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Tablets Vs Textbooks Research Paper

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Tablets Vs Textbooks Research Paper

Writing a thesis is a daunting task that many students face during their academic journey. The
process of researching, organizing, and presenting information in a cohesive and scholarly manner
can be incredibly challenging. One common research topic that students often delve into is the debate
between using tablets or textbooks in education.

The comparison between tablets and textbooks is a complex one, involving factors such as cost,
accessibility, usability, and educational effectiveness. As students navigate through various studies,
articles, and arguments on both sides of the debate, they can find themselves overwhelmed by the
sheer volume of information and the conflicting opinions.

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A K-12 student learning from an older print textbook still learns the basics of anatomy, physics,
algebra, geometry, and the US government. Tablets also include videos and interactive diagrams that
can increase a student's attentiveness, motivation, creativity and engagement with educational
materials. Publishers have quickly jumped on the bandwagon of digital books because they know
many consumers enjoy the convenience of e-books, especially when it comes to large, heavy
textbooks that can be burdensome to carry. One can be studying when suddently you have an email
or a new facebook post that pops up. Secondary sources included books and journal articles that
focused on this topic. Tablet prices also continue to drop, making them increasingly affordable. E-
textbooks on tablets cost on average 50-60% less than print textbooks. It has been proven by research
conducted by neuroscientists that the human brain adapts and reacts faster than what many think.
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Events Airplane Crash in China Showcase SD Cards: How to Format Them. This change
marginalizes decades of learned wisdom in the teaching profession in favor of an unproven
technology. Students can easily avoid reading and analyzing texts on their own because they can
quickly look up passages in an e-textbook and search for answers on the internet. Using tablets is
more expensive than using print textbooks. This involves specifying what every member of the team
should do and how their individual works will be combined into a complete single project. My
hobbies include tumbling, reading, being a school activist, cheering, modeling for my sponsorship
with Jelly's Surf Company, and running. The technology at the heart of the tablet is constantly
changing. Tablets should majorly be used by learners at advanced levels of education. Using a tablet
is so intuitive that it makes learning fun and easy. The second part focused on the level of education
of the respondents. This year I am apart of Student Council, the Italian Club, Share, and Class
Cabinet. The respondents stated that issues such as insecurity, need for training, environmental
pollution, need for power, easy with which tablets can be stolen, and the delicate nature of tablets
make them more undesirable compared to books. How to restart a chromebook Coolest Buildings
Around the World Airplane Crash in China SD Cards: How to Format Them. Low income schools
are less likely to implement an e-textbook program than to pay for teachers or basic classroom
supplies. I also did some research to compare the efficiency of using both textbooks and tablets. The
project will weigh the pros and cons of using textbooks and tablets and then propose the one that is
most appropriate. The results showed that of the students who used the digital version of the
textbook, 78% scored proficient or advanced on California state tests, while just 59% of the students
who only used the traditional textbook scored proficient or advanced. Which of the two options,
textbooks and tablets, is more appropriate in learning institutions. It is much easier to break a tablet
than it is to break a textbook. For example, an image that features a person in the foreground and a
vast landscape in the background can convey a sense of smallness and insignificance, while an image
that shows the same person from above can convey a sense of power and authority. In 2013, the
Federal Communications Commission launched the ConnectEd program under the direction of
President Obama. For example, a photograph of a person standing in the midst of a bustling city can
be made more striking by highlighting the person's solitude and isolation in the midst of all the
Thus, everything in this site is all about decision making. In fact, some believe that tablets should be
replacing textbooks entirely. It is much easier to break a tablet than it is to break a textbook. Source:
Back to Life Chiropractic, “Is a Heavy Backpack Weighing Down Your Child?,”, Aug. 16, 2012. It was important to ensure validity and reliability of
the study. After determining the research gaps, it was necessary to conduct primary data collection to
try and address the gaps in the existing bodies of knowledge. The database is updated daily, so
anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Of the unending list of skills that students have to
learn and schools must enhance, we deem the capacity to decide as the most important. Implication
The findings of this study strongly suggest that the future of books in learning institutions is very
bleak. According to a survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 30% of e-content
readers (including 40% of those under age 30) say that they now spend more time reading than they
used to due to the availability of e-content. Similarly, a painting that depicts a peaceful landscape can
be made more powerful by including a small, dark figure in the foreground, creating a sense of
unease or danger. Implication The findings of this study strongly suggest that the future of books in
learning institutions is very bleak. Many of the highest-paying jobs and fastest-growing fields in
America are technology-based. A textbook is typically much larger than a standard book, weighing
anywhere from two to five pounds. Tablets only weigh a few pounds, while print textbooks are so
heavy, they can cause injuries to students. High-level education officials support tablets over
textbooks. Every year a new batch of incoming freshmen has to buy your product to complete their
coursework. Given that the researchers wanted to conduct a survey, questionnaire was considered the
best tool of collecting data from the respondents. Change is a force that no one can resist, and it is
apparent that the use of tablets is a new technology that indeed promises a greater academic future
than the use of books. Distinctively visual images can also be created through the use of composition
and perspective. Tablets should majorly be used by learners at advanced levels of education. With e-
books, students will be able to write notes and highlight the text without actually writing on it, which
they otherwise wouldn't be able to to with a physical text book. It is clear that the respondents feel
that books offer greater benefits than tablets. They say that tablets contribute to eyestrain, headaches,
and blurred vision, increase the excuses available for students not doing their homework, require
costly Wi-Fi networks, and become quickly outdated as new technologies emerge. Surgeon Students'
Virtual Reality Learning Programs. It’s much cheaper to replace a textbook than a tablet. The
researchers had to collect both primary and secondary sources of data. I would rather carry around a
heavy textbook than carry around a breakable tablet. As of 2012, only 30% of textbook titles are
available electronically. Users can sign into an account on a different device and access all of their
In two isolated rural villages in Ethiopia, the One Laptop Per Child organization dropped off closed
boxes containing tablets pre-loaded with educational apps, taped shut, with no instruction.
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custom essay The main issue of focus should be how they should be used to ensure that learners get
the best out of them (Orden, 2006). Print books produce 100 times fewer greenhouse gases. The
respondents stated that issues such as insecurity, need for training, environmental pollution, need for
power, easy with which tablets can be stolen, and the delicate nature of tablets make them more
undesirable compared to books. If you're wondering what formatting does, then you are not alone.
The following figure shows the results obtained from the respondents. Many textbooks are not
available in digital format or on the specific tablet used by a school. How to restart a chromebook
Coolest Buildings Around the World Airplane Crash in China SD Cards: How to Format Them. It
was necessary to conduct primary data collection because this is a relatively new area of research and
some stakeholders have complained that the policy makers have failed to take their views into
consideration. They say that tablets contribute to eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision, increase
the excuses available for students not doing their homework, require costly Wi-Fi networks, and
become quickly outdated as new technologies are released. Technology has been evolving and
improving greatly since it was invented, and it's being used in more aspects of life, one of them
being education. Tablet prices also continue to drop, making them increasingly affordable.
Manufacturing tablets is environmentally destructive and dangerous to human health. To find out
more, including how to control cookies, see here. It is a fun method of learning which makes the
children have an interest in the topic with good illustrations and animated descriptions. Tablets also
include videos and interactive diagrams that can increase a student's attentiveness, motivation,
creativity and engagement with educational materials. Critique A critical analysis of the existing
literatures shows that the shift from the use of textbooks to the use of tablets is almost unavoidable.
This program aimed to provide schools and libraries with access to high-speed Internet for improved
digital learning. Tablets can also hold a student's homework, quizzes and other files. The use of color
can also be used to create symbolic meaning, such as using red to represent passion or anger, or using
green to represent growth or renewal. Interactive diagrams and videos increase student creativity,
motivation, attentiveness, and engagement with classroom materials. They get to learn that life is
about struggle and that to get what we need in life, we need to work hard. The grant money can be
used to educate teachers about digital technology, to provide students in under-served communities
with helpful resources, and to provide funding for projects that are taught partially in the classroom
and partially online. However, many stakeholders are not sure if indeed tablets should replace the
textbooks. Tablets only weigh a few pounds, while print textbooks are so heavy, they can cause
injuries to students. It has been proven by research conducted by neuroscientists that the human brain
adapts and reacts faster than what many think. Below are the proper citations for this page according
to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual
(MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses,
and Dissertations (Turabian). Too expensive: E-book pricing models are not satisfactory (64%).
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a textbook publisher, provided a digital, interactive Algebra 1 textbook
to a California school district to test how students scored after learning with a digital textbook versus
how students scored after learning with traditional print textbooks. All I can dream is kids have the
ipad of the size of a notebook so its easy to read.
This year I am apart of Student Council, the Italian Club, Share, and Class Cabinet. Of the unending
list of skills that students have to learn and schools must enhance, we deem the capacity to decide as
the most important. Tablets are more fun for students than textbooks, and by extension, learning
becomes more fun. According to a survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 30% of e-
content readers (including 40% of those under age 30) say that they now spend more time reading
than they used to due to the availability of e-content. The argument presented by the proponents,
however, seems more persuasive as they provide more advantages of the use of tablets. Students who
used the iPad version scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests versus students who learned
with traditional textbooks. They also tend to read more books when provided electronically. Tablets
can effectively help students improve their learning abilities and creativities. So whether technology
invades our privacy becomes more of a policy issue. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into
a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper.
Zakrzewski, J. (2016). Using iPads to Your Advantage. Using a tablet is so intuitive that it makes
learning fun and easy. With educational tablets for schools, students will no longer have to learn
from old, outdated textbooks, which is especially important for areas of study that frequently
change, such as computer science. My goal in life is to go to NYU and get a job as a book editor and
publisher, or a journalist. However, this view is not supported by all the relevant stakeholders. 1
hour! The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver a 100% original paper Learn More
According to Zakrzewski (2016), it is important to take a number of factors into consideration before
rushing on the use of tablets instead of books. Use your class scheduleMatch section
numberOptions:1. Melbourne, Australia: Course Technology. Schein, E. H. (2013). Humble inquiry:
The gentle art of asking instead of telling. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Warren (2014) says
that it would be appropriate for the stakeholders to come up with effective ways through which
tablets can be used in schools. All I can dream is kids have the ipad of the size of a notebook so its
easy to read. People who read print text comprehend more, remember more, and learn more than
those who read digital text. Also, think of the elementary school kids who start using a tablet as their
first way of taking notes, they have nothing else to compare to and are the ones who will show that
there is no secret into it. Tablet prices also continue to drop, making them increasingly affordable.
The average tablet contains anywhere from 8 to 64 gigabytes (GB) of storage space. Online
reservationosubookstore.comFirst chance at used!Held for you!2. Online reservation First chance at used. As of 2012, only 30% of textbook titles are available
electronically. Purpose The debate over whether tablets should replace textbooks has been going on
for some time now as the stakeholders in the education sector try to embrace the emerging
technologies. The fastest growing and highest paying jobs in the United States are technology
intensive. These images can be found in a variety of forms, including photographs, paintings, films,
and even advertisements.
Purpose The debate over whether tablets should replace textbooks has been going on for some time
now as the stakeholders in the education sector try to embrace the emerging technologies. All
stakeholders should be involved when an institution is considering to make this change. Thus,
everything in this site is all about decision making. Curriculum standards are the academic goals for
what students should learn in each grade. First, it was challenging to assign every group member
specific tasks to investigate. Why don’t you try to see which one is better by keeping a textbook and
a tablet in the same back pack and see which one lasts at the end of the year. In two isolated rural
villages in Ethiopia, the One Laptop Per Child organization dropped off closed boxes containing
tablets pre-loaded with educational apps, taped shut, with no instruction. It was clear that being
open-minded, flexible, and reasonable are great characteristics of achieving success as a team. The
researchers will then investigate the shortcomings of both books and tablets. Of the unending list of
skills that students have to learn and schools must enhance, we deem the capacity to decide as the
most important. Increased use of tablets instead of print textbooks could help make students'
backpacks lighter. Many low-income families are unable to provide their children with tablets or
purchase Wi-Fi for their homes, so some schools with 1:1 programs are working to offer solutions for
families unable to afford this technology. How to restart a chromebook Coolest Buildings Around
the World Airplane Crash in China SD Cards: How to Format Them. Given that the researchers
wanted to conduct a survey, questionnaire was considered the best tool of collecting data from the
respondents. With the same amount of physical books, it would weigh around two tons. By using a
digital version of the same Technology use is increasing worldwide, and introducing students to it
early in their development will prepare them to work with technology in their future careers. Change
is a force that no one can resist, and it is apparent that the use of tablets is a new technology that
indeed promises a greater academic future than the use of books. Retrieved November 21, 2012,
from ProQuest Research Library (761425294). If you're wondering what formatting does, then you
are not alone. The researchers had to collect both primary and secondary sources of data. These
images can be found in a variety of forms, including photographs, paintings, films, and even
advertisements. These are some points needed to take into consideration against the conventional text
book. Tablets can also make students lazy, because they make everything too easy to find, and
diminishes the practice of finding pages or certain information by themselves. Tablets should majorly
be used by learners at advanced levels of education. High-level education officials support tablets
over textbooks. Source: Back to Life Chiropractic, “Is a Heavy Backpack Weighing Down Your
Child?,”, Aug. 16, 2012. Meanwhile, other 1:1 programs also provide
students with high-speed Internet in school and possibly even at home. Use your class schedule
Match section number Options: 1. Users can sign into an account on a different device and access all
of their information. What are the challenges of using textbooks in learning institutions.
Though many educators and administrators cite the cost as their primary reason for not including
tablets in class, K-12 schools spend nearly twice as much on printed materials than digital materials
per year. All participants were fully informed of the intended study. If they are assigned an article to
read for classwork, with a tablet, they can easily find a summary of the article online and just search
the internet for the answers. This project is worth doing because it will critically evaluate the existing
literatures and conduct some further research to determine the relevance of tablets in the learning
institutions. Tablets help students better prepare for a world immersed in technology. To preserve that
investment for future classes, protect the devices with functional and stylish cases designed for the
exceptional stresses of the education field. While working as a group, I also learned that tolerance is
of great significance to learners. It was necessary to conduct primary data collection because this is a
relatively new area of research and some stakeholders have complained that the policy makers have
failed to take their views into consideration. What are the benefits of using textbooks in learning
institutions. Born (2013) says that the act of looking for the relevant materials in the libraries is a life-
lesson in itself and it makes the learners become more responsible members of the society. Unlike
tablets, there is no chance of getting malware, spyware, or having personal information stolen from a
print textbook. Students save money by comparing prices on all major online booksellers. This
involves specifying what every member of the team should do and how their individual works will
be combined into a complete single project. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide
variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. I think that they are going to be used in every
classroom around the world soon. Learners still have to work hard to come up with the right
solutions to their research problems. The only change that is witnessed under this situation is that the
materials are made easily accessible to the learners. I have used textbooks for the better part of my
academic life and I personally find it fascinating to use tablets. Hello, This article is to act as a guide
for anybody who wishes to format an SD Card. These images can be found in a variety of forms,
including photographs, paintings, films, and even advertisements. In this research project, I was
specifically assigned the task of looking at the benefits of using tablets. Tablets can also hold a
student's homework, quizzes and other files. They are easier to carry around, and ease the weight off
of students’ backs and arms, relieving them of carrying a lot of heavy books around the school. This
change marginalizes decades of learned wisdom in the teaching profession in favor of an unproven
technology. Literature Review Background Scholars have conducted wide research on the use of
emerging technologies in institutions of learning. Students that learn technology skills early in life
will be better prepared to pursue relevant careers later in life. Rather than carrying around several
heavy textbooks, students can carry all of their digital textbooks in one lightweight device. The
fastest growing and highest paying jobs in the United States are technology intensive. Also, tablets
can shut down if they are not charged long enough and could cause a student to miss out on a lesson
due to the lack of taking care of his or her tablet. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account
related email. The technology at the heart of the tablet is constantly changing.
Within the past two decades, scientists have tried coming up with ways of making learning simple
and interesting both to the learner and the educators. Recommendations The following
recommendations should be taken into consideration. They get to learn that life is about struggle and
that to get what we need in life, we need to work hard. Methodology Explanations The purpose of
this study is to compare the effectiveness of textbooks and tablets for learners and educators and
determine if indeed tablets can be used instead of textbooks in learning institutions. We are teachers
and students who proactively care for the kind of education students are acquiring at present. This
involves specifying what every member of the team should do and how their individual works will
be combined into a complete single project. Tablets are limited, however, to textbooks that have been
converted in to electronic format. First, it was challenging to assign every group member specific
tasks to investigate. Granted some kids already don’t pay attention in class, but by providing
students with tablets, the school is just feeding their laziness. The researchers sampled 50 participants
for this study. It was a wonderful invention in the education sector when books were invented to
replace stone tablets. Using tablets is more expensive than using print textbooks. Too expensive: E-
book pricing models are not satisfactory (64%). Of the unending list of skills that students have to
learn and schools must enhance, we deem the capacity to decide as the most important. I would
rather carry around a heavy textbook than carry around a breakable tablet. As pictured above and to
the right, a textbook is a book which a teacher uses as teaching or learning aid dedicated to a
particular subject. If you are looking for a tough competitor of Apple iPad, then you should check
out Kindle Fire, Voyage or Paperwhite, as these are top-class tablets with a host of features. Also,
tablets can shut down if they are not charged long enough and could cause a student to miss out on a
lesson due to the lack of taking care of his or her tablet. They say that tablets contribute to eyestrain,
headaches, and blurred vision, increase the excuses available for students not doing their homework,
require costly Wi-Fi networks, and become quickly outdated as new technologies are released. Which
of the two options, textbooks and tablets, is more appropriate in learning institutions. However,
undergraduate and post-graduate students can use tablets to enhance their research. Tablets weigh
significantly less than textsbooks, so serious injuries wouldn't be a problem. It is no longer a question
of whether or not tablets should be used in learning institutions. Unlike print textbooks, digital
textbooks can be updated instantly with new information. Navigate Left Arts and Entertainment A
look at the field of Vex. Before a debate can begin, we first must look at what a tablet is compared
to what a textbook is. According to Gabrielle, Cayton, and Xingyu (2015), the use of tablets is one
of the most recent technologies that have emerged in the learning institutions. It is much easier to
break a tablet than it is to break a textbook. All I can dream is kids have the ipad of the size of a
notebook so its easy to read. Tablets allow teachers to better customize student learning.

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