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Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Research Paper

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Writing a thesis on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 can be an arduous task, requiring extensive research,

analysis, and synthesis of information. The complexity of the subject matter, coupled with the need
for accurate data and up-to-date research findings, can pose significant challenges for students
undertaking this endeavor.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is the vast amount of
information available. Sorting through numerous studies, medical journals, and academic papers to
find relevant and reliable sources can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Additionally,
understanding the intricacies of the disease, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and
implications, requires a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology and concepts.

Furthermore, crafting a well-structured and coherent thesis requires strong writing skills and the
ability to effectively communicate complex ideas. Organizing the research findings, formulating a
clear thesis statement, and presenting arguments in a logical manner are essential components of a
successful thesis on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.

Given the challenges associated with writing a thesis on this topic, many students may find it
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By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, students can save time and alleviate the stress of
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Mellitus Type 2 research paper and produce a compelling and academically rigorous thesis.
The risk factors for developing gestational diabetes are similar to 3 those for type 2 diabetes,
including family history, age, obesity and ethnicity (10). Diet, exercise, pills and insulin injections
can control it. Low magnesium levels have been associated with increased severity of type 2
diabetes, whereas controversy exists about the importance of hypomagnesaemia in pre-diabetic states
(110). Diabetic foot ulcers are common but controlled through regular foot inspection, caring of the
foot, and having sufficient footwear. The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus in is related to the
insulin hormone. Improving The Guidelines For Combination Therapy For Type. This is the most
common type of diabetes mostly evident among adults. As has been broached earlier, physical
assessment of a patient’s blood pressure and BMR provides a clue to an impending danger, which
can be confirmed by diagnostic tests such as the HbA1c test combined with the fasting blood
glucose test. From the survey between 2000 to 2016, it is being illustrated that there is 5% raise in
the mortality rates below the age group of 75. The study found the average risk for an individual in
the United States would equal a 17.8% predicted probability that their diabetes would be
uncontrolled. Such people do not have diabetes but are at a high risk of progressing to diabetes
(Nathan 2009). Hyperglycemia stimulates the production of large amounts of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) in -cells. Resistance of insulin and the secretion of insulin are affected by
hyperglycemia both adversely and reversibly. Appoximitely 3000 people have been used in this study
and 85% of the original group study continued on in further studies. Figure (3) shows how
inflammation contributes to develop insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. During the first
phase of the disease, insulin secretion is regulated with the balanced production and output of
glucose by the liver. The essay will shed more light on diabetes mellitus type 2, its symptoms,
diagnosis, treatment and patient education. Skeletal muscle is unable to release glycogen from its
storage into the blood due to the absence of Glucose 6 Phosphate. This could induce or exacerbate
intracellular oxidative stress (57). Because abnormalities in insulin action are poorly detected by a
single determination of either glucose or insulin levels, the insulin resistance is commonly evaluated
by HOMA-IR, which is likely to be the most simple and repeatable index (38, 39). 9 Glucotoxicity:
Insulin resistance results in chronic fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia. However, it serves as a
source of supply of local energy during exercise. Vanadium compounds are one of the most studied
substances for the long-term treatment of diabetes. It causes the body to increase the production of
urine, a symptom commonly seen in regular Diabetes as well and hence the name. Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Key Words: Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), Type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin, BMI, Sugar
and Glucose levels. Now add the hyperlink to this free e-book in each of the chapters of ones own e-
book. This is a state where accumulation of glucose in the blood exceeds the appropriate levels.
Controlling the production of or replacing specific hormones can treat many disorders. ROS is
generated at multiple steps during this process (96). Suzanne DeLaMonte Neuropathologist Rhode
Island Hospital. Autonomic neuropathy can cause gastroparesis, sexual dysfunction and bladder
incontinence (54). 13 Retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequent cause of new cases of
blindness among adults aged 20-74 years (56).
This results in damage to myelin sheath covering and insulating nerve. Glutathione antioxidant
system predominates among other antioxidants systems due to its very high reduction potential and
high intracellular concentrations compared to other antioxidants in tissues. Glutathione in liver
diseases GSH depletion is involved in liver injury and enhanced morbidity related to liver
hypofunction. Glutathione is an essential cofactor for antioxidant enzymes, namely the GSH
peroxidases, which serve to detoxify hydrogen peroxide and other peroxides generated in water
phase as well as the cell membranes and other lipophilic cell phases by reacting them with GSH,
which then becomes in the oxidized form (GSSG). This, in turn, facilitates the reduction of
circulating, free fatty acids, thereby facilitating glucose utilization and limiting the availability of
fatty acids. During the first phase of the disease, insulin secretion is regulated with the balanced
production and output of glucose by the liver. Controlling the production of or replacing specific
hormones can treat many disorders. Adipocyte hypoxia and death trigger a series of proinflammatory
program, which in turn recruit new macrophages. Almas Khan J. Kaur Medicine 2021 TLDR Various
non-invasive and novel routes have been studied, including oral route, nasal route, pulmonary,
transdermal route, and buccal, ocular, intrauterine, and rectal routes, and various advantages and
disadvantages associated with formulations of these routes are studied. It is a chronic disease which
generally occurs either when the body cannot be able to effectively use the insulin it produces or
when the organ system such as pancreas does not produce much amount of insulin. This study
showed that a regular exercise, for about half an hour daily atleast five days a week, along with the
a low fat and high fiber diet greatly prevented the development of type II diabetes in high risk
individuals involved in this study. This mechanism has been proposed to be an integral part of the
normal insulin secretory process. Expand PDF Save Validity of the Good Practice Guidelines: The
example of type 2 diabetes. B. Tudrej Delphine Favard H. Peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptors: nuclear control of metabolism. Ismail-Beigi E. Moghissi M. Tiktin I. Hirsch S. Inzucchi S.
Genuth Medicine Annals of Internal Medicine 2011 TLDR A framework for considering an
appropriate and safe HbA(1c) target range for each patient is proposed and explored, with the aim of
preventing complications over the many years of life. Obesity is usually defined according to body
mass index (BMI), whereby a higher BMI is usually directly promotional to the individual’s insulin
resistance. The researchers indicate that some of the perturbed lipids could emerge as signals or
markers for several distinct, yet overlapping, molecular processes that undergird regulatory
impairment. Exercise is also beneficial as it increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin
thereby making the medication more effective. Type 1 Diabetes (formerly known as insulin-
dependent), in which the pancreas fails to produce the insulin, which is essential for survival.
Usually, there is a type of bacteria or virus to be causing an epidemic rise within a population, but
obesity and type 2 diabetes are two influenced epidemics that can be managed just by maintaining a
healthy lifestyle. These signs usually call for quick medication least they get worse. Additionally, it is
helpful in cases of Diabetes Insipidus too. In most cases, its occurrence is due to the disruption of
sensitive tissues to the extent that they no longer respond properly to insulin, hence graduating to
insulin resistance (Poretsky, 2010). Additionally, ROS are known to enhance NF- B activity, which
potentially induces -cell apoptosis (41). The side effects characteristic of the various agents used in
the treatment is a major issue in the management of the disease. Approximately 85% of endogenous
glucose production is derived from the liver and the remaining amount is produced by the kidney.
Phosphorylation of PPARS: from molecular characterization. After the test, the person receives 75g
of glucose but a pregnant woman is normally given 100g (Nathan, 2009). SOD converts superoxide
anion radicals produced in the body to hydrogen peroxide, which is then detoxified to water either
by catalase or by glutathione peroxidase in the lysosomes and mitochondria, respectively (96),
thereby reducing the likelihood of superoxide anion interacting with nitric oxide to form reactive
peroxynitrite (100). Cohen Medicine Nature 1992 TLDR The identification of a nonsense mutation
in the gene encoding glucokinase and its linkage with early-onset diabetes in one family is reported,
the first evidence implicating a mutation in a gene involved in glucose metabolism in the
pathogenesis of NIDDM.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, for example, acarbose, miglitol and voglibose are also included in the
treatment (Mennatallah, 2015). This occurs by three tightly coupled mechanisms: (i) suppression of
endogenous glucose production and increase glycogen synthesis; (ii) stimulation of glucose uptake
by the splanchnic tissues; and (iii) stimulation of glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, primarily
muscle (27). Microvascular complications In fact, microvascular complications can begin in
developing at least 7 years before the clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Pinto Pedro M.V.H.C.
Perez Medicine Porto Biomedical Journal 2020 TLDR In this non-systematic and advanced review
of the MS in type 2 diabetic patients, several articles were consulted, and some recently published
studies were analysed. Now add the hyperlink to this free e-book in each of the chapters of ones
own e-book. In most cases, Glucose tolerance test usually results to one of these diagnoses. The
rationale for the treatment majorly involves the elimination of symptoms and prevention of further
complications. In most cases, its occurrence is due to the disruption of sensitive tissues to the extent
that they no longer respond properly to insulin, hence graduating to insulin resistance (Poretsky,
2010). GSH may be a good reservoir for cysteine, as its concentration in tissues is 5-7 times higher
than free cysteine (118). These signs usually call for quick medication least they get worse.
Glutathione in diabetes mellitus Low blood thiol status and reduced systemic GSH content were
reported in diabetic and glucose intolerant patients as a result of insulin deficiency. Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate
metabolism. Some doctors also believe that all individuals having a strong family history of diabets
must be screened for their blood sugar levels as soon as they reach the age of thirty years, even if
they are symptomless. RAGE binding induces the production of ROS, which in turn activates the
pleiotropic transcription factor nuclear factor (NF- B), causing multiple pathological changes in gene
expression (60). These effects induce procoagulatory changes and increase the adhesion of
inflammatory cells to the endothelium. Herndon, 13, tested it out last August while at a special
summer camp for kids with diabetes. The route of glucose administration also plays an important
role in the overall glucose homeostasis. Prominently used is the HbA1c in conjunction with fasting
plasma glucose test. GSH makes major contributions to the recycling of other antioxidants that have
become oxidized such as -tocopherol, vitamin C and perhaps also the carotenoids (117). Vanadium
compounds are one of the most studied substances for the long-term treatment of diabetes. This
combination of abnormalities suggests a chronic renal loss of chromium (111). On 29th August 2022,
the esteemed doctors who are members of the prestigious Dr. Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical
Research Associa. Cefalu Medicine Diabetes Care 2013 TLDR A clinical translation of the
underlying issues that need to be considered for effectively personalizing diabetes care are offered
and instances in which personalized A1C targets are warranted and clinical circumstances that may
call for comanagement by primary care and specialty clinicians are recognized. Some common
symptoms are constant hunger, weight loss, increased thirst, and urinating frequently. Two major
problems are caused by the disorder: the cells may become starved for energy, as the energy is not
processed in a proper manner. These dietary changes include decreased consumption of fat, sugar,
salt, alcohol and increased consumption of vegetables. The natural history of diabetic nephropathy
has 5 stages; which include hyperfiltration with normal renal function; histological changes without
clinically evident disease; incipient diabetic nephropathy or microalbuminuria; overt diabetic
nephropathy (macroalbuminuria and reduced renal function); and renal failure requiring dialysis (end
stage renal disease) (55). Howeve y -cell fa 19 that with ronic nsate er, at ailure 20 This state of
proatherogenesis and low-grade inflammation is known to cause induction of inducible nitric oxide
synthase (iNOS), increasing nitric oxide production (78). Previous studies also reported that diabetic
patients have a significantly lower plasma chromium levels with higher 28 urinary levels than in
healthy subjects. However, its excessive accumulation can diminish the insulin secretory process by
opening -cell potassium channels.
Received 25 July 2014 Received in revised form 01 August 2014 Accepted 05 August 2014. Figu
ure (3): D p o in f s a Developm precedes th obesity an nflammat for insulin some poin and diabet
ment of ty he develop nd is ind ion in adi n resistance nt, -cell c tes ensues ype 2 d pment of duced
by ipose tissu e by hype compensat (63). It can cause bleeding into the fluid-filled center of the eye
or swelling of the retina, leading to blindness. Poretsky, L. (2010). Principles of Diabetes Mellitus. It
covers the prevalence, impact, prevention methods, and management of the disease. ALL the
evidence webinar: Appraising and using evidence about community conte. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The remaining 25 percent of disposal is seen in
the adipose tissue and skeletal muscles. Therefore NADPH, coming mainly from the pentose
phosphate shunt, is the predominant source of GSH reducing power (117). Other drugs used in the
management are Thaizolidinedione, Alpha Glucosidase inhibitor, prandial glucose regulator, long
acting insulin analogue etc. He had to go through the regular blood sugar checks because it’s camp
policy, but he could have skipped them. Between 60% and 90% of cases of type 2 diabetes now
appear to be related to obesity (64). The researchers indicate that some of the perturbed lipids could
emerge as signals or markers for several distinct, yet overlapping, molecular processes that undergird
regulatory impairment. Brian Covello Brian Covello: Diabetes Research Proposal Brian Covello:
Diabetes Research Proposal Brian Covello More Related Content Recently uploaded Research
methods in ethnobotany- Exploring Traditional Wisdom Research methods in ethnobotany-
Exploring Traditional Wisdom Govt. Type II diabetes is presented with a considerable amount of
destruction of the pancreatic islet tissue in the early stages of the disease. Furthermore, the treatment
uses glucagon-like peptide 1receptor agonist, including exenatide and liraglutide (Mennatallah,
2015). Nephropathy: Diabetic nephropathy is a frequent complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
mellitus, characterized by excessive urinary albumin excretion, hypertension and progressive renal
insufficiency. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Nitric oxide can also combine with oxygen to produce potent cellular killers,
such as the highly toxic hydroxyl radical (OHU) and peroxynitrite (ONOO - ). Currently, the United
States FDA has limited the use of this medication by patients particularly individuals who have
failed therapy with other medications, or who fail to take pioglitazone. In the pre-diabetes state, the
high glucose levels build up over the years and eventually triggers insulin secretion
(hyperinsulinemia), for the purposes of regulating blood glucose and to counteract the tissues that are
resistant to insulin. The expected explosion of the number of individuals suffering from this
condition thus necessitates availability of proper knowledge for evaluation, whether physical or
diagnostic. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The level of alpha cells remains the
same without any change and the level of glucagon secretion increases. This study showed that a
regular exercise, for about half an hour daily atleast five days a week, along with the a low fat and
high fiber diet greatly prevented the development of type II diabetes in high risk individuals
involved in this study. PARUL UNIVERSITY Risck reduction programe for diabetes Risck
reduction programe for diabetes Stevgo Type 2 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus
ThyagiArchana A mapping study on blood glucose recommender system for patients with gestati.
Cefalu Medicine Diabetes Care 2013 TLDR A clinical translation of the underlying issues that need
to be considered for effectively personalizing diabetes care are offered and instances in which
personalized A1C targets are warranted and clinical circumstances that may call for comanagement
by primary care and specialty clinicians are recognized. This, in turn, facilitates the reduction of
circulating, free fatty acids, thereby facilitating glucose utilization and limiting the availability of
fatty acids. Further decomposition of these lipid hydroperoxides produces toxic aldehydes; in
particular 4- hydroxynonenal and malondialdehyde (92). Hyperglycemia also affects endothelial
function, resulting in increased permeability, altered release of vasoactive substances, increased
production of procoagulation proteins and decreased production of fibrinolytic factors (53).
As adipose tissue expands during the development of obesity, certain regions become hypoperfused,
leading to adipocyte microhypoxia and cell death. COMPLICATIONS SEEN IN DIABETES
MELLITUS: Diabetes is a multifaceted disease with several systemic symptoms. Sometimes these
symptoms are helpful in diagnosis of the disorder. Based on numerous studies, obese people normally
stand a greater chance of contracting type two diabetes mellitus. The body mass index is a factor in
the type 2 diabetes mellitus. Matthews Medicine Diabetes Care 2014 TLDR This briefer article
should be read as an addendum to the previous full account on the management of hyperglycemia,
which described the need to individualize both treatment targets and treatment strategies with an
emphasis on patient-centered care and shared decision making. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric
disorder that is chronic in nature and changes the way a person feels, thinks and perceives reali. This
result in the body having a lack of insulin which then needs to be provided extrinsically to prevent
complications. Diabetes can result in blurred vision, retinopathy, nerve problems, dry skin, and
kidney issues. Glutathione antioxidant system predominates among other antioxidants systems due
to its very high reduction potential and high intracellular concentrations compared to other
antioxidants in tissues. In this, it will cover about why it is important to manage the blood sugar level
in the human body as well as how it can impact over the body. No other food is permitted during the
duration of this test. Total caloric intake including a percentage intake of the various calories in
carbohydrates, proteins and fat are ideal for the control of blood glucose. Through the lab tests,
proper care, diagnosis and management of the disease can be realised. They relied upon Xcalibur
software (Thermo Scientific) for data processing and XCMS software for data analysis.
Approximately 50% of all glucose utilization occurs in the brain and 25% of glucose uptake occurs in
the splanchnic area (liver and the gastrointestinal tissue). It occurs most frequently in adults, but
being noted increasingly in adolescents as well. Adipocyte hypoxia and death trigger a series of
proinflammatory program, which in turn recruit new macrophages. By the end of the 20 th century,
its incidence has increased dramatically in children and adolescents, as a result of the rise in
childhood obesity and is now continuing to rise, changing the demographics of the disease in this
group (16). However, it can also occur at any age, even as late as in the eighth and ninth decades of
life. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors and a change in the lifestyle of the individual
have caused the increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus. In 2012, diabetes was the 7th leading
cause of death in the U.S with 69,071 death certificates identifying the disease as the underlying
cause of death (ADA, 2014). It can be a predictor of Diabetes in the future in pregnant mothers who
have an elevated blood sugar level during pregnancy. Controlling the production of or replacing
specific hormones can treat many disorders. A memorable day for B Jain Pharmaceuticals was
marked on the 30th of April 2022 as esteemed doctors from the field of Homoeopath. Expand 24
PDF Save Familial hyperglycemia due to mutations in glucokinase. The remaining 25 percent of
disposal is seen in the adipose tissue and skeletal muscles. People can develop diabetes at any age;
however, type 2 diabetes often occurs among the aging populations. This disease includes high
glucose levels in the blood. Nitric oxide can also combine with oxygen to produce potent cellular
killers, such as the highly toxic hydroxyl radical (OHU) and peroxynitrite (ONOO - ). Antioxidants
25 Reactive oxygen species can be eliminated by a number of antioxidant defense mechanisms,
which involve both enzymatic and non-enzymatic strategies.

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