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Table 14.3 - Column Splices

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14-22 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES.. Table 14-3 Typical Column Splices Case I: All-bolted flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, and d, nominally the same. Gage Flange Plates Column guor Size 9% | Type | Width | Thk. | Length |W14x455 to 730 13% 1 16 % 16% (257 to 426 11% 1 14 % 16% 145 to 233 11% 1 14 % V 6% 90 to 132 11% 2 14 % 10% 43 to 82 5% 2 8 % 10% }W12x120 to 336 5% 2 8 % ro% | 40 to 106 5% 2 8 % 10% W10x33 to 112 5% 2 8 Y V0% W8x31 to 67 5% 2 8 % V0% 24 & 28 3% 2 6 % 10% |Gages shown may be modified if necessary to accommodate fittings Jelsewhere on the column, Case I-A: y= (dy + Yin.) to (dy + % in.) Flange plates: Select g, for upper column; select gy and flange plate dimensions for lower columns (see table above). Fillers: None. Shims: Furnish sufficient strip shims 2'x'% to provide Oto Yig-in. clearance each side. Case I- y= (dy Ya in.) to (du + Ys in.) Flange plates: Same as Case I-A. Fillers (shop bolted under flange plates): Select thickness as Yp-in. for di = dy and d= (du + Y¥@ in.) or as Y4-in. for di = (du — Y% in.) and di = (dy — Y% in.) Select width to match flange plate and length as 0° 9 for Type 1 or 0’ 6 for Type 2. Shims: Same as Case I-A. Case I-C: y= (dy + Yq in.) and over. Flange plates: Same as Case I-A. Fillers (shop bolted to upper column): Select thickness as (d;~d,) /2 minus Yin. or Mo in., whichever results in Ye-in, multiples of filler thickness. Select width to match flange plate, but not greater than upper column flange width. Select length as 1’ 0 for Type 1 or 0’ 9 for Type 2. Shims: Same as Case I-A. For lifting devices, see Figure 14-11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case I: All-bolted flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, and d; nominally the same. - 41 TNA |- Erection 1 clearance é / | LE 24 ‘strip-2 Ye Xe 9 4 (Type 1) ‘strip-2 Yo Xe 6 \ (Type 2) e nae \ é Pa P14 Detail of — g strip shims & ! Filer Liting hole t 7 (optionay) i Litting hole =F-Fillor Fan Erection1 (optional) Flange pate” jiearance| / plate’ | | 2 c / nf ie 1% 1% é 4 Tye t AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-24 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case Il: All-bolted flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth d,. Fillers on upper column developed | Flange plates: Same as Case I-A. for bearing on lower column. Fillers (shop bolted to upper column): Select thickness as (did) /2 minus %-in, or Yig-in., whichever results in \e-in, multiples of filler thickness. Select bolts through fillers (including bolts through flange plates) on each side to develop bearing strength of the filler. Select width to match flange plate, but not greater than upper column flang width unless required for bearing strength, Select length as required to accommodate required number of bolts. Shims: Same as Case I-A. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case Ill: All-bolted flange-plated and butt-plated column splices between columns with depth d, nominally two inches less than depth d). Fillers on upper column developed Gage Flange Plates for bearing on lower column. Column | ge or Size 9 | Type | Width | Thk. |Length W14x455 to 730} 13% | 1 16) % | 178% 25710426 | 11% | 1 | 14 | % | 18% 145t0233| 11% | 1 | 14 | % | 18% 9010132 | 11% | 2 14 | % [12% 43toe2 | 5%| 2 8 | % [12% w12x120to 336] 5% | 2 8 | % |12% 40to106 | 5% | 2 8 | % |V2% W10x33to 112 | 5% | 2 8 | % | 12% W8x31 to 67 5%} 2 8 | % | v2 24 & 28 3% | 2 a | % | v2 ‘Gages shown may be modified if necessary to accommodate fitings elsewhere on the colurnn, Flange plates: Select gu for upper column, select gi and flange plate dimensions for lower column (see table above). Fillers (shop bolted to upper column): Same as Case I-C. ‘Shims: Same as Case I-A. Butt plate: Select thickness as 1-in, for W8 upper column or two inches for others. Select width the same ‘as upper column and length as di - '%4 in, For lifting devices, see Figure 14-11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES 14-25 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case Il and III: All-bolted flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth dj. og, a. / tape fet | | 7 ‘, st Filler ete 3) 3 a Crearance | ean a i” my + + Liting hole —¢——+}> bn1% / LL eotionan a é o FT Lifting hole \V Np + (optional) 4 ae | 9 — par CASE II %. % t t 1 -F Filor fr | ¢ || | Lifting hole i | Filler a | [eterance 7 | Z| (optional) i 3 t ag # . 4} Ze fs on f s 1% gs | 8 ity Oe IL mgaae LL ‘ i (optional) Flange TT range 4 @ plate A plate 5 “ype? ‘Type 2 CASE Ill AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-26 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices dy = (dy Yo in.) tody Case IV: All-welded flange-plated column splices between columns with depths d, and d; nominally the same. Flange Plate Welds Minimum Space for Welding ; Length | Size Length Column Size | width | Thk. L A Fr 7 Fy " W14x455 & over 14 % 16 % 5 7 %e | Me 311 t0 426 12 % 1-4 % 4 6 m | %e 211 to 283 12 ” V4 % 4 6 “Ys Ae 90t0193 | 12 % V4 hs 4 6 % % 61 to 82 8 % V4 es 3 8 % | % 43 to 53 6 He | 2 % 2 5 %e | hs W12x120 to 336 8 % v4 | % 3 6 Mg | %e 53 to 106 8 % V4 a 3 6 % 40 to 50 6 He | 12 | Mw 2 5 %e | he W10x49 to 112 8 % v4 | Me 3 6 % %% 3310.45 6 Se | V2 | M% 2 5 %e | he W8x31 to 67 6 % v2 | %e 2 5 % % 24828 § | % | 10 | % 2 4 %e | %s Case IV-A: Flange plates: Select flange-plate width and length and d= (det) weld lengths for upper (lighter) column; select flange- plate. thickness and weld size for lower (heavier) column. Fillers: None. Case IV-B: Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except use weld size 4+ ron lower column, Fillers (undeveloped on lower column, shop welded under flange plates): Select thickness ¢ as (d) — dy) /2+ Vig ii Select width to match flange plate and length as, L/2-2in, Case IV-C: d= (du + Vs in.) to(dy+ 4 in.) Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except use weld size +1 0n upper column, Fillers (undeveloped on upper column, shipped loose): Select thickness ¢ as (d — cy) /2 ~ Vig in. Select width to match flange plate and length as J /2-2in. For lifting devices, see Figure 14-11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES 14.27 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IV: All-bolted flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth dj. 4, range plato Wit. ae ; aay counnae|y secon, NY a Erection +— Lifting hole —~ 4 — {fh __¢ TY] ootonay | t ___bengtn Flange plate— 1 | — iting hole— (optional) Filler under | splice plate 4 Li, + t -t CASE IV-B Flange plate — 4 — ting hole —a ‘opitonal Loose filler —} (fieta) CASE IV-C AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-28 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... All-welded flange-plated column s} depths d,, and d, nominally the same. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IV: es between columns with Case IV-D: r= (du + % in) and over Filler width less than upper column, flange width Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except see Note 1. Fillers (developed on upper column, shop welded to upper column): Select thickness ¢ as (d) ~ dy) /2— Yio in Select weld size B from AISC Specific Sjg-in. preferred, Select weld length Ly such that Lez A(X+ ¥)/B2(L/2+1 in). Select filler width greater than flange plate width + 21” but less than upper column flange width - 2¥V, Select filler length as, Lp, subject to Note 2. Case IV-E: y= (dy + in.) and over Filler width greater than upper column flange width. Use this case only when M or N in Case IV-D are inadequate for welds B and A. Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except see Note 1. Fillers (developed on upper column, shop welded to upper column): Select thickness ¢ as (dj ~ dy) /2- Ae in.| Select weld size B from AISC Specification; <‘s-in. preferred. Select weld length Lp such that [a2 A+ )/B2(L/2+ Lin,), Select filler width as the larger of the flange plate width + 2V and the upper column flange width + 2M, rounded to the next higher ¥-in. increment. Select filler length as Lp subject to Note 2. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES 14-29 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IV: All-welded flange-plated column splices between columns with depths d,, and d; nominally the same. Width, 4 M hem Wiest [saeeeeet n—tiethseh Ly no iets, Ly woe ate SO r l Pp Fae I tote athe us yo Bul, eesti | VN at Ae | — ras — se] avy Note 1: Minimum Fill Thickness for Where welds fasten flange plates to aaa Balanced Weld and Plate Shear developed fillers, or developed fillers a i to column flanges (Cases IV-E and E70xx 36 50 V-B), use the table to the right to 5 7 0.26 . check minimum fill thickness for a na nae balanced fill and weld shear strength % 038 0.28 ‘Assume that an E70XX weld with %e 0.45 0.33 A='h,X=4, and Y= 6 is to be used 2 051 un at full strength on an A36 fill /4-in. thick. Since this table shows that the minimum fill thickness to develop this Y4-in. weld is 0.51 in., the 4-in. fill will be overstressed. A balanced condition is obtained by multiplying the length (+ ¥) by the ratio of the minimum to the actual thickness of fill, thus: O51 5 (446)x p55 =204 use (X + Y) = 201%, Placing this additional increment of (X + ¥) can be done by making weld lengths X continuous across the end of the splice plate and by increasing ¥ (and therefore the plate Lengthy if required. Note 2: If fill length, based on Ls, is excessive, place weld of size B across one or both ends of fill and reduce Lg accordingly, but not to less than (L /2 + 1). Omit return welds in Cases IV-E and V-B. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1430 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case V: All-welded flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth qd). Case V-A: Fillers on upper column developed for bearing on lower column. Filler width less than upper column flange width, Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except see Note 1 | Fillers (shop welded to upper column): Select thickness as (d)~ de) /2.~ Vig in. Select weld size B from AISC Specification; <%j¢ in. preferred. Select weld length Le to develop bearing strength of the filler but not less than (L./2+ 1% in.). Select filler width greater than the flange plate width + 21V but less than the upper column flange width ~ 2 See Case IV for Mand N. Case V-B: Same as Case V-A except filler width is greater than upper column flange width. Use this case only when M or Nin Case V-A are inadequate for weld 4, or when additional filler bearing area is required. Flange plates: Same as Case IV-A, except see Note 1. Fillers (shop welded to upper column): Select thickness as (dy ~ dy) /2 ~ Vig in. Select weld size B from AISC Specification; <%¢ in. preferred. Select weld length Ly to develop bearing strength of the filler but not less than (L/2+ 1% in). Select filler width as the larger of the flange plate width + 2N and the upper column flange width + 2M, rounded to the next higher % in. increment. Filler length as La, subject to Note 3. Note 3: Case V-B. If fill length, based on Lp, is excessive, place weld of size B across end of fill and reduce Lp by one-half of such additional weld length, but not to less than (L /2 + 11%). Omit return welds in AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLLMN SPLUES LES Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case V: All-welded flange-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth dj. op Wiel ag A ™ tH Width. (imi N - fidth-spl. | u { criamait nil e tol t ' q th JW; Erection ot pases \1 | clearance | | / 1 tans \I } r | ae | i 5 ¢ htt | & | Fi < Yo iter a | Liting hole —“ i I | \aapEs — Flange | \ plate - v AVY [essrcata| ___Wiathfit g, nt a Erection. 7 ciearance | Aa Bt, i + I cz mL € « Filor Sy} pp seen 7 | f | ‘Flange: A alae plate | « - CASE V-B AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CoNsTRUCTION, INC. 14-32 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VI: Combination bolted and welded column splices between columns with depths d,, and d; nominally the same. Flange Plate Bolts Welds Length No. Length of | Gage | Size Column Size | width | Thk. | Ly i, | Rows| g A x im wiaxassaover | 14 | % | 9% | @ | 3 | itm] % | 5 7 3itte4zs | 12 | % | 9% | 8 3 | % | &% 4 6 2itto2s | 12 | % | % | 8 3 | % | % 4 6 90 to 193 2] % | 6% | 8 2 | 9% | %e | 4 6 | 61 to 82 a] % | 6% | 8 2 | 5% | % | 3 6 | 4310 53 6 | % | o% | 7 2 | 3% | % 2 5 W12%120 to 336 a] % |e] 8 2 | 5% | % 3 6 53 to 106 8 6% | 8 2 | 5% | % | 3 6 40 to 50 6 % | 7 2 | | % 2 5 W10x49 to 112 8 e% | 8 2 5% | %e 3 6 331045 6 6% | 7 2 | 3% | % 2 5 W8x31 to 67 6] % | 6% | 7 2 | 3% | % | 2 5 248 28 5 | % | 6% | 6 2 | 3% | % 2 4 Gages shown may be modified if necessary to accommodate fitings elsewhere on the columns. ‘Case VI-Az y= (du + Ya in.) 10 (dy + % in.) Flange plates: Select flange plate width, bolts, gage and length Ly for upper column; select flange plate thickness, | weld size 4, weld lengths X and ¥, and length 1 for lower column, Total flange plate length is Lu + Lz (see table above). Fillers: None. Shims: Furnish sufficient strip shims 2'4x'% to obtain 0 to Vig-in. clearance on each side. Case VI-B: i= (du Ys in.) to (du + Ye in.) Flange plates: Same as Case VI-A, except use weld size A +10n lower column, Fillers (shop welded to lower column under flange plate): Select thickness tas Y4-in. for for d= dy and dt = (du + Ya in.) ot as Yio-in. for di = (du ~ Ye in.) and i= (dy ~ % in.), Select width to match flange plate and Tength as Li - 2 in. Shims: Same as Case VI-A. Case VI-C: Flange plates: Same as Case VI-A. dy= (d+ %s in) Fillers (shop welded to upper column): Select thickness ¢ and over as (di ~ dy) /2 minus %-in, or Yig-in., whichever results in Ye-in. multiples of fill thickness. Select weld size B as minimum size from AISC Specification Section J2. Select weld length as Ly ~ 4 in. Select filler width as flange plate width and filler length as Ly ~ Y4-in. lz Shims: Same as Case VI-A. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES 14.33 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VI: Combination bolted and welded column splices between columns with depths d, and d; nominally the same. W14211 and over ¢ é a i en ceeesl z | “| ay ag Erection 3 8 Flange clear. He g 7 Hest e “lat Ut } Gy -f hb he 1% a | a ~— Filter under ange plate Ye | eT __ iting note _~ 7 Vases ‘ aca AHR CASE VB a yo Stnp-2'e oly For less than 1%, use splice piates. Back gouge or use back- up bars ~A\—- \- 1 Pm | | land | ay (a) Parti oint penetration (0) Complete joint-penetration groove welds groove welds AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC COLUMN SPLICES 14.37 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VIII: Directly welded flange column splices between columns with depths d,, and d; nominally the same. For W8 & W10 columns Forothers | "%/sdia. holes in column » "hedia. holes in channel Pupy nA with % dia. A325 bolts \ ! 2 washers each : } oN _ lifting hole optional 2 sts { a ith tha eta oT TRIN. 1-06x10.5 for We column wv) FS | ™1-C7x12.25 for W10 column 4 4 ama 1-C9x15 for W12 column & over * Shim as required (NOTE: Use 2 channels for i columns over 30’-0" long or over 100Ibs. per foot) “ASE Vill All-bolted web splice, partial-joint-penetration flange welds Roacgeens ForWa& | 1% W10 columns For others _ "36 dia. holes in column ~ "She dia. holes in channel PIP with 94 dia. A325 bolts 2 washers each lifting hole optional 1-C6x 10.5 for W8 column s |] 1-07 12.25 for W10 column i 1-C9x15 for W12 column & over afi Shim as required Seven Wi! (NOTE: Use 2 channels for “he 6 Ine | columns over 30'-0" long or Return >see over 100Ibs. per foot) CASE VIIIB Combination bolted and welded web splice, partial-joint-penetration flange wekls AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-38 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES... Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case VIII: Directly welded flange column splices between columns with depths d,, and d, nominally the same. For W8 & W10 columns For others 19/16 dia. holes in column = 1/6 dia. holes in channel “|| with % dia. A325 bolts 2 washers each _- lifting hole optional cpt 2 o \ al + fell u| = e 2-C6x10.5 for W8 column yy coon 2-C7x12.25 for W10 column i 2-C9x15 for W12 column & over Shim as required CASE VIILC Alt-bolted web splice, complete-joint-penetration flange welds a | For W8 & Ye 1% W10 columns | For others 2 2 | "3/6 dia. holes in column > lhe dia. holes in channel with % dia, A325 bolts 2 washers each |_—-ttting hole optional —+- Shim as required CASE VIE web splice, complete-joint-penetration flange and web welds AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-40 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IX: Butt-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth aj. Butt plate: Select a butt plate thickness of 14-in. for W8 over W10 columns and 2 in. for all other combinations, Select butt plate width and length not less than wy and di assuming the lower is the larger column shaft Weld: Select weld to upper column based on the thicker of /i and fp. Select weld to lower column based on the thicker of fg and fp. The edge preparation required by the groove weld is usually performed on the column shafts. However, special cases such as when the butt plate must be field welded to the lower column require special consideration. Erection: clip angles, such as those shown in the sketch below, help to locate and stabilize the upper column during the erection phase. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Case IX: Butt-plated column splices between columns with depth d,, nominally two inches less than depth d,. CASE IX AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14-42 DESIGN OF BEAM BEARING PLATES, COLUMN BASE PLATES. Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Cases X, XI, XII Special column splices. Case X: Directly welded splice between tubular and/or box-shaped columns, Welds may be either partial-joint- or complete-joint- ‘penetration. The strength of partial-joint-penetration welds isa function of the column wall thickness and appropriate guidelines for minimum land width and effective weld size must be observed. This type of splice usually requires lifting and alignment devices. For lifting devices see Figure 11-21. For alignment devices see Figure 11-22. Case XI: Butt-plated splices between tubular and/or box-shaped columns. ‘The butt-plate thickness is selected based on the AISC Specification. Welds may be either partial- or complete- penetration-groove welds, or, if adequate space is, provided. fillet welds may be used. Weld strength is based on the thickness of connected material. See comments under Case X above regarding lifting and alignment devices. Case XII: Butt-plated column splices between ‘W-shape colurnns and tubular or box-shaped columns. See comments under Case XI above. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. COLUMN SPLICES 14-43 Table 14-3 (continued) Typical Column Splices Cases X, XI, XII Special column splices. Fin. Fin. Sie) i SneGm, he atT AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.

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