the sample paper touched on confidentiality.

Chapter study guidance

Use this schedule and your study timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete your study
of Chapter 16 Confidentiality.

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self-test


1 Importance of Read through. The Two of the ten ethics 1

confidentiality first point to questions in the sample
Confidentiality is an understand is that exam touched on
important practical confidentiality is a confidentiality, so this is an
matter for clients and fundamental area that you should expect
assurance providers. principle of to come up in some form.
Clients are exercising professional
a degree of trust in ethics.
their assurance
providers, giving
them unprecedented
access to information
about the company
which most
companies would
believe to be
sensitive, and in some
cases, highly

2 Safeguards to Read through the This are could be tested in 2

confidentiality section and learn either part of the

346 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Topic Practical significance Study approach Exam approach Self-test

Owing to the the safeguards. examination.

importance of
keeping information
confidentiality, firms
must have safeguards
in place. The main risk
is not of deliberate
disclosure, but of
accidental disclosure.
Any person carrying
out professional
accountancy work is
likely to obtain
information. In
practice, therefore, it
is as important an
issue to trainees as to

3 Disclosure of There are a limited Money laundering 3, 4, 5

confidential number of continues to be a topical
information circumstances topic, so you should
Assurance providers where disclosure is continue to expect to be
are bound by the allowed. Read tested on it.
principle of these carefully in
confidentiality, but section 3 together
this duty is not with the points on
absolute. It can be a money laundering.
delicate matter
deciding when an
issue is confidential
and cannot be
disclosed, when a
matter is not
confidential and can
be disclosed, or, most
problematically, when
a matter is
confidential but must
still be disclosed to
the appropriate
Stop and think
When might an
accountant have to
breach the
fundamental principle
of professional
confidentiality to
make required

Once you have worked through this guidance, you will be ready to attempt the further question
practice included at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 347

1 Importance of confidentiality
Section overview

• Confidentiality is a fundamental ethical principle.

• Client information must be kept confidential unless there is a genuine exception to this
• Confidentiality is important as it is a key factor in the trust between client and accountant.

Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of both the IESBA and ICAEW Codes of Ethics, as set out in
Chapter 14. In addition to this, accountants and auditors are bound by the Data Protection Act 2018
and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Accountants are required to keep client information confidential. This is an important aspect of the
trust between client and accountant, as, to do their job, accountants require access to information
about their business that clients would not want made public externally to the business, and, in some
cases, such as where it relates to pay or future intentions of the directors, internally to the business
In practice this means that an accountant should not discuss client matters with anyone outside the
firm of accountants, and, in cases where there is a conflict of interest with another audit client, with
anyone outside of the team assigned to that client.
It is appropriate to discuss client matters, where necessary, with other members of staff from the firm;
for example, an audit team member may have to liaise with a member of the tax department over
client affairs, but in general it is better to keep discussions about client affairs to when they are
professionally necessary, not merely as gossip.
The greatest risk of breach of confidentiality is likely to be accidental disclosure rather than
deliberate disclosure. It is unlikely that an accountant or a firm would make a deliberate disclosure of
client information (under the exceptions to the duty of confidentiality noted below) without having
taken legal advice and have made very sure that it is appropriate to do so. A greater risk of breach of
confidentiality is by accidental disclosure (talking about client affairs in the wrong place or leaving
client information exposed accidentally).

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Try to think about times when you need to think about confidentiality as part of your work. Your firm
may have guidance on what you need to do to keep information confidential, and you should take
this seriously as a trainee ICAEW member.

1.1 Data protection

The GDPR is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy that aims to give individuals
control over their personal information. The Data Protection Act 2018 extends domestic data
protection laws to areas which are not covered by the GDPR. Auditors need to be aware of their
potential obligations in this area in relation to any individuals whose data they hold, including data
held whilst acting in a professional capacity, such as working for audit clients.
Under both the GDPR and the Data Protection Act:
• anyone who processes personal information must ensure that it is protected. This means that
business processes handling personal data should be built with privacy by default and should
store the data anonymously (eg, using pseudonymisation);
• individuals have the right to access both their personal data and information about how it is being
processed; and
• personal data can only be held if there is a specific lawful reason to do so, or if the individual has
explicitly opted-in to allow storage of data.

348 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Any organisation collecting or holding information about an individual, or using, disclosing, retaining
or destroying this information is required to apply the principles of the GDPR and the Data Protection
Act 2018.
Every organisation that processes personal information must notify the Information Commissioner’s
Office (ICO). Notification is effective for one year and the ICO must be informed of any breaches of
the GDPR.
Within each practice there will usually be a person who has the responsibility of informing the ICO of
ongoing processing or any changes. This is the role of the data controller and failure to notify the
ICO is a criminal offence.

2 Safeguards to confidentiality
Section overview

• There is probably a greater risk of accidental disclosure of information than of inappropriate

deliberate disclosure.
• Accountants should follow a number of security procedures to prevent accidental disclosure.
• Accountants should always confer with senior staff members when they have a concern that a
disclosure is required.

There is probably a greater risk of accidental disclosure of information that is confidential within the
business than external to the business. Such risk arises where client staff members are exposed to
confidential information by overhearing audit staff conversations or by seeing documents that would
normally be kept away from them.
However, there is also a risk of information passing outside the business if assurance providers work
on a different client’s file at another client’s premises, or by losing or leaving files unprotected (for
example, in a car, which might be stolen) or through lack of electronic controls (for example, by
computer hacking).
The following security procedures are probably wise to prevent accidental disclosure of information:
• Do not discuss client matters with any party outside of the accountancy firm (for example, friends
and family, even in a general way).
• Do not discuss client matters with colleagues in a public place.
• Do not leave audit files unattended (at a client’s premises or anywhere).
• Do not leave audit files in cars or in unsecured private residences.
• Do not remove working papers from the office unless strictly necessary.
• Do not work on electronic working papers on systems that do not have the requisite protection.
In addition, to prevent unauthorised deliberate disclosures of information:
• raise concerns with more senior staff in the firm (or the money laundering nominated officer, see
section 3.1)
• seek legal advice before making any disclosures of potentially confidential information

Context example: Accidental disclosure of information

Kat is a trainee in the audit department of Fox Brothers & Co. She is working on the audit of
Candleworks Limited. Kat is driving to work with two of the audit files in locked cases in the boot of
her car. She stops at a petrol station to buy petrol and goes into the petrol station to pay for the
petrol. During that time, her car is stolen. When it is found, the cases are missing.
Later that day, Kat arrives at Candleworks Limited and begins work on a different part of the audit file.
She leaves the office unattended and unlocked and goes to the toilet. During that time, the purchase
ledger clerk goes into the audit office and reviews the payroll. She later raises a complaint with the
pay department that the sales ledger clerk earns more than she does.

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 349

Kat has breached two simple security measures in this scenario, which has resulted in confidentiality
being breached twice.

3 Disclosure of confidential information

Section overview

Accountants may be compelled by law or consider it desirable in the public interest to disclose
details of clients’ affairs to third parties.

Information acquired in the course of professional work should only be disclosed where:
• consent has been obtained from the client, employer or other proper source;
• there is a public duty to disclose; or
• there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.
The Code of Ethics identifies three circumstances where the professional accountant is or may be
required to disclose confidential information:
• Where disclosure is permitted by law and is authorised by the client or the employer, for example
where the auditor has uncovered a fraud and the client is in agreement that the matter should be
referred to the police.
• Where disclosure is required by the law.
• Examples include:
– reporting clients involved in terrorist activities to the police
– reporting directly to regulators such as the Financial Conduct Authority on regulatory breaches
in respect of financial service and investment businesses, or to the Charity Commission in
respect of charities
– the reporting of suspected money laundering (for example tax evasion) to the National Crime
In making such a report, an auditor is not deemed to have broken the confidence of the client. It is
normally addressed by setting out the auditor’s right to disclose in the engagement letter.
• Where there is a professional duty or right to disclose, when not prohibited by law. An accountant
may defend himself in a negligence claim, for example. The Code of Ethics states that a
professional accountant may disclose confidential information to third parties if the disclosure can
be justified in ‘the public interest’ and is not contrary to laws and regulations.
Difficult judgements are required by auditors as to whether the ‘public interest’ overrides the duty of
confidentiality. Usually, the assurance providers should take legal advice on the matter.
A professional accountant acquiring or receiving confidential information in the course of his or her
professional work should neither use, nor appear to use, that information for his or her personal
advantage or for the advantage of a third party.
Examples of particular circumstances are:
• on a change in employment, professional accountants are entitled to use experience gained in
their previous position, but not confidential information acquired there.
• a professional accountant should not deal in the shares of a company in which the member has
had a professional association at such a time or in such a manner as might make it seem that
information obtained in a professional capacity was being turned to personal advantage (‘insider

350 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• where a professional accountant has confidential information from Client 1 that affects an
assurance report on Client 2 he cannot provide an opinion on Client 2 that he already knows, from
whatever source, to be untrue. If he is to continue as auditor to Client 2 the conflict must be
resolved. In order to do so, normal audit procedures/enquiries should be followed to enable that
same information to be obtained from another source. Under no circumstances, however, should
there be any disclosure of confidential information outside the firm.

Professional skills focus: Applying judgement

Try to think about times when you need to consider confidentiality as part of your work. Your firm
may have guidance on what you need to do to keep information confidential, and you should take
this seriously as a trainee ICAEW member.

3.1 Money laundering

Money laundering is defined in the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. It is the process by which criminal
proceeds are sanitised to disguise their illicit origins.
Accountants are subject to laws concerning money laundering, which make it a criminal offence not
to disclose a suspicion of money laundering (the process by which criminals attempt to conceal the
proceeds of crime). In addition, it is an offence to let a suspected money launderer know that an
investigation may be taking place against him.
Therefore, accountants must report suspicions of money laundering to the appropriate authority, and
this disclosure will not constitute a breach of confidentiality. In addition, they should not advise the
client that they have done so.
Firms must have both a nominated officer and a Money Laundering Compliance Principal (MLCP),
although it is possible for both roles to be held by the same person.
The MLCP must either be on the Board or be a member of the firm’s senior management. The
nominated officer is responsible for the firm’s compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations.
The nominated officer is responsible for receiving internal reports of (suspected/identified) money
laundering, and is responsible for making disclosures to the National Crime Agency (NCA).
Trainees and staff carrying out assurance work must make a report to that nominated officer if a
suspicion of money laundering arises.
Each firm must have these officers, so an audit team member will never be required to make a report
to the authorities personally. It will always be appropriate for him to make the report of the suspicion
to the nominated officer, and having made a report to the nominated officer is a defence against the
criminal offence of failing to report a suspicion of money laundering.
Examples of money laundering in this context could include (but are not limited to):
• keeping customer overpayments (theft?)
• offences under the Companies Act that are criminal (such as making a loan to a director – so that
the director is in possession of the proceeds of the company’s crime)
• offences that involve a saved cost (such as failure to meet environmental regulations about
disposal and dumping waste instead)
The following issues therefore may give rise to suspicions of money laundering:
• Credits on the receivables ledger
• Unusual related party transactions
• Lack of expected costs in income statement
• The existence of a complicated group structure with no obvious business reason for the
• High number of cash transactions without genuine business reason

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 351

Context example: Money laundering
Jim is carrying out some assurance work in connection with sales at Trying Ltd. He discovers that the
owner of the business, who is also the MD, regularly collects cash from customers in respect of sales.
In such cases, neither the sale nor the receipt is included in the accounting records of Trying Ltd.
This allows him to bypass accounting for VAT or corporation tax on these sales, so it constitutes
money laundering. Jim must therefore report this issue to the nominated officer of his firm.

3.2 Conflicts of interest

Situations are frequently perceived by clients as ‘conflicts of interest’ where in reality they involve no
more than concerns over keeping information confidential. Hence the issues of confidentiality
covered in sections 1 and 2 and conflicts of interest are related.
The Code states that firms should have in place procedures to enable them to identify whether any
conflicts of interest exist and to take all reasonable steps to determine whether any conflicts are likely
to arise in relation to new assignments involving both new and existing clients. The Code cites the
following examples of conflicts of interest:
• When a professional accountant competes directly with a client, or has a joint venture or similar
arrangement with a major competitor of a client, then this is a threat to the accountant’s
• When a professional accountant performs services for clients whose interests are in conflict or
who are in dispute with each other.
If there is no conflict of interest, firms may accept the assignment. If there is a conflict of interest, the
significance of any threat to compliance with the fundamental principles should be evaluated. If any
threats are other than clearly insignificant, the safeguards must be applied to eliminate the threat or
to reduce it to an acceptable level.
There is nothing improper in a firm having two clients whose interests are in conflict provided that
the activities of the firm are managed so as to avoid the work of the firm on behalf of one client
adversely affecting that on behalf of another.
Where a firm believes that a conflict can be managed, sufficient disclosure should be made to the
clients or potential clients concerned, together with details of any proposed safeguards to preserve
confidentiality and manage conflict. If consent is refused by the client then the firm must not continue
to act for one of the parties.
Where a conflict cannot be managed even with safeguards, then the firm should not act.
A self-interest threat to the objectivity of a professional accountant or his firm will arise where there is
or is likely to be a conflict of interest between them and the client or where confidential information
received from the client could be used by them for the firm’s or for a third party’s benefit.
The test to apply is whether a reasonable and informed observer would perceive that the objectivity
of the member or his firm is likely to be impaired. The member or his firm should be able to satisfy
themselves and the client that any conflict can be managed with available safeguards.
Safeguards might include:
• disclosure of the circumstances of the conflict
• obtaining the informed consent of the client to act
• the use of confidentiality agreements signed by employees
• establishing information barriers (sometimes referred to as ‘Chinese walls’, see below)
• regular review of the application of safeguards by a senior individual not involved with the
relevant client engagement
• ceasing to act
Information barriers, traditionally known as Chinese walls, include:
• ensuring that there is no overlap between different teams

352 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• physical separation of teams
• careful procedures for where information has to be disseminated beyond a barrier and for
maintaining proper records where this occurs
Some commentators argue that the term ‘Chinese walls’ is culturally insensitive and disrespectful of
the ability of the Great Wall of China to keep China’s enemies at bay. However, the term is in common
use and likely to remain so for some time in the future.

Interactive question 1: Confidentiality

During the course of an assurance engagement, Aleem, a member of the assurance team from
Goose Brothers & Co discovers that Dave Milton, the owner of D Manufacturing Limited, has told
certain customers to write cheque payments out in favour of DM, rather than the full company name.
Mr Milton has then been amending the cheques to read D Milton, and paying them into his personal
account rather than the company’s, reducing the company’s overall tax liability.
Which one of the following is the most appropriate action for Aleem to take in respect of this matter?
A Discuss the matter with the client and advise him of the legal position
B Report the matter to HM Revenue and Customs
C Obtain the client’s permission to report the matter to the money laundering nominated officer
within the firm
D Report the matter to the money laundering nominated officer within the firm

See Answer at the end of this chapter.

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 353


Assurance providers must comply with the fundamental principle to

keep client affairs confidential

They should take basic security precautions, There are occasions when it is appropriate
such as: to make disclosures of client information:
• not leaving assurance files unattended • With client permission
• not leaving assurance files in cars • When required to by law (for example,
• not working on client files on when money laundering is suspected)
unprotected computers • In accordance with auditing standards,
• not talking about assurance clients to such as ISA 250A
parties outside the assurance firm • To protect a member's interests
• not talking about assurance work in a • In the public interest
public place • When compelled by process of law
Assurance providers should generally seek
legal advice when making disclosures to
ensure that they are made appropriately

354 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Self-test questions

Answer the following questions.

1 The principle of confidentiality is the duty to keep client affairs secret in all circumstances.
A True
B False

2 Which one of the following actions would not be recommended with regard to securing professional
A Keeping assurance files locked up
B Carrying out audit work at client premises
C Discussing client affairs on the telephone at a different client
D Discussing client affairs in the firm’s office

3 If an ICAEW trainee is asked for information about a client by the police, which four of the following
actions would be appropriate?
A Asking his training partner for advice
B Seeking legal advice
C Ringing the ICAEW ethics line for advice
D Answering the police without taking further action
E Asking the police what authority they have to ask him
F Asking the client if he may talk to the police

4 Which of the following are legitimate reasons for breach of client confidentiality?
A Auditor suspects client has committed treason
B Disclosure needed to protect auditor’s own interests
C Information is required for the auditor of another client
D Auditor knows client has committed terrorist offence
E There is a public duty to disclose
F Auditor considers there to be non-compliance with laws and regulations
G Auditor suspects client has committed fraud

5 Of the following reasons, which are voluntary disclosures and which are obligatory disclosures?


Auditor suspects client has committed treason

Disclosure needed to protect auditor’s own


Information is required for the auditor of

another client

Auditor knows client has committed terrorist


There is a public duty to disclose

Auditor considers there to be non-compliance

with laws and regulations

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 355


Auditor suspects client has committed fraud

6 Explain the role of the money laundering ‘nominated officer’

Now go back to the Introduction and ensure that you have achieved the Learning outcomes listed for
this chapter.

356 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Further question practice
1 Knowledge diagnostic
Before you move on to question practice, complete the following knowledge diagnostic and check
you are able to confirm you possess the following essential learning from this chapter. It not, you are
advised to revisit the relevant learning from the topic indicated.

Confirm your learning Yes/No

(1) Can you explain why confidentiality is important? (Topic 1)

(2) What are the main provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018? (Topic 1)

(3) Can you identify the key security procedures to prevent accidental disclosure?
(Topic 2)

(4) Can you explain the three situations in which confidential information may be
disclosed? (Topic 3)

(5) Can you explain the requirements for firms in relation to money laundering?
(Topic 4)

2 Chapter Self-test question practice

Aim to complete all self-test questions at the end of this chapter. Once completed, attempt all
questions in Chapter 16 of the Assurance Question Bank and refer back to the learning in this
chapter for any questions which you do not answer correctly and the suggested solution has not
provided sufficient explanation to answer all your queries.

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 357

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

D Report the matter to the money laundering nominated officer within the firm
C is inappropriate, because it could constitute a crime to warn Dave Milton that a report has
been made about his money laundering. A is therefore also inappropriate. B might be an
appropriate act, but it is better practice for assurance team members always to make reports to
the money laundering nominated officer and let them take responsibility for determining
whether a report should be made.

358 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Answers to Self-test questions

1 Correct answer(s):
B False
There are recognised exceptions to the principle of confidentiality.

2 Correct answer(s):
C Discussing client affairs on the telephone at a different client
This is potentially harmful to the client’s confidentiality; the others are sensible security measures

3 Correct answer(s):
A Asking his training partner for advice
B Seeking legal advice
C Ringing the ICAEW ethics line for advice
E Asking the police what authority they have to ask him
Asking his training partner for advice, seeking legal advice, ringing the ICAEW ethics line for advice
and seeking more information from the police about the nature of the enquiry would all be sensible
approaches. The trainee should not talk to the police until he was certain that it would not breach his
duty of confidentiality to do so, and although while in theory getting the client’s permission would
solve the problem, it is possible this could constitute a criminal offence, depending on the nature of
the police enquiries, so it is better not to do this until more information has been obtained.

4 Correct answer(s):
A Auditor suspects client has committed treason
B Disclosure needed to protect auditor’s own interests
D Auditor knows client has committed terrorist offence
E There is a public duty to disclose
F Auditor considers there to be non-compliance with laws and regulations
G Auditor suspects client has committed fraud
The third option is not a legitimate breach of confidentiality. All of the other options may be
legitimate breaches in some situations.

5 If the auditor suspects client has committed fraud, the auditor should not take action outside the
company until they are certain. When they are certain, they should seek legal advice.


Auditor suspects client has committed treason Obligatory

Disclosure needed to protect auditor’s own Voluntary


Information is required for the auditor of N/A

another client

Auditor knows client has committed terrorist Obligatory


There is a public duty to disclose Voluntary

Auditor considers there to be non-compliance Obligatory in some cases. The auditor must
with laws and regulations check/take legal advice about what his duties

ICAEW 2021 16: Confidentiality 359



Auditor suspects client has committed fraud N/A

6 The nominated officer is the nominated official in the audit firm to whom disclosures of money
laundering suspicions should be made. There should not be a need for other individuals in the firm
to make reports direct to the appropriate authority, as having made a report to the nominated officer
is a defence against the criminal offence of failure to report a suspicion of money laundering.

360 Assurance ICAEW 2021

362 Assurance ICAEW 2021
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Chapter 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ICAEW 2021 Appendix 363

364 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Glossary of terms
366 Assurance ICAEW 2021
Tolerable misstatement is a monetary amount set by the auditor in respect of which the auditor seeks
to obtain an appropriate level of assurance that the monetary amount set by the auditor is not
exceeded by the actual misstatement in the population.
Tolerable rate of deviation is a rate of deviation from prescribed internal control procedures set by
the auditor in respect of which the auditor seeks to obtain an appropriate level of assurance that the
rate of deviation set by the auditor is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation in the population.

Analytical procedures: Evaluations of financial information through analysis of plausible relationships

among both financial and non-financial data. Analytical procedures also encompass such
investigation as is necessary of identified fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with other
relevant information or that differ from expected values by a significant amount.
They include consideration of comparisons of the entity’s financial information with other
information, and the consideration of relationships among elements of financial information that
would be expected to conform to a particular pattern or between financial information and relevant
non-financial information.

Anomaly: A misstatement or deviation that is demonstrably not representative of misstatements or

deviations in a population.

Application controls: Manual or automated procedures that typically operate at a business process
level. Application controls can be preventative or detective in nature and are designed to ensure the
integrity of the accounting records. Accordingly, application controls relate to procedures used to
initiate, record, process and report transactions or other financial data.

Assurance engagement: It is when a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the

degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of
the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.

Audit documentation (working papers): The record of procedures performed, relevant evidence
obtained and conclusions the auditor reached.

Audit evidence: Information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusions on which the auditor’s
opinion is based.

Audit of financial statements: The objective is to enable the auditor to express an opinion whether
the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable
financial reporting framework.

Audit plan: An audit plan is more detailed than the strategy and sets out the nature, timing and
extent of audit procedures (including risk assessment procedures) to be performed by engagement
team members in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

Audit risk: The risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial
statements are materially misstated. Audit risk is a function of the risks of material misstatement and
detection risk.

Audit sampling: The application of audit procedures to less than 100% of items within a population
of audit relevance such that all sampling units have a chance of selection in order to provide the
auditor with a reasonable basis on which to draw conclusions about the entire population.

Audit strategy: The formulation of the general strategy for the audit, which sets the scope, timing
and direction of the audit and guides the development of the audit plan.

Business risk: A risk resulting from significant conditions, events, circumstances, actions or inactions
that could adversely affect an entity’s ability to achieve its objectives and execute its strategies, or
from the setting of inappropriate objectives and strategies.

ICAEW 2021 Glossary of terms 367

Close family: A parent, child or sibling who is not an immediate family member.

Contingent fee: A fee calculated on a predetermined basis relating to the outcome of a transaction
or the result of the services performed by the firm. A fee that is established by a court or other public
authority is not a contingent fee.

Control activities: They are the policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives
are carried out.

Control environment: The control environment includes the governance and management functions
and the attitudes, awareness and actions of those charged with governance and management
concerning the entity’s internal control and its importance in the entity. The control environment sets
the tone of an organisation, influencing the control consciousness of its people.

Control risk: The risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion about a class of transaction,
account balance or disclosure and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated
with other misstatements, will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by the
entity’s internal control.

Cost: The cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

Data analytics: When used to obtain audit evidence in a financial statement audit, data analytics is
the science and art of discovering and analysing patterns, deviations and inconsistencies, and
extracting other useful information in the data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit
through analysis, modelling and visualisation for the purpose of planning and performing the audit.
FRC, 2017, Audit Quality Thematic Review: The Use of Data Analytics in the Audit of Financial

Detection risk: The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an
acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material, either
individually or when aggregated with other misstatements.

Direct financial interest: A financial interest:

• owned directly by and under the control of an individual or entity (including those managed on a
discretionary basis by others); or
• beneficially owned through a collective investment vehicle, estate, trust or other intermediary
over which the individual or entity has control, or the ability to influence investment decisions.

Entity’s risk assessment process: A component of internal control that is the entity’s process for
identifying business risks relevant to financial reporting objectives and deciding about actions to
address those risks, and the results thereof.

Error: An unintentional misstatement in financial statements, including the omission of an amount or

a disclosure.

Fair: Information is free from discrimination and bias in compliance with expected standards and
rules. The accounts should reflect the commercial substance of the company’s underlying

Financial interest: An interest in equity or other security, debenture, loan or other debt instrument of
an entity, including rights and obligations to acquire such an interest and derivatives directly related
to such interest.

368 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Financial statement assertions: Representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are
embodied in the financial statements, as used by the auditor to consider the different types of
potential misstatements that may occur.

Fraud: An intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with
governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal

General controls: Policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective
function of application controls by helping to ensure the continued proper operation of information

Immediate family: A spouse (or equivalent) or a dependent.

Assurance team:
(a) All members of the engagement team for the assurance engagement.
(b) All others within a firm who can directly influence the outcome of the assurance engagement.

Independence: It is related to and underpins objectivity – it is freedom from situations and

relationships that make it probable that a reasonable and informed third party would conclude that
objectivity either is impaired or could be impaired.

Independence in appearance: The avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so significant that a
reasonable and informed third party would be likely to conclude that a firm’s, or an audit team
member’s, integrity, objectivity or professional scepticism has been compromised.
(IESBA Code of Ethics: para. 400.5)

Independence of mind: The state of mind that permits the expression of a conclusion without being
affected by influences that compromise professional judgment, thereby allowing an individual to act
with integrity, and exercise objectivity and professional scepticism.

Indirect financial interest: A financial interest beneficially owned through a collective investment
vehicle, estate, trust or other intermediary over which the individual or entity has no control or ability
to influence investment decisions.

Information system relevant to financial reporting: A component of internal control that includes the
financial reporting system, and consists of the procedures and records established to initiate, record,
process and report entity transactions (as well as events and conditions) and to maintain
accountability for the related assets, liabilities and equity.

Informed management: It is where the auditors believe that the member of management designated
by the audit client to receive the results of a non-audit service provided by the auditor has the
capability to make independent management judgements and decisions on the basis of the
information provided.

Inherent risk: The susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or
disclosure to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with
other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls.

Integrity: This means that an accountant must be straightforward and honest. It implies fair dealing
and truthfulness.

Internal audit function: An appraisal activity established or provided as a service to the entity. Its
functions include, amongst other things, examining, evaluating and monitoring the adequacy and
effectiveness of internal control.

ICAEW 2021 Glossary of terms 369

Internal control: The process designed, implemented and maintained by those charged with
governance, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the
achievement of an entity’s objectives with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and
efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The term ‘controls’
refers to any aspects of one or more of the components of internal control. (ISA (UK) 315: para. 4)

Limited assurance: A meaningful level of assurance, that is more than inconsequential but is less than
reasonable assurance, that engagement risk has been reduced to an acceptable level, which then
allows a conclusion to be expressed negatively.

Management: It is the person(s) with executive responsibility for the conduct of the entity’s
operations. For some entities in some jurisdictions, management includes some or all of those
charged with governance, for example, executive members of a governance board, or an owner-

Materiality: An expression of the relative significance or importance of a particular matter in the

context of financial statements as a whole. The IFRS Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
states that a matter is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions
of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

Misstatement: A difference between the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure of a

reported financial statement item and the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure that is
required for the item to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Misstatements can arise from error or fraud.

Net realisable value: It is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the
estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
(IAS 2: paras. 6, 9)

Non-sampling risk: The risk that the auditor reaches an erroneous conclusion for any reason not
related to sampling risk. For example, the use of inappropriate procedures, or misinterpretation of
audit evidence and failure to recognise a misstatement or deviation.

Non-statistical sampling: A sampling approach that does not have characteristics (a) and (b) is
considered non-statistical sampling.

Objectivity: This is a state of mind that excludes bias, prejudice and compromise and that gives fair
and impartial consideration to all matters that are relevant to the task in hand, disregarding those that
are not.

Performance materiality: The amount or amounts set by the auditor at less than materiality for the
financial statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the
aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds materiality for the financial
statements as a whole.

Population: The entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about which an auditor wishes
to draw conclusions.

Professional judgement: It is the application of relevant training, knowledge and experience in

making informed decisions about the courses of action that are appropriate in the circumstances of
the audit engagement.

Professional scepticism: It is an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions
which may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical assessment of audit

Public interest entity:

370 Assurance ICAEW 2021

• A listed entity; and
• An entity (a) defined by regulation or legislation as a public interest entity or (b) for which the
audit is required by regulation or legislation to be conducted in compliance with the same
independence requirements that apply to the audit of listed entities. Such regulation may be
promulgated by any relevant regulator, including an audit regulator.

Reasonable assurance: A high level of assurance, that is less than absolute assurance, that
engagement risk has been reduced to an acceptably low level, which then allows a conclusion to be
expressed positively.

Sampling risk: The risk that the auditor’s conclusion based on a sample may be different from the
conclusion if the entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure.

Sampling units: The individual items constituting a population.

Statistical sampling: An approach to sampling that has the following characteristics:

(a) Random selection of the sample items; and
(b) The use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including measurement of sampling

Substantive procedures: Audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements at the

assertion level. Substantive procedures comprise:
• tests of detail (of classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures)
• substantive analytical procedures

Tests of controls: Audit procedures designed to evaluate the operating effectiveness of controls in
preventing, or detecting and correcting material misstatements at the assertion level.

True: Information is factual and conforms with reality, not false. In addition the information conforms
with required standards and law. The accounts have been correctly extracted from the books and

Valuation: Comprises the making of assumptions with regard to future developments, the
application of appropriate methodologies and techniques, and the combination of both to compute
a certain value, or range of values, for an asset, a liability or for a business as a whole.

Walk-through procedure: A procedure that involves tracing a few transactions through the financial
reporting system.
Walk-through procedures would normally be performed near the start of the fieldwork stage of the
audit. They involve tracing transactions from the very beginning to the very end, in order to confirm
that the auditor has correctly understood how the controls are supposed to operate. Walk-through
procedures aim to test the auditor’s understanding and are not tests of controls.

ICAEW 2021 Glossary of terms 371

372 Assurance ICAEW 2021
374 Assurance ICAEW 2021
A Circulation reports, 9
Acceptance procedures, 29 Classification, 88
Accepting new clients , 333 Close business relationships, 322
Accounting ratios, 58 Close family, 323
Accrual, 285 Codes and Standards Committee, 13
Accrued expenses, 285 Companies Act, 13
Accuracy, 88 Completeness, 88, 88
Actual and threatened litigation, 332 Computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs),
Advocacy threat, 305 229

Analytical procedures, 58, 58, 231 Confidentiality, 304

Anomaly, 241 Confirmations from customers, 276

Application controls, 119, 121 Conflicts of interest, 352

Appointment considerations, 29 Contingent fee, 325

Appropriateness, 227 Control activities, 118

Assertions about account balances, and related Control environment, 116

disclosures, at the period end, 88 Control risk, 65
Assurance, 6 Controls, 138, 140, 143, 144, 159, 164, 177, 179,
Assurance engagements, 8 181

Assurance report, 99 Corporate finance services, 329

Assurance team, 321 Cost, 274

Audit committee, 116 Cost of sales percentage, 59

Audit documentation, 209 Cost/benefit reports, 9

Audit engagement letters, 35 Current audit files, 213

Audit evidence, 86 Current ratio, 59

Audit exemption, 12 Cut-off, 88

Audit file, 210 Cyber security risks, 122

Audit of accounting estimates, 234

Audit plan, 51
Data analytics, 90
Audit sampling, 236
Data protection, 348
Audit software, 230
Design of the sample, 236
Audit strategy, 51
Detection risk, 65
Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related
Detective control, 115
Disclosures, ISA (UK) 234
Diagrams, 124
Auditor’s opinion, 92
Direct confirmation with bank, 281
Auditor’s report, 92
Direct financial interest, 321
Automated and electronic , 212
Distinction between internal and external audit,
B 194

Bank reconciliation, 282 Dual employment, 322

Benefits of assurance, 9 Due diligence, 9

Bookkeeping recap, 16
Business risk, 117
Efficiency ratios, 59

C Employment with assurance client, 322

CAATs, Entity’s risk assessment process, 117

Cash count, 282 Error, 70

Ests of detail, 86

ICAEW 2021 Index 375

Existence, 88 Inherent risk, 65
Expectations gap, 11, 98 Inquiry, 90
Expenses, 288 Intangible non-current assets, 271
Explicit opinions, 92 Integrity, 304, 319
Interest cover, 59
Interest paid/received, 287
Factors influencing sample sizes, 237
Internal audit, 9, 195
False, 33
Internal audit function, 194
Familiarity threat, 305, 330
Internal control, 9, 113
Filing working papers, 212
Internal controls, 123, 196
Financial interest, 321
International Federation of Accountants, 303
Financial Reporting Council, 303
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 7
Financial statement assertions, 88
International Framework for Assurance
Flowcharts, 124 Engagements, 7
Following procedures, 33 International Standards on Assurance
Fraud, 70 Engagements (ISAEs), 99
Fraud investigations, 9 International Standards on Auditing, 13
FRC Ethical Standard, 320 Intimidation threat, 305, 331
FRC’s Ethical Standard, 303 Inventories and receivables reports, 9
Fundamental principles, 304, 306 Inventory count, 272
Inventory turnover, 59
G Irrecoverable receivables, 279
Gearing ratio, 59 ISA (UK) 210, Agreeing the Terms of Audit
General controls, 119 Engagements, 35
Gifts and hospitality, 324 ISA (UK) 300, Planning an Audit of Financial
Gross profit margin, 59 Statements, 51
ISA (UK) 315, 88, 115
H ISA (UK) 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks
Haphazard selection, 239 of Material Misstatement through Understanding
the Entity and its Environment, 54, 58, 113
High risk, 30
ISA (UK) 320, Materiality in Planning and
I Performing an Audit, 61

ICAEW, 7, 13 ISA (UK) 450, Evaluation of Misstatements

Identified During the Audit, 242
ICAEW Code of Ethics, 29, 303
ISA (UK) 500, Audit Evidence, 87
IFRS Conceptual Framework for Financial
Reporting, 61 ISA (UK) 505, External Confirmations, 276

Immediate family, 321 ISA (UK) 520, Analytical Procedures, 58, 231

Independence, 29, 305, 319 ISA (UK) 530, Audit Sampling, 235

Independence in appearance, 305 ISA (UK) 550, Related Parties, 69

Independence of mind, 305 ISA (UK) 580, Written Representations, 254

Indirect financial interest, 321 ISA 315, 118

Ineligible, 13 ISAE 3400, The Examination of Prospective

Financial Information, 99
Information processing controls, 119
Items included only by exception, 92
Information system relevant to financial
reporting, 117
Information technology services, 329
Level of assurance, 98
Informed management, 332
Levels of assurance, 7

376 Assurance ICAEW 2021

Limitations of internal controls, 114 Permanent audit files, 213
Limited assurance, 8, 8 Perpetual inventory count, 273
Litigation support services, 329 Population, 236
Loans and guarantees, 324 Preparing accounting records and financial
Long association, 330 statements, 327

Long-term solvency ratios, 59 Preventative control, 115

Low risk, 30 Procedures to obtain evidence, 227

Lowballing, 326 Professional behaviour, 304

Professional competence and due care, 304
M Professional judgement, 15
Management, 254 Properly prepared, 102
Management threat, 305, 332 Prospective auditors, 31
Materiality, 61 Public interest entity, 325
Misstatement, 236 Purchases, 287
Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS), 239
Money laundering, 351 Q

Money Laundering Compliance Principal (MLCP), Quality of evidence, 87, 227

351 Questionnaires and checklists, 124
Money laundering regulations, 33 Quick ratio, 59
Monitoring of controls, 123
N Random selection, 239
Narrative notes, 123 Ratios, 58
National Crime Agency, 350 Reasonable assurance, 8, 8
National Crime Agency (NCA)., 351 Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB), 13
Net asset turnover, 59 Recording of controls, 123
Net margin = operating margin, 59 Recruitment, 331
Net realisable value, 274, 274 Reperformance, 90
Non-sampling risk, 237 Reports on business plans or projections, 9
Non-statistical sampling, 236 Return on capital employed, 59
Return on shareholders’ funds, 59
Revenue, 287
Objectivity, 304, 319
Reviews of specialist business activities, 9
Observation, 90
Rights and obligations, 88
Occurrence, 88
Risk, 196
Operating cost percentage, 59
Risk of material misstatement, 65
Operational audits, 196
Risk-based approach, 64
Organisation charts, 124
Rules- or principles-based guidance, 303
Other payables, 285
Other receivables, 279 S
Overdue fees, 325 Safeguard, 324
Safeguards, 305, 321, 322, 322, 323, 325, 326,
P 327, 329, 330, 330, 332, 352
Partner/employee on client’s board, 323 Sampling risk, 237
Payroll costs, 287 Sampling units, 237
Performance materiality, 61, 63 Segregation of duties, 138
Performance ratios, 59 Selecting the sample, 239

ICAEW 2021 Index 377

Self-interest threat, 305, 320
Self-review threat, 305, 326
Sequence or block selection, 239
Service with an assurance client, 327
Short-term liquidity ratios, 59
Significant risks, 69
Sources of ethical guidance, 303
Sources of information, 31
Steps, 305
Substantive procedures, 86
Sufficiency, 227
Supplier statements, 284
Systematic selection, 239

Tangible non-current assets, 269
Test data, 229
Testing of application controls, 121
Tests of controls, 86, 139, 141, 143, 146, 160,
162, 165, 178, 180, 182
Those charged with governance, 113
Threats, 305
Tolerable misstatement, 62, 238
Tolerable rate of deviation, 238
Trade payables payment period, 59
Trade receivables collection period, 59
True, 12, 33, 33, 33, 33

UK Corporate Governance Code, 116, 194
Understanding the entity and its environment, 54
Users, 9

Valuation, 327

Walk-through procedure, 124
Website security, 9
Working papers, 209, 212
Written representations, 254

378 Assurance ICAEW 2021

ICAEW 2021 Index 379

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