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Quarter 2 Reviewer

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What I Know

TEST I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A family where one or more of the children has been adopted

a. Foster family
b. Nuclear family
c. Extended family
d. Adoptive family
2. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation or remarriage
a. Step family
b. Extended family
c. Adoptive family
d. Single parent family
3. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption,
a. Family
b. Mom and dad
c. Relatives
d. Friends
4. This can be either a father or mother who is singly responsible for raising a child.
a. Step family
b. Extended family
c. Adoptive family
d. Single parent family
5. A couple or single parent decides to raise another person’s child as their own
a. Single parent family
b. Adoptive family
c. Nuclear family
d. Extended family
6. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
a. Bi racial or multi-racial family
b. Nuclear family
c. Extended family
d. Adoptive family
7. Chosen by a family to take responsibility for a child if the parents are no longer able to provide
a. Grandparents
b. Adoptive parents
c. Siblings
d. Guardian
8. What does good parenting require?
a. Providing a positive role model
b. Encouraging productive behavior
c. Engaging in adequate supervision
d. All of the above
9. A family that cares for children who are not related to other children
a. Adoptive family
b. Guardian family
c. Foster family
d. Stepfamily
10.Which of the following is not a benefit of extended family?
a. Potentially increased emotional support
b. Learning from the combined experiences of more family members
c. Improved intellectual development resulting from exposure to more knowledge
d. More opportunities for travel as a result of having more family to visit

TEST II. Read the following statements below, write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
1. Adoptive family is also known as “blended” family which is a combination of two families.
2. Immigrant family is a family that transferred together from one place to another because of the employment status or the
job of the head of the family.
3. Foster family is a type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary member of a household whether related
by blood or not.
4. A family is considered gay or lesbian family if both parents are members of the LGBT community.
5. A nuclear family consists of mother, father, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins living together in one
What’s In
Activity 1.1 Being a Leader
In the previous module, you’ve learned that your community contributes a lot in the development of your social relationships. One
of the key factors that develops your social skills is your involvement in the community. Another is how to be a servant leader. What
does being a servant leader mean to you? What do you think are the traits that a servant leader must possess? (NOTE: One trait was
given as a sample to this activity.)

Now that you know the traits of a servant leader, let us try looking at a human figure inside a house. The house symbolizes a place
where you live together. At home, who do you think is the leader? Who leads your household?
What’s New
Activity 1.2 Model
In this activity, you will show your creativity by making a model of a house. You can use materials that can be found in your
surroundings. You can use sticks, leaves, candy wrappers etc. After making a house, relate the part of your house to your family
members and write down why that person represents the part of the house you’ve chosen. Paste your house model on a short bond
paper. Below your model, write your explanation.

Activity 1.3 My Family Song

Each of us have different family structure, different family orientation, and culture. As we grow older, we adapt things and behaviors
from our parents. Some of us follow certain family beliefs. When we are younger, our parents guide and mold
us into a better individual by instilling values on us. These values may be brought by us from time to time on our workplace, school,
and other places, but somehow also change. There are songs that describe family and the roles of each member of the family. Identify
songs that show such. At the back of the bond paper, make a table as shown below. Write the title of the song, below it, write your
own interpretation of the song based on the lyrics. How does the song describe family?

Title of the song

Lyrics of the

What’s More
The following are some situations that describe a family. On the blankprovided, write what structure of family is indicated.

George and Mirriam were already married for 17 years. Their eldest is 10 yrs old named Nathan and their youngest is 7 years old
named Hannah. They are living in Palawan together with their witty dog, Bantay. While the couple are working, George’s father, Lolo
Berting is the one who fetches the two kids at school, while Lola Pasing does the household chores and the cooking. Since Nathan was
born, both Lolo Berting and Lola Pasing lived together with George’s family to assist the couple in parenting Hannah and Nathan.

Lita was 12 yrs old when she knew that she was adopted. Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Linda had three kids and all of them were boys.
Since the couple wanted to have a baby girl, they decided to adopt, because they were too old to have another baby. It was Lina’s
birthday when the couple talked to her and told her the truth. Lina wholeheartedly accepted the truth and embraced Mr. and Mrs.
Santos. Lina’s biological parents died on a car accident, that’s why the couple adopted Lina.

Major Mark Delos Reyes of the Philippines Army was assigned in the province of Tuguegarao. In the call of duty and service, Maj.
Delos Reyes and his wife decided that the whole family will transfer to Tuguegarao where Maj. Delos Reyes was assigned. The next
day, they packed all their things and left their home.

Joyce is fifth among the 13 children of Mr. and Mrs. Aquino. She was 16 yrs. old and will be a grade 11 student next year. Because of
poverty, her parents cannot support her studies anymore. Her father is a farmer and he is the only one who provides for their living.
Her aunt was living in Manila and offered her father to support Joyce’s study until she finishes her college. A condition was given to
them, though. Joyce will have to stay in Manila and will live with her aunt Tessie and her family.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
1.__________ is the basic unit of the society
2. Family came from the__________ “familia”.
3. There are different family structures, and one of them is Nuclear family which is also known as _______ family.
4. ________ family consists of father, mother, children, grandparents, aunts, uncle, and other family relatives living together in one
5. Step families are also known as ________ family, because two families are brought together.
6. Single parent family is a family wherein a single parent is responsible of taking care of members of the family, this could either be
because of divorced, or __________ .
7. Foster family parent who serves as a __________ guardian for one or more children to whom they may or may not be biologically
related with.
8. Bi-racial or multi-racial family is a family wherein parents are from different ____________.
9. Adoptive family is a family wherein parents may ____________ a child to whom they share no blood relationship, or one parent
may adopt the child of the other parent.
10. Conditionally separated family is a family where one of the family members is conditionally separated from the others. This
separation may be due to their ________________- or could be due to hospitalization.
11. A __________ family wherein one or both parents has a different sexual orientation.
12. A ___________ family consists of only married couple.
13. A transracial family is a family where parents adopt a child from a different ____________-.
14. It is migrant family which ___________ together on different place, it could be from one place to another due to some
15. A/an _____________ family is a family where one or both parents are already an immigrant of other country.
What I Can Do
Activity: Understanding My Own Family Structure

In this activity, you will need a family picture. Paste it on your notebook. If you do not have a recent family picture, you can cut out pictures from
the magazines and just put name of your family member on each picture. You may also draw your family picture.

Identify what family structure you have at home. Write the names of each member of your family below the picture. In a short paragraph,
describe your family. Explain your family’s social, emotional and spiritual legacies.
TEST I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following best describes a foster family?

a. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, or remarriage
b. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible for raising a child
c. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
d. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary member of a household either that member is related by blood or not.
2. An extended family consists of
a. father, mother, children
b. father, mother, children, grandparents, cousins, and other relatives
c. gay father, mother, niece
d. mother and father
3. Which of the following is not included in a nuclear family?
a. Mother
b. Father
c. Grandparents
d. Children (son/daughter)
4. Which of the following best describes single parent family?
a. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, or remarriage
b. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible for raising a child
c. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
d. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary member of a household either that member is related by blood or not.
5. Family is defined as
a. A group of people with common likes and dislikes
b. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption
c. Two people loving one another
d. People living together in one community
6. A family wherein one or both parents are member of the LGBT community.
a. Single parent family
b. Immigrant family
c. Gay or lesbian family
d. Foster family
7. Adoptive family is
a. A parent who left his/her family due to employment
b. A divorce husband/wife who chooses to raise his/her children alone
c. A couple or single parent decides to raise another person’s child astheir own
d. None of the above
8. A guardian is a
a. Person who is the parent of the child
b. A mother or a father
c. A sister or a brother
d. A person who has the responsibility to take cake of a child with aconsent from the government

9. As a good parenting which of the following is a legacy that you can pass on to your children?
a. Social legacy
b. Emotional legacy
c. Spiritual legacy
d. All of the above
10. Which of the following is a benefit of extended family?
a. Potentially increased emotional support
b. Comparing yourself from your siblings and cousins
c. Increased fighting among relatives
d. All of the above

TEST II. Read the following statements below, write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

1. Single parent family is a couple living together without having a child.

2. Nuclear family is also called as “traditional” family.
3. A childless couple is not considered as family.
4. Bi racial or multi-racial family is a family were parents are from different races.
5. A Filipino who married a Chinese woman and have 2 kids is considered as stepfamily.

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