Table 14.3 - Column Splices
Table 14.3 - Column Splices
Table 14.3 - Column Splices
For less than 1%, use splice piates. Back gouge or use back- up bars ~A\—- \- 1 Pm | | land | ay (a) Parti oint penetration (0) Complete joint-penetration groove welds groove welds AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INCCOLUMN SPLICES 14.37 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VIII: Directly welded flange column splices between columns with depths d,, and d; nominally the same. For W8 & W10 columns Forothers | "%/sdia. holes in column » "hedia. holes in channel Pupy nA with % dia. A325 bolts \ ! 2 washers each : } oN _ lifting hole optional 2 sts { a ith tha eta oT TRIN. 1-06x10.5 for We column wv) FS | ™1-C7x12.25 for W10 column 4 4 ama 1-C9x15 for W12 column & over * Shim as required (NOTE: Use 2 channels for i columns over 30’-0" long or over 100Ibs. per foot) “ASE Vill All-bolted web splice, partial-joint-penetration flange welds Roacgeens ForWa& | 1% W10 columns For others _ "36 dia. holes in column ~ "She dia. holes in channel PIP with 94 dia. A325 bolts 2 washers each lifting hole optional 1-C6x 10.5 for W8 column s |] 1-07 12.25 for W10 column i 1-C9x15 for W12 column & over afi Shim as required Seven Wi! (NOTE: Use 2 channels for “he 6 Ine | columns over 30'-0" long or Return >see over 100Ibs. per foot) CASE VIIIB Combination bolted and welded web splice, partial-joint-penetration flange wekls AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.14-38 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VIII: Directly welded flange column splices between columns with depths d,, and d, nominally the same. For W8 & W10 columns For others 19/16 dia. holes in column = 1/6 dia. holes in channel “|| with % dia. A325 bolts 2 washers each _- lifting hole optional cpt 2 o \ al + fell u| = e 2-C6x10.5 for W8 column yy coon 2-C7x12.25 for W10 column i 2-C9x15 for W12 column & over Shim as required CASE VIILC Alt-bolted web splice, complete-joint-penetration flange welds a | For W8 & Ye 1% W10 columns | For others 2 2 | "3/6 dia. holes in column > lhe dia. holes in channel with % dia, A325 bolts 2 washers each |_—-ttting hole optional—+- Shim as required CASE VIE web splice, complete-joint-penetration flange and web welds AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.14-40 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IX: Butt-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth aj. Butt plate: Select a butt plate thickness of 14-in. for W8 over W10 columns and 2 in. for all other combinations, Select butt plate width and length not less than wy and di assuming the lower is the larger column shaft Weld: Select weld to upper column based on the thicker of /i and fp. Select weld to lower column based on the thicker of fg and fp. The edge preparation required by the groove weld is usually performed on the column shafts. However, special cases such as when the butt plate must be field welded to the lower column require special consideration. Erection: clip angles, such as those shown in the sketch below, help to locate and stabilize the upper column during the erection phase. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.COLUMN SPLICES Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IX: Butt-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth d,. CASE IX AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.14-42 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Cases X, XI, XII Special column splices. Case X: Directly welded splice between tubular and/or box-shaped columns, Welds may be either partial-joint- or complete-joint- ‘penetration. The strength of partial-joint-penetration welds isa function of the column wall thickness and appropriate guidelines for minimum land width and effective weld size must be observed. This type of splice usually requires lifting and alignment devices. For lifting devices see Figure 11-21. For alignment devices see Figure 11-22. Case XI: Butt-plated splices between tubular and/or box-shaped columns. ‘The butt-plate thickness is selected based on the AISC Specification. Welds may be either partial- or complete- penetration-groove welds, or, if adequate space is, provided. fillet welds may be used. Weld strength is based on the thickness of connected material. See comments under Case X above regarding lifting and alignment devices. Case XII: Butt-plated column splices between ‘W-shape colurnns and tubular or box-shaped columns. See comments under Case XI above. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.COLUMN SPLICES 14-43 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Cases X, XI, XII Special column splices. Fin. Fin. Sie) i SneGm, he atT AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.