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Ozono Terepaia en Convalecientes COVID 19 - 1609153795

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IJMPR 2020, 4(6), 94-107 ISSN: 2319-5878

Lizette et al. IJMPR

International Journal of Modern Pharmaceutical Research
International Journal of Modern Research Article
Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor: 5.273


Lizette Gil-del-Valle1*, Olga Elena López-Fernández2, Joniel Arnoldo Sánchez- Márquez2, Zullyt Zamora-
Rodríguez3, Ana Librada Carballo- Reyes3, Lidia Asela Fernández-García3, Mario Manuel Delgado-Guerra2,
Faustina Fonseca-Betancourt2, Ernesto Miyares-Díaz4, Yasmina Piloto Orraca4, Yusimit Bermudez-Alfonso1,
Maria Carla Hdez Glez-Abreu1, Sarahi Mendoza-Castaño3, Yamila Ramona de Armas-Aguila5
Pharmacological Research Department, Institute “Pedro Kourí” (IPK), Autopista Novia del Mediodía km 6 ½, Havana,
Hospital Ernesto Guevara, University of Informatics‟ Science, Carretera a San Antonio de los Baños Km 2½, Rpto.
Torrens, Havana, Cuba.
National Center for Scientific Research, BioCubaFarma, Avenida 25 No.15202 esq. calle 21. Reparto Cubanacan,
Havana, Cuba.
Placenta Histotherapy Center, 1402 Calle 18, Havana, Cuba.
Ministry of Health, Avenida 23 # 201 entre Calle M y Calle N. Vedado, Havana, Cuba.

Received on: 01/11/2020 ABSTRACT

Revised on: 22/11/2020
Context: Inflammatory responses induced by SARS CoV-2 and also metabolic effects
Accepted on: 12/12/2020 of drugs used could increase generation of endogenous reactive oxygen species which
persist after viral recovering contributing to detrimental outcomes. Recommendations
*Corresponding Author for therapeutic strategies are suggested in order to reestablish balance between
Lizette Gil-del-Valle
oxidative damage and antioxidant system. Aims: Determining the effect of BIOPLA
and rectal insufflation ozone therapy (RIO3T) intervention in Cubans SARS-CoV-2
Pharmacological Research
convalescent patients. Materials and methods: Forty patients received 1-BIOPLA
Department, Institute “Pedro capsule (400 mg) daily or 2-BIOPLA capsule plus RIO3T daily during one month. The
Kourí” (IPK), Autopista assessment of patients considers anthropometry, symptoms, chemical, haematological,
Novia del Mediodía km 6 ½, and five plasma redox indexes. Twenty presumable healthy subjects were studied and
Havana, Cuba. considered as control group. For evaluating the effect of interventions all variables
measured in final session were compared with the baseline values. Adverse reaction
was checked during follow-up. Different statistical analyses were done. Results:
Relatively to the control group, both groups of convalescent patients had significant
differences in some redox, chemical and haematological indexes at baseline (p<0,05).
Effect evaluation showed beneficial improves in both treated groups resulting in 85%
of patients for BIOPLA plus RIO3T and 37% for BIOPLA (p<0,05). Considering all
redox indexes values of groups at initial and final extraction, multivariate statistical
analysis clearly separated groups, obtaining two canonical functions (p< 0,05).
Symptoms were totally reduced. No side effects were observed. Conclusions: These
results corroborate that substantial oxidative stress and symptoms persists in COVID
19 post condition ameliorating with RIO3T and BIOPLA interventions. Redox indexes
diagnosis is worthwhile to conduct a more comprehensive study and manage of

KEYWORDS: Oxidative stress, SARS-CoV-2, ozonetherapy, supplementation,


INTRODUCTION are affected worldwide since December 2019 to

November 2020.[1-3]
There is lack of a specific treatment for COVID-19, a
recent outbreak discovered in Wuhan, China; resulting in
Patients with COVID-19 (who were infected by SARS-
a highly contagious disease that spread throughout China
CoV-2) are reported to present symptoms varying from
and other countries and caused global concern and
fever, dry cough, myalgia, fatigue, and diarrhea, etc. in
emergency. According to the World Health Organization
relation to the patients' age and morbidities associated.
report, 250 countries with almost 61 million of persons
Recent published research suggests that SARS-CoV-2
produced marked inflammatory and immune responses

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that may activate a “cytokine storm”, and apoptosis of still present a high level of inflammation and persistent
epithelial cells and endothelial cells; subsequently, symptoms for at least two months after onset of disease,
vascular leakage, abnormal T cell and macrophages despite resolution of viral infection.[29-31] A significant
responses ensue and induce oxidative stress (OS) number of patients who have tested positive for SARS-
status.[4-6] CoV-2 virus remain unwell beyond three weeks after
negative test, and also for months. Some people‟s
Many host cellular factors have been identified as being recovery is prolonged with most common symptoms as
involved in the viral infection and the various steps of fatigue, dyspnea, joint pain, and chest pain.[32] These
the life cycle or viral products interfere with the events caused in part by persistent viraemia in other
homeostasis of cellular metabolism, thus triggering a fluids and organs than nasopharyngeal, due to weak or
stress pressure to the host cell. In general, cellular absent antibody response, relapse or reinfection,
metabolism steadily produces reactive oxygen species inflammatory and other immune reactions,
(ROS), as a byproduct of the normal aerobic metabolism, deconditioning, and mental factors such as post-
by a variety of enzymes in mitochondria, endoplasmic traumatic stress may all contribute and it´s related to to
reticulum (ER), and peroxisome compartments, and oxidative tone.[29,31] Long term respiratory,
simultaneously the oxide molecules are removed to keep musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric sequelae have
the balance.[7-10] Also immunological cells produce ROS been described for other coronaviruses (SARS and
as effector response to pathogens attributable to its MERS), and these have pathophysiological parallels with
antimicrobial properties.[11] post-acute COVID-19. Post-acute COVID-19 (“long
covid”) seems to be a multisystem disease, sometimes
OS is defined as an imbalance between the generation of occurring after a relatively mild acute illness, requiring
oxidants and the potential of antioxidant defenses of strategies and intervention in order to restore biological
cells, as well as the ability of damage repair mechanisms conditions.[33]
to favor an excess of oxidants. This unbalanced state can
cause tissue damage or lead to the production of toxic Several researches have reported that in a highly OS,
species to all cell components.[12,13] OS may lead to meanly produced by chronic activation of immune
disturbance in the normal oxidation-reduction state of a system, the progress of COVID-19 infection can be
cell resulting in adaptation-resolving oxidant tone stimulated in the host.[9,10] Redox imbalance could
(eustress) or damage of the cellular components mediate modulation and inflict activation of
(distress).[13,14] transcriptional signal, exerting specific cellular dynamic
including apoptosis and tissues damage which in turn
Related literature indicates that OS is involved in several might conduce to dysfunction related or not to the
human diseases, such as inflammation, diabetes, pathology.[13,15,16]
arteriosclerosis, autoimmune disorders, skin diseases,
hypertension, cancer, eye diseases, infectious diseases, That‟s situations suggest a potential amplifying
among others.[15-18] Over the past decades, the OS theory mechanism involved in CoV-induced OS. That why the
has strongly stimulated interest in the role of antioxidant attenuation of the OS by targeting several key steps in
defense mechanisms in removing ROS, i.e. antioxidant the pathophysiology process could bring about improved
enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants.[19,20] Concerns outcomes.[34] Initials attention appoint to nutrition as
have been raised about the benefits of redox modulation primary source to incorporate micronutrients with
linked with adaptation of cells to OS and the ability to antioxidant qualities. Nevertheless there are some
enhance the cell antioxidant system.[21] Therefore, the limitation to supply the necessary amount of antioxidants
maintenance and restoration of a favorable intracellular to counteract oxidation on diseases process, also there
and extracellular redox environment are vitally important are a potential stress associated to repurposing drugs
for the host to maintain signaling, energetic process and recommended to use as antivirals, it is required indeed a
combat against virus infection. [22] According to previous nutritional supplementation and other bioxidative
analyses redox biomarkers are necessary to evaluate in therapies in order to obtain beneficial modulation of
order to determine status but also the effect of OS.[35-38]
interventions on the oxidant/antioxidant systems and its
relation to clinical outcome. [23-25] Considering previous aspects, a multidisciplinary team
supervised by Cuban Health Ministry Committee
COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the proposed an assisted convalescent protocol for post
lungs, but considering OS involves in pathophysiology COVID-19 conditions using BIOPLA nutritional
and its influence with inflammation and drug toxicity, it supplementation and rectal ozonetherapy based on its
can damage many other organs as well. This organ redox modulation properties demonstrated previously in
damage may increase the risk of long-term health different preclinical[39-41] and clinical conditions.[42,43]
BIOPLA is a dietary complement based on a concentrate
Recent reports suggest that 87% of COVID-19 patients, protein - mineral elaborated from human placental after
although being negative for the viral nucleic acid test, born registered as PN R10324/20 in Cuban regulatory

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agency. It has been used for nutritional support to aged registered at Cuban Ministry of Health by Cuban Center
individual of any sex or sport practitioner since 2010 in of clinical trials (code number RPCEC 00000342).
Cuba. Diverse researches showed not adverse reactions
report after use for six months or one year. BIOPLA is The application of RIO3 plus BIOPLA® was done
not virucidal but it has indirect anti-viral actions because following the criteria of a pilot, open label, phase IV
it‟s anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation actions and clinical trial, between June 1th to July 7th 2020, aiming
immune enhancing properties. to first treat 20 hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2
recovered status with persistent symptoms, other 20
Also, treating the patients with ozone/oxygen therapy patients, also with persistent symptoms received only
(O2/O3) since initial phases of the disease is believed to BIOPLA® and as a second aim, to assess the safety and
be favorable and it is recommended and researched by efficacy of RIO3 and BIOPLA®. These 40 patients were
different authors. [44-46] hospitalized at Ernesto Guevara Hospital, belongs
Informatics Science University of Havana. The hospital
Oxygen-ozone has a high solubility in plasma and has all source documents archived in medical recording
induces formation of two-second messengers: peroxide system. Clinical analyses and laboratory examinations
(H2O2), ozonides and alchenals in different biological are also available locally. The subjects of the study
fluids.[47-48] These are the mainly reactive which interacts consist of individuals who recovering SARS-CoV-2
with the membrane proteins and receptors of the infection previously confirmed by PCR. In the absence
immunocompetent cells entering the cells and they of agreed definitions, for the purposes of this article we
interact with signal transduction proteins on the nucleus define post-acute COVID-19 convalescent condition to
and at mitochondrial level.[47] The key action mechanism individuals with symptoms extending beyond three
of O2/O3 therapy is the interaction of second messenger weeks since negative PCR test. All patients were treated
on proteasome and inflammation cascade, to regulate during acute COVID-19 with Kaletra
inflammatory process, by stimulating the nuclear factor (Lopinavir/Ritonacir), Chloroquine and Interferon α 2b
Nrf2 and by inhibiting nuclear factor NFkB. [41,49-51] according consensus protocol approved on April 2020 by
a Designed Commission by Ministry of Health. A
The O2/O3 therapy can restore the right immune negative test for COVID-19 is a prerequisite. Forty
response by stimulating signal transduction molecules eligible patients meeting the inclusion criteria were
via Nrf2 and thus stimulating the nuclear transduction recruited and maintained on hospital (i.e., history of
via specific microRNAs restoring the normal antioxidant fever and any respiratory symptom, e.g., cough or
and immunostimulating reaction. Ozone can be rhinorrhea); male or female aged 32-85 years old at the
administered by different routes, by the systemic (major time of inclusion; within 3 weeks of negative PCR test;
autohemotherapy, saturated saline solution, rectal and who did not participate in other clinical studies within
vaginal insufflation) or non-systemic technique (minor the last three months. A detailed written explanation of
autohemotherapy and bag ozone therapy). Clinical the study process, researchers‟ names and institutions,
studies in different diseases contributed with evidences possible benefits and potential adverse effects of the
of effectively actions and minor adverse reaction interventions were explained to the participants and
(adequate risk-benefit balance).[52-56] There are currently additional information should be provided upon request.
diverse clinical trials that are being carried out in China, Informed participants were asked to sign a written
Italy, Iran and Spain and seek to assess the effectiveness informed consent. A convenient sample was divided into
of major autohemotherapy or saline solutions on SARS- two groups: one group received BIOPLA®, the other
CoV-2.[57-59] There is no experimental study that is BIOPLA® and RIO3, both groups in concomitant
assessing the administration of systemic ozone by RIO3 manner to continuous COVID-19 therapy. Both groups
technique in post COVID-19 condition. RIO3 counted were treated and followed during one month. Participants
with beneficial evidences of effectiveness with high were allocated at the time of inclusion and were
safety in different clinical conditions. The present subsequently identified throughout the application of O3
document mainly proposes to determine the effect of only by their allocated number, always assigned in
BIOPLA® and BIOPLA® plus RIO3 intervention in chronological order. This was an open label application
Cubans SARS-CoV-2 recovered patients. of BIOPLA® and O3. BIOPLA® was indicated 1 daily
capsule of 400 mg during 30 days. RIO3 was indicated
MATERIALS AND METHODS with increasing dose of ozone/oxygen. The first week,
150 mL of gas with 20 μg / mL of ozone concentration
The complementary application of RIO3 and BIOPLA®
every 24 hours during five days, 150 mL at 25 μg / mL
supplementation was done in accordance with the
every 24 hours the second week (5 days), 150 mL at 30
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and the Good
μg / mL every 24 hours for the third week (5 days) and
Clinical Practice Guidelines of the International
200 mL at 35 μg / mL each / 24 h for the last fourth week
Conference on Harmonization. The exploratory study
(five days). Ozone generator used was OZOMED Plus®
protocol was approved by the Scientific Committee of
with inscription number 1029N and Cuban regulatory
hospital (by fast tract) on May 17, 2020 and ethics
agency number I 10290002.
committee of University of Informatics Science Hospital
in Havana Cuba. This trial has also been approved and

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Twenty individual supposedly healthy (ISH) were All redox parameters were determined by
enrolled and evaluated as control group. spectrophotometric methods using Zuzi Spectro-
photometer from Japan.
At the initial visit all participants required to complete
anthropometrics (weight, height), demographic and age Glutathione Concentration
data information, prior to the study. A comprehensive GSH from Sigma, St. Louis, M.O., USA was used to
physical exam was performed, a complete medical generate standard curves. Serum GSH concentrations
history was appointed and specific lab tests were were measured by the kinetics assay using the
indicated by the trial clinician in turn. All participants glutathione reductase reaction. Autoxidation of GSH to
were instructed to take their usual diet and physical GSSG was prevented by addition of N-ethylmaleimide to
activity during intervention period. Follow- up procedure the samples.[60]
was done by week questionnaire application that was
included in individual clinical history of patients. Malondialdehyde Concentration
Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations were analyzed
Measures of Compliance with the LPO-586 kit obtained from Calbiochem (La
The patients received their drugs daily by nurses. The Jolla, C.A., USA). In this assay, stable chromophore
compliance was determined as the proportion of unused production after 40 min of incubation at 45°C is
capsules related to the total number of the capsules for measured at a wavelength of 586 nm by Pharmacia
the supplements. Spectrophotometer. To ensure that no lipid oxidation
occurs during the assay, BHT [0.01% (v/v) of a 2% stock
Unused capsules number refers to capsule which were solution in ethanol] and EDTA (1 mM final
not taken by patients in the time schedule. concentration) were added to the sample prior to assay
develop. Freshly prepared solutions of malondialdehyde
O2/O3 rectal insufflation was also recorded to evaluate bis [dimethyl acetal] (Sigma, St. Louis, M.O., USA)
compliance. The compliance was determined as the assayed under identical conditions were used as
proportion of not application done relate to the total reference standards. Concentrations of MDA in serum
number of insufflation scheduled. samples were calculated using the corresponding
standard curve and values were expressed as nmol g-1
Biochemistry measurements Hb.[61]
After an overnight fasting (10-12 hours) at 8:30 – 9:30
a.m. in the morning venous blood samples (20.0 mL) Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
were collected. Some haematological and chemical SOD activities were assayed by a modified pyrogallol
indexes were assayed. The remaining blood is put into a autoxidation method.[62]
dry tube for serum extraction and after analyzed for
biochemical profile characterization. Sera are transferred Catalase (CAT)
into clean micro- tubes in aliquots for determine CAT activity was measured according with the method
proposed schedule of indexes measurement. of Clairbone. Using a molar extinction coefficient of
43.6 M-1 cm-1, the rate of the first 30 s was used to
This study was open, implying that both participants and calculate the activity. Catalase activity was expressed as
the conductors of the trial (individuals providing drugs to U mg-1 Hb. [63]
patients, those performing physical examinations and
taking histories in addition to those in charge of Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP)
performing lab tests) were ware whether each patient is Serum AOPP was measured according to the methods of
receiving BIOPLA® or BIOPLA® and RIO3T. Witko-Sarsat et al, 1998.[64] The values were expressed
in chloramine T equivalents and corrected by serum
Redox plasmatic, hematological and chemicals indexes albumin concentrations.
were obtained using validated analytical techniques for
diagnosis in humans according to international Biochemical indexes
recommendations. Reference values were established in Blood parameters such as hematocrit, hemoglobin, and
a healthy supposedly population considered as a control. erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were screened by
Two extractions have been considered the first at Hematological counter MICROS 60. Others as
baseline and the second one month after interventions. triglycerides, creatinine, cholesterol and alanine
aminotransferase activity were performed by standard
For assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, procedures in HITACHI analyzer 912, all in a
hemoglobin was extracted from haemolysate. For the rest specialized laboratory of Hospital.
of the indexes, 3 mL of serum were employed. Serum
samples were frozen at - 70°C and protected from light Adverse reactions vigilance
exposure until analyses were carried out. After ozone application and BIOPLA capsule
consumption patients were interviewed for identify any
non-beneficial or negative symptomatic effect. A model

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33 36 1 (official questionnaire from MINSAP) was used An exploratory multivariate discriminate analysis was
in case a positive reaction was identified to notify to performed combining redox indexes values for each
medical staff and CECMED (Cuban regulatory agency). group at different moment of study.
Equipment‟s and drugs were allocated as stock
permanently to treat any adverse reactions identified. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
The COVID-19 pathological aspects are of utmost
Statistical analysis
importance to better understand the extent and type of
All analysis was performed using SPSS software
damage associated with this infection and its possible
(Version 22, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Normality
pathogenesis in order to adopt rationale-based clinical
of data was tested with the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test. A
therapeutic strategies.[26,34]
two-sided P value less than 0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
The baseline characteristics of the 60 studied subjects are
showed in Table 1. The supposedly healthy individuals
For descriptive statistics of continuous variables, means
(SHI) were considered as controls. There were no
and standard deviations were calculated, whereas
statistical significant differences between the groups at
categorical variables were expressed as proportions. The
baseline according to demographics, gender and number
normality of variables was evaluated by the
of patients (p˃0.05) except for body mass index (BMI)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and variance homogeneity
which is lower in both convalescent groups respect SHI,
was evaluated by Levene s test. Comparisons between
and 80 % of patients in convalescent groups (30/40) were
the groups before and after interventions and respect
classified as underweight range. As a real-world study
control groups were assessed using Student T test for
29/40 had preexistent conditions (Chronic heart disease,
pared and non-pared samples followed by a post hoc
Asthma, Stroke, Hypertension, Diabetes) and 23/40 had
Newman Keuls method.
toxic habits (Smoking, Alcoholism). Major percent of
patients in two groups of convalescent were older than
It was analyzed if the values and the mean of the
32 years, skin color white and were on long term
biochemical and hematological indexes were in the
treatment due to history of previously diseases.
reference interval reported in the literature.
Previous clinical findings showed elevated levels of ROS
For each biochemical and hematological indexes were
strongly correlated with inflammation[14,65,66] oxidative
considered how many patients had significant change
injury.[11,24,57] as well as viral infection and replication
(difference between parameters at baseline and 1 month
which further exacerbates the immune response.[16,68-71]
after treatment) according treatment respect reference
As a result, an increasing number of leukocytes are
recruited; further releasing ROS and cytokines, resulting
in hyperinflammation and cytokine storm syndrome in
Simultaneous change in biochemical and hematological
different diseases.[12,14,72]
indexes were also analyzed for each treatment. A
combinatorial variable evaluates beneficial change in
ROS are a class of partially reduced metabolites of
antioxidant system and damage of biomolecules
oxygen that possess strong oxidizing capability, which
(simultaneous positive change in AOPP, CAT, SOD,
are generated as byproducts of cellular metabolism
GSH and MDA) considering indexes with significant
through the electron transport chains in mitochondria and
difference in intra group comparison. For each patient
cytochrome P450.[14,25,72] The other major source are
global success was considered every time as a
oxidases (e.g., NAPDH oxidase), which are ubiquitously
simultaneous change was positive, but if at least one of
present in a variety of cells, particularly phagocytes and
the parameters result in negative modification it was
endothelial cells.[15]
considered as a global failure. Frequency of global
success was reported for each group. In addition to the
Under a pathological condition, where ROS are
null hypotheses test, a magnitude bases inference was
excessively produced but antioxidant enzymes are
performed. For inter and intra group comparisons the
insufficiently presented, H2O2 may accumulate locally
chance was calculated that the true modification of the
or systematically, oxidizing proteins with sulfur-
mean of each studied group was beneficial-better,
containing residues (cysteine and methionine) and reacts
unclear, and detrimental-worse. The quantitative chances
with transition metals (e.g., iron) previously
of beneficial/better or harmful effects were qualitatively
demonstrated as altered in COVID-19 patients.[9,10,16]
accessed, using the following classification: <1%
Also lipids, carbohydrate and nucleic acid could be
certainly not, 1–5% very unlikely, 5–25% unlikely, 25–
oxidized and product might be identified by damage
75% possible, 75–95% probable, 95–99% most likely,
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) triggering
and >99% almost certainly. If the chance of the
activation of NFkB producing inflammatory gene
evaluated effect being beneficial/better or harmful/worse
activation. Thus contribute to inflammatory persistent
was>5% for both situations, the differences were
cycle and tissues damage. Oxidized biomolecules
classified as “unclear.”
generate downstream ROS that are highly active.[65,73]

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Oxidative stress generated in COVID-19 by innate Otherwise of effects magnitude evaluated the qualitative
immune response activation, inflammation and drug evaluation permit to consider as probably and most likely
detoxification can influence the oxidation chemical associated to interventions the modifications observed in
reaction with the particular ability to induce both variables analyzed in both groups of interventions.
biomolecule functional alteration and redox regulated
signal of cell death in different tissues.[8-10] Also beneficial modification of BMI was identified in
86,2% of total patients obtaining normal status and the
All patients took the total of capsule recommended and totally of patients referred no experiment any of
received ozone application during 1 month. The mean symptoms described at baseline.
value of all biochemical and redox indexes evaluated for
control and both studied groups are shown in Table 2 and Multivariate discriminate analysis considering OS
3. indexes in each group is showed in Figure 2.

MDA (marker of lipid peroxidation) and AOPP serum Discriminant analysis revealed that 95,7% of the
concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.05) in variation between groups was accounted by the two firsts
convalescent groups at baseline respect control group, discriminant functions (p=0.000) (Figure 2).
without differences between them. GSH serum levels in
convalescent groups at baseline were significantly lower The biochemical redox indexes were related in these two
(p<0.05) respect control. The activity of the erythrocyte functions with discriminant loadings of 0.982 and 0.814
antioxidant enzyme SOD and CAT were significantly respectively.
higher in studied groups respect control at initial
extraction (p<0.05). After 1 month of intervention serum Interestingly, preliminary observations point out that
levels of MDA, AOPP, GSH, and SOD activity showed antioxidant and ozonetherapy complementary application
significant difference (p<0.05) in group BIOPLA/RIO3 in Cubans COVID-19 convalescent patients promoted
respect baseline values with a tendency to control group clinical and redox status improvement.
values. Also serum levels of GSH showed significant
difference (p<0.05) in group with BIOPLA respect Related to antioxidant biomarkers 60% of patients in
baseline. Serum GSH levels in group BIOPLA/RIO3T at group with BIOPLA increased values were detected and
final extraction showed significant differences between 90% in BIOPLA plus RIO3T group. Thus results should
groups (p<0.05). In all final values for redox indexes be attributed accordingly to the analysis as probably to
persisted significant difference respect control group intervention applied. Almost redox indexes modified
values (Table 2). showed a simultaneous reduction of 47% of total with
tendency to values of physiological conditions (control).
Simultaneous modification analyses of redox status It is possible that some patients couldn‟t reach beneficial
permit to identify at baseline that almost patients values because of preexistent diseases and toxic habits
presented alteration in CAT, SOD, MDA, AOPP and associated also to oxidative stress alterations as
GSH in relation to control group. Hemoglobin, ESR, hypertension, cardiovascular, asthma and diabetes. [15]
ALAT, UA and TP mean value of convalescent groups Patients who not oxidative balance modifications were
respect control group showed significant differences detected exhibit more than one chronic diseases and also
(p<0.05) at baseline. Also BMI is altered in almost toxic habit as smoking and alcoholism increasing
patients presenting nonspecific symptoms as previously oxidative pathways,[21,72] otherwise not detrimental
reported.[74,75] indexes were observed. The results of beneficial
modification were expected because BIOPLA had
Glucose, ASAT and creatinine mean values in both different components with secondary antioxidant
group showed no significant difference respect control properties and the major ozone targets are redox balance
(p>0.05) remained on interval considered as promoting also antioxidant genes expression as were
physiological-reference. observed in the study, and secondary reducing
inflammation as previously demonstrated.[39,40] Others
At final extraction Hemoglobin, ESR, ALAT and UA studies using rectal ozone insufflation detected
mean values in both studied groups showed significant improvement in redox balance and clinical status in
modification (p<0.05) respect baseline and all in the diverse diseases.[51,53,54] One emphasizes had to be done
interval considered as physiological-reference (table 3). respect GSH concentration that are a tripeptide resulting
Individual analyses identified beneficial chance globally a co-sustrate in multiple biochemical reactions which
in 55, 3 % of patients in Hemoglobin, 30% in Uric acid present secondary antioxidant capacity. This biomolecule
and 65, 8 % in TP. is depleted in diverse pathological conditions and also in
COVID-19 infection. Results exhibit a GSH
Simultaneous analyses permit to identify the percent of recuperation, and enzymatic activity increase that could
patients who expressed beneficial modification in a set of be responsible among others aspects of redox circuits of
redox variables resulting higher in BIOPLA/RIO3T protection to lipids and proteins observed in the
group (85%) respect BIOPLA group (37%). (Figure 1). study.[76,77] The reductions in circulation of oxidized

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biomolecules is probably influencing to DAMPs exes, its

reducing or non-activation in turn could reduce the Several previous studies have been showed that also
induction of signal associated and reduce of antiretroviral treatment including Lopinavir-ritonavir has
inflammation observed in the context of disease and in additional impact on pre-existing OS related to condition
convalescent condition.[78-81] The mechanism underlying as observed in HIV infection Treatment. [25] Considering
COVID-19 inflammation and clinical diversity have not that some authors have been suggested the use of
yet fully elucidated.[82] Otherwise interventions effects antioxidants as agents which might reduce the incidence
observed are closely related to medical ozone application of OS as consequences of infection or treatment and, also
as previously have been demonstrated in other it could impact on development of other related diseases
pathological conditions.[48,51] that interventions were assessed.[19,57,58]

Also regulation of a cytokine pattern when Several findings pointed in the direction that an
mononuclear/macrophage cells in peripheral blood are imbalanced redox system is on the causal chain from
activated by medical ozone has been previously morbidity to mortality in patients with COVID-19 [8-10]
demonstrated. Thus can developed responses that make it and also in post COVID-19 sequels. Future studies
less reactive that certain challenge. It conduces to both should evaluate interventions against high oxidative
tolerance, counteracting extensive tissue injury by stress in patients with COVID-19 and may use these
enhancing Nrf2 genes expression and enhancing the cell biomarkers as end points.
response to improve tissue surveillance, diminishing
inflammation response.[13,41,47,83-85] In that consist the The incidence of adverse effects of ozone therapy is very
ozonetherapy, a low stimulus promoting an enhance low (estimated at 0.0007%), and typically manifests
induction of antioxidant response, a reactivity of low itself as euphoria, nausea, headaches and fatigue. In
grade to a subsequent stimuli.[47,83-85] Also ozone has the general, it is a very safe therapy when administered
potentially of disrupted virion structure and could sterile correctly, with the recommended dose.[54,56] In the
rectal area and intestine, it is probably reducing the present study non adverse effects have been reported and
possibility of oral fecal transmission.[86] non-biosecurity violation has occurred.

Discriminant analysis considering progression and redox This proof of concept study points to the need of further
indexes works by conforming one or more linear research, with extended-designed, well-powered
combinations of predictors detected, creating a new multicenter randomized clinical trial, to confirm
latent variable for each function. These functions called presented findings and proves effect on sustainably
discriminant functions could express accumulated treatment for more time, at least 6 months.
variance contemning on data.
The present study has several limitations. First, the
These analyses offer an integral observation and sample size of groups is small. Second, the 95% CIs for
synthetic representation of multiple indicators and also our adjusted estimates were wide, and do not exclude a
summaries possible complex correlation. Redox 20–30% decrease in the coefficient for time (days) to
metabolites and species interact very quickly with clinical improvement. Third, as with most observational
biomolecules in cellular and fluid microenvironment and studies, we cannot exclude the possibility of residual
also with antioxidant so relation between different redox unmeasured confounding. Fourth, it is a single-center
indicators could be multifactorial and nonlinear. [14,72] study, limiting the external validity of our results.
The two functions obtained permit to visualize by Finally, outcome assessors were not blinded to treatment
synthetic manner the relation of baseline values groups arm assignment.
and the effect after interventions and its expression by
mathematical expression. The strengths of this study include its pragmatic real-
world COVID-19 population, use of objective primary
Taking into account that causes of polipathologies are clinical outcome and risk-adjustment using methods of
complex and multifaceted, the recognition of molecular regression modeling analyses.
and cellular concert involved are crucial. A causal
relationship between some elements such as oxidative The experimental study confirms the biological
macromolecules modifications and, chemistry- properties of ozone and BIOPLA and allows it to be an
hematological status has emerged but the mechanism by alternative or compassionate therapy for the effective
which these molecular and biochemicals events occur management of SARS-CoV-2 post infection as
remain to be established.[82] recommended international organizations (PAHO,
The OS evaluations were therefore become potential
useful to characterize infection, antiviral combinations
effects, as well as the usefulness of antioxidant and
alternative therapies for counteracts oxidative

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Table 1: Age, gender, ethnicity body mass index and others characteristic of studied groups at HEG-UCI, 2020.
Hospital Ernesto Guevara –University of Informatics
Supposedly healthy
Variables/Groups volunteers
BIOPLA BIOPLA and Rectal ozone insufflation
N (%)
N (%) N (%)
Number of patients (N) 20 20 20
Age, years (median ± SD ) 56.9 ± 10.55 60.55 ±13.04 58.71 ± 9.93
Male 18 18 18
Female 2 2 2
White 7 7 7
Ethnicity Mixed race 5 4 4
Black 8 9 9
Body mass index (kg/m2) 23.41 ± 1.15 18.35 ± 4.62* 18.70 ± 3.01*
Chronic heart disease 5 (25) 5 (25)
Asthma - 2 (10) 2 (10)
Stroke 2 (10) 2 (10)
Hypertension 4 (20) 5 (25)
Diabetes 1 (5) 1 (5)
Regular physical activity 20 (100) 17 (85) 18 (90)
7 (35) 8 (40)
Smoking status active Alcoholism -
4 (20) 4 (20)
Length of hospital stay before intervention
- d 15 (6.4) d 13.5 (7.2)
days, mean (SD),
Post–acute COVID-19 follow-up
characteristics - 10.2 (3.4) 12.5 (4.8)
Days since PCR negative, mean (SD)
Persistent symptoms,
1 or 2 20 (100) 20 (100)
≥3 15 (75) 17 (85)

Legend Biopla®/R03I: group receiving supplementation with a

SD: standard deviation commercial dried bio-prepared from placenta and ozone
Source: clinical history archived in Medical Register by rectal insufflation during 1 month (June-July 2020)
Department of Hospital
Note: No significant differences were detected in
Period of hospitalization from May to July 2020. comparison between variables for the different groups
(p<0.05) except for BMI
Biopla®: group receiving supplementation with a * Significant difference respect supposedly healthy
commercial dried bio-prepared from placenta of 400 mg volunteers
during 1 month (June-July 2020)

Table 2: Redox indexes data in different studied groups at different moment of study.
Supposedly healthy BIOPLA/R03I
Indexes volunteers initial (mean ±
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) final (mean ± SD)
(mean ± SD) SD)
MDA (nmol/g Hb) 2.31 ± 0.33 5.16 ± 0.68 a 5.01 ± 1.32 a 5.81 ± 0.61 a 4.05 ± 0.72 ab
AOPP (M Cloramine T) 13.70 ± 2.51 20.18 ± 2.27 a 17.63 ± 1.55 a 24.08 ± 3.47 a 15.56 ± 1.73 ab
GSH (M/g Hb) 1215 ± 207.4 594.62 ± 12.04 a 651.74 ± 41.82 ab 576.4 ± 29.5 a 864.23 ± 62.4 abc
CAT (U/mg Hb min) 144.5 ± 22.29 360.0 ± 51.9 a 358.4 ± 113.28 a 300.0 ± 40.02 a 281.2 ± 99.58 a
SOD (U/mg Hb min) 2.82 ± 0.69 4.66 ± 1.03 a 3.55 ± 0.42 a 4.07 ± 0.5 a 3.56 ± 0.41 ab

Legend a represents significant differences respect control

SD: standard deviation (supposedly healthy volunteers)
CAT: catalase, SOD: superoxide dismutase, MDA: b represents significant differences between initial and
malondialdehyde, GSH: glutathione, AOPP: final value of each group
advanced oxidation protein' product c represents significant differences between groups at
Different letter represents significant differences final evaluation

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Table 3: Hematologic and hemochemical indexes data in the both studied groups.
Supposedly healthy BIOPLA BIOPLA/R03I BIOPLA/R03I
Hematologic and hemochemical BIOPLA final
volunteers initial initial final
indexes (mean ± SD)
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
Hemoglobin (g/L)
13.45 ± 0.64 10.35 ± 1.4 a 12.89 ± 1.14 b 10.6 ± 1.02 a 13.07 ± 2.01 b
(RI: 11.0-16.0)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/h)
13.52 ± 1.60 21,03 ± 3,0* a 15.82 ± 2.16 ab 22.14 ± 4.6 * a 14.82 ± 2.3 b
(RI: M < 15 y W < 20)
Glucose (mmol/L) (RI: 4.0 - 5.4) 4.3 ± 1.40 3.9 ± 2.00 4.0 ± 1.20 4.1 ± 1.35 4.0 ± 1.70
Albumin (g/L) (RI: 32.0 – 45.0) 38.42 ± 3.10 34.63 ± 3.11 36.55 ± 4.70 32.50 ± 4.32 35.55 ± 3.90
Alanine Amino Transferase (U/L)
31.48 ± 1.18 36.27 ± 3.86 a 32.19 ± 2.40 b 37.28 ± 2.53 a 31.62 ± 2.71 b
(RI: M < 33 y F < 25)
Aspartate Amino Transferase (U/L)
39.53 ± 2.15 43.45 ± 2.07 40.52 ± 1.71 42.34 ± 2.60 41.50 ± 2.42
(RI: < 42 U/L )
Creatinine (mmol/L)
3.86 ± 1.34 4.12 ± 1.23 3.31 ± 1.01 4.25 ± 1.46 3.64 ± 1.55
(RI: < 5.18)
Uric acid (µmol/L)
(RI: M = 202 – 416 y 346.5 ± 37.63 461.2 ± 22.37 a 403.2± 30.2 b 440.6 ± 37.63a 400.51± 31.4 b
F = 142 - 339)
Total protein (g/L)
75.7 ± 3.22 40.5 ± 1.60 a 69.3± 2.37 39.4 ± 3.16 a 70.2± 3.80
(RI: 60 to 83)

Legend: a represents significant differences respect control group

SD: standard deviation b represents significant differences between initial and
RI: reference interval final value of each group
RIO3 rectal ozone insufflation c represents significant differences between groups at
M males, F female final evaluation
Different letter represents significant differences

Figure 1: Number of patients that modify simultaneously oxidative damage indexes (AOPP, MDA) and
antioxidant indexes (CAT, SOD, GSH) or global markers respect initial value.

CAT: catalase, SOD: superoxide dismutase, MDA: malondialdehyde, GSH: glutathione, AOPP: advanced oxidation
protein' product, OD: oxidative damage, AOX: antioxidant, RO3I: rectal ozone insufflation.

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Figure 2: Canonical discriminate analysis representation related to redox indexes in both studied groups before
and after interventions.

1. SHI: supposedly healthy individuals
2. Biopla 1. Initial values
3. Biopla 2. Final values after 1 month of supplementation
4. Biopla+R03I 1 Initial values
5. Biopla+R03I 2 Final values after 1 month of supplementation and ozonetherapy
6. Centroid of each evaluated group

Function 1: 0.608 MDA – 0.003 GSH + 0.004 CAT + 0.042 AOPP + 0.103 SOD – 15.093
Lambda de Wilks = 0.002 (p<0.05)
Function 2: -0.044 MDA + 0.007 GSH – 0.012 CAT + 0.034 AOPP + 0.027 SOD – 9.009
Lambda de Wilks = 0.125 (p<0.05)

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Public Health, Republic of Cuba (Project No. 2003009).
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persons suffered COVID-19 infection who
strategies. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2020;
enthusiastically participates in the study. Also thanks to
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