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(D) It is free for members of an art (D) announcement

182. What can visitors do with the mobile 185. What are the festival's organizers
application? planning to do in the future?
(A) Purchase tickets at a discount (A) Add a comments feature to their
(B) Book room accommodations Web site
(C) Obtain directions to performances (B) Make tickets more readily available
(D) Read reviews of each show (C) Hold a similar event in Sydney
(D) Include more comedians in the
183. What is indicated about Mr. Cosgrove?
(A) He used to be an amateur performer.
(B) He was in Scotland the year before.
(C) He did not have to pay for his tickets,
(D) He was involved in organizing the Toronto event.


1. Delegates attending the international trade convention were provided with
overnight ----- at Hotel Boswick.

(A) accommodated (C) accommodating

(B) accommodates (D) accommodations

2. Mr. Finney paused ----- during his speech to change the slide projected on the
(A) moment (C) momentous
(B) momentarily (D) momentary

3. Rattan Furniture House's new production plant is expected to be fully ----- by early
(A) operate (C) operation
(B) operator (D) operational
4. Ms. Brendon received a ----- to see a skilled accountant specializing in tax
preparation from her coworker.
(A) refer (C) refers
(B) referral (D) referable
5. Ms. Crawford accepted the most ----- job offer she received after considering all
her options.
(A) prefer (C) preferable
(B) preference (D) preferably
6. People who donate more than $50 to the Children's Cancer Group will receive a --
--- T-shirt.
(A) compliment (C) complimented
(B) compliments (D) complimentary
7. The federal government abandoned a plan to build a pipeline through Alton City
due to overwhelming public -----.
(A) opposition (C) opposes
(B) oppose (D) opposing
8. Excursion Travel Agency has numerous listings for ----- priced accommodations
within city limits.
(A) reasonable (C) reasonability
(B) reasonably (D) reasoned
9. Colorlast makes a line of outdoor paints that are ----- formulated to withstand
years of exposure to sun and precipitation.
(A) special (C) specially
(B) specialty (D) specialization

10. According to the Ministry of the Environment, updated ----- on water consumption
will go into effect next month.
(A) regulation (C) regulating
(B) regulate (D) regulations
11. Torres Architecture, the agency that planned the Steadman Tower, won an award
from Building Life Global for its ----- design.
(A) distinction Sự phân biệt (C) distinctive
(B) distinctiveness Sự khác biệt (D) distinctively
12. The Chicago Herald gives a 40 percent discount to existing ----- who sign up for
access to its online edition.
(A) subscription (C) subscribes
(B) subscribed (D) subscribers
13. Sunny River Vacations endeavors to satisfy every customer by personalizing
travel details to ensure that each trip is -----.
(A) memory (C) memorizing
(B) memorable (D) memorials
14. The Whitby Town Council recently prepared a brochure recommending ways that
residents can play an ----- role in the community.
(A) activate (C) action
(B) active (D) activity
15. Upon his retirement, Mr. Ross was highly commended for his vital ontributions
during the company's ----- years.
(A) formed (C) formative
(B) formation (D) form
16. ----- at the Latipa Film Festival increased by nearly 30 percent this year thanks to
an online marketing campaign.
(A) Attend (C) Attendant
(B) Attendee (D) Attendance

17. All employees need a written ----- from the manager to access the office during
(A) permit (C) permits
(B) permissive (D) permissively
18. The next work of art for sale ----- one of the finest paintings ever exhibited at the
Cole Morton Museum.
(A) has considered (C) is considering
(B) is considered (D) considered

19. Delegates from the industry's most widely ----- social media marketing firms will
speak at next week's summit.
(A) respectful (C) respected
(B) respecting (D) respective
20. The ----- of the building had to find temporary accommodations during the
(A) reside (C) residents
(B) residential (D) residences
21. Storing dangerous chemicals near the main factory floor creates a ----- hazardous
situation for the employees who work there.
(A) potent (C) potentially
(B) potential (D) potentiality
22. The company issued a statement yesterday evening in ----- to the merger
(A) relates (C) relate
(B) related (D) relation
23. The airline's newly opened lounge in the international terminal can ----- hold up to
100 travelers.
(A) comfortably bo nghia cho dong tu (C) comforts
hold up
(B) comfortable (D) comforted

24. Those wishing to participate in the sales ----- that will be held in the coming
month must sign up by noon on Wednesday.
(A) training can dien danh tu chi su (C) trainer
(B) trained (D) trains
25. The city council will not consider a project proposal until its ----- has been
determined by an advisory committee.
(A) pricey (C) pricing
(B) priced (D) pricier
26. Those who volunteered to work at the festival were given free T-shirts and gift
certificates out of ----- for their efforts.
(A) appreciative (C) appreciation
(B) appreciate (D) appreciatively
27. The meals served at Nightinvale's take a ----- long time to cook, compared to other
(A) related (C) relations
(B) relative (D) relatively
28. A lecturer with over 10 years experience in information technology was the -----
for the seminar.
(A) instruct (C) instructive
(B) instructor (D) instruction
29. After the marketing convention in Seychelles concludes, Mr. Stevens' staff is -----
to go on a weeklong vacation.
(A) like (C) liked
(B) likely (D) liking
30. Huntington Hotel provides a wide ----- of recreational activities for its guests,
including water sports and sightseeing tours.
(A) varied (C) vary
(B) variable (D) variety dien danh tu

Questions 131-134 refer to the following e-mail

To: Christine Lata <>

From: Dr. Miles Hamilton <>
Date: March 15
Subject: Retirement
Dear Ms. Lata,
My 40-year career as a physician is coming to an end as I plan to ---131-- from my
position on June 1. Although I look forward to enjoying my golden years, I will
miss my work helping patients. As your doctor, I believe I should suggest an
appropriate replacement. ---132--, I’d like to recommend Dr. Jennifer Jana. She is
an excellent physician whose clinic is --133-- to my current office. With your
consent, your medical records will be transferred to her on June 2. --134--. I wish
you good health and a happy future.
Best regards,
Dr. Miles Hamilton
Hamilton Medical Clinic

131. (A) step down 134. (A) Your chart shows a marked
(B) move out improvement since her last visit.
(C) take over (B) Of course, I am glad that you
(D) hold off have decided to remain with me.
(C) Otherwise, you may retrieve
132. (A) Therefore them from my staff before that
(B) Likewise date.
(C) Afterward

(D) Conversely (D) There are many forms of
treatment for your condition.
133. (A) addressable
(B) straight
(C) divided
(D) close

Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter.

April 7

William Randell
118 West Ocean Boulevard
Oceanside, California 92049

Dear Ms. Randell,

Your application has been ---135---. We are pleased to welcome you to West Coast
State University. In the coming weeks, we will be sending more information about
how you should prepare for your first semester. ---136--- you meet the enrollment
deadline, you will be allowed to sign up for a full course load and pay your tuition
in the last week of July. We will also issue you a student ID card then. ---137---.
Should you wish to have a dormitory room at that point, we will assign you one a
week prior to the start of classes. You will be authorized to move in shortly ---138--

Once again, congratulations on your successful application, and we hope to see you
this fall.


Admissions and Financial Aid

West Coast State University

135. (A) rejected 137. (A) Now that you have sent the
(B) deferred amount, please wait for
(C) replaced confirmation.
(D) accepted (B) We hope that you found your
classes to be both fun and
136. (A) Up until informative.
(B) On the condition that (C) Once you receive it, you may
(C) Though access all of the facilities on
(D) Rather than campus.
(D) The additional charge to your
account is for the card you lost.

138. (A) before

(C) thereafter
(D) now

Questions 176-180 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

Recruitment Fairs

It will soon be that time of year again when Coffton College sends staff to
recruitment fairs around the country to attract new students. Ms. Malkovich will, of
course, be in charge of this as our marketing manager and will be attending all of
the events. Unlike other major private colleges in the UK, we like to emphasize the
amount of personal attention that students receive from their teachers. Thus, not
only do we keep class sizes to manageable proportions, but we also promote healthy
social interactions between students and faculty. For this reason, we try to have at
least one member of the teaching staff attend each recruitment event. The four
events we will be attending in the next month are listed below:

• Thursday, February 10, Mercia Hotel, Birmingham

• Wednesday, February 16, Hartford College, London
• Saturday, February 19, Leeds Metropolitan Convention Centre, Leeds
• Wednesday, February 23, Brighton and Hove Conference Centre, Brighton

Please get in touch with me at if you have the time

to attend any of these events. Anyone willing to work the weekend event will be
paid at the usual hourly rate for overtime.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Lisa Sullivan
Administration assistant

From: Andrew Jansen <>
To: Lisa Sullivan <>
Date: January 25
Subject: Recruitment fairs

Hello Lisa,

I was glad to see your notice on the departmental bulletin board today, as I always
enjoy attending one or two events each year to meet potential new students. Of the
events you listed, I'd be happy to go to the one on February 19. My family lives in
the same area the event is taking place, and I'll be visiting them that weekend.
Accordingly, it would be no trouble for me to take a few hours to attend the event.
Unfortunately, that's all I can offer to do for now, as I teach all day on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Please send me all the details of the event as soon as
you can.

Best Wishes,

Professor Andrew Jansen

176. What has Ms. Malkovich most 179. What is indicated about Professor
likely been assigned to do? Jansen's family?
(A) Participate in events to recruit (A) They will travel with him to
students London.
(B) Make travel arrangements for a (B) They are away on vacation in
group Brighton.
(C) Make a list of the fair participants (C) They are residents of Leeds.

(D) Find appropriate venues for some (D) They recently moved to
fairs Birmingham.

177. What is implied about Coffton 180. Why is Professor Jansen unable to
College? attend the other events?
(A) It is holding a recruitment fair on its (A) He will be busy with work during
campus. the week.
(B) It offers subsidized tuition for some (B) He will be visiting family out of
courses. town.
(C) Its course enrollment numbers are (C) He will be attending a literary event.
typically low. (D) He will be traveling in another
(D) Its ratio of teachers to students is country.

178. What is stated about the weekend

(A) Teaching staff are not needed for it.
(B) Staff will be paid overtime for
attending it.
(C) It will host the greatest number of
(D) It will have a modest admission fee.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following form and e-mail.

To: Cindy Norenski <>
From: Jerry Hanover <>
Date: March 12
Subject: Welcome!

Dear Ms. Norenski,

Thanks for your recent application to Fit Prime Gym. I'm so glad that you decided to follow my
advice and sign up with us. As I've mentioned before, I am certain that your husband and your
children will enjoy all the facilities and activities Fit Prime has to offer.

When we spoke, you said that you were interested in using the pool to swim laps. Well, I just
want to let you know that the scheduled times for that activity have changed. The indoor
swimming pool still opens at 8:00 a.m. every day. However, it now closes at 10:00 p.m. from
Monday to Friday. On weekends, it closes at 9:15 p.m. And please remember to use only the
pool's first two lanes for lap swimming.

I should mention that your daughter, Jennifer, qualifies to take part in our Student Plan. She can
join this program for free while also remaining under your Family Plan program. The Student
Plan comes with two introductory months of personal training sessions for new members.

Please ask her if she is interested so I can register her, if necessary.

Thanks again, and I hope to see you at the gym soon!


Jerry Hanover
Fit Prime Gym Management

181. Why did Ms. Norenski fill out the 184. What is indicated about Fit Prime
form? Gym's pool?
(A) To enroll her family af a fitness (A) It only allows lap swimming on
center weekdays.
(B) To begin teaching classes at a gym (B) It temporarily shuts down for
(C) To arrange a tour of a gym cleaning on Fridays.
(D) To sign up for weekly swimming (C) It is unavailable during the winter
Lessons months.
(D) It closes at an earlier time on
182. What has NOT been provided on Sundays.
the form?
(A) Ms. Norenski's residential details 185. What is suggested about Ms.
(B) The applicant's occupation Norenski's membership?
(C) Ms. Norenski's date of birth (A) She received an extra discount for
(D) The applicant's familial relationships renewing a previous membership.
(B) Her husband intends to take part in
183. What is most likely true about Mr. lap swimming.
Hanover? (C) She plans to switch gym programs to
(A) He just started working as a a different one.
manager (D) Her older daughter is entitled to
at the gym. additional benefits.
(B) He recommended that Ms. Norenski
try the gym.
(C) He is certified to provide personal
training to members.
(D) He works a later shift now because
of the new pool hours.

32. What most likely is the man's 38. Where most likely does the man
occupation? work?
(A) A salesperson (A) At a theater
(B) An accountant (B) At a gallery
(C) A lawyer (C) At an art school
(D) A journalist (D) At a photography studio

33. What does the woman say about 39. What is implied about the woman?
Arnold Smith? (A) She has contacted a famous painter.
(A) He was recently promoted. (B) She has not had an exhibit before.
(B) He reported on some news. (C) She has not finished a painting.
(C) He already revised a file. (D) She has lived in another country.
(D) He would like some advice.
40. When will the show most likely
34. What does the man ask the woman begin?
to do? (A) On August 20
(A) Submit a weekly time sheet (B) On August 27
(B) Give back a borrowed item (C) On September 8
(C) Provide some feedback (D) On September 10
(D) Copy some documents

35. Why is the woman calling? 41. Why have the speakers been busy?
(A) To request a service (A) A company has gotten multiple
(B) To make an appointment complaints.
(C) To provide directions (B) Some equipment is being installed.
(D) To respond to an inquiry (C) Some employees are being trained.
(D) A seminar took longer than
36. What does the woman want to avoid expected.

(A) Taking a longer route 42. What does Lena say recently
(B) Going to an auto repair shop happened?
(C) Operating her vehicle (A) A team missed a deadline.
(D) Using public transportation (B) A report was submitted.
(C) A shipment was damaged.
37. What does the man ask the woman (D) A customer lost some data.
(A) Whether she reported an accident 43. What does the man offer to do?
(B) Whether she was injured in a (A) Download a file
collision (B) Pay for a meal
(C) Whether she arrived at a destination (C) Turn in some paperwork
(D) Whether she was notified of a (D) Call a coworker

44. What did the woman do last week? 50. What problem does the man
(A) Visited an online store mention?
(B) Requested a refund (A) A concert has been canceled.
(C) Bought some bedding (B) A venue was unexpectedly closed.
(D) Replaced a mattress (C) A show experienced technical
45. What does the man imply when he (D) A band did not appear as planned.
says, "I can look up the transaction using
the number"? 51. What did the man do yesterday?
(A) A purchase may be processed. (A) Viewed some comments
(B) A product might be available. (B) Visited a ticketing office
(C) A receipt should be located. (C) Checked schedule changes
(D) A refund can be given. (D) Submitted a complaint

46. What will the woman most likely do 52. Why does the woman say, "we can
next? provide you with a 20 percent discount"?
(A) Find a credit card (A) To promote a service
(B) Go to another store (B) To recommend an option
(C) Check a transaction fee (C) To fulfill a request
(D) Compare some merchandise (D) To confirm a choice

47. Where most likely is the 53. What are the speakers mainly
conversation taking place? discussing?
(A) At an event hall (A) Making an applicant list
(B) At a fabric factory (B) Creating a job advertisement
(C) At a dry cleaner (C) Choosing a candidate
(D) At a clothing shop (D) Arranging a training session

48. What does the woman suggest? 54. What is Jamie currently working on?
(A) Walking over to a counter (A) A sales report
(B) Dressing in formal attire (B) A meeting agenda
(C) Selecting a different color (C) A consumer survey
(D) Asking for another opinion (D) A marketing study

49. What will the man probably do next? 55. What will the woman probably do
(A) Determine a wedding date after the meeting?
(B) Look over some expenses (A) Contact an applicant
(C) Find an associate (B) Conduct an interview
(D) Try on an item (C) Edit a posting
(D) Listen to a voice mail

56. What does the man suggest? 62. Where most likely is the
(A) Reviewing educational materials conversation taking place?
(B) Changing degree requirements (A) At a product launch
(C) Funding professional development (B) At a business conference
(D) Updating hiring procedures (C) At a shareholders' meeting
(D) At a trade fair
57. According to the woman, what took
place last Friday? 63. How is this year's event different
(A) A charity event from the previous one?
(B) A business seminar (A) More funding was used.
(C) A press conference (B) Registration fees are higher.
(D) An executive meeting (C) More attendees are present.
(D) Additional space was created.
58. What does the woman ask the man
to do? 64. What has the man promised to do?
(A) Call some directors (A) Take over a work shift
(B) Research some amounts (B) Set up a booth
(C) Find a training program (C) Replace some equipment
(D) Meet with a financial consultant (D) Distribute some documents

59. Why does the woman place the call?

(A) To verify warranty information
(B) To complain about an error
(C) To ask about a return policy
(D) To place a product order

60. Why does the woman say, "it will be
a gift for her housewarming party"?
(A) To confirm a delivery time
(B) To ask for a different service
(C) To provide a reason for a request
(D) To express concern about a delay

61. What will the man probably do next?

(A) Shut down a system
(B) Input order details
(C) Meet with shipping personnel
(D) Cancel a previous charge

65. Why does the woman thank the

man? 68. Where most likely does the man
(A) He gave her a venue work?
recommendation. (A) At a transportation authority
(B) He helped her move to a new office. (B) At a travel agency
(C) He surprised her with a gift. (C) At an electronics producer
(D) He reminded her of an occasion. (D) At a cosmetics retailer

66. What does the man propose doing? 69. What does the woman ask about?
(A) Using a meeting space (A) The location of an item

(B) Browsing a sample menu (B) The reliability of a service
(C) Choosing a special decoration (C) The time of a delivery
(D) Increasing a price limit (D) The duration of an event

67. Look at the graphic. Which cake will 70. Look at the graphic. Which subway
the man order? line did the woman take today?
(A) Coconut Cake (A) Line 1
(B) Strawberry Cheesecake (B) Line 2
(C) Carrot Cake (C) Line 3
(D) Chocolate Cake (D) Line 4


1. The public speaking course presents trainees with opportunities ----- themselves in
front of a group.
(A) will express (C) are expressing
(B) to express (D) expressed
2. A fee of $100 will be ----- to office rental payments that are more than two weeks
(A) applied (B) applying


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