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A Survey of Moving Target Defenses For Network Security

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3, THIRD QUARTER 2020 1909

A Survey of Moving Target Defenses

for Network Security
Sailik Sengupta , Ankur Chowdhary , Abdulhakim Sabur, Adel Alshamrani ,
Dijiang Huang, and Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract—Network defenses based on traditional tools, tech- of security and performance. We use well-defined metrics such
niques, and procedures (TTP) fail to account for the attacker’s as risk analysis and performance costs for qualitative evalua-
inherent advantage present due to the static nature of network tion and metrics based on Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
services and configurations. To take away this asymmetric advan- (CIA), attack representation, QoS impact, and targeted threat
tage, Moving Target Defense (MTD) continuously shifts the models for quantitative evaluation. Finally, we show that our
configuration of the underlying system, in turn reducing the categorization of MTDs is effective in identifying novel research
success rate of cyberattacks. In this survey, we analyze the recent areas and highlight directions for future research.
advancements made in the development of MTDs and highlight
(1) how these defenses can be defined using common terminology, Index Terms—Cyber security, network security, moving tar-
(2) can be made more effective with the use of artificial intelligence get defense, artificial intelligence, cyber deception, game theory,
techniques for decision making, (3) be implemented in practice attack representation methods (ARMs), cyber kill chain (CKC),
and (4) evaluated. We first define an MTD using a simple and yet advanced persistent threats, software-defined networking (SDN),
general notation that captures the key aspects of such defenses. We network function virtualization (NFV), qualitative metrics, quan-
then categorize these defenses into different sub-classes depending titative metrics, risk analysis, QoS metrics.
on what they move, when they move and how they move. In trying
to answer the latter question, we showcase the use of domain I. I NTRODUCTION
knowledge and game-theoretic modeling can help the defender
HE NETWORK and cloud infrastructures have become
come up with effective and efficient movement strategies. Second,
to understand the practicality of these defense methods, we dis-
cuss how various MTDs have been implemented and find that
T both ubiquitous and more complex in the past few years.
Gartner predicts that by the year 2025, 80% of the entire IT
networking technologies such as Software Defined Networking infrastructure which includes deployed applications, technolo-
and Network Function Virtualization act as key enablers for
implementing these dynamic defenses. We then briefly highlight gies and services will be cloud-based [1]. While the performance
MTD test-beds and case-studies to aid readers who want to aspects with regards to storage capacity, networking efficiency,
examine or deploy existing MTD techniques. Third, our survey and hardware have received due attention and evolved with
categorizes proposed MTDs based on the qualitative and quanti- business demands, aspects that govern the security of cloud
tative metrics they utilize to evaluate their effectiveness in terms infrastructure are still managed using traditional means. Given
Manuscript received April 30, 2019; revised October 24, 2019; accepted that security breaches can lead to loss of customer trust and
February 13, 2020. Date of publication March 26, 2020; date of current ver- worsen business reputation, a key question is how effective are
sion August 21, 2020. This work was supported in part by the Naval Research these traditional security approaches? Is monitoring network
Laboratory under Grant N00173-15-G017 and Grant N0017319-1-G002, in
part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant FA9550- traffic for malicious patterns, routinely patching known vul-
18-1-0067, in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration nerabilities, and relying on the network and perimeter defense
under Grant NNX17AD06G, in part by the Office of Naval Research under such as Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Anti-malware
Grant N00014-16-1-2892, Grant N00014-18-1-2442, and Grant N00014-18-
12840, in part by NSF U.S. under Grant DGE-1723440, Grant OAC-1642031, tools, etc. enough to detect and thwart attacks?
Grant SaTC-1528099, and Grant 1723440, in part by NSF China under Grant There exist multiple shortcomings in these traditional
61628201 and Grant 61571375, in part by the JP Morgan AI Research defense mechanisms. First, the attacker, with time on their
Faculty Award, and in part by DARPA CHASE under Grant W912CG-
19-C-0003 (via IBM). The work of Sailik Sengupta was supported by the side, can spend reconnaissance effort in modeling the cloud
IBM Ph.D. Fellowship. The work of Abdulhakim Sabur was supported by a system (the defenses in place) and then, carefully plan their
scholarship from Taibah University through Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission. attacks. Second, implementations of these defenses in prac-
(Sailik Sengupta and Ankur Chowdhary contributed equally to this work.)
(Corresponding author: Sailik Sengupta.) tice are often far from ideal, thereby allowing attackers
Sailik Sengupta, Ankur Chowdhary, Dijiang Huang, and even more opportunities to exploit the system. A report
Subbarao Kambhampati are with the School of Computing, Informatics, and from 2016 predicts that by the end of 2020, 99% of the
Decision Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287
USA (e-mail:;;; vulnerabilities exploited will be known to security and IT professionals since a year ago [2]. A major reason for this
Abdulhakim Sabur is with the School of Computing, Informatics, and is the time and complexity associated with the process of
Decision Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287
USA, and also with Taibah University, Medina 42353, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: routinely patching vulnerabilities. Often, the fear of degrada- tion in the Quality of Service (QoS) provided to customers
Adel Alshamrani is with the Department of Cybersecurity, College of deters Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) from making changes
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Jeddah, Jeddah 23218,
Saudi Arabia (e-mail: to the existing system configuration. Third, zero-day attacks
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2020.2982955 developed using the information the attacker gathers during
c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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Fig. 1. We survey various defense techniques based on the paradigm of Moving Target Defense (MTD) and showcase that a common terminology and
directions for future work naturally emerges due to the categorization in our survey.

the reconnaissance phase can render traditional defenses and techniques are with regards to security and performance.
useless. Figure 1 gives a quick overview of this survey.
To address the shortcomings of existing defense methods, The rest of the survey is organized in the following manner.
Moving Target Defense (MTD) has emerged as a solution that In Section II, we introduce the reader to some background
provides proactive defense against adaptive adversaries. The knowledge about the various stages of an attack in cloud
goal of MTD is to constantly move between multiple configu- systems, popular for detections and defenses against mali-
rations in a cyber-system (such as changing the open network cious traffic, and formal frameworks to capture knowledge
ports, network configuration, software, etc.) thereby increas- about attacks in networking systems. In Section III, we pro-
ing the uncertainty for the attacker; in effect, diminishing pose a universal notation that captures the key aspect of all
the advantage of reconnaissance that an attacker inherently the MTDs proposed and use it to investigate and categorize
has against traditional defense mechanisms. The advantages the defenses depending on how they answer the questions
of MTDs go away if the shifting mechanism is deterministic (1) what to move, (2) when to move and (3) how to move.
because the attacker, with time on their side, will eventually be In this regard, we also highlight how the different cyber sur-
able to predict this movement and design attacks accordingly. faces - discussed under what to move– relate to the various
Thus, for MTDs to be effective, they need to have implicit stages of an attack described in Section II. In Section IV,
randomness built into them. This survey categorizes MTDs we discuss how the various MTD works have been imple-
based on what they shift, when they shift and how they shift. mented in practice, with special emphasis on the role of (and
The dynamic aspect of MTD adds an extra layer of com- the effectiveness) of SDN and NFV in enabling them. We
plexity in implementing these defenses. To address this, showcase examples of existing MTD testbeds and perform
one can leverage advances in networking technology. First, case-studies that can help security personnel in the adoption of
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [3] has emerged MTD solutions for production-grade networks. In Section V,
as a technology to provide a virtualized implementation of we elaborate on various qualitative and quantitative metrics
hardware-based equipment such as firewalls, routers, etc. that have been presented in the literature; this can help a cloud
through Virtual Machines (VMs) or containers running on top administrator decide if a defense mechanism is secure enough.
of a physical server in cloud computing environments. Given In Section VI, we highlight areas, in terms of our categoriza-
MTDs, often, need more hardware than conventional software tion, that have received less attention and discuss an array of
systems, such virtualization helps to reduce the cost of imple- future research directions. Finally, we conclude the survey in
mentation. Second, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) [4], Section VII.
which serves as an enabling technology for NFV, provides
a centralized security policy enforcer. The programmable
interface afforded by SDN can help administrators imple- II. BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORK
ment optimal movement strategies for MTDs. Futhermore, In this section, we first discuss related surveys in the area
enabling MTD implementation at scale will help us evaluate of Moving Target Defense (MTD) that look at the aspects of
the effectiveness of these defenses in practical settings. characterizing and evaluating proactive defenses. This helps us
The key contributions of this survey are: (1) provides an to situate our survey and highlight several aspects of MTDs
umbrella under which we can categorize the array of MTD that existing surveys ignore. Second, we describe the vari-
techniques proposed for network environments, (2) introduces ous stages of an attack that establishes a realistic threat model
a common language that can be utilized to describe (and under- against a cyber-system. This helps us understand which step(s)
stand) the assumptions and threat models of various MTDs, of an attack a particular MTD technique seeks to disarm.
(3) gives an overview of how these defenses are implemented Third, we highlight the traditional defense methods that are
by researchers, highlighting testbeds and case studies to guide presently used to detect or reduce the impact of cyberat-
its large-scale deployment and (4) discusses how MTDs have tacks. As seen later, MTD mechanisms often leverage these
been evaluated from a qualitative and a quantitative stand- traditional defenses, adding movement to the way they are
point, in effect, shedding light on how effective these tools deployed; this makes it harder for an attacker to fool the overall

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defense. Finally, we provide an overview of existing databases and hybrid surface shifting, improving the modeling of APTs,
(NVD, OVSDB, CVSS) [11], [12] that are used to obtain etc. (see Figure 14).
domain knowledge about known vulnerabilities and popular
attack representation methods such as attack graphs and attack B. Attack Modeling Techniques
Organizations utilize advanced infrastructure management
tools and follow best practices such as software patching, hard-
A. Related Works and the Need for This Survey ening, analysis of the system’s log for reducing the attack
We present a comparison of our survey to existing surveys in surface. Yet, skilled adversaries manage to compromise the
Table I. Firstly, we observe that most existing surveys [6], [9] network assets by utilizing zero-day attacks, customized mal-
provide only partial coverage of topics relating to what, when, ware, etc., that are often difficult to detect or prevent using
and how to move the elements of the network. Section III intrusion detection systems and anti-virus tools. For the effec-
provides a more holistic view of various Moving Target tive deployment of intelligent cyber-defenses, it is crucial to
Defenses (MTDs). Moreover, the techniques surveyed do not collect information (called the threat model) about the attack
talk about modeling Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) sce- process followed by an adversary.
narios [13], [14]. Our survey, on the other hand, provides an An intelligence-driven approach focused on studying par-
overview of APT and its relation to the attack and defense ticular threats from an attacker’s perspective is key for
surfaces, thereby helping us to highlight how a particular the detection and mitigation of sophisticated attacks in
MTD may be effective against both known attacks as well networks, which are characterized as Advanced Persistent
as unknown attacks. Threats (APTs) [13], [14]. To understand the collection, cor-
We provide an in-depth analysis of how MTDs are imple- relation and categorization of data related to a cyberattack,
mented and the role of networking technologies such as Lockheed Martin defines the Cyber Kill Chain (CKC) [15].
SDN and NFV in enabling them. We categorize the MTDs The evidence-based knowledge derived from their study can
based on the maturity level of their implementation– rang- help us in understanding and deploying appropriate defense
ing from simulation-based analysis to research test-beds measures. Thus, we will first describe the different phases of
and production-level industrial products. Table V summa- the CKC followed by a brief description of APTs and how
rizes various MTDs highlighting their use of centralized they can be viewed through the lens of CKC. This setup will
networking paradigms such as SDN/NFV (yes/no), and the later help us understand how MTDs can be effective against
level of maturity at which they have been implemented the different phases of an APT.
(analytic/simulation/emulation/commercial). This categoriza- 1) Reconnaissance: The attacker gathers information about
tion has not been considered in previous surveys. the target environment in this phase. For example, the attacker
Some existing surveys [8], [9] have taken a look at catego- can perform passive monitoring using automated tools such as
rizing the evaluation metrics for understanding the effective- trace-route and Nmap to perform network probes.
ness of MTDs but these works do not talk about the different 2) Weaponization: The attacker, based on information
components that contribute to the evaluation of MTDs. In our obtained in the reconnaissance phase, utilizes tools and tech-
analysis, we consider both security and performance metrics niques such as a phishing e-mail, a malware-infected doc-
associated with each system configuration and with the ensem- ument, etc. to create a targeted attack payload against the
ble, enabling us to highlight directions that can help improve victim.
existing MTDs solutions and mechanisms. 3) Delivery: The transmission of infected payload occurs
Beyond simply providing a categorization of existing work, during this stage. For example, the attacker may leave a
the goal of our survey is to establish a common language malware-infected USB on the victim site or send an email
for researchers who develop MTDs. This will help in making to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the company. This
evident the aspects that have been considered and those that step requires the attacker to evade the authentication and thus,
have been assumed away in the development of a particular the people (and not the technology) become a more important
MTD in the future. Our categorization also helps to identify target during this phase. Thus, a trained workforce can help
promising directions for future research such as prevention, in reducing the attack surface area.

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4) Exploitation: The attack detonation takes place during H IGHLIGHTS H OW E XISTING D EFENSE M ECHANISMS A RE R ELATED TO
this stage. This phase involves the exploitation of a vulnerabil- THE D IFFERENT P HASES OF THE C YBER K ILL C HAIN
ity and the attacker gaining elevated privileges on the victim’s
resources by utilizing specially crafted payload that exploits a
known (or zero-day) vulnerability.
5) Installation: Once the attacker gains elevated privileges
in the exploitation stage, they may install malware on the vic-
tim’s machine or choose to harvest useful information in the
victim’s database. Tools that can analyze abnormal behavior
such as anti-malware, host-based IDS (HIDS), etc. become
quite important in attack detection during this stage.
6) Command and Control (C&C): After the installation
phase is complete, the attacker contacts the C&C to main-
tain remote control over the victim machine. Tools such as
network-based IDS (NIDS) and outbound firewall rules are
quite useful in detecting and blocking malicious outbound environment and gain access to other sensitive hosts and crit-
connections requests. ical information in the organizational network in the lateral
7) Actions on Objectives: During this phase, the attacker movement phase of APT. In this setting, the attacker needs to
executes the actions to achieve the attack goals, such as continuously explore (perform reconnaissance) and exploit the
data-exfiltration, service disruption, etc. Two other important various components of the defender’s system, mapping to the
behaviors often observed in this attack-step are pivoting, which exploitation phase of the CKC.
involves identifying similar target nodes that have already been In the data ex-filtration phase of APT, the attacker tries
exploited, and lateral movement, which involves identifying to exfiltrate the collected data to their command and control
new systems that can be exploited in the network. (C&C) center. Most of the intrusion detection and preven-
tion systems do ingress filtering and not egress filtering, thus,
C. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) data exfiltration can often go undetected. The goal of the
attacker in post ex-filtration phase is to maintain persistence
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) refers to a distinct set
in the system for a long duration of time until the funding
of attacks against a high-value target organization that dif-
for attack campaign is finished or the goals of attacking the
fers from normal cyber attacks in several ways [13]. First,
organization/government are fulfilled.
APTs are achieved by a group of highly-skilled attackers
who are well-funded. According to Mandiant Report [16],
APTs such as Operation Aurora, Shady Rat, and Red
D. Defense Methods
October have been used on a global scale for industrial espi-
onage [17], [18]. Oftentimes, the attackers mounting APT In this section, we provide a brief overview of the various
work closely with government organizations. Second, an APT defense techniques and highlight how each of these defense
attacker is extremely persistent; they (1) pursue the objectives mechanisms is effective in various parts of a Cyber Kill Chain
repeatedly, often over an extended period, (2) can adapt to a (CKC) in Table II. This discussion will help the reader bet-
defender’s efforts in trying to resist the attack, and (3) deter- ter understand some of the MTD techniques that use these
mined to maintain a level of access within the defender’s traditional defenses as a building block.
system required to achieve their objectives. Third, the key 1) Web Analytics: A huge amount of security-related
objective of APTs is to either exfiltrate information or under- information is present on the Web– in social engineering
mining the key services in the network using multiple attack websites, phishing sites, and dark-Web forums– including
vectors [19]. discussion about a particular target product or company.
a) Relation between APTs and CKC: An APT can be As discussed by Glass and Colbaugh [20], the problem of
broken down into five phases– reconnaissance, foothold estab- exploring and analyzing the Web for information should pro-
lishment, lateral movement, data exfiltration, and post exfil- vide (1) Security relevant information discovery capabilities
tration [13]. These can be mapped to different phases of (2) Situation awareness by performing real-time inference
the Cyber Kill Chain. The reconnaissance phase in APTs over the available information, and (3) predictive analysis to
maps directly to the reconnaissance phase in CKCs, which provide early warning for any likely security attacks.
was described earlier. The foothold establishment phase com- 2) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): There are two types
prises of the weaponization and the delivery phases of CKC. of IDS agents that can be deployed in the network under
The attackers use information gathered from the reconnais- attack, i.e., Network-based IDS (NIDS) and Host-based IDS
sance phase in order to prepare an attack plan and eventually (HIDS). NIDS such as Bro [21] and Snort [22], use signa-
exploit vulnerabilities uncovered in the target organization’s ture match techniques based on known attack patterns and can
Web application, databases, and other software. flag incoming network traffic as malicious or benign. HIDS
Once the attacker has gained a foothold into the target such as auditd [23] or tripwire [24], on the other hand check
environment, they can try to move laterally in the target the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) on the physical server

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or VM, in order to identify malicious activity, e.g., privilege fragmentation, encryption and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
escalation attempt by normal user. against signature-based detection tools. Detection based on
3) Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS): A network secu- HIDS can also be evaded by a skilled attacker using techniques
rity threat prevention technology such as IPS [25] exam- such as file location manipulation (using directories or files
ines network traffic flow to detect and prevent vulnerability white-listed by IDS), application hijacking, etc. Furthermore,
exploits. The exploits come in the form of malicious inputs machine learning models that can help overcome some of
to the target application or service. The IPS is often deployed the shortcomings of signature-based detection tools can them-
behind the firewall and provides a complementary layer of selves be fooled by adversarial attacks [30], [31]. On sim-
analysis. Compared to IDS, the IPS system takes automated ilar lines, deception techniques such as DNS redirect and
action based on traffic pattern match such as (1) dropping Honeypot can help in deceiving the attacker temporarily, but
malicious traffic packets, (2) blocking requests from a source, over a longer period of time, the attacker will eventually
(3) resetting connection, and (4) sending an alarm to the change their attack methodologies thereby reducing the effec-
administrator. tiveness of these defenses. Stojanovski et al. [32] performed
4) Proxy Filtering: A (reverse) proxy server such as nginx, experimental analysis on how to bypass DEP protection on
can act as an intermediary between the attacker located on Windows XP systems. Thus, there is a need to perform
the public network and private network. A proxy can help in intelligent manipulation to assure the attacker’s likelihood of
shielding the real network from the attacker. reaching the desired goal is limited, even if they can evade the
5) Access Control List (ACL): ACL can be applied at traditional detection methods. Additionally, the defense mech-
different enforcement points in a network. ACLs, such as net- anisms discussed in Section II-D target known attacks often
filter [26], investigate network traffic and based on properties with easy to detect signature patterns.
such as source/destination IP address, port number, protocol a) Proactive defenses against APTs: The differences
etc. decide either to permit or deny it. between APTs and regular cyberattacks, discussed in
6) Data Execution Prevention (DEP): DEP is a security Section II-C, make it arduous to use traditional defenses and
feature that can be deployed in the form of hardware or soft- pre-specified threat models to address APTs as a whole. In this
ware to prevent malicious code from running on the host. They regard, proactive defenses can prove to be effective against
monitor programs run on the host and ensure it uses memory APTs. While MTDs, as we will see later, makes it difficult
in an expected (or safe) manner. for APT attackers by dynamically shuffling various system
7) Anti-Virus (AV): A software program designed to protect components (see Fig 3), other proactive defenses such as
the hosts from malicious programs such as a virus, spyware, cyber-deception can prove to be effective in gathering threat-
worms, rootkits, key-loggers, etc. The AVs can be classified model information. For example, Shu and Yan propose a cyber
into two types– signature-based AV and behavior-based AV. deception to protect FTP services against APT attackers [33].
The signature-based AVs check the malicious program against In their research work, a defender reroutes attack traffic to
the database of known malicious programs. On the other a host, which may be a honeypot, and the defender ensures
hand, the behavior-based AVs check the program behavior by that an attacker is not able to notice a connection difference
running it in a sandbox environment. between the real IP address and the honeypot trap. By observ-
8) Tarpit: This defense technique involves purposeful intro- ing attacker’s behavior on the honeypot, the defender updates
duction of delay when responding to queries. The key idea the threat-model and in turn, hardens their FTP services. A
behind this defense mechanism is that adversaries will give key aspect of this work is to make the attackers continuously
up on a target if it takes too long to achieve the defined goal. believe that they are interacting with the original environment
9) QoS: The network traffic can be segmented on the as opposed to a honeypot.
service type and importance. The segmented traffic can be
analyzed for bottlenecks and threats. The malicious traffic can
be slowed down in order to increase the Cost of Attack (COA)
or selectively dropped. E. Domain Information for Modeling Cyber-Attacks
10) DNS Redirect: The malicious connection requests can Defenders almost always have information about the system
be served a different response than was expected. The attacker they want to protect. This knowledge can help in enhancing
may seek to connect with command and control center using the threat-model and, in turn, improve the effectiveness of
a page with malware, but DNS redirect will kill this chance. MTD techniques. Such information may range from knowl-
11) Honeypot: A security mechanism, which can be used to edge of the network architecture, the capacity of the individual
detect, deceive or in some cases counter a malicious user trying machines, known vulnerabilities (and an idea of how danger-
to gain access to key network services [27]. Honeypots such ous they are), etc. We discuss here a few popular models and
as Cowrie [28] can help in better understanding the attacker’s data sources that have been leveraged by researchers.
tools and tactics. The connection requests from the attacker 1) Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs): are
are directed to a decoy service, which mimics the behavior of publicly known vulnerabilities and exposures that are cat-
the normal service and logs the attacker’s activity. egorized and can be referenced uniquely in the National
Although there exists a large set of defense mechanisms, Vulnerability Database (NVD) using a common vulnerabil-
attackers often use clever techniques to evade detection or ity enumeration identifier (CVE-ID). This system is main-
prevention. SANS [29] discusses methods like obfuscation, tained and updated by the Mitre corporation regularly to

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Fig. 2. Attack representations such as an attack graph (b) and an attack tree (c) for a simple network attack scenario (a) in a small-size cloud system
with known vulnerabilities. Creation of these representations from network vulnerability and reachability information often suffers from scalability issues for
real-world networks (see Table III).

make defenders and administrators aware of existing and new Attack Tree [35] as shown in Figure 2(c) is another method
vulnerabilities. of representing system security. The Attack Tree represents
2) Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS): The use the network attacks. Attack Tree represents a monotonic path
of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) for rat- taken by an attacker starting from a leaf node to reach a
ing attacks is well studied in security [34]. For (most) CVEs goal node. Attack Tree usually consists of set of AND nodes
listed in the NVD database, we have a six-dimensional CVSS (sshd(0,2), user(0) - Figure 2(c)) and OR nodes (rsh(1,2),
v2 vector [12], which can be decomposed into multiple com- sshd_bof (0,2)). The OR nodes represent one or more ways
ponents that represent Access Complexity (AC), i.e., how in which a goal node can be reached, whereas AND nodes
difficult it is to exploit a vulnerability, and the impact on represent different conditions that must be fulfilled to achieve
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) gained by a goal node. Children of the node are refinements of this goal,
exploiting a vulnerability. The values of AC are categorical and the attacks that can no longer be refined are represented
{EASY, MEDIUM, HIGH}, while CIA values are in the range by leaf nodes [36].
[0, 10]. These scores are also known as the Exploitability Definition 1: An Attack Tree [36] can be defined by three
Score (ES) and the Impact Score (IS). tuples (N , →, Nr )
Although a defender may be aware of the known vulnerabil- • N is all possible nodes in the tree;
ities present in their system (by being aware of the published • S + (N ) is multi-set of all possible subsets of nodes N;
CVEs that affect them), the knowledge of how they affect • →⊆ N × S + (N ) denotes transition relation;
their system, in particular, may help them in making better • NR represents the goal node of the attack tree.
decisions for security. The attack representation can be useful Attack Graph is a data structure used to represent attack
to quantify the attack and defense surface for MTD. To this propagation in a network with vulnerabilities as shown in
extent, we define two heavily used representation methods that Figure 2(b). The start state of the attack graph represents
can represent known attacks present in a system– the attack the current privileges of the attacker. The goal state of the
tree and the attack graph as shown in the Figure 2. attack graph represents a state in which the intruder has suc-
The Figure 2, shows a network attack scenario, where an cessfully achieved his attack goal, e.g., data-exfiltration, root
attacker has access to FTP and SSH server over the network. privileges on a Web server, etc. Security analysts use attack
This example illustrates different methods for representing graph for attack detection, network defense, and forensics [45].
multi-stage attacks, i.e., attack graph and attack tree which We formally define the attack graph as follows.
we defined above. The FTP server consists of a vulnerabil- Definition 2: Attack Graph (AG) An attack graph is repre-
ity that allows the attacker to obtain remote shell (rsh) on the sented as a graph G = {V, E}, where V is set of nodes and
system. The SSH server, on the other hand, consists of buffer E is set of edges of the graph G, where
overflow (sshd_bof ) vulnerability. The goal of the attacker is 1) V = NC ∪ ND ∪ NR , where NC denotes the set of
to obtain root privilege on the SSH server, i.e., root(2). The conjunctive or exploit nodes, ND is a set of disjunctive
attack progression using attack graph and attack tree has been nodes or result of an exploit, and NR is the set of a
presented in Figure 2 (b), (c) respectively. starting nodes of an attack graph, i.e., root nodes.

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2) E = Epre ∪ Epost are sets of directed edges, such that methods as one of the Quantitative metrics which can be used
e ∈ Epre ⊆ ND × NC , i.e., NC must be satisfied to for measuring effectiveness of MTD in Section V.
obtain ND . An edge e ∈ Epost ⊆ NC × ND means
that condition NC leads to the consequence ND . Epre
represents the attack graph pre-conditions (ftp(0,1) and III. C ATEGORIZING M OVING TARGET D EFENSES
user(1) in the Figure 2(b)) necessary for vulnerability The goal of Moving Target Defense (MTD) is to continually
exploitation and Epost are the post-conditions (rsh(1,2) move the components of an underlying system in a randomized
in the Figure 2(b)) obtained as a result of exploit. fashion; this ensures the information gathered by the attacker
The time taken to construct attack representation methods in the reconnaissance phase becomes stale during the attack
(ARMs) grows exponentially with an increase in the num- phase given the defender has moved to a new configuration
ber of hosts or the number of known vulnerabilities in the within that time. This increases the uncertainty for the attacker,
network [46]. Authors in [47] survey various research works making it difficult (or rather, more expensive) for them to
that try to address this challenge. Ammann et al. [48] present successfully exploit the system.
a scalable solution that assumes monotonicity; it allowed them An MTD can be described using a three tuple M, T, C
to achieve scalability of O(N 6 ). To mitigate the state explo- where M represents the movement strategy that directs the
sion problem, most of the existing solutions try to reduce the system how to move, T denotes the timing function that rep-
dependency among vulnerabilities by using some logical rep- resents when a switch action occurs in the MTD system and
resentation [49] or by imposing a hierarchical structure to C represents the configuration space or the set of configu-
reduce the computing and analysis complexity of construct- rations between which the system switches, answering the
ing and using ARMs [50]. In the latter work, the authors question of what to switch. Answers to these three ques-
proposed a two-layer AG generation approach where the tions can help us define a useful categorization for the various
goal was to develop a faster method by considering network MTDs. We believe that this categorization (1) gives a holis-
reachability and vulnerability information at different layers. tic view of the various MTD systems, providing a heuristic
The graphs constructed have vulnerability information of the sense of what modeling aspects, when done carefully, make
individual hosts in the lower graph while the topological a particular defense effective, and (2) highlights opportunities
information of the network is in the upper layer. Unfortunately, on how modeling of a particular component of an MTD can
the effectiveness of these methods on real-world networks is either be improved or amalgamated with other MTDs.
uncertain. As we will see, the configuration set C and the timing func-
Table III highlights the complexity of creating various attack tion T are often a design choice made the system administrator
graph and attack tree-based methods. As can be see, scalabil- depending on the threat model. However, the movement func-
ity is a major concern when coming up with a good attack tion M : H → C needs to be a stochastic function that given
representation, thereby impacting the effectiveness of MTD the history of system configurations H as input, produces the
techniques. In [51], the authors present a scalable solution for next configuration the system should switch to. A stochastic
approximating the attack graph of a large scale data-centric function is needed because a deterministic function can easily
network by using distributed attack graph computation fol- be learned by an attacker over time and thus, does not help
lowed by semantic clustering. We discuss attack representation the defender in terms of security.

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Fig. 3. A mapping between the different phases of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) and various surfaces of a cyber system that various MTDs seek to
move. Shifting of the exploration surface and the attack surface are effective only against some phases on an APT, whereas shifting the detection and the
prevention surface is effective throughout the APT life-cycle.

A. The Configuration Set C – What to Switch? random virtual IP addresses (vIP) in an unpredictable and
At an abstract level, from the perspective of an attacker, decentralized fashion. Formally, C represents the set of bipar-
every software system can be categorized into four surfaces: tite graphs, where each configuration represents a mapping
• Exploration Surface from the set of vIP addresses in the Virtual Address Range
• Attack Surface (VAR) to the set of hosts in the network. Every switch action
• Detection Surface changes the one-to-one mapping of hosts in the system to
• Prevention Surface VARs. Another work [54] tries to implement an MTD on the
In this section, we use these surfaces as a basis for cat- same set of configurations using a centralized approach based
egorizing what the different MTDs shift. In the context of on (SDN) technologies like OpenFlow.
multi-stage attacks like APTs, an adversary needs to exploit Another line of work focuses on reducing the quality of
all the different surfaces, but not necessarily in a predefined information that an attacker can gather through exploration.
order (see Fig. 3). For example, an adversary may first try to In [55], the authors use a centralized approach to obfuscate
explore the target network and try to figure out its topology, the network links so that the topology that an attacker can
bandwidth, software deployed on the different nodes, etc., but retrieve via crossfire attacks is noisy and unreliable. In this
it may also need to perform reconnaissance at an advanced work, each state is a possible path from the source to the des-
stage, say, to verify if it has actually gained access and estab- tination of the crossfire attack. Thus, the configuration space
lished a foothold, i.e., a new vantage point, within the system. C represents the set of all paths from a source point to a
The knowledge gained in the exploration phase helps them destination point in the network. The MTD paradigm comes
to execute attacks that exploit the system, to move to differ- into play because the administrator chooses a path, in a ran-
ent points in the network, and exfiltrate important information. domized fashion, so that the attacker is not able to get reliable
As both exploration and attack traffic are malicious in nature, path information between any two points in the network. Given
they tend to differ from legitimate user traffic. At that point, attacks may only succeed if the packet is sent over a partic-
the detection and prevention surfaces come into play. ular path, attackers are forced to use a lot of attack traffic
In Fig. 4, we show a Venn diagram that categorizes existing in order to succeed in exploiting the system or even obtain a
MTDs based on the surface they shift. Although this catego- reasonable estimate of the network topology. Such behavior
rization is at a level of abstraction, we discuss various works increases their chances of getting caught or dealing with an
and show how different MTDs define the elements of the set C. inaccurate (and hopefully, not useful) model of the system. On
Most MTDs shift one surface at a time, rarely considering similar lines, there have been works that either try to move the
scenarios where other surfaces can be shifted in conjunction. fingerprint of a protected host [56] or randomly alter the time
After discussing the various MTDs, we briefly mention some schedule that guides when a host transmits information, reduc-
unexplored research areas that can lead to the development of ing the effectiveness of selective jamming attacks against smart
new defenses that shift multiple surfaces. meters [59]. In [57], the authors propose to send back incorrect
1) Exploration Surface Shifting: The goal of shifting the information to an attacker trying to query information about
exploration surface is to ensure that the model of a system that the hosts on the network. Although they come up with deter-
an attacker can gather by exploration actions such as by scan- ministic strategies for responses, the possibility of sending
ning for open-ports, sending non-malicious traffic to uncover back different lies opens up when the underlying attack sur-
system topology, discover vulnerabilities, etc., are noisy or face uses an MTD. These works are termed as cyber-deception
inaccurate. Thus, an adversary, with this faulty information because the defender is trying to deceive the adversary by feed-
from the reconnaissance phase, is left with no other choice ing them false information about the system. In such cases, the
but to work with faulty view of the attack surface. goal of the defender is to ensure that the adversary’s model of
In [52], [53], the authors propose the concept of Random the underlying network is incorrect as opposed to just being
Host Mutation (RHM) – moving target hosts are assigned incomplete or noisy.

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Fig. 4. The different surfaces that can be moved by a particular Moving Target Defense (MTD). Moving the exploration surface makes it harder for the
attacker to figure out the exact system configuration by making the sensing actions noisy or erroneous. Moving the attack surface makes a particular attack
inapplicable. Moving the detection surface, similar to ‘patrolling methods’, helps in providing efficient detection in budget-constrained cyber environments.
Moving the prevention surface makes it harder for an attacker to ex-filtrate data even when they have a strong foot-hold inside the system.

In [58], Jajodia et al. looks at how they can deploy honey- attack surface characterized by three properties– (1) the set
nets in a strategic fashion and thereby, minimize the expense of entry and exit points into the system, (2) the set of chan-
of deploying all possible honey-nets at once. They show that nels, and (3) the set of un-trusted items (data/system/network
deploying honey-nets introduces deception in the network link). The defender aims to switch between the different con-
against noisy-rich (NR) cyber-attackers (i.e., adversaries who figurations to minimize the similarity of the attack surface
try to exploit all the vulnerabilities present in order to com- in consecutive configurations and at the same time, have a
promise the target network). In this case, if we represent minimum impact on performance. As we will soon see, this
the set of all honey-nets that can be placed in a network multi-objective trade-off is a common theme in many of the
as X, then the configuration space C consists of all budget- works on MTD.
limited subsets of honey-nets that can be deployed by the In [63], Zhu and Başar break down a full-stack system into
administrator. several layers (denoted by l). For each layer, they have a set of
2) Attack Surface Shifting: Most of the work from the technologies that can be used to provide the functionality that
research community has focused on movement of the attack the layer is responsible for. Now, when all layers (or stacks)
surface. The main aim of switching between attack surfaces come together to form the full-stack system, all possible com-
is to render invalid an attack action that the attacker chooses binations of technologies cannot be used to provide proper
after some exportation. For example, an attack to exploit a functionality to the end-user. Thus, from all these possible
Linux-based OS will be useless if it is executed on a machine combinations, they handpick a few combinations of technolo-
running a Windows OS. We first discuss some MTD methods gies that meet the use-case demands for the full-stack software
that are, for a networking environment, defined at an abstract among which they switch, which defines the configuration
level. We will then, focus on ones that consider moving more space C. On similar lines, Sengupta et al. [64] also assume
specific elements of the network. a full-stack Web-application and thus, has similar action sets
In one of the earlier works [62], the authors have a set where the technologies for each layer are relevant to Web-
of systems, which forms their space of MTD configurations application development. The two papers differ in the way
C, and each configuration c ∈ C can be represented by an they decide how to switch (to be discussed later).

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Carter et al. design an MTD system that switches between 3) Detection Surface Shifting: The concept of detecting
different Operating Systems (OSs) (which are called ‘plat- attacks by inspecting traffic on the wire or the behavior of a
forms’) [65]. In their case, the configuration set C is the set of request on a host machine has been the cornerstone of cyberse-
all OSs that they can shift between. They mention a notion of curity. Unfortunately, placing all possible Intrusion Detection
similarity (or diversity) between two configurations ∈ C based Systems (IDS) on a system, especially in the case of a large
on code syntax and semantics of the functionality provided. On network system, can lead to a degradation in the performance
similar lines, authors in [66] move away from MTD systems of the system. Thus, to minimize the impact on performance
that consider a set of abstract configurations and implement an while keeping the attacker guessing about whether their attack
MTD that can perform the OS rotation for machines deployed will be detected or not, researchers have looked at intelligent
in the systems hosted on a network using a centralized mecha- ways in which a limited number of detection systems can be
nism. We now shift our attention to MTDs that move elements placed on the underlying network. These methods are similar
solely relating to networks. to patrolling methods that try to identify security breaches in
In [51], Chowdhary et al. describe an MTD that lever- physical security domains like airports, wildlife sanctuaries,
ages port hopping to thwart known attacks on a cloud-based etc. with limited resources [81].
system. In their work, the states of the system are composed In [76] and [77], authors show that when faced with stealthy
of variables, each of which indicates if a certain vulnerabil- botnets and external adversaries, who are powerful enough to
ity in the system has been exploited (or not) and based on attack any internal node of a deployed system, shifting the
it, decides when and how to move. This fits well with our detection surface helps to maintain system performance, while
earlier discussion on how various surfaces are inter-related – being effective in detecting attacks. In both of these cases, they
the attack surface shifting comes into play when an attacker have a set of nodes N that are deployed in the network. The
can successfully evade the detection surface. Along simi- configuration set C is composed of all k-sized subsets of N
lar lines, authors in [67] move a deployed Virtual Machine (where k (< |N |)}). In [78], [79], the authors argue that in
(VM) to a different physical server if the impact of known many real-world multi-layered networks, the assumption that
vulnerabilities (measured using heuristic measures) on the an attacker can attack from any place in the network is too
physical server exceeds a certain threshold. In [68], the authors strong and split the configuration set C into disjoint sets based
implement MTD at a different layer of the system abstrac- their position in on an attack graph.
tion where they move services deployed on a particular VM In contrast to MTD for detection surface shifting, whose
to another VM. A natural extension could be to use both goal is to maximize security while adhering to performance
the layers for designing a hybrid MTD that shifts (1) soft- constraints of the underlying network, some works investigate
ware deployed on a VM and (2) individual VMs deployed detection surface shifting for the sole purpose of enhancing
on actual physical servers in the cloud network. This is security. In [75], the authors use an ensemble of classifiers
similar to the concept of multi-layer MTD, as discussed that can distinguish a mail as spam and switch between them
in [63], [64]. to make it more difficult for the attacker to fool the system.
In [69], authors talk about a range of configurations In general, the use of machine learning for anomaly detec-
(precisely, 72 of them) and analyze the effect of using various tion [82] coupled with the paradigm of MTD for stochastic
game-theoretic strategies for switching between them. They ensembles [80], [83] can lead to interesting future research,
shed some light on the amount of security gain that can be especially the introduction of a new attack surface (authors
achieved in various settings. In [70], the authors point out a in [84] highlight several challenges in the use of supervised
fundamental assumption that is often inherent in cybersecurity machine learning in cloud network settings). In these cases,
in general and MTD systems in particular– the different con- each classifier is a configuration in C.
figurations of the MTD are not vulnerable to the same attack 4) Prevention Surface Shifting: The goal of an MTD in
(similar to the notion of diversity described in [65]). They shifting the Prevention Surface is to make the attacker uncer-
create a bipartite graph that maps hosts to vulnerabilities and tain about the defense mechanism that is in place; this forces
show that MTD is more effective when the diversity of the con- the attacker to spend more resources and come up with sophis-
figuration ∈ C is higher. Similar conclusions have also been ticated methods to exfiltrate the data. It also adds a layer of
drawn in regards to an ensemble of Deep Neural Networks reasoning on the adversaries part; for example, distinguishing
(DNN) where higher differential immunity to attacks leads to between whether their attack was undetected and went through
higher gains in robustness [80]. to the actual system, or was detected and their behavior is
In rare cases, the number of configurations in C may become presently being monitored becomes difficult.
large. To address scalability challenges, a solution could be Investigation of MTD techniques for shifting the prevention
to first reduce the configuration set C by partitioning them surface has been scarce, especially in the context of computer
into disjoint subsets [78] or choose a reasonably-sized subset networks. We think this is mostly because an administrator
and perform MTD on them separately. In [71], the authors can only use these defenses when they can identify an attack
take the latter route and use genetic algorithm search methods with high accuracy, which is often too strong an assumption.
where the fitness function measures the diversity of the sub- Yet, in some cases, authors make this assumption– in [73], an
set. In [72], constraining the movement of software between MTD mechanism that modifies the bandwidth of the network
containers both reduces the size of the set C and helps to in response to malicious activity is proposed. The configura-
minimize performance impact. tion space C consists of infinite actions as the bandwidth can

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Fig. 5. The time period between two move events is either a fixed interval or decided based on some form of reasoning in the various Moving Target
Defenses proposed in the literature.

take any real value. Similarly, researchers have also consid- We believe the implementation of systems that integrate
ered shifting the latency period when replying to a query that multiple surface shifting mechanisms under a single MTD
is, with high probability, malicious [74]. The latter work also mechanism has several challenges. For example, some of
considers the deployment of decoy nodes and switches among the surfaces might lend themselves easy to management by
them to hide from an adversary seeking to actively uncover a centralized controller like SDN, while others are better
the prevention surface, i.e., the decoy nodes. suited for movement in a decentralized fashion. Characterizing
5) Multi-Surface Shifting: By choosing the shift multiple these challenges that deter researchers from considering multi-
technologies that belong to different surfaces of a system, one surface shifting and suggesting methods to overcome that is
can design an MTD that moves more than one surface. Yet, an interesting research direction.
research on hybrid MTDs has been rare. In this regard, we
discuss two works that try to shift both the exploration and
the attack surface of a system. B. The Timing Function T– When to Switch?
In [76], authors show that constructing a simple proxy- Having defined the possible configurations that a defender
based switching approach is ineffective by introducing a can switch between, the next question to ask is at what point
new attack known as the proxy harvesting attack that col- in time does a defender choose to execute a switch action that
lects a set of IPs over time and then, performs a DDoS changes their present configuration c to another configuration
attack against all of them. To protect against such attacks, c  ? To answer this question, we divide the works on MTD
they propose an MTD approach that replaces entire prox- systems into two broad categories based on how the time-
ies followed by the task of remapping the clients to these period between multiple switches is determined–Constant
new proxies. This renders the exploration effort of the Period Switching (CPS) and Variable Period Switching (VPS).
attacker useless and at the same time, reduced the attack effi- We first describe the primary characteristics of these categories
ciency of the attacker. As opposed to looking at a particular and then categorize the different MTDs (see Fig 5).
network-motivated setting, authors in [61] and [60] formal- In CPS, the timing function enforces an MTD system to
ize the concept of MTD in which they highlight that the set move, in a randomized fashion, after a constant time-period.
C = ES × AS, i.e., the elements represents configuration tuples This time is dependent on the composition of the set C because
that have technologies from both the attack and the exploration attacks on different compositions have different investments
surface. in regards to time. On the contrary, in VPS, the timing period
An interesting future direction could be to leverage exist- between one switch action can vary from the time of another
ing security research on amalgamation of multiple surfaces switch. The works in this category can be further subdivided
and extend it to setting where MTD can be used. For exam- into two distinct categories based on whether the timing func-
ple, NICE combines the techniques involving the detection tion T is reflexive or strategic based on opponent modeling.
of attacks to countermeasure (or prevention surface) selection While the two classes have the exact opposite definition, there
in a single framework [87]. This work can be the first step is no restriction to not use both in certain scenarios. For exam-
to propose MTD solutions that move both the detection and ple, when multiple surfaces being shifted, it is reasonable to
prevention surface. have one surface shift using CPS while the other is shifted via

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VPS. We conclude his section with a brief discussion in this In [68], researchers use the knowledge obtained from his-
regard and later, elaborate on it in Section VI. torical attack data to obtain a cyber attack inter-arrival (CAIA)
1) Constant Period Switching (CPS): As mentioned, the rate. Then, they setup an optimization problem to maximize
key idea of these methods is to move the MTD system after a the time-period of switching, constrained upon the fact that the
constant amount of time. In existing works, this is stated as an constant timing function has a value less than CAIA. Along
implicit design choice (for example, in frameworks that model similar lines, authors in [55] have looked at traceroute [90]
the MTD as a game, the actions of the defender are played data between possible source-destination pairs to decide on
after a constant time-period unless they explicitly discretize the a reasonable time-period for obfuscating links or mutating
time and consider it in the state information), or an explicit one routes of ICMP packets on the network. This helps to mitigate
(for example, to ensure security, we move the MTD system crossfire attacks.
after every 100 seconds). An interesting case arises in [52] because the states of this
A lot of the research works in MTD literature such as [58], MTD represent a bipartite mapping between hosts and virtual
[62], [64], [77], [88], do not explicitly bring up the topic of IPs (vIP) and the authors let each edge in the mapping have
a time-period but inherently assume that the system moves a separate, but constant, mutation time. Some hosts belong
after a constant time. In these works, authors (1) model the to a set of High-Frequency Mutation (HFM) set while others
problem as a single-step game and generalize the solution of belong to a Low-Frequency Mutation (LFM) set. To ensure
this game to multiple stages (not necessarily repeated games), that availability of a host is not impacted, the hosts that are
and (2) showcase the problem of when to switch as a different in the HFM set map to two vIPs (one that it was mapped
one than how to switch and only address the latter, forcing the to in the previous round and one to which it is mapped in
system admin (or defender) to consider a constant time-period the present round) for a small time duration compared to the
when implementing MTD solutions. time-period of switching. In [53], the authors also have a local
Some research works explicitly state that the time-period is timer maintained by each host; its expiry triggers the change
uniform and the equilibrium strategy is played at the start of in their vIP. They use ad hoc messaging to communicate this
each stage [59], [63], [65]. Note that, some of these works, change to other nodes in the network to facilitate routing.
such as [53], [59], experiment different timing functions for 2) Variable Period Switching (VPS): The idea behind this
switching, i.e., see the effectiveness of an MTD if the constant switching strategy, as evident from its name, is to have a way
time-period was set to different predefined values. This helps to come up with a timing function that varies the switching
them empirically figure out the constant timing function that time based on the present condition of the system. For exam-
works best. Some other works that employ a constant tim- ple, if the system transitions through a series of configurations
ing function, use different terminology. For example, authors . . . , c, c  . . .  and the time spent in c and c  is denoted by t
in [76] address DDoS attacks use the notion of a pre-defined and t  respectively, then t = t  . We believe that doing a VPS
fixed frequency of switching while research in [54] refers to T along with an MTD mechanism is similar to doing a two-
as a constant mutation interval. Other works that have syntac- layer MTD where the first layer deals with a meta MTD for
tic generalizability (by using notations such as ti that allow a shifting the time-surface and then, the second layer MTD is
user to use different time intervals for configuration i) default responsible for executing the actual cyber-surface switching.
to a constant timing function. We will now categorize the MTD works under the following
An interesting question is how long should this constant sub-classes.
time-period be in practice? In [66], the authors vary the time- a) On-event switching: Most works that have a general
period from 60−300 seconds and evaluate the effectiveness of timing function, which isn’t constant, fall under this sub-
OS rotation in a network-system based on (1) the likelihood category. The main idea, evident from the nomenclature, is
of thwarting a successful exploit, (2) the magnitude of impact that when a particular event occurs, such as detection of an
for an exploit, and (3) the availability of applications. They attack, unavailability of a link or a server, the timing function
show that a smaller t = 60s was often good enough to thwart specifies a time-period to switch. In most cases, the switch
Network Mapping (Nmap) [89] attacks, but may allow accu- action is triggered immediately.
rate OS fingerprinting when t = 60s. The latter does not help A well-known case study is that of the FlipIt games [85].
the attacker because, during the execution of the attack, the fin- The true state of the system is represented using a boolean
gerprinted OS might simply have shifted. For t = 300s, these variable 1/0 that indicates whether the defender or the attacker
results look less promising against automated attack systems , has control of an underlying software system. The value is
but work well when evaluated against human experts. To allow unknown to both the players, and a defender strategy is based
for faster rotations, the authors set up machines with differ- on its belief that the true value is 0 (which represents the
ent OS and after every time interval, simply redirect traffic to attacker having access to the server). Thus, the timing func-
a new OS. While this makes faster switching less painful, it tion is dependent on this belief. On similar lines, in [56],
incurs added cost to maintain multiple machines. To reduce authors update the belief about the sender type (are they mali-
this, we believe that having at least two systems is necessary cious?) upon detection of suspicious packets on the network.
to allow for such small switching periods, especially when This belief, in turn, influences the timing function T. Authors
shifting between OSs. With two systems, one VMs sets up in [70] have a belief variable indicating whether a vulnerabil-
an environment while the other handles traffic and the role ity was exploited or not. The timing function orders a switch
switches in the next time step. action if the belief value exceeds a certain threshold.

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Fig. 6. Game-theoretic modeling of Moving Target Defenses (MTDs), that is necessary for obtaining the movement strategy M, can be categorized into
either single-stage or multi-stage game modeling. This choice reflects the type of threat model being considered and the characteristic of the particular system
for which the MTD is implemented.

Other works argue that obtaining belief parameters (such configuration and based on it, recommends a switching time
as with what probability is the sender an attacker vs. a t ∈ {0, 1, . . . , ∞}. If there are no vulnerabilities whose impact
normal user? or with what probability is the system compro- is greater than a predefined threshold, then the system remains
mised?) that are accurate is difficult in cybersecurity settings static until a new vulnerability is discovered.
because they are based on analysis of historical datasets that c) Hybrid switching: Although the idea of having both a
are both scarce and might represent a different distribution. CPS and VPS in an MTD mechanism seems counter-intuitive
These works seek to use the intuitive knowledge of secu- at first, authors in [74] look at MTD mechanisms where one
rity experts in designing the timing function. In [73], if the layer shifts the time window of replying to a strategic adver-
admin detects a spike in bandwidth usage of a particular link sary using an event-based timing function while the other layer
or sub-net, they change the maximum bandwidth value allo- that moves the decoy nodes to hide from an active adversary
cated to that link or the network. Authors in [86] scan open is done using a constant timing function. This acts as a step-
connections routinely and upon detection of unexpected con- ping stone for an investigation on the effectiveness of CPS vs.
nections, move between MTD configurations to protect the VPS for a particular surface and finally when a combination
system against port-scanning attacks. of both should be considered.
b) Strategic: To understand these methods, we design
a timing function that produced integer values in the range
[0, tmax ]. These represent discrete time intervals and a value
t represents the time at which a move occurs. C. The Movement Function M – How to Switch?
In [60], the authors model the MTD setting as a game-theoretic In this section, we look at how different MTDs come up
setting. While we discuss this in much more detail in the with a policy for movement. While some surveys (e.g., [5])
upcoming section on the design of the movement function have been solely devoted to analyzing how this question, we
M, we briefly highlight it here. The basic idea involves rep- propose a unifying framework that maps any MTD system to
resenting a game-state that considers the currently deployed a Markov Game. This gives us a better sense of the implicit
configuration c and an integral-valued time variable t. In each assumptions made by the various MTDs when coming up with
state that can be represented by the tuple (c, t), it recom- M. Before getting into the categorization shown in Figure 6,
mends between the actions switch or stay. The stay action takes we first briefly introduce Markov games [96].
them to the state (c, t + 1), while the switch actions move An MTD system can be mapped to a Markov game defined
them to the state (c  , 0). Note that the stochastic switching by the tuple S , AD , AA , T , R D , R A  where S denotes the
or movement policy described later may, with some non-zero state of the MTD system (often represented by deployed con-
probability predict, c  = c. figuration c), AD denotes the set of pure strategies that map to
In general, the idea of incorporating the time variable as the set of configuration set C and the mixed strategy over this
a part of the state can result in an explosion in the num- set maps to the movement strategy M. The other variables are
ber of states and thus, computing a policy for all states specific to the domain for which the MTD system is designed
time intensive. Authors in [67] show that they can model the and help in coming up with good M; AA represents the set
problem similarly but resort to a simple strategy for defining of attack actions, T represents the transition from one config-
the timing function. While it may be sub-optimal, scalabil- uration to another depending on the joint action taken by the
ity is no longer a concern. The timing function considers the defender and the attacker, and R i represents the rewards for
impact of (known) vulnerabilities in the currently deployed the player i (i.e., the defender D or the attacker A). We will

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use the superscripts D and A to represent the functions for i.e., C \ {c} as the movement function M. In [55], given all
the defender and the attacker respectively. networking paths from source to destination, one is picked at
1) Single-Stage Modeling: In this section, we investigate random while in [59], the authors use to Fisher-Yates shuffling
works that have modeled the interaction between an attacker to select a transmission schedule at the start of every round.
and a defender as a single-stage game. In these settings, the In [63], [65], [76], [77], [91], and [98] the authors design a
goal is to come up with a single mixed-strategy that can be single-stage normal form game. Thus, if the defender chooses
played in all configurations (or states). Thus, the movement to deploy a particular configuration c ∈ AD and the attacker
function M : H → C is independent of any history or H = ∅. chooses a particular exploit e ∈ AA , then the rewards for the
As we shall see, the different works consider various notions players can be read from the normal-form game matrix. At
of equilibrium to come up with this mixed-strategy. equilibrium, a mixed strategy over the defender’s actions turns
In [62], the configuration of the system is modified by a pair out to be the optimal movement policy. Thus, M is a stochastic
of actions, one by the defender and one by the attacker. The function based on the mixed strategy, chooses the next config-
defender’s action, in this case, maps a value of system features uration at the end of each switching period. In [98], the authors
represented by the set F to one of the possible actions in the consider an MTD for the Internet of Things (IoT) and show
set {enabled, disabled, modified, unchanged}. The attacker’s that Zero-Determinant strategy results in a dominant strategy
action set AA is comprised of conceptually opposite actions for the single-stage game. In [63], the authors assume (1) a
that can dis-enable a port, disable a functionality, etc. and the zero-sum reward structure, and (2) a threat model in which the
rewards, R A and R D for the attacker and the defender, are attacker is irrational. The opponent model for the attacker is
given by weighing the change in system’s features ΔF , i.e., determined based on historical traces of the attacker’s response
the change in the attack surface ΔAS and the attack surface to defense strategies and eventually updates the utilities of
measurement ΔASM , as follows. the game to reflect the rationality of the attacker. After each
  update, the resulting Nash equilibrium (NE) is played. In [65],
R D s, a D , a A = B1 (ΔF ) + B2 (ΔAS ) − D1 (ΔASM ) the authors assume that if the present system is working
  with the operating system c and the system is made to switch
R A s, a D , a A = B3 (ΔASM ) − D2 (ΔAS )
to the operating system c  , lower the similarity between c and
where the Bi and Dj are weights defined by security experts of c  , more secure the move action. To model this, the defender’s
the system. Note that the cost of a defense action (D1 ) and the rewards are defined w.r.t. switch actions and, over time, fine-
cost of attack action (D2 ) are incorporated in the reward. Thus, tuned by simulating the behavior of an adversary. Similar
solving for an equilibrium of this game results in strategies to [63], the NE strategy is chosen to be the defender’s policy.
that account for the cost-reward trade-off. The authors use the The other works assume that an attacker will eventually,
notion of a Subgame Perfect Equilibrium (SPE).1 with reconnaissance on its side, figure out the mixed strat-
In [52] and [54], the defender played a predefined strat- egy of the defender (using maximum likelihood estimates).
egy that is either uniform random (choose k random vIPs at Thus, authors of [77], [91] concentrate on finding the Strong
random) or based on intuitive heuristics (select top-k scanned Stackelberg equilibrium (SSE) strategy for the defender. The
vIPs). The latter is based on the assumption that the most rewards for their game follow a general-sum structure and
scanned vIPs will not be scanned as frequently in the new are obtained using the CVSS metrics of known attacks that
state. The chosen vIPs are then assigned to the k hosts using can successfully exploit one of the defender’s actions, i.e., the
a purely random matching function. MTD configurations that can be deployed. On similar lines,
In [51], [88], the authors explain the game modeling based authors in [76] use the notion of SE to obtain defender’s
on a real-world example and compare the effectiveness of a strategy to thwart DDoS attacks.
reactive switching strategy to the Uniform Random Strategy 2) Multi-Stage Modeling: Works in these sections reason
(URS). URS, which is found to be more effective, picks all about (1) the history, i.e., paths that the system has taken,
pure strategies a ∈ AD with equal probability |1/AD |. An which may be a result of the actions taken by the players, to
array of works that simply use URS as the defender’s pol- reach the present state, (2) the future, i.e., how the decision
icy are [55], [59], [66]. This makes an implicit assumption in the present state affects the rewards in the future or both.
that the game is a constant sum and the normal form game In [73], similar to the work by [62] in single-stage modeling,
matrix has symmetric rewards. When no information is avail- the authors discretize the continuous action space of the
able about the attacks and the defender has no preference over defender, which represents bandwidth values, to two levels–
the MTD configurations, this may be a reasonable assumption. high and low. Then they find a meaningful defender strategy
Fortunately, defenders often have an idea about an attacker’s over them by ensuring that in a repeated game setting, the
threat model and thus, such assumptions (resulting in URS) advantage that an attacker gained by packet flooding attacks
result in highly sub-optimal movement strategies. Works such (at some stage in the past) is neutralized by reducing their
as [66] closely mirror URS strategies but make a minute bandwidth to the low state for 1 ≤ x < ∞ number of game
modification– given the present deployed OS configuration stages. On similar lines, authors in [75] consider a repeated
c, they consider a URS over remaining OS configurations, game setting and analyze the defender’s policy against self-
learning attackers. They infer that in their case, the optimal
1 In sequential games, a strategy profile is an SPE if it is a Nash equilibrium policy converges to the URS. Other works such as [56] also
in every subgame of the original game [97]. update their belief about an attacker based on observations

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drawn from multiple plays of the game. This belief is then C OMMON C AUSES OF M IDDLEBOX FAILURES . M ISCONFIGURATION
used to come up with an optimal strategy for the defender. I S A D OMINANT C AUSE OF FAILURE B ECAUSE OF D IFFERENT
A set of works in MTD leverage the attack graph of an U NDERLAY AND OVERLAY N ETWORK
underlying system to better reason about the sequential process
of an attack. In [94], the authors model the problem of network
intrusion via a Bayesian Attack Graph. The action set for the
attacker AA includes the (probabilistic) paths an attacker can
take in this graph. Then, the authors map these paths with the
defender’s imperfect sensing capabilities to form a Partially
Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) [99]. Thus, to decoy nodes) and model attackers who are actively trying to
the state and transition of this POMDP are designed to model uncover this deception over a repeated stage interaction. For
the attacker’s behavior and the optimal policy becomes the one problem, they use the Nash equilibrium (NE) while for the
defender’s strategy in a particular belief state. A shortcom- other (identifying decoy nodes) they consider the Stackelberg
ing of this work is that this strategy may be sub-optimal if the equilibrium (SE) as the defender’s strategy. We believe that
attacker deviates away (intentionally or not) from the assump- it is necessary to highlight a shortcoming of the different
tions that informs the POMDP modeling. On the other hand, modeling choices, especially in light of multi-stage attacks
modeling the scenario as a Partially Observable Stochastic and APT scenarios, however optimizing the model and ensur-
Game (POSG) [100] results in scalability concerns for any ing the scalability is a difficult task, thus we highlight these
real-world system. as possible research opportunities in Section VI.
Authors in [60], [79], [93], and [101] relax the assumption
about partial observability and formalize MTD in a Markov IV. I MPLEMENTATION OF M OVING TARGET D EFENSES
Game framework. In [93], authors consider policies over the In this section, we discuss how the various Moving Target
defender’s action set that comprises of either single or multiple Defenses (MTDs) have been implemented using research test-
IP hops. Each action results in the defender uniformly select- beds and industrial products. First, we briefly discuss the
ing the next state given that an attacker samples actions tools for MTD implementation. In this regard, we highlight
randomly from AA . They can show that multi-element IP that traditional networking technologies like middleboxes have
hopping actions increase the defender’s reward by a greater a set of disadvantages. To overcome this, users can lever-
magnitude compared to static defense strategies. As we will age the advancement in networking technologies such as
discuss later, the authors do not model the cost of perform- Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function
ing a hop action or the downtime associated with switches in Virtualization (NFV). We briefly emphasize their role in mak-
the defender’s reward function. Thus, the optimal defender ing MTD a pragmatic solution for real-world systems. Second,
policy might be sub-optimal for performance in real-world we highlight how the existing MTDs, discussed in the survey
multi-layered network attack scenarios. as shown in Table V, have been evaluated. We select a subset
In contrast, the works [60], [78], [79] incorporate this trade- of works and conduct a detailed case-study to highlight how
off in the rewards (R D and R A ) of the Markov Game, and can movement strategies can be implemented in practice. Third,
thus generate policies for the defender that trade-off security the Section IV-D provides details of the test-beds used for
corresponding to an attacker’s actions and performance at each academic research and industry products.
step of the game. In [60], the inclusion of time variables and
attack strategies in the state allows it to formulate the problem
as an MDP but, becomes vulnerable when an attacker is A. Middleboxes for Enabling Moving Target Defenses
aware of this modeling. It also makes it less scalable for large Middleboxes are the devices used by network operators
networks. In all these works, the impact on performance C D to perform network functions along the packets data-path
is a part of R D and often, just a heuristic idea as opposed to from source to destination, e.g., Web Proxy, Firewall, IDS.
simulation in a real system that informs these values. The more This provides a decentralized framework that can be used
accurate these measures become, the better is the strategy. alongside existing network technology to implement strategies
Authors in [64] model the performance and security concerns for MTDs. Furthermore, researchers have focused significant
in a different way than the above methods. The performance effort on several issues associated with middleboxes, such as
cost represents the switching cost while the rewards of the ease of use, ease of management and deployment, the design of
state represent the security costs of deploying a particular con- general-purpose middleboxes for different network functions
figuration. Then, they formulate an optimization problem that etc. This makes them seem like a good choice for enabling
produces a defender strategy that reduces the cost of switch- the practical implementation of MTDs.
ing over two steps (one switch) and maximizes the security Unfortunately, a survey of various middlebox deployments
over a single step. Although the authors in [64] do not discuss conducted by Sherry et al. [103] reveals some drawbacks such
how sub-optimal their switching strategies are, recent work as increased operating costs caused by misconfiguration and
by [102] extends their approach to a Markov Game setting overloads that affect their normal functioning. As shown in the
with the Stackelberg Equilibrium concept. Table IV, based on the results in the survey [103] of 57 enter-
Lastly, authors in [74] look at an MTD defense mecha- prise network administrators from NANOG network operators
nism for deception (obfuscation of the links to send attacker group, the misconfigured and overloaded middleboxes are the

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major reasons for middlebox failure. Furthermore, about 9% Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [3] has emerged
of administrators reported about six and ten hours per week as a technology that provides a virtualized implementation
dealing with middlebox failures. Also, the adoption of new of hardware-based equipment such as firewall, routers, and
and secured middlebox technologies is slow in the industry Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Virtual Network Functions
based on the survey results. In the median case, enterprises (VNFs) can be realized through virtual machines (VMs) or
update their middleboxes every four years. The use of tradi- containers running on top of the physical server of cloud com-
tional networks for incorporation of MTD defense can increase puting infrastructure. SDN acts as an enabling technology for
chances of network misconfiguraion and outages. NFV and help in centralized management, making it easier to
Moreover, this static nature of the middleboxes themselves, implement MTD. Despite the great benefits offered by SDN
in contrast to the dynamic nature of the system they enable, and NFV, its use to implement MTDs has been limited to a
provides an assymetric advantage to the attackers as noted few research works (as can be seen in Table V).
by Zhuang et al. [61]. The attackers can perform necessary
network reconnaissance, identify the services and configura-
tion of the applications, and operating systems by leveraging
the middleboxes. This information helps the attacker in choos- C. SDN-Based MTD Applications and Case Study
ing best-fit attack methods against the static configuration and We categorize the MTD industrial, and research implemen-
select the best time to attack the system. The attackers can tations from the perspective of networking technologies used,
use the compromised resource to maintain the foothold in the e.g., traditional network or SDN/NFV as shown in the Table V,
network for a long period of time and try to exploit other as highlighted in column 2. It is noteworthy that SDN/NFV has
high-value targets in the same network. been a dominant technology for MTD research. Around 34%
of the research works in Table V, utilize SDN/NFV for imple-
mentation of MTD or cyber-deception. Column 3 describes the
B. SDN and NFV for Enabling Moving Target Defenses layer in network protocol stack where the describe MTD solu-
Software Defined Networking (SDN) [4] is defined as a tion has been implemented. As on may notice, most research
networking paradigm that decouples the control plane from works are implemented at the network or the application layer.
the data plane, allowing a global view of the network, and In the fourth column of the table, we identify the key technolo-
centralized control capabilities. SDN deals with packet head- gies used by these research works; if they utilize a particular
ers, from layers 2-4 of OSI model and other protocols such implementation test-bed (for example, GENI [124], then the
as MPLS [139]. SDN and NFV have emerged as a state- name of the test-bed is mentioned in this column. Column 5
of-the-art network architecture for data centers and backbone of the table shows the level of maturity of the MTD research
networks. Google’s B4 project [140] shows the feasibility of work. We categorized the research works into four levels -
SDN for handling real-world network challenges such as traffic analytic - if only numerical results or thought-based exper-
engineering and Quality of Service (QoS). iments have been presented in the said paper. We put the
The decoupling allows a network architecture where research work under the category simulation - if the research
switches act as forwarding devices, maintaining flow tables work describes some simulated network, e.g., Mininet. The
populated with flow rules. The new architecture allows con- emulation category consists research works that use close to
siderably more flexible and effective network management real world networks, e.g., multiple VMs deployed in a cloud
solutions, and a unified programmable interface that can be uti- testbed, e.g., GENI [124]. Lastly, if the research work has been
lized by software developers for application deployment [141]. deployed in some commercial product dealing with live attacks
The SDN architecture can be vertically split into three layers in a production grade network, we consider these research
described below: works under category commercial.
• Application Plane: It consists of end-user business appli- We observed that more than 50% of the research works
cations that consume SDN communication and network use simulated networks or applications when experimenting
services. The examples include network security or vir- with MTD techniques, whereas ∼ 34% of research works have
tualization applications. used emulated environments for performing MTD based anal-
• Control Plane: The control plane consists of SDN ysis research. Only few MTD solutions, e.g., ∼ 13% have
controllers such as ONOS [105], OpenDaylight [110] implemented MTD at commercial level (in production grade
providing open Application program interfaces (APIs) networks for dealing with live attacks). This shows that though
to monitor network forwarding behavior. The commu- MTD has been well accepted in research community, and ben-
nication interface between the application and control efits of MTD can help in dealing with different threat models,
plane is known as northbound interface. The interface the industry adoption of MTD is rather slow. The key rea-
between control and data plane is known as southbound son behind this is the adverse impact that MTD can induce
interface. on Quality of Service (QoS), and the additional cost-overhead
• Data Plane: The forwarding elements such as OpenFlow associated with deployment of MTD. We discuss these factors
switches are present in the data plane. The forward- under Qualitative and Quantitative metrics in Section V.
ing devices can be physical or virtual switches. Control 1) SDN-Based Network Mapping and Reconnaissance
plane installs flow rules in order to govern the forwarding Protection: The first step of the Cyber Kill Chain (CKC) is
behavior of data plane devices. the identification of vulnerable software and OS versions. Most

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scanning tools make use of ICMP, TCP or UDP scans to iden- attacker. As a result, the attacker will believe that random
tify the connectivity and reachability of the potential targets. ports are open in the target environment. The attack cost will
The replies to the scans can also reveal the firewall configu- be increased since the attacker will need to distinguish the
ration details, i.e., what traffic is allowed or denied. The time real reply from the fake reply. SDN-enabled devices can also
to live (TTL) information can also help in the identification introduce random delays in TCP handshake request that will
of a number of hops to the attack target [132]. disrupt the reconnaissance process utilized by the attacker
SDN-enabled devices can help in delaying the network for identification of TCP services. The cost-benefit analy-
attack propagation by hiding the real response and reply- sis of MTD adaptations against network mapping attempts
ing back with a random response in order to confuse the has been discussed by Kampankis et al. [132]. The survey

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considers cost-benefit aspects of MTD in Section V, under

the quantitative metrics of MTD.
2) Service Version and OS Hiding: The attacker needs to
identify the version of OS or vulnerable service in order to
mount an attack. For instance, the attacker can send HTTP
GET request to Apache Web Server, and the response can help
in identification of vulnerability associated with a particular
version of the Apache software. If the attacker gets a reply
404 Not Found, he can identify some obfuscation happening
at the target software. A careful attacker can thus change the
attack vector to exploit the vulnerability at the target.
An SDN-enabled solution can override the actual ser-
vice version with a bogus version of the Web server. Some
application proxies leverage this technique to prevent service
discovery attempts by a scanning tool. Another attack method
is known as Operating System (OS) Fingerprinting, where the
attacker tries to discover the version of the OS which is vul-
nerable. Although modern OS can generate a random response Fig. 7. OpenFlow-based Random Host Mutation mutates the virtual IPs of
to TCP and UDP requests, the way in which TCP sequence hosts based on a pool of available IP addresses.
numbers are generated can help an attacker in the identification
of OS version.
In an SDN-enabled solution, the OS version can be obfus-
cated by the generation of a random response to the probes address (vIP) at regular interval. The vIP is translated before
from a scanning tool. SDN can introduce a layer of true the host. The translation of rIP-vIP happens at the gateway
randomization for the transit traffic to the target. The SDN of the network, and a centralized SDN controller performs
controller can manage a list of OS profiles and send a reply the mutation across the network. A Constraint Satisfaction
resembling TCP sequence of a bogus OS, thus misguiding the Problem (CSP) is formulated in order to maintain mutation
attacker. rate and unpredictability constraints. The CSP is solved using
3) Protection Against Multi-Stage Attacks and Service Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver.
Disruption: Once the attackers have obtained necessary Sensitive hosts have a higher mutation rate compared to the
information, they proceed towards targeted attacks, with the regular hosts in this scheme. The OF-RHM is implemented
aim of stealing information - SQL Injection or service disrup- using Mininet network simulator and NOX SDN controller.
tion - Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The SDN-based OF-RHM is able to thwart about 99% of information gathering
MTD can introduce various countermeasures at network-level and external scanning attempts. The framework is also highly
such as network shuffling [109], route modification [104], IP, effective against worms and zero-day exploits.
and port obfuscation as discussed by Shi et al. [86].  Case Study (How to Switch)– Dynamic Game-based
We now discuss some case studies which show use of Security in SDN-enabled Cloud Networks. DDoS attacks
SDN/NFV capabilities for implementation of MTD techniques are a major security threat affecting networks. Attacker’s lever-
- what, when, and how to switch? Jafarian et al. [54] use age sophisticated bots to generate a huge volume of network
OpenFlow based random host mutation technique to switch traffic, and overwhelm critical network services as discussed
virtual IP (what to switch) targeted by reconnaisance attempts. by Chowdhary et al. [73]. The case study presented in this
Debroy et al. [68] use SDN framework to identify optimal research work, focused on the MTD decision how to move?
rate of migration (when to switch) and ideal migration loca- The framework presented in Figure 8 (a) to communicate with
tion for VMs under DoS attack. Chowdhary et al. [73] use OpenFlow devices using southbound REST API, whereas any
SDN-environment to create a analyze the hosts mounting application plane decision and network analytic is performed
DDoS attacks on critical network services. The SDN-controller using northbound REST API.
downgrades network bandwidth (how to switch) using a The Snort IDS [142] detects malicious DDoS patterns, and
Nash-Folk theorem based punishment mechanism. uses Nash Folk Theorem [143] to analyze the behavior of a
 Case Study (What to Switch)– OpenFlow Random malicious node, e.g., red color VM shown in Figure 8 (a). The
Host Mutation. SDN makes use of OpenFlow protocol for scenario is represented as an extensive-form game spanning
control plane traffic. Jafarian et al. [54] propose OpenFlow multiple rounds. If the node sending network traffic P2, the
enabled MTD architecture as shown in Figure 7, can be used Defect - Figure 8 (b), the normal bandwidth B is reduced
to mutate IP address with a high degree of unpredictability to B2 . The bandwidth is reduced in each subsequent round by
while keeping a stable network configuration and minimal network admin P1, till average bandwidth over a period of
operational overhead. time t = {0, 1, 2, . . .} ∈ T is B.
The mutated IP address is transparent to the end host. The The SDN controller utilizes Instruction field present inside
actual IP address of the host called real IP (rIP), which is the flow table in order to change the band rate of the
kept unchanged, but it is linked with a short-lived virtual IP node flagged as malicious, as shown in Figure 8 (c). Thus

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along which VM application and its back-end database are

migrated. VM migration is based on the following factors:
• VM Capacity: This parameter considers the capacity of
migration target in terms of computing resources avail-
able to store files and database of current and future
• Network Bandwidth: The lower the network bandwidth
between the source and target VM, the slower will be
the migration process and the longer will be the expo-
sure period (in case of active attacks) for the VM being
migrated. This parameter considers bandwidth between
source and target while performing VM migration.
• VM Reputation: This is the objective indicator of VM
robustness to deter future cyber attacks. It is the history
of VM in terms of cyber attacks launched against the
Fig. 8. SDN/NFV based MTD that models the interaction between an attacker VM. This parameter is considered in order to ensure VMs
and the defender as a game to select an optimal countermeasure strategy. The
work imposes limiting on bandwidth and views the MTD as an adaptation
suitability for migration.
problem. This research work estimates the optimal migration
frequency and ideal migration location based on the parame-
ters described above. The VM migration mechanism is highly
effective in dealing with denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

D. MTD Testbeds: Research and Prototyping

The practicality of MTD can be established by the deploy-
ment of MTD techniques and tactics over an underlying
network. In this section, we identify some platforms which can
assist MTD researchers in conducting experiments or serve as
a guideline when creating MTD case studies.
1) GENI Platform: Global Environment for Networking
Innovation (GENI) [124] provides a distributed virtual envi-
ronment for at-scale networking and security experimenta-
tion. Individual experiments can be conducted in isolation
Fig. 9. Virtual Machine migration using frequency minimal MTD seeks to using network sliceability (ability to support virtualization
migrate applications to new VMs and redirect an attacker’s DDoS attacks
without effecting availability to regular users. The goal of this work was to and network isolation). Each experimental slice is provided
find an optimal timing function T, termed as the migration frequency. with network and computing resources. The users can request
resources for an allotted time period, in which they can con-
duct experiments and release the resources once they have
SDN-based rate-limiting serves as an effective countermeasure finished the experiment.
against flooding/loss of availability attacks like DDoS. Debroy et al. [68] utilize GENI framework for implemen-
 Case Study (When to Switch): Frequency Minimal tation of a VM migration MTD solution. The authors utilized
MTD using SDN. Frequency minimal MTD [68] approach the InstaGENI platform at the Illinois site to host a news feed
considers resource availability, QoS and exploits probability application targeted by DoS attacks. The setup also involved
for performing MTD in an SDN-enabled cloud infrastructure. four non-malicious users, one remote SDN controller, and
The design goals of this research work are as follows: attacking VMs, all hosted at physically distributed locations.
1) Identification of optimal frequency of VM migration, The attacker VMs were utilized for sending a large number
ensuring minimal wastage of cloud resources. of HTTP GET requests to news feed site in order to achieve
2) Finding the preferred location of VM migration without a DoS attack. Proactive and reactive frequency minimal (FM)
impacting the application performance. MTD countermeasures were deployed in response to targeted
As shown in Figure 9, the normal clients can access the DoS attacks. The research work shows the capability of GENI
services hosted in the cloud network via regular path, and the platform to host similar MTD experiments where users can
attack path represents the path along which the attacker tries study the impact on network bandwidth, VM performance,
to exploit the target application. The VMs periodically share attack success rate when MTD security countermeasures are
their resource information such as storage and compute capac- implemented at scale on a cloud platform.
ity with the controller along the control path. Depending upon 2) OpenStack Cloud: OpenStack [122] is a cloud operat-
the level of threat, the migration of VM can be proactive or ing system that consists of compute, storage, and networking
reactive. The real IP address of the VM hosting cloud applica- resources. The users can log in through GUI to provision iso-
tion is hidden from the clients. The data-path shows the path lated virtual networks or utilize OpenStack APIs to create

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Fig. 10. A platform that takes an abstract specification of a cloud

system as input and outputs the corresponding system on a cloud infrastruc-
ture. Advantages of cloud automation using Automated Enterprise Network
Compiler (ANCOR) include performing live instance migration.

and configure the network. OpenStack is compatible with the

existing virtual solutions such as VMWare ESX, Microsoft’s Fig. 11. An MTD-based architectural platform for IP hopping. The solution
has been targeted at Supervisory Control and Data Access Systems (SCADA).
Hyper-V, KVM, LXC, QEMU, UML, Xen, and XenServer. The MTD gateway routers act as dynamic proxies, periodically mutating the
Mayflies [123] utilized OpenStack for designing a fault- IP address of the external interfaces exposed on the public wide-area network.
tolerant MTD system. The research work utilizes VM intro-
spection to checkpoint the current state of the live node/VM,
and reincarnation - node commission/decommission based on 4) MTD SCADA Testbed for Smart Grid Network: In the
attacks against the introspected node. The strategy allows the context of smart-grid environments, Pappa et al. has proposed
Mayflies framework to deal with attacks in a short interval an MTD for IP hopping [120] (see Figure 11). The network
of time, avoiding the attack progress. Zhuang et al. [144] consists of two SCADA servers running Siemens Spectrum
conduct MTD experiments to simulate a pure-random MTD Power TG Energy Management Systems (EMS) software. The
strategy and an intelligent MTD approach based on intelli- software periodically polls Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
gent attack indicators. The experiments were conducted using for network traffic measurements. The substation networks
NeSSi2 [145], an open-source, discrete event-based network are connected to the Wireless Area Network (WAN) using
security simulator. The authors proposed implementation on MTD gateway routers. The remote attacker can utilize the
an OpenStack based MTD testbed as future work. publicly exposed service over the WAN to identify security
MTD CBITS MTD-platform for Cloud-Based IT Systems vulnerabilities. The services can be exploited using tradi-
(MTD CBITS) [146] as shown in Figure 10 evaluates the tional means or using APT techniques. The gateway routes
practicality and performs detailed analysis of security benefits in the network act as dynamic proxies, mutating IP address
when performing MTD on a cloud system such as OpenStack. of the external interfaces, while providing end-to-end SCADA
The platform makes automated changes to the IT systems communication. The IP generation algorithm employs a ran-
running on the cloud infrastructure. One adaptation performed dom initial seed to initiate the IP generation at the network
in MTD CBITS is replacing the running components of the boot up. Both routers are assigned set (j, k) of n random IP
system with new ones. The system parameters are stored in addresses at the start, in combination of initial seed vector.
the operational model and can be viewed using the MTD The initial seed vector ensures order between the two gate-
system inventory - CMT (Puppet) APIs. Any MTD adaptation way routers is synchronized; this helps to prevent IP collision
is also recorded in an operational model for future refer- and network outages. Additionally, the MTD algorithm used
ence. OpenStack API utilizes Puppet agents to communicate creates a dynamic network technology which makes the job
with the live instances of the cloud system. MTD controller of network mapping difficult for the attacker.
communicates with agents over a private network. 5) MTD Commercial Domain Solutions: TrapX: The
3) CyberVAN Testbed: Reference [129] provides a test- production-grade decoy network technologies such as
ing and experimentation platform for cybersecurity research. DeceptionGrid [107] and CryptoTrap [108] deceive the attack-
The platform supports high fidelity network, by represent- ers by imitating the true assets. DeceptionGrid provides agent-
ing the network in a discrete event simulator. CyberVAN less visibility and control appliance, that dynamically identifies
allows hosts represented by VMs to communicate over the and evaluates network endpoints and applications when they
simulated network. The testbed utilizes network simulator connect to the main network. Assuta Medical Center incor-
ns-3 [147] to simulate network effects such as end-to-end porated DeceptionGrid as a part of their network security
network latency, link capacities, routing protocols, etc. The suite. The use of this framework helps to counter not only
platform also supports wireless networks by modeling mobil- known attacks but also APTs and zero-day attack scenarios.
ity, interference, propagation effects, as well as the details of The DeceptionGrid created a network of traps (decoys) that
different waveforms. The Scenario Management GUI allows camouflaged real medical devices such as MRI & CT scan-
the experimenter to access and manage the elements of an ners, X-ray machines, and ultrasound equipment (PACs). The
attack scenario, including network traffic and logging, running solution has been deployed on many VLANs across Assuta
analytic tools on the VM, saving results of the experiment, Medical Center and provided better visibility into the lateral
pausing and restarting the experiments, etc. movement of the attackers.

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CryptoTrap on the other hand is utilized for countering the by using metrics based on security domain knowledge such as
ransomware early in their exploitation lifecycle. This helps CVSS, attack graphs representations etc.
in countering malware propagation while protecting valuable
network assets. The traps (decoys) are masked in the form
of SMB network shares across the network. The fake data of A. Qualitative Evaluation
the company is replicated across the traps. Once the attacker When using a Moving Target Defense (MTD) that moves
touches these traps, the targeted computer is disconnected from between multiple system configurations, we would want to
the network and security administrator is alerted about the believe that it increases the security of the deployed system
incident. In effect, the attacker is held captive in the trap and without negatively impacting the performance for legitimate
attacker actions are logged for further threat intelligence. users. Thus, we look at how different MTDs consider these
Polyverse: Zero-day vulnerabilities, e.g., Heartbleed [148] aspects either in the modeling of the defense or its evaluation.
(vulnerability discovered in OpenSSL software in 2014), can In particular, we look at two major aspects– security consider-
cause a significant damage in an underlying network. There ations and performance considerations– to evaluate the quality
is no known attack signature to identify these vulnerabilities, of an MTD. Under each of these sub-headings, we consider
hence they can bypass security monitoring software unnoticed. the quality of each individual defense and then, the overall
The attackers trying to target software or OS memory-based ensemble of constituent defenses. This helps us identify non-
zero-day vulnerabilities start with the assumption that the gad- trivial heuristics to understand when an MTD might succeed
gets they are trying to access are located at a certain address or fail. For example, an MTD that lacks differential immunity,
or within a specific offset from the absolute base address. i.e., all the constituent system configurations (∈ C ) are all
Polyverse [106] employs MTD strategy to defeat this assump- vulnerable to the same attack, can never be secure regardless
tion of the attackers. The polymorphic version of Linux is how well it is implemented in practice.
utilized by Polyverse in order to create a high-level of entropy In regards to quality metrics, we categorize the various
in the software system in such a way that the entire memory MTDs in Figure 12. An MTD is part of a set if they explic-
structure is diversified. With the polymorphic versions of itly consider the particular qualitative metric when designing
Linux, the entire Linux software stack is roughly randomized. either the configuration set C (i.e., what to move?), the timing
The resulting program is semantically identical to the origi- function T (i.e., when to move?), or the movement function
nal program (functionally equivalent), however, nearly every M (i.e., how to move?). Note that only a subset of works dis-
machine instruction is changed. cussed under security considerations (i.e., shown in the blue
MorphiSec: Some threat vectors classified as Advanced and/or yellow boxes on the left of Fig. 12) are featured under
Evasive Attacks cloak the malicious intent in order to performance considerations (i.e., shown in the pink and/or
deceive the security monitoring tools. Some of these green boxes on the right of Fig. 12). We discovered that
techniques include Polymorphism (changing malware sig- majority of the defenses proposed only consider (and therefore
nature), Metamorphism (changing malware code on the highlight) the improvement with regards to security and ignore
fly), Obfuscation (hiding malicious activity), behavior the impact on performance. We will now discuss the details
changes (waiting for normal user activity before executing). about how the different works capture the various qualitative
Morphisec [121] uses MTD at network-level (route changes, aspects that we put forth in this survey.
random addresses and ports), firewall level (policy changes), 1) Security Considerations: We first look at works that rea-
host-level (OS version, memory structure changes), and appli- son about the security risks of individual actions followed by
cation level (randomizing storage format addresses, application works that reason about the security risks associated with an
migration, multilingual code generation) in order to deceive ensemble and lastly, discuss works that consider both.
and detect attacks using evasive attack techniques. a) Considers only security of individual defenses: Most
MTDs that consider some form of game-theoretic modeling,
consider the security of individual defenses in the ensem-
ble by representing them as a part of the defender’s utility
V. E VALUATING THE E FFECTIVENESS OF value [58], [60], [65], [77], [79], [91], [150]. For most of
M OVING TARGET D EFENSES these works, the security metrics considered for each action
In this section, we present a list of qualitative and quantita- are obtained using scoring metrics designed by experts such as
tive metrics that can help in determining the effectiveness of the Common Vulnerability Scoring Services (CVSS) discussed
MTD. First, we discuss the quality of the defender actions C, earlier. These works are able to come up with an intelli-
i.e., the various system configurations it can choose to deploy, gent movement strategy M based on reasoning over known
in terms of performance and security. This discussion helps in vulnerabilities (more specifically, common vulnerabilities and
identifying a set of qualitative metrics. As we will see, most exposures (CVE)) for which CVSS scores are readily avail-
works either consider this metric implicitly when choosing able. This can result in highly sub-optimal behavior when
the configuration set or simply ignore it. Second, we devote a faced with zero-day vulnerabilities. In that regard, authors
sub-section on qualitative evaluation metrics. These are math- in [65] model the security of a configuration as inversely pro-
ematical functions to help a defender capture measures such portional to the probability with which an adversary can come
as the cost-benefit, the risk analysis, etc. of an MTD. As we up with a new attack given the attacks it performed in the
shall see, they can be measured by simulation on test-beds or earlier time steps. In [150], the authors try to model zero-day

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Fig. 12. A Moving Target Defense is more effective if it considers the security and performance impacts of the system configurations, both in unison and
also when used as part of an ensemble that the MTD leverages. We categorize the works which explicitly consider these metrics either while modeling the
defense or during its evaluation. Note that there is no work which considers all four kinds of metrics, i.e., falls in the intersection zone both on the left and
on the right.

attacks by asking security experts to annotate how effective proportional to the cost (it believes) an attacker would spend to
they think a particular countermeasure or defense action will compromising it.
be against zero-day vulnerabilities. As the annotations might b) Considers only security of the ensemble: Works
be inaccurate (due to the lack of actual black-hat hackers that measure only the security of an ensemble as, opposed
who invent zero-day attacks in the set of security experts who to security of actions, mostly showcase the security ben-
annotate the defense methods), the effectiveness of their MTD efits of the MTD ensemble by comparing them to the
cannot be accurately determined. As to how, if possible, utility security benefits provided by a static system configura-
values can capture the security risks associated with zero-day tion [54], [55], [66], [86], [144]. In essence, these works con-
vulnerabilities is an interesting question and remains to be sider the static system as the control case but unfortunately, do
explored by future works. not ensure that this static system is the most secure constituent
Other works that also only capture the security of indi- defense configuration in the ensemble. This way, they might
vidual constituent system configurations are more domain or overestimate and thus, over-promise the security guarantees of
problem specific in nature. In [73], each defense action, before the designed MTD.
being played, is weighed based on the penalty it imposes on On the other hand, works that consider the security met-
an attacker (who tried to do a DDoS attack) over a repeated rics associated with the ensemble (as a whole) at modeling
game setting. In [67], authors choose an action (to migrate time look at metrics that are similar to entropy or diversity
a VM or keep running) after reasoning about the security of the ensemble. In [136], the authors try to use the large
risks associated with the present vulnerable state. In [68], the address-space of IPv6 to their advantage and are able to cre-
security risk is based on the reputation of the current state, ate more uncertainty for an attacker who is trying to pinpoint
which in turn looks at the type and number of attacks that the address to use for a successful attack. On similar lines,
were done in previous time steps when the particular system authors in [123] argue that fast reincarnations of a functional
was deployed. On similar lines, researchers in [63] find a system (i.e., bringing the service down and starting it up on a
more compact way to model and continuously update the risk new location/container, etc.) increases the entropy and makes
associated with deploying a particular defense action. Some it more costly for an attacker to continuously keep attack-
works that consider the longitudinal effects of a movement ing such a system. On a different note, researchers in [109]
strategy M model the epistemic effects of movement on an try to select a defense configuration from the ensemble based
attacker’s knowledge about the network. For example, [56] on how diverse it is with respect to the current configuration
considers the fingerprint of the overall network when a partic- that might have been attacked. In order to do this, they use a
ular defense action is selected, while [149] reasons about the topological distance measure, which in their case is the sym-
topology information a particular defense action leaks to an metric difference between the edge sets of the current and
attacker. In contrast to all these works, [132] models the secu- the consecutive defense configuration. Although they do not
rity risk associated with a particular defense action as inversely explicitly recognize it as a diversity metric like [71], [113],

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they bring to light an interesting issue that most MTD papers (at least two of them) to facilitate a faster switch. All these
seem to either miss or assume by default. If there was an costs can be termed as shuffling costs and are categorized as
attack, that with extremely little modification, could exploit performance considerations of the ensemble because they only
all the defender’s configuration that is a part of the MTD, an arise when there is an MTD ensemble.
MTD would not be an effective defense strategy. For exam- We will now describe how the various MTD systems con-
ple, MTD work that randomly selects a classifier for malware sider the performance costs associated with each individual
detection assumes by default that each classifier is not vulner- configuration followed by the performance cost associated
able to the same attack [75] which seems to be an incorrect with the ensemble. We also discuss works that reason about
assumption to make given current research works [30], [80]. both these factors together and analyze the affect on the overall
We believe that it would be easier to convince practitioners Quality of Service (QoS) when such defenses are is deployed.
about the effectiveness of an MTD if researchers can show a) Considers only performance of individual defense
that diverse defender actions can indeed be generated at a low actions: Similar to the case of security metrics, when we look
cost. This is the goal of [113], who create an approach at the at performance considerations for an individual defense, most
compiler level to increase software diversity and [71], who game-theoretic works model these as a part of the defender’s
use a genetic algorithm to draw a pool of configurations that utility function [60], [76], [77], [79], [95]. Various equilib-
maximize diversity. rium concepts in these games yield movement strategies for
c) Considers both: Only a few works take a holistic the defender that gives priority to constituent defenses that
view in regards to security and consider both the security of have low performance costs while ensuring that the security
each individual defense and the ensemble as a whole. In [62], is not impacted by a lot. In [60] and [95], the reward functions
the general level at which they define the utility values, one are defined at an abstract level and the authors point out that
can capture the security risks associated with an individual they can be used to consider the performance cost of con-
defense action in terms of attack surface features and attack stituent defenses. In [76] and [77], the authors consider the
surface measurements while the security risks associated with impact of placing Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems
an ensemble can be captured via the utility variable for attack (NIDS) on the latency of the network and use centrality based
surface shifting. In [146], the security for individual defense measures as heuristic guidance for it.
actions is trivial for their settings, where defending a node that A large number of works also look at problem-specific
is not a stepping stone is not beneficial at all for the defender. instances. Authors in [55] perform experiments to evaluate
The security risks associated with an ensemble are evaluated their MTD against crossfire attacks and find that the average
through experimentation with a static defense. Particularly, the time for packet transfer from one point to another increases
try to increase the number of interruptions for an attacker to because a particular path selected at random can be highly
start from one point in the network and reach a goal node. sub-optimal. On similar lines, in [56], the authors consider the
In [94], the selection of the entire ensemble is based on the performance cost of doing a defend action on legitimate user
fact that the set of possible defenses have a global property of traffic. On a different note, [149] tries to solve a multi-faceted
covering each of the leaves that an attacker might want to reach problem where the MTD tries to obfuscate the network topology
and each individual defense action has some utility in terms to an attacker and, at the same time, ensures that it does not
of security associated with it. Lastly, the works [65] and [70] negatively impact a defender’s ability to debug network issues.
model both the diversity of constituent defenses present in the This is done by leveraging the knowledge asymmetry about the
MTD ensemble and also model the security of each individ- network topology that a defender and an attacker has. In [58],
ual defense. In [70], each configuration is mapped to a set of the performance costs of a honeynet configuration, which is the
vulnerabilities and thus, a diverse ensemble is composed of defense action for this MTD, represents the number and quality
system configurations that do not have a lot of overlapping of resources (or honey) necessary for developing a credible
vulnerabilities. In [65], since they use Linux based operating honeynet that fools an attacker. Lastly, authors in [150] combine
systems, the diversity is modeled in terms of lines of code that both the costs of setting up a good defense and the usability
is different between two Operating Systems. of that defense for legitimate traffic as the performance cost
2) Performance Considerations: As mentioned above, a for a particular placement of countermeasures.
large set of works for developing MTDs focus on show- b) Considers only performance of the ensemble:
casing the security benefits and sweep under the rug the Multiple works try to capture the performance costs that result
performance costs. Note that in the case of MTDs, the impact because of the dynamics involved is shuffling between the
on performance may arise due to a variety of reasons. First, different configuration but do not look at the performance
each system configuration (individual defense action), that is impacts resulting because of a particular bad constituent con-
a part of the MTD ensemble, has a performance cost associ- figuration. In [63] and [64], the authors consider the one-step
ated with it and moving to a high-cost configuration impacts cost of switching from one defense action to another one and
the performance. These concerns are termed as performance seek to find a strategy that minimizes this.
considerations for individual defense. Second, the switching Other works, instead of accounting for the performance
from one configuration to another may need a defender to impact of the ensemble, compare an MTD defense to a static
deal with (1) downtime, (2) legitimate requests on the wire system configuration by measuring usability metrics such as
that were meant for the previous configuration in a graceful latency, availability to legitimate users, etc. In [136], authors
manner and/or (3) keep all the different configurations running notice an overhead of 40 bytes for the IPv6 header and latency

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of 12ms during address change as opposed to 3ms when MTD [130] [117]
is not implemented on the network packets. They point out
that a more efficient implementation might help in reducing
this gap. On similar lines, authors in [123] highlight that cre-
ating an entire file system replica takes two more minutes
in the case of an MTD system in comparison to a non-MTD
enabled system refresh. On the contrary, [146] does not notice
negligible performance overhead for instance replacements in
a 14 node system (where one is a controller node and the
others are compute nodes). Although, they do notice a larger
number of HTTP error packets on the wire when using the
MTD. To ensure that the usability to legitimate users is not
impacted at all, authors in [66] keep multiple systems running
with the different configurations. At every switch, they simply
pick the system that serves the request. On the downside, they
incur the cost of maintaining multiple services (at least two).
An interesting side effect of using MTD in [59], mainly done
to thwart selective jamming attacks, is the reduction of delay
in transmitting packets over the network. Existing approaches
that schedule packet delivery in a deterministic way land up Fig. 13. Categorization of MTDs based on the fine-grained quantitative
in packet collision scenarios. The random schedule selection metrics, under the broader umbrella of security and usability metrics, they
in each round is shown to reduce the number of collisions, use for evaluation.
improving end-to-end (ETE) packet delivery time.
c) Considers both: A small section of works either con-
sider or evaluate their MTD in regards to both performance measures about these qualitative terms are essential for effec-
of single constituent defenses and the ensemble. In [73], the tive evaluation. For example, shuffling x % number of hosts
authors model the performance costs associated with each leads to y % reduction in attack success probability, and z %
defense action as a part of the utility values and consider the increase in overhead/quality of service (QoS) for the normal
shuffle cost as a part of the rewards the attacker and a legit- user. In this sub-section, we present the quantitative analysis
imate user gets in a repeated game setting. On similar lines, of MTD research works discussed in the survey. We catego-
in the empirical analysis of MTDs in the context of Flip- rize quantitative analysis into Security Metrics and Usability
it games [69], the authors model the cost of each defender Metrics as shown in Figure 13.
action as a part of defender’s utility value while the state 1) Security Metrics: An important aspect of network
of the system after a move action considers the number of defense is representation and visualization of network attacks.
servers being controlled by the defender– an indirect way of Enterprise networks are becoming large and complex with dif-
measuring system performance. Authors in [67] consider the ferent network overlay and underlay technologies. The adage
availability of each defense action over a bounded time horizon what can’t be measured cannot be effectively managed applies
and for shuffling costs, consider the downtime or unavailabil- aptly here. Security metrics such as the ones shown in the
ity that results when the system is migrating from one system Figure 13, covers attack quantification using CVSS metrics–
configuration to another. On similar lines, the authors of [68] Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). This metric
model the host capacity and network bandwidth associated also considers attack representation methods (ARMs)– Attack
with each system configuration and also determine the next Graphs and Attack Trees. We now discuss the MTD research
configuration based on the performance of other defenses in works from this perspective of security metrics.
the previous time steps. For some works, the performance costs We surveyed ∼70 MTD research articles and analyzed them
associated with the ensemble do not arise due to the shuffle from the perspective of different threats models they targeted.
but represent the cost of ensuring exact same performance A summary of the findings has been provided in Table VI.
across defense configurations [111] or cost of implementing a The key observations are as follows a) 32% of research works
system that can support the various configuration [74]. More focus on defense against reconnaissance attempts, b) 22% of
specifically, authors in [111] create a system that ensures that these research works target vulnerability exploitation, c) 11%
the logical virtual identifier distances between any two nodes research works use MTD defense against DoS/DDoS attacks.
remain the same, while in [74], the authors assume an extra There has been a limited focus on using MTD defense for
cost of creating an ensemble that is not necessary when not dealing with stealthy attacks like APT and data-exfiltration
using MTD solution. (7/68 ∼10% research works). Also, some papers used other
types of attacks such as timing-based attacks [74], and network
intrusions [75], [77], [87], [88].
B. Quantitative Metrics CIA Metrics: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
Although we realize that the quality of MTD is key is (CIA) are used as quantitative metrics for measurement of
determining the quality of defense being offered, quantifiable impact on system under attack. Zaffarano et al. [130] use

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T HREAT M ODELS C ONSIDERED IN THE MTD S P ROPOSED IN THE genetic algorithm based MTD by Crouse et al. [71]. The exper-
S URVEYED PAPERS iments on average vulnerability of different configurations
show decaying vulnerability rates for evolved configurations
selected from the chromosome pool of VM configurations.
Attack Graph/ Attack Tree: CVSS present only a piece of
quantitative information about the vulnerabilities such as com-
plexity of performing network attack, impact on confidentiality
or integrity of the system if the attack is successful, etc.
This information alone is not sufficient for taking MTD deci-
sions. Attack representation methods (ARMs) such as Attack
Graph [45] and Attack Tree [35] answer questions such as (a)
What are the possible attack paths in the system (b) What
attack paths can be taken by the attacker to reach a specific
target node in the network. SDN based scalable MTD solu-
tion [51] makes use of attack graph-based approach to perform
the security assessment of a large scale network. Based on the
security state of the cloud network, MTD countermeasures are
Bayesian attack graphs have been used by
Miehling et al. [94] for defending the network against
vulnerability exploitation attempts. The defender’s problem
is formulated as a Partially Observable Markov Decision
Process (POMDP) and optimal defense policy for selecting
countermeasures is identified as a solution for the POMDP.
The security analysis of a large-scale cloud network in real
time is a challenging problem [169]. Attack Graphs help in
identification of possible attack scenarios that can lead to
exploitation of vulnerabilities in the cloud network. The attack
confidentiality metric for measuring information exposed by graphs, however, suffer from scalability issues, beyond a few
modeling tasks. The mission M confidentiality
 valuation v hundred nodes as we discussed in Section II.
is expressed as, Conf (M , v ) = |T1 | t∈T (t, unexposed ). Risk Metrics: Like any other system, MTD systems have
As the measurement equation suggests, the goal is to an associated risk once an organization considers deploy-
maintain information as unexposed over time (t ∈ T ). ing whole or part of the MTD technique. According to the
Similarly Integrityvaluation v for mission M is quantified as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), there
Int(M , v ) = |T1 | t∈T (t, intact). High integrity is ensured are several attacks, service disruptions, and errors caused by
by keeping information intact over time. human or machines that may lead to breaking benefits and
Conell et al. [117] consider availability as an important met- critical assets at the organization or national level. Risks
ric for analyzing impact of MTD countermeasure. The system assessment is a critical measure and has many ways to deploy
reconfiguration rate α is modeled as a function of system and use. In this survey, we identify and highlight research work
resources using Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) that has adopted and took into consideration risks associated
modeling. The analysis of the effect of reconfiguration on with deploying MTD solution. Specifically, we emphasize on
the availability is considered for fine-tuning MTD decision. the research work that evaluates the cost of the adopted MTD
MASON [88] framework utilizes Intrusion Detection System solution, since system administrators need to take into account
(IDS) alerts and vulnerability score CVSS calculated on the the cost of using the MTD solution.
basis of CIA values to identify critical services in the network. Risk assessment in the MTD has a direct and strong relation-
A Page Rank based threat scoring mechanism is utilized for ship with the effectiveness of the deployed MTD technique.
combining static and dynamic information, and prioritizing According to [162], the system administrator can determine
network nodes for MTD countermeasure port hopping. It is how good the MTD solution is by examining the associ-
noteworthy, that port-hopping for 40−50% services can help ated risk. Therefore, the authors [162] studied the effect of
reduce overall threats in the network by 97%. This research deploying each MTD technique alone (i.e., shuffle, diver-
work, however, does not consider the usability impact induced sity, and redundancy) by inspecting the Hierarchical Attack
by the MTD countermeasure. Representation Method (HARM). HARM is basically a ARM
MORE [66] framework shows reduction in reconnaissance at the upper layer such as attack graph (AG), and another
attempts and exploits targeting software integrity violation on ARM in the lower layer such as attack tree (AT), where these
frequent rotation of Operating Systems (OS) of the network to ARM have a one-to-one mapping between them. Moreover,
under attack. Experimental analysis shows that a rotation win- the authors also studied the associated risk by computing the
dow of 60s makes nmap fingerprinting attempts ineffective. instance measure (IM) which uses vulnerability’s base score,
Temporal and spatial diversity have been used to introduce impact score, etc [46].

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Feedback-driven multi-stage MTD has been proposed by vulnerabilities and IDS alerts. The second experiments study
Zhu and Başar [63] for dealing with multi-stage attacks the effect of port hopping attack. The results show that as
like Stuxnet [170]. Author’s quantify the damage or cost the number of services in the system increase, the service
caused by an attacker at different stages of the network. risk value remains unchanged between a specified interval.
The game between attacker-defender is modeled as a finite However, the first few services show an increase in the num-
zero-sum matrix game with a bounded cost function, and ber of risk value. Finally, the port hopping attack showed a
a mixed-strategy Saddle Point Equilibrium (SPE). Players reduction in threat score.
utilize cost-function learned online to update MTD strate- Policy Conflict Analysis: The MTD countermeasures such
gies. The numerical results show that feedback mechanism as network address switching can dynamically and rapidly
allows network defense to respond to unexpected (exogenous) insert new type of traffic, or new flow rules (environment
events and reduce unusual peak of risk imposed by different managed by SDN). Pisharody et al. [156], [157] show how dif-
vulnerabilities. ferent MTD countermeasures such as network address change,
In [125], the authors provide metrics for MTD evaluation load-balancing, and intrusion detection can cause security
and risk analysis. For risk metrics, they proposed statistical policy violations. The research works discuss SDN-based
metrics to study the effect of how the attacker can quickly con- MTD, but the policy conflicts can cause security viola-
duct and succeed in adversarial attacks. The authors assumed tions [158], loops, and blackholes in the network as discussed
the system will always have a running task that can be mea- by Khursid et al. [159]. The violations of network-wide
sured. The validity of the metrics was studied by simulating the in-variants and security policies must be analyzed before
APT attack scenario, where they assumed the APT will always deployment of MTD countermeasure. This research challenge
have some sort of overhead that can be measured and detected. is an important quantitative metric, which has not been consid-
Finally, the performance of the proposed metrics was measured ered by a lot of research works. We discuss this as a possible
also by examining the CPU utilization of the designed system. research oppurtunity in Section VI.
Lei et al. [60] consider the game theoretical formulation of 2) Usability Metrics: This category as shown in the
MTD systems; specifically, they model it as a Markov Game. Figure 13, analyzes MTD research work from the aspects
The authors provided a theorem, subject to probabilistic con- such as QoS (network bandwidth, delay), impact on existing
straints, to calculate the revenue for the defensive and offensive mission metrics and the cost of deploying MTD defense.
approaches in MTD systems. Their work depended on test- QoS Metrics: MTD can induce some performance cost on
ing different defensive and offensive strategies and was tested the existing system resources. Jafarian et al. [54] identify the
using a networking setup that includes vulnerable services and virtual IP (vIP) mutation, range allocation, and range distribu-
a firewall component as well. tion constraints in order to minimize the QoS impact which
Another work considered the statistical approach to evaluate can be induced by vIP collisions, as well as, maintain optimal-
the likelihood of a successful attack is the work conducted level of unpredictability. Probabilistic performance analysis
by [76]. The authors proposed an approach to determine the of MTD reconnaissance defenses has been conducted by
minimum effort required a system to detect stealthy botnets. Crouse et al. [152]. The research work analyzes quantifiable
Moreover, the entropy was measured to determine how close MTD metrics such as reconnaissance, deception performance,
an adversary is to the detection point, where high entropy attack success probability vs connection drop probability,
indicates the attacker is far in distance from the detector. The attacker’s success probability under different conditions such
evaluation of the proposed approach was conducted on a real as network-size, number of vulnerable computers.
ISP network obtained from [171]. The results of the proposed Taylor et al. [125] use mission and attack metrics for ana-
algorithm show that the detection strategy has a complexity of lyzing the effectiveness of a network defense. The research
O(N 3 ) although theoretical complexity analysis indicates the work analyzes dynamic defenses such as Active Re-positioning
algorithm is ∼ O(N 6 ). in Cyberspace for Synchronized Evasion (ARCSYNE) and
Chung et al. [87] provide a detailed and comprehensive Self-shielding Dynamic Network Architecture (SDNA) using
evaluation for the optimal countermeasure selection over a set mission and adversary activity set. Mission Success, i.e.,
of vulnerable attack paths in the attack graph. By evaluating the rate at which mission tasks are completed, and Mission
the CVSS score of vulnerabilities, the authors determined the Productivity, i.e., how often are mission tasks successful are
countermeasure selection option, taking into account the ration used as QoS measurement metrics are used for evaluations.
of the Return of Investment (ROI). Countermeasure option that A statistical analysis of static vs. dynamic attacks against
produces the smallest ROI is considered the optimal one. The different MTD strategies– uniform, random, diversity-based,
system performance of NICE [87] is proven to be efficient in evolution-based, and optimal– has been conducted by
terms of network delay, CPU utilization, and the traffic load. Carter et al. [65]. Experimental results on performance vs.
To study the effect of a number of intrusions on the system’s adaptability shows that diversity-based MTD is the optimal
threat, Chowdhary et al. [51] use a statistical approach also to strategy against most attack scenarios. They also show that
evaluate how the number of intrusion in the system, with the uncertainty about the adversary type– slow adversary or fast-
number of vulnerabilities, affect the threat score. The threat evolving adversary– can adversely impact the effectiveness of
scoring algorithm is similar to Page Rank algorithm. To evalu- an MTD.
ate the proposed work, two experiments were conducted. One El-Mir [67] models performance parameters such as avail-
experiment is to test the threat scoring engine on software ability, downtime, and downtime cost using a Continuous

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Fig. 14. Our categorizations help in identifying various directions that have been under explored during the development, implementation and evaluation
of Moving Target Defenses (MTDs). In addition, it also provides a terminology that can help to underlying identify assumptions made by existing work and
describe future MTDs.

Time Markov Chain (CTMC) model. The experimental results probability calculation and update operations. The cost and
showed that cost-effective VM migration can be performed effectiveness evaluation of reactive and proactive network
in an SDN-based network with limited impact on network defense strategies, has been conducted by Taylor et al. [125]
performance. The research work utilizes normalized CVSS using Measurement of Effectiveness (MOE) metrics. The
score as a key metric for initiating VM migration. research work considers hop-delay for different attack success
Sengupta et al. [77] analyze the performance impact of plac- rates, and static defense policies. They show that an attacker’s
ing IDS (NIDS and HIDS) at all possible enforcement points productivity, i.e., how quickly attacker can perform adversarial
in a cloud network. It is noteworthy that the placement of tasks increases against static defense, whereas attacker’s con-
more than 15 detection agents in their simulated network fails fidentiality, i.e., ability to remain undetected is same for both
to provide any additional intrusion detection benefit, whereas the static and the dynamic defense case.
the network throughput decreases drastically from 16 Gbps
in the case of a single detection agent to ∼6 Gbps when 15
detection agents are placed. VI. R ESEARCH O PPORTUNITIES
CHAOS [86] analyzes how the delay intentionally intro- In this section, we highlight some lessons learnt and the
duced by MTD impacts the packet count in a SDN-managed under explored aspects of Moving Target Defenses (MTDs).
network. The SDN controller utilizes host-mutation and decoy- These lead to a discussion on promising directions for future
severs to deceive an adversary. The obfuscated network research (a brief summary is highlighted in Figure 14).
increases the cost and difficulty for an adversary targeting
the network. The percentage of information disclosure reduces
from 90% to 10% in a CHAOS protected network, with slight A. The Configuration Set (What to Move?)
impact on packet delay (1s to 1.5s for 1800 packets). Works in MTD have concentrated mostly on the movement
Cost Metrics: Protection against Distributed Denial of of the exploration, the detection and the attack surface. While
Service (DDoS) attacks is one of the important priorities moving the exploration and the attack surface helps a defender
for many cyber systems. Wang et al. [153] present a cost- take away the advantage of reconnaissance that an attacker
effective MTD solution against DDoS and Covert Channel has, the goal of moving the detection surface is to improve
attacks. Through MTD adaptation, their work [153] aims to the scalability and Quality of Service (QoS).
answer two main questions: 1) what is the adaptation cost?, The movement of the prevention surface, which comprises
and 2) what is the cost incurred by a defender if an attacker of security modules such as Firewalls, IPS etc. has only
succeeds in exploiting a particular vulnerability?. This solu- been investigated by a couple of works (see discussion in
tion does not rely on IDS-generated alerts while making the Section III-A4). An MTD research can consider exploring
adaptation. The adaptation cost includes any cost related to Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) architectures that combine
purchasing required software or hardware that helps in the security modules such as firewall, content filter, anti-virus etc.
adaptation process. Lei et al. [154] utilize change-point anal- to provide a multi-layered defense-in-depth solution. Some
ysis method for evaluation MTD cost-benefit for a multi-layer current implementations of NGFW, that can be leveraged for
network resource graph. The proposed method analyzes mis- testing the effectiveness of these defenses, are Cisco ASA [172]
sion productivity (ΔM ), and attack success productivity (ΔA) and PAN Firewall [173]. Further, with the rise of mobile tech-
on dynamic network address translation (DNAT). The evalu- nologies, MTDs can prove to be effective defenses. Although
ation results show reduced attack success probability using we discuss a few works on thwarting jamming attacks [59]
DNAT over a network under observation. The path enumer- and identity shifting in mobile ad-hoc networks [53], MTDs
ation mechanism used in this research work can, however, for different surfaces of in mobile infrastructure networks can
suffers from scalability challenges because of frequent path be a promising direction for future research.

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As previously stated, the movement of different surfaces Unfortunately, the latter works suffer from scalability issues,
in a single framework, although challenging, can provide encouraging practitioners to default to URS. Works that can
greater security benefits than the movement of a single surface. leverage existing knowledge without suffering from scalability
Investigation in this area would require one to identify sets of issues can fill an important gap in MTD research.
configurations across the various surfaces that are compati- Recently, it has been shown that attacks on networks
ble (in terms of performance) with one another. This prevents are better characterized by persistent approaches such as
the number of strategies from multiplying uncontrollably by APTs. In such scenarios, attackers are known to demon-
leveraging the expertise of system designers. strate sequential attack behavior spread over a long time.
The categorization of the various software surfaces opens A relatively new line of work investigates modeling MTDs
up the possibility of considering other logical surface level to come up with strategies that are effective against APTs.
distinctions and thus, MTDs that shift these surfaces. For Although these approaches leverage the use of attack graphs
example, Microsegmentation [174] is a method of creating to bootstrap the modeling process [150], [168], they do not
secure zones in data centers and cloud deployments to iso- scale well. While real-world cloud services host thousands
late workloads from one another and secure them individually. of nodes, researchers have only considered small-scale set-
With MTD formalism, one can test the existing hypothesis tings [78], [79]. Furthermore, works such as [94] and [95] that
and develop new ones for microsegmentation. We believe that try to consider partial observability limit the scalability even
formal modeling, in line with [79], one might discover that further. Study on the design of approximation approaches and
advanced services will be more effective when applied at a their effectiveness when compared to scalable baselines such
granular-level (as close to the application as possible in a as URS will be key for future research.
distributed manner). Current research often makes strong assumptions about the
threat model. This makes results regarding the effects of such
B. The Timing Function (When to Move?) defenses questionable. In the future, we hope to see more stud-
ies that try to figure out realistic attack scenarios. Figuring out
The timing problem has mostly been ignored in previous
an attacker’s behavioral model might also lead the modeling
works on MTDs. While some works perform empirical stud-
community to relax assumptions often made by rationality of
ies to test the best (constant) time-period for switching, they
an attacker.
can be highly specific to threat model and the elements being
shifted. For example, while 15 second time-periods are shown
to be reasonable when protecting against jamming attacks [59], D. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
60 seconds time periods are needed to defend against Network As seen in Figure 12, none of the existing works demon-
Mapping attacks [89] attacks. Also, the complexity of chang- strate either empirically or model the impact of a proposed
ing the virtual IP address vs. the underlying virtual machine MTD on all four types of metrics. The lack of testing against
impose different constraints on the lower bound on feasible real-world attackers also makes it difficult to prioritize which
time-periods. metrics a defender needs to care about and to what extent.
Note that the handful of works that empirically determine Beyond human studies to understand attack behavior, use of
time-periods are by no means complete. We need an extensive MTDs may introduce a new attack surface in cyber-systems.
study just to come up with reasonable time periods for par- For example, firewall filtering rules need to be carefully ana-
ticular surfaces, how it effects that attack model and provide lyzed to prevent conflicting security policies that may arise
guidelines on efficient implementation methods. at the movement time because such conflicts might result in
On the other hand, a few existing approaches that do either dropping legitimate user packets or introducing new
address the timing problem theoretically, suffer from scala- attack points. Although some works such as [51] have tried to
bility issues. In [60], the authors land up increasing number address this issue of identifying security policy conflict for an
of states in their Markov Game by including time as a param- SDN-managed cloud network, it is not immediately clear how
eter. Inferring the defender’s strategy in such Markov Games it can be adapted in the context of other MTDs. A clear idea
cripples the MTD to work beyond small networks. Effective of when such scenarios arise and finding ways to address them
solutions or improved modeling could both be interesting would constitute an important line of research in the future.
research directions for the future. A key idea is to have a continuous feedback cycle that ver-
ifies the security policy in place post MTD-countermeasure
C. The Movement Function (How to Move?) deployment. This can be done by ensuring end-to-end integra-
tion and regression test for the various use-cases pertaining to
Randomization in the movement is a necessary part of
network traffic. Another solution could be to incorporate the
effective MTDs. Given the extensive use of randomization in
policy conflicts that might arise into the modeling of the MTD.
cryptography, MTD defenses tend to use a Uniform Random
This would produce safe movement policies that for see the
Strategy (URS) an the movement strategy [61]. Several
use of MTD as a new attack surface and avoid policy conflicts.
works have argued that often the defender has performance
information about their system and known attacks that can
be used to exploit their system. In such cases, a game- E. Proposing Novel Moving Target Defenses
theoretic modeling can result in better strategies that offer An important goal of this survey is to establish a common
higher gains in terms of both security and performance metrics. terminology for MTD researchers. Thus, we try to categorize

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an array of existing works in this terminology. For example, evaluation of the MTD. We notice that none of the proposed
consider the work [79]. This MTD can be categorized as a MTDs consider all the metrics we put forth. One wonders if a
moving target defense for the movement of detection surfaces defense that models all the proposed metrics can be realized
with fixed interval switching formulated as a multi-stage game in practice and if so, prove to be better that existing defenses
that performs simulation studies of simple use-cases and mea- both in terms of performance and security.
sures the security and performance of individual defenses in Lastly, we highlight areas of network security where the
these settings. scope of developing MTDs hasn’t been investigated. We
An interesting idea would be to turn this goal of ours on believe that coming up with defenses which can fill these gaps
its head and explore the design of new MTDs based on the will improve security and/or performance aspects of various
permutations of the various categorization aspects designed network systems. We conclude by showcasing how our cate-
in this survey. For example, a hybrid surface shifting MTD gorization provides a common terminology for researchers to
that (1) shifts the detection surface and then based on a describe existing MTDs and develop future ones.
stochastic environment, shifts the prevention surface, (2) mod-
els this problem as a two-step game, (3) considers rewards that ACKNOWLEDGMENT
incorporate performance of individual actions and security of A special thanks to Jim Kirby from NRL for the valuable
the ensemble, and (4) showcases experimental results on an feedback on the paper.
emulated testbed is a novel Moving Target Defense.
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[169] A. Sabur, A. Chowdhary, D. Huang, M. Kang, A. Kim, and Adel Alshamrani received the B.S. degree in com-
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[171] N. Spring, R. Mahajan, and D. Wetherall, “Measuring ISP topologies is an Assistant Professor with the Department of
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no. 4, pp. 133–145, 2002. Engineering, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi
[172] J. Frahim, O. Santos, and A. Ossipov, Cisco ASA: All-in-One Next- Arabia, where he is the Chief Information Security
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Cisco, 2014. years of work experience in information security, network engineering, and
[173] Palo Alto Next Generation Firewall, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, CA, USA, teaching while working with the Faculty of Computing and Information
2018. Technology, King Abdul Aziz University, and the University of Jeddah.
[174] O. Mämmelä, J. Hiltunen, J. Suomalainen, K. Ahola, P. Mannersalo, His research interests include information security, intrusion detection, and
and J. Vehkaperä, “Towards micro-segmentation in 5G network secu- software-defined networking.
rity,” in Proc. Eur. Conf. Netw. Commun. Workshop Netw. Manag. Qual.
Service Security 5G Netw. (EuCNC), 2016.

Sailik Sengupta received the B.E. degree in

computer science and engineering from Jadavpur
University in 2013. He is currently pursuing the
Dijiang Huang received the B.S. degree
Ph.D. degree in computer science with Arizona
from the Beijing University of Posts and
State University. Then he worked for Amazon,
Telecommunications, China, and the M.S. and
where he became an Application-Security Certifier.
Ph.D. degrees from the University of Missouri,
He is interested in solving problems that arise in
Kansas, in 1995, 2001, and 2004, respectively.
multiagent settings where the participating agents
He is an Associate Professor with the School
are non-cooperative or adversarial. He has looked
of Computing Informatics and Decision System
at challenges in cyber-security, adversarial machine
Engineering, Arizona State University. He has
learning, and human-AI interaction. He was awarded
also served as the chair at multiple international
the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship in 2018.
conferences and workshops. His research was
supported by the NSF, ONR, ARO, NATO, and
Consortium of Embedded System. His research interests include computer
networking, security, and privacy. He was the recipient of the ONR Young
Investigator Program Award. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal
Ankur Chowdhary received the B.Tech. degree in
of Network and System Management and the IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS
information technology from GGSIPU in 2011, and
the M.S. degree in computer science from ASU in
2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
in computer science with Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ, USA. He has worked as Information
Security Researcher for Blackberry Ltd., RSG, and
an Application Developer for CSC Private Ltd.
His research interests include SDN, Web security,
network security, and application of AI and machine
learning in the field of security.
Subbarao (Rao) Kambhampati received the
B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering (electron-
ics) from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai, in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
Abdulhakim Sabur received the B.S. degree computer science from the University of Maryland,
(Hons.) in computer science and engineering from College Park, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. He
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, in 2015, and is a Professor of computer science with Arizona
the master’s degree in computer engineering from State University. He studies fundamental problems in
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2018, planning, decision making, and game theory. He was
where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Program Chair for IJCAI 2016, ICAPS 2013,
computer engineering. He worked as a Researcher AAAI 2005, and AIPS 2000, and served on the
with the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Board of Directors of Partnership on AI. His research, as well as his views
Technology and a Teaching Assistant with Taibah on the progress and societal impacts of AI, have been featured in multiple
University. His research interest include network national and international media outlets. He received multiple teaching awards,
and information security, vulnerability analysis and including a University Last Lecture Recognition. He is the Past President of
management, automated policy, and security checking in software-defined AAAI and was a Trustee of IJCAI. He is a fellow of AAAI, AAAS, and
networking systems. ACM, and was an NSF Young Investigator.

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