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Mil Week 13 DLL - 093933

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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Busco, Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon

Teacher Learning Area
Dates and Time Quarter
7:30am-8:30am (G11 Daffodil) Week 13
9:45am-10:45am (G11 Dahlia)
10:45pm-11:45pm (G11 Carnation)


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
B. Performance Standards The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
C. Learning 1. Realizes opportunities and challenges in media and information MIL11/12OCP-IIIh24
Competencies/Objectives 2. Researches and cites recent examples of the power of media and information to affect change MIL11/12OCP-IIIh25
3. Evaluates current trends in media and information and how it will affect/how they affect individuals and the society as a whole MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-26
4. Describes massive open on-line MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-26
a. Analyze current trends in media and information to predict their potential impact on individuals and society.
b. Appreciate the power of media and information to drive positive change, fostering a sense of responsibility in consumption and dissemination.
c. Demonstrate effective research skills by gathering and citing recent examples of media and information influence on societal dynamics, utilizing digital tools
and platforms.

A. References Media and Information Literacy - Senior High School Module 1 (DEPED RESOURCES)
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Other Learning Resources Online Articles and Resources
5. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, Laptop
Reviewing the previous Begin with a quick 10-minute Recap the importance of Recap the importance of Recap the importance of
lesson or presenting the review of the key points from understanding media influence on understanding current trends in understanding media influence
new lesson Legal, Ethical, and Societal societal dynamics. media and information. on societal dynamics and
(Interactive Approach) Issues in Media and Introduce the objectives for Introduce the objectives for current trends.
Information. Ask students to today's lesson. today's lesson. Introduce the objectives for
share what they remember. today's lesson.

Establishing a purpose for Motivation: Motivation:

the lesson / presenting Show pictures Show pictures
examples / instances of the (Pictologics) by Shirban Sasi 2012 (Pictologics) by Shirban Sasi 2012
new lesson ● Share recent news articles or social media posts highlighting ● Share recent articles or studies discussing emerging trends
the influence of media on societal issues. in media and information.
● Discuss the importance of understanding media trends for ● Discuss the potential impact of these trends on individuals
informed decision-making. and society.
● Share recent case studies or news articles showcasing how ● Share recent examples of media campaigns or movements
media and information have influenced social change. that have affected social change.
● Discuss the impact of these examples on individuals and ● Discuss how these examples illustrate the power of media
society as a whole. and information to influence attitudes and behaviors.

Discussing new concepts ● Lead a discussion on ● Lead a discussion on

and practicing new skills current trends in media effective research ● Lead a discussion on ● Lead a discussion on
(Interactive Approach) and information, such as strategies for finding current trends such as recent examples of
social media algorithms, credible sources and digitalization, artificial media impact, such as
fake news, or digital evidence. intelligence, or data viral social media
privacy. ● Demonstrate how to privacy. movements or
● Encourage students to properly cite sources ● Explain the concept of documentary films.
share their perspectives using MLA or APA massive open online ● Encourage students to
and experiences related format. courses (MOOCs) and critically analyze the
to media consumption. ● Provide guidance on using their relevance to media strategies used in these
● Brainstorm strategies for digital tools and platforms and information literacy. examples to effect
critically analyzing for research, such as ● Discuss how MOOCs can change.
media content and online databases or be used to enhance media
identifying credible academic search engines. literacy skills and stay
sources. informed about current
Developing mastery ● Divide students into ● Assign students to ● Assign students to ● Divide students into
(Learning by Doing by John small groups and assign research and analyze a research a specific media small groups and
Dewey) each group a specific recent example of media trend or MOOC related to assign each group a
media trend to research. influence on societal media literacy. recent example of
● In their groups, students dynamics. ● Students will analyze the media influence on
will gather information, ● Students will gather potential impact of the societal dynamics.
analyze its potential information, cite sources, trend or course on ● Students will research
impact, and prepare a and prepare a presentation individuals and society. the example, gather
brief presentation. or written analysis. ● Encourage students to evidence, and prepare
● Encourage collaboration ● Encourage students to critically evaluate the a presentation or
and peer feedback critically evaluate the credibility of their written analysis.
during the research credibility and bias of sources and present their ● Encourage
process. their sources. findings. collaboration and peer
feedback during the
research process.

Finding practical ● Discuss real-life ● Discuss how research ● Discuss how individuals ● Discuss how
applications of concepts scenarios where skills can be applied can stay updated on individuals can
and skills in daily living understanding media beyond academic settings, media trends and access leverage media and
trends can influence such as in the workplace MOOCs to enhance their information to
decision-making, such or when making personal media literacy skills. advocate for causes
as voting, purchasing decisions. ● Brainstorm ways students they care about.
products, or engaging ● Brainstorm ways students can incorporate media ● Brainstorm ways
with social issues. can use digital tools to literacy concepts into students can use their
● Brainstorm ways stay informed and engage their daily lives, such as understanding of
students can apply with current events fact-checking information media influence to
media literacy skills in responsibly. or critically analyzing become agents of
their everyday lives. media content. positive change in
their communities.

Making generalizations and Structured Essay Structured Essay Structured Essay

abstractions about the (Trigwell, K 1992) (Trigwell, K 1992) ● Lead a class discussion (Trigwell, K 1992)
lesson ● Lead a class discussion ● Lead a class discussion on on the importance of ● Lead a class
(Interactive Approach) on the role of media the ethical considerations staying informed about discussion on the
literacy in promoting of using media and media trends and the role ethical considerations
informed citizenship and information to affect of MOOCs in media of using media to
responsible media change. literacy education. effect change and the
consumption. ● Encourage students to ● Encourage students to responsibilities of
● Encourage students to reflect on the importance reflect on how they can media producers and
reflect on how their of critical thinking and apply their understanding consumers.
perspectives have responsible research of media trends and ● Encourage students to
evolved throughout the practices. MOOCs to become more reflect on the potential
lesson. informed and responsible risks and benefits of
media consumers. media activism.

Evaluating learning ● Assess student ● Assess student ● Assess student ● Assess student
understanding through understanding through understanding through understanding through
participation in their research their presentations or their presentations or
discussions and group presentations or written written analyses of media written analyses of
presentations. analyses. trends and MOOCs. recent examples of
● Ask students to reflect ● Provide feedback on their ● Provide feedback on their media influence.
on their learning research skills, citing analysis, critical thinking ● Provide feedback on
objectives and identify practices, and analysis of skills, and ability to their analysis, research
areas for further media examples. communicate effectively. skills, and ability to
exploration. articulate their ideas

Additional activities for ● Assign homework tasks, ● Offer extra credit ● Invite a guest speaker, ● Assign a follow-up
application or remediation such as analyzing a opportunities for students such as a media studies activity where students
news article or social to conduct in-depth professor or industry create their own media
media post and research on a expert, to discuss current campaign or project
evaluating its credibility media-related topic of trends in media and aimed at affecting
and potential impact. their choice and present information. positive change in
● Provide resources for their findings to the class. ● Assign a reflective their community.
further reading or ● Provide resources for journal entry where ● Provide resources for
exploration of media further exploration of students can explore their further exploration of
literacy topics. research methodologies own experiences with media activism and
and citation styles. media consumption and social change
reflect on how they can initiatives.
apply media literacy
concepts in their lives.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher SHS Academic Coordinator School Principal

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