Antonio Carzaniga
Faculty of Informatics
(Università della Svizzera italiana)
Edition 2.4
April 2020
◮Exercise 1. Consider a DNS query of type A within a DNS system containing IN class information.
Using boxes to represent servers and lines with labels to represent packets, diagram an iterative
request for “www.ban.mcyds.net”. The answer must be authoritative. Label any DNS servers you
need to contact using a descriptive label. Label every packet with the essential information. For
example, a box may be labeled “authority for .com,” while a packet might be labeled “answer,
www.ban.mcyds.net,” (10’)
Consider the same DNS request specified above. Now create a new diagram showing a recursive
request. Once again, the answer must be authoritative. (10’)
◮Exercise 2. Given the utility functions listed below, write the pseudo-code to perform an iterative
DNS lookup.
value get_dns_answer(dns_answer_packet, n)
Return the value in the nth answer of a dns_answer_pkt packet. For example, in re-
ply to a MX lookup for inf.unisi.ch, get_dns_answer(pkt,1) would return the SMTP
mail server for the inf.unisi.ch domain. In reply to a NS query it would return the
authoritative name server.
By “pseudo-code” here we mean a simplification of an actual program that shows only the essential
operations. The syntax we expect is that of Java, or C if you prefer. Do not worry about the
details of the program. For example, if you need to output something, just write something like
“print(. . . ).” Insert comments in your code to describe your ideas. What counts here is that the
procedure you implement be clear at a high-level. (Hint: the operation corresponds to the execution
of dig with the +trace option.) (20’)
// Implement your code here.
void ns_trace(server_name) {
Given the same functions listed on the previous page, write the pseudo code to perform a recursive
DNS lookup. (10’)
// Implement your code here.
void ns_recurse_lookup(server_name) {
◮Exercise 3. Design an extension to HTTP to support ratings for documents. Every document may
be rated by users on a scale of 1–100. An HTTP server computes and stores the average ratings
of each document. An HTTP server should also return the rating of a document when that is
requested by a client.
Which HTTP method would you use to send a new rating to a server? Give an example of an HTTP
request containing a rating. (5’)
How would you modify a GET request in order to include a rating query from a client? Show a
corresponding HTTP request as an example. What if the client is interested only in the ratings?
Show another HTTP request that returns the rating without returning the content. (5’)
◮Exercise 4. The following is an SMTP conversation containing only the responses from the server.
Fill in the blanks with the messages sent by the client. (15’)
Server: 220 mx.duder.org ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.10; Mon, 9 May 2005 12:26:27 -0600 (PST)
Server: 250 mx.duder.org. Hello mail.bowlingalley.net [], pleased to meet you
Server: 250 2.1.0 donnie@bowlingalley.net. . . Sender ok
Server: 550 5.1.1 dude@mx.duder.org. . . User unknown
Server: 250 2.1.5 thedude@mx.duder.org. . . Recipient ok
Server: 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
Server: 250 2.0.0 j49IQRp8013851 Message accepted for delivery
Server: 221 2.0.0 mx5.Colorado.EDU closing connection
◮Exercise 5. Consider the following SMTP message. Separate the headers added by transport
agents from those added by the user agent or delivery agents. Do that by drawing a line between
the two sets of headers. Write a label above and below the line marking which set of headers are
from the transport-agent and which set are from other agents. You may need to draw more than
one line. (5’)
Delivered-To: hallc@lu.unisi.ch
Received: from spamfilter.usilu.net by campus9.usilu.net
with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:07:56 +0100
Received: from localhost (spamfilter.usilu.net]) by
spamfilter.usilu.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id C2AC07C17D for
<hallc@lu.unisi.ch>; Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:07:55 +0100 (CET)
Received: from spamfilter.usilu.net by localhost
(spamfilter.usilu.net) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id
02298-08 for <hallc@lu.unisi.ch>;
Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:07:53 +0100 (CET)
Received: from mail-fs.sunrise.ch (mta-fs-be-01.sunrise.ch)
by spamfilter.usilu.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id
68A397C017 for <hallc@lu.unisi.ch>;
Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:07:52 +0100 (CET)
Received: from [] by mail-fs.sunrise.ch
id 422D8BF5001729DB for hallc@lu.unisi.ch; Fri, 11 Mar 2005
23:07:52 +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v619.2)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-Id: <7d7e7812ec273c6e2e26842e834324ef@lu.unisi.ch>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
To: Cyrus Hall <hallc@lu.unisi.ch>
From: The Dude <thedude@duder.org>
Subject: my rug is gone
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:07:41 +0100
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.619.2)
X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at usilu.net
Return-Path: thedude@duder.org
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 11 Mar 2005 22:07:56.0089 (UTC)
Could the message of the previous page be valid? Justify your answer. (5’)
PUT /files/uploads/private/tbl.avi HTTP/1.1
Host: www.personalpage.net
Content-Type: video/x-msvideo
Content-Length: 1822990
◮Exercise 7. An HTTP document is made of the following three objects: x.html (1Kb), x.jpg (50Kb),
and x.png (100Kb). Assuming that the underlying transport layer has a constant throughput T =
100KB/s and that the latency between the client and the origin server is L = 500ms, compute
the total time ∆1.1 that it would take an HTTP/1.1 browser using pipelining to retrieve the entire
document. Assume the server is able and willing to serve (HTTP/1.1) pipelined requests. Also
compute the total download time ∆1.0 in the case of an HTTP/1.0 client that does not use pipelining.
For the purpose of your calculations, you may assume that the size of HTTP headers (both requests
and responses) are negligible. (10’)
Now assume the client is connected to the origin server through a caching proxy. Under the same
assumption of a constant throughput at the transport level, given that the latency with the proxy
is Lp = 100ms, that the throughput with the proxy is Tp = 1000KB/s, that the latency between the
proxy and the origin server is Lp→o = 500ms, and that the throughput there is Tp→o = 100KB/s,
compute the total download time for an HTTP/1.1 client using pipelining, assuming that the two
images (x.jpg and x.png) are cached, while x.html is not. (10’)
◮Exercise 8. Consider a reliable transport layer implemented through a Go-Back-N protocol, with
maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, and with a fixed window size W = 10. Suppose the sender
transmits at the maximum speed allowed by the protocol and that the network has plenty of band-
width and no congestion, suppose also that the underlying network looses, on average, one seg-
ment out of 1000, and suppose that each segment, whether a data segment or an acknowledgment,
has a 2-byte header, with acknowledgment segments having no content.
On average, what is the total number of bytes sent into the network by both the sender and the
receiver to transfer a 10MB file? Briefly justify your answer. (Assume 1MB = 1000KB and 1KB =
1000B.) (15’)
◮Exercise 9. Briefly describe the algorithm used by TCP to control the size of its congestion win-
dow. Complete your description with a diagram showing how the window size might vary over
time, in response to every protocol event. (10’)
◮Exercise 10. Briefly explain the functionality of the SYN flag in the TCP header. (5’)
◮Exercise 11. A TCP segment with sequence number 1234 carries the following HTTP request:
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 200
<html><body>Not Found!
...more html text here...
What is the sequence number of the next segment? Briefly justify your answer. (Remember that all
HTTP header lines end with a CRLF sequence.) (10’)
◮Exercise 12. Outline the UDP header format. What kind of transport-level features does UDP
provide? Say whether each feature relates to any header field, and if so, describe how. (10’)
◮Exercise 13. Describe the high-level architecture of a router. Explain where a router queues pack-
ets. For each packet queue, explain why that queue is necessary and what circumstances may cause
that queue to fill up. (10’)
◮Exercise 14. Consider the forwarding function of a router within (1) an IPv4 network, (2) a generic
packet-switched network, and (3) a generic virtual-circuit network. For each case, write the “sig-
nature” of the forwarding function in terms of its domain (input set) and range (output set) for a
router (e.g., the signature of the logarithm function is Log : R → R + , where R + represents positive
real numbers and R represents all real numbers). Comparing (2) and (3), tell which function would
be simpler to compute. Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 15. A router receives a non-fragmented 1400-bytes IPv4 packet from interface 1, and
decides to forward it to interface 2, which has an MTU of 512 bytes. Explain in detail how the
router compiles the output packet(s). Write your explanation in the form of pseudo-code. Refer
to the input packet as X and to the output packet(s) as Y1 , Y2 , etc. Refer to header fields using a
Java-like dot notation. E.g., refer to the source address of the input packet as X.source and to the
first 100 bytes of payload as Y .data[0 . . . 99]. Assume the input packet has no options. (Hint: the
first step could be something like this: “Y1 .source ← X.source”) (15’)
◮Exercise 16. Express the following address ranges using the subnet prefix notation. If a range
can not be represented with the prefix notation, write “N.A.”
range subnet prefix-address/prefix-length–––––––––
For each valid prefix you wrote above, write the corresponding address/mask expression (15’)
◮Exercise 17. Given the following set of prefixes, write an equivalent minimal set of prefixes by
simplifying the list (i.e., by applying “supernetting”). (10’)
◮Exercise 18. Outline the structure of an entire IPv6 packet containing a UDP packet containing a
simple HTTP 1.0 request. Referring to each field using a symbolic identifier, fill in as many header
fields and payload data as possible. Use sensible data. For each field, explain very briefly your
choice of value. For example, you might write “IP.source = 123456789: value chosen at random.”
Make sure to mention any relation between fields. (10’)
◮Exercise 19. Compare IPv4 with IPv6. List the major differences between the two protocols.
Briefly explain the design rationale for each difference. (10’)
◮Exercise 20. Consider a router in an IPv4 network using longest-prefix matching. The router has
the following forwarding table:
entry destination interface
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 4
8 5
For each destination addresses below, write the output port and the list all the matching table
address output port matching entries (10’) 2
rest of the Internet
Write the forwarding tables of routers 1 and 2. Assume longest-prefix matching. Assume also that
each subnet holds a block of 256 addresses. In writing the forwarding tables, identify each output
port directly with their IP address. (15’)
◮Exercise 22. Consider the following simple network topology where routers use a distance-vector
routing protocols
1 c
2 4
For simplicity, assume all routers start at time 0, that routing messages (i.e., distance vectors) are
sent out by routers every 10 seconds, and that they are received by neighbor routers after one
second. Write the first iterations of the distance-vector routing algorithm, at times 0, 10, . . . , until
the protocol converges to a stable state. For each iteration, list the routing tables of each router. (15’)
◮Exercise 23. Consider three autonomous systems A, B, and C, connected in the following AS-level
Illustrate the idea of hierarchical routing in the particular case of the Internet by describing the
process by which an IP packet would be routed from a source router X in A to a destination router
Y in C. For each step, briefly discuss which routing information is used, which protocol determines
that routing information, and how that routing information is transmitted to the router. (10’)
◮Exercise 24. Briefly describe what kind of routing information is exchanged by two BGP peers. In
particular, explain what information allows BGP to detect and avoid routing loops. (5’)
◮Exercise 25. Alice and Bob plan to communicate privately using one-time pad encryption. They
therefore agree on a secret key k = 10100100111100111010011010001101. The first message
that Alice wants to send is “CIAO”. Alice and Bob use an insecure channel (e.g., a simple TCP
connection). Therefore, Eve can intercepts every transmission. Assuming that Alice uses the ASCII
encoding, and that the codes for the letters C, I, A, and O are 67, 73, 65, and 79, respectively,
what does Eve see when Alice sends her first message? How many more bytes can Alice and Bob
exchange securely? Justify your answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 26. You are sending an e-mail message to dude@duder.org. The mail exchange server
for the duder.org domain is mail.duder.org. Detail the SMTP conversation between your mailer and
mail.duder.org. Write every SMTP message exchanged by your mailer and the server. Assume that
dude@duder.org is a valid address for mail.duder.org and that no communication or server errors
occur. (20’)
◮Exercise 27. Answer the following questions.
Briefly explain the functionality of the ACK flag in the TCP header. (5’)
Do IPv4 headers and IPv6 headers have any fields in common? If any, describe the function of the
common fields? (5’)
Do TCP headers and UDP headers have any fields in common? If any, describe the function of the
common fields? (5’)
◮Exercise 28. Answer the following questions.
Consider a TCP connection between host X and host Y . Suppose host X sends two TCP segments,
one after the other, to host Y , with sequence numbers 200 and 500, respectively. What happens if
the first segment is lost but the second segment arrives at Y ? Does Y send an acknowledgment?
If so, what is the sequence number of the acknowledgment? How many data bytes are in the first
datagram? Briefly justify your answers. (5’)
Briefly describe the idea of classless interdomain routing (CIDR). Give an example of a “classless”
subnet address. Why is this addressing scheme important in Internet routing? (5’)
Suppose an IP datagram goes from its source X to its destination Y through four routers. How
many interfaces does the datagram go through? How many times does the datagram cause a
router to look up its forwarding tables? Justify your answers. Assume no fragmentation. (5’)
◮Exercise 29. List three HTTP methods. For each method, briefly explain its main purpose and
give a valid server response. (10’)
◮Exercise 30. Consider a non-recursive DNS lookup for the A record of www.elet.polimi.it executed
from within the unisi.ch domain. Give a list of plausible DNS servers contacted by your local DNS
resolver. You do not need to list the local DNS server. For each server, write a plausible query and
response (in English—don’t bother using the exact DNS format). (10’)
◮Exercise 31. A TCP segment with sequence number 2345 carries the following HTTP request:
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 200
<html><body>Not Found!
...more html text here...
What is the sequence number of the next segment? Briefly justify your answer. (Remember that all
HTTP header lines end with a CRLF sequence.) (10’)
◮Exercise 32. A Web browser makes an HTTP/1.0 request over TCP to a web server to retrieve a
2Kb object (e.g., a web page). The network between the browser and the server has an MTU of 1500
bytes, a latency of 100ms, and a throughput of 100KB/s. List all IP datagrams for the connection.
For each datagram, describe the most important header fields of each protocol (IP, TCP, and HTTP).
Assume no congestion, no network errors, and no fragmentation. Also, how long does it take for
the browser to retrieve the entire object? Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 33. Consider a router in an IPv4 network using longest-prefix matching. The router has
the following forwarding table:
entry destination interface
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 4
8 5
For each destination addresses below, write the output port and the list all the matching table
address output port matching entries (10’)
◮Exercise 34. Consider the following networks: (1) a packet-switched network with 16-bit ad-
dresses and a total of 1000 nodes, and (2) a virtual-circuit network with 8-bit virtual-circuit iden-
tifiers and 30 active virtual circuits. For each network, write and describe the “signature” of the
forwarding function. That is, describe its domain (input set) and range (output set). Assuming that
the forwarding function is implemented through a simple table containing one entry per input
value. For each network, tell how many entries are in the forwarding table. Briefly justify your
answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 35. Briefly describe a block cipher. In particular, describe the parameters that define the
signature of a block cipher. (5’)
◮Exercise 36. Given the following network topology, specify the forwarding function of node a in
the form of a simple forwarding table. Specify the output interfaces using the identifier of the
next-hop router. Does the same forwarding table for node f have more, less, or the same number
of entries? Briefly justify your answer.
g 14 j
1 4
1 2
3 e 9
d f
1 1 2
1 1
a 3 4 c
◮Exercise 37. Compare and contrast distance-vector and link-state routing. In particular, describe
the information that routers exchange, and the kind of processing they perform locally. (10’)
◮Exercise 38. For each one of the following subnet addresses, give an example of an IP address
that can be assigned to that subnet, and one that can not.
subnet IP address in subnet IP address outside subnet
◮Exercise 39. Consider three autonomous systems A, B, and C, connected in the following AS-level
Illustrate the idea of hierarchical routing in the particular case of the Internet by describing the
process by which an IP packet would be routed from a source router X in A to a destination router
Y in C. For each step, briefly discuss which routing information is used, which protocol determines
that routing information, and how that routing information is transmitted to the router. (15’)
◮Exercise 40. The web object located at http://exacttime.ch/now gives the time of day.
Question 1: Write an HTTP 1.0 request to read the current time, and a plausible response from the
server. Write the request and the response as (ASCII) text. If you need to express non-text bytes,
then write a backslash ‘\’ and then either their numeric value or a short textual description of the
character. (5’)
Question 2: Write an HTTP 1.1 request for the same object http://exacttime.ch/now where the client
attempts to keep the connection open. Again write both the client request and the server response.
What kind of cache-control should the server specify in its reply? Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 41. Briefly describe at least four types of resource records in the Domain Name System. (10’)
◮Exercise 42. Your computer uses a DNS resolver connected on your local-area subnet where the
latency is Lin = 5ms. Your subnet is connected to the rest of the Internet through a single link
that introduces a latency of 200ms. Suppose you click on a link to http://www.gnu.org/. What is
the minimum amount of time before your browser can start to display the web page? Ignore the
rendering time and other CPU latencies. Assume that the address of www.gnu.org is not in the
cache of your host or your local DNS. Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 43. An e-commerce web site needs to keep track of per-user shopping sessions. How
can that be done using HTTP 1.0? Describe this mechanism through an example in which two
different users are active at the same time. Write every user request and every server response in
your example. (10’)
◮Exercise 44. Can user sessions be implemented in HTTP 1.1 with persistent connections? If so,
show how through an example, writing at least two requests/replies for the same session. If not,
justify your answer through a counter-example in which a persistent connection could represent
more than one user. (10’)
◮Exercise 45. Design the high-level interface of a web-mail system. That is, a mail system where
the client communicates with the server using HTTP. In particular, specify how you would you
implement a send function, to send an e-mail message, a read-folders function, to get a list of
folders, a read-folder-summary function to get the list of messages in a folder, a read function, to
read a given message within a given folder. Also, how can you implement a notification function
that tells you you have received a message. (20’)
◮Exercise 46. You are setting up the Internet resources of an organization called Addio Lugano
Question 1: Can you have your web site at http://addio.luganobella.org/ and, at the same time,
have an e-mail address such as michael@addio.luganobella.org? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Can you do that with two different hosts, one running a web server and one running a
mail server? If so, explain how. If not, give a counter-example. (5’)
◮Exercise 48. The network connection between Host A and Host B has a latency of L = 200ms,
a throughput T = 500KB/s, and a maximum segment size MSS = 1460b. How long does it take
for TCP to transfer a 10Kb file from A to B? Assume no errors, no packet loss, and no packet
duplication. Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 49. The network connection between Host A and Host B has a latency of L = 500ms, a
throughput T = 100KB/s, and a maximum segment size MSS = 1460b. How long does it take for
TCP to reach the maximum throughput for that connection? Assume no errors, no packet loss, and
no packet duplication. Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 50. The network connection between Host A and Host B admits TCP segments that can
carry up to 512 bytes of data. Host A connects to Host B, transfers 2000 bytes, and closes the
Question 1: List all the TCP segments exchanged between A and B in the presence of a perfectly re-
liable network (no errors, no losses, no duplicates). For each segment, write source and destination
port (choose some values), sequence number, ack number, and all the active flags. (10’)
Question 2: List all the TCP segments exchanged between A and B in case the network looses two
segments. Choose which segments are dropped among the ones that carry data. Again, for each
segment, write source and destination port (choose some values), sequence number, ack number,
and all the active flags. Also, clearly mark the two dropped segments. (10’)
◮Exercise 51. Briefly describe the state maintained by a sender Go-Back-N. How does the sender
update its local state in case (1) a timeout occurs, and (2) a packet is received correctly. (10’)
◮Exercise 52. A router has output interfaces with a buffer (queue) that can hold up to 64 packets
and with links each capable of transmitting up to 10000 packets per second. The router has 4 input
interfaces, each one receiving an average of 6000 packets per second. Suppose that at some point,
and for a long period of time, all traffic happens to be forwarded to the same output interface.
Question 1: Assuming that both input ports and switch fabric are capable of handling the input
flow, is the router congested during this period? If so, what is the probability that a packet be
dropped? Assume the router uses a “drop-tail” policy. Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Assume that each input port is capable of receiving and processing 10000 packets per
second, and that the switching fabric can process 20000 packets per second. Assume also that the
router processes packets in a first-come first-served manner. What is he expected latency during
this period? Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 53. A router has four output interfaces each with a buffer that can hold up to 64 packets
and with a link capable of transmitting up to 6000 packets per second. Suppose that at time t = 0,
when all buffers are empty, the router starts receiving a steady flow of 20000 packets per second
from its input interfaces. Assume that both input ports and switch fabric are capable of handling
the input flow. Of all the input packets, 40% go to output interface 1, 30% to interface 2, 20% to
interface 3, and 10% to interface 4. Can the router sustain this kind of traffic without dropping
packets? If so, what is the expected length of the packet queue on each output interface? If not,
what is the expected time t ′ when the router will start dropping packets? Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 54. Describe the IPv6 packet format. Briefly explain the function of each header field.
(Hint: if you don’t remember all the fields, at least try to focus on the most important ones.) (5’)
◮Exercise 55. A router receives an IPv4 datagram with the following header fields: datagram-
length=1500, header-length=20, identifier=1234, fragmentation-offset=300, more-fragments=1. The
router decides that it must forward this datagram through an interface with an MTU of 512 bytes.
To do that, the router must fragment the datagram. Explain how the router does that. In particular,
for each fragment, write all the relevant header fields. (10’)
◮Exercise 56. For each one of the following network (prefix) addresses, write the corresponding
range of addresses.
subnet prefix-address/prefix-length range
◮Exercise 57. For each one of the following network (prefix) addresses, write the corresponding
address and mask (i.e., address/mask)
subnet prefix-address/prefix-length range
◮Exercise 58. Consider the following AS-level topology and the given allocation of addresses
Write all the BGP route advertisements produced by each one of the autonomous systems. For each
advertisement write only destination and AS path. Assume that autonomous systems are always
willing to accept and forward route advertisements. (Hint: remember that addresses should be
combined in router advertisements.) (20’)
◮Exercise 59. Give an example in which two ISPs advertise address prefixes that define overlap-
ping ranges of addresses (in fact subsets). Briefly explain how longest-prefix matching is used to
disambiguate the forwarding function. Draw the network topology, the address allocation, and the
route advertisements. Briefly explain why doing this is useful. (10’)
◮Exercise 60. Consider the following network where routers use a distance-vector routing proto-
3 1
i j k m
1 1 3
1 2 3
3 g 1
e f h
2 3 1
1 1 3
1 3
a b c d
Question 1: Write all the routing information maintained by router f at a time when the routing
protocol has converged to a stable state. (Hint: this includes router f ’s distance vector as well as
the distance vectors received from its neighbors.) (15’)
Question 2: At a later time, the cost (e.g., latency) of the (f , g) link raises to 10. Write the distance
vector that router f sends out after this link-cost change. (5’)
◮Exercise 62. Alice wants to send Bob a private message m of N = |m| bits. Alice and Bob share
a secret 128-bit key K. Briefly explain how Alice would encrypt the message and how Bob would
recover the original message from the ciphertext. Specify which cryptographic primitive(s) they
would use, and how. (10’)
◮Exercise 63. Below are four TCP packets captured on the network at more or less the same time.
src-address: src-address:
dest-address: dest-address:
src-port: 3241 dest-port: 5432 src-port: 5432 dest-port: 3241
(1) seq-num: 2000 (2) seq-num: 2000
ack-num: 0 ack-num: 0
... ...
... ...
src-address: src-address:
dest-address: dest-address:
src-port: 5432 dest-port: 3241 src-port: 3241 dest-port: 5432
(3) seq-num: 2001 (4) seq-num: 1
ack-num: 0 ack-num: 2300
... ...
... ...
Which ones belong to the same TCP connection? Briefly justify your answer. Also, write another
plausible packet belonging to the same connection. (10’)
◮Exercise 64. What is the theoretical maximum number of TCP connections allowable between two
given hosts at the same time? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 65. List and briefly describe the primary attributes of a BGP advertisement. (5’)
◮Exercise 66. An IPv4 header contains a 16-bit packet identifier. What is the purpose of this
identifier? Is there an equivalent header field in IPv6? If so, which one is it? If not, explain why not.
◮Exercise 67. The HTTP 1.1 protocol requires that clients specify at least one header in their
requests. Which header is it? Explain its purpose and the reason why HTTP 1.1 requires it. (5’)
◮Exercise 69. TCP is used in a network with MTU = 512B to transfer a 1000-bytes file. Briefly list all
the segments necessary to open the connection, send the 1000-bytes file, and close the connection.
For each segment, write source and destination port (choose some values), sequence number, ack
number, and all the active flags. You may assume that the network is perfectly reliable. (20’)
◮Exercise 70. A network link has a latency L = 600ms and is perfectly reliable. What is the
minimum throughput T (in bytes per second) necessary to transmit a 70KB file in less than two
seconds? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 71. A datagram network link has a latency L = 600ms, throughput T = 50KB/s, and
a maximum segment size MTU = 1KB. How long does it take to transmit a 50KB file using a
stop-and-wait transport protocol in the absence of errors? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 72. A router in an IPv4 network using longest-prefix matching has the following for-
warding table:
entry destination interface
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 4
8 5
9 6
Question 1: For each destination address below, write the output port and the list all the matching
table entries. (10’)
address output port matching entries
Question 2: Write all the inclusion relations between table entries. (An entry x includes another
entry y if x matches a superset of the addresses matched by y. (10’)
◮Exercise 73. Consider the following network topology.
g 14 j
1 4
1 2
3 e 9
d f
1 1 2
1 1
a 3 4 c
Question 1: Assuming that routers use a link-state routing protocol, write the link-state adver-
tisement announced by router b. Which nodes receive this link-state advertisement? Explain and
justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Now assume a distance-vector protocol. Write the distance vector announced by router
b. Which nodes receive this distance vector? Explain and justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 74. Your computer uses a local, iterative DNS resolver. How many DNS packets does
your computer send out to resolve the address of www.cs.colorado.edu? Specifically, list every DNS
request and plausible replies. Assume that your computer is outside the colorado.edu domain, that
the network is reliable, and that the given name is not cached by any name server. (10’)
◮Exercise 75. Alex (alex@buonasera.com) writes the message “ciao, come va?” to antonio@ciao.com
and also sends a “blind carbon-copy” (Bcc) to alberto@arrivederci.com. Write the SMTP exchange
between Alex’s user agent and his mail server. (10’)
◮Exercise 76. archie@carygrant.com opens his MUA and sends an email to grace@principaute.mc.
Grace opens her MUA and retrieves the new mail in her inbox, thus finding Archie’s message.
Question 1: Describe all the the communication at the application level taking place between:
• the DNS resolver library that is part of the OS on the same host
• the local DNS on local-dns.dialup.aol.com that serves queries for hosts in the domain di-
Draw a box for each of these end-systems; describe the requests and replies as arrows, and label
them with a number to describe the sequence of different communications, and with a quick de-
scription of what’s exchanged (e.g. what resource records are sent in case of a DNS reply, and so
on). (10’)
Question 2: Do the same for the following hosts:
• the DNS resolver library that is part of the OS on the same host
• the local DNS on dns.principaute.mc that serves queries for hosts in the domain princi-
◮Exercise 77. A cracker gains control of the host running the local DNS system of your ISP, and
runs a modified version of the DNS server, that artificially keeps forever the following Resource
(The IP is the address of a web server administered by the cracker that shows a fake
UBS login page, made for the purpose of stealing passwords for bank accounts.)
Question 1: In what case this situation may be harmful? How can a client avoid to be directed to
the fake page? Motivate your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Consider the situation in which the fake record is
where evildns.blackhat.net is a DNS server containing the previous record. Does the solution to
avoid the problem given in the previous exercise still work? Motivate your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 78. Consider a web page consisting of 4 JPEG images of 10KB each. The size of the
HTML code is 4KB. The average latency induced by a single TCP 3-way handshake is 10ms, the
average latency due to closing the connection is 5ms, and the average latency induced by the DNS
query to get the IP address of the web server is 200ms. Assuming that the web server is accessible
through a corporate point-to-point link that allows a throughput of 1MB/s, and assuming that the
rendering time is negligible, compute the average time it takes for the browser to display the page
in the following cases.
Question 1: The web server does not support persistent connections. (10’)
Question 2: The web server supports persistent connections without pipelining. (10’)
Question 3: The web server supports persistent connection with pipelining. (10’)
◮Exercise 79. Below are four TCP packets captured on the network at more or less the same time.
Which ones belong to the same TCP connection? Briefly justify your answer. Also, write another
plausible packet belonging to the same connection. (10’)
◮Exercise 80. A network link has a latency L = 800ms and is perfectly reliable. What is the
minimum throughput T (in bytes per second) necessary to transmit a 60KB file in less than two
seconds? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 81. A datagram network link has a latency L = 500ms, throughput T = 50KB/s, and
a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB. How long does it take to transmit a 50KB file using a
stop-and-wait transport protocol in the absence of errors? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 82. Describe how congestion control is implemented within TCP. In particular, describe
(a) how TCP detects congestion, (b) what mechanism it uses to control the sender rate, and (c) how
it modulates the sender rate. (20’)
◮Exercise 83. List all the headers of a UDP datagram. Briefly describe the functionality of each
header, specifically referring to their role as transport-level features. (5’)
◮Exercise 84. Describe the IPv4 packet format. Briefly explain the function of each header field. If
you don’t remember all the fields, at least try to focus on the most important ones. (10’)
◮Exercise 86. A router has 4 input interfaces and n output interfaces. The input lines have a
maximum individual speed of 20000 packets per second. Specify the throughput of the other
components of the router in such a way that no packet queues are needed. Do the results depend
on the number of output interfaces? If so, say how. If not, say why. (5’)
◮Exercise 87. A router has one input interface and two output interfaces. The input port can
receive and process λ = 10000 packets per second. The transmission rate of the two output ports
are λ′ and λ′′ , respectively. The router’s manufacturer designed the router so that λ = λ′ + λ′′ .
Compute the values of λ′ and λ′′ , assuming that:
• the port with packet throughput λ′ is connected to a link with throughput t ′ = 10MB/s, with
MTU = 1KB (Assume 1K = 1024)
• the port with packet throughput λ′′ is connected to a link with throughput t ′ = 5MB/s, with
MTU = 512B
◮Exercise 88. Consider the following network topology at time t = 0:
1 1 1
a b c d
The four routers compute their routing tables using the distance-vector algorithm. At time t ′ >
0, after the algorithm has converged, the link connecting a to b breaks down, resulting in this
∞ 1 1
a b c d
Question 1: Write the distance Dx (a) from router x to router a, for x ∈ {b, c, d}, computed by the
distance-vector algorithm at each router, for at least six iterations of the algorithm. (10’)
Question 2: Compare and contrast the way distance-vector and link-state routing deal with these
cases. In particular, say which algorithm would have a faster reaction time to a link failure? Justify
your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 89. Express the following address ranges using the subnet prefix notation. If a range
can not be represented with the prefix notation, write “N.A.”
range subnet prefix-address/prefix-length––––––
For each valid prefix you wrote above, write the corresponding address/mask expression (10’)
◮Exercise 90. A small ISP administers the IPv4 address range defined by the prefix
The ISP has three clients. Client A requires 125 addresses, clients B and C require up to 60
addresses each. Allocate the address range of the ISP to the three clients. In particular, write the
network address (address prefix) of the subnet of each client. (10’)
◮Exercise 91. Autonomous system AS7 has a single gateway router R, and receives the following
BGP advertisements.
Network prefix AS-PATH AS2, AS1 AS2, AS1 AS2, AS1 AS5, AS3, AS1 AS4, AS3, AS1 AS4, AS3, AS1 AS6, AS2, AS1 AS6, AS2, AS1 AS6, AS2, AS1
Question 1: Write a possible AS-level topology (5’)
Question 2: Write the minimal set of entries in the forwarding table of router R for its external
interface (i.e., the interface that connects R to the outside of AS7). (10’)
k n n
◮Exercise 92. Consider a block cipher E1 : {0, 1} × {0, 1} → {0, 1} with a key size of k = 32 bits
and a block size of n = 128 bits. Would you use E1 to secure your most secret communications?
Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 93. Consider a block cipher E2 : {0, 1}k × {0, 1}n → {0, 1}n with a key size of k = 128
key bits and a block size of n = 2 bits.
Question 1: Would you use E2 to secure your most secret communications? Briefly justify your
answer. (5’)
Question 2: An ℓ-bit plaintext message m is encrypted with E2 in cipher-block chaining (CBC)
mode. You are given the ciphertext x but not the encryption key. Could you recover the plaintext
message in a reasonable amount of time? How? How many possible plaintext messages exist that
would result in the given ciphertext x? Briefly justify your answers. (15’)
◮Exercise 94. Given the following network topology where link costs represent latencies in sec-
onds. At time t = 0, node a sends a broadcast datagram d. Assuming that the network imple-
ments a controlled-flood broadcast, write all the packets transmitting d across the network. For
each packet, write the start time, arrival time, start node, arrival node. Assume that processing
time at each node is negligible.
g 14 j
1 4
1 2
3 e
d f
1 1 2
1 1
a 3 4 c
◮Exercise 95. A router x issues the following link-state advertisement LSAx = {(a, 1), (b, 1), (d, 2)}
and receives the following other advertisements, where letters (a, b, . . .) represent router addresses.
LSAg = {(d, 2), (h, 5), (f , 1)}
LSAe = {(h, 2), (f , 4), (a, 1)}
LSAf = {(g, 1), (d, 3), (b, 2), (e, 4), (h, 4)}
LSAb = {(a, 2), (x, 1), (d, 1), (f , 2)}
LSAd = {(x, 2), (b, 1), (f , 3), (g, 2)}
LSAa = {(e, 1), (b, 2), (x, 1)}
LSAh = {(e, 2), (f , 4), (g, 5)}
Write the forwarding table of router x. Justify your answer by explaining briefly how link-state
routing works. (20’)
◮Exercise 96. A guy who calls himself “The Dude” sends a message to his friend Donny, sending
also a “carbon-copy” (Cc) to his other friend Walter, and also sending a “blind” carbon copy (Bcc)
to his lady friend, Maude. The message is the following
From: the.dude@elduderino.org
To: donny@bowling-alley.net
Cc: walter@bowling-alley.net
Bcc: maude@v-artist.org
Hello Donny,
You were throwing rocks last night!
See you tomorrow,
The Dude
Write all the SMTP sessions necessary to deliver the message, including the session between the
Dude’s user agent and the Dude’s SMTP server (mail.elduderino.org). (20’)
◮Exercise 97. You point your web browser to a site called www.pizzaefichi.ch. Your computer uses
a local DNS resolver to find the address of www.pizzaefichi.ch. Suppose your resolver does not
know the address of www.pizzaefichi.ch but it has in cache the address of a name server for the
ch domain. Describe all the DNS requests, and plausible responses, issued by your resolver and by
external name servers, respectively. (20’)
◮Exercise 98. Describe the function of the congestion window used by TCP. Also describe the
mechanisms by which TCP controls the congestion window. (20’)
◮Exercise 99. Consider a link with round-trip time 2L = 200ms and throughput T = 200KB/s.
Question 1: Suppose the link is used by a stop-and-wait transport protocol with maximum segment
size S = 4KB. What is the maximum utilization factor for the link? Justify your answer. (Hint: the
utilization factor is the portion of total time in which the link transmits data.) (5’)
Question 2: Suppose the link is used by a go-back-n transport protocol with maximum segment
size S = 4KB. What is the (sender) window size that maximizes the utilization factor for the link?
Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 100. A sender host wants to transmit a 20000 bytes file using TCP/IP. The host is con-
nected through a link with a maximum packet size of Sp = 1500 bytes. What is the minimum
number of bytes that the sender must push through the network. Assume that an IPv4 header
uses 20, and that a TCP header uses 20 bytes. Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 101. Consider a link with round-trip time 2L = 100ms, throughput T = 1MB/s, and
maximum packet size S = 1KB. Suppose this link is used by a transport protocol with a fixed
window size of W bytes. What is minimum possible latency to transmit a 100Kb file? What is the
minimum window size W that achieves this minimum latency? Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 102. Consider a Web document that contains very sensitive information (e.g., an on-line
medical report). How can the server ask the client not to store a copy of the document locally?
Explain this method by writing an HTTP request for that document and the corresponding server
response. (5’)
◮Exercise 103. Briefly describe the most important attributes of a BGP route-advertisement. (5’)
◮Exercise 104. Consider the following network where each link has a total throughput of 1MB/s.
a b
c d
Question 1: What is the absolute maximum throughput between two applications running on hosts
a and b, respectively? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Assuming the network is circuit-switched and each link supports up to 2 circuits at the
same time, how main pairs of applications can communicate simultaneously from a to d? From a
to b? From b to c? Briefly justify your answers. (5’)
Question 3: In the same circuit-switched network described above in problem 2, assume that ap-
plications transmit and receive at 200 Kbps. What is the maximum throughput between any two
hosts? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 107. You compose the following message for joe@usi.ch with a blind carbon copy to
From: ciccio@mail.ch
Subject: meeting
To: joe@usi.ch
Bcc: bob@usilu.net
I’ll see you tomorrow at 3PM.
The MX (DNS) record for both usi.ch and usilu.net points to mg1.ti-edu.ch. Write the full SMTP
conversation between your user agent and the server at mg1.ti-edu.ch. (10’)
◮Exercise 108. Consider a sender A and a receiver B connected by link with rate R = 1MB/s and
latency d = 60ms. Sender and receiver use the Go-Back-N protocol with a segment size of 8000B,
a window size W = 20, and a timeout T = 500ms. How long does it take to transfer a file of
S = 80000B in case the link drops exactly every fourth packet in both directions? Justify your
answer by writing the complete exchange between sender and receiver. (20’)
◮Exercise 109. A Web browser from address connects to a Web server at address and requests object http://server.com/xyz, which can not be found on the server. Write
all the TCP packets of this connection. For each packet, specify the values of all the important
headers. Fill all the unspecified headers with reasonable values. (20’)
◮Exercise 110. A network link has a throughput T = 2MB/s and a latency L = 2ms. Suppose this
link is used with a stop-and-wait protocol.
Question 1: What is the minimal segment size S that, in the absence of errors, would guarantee a
link utilization of 50% or more? What is the effective throughput in this case? Justify your answers.
Question 2: Using the same segment size S, what is the effective throughput in the presence of an
error probability pe = 0.25 (i.e., one in four packets gets lost)? Justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 111. The TCP protocol is designed to adjust itself to links of varying latency. Explain
how TCP does that. Explain what parameters of the protocols are relevant and how they are
dynamically adjusted. Illustrate this process with an example. (10’)
◮Exercise 112. A router x issues a link-state advertisement LSAx = {(d, 1), (f , 1), (a, 2)} and re-
ceives the following other advertisements, where letters (a, b, c, . . .) represent router addresses.
LSAa = {(x, 2), (f , 1), (c, 3), (e, 2)}
LSAb = {(g, 2), (c, 1), (e, 5)}
LSAc = {(e, 1), (a, 3), (f , 2), (g, 4), (b, 1)}
LSAd = {(g, 1), (f , 2), (x, 1)}
LSAe = {(a, 2), (b, 5), (c, 1)}
LSAf = {(d, 2), (x, 1), (a, 1), (c, 2)}
LSAg = {(b, 2), (c, 4), (d, 1)}
Write the forwarding table of router x. Justify your answer by explaining briefly how link-state
routing works and by illustrating a few steps of the Dijkstra algorithm. (25’)
◮Exercise 113. Answer the following questions.
Question 1: Do IPv4 headers and IPv6 headers have any fields in common? If any, describe the
function of the common fields? (10’)
Question 2: Do TCP headers and UDP headers have any fields in common? If any, describe the
function of the common fields? (10’)
◮Exercise 114. Consider the following forwarding table
network port 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
For each of the following destination addresses write the output port.
address port
◮Exercise 115. Consider a router with eight input ports, each one with a maximum throughput of
200000 packets per second, and eight output ports, four with a throughput of 240000 packets per
second, and four with a throughput of 100000 packets per second. The switch fabric of the router
has a throughput of 1.5 million packets per second.
Question 1: Assuming that traffic spreads uniformly across input/output ports, is the router con-
gested under a total input traffic of 1.4 million packets per second? If so, which queues are full at
steady state? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Describe the behavior of the router under its maximum input traffic, with all its input
ports running at maximum throughput. Is the router congested? If so, which queues are full at
steady state? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 3: Consider once again the behavior of the router under its maximum input traffic, and
again assume that traffic spreads uniformly across input/output ports. Let d be the packet-drop
rate (i.e., the number of packets dropped by the router per time unit). Assuming that every packet
queue has a capacity of 1000 packets, and that all queues are empty at time t = 0, plot d as a
function of time. Justify the result. (10’)
◮Exercise 116. A TCP segment with sequence number 3001 carries the following SMTP command:
What is the sequence number of the next TCP segment going from the client to the server? Can
you also determine the sequence number of the next TCP segment going from the server to the
client? If so, what is that sequence number? Briefly justify your answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 117. For each one of the following subnet addresses, give an example of an IP address
that can be assigned to that subnet, and one that can not.
subnet IP address in subnet IP address outside subnet
Also, do any of these network addresses overlap? If so, which ones? (10’)
◮Exercise 118. Consider the following network where routers use a distance-vector routing proto-
a b
1 1
c d
Assuming that routers exchange routing information synchronously (at the same time), illustrate
the state of each router until the routing protocol stabilizes. (25’)
◮Exercise 119. Consider the server of a mailing list called studentparties@lists.usi.ch. Suppose
joe@usi.ch, mario@usi.ch, and pippo@mail.ch are subscribed to the list, and that bart@blabla.com
sends the following message to the list:
From: bart@blabla.com
To: studentparties@lists.usi.ch
Write all SMTP interactions necessary to send and deliver the message, between Bart’s user agent
and the list server, and then between the list server and all the mail servers of the subscribers.
For simplicity, you may assume that server responses are always positive, and therefore you may
ignore them. (20’)
◮Exercise 120. Explain the difference between routing and forwarding. (10’)
◮Exercise 121. Describe the circumstances in which a router drops packets at output ports. Give
an example in which this situation can occur, specifying the traffic conditions as well as maximum
throughput of each component of the router. (10’)
◮Exercise 122. Describe the connection-setup phase of TCP. Describe each packet sent by client
and server highlighting the relevant headers, the information they carry, and how it relates to
the state of the connection maintained by client and server. Give three examples: one where the
connection phase is completed successfully, one where the connection is refused, and one where
the connection times out. (20’)
◮Exercise 123. Consider a stop-and-wait reliable transport protocol. Specify a variant of this pro-
tocol in which the receiver sends a second (repeated) acknowledgement, after having received and
immediately acknowledged a data segment, if it does not receive another data segment within
100ms. Write the finite-state machine that specifies the receiver. Also argue whether this receiver
behavior can help to reduce transmission time. Support your argument by drawing one or more
diagrams of a example session between a sender and a receiver. (Hint: the diagrams show the
exchange of data along two vertical time lines representing the sender and receiver, respectively.) (30’)
◮Exercise 124. Consider the following network where routers use a distance-vector routing proto-
a b
1 1 e
c d
Write the routing information transmitted by every router until the protocol stabilizes. Assume
that routers exchange routing information synchronously once per second. Therefore, identify
each message with a progressive time-stamp (1, 2, . . . ), a source, and one or more destinations. (30’)
◮Exercise 125. Three important properties of a communication channel are cost of setup and
maintenance, ability to share the channel among multiple senders/receivers, and quality of service.
Compare and contrast circuit switching and packet switching especially with regard to these three
factors. (10’)
◮Exercise 126. A web server is serving requests for the www.speedopizza.com web site. The site
consists of a single page containing the logo of the restaurant and the names and images of 4
types of pizza. The web site is implemented with static files placed in a given directory. This is the
content of this directory:
-r--r--r-- apache apache 4123 2009-04-24 14:01 index.html
-r--r--r-- apache apache 214123 2009-04-24 14:01 logo.jpg
-r--r--r-- apache apache 70534 2009-04-24 14:01 porcini.jpg
-r--r--r-- apache apache 55912 2009-04-24 14:01 sicilia.jpg
-r--r--r-- apache apache 65109 2009-04-24 14:01 peperoni.jpg
-r--r--r-- apache apache 94388 2009-04-24 14:01 diavola.jpg
Question 1: Write the HTTP replies corresponding to the following requests received by the web
server. Be as specific as you can, including, the appropriate headers. If the reply has a body, then
just write the single line “. . . BODY. . . ” (10’)
Question 2: The restaurant offers a special pizza of the day that is advertised on the web site.
However, the owner of the restaurant notices that some of the customers ask for the pizza of the
day that was offered two days ago, even though he has updated the web page since then. Briefly
explain what could cause the problem and suggest how the problem could be solved by configuring
the server to send an appropriate HTTP header with the index page. (5’)
◮Exercise 127. The schematic diagram below shows three clients C1 , C2 and C3 connected to the
Internet through a 15MBits/s access link. Using HTTP, clients fetch objects of average size of
900,000 bits, at a total rate of 10 requests per second (for all three clients). Suppose that the
amount of time that it takes from when the router R2 forwards an HTTP request until it receives
the response (Internet delay) is 2 seconds on average. Model the total average response time as the
sum of the Internet delay and the average access delay, which is the delay between R2 and R1 . For
the average access delay use the formula ∆/(1 − ∆β), where ∆ is the average time required to send
an object over the access link and β is the arrival rate of objects to the access link. (Is this formula
dimensionally correct?)
100 MBit/s 15 MBit/s
C2 R1 R2 Internet S
access link
Question 1: Find the total average response time. Briefly justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: Now suppose a cache is installed in the same local network with the clients. assuming
that the hit rate is 60%, find the total response time. Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 3: Explain the meaning of the formula ∆/(1−∆β) that computes the average transmission
delay of multiple objects arriving at a constant rate at the same link. The throughput of the link is
T (bits/second), the average size of the objects is S (bits), ∆ = S/T , and the objects arrive at a rate
β (objects per second). (10’)
◮Exercise 128. Answer the following questions about Internet electronic mail.
Question 1: You send an e-mail to name@eecs.berkeley.edu. How does your mail user agent (or
your mail transport server) find the IP address of the mail server responsible for these mailboxes? (5’)
Question 2: What is MIME and how is it used to extend Internet mail? Write an example message
detailing the relevant headers and the relevant content fragments. (10’)
◮Exercise 129. Compare and contrast the Selective Repeat and Go-Back-N protocols. Describe the
advantage of Selective Repeat with an example. (10’)
◮Exercise 130. An implementation of the Selective Repeat protocol uses sequence-numbers from
1 to 4 (i.e., the packets are numbered 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 1 → 2 . . .). The window size, on both the
sender and the receiver, is set to 3. The underlying network is unreliable and packets might get
lost or delivered out of order, but a checksum guarantees that their content is error-free.
Question 1: This setting is problematic because in some cases the receiver can not decide whether
a packet is new or it is a retransmission of a previous packet. Show a scenario that illustrates this
problem. Use arrows to represent packets and label them with their sequence numbers. (10’)
Question 2: How can you correct this problem with a minimal change in the code? (5’)
◮Exercise 131. A and B are communicating over a TCP connection. B sends a packet with ACK
number 490, which is received by A. Suppose A then sends two segments to B, one immediately
after the other. The first and second segments contain 50 and 70 bytes of data, respectively. In the
first segment, the source port number is 1028 and the destination port number is 21. B sends an
ACK after receiving each packet.
Question 1: What are the sequence number, source port, and destination port of the second seg-
ments sent from A to B? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Assume the first segment arrives before the second segment, so B sends an acknowl-
edgment after each segments it receives. What is the sequence number in each acknowledgment?
Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 132. Host A is sending a file to Host B over a TCP connection. The diagram below plots
the size of the congestion window over time, in the presence of events labeled 1 through 6.
W indow Size(Byte)
2 3
12000 6
T ime
Question 1: What is the state of the TCP state machine at host A when events 1, 2, and 3 occur? (5’)
Question 2: What is the window size of the sender at event 4? (5’)
Question 3: Briefly explain the behavior of TCP during events 5 and 6, and also the purpose of
those behaviors. (10’)
Question 1: Write the number of IPv4 addresses in each of the following network addresses. Briefly
justify your answers explaining the meaning of the prefix notation. (5’)
Question 2: Explain the concept of supernetting giving an example in which three subnet addresses
are combined. (5’)
◮Exercise 134. Answer the following questions on forwarding.
Question 1: An IPv4 router has 16 physical interfaces, which function as both input and output
interfaces. The network in which the router lives has a total of N addresses. Considering the
forwarding table as a mathematical function, write the domain and range of the forwarding func-
tion. At most, how many entries does the forwarding table contain? How many addresses does the
router use? Briefly justify your answers. (10’)
Question 2: Does a router in a virtual-circuit network have a forwarding table? If so, how is that
different from the forwarding table in a datagram network? Briefly justify your answers writing
also the domain and range of the forwarding function in a virtual-circuit network. (10’)
◮Exercise 135. Answer the following questions on routing.
Question 1: Briefly explain, using an example, the notion of hierarchical routing, and how that
is realized in today’s Internet. In particular, explain the role of inter-domain and intra-domain
routing and explain how each contributes to building the forwarding tables. (10’)
Question 2: A router has 5 input interfaces and 5 output interfaces, each with the same throughput
x. The router also has a switch fabric operating at maximum throughput y.
a. Are there values of x and y for which the router can operate without input queues? If not,
explain why. If so, explain how.
b. Are there values of x and y for which the router can operate without output queues? If not,
explain why. Is so, explain how.
c. Are there values of x and y for which the router can operate without input and output
queues? If not, explain why. Is so, explain how.
◮Exercise 136. Consider the following network. Link costs are 1 except where indicated. Use
Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the forwarding table of router g. Write the result in the first
table below. Also, show the state of the algorithm at every step using the second table below and
if necessary in the next page. (Hint: the state of the algorithm consists of a “distance” vector
and a “previous” vector, so for each destination and each step, write the distance followed by the
previous.) (30’)
a b c d
e f
3 4
g 2
h i j 3
k ℓ m
4 3
n o p
q 3
r s t u
a b c d e f g h i j k ℓ m n o p q r s t u
Forwarding Table
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
step a b c d e f g h i j k ℓ m n o p q r s t u
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
◮Exercise 137. Consider the following network path from a to d, where each link has the noted
MTU. Router a sends an IPv4 packet to d containing a UDP datagram with 4000 bytes of payload.
The packet is fragmented along the way. Write all the fragments received by d, specifying the
relevant fragmentation information. (20’)
MTU = 16000B MTU = 1400B MTU = 512B
a b c d
◮Exercise 138. Consider the following network path from a to d, where each link has the noted
maximum throughput T and latency L. Suppose host a runs a Web browser that accesses, through
HTTP, a document on server d. The document consists of 4 objects of 1000B, 5000B, 6000B, and
100KB, respectively.
L = 100ms T = 200KB/s T = 400KB/s
a b c d
T = 100KB/s L = 300ms L = 100ms
Question 1: How long does it take for the browser to receive all the web objects with and without
pipelining? Ignore the behavior of the underlying TCP connection, so assume that each host can
sends packets back-to-back, and that they are all received correctly and in order. Justify your
answers. (10’)
Question 2: Now assume that host b runs a (transparent) caching proxy. What is the total delivery
time if only the first object is in cache? What is the total delivery time if only the second object is
in the cache? What is the total delivery time if only the fourth object is in the cache? Justify your
answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 139. Hosts A, B, and C are connected to the Internet through asymmetric access links.
The following table lists the maximum upload and download rates for the three hosts.
host max upload max download
A 100KB/s 500KB/s
B 50KB/s 100KB/s
C 60KB/s 400KB/s
Assume that the core of the network does not further reduce transfer rates, and does not introduce
significant latencies. What is the best way to transfer a 500MB file from host A to hosts B and C
so as to minimize each of their respective transfer time? What are the transfer times in this case?
How low can B’s upload rate be without incurring any increase in transfer time? What are the
transfer times if B’s upload rate is reduced to 30KB/s? What if B’s upload rate remains at 50KB/s,
but its download rate is reduced to 80KB/s? Answer each question in turn. Briefly justify your
answers. (20’)
◮Exercise 140. Explain the longest-prefix matching algorithm used in Internet forwarding. Explain
how it works and why forwarding is carried out that way. Show an example in which address
ranges are assigned to subnets in a non-trivial way, in particular in a way that justifies longest-
prefix matching. With this assignment, show a few examples of how addresses in the various
ranges are forwarded. (20’)
◮Exercise 141. You are sending an e-mail message to friend@someschool.edu. Describe every step,
including DNS and SMTP, of the process undertaken by either your user agent or your mail server
to deliver the message to the mail server of the recipient. Assume the address is valid and that no
communication or server errors occur. (20’)
◮Exercise 142. Consider an HTTP 1.0 connection from a user agent to a server to retrieve a 4Kb
object called index.html.
Question 1: Write the HTTP request and a successful reply (omitting the content of the reply). (5’)
Question 2: Write all the TCP segments exchanged for the HTTP request and reply. Assume an
MTU of 1400 bytes. For each segment, write all the relevant information, including port numbers,
sequence number, ack number, flags, size, etc. (15’)
◮Exercise 143. Consider the following network where routers use a distance-vector routing proto-
2 1
1 6
b c d
Assume that all routers start at time 0, that routing messages are sent periodically every 10 sec-
onds. Assume also that links have a fixed latency of 1 second. Write the iterations of the distance-
vector routing algorithm, at times 0, 10, . . . , until the protocol converges to a stable state. For each
iteration, specify the time and list the routing tables of each router. (20’)
◮Exercise 144. How and why does TCP estimate the network-level round-trip time for its con-
nection? How is the estimated round-trip time used in the protocol? Describe and explain the
estimation algorithm using an example. Also, discuss the goal of this algorithm, showing again by
example what would happen if the round-trip time is underestimated or overestimated. (20’)
◮Exercise 145. A file of size S = 1GB (1 GB = 10 B) available from host a is downloaded by n hosts,
b1 , b2 , . . . , bn . Host a has a maximum upload (output) throughput Ua = 2 MB/s and a maximum
download (input) throughput Da = 1 MB/s. Hosts b1 through bn each have a maximum upload
(output) throughput Ub = 100KB/s and a maximum download (input) throughput Db = 500 KB/s.
All receiver hosts start their download at the same time t = 0 and the download finishes at time T
when all hosts b1 , b2 , . . . , bn have obtained a copy of the entire file.
Question 1: What is the best total download time Tcs achievable with a “client-server” protocol with
n = 10 receivers? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
Question 2: What is the best total download time Tp2p achievable with a “peer-to-peer” protocol
with n = 10 receivers? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
Question 3: What is largest number of receivers n for which a client-server protocol is not worse
than a peer-to-peer protocol? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
◮Exercise 146. Consider the following HTTP request and the corresponding reply:
PUT /some/file/called/blah HTTP/1.0
Host: www.example.edu
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 1000
<title>Error: Method Not Allowed</title>
</head><body>. . .
This request and reply are sent over a TCP connection between client c on port 1234 and server s
on port 80. Write every TCP packet sent over this connection, including those for the opening and
closing of the connection. For each packet, write (1) the source address (c or s), (2) the destination
address (c or s), (3) the source port, (4) the destination port, (5) the sequence number, (6) the
acknowledgment number, (7) the main flags (ACK, SYN, FIN), and (8) the first few bytes of its data
(if any). Assume a maximum packet size of 1500 bytes, which means that each TCP packet can
carry at most 1440 bytes of data. Use the template below to write each packet. (30’)
src IP dst IP src port dst port seq. number ack. number flags
◮Exercise 147. You send an e-mail message to your friend amir@amici.ch with a copy to your
other friend marco@amici.ch, and with a “blind” carbon copy to antonio@usi.ch. The subject of the
message is “Pizza,” and the text of the message is “Let’s go out for a pizza tonight.” Assuming
your e-mail address is student@usi.ch and that your mail user-agent is configured to use the mail
server mail.usi.ch, write the complete SMTP exchange between your user agent and the mail server,
including the whole body of the message. (10’)
◮Exercise 148. A sender transfers a 200 MB file to a receiver using a “stop-and-wait” reliable trans-
port protocol with a maximum segment size of 4 KB and timeout of ∆ = 500 ms, through a network
link with latency L = 40 ms and throughput T = 200 KB/s.
Question 1: How long does the transfer take in the absence of errors or losses in the network?
Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
Question 2: What is the expected transfer time in case the network looses on average one out of
1000 packets? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
◮Exercise 151. A user accesses a Web document consisting of a 10KB HTML page plus a 100 KB
image and a 10MB video clip, all stored at their origin server S. The user’s browser C is configured
to access the Web through a caching proxy P . The connection between the browser and the proxy
has latency LCP = 1ms and throughput TCP = 1MB/s. The connection between the proxy and the
origin server has latency LP S = 100 ms and throughput TP S = 100 KB/s. (20’)
Question 1: What is the total transfer time when the image is already in cache? Show and justify
your calculations.
Question 2: What is the total transfer time when the video clip is in cache? Show and justify your
◮Exercise 152. An application running on host A opens a TCP connection with an application
running on host B, and immediately starts transferring a large file. The latency between A and B is
L = 200ms, the maximum throughput between A and B is T = 500KB/s, and the maximum segment
size is MSS = 1000B. The receiver has plenty of capacity, and therefore you should assume that
the receiver window is always larger than the congestion window.
Question 1: How long does it take for the TCP connection to reach the maximum throughput? Jus-
tify your answer by showing and briefly describing your calculation. (Hint: recall that, in the initial
“slow-start” phase, the sender opens the congestion window exponentially, increasing its size by
one segment for each acknowledged segment. Remember also to consider the initial handshake.) (10’)
Question 2: Assume that a packet is dropped only when the sender rate goes over the maximum
throughput T . Also assume that only sender segments are dropped, and therefore that acknowl-
edgments are always received correctly. In this case, what is the effective throughput of the TCP
connection over a long period of time? Justify your answer by showing and briefly describing
your calculation. (Hint: show the throughput controlled by TCP over time; model the network as
a kind of conveyor belt whose capacity—the maximum amount of data it can contain at any given
time—determines the maximum amount of data that can be sent without losses.) (10’)
◮Exercise 153. A router with two interfaces is configured with the following forwarding table:
Question 1: Where would the router forward a datagram addressed to Justify your
answer by describing at a high-level forwarding algorithm used in IP routers. (10’)
Question 2: Can the router compress its forwarding tables? (I.e., reduce the number of table en-
tries.) If so, show the minimal set of entries that are exactly equivalent to the given table. (10’)
◮Exercise 154. Consider the network shown below in which routers use a distance-vector routing
a 2
5 c 2
d e
In the initial state each router knows the costs of the links to its neighbors. Assuming that routers
exchange distance vectors in a synchronous way (i.e., all at the same time) show the state of router
a after each update to its routing tables until the protocol converges. (20’)
◮Exercise 155. A router has three input ports, a switch fabric capable of sustaining a maximum
throughput of 9000 packets per second, and a number of output ports each capable of sending
9000 packets per second. Each input port has a queue of size q, and starts with an empty queue at
time 0. The three input ports receive the traffic described by the three graphs below, respectively.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (seconds)
Assume that the switch fabric processes packets in a round-robin fashion (i.e., one packet from
each input port in turn; if no packets are available from one port, the switch fabric skips to the
next port, and so on). What is the minimum queue size q that would allow the router to process all
input packets? Assuming that q = q/2, at what time does the router drop the first packet? Justify
your answers by showing and briefly explaining your calculations. (20’)
◮Exercise 157. Consider a reliable connection between a sender and a receiver implemented with a
Go-Back-N protocol with maximum segment size MSS = 2KB and with a fixed window size W = 8.
The network latency between the sender and receiver is L = 200ms, the access link of the sender
allows a maximum transmission throughput TS = 100KB/s, and both sender and receiver have very
high reception throughput.
Question 1: How long does it take to reliably transmit a file of size S = 100KB in the best case,
without any loss of packets? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: Assuming the timeout is set to 1s, how long does it take to reliably transmit the same
file (S = 100KB) in the presence of losses when one out of 20 packets gets lost in both directions?
Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 158. A router has 16 input interfaces capable of receiving up to 10000 packets per
second, and 16 output interfaces capable of sending 20000 packets per second.
Question 1: Let TS be the maximum throughput of the switch fabric. What is the maximum (to-
tal, best-case) throughput of the router? In particular, are there values of TS for which the total
throughput does not depend on TS ? Justify your answers. (10’)
Question 2: Consider the previous question in the case of a specific distribution of traffic. Let TS
be the maximum throughput of the switch fabric, and suppose that 20% of the input traffic goes to
output interface 1, 10% to output interface 2, and the rest is distributed uniformly onto all other
interfaces. What is the maximum throughput of the router in this case? Also, for what values of TS
(if any) does the router drop packets on its input and output queues, respectively? Are there any
values of TS for which neither queues would ever be full? Justify your answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 159. An HTTP connection is carried by a TCP connection with maximum segment size
of 1400 bytes.
Question 1: Within this connection, a TCP segment with sequence number 3344 carries the follow-
ing HTTP request:
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 41
a binary image...
What is the sequence number of the next segment sent by the server in this case? Justify your
answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 160. Antonio (antonio@usi.ch) sends a message to a mailing list dedicated to teach-
ing and related discussions. The list is served by lists.org. Thus, the destination of the mes-
sage is teachers@lists.org, and the subject line is “retake exam.” Among the subscribers is Cyrus
(cyrus@usi.ch) who will therefore receive a copy of Antonio’s message. Describe exactly what hap-
pens in terms of application-level protocols for each of these two message exchanges, starting from
the necessary DNS queries, and then proceeding with the SMTP sessions. Simply describe the DNS
requests and replies without detailing the DNS resolution processes. Then show the entire SMTP
session for each exchange. You may skip the server replies in the SMTP sessions, but make sure
you clearly specify the relevant information, including the sending server, the receiving server, the
envelope destination and sender, and the message destination and sender. (30’)
◮Exercise 161. Describe an IPv6 datagram containing a TCP segment. Describe both the IP and
TCP headers. Describe as many header fields as you can remember. For each field, briefly describe
the purpose of the field and the allowable values. (10’)
◮Exercise 162. Router x issues a link-state advertisement LSAx = {(g, 1), (f , 3), (a, 2), (e, 4), (b, 1)}
and receives the following other link-state advertisements, where letters (a, b, c, . . .) represent
router addresses.
LSAa = {(d, 2), (c, 1), (f , 1), (x, 2)}
LSAb = {(e, 2), (x, 1), (g, 5)}
LSAc = {(d, 1), (a, 1), (f , 2)}
LSAd = {(e, 1), (a, 2), (x, 1)}
LSAe = {(b, 2), (x, 4), (d, 1)}
LSAf = {(c, 2), (a, 1), (x, 3), (g, 2)}
LSAg = {(f , 2), (b, 5), (x, 1)}
Write the forwarding table of router x. Identify the output interfaces with the corresponding
neighbor router. Justify your answer by explaining briefly how link-state routing works. (20’)
◮Exercise 163. A mailing-list server called lists.inf.usi.ch receives the following message posted to
the jokes list:
From: Antonio Carzaniga <antonio.carzaniga@usi.ch>
Subject: a good one by Yogi Berra
To: Jokes Mailing List <jokes@lists.inf.usi.ch>
You can observe a lot by just watching.
The jokes list has four subscribers: koorosh@usi.ch, amir@usi.ch, gino@colorado.edu, and anto-
nio.carzaniga@usi.ch. Write all the SMTP sessions that the server uses to distribute the message
to the members of the list. Do not worry about remembering the exact numeric codes sent by the
receiving server, but be precise in listing everything the sender writes in each session. Assume all
sessions are successful and without errors. (20’)
◮Exercise 164. You open your web browser and go to the url http://www.usi.ch/slogan.jpg. Your
browser then fetches and displays the page (an image). Write every network packet that your com-
puter sends and receives to accomplish this task. For each packet, write the important transport-
level headers as well as the relevant application-level content (abbreviate the content of the image
with “. . . ”). The important transport-level headers are the port numbers (for both TCP and UDP)
and sequence and acknowledgment numbers, and flags (for TCP). For example, for an HTTP re-
quest, write the TCP headers as well as the HTTP request. Assume the maximal transmission unit
of your network is 1500 bytes, and the size of the slogan.jpg image is 4000 bytes. (20’)
◮Exercise 165. Twenty users download a large file through a peer-to-peer system. The size of
the file is 2GB. The whole file is available from two other “seed” users S1 and S2 connected to
the network with an access links of maximal upload rates U1 = 200KB/s and U2 = 500KB/s,
respectively. Of the 20 users, 5 have a “fast” access link and 15 have a slow access link. A “fast”
access links has maximal upload and download rates of Ufast = 100KB/s and Dfast = 500KB/s,
respectively. A “slow” access links has maximal upload and download rates of Uslow = 50KB/s
and Dslow = 200KB/s, respectively. What is the (theoretical) best total download time? This is the
time it takes for all twenty users to obtain the whole file. Justify your answer by showing and
briefly explaining your calculations. (For simplicity, let 1GB and 1Kb represent 109 and 103 bytes,
respectively.) (20’)
◮Exercise 166. A sender sends a file to a receiver using TCP. The sender application simply con-
nects to the receiver and sends the file as fast as the TCP connection permits, and then closes the
connection; the receiver accepts the connection, reads from it as fast as data comes in, and then
closes the connection. The network between the sender and the receiver has a transmission delay
d = 500ms, a maximum transmission rate R = 200KB/s, and a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB.
The network introduces no transmission errors or packet losses when the transmission rate is
less than R. Notice that R is the maximum rate of the entire path between sender and receiver.
However, the sender may try to send at a higher rate, in which case those packets will be dropped
by the network. More specifically, every packet that causes the instantaneous transmission rate to
exceed R is dropped. (Hint: the instantaneous transmission rate induced by a packet p is the size
of p divided by the time between the transmission of p and the transmission of the immediately
preceding packet p ′ that was not itself dropped.)
Question 1: Exactly how long does it take for the sender (and receiver) to complete the transmission
of an 80Kb file? (10’)
Question 2: Does the network ever drop any packets in the transmission of the 80Kb file? If so,
exactly when does that happen for the first time? If not, what is the minimum file size that would
causes the network to drop a packet? Justify your answers by showing and briefly explaining your
calculations. (10’)
Question 3: What is the effective transmission rate of the TCP connection for a continuous stream
of data? That is, the rate available to the application (as opposed to the network-level rate available
at the transport layer) computed by excluding the initial “slow start” phase of the TCP transmission.
Justify your answers by showing and briefly explaining your calculations. (10’)
◮Exercise 167. A user U connects to the Web through a caching proxy P . U goes to a Web page
consisting of an HTML file one.html, size 20Kb, and two image files, two.jpg and three.jpg, sizes
100Kb and 80Kb, respectively, all of which are from the same origin server S and that are requested
by U in the given order (one, two, three). The link between U and P has transmission delay
d1 = 10ms and rate R1 = 1000KB/s; the link between P and S has transmission delay d2 = 100ms
and rate R2 = 100KB/s. Suppose all three objects are in P ’s cache, where they were retrieved at
times T1 , T2 , and T3 , respectively. Feel free to assume that requests are pipelined. In any case,
state your assumptions explicitly.
Question 1: Write all HTTP requests and their corresponding replies involved in this interaction,
indicating for each request/reply which is the client-side and which is the server-side. Assume
in this case that the cached copies of one.html and three.jpg are valid, and instead two.jpg was
modified after T2 . Abbreviate the object content in the replies (if any) by writing “...” (10’)
Question 2: Exactly how long does it take for the whole page to be transmitted to the user in the
case described above in exercise 1? Justify your answers by showing and briefly explaining your
calculations. (10’)
Question 3: Exactly how long does it take for the whole page to be transmitted to the user in the
case where the cached copies of one.html and two.jpg are valid, and instead three.jpg was modified
after T3 ? (10’)
◮Exercise 168. Compare and contrast distance-vector and link-state routing. List and briefly ex-
plain their differences. (10’)
◮Exercise 169. Consider the following network in which routers use distance-vector routing.
f d
c 3 e
9 4
a 3
Question 1: Show the forwarding table of router a from the initialization until the state of the
table converges. Assume that all routers initialize at the same time, and that, at each round of the
algorithm, each router receives distance vectors from all its neighbors simultaneously. (20’)
Question 2: After convergence, what happens if the cost of the link between c and d raises from 1
to 4? Again, show the evolution of the forwarding table of router a. (10’)
◮Exercise 170. Compare and contrast client/server (e.g., with HTTP) and peer-to-peer (e.g., with
BitTorrent) file transfer. In particular, describe a situation in which peer-to-peer is better in terms
of total transfer time. (10’)
◮Exercise 171. Compare and contrast IPv4 and IPv6. In particular, briefly describe the most im-
portant header fields in the two protocols. (10’)
◮Exercise 172. Consider two hosts A and B connected through a network as in the following
RA = ∞ R = 100KB/s RB = ∞
DA = 0ms D = 100ms DB = 0ms
A and B are connected to the network with access links with infinite transmission rate and zero
transmission delay. The network path that connects A and B has a maximum transmission rate
R = 100KB/s, a total transmission delay D = 100ms, and maximum segment size MSS = 1KB. The
network introduces no transmission errors or packet losses when the transmission rate computed
over a period of D is less than R. Formally, every packet sent at time t0 is successfully transmitted
if and only if the average transmission rate of successfully transmitted packets in the interval
between t0 − D and t0 was more than R.
Question 1: How long does it take for A to transfer a 500KB file to B using the go-back-N protocol
with a fixed window of W = 10 segments? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: How long does it take for A to transfer a 500KB file to B using the go-back-N protocol
with a fixed window of W = 20 segments? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 3: How long does it take for A to transfer a 500KB file to B using TCP? Consider all
packets transmitted by TCP. Justify your answer. (20’)
r2 r3
2 2
r1 r4
1 1
r6 r5
Question 1: Indicate (on the figure) which connections are eBGP and which ones are iBGP. (5’)
Question 2: Assuming that every AS is willing to forward traffic of every other AS, write the for-
warding table of routers r1 and r4 after the convergence of the protocol. You must also consider
the supernetting feature of BGP. (Write the forwarding tables referring to the interface numbers
given by the labels on the links of r1 and r4 .) (15’)
◮Exercise 174. A sender A sends a file to a receiver B using a stop-and-wait transport protocol
over a link with maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, transmission rate R = 1000KB/s, and delay
D = 100ms. The sender detects errors with a fixed timeout T = 1s. Acknowledgment packets can
be considered to have zero length.
Question 1: How long would it take to transmit a 300KB file in the best case? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: What is the expected transmission time for a 300KB file when each packet is dropped
with probability p = 0.01 (i.e., one every 100 packets is dropped)? Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 175. Consider a peer-to-peer system in which host A holds a 100MB file and three other
hosts B1 , B2 , and B3 want to obtain that file. The access link of A has a maximum upload speed
of UA = 200KB/s while all other hosts have an access link with maximum upload and download
speeds of UB = 60KB/s and DB = 500KB/s, respectively.
Question 1: Is it possible to transfer the file from A to all other hosts in 10 minutes or less? If so,
explain how. If not, explain why not. (5’)
Question 2: In order to reduce the transfer time (from A to all other hosts) you may choose one of
the following improvements: (1) double A’s upload speed UA , (2) double the other hosts’ upload
speed UB , or (3) double their download speed DB . Which one would you choose? In that case, what
would be the best way to transfer the file, and how long would it take? (15’)
◮Exercise 176. A router g issues the link-state advertisement LSAg = {(a, 5), (b, 1), (d, 2), (e, 5)}
and receives the following other advertisements, where letters (a, b, c, . . .) represent router ad-
LSAa = {(b, 3), (c, 1), (e, 4), (f , 1)}
LSAb = {(a, 3), (c, 6), (d, 4), (g, 1)}
LSAc = {(a, 1), (b, 6), (d, 6)}
LSAd = {(b, 4), (c, 6), (g, 2)}
LSAe = {(a, 4), (f , 2), (g, 5)}
LSAf = {(a, 1), (e, 2)}
Based on these advertisements, write the forwarding tables of all routers. For destination ad-
dresses, use the symbolic labels a, . . . , g; also, identify each interface by the label of the corre-
sponding adjacent router. (20’)
◮Exercise 177. Consider the following network of autonomous systems each with the assigned
prefixes. (These are the ranges of addresses held within each AS.)
rest of the Internet
... AS1 :
AS2 : 3 2
AS3 :
... 1 4
1 5
d 2 4 e 2 3 f 1 ...
3 3 2
1 1 1
a b c
2 2 2
◮Exercise 178. The network between hosts A and B has a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, a
total delay of D = 200ms, and an infinite transmission rate R = ∞. Consider the transmission of a
20KB file from A to B using TCP. Assume that A initiates the connection at time t = 0 and that the
CPUs of A and B are infinitely fast such that the processing time is always zero.
Question 1: Assuming the network is perfectly reliable, write all the TCP packets exchanged by A
and B. For each packet, write the time the packet is sent, the SYN and ACK flags, if present, and
the sequence number and the acknowledgment number, if meaningful. For example, you should
write “t = 123ms, A −→ B, ACK, seq = 2345, ack = 3456” for a packet sent at time t = 123ms from
A to B carrying the ACK flag, the sequence number 2345 and the acknowledgment number 3456. (15’)
Question 2: Now consider the transfer of a 200KB file, and in this case assume that the network
looses the 100th packet sent by A. Exactly how long does it take for A to transmit the entire file?
Justify your answer by showing a synthetic trace of the packets exchanged by A and B. In this case,
do not write every single packet but instead write the initial time and the initial and final sequence
number of every sequence of consecutive packets sent by A (e.g., “t = 123ms, A −→ B, 10pkts,
seq = 1000 . . . 11000”). Show and briefly explain exactly what happens after the loss of the 100th
packet. (15’)
◮Exercise 179. A 1GB file is held by 4 “seeder” peers in a peer-to-peer file sharing group (torrent).
Imagine now that 10 more peers join the group to download that file. Assume that all peers are
connected to the network through an access link with maximum download and upload rates of
500KB/s and 100KB/s, respectively, and that the core of the network has infinite bandwidth.
Question 1: How long does it take for an ideal peer-to-peer protocol to complete the file transfer?
Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: After the first file transfer is complete, how long does it take for an ideal peer-to-peer
protocol to transfer the same file to 10 more peers, assuming the first 10 would also share the file?
Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 180. A robotic probe is on Mars at a time when the distance from Earth to Mars is 300
million kilometers. The radio communication between Earth and Mars is on a frequency that allows
for an error-free throughput of 1KB/s. Also, recall that the speed of light, which is the propagation
speed of radio waves, is 300’000 kilometers per second.
Question 1: How long does it take to directly transmit a 1MB image from the probe to Earth? Justify
your answer. (5’)
Question 2: How long does it take to download five images of 1MB each using HTTP with and
without pipelining? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 3: How long does it take to upload a 2Kb text file from Earth to the probe using SMTP?
Assume the client is on Earth and the probe runs an SMTP server. Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 181. A university e-mail server supports a mailing list cn@inf.usi.ch for the computer
networking class. The mailing list includes joe@email.ch, jane@gmail.com, mario@email.ch, and
luigi@gmail.com. Suppose now that antonio@usi.ch sends a message to the computer networking
mailing list. Describe in detail all the network communications between the university server and
the rest of the network. In particular, describe all SMTP sessions and all DNS messages. (20’)
◮Exercise 182. A client at address C downloads a 10Kb image from a server at address S using
HTTP over a TCP connection requesting that the connection be immediately closed. Assume a max-
imum segment size of 1500 bytes. Write all the TCP segments exchanged between the client and
the server. For each segment, write the source and destination addresses, source and destination
ports, sequence number, ack number, relevant flags, and also a summary of the content. (20’)
◮Exercise 183. A company would like to distribute a 600MB file on-line. The file is downloaded
many times per day by many different users. The company initially makes the file available through
an HTTP server connected to the network through a network link with an upload rate of 5MB/s. All
users have links with an upload rate of 100KB/s and a download rate of 3.14MB/s. Assume that
the core of the network has infinite bandwidth.
Question 1: On average, how many users per hour can download the whole file? Justify your
answer. (5’)
Question 2: Suppose now that the company decides to support more users with a peer-to-peer
protocol in which users that completed their download are encouraged to make the file available
to other users. Assuming that on average a user makes their copy available for 10 minutes, ideally,
how many more users per hour can download the file? Justify your answer. (15’)
Question 3: Can the peer-to-peer protocol support an unlimited number of users? If so, how? (10’)
◮Exercise 184. A client host A opens a TCP connection with a server host B, sends 1MB of data
as fast as possible, and then closes the connection. The path between A and B has a total (one
way) delay D = 100ms, a maximum throughput rate R = 100KB/s, and a maximal segment size
MSS = 1KB. How long does it take to complete the transmission? Assume there are no packet
losses when the transmission rate is below R. Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 185. Consider the following network in which routers use distance-vector routing.
a 1
4 c
6 1
1 1
d e
Question 1: Show the forwarding tables of routers a and b from the initialization until the state of
the tables converges. Assume that all routers initialize at the same time, and that, at each round
of the algorithm, each router receives distance vectors from all its neighbors simultaneously. (15’)
Question 2: After convergence, the cost of the link between b and e raises from 1 to 10? Again,
show the evolution of the forwarding tables of routers a and b. (15’)
◮Exercise 186. Consider using the Go-Back-N protocol over an unreliable link with transmission
delay D = 100ms, transmission rate R = 200KB/s, maximum segment size MSS = 500B, and per-
packet error probability p = 0.01. Define a good timeout T and a good window size W for the
protocol, and based on those values, compute the expected total transmission time for a file of
size S = 600MB. (20’)
◮Exercise 187. For each of the following ranges of IPv4 addresses, write an address prefix that
defines the range exactly. If it is not possible to express the range exactly with a prefix, then
write “N.E.” (meaning “not exact”) followed by a minimal approximate prefix, meaning a prefix that
defines a minimal (smallest possible) range that contains the given range. (20’)–––––––––
◮Exercise 188. A router has 10 input ports and 10 output ports. All input and output ports have
the same maximum throughput of 1GB/s.
Question 1: Is it possible to design the router so that packets are never queued? If so, explain why
and in particular specify the throughput of the switch fabric? If not, explain why not. (5’)
Question 2: Suppose that the switch fabric has a maximum throughput of 5GB/s, and that the
input traffic is such that half of it goes to output ports 1 and 2, where it is distributed evenly, and
the rest goes to the other output ports, also evenly distributed. What is the expected output of
each output port? Does the router drop packets? If so, specify where and for each point specify
the loss rate. If not, explain why not. (5’)
◮Exercise 189. Consider a router with four interfaces that uses longest-prefix matching in a data-
gram network using 8-bit host addresses.
Question 1: Given the following forwarding table, compute how many addresses would be routed
through each interface. (10’)
prefix port
0/0 1
64/2 2
128/3 2
240/4 3
16/4 4
104/5 4
8/5 3
Question 2: Assuming now that the router connects subnets A, B, C, and D, and that A and B
must each support at least 80 interfaces (i.e., addresses), and C and D must each support at
least 40 interfaces. Assign the necessary addresses to each network and write the corresponding
forwarding table for the router. (10’)
◮Exercise 190. A group of 30 users download a 3GB file through a peer-to-peer system. The whole
file is available from 3 other “seed” users S1 , S2 , S3 connected to the network with access links of
maximal upload rates U1 = 400KB/s and U2 = 700KB/s, and U3 = 1MB/s respectively. Of the 30
users, 10 have a fast access link and 20 have a slow access link. A fast access link has maximal
upload and download rates of Ufast = 200KB/s and Dfast = 1MB/s, respectively. A slow access links
has maximal upload and download rates of Uslow = 100KB/s and Dslow = 400KB/s, respectively.
What is the theoretical best total download time? This is the time it takes for all thirty users to
obtain the whole file. Justify your answer by showing and briefly explaining your calculations. (For
simplicity, let 1GB and 1Kb represent 109 and 103 bytes, respectively.) (20’)
◮Exercise 191. An HTTP connection is established over a TCP connection with maximum segment
size of 1400 bytes.
Question 1: Within this connection, a TCP segment with sequence number 2300 carries the follow-
ing HTTP request:
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 41
a binary image...
What is the sequence number of the next segment sent by the server in this case? Justify your
answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 192. A router has 16 input interfaces capable of receiving up to 10000 packets per
second, and 16 output interfaces capable of sending 20000 packets per second.
Question 1: Let TS be the maximum throughput of the switch fabric. What is the maximum total
throughput of the router in the best case? Are there values of TS for which the total throughput
would not depend on TS ? Justify your answers. (10’)
Question 2: Consider the previous question in the case of a specific distribution of traffic. Let TS
be the maximum throughput of the switch fabric, and suppose that 20% of the input traffic goes to
output interface 1, 10% to output interface 2, and the rest is distributed uniformly onto all other
interfaces. What is the maximum throughput of the router in this case? Also, for what values of TS
(if any) does the router drop packets on its input and output queues, respectively? Are there any
values of TS for which neither queues would ever be full? Justify your answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 193. Consider a reliable connection between a sender and a receiver implemented with a
Go-Back-N protocol with maximum segment size MSS = 2KB and with a fixed window size W = 8.
The network latency between the sender and receiver is L = 200ms, the access link of the sender
allows a maximum transmission throughput TS = 100KB/s, and both sender and receiver have very
high reception throughput.
Question 1: How long does it take to reliably transmit a file of size S = 100KB in the best case,
without any loss of packets? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: Assuming the timeout is set to 1s, how long does it take to reliably transmit the same
file (S = 100KB) in the presence of losses when one out of 20 packets gets lost in both directions?
Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: A router in an IPv4 network using longest-prefix matching has the forwarding table
shown below on the left. For each destination addresses in the table on the right, write the output
port and the list all the matching table entries.
entry destination port address port matching entries
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 4
10 5
◮Exercise 195. Consider the following simple network topology where routers use a distance-
vector routing protocols
b 1 c
2 1
a d
For simplicity, assume all routers start at time 0, that routing messages (i.e., distance vectors) are
sent out by routers every 10 seconds, and that they are received by neighbor routers after one
second. Write the first iterations of the distance-vector routing algorithm, at times 0, 10, . . . , until
the protocol converges to a stable state. For each iteration, list the routing tables of each router. (20’)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:31:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:28:31 GMT
ETag: "978140-db4-4e3bb1239a5c0"
Content-Length: 3508
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Connection: close
Write two plausible requests that could have generated such replies. Notice that the body of both
replies is empty. (10’)
◮Exercise 197. Consider an HTTP client C, an HTTP caching proxy P , and an HTTP server S con-
nected through a router R in the network depicted below, where each link is characterized by
the given latency L and transmission rate R in each direction. Assume the router itself has no
bandwidth limitations and introduces no delay.
L = 5ms
R = 200MB/s
L = 5ms, R = 200MB/s L = 200ms, R = 500KB/s
Client C accesses the Web through proxy P and issues a sequence of HTTP requests for objects
whose origin server is S.
Question 1: How long does it take for client C to obtain two images a.jpg and b.jpg of 200KB and
100KB, respectively, assuming that neither is cached by the proxy. Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: How long does it take for client C to obtain three images a.jpg, b.jpg, and c.jpg of
200KB, 100KB, and 200KB, respectively, assuming that valid copies of a.jpg and b.jpg are cached
by the proxy while c.jpg must be fetched from the origin server. Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 198. Consider the following network between an e-mail client C, an SMTP server S1
serving domain usi.ch, and another SMTP server S2 serving and handling all the e-mail for domain
C S1 S2
L = 5ms, R = 200MB/s L = 200ms, R = 500KB/s
The sender using client C composes a message of 250KB (including all headers and attachments)
addressed to amy@democracynow.org and juan@democracynow.org. How long would it take in
the best case to deliver the message to all the intended receivers from the time the sender hits the
“send” button? Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 199. Consider a sender A and a receiver B connected by a link with transmission rate
R = 1MB/s and latency L = 100ms. Sender and receiver use the go-back-N protocol with a segment
size of 1KB and a window of W segments. Knowing that in the best case (without errors) it takes
4.02s for sender A to transfer a file of size S = 1MB to B, what is the value of W used by A? Could
A improve the transfer time by choosing another window size? If so, what would be an optimal
value for W and the resulting transfer time? Justify your answers. (20’)
◮Exercise 200. A file of size 300MB is published using bittorrent and immediately 10 peers join
the torrent to download the file. The publisher has an upload rate of 500KB/s and the other peers
contribute on average an upload rate of 350KB/s. Assume that the download rate of all the peers
is high enough to be irrelevant.
Question 1: How long would it take in the best case to transfer the file to all peers? Justify your
answer. (10’)
Question 2: Now assume that exactly 5 minutes after the publication, another 10 peers join the
torrent. These new peers share at an average upload rate of 100KB/s and have plenty of download
bandwidth. In the best case, when would all the peers complete their download? Justify your
answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 202. An application A transfers a file to another application B using a TCP connection
over a communication link that has a maximum throughput of 1MB/s and no additional packet
losses. In other words, the link drops a packet only when that exceeds the maximum throughput
over a certain short period. How long does it take for B to receive a 1.5GB file? Justify your answer
by explaining the behavior of TCP at steady state. (Hint: ignore the initial and final phases of the
TCP connection. Consider the overall behavior of TCP, not the individual packets.) (10’)
◮Exercise 203. A Web client connects to the Web server on host example.com to verify that the
URL http://example.com/image.jpg is valid, but without transferring the object.
Question 1: Write the full HTTP exchange between client and server. (5’)
Question 2: Write all the TCP packets of the connection between client and server. For each packet,
specify all the important information in the IP and TCP headers (addresses, ports, flags, sequence
numbers, etc.) as well as the content. (15’)
◮Exercise 204. Consider the convergence of distance-vector routing under the assumption that all
routers execute the protocol in synchronous steps.
Question 1: Write a network of at least five nodes in which the routing protocol would converge
to a stable state after exactly four steps. Also, write the routing tables at each step for one of the
nodes whose tables converge last (at the fourth step). (10’)
Question 2: After convergence, change the cost of one link so that the routing protocol would again
converge to a stable state after two or more steps. Also, for each step after the change, write the
routing tables of one of the nodes whose tables are affected by the change. (10’)
◮Exercise 205. Consider a router with four input and four output ports. The output ports have
a maximum transmission rate of 5000 packets per second. The switch fabric has a maximum
throughput of 10000 packets per second. All packet queues in the router can contain up to 1000
packets. Suppose the input traffic starts to ramp up linearly and uniformly on all input ports, from
0 packets per second at time t = 0 to the maximum input rate of 5000 packets per second for each
input port at time t = 10s. The input traffic is such that it spreads uniformly over the first three
output ports, so one third of the traffic goes to ports 1–3 each, and no traffic goes to port 4.
Question 1: At what time and for which queues does the router start to drop packets? Would the
situation change if the switch fabric were twice as fast? Justify your answers. (10’)
Question 2: Suppose the traffic goes back to zero in the same way it ramps up, so starting at time
t = 10s it declines uniformly and linearly reaching zero for all input ports at time t = 20s. When
does the router stop dropping packets? How many packets does the router drop in total between
t = 0 and t = 20s? Justify your answers. (10’)
◮Exercise 206. A university owns the IPv4 addresses represented by prefixes
Question 1: How many addresses does the university own in total? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: The university has one campus connected to the internet through ISP A and now
opens a new campus in a different city connected through ISP B. The university assigns 320 of its
IP addresses to the new campus. Write a plausible network topology that shows the two campuses
and their two access ISPs, and for each ISP write the entries in the forwarding tables that are
relevant to the addresses owned by the university. (15’)
◮Exercise 207. Describe the “slow start” in TCP. How does it work and what is its purpose? (10’)
◮Exercise 208. A router x issues a link-state advertisement LSAx = {(d, 1), (e, 2), (b, 4)} and re-
ceives the following other advertisements, where letters represent router addresses.
LSAg = {(d, 1), (h, 1)}
LSAh = {(e, 2), (f , 4), (j, 14), (g, 1)}
LSAd = {(g, 1), (e, 3), (x, 1)}
LSAe = {(d, 3), (x, 2), (b, 1), (h, 2)}
LSAf = {(h, 4), (j, 2), (b, 2), (c, 1)}
LSAb = {(x, 4), (e, 1), (f , 2), (c, 4)}
LSAc = {(b, 4), (f , 1)}
Write the forwarding table of router x. Justify your answer by explaining how link-state routing
works. (20’)
◮Exercise 210. An application downloads 10 objects (HTML, images, and other content objects)
of 50KB each using HTTP over an access link with an effective transmission rate R = 500KB/s.
Assume that the rest of the network has unlimited bandwidth and ignore the latency introduced
by DNS and the initial latency and dynamics of TCP. The transmission delay with the origin server
is L = 200ms. Write how long it would take for the downloads to complete in each of the following
cases. Justify your answers.
Question 1: The web server does not support persistent connections. (5’)
Question 2: The web server supports persistent connections without pipelining. (5’)
Question 3: The web server supports persistent connections with pipelining. (5’)
Question 4: The web server supports persistent connection with pipelining, and the last 5 objects
are in a transparent caching proxy close to the client, with a transmission delay L = 10ms. (5’)
◮Exercise 211. Two computers are connected through a link with transmission rate R = 1000KB/s
and latency L = 100ms.
Question 1: What is the effective throughput with a stop-and-wait transport protocol with maxi-
mum segment size MSS = 1KB? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: What is the optimal window size in KB? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
Question 3: What is the effective throughput in a transmission using TCP over that link? Briefly
justify your answer. (5’)
Question 4: With a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, how long does it take for TCP to achieve
its maximum throughput? Briefly justify your answer. (5’)
◮Exercise 212. Answer the following questions regarding IP prefixes and longest-prefix matching.
Briefly justify your answers.
Question 1: Is it possible to have a prefix that represents exactly 100 IP addresses? (5’)
Question 2: What is the best way to represent 100 IP addresses using IP prefixes. Write a minimal
set of prefixes that represents exactly 100 IP addresses. (5’)
Question 3: A small network provider A owns 100 IP addresses that it sells to two customers B and
C on two separate subnets. Write the forwarding tables of A’s IP router. (10’)
◮Exercise 213. Consider three applications, A, B, and C, each connected to the network through
an independent access link with maximum download rate Rd = 1000KB/s and maximum upload
rate Ru = 200KB/s. What is the fastest way to send 1GB of data from A to both B and C? Describe
a transfer scheme. Detail who transfers what to whom, and when. Also, assuming no errors and
perfect coordination between A, B, and C, compute the total transfer time, meaning the time it
takes for both B and C to download the 1GB file? Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 214. How and why does TCP estimate the network-level round-trip time for its con-
nection? How does TCP use the estimated round-trip time? Describe and explain the estimation
algorithm using an example. Also, discuss the goal of this algorithm, showing again by example
what would happen if the round-trip time is underestimated ors overestimated. (20’)
◮Exercise 215. Compare the HTTP and BitTorrent protocols from the perspective of a single user
downloading a large file.
Question 1: Describe a case in which the user obtains a faster download time with HTTP. Precisely
specify all the quantities that characterize the case (file size, rates for all parties involved, etc.). (10’)
Question 2: Describe a case in which the user obtains a faster download time with BitTorrent.
Precisely specify all the quantities that characterize the case (file size, rates for all parties involved,
etc.). (10’)
◮Exercise 216. A web browser downloads a web page consisting of four objects: an HTML doc-
ument index.html of 50KB, plus three image referenced in index.html, A.jpg of 100KB, B.jpg of
200KB, and C.jpg of 100KB. All objects are from the same origin server. The propagation delay (la-
tency) and transmission rate between the browser and the server are L = 150ms and R = 500KB/s,
respectively. In each of the following cases, compute the total time to download the whole page.
Assume that there is no content caching. Assume that, when multiple parallel connections, each
connection uses a perfectly fair share of the available transmission rate. Justify your answers.
Question 1: The browser opens one connection with the server and does not use pipelining. (5’)
Question 2: The browser opens one connection with the server and uses pipelining. (5’)
Question 3: The browser opens up to three connections with the server and uses pipelining. (10’)
◮Exercise 217. Consider an HTTP request and reply over a TCP connection between a client and
the server www.example.com.
Question 1: Write an example of an HTTP request and the corresponding reply. Be as clear and
precise as possible. You may omit the body of the request. (5’)
Question 2: Write the important TCP headers of every packet of the connection defined in exer-
cise 1. At a minimum, for each packet write the port numbers, and the sequence and acknowledg-
ment numbers. (15’)
◮Exercise 218. A sender transfers a file to a receiver using the Go-Back-N protocol with a window
size of W = 200 segments, a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, and a timeout T = 2s, over a
network connection with latency L = 400ms and transmission rate R = 800KB/s.
Question 1: How long does it take to transfer a large file of size S in the absence of errors? Justify
your answer. (5’)
Question 2: How long does it take to transfer a large file of size S when the network drops packets
with probability p = 10−3 ? Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 220. Briefly explain the basics of caching in HTTP. Describe a case in which caching
provides faster access to an object. Clearly specify each HTTP request and reply, as well as all the
quantities that characterize the case. (20’)
◮Exercise 221. Is it possible to design a router with 10 input and output ports (10 of each) that
does not require any queuing? If so, describe the router architecture and give a specification of the
throughput of its input ports, output ports, and switch fabric. If not, explain why not. (10’)
◮Exercise 222. A space probe approaches a comet when the comet is 150 million kilometers away
from Earth. The probe sends data to Earth using a radio signal and a corresponding encoding that
allows for a maximum transmission rate of 50KB/s. Assume that the link-level communication
uses an encoding that guarantees error-free communication. Recall that radio signals propagate at
about 300’000 kilometers per second.
Question 1: How long would it take to transmit a data file of 100KB using the link-level transmission
directly? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: How long would it take to transmit a data file of 100KB by opening a TCP connection,
sending the whole file, and then closing the connection. The maximum segment size is 10KB.
Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 223. Describe all the network operations involved in delivering an e-mail message, from
the time the sender composes the message to the time the receiver reads it.
Question 1: Briefly describe the components of the e-mail systems of the sender and receiver
and those of the network in general that have any meaningful role in the e-mail communication.
For each interaction between components, specify the protocol and the essential elements of the
interaction. You may use a diagram to explain the interactions and roles of the components. (10’)
Question 2: Detail at least one interaction, writing the sequence of messages or datagrams ex-
changed in the interaction. What is essential here is that you identify the important information
exchanged in the interaction rather than the exact bytes exchanged. (10’)
◮Exercise 224. Consider the behavior of a synchronous distance-vector routing protocol on the
following network. The protocol is synchronous in the sense that all routers exchange their dis-
tance vectors at the same regular times t0 , t1 , t2 , . . . and therefore the protocol proceeds in steps
i = 0, 1, 2, . . . for the entire network.
a 7 6 c
5 2
1 1 1
3 e 8
d f
1 1 1
g 14
h j
Question 1: Write the distance vector held by router a at times t0 , t1 , t2 , . . ., from the initialization
step at t0 until the distance vector stabilizes completely. (Hint: you do not have to simulate the
distance-vector protocol on every router. There is a simpler way to figure out the distance vector
at a router.) (20’)
Question 2: At time t100 , well after the distance-vector protocol has stabilized, the cost of the link
between h and j changes from 14 to 1. Write the distance vector held by router a from time t100
for each step until the distance vector stabilizes again. (10’)
◮Exercise 225. Consider the following AS-level network topology with the given network prefixes
assigned to each AS.
Question 1: Write the BGP advertisements issued by every AS once BGP has converged to a stable
state, considering also prefix aggregation, and assuming that all ASes always choose the shortest
AS path to a destination. (10’)
Question 2: Write the BGP advertisements issued by every AS once BGP has converged to a stable
state, considering prefix aggregation, and assuming that AS1 and AS3 adopt a routing policy never
to send traffic through AS5 (except for traffic destined to AS5) while all other ASes always choose
the shortest AS path to a destination. (10’)
◮Exercise 226. Briefly describe the longest-prefix matching algorithm used for IP forwarding. Also,
show an example network, complete with subnet address assignments, in which longest-prefix
matching is essential. (10’)
◮Exercise 227. Decrypt the following ciphertext encrypted using a shift cipher. Notice that space
that separates words is treated like another letter.
◮Exercise 229. A sender A sends a file to a receiver B using a stop-and-wait transport protocol
over a link with maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, transmission rate R = 1000KB/s, and delay
D = 100ms. The sender detects errors with a fixed timeout T = 1s. Acknowledgment packets can
be considered to have zero length.
Question 1: How long would it take to transmit a 300KB file in the best case? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: What is the expected transmission time for a 300KB file when each packet is dropped
with probability p = 0.01 (i.e., one every 100 packets is dropped)? Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 230. Consider a peer-to-peer system in which host A holds a 100MB file and three other
hosts B1 , B2 , and B3 want to obtain that file. The access link of A has a maximum upload speed
of UA = 200KB/s while all other hosts have an access link with maximum upload and download
speeds of UB = 60KB/s and DB = 500KB/s, respectively.
Question 1: Is it possible to transfer the file from A to all other hosts in 10 minutes or less? If so,
explain how. If not, explain why not. (5’)
Question 2: In order to reduce the transfer time (from A to all other hosts) you may choose one of
the following improvements: (1) double A’s upload speed UA , (2) double the other hosts’ upload
speed UB , or (3) double their download speed DB . Which one would you choose? In that case, what
would be the best way to transfer the file, and how long would it take? (15’)
◮Exercise 231. A router g issues link-state advertisement LSAg = {(a, 5), (b, 1), (d, 2), (e, 5)} and
receives the following other advertisements, where letters (a, b, c, . . .) represent router addresses.
Based on these advertisements, write the forwarding tables of all routers. For destination ad-
dresses, use the symbolic labels a, . . . , g; also, identify each interface by the label of the corre-
sponding adjacent router. (20’)
◮Exercise 232. A university e-mail system serves a mailing list cn@inf.usi.ch for the computer
networking class. The mailing list includes joe@email.ch, jane@gmail.com, mario@email.ch, and
luigi@gmail.com. Suppose now that antonio@usi.ch sends a message to the computer networking
mailing list. Describe in detail all the network communications between the university server and
the rest of the network. In particular, describe all SMTP sessions and all DNS messages. (20’)
◮Exercise 233. The network between hosts A and B has a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, a
total delay of D = 200ms, and an infinite transmission rate R = ∞. Consider the transmission of a
20KB file from A to B using TCP. Assume that A initiates the connection at time t = 0 and that the
CPUs of A and B are infinitely fast such that the processing time is always zero.
Question 1: Assuming the network is perfectly reliable, write all the TCP packets exchanged by A
and B. For each packet, write the time the packet is sent, the SYN and ACK flags, if present, and
the sequence number and the acknowledgment number, if meaningful. For example, you should
write “t = 123ms, A −→ B, ACK, seq = 2345, ack = 3456” for a packet sent at time t = 123ms from
A to B carrying the ACK flag, the sequence number 2345 and the acknowledgment number 3456. (10’)
Question 2: Now consider the transfer of a 200KB file, and in this case assume that the network
looses the 100th packet sent by A. Exactly how long does it take for A to transmit the entire file?
Justify your answer by showing a synthetic trace of the packets exchanged by A and B. In this case,
do not write every single packet but instead write the initial time and the initial and final sequence
number of every sequence of consecutive packets sent by A (e.g., “t = 123ms, A −→ B, 10pkts,
seq = 1000 . . . 11000”). Show and briefly explain exactly what happens after the loss of the 100th
packet. (10’)
◮Exercise 234. Write an HTTP request and a plausible reply, abbreviating the body of the reply as
needed. Briefly describe the headers and each part of the request and the reply. (10’)
◮Exercise 235. Consider a reliable stream implemented with the Go-Back-N protocol with a window
of W = 20 packets with maximum segment size MSS = 1000B, with a timeout of T = 1s.
Question 1: Compute the time needed to transfer a file of S = 1800KB over a link with propagation
delay d = 300ms and transmission rate R = 50KB/s. (1KB = 1000B.) (10’)
Question 2: Compute also the expected transfer time when the link drops packets with probability
p = 0.005, which means that on average one every 200 packets is dropped. (20’)
◮Exercise 237. A client gets four objects from a server using HTTP over a link with propagation
delay d = 50ms and transmission rate R = 1MB/s. The sizes of the objects are S1 = 5KB, S2 =
100KB, S3 = S4 = 2MB.
Question 1: How long does it take for the client to obtain all four objects (a) with sequential,
non-persistent connections, (b) with one persistent connection with pipelining, and (c) with four
parallel connections. Assume that at any given time, n parallel connections get each 1/n of the
link bandwidth, that is, the rate for each of the n connections is R/n. Also, ignore the time needed
to open and close connections. (15’)
Question 2: Consider now the case in which the HTTP requests go through a proxy close to the
client, such that the propagation delay and rate between client and proxy are dp = 5ms and
R = 20MB/s, respectively. The total delay and the transmission rate between the client and the
server through the proxy remain d = 50ms and Rp = 1MB/s, respectively. In this case, object 3
is available at the proxy. So, does the total download time differ with (a) with sequential, non-
persistent connections, (b) one persistent connection and pipelining, or (c) four parallel connec-
tions? Describe the case with the minimal total download time. Notice that in this case multiple
connections may not share the fast local connection evenly, since some of them might be limited
by the bottle-neck remote links. (15’)
◮Exercise 238. Two peer nodes hold a file of size S = 600MB in a peer-to-peer system when 10
more peers join the peer-to-peer system to download the file. All peers have the same maximum
upload rate Ru = 500KB/s and the same maximum download rate Rd = 2MB/s.
Question 1: What is the minimum time it would take for all the 10 new peers to download the file?
Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: After the 10 new peers have completed their download, another 8 peers join the peer-
to-peer system to download the file. What is the total download time for them? How many other
peers need to have the file for the download time to stay at a constant minimum as more peers
join one at a time? Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 239. Write an exchange between a mail user agent and the SMTP server of the usi.ch
domain in which the user agent sends an e-mail message to bob@usi.ch and charlie@usi.ch. (10’)
◮Exercise 240. Consider the process by which a local DNS server resolves a DNS query for IPv4
address of www.inf.usi.ch. Describe this process and in particular describe every DNS datagram
that the server transmits or receives, specifying source, destination, and the relevant DNS data for
each datagram. Assume that none of the name components are in the DNS cache. Also assume
that no server would perform a recursive query. (20’)
◮Exercise 241. Consider a router with n input/output ports with transmission rate R (i.e., n in-
terfaces, each with a full-duplex link with transmission and reception rates RTX = RRX = R). The
router also has a switch fabric with maximum throughput TSWITCH .
Question 1: Does the router need output queues? Does the answer depend on R, T , and n? How
so? If there is a case in which output queues are needed, describe a scenario in which those queues
would fill up (and therefore the router would have to drop packets). Describe this scenario by
specifying the length Q of those queues, the concrete values of R, T , and n, and the maximum
time t the router could cope with traffic without dropping packets. (10’)
Question 2: Does the router need any other queue? Does the answer depend on R, T , and n? How
so? If there is a case in which other queues are needed, describe a scenario in which those queues
would fill up (and the router would have to drop packets). Describe this scenario by specifying the
length Q of those queues, the concrete values of R, T , and n, and the maximum time t the router
could cope with traffic without dropping packets. (10’)
◮Exercise 242. Answer the following questions about congestion control in TCP.
Question 1: What is the mechanism by which TCP controls the output rate of a sender? Describe
a concrete example in which the sending rate is Rsend = 1MB/s. In describing the example, specify
concrete values for every relevant network parameter. (10’)
Question 2: What is the effective transmission rate RTCP of a TCP connection over a link with
maximum transmission rate Rlink in the absence of errors? Absence of errors means that packets
are lost only when they are sent at a rate that exceeds the maximum transmission rate Rlink . In this
case, the link randomly drops some packets so that the effective rate remains under Rlink . Explain
your answer by describing the behavior of TCP in the given case. (10’)
◮Exercise 243. Consider the following network where routers use a distance-vector routing proto-
a 1
6 4 1 1
c 1 5 e
Write the first iterations of the distance-vector routing algorithm until the protocol converges to a
stable state. For each iteration, list the routing tables of each router. (20’)
Extra page for Exercise 243
◮Exercise 244. Write a minimal set of prefixes that represent exactly the same IPv4 addresses
represented by the following prefixes. Justify your answer by showing the relations between the
given prefixes and the prefixes in your solution.
◮Exercise 245. The following link-state advertisements are broadcast within a network that uses a
link-state routing protocol.
Compute the diameter of the network. Recall that the diameter of a graph is the maximal distance
between any two vertices, where the distance between two vertices u and v is the minimal length
of a path connecting u and v. Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 246. A router g issues link-state advertisement LSAg = {(a, 5), (b, 1), (d, 2), (e, 5)} and
receives the following other advertisements, where letters (a, b, c, . . .) represent router addresses.
Based on these advertisements, write the forwarding tables of all routers. For destination ad-
dresses, use the symbolic labels a, . . . , g; also, identify each interface by the label of the corre-
sponding adjacent router. (20’)
◮Exercise 247. A sender A sends a file to a receiver B using a stop-and-wait transport protocol
over a link with maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, transmission rate R = 1000KB/s, and delay
D = 50ms. The sender detects errors with a fixed timeout T = 0.5s. Acknowledgment packets can
be considered to have zero length.
Question 1: How long would it take to transmit a 400KB file in the best case? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: What is the expected transmission time for a 400KB file when each packet is dropped
with probability p = 0.01 (i.e., one every 100 on average)? Justify your answer. (15’)
◮Exercise 248. A router has 10 input ports and 10 output ports. All input and output ports have
the same maximum throughput of 1GB/s.
Question 1: Suppose that the switch fabric has a maximum throughput of 5GB/s, and that the
input traffic is such that half of it goes evenly distributed to output ports 1 and 2, and the rest
goes to the remaining output ports (3–10), also evenly distributed. What is the expected output of
each output port? Does the router drop packets? If so, specify where and for each point specify
the loss rate. If not, explain why not. (10’)
Question 2: Would it be possible to design the router so that packets are never queued? If so,
explain why and in particular specify the necessary throughput of the switch fabric? If not, explain
why not. (10’)
◮Exercise 249. Consider a peer-to-peer system in which host A holds a 100MB file and three other
hosts B1 , B2 , and B3 want to obtain that file. The access link of A has a maximum upload speed
of UA = 200KB/s while all other hosts have an access link with maximum upload and download
speeds of UB = 60KB/s and DB = 500KB/s, respectively.
Question 1: Is it possible to transfer the file from A to all other hosts in 10 minutes or less? If so,
explain how. If not, explain why not. (5’)
Question 2: In order to reduce the transfer time (from A to all other hosts) you may choose one of
the following improvements: (1) double A’s upload speed UA , (2) double the other hosts’ upload
speed UB , or (3) double their download speed DB . Which one would you choose? In that case, what
would be the best way to transfer the file, and how long would it take? (15’)
◮Exercise 250. A university e-mail system serves a mailing list cn@inf.usi.ch for the computer
networking class. The mailing list includes joe@email.ch, jane@gmail.com, mario@email.ch, and
luigi@gmail.com. Suppose now that antonio@usi.ch sends a message to the computer networking
mailing list. Describe in detail all the network communications between the university server and
the rest of the network. In particular, describe all SMTP sessions and all DNS messages. (20’)
◮Exercise 251. The network between hosts A and B has a maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, a
total delay of D = 200ms, and an infinite transmission rate R = ∞. Consider the transmission of a
20KB file from A to B using TCP. Assume that A initiates the connection at time t = 0 and that the
CPUs of A and B are infinitely fast such that the processing time is always zero.
Question 1: Assuming the network is perfectly reliable, write all the TCP packets exchanged by A
and B. For each packet, write the time the packet is sent, the SYN and ACK flags, if present, and
the sequence number and the acknowledgment number, if meaningful. For example, you should
write “t = 123ms, A −→ B, ACK, seq = 2345, ack = 3456” for a packet sent at time t = 123ms from
A to B carrying the ACK flag, the sequence number 2345 and the acknowledgment number 3456. (10’)
Question 2: Now consider the transfer of a 200KB file, and in this case assume that the network
looses the 100th packet sent by A. Exactly how long does it take for A to transmit the entire file?
Justify your answer by showing a synthetic trace of the packets exchanged by A and B. In this case,
do not write every single packet but instead write the initial time and the initial and final sequence
number of every sequence of consecutive packets sent by A (e.g., “t = 123ms, A −→ B, 10pkts,
seq = 1000 . . . 11000”). Show and briefly explain exactly what happens after the loss of the 100th
packet. (10’)
◮Exercise 252. Consider a web browser connected to the internet through an access link with
transmission delay d = 60ms and a very high transmission rate R = ∞. What is the absolute
minimum time necessary for the browser to display a web page when (a) the browser must open
a new TCP connection to an unknown server; (b) the browser must open a new TCP connection to
a server whose address is in the local DNS cache; (c) the browser reuses an open TCP connection?
Justify your answers.
◮Exercise 253. A computer networking class uses a network reserved for student projects. The
network is defined by the prefix The class is then divided into three groups: group A
needs at least 100 IP addresses, group B needs at least 50 addresses, and group C needs at least 90
addresses. The three groups have their private routers, RA , RB , and RC . RA and RC are connected
to the Internet through an access router RX , RB connects indirectly through RA . Draw a diagram of
the network, assign numbers to each router interface, including the interfaces to the local network,
and write the forwarding tables of each router. (20’)
◮Exercise 254. A router has 10 full duplex ports, so 10 input and 10 output ports. The input and
output links have the same transmission rate R = 1GB/s with packets that have a minimum size
Smin = 50B and a maximum size Smax = 2000B. The input and output ports each have a queue of
20000 packets. The switch fabric has a maximum throughput TSW = 10Mpackets/s.
Question 1: The router processes intense but short bursts of traffic, whereby there is no traffic for
a long period of time, then there is a burst of packets of size 500B that saturates every input port
for 15ms, and then the traffic goes back to zero. The traffic is such that it is forwarded uniformly
onto 5 output ports. Does the router drop any packet? If so, in which queues? What is the maximal
delay of the packets that go through? (10’)
Question 2: What happens if the packets in the traffic bursts of Question 1 double in size but
still saturate the input links? Does the router drop packets? If so, in which queues? What is the
maximal delay of the packets that go through? (10’)
◮Exercise 255. Consider a network link with propagation delay d = 50ms, and transmission rate
R = 400KB/s, used by the go-back-N protocol with maximal segment size MSS = 1KB, timeout set
to t = 200ms and a window size of W = 20 packets.
Question 1: What is the transmission time for a 40MB file in the best case? (10’)
Question 2: Would it be possible to speed up the download by (a) doubling the transmission rate
to R ′ = 2R, or by (b) doubling the window size W ′ = 2W ? Which option would be better? Justify
your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 256. The SYN-ACK packet of a TCP connection has the following headers: source port
1234, destination port 5678, sequence number 1800, ACK number 9000. The connection carries an
HTTP GET request that results in a 404 error, after which the client decides to close the connection.
Question 1: Write the HTTP request and the corresponding reply exchanged by client and server
over the TCP connection (application level). Make the request and the reply simple but plausible. (5’)
Question 2: Assuming the network is perfectly reliable, write all TCP packets transmitted between
client and server after the specified SYN-ACK segment. For each packet, clearly specify the values
of all the relevant TCP headers. Justify your answer by briefly describing the relations between
header values. (15’)
◮Exercise 258. Explain how a controlled flooding works. Consider a controlled flood of message m
from node a in the network illustrated below in which edge weights represent propagation delays.
Assuming that the network is perfectly reliable (no packet losses) and that the transmission rates
are infinite, write all the packets exchanged in the flood of a message m issued by node a at time
t = 0. In particular, for each packet p departing from node v at time t1 and arriving at node w at
time t2 , write “v : t1 → w : t2 ”.
a 3 4 c
1 2
1 1 1
3 e 9
d f
1 1 2
g 1 8
h j
◮Exercise 259. A server S holds a file of F that n clients Ci want to download. The server has a
network access link with maximum upload and download rate US = DS . The clients all have the
same type of access link with a maximum download rate that is four times the maximum download
rate, so Dc = 4UC . Consider the total download times of an ideal client-server download or an ideal
peer-to-peer download. The total download time is the minimal time necessary for all the clients
to obtain the entire file. Ideal here means that there are no errors, and the transmission scheduling
is as good as it can be, so transmission times are only limited by transmission rates.
Question 1: Is there a case in which the peer-to-peer download is slower than the client-server
download. If so, characterize this case in terms of the upload and download rates. If not, explain
why. (10’)
Question 2: Is there a case in which the client-server download is as fast as the peer-to-peer down-
load. If so, characterize this case in terms of the upload and download rates. If not, explain why.
Question 3: In the case of the peer-to-peer download, the server stops serving the file after all the
n peers have downloaded their copy of the file. At that point, m new peers with the same access
link (same rates DC and UC ) join the group to download the file. What is the total download time
for these new m peers as a function of F , UC , n, and m? (10’)
◮Exercise 260. A router exchanges continuous messages with its four neighbors, connected to
ports 1, 2, 3, and 4, as part of a distance-vector routing protocol. The messages allow the router to
compute the costs of each connection as follows:
port 1 2 3 4
cost 15 8 5 10
The router then receives the following distance vectors from its neighbors. Each vector associates
IP addresses or prefixes with a corresponding distance. Notice that not all addresses are present
in all the vectors.
port distance vector
1 (a1 : 7) (a2 : 30) (a3 : 24) (a4 : 40) (a6 : 5) (a7 : 0) (a9 : 20) (a10 : 36)
2 (a2 : 35) (a3 : 18) (a4 : 32) (a6 : 8) (a7 : 8) (a8 : 17) (a9 : 42) (a10 : 14)
3 (a1 : 13) (a2 : 30) (a4 : 40) (a5 : 19) (a6 : 5) (a7 : 9) (a8 : 12) (a9 : 36) (a10 : 20)
4 (a1 : 5) (a2 : 28) (a4 : 10) (a5 : 23) (a6 : 7) (a7 : 9) (a8 : 0) (a9 : 27) (a10 : 25)
Question 1: Write the forwarding table that the router computes. Briefly justify your answer by
explaining the essence of distance-vector routing. (15’)
Question 2: Later measurements lead the router to update the costs of the connections with its
neighbors as follows:
port 1 2 3 4
cost 6 8 5 10
Would the router compute an updated forwarding table? If so, write the new table. If not, explain
why. Also, write the distance vector that the router would transmit to its neighbors. (15’)
◮Exercise 261. A Web user agent needs to render an image located at http://usi.ch/logo.jpg. The
Web user agent connects to the usi.ch server to obtain the object. However, the user agent also
has a cached copy of that object retrieved on Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:30:00 GMT that is still the most
current version of the object on the origin server.
Question 1: Write the full HTTP exchange between client and server. Briefly explain your answer. (10’)
Question 2: Write all the TCP packets of the connection between client and server. For each packet,
specify all the important information in the IP and TCP headers (addresses, ports, flags, sequence
numbers, etc.) as well as the content. (20’)
◮Exercise 262. A sender A sends a file to a receiver B using a stop-and-wait transport protocol
over a link with maximum segment size MSS = 1KB, transmission rate R = 1000KB/s, and delay
D = 25ms. The sender detects errors with a fixed timeout T = 0.2s. Acknowledgment packets can
be considered to have zero length.
Question 1: How long would it take to transmit a 800KB file in the best case? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: What is the expected transmission time for a 800KB file when each packet is dropped
with probability p = 0.05 (i.e., 5% on average)? Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 263. Consider a peer-to-peer file-sharing system for a file of size F = 1GB in which all
peers have an access link with upload rate U = 100KB/s and download rate D = 1MB/s. At time t0 ,
5 peers each hold an entire copy of the file while another 5 peers each have half of the file content.
Ten minutes after t0 , another five peers join the peer-to-peer system. What is minimal time after
t0 when all 15 peers have the entire file? Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 264. A Web browser needs the image at URL http://www.inf.usi.ch/slogan.jpg. The
browser has a copy of the image in its cache, downloaded on Sat, 16 Dec 2017 at 23:59:00:00
GMT. The object on the origin server was last modified on Thu, 01 Apr 2010 at 13:14:15:92 GMT.
Question 1: Write the full HTTP exchange between the browser and the server. Be as detailed as
possible. Use plausible values for any information that is not explicitly specified here. (10’)
Question 2: Assuming that the browser runs on a host with IP address, and that the IP
address of the server is, write the essential headers of every TCP packet that makes
up the TCP connection that carries the HTTP exchange. Essential headers are IP addresses, port
numbers, sequence and acknowledgment numbers, and flags. In addition to the headers, write the
first few bytes of payload, as well as the payload size. You may assume that there are no errors
and that the connection is closed immediately. (20’)
◮Exercise 265. The stop-and-wait protocol is presented as a reliable protocol under the assumption
that the network may drop packets.
Question 1: Is the stop-and-wait protocol also reliable when, in addition to dropping packets, the
network can also arbitrarily delay packets, also independently of each other, so as to change the
arrival order of two or more packets? For example, the sender sends packets p1 followed by p2 ,
but the network may delay p1 so much that the receiver would receive p2 before p1 . Argue that
the protocol is reliable, or show an example in which the protocol fails to deliver a stream of data
from a sender to a receiver. (10’)
Question 2: Is the stop-and-wait protocol reliable when the network may duplicate packets, in
addition to arbitrarily delaying or dropping packets? Argue that the protocol is still reliable, or
show an example in which the protocol fails to deliver a stream of data from a sender to a receiver.
Hint: show an example with a space-time diagram. (10’)
◮Exercise 266. Consider a sender A and a receiver B connected by a link with transmission rate
R = 3MB/s and latency d = 50ms. Sender and receiver use the Go-Back-N protocol with a maximum
segment size MSS = 1500B, a window size of W = 100 segments, and a timeout T = 400ms.
Question 1: What is the effective throughput between A and B in the best case? Justify your answer.
Question 2: How long does it take to transfer a 6MB file in the best case? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 3: How long does it take to transfer a 6MB file if the transmission rate R drops to 1MB/s?
Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 267. An e-mail client (user agent) posts the following e-mail message through its SMTP
server, which the client uses as a relay for all e-mail destinations.
Considering that it takes 100ms to open a connection between the client and the server, and that
the connection has an effective transmission rate R = 2MB/s and a propagation delay d = 20ms,
how long does it take for the client to post the message to the server? Assume there are no errors.
Justify your answer. (20’)
◮Exercise 268. The minimal size of an Ethernet packet is 64 bytes (header plus payload). Explain
the need for a minimal-size requirement, as well as the specific value of 64 bytes. In your explana-
tion, assume that the maximum length of an Ethernet segment is 2500 meters, possibly including
multiple sub-segments connected by repeaters, that the round-trip delay is 51µs, and that the
transmission speed is 10Mbit/s, as in the 10BASE5 version of the Ethernet standard. (10’)
◮Exercise 269. A router in an IPv4 network has the following forwarding table:
Question 1: For each destination addresses below, write the output port and the list all the match-
ing table entries. (10’)
address output port matching entries
Question 2: Is the forwarding table minimal? Justify your answer. If the table is not minimal, write
an equivalent but minimal forwarding table. (10’)
◮Exercise 270. A router has n = 20 full-duplex interfaces capable of receiving and transmitting
at a maximum rate RRX = RTX = 300MB/s. All interfaces transmit packets of minimal size Smin =
100B and maximal size Smax = 4000B. The switch fabric of the router has a maximal throughput
RX = 4GB/s. The switch fabric has an input queue of total capacity Qin = 200MB; each interface
has an output queue of capacity Qout = 6MB.
Question 1: Does the router drop packets when all input interfaces receive packets at 80% of their
maximal input rate? What is the maximal packet-drop rate (packets per second) over a long period
of time? Justify your answer by showing your calculations. (10’)
Question 2: Suppose that, while the input rate stays at 80% of the maximal input rate, the traffic
oscillates between two sets of output interfaces as follows: for t = 100ms, all input packets go,
uniformly distributed, to interfaces 1–10, then for another t = 100ms all input packets go to
interfaces 11–20, also uniformly distributed, and this traffic patter repeats for a long period of
time. Does the router drop packets? If so, what is the minimal average packet-drop rate over a
long period? Justify your answer by showing your calculations. (10’)
◮Exercise 271. Hosts A and B hold a file of size S = 100MB. Hosts A and B have access links with
maximum upload rates UA = 4MB/s and UB = 1MB/s, respectively. Hosts C1 through Cn want to
obtain a copy of the file, and each have an access link with maximum upload rate UC = 200KB/s
and a maximum download rate DC = 10MB/s. All receiver hosts start their download at the same
time t = 0 and the download finishes at time T when all hosts C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn have obtained a copy
of the entire file.
Question 1: What is the best total download time Thttp achievable when n = 15 hosts C1 , C2 , . . . , C15
download the file using HTTP? In this case, how many hosts would download from A and how
many from B? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
Question 2: What is the best total download time Tp2p achievable with a peer-to-peer protocol with
n = 15 receivers? Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
Question 3: Is there a number n of receivers for which HTTP is as good as the peer-to-peer protocol?
Show and briefly justify your calculations. (10’)
◮Exercise 272. Answer the following questions about MAC protocols.
Question 1: According to Kurose and Ross (textbook), one of the desirable characteristics of a MAC
protocol is that when only one node has data to send, that node should achieve a throughput of
R bits per second where R is the channel rate. Does a simple time-division multiple access MAC
protocol (TDMA) have this characteristic? Justify your answer. (5’)
Question 2: Describe the hidden-terminal and exposed-terminal problems in wireless communica-
tion. (5’)
Question 3: Describe the RTS/CTS handshake (request to send, clear to send) used in the IEEE 802.11
standard (Wi-Fi). In particular, draw and explain a space-time diagram of the RTS/CTS handshake.
Also explain whether and how the RTS/CTS handshake solves the hidden and exposed terminal
problems. (10’)
◮Exercise 273. An application running on host A opens a TCP connection with an application
running on host B at time t = 0, and immediately starts transferring 10KB of data, and then stops
without closing the connection. The propagation delay between A and B is 100ms, the maximum
transmission rate between A and B is R = 1MB/s, and the maximum segment size is MSS = 1000B.
The receiver has plenty of capacity, and therefore you should assume that the receiver window
is always larger than the congestion window. The connection is perfectly reliable, meaning that
packets are only dropped when the sending rate is above the connection rate R. Here the sending
rate is considered as the average over a round-trip time. For simplicity, consider the size of the
TCP/IP headers to be zero, and also consider the processing time to be zero on both hosts.
List all the TCP packets exchanged in the connection until the time the transfer is complete. For
each packet, indicate the essential information as well as the departure and arrival times as indi-
cated in the first packet below. (20’)
◮Exercise 277. Consider a model of a computer network as a graph. Nodes represent packet
switches and hosts. Switches have an input queue of maximum size QX packets, a packet process-
ing delay dX , and a packet-processing rate of RX packets per second. For simplicity assume that
switches have a single processing thread Hosts are leaf nodes. Edges represent full-duplex point-
to-point links. All links have a transmission queue of size QTX bytes, and a propagation delay dp
and a transmission rate RTX . Assume that all packets have the same size MTU .
Question 1: What is the minimal round-trip time between two applications running on any two
hosts? Justify your answer. (10’)
Question 2: What is the worst-case, one-way delay for a single packet sent from an application on
a host A and received by another application on a host B four hops away from A? Justify your
answer. (10’)
Question 3: Now consider a switch with n adjacent links, and a traffic with an average packet size
of s bytes. Under which conditions would the switch drop packets? In that case, write the drop
rate as a function of all the relevant parameters. Justify your answer. (10’)
◮Exercise 278. A university e-mail system serves a mailing list cool-events@usi.ch for the USI com-
munity. The mailing list includes mario@email.ch, luigi@gmail.com, silvia@email.ch, and anto-
nio@gmail.com. Suppose now that elisa@usi.ch sends a message to the mailing list. Describe in
detail all the network communications between the university server and the rest of the network.
In particular, describe all SMTP sessions and all DNS request issued by the server. (20’)
◮Exercise 279. Consider a peer-to-peer system in which host A holds a file of S = 1GB, and four
other hosts B1 , B2 , B3 , and B4 want to obtain that file. The access link of A has a maximum
upload speed of UA = 600KB/s while all other hosts have an access link with maximum upload
and download speeds of UB = 200KB/s and DB = 1MB/s, respectively.
Question 1: Is it possible to transfer the file from A to all other hosts in 30 minutes or less? If so,
explain how. If not, explain why not. (10’)
Question 2: In order to reduce the transfer time (from A to all other hosts) you may choose one of
the following improvements: (1) double A’s upload speed UA , (2) double the other hosts’ upload
speed UB , or (3) double their download speed DB . Which one would you choose? In that case, what
would be the best way to transfer the file, and how long would it take? (10’)
WARNING: solutions are very sparse, meaning that many are missing, most of the solutions are
only sketched at a high level, and many may be incorrect! Please, consider contributing your
solutions, including alternative solutions, and please report any error you might find to the author
(Antonio Carzaniga <antonio.carzaniga@usi.ch>).
⊲Solution 235.1
We start by figuring out the basic, error-free behavior of the protocol on the given link. We first
need to know whether the window size is large enough to saturate the link capacity, or otherwise
whether the transmission stalls for some time waiting for acknowledgments even in the absence
of errors. The question is whether the first acknowledgment arrives before or after the sender has
filled the window? Filling the window means transmitting W packets, which means W ·MSS = 20KB.
At a transmission R = 50KB/s, the sender transmits the whole window in
W · MSS 20KB
TW = = = 0.4s
R 50KB/s
which is less than the time needed for the first acknowledgment to arrive, which is
TACK1 = + 2d = 0.02s + 0.6s = 0.62s
This means that even in the absence of errors, the transmission stalls for 0.1s after each full
window is sent. In other words, each window of W = 20 takes 2d = 0.62s, and with a file size
S = 200KB, we need to send S/(W MSS) = 90 full windows, so the error-free transfer time is:
∆ = TACK1 = 55.8s
⊲Solution 235.2
Now, in the presence of errors, that will take longer because every error causes the sender to stall
for one timeout. More precisely, errors in acknowledgment packets do not cause trouble because
acknowledgments are cumulative, so one lost ack would be quickly superseded by the next one.
On the other hand, errors in data packets will stall the sender for exactly one timeout interval.
The question is, then, how many errors will there be on average when we need to transmit n
segments, where
n= = 1800
Let e be the number of dropped packets that cause a timout bubble, and let x = n + e the total
number of packets. Then, e = px, and therefore
e= n
full windows, which will take 90TACK1 55.8s, and we will incur pn/(1 − p) = 9.04 errors (in expec-
tation) and therefore 9.045 timeouts of duration T = 1s, for a total transmission time of
∆= TACK1 + eT = 64.84s.
⊲Solution 236.1
False. The Internet is a datagram network. Each packet is treated independently and is afforded
a “best-effort” transmission service. This also means that the network does not reserve resources,
and therefore can not guarantee even a minimal quality of service. Instead, a virtual-circuit network
can and does provide exactly that kind of service.
⊲Solution 236.2
True. No more than one application can hold the same port number on a host. In fact, port
numbers are the way applications are addressed within a host. TCP (and UDP) use 16 bits for port
numbers, so there are at most 216 = 65536 open ports at the same time.
⊲Solution 236.3
The browser would not even be able to find the network address of the web-mail system, so it
would not even try to connect to the web-mail system, let alone return a 404 error. The web-mail
system would keep functioning perfectly. It would still be possible
⊲Solution 237.1
Case a: for each of the four objects, the client opens a connection, requests the object, gets the
object, closes the connection. So, assuming the size of the requests is negligible, for each object i,
the time is Ti = 2d + Si /R. And everything is sequential, to we must add up each Ti :
S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 4.105MB
T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 = 4 · 2d + = 0.4s + = 4.505s
R 1MB/s
Case b: the client opens one persistent connection, then makes four requests back-to-back for the
four objects, then gets the four objects, and closes the connection. The total time is:
S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 4.105MB
T = 2d + = 0.1s + = 4.205s
R 1MB/s
Case c: the client opens four connections, then on each connection it requests one of the objects,
gets that object, and then closes that connection. Intuitively, this case should not be substan-
tially different from case b because parallel connections share the connection evenly. To see that,
consider n parallel connections sending x bytes each. The total transfer time is the same as the
transfer time on each connection, which is:
x nx
Tparallel (n, x) = 2d + = 2d +
R/n R
but this is also the same as the total time for n pipelined requests on one connection:
Tpipeline (n, x) = 2d + n
Yet another way to compute the time in this specific case is to consider the three phases of the
parallel download. Initially, the four downloads proceed in parallel, until the first connection
terminates. This initial period lasts until time T1 = 2d + 4S1 /R, and in this period all four connec-
tions download S1 bytes. Then, the remaining three connection continue until the second object
is downloaded, which happens at time T2 = T1 + 3(S2 − S1 )/R, at which point the remaining two
connections will also have downloaded S2 bytes, and will then continute to finish downloading
until time T4 = T2 + 2(S3 − S2 )/R. The total time is
⊲Solution 237.2
Case b: we have one persistent connection, four sequential back-to-back requests for the four
objects, and then the four objects coming sequentiallyin that order. If the first object is in the
proxy, then the total download is bounded by the download of the remaining three (larger) objects
over the slow link:
S2 + S3 + S4
T1 = 2d + = 0.1s + 4.1s = 4.2
If the second object object is in the proxy, then the total download is bounded by the download of
the remaining three objects over the slow link:
S1 + S3 + S4
T2 = 2d + = 0.1s + 4.01s = 4.012
⊲Solution 238.1
Each new peer would have to download the whole file. At a rate of Rd , that would take S/Rd = 300s.
At the same time, the two initial sources must push at least one copy of the file into the network,
which is equivalent to uploading the file at twice the upload rate Ru , therefore the time is at
least S/2Ru = 600s. Then, considering the aggregate in/out flow, the network must transmit 10
copies of the file, which mean that the 12 peers must output 10S bytes into the network, at their
aggregate rate 12Ru . Thus the time is at least 10S/12Ru = 1000s, which is also the overall best
possible download time.
⊲Solution 238.2
We now have 12 peers with the file, which means that time to upload one copy at their aggregate
rate is now very small S/12Ru = 100s, which also means that the single download time dominates
S/Rd = 300s. But what about the aggregate upload flow? We now have a total of 20 peers, and we
need to upload a total of 8S bytes (the new copies) into the network. Therefore the time is at least
8S/20Ru = 480s, which is the dominating time for the download. We reach the constant minimum
given by the download rate, S/Rd = 300s, when 32 or more peers are in the system.
⊲Solution 240
It is reasonable to assume that the name space of the inf.usi.ch domain is managed by one DNS
server Sinf .usi.ch . (It is also reasonable to assume that there is a single server for the entire usi.ch
domain—in fact, that is precisely what we have in reality—but just to make things a bit more fun
here. . . ) So, local DNS would reach this authoritative DNS server with an iterative process. The
server would first contact one of the root DNS servers, Sroot , from which it would get the address
of the authoritative server for the “.ch” domain, Sch (one or more of them); then the local DNS
would contact Sch , from which it would get the address of the authoritative server for the “usi.ch”
domain, Susi.ch (one or more of them); then the local DNS would contact Susi.ch , from which it would
get the address of the authoritative server for the “inf.usi.ch” domain, Sinf .usi.ch (one or more of
them); then the local DNS would contact Sinf .usi.ch , from which it would get the address of the host
Thus these are the DNS packets involved in this process:
2. From Sroot to local DNS, answer: id=1, name=“ch”, type=NS, value=Sch ; additional info: name=Sch ,
type=A, value=. . . (IPv4 address of Sch ).
4. From Sch to local DNS, answer: id=2, name=“usi.ch”, type=NS, value=Susi.ch ; additional info:
name=Susi.ch , type=A, value=. . . (IPv4 address of Susi.ch ).
6. From Sinf .usi.ch to local DNS, answer: id=5, name=“www.inf.usi.ch”, type=A, value=. . . (IPv4
address of www.inf.usi.ch).
⊲Solution 241.1
The router would need to have output queues when the total traffic reaching an output port can
exceed the transmission rate of that port (R). The total traffic reaching an output port is at most
T , since that is what can get through the switch fabric. Also, the total input rate would have to be
more than R, which means that the router must have n > 1 ports. Therefore the answer is yes—the
router needs output queues—if and only if T ≥ R and n > 1.
In this case, an output queue of length Q packets would fill up when the traffic from two or more
input ports with total input rate λ > R would have to be forwarded through output port 1 for some
period of time. Since the queue would accumulate packets at a rate λ − R, then the router would
have to drop packets after time
⊲Solution 241.2
The router would need to queue packets before the switch fabric if the total input rate, meaning
the rate of traffic reaching the switch fabric, can exceed the throughput of the switch fabric. The
total input rate is nR, therefore the answer is yes—the router needs a queue before the switch
fabric—if and only if T < nR.
In this case, a queue of length Q packets would fill when the total input rate is λ > T for some
period of time. Since the queue would accumulate packets at a rate λ − T , then the router would
have to drop packets after time:
⊲Solution 242.1
The mechanism by which TCP controls the sending rate is the congestion window W . The con-
gestion window is the amount of data (bytes) the sender is willing to send into the network be-
fore receiving an acknowledgment. It corresponds to the window size in Go-Back-N (multiplied
by the maximum segment size MSS, since the window in Go-Back-N typically counts the number
of packets, not bytes). The sender sends W bytes, and then stops waiting for acknowledgments.
So, effectively, assuming no packet loss, the sender sends one full congestion window for every
round-trip-time. Therefore, the sending rate is R = W /RTT .
For example, considering a TCP connection between two hosts where the round-trip time is 100ms,
then TCP must have a congestion window W = 100KB in order for the sending rate to be R =
⊲Solution 242.2
At steady state, TCP ramps up the sender rate linearly. The sending rate is controlled by the con-
gestion window. When the sending rate exceeds the maximum link rate, some of the packets within
one congestion window will be dropped, while others will still reach the receiver. The receiver then
notices the hole in the sequence number, and therefore sends back a repeated acknowledgment
(equivalent to a NACK). The sender then reacts by cutting the sending rate in half, and then starting
again its linear increase.
As a result, the TCP sender sends at a rate RTCP . that varies over time linearly between Rlink /2 and
Rlink . Thus, on average, TCP sends at a rate RTCP = 0.75Rlink .
⊲Solution 243
The routing table at router x contain x’s own distance vector Dy , which is the vector of the cur-
rently best-known distances between x and every other router, the vector nx of next-hop routers
on the currently shortest path to every other router, and then a set of distance vectors Dy for every
neighbor y that has shared its distance vector with x. The distances that are updated at each step
are highlighted in bold font.
Step 1
(a) a b c d e (b) a b c d e
Da 0 1 6 4 ∞ Db 1 0 ∞ 1 1
na a b c d – nb a b – d e
Step 2
(a) a b c d e (b) a b c d e
Da 0 1 5 2 2 Db 1 0 2 1 1
na a b d b b nb a b d d e
Db 1 0 ∞ 1 1 Da 0 1 6 4 ∞
Dc 6 ∞ 0 1 ∞ Dd 4 1 1 0 5
Dd 4 1 1 0 5 De ∞ 1 ∞ 5 0
Step 3
(a) a b c d e (b) a b c d e
Da 0 1 3 2 2 Db 1 0 2 1 1
na a d b b b nb a b d d e
Db 1 0 2 1 1 Da 0 1 5 2 2
Dc 5 2 0 1 6 Dd 2 1 1 0 2
Dd 2 1 1 0 2 De 2 1 6 2 0
Step 4
(a) a b c d e (b) a b c d e
Da 0 1 3 2 2 Db 1 0 2 1 1
na a d b b b nb a b d d e
Db 1 0 2 1 1 Da 0 1 3 2 2
Dc 3 2 0 1 3 Dd 2 1 1 0 2
Dd 2 1 1 0 2 De 2 1 3 2 0
⊲Solution 244
original combinations. . . minimal
⊲Solution 245
The link-state advertisements allow us to reconstruct the network graph, as follows:
1 2
f e
1 3
6 b 1
a 2
It is then easy to compute all the shortest paths and therefore the distances between all vertices:
b c d e f
a 6 5 2 3 5
b 2 4 3 1
c 3 2 1
d 1 4
e 3
Tsegment = + 2D = + 0.1s = 0.101s
R 1000KB/s
So, to send a 400KB file of with a maximum segment size of MSS = 1KB, the sender has to send
n = 400KB/MSS = 400 segments. In the best case, every segment and the corresponding acknowl-
edgment will be received correctly, so the total time is
⊲Solution 247.2
Let’s first consider the most intuitive solution. We need to send n = 400KB/MSS = 400 segments,
this means a total of 800 segments (data packet plus acknowledgment). If the error probability is
p = 0.01, then we can expect that 800 × p = 8 packets will be dropped. So, each of those lost
packets will introduce a delay equivalent to the timeout T = 0.5s. So, in total, A will have n = 400
successful segment transmissions, each lasting
Tsegment = + 2D = + 0.1s = 0.101s
R 1000KB/s
plus 8 timeout delays. The total time is therefore
x = n + px
⊲Solution 253
The following assignment of addresses works well. The table shows the binary prefix of the last
. . . .00— A 64
. . . .010— A 32
. . . .0110— A 8
total: 104
. . . .10— C 64
. . . .110— C 32
total: 96
. . . .111— B 32
. . . .0111— B 16
. . . .01101— B 8
total: 56
These are the router interfaces:
router interface connects
RX 1 Internet
2 RA
3 RC
2 RB
3 A’s local network
2 B’s local network
2 C’s local network
And these are the forwarding tables:
router prefix interface
RX 1 2 2 3 3
RA 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
RB 1 2 2 2
RC 1 2 2
⊲Solution 254.1
For each input port, the burst carries S = 500B packets at the maximal input rate R = 1GB/s.
This means an input rate λi = R/S = 2Mpackets/s for each input port, which means a total of
λtot = 20Mpackets/s. The switch fabric can only process TSW = 10Mpackets/s, so the queues start
to fill at a rate λtot − TSW = 10Mpackets/s, or 1Mpackets/s per individual queue. The burst lasts for
15ms, so each queue fills up to 15000 packets. So, the router does not drop packets in its input
Then the total traffic coming out of the switch fabric, 10Mpackets/s, goes to five output ports. So,
each port gets a total of λout = 2Mpackets/s corresponding to Sλout = 500B/packet×2Mpackets/s =
1GB/s, which is just about the maximal transmission rate. So, there is no queuing in the output
ports either, which means that the router does not drop packets.
The maximal delay is that of the packets that get queued up with the maximal queue length. The
delay is dtot = dCPU + dQin + dSW + dQout + dTX , where dCPU = Smin /R is the processing delay in each
input port, dQin = |Qin |/TSW is the queuing delay with |Qin | = 15000packets, dSW = 1/TSW is the
delay within the switch fabric, dQout = 0 is the queuing delay in the output ports (the queues are
empty), and dTX = S/R is the transmission delay.
⊲Solution 254.2
In this case, the input rate in terms of packets per second drops by a factor of 2: λi = R/S =
1Mpackets/s for each input port, which means a total of λtot = 10Mpackets/s, which is what the
switch fabric can process. So, there is no queuing in the input ports. The output throughput in
terms of packets per second is the same as in the previous question, λout = 2Mpackets/s. However,
now the required transmission rate on the output ports doubles, since packets are twice as large.
So, each output port can take only half of its share of traffic, meaning that the output queues now
grow at a rate of 1Mpackets/s for 15ms. So, same story as in the input. So, no packets are dropped,
and the delay is similar.
⊲Solution 255.1
We must first figure out whether W = 20 saturates the link. Transmitting one full window takes
TW = = 50ms
which is less than the time it takes for the first ACK to arrive, which is
TACK = 2d + = 102.5ms.
Therefore, each full window costs TACK = 102.5ms. We need to send a total of n = 40MB/1MSS =
40000 segments and therefore n/W = 2000 full windows. So, the total time is
T = TACK = 205s.
⊲Solution 255.2
Doubling the transmission rate would reduce the total transfer time by reducing the transfer time
for a single window, but leaving the same number of windows. So, the total time would be lower.
Conversely, doubling the window size would not change the transfer time for a single window but
would cut the number of windows in half. This is because the transmission of W ′ = 2W packets
would take TW ′ = 100ms, which is still less than the ACK time TACK = 2d + R = 102.5ms.
So, both option would reduce the time. However, the second option is much better, since it reduces
the number of windows and therefore the total time in half, while the first option would save us
very little, bringing the transfer time for a single window from TACK = 2d + R = 102.5ms to
TACK = 2d + 2R = 101.25ms, which is a minimal improvement.
⊲Solution 256.1
GET /carzaniga/antonio.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: www.inf.usi.ch
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found
Content-type: text/plain
Content-size: 43
⊲Solution 259.1
An ideal download, the time is limited only by the transmission rates. In the case of a client-server
download, the server must transmit nF bytes at a maximum rate US while each client must receive
F bytes at a maximum rate DC . Therefore, the total download time is at least Tcs > US and at least
Tcs > DFC .
In the case of a peer-to-peer download, the server must upload the entire content of the file at
least once, but not necessarily n times, since the peers can also exchange information between
themselves. So the limit on the side of the server is Tp2p > UFS bytes, each client must still download
the whole file, so Tp2p > DFC . Also, all the data exchanged in the peer-to-peer download, which is
at least nF bytes since that is what the clients download, must be transmitted into the network at
a maximum upload rate Utot = US + nUC that is the total upload rate of all the participants in the
download. So, the total download time is also limited by this transmission: Tp2p > US +nU c
Thus the two download times are limited by different factors, The limit that are due to the server
F nF
upload rate always favor the peer-to-peer download, since Tp2p > US is always better than Tcs > US ,
assuming n > 1. The same is true of the limit that is due to the total upload time in the peer-to-peer
nF nF
case, since Tp2p > US +nUc is also always better than Tcs > US .
Both client-server and peer-to-peer downloads are limited by the individual download time of the
clients T > DFC , but this limit is the same for both downloads.
In conclusion, a client-server download can never be better than a peer-to-peer download, at least
in an ideal model.
⊲Solution 259.2
As discussed for the previous question, both client-server and peer-to-peer downloads are limited
by the individual download time of the clients T > DFC , so if this is the dominating limit, then
client-server would be just as fast as peer-to-peer.
In particular, this means that
F nF
and since in our case we have DC = 4UC that in turn means that
UC <
⊲Solution 259.3
The limits are exactly the same as before, except that now the n initial peers act as the server,
so the time is still limited by the download rate T > DC or T > 4UC in terms of the upload rate.
Time is also limited by the “server” upload rate, meaning the collective rate of the n peers that are
F nF
“seeding” the file, so T > nUC . Finally, time is limited by the total peer-to-peer transfer T > (n+m)UC .
1 F m
Therefore, T = α UC
, where α is the minimum between 4, n, and 1 + n
⊲Solution 260.1
The essence of distance-vector routing is the Bellman-Ford equation, which effectively states that
the next-hop associated with an address a is the port p = fwd(a) such that cost p + Dp (a). The
resulting forwarding table is as follows:
address port
a1 4
a2 3
a3 2
a4 4
a5 3
a6 3
a7 3
a8 4
a9 1
a10 2
⊲Solution 260.2
The table would be updated as follows: follows:
address port
a1 1
a2 3
a3 2
a4 4
a5 3
a6 3
a7 1
a8 4
a9 1
a10 2
At this point the router would send the following distance vector to its neighbors:
(a1 : 13) (a2 : 35) (a3 : 26) (a4 : 20) (a5 : 24) (a6 : 10) (a7 : 6) (a8 : 10) (a9 : 26) (a10 : 22)
⊲Solution 261.1
In this case the user agent would send a conditional GET request, to which the server would reply
with only a header (no body) that essentially says that the object has not changed. The HTTP
exchange might look like this:
client → server
GET /logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: usi.ch
If-Modified-Since: Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:30:00 GMT
Connection: close
client ← server
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Connection: close
⊲Solution 262.1
Stop-and-wait means that each segment must be acknowledged before the following one is sent.
Therefore, since acknowledgments have negligible size, each error-free transmission of a segment
and the corresponding acknowledgment takes
Tsegment = + 2D = + 0.05s = 0.051s
R 1000KB/s
So, to send a 800KB file with a maximum segment size of MSS = 1KB, the sender has to send
n = 800KB/MSS = 800 segments. In the best case, every segment and the corresponding acknowl-
edgment will be received correctly, so the total time is
⊲Solution 262.2
Let’s first consider the most intuitive solution. We need to send n = 800KB/MSS = 800 segments
plus the corresponding acknowledgments. This means a total of 1600 segments. If the error
probability is p = 0.05, then we can expect that 1600 × p = 80 packets will be dropped. So, each
of those lost packets will introduce a delay equivalent to the timeout T = 0.5s. In total, A will have
n = 800 successful segment transmissions, each lasting
Tsegment = + 2D = + 0.05s = 0.051s
R 1000KB/s
plus 80 timeout delays. The total time is therefore
Ttotal = 800 × 0.051s + 80 × 0.2s = 56.8
However, this is not completely correct, since the additional packets that are resent due to errors
are also subject to errors. So, let x be the total number of packets that are necessary, in expec-
tation, to transmit n segments and n acknowledgments in the presence of an error probability p.
Thus we can write x = 2n + px from which we find
And from that we get, again in expectation, the number of errors xe = 2n 1−p = 84.21. Thus, again
in expectation, the time is
⊲Solution 263
From time t0 to t0 + 10′ each of the peers with half of the file must download up to 2F bytes at a
rate D. Therefore the time limit due to their download rate is
T ≥ = 500s = 8′ 20′′
There is also a limit for what must be uploaded by the seeder peers. We don’t know which parts are
missing for the five peers that have half of the content, but we can consider the worst case, which
is when they all have the same half of the content, and therefore they are all missing the same part
(the other half). This means that the seeder peers must upload at least half of the content with
their aggregate upload rate, so there is also a limit
F /2
T ≥ = 1000s = 16′ 40′′
Then there is the limit given by the total data that needs to be transferred, over the aggregate
upload rate of all the peers:
5 × F /2
T ≥ = 2500s = 41′ 40′′
10 × U
So, the limit is definitely the aggregate upload rate. This means that, for the first 10 minutes, the
5 peers manage to download at their share (1/5) of the maximum aggregate rate:
10 × U
R= = 200KB/s
At that rate, after 10 minutes, they have downloaded 600s × R bytes, so they each hold
+ 600s × R = 620MB
At that point, the other five peers join the party, so the total transfer size is
and therefore the time limit due to the aggregate upload rate becomes
T = 10′ + = 4600s = 10′ + 1h16′ 40′′ = 1h26′ 40′′
⊲Solution 264.1
⊲Solution 264.2
1: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 1234 80 100 0 SYN
payload: (0 bytes)
2: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 80 1234 300 101 SYN,ACK
payload: (0 bytes)
3: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 1234 80 101 301 ACK
payload: (0 bytes)
4: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 1234 80 101 0
payload: “GET /slogan.jpg HTTP/1.1. . . ” (124 bytes)
5: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 80 1234 301 225 ACK
payload: “HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified. . . ” (143 bytes)
6: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 1234 80 225 444 ACK
payload: (0 bytes)
7: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 80 1234 444 0 FIN
payload: (0 bytes)
8: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 1234 80 225 445 FIN,ACK
payload: (0 bytes)
9: src IP: dst IP: src port: dst port: seq n.: ack n.: flags: 80 1234 444 225 ACK
payload: (0 bytes)
⊲Solution 265.1
Stop-and-wait is still reliable in this case. The fundamental reason is that neither the sender nor
the receiver would send two consecutive messages without waiting for the response of the other
party. It is therefore impossible for two consecutive sender or receiver packets to be received in
the wrong order. For example, if sender sends data packet p2 with sequence number 1 after data
packet p1 with sequence number 0, that is because the receiver received data packet p1 (0) and,
in response to that, sent an acknowledgment for 0, to which the sender replied with the following
packet p2 . Therefore packet p2 will always be received after p1 .
⊲Solution 265.2
Stop-and-wait may fail in this case:
⊲Solution 266.1
The total amount of bytes that the sender could send before receiving the first acknowledgment is
R × 2d = 300KB, which is also known as the channel capacity. However, the sender can only send
MSS × W = 150KB in that same 2d interval, which is exactly half of that capacity. This tells us that
the effective throughput is half of the transmission rate, so T = R/2 = 1.5MB/s. We can get to the
same result by considering a round-trip cycles and by dividing the total amount of data effectively
transmitted by the duration of the cycle (that is, the round-trip time):
MSS × W 150KB
T = = = 1.5MB/s
2d 100ms
Now, strictly speaking, this is not completely correct. To be a bit more precise, the duration of a
round-trip cycle—the time it takes the sender to send a full window—is 2d + MSS/R, not just 2d,
so the effective throughput is
MSS × W 150KB
T = = ≈ 1.496MB/s
2d + MSS/R 100.25ms
⊲Solution 266.2
We can transfer a full window MSS × W in every round-trip cycle, so we need n = 6MB/(MSS × W ) =
40 round-trip cycles. These are n = 40 whole cycles, each requiring 2d = 100ms time (or more
precisely ∆ = 2d + MSS/R = 100.25ms). In reality, the sender would need a longer time to send a
full window: ∆full = 2d + MSS × W /R = 125s. However, when sending more than a single window,
the cycles overlap at the time the first packet is acknowledged, namely at time ∆. So, the total time
to send the n = 40 packets is
T = 39 × ∆ + 1 × ∆full = 4.03475s
⊲Solution 266.3
In this case the window size W = 100 is large enough to saturate the channel, which corresponds
to a 100% channel utilization. This is because, by the time we receive the acknowledgment of the
first packet, after ∆ = 2d + MSS/R ≈ 0.1s, we have sent only R × ∆ ≈ 100KB, which is less than
MSS × W = 150KB. So, in this case the transfer is continuous (100% utilization factor) and therefore
the total transfer time is simply
T = 6MB/R + 2d = 6.1s
⊲Solution 267
We simply account for the time spent for every exchange in the protocol. Without wanting to be
too precise, the tally is as follows:
⊲Solution 269.1
address output port matching entries 3 1,6,7 3 1,4 5 1,4,11 3 1,4 4 1,7 4 1,7 1 1 6 1,7,13 3 1,6,7 4 1,7 2 1,3,4,11 3 1,4
⊲Solution 269.2
The table is not minimal, since there are redundant entries. These are entries whose prefix rep-
resents a subset of the addresses represented by other prefixes associated with the same output
port. For example, entry 5 represents a subset of the addresses represented by entry 6, and they
are both associated with output port 3. Therefore, entry 5 can be simply eliminated. A minimal
table is as follows:
prefix port 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
⊲Solution 270.1
The router receives input packets at a rate
in = 80% × nRRX = 80% × 20 × 300MB/s = 4.8MB/s.
The switch fabric can process at most RX = 4GB/s, so after a period of time in which the input
queues fill up, the router must drop traffic at a rate Rdrop = λ∗
in − RX = 800MB/s.
In terms of packets, the maximal drop rate is obtained when all input packets have minimal length
Smin = 100B. In particular, the packet drop rate is
⊲Solution 270.2
The router receives input packets at a rate λ∗ in = 80% × nRRX = 80% × 20 × 300MB/s = 4.8MB/s
of which the switch fabric can process at most RX = 4GB/s, so the router must drop traffic at a
constant (minimal) rate Rdrop = λ∗in − RX = 800MB/s.
In the first 100ms, the traffic that makes it through the switch fabric, at a rate RX = 4GB/s, goes
to the first 10 interfaces. This means that each of the first interfaces receives traffic at a rate of
λin = RX /10 = 400MB/s, and since the interface can transmit at a maximal rate RTX = 300MB/s,
the output queues start to grow at a rate λin − RTX = 100MB/s, which means that they fill up after
t1 = = = 60ms.
λin − RTX 100MB/s
This means that during the first t1 = 50ms each of the first 10 output interfaces does not drop
traffic, and then for the remaining t − t1 = 40ms, the first 10 output interfaces drop traffic at a
rate λin − RTX = 100MB/s. Then, when the traffic switches to the other 10 interfaces, the drop
rate goes back to zero for all the first 10 interfaces, and also the queue length goes to zero after
t2 = Q/RTX = 6MB/(300MB/s) = 20ms.
In total, over the first period of t = 100ms, the router drops traffic at a rate
⊲Solution 271.1
The total time must be at least the time it would take a single client C to download the entire file,
S 100MB
Thttp ≥ = = 10s.
DC 1MB/s
However, this time is lower than the time it would take the two server hosts, A and B, to upload
the n = 15 copies of the file with their combined upload rate UA + UB = 5MB/s. This limit is
nS 1500MB
Thttp ≥ = = 300s.
UA + UB 5MB/s
The limit Thttp = 300s considers A and B as a single server with the aggregate rate of A and B. In
reality we have two separate sets of downloads, each with its own limit:
nA S nB S
Thttp ≥ Thttp ≥ with nA + nB = n.
So, the optimal distribution is such that the two individual limits are as close as possible, and
ideally identical:
nA S nB S nA UA
= ⇒ =
Intuitively, this means that, if A is α times faster than B, then the ideal distribution is such that
A gets α times more clients than B. In this case, nA = 4nb , and since nA + nb = 15, the optimal
distribution is nB = 3 and nA = 12. So, again, in this case of a perfect split, the time is
nA S nB S 1200MB 300MB
Thttp = = = = = 300s.
UA UB 4MB/s 1MB/s
⊲Solution 271.2
Again, the total time must be at least the time it would take a single client C to download the entire
file, so
S 100MB
Tp2p ≥ = = 10s.
DC 10MB/s
Also, the two seeders A and B must upload at least one copy of the whole file, so
S 100MB
Tp2p ≥ = = 20s.
UA + UB 5MB/s
Lastly, the n copies of the file must be uploaded by the aggregate of all seeders and receivers, so
nS 1500MB 1500MB
Tp2p ≥ = = < 20s.
UA + UB + nUC 5MB/s + 15 × 200MB/s 8MB/s
S 100MB
Tp2p = = = 20s.
UA + UB 5MB/s
⊲Solution 271.3
Notice first that, for n > 1, HTTP is always worse than peer-to-peer when HTTP is limited by the
upload rate of the servers as opposed to the download of the clients, that is when the limit for
HTTP is is
Thttp = .
This is because the peer-to-peer protocol has always a better aggregate upload rate, so the limit for
the peer-to-peer protocol would be
Tp2p ≥ .
UA + UB + nUC
So, in other words, HTTP can only be as good as peer-to-peer when the limit is the download rate
of the client, meaning when
nS S
which means when n ≤ UAD+U C
< 1, which means never.
Notice also that, even with a single client, HTTP is still worse, since the limit for HTTP is the upload
of the fastest server, A, so
Thttp = = 25s.
However, in this case, the peer-to-peer system can split the file over the two seeders, so the time
limit is
Tp2p = = 20s.
In conclusion, the answer is no, HTTP is never as good as peer-to-peer.
⊲Solution 273
1. A → B, seq-num=1, flags={SYN}, data-size=0, departure=0 arrival=100ms
2. A ← B, seq-num=1, ack-num=2, flags={SYN,ACK}, data-size=0, departure=100ms, arrival=200ms
3. A → B, seq-num=2, ack-num=2, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=200ms, arrival=300ms
4. A → B, seq-num=2, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=200ms, arrival=301ms
5. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=1002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=301ms, arrival=401ms
6. A → B, seq-num=1002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=401ms, arrival=502ms
7. A → B, seq-num=2002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=402ms, arrival=503ms
8. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=3002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=503ms, arrival=603ms
9. A → B, seq-num=3002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=603ms, arrival=704ms
10. A → B, seq-num=4002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=604ms, arrival=705ms
11. A → B, seq-num=5002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=605ms, arrival=706ms
12. A → B, seq-num=6002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=606ms, arrival=707ms
13. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=5002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=705ms, arrival=805ms
14. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=7002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=707ms, arrival=807ms
15. A → B, seq-num=7002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=805ms, arrival=906ms
16. A → B, seq-num=8002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=806ms, arrival=907ms
17. A → B, seq-num=9002, flags={}, data-size=1000, departure=807ms, arrival=908ms
18. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=9002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=907ms, arrival=1007ms
19. A ← B, seq-num=2, ack-num=10002, flags={ACK}, data-size=0, departure=1408ms, arrival=1508ms
⊲Solution 274
Link-state advertisements define links in a graph. With all the link-state advertisements, we build
the network graph, then we compute the shortest paths from a, b, and c to all other nodes,
respectively. Real routers use Dijkstra’s algorithm. Here, with such a small network graph, we can
do that intuitively in our head. We then write the table for router a by writing, for each destination,
the next-hop router towards that destination on the shortest path. We do the same for b and c.
⊲Solution 277.1
The shortest possible path between two hosts A and B is two hops through a single switch X, so
A → X → B. In this case, a packet going from A to X and then to B would have to first go through
the transmission queue of the A → X link, then propagate to X, then be processed at X, then go
through the transmission queue of the X → B link, then propagate to B. In the best case, all queues
are empty, so the queuing delays are zero. So, the total delay is:
dtot = dp + + dX + dp
And the round-trip time is simply twice this delay:
RTT min = 2(2dp + + dX )
⊲Solution 277.2
If hosts A and B are four hops away from each other, then that means that the packet goes through
three switches and four transmission links. So, the total one-way delay is:
dtot = 4dQTX + 4dp + 4 + 3dQX + 3dX
where dQTX is the delay due to a transmission queue, and dQX is the delay due to the processing
queue in a switch. In general, the rate at which each link empties its queue is the same rate RTX at
which the link transmits, so the transmission queuing delay is dQTX = q/RTX where q is the length
of the queue in bytes. In fact, the total transmission delay for a packet at the end of a queue is
the transmission time for the size of the whole queue, including that packet, plus the propagation
delay. In the worst case, all queues are full, so for each link we have the total delay
dlink =
Similarly, the total delay for each switch is the queuing delay plus the processing delay. In the
worst case, when all queues are full, the delay for each switch is
dswitch = + dX
In total, we have
dtot = 4dQlink + 3dswitch = 4 +3 + 3dX
⊲Solution 277.3
A switch with n adjacent links must process incoming traffic at a maximal total byte-rate of nRTX ,
corresponding to a packet rate of nRTX /s for an average packet size of s bytes per packet. When
this rate exceeds the maximal processing rate RX of the switch, then there packets must be queued
up. If that conditions persists, the switch will have to drop packets at a rate
Rdrop = − RX
⊲Solution 279.1
The total time must be at least the minimal time it would take one of the B hosts to download the
entire file, so
T ≥ = = 1000s
DB 1MB/s
The total time must also be at least the time it would take A to upload the whole file:
T ≥ = = 1666s
UA 600KB/s
However, the total time is also affected by the maximal aggregate upload rates. We can derive the
best-case time by computing the total input rate of the network, which will be needed to transmit
the total amount of traffic 4S that must necessarily flow through the network.
4S 4GB
T ≥ = ≈ 2800s
UA + 4UB 600KB/s + 800KB/s
So, the total time is at least 2800s which is more than 30 minutes.
⊲Solution 279.2
As we have seen, the total time depends on the aggredate upload rate for the whole peer-to-peer
4S 4GB
T ≥ = ≈ 2800s
UA + 4UB 600KB/s + 800KB/s
So, for sure option (3), doubling the download speed DB , has no effect. Between option (1), that
is, doubling A’s upload rate UA , and option (2), doubling the upload rate of the B hosts, UB , it is
better to choose the latter, since UA = 600KB/s contributes less than the aggregate upload rate
4 × 200KB/s = 800KB/s of the B hosts. In this case, with UB′ = 2UB , the total download time would
4S 4GB
T ≥ = ≈ 1800s
UA + 4UB′ 600KB/s + 1600KB/s
which still dominates both the single upload limit for A, and the single download for B.