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Research Paper Topics On Juvenile Justice

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Struggling with crafting a thesis on juvenile justice? You're not alone.

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selecting the right research paper topic to conducting thorough research and presenting your findings
coherently, the journey can be overwhelming.

Research paper topics on juvenile justice require in-depth understanding and analysis of various
aspects, including legal frameworks, social dynamics, psychological factors, and the impact of
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and empirical evidence adds another layer of challenge.

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Data indicate that lethal violence is not distributed evenly across the population. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The article's strengths can be attributed to
the method testing 33 possible predicators for juvenile recidivism. There are juvenile correctional
facilities that resemble adult prisons and jails that normally practice adult correctional practices on
youth such as solitary confinement, strip searches, and the use of chemical and mechanical restraints.
(Juvenile Law Center). He believed the environment shapes behavior and that children identify those
aspects of their environment they find pleasing and which ones are painful; their behavior is the
result of the consequences it produces. Numerous research studies have been conducted on juvenile
delinquents who obtain. When a juvenile is arrested and charged with committing a crime there are
many different factors that will come in to play during the course of his arrest, trial, conviction,
sentencing, and rehabilitation process. In Santa Cruz, at an apartment complex on the 26th of July,
2015, eight-year-old Madyson was lured by her fifteen-year-old neighbor Adrian with ice cream to
his mothers apartment. I have tried to throw light on those factors which play an important role in
making a child delinquent and what are the methods by which we can stop a child from becoming
delinquent and also the laws which have been made for juveniles. Gun control will continue to be a
serious challenge for the juvenile justice system. I know a lot of organizations and groups are
fighting for this law to be passed. If an individual is eligible for such a sealing order, the court must
notify the person in writing of their potential eligibility. The hearings were behind closed doors,
closed off to the public. It would grant each youth individual attention and time to help them
personally. For example, you can check out the database of essays to find any examples on the topic
to find examples you need. Here are a few potential research paper topics that might be of interest to
someone working in the field of juvenile justice: The impact of trauma on juvenile offenders: Many
young people who end up in the juvenile justice system have experienced trauma in their lives, such
as abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence. Huizinga, Schumann, Ehret and Elliott undertook a study
in Colorado and Germany pertaining to the differences that exist between juvenile justice systems in
the two states. Whereas recidivism rates are much lower in the county where youths remain closer to
their homes, easily able to participate in rehabilitation and treatment programs. A 2015 report by the
Council of State Governments Justice Center revealed that. But there is one area in which we ignore
teens’ youth and impulsiveness: our criminal laws,” (Deruy, 2015). Therefore, juvenile justice
programs underscore various juvenile justice programs which are developed in order to reduce
several levels of delinquency and also to ensure that certain attitudes related to this are controlled in
order to reduce related risks. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. The factors that are considered for the waiver process include the
minimum age which usually varies from state to state, the type and level of the offense and a
previous record of delinquency. Depending on the case, and if the actions of Jack were not the
serious the arresting offices may want to set up a conference with the parents and the juvenile;
however in the case of Jack a custodial arrest was made based on the severity of the case and was
transfer to a juvenile detention. Often times children will commit little crimes and that can tarnish a
lot of things in the future for them that they are unaware of. Overall, our justice is slowly coming to
an understanding that our youth justice system needs some revisions. More so because we are aware
that other laws have been set in favor of the youths. In the instant study and research proposal, the
principal object of the undertaking is the case of schoolchildren from the Bronx of New York City
whose mothers are behind bars. Regrettably, these strategies have not successfully achieved the
objective of preventing juveniles from reentering the system. Today, Juveniles do not possess the
same constitutional rights when charged with a crime as adults do. Wilson, who murdered a man at
age 17, was released as a result of favorable resentencing hearings.
Improvements have been advocated for by different stakeholders who reason that the generational
changes necessitate it. These are the psychologists, social scientists and the parents or the guardians.
There are juvenile correctional facilities that resemble adult prisons and jails that normally practice
adult correctional practices on youth such as solitary confinement, strip searches, and the use of
chemical and mechanical restraints. (Juvenile Law Center). The future calls for law enforcers to
maintain friendly and beneficial relations with the juveniles to rule out fear and sense of negativity
among the minors. In 2003 a three year old girl was whipped, pummeled and starved to death.
However, many changes to the initial system as it were have taken place. That is a situation that
should have not be acceptable, one of the biggest causes of Juvenile Delinquency is the lack of
attention that parents give to their children. By refining public safety and youth development by
demanding more effective interventions than correctional facilities provide, it has been found to be
beneficial to the minors; once they have been enrolled in the intervention programs dedicated for
them. From this observation, the juveniles would become aware of crime prevention programs within
the community and shun away from the. Luckily, the REDEEM act really is in favor for a lot youth.
These rates are largely driven by violence by teens and young adults. Although this group is
statistically small, they account for more than half of the juvenile delinquency occurring in a
population and even greater levels of the most violent offenses, such as murder, rape, and armed
robbery. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Vincent G.M.
2012. 1-2. Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: Identifying Mental Health Needs
and Risk of Reoffending. The major criminal behavior caused by substance abuse by a juvenile is
driving under the influence. When these children lash out, it is seen as normal since they “have a
harder life”. Status offenses are behaviors that are considered inappropriate or unhealthy for children
and adolescents, and the behaviors are proscribed because of the age of the offender. The factors are
age, substance abuse, family issues, and gangs. There is an extremely high prevalence of youth
involved in the juvenile justice system who deal with educational and mental health issues. Child
maltreatment can take various forms, and some children may experience multiple types. It should be
noted that 23 states allow for reverse waiver. The study on the justice performance lacks measurable
units of analysis and thus poses a challenge of authenticity of the findings. The purpose of the
juvenile justice system in the Philippines is to provide a way for young offenders to be rehabilitated
and reintegrated into society. This may be harsh considering that children especially in the adoles. In
fact, the levels are lower than those reached in the late 1970s. The schools also develop a number of
group activities to change the ego and super ego of these children. This can demolish any plans of a
child trying to do better after commiting a crime. Parens Patriae is defined as “a doctrine that allows
the state to step in and serve as a guardian for children, the mentally ill, the incompetent, the elderly,
or disabled persons who are unable to care for themselves.” An example of this is how a judge has
power to change custody of a child. These children learn these behaviors from outside sources.
Although this group is statistically small, they account for more than half of the juvenile delinquency
occurring in a population and even greater levels of the most violent offenses, such as murder, rape,
and armed robbery. By refining public safety and youth development by demanding more effective
interventions than correctional facilities provide, it has been found to be beneficial to the minors;
once they have been enrolled in the intervention programs dedicated for them. For instance, in Utah,
the minimum age is 14-15 years old, which is among the eldest in the country. This would involve
initiatives that would foster positive relationship with the family and the community at large (Pranis,
1998). Harp C., Bell D., Bazemore G. and Thomas D.2006. 3. A guide for developing and
implementing performance for juvenile justice system. APRI. June 2006. 1-64. A significant number
of young people involved in the juvenile justice system are transition age youth, ranging from 16-25
years of age. In addition to that, for the youth with multiple psychosocial problems, evidence-based
treatments that are designed for single disorders are not sufficient enough to help them recover. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. It was clear that though being on the
offensive side, these youngsters were not favored by the common system hence the need to set up a
trial and justice system under which the minors were to be corrected. Project Connect, a program
aimed to link juvenile probationers with mental health and substance use services, is a good example
of an interagency collaboration effort. They struggle to focus on changing their thinking and
behavior because they are more focused on surviving. Today thirty-three states have academies that
train, test, and certify staff as youth workers. Because delinquency is a legal ascription rather than a
behaviorally based description and local practices vary widely, a broad range f youths are classified
as delinquents. This would involve taking responsibility for one’s behavior, take the necessary action
to repair any harm caused and be ready to change (NCJRS, 2000). Education and mental health
services need to be treated as the most important factor in the rehabilitation of this group, rather than
just another resource in the system. However, the Juvenile Justice system has no special facilities for
young offenders and even fewer programs are created specifically for them. This type of matter
requires judicial system protection for children receiving harmful care. Whereas recidivism rates are
much lower in the county where youths remain closer to their homes, easily able to participate in
rehabilitation and treatment programs. A 2015 report by the Council of State Governments Justice
Center revealed that. This therefore necessitated designing measurable qualitative aspects of the
system performances in order to have effective analysis in the future. If you would like us to help
you write a similar essay on any topic don’t hesitate to let us know. At 15 years old, most teens are in
their second year of high school and dealing with the struggles of learning algebraic expressions or
who they’re bringing to the homecoming dance. For example, prototypical of the current
psychological discourse related to youth and the hormonal imbalance issue, criminologists view
youths as subjects to a number. MST specializes in evidence-based mental health treatments, and
psychiatric support for medication monitoring. The future of juvenile justice system will be shaped
by a well-structured law enforcement approach and positive community involvement. Our youth
offenders deserve this opportunity to redeem themselves. Improvements have been advocated for by
different stakeholders who reason that the generational changes necessitate it. The integrated care
program effectively increased access to mental health services, delivering essential services to this
complex population of troubled youth. They are more reasonable and fair to the victim, the juvenile
offenders and the criminal justice system. Although specific drug choices may change for juveniles
in the future, it is unlikely that drug problems will decrease; currently, cocaine and methamphetamine
are their drugs of choice. These are the psychologists, social scientists and the parents or the
This system also protects juveniles from any harsh treatment they might receive from the criminal
justice system. A reform needs to be made in order to continue to support the decline in incarceration
rates is to change the requirements and standards for correctional placement based on the type of
crime committed. And I have found, in my own experience, that there are salvageable young people
who have committed some very horrible kinds of crimes, who are able to get their lives together and
be productive members of society.” -Judge LaDoris Cordell (American Bar Association, 2000). The
authors are in agreement that most of the current literature is. Juvenile Justice The positivist
worldview explains that humans are shaped by their society and they are product of their
environmental and cultural influences. Such an approach as Markman (2007) notes would be in
accordance to parens patriae doctrine in protecting, rehabilitating and healing process. What are the
three main components of the juvenile justice system. Luckily, the REDEEM act really is in favor for
a lot youth. The role of the family in preventing juvenile offending: Research has shown that strong,
supportive family relationships can be a protective factor against criminal behavior in young people.
Giving the resources and guidance will help change a lot for our future of not just our youth but our
youth offenders. According to the team, performance measurement was important in analyzing the
accomplishments that the systems have been having over time and in the end suggest probable
mechanisms and policies to effectuate the desired performance of the justice systems. However, they
found out that no measurable features concerning the performance existed and this made their study
unsuccessful. This shows that America is waking up and understands that just “ throwing away the
key” on our youth is not the answer. Most importantly, these are young people we are talking about.
The resultant implications of the above literature are that juvenile systems as designed work with a
lot of rigidity. Although these exist to protect juveniles, many states still house adults and youths
together, allowing for these traumatic events to occur to youths (Lahey, 2016). If granted, the
offense, criminal proceeding, conviction, or sentence shall be treated as if it never occurred.” This
act helps so many children caught in the justice system. However, many changes to the initial system
as it was have taken place. Research shows that children brought up in an environment full of
conflict, rejected with their parents or lack adequate parent supervision when they are growing up are
likely to become delinquent. Adding a lack of seamless interplay between the systems makes the
situation even worse. Juvenile criminal behavior includes carrying weapons, participating in physical
fights, driving under the influence, stealing, vandalism, etc. You can use essay samples to find ideas
and inspiration for your paper. There is the need for programs like Youth Community Centers, After
School Programs, Youth Leadership Programs, Family Support Programs and Mentoring Programs,
which help in creating positive living among the juveniles that had gone off the track rather than
labeling the youths as criminals (Champion, 2003). However, traditional education is more so than
not extremely difficult to implement in the juvenile system and actually be effective. The Center For
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines obesity as “Weight that is higher than what is
considered as a healthy weight for a given height.”. For instance, in Utah, the minimum age is 14-15
years old, which is among the eldest in the country. However, many changes to the initial system as it
were have taken place. To help the teen, it would be important to facilitate a cordial relationship
between the youth, the family, and community, which would indicate the extent of reforming the
teen has undergone. Giving up on our youth and turning our backs to them will not help with turning
them into a healthy and active society member. It all starts with teaching children right from wrong.
What many do not realize now is that juveniles are greatly affected by this system as well.
According to the UCR in 2010, juveniles accounted for 13.7 percent of violent crime arrests, and
12.6 percent of general criminal arrests. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie
policy. However, the effects in arrests and sanctions affected had little impact in changing the future
prospects of the same crimes happening. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the
Administration of Juvenile Justice (“The Beijing Rules”). 29 November. There are only four
intervention programs in the United States that have been successful and have truly made an impact.
If you would like us to help you write a similar essay on any topic don’t hesitate to let us know. Here
are a few potential research paper topics that might be of interest to someone working in the field of
juvenile justice: The impact of trauma on juvenile offenders: Many young people who end up in the
juvenile justice system have experienced trauma in their lives, such as abuse, neglect, or exposure to
violence. Although the rate of juveniles arrested and held in correctional centers have decreased over
the years, juveniles in confinement compared to the years past, are still held in correctional centers
for both violent and non-violent crimes. This shows that America is waking up and understands that
just “ throwing away the key” on our youth is not the answer. Juveniles also face sexual abuse, injury,
death, and violence when they are imprisoned alongside with adult inmates and prison staff.
Unfortunately, little is known about the effectiveness of evidence-based mental health treatments in
justice settings, and such treatments are rarely available to justice-involved youth (Zajac, 2015). The
new policies being implemented in the juvenile system, are now allowing juvenile offenders who
have committed capital crimes, to be taken to the criminal court instead of the preferred juvenile
court (Cothern, 2000). Others, believe that socio-path exhibit these behaviors early on and are a
danger to society. Although these exist to protect juveniles, many states still house adults and youths
together, allowing for these traumatic events to occur to youths (Lahey, 2016). Positive
reinforcements in response to academic achievement, such as diplomas and certificates, are also
extremely helpful in increasing aspiration to learn. What to write about in the juvenile justice system
essay. The ultimate goal of the American Juvenile Justice System is to “ensure public safety, skill
development, habilitation, rehabilitation, address treatment needs, and reintegration of youth into the
community.”. This can demolish any plans of a child trying to do better after commiting a crime.
When it gets to formal processing, it will either get a waiver into the adult court, or it will flow into
adjudication. There are different types of effective programming, however all play important parts in
the reformation process. The track system first goes through a referral from either a non law
enforcement source or a law enforcement source. This system also protects juveniles from any harsh
treatment they might receive from the criminal justice system. The hearings were behind closed
doors, closed off to the public. Internet information gathered from US Department of justice (DoJ)
websites1. The factors that are considered for the waiver process include the minimum age which
usually varies from state to state, the type and level of the offense and a previous record of
delinquency. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Why Juvenile
Delinquency Is Higher in the Working Classes. Beyond developmental influences, additional risk
factors associated with youth ending up in the juvenile justice system are cognitive deficits, low
school involvement, living in poverty, or being runaway or homeless. (Gottesman and Schwartz
2011)”. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Additionally, this progress will be greatly beneficial to them if they are released from the
justice system and allowed to reenter the community because they can apply these skills that they
have developed through the program into real life situations.
In addition, the high costs associated with institutionalization will cause the deinstitutionalization
movement to expand. Understanding the legal issue regarding juveniles 3. Distant from having an
integral structure that guards the poor against the affluent, there is a justice constitution that ditches
the poor. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act was modified in 1977, 1980, 1984,
1988, and as recently as 2002. More often, simple mechanisms of talking and loving the juveniles
work better than the justice system. Violent Juvenile Offenders Research the psychology of children
and teens accused of murder, rape, kidnapping and school violence. The current reformation process
of teenagers in the US juvenile justice system is largely aimed toward retributive justice. The
researchers conducted indicate varying causes of improper behavior to kids. This being so, people
under this age do not have the same thinking process as people 25 and older. Later, industrial
training schools for young juvenile law violators and reformatories for youthful criminals were
established often in rural areas. Juvenile Justice: A Social, Historical and Legal Perspective. What is
the importance of studying the causes of juvenile delinquency. Huizinga, Schumann, Ehret and
Elliott undertook a study in Colorado and Germany pertaining to the differences that exist between
juvenile justice systems in the two states. Because of this, the juvenile justice system has programs
that suit crimes committed by. The juvenile justice system provides an opportunity for juveniles to be
treated differently from. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper.
Proponents of justice believe that children have the same rights as adults. In this light, therefore, the
community has to form close ties with law enforcing agencies like the police. Giving the resources
and guidance will help change a lot for our future of not just our youth but our youth offenders.
Harp C., Bell D., Bazemore G. and Thomas D.2006. 3. A guide for developing and implementing
performance for juvenile justice system. APRI. June 2006. 1-64. This gives the opportunity for
providers and policymakers involved in the systems to impact large numbers of extremely vulnerable
youth. This is erroneous in that the world is dynamic and hence the need for constant and regular
reviews to our systems of justice. The case is eight-year-old Madyson Middleton murdered by
fifteen-year-old Adrian Gonzalez. But the media thrives on sensationalism, so they make it appear
that crime is everywhere in order to sell more news papers, or have people watch their broadcast.
They are simply to young to give up on when they have a whole life to live. However, many changes
to the initial system as it were have taken place. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing
Research, International FDP on. The Criminal Justice system exists in the United states as a source
of regulation to prevent societal chaos. The resultant implications of the above literature are that
juvenile systems as designed work with a lot of rigidity. The track system first goes through a referral
from either a non law enforcement source or a law enforcement source.
Everyone makes mistakes, even adults well into their lives. If an individual is eligible for such a
sealing order, the court must notify the person in writing of their potential eligibility. Little is the
review to the systems from the original formation to the way they are currently operating. According
to the authors, certain factors act as an obstacle to the. The juvenile justice system can be dated back
to the late 18th and early 19th century. Over time, the puritanical approach to defining, correcting,
and punishing juvenile delinquency came under attack. Educational engagement improves academic
performance and reduces disciplinary referrals and drop out. Giving the resources and guidance will
help change a lot for our future of not just our youth but our youth offenders. This is why the US
juvenile justice system needs to be reformed and geared toward restorative justice rather than
retributive justice. According to a study named “healing invisible wounds”, establishing children
who suffer stress or trauma along the juvenile justice is not done or when done, it is done
inappropriately. This can be attributed to various behaviors exhibited by these children including
truancy, vagrancy, running away from home, and susceptibility to influence. Positive reinforcements
in response to academic achievement, such as diplomas and certificates, are also extremely helpful in
increasing aspiration to learn. Such an approach as Markman (2007) notes would be in accordance to
parens patriae doctrine in protecting, rehabilitating and healing process. Juveniles’ consumption of
alcohol will also remain a persistent problem with no signs of improvement. This disparity and
discrimination often work to instill bitterness to the kids who ultimately reiterate with committing
crime the more. The hearings were behind closed doors, closed off to the public. Although this group
is statistically small, they account for more than half of the juvenile delinquency occurring in a
population and even greater levels of the most violent offenses, such as murder, rape, and armed
robbery. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or
phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The statistics of the national juvenile arrest rate for all
offenses in 1996 was 8,476.1 arrests of minors which was the highest rate of the past two decades.
Available information on juvenile delinquency, therefore, presents the Juvenile Justice system with
various important decision-making considerations on the criminal actions or omissions by minors that
may amount to a breach of the effective laws. Communities in which criminal activities are common
tend to establish criminal behavior as acceptable. Parens Patriae is defined as “a doctrine that allows
the state to step in and serve as a guardian for children, the mentally ill, the incompetent, the elderly,
or disabled persons who are unable to care for themselves.” An example of this is how a judge has
power to change custody of a child. Refuge legislation embodied three legal innovations: a formal
agebased distinction between juvenile and adult offenders and their institutional separation; the use
of indeterminate commitments; and a broadened legal authority, parens patriae, that encompassed
both criminal offenders and neglected and incorrigible children. A lot of kids I was around simply
had no guidance they were in foster care. It turns out that initially the juvenile justice system was
supposed to protect juvenile offenders in the face of justice, as well as contribute to the formation of
a special policy for considering cases of offenses involving children. When these children lash out, it
is seen as normal since they “have a harder life”. In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court Decision In re
Gault, determined youth charged with delinquency in juvenile courts to have the same due process
rights given to adults accused of crimes. The juvenile justice system can only be effective by
administering trauma related treatment to the victims and involving group and family correction.
Kids often suffering from parental neglect or abuse engage in criminal activities. The referral leads to
the intake which can result in detention, being diverted from the juvenile justice system, waiver to
the adult court, or it can go into formal processing.

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