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Research Paper Outline On Cloning

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Research Paper Outline on Cloning

Crafting a comprehensive and well-structured research paper on cloning is no small feat. The
complexity of the subject matter, coupled with the intricate nature of academic writing, can make the
task seem daunting for many students. Developing a well-organized research paper outline is a
crucial step in the writing process, requiring a deep understanding of the topic, extensive research,
and a strong grasp of academic conventions.

The intricacies of creating a research paper outline on cloning demand careful consideration of
various elements, such as ethical concerns, scientific principles, and societal implications. It requires a
meticulous approach to presenting arguments, evidence, and counterarguments while maintaining a
logical flow throughout the document.

One significant challenge faced by students is the need to navigate through a vast sea of information
on cloning. This involves sifting through scientific journals, academic publications, and other
scholarly sources to gather relevant and credible data. Synthesizing this information into a coherent
and insightful outline requires time, effort, and a keen analytical mindset.

Moreover, the ethical dimensions of cloning add an extra layer of complexity. Students must grapple
with ethical dilemmas, weighing the benefits and potential drawbacks of cloning technology. This
requires a nuanced understanding of ethical frameworks and the ability to articulate these
considerations within the context of a research paper.

To alleviate the challenges associated with writing a thesis on cloning, students may consider seeking
assistance from professional writing services. Among the reputable options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform offering expert guidance and support. Their
team of experienced writers understands the intricacies of cloning research and can help students
develop a well-structured and compelling outline.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students can benefit from the expertise of writers who
specialize in cloning and related fields. This not only streamlines the writing process but also ensures
the delivery of a high-quality research paper outline that meets academic standards.

In conclusion, tackling a research paper on cloning involves navigating a complex landscape of

scientific, ethical, and societal considerations. For those seeking expert assistance, ⇒ ⇔ provides a valuable resource to guide students through the challenges of crafting
a well-organized and insightful thesis outline on cloning.
Some consider that human cloning, through somatic cell nuclear transfer, will never be an ethical
consideration because it undercuts essential social values that hold together the fabric of society and
that cloning will always pose the risk of causing psychological and physical harm to the child. This
long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam
aspirants. However, cloning is awful and should stay illegal because it is dangerous, it is unethical,
and it is unnecessary. Morally it is not supported by the opponents as they believe that human beings
cannot take the laws of mother nature in hand and one cannot play the role of the Creator, God of
the universe. Selecting transformed cells: Selection of transformed cells through selectable marker
antibiotic resistance gene. This technique for replicates the activation provided by sperm is not
completely correct, since only a few electrically activated cells survive long enough to produce an
embryo. One of the main advantages of cloning is that it can be used for therapeutic reasons; this
kind of cloning is referred to as therapeutic cloning and can be used as medicine to treat individuals
(MacKinnon 12). The human genome project which is researching the human genome plans to give
scientists more information on human cloning. Then a diploid nucleus from a body cell of a second
individual, the donor, is put into the egg cell. I am not opposed to further research into human
cloning to find out whether it will be possible to clone humans or not. You can use essay samples to
find ideas and inspiration for your paper. It has been found that cells placed in oviducts early in their
development are much more likely to survive than those incubated in the lab. The former is
comprised of stem cell cloning and unicellular cloning. It is stated that cloning takes place as living
things including plant life, bacteria and insects are in the process of reproducing asexually. This has
been done naturally in nature with identical twins and it has been done artificially since around the
1950s though it has improved over time to the stage where scientists can even clone mammals.
According to Savulescu (1999), human cloning provides personal reproductive options, an
independence for scientific enquiry, it inculcates the feeling of being immortal, an independent
feeling of eugenics, enables one to have a feeling of sense of worth, dead dear ones can be replaced.
Name Name Email Enter your email address Subscribe Archives Archives. A clone will not be
exactly the same as the original person. The same could happen to human clones leading to questions
over the ethics of cloning. When analyzed against an ethical lens, it is clear that Human Cloning
oversteps scientific boundaries by destabilizing social and moral structures in society. Yadav and
Sharma (2011) explain that a geneticist known as Joshua Lederberg, is credited coming up with the
prospects and promise of human cloning. Researchers are already trying to clone a frozen wooly
mammoth. Cloning is not that far from procedures that are being done all the time, such as in vitro
fertilization, where egg fertilization takes place in a lab and is then transferred to the uterus.
Massachusetts has also adopted a policy that prohibits any payment to women who provide eggs for
research. After the religious sect the Raelians claimed they had successfully given birth to the first
cloned human baby, everyone in the US Congress agreed on the need for a ban on the practice. A
suitable and non-harmful bacterial system is chosen to insert the recombinant plasmid DNA for gene
cloning. After an additional five hours, the egg cell was then placed in a chemical culture to
jumpstart the cell’s growth, just as fertilisation does in nature. However, the first successful attempt
of cloning in mammals is exemplified by formation of a Scottish sheep called Dolly through a
process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. It will have to be explored more deeply and tested
more rigorously to become acceptable. Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System 15.1 Digestive
Systems 15.2 Nutrition and Energy Production 15.3 Digestive System Processes 15.4 Digestive
System Regulation Chapter 16.
The egg is then stimulated to divide so that development proceeds. There are also many
disadvantages of the cloning process. The DNA is then brought out of solution using alcohol. This
has raised concern over GM crops all over the world. Due to the mechanical, human-intervened and
unnatural process of embryo creation followed by rearing in the womb of a surrogate mother, such
clones display unnatural death causes. Conclusion The pros and cons of human cloning is a
continuous process. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter Writing
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Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. This has been done naturally in nature
with identical twins and it has been done artificially since around the 1950s though it has improved
over time to the stage where scientists can even clone mammals. The eukaryotic DNA fragment of
Clawed frog Xenopus was isolated and cloned into E Coli. As to human cloning for reproductive
purposes, I don't believe it is safe. The ethical ramifications of cloning, especially with regard to
humans, seem to defy easy limitation. Tissue culture can be accomplished readily with such species
as grapes, orchids, chrysanthemums, asparagus, and carrots. The egg is then implanted into a
surrogate mother and then a cloned baby is produced which is genetically identical to the donor.
Human cloning therefore could not become a reality without extensive human experimentation.
Mitochondria contain their own short segments of DNA. Download Free PDF View PDF Should
Human Reproductive Cloning be Banned. There has been a lot of controversy over whether these
foods should be consumed or not. Then a diploid nucleus from a body cell of a second individual,
the donor, is put into the egg cell. Researchers believe that it is unethical to destroy embryos that will
eventually form children. e.g.: a cloned cow recently died weeks after its birth with a huge
abnormality in blood pressure. This makes it easier to study the function of the individual gene in the
laboratory. In this way, any DNA fragment can be spliced between the two ends of a plasmid DNA
that has been cut with the same restriction enzyme ( Figure 10.6 ). This kind of cloning can be
conducted in several forms, for example: cloning of entire fragment of the gene can be conducted or
a portion of the fragment of the DNA can be cloned or certain sequences of the DNA can be cloned.
Yet despite a surfeit of public opinion polls and widespread opining in the news media on the topic
of human cloning, there have been no empirical studies comparing the views of scientists and
Christian fundamentalists in this debate (see Evans, 2002a for a recent study of opinion polls
assessing religion and attitudes toward cloning). Can you kill this living thing in order to make a
organ that could save your life. The ideas that are formed through science and the discoveries
stemming from those ideas are always done with the best interest of human kind in utmost
consideration. Many people also believe that cloning and genetic engineering are wrong because they
generate dangerous attitudes towards children, especially those with disease. A basic understanding
of the different Types of Cloning is key to taking an informed stance on current public policy issues
and making the best possible personal decisions. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students
of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. According to the beliefs of Human
Cloning Foundation (HCF), cloning technology is to find out a solution to enormous diseases and to
prolong the survival rate. Also a world of eugenics would cause a lot of genetic discrimination.
The process of organism cloning involves the 'somatic cell transfer process' (SCNT). Cloning Fact
sheet. Available at: 4. Mediline Plus, 2012. Cloning. Available at: 5. Stanford Encyclopaedia of
Philosophy, 2008. The costs involved in conducting any form of cloning including reproductive
cloning is quite high and a lot of money has already been wasted on research. Furthermore, because a
human clone is and should be thought of as a regular human, they are entitled to have the same basic
rights as everyone else. If you are smart enough, you may have a question, how can we distinguish
transformed vs non-transformed cells. There is no scientific basis for affirming that the biological
evolution of humanity has stopped there, and other technologically advanced countries have
demonstrated this. The term human cloning includes numerous methods that are used to produce
genetically identical copies of humans. A process called imprinting marks the DNA of the mother
and the father and only one copy of the gene, either from the mother or father is turned on.
However, human cloning techniques could create a continuous supply of stem cells for such research.
It has been found that cells placed in oviducts early in their development are much more likely to
survive than those incubated in the lab. A somatic cell was taken from an adult cell’s mammary
glands, the nucleus was extracted from the cell of the adult female sheep (source of clone) and the
implanted in an embryo of another sheep. The paper gives an estimate of the emergence of
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Less than half of the clone candidates judged had 80%
agreement amongst the judges. The limitations of gene cloning were overcome after the discovery of
the Polymerase chain reaction in 1983. State laws regarding compensation for egg collection also
vary widely, even among states that strongly support cloning for biomedical research. Many people
are afraid of the idea of cloning because it is new and misunderstood. Thousands of patients benefit
from these techniques. 4. Hereditary diseases can also be prevented through cloning by detecting
whether a baby has any diseases through its genes and preparing early for any disease which could
even save its life. A small study was performed at an international workshop to elicit judgments and
discussions from world experts regarding what characteristics define a code clone. Even if cloning
technique problems are resolved with time, many questions remain. Each incremental discovery can
be understood as bringing us closer to cloning to produce children. In the field of biology Cloning is
used as a term used to refer to the procedure of production of populations that are similar to each
other and are identical to each other in the context of genetics. This embryo was later implanted into
another female sheep for rearing in the womb until term and delivery. (Stanford Encyclopaedia of
Philosophy, 2008, p1.) Risks of Cloning Reproductive cloning is extremely expensive and has high
failure rates. New Delhi: I.K International Pub. House, 2008. Print. There is a large shortage in the
number of organs available for transplants and continued research in cloning of this type could
eliminate this problem. If couples without children would resort to cloning to satisfy their desire to
have children, I think it is subject to moral issues. Researchers are already trying to clone a frozen
wooly mammoth. These embryos can then be transplanted into surrogate mothers and carried to
term. The cells produced are called embryonic stem cells because they have the capacity to develop
into many different kinds of cells, such as muscle or nerve cells. Cloning also causes imbalance in
animal's protein, hormone and fat levels. 5. Sometimes scientists can make mistakes when modifying
the genetic material of animals (imprinting genes) causing abnormalities. According to the beliefs of
Human Cloning Foundation (HCF), cloning technology is to find out a solution to enormous diseases
and to prolong the survival rate.
The Human Genome Project (HGP) has been deciphered in the year 2003 which paves the way for
researchers to explore genes for therapeutics and for improving the human genome (Human genome
Project Information). Is it really okay to bring more people into this world that have a predisposition
to having to suffer their whole lives just because some humans think it would be cool. The approach
to producing an artificially cloned individual is to take the egg cell of one individual and to remove
the haploid nucleus. Artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer. The beauty of
humanity lies in the differences between people. Human cloning is a term used to define the creation
of a genetically similar copy of a human being (MacKinnon 9). Yadav and Sharma (2011) explain
that a geneticist known as Joshua Lederberg, is credited coming up with the prospects and promise
of human cloning. A suitable and non-harmful bacterial system is chosen to insert the recombinant
plasmid DNA for gene cloning. Those who oppose human cloning argue that this unnatural style of
reproduction has an overwhelming potential for decisions being made based on reasons of vanity in
regard to children. The enucleated egg was placed next to the other cell, then they were shocked to
fuse. And there are many more examples of such movies illustrating the havoc of cloning. Dolly also
had many problems with weight; she was very overweight and constantly on drugs. Decisions on
whether or not your own DNA is replicated should be an issue that is private and left up to
individuals, not the government. When we insert a gene of interest in the bacterial genome they
transcribe the foreign gene as theirs, make the mRNA and form a protein product. State laws
regarding compensation for egg collection also vary widely, even among states that strongly support
cloning for biomedical research. If people were cloned and had the same genes then they would all
be at risk of getting the same disease that they were all not resistant too and being wiped out. It has
been found that cells placed in oviducts early in their development are much more likely to survive
than those incubated in the lab. The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive
importance. The embryos that are used can be both human and animal embryos. Any plant tissue
with cells that can divide can be used for tissue culture. It has been found that cells placed in
oviducts early in their development are much more likely to survive than those incubated in the lab.
Why not help the poor children and give them a home and shelter instead of cloning which is not yet
proven to be safe and effective. Cloning through genetic engineering will also give parents the right
to choose what characteristics they want in their children to have. The famous cloned sheep, Dolly,
was cloned this way. Feeding all of the hungry children in the world would cost 3. In molecular
cloning with bacteria, a desired DNA fragment is inserted into a bacterial plasmid using restriction
enzymes and the plasmid is taken up by a bacterium, which will then express the foreign DNA. Egg
cells and Sperm cells have one set of chromosomes whereas somatic cells have a complete set of
chromosomes inherited form its biological parents. (National Human Genome Research Institute,
2012, p1.). The cloning process involved three stages: somatic cell sourcing, nucleus extraction form
the somatic cell of the adult sheep (intended sheep to be cloned) and finally implantation into a
female sheep’s womb for successful gestation to term. Advantages and applications: The main
advantage of gene cloning is that it gives multiple copies of a gene or DNA we wish to study. Long
Essay on Cloning 500 Words in English Below we have given a long essay on Cloning of 500 words
is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. Cloning takes place as living
things including plant life, bacteria and insects are in the process of reproducing asexually.
Scientists believe that by cloning, any damage caused by illnesses can be repaired. The number of
DNA copies obtained after the experiment is far more than the conventional gene cloning technique.
Cloning takes place as living things including plant life, bacteria and insects are in the process of
reproducing asexually. The zygotes made for this research would be just that. Human growth
hormone is only active in humans therefore a hormone from another species cannot be used in it's
place, as in the previous treatment for diabetes when insulin was not produced. Since the discovery
of the structure of DNA in 1953, and particularly since the development of tools and methods to
manipulate DNA in the 1970s, biotechnology has become synonymous with the manipulation of
organisms’ DNA at the molecular level. Many people believe that a world like this will exist where
cloning will start a trend where parents pick desirable traits for their children. When a single donor
cell donates its nucleus there are chances of the genetic code getting messed up and not making up a
healthily functioning algorithms. This has been identified as the likeliest cause of abnormal deaths of
cloned animals. In this state, the nucleus is ready to be accepted by the egg cell. The realization that
this was not the case came after the discovery by Ian Wilmut and Keith Cambell of a method with
which to synchronize the cell cycles of the donor cell and the egg cell. The egg is then implanted into
a surrogate mother and then a cloned baby is produced which is genetically identical to the donor. If
people were cloned and had the same genes then they would all be at risk of getting the same disease
that they were all not resistant too and being wiped out. By this means, the paper presents the ethical
considerations of reproductive Human Cloning, argues the significant causes of concern and brings
into the picture a nursing point of view on the subject of Human Cloning. There are cloning rights
groups who say that the government should not be allowed to control a person's reproductive rights
and that your DNA is your own property and you should be allowed to do what you want with it.
The PCR saves time and money and provides ease in the experiment, this makes it a powerful “tool”
in genetics and genomics. So, therapeutic cloning is a much better technique. Even though everyone
on this planet has different definitions of what is moral and what is not, most people can agree that
cloning essay on cloning, at least, is immoral. The process involves the generation of genetically
identical cells from one ancestral cell. One of the most stricken issues is the idea of cloning. Human
cloning therefore could not become a reality without extensive human experimentation. Put it in front
of you while you write the introduction. Many people also believe that cloning and genetic
engineering are wrong because they generate dangerous attitudes towards children, especially those
with disease. High gene carrying capacity: It must have a heavy gene carrying capacity. Therapeutic
cloning can be used to make organs but not a life. A donor cell was taken from the culture and then
starved in a mixture which had only enough nutrients to keep the cell alive. The second essay is a
short essay on Cloning of words. Osmotic Regulation and Excretion 22.1. Osmoregulation and
Osmotic Balance 22.2. The Kidneys and Osmoregulatory Organs 22.3. Excretion Systems 22.4.
Nitrogenous Wastes 22.5. Hormonal Control of Osmoregulatory Functions Chapter 23. Each
incremental discovery can be understood as bringing us closer to cloning to produce children. The
ideas that are formed through science and the discoveries stemming from those ideas are always
done with the best interest of human kind in utmost consideration. Clones are organisms that are
exact genetic copies.
Cloned animals have been found to be much bigger than normal animals and have abnormally large
organs. Therapeutic cloning can be used to make organs but not a life. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The introduction should be designed to attract the
reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus. But, with new technology, scientists are
finding ways to create entire separate organs and other tissues such as nerve or heart muscle cells
without the creation of an entire person. To prevent degradation and contamination, macromolecules
such as proteins and RNA are inactivated using enzymes. A valuable characteristic of plasmid
vectors is the ease with which a foreign DNA fragment can be introduced. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. The criterion was well supported by the UK authorities and they
recommended human cloning for therapeutic research. Considering the importance of human cloning
the government has amended the decision and has permitted cloning of human cells for therapeutic
purposes. The term learning communities is used variously within the literature, often without explicit
definition. You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many
more. Krauthammer presents his ideas in a more coherent way, however, his evidences are quite
general and his attack is based more on fear and politics. An example of a situation where cloning
could be lifesaving is in a situation where a child is terminally ill and in need of a bone marrow
transplant. This article reveals some multidisciplinary approaches to the human cloning from ethical,
sociological and religious perspectives. Put it in front of you while you write the introduction. If all is
done correctly, occasionally a perfect replica of the donor animal will be born. Cloning can be a great
alternative to this issue, this form of cloning is regarded as reproductive cloning. The concept of
cloning DNA just came to light during the 70s after the discovery of DNA in 1953. Overwhelming
scientific evidence suggests that such techniques are not safe at this progression in the state of
cloning technology. In this process scientists transfer genetic material from the nucleus of a donor
cell (an adult cell) to another egg whose original genetic material has been removed. The final
product is collected to construct a DNA library. Later several countries started banning the process in
order to put a stop to the process of reproductive cloning for human beings. This cell divides
mitotically to produce a multicellular organism. This has been done naturally in nature with identical
twins and it has been done artificially since around the 1950s though it has improved over time to the
stage where scientists can even clone mammals. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same.
The Animal Body: Basic Form and Function 14.1 Animal Form and Function 14.2 Animal Primary
Tissues 14.3 Homeostasis Chapter 15. Microinjection is the use of a fine needle to inject DNA into
the nucleus; electroporation is an electric pulse causing temporary holes in the membrane allowing
the fine DNA strands to enter the cell. A transgene or recombinant DNA can be inserted in bacteria,
plants, mice and other organisms to alter the traits, phenotype and study the function of a gene or
disease model. The Immune System 23.1. Innate Immune Response 23.2. Adaptive Immune
Response 23.3. Antibodies 23.4. Disruptions in the Immune System Chapter 24.
The moral predicament of human cloning lies on the argument to promote or to impede cloning. In
1973, the first animal gene was cloned by Morrow and Cohen et al., from the collaborative work
between Stanford university and UCFS. It is therefore essential to utilize the technology only for
therapeutics and not for generating replicas. Even if cloning technique problems are resolved with
time, many questions remain. Background Knowledge: )- Human cloning: First explored by
Spemann in the 1920's to conduct genetics research, nuclear transfer is the technique currently used
in the cloning of adult animals. Human Cloning has become the subject of discussion in various
fields. Without synchronized cell cycles, the nucleus would not be in the correct state for the embryo
to accept it. Nowadays genetic engineers can produce Human Growth Hormone in a similar way to
the production of insulin, the gene is introduced into bacteria DNA such as E. This embryo was later
implanted into another female sheep for rearing in the womb until term and delivery. (Stanford
Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2008, p1.) Risks of Cloning Reproductive cloning is extremely
expensive and has high failure rates. Cloning paves the way for replacing the defective gene with the
perfect one. And the third and the most controversial is the reproductive cloning, human cloning to
be specific. In layman’s terms it is an exact copy of a particular organism.( Mediline Plus, 2012, p.1)
So far the Cloning project and several genome projects have achieved success in cloning simpler
organisms like micro-organisms, rats and the latest sensational breakthrough of Sheep cloning by
bringing into the earth the first complex organism under the mammal species, a sheep nicknamed:
Dolly. Since Dolly, several species of animals (such as horses, bulls, and goats) have been
successfully cloned. Step 3: selecting a vector: Vector transfers our gene in the host genome, vector
selection is an important step in the process of gene cloning. Researchers have not only cloned sheep
like dolly but they have also cloned other animals like cats, monkeys, mice, goats, pigs, rabbits, etc.
This method is different from regular cloning that does not improve or change the genome, only
duplicates it. Their finding revealed the molecular structure of the DNA by postulating that the DNA
has three key ingredients: Sugar, Phosphate and Nitrogenous bases. There has been a lot of
controversy over whether these foods should be consumed or not. I am not opposed to further
research into human cloning to find out whether it will be possible to clone humans or not.
Electroporation, microinjection and chemical insertion are common techniques used routinely. As
described in the previous sections, human cloning participants in the United States have tended to
seek a federal law that prohibits cloning at the national level. As genes are the basic control
machinery of the body, their products i.e. proteins are responsible for the formation of various
cellular entities, receptors molecules, for enzymes, hormones etc, any defect in the gene could result
in the deficiency of the protein that is required to accomplish the function. The donor cells nucleus is
then placed inside the egg cell, either through cell fusion or transplantation. The introduction should
be designed to attract the reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus. The phenotype
results from complex interactions between genes and the environment. Massachusetts has also
adopted a policy that prohibits any payment to women who provide eggs for research. Alternately,
reverse genetics can be used to cause a gene to overexpress itself to determine what phenotypic
effects may occur. Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. These issues can be solved
with the assistance of therapeutic cloning (MacKinnon 151). It contains many genes, DNA
sequences and junk DNA, we need a specific gene or DNA.

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