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Deepali Fargade - Appointment Letter

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Date: 10th April, 2023

Dear Deepali Fargade,

With reference to your application and subsequent interview you had with us, Solino International Private
Limited is delighted to make the following offer of employment to you on full time basis.

 Your job title will Asst. Manager – Accounts & Finance.

 Your annual CTC will be Rs. 4,38,572/- This includes 12 month’s salary at Rs.32000/- per month and
30 days bonus Rs. 32000/- and 24 days paid leave Rs. 25600/-
 Your start date will be 10th April, 2023.
 Bonus and Paid leave are paid in April post completion of one year only.
 Your annual compensation will comprise of Professional Tax and any other government
charges which may be implemented and deducted.
 You are subject to a one-month notice period when you decide to terminate employment.
 You will be on probation & training from your start date for six months and will be confirmed full time post
 During the probation & training period you are required to give one months’ notice period if you
wish to leave and the same shall have to be finalized and approved by management.
 Incase notice period is not served from your side; company has the right to recover your Salary equal to
Notice period.

 The Employee’s probation period shall not be considered to be completed, unless the Employee’s
services are confirmed by the Company in writing by a Letter of Confirmation.
 You will abide by leave rules/procedure framed from time to time.
 Increments are not automatic but will be based solely on your performance as evaluated through our
performance appraisal system or any other mechanism as the company may deem fit for the purpose of
deciding the same.
 The company shall be entitled to immediately and without notice terminate the services of the Employee and
this employment offer without any notice during the probation and training period. The Company may in its
sole discretion extend the Employee’s probation period based on the Employee’s performance, conduct
and/or other factors as the company may deem fit.
 You agree to comply with all the policies of the Company, including limitation, such policies with respect to
confidentiality, legal compliance, conflicts of interest, business ethics, travel, vacation and others as are from
time to time in effect. You will also be subject to the terms and conditions of the company’s general
Management Policies.
 Your designation is merely indicative of the responsibilities which you are required to carry out. The
company shall be entitled to require you, at any time, to perform any other administrative, managerial,
supervisory, or other functions and you will be bound to carry out such functions.
 If you remain absent for a continuous period of 3 days without taking prior sanction of leave or
obtaining your manager’s approval, you will be deemed to have voluntarily abandoned your
services and company shall have option to terminate your services with immediate effect.
 If you report late to work for more than 3 days, then the company reserves the rights to deduct
your half day salary for each day of being late.
 Detection of false/ambiguous information by the employee/workman during his/her tenure with the company
shall be treated as contempt and the Management will have the right to terminate his/her services with
immediate effect.
(a) You will devote full time to the work of the company and shall not undertake any other direct/indirect
business or work, honorary or remunerative, or engage in any form of business activity without the written
permission of the company.
(b) You will, at all times, observe secrecy and confidentiality in respect of any technical, merchandise,
designers, customers, trade or business data or any other information that might come to your knowledge or
possession, which according to the company, are necessarily confidential and form the valuable property of
the company and not made available to the trade and business competitors and furthermore, you will not
disclose them without authority of the company to anyone other than the Company’s Officers authorized to
receive them and even after you have ceased to be in the service of the Company, you shall not disclose
them to anyone.
(c) You will assign the Company right, title and interest in any creation, design or improvement that you may
make solely or jointly in the course of your employment relating to the products/services, merchandise
marketed, based, developed and you will perform any acts, execute such documents without expenses to
you which, in the judgements of the Company, may be needful or desirable to secure to the company patent
protection and any/all rights relating to creations, designs, or improvements.
(d) You shall maintain proper discipline and dignity of your office and shall deal with all matters with sobriety
with utmost discipline and judiciousness.
(e) You shall follow the daily attendance process laid down in the company from time to time
(f) You shall maintain and keep in your safe custody such books, registers, documents and other papers as
may be issued to you or may come in your possession and shall return the same when required
(g)You will forthwith inform the company of any change in your residential address.

 During the term of employment and in the event of ceasing to be in the services of the Company for
whatsoever reason, you agree that, in addition to any other limitation during the term of your employment
and for period of one year after the cessation/termination of your employment, you will not directly or
(a) On your behalf or as a partner or as an officer, director, an employee, agent or shareholder or
any other entity; or person or as a trustee, fiduciary or other representative or any other
person or entity.
i) Employ, solicit the employment of, or encourage or aid any other party to employ or
solicit the employment of any employee or independent contractor to terminate
(ii) Contact any person or companies which are customers/suppliers/designers or
prospective customers/suppliers/designers of or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries for the
purpose of soliciting the customers/suppliers/ designers or prospective customers/
suppliers/designers in competition with its affiliates or subsidiaries nor solicit or divert or
cause anyone to solicit or divert any such customers/suppliers/designers or prospective
customers/suppliers/designers from its affiliates or subsidiaries or in any manner
influence such customers/suppliers/designers or prospective
customers/suppliers/designers so as to adversely affect their relationship with its affiliates
or subsidiaries.

(b) During your employment with the company and for a period of Five years from the date of
cessation/termination of your employment, you shall not:
i) Engage yourself in any activity which will directly or indirectly compete with the company
and/or its affiliate or group company, as the case may be;
ii) On your behalf or on behalf of any other person, or in conjunction with any other
person, directly or indirectly, solicit, contact, call upon, communicate with or attempt to
communicate with any person which is/was a client or a bonafide prospective client of
the company.
iii) On your behalf or on behalf of any other person, or in conjunction with any other person,
directly or indirectly, hire, contract with,solicit,or entic away from company and/or its affiliate or its
group company, any company employee, or hire or contract with any former company employee
within one year after the date such person ceases to be an employee of company; and/or.
iv) Accept any position as employee, consultant, retainer or advisor or in any other capacity with the
competitors of the company and/or its affiliate or the group company, as the case may be or accept
any compensation, reimbursements or funds, or their equivalent, from such competitors.

(c) Each and every obligation under sub-clause (i) to( iv) to sub- clause (b) above shall be treated as a
separate obligation and shall be severally enforceable as such and in the event of any obligation or
obligations being or becoming unenforceable in whole or in part, such part or parts as are
unenforceable shall be deleted from sub-clause (i) or (i) or (iii) or (iv) to sub-clause (b), as the case
may be, and any such deletion shall not affect the enforceability of all such parts of sub-clause (i) or
(ii) or (iii) or (iv) to sub-clause (b) as remain not so deleted.

(d) While the restrictions contained in sub-clauses (i) to (iv) to sub-clause ((b) are considered by the
parties to be reasonable in all the circumstances, it is recognized that restrictions of the nature in
question may fail for reasons unforeseen and accordingly, it is hereby agreed and declared that if
any of such restrictions shall be adjudged to be void as going beyond what is reasonable in all the
circumstances for the protection of the interests of the company but would be valid if part of the

(e) wording thereof were deleted or the periods thereof reduced or the range of activities or areas dealt
with thereby reduced in scope, the said restriction shall apply with such modifications as may be
necessary to make it valid and effective.

(f) Your appointment is transferable and the company at its discretion may transfer you to any other
department or to any place in India or outside India and as such you may, at any time, be
transferred to any of the offices of the company, its associates, organizations with whom the
company has transactions, whether the office, subsidiary, associate or organizations is in existence
today or is to be set-up hereafter. While every attempt will be made to give you reasonable
advance notice of such transfer, however, in case of emergency such transfers may be made
effective immediately.

 You will observe working timings, shifts and holidays as applicable to your location and place of work. The
company shall be entitled to decide or change working hours or shifts and weekly off day.
 On your transfer to any other place, you will observe the working timings and holidays as applicable to the
location and place of work where you have been transferred without any change in remuneration
 You will abide by the dress code as per the Company guidelines.
 If during the period of your employment with us you achieve any invention, design, development, process
improvement, operational improvement, or other processes/methods, likely to result in more efficient
operation of any of the activities of the company, the Company shall be entitled to use, utilize and exploit
such improvements and you shall assign all your rights to the company for the purpose of seeking any
patent rights in respect thereof of for any other purpose.
 Upon leaving the company, you will not take with you any data, calculations, letter or documents or any
other writing or copy of writing of any nature whatsoever pertaining to the business of the company or any
of its subsidiaries, and the same are to be handed over back to the company, failing which the company
shall treat it as breach of the confidentiality obligations and shall be forced to take strict action against you.
 If any information furnished by you in your application for employment or during the selection process is
found at any time during your employment to be incorrect or false, and /or if you have concealed any
information regarding your qualifications and experience, the company shall have the option to terminate
your services without notice or compensation.
 You will be governed by and shall conform to the service rules of the company.
 At the time of severance of your contract you will be required to handover all articles (including cash) in
good condition that were given to you either for your use/care/custody and obtain a “Clearance Certificate”
Final Settlement for your accounts will be made only on your handing over the same to a designed
representative of the company.
 On matters not specifically mentioned herein you shall be governed by the rules of the company as are in
force/amended from time to time.
 The appointment and its continuance are subject to your being found and remaining medically (Physically
and mentally) fit. The company reserves the right to ask you to undergo medical examination when
considered necessary.

 Your appointment is subject to your submitting copies of mark sheets/certificates in respect of all your
educational qualifications.
 This appointment is subject to your not being a partner or relative of a director of the company within the
meaning of Section 314 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956.A list of Directors is available in the Head
Office for Perusal.
 This offer is subject to proper release from your present employer.
 This contract of employment is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai.

By accepting this offer you confirm that you agree to all the above-mentioned terms and conditions and any other
changes the company may make from time to time.

Please note that your terms of employment (including annual compensation/Salary) should be treated in strict

Please return the duplicate copy of this letter of appointment duly signed in token of acceptance of the terms
And conditions of employment within One day of your receiving this letter.

Congratulations on your new position, we welcome you at Solino International Private Limited.

We look forward to a pleasant and fruitful association with us.

For Solino International Pvt Ltd

Authorized Signatory
Manoj Budhia


I Accept the above terms & Condition which form part of my appointment with Solino International Pvt Ltd; the
original of this letter is in my possession.
Accepted the Rules, Terms & Conditions.

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